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37 Beaune International Baroque & Romantic Opera Festival 2019 · 2019-03-28 · 37 th Beaune...

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BEAUNE 37 e festival international d’opéra baroque & romantique 37 th Beaune International Baroque & Romantic Opera Festival 2019 > 5 th to 28 th July . 4 week-ends
Page 1: 37 Beaune International Baroque & Romantic Opera Festival 2019 · 2019-03-28 · 37 th Beaune International Baroque & Romantic Opera Festival 2019 >> 5 th to 28 th July . 4 week-ends


37e festival internationald’opéra baroque& romantique

37th Beaune International Baroque & Romantic Opera Festival 2019> 5th to 28th July . 4 week-ends

Page 2: 37 Beaune International Baroque & Romantic Opera Festival 2019 · 2019-03-28 · 37 th Beaune International Baroque & Romantic Opera Festival 2019 >> 5 th to 28 th July . 4 week-ends

Rossini’s Italiana in Algeria Cour des Hospices - July 2018

Photo Jean-Luc Cottier

Page 3: 37 Beaune International Baroque & Romantic Opera Festival 2019 · 2019-03-28 · 37 th Beaune International Baroque & Romantic Opera Festival 2019 >> 5 th to 28 th July . 4 week-ends

37th Beaune International

Baroque & Romantic Opera Festival 2019

>> 5th to 28th July . 4 week-ends

Basilique Notre-Dame XIIe & XIVe s.


festival internationald’opéra baroque& romantique

Office of Festival : Place de la Halle & 1, rue de l’Hôtel-Dieu Antenne de l’Office de TourismeBP 60071 / F 21200 Beaune cedexPhone. : + 33 (0) 3 80 22 97 20E-mail : [email protected]

Web Site : www.festivalbeaune.com

Cour d’Honneur des Hospices de Beaune XVe s.

Press Relations : Opus 64 - Valérie Samuel & Pablo Ruiz

52, rue de l’Arbre sec 75001 Paris . Phone (33) 01 40 26 77

E-Mail : [email protected] & [email protected]

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Artistic Program

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Presentation of 37th edition 5

Calender 7

Operas & Oratorios 8 à 16

Concerts & Recitals 18 à 22

Buffets gourmet before concerts 23

Pratical Informations 25

Partnerships 24

Short historical of Festival 26

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For its 37th edition the festival offers :8 operas and oratorios and 4 recitals

> Handel wil l once again open thefestival with three new great lyric productions.Considered as signif icant milestone in hispersonal life and the evolution of his musicallanguage : Saul, his first great dramatic oratoriocomposed in 1739 and based on an emotionaland colorful libretto that inspired Handel to anoutstanding music of strong conviction. Theguest conductor Leonardo Garcia Alarcon,invited for the Handel oratorio cycle, will conductthis oratorio. Serse, composed in 1783, rightbefore Saul, is one of the few operas to beconsidered as an opera buffa since it includescomic elements. The marvelous openingimmediately leads to the aria “Ombra mai fù”,one of the most famous larghetto, sung byPersian king Serse. The opera is conducted byItalian conductor Ottavio Dantone. The DixitDominus is Handel’s most successful motetscomposed in Rome in 1707, at the age of 22. Anexample of Handel’s astounding capacity toassimilate the Italian style, which he later reusesin his English oratorios. Paul Agnew conductsthis Dixit Dominus accompanied by WilliamChristie’s Arts Florissants of which we arecelebrating the 40th Anniversary of their creationand the 35th year of their presence in BeauneFestival. “Bon anniversaire Cher William Christieet Chers Arts Florissants ! Merci pour tous lesconcerts inoubliables que vous nous avezofferts”.

> In the fascinating French music cycle,2 new productions: Lully’s Isis, his 5th lyrictragedy, composed one year after Atys in 1677and conducted by Christophe Roussetaccompanied by his Talents Lyriques. Le Cerf dela Viéville said “this is the most savant of Lully’soperas for which he took infinite punishment.”Rarely performed this work inspired Purcell whoused the awesome and fascinating “Tremoloschoir” (act 4) in the famous frost scene in his TheKing Arthur (which will be conducted by PaulMcCreesh on the closing evening of the festival).Les Indes Galantes, the first of Rameau’sopera-ballet that brought new life to the genre, asthe opera’s architecture has changed. Differentthemes and different styles (dramatic for TheGenerous Turk, tragic for The Incas of Peru andcomic for The Savages). The opera achievedgreat success and was performed 320 times atthe Académie Royale in Paris. A young and

talented new conductor in residence, ValentinTournet, aged 22, accompanied by hisensembles of La Chapelle Harmonique, willconduct The Amorous Indies.

> We celebrate simultaneously the 35thanniversary of the founding of Gabrieli Consortand Players by Paul McCreesh who made theirdebut in France, in Beaune 25 years ago and the360th anniversary of the birth of Purcel l .Considered as one of the most signif icantmasters in performing Purcell’s works, PaulMcCreesh will conduct two lyric masterpieces:The Fairy Queen and King Arthur. Consideredas Purcell’s greatest success in his lifetime, PaulMcCreesh and his Gabrieli Consort and Playershave successfully performed both operas inBeaune. For its recording for the label WingedLion a new production will be given. Purcelldel ivers del ightful part i t ions creating acontinuous musical enchantment of exceptionalbeauty.

> In the romantic cycle on periodinstruments, Jérémie Rhorer, Mozart specialistconductor, revealed by the festival in 2006 withmemorable Idomeneo, will conduct Beethoven’sgreat Symphony No 9 (considered by RichardWagner as the “ last of al l symphonies”).Beethoven uses for his last symphony thefamous romantic poem An die Freude (Ode toJoy) written by Schiller. Jérémie Rhorer willperform the symphony in line with the originalwork, accompanied by his orchestra Le Cerclede l’Harmonie, that has become a reference overthe last years.

> 4 recitals: After the memorable recitalof last Summer, given for the 35th anniversary ofthe festivals creation, Andreas Scholl, togetherwith marvelous Norwegian soprano MariEriksmoen, wants to perform Pergolesi’s famousStabat Mater for the festival’s opening. MariEriksmoen wil l also sing in Beethoven’sSymphony No 9. Lawrence Zazzo offers abeautiful and original program with threecomposers who have written operas for thefamous castrato Senesino and to whom theRoyal Academy of Music in London owes itsgreat success in the years 1727-27. We have thepleasure to welcome again Damien Guillon in atempting program dedicated to Purcell’s (andDowland’s) remarkable arias and songs likeMusic for a while , After her tr iumph lastSummer in Handel’s opera Rodrigo, Ana MariaLabin with her extraordinary soprano voiceperforms this year great arias of Mozart operas.


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F 05. 07 concert Andreas Scholl, countertenor | Mari Eriksmoen, soprano | Pergolesi ‘s Stabat MaterAccademia Bizantina orch. | Alessandro Tampieri | Basilique Notre-Dame. 9 PM

S 06. 07 oratorio Saul | Handel |Ch. de Namur & Orch. Millenium | Leonardo Garcia Alarcon | Basilique N.Dame . 9 PM

Su 07. 07 recital Lawrence Zazzo, countertenor | Operas Arias | Handel, Bononcini... | Ens. La Nuova Musica | David Bates | Hospices Salle des Pôvres . 9 PM


F 12. 07 opera Isis | Lully |Ch. Namur & Orch. Les Talens Lyriques | Christophe Rousset | Cour des Hospices*. 9 PM

S 13. 07 Dixit Dominus | HaendelCh.& Orch. Les Arts Florissants | Paul Agnew | Basilique Notre-Dame . 9 PM

Su 14. 07 recital Damien Guillon, countertenor | Music for a while : Arias and Songs | Purcell | Ens. Le Banquet Céleste | Basilique Notre- Dame . 9 PM


F 19. 07 opera "Serse" | Handel | Accademia Bizantina Orch. | Ottavio Dantone | Cour des Hospices*. 9 PM

S 20. 07 Symphony No 9 | Beethoven | avant-première of 250th anniversary of his birth in 2020Ch. Spirito de Lyon & Orch. Le Cercle de l’Harmonie | Jérémie Rhorer | Cour des Hospices*. 9 PM

Su 21. 07 recital Ana Maria Labin, soprano | Great operas arias | Mozart... | Antoine Palloc, piano | Hospices Salle des Pôvres . 9 PM


F 26. 07 opera Les Indes Galantes | Rameau | Ch. & Orch. La Chapelle Harmonique | Valentin Tournet | Cour des Hospices* . 9 PM

S 27. 07 opera The Fairy Queen | Purcell | Gabrieli Choir, Consort & Players | Paul McCreesh | Cour Hospices*. 9 PM

Su 28. 07 opera King Arthur | Purcell | Gabrieli Choir, Consort & Players | Paul McCreesh | Cour Hospices*. 9 PM


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Operas & Oratorios

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series 1° 2° 3° 4°

€ 115 70 35 15


G. F. HANDEL 1685 - 1759

SaulOratorio in English in 3 acts, created on 16th January 1739 at London King’s Theater.Libretto by Charles Jennens.


Saul, Samuel Christian Immler, bass

David Lawrence Zazzo, countertenor

Jonathan Samuel Boden, tenor

Merab Katherine Watson, soprano

Michal Ruby Hughes, soprano

New production

> Saturday 6th July - 9 PM . Basilique Notre-Dame

This oratorio marks an important milestone in Handel’s personal history as well as theevolution of his musical language. He composed Saul right after the opera Serse in 1739.Handel was inspired by a text with well-rounded characters and dramatic effects to greatpowerful music. The story of Saul focuses on the first king of Israel's relationship with hissuccessor, David as well as David’s relationship with Merab, and Michal, daughters of Saul butalso Saul’s friendship with Jonathan and the war between Philistines and Hebrews.Remarkable arias are: David’s «Oh Lord, whose mercies numberless», Jonathan’s «Sin not, oKing» or Merab’s vigorous aria «My soul rejects the thought». The most remarkable part of theoratorio is the intensely dramatic scene when Saul asks the Witch of Endor to raise the ghostof Samuel the prophet in the powerful recitative "Wretch that I am!".

Handel’s oratorios cycle

O R A T O R I Oin concert

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IsisLyric Tragedy with a prologue and 5 acts, created on 5th January 1677 at Château de SaintGermain-en-Laye. Libretto by Philippe Quinault, from Ovide’s «Metamorphosis».


Io, Isis Ève-Maud HubeauxApollon, Pirante, Errinis, Parque Cyril AuvityJupiter, Pan, Hyerax Aimery LefèvreNeptune, Argus, Parque Philippe EstèpheIris, Syrinx, Calliope, Parque Ambroisine BréJunon, Renommée, Mycène Bénédicte TauranMercure, Berger Fabien Hyon

New production . Aparté CD recording.

> Friday 12th July - 9 PM . Cour des Hospices** In case of bad weather, the opera takes place in Basilique Notre-Dame

We continue the Lully opera cycle with the conductor Christophe Rousset performing Isis,Lully’s 7th opera, in collaboration with Les Talents Lyriques. This masterpiece is rich withwonderful parts like « lament for Pan” in act 3 or the famous tremolos choir (which is said tohave inspired the frost scene in Purcell’s King Arthur). Isis has a reputation for being a‘musicians’ opera’. In this opera the principal character starts out as the nymph Io but ends upas the Egyptian goddess Isis. Her beauty has made her irresistible to Jupiter, and even thoughshe prefers to remain faithful to her lugubrious lover Hierax she incurs the wrath of Jupiter’swife Juno, who subjects her to various vindictive torments. The situation is resolved by anextraordinary reconciliation between Jupiter and Juno, in which they both pledge to changetheir ways and to reprieve Io by means of her transformation into Isis.

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series 1° 2° 3° 4°

€ 115 70 35 15


French music cycle

O P E R Ain concert

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G. F. HANDEL 1685 - 1759

Dixit DominusMotet composed in Roma in April 1707


Gloria RV 589Sacred Cantata composed in Venezia in 1716


Soprano Sophie KarthäuserSoprano Natasha SchnurMezzo-soprano Eva ZaïcikTenor Clément DebieuvreBass Cyril Costanzo

40th anniversary of the creation of Les Arts Florissants by William Christie.

> Saturday 13th July - 9 PM . Basilique Notre-Dame

Dixit Dominus is Handel’s most famous motet which he composed in Rome in 1707, at the age of22. The pieces embody a kind of excitement and freedom, and a richness of ideas, which he takesover later in his English oratorios. You can hear him stretching his musical wings in this music, andit certainly doesn’t fail to take off in these very lively performances. Handel’s music is based onGregorian melodies using the “plain chant” in cantus firmus like a Lutheran chorus. The work isdivided into nine movements, scored for a five-part chorus and five soloists. Handel conveys thepower of the assured, martial text through contrasts between movements as well as within eachmovement. The piece also contains numerous examples of word painting, where the sound of themusic imitates the imagery of the text. In addition to the program we will hear Vivaldi’s Gloria RV589. Vivaldi had the great chance to work with one of the best Venetian ensembles and hecomposed his sacred music for famous young girls of the Pietà.

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series 1° 2° 3° 4°

€ 115 70 35 15


Handel’s cycle

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G. F. HANDEL 1685 - 1759

SerseOpera in 3 acts, created on 15th April 1738 at London King’s Theater HaymarketLibretto by Silvio Stampiglia


Serse Arianna Vendittelli, soprano

Arsamene Lawrence Zazzo, countertenor

Amastre Delphine Galou, mezzo-soprano

Romilda Ana Maria Labin, soprano

Atalanta Sunhae Im, soprano

Ariodate Luigi De Donato, bass

Elviro Riccardo Novaro, baritone

New production

> Friday 19th July - 9 PM . Cour des Hospices** In case of bad weather, the opera takes place in Basilique Notre-Dame

Serse is one of the few Handel operas to be considered an opera buffa since it includes comicelements. Persian King Xerxes and his brother Arsamene are both in love with Romilda.Romilda being in love with Arsamene, Xerxes banishes him. Romilda’s sister, Atalanta, also inlove with Arsamene, hatches a plot for Romilda to become Xexes wife. Finally, with Ariodatemarrying Arsamene and Romilda the opera has a happy ending. The amazing opening aria"Ombra mai fu" is said to be one of Handel’s most famous, also known as larghetto. Followedby a series of arias and arioso considered among the best in the world of opera: arioso ofRomilda, arioso of Romilda and Xerxes in Act II, aria "Che cede al furore" of Romilda at theend of Act II, aria of Xexes "Crude furie degl'orridi abissi" in Act III and the long arioso ofAtalanta "Voi mi dite". Serse is considered several times to be a Mozart like opera by thefamous Handel musicologist Winton Dean with Romilda reminding Konstanze from TheAbduction from the Seraglio and Atalanta reminding Susanna from The Marriage of Figaro.

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series 1° 2° 3° 4°

€ 115 70 35 15


O P E R Ain concert

Handel’s operas cycle

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Symphony No. 9 «Ode to Joy»Symphony in D minor, op. 125, created in Vienna 7th May 1824.Text “Ode to Joy” by Friedrich von Schiller.


Soprano Mari EriksmoenMezzo-soprano Olivia VermeulenTenor Benjamin BrunsBaritone bass Christian Immler

Avant-première of Beethoven’s 250th anniversary of his birth in 2020

> Saturday 20th July - 9 PM . Cour des Hospices** In case of bad weather, the opera takes place in Basilique Notre-Dame

After last Summer’s success with “Il Barbiere di Siviglia”, the famous conductor Jérémie Rorertogether with his orchestra will give the famous Symphony No. 9 on period instruments. Thisuniversal masterpiece, Beethoven’s last symphony, was the first example of a major composerusing voices in a symphony. The words; taken from the "Ode to Joy", a poem written byFriedrich Schiller, have today become the world symbol of peace between the nations and thepeople. Jérémie Rhorer and his orchestra “Le Cercle de l’Harmonie” will without doubt reachour hearts and souls.

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O R A T O R I Oin concert

Romantic cycle on period instruments

series 1° 2° 3° 4°

€ 115 70 35 15


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series 1° 2° 3° 4°

€ 115 70 35 15



Les Indes Galantes Opera-ballet with a prologue and 3 entrances, created on 23th August 1735 at l’AcadémieRoyale de Musique de Paris. The version of 1761 will be played. Libretto by Louis Fuzelier.


Emilie Emmanuelle de Negri, sopranoValère, Carlos, Damon Philippe Talbot, tenor Bellone, Huascar, Alvar Luigi De Donato, bassOsman, Adario Guillaume Andrieux, baritone Hébé, Zima Ana Quintans, sopranoAmour Julie Roset, soprano

New productionValentin Tournet and la Chapelle Harmonique, new conductor and ensemble in residence.

> Friday 26th July - 9 PM . Cour des Hospices** In case of bad weather, the opera takes place in Basilique Notre-Dame

After Raphaël Pichon, we have the pleasure to welcome the young and talented conductorValentin Tournet, aged 22, and his ensembles of La Chapelle Harmonique as conductor inresidence. As first opera he will conduct Les Indes Galantes composed by famous Burgundiancomposer Rameau. We have chosen the 1761 version of Rameau’s opéra-ballet: withprologue and three entrées The Generous Turk, The Incas of Peru and The Savages. TheGenerous Turk is associated with water and a storm at sea, The Incas of Peru with Earth andvolcanic eruption and The Savages with dancing. From every point of view that matters, this isa special Ramellian achievement.

French music cycle

O P E R Aen concert

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HENRY PURCELL 1659 - 1695

The Fairy Queen Semi-opera in 5 acts, created in London Dorset Garden Theater in 1692.Anonym libretto from Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”


Junon Carolyn Sampson, sopranoThe Night Anna Dennis, sopranoThe Summer Jeremy Budd, tenor1st Fairy Mhairi Lawson, sopranoThe Secret Nicholas Mulroy, tenorCoridon Ashley Riches, bass...

New production for 35th anniversary of the creation of Gabrieli Consort and Players by Paul McCreeshWinged Lion’s CD recording.

> Saturday 27th July - 9 PM . Cour des Hospices** In case of bad weather, the opera takes place in Basilique Notre-Dame

At their first performance in Beaune in 1993, Paul McCreesh and his Gabrieli Consort and Playerstriumphed with Purcell's masterpiece The Fairy Queen. The Fairy Queen was Purcell's biggestsuccess during his lifetime. It is a semi- opera with spoken dialogue and musical passagesincluding arias, dance performances, instrumental interludes and masques. The libretto is a freeadaptation of Shakespeare's play “A Midsummer Night's Dream”. It interweaves and subsequentlyresolves three love intrigues: one between Titania, Queen of the Fairies, and her husband Oberon;one involving two couples of young Athenian lovers (Lysander, Helena, Demetrius and Hermia)and the comic play-within- a-play of the tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe. The magical elementplays a key role in the opera. The fairies introduce all the musical scenes. Purcell’s work is almosta musical with truly enchanting passages, in particular the figures of Night, Mystery, Secrecy andSleep, and the Dance for the Followers of Night in Act II; the madness of Titania who falls in lovewith a donkey, and the famous aria "If Love's a Sweet Passion"; the lavish ceremony with trumpetsand timpani in the opening of Act IV; Juno, the goddess of marriage's aria "Thrice happy lovers"and the dazzling series of solos and choruses for the Chinese men and women in Act V.

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O P É R AMis en espace

Purcell’s operas cycle

series 1° 2° 3° 4°

€ 115 70 35 15


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series 1° 2° 3° 4°

€ 115 70 35 15


F E S T I V A L D E B E A U N E 37e E D I T I O N 2 0 1 9

HENRY PURCELL 1659 - 1695

King ArthurOpera created in 1691 at London Dorset Garden Theater . Libretto of John Dryden


Venus Sophie Junker, sopranoPhilidel Grace Davidson, sopranoNereide, Cupid Anna Dennis, sopranoComus, Shepherd Nicholas Mulroy, tenorAeolus Marcus Farnsworth, bassGrimbald, Genius Ashley Riches, bassTenor Jeremy BuddCountertenor David CleggCountertenor Daniel Collins

New production for the 35th anniversary of the creation of Gabrieli Consort and Players by Paul McCreesh

Winged Lion’s CD recording.

> Sunday 28th July - 9 PM . Cour des Hospices** In case of bad weather, the opera takes place in Basilique Notre-Dame

King Arthur is a good example of English opera at this time, even more than Fairy Queen, adramatic opera with a scene music that differs from action. King Arthur is Purcell’s most popularopera filled with enchantments and magic. It contains some of Purcell's most lyrical music, i.e.“Cold Genius” in Act 3 inspired by Lully’s Isis or “Fairest isle”, a stunning tribute to the isle ofBrittany. There is no knights of the round table, no Guenievre; no Lancelot, but a tale centeredon King Arthur’s endeavors to build a united kingdom and recover his fiancee from Oswald andhis wizard Osmond.

Purcell’s operas cycle

O P É R AMis en espace


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Sylvia Schwartz en récitalSalle des Pôvres - Hospicesjuillet 2018 / photo JL Cottier

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Concert, Recitals






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Andreas Schollcountertenor

Mari Eriksmoensoprano

Pergolesi’s «Stabat Mater»


> Friday 5th July - 9 PM . Basilique Notre-Dame

After last year’s memorable recital, Andreas Scholl, together with Norwegian soprano MariEriksmoen, wants to perform Pergolesi's Stabat mater as the festival’s opening. Mari Eriksmoen isalready known by the public and will also perform in the Symphony No. 9. The poetic texts ofStabat Mater allow Pergolesi to compose a religious, theatrical, music with slow movements, fromlargo to andante and from lento to adagio. Andreas Scholl and Mari Eriksmoen are accompaniedby their favorite ensemble, Accademia Bizantina. They will also sing solo arias with this ensemble(with some surprises).

C O N C E R T - R E C I T A L

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series 1° 2° 3° 4°

€ 115 70 35 15


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Recital Lawrence Zazzocountertenor


«Opera arias» of Handel, Bononcini, Ariosti

> Sunday 7th July - 9 PM . Hospices Salle des Pôvres

Lawrence Zazzo will perform a marvelous and very original program with arias from Handel,Bononcini and Ariosti. 3 composers who have written operas for the famous castratoSenesino thanks to whom the Royal Accademy of Music in London owes its huge success in1721 -27. Besides Handel’s famous opera arias like Rodelinda’s «Vivi tiranno», GiulioCesare’s «Va tacito», Flavio’s «Rompo i lacci», Ottone’s «Tanti affani», Admeto’s «Chiudetevimiei lumi», Lawence Zazzo will perform passionate arias from Bonocini like Griselda’s “Per lagloria d’adorarvi», Crispo’s «Cosi stanco Pellegrino» or Muzio Scevola’s «Tigre piagata»; aswell as Ariosti’s arias like Caio Marzio Coriolano’s «Voi d’un figlio tanto misero» or «Fremel’onda» of Il naufragio vicino. Lawrence Zazza will play the role of Jonathan in Handel’soratorio “Saul” on the 6th of July.

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series 1° 2° 3°

€ 55 30 15


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Recital Damien Guilloncountertenor

«Music for a while » of Purcell, DowlandENSEMBLE LE BANQUET CÉLESTECountertenor & Conductor : DAMIEN GUILLON

> Sunday 14th July - 9 PM . Basilique Notre-Dame

We have the pleasure to welcome again Damien Guillon in a tempting program dedicated toPurcell’s (and Dowland’s) remarkable arias and songs like If Music be the food of Love, Strike theViol, Here the Deities approve or Music for a while. Music for a while is a song for voice and bassocontinuo, where the voice is accompanied by an instrumental part featuring an ascending groundbass. Additional harmonies are supplied by the musicians playing continuo. A century standsbetween Dowland and Purcell, but the musical influence is obvious. Dowland (1563-1626)expresses amorous passion with sweetness and intimacy, whereas they are more extraverted andtheatrical with Purcell (1659-1695), announcing the Handel opera style. A strong musical andstylistic relation between both composers in masterpieces like Dowland’s « Flow my tears » andPurcell’s « Music for a while » is obvious.


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series 1° 2° 3° 4°

€ 75 60 30 15


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Recital Ana Maria Labinsoprano

Mozart’s “Great operas Arias”ANTOINE PALLOC, piano

> Sunday 21th July - 21 PM . Hospices Salle des Pôvres

After last Summer’s success with Handel’s opera Rodrigo, the Romanian soprano Ana MariaLabin will be in Beaune again. She is going to perform some of Mozart’s great opera arias like:Donna Anna (Don Giovanni), Contessa (Nozze di Figaro), Fiordiligi (Cosi), Arminda (FintaGiardiniera), Pamina (Die Zauberflöte), Elettra (Idomeneo)… With her performance inHandel’s Rodrigo, Ana Maria Labin earned critical praise, e.g. from Jean-Philippe Grosperin ofDiapason magazine: “Her art of controlling and imaging the voice of Esilena is naturallyconfusing. Her instrumental knowledge never drains the complete noble humanity of thecharacter. « Per dar pregio” is the emblem of its constancy. The variety of the appoggiaturas,the tireless coloration of this radiant voice, the ability to held together majesty, vehemence andvulnerability, the depth of thoughts, together with the face and gestures make it unforgettable.Great artist and special evening, that honor a festival”

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séries 1° 2° 3°

€ 55 35 15


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Tasting Hospices’s famous wines& Gourmet Buffets

before concerts in the gardens* of Hospices de Beaune

Dates : 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28 July 2019 from 7 PM to 8.30 PM


> Price of Buffet : 150 € > real price after tax deduction : 51 € for an individual (-66%) or 60 €for a company (-60%), valid in all countries of the EC and Switzerland.> by e-mail : [email protected]> by phone : +33 (0)3 80 22 97 20> by post : Festival d’Opéra Baroque , Place de la Halle BP 60071 / F 21200 Beaune Cedex> Places are limited.

We invite you every Friday and Saturdayin the gardens* of the Hospices,exceptionnaly open to Festival’s audiencebefore concert a gourmet buffet withTasting of Hospices de Beaune’sfamous wines. In a convivialatmosphere, Edouard Mignot, thetalentued chef of the recently starredrestaurant Edem in Chassagne, invitesyou to wine pairings and other culinarydelights. Corton, Meursaut, Volnay or

Pommard, are the wines served by theRégisseur in charge of wine making atthe prestigious Hospices de Beaunedomain. The vocation of the revenue isto support and promote young talents,chefs, ensembles and singers. Also, yourcontribution can benefit of a tax deductionof 66% or 60%.*NB: in case of bad weather thesebuffets take place in La Chambre duRoi inside of Hospices.

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Medias Partners and others

is being possible thanks to





Hospices Civils de BeaunePrincipal Sponsor


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Booking> Beaune Office : Festival BP 60071 - 21202 Beaune Cedex> Phone. : +33 (0)3 80 22 97 20> E-mail : [email protected] or [email protected]> Web site : www.festivalbeaune.com> Fnac & France Billets, Carrefour : + 33 (0) 892 683 622 . Internet : www.fnac.com

Prices of tickets

* Reduced tariff are agreed to :- Individuals who take the subscription by week-end : it’s the booking for every concerts for the same week-end- Schools, students, job seeker and handicaps on presentation of cor- responding proof.

series 1° 2° 3° 4° 1° 2° 3° 4°

euros 115 70 35 15 98 60 30 12

series 1° 2° 3° 4° 1° 2° 3° 4°

euros 75 60 30 15 64 50 25 12

TarIff a TarIff a rEDUCED*

TarIff B TarIff B rEDUCED*

TarIff C TarIff C rEDUCED*


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euros 55 30 12 46 25 10

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Since 1983 Anne Blanchard, founderand artistic director of the Beaune InternationalBaroque Music Festival, has developed: apioneering artistic policy by rediscoveringBaroque opera on period instruments focusedon high quality productions, the reconstructionand interpretation of unpublished worksaccording to the latest musicological research;a conductor policy inviting most renownedconductors as well as the young generation; apolicy to identify new vocal talents byorganizing auditions in France and Europe; aproduction and coproduction policy by settingup a European broadcast network with otherfestivals and opera houses, a recording policyof its events with over 20 albums coproducedwith famous record companies.The Beaune International Baroque MusicFestival is regarded within the European lyricfestival movement as the reference BaroqueFestival (“the Salzburg of Baroque music”according to Diapason magazine). It has takenpart in the “Baroque movement revolution” bybroadcasting Baroque music to a new audiencein France and Europe. Since its inception theFestival has presented over 100 baroqueoperas (mis en espace and concert version),over 30 of them revivals and world, Europeanor French premieres; over 80 oratorio andsacred music concerts, including 5 revivals orpremieres; over 40 recitals, over 10 symphonicconcerts and an Academy of Vocal Baroque.By focusing on European Baroque Opera, andItalian opera seria dating form the17th and 18thcentury, the Festival has highly participated inthe revival of Handel’s operas and oratorios inFrance, revealing to the public some missingworks in the history of music, and especially thefollowing operas: Handel: Flavio (1990, Dir.René Jacobs), Scipione (1993, Dir. ChristopheRousset), Poro (1994, Dir. Fabio Biondi),Riccardo Primo (1995, Dir. ChristopheRousset), Admeto (1998, Dir. ChristopheRousset, Partenope (2005, Dir. Antonio Florio),Alessandro (2010, Dir. Eduardo Lopez-Banzo),Agrippina (2012, Dir. Federico Maria Sardelli);Jommelli: Armida Abbandonata (1994, Dir.Christophe Rousset); Porpora: Arianna inNasso (1995, Dir. Rinaldo Alessandrini),Semiramide (2011, Dir. Stefano Montanari);Traetta: Antigona (1997, Dir. ChristopheRousset); Cavalli: I Strali d’Amore (2001, Dir.Gabriel Garrido); Conti: Don Quichotte (2005,

Dir. René Jacobs); Vivaldi: La SennaFesteggiante (2001), L’Olimpiade (2002), Dir.Rinaldo Alessandrini, Tito Manlio (2006, Dir.Ottavio Dantone), Orlando Furioso (2011, Dir.Jean-Christophe Spinosi), Orlando version1714 (2012, Dir. Federico Maria Sardelli),L’Incoronazione di Dario (2013, Dir. OttavioDantone); Pergolèse: L’Olimpiade (2003), IlFlaminio (2004), Adriano in Siria (2008), Dir.Ottavio Dantone, Septem Verba (2012, Dir.René Jacobs). The Festival helpedredescovering Spanish Baroque operas, highlyinfluenced by the Italian opera seria, like LosElementos (1997) and Acis y Galatea (1999)composed by Literes, conducted by EduardoLopez Banzo; but also rarely performed Frenchlyric tragedies: Campra: l’Europe Galante(1993, Dir. Marc Minkowski); Desmarest:Didon (1999, Dir. Christophe Rousset); Lully:Acis et Galatée (1996 Dir. Marc Minkowski),Persée (2001, Dir. Christophe Rousset),Bellérophon (2010, Dir. Christophe Rousset),Phaëton (2012, Dir. Christophe Rousset),Amadis (2013, Dir. Christophe Rousset);Rameau: Hippolyteet Aricie (1997, Dir. MarcMinkowski and 1757 version in 2012, Dir.Raphaël Pichon), Zoroastre(1998, Dir. WilliamChristie), Pygmalion (2010, Dir. WilliamChristie), Dardanus 1744 version (2011, Dir.Raphaël Pichon); Destouches: Callirhoé (2005)and Marin Marais: Sémélé (2006) conducted byHervé Niquet.In addition to these opera revivals, the Festivalhas entirely performed better known operaslike: Handel: Giulio Cesare conducted by RénéJacobs (1991), Orlando (1996), Xerses (1997),Rodelinda (2006) conducted by PaulMcCreesh; Rinaldo (1996), Tamerlano (2000)conducted by Christophe Rousset, Ariodante(2009) conducted by Federico Maria Sardelli,Orlando (2013 dir. René Jacobs) or Purcell:The Fairy Queen (1993), Le Roi Arthur (1994),conducted by Paul McCreesh.Thanks to a privileged collaboration since 1985between the Festival and William Christie andhis Arts Florissants some masterworks havebeen performed, like: Purcell’s Didon et Enéetogether with Charpentier’s Actéon (1988),Beethoven’s La Missa Solemnis (1995),Handel’s Acis and Galatea (1996), Alcina(1999, with Opéra National Garnier), L’Allegro,il Penseroso ed il Moderato (2001) andHercules (2004, with the Aix-en-Provence Festi-

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Beaune International Baroque& Romantic Opera Festival

Short historical

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tival), Monteverdi’s Les Vêpres de la Viergede 1610 (1997) and Le Retour d’Ulysse danssa Patrie (2000), Rameau’s Zoroastre (1998),and Haydn’s oratorios Les Saisons (2003) orLa Création (2007)...The Festival also encourages theperformance of operas by Mozart and Gluckon period instruments: especially Mozart’s:Zaïde (1996), L’Enlèvement au Sérail (1997)conducted by Christoph Spering, Cosi fantutte (2000, Dir. René Jacobs), The MagicFlute, Don Giovanni (2005 and 2006, Dir.Sigiswald Kuijken), Idomeneo, The Marriageof Figaro and Cosi fan tutte (2006, 2007 and2008 Dir. Jérémie Rhorer); Gluck’s: Iphigénieen Tauride (2006) and Orphée and Eurydice(2008) conducted respectively by MarcMinkowski and Jérémie Rhorer, as well asOrfeo ed Euridice in 2013 conducted byFederico Maria Sardelli.On Anne Blanchard’s instigation, the Festivalhas strongly contributed to the promotion andthe renown of young talented conductors(Christophe Rousset, Paul Mc Creesh,Rinaldo Alessandrini, Fabio Biondi, OttavioDantone, Emmanuelle Haïm, Jérémie Rhorer,Raphaël Pichon, ...) by offering them in a 3-year-residency program the possibility toconduct their first operas. Thus, RinaldoAlessandrini invited to conduct Monteverdi’sopera trilogy in Beaune since 2005, has beenconducted the same trilogy at the Scala inMilan since 2009; Jérémie Rhorer and hisorchestra Le Cercle de l’Harmonie wereinvited to conduct their first operas Idomeneo(2006 and 2011) and The Marriage of Figaro(2007) in Beaune as well as at Vienna’sStaatsoper in 2011. He has conducted thesame opera in 2009 in Bologna and Haydn’sopera L’Infedelta delusa in 2008 at the Aix-en-Provence Festival; Paul McCreesh invited toconduct a cycle of Handel’s and Purcell’soperas since 1993 in Beaune, has conductedHandel’s Tamerlano at the Teatro Real inMadrid together with some of the soloistsdiscovered by Anne Blanchard (AnnHallenberg and Renata Pokupic), and OttavioDantone has conducted Handel’s Rinaldo inBeaune and the Scala in Milan in 2009.The Festival has also revealed numerousyoung vocals singing nowadays in the mostwell-known operas in Europe, especially: SaraMingardo, Laura Polverelli, Andreas Scholl,Brian Asawa, Annick Massis, Véronique

Gens, Raffaella Milanesi, Renata Pokupic,Ann Hallenberg, Teodora Gheorghiu,Lawrence Zazzo, David DQ Lee, ChristopheDumaux, Sandrine Piau, Cyril Auvity, GaëlleArquez, Marita Solberg, Andreas Wolf,Delphine Galou, Max Emmanuel Cencic,Malin Hartelius,...By developing simultaneously an importantalbum collection (more than 20 CDs) incollaboration with the best known French andEuropean record labels (especially Handel’sJules César conducted by René Jacobs atHarmonia Mundi, qualified as “album of thecentury” by The Times), the Festival activelycontributes to the memory of the French andEuropean Baroque music heritage.Thanks to Radio France Musique in Beaunetaping numerous concerts over the last 30years and their broadcast on Euroradio, eitherdirectly or on replay, millions of Europeanmusic lovers have been able to participate ingreat music moments of pure beauty.Finally, thanks to national and internationalmedia (newspaper, radio and TV stations)informing about the events programmed byAnne Blanchard, the Festival highlyparticipates in the promotion of Baroquemusic in France and the whole world. Amongthe newspapers: Le Monde, Le Figaro,Libération, Télérama, Figaro Magazine,Figaro Madame, L'Express, Le Point, LeNouvel Observateur, Valeurs Actuelles... DeStandaart, Le Soir de Bruxelles, La LibreBelgique, (Belgium), La Tribune de Genève,Le Temps (Switzerland), Opera News (USA),Concerto Magazine, Orfeus (Germany), "IlSole 24 Ore", La Republica, La Musica (Italy),El Mundo, El Païs, ABC (Spain)... amongradio and TV stations: France Musique,France Infos, France Culture, France Inter,Europe 1, RTL, France Télévisions, TF1, Arte,Mezzo, Radio Télévision Belgium, WDR, NDRGermany, RAI Italy, BBC Great Britain, SwissRomandie Radio and TV, ORF Austria, NHKJapan, Canadian Radio and TV, AustralianRadio and TV...


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G. F HAENDEL 1685 - 1759

Dixit DominusMotet, créé à Rome en 1707. Texte duPsaume 110


Soprano Charlotte BeamentSoprano MaryBeavanMezzo-soprano AnnHarveyTénorThomas WalkerBasse DavidStout

Le Dixit Dominus est par sonimportance, son inspiration, sonefficacité expressive le plus fameuxdes motets que Haendel composalors de son séjour à Rome. Composéen 1707, il prouve la stupéfiantecapacité d’assimilation du style italienpar Haendel dont il reprendra plustard des éléments dans ses oratoriosanglais. Haendel a construit sa partitionsur des motifs grégoriens utilisant le plain-chant en cantus firmus commme unchoral luthérien : admirable démonstrationde synthèse stylistique. En outre,l’allégresse polyphonique comme lesmultiples passages concertants, oùinterviennent les cinq solistes, bâtissentun ouvrage fastueux. Colorés etexultants, raffinés et démonstratifs, lesneufs mouvements du Dixit Dominusportent en eux tout le devenir de l’arthaendélien. Les fulgurances des premierset derniers choeurs n’annoncent-elles pasles passages choraux monumentauxd’Israël en Egypte ou du Messie ?Comment résister à la verve irrésistible del’écriture, à l’ardente énergie rythmique età la somptuosité des choeurs ?

coproduction Gabrieli Consort &Players

> Samedi 8 juillet - 21 h .

Basilique Notre-Dame

Its importance, its inspiration andexpressive effectiveness make DixitDominus to be considered as the mostfamous motet composed by Handelduring his stay in Rome. Composed in1707 it reveals Handel’s stunningcapacity to absorb the Italian style, whichhe reuses later for his English oratorios.Vivid and exultant, elegant anddemonstrative, the nine movements ofDixit Dominus contain Handel’s futurework. The explosive opening and endingchoirs don’t they sound like themonumental choirs in Israël en Egypte orMessie? How can you resist theirresistible verve of the writing, therhythmic energyand the

sumptuous choirs?

Hospices Beaune, capitale des fameux vins de Bourgogne, est unevieille cité d'Art et d'Histoire. Elle fut l'une des capitales desducs de Bourgogne dont le duché s'étendit jusqu'aux Pays-Bas. L'Hôtel-Dieu de Beaune, plus connu sous le nomd'Hospices de Beaune, fut fondé en 1443 par Nicolas Rolin,chancelier des ducs, pour servir d'hôpital et d'hospice.Exceptionnel témoin de l'art franco-flamand du XVe siècle

avec son célèbre toit aux tuiles coloréeset vernissées, il renferme, entreautres chefs-d'oeuvre,le polyptyque de Van der Weydendu XVe siècle.


L'une des plusbelles églises dela région où l'on

retrouve toutel'histoire de

l'architecture religieuse

bourguignonnedu XIIe au XVe siècle, dans un ensemble où domine le style

roman. Sa construction commença vers 1120. On remarquerale magnifique cloître roman attenant à la basilique ainsi que le

décor sculpté des chapiteaux représentant des animauxmusiciens (chèvre jouant de la harpe, lion hippocéphale tenant

une cloche et une flûte), l'Arche de Noé, les cueilleurs defruits... Dans le choeur on peut admirer de superbes

tapisseries flamandes du XVe siècle évoquant en dix-septtableaux les principaux épisodes de la vie de la Vierge.



