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October 12-13, 2017 3RD ANNUAL MENTOR PROTÉGÉ CONFERENCE DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel 300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Business Development


DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel 300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Business Development



Thursday, October 12AG





8:30 – 8:45 AM WELCOME Stanley Jones Jr. Director, Office of Management and Technical Assistance (SBA) OPENING REMARKS Holly Schick, SES Director, All Small Mentor Protégé Program (SBA) Ajoy Sinha (A) Associate Administrator, Office of Business Development (SBA)

8:45 – 10:00 AM FROM FINDING A MENTOR TO BUILDING STRONG RELATIONSHIPS SYNOPSIS: This session focuses on the Do’s and Don’ts of successful partnerships (M/P relationships, Joint Ventures, Prime/Sub relation- ships, Teaming Arrangements, Contractor Teaming Agreements, etc.) SPEAKERS: Successful Mentor Protégé Teams ¡Government Tactical Solutions, LLC (P) — Peraton (M) ¡Donley Construction, LLC (P) — Kirlin Builders, LLC (M) ¡Collabralink Technologies, Inc. (P) — Sevatec, Inc. (M) MODERATOR: Stanley Jones Jr. Director, Office of Management and Technical Assistance (SBA)


10:15 – 11:00 AM SURETY BOND PROGRAM SYNOPSIS: This session will focus on SBA’s Surety Bond Program. SPEAKER: Peter Gibbs Deputy Director, Office of Surety Guarantees (SBA)

11:00 – 12:15 PM WHAT SMALL BUSINESSES NEED TO KNOW SYNOPSIS: This session focuses on: (1) How to market to the federal govern ment, (2) How to conduct market research, and (3) How to develop an effective elevator pitch. SPEAKERS: ¡Judith Stackhouse-Jordan, Supervisory Small Business Specialist, NCR, Office of Small Business Utilization (GSA) ¡Janique Hudson, Small Business Specialist, Office of Small Business Programs (WHS) ¡Shannon Jackson, Small Business Program Manager (DoD OSBP) ¡Donna Peebles, D.M., Director, Small Business Programs (NGB) ¡Michelle Street, Deputy Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business (HHS) MODERATOR: Julie Clowes Deputy District Director, Washington Metropolitan Area District Office (SBA)

Thursday, October 12




12:15 PM – 1:15 PM NETWORKING LUNCH - KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Robb Wong, SES Associate Administrator Office of Government Contracting and Business Development (SBA)

1:15 PM – 2:30 PM NEW MP LEGISLATION SYNOPSIS: This session gives an overview of NDAA 2016/2017 (Parts applicable to contracts). SPEAKERS: John Klein, SES Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel (SBA) Ken Dodds, SES Director, Office Policy Planning and Liaison (SBA)

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM SUBMITTING A WINNING PROPOSAL SYNOPSIS: This session focuses on submitting a proposal to win contracts. INVITED PANEL SPEAKERS: ¡Earl Anderson, Contracting Officer, Team Lead Acquisition Directorate (WHS) ¡Deb Eble, Subcontracting/Mentor Protégé Program Manager (GSA) ¡Jacqueline Woodson, Director of Contracting (USACE) ¡Craig Keish, Procurement Manager (NASA) MODERATOR: Sandra Barrett Supervisor, Washington Metropolitan Area District Office (SBA)


3:45 PM – 4:15 PM UPDATE ON THE ALL SMALL MENTOR PROTÉGÉ PROGRAM SYNOPSIS: This session provides an update of SBA’s All Small Mentor Protégé Program. SPEAKER: Sandra Clifford Deputy Director, All Small Mentor Protégé Program (SBA)

4:15 PM – 5:15 PM SIZE/AFFILIATION SYNOPSIS: This session focuses on size and affiliation. SPEAKERS: Sam Le Attorney Advisor, Office of General Counsel (SBA) Vince Mazzotta Area Size Program Manager, Office of Government Contracting (SBA)

Friday, October 13AG




8:30 AM – 9:30 AM FEDERAL AGENCY PROCUREMENT OVERVIEW AND AGENCY FORECASTS SPEAKERS: ¡Tommy Marks, SES, Director, Small Business Programs (Army) ¡Richard Mann, Small Business Program Manager, Office of Small Business Programs (NASA) ¡George Price, SES, Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (State) ¡Kevin Boshears, SES, Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (DHS) MODERATOR: Jackie Robinson-Burnette, SES Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Government Contracting and Business Development


9:45 AM – 12:30 PM FINDING YOUR BUSINESS PARTNER “Building Your Team” SYNOPSIS: This session provides business matchmaking.


1:30 PM – 2:15 PM INTERNATIONAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT/TRADE EDUCATION SPEAKER: Eugene Cornelius, SES Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of International Trade (SBA)

2:15 PM – 3:30 PM LET’S GET TECHNICAL, JVs THAT IS SYNOPSIS: This session includes topics on: (1) How to establish a Joint Venture, (2) What is the best structure, (3) What should be included, and How to sustain a protest. SPEAKER: John Klein, SES Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel (SBA)

3:30 PM -4:00 PM CLOSING REMARKS Ajoy Sinha (A) Associate Administrator, Office of Business Development (SBA) Holly Schick, SES Director, All Small Mentor Protégé Program (SBA)








Robb was sworn in as Associate Administrator, Office of Gov-ernment Contracting and Business Development (GCBD) in March of 2017 where he advocates for small businesses and represents them on behalf of the President of the United

States. Robb has a depth of experience focused on small business. He started his career as an SBA attorney in the Office of General Counsel then was a Special Assistant U.S. At-torney in the Houston District Office and later was the SBA acting District Director/Coun-sel in the Lubbock District Office. From 1996 to 2017 Robb was CEO of several small businesses that successfully used SBA’s products and programs to enhance their growth. His SBA experience, coupled with his business acumen, fuels his passion to promote the growth of today’s small businesses in the federal marketplace. Robb’s philosophy is cemented in the belief that small businesses are the job generators that will help make America great again. He is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center. Historically, the AA/GCBD oversees over $500 billion in total federal spending within the federal market place and helps ensure that small businesses can compete for federal opportunities.

ROBB WONGAssociate Administrator, Office of Government Contracting and Business Development

Jackie was inducted into the Senior Executive Service as the Associate Administrator of 8(a) Business Development with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) on December 15, 2014. She quickly inspired her team to collaborate across

the agency and implement new streamlined procedures to simplify complex processes and significantly reduce administrative burdens on small businesses applying for SBA programs. The SBA promoted her again on May 1, 2016 to serve as the Deputy for Government Contracting and Business Development, and in this capacity she leads a team of five Senior Executives and over 190 small business professionals across the Nation. Her responsibility includes all small business contracting and business development matters relating to the $90B annual federal contracting spend with small businesses. She con-sistently motivates her team to provide efficient and effective customer service to small businesses across the country -- the absolute best customer service the federal govern-ment has to offer.

JACKIE ROBINSON-BURNETTEDeputy Associate Administrator, Office of Government Contracting and Business Development

Kenneth is a member of the Senior Executive Service and serves as the Director of Policy, Planning and Liaison at the Small Business Administration (SBA). His office is responsible for small business government contracting regulations, small business size standards, and small business prime contract-ing goals for Federal executive agencies. He represents SBA

on the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and chairs the Small Business Procurement Advisory Council. He has served in many roles at SBA including Director of the Office of Government Contracting, Senior Attorney in the Office of General Counsel and Assistant Counsel to the Inspector General. He is a graduate of James Madison University and received his law degree from the Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William & Mary. He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar and an associate member of the Virginia State Bar.

KENNETH DODDSDirector, Office Policy Planning and Liaison

John is a member of the Senior Executive Service and serves as the Associate General Counsel for Procurement Law at the U.S. Small Business Administration. He serves as the principal legal advisor to senior Agency officials and their staffs with re-spect to the 8(a) Business Development program; the Agen-cy’s Government Contracting programs, including the small

business set-aside, subcontracting and Certificate of Competency programs; the HUB-Zone program; the Small Business Innovation Research program; the Size Standards pro-gram; the Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business program; and SBA’s internal contracting procedures. John has been a lawyer in SBA’s Office of General Counsel since 1983, serving in the Office of Legislation and the Office of General Law before becoming the Associate General Counsel for the Office of Procurement Law.

JOHN KLEINAssociate General Counsel for Procurement Law





EUGENE CORNELIUSDeputy Associate Administrator, Office of International Trade

Eugene is a member of the Senior Executive Service and is the Deputy Associate Administrator for the Office of Interna-tional Trade with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) responsible for administrating the newly reorganized de-

partment with oversight and execution of four program divisions: (1)The Federal & State Trade Development Division, (2) The International Trade Finance Division, (3) The Interna-tional Affairs & Trade Policy Division, and (4) Administration & Operations.

He previously served as the Deputy Associate Administrator for Field Operations after serving as the Acting Regional Administrator for Region III that covers Delaware, Penn-sylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Mr. Cornelius was responsible for management and oversight of over 90 offices covering all 50 States, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and U. S. Territories. In addition to his domestic experience, he has international experience working on State Department initiatives in the Middle East with the Central Banks of Egypt and Bahrain, with the country of Tunisia in Northern Africa, as well as Risk Management and Finance experience in China. He was awarded the Harvard University School of Business “Bright Idea” for Innovation in Ameri-can Government Award for the Business Builder economic development initiative. Mr. Cornelius is a trained Federal Acquisition (Level 3) Senior Project Manager and is nationally certified as an Associate in Risk Management (ARM). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a Master’s degree in Public Administration. In addition, he has professional designations in Negotiations, Economic Development, and Urban Planning.

Holly is a member of the Senior Executive Service and serves as Director of the All Small Mentor Protégé Program. Prior to this appointment, she served as the Deputy Executive Direc-tor of BusinessUSA, a White House initiative to develop a “no wrong door” digital approach for entrepreneurs to find infor-mation and services in the federal government. In this capac-

ity, she provided leadership for a multi-agency effort to design, develop and operate an integrated technology platform for information sharing that focuses on the provision of business assistance as well as expanding US trade and exports. Holly liaised with the initiative’s executive committee, a 24 agency leadership body designed to provide input and guide the development of website functionalities and information.

HOLLY SCHICKDirector, All Small Mentor Protégé Program





AJOY SINHAAssociate Administrator (A), Office of Business Development

Ajoy serves as the Acting Associate Administrator for the Office of Business Development. He oversees the 8(a) Business De-velopment Program which promotes the development of small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and eco-nomically disadvantaged individuals. For the last 28 years, he

has served in various capacities within the SBA, including Deputy Director, Office of Gov-ernment Contracting; Acting Director, Office of Business Operations; Chief of the Division of Financial and Administrative Operations; and as the Deputy Associate Administrator for the Office of Veteran Business Development.





Stanley was appointed Director, Office of Management and Technical Assistance in June of 2015. He oversees the 8(a) Mentor Protégé Program, 7(j) training and contract related issues. In this role, he is the senior advisor and technical subject matter expert for a team of over 150 Business Oppor-

tunity Specialists that serve in SBA offices throughout the country. Most recently, Stanley served as Branch Chief in the new Office of Certification and Eligibility, where he was instrumental in processing continuing eligibility reviews of firms in the 8(a) Business De-velopment Program. Prior to joining SBA, Stanley was the Vice President of ARES Group, Inc., a successful firm that graduated from the 8(a) Business Development program, which he help to grow to over $65 million in annual sales.

STANLEY JONES JR.Director, Office of Management and Technical Assistance

Peter is the Acting Director for the Office of Surety Guaran-tees (OSG), U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Head-quarters in Washington, DC where he manages a staff of over 25 professionals at the organization’s headquarters and re-gional offices in Denver, CO and Seattle, WA.

Gibbs joined OSG in 2005 and is responsible for developing and recommending poli-cies and procedures, guidelines and criteria for evaluating and mitigating all programs and operation efforts; including those governing the regional office. In addition to oper-ations and personnel management, Gibbs works closely with Surety Companies who pro-vide over $9 billion annually in bonds to small businesses throughout the United States. Prior to joining OSG, Gibbs worked in SBA’s Office of Investment and Innovation, formal-ly, Investment Division, for over 14 years, in the Office of New Markets Venture Capital and the Rural Business Investment Program. Also a military veteran, Gibbs served over 27 years in the United States Army after receiving his commission from Central State Univer-sity ROTC in 1984. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2011 and has served all over the world in various positions. Most recently in support of the War on Terror, he served two tours in the Middle East. Gibbs received his Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Central State University and a Masters of Entrepreneurship from Western Carolina University. Born in Trinidad and To-bago, West Indies and raised in Brooklyn, New York, he now resides in Bowie, Maryland with his wife Nikeya, five daughters Nicole, (twins) Caitlyn and Courtney and (twins) Laila and Liana.

PETER GIBBSDeputy Director, Office of Surety Bond Guarantees





Julie is the Deputy District Director of SBA’s Washington Met-ropolitan Area District Office (WMADO) where she oversees delivery of SBA’s programs and services within the greater DC area. She was previously the chief marketing and outreach attorney with the SBA’s Office of General Counsel handling

issues impacting SBA’s outreach efforts including external agency partnerships, tech-nology and use of social media. She began her SBA career in 1997 as the Public Affairs Specialist for the Michigan District Office. Prior to joining SBA she spent three years with the Michigan Small Business Development Center as an International Trade Specialist where she co-authored “Trade Secrets: The Export Answer Book.” Julie is a graduate of the Excellence in Government Fellowship program and President’s Management Council Fellowship program and has a BA in International Studies from Bradley University, Peoria, IL and an MBA and JD from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Julie is also volunteers for many colon cancer advocacy initiatives and helped establish the Scope It Out 5K Run/Walk for Colon Cancer Awareness in Washington DC and currently is a Board member of the Colon Cancer Alliance

JULIE CLOWESDeputy District Director, Washington Metropolitan Area District Office





Sandra joined the U.S. Small Business Administration in 2015. She began her federal career as the Lead Business Opportu-nity Specialist for the 8(a) Business Development Program at SBA’s Baltimore District Office. She recently was promoted to the role of Deputy Director of SBA’s new All Small Men-

tor-Protégé Program in SBA’s Office of Government Contracts and Business Develop-ment. The All Small Mentor Protégé Program was created by the Jobs Act of 2010 and the NDAA of 2013, to create expanded opportunities for all small businesses to use a mentor relationship to grow and expand access to the government marketplace. She is an accomplished and experienced public servant, having spent over 15 years in various State of Maryland positions, including many years with the Maryland Office of the Attorney General, before joining the federal government.

Sandi is an attorney by training, who graduated from the State University of New York at Geneseo with a B.A. in Political Science and a Juris Doctor from Touro Law School. Sandi is married with two sons and enjoys spending time with her family, traveling and reading.

SANDRA CLIFFORDDeputy Director, All Small Mentor Protégé Program, U.S. Small Business Administration

Sam is an attorney advisor in the Office of General Counsel, Office of Procurement Law, at the U.S. Small Business Admin-istration. He advises SBA officials on small business govern-ment contracting programs, including small business size and affiliation. He also represents SBA before GAO and the Office of Hearings and Appeals. Sam started at SBA in 2008 after two years in private practice.

SAM LEAttorney Advisor, Office of General Counsel

Sandra has been with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for nine years. She currently serves as the Supervisory Business Opportunity Specialist in the Washington Metropol-itan District Office of 8(a) Business Development Program.

She is responsible for effective leadership, management, and oversight as it relates to SBA’s 8(a) Business Development Program and services. Sandra’s main goal is for the District Office to achieve the goals by providing assistance through consultative and customer interactions with small businesses, procuring entities, resources partners and the general public in fostering a strong small business community. Sandra utilizes her knowledge, skills, and abilities towards implementing the SBA’s mission to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation.

SANDRA BARRETTSupervisor, Washington Metropolitan Area District Office





Vince’s career at the Small Business Administration started in 1990 with the SBA’s Division of Program Certification and Eligibility as a Business Opportunity Specialist. Mazzotta was tasked with evaluating businesses owned by socially and economically individuals for potential participation in the

agency’s 8(a) Business Development Program. In 2002 Mazzotta accepted a position with the SBA Office of Government Contracting Area II in Philadelphia as an Industry Size Specialist. In 2006 Mazzotta was promoted to the position of Area Size Program Manager for Area II which includes Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia and West Virginia. As Area Size Program Manager, Mazzotta is responsible for managing the SBA’s Size Determination Program in Area II. In addition, Mazzotta is the SBA Com-mercial Marketing Representative for Northern Maryland and the Freedom of Information Act Officer for the SBA Office of Government Contracting Area II.

VINCE MAZZOTTAArea Size Program Manager, Office of Government Contracting








George, a member of the Senior Executive Service, is the Di-rector of the Office of Small Disadvantaged Business Utiliza-tion for the U.S. Department of State. He assumed the role in October of 2015. In this capacity, he advises the Department on all small business procurement issues and is responsible

for promoting the use of Small Businesses, Small Disadvantaged Businesses, HubZone, Women-Owned Small Businesses, Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses, Historically Black Colleges, and Minority Institutions within the Department of State to support the Department’s mission of protecting U.S. interests abroad and implementing foreign policy initiatives.

GEORGE PRICEDirector, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Department of State

Tommy, a member of the Senior Executive Service, Depart-ment of the Army, was appointed the Director for Army Small Business Programs on April 19, 2015 and currently serves as the Army’s lead for small business policy, goals and pro-cedures. Mr. Marks represents the Secretary of the Army at

congressional Committees and Subcommittee hearings on small business, HBCUs/MI, and other small business matters. Serves as the focal point in responding to industrial, Congressional, and individual inquiries on small business, HBCUs/MI, economic utiliza-tion and other business matters. Represents the Army in inter-agency communication with the Small Business Administration, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, the Minority Business Development Agency (Department of Commerce), other agencies and Presidential commissions. He previously served as the Executive Director for Acquisition Services, HQ, Department of the Army Asst. Sec. of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Procurement Nov 2012- Apr 2015 and during the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars on Terror Jan 2011- Nov 2012 Executive Director for the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) in the Army Material Command. Mr. Marks completed 24 years of active duty service retiring 1 Oct 2001 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education from McNeese State University, Masters Degrees in Acquisition Management from Florida Institute of Technology and in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College.

TOMMY MARKSDirector, Office of Small Business Programs, Army




Kevin, a member of the Senior Executive Service, was named Director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) in May 2003. He is responsible for the overall implementation of the department’s small business procurement program. He

was Director of the Treasury Department’s OSDBU since February 1999. Kevin served in the same office as procurement analyst since June 1995 and was responsible for provid-ing guidance to the small business specialists located in Treasury’s twelve bureaus. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the procurement field, having served as a contracting officer for the Justice Department prior to his duties with the Treasury Department. Kevin is a well-known instructor in the federal small business procurement arena. He has conducted numerous training courses, presentations, and briefings on contracting with small firms.

KEVIN BOSHEARSDirector, Department of Homeland Security, Office of Small and Disadvantage Business Utilization

Mr. Price began Federal Service in 1992. Prior to the Department of State, he was the Deputy Associate Director for the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Training and Management Assistance Program. He was responsible for providing Federal agen-cies with over $500M annually in direct acquisition antd project management assistance in the area of human capital management and customized training services.

Before joining OPM, he served ten years as the Director of Outreach Communications for the U.S. General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service. During his tenure, he managed all strategic marketing communications and was the executive sponsor and champion of the creation of “Interact.gsa.gov”, a pioneering interactive open community dedicated to increasing government’s effectiveness through collaboration and communi-cation.

Mr. Price began his Federal career with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Over a ten year span at SBA, he was a Business Opportunity Specialist within the 8(a) program, a Business Development Specialist, and lastly as the Director of the HubZone Program for the Eastern United States. Mr. Price holds a Bachelor’s degree in Manage-ment Science and a Master of Business Administration.




Dr. Street joined the HHS Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSD-BU) in April 2016. Prior to joining the OSDBU, she led complex management initiatives as a Lead Procurement Analyst at the National Institutes of Health Information Technology and Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC).

As the Deputy Director at the HHS OSDBU, Dr. Street is responsible for compliance with SBA reporting requirements, ensuring the proper execution of the small business programs at the 29 HHS Operating and Staff Divisions and overall program and project management. Also, in addition to advising the OSDBU director, she has set her priorities on developing initiatives that will enhance the OSDBU’s internal and external stakeholder experience through the development of new systems and the enhancement of existing HHS OSDBU applications.

MICHELLE STREETDeputy Director, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

Dr. Peebles serves as the principal advisor for the National Guard Bureau (NGB) on all matters relating to small business. In this capacity she is the senior authority on small business programs, policy and regulation, responsible to mentor, train, and equip the enterprise to ensure necessary actions to

include small business in acquisition planning and reserve a fair portion of the NGB’s es-timated $3B portfolio for small businesses consistent with socio-economic program and subcontracting objectives. Dr. Peebles provides small business advocacy and promotes small business utilization to strengthen the competency, commitment, and capability of the industrial base that fulfills the mission of the Bureau and the Army National Guard (ARNG) and Air National Guard (ANG) of our 50 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia.

DONNA PEEBLESDirector, Office of Small and Disadvantage Business Programs, National Guard Bureau

Richard joined the NASA HQ Office of Small Business Pro-grams (OSBP) as a Small Business Program Manager in March 2009. Currently, Mr. Mann is the Program Manager for John-son Space Center, Goddard Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, and the NASA Management office for

JPL. He also has OSBP responsibility for small business prime and subcontracting data and metrics (FPDS-NG and eSRS), and for the Veteran-Owned Small Business program. From 2003-2009, Mr. Mann worked in various roles at NASA John C. Stennis Space Cen-ter in Mississippi, including Contracting Officer, Procurement Analyst, and Small Business Specialist. He has also been a Contracting Officer for the Defense Logistics Agency/De-fense Energy Support Center and for the US Agency for International Development. Mr. Mann is a Certified Professional Contracts Manager (CPCM), has an MBA w/ a Concentra-tion in Contracting from the Florida Institute of Technology, and a bachelor’s degree from Louisiana State University.

RICHARD MANNSmall Business Program Manager, Office of Small Business Programs, NASA SP




Ms. Stackhouse-Jordan serves as the Regional Supervisor in the GSA Office of Small Business Utilization (OSBU). Judith is responsible for overseeing GSA’s Zone 3 - OSBU in Regions 8,

9, 10, and 11 (NCR) covering 15 states including the District of Columbia.

Judith leads a team responsible for promoting contracting opportunities for small, mi-nority, women-owned and Services disable veteran owned businesses interested in pro-viding services. The team assists in the implementation and execution of GSA’s activities and programs.

Prior to joining the team at GSA, Judith served as the Women-owned Business Specialist in the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) at the Depart-ment of Housing and Urban Development.

JUDITH STACKHOUSE-JORDANSupervisory Small Business Specialist, General Services Administration, Office of Small Business Utilization

Janique began work at the Washington Headquarters Services Office of Small Business Programs as a Small Business Professional in December 2014. Her duties and respon-sibilities include providing small business support and guidance to members of the WHS Acquisition Directorate and to customers that use WHS AD for their procurement support. She also provides guidance and assistance to the OSBP Director in a number of areas including regulatory-statutory compliance, assisting contract specialists and contracting offices in acquisition planning and early involvement. She assists the OSBP Director in the development and implementation of small business education and train-ing for WHS AD and to DoD acquisition program offices. She conducts meetings with vendors and provides assistance in planning and participating in small business outreach events. Prior to her appointment at OSBP Ms. Hudson worked as a contract specialist at the Washington Headquarters Services Acquisition Directorate, Enterprise Office of the Secretary (EOSD) contracting branch from April 2012 until December 2014. As a contract specialist, Ms. Hudson was responsible for many of the acquisitions for knowledge-based services that support offices such as the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and The Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office. In this position she procured a num-ber of knowledge based services requirements and had responsibilities for awarding, administering and closing all contracts that she managed. Prior to entering the Federal Government, Ms. Hudson worked as a Procurement Specialist for Montgomery County Government. Ms. Hudson has 10 years of contracting and procurement experience.

JANIQUE HUDSONSmall Business Specialist, Washington Headquarters Service, Office of Small Business Programs




Craig is a Procurement Manager supporting the Office for Headquarters Procurement at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Craig is FAC-C Level III certified and holds an unlimited Contracting Officer’s warrant. His branch adminis-ters over half a billion dollars in contracts and supports some of NASA’s major missions including the International Space

Station and the Mars Habitat program. Prior to his position as Procurement Manager, he was a Senior Contracting Officer where he administered the Environmental Testing and Integration Services (ETIS) contract which supported some of NASA’s most critical mis-sions including the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and the Magnetospheric Multi-scale Mission (MMS). He holds a bachelor degree from the University of New Mexico and an MBA from the University of Maryland University College.

CRAIG KEISHProcurement Manager, NASA

Earl is a Contracting Officer at Washington Headquarters Ser-vices (WHS) Acquisition Directorate. In that role, Mr. Anderson supports several Directorates for the Under Secretary of De-fense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, including the Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP). In support of OSBP,

he is the Administrative Contracting Officer for DoD’s Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program and the Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) Program and is responsible for solic-iting the SBIR and RIF Broad Agency Announcements on behalf of three Services and 10 Defense Agencies. Mr. Anderson spent the past eight years as a contracting professional, all within various departments of the WHS Acquisition Directorate.

Prior to Government service, Earl held roles as both a buyer and business analyst for two Fortune 500 companies. He is a member of the Defense Acquisition Corps and is Level III certified in Contracting. A Certified Federal Contracts Manager through the National Con-tract Management Association, he holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Averett University.

EARL ANDERSONContracting Officer, Team Lead Acquisition Directorate, Washington Headquarters Services




Shannon leads and manages the DoD Mentor-Protégé Pro-gram, Congressional Affairs and Small Business Outreach. Prior to assuming this role, he served as the Senior Advisor to the Director for the Office of Small Business Programs. He is a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army where he served

for 23 years. In the military, he was the Deputy Program Manager for the U.S. Army Rapid Equipping Force; a Foreign Military Sales Acquisition Officer/Program Manager for a Ma-jor Weapon Systems, Ammunition and Service for the Government of Iraq; and the De-partment of the Army System Coordinator (DASC) within the office of the Assistant Secre-tary of the Army for Acquisition Logistics and Technology directly managing the Joint Air to Ground Missile (JAGM) and the Hellfire Missile System.

He earned a bachelor’s degree in History from Virginia State University, a master’s degree in Business Administration from Nichols College and a master’s degree in Procurement and Acquisition from Webster University. He is a Defense Acquisition Workforce Improve-ment Act (DAWIA) Level 3 certified Program Manager and a Level 2 Contracting profes-sional.

SHANNON JACKSONSmall Business Program Manager, Department of Defense, Office of Small Business Programs

Deborah serves as the Subcontracting Program Manager in the Office of Small Business Utilization (OSBU) and former Mentor Protégé Program Manager at the U.S. General Ser-vices Administration (GSA). Debbie began her government career in 1985 as a contract specialist intern for the U.S. Navy,

learning from the best in reviewing soliciting and awarding government contracts. She took this experience with her to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency serving as a senior contracting officer for 16 years in evaluating contractor proposals, awarding and administering contracts for professional services supporting cleanup of hazardous waste sites. Debbie joined GSA in 2005 as a procurement analyst, serving at both the regional and national levels, before joining GSA’s OSBU in 2014 to manage both the Subcontract-ing Program and the Mentor-Protégé Program for GSA.

DEB EBLESubcontracting and Mentor Protégé Program Manager, General Services AdministrationSP




Paul co-founded Government Tactical Solutions, LLC (Gov-Tact) in 2009. In 2011, he singlehandedly took the company “live” by starting as its first full-time consultant. Since its forma-tion, GovTact has become a rapidly growing, vibrant, award winning, small business.

In 2015, Mr. Sanchez worked with Harris IT Services (now Peraton) to put in place a formal Mentor-Protégé Agreement. The Small Business Administration approved this agree-ment in August of 2015. In March of 2016, GovTact and Peraton formed Fortem Services Group, LLC, a Small Business Joint Venture and Mr. Sanchez serves as the Managing Director.

Before entering the federal contracting community in 2005, Mr. Sanchez was an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps. Mr. Sanchez holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from The Ohio State University, a certificate in Information Technology from the University of Virginia and he is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP).

Mr. Sanchez is an active member of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, Northern Virginia Chapter; and the Project Management Institute, Washing-ton, DC Chapter.

PAUL SANCHEZPresident and CEO, Government Tactical Solutions




Brian has over 37 years of construction experience per-forming multiple projects in many diverse locations. Brian has been the Managing Member of Donley Construction, in charge of its day to day operations, for 27 years. Donley Con-struction been involved as Protégé with Kirlin Builders in the Mentor Protégé program under DKJV, successfully graduating

from the 8a program, and transitioning over to the All Small Mentor Protégé Program, under DKJV II.

Through the SBA’s Mentor Protégé programs, Brian has learned the complexities and nuances of managing construction on a national basis through Government contract vehicles. The knowledge he has gained through mentorship in the Kirlin processes ce-mented into place all skills necessary for Donley Construction, to perform successfully on a national level.

Donley Construction has been a small business success story in the construction indus-try since 1979. Initially, Donley Construction specialized in residential construction and home improvements. In 1993, Donley expanded its service line to include Government subcontracting. Donley became successful at subcontracting, growing a body of work through various prime contractors who held IDIQ contracts with the Government.

As the managing member of DKJV, Donley Construction was an awardee on the 2008 Medical Repair & Renewal 8(a) MATOC as well as an awardee on the 2012 Medical Re-pair & Renewal 8(a) MATOC. Additionally, Donley Construction was awarded a SABER contract, two Job Order Contracts for the VA, a Multiple Award Construction Contract for NAVFAC Washington, three Job Order Contracts for Joint Base Anacostia Bolling, and a Job Order Contract for Ft Polk, LA in the past 10 years.

DKJV’s ID/IQ contracts have allowed Donley Construction to work on a wide variety of design and construction projects, including design-build renovation and repair projects within occupied, high-tech, medical centers, hospitals as well as health, dental, and vet-erinary clinics, designed and built state-of-the-art research and testing laboratories. We have designed, constructed, repaired, and renovated medical training and administrative facilities, historic facilities, central plants, and major mechanical, plumbing, communica-tion and emergency power generation systems.

BRIAN DONLEYManaging Member, Donley Construction, LLC




Raul has over fifteen years of management consulting expe-rience leading and delivering engagements for numerous agencies within the Federal Government as well as the com-mercial clients. As President for CollabraLink, he directs the firms strategic vision and leads the charge in driving growth within CollabraLink’s core competencies and strategic mar-

kets. As President, Mr. Pandhi has overseen the firms consistent growth helping to build CollabraLink into one of the fastest growing government contractors in the region.

Mr. Pandhi was previously a Consultant with L.E.K. Consulting leading and delivering a number of merger and acquisition and corporate growth strategy projects for private equity funds as well as c-suite level corporate executives. Mr. Pandhi was also previously employed by Accenture as a Senior Consultant where he led a number of application integration and software development projects, gaining experience in all aspects of the software development life cycle and development best practices.

Mr. Pandhi holds a BS in Information Systems from the University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign and an MBA from the University of Michigan - Ross School of Business.

RAUL PANDHIPresident, CollabraLink Technologies, Inc.

Lisa King is the Administrator of Contracts and Small Business for Kirlin Builders, LLC (KB), and is responsible for contract compliance, and management of KB’s Mentor Protégé and Small Business Subcontracting Programs. Ms. King is an ac-complished Government Contracting professional, and Diver-

sity and Small Business specialist, with more than 16 years of experience in the Federal Contracting arena.

Mrs. King is responsible for the development of Mentor Protégé and Joint Venture Agreements, Small Business Participation and Subcontracting Plans for KB. Currently Mrs. King administers compliance and ensures Small Business participation across KB’s Federal Contracts, valued at over $1.45 Billion. Mrs. King is directly involved, and has been instrumental in the achievement of SBA Joint Venture contracts awards for Kirlin Small Business protégé firms exceeding $1 Billion in capacity, during her 6 years with the company.

LISA KINGAdministrator, Contracts and Small Business, Kirlin Builders, LLC (KB)

As COO, Jeremy oversees the day-to-day performance of Peraton’s global business operations. He helps drive Peraton’s performance by ensuring the alignment of staffing, capital deployment, and overall strategic management.

Jeremy was most recently principal at Augusta Management Strategies. He has also served as the President of PAE’s National Security and Solutions business, COO of GTSI, and Chairman and President of Cobham Defense Systems. He spent 20 years with Harris Corporation, where he served as President of the IT Services business and Group President of the Government Communications Systems division.

Jeremy serves on the advisory board of the University of South Florida School of Busi-ness. He has a bachelor’s degree in finance from Bowling Green University, an MBA in finance and management from the University of South Florida, and executive education from the Harvard Business School.

JEREMY WENSINGERChief Operating Officer, Peraton

Sonny founded Sevatec in 2003. As CEO, Sonny leads the firm’s strategic development, growth and transformation into the advanced technology company that drives innovation in software, systems and processes for the federal government. He also serves as Chairman of the Board and strategic advisor for Sevatec, where he focuses on developing and implement-

ing strategies to grow and improve the firm.

Sonny has over 20 years of technology and management consulting experience, sup-porting critical national security initiatives for the federal government. Prior to founding Sevatec, Sonny served as Vice President of Capital Area Operations for Karta Technol-ogies, Inc, where he established and led a high-profile information assurance division. Before joining Karta, Sonny worked at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as Envi-ronmental Engineer, and Manager of Sales for Capital Imports, LTD.

Sonny earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland. He is an active member of the community as the President and Executive Director of the SevaTruck Foundation. In addition, he is a member of the American Soci-ety of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF), Sikh Research Institute, and the Sikh Coalition.




