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3.production experiments

Date post: 12-Apr-2017
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Experiments Jordanne Kay

ProcessTo create this short animation on Photoshop I collected a selection of images of the internet.I used the cut out tool and the magic wand to get rid of the background on the fish and the main model. I then got the back ground of under the sea, after getting all the images together I then started to put it together using the animation section on Photoshop by selection the image I wanted on each slide and where I wanted the images placed my animation started to come together. To make sure that all the images were in the right place at the right time and it looked realistic I had to go over the animation video a few times so I could more the fish and make sure it looked like they were swimming and not jumping around I did this by just using the arrow buttons to move the fish slightly. I also changed the brightness of the fish so they didnt look to fake and like hey had just been placed so by changing the brightness up and down it made them look realistic. For me to get this font on my animation I had to go on the internet and download the font off DaFont I chose this font as it fits well with the under the sea theme, it all most looks like it is floating in the water.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your experiments2

ProcessIn this poster I collected some images of the internet to create this amazing poster, I have taken the image of the model off the internet with her butterfly make-up and created the background to go with it. I have chosen a rainforest fro the background I thought this was a good idea as it goes with the models make-up as she has some type of tree on her. I got some butterflys off the internet to put as the background as well as she has a big butterfly covering her face. I used the opacity control to to make the background lighter so that the model stands out in the foreground I also faded the butterflys out so that the one covering her face stands out the most. I have also added tropical forest on to my poster this just basically says what it is, although people can see what it is it is always helpful to other. I just DaFont to create this text, I picked this one as it was under fantasy and it just seems to fit perfect.


For me to create this small times-lapse video I used my Ipad to recorded it as it already has the times-lapse setting this made it easier for me. In this video you can see me using a few different types of special effects make up I used; special effects wax, fake blood, eye shadows to create a bruise, I also used playing cards to create this look. This look is very effective it looks like the cards are stuck in my head, it fits in with the fantasy genre and could fit in with the horror as the cards link to Alice and wonderland a fantasy film but from all the blood it will fit with the horror side.

Process In this short time-lapse video I created I have used Adobe premiere to edit my video cut, move things around, make things longer and add text of how and what I am doing. I first imported my time-lapse video to the program I then started to think about what text I need to add, I added a bit of text in before the video started just telling my audience what I am doing in this video this is a good way of telling your audience so they dont get confused by just watching the video straight away.

ProcessI was going to carry on with cutting the video and adding in text but I decided to but it on top of my video whilst I am doing the make-up so it shows you and tells you at the same time. I also had to make each little part longer so that the words were on the screen longer and it was still with the same part, I have made it longer so that people who may read slower can still have time to read the text with out pausing it and playing it over and over again. I also wanted to make the image at the end a still image for a longer period of time so you can see what the final product was so I had to cut and stretch the image to make it last a little longer. This is a good way of showing off your final result. I have also set up a YouTube channel so I can add that in on top on the final image as well to show my audience where to go for more videos like this.

After I had finished my little time-lapse video and all the editing I noticed that the colour opacity changed half way throw the clip, I had some problems with the video at the start with it been in the wrong format and had to change it when i put it in to my program it had flipped so it was upside down, so I didnt want to start messing around with it near my deadline so I have left it and will go back and try figure out what has gone wrong and improve this short time-lapse video. I then went and looked at my clip one last time before sending it off and I realized what I had done to change the opacity I have now fixed the problem with out causing any more problems.

ReflectionWhat elements of your experiments will you include in your final product? - The elements I will use in my final product will be time-lapse, I will be following the same set out of what I have created, I will be adding in the title slides but I will be adding in more and will think longer of how I want it to be and the place of it. I will also be adding in sound tracks and hopefully be able to take still images to cut in to my time-lapse video. I will also be doing more then one look with the special effects make-up and adding it all to the same video, making a longer time-lapse video.
