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Date post: 07-Feb-2022
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In a field 20 by 15 yards with goals. Players are placed into two teams and numbered. ( i.e. 1 to 5.) Players start in opposite corners of the field to allow direction of attack to be decided by the coach. Coach determines which goal the team has to score in.

To beat a player shoot in opposite goal

To turn and score shoot in goal behind (drag back turn etc)

Can score in any goal (decision making) Alternative to 1v1’s is to have ALL soccer balls in the middle. Players sprint out, get a ball and score in designated goal. This way all get to experience shooting. Can add first player to score gets the goal. This will encourage players to play quickly (do not allow players to rush or to hurry). All soccer balls in the middle (similar to Jurassic Park) play to goal

Drag back and then shoot (drag back push, drag back L shape)

5 step ups or side to sides (boxing) on ball and then shoot

Step over and then shoot

I/s cut or o/s hook to score

Two feeders feed ball ahead of player for 1st time shot

Flick it up and volley (advanced players)

Coach stands with all the balls to one side and plays a ball into the middle (make it fair. For better/older players coach can favor/predetermine attacking/defending player) calling a number .e. “Number 2” both number 2’s run into the field and play 1v1.

1v1 to a line, to an end zone, to goal

Call one set of numbers and feed ball, almost immediately call another set of numbers. This way you can have TWO 1v1’s going on at once

Call two numbers “1 and 5”, they play together 2v2

Build up to 3v3 based upon session topic


# 2

1234 1234

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# 2

1234 1234

21 432211 4433

Players dribble around area, on coaches command players have to stop their ball and go find another ball and dribble it away. After a couple of commands add a different variation (see below). This is a simple warm-up but encourages players to stop their balls with sole of foot. Variation: 1) Stop their own soccer ball, go to a different ball and do # of step-ups, go to a different ball do # of side to sides, go to a different ball do # of scissors movements. 2) Right knee, left knee, head, butt. 3) Players have to dribble to a point far away designated by the coach (running with the ball).


Game related/Group (Incrementally adding pressure):

Game Condition (Small-sided/Conditioned)

Game (All conditions removed)


Each player has a ball, inside a 40 by 40 grid. Each corner has a different color. I.e. “Blue corner“, “red corner” and so on. The players have to move around the square until the coach calls out a corner. I.e. “ green corner“ All players dribble to that corner and put their foot on the ball. You can also use sides of the square and name them different countries, candies, movies etc. Coaching Points: 1) Control soccer balls and keep close to feet unless... 2) players have space in front of them to run with the ball 3) Control!! Means to be able to stop the soccer ball within one second

In a field 20 by 15 yards with goals. Players are placed into two team and numbered. ( I.e. 1 to 5.) Player start spread, out down both sides of the field. (as in the picture) Coach stands with all the balls to one side. He kicks a ball into the middle a calls a number I.e. “Number 2” both number 2’s run into the field and play 1v1. Players can only dribble through the gate too score. Coaching Points: 1) Control soccer balls and keep close to feet. Variation: 1) Call 2 numbers. I.e. “1‘s” and “4‘s” 2) Numbers and Goalkeepers. I.e. “2‘s”, with “3‘s” in goal. 3) Turn Before shooting

Allow players to play, but encouragement is very important complimented with praise of positive behavior.

Week ONE Session Topic Players Should Be Able To:

Control (Dribbling & Stopping The Ball) 1. be able to dribble at different speeds keeping the ball at a

close distance 2. be able to stop soccer ball with the sole of foot

3. scrimmage with two teams : no goal keepers.

4v4 no Goalkeepers Coaching Points: 1) As above


# 2









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Players dribble around area using both feet & all parts, counting in their heads how many times they touch the ball. Encourage players to experiment. Coaching Points: 1) Keep the ball close/under control 2) Keep your head up 3) Change speeds Variation: 1) On coaches command “stop” players must stop ball using sole of foot within one second. 2) Every time players touch the ball the soccer ball must change direction. 3) Combinations: Favorite Foot Only: Inside outside inside outside repeat (Zig Zag)

Warm – Up:

Game related/Group (Incrementally adding pressure):

Game Condition (Small-sided/Conditioned):

Game (All conditions removed)


Players stand on two sides of the square, an equal amount each side. Give 1 or 2 soccer balls to players on each side OR Half of the players on EACH side of the square have a ball, half on each side do not. Players have to dribble across the square to the other side as fast as they can and give the ball to an open player (a player without a soccer ball) repeat. Coaching Points: 1) Get across the square as fast as possible 2) Keep ball close at all times 3) When players have an opponent in front keep ball close (small touches). When players have space in front dribble faster and take the space. Variation: 1) Coach stands in middle of square as an obstacle for players. 2) Coach can stop & catch players to join coach in the middle.


Play 3v3/4v4/6v6 to end zone. Field must be wider than it is longer to allow more space for players to dribble. Players must dribble into end zone to score. Ball must be under control in end zone or going through end zone. Coaching Points: 1) Reinforce above

Week TWO Session Topic Players Should Be Able To:

1. Dribble in control at a slow speed 2. Stop ball using sole of foot on coaches command 3. Dribble using i/s & o/s of foot in a simple zig zag


Players dribble in central area. Upon coaches command players have to dribble to the outer area as fast as they can keeping the ball under control. Coaching Points: 1) In tight & confined areas take smaller touches keeping ball close 2) When players have space in front, take bigger touches taking the space but always keeping the ball under control. 3) Use as many parts of feet as possible when dribbling in confined areas Variation: 1) If coach sees a players ball out of control (not close) then coach can kick ball away.

If time keep small sides as above but add goals. Observe if players have achieved the objectives above.

Dribbling & Ball Familiarity I

Running with the ball

Players dribble around using both feet. Encourage players to use both inside and outside of feet. Upon Coaches command, players are allowed to pass their soccer balls against other players soccer balls. (inside of foot only),. NO POINTS FOR TOES!!!! Coaching Points: 1) Non kicking foot at side of ball pointing to target 2) Contact with inside of foot 3) Follow through with kicking foot Variation: 1) Must use both feet 2) Points for a hit/Lose points for out of bounds balls

Warm – Up:

Game related/Group (Incrementally adding pressure):

Players are split into two even teams. The field is split in half and each team plays in their own half. When Team A has the ball, one member of Team B can come across to steal the ball. Team must make three passes to get a point.

Coaching Points: 1) Non Kicking foot at side of ball 2) Contact with inside of foot Variation: 1) Start with no players moving across to get the ball then increase to 1 and 2. 2) Make game continuos by team A passing ball over to team B at completion of three passes

Week THREE Session Topic Players Should Be Able To:


Progression to Short Passing 1. Push pass with inside of feet to target 2. Recognize when to pass


Game Condition (Small-sided/Conditioned):

Game (All conditions removed)


Players split into pairs with one ball per pair. Players are to move around area and pass ball through various gates within the playing area. Players are NOT allowed to dribble through gates. Compete to see which pair can pass through the most gates. Coaching Points: 1) Non kicking foot at side of ball pointing to target 2) Contact with inside of foot 3) Follow through with kicking foot Variation: CAN PROGRESS TO USING FIRST TOUCH TO MOVE BALL TO NEXT INTENDED GATE












4 goal soccer. Players have to think and move to the ball across to next goal if first goal is blocked Coaching Points: 1) Reinforce above 2) Encourage to pass as a team as opposed to dribbling too much

Players dribble around area working on coaching points brought out in previous sessions. Upon coaches command players have to turn in 1 full circle (360°) with the ball and carry on dribbling in the direction they were travelling in. Begin using I/s of 1 foot only (see variations for complete development). Coaching Points: 1) Turn in a tight circle 2) Keep ball close to standing leg when turning 3) Do not look down at ball, be aware of surroundings Variation: 1) Use I/s of r/foot only. I/s of l/foot only 2) Use o/s of r/foot only. O/s of left foot only 3) Use sole of foot 4) Any part of foot

Warm – Up/Fundamental

Game related/Group (Incrementally adding pressure):

Game (All conditions removed) Observe if players have achieved the objectives above.

Game related

Week FOUR Session Topic Players Should Be Able To:

1. Use I/s of both feet to protect ball from opponent 2. Use o/s of both feet to protect ball from opponent 3. Demonstrate effective use of their body to protect ball from opponent


Shadow dribble/Sonic & Tales: In pairs, both players with a ball. One player has to try & tag their partner to score a point, if tagged change over. Repeat with different partners. Tagger must be in control of their own ball to tag partner. Players are put in pairs and stand around area (e.g. square or center circle) – partner to opposite side of the circle. All players have a ball. Pairs are numbered. Coach calls “Pair #4” and the 2 players enter circle, dribbling ball. Coach calls one of the players’ names, and that player is “on” and must chase other player (both players continue to dribble their ball at all times). If tagger is successful, the tagged player is now “on” and immediately starts to chase after the other player. Continue for 30 seconds/1 minute. At the end, the player not “on” gets a point, and coach now calls out a new number. For increased productivity set up two areas and control both. Coaching Points: 1) Keep head up (awareness of partner/opponent) 2) Shield the ball away from an opponent using body 3) The ball should be kept as far away from the defender as possible, using the furthest foot. Variation: 1) Call 2 or more numbers at the same time. Can have multiple 1v1’s going on at once for maximum activity but have the flexibility to rest players. 2) On coaches command the tagger has to leave the person they are chasing and find another free person to chase & tag. 3) Can make more or less competitive dependent upon players ability to deal with winning and

Dribbling & Ball Familiarity






4 goal soccer. Players have to think and move to the ball across to next goal if first goal is blocked Coaching Points: 1) Reinforce above 2) Encourage to pass as a team as opposed to dribbling too much

Players dribble around area using both feet & all parts. Encourage them to experiment. Upon coaches command players are allowed to try and hit their soccer ball against other players soccer balls (control!). Players must use the inside of the foot/feet. The weight of the pass is critical. Coaching Points: 1) Non kicking foot at side of ball pointing at target 2) Use inside of foot, pointing toe up and heel down, locking ankle 3) Follow through with your kicking foot Variation: 1) Use other foot (players of a young age should not have a weaker foot) 2) Points for every direct hit. Lose points every time your soccer ball goes out of area (encouraging the weight of the pass.


Game related/Group (Incrementally adding pressure): Four Goal Soccer

Game Condition (Small-sided/Conditioned)

Game (All conditions removed)

Fundamental/Individual: Soccer Ball Exchange

Four goals placed at points of a cross. Two teams, goals can be scored in any of the four goals and through both sides. Goal is scored by dribbling OR passing ball through any of the four goals. Emphasize the difference between a pass and a shot (Passing the ball is when someone on your own team ‘receives ‘ the ball). Play is continuous. Coaching Points: 1) All coaching points from warm up (technical correction) 2) Look at target and communicate (visual & auditory) Head up! 3) Encourage use of both feet (more importantly the most appropriate foot usually closest to ball). Variation: 1) Add multiple soccer balls 2) Increase/decrease size of target/goals # number of points awarded for each target/goal 3) Points awarded for 2, 3, 4 consecutive passes

Allow players to play, but encouragement is very important complimented with praise of positive behavior. Observe if players have achieved the objectives above.

Players Should Be Able To:

Introduction To Short passing 1. push pass with i/s of both feet to target 2. use correct weighting of pass 3. recognize when to pass & when to dribble

Two goals without goal keepers. Make goals a large target for players. Goal is awarded for a pass or shot through goal. Goal also awarded for designated # of passes counts as a goal. Make the # small due to the age of the players. Coaching Points: 1) As above Variation: 1) Add goalkeepers 2) Goals only awarded for correct technique (no toes)


Week FIVE Session Topic

Everyone in the group finds a partner, one ball between two. The players stand a small distance apart. Players pass the ball using the inside of their foot through their partners legs. If they get the ball through their partners legs they get 1 point. Variations:

Use a soccer ball on a cone as a target or two cones as a gate.

Progress to how many points can you and your partner score between you.

Increase distance between partners.

Players dribble around dribbling using their favorite foot in a zig zag. Coach walks through and around the area raising their hand holding up # of fingers. Players have to call out how many fingers the coach is holding up. Coaching Points: 1) Keep ball close 2) Bend knees 3) Keep head up 4) Quality of zig zag versus how far forward a player can go. It’s not a race. Variation: 1) Use weaker foot in a zig zag 2) Alternate right foot and left foot 3) Move ball in a zig zag without the balll moving forward (side to side only)

Warm – Up:

Week SIX Session Topic Players Should Be Able To:


Dribbling & Ball Familiarity II 1. Dribble in control at different speeds

2. Dribble using i/s & o/s of foot in a zig zag 3. Move ball laterally using I/s & o/s of feet

Game Condition (Small-sided/Conditioned):

Game (All conditions removed)

Player 3v3 maximum 4v4 to end zone. Field must be wider than it is longer to allow more space for playser to dribble. Coaching Points: 1) Reinforce above

If time keep small sides as above but add goals. Observe if players have achieved the objectives above.


Whilst players are dribbling their ball around they have to try and kick out other players soccer balls whilst keeping control of their own soccer balls. It is essential that players keep control of their own soccer balls, players only score a point if they kick out another players ball AND they have control of their own ball. Coaching Points: 1) Keep ball close 2) Get body between ball and another players 3) Turn out and away from players Variation: 1) When a players ball has been kick out. The player needs to try and do 2/3 ball juggles and then join the game again.

Game related/Group (Incrementally adding pressure)

Attacking players try to beat the defending players and dribble into one of the three corners. 1 Point for the two sides and 3 points for the top or corner behind. Coaching Points: 1) Dribble into the boxes under control of the ball. Variation: 1) 2 v2 (two attackers, two defenders)

In groups of 4, players stand at each corner of a 40 by 40 yard grid. All players at the same time dribble out from their corner towards the middle of the square. Player turns using a inside cut and dribbles to the next corner on the left of the starting point. Players always go around in the same direction (clockwise or counter clockwise). Coaching Points: 1) Turning...Slow in, Fast out (accelerate) 2) Keep the ball close. 3) Keep body low to the ground. 4) Change of pace. Variation: 1) Turn and go to next right corner. 2) Use different turns, progress to o/s hook

Game related/Group (Incrementally adding pressure):

Game Condition (Small-sided/Conditioned) 4v4

Game (All conditions removed)


In a field 20 by 15 yards with goals. Players are placed into two team and numbered. ( I.e. 1 to 5.) Player start spread, out down both sides of the field. (as in the picture) Coach stands with all the balls to one side. He kicks a ball into the middle a calls a number I.e. “Number 2” both number 2’s run into the field and play 1v1. Players can only dribble through the gate too score. Coaching Points: 1) Control soccer balls and keep close to feet. 2) 3) Variation: 1) Call 2 numbers. I.e. “1‘s” and “4‘s” 2) Numbers and Goalkeepers. I.e. “2‘s”, with “3‘s” in goal. 3) Turn Before shooting

Allow players to play, but encouragement is very important complimented with praise of positive behavior.

Week SEVEN Session Topic Players Should Be Able To:

Ball Mastery Turns & Moves II

(Inside Cut & Outside Hook)

1. move ball in different direction on coaches instruction/command using different parts of feet

2. demonstrate I/s cut & o/s hook 3. demonstrate a change of pace when changing direction

Normal rules. BUT if player can execute a turn in the game, team gets one point. Coaching Points: 1) As above Variation: 1) 2)

Each player has a ball. To begin players dribble around the inside of the square, avoiding each other. Begin by introducing turns, moves and ball familiarity skills into fun warm ups and games. On the coaches command players have to the i/s of their r/foot to turn 1 full circle/360 degrees Coaching Points: 1) Players should keep the turn nice and tight to their body 2) Only take 2/3 touches to turn 360 degrees (min touches) Keeping ball close to body. Head up. Use both feet. Variation: 1) I/s of l/foot 2) O/s of r/foot, O/s of l/foot (o/s hook) 4) Restrict to dribbling only with outside of foot. 5) As above but now only turning half a circle/180 degrees. Use I/s or o/s of either foot

Warm-Up Inside cut & Outside hook


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