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3rd Interim Report September 2011- March 2012

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Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA) 3 rd Interim Report (final) (19 September 2011 – 18 March 2012) April 2012 The European Union’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) This project is funded by the European Union A project implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG
Page 1: 3rd Interim Report September 2011- March 2012

Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA) 3rd Interim Report (final) (19 September 2011 – 18 March 2012) April 2012

The European Union’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)

This project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla & Co.

Human Dynamics KG

Page 2: 3rd Interim Report September 2011- March 2012

Interim Report, No 3, 19 September 2011 – 18 March 2012

Human Dynamics Consortium 1

Table of Contents – Interim Report No 3 (19 September 2011 – 18 March 2012)

Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 3

Project synopsis .................................................................................................................... 5

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 7

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 7

1.2 Interim Report objectives and scope ........................................................................ 10

2. Implemented and planned activities............................................................................... 11

2.1 Mobilisation of the Working Groups and project teams .......................................... 11

2.2 Communication .......................................................................................................... 1

2.3 RENA Counterparts in the beneficiary countries ..................................................... 12

2.4 Other stakeholders and other relevant projects ........................................................ 12

2.5 Steering Committee .................................................................................................. 13

2.6 Involvement of NGO community ............................................................................. 13

2.7 Reporting and RENA Work Plans ............................................................................ 13

2.8 Working Group 1. Strategic Planning and Investments ........................................... 18

2.9 Working Group 2. Climate Change ........................................................................... 26

2.10 Working Group 3. Cross-border Cooperation and Multilateral Environmental

Agreements ............................................................................................................... 30

2.11 Working Group 4. ECENA ....................................................................................... 33

3. RENA Work Plan and Milestones .................................................................................. 38

3.1 Project Work Plan 2010-2013 ..................................................................................... 38

3.2 RENA detailed Work Plan for the fourth interim reporting period (April 2012 –

September 2012) ........................................................................................................ 51

Working Group 1 Strategic Planning and Investments ........................................................................... 55

Working Group 2 Climate Change ............................................................................................................. 57

Working Group 3 Cross border Cooperation and Multilateral Environmental Agreements ........... 60

Working Group 4 ECENA .......................................................................................................................... 61

4. Assumptions, risks, problems encountered .................................................................... 68

4.1 Assumptions .............................................................................................................. 68

4.2 Risks .......................................................................................................................... 69

4.3 Problems encountered .............................................................................................. 72

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Annex 1 Timetable of activities, and estimated number of working days per month

Annex 2 Updated Logical Framework

Annex 3 Minutes of the 3rd Steering Committee meeting

Annex 4 Incidental Expenditure breakdown

Annex 5 Minutes of the WGs Annual Meetings

Enclosed on CD:

Annex 6 Development of NEAS - Workshop Report

Annex 7 EU Negotiations Process - Workshop Report

Annex 8 REACH/CLP - Workshop Report

Annex 9 Approximation Costs Assessment - Workshop Report

Annex 10 Planning of Environmental Investments – Workshop Report

Annex 11 ReCAP Seminar (Skopje) – Media Report

Annex 12 MMD CRF Reporter kick off – Workshop Report

Annex 13 MRV within the EU ETS – Workshop Report

Annex 14 ETS Aviation - Workshop Report

Annex 15 Module 3 Djerdap – Workshop Report

Annex 16 RBD Characterisation – Workshop Report

Annex 17 Modified Water Bodies – Workshop Report

Annex 18 SEA in IPA programmes – Workshop Report

Annex 19 Common Inspection Turkey – Workshop Report

Annex 20 ECENA TNA Batch 2 Countries

Annex 21 ECENA Training Manual Batch 2 Countries

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AECEN Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network BERCEN Balkan Environmental Regulatory and Compliance Network BAT Best Available Techniques CCFAP Climate Change Framework Action Plan CDM Clean Development Mechanism CSO Civil Society Organisation DABLAS Danube and Black Sea Task Force EC European Commission ECENA Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network for Accession ECCP European Climate Change Programme EIA Environmental Impact Assessments EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPD Enhanced Permanent Dialogue Process ETS Emission Trading Plan GHG Greenhouse gases H2020 Horizon 2020 initiative ICPDR International Committee for the Protection of the River Danube ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia IE Incidental expenditures IMPEL Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law INECE International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement IPA Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IFI International Financing Institutions IPF Infrastructure Projects Facility IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention Control IQ Implementation Questionnaire IRI IMPEL Review Initiative KE Key Expert MEA Multilateral Environmental Agreement MESP Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning MMD Monitoring Mechanism Decision MRV Monitoring, Reporting and Verification NAS National Adaptation Strategy NFP National Focal Point NPI National Programme for EU Integration NPAA National Programme for Adoption of the EU Acquis PEIP Priority Environmental Investment Programme PM Progress Monitoring of approximation of the EU environmental and climate acquis OVI Objectively Verifiably Indicator RBD River Basin District RCC Regional Cooperation Council REC Regional Environmental Centre ReCAP Regional Climate Change Platform on Adaptation and Mitigation RENA Regional Environmental Network for Accession REPIN Regulatory Environmental Programme Implementation Network REReP Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme RISP Regional Institutional Support Platform RMCEI Recommendation providing for Minimum Criteria for Environmental Inspections SAA Stabilisation and Association Agreement SC Steering Committee SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SEE Southeast Europe SEECP South East European Cooperation Process TFS Trans-Frontier Shipment (of waste) TNA Training Needs Analysis ToC Table of Concordance

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UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change WBIF Western Balkan Investment Framework WFD Water Framework Directive WG Working Group


Table 1. Project synopsis .................................................................................................. p. 5.

Table 2. Overview and status of the activities ............................................................. p. 13

Table 3. PM Reports 2012 – Timetable of activities ................................................. p. 24

Table 4. General Work Plan and schedule .................................................................. p. 38

Table 5. Detailed Work Plan for the next reporting period ...................................... p. 51

Table 6. Assumptions affecting the implementation of the Project ........................ p. 68

Table 7. Risks and Mitigation strategies ........................................................................ p. 70

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The project synopsis presented in the table below provides a systematic overview of project

objectives and expected outputs and deliverables.

Table 1. Project synopsis

Project Title Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA)

Client European Commission – DG Environment

Project Starting Date 19 March 2010

Project Duration 36 months, end date: 18 March 2013

Beneficiaries 8 beneficiary countries

Albania Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relation

Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Ministry of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology


Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection

Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning

Ministry of agriculture1

Ministry of Culture – Directorate of Nature Protection

fYR of Macedonia Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Kosovo under UNSCR

1244/99 Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Montenegro Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism

Environment Protection Agency

Serbia Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

Turkey Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation

Ministry of Forestry and Water

Objective and Purpose

The overall objective is to enhance regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and Turkey in the field of environment in the prospect of accession to the European Union.

The purpose of this contract is to assist the European Commission in providing the Secretariat of the Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA).

Results to be achieved by

the Consultant

Improved regional cooperation between environmental authorities

Efficient institutional frameworks and technical arrangements established

Enhanced public participation in environmental planning

Improved transposition and implementation in relation to EU environmental

1 Reorganization of state administration - the water sector in the new Ministry of Agriculture, since 22 December 2011

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Improved skills in relation to legislation preparation and enforcement

Improved capacities in investment planning

Priority environmental projects and investments identified

Experience exchange groups and networks established

Enhanced cross border cooperation in relation to environmental policies, legislation and investments

Planned activities:

Working Group 1

Activity 1.1 Support to Approximation Strategy and Planning in BiH and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Activity 1.2 RISP – Regional Institutional Support Platform

Activity 1.3 Investment Planning

Activity 1.4 Public participation in planning

Activity 1.5 Progress monitoring

Activity 1.6 Gap assessments of draft legal acts

Working Group 2

Activity 2.1 ReCAP

Activity 2.2 GHG Reporting

Activity 2.3 EU-ETS

Working Group 3

Activity 3.1 Nature Protection

Activity 3.2 Water Management

Activity 3.3 EIA and SEA

Activity 3.4 Multilateral Environmental Agreements – gap assessments

Working Group 4

Activity 4.1 Capacity building regarding compliance with environmental legislation through better understanding of issues and identification of targeted solutions

Activity 4.2 Country external assessments

Activity4.3 EU ETS Compliance

Activity 4.4 Transfrontier shipment of waste

Activity 4.5 Inspection and enforcement in cross border nature protection areas

Activity 4.6 ECENA participation in relevant networking activities, including IMPEL and other sister networks

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1.1 Background

The Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA) has been established as a follow-up project

of REReP, the Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme for Southeast Europe, which

ended in 2009. The project has been commissioned to the Consortium led by Human Dynamics

with its head office in Vienna, Austria.

The overall project objective is to enhance regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and Turkey

in the field of environment in the prospect of accession to the European Union.

The cooperation between the countries through RENA is focused on priority areas of

approximation to the EU environmental and climate acquis.

RENA supports eight beneficiary countries, which are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia,

Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99, the fYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey.

RENA primarily supports the administrative authorities with responsibility for environment and

natural resources in the beneficiary countries, that is, ministries with primary responsibility for

environmental protection, and other ministries, institutions, and authorities responsible for, e.g.,

nature, climate, water, forestry or chemicals.

RENA also coordinates and cooperates with other stakeholders and initiatives working in the

region, including:

• International Financing Institutions, bilateral donors, international organisations:

Cooperation is facilitated through Support to EC/IFI Coordination in the Western Balkans and Turkey

organisation of back to back meetings, participation in workshops and trainings;

• Other EU related initiatives and projects, like WBIF, DABLAS, HORIZON 2020 and

others: Cooperation is facilitated through organisation of back to back meetings, participation in training

and workshops, sharing and promotion of lists of priority projects with regional impact on environment;

• Environmental Civil Society Organisations and Non-governmental Organisations:

Cooperation was facilitated through the Environment Forum project until the finalisation of the project, and

since then it has been facilitated through the nominated representatives of the NGOs;

• Neighbouring EU member states and other EU member states: Cooperation is facilitated

through invitations to participate in trainings and workshops.

RENA priority issues are based on those set by the environment ministers of the eight beneficiary

countries. These priority issues are:

• Strategic planning of the pre-accession process;

• Public participation;

• Climate change;

• Cross border cooperation on environment;

• Preparation of environmental investment projects.

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Concrete RENA activities under the priority issues are covering broad range of activities, including

capacity building workshops, seminars, training and pilot projects and are implemented through

four Working Groups as follows:

WG 1: Strategic Planning and Investments

WG 2: Climate Change

WG 3: Cross border Cooperation and Multilateral Environmental Agreements

WG 4: Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network for Accession

All activities designed under RENA are focused on networking and mutual support, in order to

provide the best possible value with the resources available. The activities are designed to

complement the major regional and national projects that support approximation of the

environment and climate acquis.

WG 1 Strategic Planning & Investments

The overall objective of this working group is to increase the quality of transposition and

implementation activities in the beneficiary countries and to assure regional cooperation in

environmental investment planning. Particular emphasis will be placed on improving the

transposition of EU environmental legal requirements and improving the institutional structures for

implementation and enforcement of the transposed EU directives.

The main tasks of this component are to:

• Improve plans, strategies and structures for approximation;

• Identify areas for training and other support to be provided through RISP;

• Improving public participation in order to build support for the adoption and

implementation of environmental legislation;

• Monitoring progress in approximation of the environmental and climate acquis in preparation

for accession, especially the transposition and implementation of EU environmental


• Upon their request channelled through the European Commission, providing beneficiaries

with an external opinion on the compliance of national draft legislation with the EU

environmental and climate acquis;

• Build capacity in the identification and preparation of environmental investment projects; and

• Coordinate environmental investment needs with IFIs.

WG 2 Climate Change

The overall objective of this Working Group is to increase capacity in the SEE and strengthen

cooperation amongst the SEE countries and the EU in policy-making, law drafting and

implementation of elements of the European climate change policies and legislation (Climate

change acquis).

The main tasks of this component are designed to:

• Build knowledge and capacity in EU climate change policy and legislation from an EU

accession perspective, and at the level of policy-making, law drafting and implementation in

the RENA countries;

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• Increase capacity in the RENA countries to prepare GHG emissions inventories in line with

the EU Monitoring Mechanism Decision (280/2004/EC), the implementing legislation

(2005/166/EC) and the UNFCCC Inventory Reporting Guidelines for Annex I countries;

• Increase capacity in the RENA countries to take steps towards a future emissions trading

system, in particular with respect to Monitoring, Reporting and Verification.

WG 3 Cross border Cooperation & Multilateral Environmental Agreements

The overall objective of this Working Group is to increase capacity and strengthen cooperation on

issues of transboundary importance through creation of the forum of officials from the candidate

and potential candidate countries to exchange experience on the transposition, implementation and

enforcement of EU legislation.

The main tasks of this component are designed to build knowledge and capacity specifically in the

following fields:

• Nature protection;

• Water quality and management;

• Environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment, and

• Multilateral environmental agreements.

Furthermore, this component will assist in:

• Creating a pool of well-trained officials capable in the implementation of the EU

environmental, nature, and water sector acquis in transboundary areas;

• Preparing specific documents to support implementation of EU environmental, nature, and

water sector acquis; and

• Developing specific knowledge on the above issues in selected pilot cross border nature and

water sites.

WG 4 Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network for Accession (ECENA)

The overall objective of this Working Group is to improve the ability of ECENA member

countries to implement and enforce the EU environmental and climate acquis by increasing the

effectiveness of inspecting bodies and promoting compliance with environmental requirements.

The main tasks of this component are to:

• Build capacity and exchange information amongst enforcement agencies and inspecting

bodies on compliance with environmental legislation;

• Increase efficient implementation and enforcement of environmental legislation;

• Improve the exchange of experience and knowledge with EU member states and beyond

through stronger co-operation with IMPEL and other sister networks, as well as through

training and exchange programmes.

Furthermore, this component will assist in:

• Creating a forum for better understanding of the specific problems and potential solutions of

implementation and enforcement of specific laws;

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• Creating a pool of well-trained environmental inspectors and permit writers, capable of

performing their tasks of implementation and enforcement of the environmental and climate


• Conducting country-specific assessments of the implementation and enforcement set-up.

The overall results to be achieved by the project are:

• Improved regional cooperation between environmental authorities;

• Efficient institutional frameworks and technical arrangements established;

• Enhanced public participation in environmental planning;

• Improved transposition and implementation of EU environmental legislation;

• Improved skills in relation to legislation preparation and enforcement;

• Improved capacities in investment planning;

• Priority environmental projects and investments identified;

• Experienced exchange groups and networks established;

• Enhanced cross border cooperation in relation to environmental policies, legislation and


1.2 Interim Report objectives and scope

The objectives of this Interim Report are:

• To provide the overview of findings and activities performed by the RENA Project Team

and Secretariat during the third interim reporting period (19 September 2011 – 18 March


• To provide the detailed Work Plan for the fourth interim reporting period (19 March 2012 –

18 September 2012).

This Interim Report covers the following items:

• The third interim reporting period activities including RENA managerial, communication and

cooperation aspects;

• The progress achieved and implementation issues raised during the third interim reporting

period for a project as a whole and under each of the Working Groups;

• The RENA Work Plan and milestones with a detailed Work Plan for the next interim

reporting period (19 March 2012 – 18 September 2012);

• An update of the assumptions, risks and problems encountered.

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2.1 Mobilisation of the Working Groups and project teams

The project team, with the four key experts, was mobilized on the starting date of the project.

The working procedures and the procedures for the recruitment of the non-key experts are defined

in accordance with the PRAG. The general requirements for short-term experts have been

developed (Volume 2 of the Inception Report), but, due to the nature and duration of the project,

the recruitment of the experts will be an ongoing process that will continue throughout the project.

Short term experts have presently been mobilised for:

WG 1 Strategic Planning and Investments

• Activity 1.2 RISP

• Activity 1.3 Investment Planning;

• Activity 1.5 Progress Monitoring;

• Activity 1.6 Gap assessments of draft legal acts

WG 2 Climate Change

• Activity 2.1 ReCAP;

• Activity 2.2 GHG Reporting;

• Activity 2.3 EU-ETS;

WG 3 Cross border Cooperation and Multilateral Environmental Agreements

• Activity 3.1 Nature Protection;

• Activity 3.2 Water Management;

• Activity 3.3 EIA/SEA;


• Activity 4.1 Capacity building regarding compliance with environmental legislation through

better understanding of issues and identification of targeted solutions (training of inspectors

and permit writers;

• Activity 4.2 Country external assessment (preparation of country external assessment reports

for 7 out of 8 beneficiary countries (except Croatia));

• Activity 4.4 Transfrontier shipment of waste

All activities of the project have been implemented in accordance with the Terms of Reference

(ToR) of the project and agreed activity schemes for each Working Group.

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2.2 Communication

The project website can be found at

www.renanetwork.org . The website has been

widely used for sharing the public documents

from the meetings among participants and

announcement of the upcoming meetings and


The RENA newsletters are providing the

overview of all major events since the

beginning of the project ensuring their further

promotion with the general public. The

newsletters are issued on quarterly basis,

published electronically and downloadable

from the website:



The RENA brochure is prepared and has

been published in November 2011, providing

a description and summary overview of the

approved Work Plan and project structure.

The brochure has been published

electronically and is downloadable from the



The brochure is also available in printed version and is distributed to the particiants of all major

events organised by the project.

2.3 RENA Counterparts in the beneficiary countries

The national Focal Points and Working Group coordinators and contact persons in all beneficiary

countries except Turkey and Montenegro have not been changed since the last reporting period.

New Focal Points and Working Group coordinators have been nominated for both Turkey and


The updated RENA contact list is published at the RENA website.


2.4 Other stakeholders and other relevant projects

Since the beginning of the project, the collaboration with other initiatives and projects with

activities similar to the activities of RENA has been established in order to ensure better

coordination of activities, in particular with the Environment Forum Project and Support to IFI

Coordination in the Western Balkans and Turkey project, other EU initiatives and projects, such as


Communication along with the exchange of

experience and best practices has been

fundamental for RENA both at technical level

and political level (i.e. Ministerial Meetings)

relating to the Commission’s environmental

dialogue with the candidate countries and

potential candidates.

In line with the countries needs and

priorities, the project envisages tasks across

several sectors, involves large number of

stakeholders from different countries. The

project is also well coordinated with other

regional settings, initiatives and national

assistance programmes.

RENA Secretariat developed and deployed

communication tools to provide a hub for

information, composed of RENA website,

databases of projects and outputs, extranet

as RENA partners’ area, number of

newsletters, all in line with the EC visibility


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A series of presentations have been given by the team leader and RENA team members on RENA

and its envisaged activities in various frameworks including RCC, IMPEL, EF Project and IFIs.

Short summaries of the findings have been included in the 3rd and 4th newsletter.

2.5 Steering Committee

The third Steering Committee meeting was held on 14 October 2011 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The

objective of the meeting was to discuss and approve the second Interim Report covering the period

March 2011 – September 2011. The minutes of this meeting are included in Annex 3. The Steering

Committee meetings are held every six months in one of the beneficiary countries. The fourth

Steering Committee meeting is scheduled to be held on 02 April 2012 in Durres, Albania.

2.6 Involvement of NGO community

The system for cooperation with Environment Forum project and inclusion of NGO

representatives has been established during the Inception Phase. The established system has been

followed until February 2012 when the Environment Forum project has been finalised. Based on

the agreement with the European Commission, the coordination will continue using the officially

appointed NGO Coordination Team composed of Mr. Zvezdan Kalmar, Mr. Miodrag Dakic, Mr.

Metodija Sazdov and Mr. Gazmend Zeneli. The overall correspondence related to the cooperation

of RENA and NGO sector is addressed to the NGO Coordination Team, who further process the

information provided and deals with the related issues. The system for participation of NGO

representatives to RENA events remains the same. The NGO representatives are invited to every

regional event organised under various activities of RENA. As per agreed procedure for

participation, the NGO Coordination Team is informed on upcoming events and activities under

RENA well in advance and based on the activity description the NGO Coordination Team is

nominating a NGO representative relevant for certain activity and topic. Due to budget limitations

and the fact that NGOs are not the main beneficiaries of the RENA project the attention is paid to

selection of those NGOs whose geographic location will involve the least costs for participation to

be covered by RENA. However, it should be noted that this is not the prime criteria and that the

selection is made primarily based on expertise and field of interest, taking geographic location only

as an advantage.

2.7 Reporting and RENA Work Plans

The draft Interim Report, the project Work Plan and activity schemes for each Working Group

have been prepared.

Table 2. Overview and status of the activities

Planned outputs Output/deliverable Date Status

Horizontal activities 1st Ministerial Meeting 30 September 2010 Completed 2nd Ministerial Meeting September 2012 Ongoing


1st draft Inception Report 30 August 2010 Completed 2nd draft Inception Report 16 December 2010 Completed 3rd draft Inception Report 16 February 2011 Completed final Inception Report 10 March 2011 Completed Draft 1st Interim Report 14 March 2011 Completed Final 1st Interim Report March 2011 Completed Draft 2nd Interim Report August 2011 Completed Final 2nd Interim Report December 2011 Completed

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Planned outputs Output/deliverable Date Status Draft 3rd Interim Report March 2012 Completed Final 3rd Interim Report April 2012 Draft 4th Interim Report August 2012 Final 4th Interim Report September 2012 Draft Final Report February 2013 Final Report March 2013

Inception phase

Team of key experts mobilised March 2010 Completed Short term experts identified N/A Continuous Kick off meeting 3-4 May 2010 Completed RENA Secretariat established March 2010 Completed RENA Helpdesk operational August 2010 Completed RENA Website online August 2010 Completed 1st RENA Newsletter December 2010 Completed Key experts familiar with relevant projects

June 2010 Completed

Appointment of RENA national Focal Points

June 2010 Completed

List of WG Coordinators June/July/August 2010 Completed RENA Network Contact List (website)

August 2010 Completed

RENA Brochure (website – public and downloadable)

November 2011 Completed

Agreement with the SC and EF on the participation of EF representatives in RENA activities

September 2010 Completed

Inception missions June/July/August 2010 Completed RENA Work Plan drafted August 2010 Completed Identification of other stakeholders and familiarisation with relevant initiatives.

June/July/August 2010 Completed

Preparatory SC meeting 14 June 2010 Completed 1st SC meeting organised 9 September 2010 Completed

First interim reporting period

WG annual meetings October 2010-March 2011


2nd SC Meeting 18 March 2011 Completed Preparation of PM 2010 Reports March 2011 Completed 1st Sub-group regional workshop (Activity 3.2)

8-10 March 2011 Completed

1st national training (Activity 4.1) 1-4 March 2011 Completed

Second interim reporting period

Workshop on Approximation Planning (Activity 1.1)

October 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on new legislation (Activity 1.2)

May 2011 Completed

Seven national workshops on investment planning (Activity 1.3)

May – June 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on investment planning and update of the regional list of priority investment projects (Activity 1.3)

September 2011 Completed

Seven national workshops on Progress Monitoring (Activity 1.5)

March – May 2011 Completed

PM Reports 2011 (Activity 1.5) September 2011 Completed Regional workshop on EU Climate and Energy Package (Activity 2.1)

March 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on EU policy and legislation (Activity 2.1)

May 2011 Completed

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Planned outputs Output/deliverable Date Status Regional workshop on ReCAP follow up (Activity 2.1)

June 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on MMD (Activity 2.2)

July 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on EU-ETS (Activity 2.3)

May 2011 Completed

Module 1 regional workshop (Activity 3.1)

May 2011 Completed

Module 2 regional workshop (Activity 3.1)

September 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on basic measures and WFD (Activity 3.2)

March 2011 Completed

Regional workshop – EIA/SEA transposition (Activity 3.3)

June 2011 Completed

Common inspection (sub-regional training) Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 (Activity 4.1)

April 2011 Completed

Common inspection (sub-regional training) Bosnia and Herzegovina (Activity 4.1)

September 2011 Completed

Country External Assessment Report Serbia (Activity 4.2)

June 2011 Completed

Country External Assessment Report fYR of Macedonia (Activity 4.2)

September 2011 Completed

Country External Assessment Report Montenegro (Activity 4.2)

September 2011 Completed

Third interim reporting period

Regional workshop on EU Accession Negotiation Process (Activity 1.1)

November 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on REACH/CLP (Activity 1.2)

October 2011 Completed

2nd Annual meeting of WG 1 coordinators (Activity 1.2)

November 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on INSPIRE (Activity 1.2)

January 2012 Completed

Regional meeting “Prioritisation of environmental investment projects and project preparation” (Activity 1.3)

September 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on “The EU requirements and identification of environmental projects. Approximation costs assessment” (Activity 1.3)

September 2011 Completed

Regional meeting “Prioritisation of environmental investment projects and project preparation” (Activity 1.3)

January 2012 Completed

Regional workshop “Planning of Environmental Investments and Prioritisation of Investment Projects” (Activity 1.3)

January 2012 Completed

2nd Annual meeting of WG 1 Investment Planning Sub-group coordinators (Activity 1.3)

January 2012 Completed

PM Reports 2011 (Activity 1.5) September 2012 Ongoing

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Planned outputs Output/deliverable Date Status Compliance check review of Chapter IX Import and Expert of Waste (Art. 48-51) of the final Albanian Law No. 10 463 of 22.09.2011 on INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT, comparing the transposition with the requirements of the EU Waste Directive and the Basel Convention (Activity 1.6)

January 2012 Completed

Full compliance check of the Albanian Law on Integrated Waste Management with the Directive 2008/98/EC , repealing certain directives (Activity 1.6)

February 2012 Completed

2nd Annual meeting of WG 2 coordinators (Activity 2.1)

November 2011 Completed

ReCAP Workshop fYR of Macedonia (Activity 2.1)

February 2012 Completed

Regional MMD workshop on data gathering and filling (CRF) (Activity 2.2)

November 2011 Completed

Regional Workshop on ETS/MRV (Activity 2.3)

September 2011 Completed

National Workshop on inclusion of aviation into the ETS (Activity 2.3)

September 2011 Completed

Module 3 regional workshop (Activity 3.1) Djerdap NP

November 2011 Completed

2nd Annual Meeting of WG 3 Nature Sub-group coordinators (Activity 3.1)

December 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on RBD characterisation (Activity 3.2)

September 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on Heavily modified water bodies and new modifications (Activity 3.2)

December 2011 Completed

2nd Annual Meeting of WG 3 Water Management Sub-group coordinators (Activity 3.2)

December 2011 Completed

Regional workshop on Monitoring of Ecological Status, Intercalibration and Coordination of Criteria for Good Status of Water Bodies (Activity 3.2)

March 2012 Completed

Regional workshop on SEA and IPA programmes (Activity 3.3)

November 2011 Completed

2nd Annual Meeting of WG 3 EIA/SEA Sub-group coordinators (Activity 3.3)

November 2011 Completed

Common inspection (sub-regional training) Turkey (Activity 4.1)

October 2011 Completed

Country External Assessment Report Bosnia and Herzegovina (Activity 4.2)

January 2012 Ongoing

Country External Assessment Report Turkey (Activity 4.2)

February 2012 Ongoing

Country External Assessment Report Albania (Activity 4.2)

February 2012 Completed

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Planned outputs Output/deliverable Date Status Country External Assessment Report Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 (Activity 4.2)

March 2012 Ongoing

Fourth interim reporting period

Regional Workshop on EU Accession Negotiation process (Negotiation simulation) (Activity 1.2)

June 2012 Ongoing

Regional Workshop on Environmental Crime and Environmental Liability (Activity 1.2)

May 2012 Ongoing

Regional workshop on role of national and international financing sources in environmental financing (Activity 1.3)

May 2012 Ongoing

ReCAP seminar 2 (EU Climate

policy – Serbia) (Activity 2.1) March 2012 Ongoing

ReCAP seminar 3 (EU Climate

policy – Turkey) (Activity 2.1) April 2012 Ongoing

ReCAP seminar 4(EU Climate policy

– Albania) (Activity 2.1) June 2012 Ongoing

ReCAP seminar 5 (EU Climate

policy – Montenegro) (Activity 2.1) July 2012 Ongoing

ReCAP seminar 6 (EU Climate policy – Kosovo under UNSCR

1244/99) (Activity 2.1) September 2012 Ongoing

GHG emission inventories – regional workshop to includes the results of the GHG inventory pilot exercise

(Activity 2.2)

September 2012 Ongoing

Regional workshop on registries (Montenegro) – combined with ReCAP seminar (Activity 2.3)

July 2012 Ongoing

Module 4 – Regional Workshop - Conducting nature impact assessments (Shara Mountain) (Activity 3.1)

May 2012 Ongoing

Module 5 - Regional Workshop - Developing sound nature cross border projects (project development) Durmitor (Activity 3.1)

July 2012 Ongoing

Module 6 – Regional Workshop - Monitoring Nature Protection Areas Tara (Activity 3.1)

September 2012 Ongoing

Regional workshop - Development of the Programme of Measures (Activity 3.2)

May 2012 Ongoing

Regional workshop - EIA/SEA differences and common features (Activity 3.3)

April 2012 Ongoing

Regional workshop - SEA cross-border procedures, including consultation and interpretation of cross-border impacts (Activity 3.3)

September 2012 Ongoing

Common Inspection training on selected subjects Cluster I for Serbia, March 2012 Ongoing

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Planned outputs Output/deliverable Date Status with common inspections (Cluster II) (Activity 4.1) Common Inspection training on selected subjects Cluster I for fYR of Macedonia, with common inspections (Cluster II) (Activity 4.1)

April 2012 Ongoing

Common Inspection training on selected subjects Cluster I for Montenegro with common inspections (Cluster II) (Activity 4.1)

September 2012 Ongoing

Regional Workshop on EU-ETS (Activity 4.3)

May 2012 Ongoing

Regional Workshop on EU TFS (harbour transport) (Activity 4.4)

April 2012 Ongoing

Regional Workshop on EU TFS (road transport) (Activity 4.4)

June 2012 Ongoing

The first draft of the second Interim Report has been submitted to the EC and RENA Focal Points

on 1 September 2011. Comments have been received from Croatia on 21 October 2011 and from

the EC on 08 December 2011. Received comments have been incorporated and the final version of

the second Interim Report has been approved on 08 December 2011. Upon the approval, the final

version of the report has been placed on the RENA website and is available for download.

Activities implemented under each Working Group are described in details in the section below.

2.8 Working Group 1. Strategic Planning and Investments

Activity 1.1 Preparation of Approximation Strategies

Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Delivery of sub-regional workshop on Environmental Approximation Strategies in Pristina

(03 – 05 October 2011).

The workshop agenda has been developed in close collaboration of the project team and the

Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99). The main items

of the agenda were the following:

1. National Environmental Approximation Strategy, as a basic planning document for achieving full compliance with the EU environmental acquis;

2. Approximation of EU environmental legislation in practice;

3. Scope, approach and methodology for development of NEAS – Experience from the fYR of Macedonia;

4. Development of NEAS : The need of executing a full organizational, legislative and resource gap analysis;

5. Development of NEAS: The need for prioritization within the overall and in the individual sectors;

6. Development of NEAS: Development of Directive Specific Implementation Plans (DSIPs)

7. Development of NEAS: Lessons learnt and best practices from EC candidate countries an potential candidates;

8. Economic assessment of cost and benefit analysis in the EU environmental approximation process;

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9. Development of NEAS: Impact analysis for the implementation of the EU environmental legislation;

10. Case study (fYR of Macedonia): Impact analysis for the implementation of the EU environmental legislation;

11. Development of NEAS: Defining the Funding Gap for the Approximation Efforts;

12. Case Study (fYR of Macedonia): Priorities for investments and defining further investment needs;

13. Development of compliance schedules (legislative, institutional, budgetary and schedules for investment needs and costs estimates).

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 6).

• Delivery of regional workshop on Approximation Obligations and Accession Negotiation in

Brussels, Belgium (23 – 24 November 2011).

The workshop agenda has been developed in close collaboration of the project team, and the

European Commission, DG Environment. The lectures has been provided by the representatives

of the EC DG Environment, selected team of experts and former negotiators from the new

Member States (Romania and Lithuania) as well as by the RENA Focal Point from Croatia who

recently closed their negotiation process, the RENA Focal Point from fYR of Macedonia and

representative of the Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the EU. The provided useful information

on the EU institutional structure for negotiations such as the role of the Council, Conference on

accession to the EU, Enlargement Working Group, and the documents, which are considered

during the process. The presence of the EC DG Environment Desk Officers has provided hands

on information on the EU institutional structure for negotiations such as the role of the Council,

Conference on accession to the EU, Enlargement Working Group, documents and which are

considered during the process. In addition the participants have been familiarised with the EC

position towards transitional periods as one of the key elements of the negotiation process. The

main items of the agenda were the following:

1. The enlargement process: main steps and challenges;

2. Enlargement process – Negotiations for Chapter 27;

3. EU Accession negotiations: Institutional challenges for the candidate countries;

4. How to best prepare for the negotiations for Chapter 27 Environment – EU best practice;

5. Preparation of position papers – practicalities;

6. Preparation of implementation plans – practicalities.

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 7).

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• As per the Work Plan with the delivery of the two above listed workshops, all activities

planned under the Activity 1.1 have been fully implemented.

Activity 1.2 RISP – Regional Institutional Support Platform & Activity 1.4 Public


Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Delivery of the second regional training/workshop on Regulation (EC) 1272/2008

(CLP)/(EC)1907/2006 (REACH). The two days regional workshop has been organised in

Istanbul, Turkey (11 – 12 October 2011). The main items of the agenda were the following:

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1. Introduction on the REACH and CLP Regulations;

2. Activities of IMMIB on REACH in Turkey;

3. Approximation status of REACH in Croatia;

4. REACH specific: Registration;

5. REACH specific: Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction;

6. IT organisation under REACH;

7. Consortium and (pre-) Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF) under REACH;

8. Basic toxicology and risk assessment under REACH;

9. CLP specific – Regulation;

10. Role and activities of IMMIB on CLP in Turkey;

11. CLP specific-Implementation;

12. Case study on classification and labelling;

13. Enforcement of the REACH and CLP Regulations in EU Member States.

A key outcome from the workshop was the need for more trainings and workshops on REACH

and CLP to be provided. Several trainings with the purposes of awareness raising and in-depth

capacity enhancement have been suggested by the RENA participating countries. From the

discussions it can be concluded that the approximation of the RENA participating countries is at

different stages. All the participating countries have similar inspection system to check REACH and

CLP compliance, i.e. different inspectorates are responsible for different Articles in the Regulations.

Croatia and Turkey have invested significant efforts to transpose the REACH and CLP Regulations

into their national laws.

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 8).

• Delivery of the 2nd Annual Meeting of WG 1 Coordinators. The meeting was organised in

Brussels, Belgium (25 November 2011).

The main objective of the meeting was to present the implemented activities since the 1st Annual

Meeting and to reach the agreement on the planned activities in the upcoming period (confirmation

of the selected topics, dates and venues). The agreement has been reached that the remaining

regional workshops under this working group will be organised with the focus on the following


1. Simulation of the EU Accession Negotiations process;

2. Environmental Criminal Law.

• Delivery of the third regional workshop on Directive 2007/2/EC/INSPIRE. The workshop

has been organised in Vienna, Austria (17 – 18 January 2012). The main items of the agenda

were the following:

1. Overview of the INSPIRE Directive, history and common principles on which the Directive is based including information on the Road Map for implementing the INSPIRE Directive;

2. Practical organisation of the INSPIRE implementation process in Austria/The relationship between the INSPIRE Directive and the implementing rules and working groups established in Austria to steer the implementation process and how they work/National roles and responsibilities under the INSPIRE Directive – who does what in Austria?;

3. How to develop a coordinated spatial information system capable of data sharing and reuse on national, regional, and cross-sector scales;

4. Slovakia’s national metadata profile and bridging data producers and users;

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5. Exchange of experience on how Slovakia's Geographic Data conforms to INSPIRE;

6. Added value Spatial Data Infrastructure based on INSPIRE will provide for issues related to NATURA 2000 and other protected sites, as well as land use/ land cover issues;

7. Added value Spatial Data Infrastructure based on INSPIRE will provide for issues related to the Water Framework Directive.

The workshop report is under preparation and will be submitted with the next Interim Report.

• The update of the EU Handbook on the Implementation of Environmental Legislation has

been launched. The following activities have been implemented:

1. Defined scope of the Handbook update;

2. Development of the list of national implementing measures;

3. Gap analysis and review of the current version of the Handbook;

4. Preparation of Handbook introduction and chapter 9 on Noise.

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Finalisation of the first draft of the updated version of the EU Handbook on the

Implementation of Environmental Legislation;

• Delivery of the regional training workshop on Simulation of EU negotiation process on

Chapter 27 in Skopje, fYR of Macedonia, (June 2012);

• Delivery of the regional training workshop on Protection of Environment through

Environmental Criminal Law in Budva, Montenegro, (30 – 31 June 2012);

Activity 1.3 Environmental investment planning

Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Delivery of the combined meeting “Prioritisation of environmental investment projects and

project preparation” and regional training/workshop on “The EU requirements and

identification of environmental projects. Approximation costs assessment”. The combined

event was organised in Dubrovnik, Croatia (19-20 September 2011). The main items of the

agenda were the following:

1. Common approaches for approximation cost assessment;

2. Lessons learned in Croatia during environmental cost assessment;

3. Round table discussion on availability of approximation cost numbers in pre-candidate and candidate countries;

4. Cost assessment methodologies;

5. Examples from environmental cost assessment in new MS and candidate / pre-candidate countries;

6. Costs assessment in Lithuania: fifteen years experience;

7. Presentation of results from the national Investment Planning sub-group workshops

8. Roundtable on the identification of environmental investment projects in the region;

9. KfW approaches to identify and prepare environmental projects in the region;

10. WBIF approach for identification of environmental investment projects;

11. IFIs coordination mechanisms in environmental investment projects identification.

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 9).

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• Delivery of the combined regional training on Planning of Environmental Investments and

Prioritisation of Environmental Investment Projects and Project Preparation. The training

was organised in Tirana, Albania (24 – 25 January 2012). The main items of the agenda were

the following:

1. Role of investment plans in environmental policy planning;

2. Institutional aspects of investment planning;

3. Identification of investment projects in the most heavy-cost sectors (water, waste water and waste sectors);

4. Priority setting for investment projects;

5. Concrete planning documents under development in RENA countries;

6. Capacity building and regional cooperation in identification and preparation of environmental investment needs;

7. Prioritisation of proposed investment projects with regional environmental effect;

8. Identification of environmental investment projects in the region;

9. Recommendations from Infrastructure Projects Facility (IPF-1): Western Balkans Investment Framework

10. Presentation of the results and recommendations of the Western Balkan Hot Spot Investment Study;

11. Presentation on the progress of the activities of the IFIs Coordination Office.

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 10).

• Delivery of the 2nd Annual Meeting of WG 1 Investment Planning Sub-group Coordinators.

The meeting was organised in Tirana, Albania (25 January 2012).

The main objective of the meeting was to present the implemented activities since the 1st Annual

Meeting and to reach the agreement on the planned activities in the upcoming period (confirmation

of the selected topics, dates and venues).

• Participation of RENA KE3, Ms. Semeniene at the meetings/workshops organised by other

relevant initiatives to introduce the RENA Investment Planning Sub-group, promote the

planned activities and ensure synergy between Investment Planning Sub-group and other

relevant initiatives implemented by EC, IFIs and bilateral donors:

1. Preparation and participation at the 2nd Regional NIPAC Workshop, Skopje, fYR of

Macedonia, (5 October 2011);

2. Participation in Drin Dialogue meeting, 28 September 2011, Podgorica, Montenegro.

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Preparation and delivery of the combined meeting on Prioritisation of Environmental

Investment Projects and Project Preparation and regional training workshop on the Role of

National and International Financing Sources in Environmental Financing - Programmes of

Measures in Accordance with the Water Framework Directive. The workshops will be

organised as joint events of the Investment Planning Sub-group and Water Management Sub-

group in Montenegro (21 – 23 May 2012).

• Continuous work on the environmental investment project lists and presentation of the

progress in all Annual meetings, regional training/workshops and relevant meetings of related


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Activity 1.4 Public participation

This activity is integrated with Activity 1.2 RISP.

Activity 1.5 Progress Monitoring

Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Development of information package and announcement documents for PM 2012. Specific

packages developed separately for each of the beneficiary countries;

• Provision of information to the EC on preparation of the formal announcement letters,

highlighting the objectives of the PM 2012, overview of the PM 2012 methodology

and implementation phases, responsibilities of the beneficiaries and the RENA

secretariat, time-table and deadlines and announcement of kick-off meeting/ trainings;

• Preparation of new and updated ToCs and IQs for the environmental and climate acquis and

submission to the EC for revision and approval (January 2012);

• Update of the Progress Monitoring Manual ( January – February 2012);

• Update of the Scoring guidelines for all the beneficiary countries;

• Submission of approved new and updated ToCs and IQs to the beneficiary countries

(February 2012);

• Addressing difficulties occurred in the PM 2011 in some of the beneficiary countries, and

developing updated PM approach and strategy. Discussion with the countries and the EC on

proposed solutions (e.g. facilitation of inter-governmental coordination among line ministries

responsible for different environmental sectors);

• Preparation and delivery of PM 2012 national training workshops for Albania, Kosovo under

UNSCR 1244/99, Montenegro, Serbia. The workshops were delivered in the following order:

1. Pristina, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 (02 February 2012);

2. Tirana, Albania, (22 February 2012);

3. Belgrade, Serbia, (14 February 2012);

4. Podgorica, Montenegro, (16 February 2012).

• Delivery of draft PM reports to the EC (July 2011);

• Comments on draft PM reports by the EC (July 2011);

• Review of draft PM reports by RENA experts (July – August 2011);

• Preparation and submission of final PM reports to the EC (1 September 2011).

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Preparation and delivery of PM 2012 national training workshops for Bosnia and

Herzegovina (Sarajevo 20 March 2012, Banja Luka, 21 March 2012);

• First round of updating of ToCs/IQs by national Ministry, with guidance and assistance from

the RENA Secretariat (March 2012);

• Assessment and revision of the updated ToCs and IQs by the RENA experts (April 2012);

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• Preparation of the first draft PM reports (June 2012);

• Delivery of draft PM reports to the EC (June 2012);

• Comments on draft PM reports by the EC (July 2012);

• Review of draft PM reports by RENA experts (July – August 2012);

• Preparation and submission of final PM reports to the EC (1 September 2012).

Table 3. PM Reports 2012 – Timetable of activities

Tasks - Progress Monitoring Years 15 ( 2012) Deadlines FYI:Time

Start-up meetings Jan 20 – Feb


RENA Secretariat submits ToCs and IQs templates for environmental

acquis to ministries

RENA Secretariat submits ToCs and IQs templates for the climate

acquis to ministries

January 30

February 15

MIN: 1 month for

filling in tables for

environmental and

climate acquis

Ministry staff submits filled in ToC and IQs for environmental acquis

to the local expert (LE)

Ministry staff submits filled in ToC and IQs for climate acquis to the

local expert (LE)

March 31

April 13

The LE makes first assessments of the ToCs and IQs ,requests (if

needed) additional input and amendments from the ministry and

prepares the 1st draft analysis report ( about 1-2 pages summary per act)

April 13 LE and KE: 2 weeks

to produce first drafts

The ToCs, IQs and draft analysis are submitted to KE at RENA

Secretariat and ministry

April 13

The ministry staff provides feedback and amendments in order to

address the LE and KE comments on the ToCs and IQ and draft


The LE prepares second draft analysis report ATI (about 1-2 pages

summary per act)

April 30 MIN/LE : 10 days to

provide updates and

prepare second draft

analysis report

KE and STE – RENA team prepare PM draft reports and submit for

comments and update to EC DG Environment and ministry

June 01 RENA: 1 month to

prepare draft reports

Ministries and EC submit comments on the PM draft reports July 31 EC and MIN: 1 month

for commenting

KE and STE – RENA team finalize PM reports and submit them

to the Commission

September 01 RENA: 1 month to

finalize reports

Colour legend

Local Expert tasks (LE)

Ministry tasks

KE/STE – RENA team

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Activity 1.6 Gap Assessments of draft legal acts

Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Compliance check review of Chapter IX Import and Expert of Waste (Art. 48-51) of the

final Albanian Law No. 10 463 of 22.09.2011 on INTEGRATED WASTE

MANAGEMENT, comparing the transposition with the requirements of the EU Waste

Directive and the Basel Convention.

• Full compliance check of the Albanian Law on Integrated Waste Management with the

Directive 2008/98/EC , repealing certain directives

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Provision of compliance check on the draft Albanian draft Law on Air Quality with the

Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the 11 Council of 21 May 2008 on

ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe.

• Provision of compliance check draft Administrative Instruction on Substances that damage

the Ozone layer with Regulation (EC) N0 1005/2009 of the European Parliament and of the

Council of 16 September 2009 on substances that deplete the ozone layer.

• Compliance check on selected draft legislation with relevant EU Directives, as per request by

the beneficiary countries.

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2.9 Working Group 2. Climate Change

Direct communication lines between the RENA WG2 team and DG Climate Action established as

of mid November 2010 greatly improved the effectiveness and efficiency of the process of drafting

the Work Plan for the Climate Working Group. Since November 2010 RENA works closely with

DG Climate Action in implementation of the Work Plan.

WG 2 coordinators at the Annual meeting on 22 February 2011 agreed on the detailed schedule of

events for 2011. The details were further discussed and agreed on the WG 2 coordinators meeting

held on 12 June 2011 in Bonn, Germany.

The 2nd Annual meeting of WG 2 Coordinators was held on 18 November 2011, where the Work

Plan for 2012 was discussed and agreed upon.

Activity 2.1 ReCAP-Regional Climate Change Action Platform

Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Delivery of the 2nd Annual Meeting of WG 2 Coordinators. The meeting was organised in

Tirana, Albania (18 November 2011).

The main objective of the meeting was to present the implemented activities since the 1st Annual

Meeting and to reach the agreement on the planned activities in the upcoming period (confirmation

of the selected topics, dates and venues).

• Delivery of the first ReCAP Climate Policy Seminar - Opportunities, benefits and challenges

of EU climate policy and legislation. The event was organised in Skopje, fYR of Macedonia

(02 – 03 February 2012).

The Seminar was focused on the EU climate policy and legislation and their opportunities, benefits

and challenges. The target group of the seminar were national and local authorities, the industrial

sector and civil society organizations. The seminar has been designed in such a way that the first

day targeted climate policies and implementation. The topics of the second day addressed the key

EU climate legislation and the challenges ahead. Key note speakers were: Ms. Laurence Graff

(Head of Unit, DG Clima), Mr. Robert Liddel (Acting Head of EU Delegation Skopje) and Mr.

Abdilaqim Ademi (Minister of Environment and Physical Planning). The following key issues have

been addressed:

1. The EU’s policy to cut the EU's greenhouse emissions by 80% by 2050 (compared with 1990 levels);

2. Further developing low-energy technologies, such as renewable energy sources and electric vehicles, and investing in low carbon infrastructure that will stimulate growth and help create new job opportunities.

3. Provision of detailed information on key EU climate legislation, including ETS, MMD, Renewable targets, GHG from road transport related legislation, inclusion of aviation into the ETS.

For more details please see enclosed consolidated media coverage report (Annex 11).

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

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• Preparation and delivery of national two days ReCAP seminar on the EU Climate and Energy

Package, Belgrade, Serbia (29 and 30 March 2012). Focus: main legislative elements (ETS,

effort sharing, renewables, CCS, F-gases and CO2 from cars including fuel quality). Target

group: industry, CSOs; central, regional and local authorities, background institutions.

• Preparation and delivery of one day national seminar on the EU Climate and Energy Package,

Istanbul, Turkey (13 April 2012). This seminar planned under Activity 2.1 will be combined

with a workshop on the ETS (Activity 2.3). Target group: high level officials, CEOs and

NGOs for the first part (Focus: Climate and energy package) and industry (environment)

managers, authorities and NGOs for the second part (Focus: Generic workshop on Emission

Trading Scheme).

• Preparation and delivery of national two days ReCAP seminar on opportunities, benefits and

challenges of EU Climate policy and legislation, Albania, Tirana, (6 and 7 June 2012 Focus:

main legislative elements (ETS, effort sharing, renewables, CCS, F-gases and CO2 from cars

including fuel quality). Target group: industry, CSOs; central, regional and local authorities,

background institutions.

• Preparation and delivery of national two days ReCAP seminar on opportunities, benefits and

challenges of EU Climate policy and legislation, Montenegro, Podgorica, (4 and 5 July 2012

Focus: main legislative elements (ETS, effort sharing, renewables, CCS, F-gases and CO2

from cars including fuel quality). Target group: industry, CSOs; central, regional and local

authorities, background institutions.

Activity 2.2 GHG Reporting

Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Delivery of regional workshop on the Monitoring Mechanism Decision (280/2004/EC) and

its implementing provisions, Tirana, Albania (16 – 17 November, 2011).

The workshop concentrated its efforts on presenting the Common Reporting Format (CRF)

Reporter tool of the UNFCCC and its use in compiling data for the GHG Registries. The MMD

itself establishes mechanism for monitoring all anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals

by sinks of GHGs. It enables the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol as

regards national programmes, GHG inventories, national systems and registries of the Community

and its Member States (MS). Additionally, it ensures the timeliness, completeness, accuracy,

consistency, comparability and transparency of reporting by the Community and its MS to the

UNFCCC. The training successfully provided:

1. Introduction to the CRF Reporter tool;

2. Overview of Annex I countries experience in using the CRF Reporter (Austria, Croatia, Germany, Romania);

3. Overview of RENA country state of play regarding GHG emission inventories;

4. How to use IPCC methods to estimate emissions from fuel combustion and fugitive emissions;

5. How to compile national GHG inventory by using the CRF Reporter tool.

The participants were also given two “real-life-medium-difficulty emission estimation” tasks: 1) fuel

combustion sectoral approach and 2) fuel combustions reference approach which were successfully

accomplished with the assistance of RENA experts.

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In addition the modalities of the 2012 MMD exercise were agreed upon: steps to take in the

framework of the RENA WG 2 CC Activity 2.2. MMD in 2012.

1. RENA Countries to further familiarise themselves with CRF Reporter tool;

2. Prepare database for Combustion fuels sector in a harmonised way;

3. Identify strengths and weaknesses in GHG inventory reporting (focus Sector 1A: combustion fuels);

4. Identify gap filling needs and translate into concrete project proposals for further consideration.

• Following the RENA Climate Change Annual meeting a ToR was prepared for national

experts to start developing better knowledge and capacity as to gradually improve/increase

the technical and institutional ability of the RENA countries to prepare submissions of

National Inventory Reports in the framework of the MMD. As such, the exercise should be

seen as a first step that should lead to the following concrete results:

1. Result 1: Identified gaps (data quality and availability with focus on institutional and legal aspects)

2. Result 2: Gap filling requirements to establish a sound framework for data flow

3. Result 3: Recommendations to translate the above into potential national or regional IPA project fiches to address identified gaps

It is expected that the above exercise’s focus (until summer 2012) should concentrate more on

improving the process of the preparation of sound inventories towards a full and harmonised

combustion fuel sector GHG inventory using appropriate guidelines and tools. The focus will be

on the combustion fuel sector 1A. In addition to the above the exercise will also include as a result:

4. Result 4: Draft list of activities of Annex 1 of the revised ETS Directive (2009/20/EC) in the respective RENA countries.

The MMD kick-of workshop was held in Zagreb, Croatia (10 February 2012).

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 12).

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• For each RENA country the project team (key experts and national experts) delivery of the


1. Description of the national system and data flow (February 2012).

2. Delivery of energy balances and first data filled in for sector Combustion Fuels into CRF (April 2012);

3. Delivery of second MMD meeting, Zagreb, Croatia (14 June 2012) to discuss progress;

4. Final draft CRF combustion fuel sector (July 2012)l

5. Workshop preparations and presentations (13 – 14 September 2012);

6. List of installations/activities that fall in the scope of ETS from February to September 2012.

Activity 2.3 EU-ETS

Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Delivery of regional workshop on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification within the EU

ETS. The workshop was organised in Zagreb, Croatia (26 – 27 September 2011).

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The target group of the workshop were the officials of the relevant climate change departments of

the Ministries and authorities of the RENA beneficiaries. This workshop was a follow-up of the

EU-ETS regional workshop held on 16 and 17 May 2011 in Istanbul. The workshop was focused

on the issue that will remain the technical challenge for the administrations and the

industry/aviation operators, i.e. the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of GHG

emissions at installation (or aircraft operator level), as a precondition for a proper implementation

of any cap-and-trade scheme. The key objective was to provide an overview of how monitoring,

reporting and verification can be organised at the national level and what is required from the

installations to comply with the MRV obligations.

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 13).

• Preparation and delivery of national ETS conference focusing on inclusion of aviation into

the EU ETS, Zagreb, Croatia, (28 September 2011).

The key objective was to provide an overview of how and when Croatia will be included in the

aviation sector of the EU ETS and what is required from the Airline Operators to comply. The

target group for this event are Croatian officials of the relevant climate departments of the

Ministries and involved authorities, as well as the aviation sector in Croatia. The workshop

addressed in detail the legislation and the MRV procedures.

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 14).

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Preparation and delivery of regional workshop on the functioning of Registries, Montenegro

(6 July 2012). Target group: policy makers of the ministries in the field of climate

change/ETS and technical experts;

• In addition, all ReCAP events of 2012 (activity 2.1) have an ETS component on the second

day of the Seminars, focusing on MRV and aviation. ETS experts under activity 2.3 will claim

their time under this activity.

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2.10 Working Group 3. Cross-border Cooperation and Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Activity 3.1 Nature Protection Sub-group

Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Preparation and delivery of Module 3 regional workshop: “Communication Strategies with

Stakeholders”, Djerdap, Kladovo, Serbia (1 – 3 November 2011). The agenda items were the


1. Aarhus and public participation; objectives of Communication;

2. Work with Stakeholders: identifying; involving; informing;

3. Do’s and Don’ts in involving the public; use of Communication media e.g. press; radio; publications; meetings etc.;

4. Good practice case studies.

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 15).

• Delivery of the 2nd Annual Meeting of WG 3 Nature Sub-group Coordinators. The meeting

was organised in Podgorica, Montenegro (15 December 2011).

The main objective of the meeting was to present the implemented activities since the 1st Annual

Meeting and to reach the agreement on the planned activities in the upcoming period (confirmation

of the selected topics, dates and venues).

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Preparation and delivery of the Module 4 Workshop “Module 4: Conducting Nature Impact

Assessments”, due in the period 15 – 17 May 2012 in Shara. Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99.

A fact finding mission to the workshop venue area (Shara) is planned in April 2012 to discuss

the workshop items and to identify the main local stakeholders.

• Preparation and delivery of the Module 5: Developing sound Nature project proposals for

donor consideration (Nature project development), due in 10 – 12 July 2012 in Durmitor NP


• Preparation and delivery of the Module 6: Monitoring Nature Protection Areas due in September

2012 in Tara NP (Serbia).

Activity 3.2 Water Management Sub-group

Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Delivery of the second regional training/workshop “River Basin District characterisation,

including economic analysis”. In accordance with the work plan, the workshop has been

organised as back to back event together with Drin Dialogue meeting in Podgorica,

Montenegro (26 – 27 September 2011).

The workshop was organised in cooperation with Drin Dialogue. The training covered River Basin

District characterisation stage, including water bodies’ delineation, pressures and impacts analysis

and economic analysis, as required by the WFD. As the training was held in the Drin river basin, it

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also covered three major lakes of the region (Shkodra, Prespa and Ohrid), and available data on this

specific sub-basin was used. The agenda items were the following:

1. Round table discussion on characterisation of RBDs in pre-candidate and candidate countries;

2. Delineation of water bodies;

3. Pressures and impacts assessment: water abstraction, diffuse and point pollution;

4. Pressures and impacts assessment: flow regulation, morphological alterations and other;

5. Economic analysis of water use;

6. Introduction to the Drin river basin;

7. Exercise on Drin river basin district characterisation;

8. Experience of characterisation of RBDs in EU Member States.

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 16).

• Participation of the Water Management sub-group SSTE Mr. Simonas Valatka in DABLAS

workshop on IRBM Planning and the WFD – How to Get Started? The workshop was held

on 11-12 October 2011, in Belgrade. The expert commented the IRBM Guide, prepared by

the DABLAS and presented RENA Water Management sub-group and its activities to the

workshop participants.

• Preparation and delivery of the 3rd regional workshop “Heavily modified water bodies and

new modifications”, Belgrade, Serbia (29 November – 01 December 2011).

The workshop was building on the results achieved during the second workshop on

characterisation of RBDs. Three major sessions were presented to participants: 1) Identification,

Designation and Objectives for HMWB and AWB. Experience of the host country; 2) Definition

of Good Ecological Potential and Exemptions to the Environmental Objectives, and 3) Experience

Exchange on the Heavily Modified and Artificial Water Bodies Designation in Member States.

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 17).

• Delivery of the 2nd Annual Meeting of WG 3 Water Management Sub-group Coordinators.

The meeting was organised in Belgrade, Serbia (01 December 2011). The main objective of the

meeting was to present the implemented activities since the 1st Annual Meeting and to reach the

agreement on the planned activities in the upcoming period (confirmation of the selected topics,

dates and venues).

• Preparation and delivery of the 4th regional training/workshop on Monitoring of Ecological

Status, Intercalibration and Coordination of Criteria for Good Status of Water Bodies. The

workshop was held in Shkodra, Albania (28 February – 1 March 2012).

The topic of ecological assessment and classification systems, and thus monitoring systems is one

of the most important and technically challenging parts of the implementation of the WFD. The

workshop consisted of the following sessions:

1. Monitoring programmes under the WFD;

2. Classification of ecological status and the intercalibration process;

3. Lessons learned from EU MS experiences.

The Participants site visit has been made to Shkodra lake and Drin river, after which Albanian

participants described the main pressures, quality elements and monitoring system for these water


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The workshop report is under preparation and will be submitted with the next Interim Report.

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Preparation and delivery of 5th regional workshop Role of National and International

Financing Sources in Environmental Financing. Programmes of Measures in Accordance

with the WFD. The workshop will be organised as joint event with the regional workshop

under Investment Planning Sub-group in Montenegro (21-23 May 2012).

Activity 3.3 EIA/SEA Sub-group

Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Delivery of the 2nd Annual Meeting of WG 3 EIA/SEA Sub-group Coordinators.

The meeting was organised in Dubrovnik, Croatia (10 November 2011). The main objective of the

meeting was to present the implemented activities since the 1st Annual Meeting and to reach the

agreement on the planned activities in the upcoming period (confirmation of the selected topics,

dates and venues).

• Preparation and delivery of the second training workshop on SEA and IPA programmes. The

workshop was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia (08 – 09 November 2011).

During the first regional workshop on EIA/SEA held in June 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey, the

participants suggested that another topic "SEA for IPA programmes", as quite urgent for RENA

countries, should be covered by RENA training in the nearest future. Thus the additional training

was organised. It was focused on SEA practical application for IPA programmes considering their

specifics. Participants went through all steps and analyses, to be usually performed in SEA and

which are in line with the approach promoted by the Handbook on SEA for Cohesion Policy 2007

- 2013.

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 18).

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Preparation and delivery of the third training workshop on EIA/SEA differences and

common features in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (24 – 26 April 2012).

Activity 3.4 Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Implemented activities during the second interim reporting period

• In line with the decision made during the 2nd Annual meeting of WG 1 Coordinators ( 24

November, 2012, Brussels, Belgium), this activity has been merged with the activity 1.6 Gap

assessment and compliance check of the draft Legislation with the EU environmental acquis

and Multilateral Environmental Agreements.

• Compliance check review of Chapter IX Import and Expert of Waste (Art. 48-51) of the

final Albanian Law No. 10 463 of 22.09.2011 on INTEGRATED WASTE

MANAGEMENT, comparing the transposition with the requirements of the EU Waste

Directive and the Basel Convention.

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Upon request, compliance checks on the draft legislation of the beneficiary countries with the

EU environmental acquis and Multilateral Environmental Agreements.

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2.11 Working Group 4. ECENA

The focus of the activities during September 2011 – March 2012 was placed on the implementation

of Activity 4.1 National trainings with exchange, Activity 4.2 Country external assessments, and

Activity 4.6 ECENA participation in relevant networks. Furthermore preparatory activities have

been carried out for Activity 4.3 EU ETS Compliance and Activity 4.4 Transfrontier Shipment of


Activity 4.1 Capacity building regarding compliance with environmental legislation through

better understanding of issues and identification of targeted solutions

Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Preparation and delivery of fourth national training/workshop on selected subjects in Cluster

I for Turkey, Izmir, Turkey (4 – 7 October 2011)

The fourth training course in the series of eight courses was organised in Izmir, Turkey (04 – 07

October 2011). The total number of participants was 25 (inspectors and permit writers), including

two inspectors from Montenegro and three inspectors from fYR of Macedonia. The Ege Celik

Steel factory – (60 kilometres north from Izmir) served as the site where a site visit and a “common

inspection” were held. As special subject Turkey has originally chosen SEVESOII. In

communication with the Ministry (MOEF) this was later changed into the overview of waste

management legislation in the EU, also considering the waste produced by the steel industry. A

special module on waste management was therefore developed and included in the presentation

materials. The agenda items of the training were the following:

1. Introduction, regulatory cycle, management of inspections, priority setting, reporting and feedback, basics of permitting, exercise in human resource management. Introduction to special subjects (Waste Management);

2. Developments with reference to the IED/IPPC. Discussion on contents of application and Integrated PERMIT; Study on the BREF and/or BAT of the selected industry (Arc Furnace steel industry); Presentation on the facility to be inspected by representative of the factory, planning of the site visit in groups, experience of the invited inspectors on the selected facility;

3. Site visit and reporting;

4. Presentation of results of the visit; advice for follow-up; special subject of the beneficiary country: Waste Management;

5. Open Discussion on cooperation between authorities.

The contributions of the invited inspectors from fYR of Macedonia and from Montenegro were

excellent and especially contributed to the understanding of the permits and permitting process in

their respective countries, indicating the status of starting up a fully developed IPPC permitting

system. The presentations served as a benchmark, indicating that in Turkey the legislative part lags

behind and that in both Montenegro and fYR of Macedonia, only the first steps have been taken in

IPPC permit applications and issuance.

The new requirements in the IED over and above the IPPC requirements have not been

incorporated at all. The information on the changes induced by the IED is clearly explained and

will have quite an impact on the human resources (permit writers, inspectors and reporting


The site visit was once more very illustrative. Full cooperation of the management of the factory in

providing data enabled the open discussion the required control measures and management of

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waste, resources (scrap) and reduction of fugitive emissions. Some concerns were raised about the

working conditions in high temperature and high dust environments of the factory. Personal

protection could be improved considerably.

Very positive developments have been presented also from the side of the Ministry, including the

certification requirements in supply of scrap to the steel industry.

The factory presented their special hazardous waste storage area which was required by the

authorities. Most waste materials were out- contracted for disposal and recycling. Emphasis has

been given to the ultimate responsibility for the end use of all waste materials which lies with the


Attention was put on potential dioxins emission problems and the company claims that it has

adequately taken care of it.

Useful information was exchanged between the invited inspectors and the factory management on

cost figures for primary and secondary air treatment of the Arc Furnace.

For more details please see the enclosed workshop report (Annex 19).

• Detailed Topics Definition with focus on the general training package for the second batch of

four countries (Serbia, fYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Croatia);

A similar approach has been followed as for the first batch of 4 countries. In the definition,

selection of topics, and execution of the activities, consideration has been given to other ongoing

projects in the countries and the level of speed and status of approximation. The Activity 4.1

programme should be considered as complementary to ongoing programmes (IPA, TAIEX,

national and bilateral) with an emphasis being placed on the practical implementation and

enforcement of directives and regulations with case studies and pilot sites, exchange programme

activities as central elements.

The priorities indicated in the inception missions and questionnaires for each country are used as a

basis for composing the national trainings aiming at a tailor-made approach to the trainings.

The in-depth training will be achieved by scrutinizing an actual permit of a facility designated by the

beneficiary country, followed by discussions on the application of the permit with the

representatives of the factory complemented by onsite visits and reporting. Monitoring and

enforcement will be discussed and examples of enforcement management and strategies discussed.

The onsite visits will be accompanied by experienced inspectors from other countries in order to

exchange their experience with the inspectors of the beneficiary countries. New developments in

the implementation of directives like IED, REACH, and the Environmental crime directive will

also be covered, depending on the requests and needs of the beneficiary countries, and the RENA


Based on information provided by the beneficiary countries, supplemented with information from

participants of the recent meeting of WG 4, an analysis for Serbia, fYR of Macedonia, Montenegro

and Croatia has been prepared.

Reference has been made to recent reports of and for the Commission on the state of development

in the beneficiary countries.

For mored details please see the enclosed report on the final selection of topics for Batch 2

countries (Annex 20).

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• Manual and materials development for the second batch of training workshops

The priorities indicated in the inception mission reports and filled in questionnaires for each

country are used as a basis for composing the national trainings aiming at a tailor made approach to

the trainings. In addition based on the comments and experience gained during the training courses

in the first batch of training workshops, specific additions, adaptations and further elaborations

have been made.

The special subjects and specific directives and regulations to be selected might include IED/IPPC

with EIA, LCP, PRTR, RMCEI, SEVESO II, VOCs, Waste and Chemicals management and

Environmental Crime

Based on the discussions with the WG 4 coordinators the following subject and pilot industries will

be covered in the upcoming period:

1. Serbia (27 – 30 March 2012): petrochemical plant with IED/IPPC, SEVESOII and waste management as special subjects;

2. fYR of Macedonia (09 – 13 April 2012); steel production (EAF) with IED/IPPC and REACH as special subjects;

3. Montenegro (03 – 07 September 2012), LCP – thermo electric power plant and waste landfills as special subjects;

4. Croatia (planned 01 – 05 October 2012), (calcium aluminates cement plant) with IED/ revision of RMCEI as special subjects.

For more details please see the enclosed training manual (Annex 21).

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Preparation and delivery of fifth national training/workshop on selected subjects in Cluster I

for Serbia, Belgrade (27 – 29 March 2012).

• Preparation and delivery of the 6th national training/workshop on selected subjects in

Cluster I FYR of Macedonia (planned 9 – 13 April 2012); steel production (EAF) with

IED/IPPC and REACH as special subjects.

• Preparation and delivery of the 7th national training/workshop on selected subjects in

Cluster I Montenegro (planned 3 – 7 September 2012), LCP – thermo electric power plant

and waste landfills as special subjects

Activity 4.2 Country external assessments with a review of inspection and enforcement


Implemented activities during the third interim reporting period

• Fact finding missions and preparation of draft reports for BiH (September 2011), Albania

(October 2011), Kosovo (October 2011) and Turkey (December 2011).

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Final editing and website publishing of all Country Assessment Reports for Serbia,

Montenegro, fYR of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99, Bosnia and

Herzegovina, and Turkey. Comments on the final drafts are expected to be received from

Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 and Turkey.

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Activity 4.3 EU ETS Compliance

Implemented activities during third interim reporting period

• Preparation for the 2-day regional workshop on EU ETS to be organised in Croatia (15 – 16

May 2012).

The training topics have been assessed. The assessment was based on the experiences of the EU

ETS training courses provided under WG 2. The topics are related to the specific tasks of

inspectors in the process of monitoring, reporting and compliance. Robust, simplified, transparent,

consistent and accurate monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions is essential for the

effective operation of the Emissions Trading System, the EU's key tool for reducing greenhouse

gas emissions cost-effectively. Only through stringent monitoring and reporting operators know

how much they emit and are able to identify their reduction potentials Accordingly, industrial

installations and aircraft operators covered by the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) are

required to have an emission permit and an approved monitoring plan, according to which they

survey and report their emissions during the year. In line with the EU ETS Directive, the

Commission has adopted guidelines for the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions,

known as "MRG". The original guidelines were adopted in 2004 for the first trading period (2005-

2007) and revised in 2007 for the second trading period (2008-2012). For the third trading period

(2013-2020), the Commission is currently preparing two regulations replacing the MRG in the

future: one on monitoring and reporting and one on accreditation and verification.

Based on the assessment, the selected training topics are the following:

1. Introduction on ETS and ETS post 2012;

2. Monitoring , Reporting, Verification and Accreditation;

3. Monitoring Plans;

4. Formats of emission reports;

5. Experience in Germany and Croatia;

6. Accreditation of Verifiers;

7. Free industry allocation post 2012;

8. Inclusion of aviation in the EU ETS.

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Delivery of the 2-day regional workshop on EU ETS to be organised in Croatia (15 – 16 May


Activity 4.4 Transfrontier Shipment of Waste

Implemented activities during third interim reporting period

• Preparation of the 1st regional workshop on TFS to be organised in Istanbul, Turkey (18 – 19

April 2012).

• Preparation of the 2nd regional workshop on TFS to be organised in fYR of Macedonia (13 –

14 June 2012).

The workshop programmes have been prepared in close cooperation with the IMPEL expert on

TFS (Ms. Nancy Isarin). The first draft programme has been distributed and discussed with the

WG 4 coordinators. Based on the latest feed back during the WG 4 annual meeting in Skopje, FYR

of Macedonia (18 October 2011) an adapted programme has been elaborated incorporating the

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comments which were related to safety aspects during inspection; return of waste shipment; end of

waste criteria.

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Delivery of the 1st regional workshop on TFS to be organised in Istanbul, Turkey (18 – 19

April 2012).

• Preparation of the 2nd regional workshop on TFS to be organised in fYR of Macedonia (13 –

14 June 2012).

Activity 4.6 ECENA participation in relevant networking activities

Implemented activities during third interim reporting period

• Delivery of the 2nd Annual Meeting of WG 4 Coordinators.

The meeting was organised in Skopje, fYR of Macedonia (18 October 2011). The main objective of

the meeting was to present the implemented activities since the 1st Annual Meeting and to reach the

agreement on the planned activities in the upcoming period (confirmation of the selected topics,

dates and venues).

• Provision of support to participation of ECENA members in other networks (GAM IMPEL,

IMPEL Cluster 1, IMPEL Cluster 2, IMPEL Cluster 3, INTERPOL, Green Force and


1. 8th IMPEL General Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 24-25 November 2011 (participation: Ms.

Anita Pokrovac Patekar, Croatia and Mr. Igor Trajkoski, fYR of Macedonia);

2. IMPEL-TFS NCP Exchange Days, Berlin, Germany, 28 – 29 September 2011

(participation: Mr. Branislav Galesev, Serbia).

• Participation of RENA TL/WG4 Leader, Mr. van der Putte at the meetings/workshops

organised by other networks and relevant initiatives to introduce RENA including WG4


1. Participation and presentation of RENA at the 8th IMPEL General Assembly, Wasaw,

Poland (24 -25 November 2011);

2. Participation in the UNIDO Round Table “Promoting innovative industries and

technologies for a sustainable future in Europe and the NIS region” Vienna, Austria (30

November 2011).

Planned activities for the next interim reporting period

• Provision of support to participation of ECENA members in other networks (GAM IMPEL,

IMPEL Cluster 1, IMPEL Cluster 2, IMPEL Cluster 3, IMPEL TFS, INTERPOL, Green

Force and INECE).

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This chapter contains the Work Plan for the overall period of project implementation and a detailed

Work Plan for the six month period September 2011 – March 2012.

3.1 Project Work Plan 2010-2013

The RENA Work Plan 2010-2013 is set out in the table below.

Table 4. General Work Plan and schedule

Already completed activities Ongoing activities and

Planned for next progress report period Planned activities beyond next progress report period

WG 1

Activity 1.1

Support to


Planning in BiH

and Kosovo

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Progress Monitoring Reports on approximation in BiH and Kosovo

12/2010 PMR completed 2/2011

Proposal of three-day workshop and training in approximation planning (Pristina, Kosovo under UNSCR1244/99)

4/3/2011 Agreed training activities


3-Day Workshop on Approximation Planning (Pristina, Kosovo under UNSCR1244/99)

3-5/10/2011 Training materials prepared, Workshop held


2-Day Workshop Approximation Obligations and Accession Negotiation (Brussels, Belgium)

23-24/11/2011 Training materials prepared, Workshop held


Activity 1.2 RISP

– Regional


Support Platform

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Preparation of 1st Annual WG1 Coordinators/RISP meeting

2/2011 Draft of legislation and training options sent to WG 1 coordinators


Prepare training modules on new legislation

3-4/2011 Training modules/materials prepared


1st Annual WG 1/RISP meeting

4/3/2011 Meeting/training held Podgorica, 4/3/2011

1st Regional Workshop on Environmental Crime and Liability (Zagreb, Croatia)

30- 31/5/2011

Training modules/materials prepared. Workshop held.

Zagreb, 30-31/5/2011

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2nd Regional Workshop on CLP/REACH (Istanbul, Turkey)


Training modules/materials prepared. Workshop held.


3rd Regional Workshop on INSPIRE/2nd Annual WG 1/ RISP meeting (Vienna, Austria)


Training modules/materials prepared Meeting/training held


4th Regional Workshop on Environmental Criminal Law (Budva, Montenegro)


Training modules/materials prepared. Workshop held.

5th Regional Workshop – Simulation of EU Accession Negotiation Process (Skopje, fYR f Macedonia)


Training modules/materials prepared. Workshop held.

3rd Annual WG1/RISP meeting

12/2012 Meeting held

Prepare template for requests for national training under RISP

3/2011 Template sent to beneficiaries


First draft update of Implementation Handbook

6/2012 First draft submitted to the EC

Final Update of Implementation Handbook


Final updated Annex to the Handbook produced and published

Activity 1.3



Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Creation of Sub- group 11/2010 Sub- group created 29/11/2010

1st Annual Sub-group meeting (Skopje, fYR of Macedonia)

11/2010 Programme for the next period agreed

Skopje, 29/11/2010

2nd Annual Sub-group meeting (Tirana, Albania)

25/1/2012 Results evaluated and programme for the next period agreed


3rd Annual Sub-group meeting

11/2012 Results evaluated and wrap up

Finalisation of needs assessment

9/2010 – 11/2010

Agreement on topics for training and tools


Two national workshops on investment plan and financing plan development (Albania and BiH)


Agreed national format for investment projects list Description of country specific gaps regarding investment projects

Tirana, 13 April 2011; Sarajevo, 15 April 2011

Three national workshops on investment plan and financing plan development (Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99, Turkey and Serbia)


Agreed national format for investment projects list Description of country specific gaps regarding investment projects

Pristina, 6 May 2011; Ankara, 9 May 2011; Belgrade, 30 May 2011

Two national workshops on investment plan and financing plan development (Montenegro and fYR of Macedonia)


Agreed national format for investment projects list Description of country specific gaps regarding investment projects

Podgorica, 1 June 2011; Skopje, 2 June 2011

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Combined regional meeting: “Prioritisation of environmental investment projects and project preparation” and regional workshop “The EU requirements and identification of environmental projects, approximation costs assessment” (Dubrovnik, Croatia)


Workshop report: Priority Investment Project list updated; means for further promotion of the list confirmed. Main EU environmental heavy-cost acquis and related measures discussed. Cost assessment methodologies and experiences of other countries presented.


Regional workshop: Planning of environmental investment and prioritisation of environmental investment projects and project preparation (combined with second Annual meeting), Tirana, Albania

24-25/1/2012 Workshop report: Example content for an investment plan


Combined regional meeting: “Prioritisation of environmental investment projects and project preparation” and Regional workshop: Role of national and international financing sources in environmental financing and Development of Programmes of Measures in Accordance with the WFD, Montenegro

21-23/5/2012 Workshop report

Regional workshop on Development of Environmental Financing Plans

11/2012 Workshop report

Coordination with WBIF, IFIs coordination unit and other initiatives

In parallel with sub-group meetings and at the meetings of other initiatives when possible

Environmental investment projects list coordinated

Activity 1.4 Public

participation in


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Preparation of proposals for tools to support transposition and implementation of public participation requirements in the environmental acquis and MEAs


Detailed public participation capacity building and support activity scheme prepared


Discussion of proposal at WG 1/RISP Meeting #1

4/3/2011 Approval of proposal Podgorica, 4/3/2011

Implementation of regional trainings on public

12/2011- 12/2012

Meeting/training held, follow up materials

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participation in approximation of new EU legislation (integrated with RISP workshops/Handbook updating)

produced and published

Activity 1.5



Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Preparation of 2010 PM and completion of ToCs and IQs

7/2010 Acquis list agreed ToCs & IQs prepared


Support in new EU legislation and Progress Monitoring

7/2010 Support provided 31/8/2010

Assistance in revision and correction of draft ToCs and IQs

7-9/2010 ToCs and IQs updated in each beneficiary


Preparation of Country PM Reports

7-11/2010 PM Country Reports submitted to EC


Completion of final PM 2010 country reports

10/2010-2/2011 Final PM 2010 reports submitted to EC


Agreement on list of legislation and approach for PM 2011

2/2011 EC approval of list of legislation and methodology


EC announcement to ministries

2/2011 Letters sent 22/2/2011

Preparation of new and update of the existing ToCs and IQs

3-4/2011 ToCs and IQs prepared


New ToCs and IQs submitted to EC for review

3-4/2011 ToCs and IQs submitted


Comments and approval of new and updated ToCs and IQs

3-4/2011 ToCs and IQs reviewed and approved


Approved ToCs and IQs sent to Beneficiaries

3-4/2011 Approved ToCs and IQs submitted to Beneficiaries


Agreement with RENA countries on draft and final reporting dates

3/2011 Reporting deadlines agreed


Draft PM Reports 2011 15/6/2011 Draft PM Reports submitted to EC

1 – 12/7/2011

EC comments 1/7/2011 EC comments received 18 – 25/7/2011

Final PM Reports 2011 1/9/2011 Final PM Reports submitted to EC

1 – 14/9/2011

National PM 2011 training (Montenegro)

3/3/2011 Training completed Podgorica, 3/3/2011

National PM 2011 training (fYR of Macedonia)

14/3/2011 Training completed Skopje, 14/3/2011

National PM 2011 training (Turkey)

21/3/2011 Training completed Ankara, 21/3/2011

National PM 2011 training (Serbia)

23/3/2011 Training completed Belgrade, 23/3/2011

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National PM 2011 training (Albania)

28-29/3/2011 Training completed Tirana, 28-29/3/2011

National PM 2011 training (Kosovo)

30/3/2011 Training completed Pristina, 30/3/2011

National PM 2011 training (BiH)

12/4/2011 Training completed Sarajevo, 12/4/2011

Preparatory activities for PM 2012


Address difficulties occurred in 2011; Solutions proposed and discussed; Compliance checking of selected draft legislation alignment with EU environmental acquis upon request; Updating the approach for the PM activities for year 15 .


Preparation of the formal announcement of the exercise in collaboration with the EC.


Developing information package and announcement documents for beneficiaries. Providing information to the EC on preparation of the formal announcement letters; Letters sent.


Updating/establishing new ToC and IQ for newly adopted legislation

1-2/2012 ToCs and IQs prepared and approved by the EC


Distribution of the updated ToCs and IQs to the beneficiary countries

2/2012 ToCs and IQs submitted to Beneficiaries


Introductory/ Kick-Off meetings combined with national trainings on PM methodology for the Beneficiaries

2/2012 Kick off meetings/Trainings organised

Pristina, 2/2/2012; Tirana, 22/2/2012; Belgrade, 14/2/2012 Podgorica, 16/2/2012; Sarajevo, 20/3/2012; Banja Luka, 21/3/2012

First round of updating of ToCs/IQs

4/2012 First draft of filled in ToCs and IQs received

Draft PM Reports 2011 6/2012 Draft PM Reports submitted to EC

Final PM Reports 2011 9/2012 Final PM Reports submitted to EC

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Activity 1.6

Gap assessments

of draft legal acts

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Preparation of Template for request for RENA support under Activity 1.6

3/2011 Template provided to beneficiaries

Deployment of experts 3/2011 Model ToR completed, STE approved

Completion of Gap Assessment Report on the draft legislation

As requested

Evaluation and follow-up of Activity 1.6

9/2012 Draft report prepared


Activity 2.1


Regional Climate

Change Action


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

1st Annual WG2 meeting (Zagreb, Croatia)

22/2/2011 Programme confirmed for the next 12 months


2nd Annual WG2 meeting (Tirana, Albania)

18/11/2011 Programme confirmed for the next 12 months


3rd Annual WG2 meeting 11/2012

Programme confirmed for the next 6 months and wrap-up

1st regional workshop on the EU Climate and Energy Package (Budva, Montenegro)

21-22/3/2011 Workshop report on the Climate and Energy package


2nd regional workshop on EU policies and legislation (transport, F-gases and non-ETS sector policies) (Istanbul, Turkey)


Workshop report on EU climate policies (transport, F-gases and non-ETS)


3rd regional workshop on ReCAP follow-up projects (Bonn, Germany)

12/6/2011 Workshop report with ReCAP Work Plan


ReCAP seminar 1 (Skopje, fYR of Macedonia)

2-3/2/2012 Seminar report 2-3/2/2012

ReCAP seminar 2 (Belgrade, Serbia)

29-30/3/2012 Seminar report

ReCAP seminar 3 (Istanbul, Turkey)

13/4/2012 Seminar report

ReCAP seminar 4 (Albania) 6-7/6/2012 Seminar report ReCAP seminar 5

(Montenegro) 4-5/7/2012 Seminar report

ReCAP seminar 6 (Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99)

27/9/2012 Seminar report

ReCAP seminar 7 (BiH) 8/11/2012 Seminar report

Climate projects development 11/2011 ongoing

Target: 2 projects developed to sufficient detail which can be sustained after project completion

MMD fiche prepared and approved

Activity 2.2 GHG


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

1st regional workshop on 30/6-1/7/2011

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implementing the Monitoring and Mechanism Decision (Skopje, fYR of Macedonia)

Workshop Report on the MMD implementation


2nd regional workshop 2 on GHG inventory reporting , (Tirana, Albania)


Workshop Report on the GHG emissions inventories and reporting


MMD kick off meeting (Zagreb, Croatia)

10/2/2012 Meeting held, Work Plan agreed


Hands on support to prepare GHG emission inventories

2/2012 - 11/2012

Progress reporting and help desk. Regional Experts Meeting on 14 June in Zagreb

4th regional workshop on GHG inventory reporting , (Zagreb, Croatia)


Workshop Report on the GHG emissions inventories and reporting

Activity 2.3


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

1st regional workshop on EU-ETS (Turkey)

16-17/5/2011 Workshop Report on EU-ETS


2nd regional workshop on EU-ETS (Croatia)

26-27/9/2011 Workshop Report on EU-ETS


National workshop on inclusion of aviation into the ETS (Croatia)

28/9/2011 Workshop Report 28/9/2011

National EU ETS awareness raising event (fYR of Macedonia) with ReCAP

3/2/2012 Workshop Report 3/2/2012

National EU ETS awareness raising event (Serbia) with ReCAP

29-30/3/2012 Seminar Report

National EU ETS awareness raising event (Turkey) with ReCAP

13/4/2012 Seminar Report

National EU ETS awareness raising event (Albania) with ReCAP

6-7/6/2012 Seminar Report

National EU ETS awareness raising event (Montenegro) with ReCAP

4-5/7/2012 Seminar Report

4th regional workshop on registries (Montenegro)

6/7/2012 Report on Registries and Workshop

Assist on drafting installations list preparation

10/2011 – 10/2012

Draft installations lists

National EU ETS awareness raising event (Kosovo under UNSCR) with ReCAP See above

27/9/2012 Seminar Report

National EU ETS awareness raising event (Bosnia and Herzegovina) with ReCAP

8/11/2012 Seminar Report


Activity 3.1

Nature Protection

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

1st Nature Sub-group Annual meeting (Zagreb, Croatia)

28/10/2010 Programme established for the next 12 months


2nd Nature Sub-group Annual 15/12/2011 Programme established 15/12/2011

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meeting (Podgorica, Montenegro)

for the next 12 months

3rd Nature Sub-group Annual meeting


Programme established for the next period and wrap up

Module 1 regional workshop: Development of Nature Sites Management Plans (Kopacki Rit/Gornje Podunavlje)

10-12/5/2011 Workshop report on management planning and Workshop


Module 2 – regional workshop: Nature management and strengthening local economy (Dorjan Lake)

6 – 8/9/2011

Workshop report on Nature management and strengthening local economy


Module 3 – regional workshop: Communication with stakeholders (Djerdap)

1-4/11/2011 Workshop report on Stakeholder Communication


Preparation of the donor database

7/2012 Donor database prepared and published on RENA website

Module 4 - Workshop. Conducting nature impact assessments

4/2012 Workshop report Nature Impact Assessments

Module 5 - Workshop. Developing sound nature cross border projects (project development)

7/2012 Workshop Report on Nature project development

Module 6 Workshop: Monitoring Nature Protection Areas

9/2012 Workshop Report on Monitoring and Reporting

Development of follow up projects (at least two project fiches, etc)


Target: 2 projects developed to sufficient detail which can be sustained after project completion

Project fiche for fYR of Macedonia prepared, provision of assistance to Serbia in drafting project fiche

Activity 3.2 Water


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Creation of Sub- group on Water management

11/2010 Sub- group created 01/12/2010

1st Water Management Sub-group Annual meeting

1/12/2010 Programme for the next period agreed


2nd Water Management Sub-group Annual meeting

1/12/2011 Results evaluated and programme for the next period agreed


3rd Water Management Sub-group Annual meeting

11/2012 Results evaluated and wrap up

Finalisation of needs assessment

9/2010 – 11/2010

Agreement on topics for training and pilot sites


1st regional workshop - Basic measures: the role of the Water Framework directive (Istanbul, Turkey)


Training/workshop report including description of practical examples, used during


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the training 2nd regional workshop - River

Basin District characterisation, Podgorica, Montenegro

26-27/9/2011 Pilot site: Drin river basin. Workshop report.


3rd regional workshop - Heavily modified water bodies and new modifications, Belgrade, Serbia


Drina river sub-basin. Workshop report.


4th regional workshop - Coordination of criteria for good water status and modelling of environmental impact of human activities on water bodies, Shkodra, Albania


Check list on major steps to be taken during the cross-border coordination of good water status criteria and monitoring.


Combined 5th regional workshop: “Role of national and international financing sources in environmental financing and Development of the Programme of Measures in accordance with the WFD” , Montenegro


Guidelines which would describe all major steps required to develop cost-effective programme of measures for countries.


6th regional workshop - WFD derogations and public participation, as well as stakeholder involvement

11/ 2012

Training workshop report including description of practical examples from Neretva basin, used during the training.

Assessment of further capacity building needs

11/2012 List of needs

Activity 3.3


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Creation of Sub- group on EIA/SEA

18/1/2011 Sub- group created 18/1/2011

1st EIA/SEA Sub-group Annual meeting

18/1/2011 Programme for the next period agreed


2nd EIA/SEA Sub-group Annual meeting

10/11/2011 Results evaluated and programme for the next period agreed


3rd EIA/SEA Sub-group Annual meeting

12/2012 Results evaluated and wrap up

Finalisation of needs assessment

9/2010 – 1/2011 Agreement on topics for training and pilot sites

9/2010 – 1/2011

1st regional workshop -Approaches to transposition of EIA/SEA directives. Application of EIA/SEA and IPA projects, Istanbul, Turkey


Training workshop report including description of examples, used during the training.


2nd regional workshop - SEA and IPA programmes, Dubrovnik, Croatia

8-10/11/ 2011 Training workshop report.

8-10/11/ 2011

3d regional workshop - EIA/SEA differences and common features, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Training workshop report. Quality review of prepared EIA/SEA documents, to be

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submitted by BiH.

4th regional workshop - SEA cross-border procedures, including consultation and interpretation of cross-border impacts.


Guide to transboundary consultations process: steps, activities to be carried out and responsibilities.

5th regional workshop - EIA cross-border procedures, including consultation and interpretation of cross-border impacts.

11/ 2012

Guide to transboundary consultations process: steps, activities to be carried out and responsibilities.

Assessment of further CB needs

11/2012 List of needs

Activity 3.4



Agreements – gap


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

List of proposed MEAs for Activity 3.4

3/2011 Agreed list of MEAs for gap assessments


Preparation of Template for request for RENA support under Activity 3.4

3/2011 Template provided to beneficiaries


Request from country As needed Request received MEA gap assessment

performed Upon request

MEAs gap assessment report delivered

WG 4.

Activity 4.1


Capacity building

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Detailed topics definition with focus on the general package and 1st batch of 4 countries (Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey)

9/2010-11/2010 Topics selection and assessment report 1.


Manual and materials development for 1st batch of training

11/2010-2/2011 Manual and materials 1st batch National trainings


1st national training workshop on selected subjects Cluster I for Albania, with common inspections(Cluster II)

1-4/3/2011 Workshop report and report on training 1


2nd national training workshop on selected subjects Cluster I for Kosovo, with common inspections (Cluster II)

12-15/4/2011 Workshop report and report on training 2


3rd national training workshop on selected subjects Cluster I for Bosnia and Herzegovina, with common inspections (Cluster II)

6-9/9/2011 Workshop report and report on training 3


4th national training workshop on selected subjects Cluster I, Turkey with common inspections (Cluster

4-7/10/2011 Workshop report and report on training 4


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Detailed topics definition with focus on the general package and the 2nd batch of 4 countries (Serbia, fYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Croatia)

9/2011 – 11/2011

Needs assessment report 2


Manual and materials development for 2nd batch of training workshops

11/2011 – 2/2012

Manual and materials 2nd batch of National trainings


5th national training workshop on selected subjects Cluster I for Serbia, with common inspections (Cluster II)

27-30/3/2012 Workshop report and report on training 5

6th national training workshop on selected subjects Cluster I for fYR of Macedonia, with common inspections (Cluster II)

24-27/4/2012 Workshop report and report on training 6

7th national training workshop on selected subjects Cluster I for Montenegro with common inspections (Cluster II)

9/2012 Workshop report and report on training 7

8th national training workshop on selected subjects Cluster I Croatia with common inspections (Cluster II)

11/2012 Workshop report and report on training 8

Activity 4.2

Country external


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Preparation and desk study of existing documents and reports for Serbia

3/2011 Preparatory report 4-5/2011

Fact-finding mission Serbia 4/2011 List of findings 5/2011

Preparation of the country-specific report for Serbia

5/2011 Country assessment report for Serbia


Preparation and desk study of existing documents and reports for fYR of Macedonia

4/2011 Preparatory report 5-6/2011

Fact finding mission fYR of Macedonia

5/2011 List of findings 5/2011

Preparation of the country specific report for fYR of Macedonia

6/2011 Country assessment report for fYR of Macedonia


Preparation and desk study of existing documents and reports for Montenegro

4/2011 Preparatory report 6-7/2011

Fact-finding mission Montenegro

5/2011 List of findings 8/2011

Preparation of the country-specific report for Montenegro

6/2011 Country assessment report for Montenegro


Preparation and desk study of existing documents and reports for Albania

9/2011 Preparatory report 9/2011

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Fact-finding mission Albania 10/2011 List of findings 10/2011

Preparation of the country-specific report for Albania

11/2011 Country assessment report for Albania


Preparation and desk study of existing documents and reports for Kosovo

9/2011 Preparatory report 9/2011

Fact-finding mission Kosovo 10/2011 List of findings 10/2011

Preparation of the country-specific report for Kosovo

3/2012 Country assessment report for Kosovo

Preparation and desk study of existing documents and reports for Bosnia and Herzegovina

9/2011 Preparatory report 9/2011

Fact-finding mission 10/2011 List of findings 10/2011

Preparation of the country-specific report for Bosnia and Herzegovina


Country assessment report for Bosnia and Herzegovina


Preparation and desk study of existing documents and reports for Turkey

12/2011 Preparatory report 12/2011

Fact-finding mission Turkey 12/2011 List of findings 12/2011

Preparation of the country-specific report for Turkey

3/2012 Country assessment report for Turkey


Activity 4.3 EU-

ETS Compliance

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Detailed topics definition on Climate Change with special reference to monitoring, reporting and compliance systems in the SEE region

3/2012 Topics selection and assessment report


Elaboration of training materials

4/2012 Training materials developed

Implementation of a Regional Workshop on EU-ETS with participation of two neighbouring countries representatives

5/2012 Training report

Activity 4.4


Shipment of


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Detailed Topics Selection and assessment on TFS with special reference to compliance and enforcement systems in the SEE

3/2012 Topics selection and assessment report


Elaboration of training materials

3/2012 Training materials developed


Regional workshop no 1 (harbour) on EU TFS

18-19/4/2012 Training report

Regional workshop on EU TFS no 2 (road transport) with participation of two neighbouring countries representatives

6/2012 Training report

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Activity 4.5

Inspection and

enforcement in

cross border

nature protection


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Detailed topics definition of Inspection and Enforcement in cross border nature protection areas

9/2012 Topics selection report

Elaboration of training materials

10/2012 Training materials developed

Implementation of a Regional Workshop no 1 on Inspection and enforcement in cross border nature protection areas (Lake Ohrid)

10 -11/2012 Training report

Implementation of a Regional Workshop no 2 on Inspection and enforcement in cross border nature protection areas (Skadar Lake)

11-12/2012 Training report

Activity 4.6


participation in


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Establishment of ECENA Working Group and Annual Working Group meetings. 1st Annual Working Group meeting, Budva, Montenegro

20/10/2010 Detailed multi-annual programme established


2nd Annual Working Group meeting, Skopje, fYR of Macedonia

18/10/2011 Results evaluation and plans next reporting period


3rd Annual Working Group meeting

10/2012 Results evaluation

Participation of ECENA members in other networks (GAM IMPEL, IMPEL Cluster 1, IMPEL Cluster 2, IMPEL Cluster 3, INTERPOL, Green Force and INECE)

9/2010 – 3/2012

Reports of participants to ECENA

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3.2 RENA detailed Work Plan for the fourth interim reporting period (April 2012 – September 2012)

The detailed Work Plan for each of the four Working Groups is given for the fourth interim

reporting period (April 2012 – September 2012).

Table 5. Detailed Work Plan for the next reporting period

WG 1

Activity 1.1

Support to


Planning in BiH

and Kosovo

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Activity 1.2 RISP

– Regional


Support Platform

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

4th Regional Workshop on Environmental Criminal Law (Budva, Montenegro)


Training modules/materials prepared. Workshop held.

5th Regional Workshop – Simulation of EU Accession Negotiation Process (Skopje, fYR f Macedonia)


Training modules/materials prepared. Workshop held.

First draft update of Implementation Handbook

6/2012 First draft submitted to the EC

Activity 1.3



Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Combined regional meeting: “Prioritisation of environmental investment projects and project preparation” and Regional workshop: Role of national and international financing sources in environmental financing and Development of Programmes of Measures in Accordance with the WFD, Montenegro

21-23/5/2012 Workshop report

Coordination with WBIF, IFIs coordination unit and other initiatives

In parallel with sub-group meetings and at the meetings of other initiatives when possible

Environmental investment projects list coordinated

Activity 1.4 Public

participation in


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Implementation of regional 12/2011- Meeting/training held,

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trainings on public participation in approximation of new EU legislation (integrated with RISP workshops/Handbook updating)

12/2012 follow up materials produced and published

Activity 1.5



Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

First round of updating of ToCs/IQs

4/2012 First draft of filled in ToCs and IQs received

Draft PM Reports 2011 6/2012 Draft PM Reports submitted to EC

Final PM Reports 2011 9/2012 Final PM Reports submitted to EC

Activity 1.6

Gap assessments

of draft legal acts

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Completion of Gap Assessment Report on the draft legislation

As requested

Evaluation and follow-up of Activity 1.6

9/2012 Draft report prepared


Activity 2.1


Regional Climate

Change Action


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

ReCAP seminar 2 (Belgrade, Serbia)

29-30/3/2012 Seminar report

ReCAP seminar 3 (Istanbul, Turkey)

13/4/2012 Seminar report

ReCAP seminar 4 (Albania) 6-7/6/2012 Seminar report ReCAP seminar 5

(Montenegro) 4-5/7/2012 Seminar report

Climate projects development 11/2011 ongoing

Target: 2 projects developed to sufficient detail which can be sustained after project completion

MMD fiche prepared and approved

Activity 2.2 GHG


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Hands on support to prepare GHG emission inventories

2/2012 - 11/2012

Progress reporting and help desk. Regional Experts Meeting on 14 June in Zagreb

4th regional workshop on GHG inventory reporting , (Zagreb, Croatia)


Workshop Report on the GHG emissions inventories and reporting

Activity 2.3


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

National EU ETS awareness raising event (Serbia) with

29-30/3/2012 Seminar Report

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National EU ETS awareness raising event (Turkey) with ReCAP

13/4/2012 Seminar Report

National EU ETS awareness raising event (Albania) with ReCAP

6-7/6/2012 Seminar Report

National EU ETS awareness raising event (Montenegro) with ReCAP

4-5/7/2012 Seminar Report

4th regional workshop on registries (Montenegro)

6/7/2012 Report on Registries and Workshop


Activity 3.1

Nature Protection

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Preparation of the donor database

6/2012 Donor database prepared and published on RENA website

Module 4 - Workshop. Conducting nature impact assessments

4/2012 Workshop report Nature Impact Assessments

Module 5 - Workshop. Developing sound nature cross border projects (project development)

7/2012 Workshop Report on Nature project development

Module 6 Workshop: Monitoring Nature Protection Areas

9/2012 Workshop Report on Monitoring and Reporting

Development of follow up projects (at least two project fiches, etc)


Target: 2 projects developed to sufficient detail which can be sustained after project completion

Project fiche for fYR of Macedonia prepared, provision of assistance to Serbia in drafting project fiche

Activity 3.2 Water


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Combined 5th regional workshop: “Role of national and international financing sources in environmental financing and Development of the Programme of Measures in accordance with the WFD” , Montenegro


Guidelines which would describe all major steps required to develop cost-effective programme of measures for countries.


Activity 3.3


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

3d regional workshop - EIA/SEA differences and common features, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Training workshop report. Quality review of prepared EIA/SEA documents, to be submitted by BiH.

Activity 3.4



Agreements – gap

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

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assessments Request from country As needed Request received MEA gap assessment

performed Upon request

MEAs gap assessment report delivered

WG 4.

Activity 4.1


Capacity building

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

5th national training workshop on selected subjects Cluster I for Serbia, with common inspections (Cluster II)

27-30/3/2012 Workshop report and report on training 5

6th national training workshop on selected subjects Cluster I for fYR of Macedonia, with common inspections (Cluster II)

24-27/4/2012 Workshop report and report on training 6

Activity 4.2

Country external


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Preparation of the country-specific report for Kosovo

3/2012 Country assessment report for Kosovo

Preparation of the country-specific report for Turkey

3/2012 Country assessment report for Turkey


Activity 4.3 EU-

ETS Compliance

Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Elaboration of training materials

4/2012 Training materials developed

Implementation of a Regional Workshop on EU-ETS with participation of two neighbouring countries representatives

5/2012 Training report

Activity 4.4


Shipment of


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Regional workshop no 1 (harbour) on EU TFS

18-19/4/2012 Training report

Regional workshop on EU TFS no 2 (road transport) with participation of two neighbouring countries representatives

6/2012 Training report

Activity 4.5

Inspection and

enforcement in

cross border

nature protection


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Activity 4.6


participation in


Task Period Planned milestone Milestone reached

Participation of ECENA 9/2010 – Reports of participants

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members in other networks (GAM IMPEL, IMPEL Cluster 1, IMPEL Cluster 2, IMPEL Cluster 3, INTERPOL, Green Force and INECE)

3/2012 to ECENA

Working Group 1 Strategic Planning and Investments

Following the decision in the Steering Committee that WG1 should focus on new EU legislation,

the activities in WG 1 and WG 3.4 are divided into two areas: Transposition of new legislation

(legal part) and Implementation of new legislation (institutional part). During the reporting period,

project team fully implemented tasks foreseen under Activity 1.1, therefore the focus in the

upcoming period will be placed on the Activity 1.2 RISP, Activity 1.5 Progress Monitoring and

Activity 1.6. Gap Assessment of draft legal acts. During inception missions, priorities in the new

legislation were identified, and at the WG1 Coordinators meeting selection of training topics,

location and dates were made for regional trainings that will be provided under WG 1 in 2011.

During 2nd Annual meeting of WG 1 Coordinators, the topics, dates and venues for the regional

trainings to be organised in 2012 have been agreed and confirmed.

All beneficiaries confirmed their interest in the activities that will be delivered under WG1 and

Activity 3.4, emphasising the importance of Progress Monitoring, exchange of experience and

trainings in transposition and implementation of new legislation.

Activity 1.1 Preparation of Approximation Strategies

As per the Work Plan with the delivery of the two above listed workshops, all activities planned

under the Activity 1.1 have been fully implemented.

Activity 1.2 RISP & Activity 1.4 Public participation

During next reporting period focus will be placed on the following:

Delivery of the regional workshop on Simulation of EU negotiations on Chapter 27

Following the regional workshop on EU Accession Negotiation Process held in Brussels, Belgium

(November 2011) under Activity 1.1, the decision has been made at the WG1 2nd Annual Meeting

to build on the results of the first workshop and develop the programme for the second regional

workshop that will be held under Activity 1.2. The programme will be developed in close

collaboration with the DG Environment and will include simulation exercises as well as drafting

position papers on particular EU directive.

The lectures will be provided by the selected team of experts and former negotiators from the new

Member States (Romania and Lithuania), representatives of EC DG Environment, as well as

representatives of the beneficiary countries.

The workshop will provide information and the overview of the overall negotiation process with

the general objective of improving the negotiation skills of the responsible officials of the countries

that are or will start with their EU accession negotiations.

Specific objectives of the workshop are to:

• Provide officials responsible for EU accession and the environmental and climate acquis with

information on the EU institutional structure for negotiations such as the role of the Council,

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Conference on accession to the EU, Enlargement Working Group, documents, which are

considered during the process;

• Provide hands on information on the EU institutional structure for negotiations;

• Provide opportunity for participation in the simulation exercises and drafting the position

papers on the particular EU directive.

The training will be organised in Skopje, fYR of Macedonia in June 2012 (exact dates to be confirmed).

Delivery of the regional workshop on Protection of Environment through the Criminal law

Following the regional workshop on Approximation of Directive 2008/99/EC on the protection of

the environment through criminal law held in Zagreb, Croatia (May 2011) under Activity 1.2, the

decision has been made at the WG1 2nd Annual Meeting to build on the results of the first

workshop and develop the programme for the second regional workshop that will be held under

Activity 1.2. Since the workshop is the follow up of the introductory workshop organised in May

2011 and since the target group will be slightly different, the draft questionnaire has been developed

and distributed to the beneficiary countries in order to obtain their suggestions for final shaping of

the agenda.

The workshop will be organised in Budva, Montenegro (30 – 31 May 2012).

Update of the EU Handbook on the Implementation of Environmental Legislation

Delivery of the first draft of the Handbook update in accordance with the agreed methodology.

Specific focus has been placed on the update related to climate acquis being the least transposed

and implemented in the beneficiary countries.

Activity 1.3 Investment Planning

During the next reporting period the focus will be placed on the following:

Delivery of the combined meeting on Prioritisation of Environmental Investment Projects and

Project Preparation/ Regional workshop on the Role of National and International Financing

Sources in Environmental Financing and Regional workshop on Programmes of Measures in

Accordance with the WFD (Activity 3.2)

The workshop will, on one hand, be dealing with the demand of finance for the EU accession

driven activities – Development of the Programme of Measures in accordance to the WFD. On the

other hand, it will discuss a range of potential funding sources – the supply of finance side, and

acquaint on how these funding sources have been used in the EU MS and train on how they can

potentially be used in candidate and pre-candidate countries.

This workshop will be combined, as decided during the second SC meeting, with the work on

identification and update of environmental investment project lists. EU, other initiatives and IFIs,

related to the environmental investment planning in Balkan countries and Turkey, will be invited to

the workshop to hear results of the workshops held so far and of the status of the environmental

investment projects lists.

The workshop will be organised in Podgorica, Montenegro (21 – 23 May 2012).

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Activity 1.5 Progress monitoring

A detailed schedule for PM 2012 has been prepared, and this will be made more precise for each

country so that the PM 2012 reports are submitted in sequence over a two-week period. The

following activities are foreseen:

First round of updating of ToCs/IQs by national Ministry, with guidance and assistance from

RENA Secretariat (April, 2012).

Assessment and revision of the updated ToCs and IQs by the RENA experts ( April , 2012).

Preparation of the first draft PM reports ( May 2012).

Incorporating the comments on the draft PM reports ( July 2012).

Developing final PM reports ( August 2012).

Activity 1.6 Gap assessment of draft legislation

This is an activity that will be carried out in response to requests from the beneficiaries and

approved by the European Commission. A template for making a request has been prepared in

March 2011 and distributed to the beneficiaries. At present the following requests have been

received and approved for further processing by the EC:

Request for compliance check on the draft Albanian draft Law on Air Quality with the Directive

2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the 11 Council of 21 May 2008 on ambient air

quality and cleaner air for Europe;

Request for compliance check draft Administrative Instruction on Substances that damage the

Ozone layer with Regulation (EC) N0 1005/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council

of 16 September 2009 on substances that deplete the ozone layer.

Working Group 2 Climate Change

Activity 2.1 Regional Climate Change Action Platform on Adaptation and Mitigation

to converge towards the EU climate change policy and legislation

During the next reporting period, focus will be placed on the following:

Delivery of 2nd ReCAP Seminar (Opportunities, benefits and challenges of EU climate policy and

legislation) in Belgrade (29-30 March 2012)

Delivery of 3rd ReCAP Seminar (Opportunities, benefits and challenges of EU – Turkey climate

cooperation) in Istanbul (13 April 2012)

Delivery of 4th ReCAP Seminar (Opportunities, benefits and challenges of EU climate policy and

legislation) in Tirana (6 – 7 June 2012)

Delivery of 5th ReCAP Seminar (Opportunities, benefits and challenges of EU climate policy and

legislation) in Podgorica (4 – 5 July 2012)

These high level seminars focus on the EU climate policy and legislation and their opportunities,

benefits and challenges. The target group of the seminar will include national and local authorities,

the industrial sector and civil society organizations. The seminar is designed in such a way that the

first part will target climate policies and implementation. The second part will address key EU

climate legislation and the challenges ahead. The seminars are focused on the following:

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• ETS (post 2012);

• Effort Sharing Decision;

• Renewables;

• MMD;

• CO2 from transport;

• Aviation inclusion into the ETS;

• EU Energy policy.

The seminars will address the overall EU 20-20-20 policy, EU legislation and the 2050 roadmap. In

addition the required implementation structures for (future) Member States will be explained. The

seminars will also include country strategies to achieve targets as specified in Directive 2009/28/EC

with examples and presentations from selected member states. The EU ETS will not be addressed

in detail, as ETS is covered in detail in activity scheme 3.

The seminars will facilitate up to 100 persons from industry, CSOs central, regional and local

authorities, background institutions.

Activity 2.2 Creation of inventories, implementation of Monitoring Mechanism

Decision (280/2004/EC), including institutional arrangements and resources

needed, preparation of reports on emission inventories and emission projections

During next reporting period the focus will be placed on the following:

Hands on support to prepare GHG emission inventories and 4th Regional MMD Workshop

For each RENA country the project team will deliver the following:

• Description of the national system and data flow (February 2012);

• Deliver energy balances and first data filled in for sector Combustion Fuels into CRF (April


• Participate (pro-)actively with the RENA experts during the assessment of the first draft and

during RENA country missions (modalities to be agreed later);

• 2nd meeting in Zagreb on 14 June to discuss progress;

• Final draft CRF combustion fuel sector ( July 2012);

• Workshop preparations and presentations (September 2012);

• List of installations/activities that fall in the scope of ETS from February to September 2012.

The project team will work closely with the respective RENA Climate Coordinators and the

National Compilers (UNFCCC NFPs, if applicable) of the countries. Experts and the RENA

countries will indicate to the RENA secretariat a schedule of meetings with the RENA Climate

coordinators during the assignment period.

The UNFCCC NFP/RENA Coordinators has sent official letters to the UNFCCC Secretariat

requesting access codes for the CRF Reporter tool, for the training purposes.

Activity 2.3 Capacity building on the EU Emission Trading System/(EU-ETS)

During next reporting period the focus will be placed on the following:

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Delivery of the ETS components within the Activity 2.1 ReCAP events

Within the ReCAP events the second parts addresses ETS legislation and its implementation. The

focus is on the issue that will remain the focal technical challenge for the administrations and the

industry: monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of GHG emissions at the installation level.

These systems are a precondition for any cap-and-trade scheme.

The key objective is to provide an overview of how monitoring, reporting and verification can be

organised at the national level and what is required from the installations to comply with the MRV


The agenda will include the following items:

• Generic explanation of ETS (cap and trade);

• Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, Accreditation for ETS (post 2012);

• Central role of the monitoring plan in the Compliance with ETS;

• Steps towards Compliance, Verification and the Submission of Emission Reports:

Requirements and formats of emission reports;

• Experience in emission monitoring and reporting from installations of a Member State;

• Aviation inclusion into the ETS.

The agenda’s are currently under development and the facilitators are being contacted by RENA

with assistance from DG Climate Action.

Preparation of a regional workshop on functioning of Registries - 6 July 2012

The preliminary draft agenda for this event is due in May 2012 and the facilitators will be recruited

with the assistance of DG Climate Action.

Next to the full activation of the Union registry, existing national registries will also be operational,

in particular for the allocation of allowances and the completion of compliance activities for

stationary installations.

These registries exist for all the EU Member States plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The

agenda will include the following items:

• National plans indicating the allowances assigned to each Member State;

• Accounts (held by a company or a physical person) to which those allowances have been


• Transfers of allowances ("transactions") performed by the account holders;

• Annual verified CO2 emissions from installations;

• Annual reconciliation of allowances and verified emissions, where each company must have

surrendered enough allowances to cover all its emissions.

The national registries also provide access to significant information, including a number of reports

on the participants and the performance of the trading scheme.

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Working Group 3 Cross border Cooperation and Multilateral Environmental


Activity 3.1 Nature Protection

During next reporting period focus will be placed on the following:

Delivery of the Module 4 three days regional workshop “Conducting Nature Impact Assessments”,

Shara, (14 – 17 May 2011)

This workshop will focus on preparation of Nature Impact Assessments in line with Article 6 of

the Habitats Directive.

The objective of this workshop is to explain to participants the methods and techniques in the field

of nature impact assessment and to present cases studies focusing on do’s and don’ts. The agenda

will be drafted along the following items:

• Required data for conducting impact analysis (acid deposition impact, air pollution impacts,

fragmentation impacts; noise impacts);

• Steps for a Full Nature Impact Assessment;

• How to deal with gaps in knowledge and data;

• Case studies.

Delivery of the Module 5 three days regional workshop “Developing sound Nature project

proposals for donor consideration (Nature project development), Durmitor, 10-12 July 2012

This workshop will focus on translating Problem and Threats Analysis into a positive vertical

intervention logic, including development of logframe and sound project fiches.

The agenda will be drafted along the following items:

• Donor financing of Nature;

• Sound project proposal development based on a problem and threats analysis;

• Project fiches under IPA;

• Good practice case studies;

During the implementation of this training programme we will investigate how possible gaps that

remain in the delivery of the training programme (due to financial limitations), can be supported

and filled in by other donors.

Activity 3.2 Water Management

During next reporting period focus will be placed on the following:

Delivery of 5th regional workshop Role of National and International Financing Sources in

Environmental Financing. Programmes of Measures in Accordance with the WFD. This event will

be held together with the Investment Planning sub-group in Montenegro (21 – 23 May 2012)

The workshop will, on one hand, be dealing with the demand of finance for the EU accession

driven activities – Development of the Programme of Measures in accordance to the WFD. On the

other hand, it will discuss a range of potential funding sources – the supply of finance side, and

acquaint on how these funding sources have been used in the EU MS and train on how they can

potentially be used in candidate and pre-candidate countries. The workshop will build on the results

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achieved during the previous Water Management sub-group workshop, where the importance and

role of water monitoring, and in particular biological monitoring, was discussed in details.

Activity 3.3 EIA/SEA

During next reporting period focus will be placed on the following:

Delivery of the third regional workshop “EIA/SEA differences and common features”, Mostar,

BiH (24 – 26 April 2012)

The third regional training/workshop “EIA/SEA differences and common features” will be held in

Neretva/Trebisnjica river basin management with focus on upper horizon (cross-border countries

– Croatia and BiH).

BiH will submit existing basis document, namely EIA for the project. Croatia and Montenegro are

invited to add available documents from their side. Quality review of prepared EIA/SEA

documents, to be submitted by BiH representatives, will be performed and analysed during the

workshop. Spatial scope of the assessment (both SEA and EA) will be one of the features to be

specifically addressed in the training.

Activity 3.4 MEA gap assessment

In line with the decision of the RENA WG 1 Coordinators this activity has been merged with the

Activity 1.6.

Working Group 4 ECENA

During next reporting period the focus will be placed on the following:

Activity 4.1 Capacity building regarding compliance with environmental legislation

through better understanding of issues and identification of targeted solutions

The national trainings in the first batch of 4 countries (Albania, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99,

Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey) have been finalised . For the second batch of 4 countries

(Serbia, fYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Croatia), the detailed topics have been assessed and a

standard basic training manual with the addition of special subjects has been produced. The

following trainings will be delivered:

Delivery of the 5th Common Inspection training on selected subjects in Cluster I, Serbia (27 – 30

March 2012)

In accordance with the TNA, the training agenda will include the following items:

• Day one: Introduction, regulatory cycle, management of inspections, priority setting,

reporting and feedback, basics of permitting, exercise in human resource management.

Introduction to special subjects (SEVESO Intro);

• Day two: Developments with reference to the IED/IPPC. Discussion on contents of

application and Integrated PERMIT of the ( selected units) of the PANCEVO petrochemical

plant http://www.hip-petrohemija.com/home.8.html ; Study on the BREF and/or BAT of

the selected industry/unit; Presentation on the facility to be inspected by representative of the

factory, planning of the site visit in groups, experience of the invited inspectors on the

selected facility.

• Day three: Planned site visit and reporting.

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• Day four: Presentation of results of the visit; advice for follow-up; special subject of the

beneficiary country: IED and SEVESO II and waste management.

Delivery of the sixth Common Inspection training on selected subjects in Cluster I for fYR of

Macedonia (24 – 27 April 2012)

From the inception mission, WG 4 annual meetings and the questionnaires it was clear that fYR of

Macedonia would like to receive a national training on IED/IPPC (steel industry) with the

combination of permitting and inspection.


The selection made by the representative of Macedonia shows a clear need for management

(ranking 1 as urgent) showing that the overall organization requires additional skills. The emphasis

must be put on planning, budgeting and priority setting on permitting and inspections. The

thinking on strategies require a lot of attention indicating an organization in development, while in

view of its development minor interest yet in non compliance response and feedback in the

management field is shown.

Permit issuing

Integrated permitting, enforceable permit conditions require maximum attention and combined

with monitoring will rank 1 in order to preserve the quality for the future realizing however that the

enforcement structure is not yet settled and provided with sufficient and adequate human

resources. Negotiating skills is rated 2 but in view of limited personnel and regulations that allow

negotiating considered less opportune.


Enforceable permit conditions and monitoring requirements are high on the list (rating 1) in line

with the results in the inception meeting. So the quality of the permits including monitoring

conditions is rightly chosen in the preparation of the future quality of the organization. A solid base

for the future is chosen above sophistication in structures and conditions.


In the practical training sessions integrated permitting and enforceable permit conditions in the

context of the IPPC and IED is covered and shown how these work. The negotiating part will be

focused on the contents of BREFs and BAT.

The training programme has to focus on life inspections on an existing facility and its permit. This

visit will be executed and coached by experienced inspectors. The installation to be visited is a steel

industry (Electric Arc Furnace) in Skopje (Makstil factory)

The special subjects requested for this training are IPPC/IED and REACH.

Training schedule (24 –27 April 2012)

• Day one: Introduction, regulatory cycle with reference to existing and new legislation,

management of inspections, priority setting with developments (IRAM- Easy Tools),

reporting and feedback, basics of permitting, exercise in human resource management.

Introduction to special subjects (REACH);

• Day two: Developments with reference to the IED/IPPC. Discussion on contents of

application and Integrated PERMIT of the cement industry; Study on the BREF and/or BAT

of the selected industry (Steel production:Electric Arc Furnace); Presentation on the facility

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to be inspected by representative of the factory, planning of the site visit in groups, exchange

of experience of the invited inspectors on the selected facility;

• Day three: Planned site visit and reporting;

• Day four: Presentation of results of the visit; advice for follow-up; special subject of the

beneficiary country: IPPC/IED and REACH.

Delivery of the seventh national training workshop on selected subjects in Cluster I for

Montenegro (3 – 7 September 2012)

From the inception mission, WG 4 annual meetings and the questionnaires it was clear that

Montenegro would like to receive a national training on IED/IPPC (LCP) with the combination of

permitting and inspection. Being relatively new organisation EPA requested training to be focused

on the new staff.


The emphasis is put on priority setting on permitting and non compliance response, which is in line

with the development of the new ministry.

The thinking on strategies requires a lot of attention for an organization in development, however

in view of the lack of personnel practical hands on experience is more understandable. Once the

practical experience is gained the need for more structures and strategies will be footed on

experience of available capacities and capabilities of the personnel. The financial possibilities will

then determine the progress potential.

Permit issuing

Enforceable permit conditions, monitoring requirements and monitoring conditions rightly have a

ranking 1 in balance with the limited possibilities in the country to enforce. So the quality of the

permits including monitoring conditions is chosen in the preparation for the future. Permit

structures apparently are yet of a lesser importance, although one could introduce in an early stage

risk based management in prioritising permits issuing.


The suggestions made in the questionnaire show a high rating (1) on non compliance response and

investigating skills. In line with the expressed need for practical hands on training, the interest for

the site visit was rather high.


In the preparation of these practical training the subject of permit writing and enforceable permit

conditions in the context of the IPPC and IED will be practiced and is shown how they work. The

negotiating part will be focused on the contents of BREFs and BAT for example on the power

industry (LCP’s). The training programme will focus on the existing facility and its permit. The site

visit will be executed and facilitated by experienced inspectors. The installation to be visited is

thermal power plant. The special subject requested in the training is IPPC for the power plant. The

large combustion plant industry at Pljevlja will be visited.

The suggestion is to have planning and budgeting specialists from the ministry of Environment

and/or entities while furthermore participants in the field of actual permit writing either from the

entities or major cantons involved with and submitting permits and controls. Institution

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representatives involved with monitoring might be considered as well. The emphasis should be

placed upon active field participants rather than administrative participants.

Activity 4.2 Country external assessments with a review of inspection and

enforcement powers

The specific objective of Activity 4.2 is to assess national, regional and local environmental capacity

covering the whole management cycle of policy, legislation, permitting, verification and control,

monitoring and reporting, focussing specifically on the issues of permitting, inspection and


In the period up to March 2012, seven country external assessment reports have been produced for

Serbia, Montenegro, fYR of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Albania. The reports for

Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 and Turkey are under preparation.

During the next reporting period, the country assessments will be finalised and prepared for

website publishing. The series of reports will be placed on the RENA website to be available to

other networks and organisations who are interested.

The assessments are independent evaluations of national, regional and local environmental capacity

covering the whole management cycle of policy, legislation, permitting, verification and control,

monitoring and reporting. They cover all media and nature protection but focus more specifically

on pollution control, which is the primary area of IMPEL/ECENA interest. Inter-sectoral

approaches have been of increasing importance and continue to be so with the implementation of

the water framework directive as well as IPPC, for example.

Assessments are based on existing material plus intensive in-country discussion with the relevant

groups, at central and regional levels and locally where relevant, distinguishing (where practical)

between implementation practices related to broader national legislative requirements and those

responding to EU requirements, which are of primary interest to the project.

The desk study as a basis for the country assessments cover documents not only related to the

respective countries such as the progress monitoring reports but also those including IMPEL

review initiatives (IRI) reports that have been made for other countries (around 15 in total for EU

member states with Croatia, Slovenia, Romania and Latvia as the latest ones). Here it should be

mentioned that IMPEL IRIs are concentrating on the inspection functions based on the RMCEI

whereas the external country assessments look also specifically at other elements of the regulatory


Activity 4.3 EU ETS Compliance

Delivery of the regional workshop on EU ETS, Zagreb, Croatia (15 – 16 May 2012)

The following preparatory activities for delivery of the above workshop will be implemented in the

period March – April 2012:

Finalisation of training topics. The selection of topics has been finalised and are related to the

“chain of compliance” processes within the EU ETS:

• Permitting - Submission Monitoring Plan (MP) (art 4);

• Approval of MP by Competent Authority (art 5, 6 and 14);

• Implementation approved MP by Operator;

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• Drafting of Annual Emission Report (AER) and Verification of Emission Data by

Independent Verifier against approved MP.

In line with the EU ETS Directive, the Commission has adopted guidelines for the monitoring and

reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, known as "MRG". The original guidelines were adopted in

2004 for the first trading period (2005-2007) and revised in 2007 for the second trading period

(2008-2012). For the third trading period (2013-2020), the Commission is currently preparing two

regulations replacing the MRG in the future: one on monitoring and reporting and one on

accreditation and verification.

The training topics are based on specific tasks of inspectors within this framework and specifically

refer to the process of monitoring, reporting, and verification. These topics are to be further

elaborated in Task 2 and 3.

Elaboration of training materials and subjects

The following subjects will be covered in the training and presentation materials:

• Introduction on ETS and ETS post 2012;

• Monitoring , Reporting, Verification and Accreditation;

• Monitoring Plans;

• Formats of emission reports;

• Experience in Germany and Croatia;

• Accreditation of Verifiers;

• Free industry allocation post 2012;

• Inclusion of aviation in the EU ETS.

Activity 4.4 Transfrontier Shipment of Waste (TFS)

Delivery of the regional workshop on TFS, Istanbul, Turkey (18 – 19 April 2012)

Delivery of the regional workshop on TFS, Skopje, fYR of Macedonia (13 – 14 June 2012)

The following preparatory activities for delivery of the above workshop will be implemented in the

period February – April 2012:

Finalisation of training topics (TFS with special reference to compliance and enforcement systems):

In 1994 the Council Regulation 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste

within, into and out of the European Community, came into force. One of the main purposes of

the European waste regulation is to prevent the shipment of environmentally harmful waste to

countries that do not have the provisions to cope with these wastes. Another purpose is to take

care of the environmentally sound processing of the waste. The regulation has been replaced by the

Waste Shipment Regulation 1013/2006 in 2007. The enforcement of this Waste Shipment

Regulation WSR (further referred to as WSR) is a competence of individual Member States. For an

effective and efficient enforcement, organizations have to cooperate over their national borders as

transboundary movements of wastes exceed these borders.

Since RENA countries in the area of TFS are collaborating with IMPEL, the training topics have

been selected in cooperation with IMPEL experts and with feedback from the WG 4 coordinators

Elaboration of training materials and subjects

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The following subjects and materials will be covered:

• Introduction on international and European legislation on transboundary shipments of waste;

• Enforcement of waste shipment rules;

• Waste classification;

• Case study from the region;

• Safety issues;

• IMPEL TFS Training DVD;

• Port Inspections;

• Collaboration and Communication;

• End of waste criteria;

• Dealing with illegal shipments of waste and their return;

• Customs procedures and administrative processes;

• Practical exercises with site visit (harbour/road border site).

PPTs, checklists, basic supporting documents and regulations (use will be made of IMPEL

documents adapted to the situation in the RENA countries) will be provided.

The selected training topics will be related to the selected pilot sites and accordingly adapted

(harbor and road transport).

Activity 4.5 Inspection and Enforcement in cross border Nature protection areas

The present activity scheme is closely linked with the activity scheme described in Working Group

3 Cross-Border Cooperation & Multilateral Environmental Agreements - Nature Protection, which

has the general objective to Create a forum of officials from candidate countries and potential

candidates to exchange experience on issues of transboundary relevance including transposition,

implementation and enforcement of EU legislation on nature.

The present activity scheme is especially focused on the enforcement aspects. Many issues are

relevant in this respect including:

• the need for transboundary cooperation;

• the need for joint management (for example harmonized monitoring indicators, centralized

joint baseline data, and monitoring data);

• legal framework harmonisation with integrated roles into national legislation.

The regulatory role is not only confined to nature aspects but also aspects regarding the

environment. Depending on the area strengthening the regulatory and enforcement capacity might

be needed for specific nature aspects but also for fisheries, forestry, and water management and

environmental management in general.

Since RENA countries in the area of Nature Inspection are collaborating with GREENFORCE,

the training topics have been selected in cooperation with GREENFORCE experts and with

feedback from the WG 4 coordinators in the selected countries for the pilot sites.

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The following tasks are planned to be implemented in the coming reporting period:

Finalisation of training topics

The training topics in the area of cross border nature protection areas with special reference to

compliance and enforcement systems have been identified as follows (draft):

• cross border enforcement aspects;

• enforcement systems in poaching and illegal logging;

• monitoring reporting;

• enforcement strategy;

• general knowledge on the compliance and enforcement aspects related to the Habitats and

Wild birds directive and CITES convention;

• inspection planning in nature reserves/national parks,

• response to non-compliance;

• assessment of means and materials in Nature Inspection;

• cooperation and communication with other authorities and the public.

• Elaboration of training materials and subjects

Elaboration of training materials

The following training materials will be prepared: PPTs, checklists, basic supporting documents and


As per the work plan, two regional workshops will be delivered in October and November 2012.

Activity 4.6 ECENA participation in relevant networking activities

Continued support is envisaged by presentations and participation of the TL and RENA team

members on RENA and its planned activities in various frameworks including RCC, IMPEL, EF

Project and IFIs.

Further support to participation of ECENA members in other networks (GAM IMPEL, IMPEL

Cluster 1, IMPEL Cluster 2, IMPEL Cluster 3, INTERPOL, Green Force and INECE) will be


In the IMPEL meeting of June 2012, a decision is expected by IMPEL(with a change of IMPEL

statut and rules) to open its membership not only for EU candidate countries but also for potential

candidates for EU membership.

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We set out the assumptions and risks below and comment on how these issues might be addressed

and any risks mitigated. We have revised some risks from Low to Medium, in response to the

findings during and after the Inception Phase.

Section 4.3 describes specific issues related to the project, occurred during the reporting period.

4.1 Assumptions

• Institutional support and readiness of relevant authorities to engage in regional cooperation

and resources made available for participation in RENA activities;

• Beneficiaries will be willing to cooperate and give access to information in a transparent


• Relevant authorities will be willing to enable all stakeholders to take part in RENA’s activities

and be able to allocate resources to implement the project;

• Commitment of the project beneficiaries and partner institutions to apply the results;

• A high level of involvement, cooperation and participation of all the stakeholders, including

CSOs and IFIs;

• Willingness of sectors within the public administrations of partner countries to cooperate

with their colleagues in other sectors, like environment;

• High level of institutional stability without major shifts in responsibilities of ministries and

other institutes, or shifts of key staff involved in the project implementation.

We share the assumptions in the ToR, that successful implementation of the project is based on the

pre-conditions listed in the table below:

Table 6. Assumptions affecting the implementation of the Project

Assumption Observations/Comments Institutional support and readiness of relevant authorities to engage in regional cooperation and resources made available for participation in RENA activities

Political commitment by the beneficiary countries has been provided since the beginning of the project. Nominated national Focal Points posses sufficient authority in their country’s administration to serve as a hinge between RENA and the country, and to promote the internal country discussions on RENA issues and involvement of staff in RENA activities. Political support from the Environment Ministers is long-standing and evident. Commitment to build on and use the project outputs is equally important. Reports should generate actual changes in the administration and processes in the countries

Beneficiaries will be willing to cooperate and give access to information in a transparent manner

Cooperation, data availability and the timely access to these data are highly important to proceed with network activities according to planning and to provide quality outputs. Since the beginning of the project a number of background documents have been provided and extensive meetings were held with the beneficiary institutions.

Relevant authorities will be willing to enable all stakeholders to take part in RENA’s activities and be able to allocate resources to

Beneficiary country governments have shown their incontestable willingness to participate in RENA. So have environmental CSOs from the region through a Joint Statement in June 2009 to the RENA Ministerial Meeting (still to be discussed at that meeting). For donors and international organisation cooperation with RENA presents the continuation of their roles

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implement the project. previously established with REReP and ECENA. Altogether no relevant problems concerning participation are to be reported.

Commitment of the project beneficiaries and partner institutions to apply the results

Commitment to work with the project results is equally important as producing them. The reports produced are further used in the beneficiary countries for generation of further outcomes.

A high level of involvement, cooperation and participation of all the stakeholders, including CSOs and IFIs

RENA to a high extent continues the paths of REReP and ECENA. Both have operated as successful networks for many years with a high level of involvement of all stakeholders. So far, the involvement of CSOs in all the activities of the project and the involvement of IFIs, mainly in the activities of the WG1 are being established to the high extent and it is expected that this level will be maintained during the lifetime of the project.

Willingness of sectors within the public administrations of partner countries to cooperate with their colleagues in other sectors, like environment

The will to cooperate between different sectors of public administration is a crucial success factor for most government action around the globe. The sectors covered by the RENA working groups are in most beneficiary countries shared by several ministries. In most of the cases different sectors in the public administration are willing to cooperate. This has been demonstrated especially with the implementation of Activity 1.5 Progress Monitoring and Activities implemented under WG 2.

High level of institutional stability without major shifts in responsibilities of ministries and other institutes, or shifts of key staff involved in the project implementation

Project implementation has been conducted so far in more or less stable environment. Continuity has been established and enable building up ownership and the use of the project results. In some of the countries (Turkey and Montenegro), changes of Focal Points and WG Coordinators have occurred, however without strong impact on the project implementation.

4.2 Risks

The main risks of this contract are the following:

• Lack of co-operation by stakeholders;

• Carrying out activities with little added value with regard to what has already been done, in

particular by REReP;

• Lack of effective coordination and interaction with on-going activities related to the subject

matter of the contract resulting in overlaps, confusion and wasting of valuable resources; in

order to minimise this risk, an effective coordination with related programmes and other

donor activities must be implemented during the contract (see section 1.5);

• Lack of political commitment;

• Involved stakeholders are not sufficiently stable;

• Partner countries have insufficient interest and institutional capacity to provide (proper) data

or delegate qualified staff to the network activities;

• Partner countries have insufficient capacity to make use of the project results;

• Lack of will of sectors in the public administrations to cooperate with their colleagues in

other sectors, like environment;

• Different levels or speeds of involved countries in their approximation to the environmental


• Language barriers.

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Table 7. Risks and Mitigation strategies

Risk Likelihood Impact Mitigation Strategy

Lack of co-operation by stakeholders

Low Medium

Given the commitment demonstrated so far this risk appears to be low, although the region is an area sensitive to conflicts that may flare overnight. If lack of cooperation occurs at the political level the Consultant will discuss the situation with the Contracting Authority to find an approach that fits to the situation. Non-cooperative behaviour at the operational level will be prevented by proper and positively oriented management of working groups and activities, as much as possible giving room for all involved to express themselves and as much as possible taking care there is something in it for everyone. Continued non-cooperative behaviour will first be discussed with the involved person outside the meeting and if not successful by addressing his/her superior.

Carrying out activities with little added value with regard to what has already been done, in particular by REReP

Low High

As demonstrated so far, the Work Plan has been designed and implemented in such a way that all the activities are not repeating previously implemented activities but are building on achieved results and outcomes and their further development.

Lack of effective coordination and interaction with on-going activities related to the subject matter of the contract resulting in overlaps, confusion and wasting of valuable resources

Medium High

In order to minimise this risk, an effective coordination with related programmes and other donor activities will be implemented during the contract. During the project’s Inception Phase the Consultant has intensively communicated with the key persons involved in the final phases of REReP in order to smoothly link RENA to REReP. (handover meeting with REC) The Consultant has also conducted a survey of related projects in the region and interviewed responsible Consultants and officials to identify potential overlaps and decide to what extent RENA could and should be active in these areas. In some areas, especially Climate (WG2), Investments (WG 1.3), and Cross border (WG3.1-3.3), the Consultant has identified numerous well-funded projects with which RENA overlaps and which have been carefully analysed to determine how RENA – with its small, focused budget – could contribute to progress on these environmental management issues.

Lack of political commitment

Low High

Given the commitment demonstrated so far this risk appears to be low.. Where needed the consultant will make every attempt to get in touch with key decision makers to convince them to participate by explaining the benefits of their involvement for their country. The Consultant will only take such action after consultation with the Contracting Authority. The timely nomination of National focal points and working group coordinators during inception are a positive indication in this respect.

Involved stakeholders are not sufficiently

Medium High Government change, regular changes in administrative structures and staff, can all bring instability to RENA. The Consultant is not in a position to influence such

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stable developments. To mitigate the effects of instability the Consultant has developed pro-active (such as helpdesk, personal approach, providing documentation and explanation, web reference, etc.), bringing newly involved stakeholders to the right level of understanding and involvement. In many cases of instability it should be possible in a rather early stage to sense upcoming changes. This will enable us to anticipate by (gradually) shifting our efforts towards the new situation. Major or overnight changes with an impact on project implementation may call for consultations with the Contracting Authority to conclude on the steps to take. The RENA website and helpdesk have been established.

Partner countries have insufficient interest and lack institutional capacity to provide (proper) data or delegate qualified staff to the network activities

Low High

From the very start of the project cooperation between the Secretariat and our experts and the RENA focal points in the beneficiary countries has been established on a very high level.

Partner countries have insufficient capacity to make use of the project results

Medium High

It is difficult to mitigate this risk, as the current situation is the case in many countries, including EU Member States. Through proper involvement of local staff during the project (with making efforts to have to right people attend the activities), and through the issuance of reports, manuals, electronic information tools, we are succeeding to reach the relevant audience for each of the project elements, to sustain the project results (perhaps to be used at a later date) and build on personal contacts between peers across the region and across different networks.

Lack of will of sectors in the public administrations to cooperate with their colleagues in other sectors, like environment

Medium Medium

Will to cooperate is often influenced by fear for the unknown, the uncertainty whether it will harm people’s current status, benefits and powers. The Consultant is practicing an open approach involving key stakeholders first. So far no obvious non-cooperation or obstruction occurred. If occurred our working group managers will take the lead in mitigating the situation looking for solutions. In case of sustained non-cooperation or obstruction that hinders project quality we will seek for a solution or conclusion in close consultation with the Contracting Authority.

Different levels or speeds of involved countries in their approximation to the environmental acquis

Medium Medium

The speed in approximation to the EU acquis differs per beneficiary country. RENA is taking into account the different speeds in designing the project activities and when drafting documents. Ad hoc country specific assistance from the side of the project is provided where possible in order to contribute to mitigating the different speeds. The contracting party is kept up-to-date of countries’ progress and may at its discretion decide to discuss specific elements in a political context. External country specific assessments and specific country assistance is for example taken up in the work

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plans of WG 1 and 4.

Language barriers

Low High

English language skills among stakeholders in the beneficiary countries has not created significant barriers in the project implementation. As agreed with the Commission, in general no documents are translated in the local language, except for particular issues. In the national trainings however, a budget for translation/interpretation has been taken up, when and if needed.

4.3 Problems encountered

Specific issue currently under discussion is participation of ECENA members in IMPEL. Currently

only candidate countries for EU accession are eligible for IMPEL membership and only some of

the beneficiary countrues are eligible to receive the financing for participation in IMPEL activities

directly by IMPEL.

Within the RENA beneficiary countries only Republic of Croatia, fYR of Macedonia and Turkey

are IMPEL members. IMPEL membership of Montenegro as a candidate country is presently being


The Commission has taken steps to assist other beneficiary countries of RENA to obtain the

membership status in IMPEL and hence the possibility for greater participation in IMPEL activities

by sending a letter to the IMPEL board.

This letter stated that the Commission would like to suggest IMPEL considers the application of

Potential Candidate countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo under UN Security Council

Resolution 1244, Albania, Serbia) to IMPEL. This would however require a change in the IMPEL

statute and rules. No decision has been taken yet and follow-up activities have been taken. A final

approval by IMPEL is expected in their upcoming meeting in June 2012.

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Annex 1. Timetable of activities

KE1 KE2 KE3 KE4 SSTE JSTECalendar month Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Inception phase M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 M36Inception phase activities 60 40 40 40 0 0 180

60 40 40 40 0 0 180Implementation phase

Working Group 1 - Strategic Planning and Investments

Activity 1.1. Overview Report on Approximation in SEE 2 7 0 0 49 84 142Activity 1.2. RISP – Regional Implementation Support Platform 5 49 6 0 30 178 268Activity 1.3. Investment Planning 5 8 90 0 65 244 412Activity 1.4. Public Participation in Planning 5 26 4 0 20 144 199Activity 1.5. Progress Monitoring 5 74 0 0 250 154 483Activity 1.6. Gap Assessment of draft legislation 4 26 0 0 16 144 190

26 190 100 0 430 948 1694Working Group 2 - Climate Change Activity 2.1. Regional Climate Change Platform on Adaptation and Mitigation 31 0 0 60 110 154 355Activity 2.2. GHG inventories and GHG reporting 20 0 0 20 35 154 229Activity 2.3. Capacity building on the EU ETS 10 0 0 40 45 129 224

61 0 0 120 190 437 808Working Group 3 – Cross-Border Cooperation and Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Activity 3.1. Nature Protection 5 0 12 55 38 204 314Activity 3.2. Water Management 5 0 74 0 55 259 393Activity 3.3. EIA / SEA 5 18 60 0 66 250 399Activity 3.4. Multilateral Env. Agreements – gap assessment 5 12 4 0 21 134 176

20 30 150 55 180 847 1282Working Group 4 - Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network for Accession (ECENA)Activity 4.1. Capacity building regarding compliance with env. legislation 56 0 0 36 56 136 284Activity 4.2. Country external assessments 14 30 0 0 48 106 198Activity 4.3. EU ETS Compliance 13 0 0 13 8 82 116Activity 4.4. Transfrontier Shipment of Waste (TFS) 13 0 0 9 8 82 112Activity 4.5. Inspection and Enforcement in CB Nature protection areas 10 0 0 10 20 64 104Activity 4.6. ECENA participation in relevant networking activities 7 0 0 7 0 64 78

113 30 0 75 140 534 892

Project complition phase 20 10 10 10 0 94 14420 10 10 10 0 94 144

300 300 300 300 940 2860 5000

2010 2011 2012 2013

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Estimated number of working days per month

Month Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 total

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 Y1KE 1 Team leader 4 11 12 3 19 10 12 13 6 11 10.5 11 12 16.5 5 2 8 11 177KE 2 Legal expert 4 8 18 8 11 13 5.5 10 4.5 6 10.7 21.5 8 14 15 11 17 2 187.2KE 3 Env.Investm. 4 6 9 4 9 8 8.5 11 8 5 7 10.5 7 6 5 3 6 10 127KE 4 Env.Acquis 3 11 12 6 5 12 8 8 6 7 15 17 10 19 12 8 12 13 184Senior STEs 7 17 22 13 14.5 6 8 12.5 40.5 35 83 66.5 7 22.5 60 414.5Junior STEs 7 10 3 5 4 0 12 11 19 53 53.5 27.5 56.5 62.5 324

Month Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 total

M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 M36 Y2KE 1 Team leader 9 9 6 10.5 6 10 10 5 6 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 10 9.5 123 300KE 2 Legal expert 9 11 4.5 13.5 8 10 5 3 5 2 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 4.8 112.8 300KE 3 Env.Investm. 9 13 5 10 13 10 12 16 10 10 10 6 10 12 8 8 6 5 173 300KE 4 Env.Acquis 11.5 16.5 10 11 10 10 10 5 5 5 7 5 0 2 2 2 2 2 116 300Senior STEs 46 44.5 11 18 55 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 21 20 10 525.5 940Junior STEs 62 78 55.5 84.5 134 180 190 190 170 170 170 170 180 160 160 150 150 82 2536 2860

Grand total

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OVERALL OBJECTIVE The overall objective of the project is to enhance regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and Turkey in the field of environment in the prospect of accession to the European Union.

Enhanced regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and Turkey in the field of environment in the prospect of accession to the European Union.

European Commission Progress Reports Final and 6-monthly interim reports

PROJECT PURPOSE The purpose of the project is to assist the European Commission in providing the Secretariat of the Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA).

Fully functioning RENA Secretariat in Vienna supports and implements RENA activities (see logframe under activities) as from April 2010.

Final and 6-monthly interim reports Other thematic reports and publications Project website

Institutional support and readiness of relevant authorities to engage in regional cooperation and resources made available for participation in RENA activities High level of institutional stability

without major shifts in responsibilities of ministries and other institutes, or shifts of key staff involved in the project implementation. Willingness of sectors within the public

administrations of partner countries to cooperate with their colleagues in other sectors, like environment.

RESULTS TO BE ACHIEVED Overall results: Improved regional cooperation between

environmental authorities Efficient institutional frameworks and technical

arrangements established Enhanced public participation in environmental


Capacity building and training Information exchange Ad hoc assistance in relation to

transposition, implementation and enforcement of EU law and requirements Progress Monitoring

Final and 6-monthly interim reports WG workshop and training reports with

evaluations Workshop background documents Needs assessment reports Overview approximation report SEE Annual country Progress Monitoring

Relevant authorities are willing to enable all stakeholders to take part in RENA’s activities and be able to allocate resources to implement the project. Commitment of the project beneficiaries

and partners to cooperate and give access to information in a transparent

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Improved transposition and implementation in relation to EU environmental legislation Improved skills in relation to legislation preparation

and enforcement Priority environmental projects and investments

identified Experience exchange groups and networks

established Enhanced cross-border cooperation in relation to

environmental policies, legislation and investments

Development of best practice documents

reports Country assessment reports on the

enforcement capacity Formulated follow-up projects Training materials Lists of participants Guidance documents and manuals Continuously updated and fully

documented project website CDs with all relevant RENA project

documents RENA Network Guide RENA Brochure Newsletters Strategy papers Work plans

manner. A high level of involvement, cooperation

and participation of all the stakeholders, including CSOs and IFIs Avoiding carrying out activities with little

added value with regard to what has already been done, in particular by REReP Effective coordination and interaction

with on-going activities related to the subject matter of the project.

Specific results by each thematic Working Group: WG 1 Strategic Planning & Investments:

Increased quality of transposition and implementation activities within beneficiary countries and regional cooperation in environmental investment planning assured. Particular emphasis to be placed on improved transposition of EU environmental legal requirements and set up of institutional structures more capable for implementation and enforcement of the transposed EU laws.

Preparation of Approximation Strategies Three-day Workshop on Environmental

Approximation Planning for 12 officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 Two day workshop on environmental

approximation obligations and accession negotiations Training materials and Manual Report on assessment, future needs and

next steps. RISP: Annual meetings in 2011 and 2012

conducted as well as extraordinary RISP meetings as needed and approved. Training/workshops on new EU legislation Update of the Implementation Handbook Strategic planning and investments: Annual

meetings conducted as well as extraordinary meetings as needed and approved. Seven national workshops (per each country

Workshop evaluation Training materials and Manual Report on assessment, future needs and

next steps. RISP meeting reports RISP training reports Report on RISP and proposals for future

activities Updated Implementation Handbook for

2011 and 2012 Agreed national format for investment

projects list Description of country specific gaps

regarding investment projects Workshop report on the EU

requirements and identification of environmental projects. Approximation cost assessment. Example content for an investment plan Workshop report on the Role of national

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WG 2 Climate Change:

Increased capacity in SEE and strengthened cooperation within SEE and between SEE countries and the EU in the field of policy making, law drafting and implementation of elements of the European

except Croatia) on investment planning and financing plan development Four combined regional workshops on 1)

The EU requirements and identification of environmental projects; approximation costs assessment; 2) Planning of environmental investment; 3) Role of national and international financing sources in environmental financing; 4) Development of Environmental Financing Plans and Identification and Prioritisation of

Environmental Investment Projects. Public participation: Needs assessment for

support in the transposition and implementation of public participation requirements in the EU acquis and multilateral environmental agreements; Participation of representatives of the Environmental Forum in RENA meetings and activities; Documents and activities in support of institutional strengthening in public participation in the beneficiaries Annual Progress Monitoring Reports and

training on new legislation and progress monitoring in 2013. Legal gap assessments: Up to eight gap

assessments of draft legal acts; Proposals for follow-up activities, workshops, training, or exchange of information

Background documents and minutes for the

three annual meetings of the RENA Climate Change Working Group; ReCAP: Three successful regional capacity

building and informative workshops targeting 8 – 24 relevant policy makers from all RENA countries on the (1) climate and

and international financing sources in environmental financing. Example content for a financing plan Priority investment project list updated. Public Participation Needs Assessment

Report prepared and submitted to RISP representatives Public participation capacity-building

and support activity plan Annual report on PP activities carried

out Follow up documents produced and

published ToCs & IQs prepared Progress Monitoring Country Reports Training report on new EU legislation

and progress monitoring Eight gap assessment reports of draft

legal acts RECAP Needs assessment report Workshop report on Climate and Energy

Package Workshop Report on climate policies

related to transport and F-gases

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Climate Change Programme and EU Climate Change Acquis

WG 3 Cross-Border Cooperation & Multilateral

environmental agreements Increased capacity and strengthened cooperation on issues of transboundary importance (Nature, Water and EIA/SEA) through creation of a forum of officials from the candidate countries and potential candidates and exchange of experience on

energy package, (2) EU policies on transport/fuels and F-gases; (3) Identification of follow-up national RECAP events; (4) 6 national RECAP events on developing concrete national climate actions/projects; (5) Climate projects developed and translated into donor project proposals. GHG emission inventories and reporting:

Group of trained professionals (8-24) from regional network of SEE professionals and experts on GHG emission inventories focusing on (1) Monitoring Mechanism Decision; (2) GHG emissions onventories and reporting; (3) on special topics (selected following the previous two workshops); Three reports on the regional workshops; At least Hands on support missions on preparing inventory reports EU-ETS: Three Regional Seminars on EU-

ETS targeting 8-24 relevant policy makers from RENA countries: (1) General EU-ETS seminar; (2) Seminar on monitoring, reporting and verification (3) Seminar on functioning of registries; (4) Draft national lists of installations to be included into the ETS. Nature: Three annual meetings of the

Nature Protection Working Group; Two year Regional training programme at 6 pilot sites in 2011 and 2012; (6 module training programme for 20 regional national experts and stakeholders from pilot sites. Pilot sites: (a) Shara; (2) Gornje podunavlje; (3) Djerdap; (4) Tara; (5) Durmitor-Sutjeska; (6) Dojran.

Preparatory Workshop on national RECAP events Six national RECAP Seminar Reports Two GHG reporting exchange mission

reports At least two concrete and detailed

RECAP proposals prepared for donor consideration Workshop Report on Monitoring

Mechanism Decision Workshop report emission inventories

reporting EU-ETS Seminar Report EU-ETS Seminar report on monitoring,

reporting and verification EU-ETS Workshop Report on Registries

EU-ETS national workshop Reports on doing inventories EU-ETS Draft installations list from at

least three RENA countries

Workshop Report on Sites Management Nature

Workshop Report on synergy between sites management and local economy Workshop report on communication

strategies Workshop report on conducting nature

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transposition implementation and enforcement of EU legislation

Water Management: Three annual meetings

of the sub-working group, six training workshops on 1) Basic measures: the role of the WFD; 2) River Basin District characterisation, including economic analysis; 3) Heavily modified water bodies and new modifications; 4) Coordination of criteria for good water status and modelling of environmental impact of human activities on water bodies; 5) Development of the Programme of Measures and measures related to Article 9 (cost recovery); 6) WFD derogations and public participation, as well as stakeholder involvement. Three pilot sites: Drin, Drina and Neretva river basins. EIA/SEA Three annual meetings of the

sub-working group, training workshops on Approaches to transposition of EIA/SEA directives; SEA and IPA programmes;

impact assessments Workshop report on conducting nature

impact assessments Workshops report on developing sound

nature project proposals Workshop report on monitoring and

reporting nature protection areas At least two detailed follow-up cross

border nature proposals for donor consideration

Workshop report on Basic measures: the role of the WFD, including description of practical examples.


Workshop report on RBD characterization, including economic analysis Workshop report on HMWB and new

modifications. Workshop report on Coordination of

criteria for good water status and modeling of environmental impact of human activities on water bodies. Check list on major steps to be taken

during cross-border coordination of good water status criteria and monitoring. Guidelines on the development of cost-

effective programme of measures in accordance with WFD. Workshop report on WFD derogations

and public participation. List of further needs.

Workshop Reports, Guidelines, list of EIA/SEA

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WG 4: Environmental Compliance and

Enforcement Network for Accession (ECENA): Improved ability of ECENA member countries to implement and enforce the EU environmental legislation by increasing effectiveness of inspecting bodies and promoting compliance with environmental requirements

EIA/SEA differences and common features; SEA cross-border procedures, including consultation and interpretation of cross-border impacts; EIA cross-border procedures, including consultation and interpretation of cross-border impacts. Pilot sites: Operational Programmes; four HPPs on Moraca river , Neretva/Trebisnjica river basin management with focus on upper horizon; Motorway Morinë – Merdar.. Gaps assessment Mutlilateral environmental

agreements: Implementation questionnaires (IQs) prepared for selected MEAs; Maximum 12 implementation questionnaires completed and assessed; Maximum 12 MEA implementation reports completed

Capacity building permit writers and

inspectors Before 3/2013: Two Training Topics assessments; Eight national training workshops ; Training Materials and Manuals; Pool of 20 well trained environmental inspectors and permits writers per country, capable of performing their tasks of implementing and enforcing the environmental acquis Common inspections and site visits: eight

national training workshops selected pilot sites will be visited and inspected with inspectors from other countries Country external assessments: Seven

country assessment reports with assessments of national, regional and local environmental capacity covering the whole management cycle of policy, legislation, permitting, verification and control,

further requirements report

Maximum 12 MEA implementation reports completed

Gaps assessment multilateral agreements

Two regional Training Topics

assessment reports Eight national training reports on

permitting and inspection with training manuals and common inspections Preparatory Report Country

Assessments Seven RENA Country Assessment

Reports EU-ETS Regional Workshop Report Two TFS Regional Workshop Reports Two Cross border nature protection

inspection Workshop Reports Reports participants of ECENA sister


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monitoring and reporting, focussing specifically on the issues of permitting, inspection and enforcement EU-ETS compliance: One 2-day regional

training workshop with participation of neighboring countries representatives (for example Bulgaria and Romania) TFS: Two 2-day regional training

workshops with participation of neighboring countries representatives (for example Bulgaria and Romania) Cross border nature protection: Two 2-day

regional training workshop with participation of neighboring countries representatives ECENA participation in networks: Three

annual meetings of the ECENA Working Group; Participation in about 5 events per year (as average) of inspectors/permit writers from the region in other sister networks



Activity 1.1 Overview report on approximation in SEE Activity 1.2 RISP – Regional Institutional Support Platform Activity 1.3 Investment Planning Activity 1.4 Public participation in planning Activity 1.5 Progress monitoring Activity 1.6 Gap assessments of draft legal acts Activity 2.1 ReCAP Activity 2.2 GHG Reporting Activity 2.3 EU-ETS Activity 3.1 Nature Protection Activity 3.2 Water Management

Junior Non-Key Experts: 900 wd – (800 + 100 wds)

Country coordinators+PR/Visibility

Team Leader: 60 wds Inception

Key Expert 2: 40 wds Key Expert 3: 40 wds Key Expert 4: 40 wds

Team Leader: 26 wds WG 1 Strategic Planning and Investments:

Key Expert 2: 190 wds Key Expert 3: 100 wds

Given the RENA history so far political support from the side of Environment Ministers seems evident, being a first precondition for successful RENA cooperation. Commitment to work with the project results will however be equally important. Reports may be nice for the record, they are much nicer if they are not just a piece of output, but generate actual outcomes. As it seems the commitment to be involved is rather strong in the beneficiary countries giving good hope that

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Activity 3.3 EIA and SEA Activity 3.4 Multilateral Environmental Agreements – gap assessments Activity 4.1 Capacity building regarding compliance with environmental legislation through better understanding of issues and identification of targeted solutions Activity 4.2 Country external assessments Activity4.3 EU ETS Compliance Activity 4.4 Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Activity 4.5 Inspection and enforcement in cross border nature protection areas Activity 4.6 ECENA participation in relevant networking activities including IMPEL and other sister networks

Key Expert 4: 0 wds Senior Non Key Experts: 430 wds Junior Non-Key Experts: tbd Incidentals: 430.827 euro

Team Leader: 61 wds WG 2: Climate Change

Key Expert 2: 0 wds Key Expert 3: 0 wds Key Expert 4: 120 wds Senior Non Key Experts: 190 wds Junior Non-Key Experts: tbd Incidentals: 334.687 euro

Team Leader: 20 wds WG 3: Cross border cooperation

Key Expert 2: 30 wds Key Expert 3: 150 wds Key Expert 4: 55 wds Senior Non Key Experts: 180 wds Junior Non-Key Experts: tbd Incidentals: 504.087 euro

Team Leader: 113 wds WG 4: ECENA

Key Expert 2: 30 wds Key Expert 3: 0 wds Key Expert 4: 75 wds Senior Non Key Experts: 140 wds Junior Non-Key Experts: tbd Incidentals: 490.124 euro

Team Leader: 20 wds Final phase

Key Expert 2: 10 wds Key Expert 3: 10 wds

steps forward will be made. Cooperation and data availability and the timely access to these data are highly important to proceed with network activities according to planning and to provide quality outputs. These elements will definitely impact the usefulness of the project report results and the benefit all stakeholders can have from it. Many activities are planned in RENA. The allocation of staff and resources to participate in the events may be a bit difficult in a number of cases. Not only in terms of quantity, also in terms of quality. This may mainly refer to representatives of public administrations (many countries having limited experienced senior resources) and civil society organisations. The efficiency and effectiveness of the knowledge transfer in the workshops and events will highly depend on this aspect. Proper project implementation is served with a stable environment. Continuity will be an important aspect in building up ownership and the use of the project results. Since the project deals with countries that have so far shown regular political and administrative alterations it is likely that in some of them relevant changes potentially impacting project results will take place

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Key Expert 4: 10 wds Junior Non-Key Experts: tbd

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Minutes of the Meeting 3rd Steering Committee meeting

Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA)

Date: 14 October, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Place: Hotel VALAMAR DUBROVNIK PRESIDENT, Iva Dulcica 142, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Time: 09:00 – 17:00


Beneficiaries/Focal points • Mr. Fatos Bundo - Focal point for Albania, Director of EU Integration and Projects, Ministry of

Environment, Forests and Water Administration • Ms. Azra Rogović Grubić - Focal point for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Senior Advisor for International

Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations • Ms. Mira Medić - Focal point for Croatia, Director of the Directorate for the EU, Ministry of

Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction • Ms. Jadranka Ivanova - Focal point for fYR of Macedonia. Head of the Department for European Union,

Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning • Mr. Muhamet Malsiu - Focal point for Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99. Director of Environmental

Department, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning • Ms. Milja Stanojević - Focal point for Montenegro. Advisor, Department for International Cooperation and

Sustainable Development, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism • Mr. Nebojša Pokimica – Focal point for Serbia, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Environment, Mining and

Spatial Planning

European Commission • Ms. Daniela Topirceanu, Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Preparedness/Civil Protection,

Veterinary, DG Enlargement, European Commission • Ms. Madalina Ivanica, RENA Task Manager, Policy Officer, International Relations and Enlargement,

DG Environment, European Commission

Project Team • KE1/TL. Mr. Ike van der Putte • KE2. Mr. Mihail Dimovski • KE3. Ms. Daiva Semeniene • KE4. Mr. Imre Csikós

RENA Secretariat • Mr. Tumennasan Dolgor, Human Dynamics • Mr. Ruža Radović, Human Dynamics • Ms. Slavica Ašković, Human Dynamics

Official welcoming The meeting was opened by Mr. Csikos, welcoming Ms. Stanojevic, new Focal Point for Montenegro and Ms. Topirceanu from DG Enlargement and Mr. Dimovski, new KE2 of RENA.

Ms. Medic welcomed participants on behalf of Croatia, indicating the satisfaction with the progress of the project achieved so far and presented in the draft 2nd Interim Report. Ms. Ivanica thanked to Ms. Medic for hosting the meeting in Croatia. Ms. Ivanica welcomed Mr. Dimovski, being at the SC meeting for the first time as the replacement on the position of KE2 instead of Ms. Whitehead who has left the project due to a health reasons and Ms. Stanojevic, new Focal Point of Montenegro. Ms. Ivanica explained that the last part of the meeting as per agenda will be devoted to discussion on the continuation of activities in the region under RENA 2 once the project is over.

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This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Adoption of the agenda Proposed agenda was unanimously adopted.

Minutes of the second SC meeting Mr. Csikos gave a brief overview of the minutes of the previous SC meeting where the first Interim Report has been presented and discussed. The minutes of the second SC meeting were approved. Under this point the participation of NGOs under Environment Forum project has been discussed. Since the NGOs are sending their representatives to RENA events as representatives of EF project and the project is ending in December 2011, the conclusion was that the bilateral discussion will be held with EF project Team leader to establish the modality through which the participation of NGO representatives on RENA events will be continued even after the EF project is closed.

Draft Interim Report (March 19, 2011 – September 18, 2011) (TL/KE 1 Ike van der Putte) Mr. van der Putte presented the 2nd Interim Report, its structure and contents as well the progress of the project in line with the work plan. Hard copy of the main text of the Interim Report has been distributed to participants along with the CD containing the annexes. Mr. van der Putte also announced that the next Ministerial Meeting will be organised by EC DG Environment with support from RENA Secretariat end of March 2012. The exact date will be determined and announced to the countries as soon as possible. The absence of Turkey at the SC Meeting and announced absence on WG4 2nd Annual Meeting was tackled and Ms. Ivanica said she will check the issue with counterparts from Turkey.

Working Group 1 – Strategic Planning and Investments/Activity 3.4 MEAs (KE2 Mihail Dimovski) Mr. Dimovski presented the activities done under WG 1 during second interim reporting period, approach and methodology applied, potential issues/obstacles and solutions as well as planned activities, approach and methodology for the next reporting period (September – March 2012).

Activity 1.1 Preparation of Approximation Strategies

Regional training originally envisaged to be organised with the focus on BiH and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 was due to the cancelation of BiH, organised as sub-regional training with the main focus on Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 with participation of representatives of fYR of Macedonia. Two main topics covered with the sub-topics were: (1) Designing the preparation of approximation strategies and programmes and (2) Economic and Financial Approximation Strategy. The result of the training was developed programme outline for the potential content of Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 EAS. Major issue was absence of representatives of BiH due to the location of the training. Although project offered to change the location of the training, the participation could not be achieved. RENA Secretariat will prepare and send the letters to the relevant Ministries in BiH in order to promote participation of country representatives at RENA events and EC will tackle this issue at their upcoming Sub-committee meetings. Ms. Ivanica expressed her disappointment with the fact that no BiH representatives were nominated to participate at the above workshop as planned. Ms. Rogovic Grubic explained that several problems were influencing this, such as the language barrier, other obligation, location, coordinator of WG that is not very active, etc. Ms. Rogovic Grubic explained that the offer has been made by RENA Secretariat that the same training at the national level is provided to BiH, possibly back to back with national TA on development of EAs that is about to be initiated in BiH. The next training to be held under this Activity is regional training on Approximation Obligations and Accession Negotiation in Brussels. The training will provide overview of the negotiation process; ensure exchange of experience and best practices with candidate countries and NMS with participation of chief negotiators EC DG Environment Desk Officers and DG Enlargement as lecturers. In order to avoid numerous travels, the training will be organised back to back with 2nd Annual Meeting of WG 1.

Activity 1.2 RISP

So far two regional trainings have been held in the reporting period: • First regional training/workshop on Directive 2008/99 (Criminal law)/Directive 2004/35/EC

(Environmental liability), Zagreb, 30-31 May, 2011 • Second regional training/workshop on Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP) and (EC)1907/2006

(REACH), Istanbul, 11-13 October, 2011 – (to be reported in the next Interim report) In the coming period the project team will prepare and deliver:

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



• Regional training/workshop on Directive 2007/2/EC/INSPIRE (to be delivered in collaboration with the Austrian Environmental Agency)

• Annual WG 1/ RISP meeting (to discuss and agree on the details of trainings to be delivered in 2012) • Update of the EU Handbook on the Implementation of Environmental Acquis – the project team will

in collaboration with EC determine the scope and methodology of the update, draft the list of relevant EC judgments between 2007 and 2011, reviewing the current version of the Handbook to identify and revise any obsolete information, revise existing fiches covering separate EC legislation to accommodate for amendments adopted between 2007 and 2011, prepare new sub-sections for entirely new EC legislation adopted within the implementation period (2007-2011). Analysis of the Handbook will include 3 interrelated steps: legal gaps analysis, implementation gaps analysis and analysis of the current version of the Handbook.

On the issue of the Handbook update, Ms. Medic asked if there is a budget for translation of the updated Handbook, but unfortunately the translation or the printing cannot be financed by the project. However, the electronic version will be made available for download and RENA Secretariat will check with the PR expert the possibilities to make electronic version in more user friendly format.

Activity 1.5 Progress Monitoring

Progress Monitoring is considered to be the activity with high importance. PM provides information not only to the EC but also to the countries and helps them to understand where they stand in terms of their progress toward EU. All PM Reports were prepared and submitted by mid September, 2011. Some difficulties that have occurred in the year 14 of PM exercise were the following: information not provided for number of sectors without explanation on reasons behind, contradictory information provided in ToCs, legislation adopted in previous PM period reported as progress, etc. Main issue to be discussed is scoring of draft legislation as progress although being in line with the current PM methodology. Ms. Medic commented that in line with the methodology, the draft legislation was scored as a progress. Croatia is of the opinion that such methodology should be kept as preparation of draft is for a fact a progress and present incentive to the countries. Mr. Dimovski agreed with the point, clarifying that the difference should be made between transposition progress and transposition efforts. Draft legislation should be reflected in the report, and the scoring methodology can remain as such with the condition that if draft legislation remains a draft for the period longer than 2 or 3 years the scored points will be deducted. Ms. Ivanica explained that EC takes into consideration the adopted legislation as real indicator of transposition progress. Draft legislation shows efforts toward reaching the progress, but if draft is not adopted in a reasonable period of time then there is no progress and progress scores awarded based on a draft cannot be kept. The reasonable period of time is to be agreed with the countries, and the suggestion is that this reasonable period of time should be 3 years. However no changes will be made until the agreement is reached on the proposed changes. Ms. Medic explained that the reasonable deadline for adoption should be agreed amongst the countries and EC. Mr. Dimovski asked the Focal Points to declare if they agree with the modification of the scoring methodology as explained above. The Focal Points agreed clarifying that the reasonable deadline for adoption of new legislation should be set to the period of three years. Ms. Ivanova agreed to the period of three yeas being a reasonable time for the adoption of the legislation, but not to the procedure of decreasing the score if the deadline is not fulfilled. One of the issues the project team faced during preparation of PM Reports for 2011 was inter ministerial coordination. The issue was resolved by additional involvement of EC and project team, additional meetings and coordination and this practice will continue during next year as well. Ms. Ivanova explained that the deadlines are rather tight and that it would be helpful to receive the ToCs and IQs as soon as possible and that additional trainings on filling in the ToCs and IQs for new legislation will be welcomed. Ms. Radovic explained that delay in delivery of blank ToCs and IQs in 2011 was partly caused by late determination of the list of legislation for Climate Acquis, but since the list of legislation for year 2012 will remain the same, the delays are not expected.

Activity 1.6 Gap Assessment of Draft Legal Acts

The project team developed the template for requesting the legal gap assessment or compliance check of draft legal acts. So far, only one request have been received, from Montenegro, with very short deadline for the project team to prepare compliance check for draft SEA legislation. The project team will provide advice to beneficiary countries on draft legislation for which they would benefit compliance checking and will continue to provide support under this activity, but it is essential that sufficient

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



period of time is given for compliance check implementation, i.e. that compliance check is requested by the countries well in advance.

Activity 3.4 Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Under this activity during the reporting period the project team prepared request template for gap assessment of MEAs. So far no requests were received and project team would like to propose new approach to this activity. The activity could be focused on SEA and EIA. The main objective of such revised activity could be to overcome accession challenges in proper implementation of EIA and SEA but also to assist the countries in adhering to international obligations in transboundary EIA and SEA, namely the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in Transboundary Context (1991 Espoo Convention) and the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (2003 Kiev protocol). The activity could be a good opportunity for further synergy with Water Management, Nature and EIA/SEA Sub-groups and activities of RENA, but also with other regional initiatives. The outputs of such revised activity could be gap analysis of relevant multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), legislation, and actual implementation, overview of institutional gaps related to the implementation of the Espoo Convention (EIA) and Kiev Protocol (SEA) and preparation and provision of guidelines for the environmental requirements for IPA projects (in line with IPA implementing Regulation 718/2007). Ms. Medic commented that the production of guidelines under this activity would be rather useful for the countries. Ms. Azra Rogovic Grubic noted that BiH would need to continue work under this activity as initially planned with legal gap assessment, but this is still to be officially confirmed to RENA Secretariat once checked internally in the country. Ms. Ivanova also suggested that this proposed modification should be discuss in the countries internally and that the proposed changes can be confirmed only after this internal discussions. However, the conclusion was reached that the gap assessment will not remain limited to initially confirmed international conventions but will be open to all priorities that countries might have. The final decisions on the above proposed changes will be made at the second annual meeting of WG1 that will be held in November 2011 in Brussels.

Working Group 2 Climate Change (KE4 Imre Csikos) Mr. Csikos presented the overview of activities implemented in the reporting period under WG2, as well as planned activities for the coming reporting period(s) in accordance with the revised work plan of this working group. Under this working group (under various Activities of WG), eight events (workshops, trainings) so far has been organised. The general conclusion made by the project team after year and a half of the implementation of the work plan is the following; different levels of capacity in the countries to develop climate change policies; all RENA countries (including Croatia) need to continue to take steps to achieve convergence with the EU Climate acquis; all RENA countries are required to step up human resources and skills capacity; high-level message from the EC to the region is required to push forward the activities in this area; transfer of knowledge on EU climate policies and legislation will provide opportunities to the region to unlock the renewable energy potentials, to achieve sustainable development through transformation towards zero carbon economies and to create new economic potentials to achieve set of renewable targets (new jobs). RENA WG 2 role is seen as a vehicle for the region to explore and unlock opportunities to implement (elements) of the Climate Acquis through awareness raising, establishment of platform of climate experts, development of concrete projects to be financed by various donors and capacity building. It has to be noted that IPA 2011- 2013 programme contains climate change as one of the top priorities. Thus RENA programme should also maximize benefits of IPA support. So far only a very limited number of IPA Climate proposals exist, although the budget is 800 million Euros for climate and environment (together). Most of the climate proposals will likely include IPA I (capacity building). Under RENA WG2 suggestion for prioritisation of IPA Climate proposals has been made and it is still to be confirmed by the countries. In the coming reporting period under three activities of this WG a cascade of events is planned to be implemented. The always present concern is the absorption capacity of the countries.

Activity 2.1 ReCAP

1. Skopje, fYR of Macedonia, 19 and 20 January 2012, National ReCAP seminar (EU Climate and Energy Package) with maximum 100 participants representing industry, CSOs; central, regional and local authorities, background institutions.

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



2. Belgrade, Serbia, 15 and 16 February 2012, National ReCAP seminar (EU Climate and Energy Package) with maximum 100 participants representing industry, CSOs; central, regional and local authorities, background institutions.

3. Istanbul, Turkey, March 2012, National ReCAP seminar (EU Climate and energy package) with maximum 100 participants representing high level officials, CEOs and NGOS. This meeting was initially planned to be held in November 2011 but was postponed for March 2012.

Before each event KE 2 will visit the countries to discuss the level and other details of each workshop. Ms. Ivanova noted that the country is looking forward to the proposed event. In relation to IPA funds mentioned, there is also proposal from fYR of Macedonia that the guidelines for transposition of EU Climate Acquis are produced in order to help the countries in implementation of this complicated legislation. Mr. Csikos agreed with the statement and explained that WG 2 will help the countries per request to draft project fiches for the activities that cannot be covered by RENA work plan and could be financed by IPA. Ms. Topirceanu noted that while drafting the project fiches, the source of financing has to be known in order to avoid drafting in vain. Ms. Topirceanu also commented that agendas for the workshops mentioned to be implemented under Activity 2.1 have to reflect the various interest of the wide audience that will attend these workshops. Ms. Medic added that their Ministry already submitted twice proposal for TA project to be financed by IPA but the proposal was declined with the justification that the priority for funding is placed on judiciary reforms. Ms. Topirceanu replied that they have no influence on national programmes, but as per her experience the priorities for financing strive usually from national strategic documents and if the justification for refusal was such, than the justification for the proposed projects has to be very strong in order to get the required funding.

Activity 2.2 MMD

The activities planned for the next reporting period: 1. Tirana, Albania, 16 and 17 November 2011. Two days regional workshop on preparation of GHG

emissions inventories and reporting (focus on selected sectors)/back to back with 2nd annual meeting of WG 2, 18 November 2011;

2. Zagreb, Croatia, March 2012: The scope of the regional workshop will be defined on the basis of discussions and identified needs during the first two workshops, and is to be agreed by the Commission and RENA Working Group 2.

Under this activity, hands-on support in preparation of GHG emission inventories in line with the MMD are planned. If possible, missions to some EU Member State(s) with a focus on, for example a specific sector or specific needs of the beneficiary country/ies are planned. The exact scope and methodology for this is still to be discussed with the beneficiary countries, on which basis a programme will be prepared. Along with this, targeted missions of experts from EU Member States to a RENA country to provide assistance on GHG inventory and reporting process are planned. The focus is to provide possibility for solving practical/technical problems. Here existing expertise of (MS and other) experts could be applied.

Activity 2.3 EU ETS

The activities planned for the next reporting period are focused on delivery of regional workshops on EU ETS. These workshops will be combined with the national workshops described under Activity 2.1. This approach was already implemented in Zagreb where the combination of national Activity 2.1 workshop and regional Activity 2.3 workshop was organised with success end of September 2011. Working Group 3 – Cross border cooperation and MEAs (KE4 Imre Csikos)

Activity 3.1 – Nature Protection Sub-group

Mr. Csikos presented the activities implemented under this Sub-group in the reporting period. Two regional trainings were held: Module 1: Development and Implementation of Nature Sites Management Plans. Location: Kopacki Rit, Croatia (Serbia, Croatia, Hungary). During this training focus was placed on the topics such as: management plan development with a participatory approach; implementation of management plans; involvement of stakeholders. The evaluation results demonstrated that the approach to development of Management Planning was new for participants, but also that there is no cross border cooperation between Serbia and Croatia which threatens integrity of the site. The conclusion after the training is that economic developments overrule nature objectives and that EU legislation will secure better protection of Kopacki Rit. Module 2: Nature Management and strengthening the local economy: creating business and revenues in cross border areas: Dojran Lake (fYR of Macedonia and Greece). During this training focus was placed on the topics such as: creation of revenues from nature management; modules for stimulation of local economies; options for

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



financing nature; making links to management planning. During the training, project team discovered that problems on Dojran Lake are related to: artificially filling of water table (deep aquifer) due to unsustainable agricultural (irrigation) practices; eutrophication; need for scientific environment and nature study to be developed and need for development of joint cross border management plans in order to support preservation of Dojran Lake. Preparations are on-going for the implementation of Module 3 that will be held in Djerdap, Serbia (Serbia and Romania). Under this module focus will be placed on communication with stakeholders. In the next reporting period, Module 4 will be implemented on Shara Mountain (cross border of fYR of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99).

Working Group 1 – Strategic Planning and Investments/Activity 1.3 / Working Group 3 – Cross Border Cooperation and MEAs (KE3 Daiva Semeniene)

Activity 1.3 – Investment Planning Sub-group

Ms. Semeniene presented the activities implemented under this Sub-group in the reporting period. During period April to June 2011, seven national workshops (in each country) on investment planning and financing plan development has been organised. These were followed by regional workshop on the EU requirements and identification of environmental projects and approximation costs assessment. This regional workshop was also focused on preparation of prioritised lists of environmental projects with regional impact. Main conclusions after the national workshops were the following: additional efforts in transposition of heavy costs directives were necessary; some important strategic documents were still missing, in particular those, which contained identified projects for full compliance with the EU requirements; cooperation among institutions remained problematic, despite that some steps were being taken by establishing joint working groups and other mechanisms; capacity building in project cycle was needed on both central and local level; better established procedures were needed for project identification, prioritisation and implementation; and finally, more clear commitment from countries on level of local financing was needed. Development of long lists of projects should be considered as necessary part, preparing for membership negotiations. Regional workshop on planning of environmental investments combined with 2nd annual meeting of this Sub-group is planned to be held in December 2011 in Tirana. This workshop will also be devoted to further development of priority lists of environmental investment projects with regional impact (final decision on the set of criteria to be used along with the first draft lists will be produced). Collaboration with other regional initiatives and IFIs is ongoing (Sub-group experts participated in the meetings organised by WBIF, DABLAS, etc. Project team provided inputs to DABLAS newsletter and Guide for rapid pre-appraisals of urban wastewater projects).

Activity 3.2 – Water Management

Ms. Semeniene presented the activities implemented so far as well as planned activities with more details for the events planned for first half of 2012. Two regional workshops were held in March and September 2011 resulting with the improved capacity of the participants on the RBD characterisation, delineation of water bodies, pressures and impacts assessment including diffuse and point pollution, water abstraction and morphological pressures, adequate monitoring systems and typology, identification of water bodies at risk, etc. Next regional workshop will be focused on heavily modified water bodies and new modifications and will be combined with the 2nd annual meeting of this Sub-group. The workshop/meeting will be held in December 2011. Two more regional workshops are planned in the first half of 2012.

Activity 3.3 – EIA and SEA

Ms. Semeniene presented the activities implemented under EIA/SEA Sub-group in the reporting period as well as planned activities with more details for the events planned for first half of 2012. Under this Sub-group one regional workshop on approaches to transposition of EIA/SEA directives was held. Next workshop on SEA for IPA programmes is planned to be held in November 2011 combined with the 2nd annual meeting of this Sub-group. During first half of 2012 two more regional workshops are planned. Working Group 4 – ECENA Mr. van der Putte presented the activities implemented in the reporting period as well as planned activities with more details for the events planned for 2012.

Activity 4.1 Common Inspection training

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



The project team implemented sub-regional trainings designed under the Activity 4.1, involving approximately 20 participants per training + inspectors from two other RENA countries in order to improve the exchange of experience. The trainings were implemented for the first four batch of countries. The Manual for national trainings have been developed.

Activity 4.2 Country external assessments

Under Activity 4.2 the country external assessments were finalised for Serbia, fYR of Macedonia and Montenegro. Site visits were organised for preparation of the reports for Albania and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99. The visit to Turkey is planned for December 2011.

Activity 4.3 EU ETS compliance

The first regional workshop on EU ETS compliance is planned for May 2012 to be held in Croatia (still to be confirmed).

Activity 4.4 TFS

The first regional workshop on TFS (harbour and ship transport) will be organised in collaboration with IMPEL in April 2012 in Turkey. Second workshop is planned to be held on road transport in June 2012.

Activity 4.5 Inspection and Enforcement in cross border Nature protection areas

The first regional workshop on nature inspection is planned to be held on Lake Ohrid in October 2012. Second regional workshop is planned to be held on Skadar Lake in November 2012.

Activity 4.6 ECENA participation in relevant networking activities including IMPEL and other sister networks

Collaboration with other relevant networks continued during reporting period, with main focus on collaboration with IMPEL. The efforts of the EC initiated in the previous reporting period resulted with the possibility that IMPEL will change their rules and will allow potential candidates to become the members of the IMPEL. This change will become official most probably after the next General Assembly Meeting of IMPEL that will be held in Warsaw, 24 November 2011. Under this activity, 2nd Annual meeting of WG4 will be held in Skopje on 18 October 2011. Discussion on the future of RENA Ms. Ivanica explained that the discussion on the future of RENA was initiated during 2nd SC meeting held in March 2011 and that Focal Points were asked to start thinking on the priorities that should be included on possible RENA 2 project. Ms. Topirceanu made an introduction with the general statement on IPA funds. IPA is instrument for pre-accession process. All projects whether national or regional financed by IPA have to be related to pre-accession. Most funds under IPA are related to national projects and are distributed in line with the strategic documents produced by the countries. In 2009 it was decided that the countries had to be more involved in the process of design of projects. Eight priority sectors are established. In order to ensure more participative approach and following the decision made in 2009 working groups are created to design sector plans for the regional interventions. One counterpart has been appointed for each country (national IPA coordinators – NIPACs). NIPACs are responsible for communication with DG Enlargement. In practice it has been demonstrated that communication between NIPACs, line ministries in the countries and RENA Focal Points has not been established at the expected level. Sector plan was produced for the period 2011 – 2013. Twice a year coordination meetings are organised by DG Enlargement for NIPACs. On these meetings strategic decisions and choices are made. One of the strategic decisions is related to RENA 2. At the meeting held in May 2011, it was expected that some basic grounds for priorities for RENA 2 will come from RENA 1. However, these grounds were not ready for meeting in May. NIPAC for fYR of Macedonia, Mr. Vlatko Trpeski therefore took over the responsibility to coordinate the process of consulting RENA FPs and relevant stakeholders in order to make necessary preparations for drafting the project fiche. The information was collected, but the lessons learned from RENA 1 showed that the focus of the countries is rather regional. Draft project fiche has been developed, but it has been rejected since multi beneficiary context has not been properly justified. Therefore more efforts are needed in collecting the relevant information in order to prepare justifiable project fiche proving the sustainability of the possible future project. Ms. Ivanica confirmed that first attempt to receive the information and proposals from FPs for RENA 2 were not at the expected level as most of them could fit perfectly under national IPA and some of them were related to the activities that are already under implementation in RENA 1. Therefore it has been decided to launch

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



second round of information and proposals collection in order to prepare the final draft of project fiche for RENA 2. The general idea is to build on the achievements of RENA 1. RENA FPs are therefore kindly asked to discuss internally the possibilities and to send to EC suggestions and proposals on the thematic areas and activities needed to be implemented under RENA 2. The FPs should keep in mind few criteria (based in which proposals will be judged in the approval process):

1. Reference to strategic documents; 2. Other means and tools than trainings should be considered for exchange of knowledge and experience; 3. "added value" brought by a multi-beneficiary/regional approach compared to a national one; 4. number of priority areas addressed 5. the extent to which the Action builds on the results of previous EC interventions; 6. the realism of the Action in the given timeframe/the probability that similar Actions could be

implemented in the meantime with financing from other sources 7. the cost effectiveness and efficiency of the Action; 8. the number of IPA categories of Beneficiaries that would effectively benefit from the Action/equal

treatment of all IPA Beneficiaries; 9. the capacity of the target groups/beneficiaries to ensure sustainability to the Action; 10. the number of elements that plead in favour of the Action's sustainability; 11. the degree to which the Action allows synergies; etc.

Ms. Ivanica added that FPs should consult project experts in the process of proposal and suggestions preparations. The project team will prepare a document on the lessons learned from RENA 1. The documents (logframe matrix, project fiche) have to be ready by February 2012. Therefore the information from the countries has to be prepared by mid November 2011 including the minutes of the meetings held in the countries internally. Ms. Ivanova explained that this process for collection of information was not presented to FPs as described at the meeting, first time when the process was launched, otherwise the information that were provided by the countries would probably be different. Ms. Medic asked for clarification on the position of Croatia in RENA 2, whether there is a need for full or limited or involvement at all. Ms. Ivanica replied that most probably the involvement will not be necessary but that will depend on the timing for start up of RENA 2.

Follow up points

The follow-up points resulting from the meeting are:

Follow-up points By whom Deadline

Lessons learned and evaluation report on RENA 1 RENA Secretariat November 2011

Proposals for RENA 2 project fiche Beneficiaries Mid November 2011

Decision on the scope of activities under Activity 3.4 Beneficiaries Mid November 2011

Decision on the revision of the scoring system for PM (reasonable period of time – 3 years, deduction of awarded points after the reasonable period of time)

Beneficiaries Mid November 2011

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3rd Interim Report, Annex 4- Incidental Expenditure budget breakdown

Human Dynamics Consortium

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Minutes of the Meeting 2nd

Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA)

Annual Meeting of WG 1

Date: 25 November 2011, Brussels, Belgium



Mr. Fatos Bundo, RENA Focal Point, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration

Ms. Biserka Puc, WG 1 Coordinator, Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection

Ms. Jadranka Ivanova, RENA Focal Point, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Mr. Muhamet Malsiu, RENA Focal Point/WG 1 Coordinator, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Mr. Zymer Mrasori, WG 1 Deputy Coordinator, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Ms. Milja Stanojevic, RENA Focal Point, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism

Ms. Brankica Cmiljanović, WG 1 Contact Person for Progress Monitoring, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism

Ms. Nada Mihailovic, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism

Mr. Velibor Goranovic, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism

Mr. Nebojsa Pokimica, RENA Focal Point, Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

Mr. Miroslav Tadic, Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

European Union • Ms. Madalina Ivanica, RENA Task Manager, DG Environment, European Commission

Project Team • Mr. Imre Csikos Key expert 4 • Mr. Mihail Dimovski Key expert 2

RENA Secretariat • Mrs. Ruza Radovic Project manager, Human Dynamics

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Official welcoming The meeting was opened by Mr Dimovski by greeting all the participants for coming to the second annual meeting of the WG 1 “Strategic planning and Investments”, who announced that the discussion will be led on the approach and methodology that was applied, whether the activities were in line with the expected results, about any obstacles or problems the participants may have faced during the implementation as well as well as discussion on the planned activities of the WG 1. Mr Dimovski explained the importance of the WG 1 which deals with transposition and, at some extent, with implementation of the environmental acquis; it also covers progress monitoring, capacity building in transposition and implementation process, legal assistance and it works in synergy with other WGs since all WGs under RENA programme are interrelated.

Approval of the agenda The proposed agenda was approved by the participants.

1.1 “Preparation of Approximation Strategies” Mr Dimovski presented the implemented activities under Activity 1.1 “Preparation of Approximation Strategies”.

The Sub-Regional Training Workshop “Preparing Environmental Approximation Strategy” was held in Prishtina from 3-5 October, 2011. The workshop was requested by Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 due to the urgent need of getting assistance in the start-up activities regarding the Environmental Approximation Strategy. Due to the unavailability of participants Bosnia and Herzegovina cancelled their participation. The training methodology was developed in collaboration with the beneficiaries. Over 16 lectures and power point presentations accompanied with a number of case studies and examples has been provided. Two main topics were covered with sub-topics:

- Designing the preparation of approximation strategies and programmes

- Economic and Financial Approximation Strategy

As the outcome of the workshop the outline for project fiche for NEAS in Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 has been developed. The outline will be further used by the authorities in discussion with EC in seeking further assistance.

Regional workshop on the Approximation Obligations and the Chapter 27 was implemented in the period 23 – 24 November 2011. Participation of former negotiators from Romania and Lithuania provided hands of experience to the participants. The workshop was particularly important for the countries that are slightly behind with the accession process and provided them with the information needed for better negotiation preparation.

1.2 “Regional Institutional Support Platform”/1.4 “Public Participation” Under Activity 1.2 “Regional Institutional Support Platform” the first regional workshop on Directive 2008/99 (Criminal law)/Directive 2004/35/EC (Environmental liability) was organized in Zagreb (20-21 May, 2011). Second regional workshop on Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP) and (EC) 1907/2006 (REACH) was organized in Istanbul, Turkey (11-12 October, 2011). The workshop was delivered by RENA KE 1/TL Mr Ike van der Putte and SSTEs and it was a highly technical meeting.

Mr Dimovski added that there are on-going preparations for the third Regional meeting on INSPIRE Directive. He shortly explained that this Directive is new and it requires effort by the countries to implement it. The contacts have been made with the Austrian Environmental Agency to jointly organise the workshop. The agreement has been reached to organise the workshop on 17 and 18 January 2012 in the premises of Austrian Environmental Agency in Vienna, Austria.

Under Activity 1.2, the project team will provide the update of the Handbook on Implementation of the environmental acquis. The handbook presents the most interesting publications of the EC. The

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Handbook represents a very comprehensive material covering the best practices on the environmental acquis and has to be regularly updated.

Mr Dimovski once again emphasized the complexity of updating the handbook. First of all, the scope of the handbook update needs to be defined. One of the very important issues presents research and collection of new references to national implementing measures for new EC environmental legislation. This task requires a lot of time and effort and cooperation with relevant authorities. There is a need to review the whole Handbook in order to identify and revise any obsolete information. Mr Dimovski added that the existing fiches covering separate EC legislation need to be revised to accommodate for amendments adopted between 2007 and 2011. Importance of typing up new sub-sections for entirely new EC legislation in the relevant sectors adopted within the implementation period was emphasized.

He explained that the Handbook analysis will include three interrelated steps:

1. Legal gaps analysis

2. Implementation gaps analysis

3. Analysis of the current version of the Handbook

Discussion – Planned Activities Mr Dimovski invited the participants to discuss on the abovementioned topics regarding the remaining workshops to be delivered.

The participants agreed that the workshop on Simulation of EU Accession Negotiation process should be organized in Macedonia in May/June 2012 and the workshop on Environmental Crime should be organised in Montenegro in May/June 2012.

Activity 1.5 Progress Monitoring of the Transposition and Implementation of the EU Environmental Acquis Mr Dimovski explained that preparation of PM reports requires lots of resources and inter-ministerial cooperation and he also emphasized that a number of difficulties could be faced during its implementation. Main purpose of PM reporting is to provide updated, comprehensive overview of the current situation in the beneficiary countries concerning the status of transposition and implementation of the environmental acquis. It is assisting the countries’ approximation strategies, planning resources and in defining priorities within the approximation process. It provides specific information on issues that could constitute barrier in the accession process. Progress Monitoring also proved information to the EC where the country stands with transposition and implementation of the Environmental acquis. .

Mr Dimovski explained what difficulties occurred in Progress monitoring exercise 14. Those difficulties are not to be generalized since they vary from country to country.

Information was not provided for number of sectors without explanation on reasons behind. He emphasized the problem of getting empty tables which provide no information and are useless as such.

Contradictory information was provided in some Tables of Concordance. This might happen because persons who filled those in were changed and new ones were not sufficiently trained for that task.

Legislation adopted in previous PM reported as a progress which should not happen.

Implementation questionnaires are incomprehensible (no data on reasons behind expired deadlines). Short explanation for the reasons should be noted.

Legislation drafted more than three years ago scored as progress.

Planned Activities The following activities will be implemented in the upcoming period under Activity 1.5:

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Update of PM Manual (Nov-Dec 2011)

Update of approach and methodology for PM year 7 (15) (Nov-Dec 2011)

Update of the ToR and selection of local experts assigned in each country (December 2011 – January 2012)

Development of information package and announcement documents, developed specifically for each of the beneficiary countries (January 2012)

Update/development of new ToCs and IQs for newly adopted legislation (2012)

Introductory/Kick-off meetings combined with national trainings on PM methodology for the beneficiary countries (February 2012)

Distribution of the updated tables of concordance and implementation questionnaires to the beneficiary countries (February 2012)

Participants agreed that the training is needed both for new staff as well as some additional training for more advanced persons who were already involved in PM previously. After short discussion it has been concluded that training will be provided for Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mr Dimovski presented several measures for improving PM activity. Updating includes making difference among progress in transposition (adopted legislation) and transposition efforts (draft legislation). Scoring should be accompanied with clear justification. He explained that mentoring will be provided in order to help ministerial staff to identify issues and propose solutions. Coaching will be organized to guide individuals through specific tasks, such as completion of ToCs and IQs. Demonstration, in terms of seeing the best practices examples and facilitation present some of the measures for improving the PM activity.

Activity 1.6 “Gap Assessment / Compliance Check of Draft Environmental Legal Acts” Mr Dimovski noted that this activity is associated with the previous one, i.e. Progress monitoring activity. As agreed request for compliance check is coming from the beneficiary country and is received by the Commission and then forwarded to the RENA Secretariat. The request should come associated with the draft legislation as well as with updated ToCs and other information, if possible. The next step is checking of provisions, paragraph by paragraph basis. It is emphasized that checking is performed only for legal part; and does not enter in the area of fairness of legislation or its interpretation. The results are then presented in a table format where each EC provision is matched with the corresponding transposing national article. It can easily be seen whether the provision is in compliance or not. In the summary of findings, it is clearly stated whether the transposition is adequate or not or partially in compliance and where not, the main reasons for the flaws are presented. The draft compliance tables are submitted to the EC and to the beneficiary country and further analysis and revisions are carried out, if needed. It is important to emphasize that opinion does not express opinion of EC but reflects an opinion of RENA Secretariat solely.

Request template for gap assessment of draft legal acts was prepared and distributed. Montenegro sent a request for compliance check of draft SEA legislation. Request from Albania on compliance check of the draft Law on Integrated Waste Management with the provisions of the Waste Directive and Basel Convention has been received.

Maximum of eight compliance checks are planned to be performed during the lifetime of the project. As for the timing, at least ten days are needed for this task but it is always desirable to receive it well in advance in order to avoid overlapping with other on-going activities. Mr Dimovski stressed once again the importance of understanding of the benefits of compliance checking.

Activity 3.4 Multilateral Environmental Agreements Mr Dimovski said that this activity is not so much related to environmental acquis however they are interrelated. He informed the participants on implemented activities during the second interim reporting

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This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



period when preparation and distribution of request template for gap assessment of draft legal acts was performed (April 2011). So far no response to make gap analysis was received. Conclusion after discussion was that this Activity should be merged with the Activity 1.6.

CONCLUSION: The main activities and conclusions of the meeting are the following.

All the activities planed under Activity 1.1 has been fully implemented;

Two more regional workshops will be delivered under Activity 1.2: the workshop on Simulation of EU Accession Negotiation Process and the Workshop on Environmental Crime. Both workshops will build on the results achieved during the workshops implemented previously under the Activity 1.2.

Activity 1.5 Progress Monitoring – agreement was made on the scoring system. Overall methodology for PM was agreed; help and assistance on this will be provided by RENA Secretariat as needed and requested. The PM kick off meetings and trainings will be organised for: Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina;

Activity 1.6 Compliance check – Participants agreed on its usefulness and its benefits. Countries are strongly encouraged to perform it.

Activity 3.4 – to be merged with the Activity 1.6.

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Minutes of the Meeting 2nd

Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA)

Annual Meeting of WG 3 Water Management Sub-group

Date: 25 January 2012, Tirana, Albania



Mr. Fatos Bundo - Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Management, Albania

Ms. Azra Rogović-Grubić - Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations

Ms. Nermina Skejovic Huric - Agency for Watershed of Adriatic Sea

Mr. Kiril Kalkašliev - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Mr. Kosta Trajkovski - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Ms. Albana Hajrizi-Kunushevci - Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Ms. Visare Hoxha - Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Ms. Hikmete Morina - Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

European Union • Ms. Madalina Ivanica, RENA Task Manager, DG Environment, European Commission • Mr. Antoine Avignon – EU Delegation in Tirana, Albania

Project Team • Mr. Ike van der Putte – KE 1/RENA TL • Ms. Daiva Semėnienė – KE 3/WG 1 Environmental Investment Planning Sub-group Leader • Mr. Arūnas Kundrotas – SSTE/WG 1 Environmental Investment Planning Sub-group • Mr. Christoph Prandtstetten – SSTE/WG 1 Environmental Investment Planning Sub-group • Mr. Romualdas Lenkaitis – SSTE/WG 1 Environmental Investment Planning Sub-group • Ms. Simona Daugintienė – JSTE/WG 1 Environmental Investment Planning Sub-group

Other stakeholders: • Ms. Joanna Fiedler – IFI Coordination Office – Sector Environment • Mr. Sohail Hassan – Infrastructure Project Facility in Western Balkans (IPF 1) – Western

Balkans Investment Framework

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



The Annual Meeting was opened by Ms. Daiva Semėnienė, RENA Key Expert 3, who welcomed the participants and made an introductory presentation. The first part of the meeting was devoted to the RENA WG1 Environmental Investment Planning Sub-group activities during the last year. Ms. Semėnienė gave a brief overview of the implementation status of the work plan of the Environmental Investment Planning Sub-group, recalling national workshops in seven countries, content and outcomes of the first two regional training workshops, as well as some quantitative results. Ms. Semėnienė listed all planned national workshops and training sessions. Two of the regional trainings are already completed and two more are planned for the year 2012. National workshops (in each country) on investment planning and financing plan development

April-June 2011

Regional workshop: The EU requirements and identification of environmental projects. Approximation costs assessment

September 2011, Dubrovnik

Regional workshop: Planning of environmental investments 24-25 January 2012, Tirana

Regional workshop: Role of national and international financing sources in environmental financing

First half of 2012

Regional workshop: Development of Environmental Financing Plans

Second half of 2012

In addition, Ms. Semėnienė acquainted participants with the training materials and other outputs which are planned for this subgroup:

• Agreed national format for an investment projects list; • Description of country specific gaps regarding investment projects; • Example content for an investment plan; • Example content for a financing plan; • Workshop reports; • National lists of investment projects; • Updated list of the regional priority environmental investment projects

Ms.Semėnienė presented eight activities of coordination with other EC initiatives which had been conducted so far. Furthermore, Ms. Semėnienė provided post-evaluation graphs of the first two regional trainings. On average 17 participants were present in the Environmental Investment Planning sub-group trainings. Evaluation of trainers, training programme and logistical arrangements was mainly excellent and good. During a roundtable discussion exact dates and preliminary venues were agreed for the next two regional workshops and the last annual meeting: Regional workshop: Role of national and international financing

sources in environmental financing Programmes of Measures in accordance with the WFD.

Together with the Water Management sub-group

21-23 May 2012, Visegrad or Podgorica

Regional workshop: Development of Environmental Financing Plans. Annual meeting

20-22 November 2012

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Mr. Antoine Avignon proposed to extend workshops to more than two days combining them with a short tour or site visit in order to ensure better exchange of experience.

Discussion on future RENA 2

Ms. Madalina Ivanica briefly introduced the next stage of RENA 2, which is preliminary planned in 2013-2015, and noted that the EC was keen to continue RENA project activities in Balkan countries and Turkey. Currently discussions on the follow-up actions are going on and main issues and topics have to be identified during the coming months. It is important that any follow-up actions are designed in accordance with the needs of the beneficiaries. RENA 2 will still remain a capacity building project, however, it will be more practice-oriented and will aim at more tangible results. Ms. Ivanica reminded that all ideas should have a regional character. She invited the participants to have brainstorm and to express their needs for future RENA 2. Mr. Fatos Bundo proposed to keep EIP sub-working group in future RENA 2 and to have trainings not only for national-level officials but also for representatives of local authorities who are responsible for infrastructure projects. Due to other responsibilities it is too difficult for national-level authorities to train municipalities. Besides, he expressed the need to have some study tours and to share experience not only among RENA beneficiary countries but with a bit more advanced, though similar, countries within the EU as well. Ms. Madalina Ivanica commented that such idea could be supported by RENA 2 but due to lack of sources it would be probably better first to train the trainers who would have obligations to provide training to the local authorities. A representative of Kosovo under UNSCR 1244 asked for assistance in the implementation and enforcement of some EU directives and in the transposition of the water sector directives to their national legislation. Ms. Ivanica commented that transposition of the EU directives while drafting national laws is not part of RENA activities and that a number of workshops related to the directives in the water sector have been provided during current RENA activities. RENA could only assist in gap assessment. Furthermore, such kind of assistance will hardly have a regional character and therefore probably will not be supported by RENA. A representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina offered a few ideas as well. BiH did not establish an IPA III structure in time. Since IPA III is for the training of using the Cohesion and Structural Funds so currently there is a gap and BiH is not able to use these funds. Therefore, representatives from BiH expressed a need for support to establish IPA III, so that they could have a centralized system of preparation and implementation of projects financed by those funds. Furthermore, BiH asked for support in preparing for negotiations with the EU. Moreover, representatives of BiH strongly supported continuation of Croatian participation in future RENA 2 activities, since this would enable other countries to get experience from Croatia. A representative of fYR of Macedonia noted lack of coordination between IFIs and bilateral donors, therefore RENA could take a role of coordination between all donors so that everyone gets a clearer picture of what is going on.

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This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Besides, representatives from fYR of Macedonia noted the importance of the issue of cost recovery. They stressed the public reluctance to pay higher tariffs, which need to cover investments and operation of infrastructure projects. During the round table discussion an idea to invite more stakeholders during earlier stages of project implementation in order to raise public awareness was supported. Furthermore, more discussions on the need of capacity building on tariff setting of various level authorities were held. Mr. Hassan explained that the key component of each IFIs project is capacity building of municipalities. Ms. Fiedler noted that capacity building of national-level authorities is crucial because they must have enough knowledge of technologies to be able to forward this knowledge to local-level authorities and citizens. List of ideas for RENA 2:

- study tours; - more work with local authorities (municipalities); - institutional systems to implement projects; - more effort for transposition; - assistance in preparation for negotiations (also use experience from Croatia); - support for establishment of IPA III structures; - coordination among funding institutions and EU; - raising public awareness; - capacity building for a negotiation team; - improving approximation process management; - impact on the private sector.

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Minutes of the Meeting 2nd

Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA)

Annual Meeting of WG 2 Climate Change

Date: 18 November 2011, Tirana, Albania

Place: Hotel Diplomat Fashion

Time: 09:30 – 15:30

Participants: Added as an Annex 1 to the Minutes.

Official welcoming and approval of the agenda The meeting was opened by Mr. Csikós by thanking all participants for coming to the Second Annual Meeting of the WG 2 Climate Change to discuss the further implementation of the Work Plan as proposed by the RENA Team, and also to present the results of the MMD: CRF Reporter Workshop held on 16-17 November.

Ms Laureta Dibra, RENA Climate Change WG Coordinator at the Albanian Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration expresses her satisfaction with the fact that the training workshop and the annual meeting were held in Albania and wished everyone a very fruitful discussion.

The Agenda was approved unanimously.

Overview of Status of RENA (Ike van der Putte, RENA Team Leader) Mr Van der Putte stressed to the participants the overall objective of the RENA project which is to enhance regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and Turkey in the field of environment in the prospect of accession to the European Union. Its purpose is to assist the European Commission in providing the Secretariat of the Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA) assistance to the RENA country beneficiaries. He also talked about the institutional set up and informed that the next Ministerial meeting will take place at the end of March 2012. He also mentioned project organisation, being divided among 4 working groups:

WG 1 – Strategic Planning and Investments

(Leader Mr Mihail Dimovski (replacing Ms. Cynthia Whitehead), Co-Leader Ms. Daiva Semeniene);

Working Group 2 – Climate Change

– (WG Leader Mr. Imre Csikós, WG Co-Leader Mr. Ike van der Putte);

Working Group 3 – Cross-border Cooperation and Multilateral Agreements

– (WG Leader Ms. Daiva Semeniene, WG Co-Leader Mr Imre Csikós);

Working Group 4 – Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network for Accession

Mr Van der Putte informed the participants about the numerous initiatives, workshops and trainings within the different working groups. Additionally, the project team has established contacts with other initiatives and projects with the activities similar to the activities of RENA in order to establish better coordination of activities, in particular with the Environment Forum Project and Support to IFI Coordination in the Western Balkans and Turkey project, other EU initiatives and projects, such as DABLAS, HORIZON 2020, WBIF, as well as UNDP, and IMPEL.

– (WG Leader Mr. Ike van der Putte, WG Co-Leader Mr. Imre Csikós).

With regard to the involvement of the NGO community, the project established cooperation on three levels:

Participation of EF project representatives at the annual meeting of RENA Working Groups and Ministerial meeting;

Nomination of mirror coordinators by the EF project that will collaborate closely with RENA WG coordinators on further collaboration and participation in the activities defined in RENA Work Plan.

Possibility for engagement of experts from the NGOs under EF project for conducting specific activities under RENA.

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Status of Project Implementation in RENA WG 2 – Climate Change (Imre Csikos) Mr. Csikós presented the overview of the RENA Climate activities until to date, provided considerations for the RENA Workplan with the special attention to the Activity Scheme 2.1 (ReCAP), the Activity Scheme 2.2 (MMD) and the Activity Scheme 2.3 (ETS). He also presented activities in the first quarter 2012. So far, the following events took place within this WG:

– First event

: Annual RENA Working Group Meeting on Climate in Zagreb, Croatia on 22 February 2011 (activity scheme 2.1, Task 1)

Second Event

: Activity Scheme 2.1: Regional Workshop on the Climate and Energy Package in Budva, Montenegro on 21 and 22 March 2011 (activity scheme 2.1, Task 2)

Third event

: Activity Scheme 2.3: Regional Workshop on the revised EU –ETS in Istanbul, Turkey on 16 and 17 May 2011 (this workshop) (activity scheme 2.3)

Fourth event

: Activity Scheme 2.2: Regional Workshop on EU Policies and legislation on transport/fuels and F-gases in Istanbul, Turkey on 18 May 2011 (activity scheme 2.1, Task 2)

Fifth event

: Activity Scheme 2.1: Regional workshop on the Identification of follow-up national ReCAP events on concrete climate actions in Bonn, 12 June 2011 (activity scheme 2.1, Task 3)

Sixth event

: Workshop on the Monitoring Mechanism Decision (280/2004/EC) and its implementing provisions in Skopje on 30 June and 1 July, 2011. (Activity scheme 2.2)

Seventh event:

Workshop on the Emission Trading Directive in Zagreb - focus on MRV, 26 and 27 Sep (Activity Scheme 2.3)

Eighth event:

Workshop on the inclusion of aviation into the ETS in Zagreb, 28 Sep (Activity Scheme 2.3)

Ninth event:

Workshop on the use of CRF Reporter Tool in Tirana, 16-17 November (Activity Scheme 2.2)

Tenth event:

He also presented the consolidated results of the participants’ evaluations so far, where majority felt that workshops achieved the objectives set, that the workshops content was well suited to their needs, while the practical work was relevant and informative. The trainers also scored very high marks and the majority of participants thought the time at the workshops well spent.

Second Annual Climate Group meeting in Tirana, 18 November (Activity Scheme 2.1)












Workshop Achieved Objectives

Workshop content well suited

Practical work wasrelevant/informativeWorkshop was interactive


Attending the workshop wastime well spent

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



The results of the training confirmed that the countries have different levels of capacity to tackle the climate change issues however all the RENA countries (including Croatia) need to continue to take steps to achieve convergence with the EU Climate Acquis. The 2011 workshops’ conclusions stressed the desirability of a high-level message from the EU side to the Region. Additionally, workshops’ participants welcomed RENA climate initiatives that aim for the transfer of knowledge on the latest developments in relation to the EU climate policy and legislation to the RENA country climate experts. In order to be able to continue providing this valuable input, it was proposed that the project will implement many more events in 2012 but as the relevant target group within environment remains very small it is necessary to involve other line Ministries more systematically. As all 2011-2013 IPA programmes (national and regional) contain climate change as one of the top priorities, the RENA should maximise its benefit unlocking these opportunities.

The following events were proposed for the RECaP in 2012:

1. ReCAP fYR of Macedonia: January 2012, Skopje

The date was set in the week from 23-27 January, Skopje with the fYRoM CC Coordinator Teodora Grncarevska, who reminded that the workshop should mainly focus on national authorities and industry, given particular attention to the high-ranking officials. Mr Yrjö Mäkelä (EC) indicated that the corresponding representation level will be provided from the European Commission. The workshop should focus on the Climate and Energy package, giving a broad overview of other relevant legislation. Mr Mäkelä reminded that the Road Map for Energy 2050 to be adopted in December should also be given a prominent place in the workshop. Ms Grncarovska added that it would be very useful to have the institutional set up and financial aspects of the legislation elaborated on in the presentations. Mr. Mäkelä explained that in his opinion the presentations should focus on general presentation of policy level and not too much on the details of EU legislation. The next EU Multi-Annual Financial Framework should also be mentioned as it gives more prominence to the climate change issues in the EU budget (cross-sectoral). Ms Grncarovska proposed that the Head of EUD in fYRoM be present at the workshop as they coordinate IPA. It was agreed that the first draft of the Agenda will be sent in the first week of December 2011. After that, sending of invitations will be coordinated among the Project and the Ministry of Environment to ensure the maximum turnout.

2. ReCAP Serbia, 16-17 February, Belgrade

This national 2-day event will also focus on the Climate and Energy Package and its legislative elements. The target group will be ministries officials, as well as regional and local authorities (if applicable) and the industry. Ms Repac (Serbia) reminded that it would be very important to avoid duplications of the issues as there will also TAIEX workshop on ETS in March 2012. Imre Csikós confirmed that rather than overlapping the agendas will complement each other.

3. Following ReCAP events

The next RECaP events will take place in Turkey, April 2012 (Istanbul), which will particularly focus on high level and industry CEOs, Montenegro, May 2012 (Podgorica), for industry, institutions and NGOs, Albania, June 2012 (Tirana), Kosovo, September 2012 (Pristina) and B-H, October 2012 (Sarajevo). The participants mentioned that it would be very good that the media, particularly the journalist educated in environmental issues be involved as well.

4. MMD

On the Monitoring Mechanism Decision (MMD) Activity the following events were planned in 2012: the two days regional workshop on preparing GHG emission inventories and reporting was held in Tirana (16-17 November). It is planned that the GHG inventory results using CRF Reporter Tool will be presented in June workshop in Zagreb. In the meantime, the project will provide hand-on assistance to the countries in the implementation of this exercise. (See later)

5. ETS

Furthermore, other events within the ETS activity will also be taking place in 2012: fYRoM, Skopje: week between 23-27 January 2011; Sub-regional awareness raising seminar on the EU ETS (combined with the proposed ReCAP event; Turkey, Istanbul – March 2012: national RENA ETS workshop. Additionally, from 2012 onwards exchange missions of SEE experts from the beneficiary institutions and EU MS experts from the relevant institutions will be organised to provide:

-Assistance to prepare lists of installations in line with the third phase of the EU ETS (excluding aviation).

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



-Assistance with Preparation of concrete IPA Climate projects (e.g. fiche MMD Turkey, Fiche climate modelling Croatia).

Enlargement 2011 Package – Climate Considerations (Yrjö Mäkelä) Mr. Mäkelä greeted the participants and introduced the recently adopted Enlargement Package, which consists of the following documents:

1. 2.

Enlargement Strategy Paper

3. Eight Progress Reports

4. Opinion on Serbia’s membership application

Opinion on Croatia’s readiness to sign an accession treaty with the EU

In response to the findings of RENA during its first year of operation as well as bilateral contacts, the Commission adopted the following key message through its Enlargement Strategy Paper:

For the purpose of accession negotiations, the Chapter 27 is renamed "Environment and Climate Change" from now on (except for Turkey and Iceland).

Enlargement countries need to become better prepared to withstand climate change and align with the EU’s efforts to address this challenge, including through awareness raising. Progressive climate action will bring benefits through low-carbon development and can create jobs”.

Mr Mäkelä stressed that this year's Progress Reports put significantly more emphasis on climate, including through detailed reporting on the beneficiaries' progress on climate policy and legislation.

Reporting on this Chapter was made more through and now covers developments in the following areas:

The existence of a climate policy framework

International commitments/pledges and their implementation

Co-operation with the EU on climate issues in the international and regional fora

Convergence with the EU climate legislation

Administrative capacity in the field of climate change

Co-operation with other involved Ministries and authorities

Awareness-raising needs

Additionally, further climate-related measures are reported in the context of the energy, transport and environment sections of the Progress Reports.

Mr Mäkelä illustrated his point with an example on Croatia’s Progress Report, which states that important progress has been achieved in terms of climate change policy framework, compliance with international obligations, as well as to a certain extent on harmonisation with and the transposition of the EU legislation. However, the Progress Report concludes that;”Significant efforts are still required to further strengthen administrative capacity, especially as regards nature protection and climate change. Regarding climate change, significant further efforts are still necessary to complete the legislative alignment and to ensure implementation, in particular in the areas of aviation, free allocation, registries and auctioning.”

Mr Mäkelä then added that there are also IPA implementation reports which explain progress in the use of the IPA instrument.

Mr Mäkelä also stressed that the objective of the proposed 2014-2020 EU budget is that 20% of the EU financing should become climate related, which will also indirectly reflect on the RENA countries.

Finally, the conclusions were that the Commission is giving significant further visibility to the urgent needs of the RENA beneficiaries to step up efforts on climate issues, both within the enlargement process and internationally. Additionally, the Commission is ready to enhance support through an increased use of different instruments available (SAA Councils, SAA Committees, Sub-committees, RENA I and II, high-level events, technical meetings, Progress Reports, screening reports, monitoring reports, IPA I and II, mainstreaming of

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This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



climate into the EU 2014-2020 budget, TAIEX, peer reviews, etc.) However, dedication of the RENA countries is crucial as the success depends on the countries own efforts.

MMD: CRF Reporter Workshop Summary and Results (Davor Vesligaj and Imre Csikós) Mr Davor Vesligaj discussed the results of the Monitoring Mechanism Decision Workshop, which concentrated its efforts on methods to collect and interpret data and submission through the Common Reporting Format (CRF) Reporter tool of the UNFCCC and its use in compiling data for the GHG Registries. The MMD itself establishes a mechanism for monitoring all anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs. It enables the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol as regards national programmes, GHG inventories, national systems and registries of the Community and its Member States (MS). Additionally, it ensures the timeliness, completeness, accuracy, consistency, comparability and transparency of reporting by the Community and its MS to the UNFCCC. Mr Vesligaj summarised the training which successfully provided:

• •

Introduction to the CRF Reporter tool

Overview of Annex I countries experience in using the CRF Reporter (Austria, Croatia, Germany, Romania)

Overview of RENA country state of play regarding GHG emission inventories

How to use IPCC methods to estimate emissions from fuel combustion and fugitive emissions

The participants were also given two “real-life-medium-difficulty emission estimation” tasks: 1) fuel combustion sectoral approach and 2) fuel combustions reference approach which were successfully accomplished with the assistance of RENA experts.

How to compile national GHG inventory by using the CRF Reporter tool

Mr Imre Csikós complemented the previous presentation by presenting conclusions and steps to take in the framework of the RENA WG 2 CC Activity 2.2. MMD in 2012. The purpose of the CRF Reporter Exercise was to:

• RENA Countries to familiarise themselves with CRF Reporter tool • Prepare database for Combustion fuels sector in a harmonised way • Identify strengths and weaknesses in preparing energy balances, GHG data inventory exercises and

emission factors (focus Sector 1A) • Identify gap filling needs and translate into concrete project proposals for further consideration

The following steps would be required in order to continue with the exercise:

Each RENA country should send the RENA Secretariat CVs of two experts. The EU CV template was provided with the note that these experts should not, according to the IPA rules, be civil servants. The deadline for submission of CVs is 15 December 2011 and they should by be sent to

1.Countries shall identify an inventory team for Sector 1A (Combustion fuels)

[email protected] with a copy to [email protected] and [email protected]. Experts will be working on the CFR reporter for Combustion Sector and will also be employed to work on identifying installations/activity as per the ETS Annex I. The work should start from 1 January and would last until 30 September 2012. ToR for experts will be prepared in December 2011 by the RENA Secretariat.

This part of exercise will focus on the energy balance of each of the RENA countries. Additionally, the experts would focus on identifying the relevant data suppliers/institutions (activity data and emissions factors are required). The work would also concentrate on establishing the framework for data flow. Description of the national system and data flow would then be submitted to RENA by 15 February 2012.

2.Data collection (January – April 2012)

3.Installation of CRF ReporterIn cooperation with the UNFCCC, the countries will obtain a copy of the CRF Reporter for the training purposes. This process will be coordinated between the countries UNFCCC national focal points and the RENA Secretariat for optimum results.

4.First data imported in the CRF Reporter

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



The first draft should be ready by 25 March, while the data would be exported to the RENA experts for verification purposes and assistance. 5.Missions in April/May to countries to identify issuesFirst country missions could be organised in April or May 2012 to identify problematic issues. On these occasions, various analyses such as SWOT, gap identification, etc. will be carried out to identify data quality and availability, institutional and legal issues as well as problems in data flow. Additionally, there will be a possibility to organise consultative meetings in Berlin/Copenhagen/Zagreb (options) to discuss progress (a, b and c).

6.Completion of work (CRF filled for Sector 1a) by 15 May

7. Workshop in June to present results and identify follow up:

a. Identify gaps (data quality and availability, institutional, legal) b. Gap filling requirements to establish framework for data flow c. Possibility to translate the above into an IPA project fiche

8. Identify list of installations that fall in the scope of ETS (June – September)

9. Prepare IPA Fiches with the RENA assistance (June – September)

Mr Csikos also presented three guideline documents which are essential for this exercise: - Good Practice Guidance ( http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/gp/english/) - UNFCCC CRF Reporter 2.2 User Manual - (http://ghg.unfccc.int/download/CRFReporter/CRFReporter-v3.3-User-Manual.pdf) -

(Guidance on Interpretation of Annex 1 of the EU ETS Directive http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets/docs/guidance_interpretation_en.pdf).

Round table discussion Round table discussion mainly concentrated on the RENA proposal for the CRF Reporter exercise. Ms Olivera Kujundzic expressed her doubt regarding the possibility that such experts can be found in Montenegro. However, some other participants believed that it would be possible to nominate people who had done similar work previously (fYR of Macedonia, Serbia). Mr Csikós also mentioned the intention to create a pool of regional RENA experts or the so called task force of experts to carry the work and to enable capacity building in the GHG inventory issues for the RENA countries, a main purpose of this exercise.

Mr Csikós mentioned that the main purpose of the exercise is to start building better knowledge and capacity as as to gradually improve the technical and institutional ability of the RENA countries to prepare submissions of National Inventory Reports in the framework of the MMD. As such, the exercise should be seen as a first step that should lead to:

a. Identify gaps (data quality and availability, institutional, legal) b. Identify gap filling requirements to establish framework for data flow c. Possibility to translate the above into national or regional IPA project fiches to address identified gaps It is expected that the above exercise’s focus (until summer 2012) should focus more on improving the process

of the preparation of sound inventories (combustion fuel) sector 1A towards a full and harmonised combustion fuel sector FGF inventory using appropriate guidelines and tools.

IPA Project Fiche Training Session (Imre Csikós) As this was repeatedly requested by the participants Mr Csikós provided the training session on the IPA Project Fiche drafting. Ms Grncarovska stressed the importance of examples being deeply rooted in practical and concrete issues, such as the MMD implementation for fYRoM. Subsequently it was agreed that the RENA experts will assist fYRoM in drafting such a fiche. Additionally, Teodora emphasised that it would also be very beneficial if national workshops on the Logframe/project fiche drafting could be organised within the RENA project. Mr Csikós also presented the funding opportunities, with a focus on IPA financing:

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



IPA 2011- 2013


Environment and Climate Change

77.4 Million (18% of total IPA budget)

fYRoM: 54.85 Million (18%)

Turkey: 465.64 Million (18%)

Albania: 51.55 Million (20%)

Bosnia and Herzegovina: 54.22 Million (17.3%)

Montenegro Final figures not yet available

Serbia: 99 Million (16%)

Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99): 24.42 Million (12%)

Multi: 17 Million (3.26%)

Cross border: Unstated (total budget all sectors 225 Million)

He pointed out in detail to the most common mistakes in drafting project fiches and provided solutions for these situations. The workshop used two examples on how to prepare a sound intervention logic for projects addressing the following concrete issues (proposed on the spot by participants):

- Improve ambient air quality in major urban centres in the Western Balkans

- Improve ability of RENA countries to prepare National Inventory Reports by RENA countries

The intervention logic for both projects was prepared in the workshop using the participatory approach. Participants indicated that these types of sessions should be used more systematically on future RENA Climate work. It was also suggested to hold regional RENA Climate workshops on preparing sound IPA fiches for Climate. Mr Csikós mentioned that this could be done, but that as a consequence (for budgetary reasons) another planned topic should go.

Closure of the meeting

The follow-up points resulting from the meeting are:

Follow-up points By whom Deadline

Provide 2 CVs for the CRF Reporter Exercise RENA countries/WG 2 CC Coordinators 15 December 2011

Send Agenda for the RECaP event in Skopje, 23-27 January 2012

RENA WG 2 CC Team Leader 1 week of December 2011

Assist in drafting project fiche on MMD for fYRoM RENA WG 2 CC experts As per agreement

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Annex 1: PARTICIPANTS’ LIST: names contact details Institution

1 Laureta Dibra (Albania)

[email protected], [email protected]

Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration; Head of Air, Climate Change and Chemical Sector

2 Melita Zdilar (Croatia)

[email protected], +385 1 3782 165 Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction

3 Teodora Grncarovska (FYRoMFYRoM)

[email protected] Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, State Councillor

4 Olivera Kujundzic (Montenegro)

[email protected] Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism

5 Flutra Pula Morina (Kosovo)

[email protected], [email protected]

Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning; Senior Officer, Air Protection Sector

6 Nezakete Hakaj (Kosovo)

[email protected] Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, WG 2 Climate Change Coordinator

7 Ana Repac (Serbia) [email protected] Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Mining, Climate Change Division

8 Lavdosh Ferruni (Albania)

[email protected] Environmental Forum

9 Imre Csikos [email protected] RENA expert

10 Ike van der Putte [email protected] RENA TL

11 Davor Vesligaj [email protected]

RENA expert

12 Ivana Mijatovic [email protected], + 385 91 45 55 580

RENA expert

13 Bendis Bocari [email protected] RENA National Coordinator for Albania

14 Antoine Avignon [email protected] EU Delegation to Albania

15 Yrjö Mäkelä [email protected], +322 299 1729


Page 111: 3rd Interim Report September 2011- March 2012

“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Minutes of the Meeting


Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA)

Annual Meeting of WG 3 Nature Protection Sub-Group

Date: 12 December, 2012, Podgorica, Montenegro

Place: Best Western Premier Hotel

Time: 09:30 – 14:30


Beneficiaries/WG 3 Coordinators

Ms. Silvamina Alshabani - Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration

Ms. Azra Korac Mehmedovic - Federal Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment

Ms Petra Mihalic - Ministry of Culture, Nature Protection Directorate

Ms Biserka Vistica - Kopacki Rit Nature Park

Ms Ruzica Marusic - Kopacki Rit Nature Park

Ms Daniela Kamceva - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Ms Dejana Naumcevska - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Mr. Ismail Hetemaj - Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Ms. Ana Lekic, - Environmental Protection Agency

European Union • Ms. Madalina Ivanica, DG Environment, European Commission

Environment Forum Project • Mr. Natasa Kovacevic, Environment Forum representative

Project Team • Mr. Imre Csikos, WG3 Nature Sub-Group Leader • Mr. Eddie Idle, Short Term Expert • Mr. Tim Bines, Short Term Expert • Ms. Ivana Mijatovic, Short Term Expert

RENA Secretariat • Mr. Ruza Radovic

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Official welcoming and approval of the agenda The meeting was opened by Mr. Csikos, Nature Working Group Leader by thanking all participants for coming to the Second Annual meeting of WG 3 Nature Sub-Group to approve the work plan for 2012, and to discuss ideas for the RENA II project,. Mr. Csikos outlined in brief the main elements of the agenda and asked Ms Lekic, the representative of the host country, and Ms Madalina Ivanica to greet the participants. Furthermore, the participants were invited to briefly introduce themselves.

The proposed agenda was unanimously approved.

Status of Project Implementation in RENA WG 3 Nature (Imre Csikos)

Mr Csikos discussed the RENA nature activities that were implemented, according to the RENA Work plan, in 2011. Three trainings were carried out: Kopacki Rit-Gornje Podunavlje (9-11 May, Croatia), Dojran Lake (6-8 Sept., fYROM) and NP Djerdap (1-3 Nov., Serbia). Mr Csikos summarised the results of the training and presented lessons for the future. He also talked about the economic impact of nature values and ecosystem services of the environment. As a conclusion Mr Csikos mentioned that it would be ideal to ensure continuity of the training by enabling the same people to come. Also, RENA experts can assist in development of cross border nature projects. However, initiative is needed from beneficiaries on this issue. In case of cross border nature project development a more pro-active involvement of national Ministry requested because of international dimension.

During discussion, Ms Ivanica stressed that the momentum of the project should be used to continue with further activities in RENA II project. Ms Kovacevic informed about the biodiversity research in Serbia, Montenegro and Albania and emphasised the need for a greater stakeholder involvement in nature projects. Also, developing project proposals should be encouraged by the national governments as the level of capacity for drafting projects in Montenegro is quite low. She sees Taiex as a great tool to assist in this. Furthermore, she hopes Environmental Forum will be part of the RENA II. Ms Ivanica assured her that NGO participation would be more that welcomed.

Ms Csikos suggested that in the next RENA project, 2-3 protected sites could be selected for a detailed preparation of management plans. These plans would be result of a 2-year process with strong stakeholder involvement. Mr Bines mentioned the case of Poland where some 50 management plans were drafted within the same time frame. He also mentioned that a mechanism for stakeholder involvement needs to be in place. Mr Csikos commented that economic interests are high on the agenda in the entire region. Mr Bines explained that Natura 2000 is perceived as a reason for concern for economic stakeholders. Mr Csikos stressed the importance of raising public awareness, especially at the policy level, which also implies the involvement of the European Commission. Ms Kovacevic mentioned that it would also be a good idea to carry out impact assessment of climate change in the region.

The work plan for the next year was unanimously approved.

Managing Kopacki Rit Nature Park (Biserka Vistica, Director, Kopacki Rit Nature Park)

Ms Biserka Vistica’s first presentation focused on the Nature Park Kopacki Rit and its ecosystem services. She also talked about plan and animal species which are characteristic for the Park and the monitoring methods used to improve the Park management. The second presentation centred on communicating methods used in Kopacki rit, target audiences and the message. She also talked about communication media, the staff skills and training which has been provided to enable the staff to successfully tackle the various management issues.

Stakeholder Involvement in Management Planning (Tim Bines)

Mr Bines talked about the importance of stakeholders in the management planning process. He presented identification and categorisation of stakeholders and stressed the significance of the messages, the medium and the process.

Round Table Discussion

Mr Csikos provided information about the impact of previous trainings: articles and photos on the websites of Kopacki rit Nature Park, National Park Djerdap and the Turkish Ministry of Environment. Also, Nature Park Kopacki Rit and the National Park Djerdap initiated informal cooperation during the 3rd regional training in Serbia

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Ms Ivanica stressed the importance of hearing opinions from the beneficiary countries on what is relevant to them in terms of nature protection activities for the period after March 2013 when the current RENA project will end.

Ms Vistica stressed that networking and financing from the EU is always welcomed. However, she feels that lessons on how to manage better is crucial for people in the field. The Kopacki Rit management submitted 4 project proposals for the EU financing this year but she thinks that training on preparing good project proposals is still lacking. Therefore, training on how to manage better could be organised

Ms Ivanica mentioned that Kopacki rit is a good example to follow and emphasised that the EC counts on Croatia to share their experience and provide leadership.

. She believes link with economy should be present (figures should also be provided).

Mr Bines mentioned that the centre for excellence

Ms Mihalic commented that Croatia has just established its first regional Mura-Drava protected area, but feels that there is an increased role for the stakeholders and the media in this process. The stakeholders should be explained how they can benefit and how the process and the protected area can be in their interest too.

could also be established to provide with the best practice approach for all the protected areas in the beneficiary countries.

Ms Madalina Ivanica recapped the ideas provided by the beneficiaries for the next RENA:

Drafting complete management plans

Nature Impact Assessment

Dorjan Lake as a pilot project

Small projects in the Parks (promotional activities, producing info materials, etc.)

Economic analysis of the Sites

Mr Csikos believes that the good cooperation between the Parks which has started in the RENA should be continued in the next RENA with the more official networking of Parks. So far very little contact between park managers in different beneficiary counties (even in cross-border areas) has been observed so far. However, all duplication of activities should be avoided.

Stakeholder involvement

Mr Csikos also proposed that the next project could also focus on regional cooperation at the Natura 2000 sites with a special emphasis on big mammals (such as wolf, lynx and bear).

Mr Ismail Hetemaj commented that appropriate assessments of Natura 2000 sites are very important but manners of dealing with it must be established. Ms Radovic reminded participants that all activities must be within the regional framework. She also suggested that a

regional guidebook on the issues mentioned so far might prove to be useful for the countries. Additionally, there might be less trainings but with longer duration (5 days). Ms Lekic proposed that training on the process of issuing nature permits/permitting could be provided. Ms Naumcevska suggested that Mr Csikos’s proposal on the drafting of management plan for Dojran Lake

Ms Alshabani stressed the importance of proper management of the parks, restoration of some plants/sites and involvement of stakeholders. Ms Korac Mehmedovic suggested that as the

is taken into account while drafting the project proposal for the next RENA project. Mr Csikos commented that this would require a lot of proactive involvement of the fYRoM Ministry of Environment as well as their Greek counterparts. Mr Bines mentioned that training on the conflict management could also be useful in such sensitive situations as the Dojran Lake.

management plan for the UNA National Park (participants in the NP Djerdap training) was sent into governmental procedure the project might assist with its implementation

Mr Csikos emphasised the importance of continued networking between the parks. Furthermore, Mr Csikos commented that the RENA can assist in resolving the crisis of biodiversity by explaining the benefits of the Natura 2000 to the regional governments and particularly to the economic stakeholders. Also, training could be given on legal aspects of the Natura 2000, and particularly Art. 6 of the Habitats Directive. He also suggested that some 3 cross-border sites could be selected within the Inception period but that the national governments on both sides of the border must be in an agreement over this.


Ms Radovic reiterated that if regional network of park managers is to be established within the next RENA it would also mean certain responsibilities for the beneficiary: regular meetings, conclusions and recommendations

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



issued while RENA can assist in printing of the promotional materials, drafting of documents on common issues/problems, case studies: best practises, etc

Mr Tim Bines also mentioned



Ms Madalina Ivanica concluded the meeting by saying that the European Commission will take into consideration all these suggestions during the preparation of the project proposal for the next RENA II.

as one of the issues that could be the focus of one of the trainings: develop a branding set on the site. This could be combined with the regional network. Additionally, cross-ministries and cross-government working could also be addressed in order to bridge this gap. Mr Csikos stressed again that the RENA can assist governments in implementing the Natura 2000 by rationalising benefits on sustainable tourism, forestry, branding. The main point is that the message should go to the sufficiently high level.

Closure of the meeting

The follow-up points resulting from the meeting are:

Follow-up points By whom Deadline

Ideas for the next RENA project proposal:

• Drafting a complete management plan

• Nature Impact Assessment

• Dorjan Lake as a pilot project

• Small projects in the Parks (promotional activities, producing info materials, etc.)

• Economic analysis of the Sites

• Stakeholder involvement

• Park Managers’ Network

• Regional cooperation at the Natura 2000 sites with a special emphasis on big mammals (such as wolf, lynx and bear).

• Training on the process of issuing nature permits/permitting

• Assist with implementation of NP UNA national park

• Drafting of guidebooks on common issues/problems, case studies: best practises, etc

• Branding

• Training on Standardised Monitoring Methods for different types of Parks

European Commission -

Page 115: 3rd Interim Report September 2011- March 2012

“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Minutes of the Meeting 2nd

Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA)

Annual Meeting of WG 3 Water Management Sub-group

Date: 01 December 2011, Belgrade, Serbia



Ms. Viola Saliaga - Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Management, Albania

Ms. Aida Bezdrob - Agency for Water Area of the Sava River

Mr. Emil Bakula - Agency for Watershed of Adriatic Sea

Ms. Dunja Barisic - Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction

Ms. Ljupka Dimovska Zajkov - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Ms. Jasmina Trpevska - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Mr. Aleksandar Petkovski - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Ms. Aleksandra Drobac-Cuk - Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

Ms. Tina Ciric - Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

Ms. Marija Dragovic - Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

Ms. Dobrila Kujundzic - Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

Ms. Bahar Ayşe Aydin - Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Turkey

Ms. Çiğdem Özonat - Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Turkey

European Union • Ms. Madalina Ivanica, RENA Task Manager, DG Environment, European Commission

Project Team • Ms. Daiva Semėnienė Key expert 3/ WG 3 Water Management Sub-group Leader • Mr. Stephan von Keitz ST expert/WG 3 Water Management Sub-group

Page 116: 3rd Interim Report September 2011- March 2012

“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



• Mr. Philip Mellen ST expert/WG 3 Water Management Sub-group • Mr. Simonas Valatka ST expert/WG 3 Water Management Sub-group • Ms. Simona Daugintienė Junior expert/ WG 3 Water Management Sub-group • Mr. Aleksandar Maksimovic Junior expert/ WG 3 Water Management Sub-group

The Annual meeting was opened by Ms. Madalina Ivanica, who welcomed the participants and expressed her positive attitude towards Water Management sub-group training activities and how it is been carried out so far. Ms. Ivanica asked participants for a feedback and comments of completed activities as well as recommendations for improvement. Ms. Ivanica invited everyone to be active and to look together for the best solutions of further activities. Ms. Daiva Semėnienė, RENA Key Expert 3 welcomed the participants and made an introductory presentation. The first part of the meeting was devoted to the RENA WG3 Water Management Sub-group activities, held so far. Ms. Semėnienė gave a brief overview of the implementation status of the WG3 Water Management Sub-group workplan, reminding the first three workshops and their outcomes, as well as some quantitative results in brief. Ms. Semėnienė presented post evaluation graphs of the first three trainings. On average 17 participants were present in the Water Management sub-group trainings. Valuation of trainers, training programme and logistical arrangements was mostly excellent and good. Ms. Semėnienė listed all planned training sessions and selected pilot cases. Three of them are already completed. Topic Date and venue 1. Basic measures: the role of the WFD completed 8-10 March 2011, Istanbul 2. River Basin District characterisation completed 26-27 September 2011, Podgorica 3. Heavily modified water bodies and new modifications completed 29 November – 1 December 2011,

Belgrade 4. Coordination of criteria for good water status and modelling of environmental impact of human activities on water bodies

First half of 2012

5. Development of the Programme of Measures and measures related to Article 9

First half of 2012

6. WFD derogations and public participation, as well as stakeholder involvement.

Second half of 2012

During roundtable discussion exact dates and preliminary venues were agreed for the next three workshops as follows: Topic Case study Dates and venue

4. Coordination of criteria for good water status and modelling of environmental impact of human activities on water bodies.

Drin river basin 28 February – 01 March 2012, Tirana (Albania). Optional in other town of Albania which is closer to Drin river.

5. Development of the Programme of Measures and measures related to Article 9

Drina river sub-basin

21-23 May 2012 (workshop will be combined with the WG sub-group on Investment Planning) Visegrad (BiH) or Podgorica (Montenegro)

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



6. WFD derogations and public participation, as well as stakeholder involvement. Third Annual meeting.

Neretva river basin

17-19 October 2012, Mostar (BiH)or Zagreb (Croatia)

Ms. Dragana Milovanović (Serbia) commented that in addition to national presentations it would be very useful to have regional cross border cooperation activities presented in the future trainings as well. For example, on March 2012 Danube River Basin Management Plan will be completed and during the next meeting presentation about it could be made. Mr. Stephan von Keitz supported this idea. RENA countries might have problems which can be specific and different from the ones in the EU Member States, so presentation of such kind of joint activities could be very helpful. It would be also very useful and interesting to compare methodologies applied for the development of RBMPs. It is not correct to think that EU Member States have all the knowledge and accession countries may just copy the activities already performed. Mr. Von Keitz stressed that all countries should sit together and collect good ideas. There is no one who knows all the necessary topics related to the WFD implementation, so RENA meetings are an excellent opportunity for all participants to work jointly.

Ms. Dunja Barisic (Croatia) noted that all Water Management sub- group workshops were very useful and the third one was the best. Participants were very active. She also stressed that the knowledge gained during the workshop was very useful for practical implementation as there were quite many problems with these issues in her own institution. She expressed her wish to have more emphasis on the WFD related economic analysis.

Ms. Semėnienė promised to the participants that in the future topics on economic issues will be presented during morning sessions, as these topics are in most cases new to participants and thus require good concentration.

She asked participants to express their particular needs and wishes regarding the next 4th

Ms. Ljupka Dimovska Zajkov (Macedonia) wishes to have presentation on MIKE SHE model in order to learn and to have some exercises with it. It would be useful to receive information what data is needed for modelling and to decide which model to use.

training workshop.

Mr. Stephan von Keitz noted that modelling issue is very ambitious, though every country should go through this process. During training session it would be fair enough to have only ecological assessment related discussions and to leave chemical assessment out. Chemical status will be touched anyway, as it is overlapping with ecological status and that would be already quite challenging. At the end of the day we will know how the system basically works and could be applied, for example for Sava RB. Mr. Stephan von Keitz expressed his opinion stating that no model could substitute monitoring. Modelling can forecast how execution of measures would work and affect ecological status. Mr. Stephan von Keitz expressed his doubt whether it would be efficient to go into details of specific modelling during the coming training.

Mr. Simonas Valatka asked participants what would be the focus and task for the modelling. The more sophisticated model you have the more sophisticated data is needed. Usually lack of reliable data is the main problem. Expert proposed to focus on monitoring issues and how to obtain more reliable data.

Ms. Semėnienė invited participants to send their specific ideas for the next 4th training within two weeks so that the programme could be accordingly adjusted. She invited participants also to comment on the content of 5th and 6th training. The latter is planned together with the third Annual Meeting.

Page 118: 3rd Interim Report September 2011- March 2012

“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Participants didn’t have any comments on the content of 5th and 6th


After some discussion venue and dates for the future workshops were agreed, as presented in the table above.

Ms. Semėnienė reminded that during the 4th workshop draft Checklist on Major Steps to be Taken During the Cross-border Coordination of Good Water Status Criteria and Monitoring would be provided and discussed. In the 5th workshop draft Guidelines on the Major Steps Required to Develop Cost-effective Programme of Measures will be discussed.

Discussion on the future RENA 2.

Ms. Madalina Ivanica shortly introduced idea of RENA 2 and noted that EC was keen to continue RENA project activities in Balkan countries and Turkey as positive effects could be seen. Currently discussions on the follow up actions are ongoing and main issues and topics have to be identified in the coming months. It will be rather important that any follow up actions are designed in accordance to the needs of the beneficiaries. RENA 2 will still remain capacity building project, but will be more practically oriented and will have more tangible results. One example could be support in preparation of real transboundary RBMPs in accordance with the WFD. Ms. Ivanica reminded that all ideas should have regional character. Ms. Ivanica invited participants to present their needs for future RENA 2 activities either during this annual meeting or to discuss with colleague at home and to send information within two weeks.

Ms. Semėnienė mentioned that coordination of international RBMPs and/or implementation measures among countries is very important. New RENA project could involve similar kind of activities, such as periodical meetings among responsible institutions of neighbouring countries.

Mr. Stephan von Keitz noted that in some countries RBMPs are carried out by consultants and idea would be to look “over the shoulder”, i.e. to have “on-site and hands-on" training from those who are preparing or have prepared these Plans. Thus, exchange of experience and a practical touch of things, which are already elaborated, would be a useful thing to do.

Ms. Semėnienė proposed support in implementation of new water sector directives, such as Floods, Marine Directives etc. Study tours to specific sites would be a very helpful instruments for future RENA countries.

Mr. Simonas Valatka offered an idea to support coordination of monitoring process among several countries in order to have common understanding on monitoring and different parameters and to share the knowledge afterwards, as well as to compare the results while using different methods.

Ms. Viola Saliaga proposed study tours to other countries with small real assignments.

Ms. Dragana Milovanović (Serbia) asked for a support in funding participation in regular meetings, related to bilateral and multilateral agreements etc.

Ms. Ljupka Dimovska Zajkov (Macedonia) asked for support and training on how to use and work with the WISE.

It was agreed that participants would discuss more with their colleagues at home and send ideas to Ms. Daiva Semėnienė within two weeks.

Page 119: 3rd Interim Report September 2011- March 2012

“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Minutes of the Meeting 2nd

Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA)

Annual Meeting of WG 3 EIA/SEA Sub-group

Date: 10 November 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia



Ms. Jasmina Katica - Federal Ministry of Spatial Planning

Ms. Ana Kovacevic - Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction

Ms. Anamarija Matak - Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction

Mr. Zoran Bosev - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Ms. Saska Brblic - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Mr. Biljana Spiroska - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Mr. Ismail Hetemaj - Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Mr. Shukri Shabani - Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Mr. Enver Tahiri - Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Ms. Brankica Cmiljanović, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism

Mr. Slobodan Sremcevic, Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

Ms. Deniz Asik Yilmaz - Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Turkey

European Union • Ms. Madalina Ivanica, RENA Task Manager, DG Environment, European Commission

Project Team • Ms. Daiva Semėnienė Key expert 3/ WG 3 SEA/EIA Sub-group Leader • Mr. Martin Smutny ST expert/WG 3 SEA/EIA • Ms. Simona Daugintienė Junior expert/ WG 3 SEA/EIA

Page 120: 3rd Interim Report September 2011- March 2012

“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



The Annual meeting was opened by Ms. Daiva Semėnienė, RENA Key Expert 3.

The first part of the meeting was devoted to the RENA WG3 SEA/EIA Sub-group activities, held so far. She made overview of the implementation status of WG3 SEA/EIA Sub-group workplan, outlining in brief the results of completed activities and presenting a few quantitative results. For example, numbers of participants in each Sub-group event from each country, as well as feedback results on the quality of events from beneficiaries were shown. Ms. Semėnienė presented post evaluation graph of two trainings, which showed a very good feedback from participants in terms of training content and the professionalism of the trainer.

In her presentation Ms. Semėnienė made a summary of all planned training sessions and selected case studies. Originally two remaining events were planned, but during the roundtable discussion the beneficiaries indicated the need to separate the last training into two: one for SEA and another for EIA, as in most countries different people are responsible for these issues and thus more relevant people could be nominated for separate trainings. So it was decided to have three remaining training workshops and to combine the last one with the 3rd Annual meeting.

Moreover, the selection of the place for the last event was made. The last 5th training session, combined with Annual meeting, will be held in Skadar, as this place is close to the selected case study area. Delegates from fYR of Macedonia proposed to organise the 4th training session in Podgorica, which is close to HPPs on Moraca river – one more selected pilot case.

Ms. Madalina Ivanica commented that, according to the rules, maximum three people from countries can participate in the trainings, but she supported the idea to have two separate trainings for SEA and EIA and suggested to invite representatives from local authorities. Even though they don’t have decision making power they could learn and be acquainted with this useful topic.

Mr. Martin Smutny noted that in the trainings it could be useful to have a representative from Ministries of Foreign Affairs.

Question was raised regarding preparation and dissemination of Draft Guide to SEA/EIA on transboundary consultations process. Mr. Martin Smutny ensured that it will be disseminated to the beneficiaries one month before the 4th

Participants agreed on the preliminary timeframe for the planned trainings. Ms. Semėnienė asked all countries to send, if they have, comments on the dates and venue within two weeks after Annual meeting.

training so they could have time to read it and it will be an issue of the discussion in that meeting.

Based on the discussions the following training schedule has been agreed:

No. Topic Date/venue 1. Approaches to Transposition of EIA/SEA Directives,

Application of EIA/SEA and IPA Projects completed- 06-08 June 2011, Istanbul, Turkey

2. SEA for IPA Programmes, combined with 2nd completed - 08-10 November, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Annual Meeting of the Sub-group

3. EIA/SEA Differences and Common Features. Pilot case planned on 24-26 April 2012, Mostar, BiH

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



study Neretva/Trebisnjica river basin management with focus on upper horizon

4. SEA Cross-border procedures, including consultation and interpretation of cross-border impacts. Pilot case study four HPPs on Moraca river

planned on 25-27 September 2012, Podgorica, Montenegro

5. EIA Cross-border procedures, including consultation and interpretation of cross-border impacts. Pilot case study Motorway Morinë – Merdar. 3rd

planned in Skadar, Albania. Date needs to be identified, preliminary November-December, 2012

Annual Meeting of the Sub-group Second topic of the Annual meeting was devoted to the future RENA 2. Ms. Madalina Ivanica announced the ongoing preparations for follow up actions to be implemented after completion of RENA. During current RENA project beneficiaries have received trainings on the basics of relevant Directives and more theoretical knowledge; and follow up actions will build on the achievements of the current project. Ms. Ivanica reminded that all ideas should have regional importance and transboundary effect. Ms. Ivanica invited beneficiary countries to present or to send later their needs and ideas for the future follow up actions.

Ms. Jasmina Katica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) expressed the interest on increasing the knowledge on monitoring and implementation of SEA process.

Several ideas presented during the Annual meeting:

Mr. Ismail Hetemaj (Kosovo under 1244) expressed necessity for capacity building on impact assessment in relation to Habitats Directive. In general, gaining more experience on appropriate assessment of Nature Directives is needed. Ms. Brankica Cmiljanovic (Montenegro) expressed the interest on receiving training on how to avoid bad situations in real practice of SEA process and to be able to follow one real SEA process. Besides, it would be good to gain more experience regarding Environmental Liability Directive and Environmental Information Directive. Mr. Martin Smutny strongly supported the idea of a real SEA case. Moreover, he proposed to have study tours to countries with good examples in order to get feedback what SEA means from different stakeholder’s point of view. Such countries could be either the Netherlands, which has many transboundary projects, or United Kingdom. Possibly, it would be also beneficial to compare experience with SEA implementation and practical application in “old” and “new” (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia) EU member states. One more idea could be the establishment of an information system, some kind of software, which helps authorities and allows the public to get information required. Study tour idea was supported by other delegates as well. Ms. Madalina Ivanica asked Mr. Martin Smutny to send short paragraph of study tour proposal. Mr. Zoran Bosev (fYR of Macedonia) noted that similar information system is created in their country and they have most of information needed on their website. However, there are problems with updating, as it is not systematically organised. Ms. Madalina Ivanica noted that it would be difficult to have regional effect in information system development project; but the countries could apply for financing through IPA national programmes.

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Minutes of the Meeting 2nd

Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA) Annual Meeting of WG 4 ECENA

Date: 18th October 2011, Skopje, fYR of Macedonia

Place: Hotel Karpos, Skopje, FYR Macedonia

Time: 08:30 – 18:00

Participants: Beneficiaries/WG 4 Coordinators

Darko Blinkov, WG 4 Coordinator, Ministry of environment and physical planning

Mr. Mladen Rudez, WG 4 Coordinator, Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism

Ms. Anita Pokrovac Patekar, WG 4 Coordinator, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction

Ms. Svetlana Parezanin, WG 4 Deputy Coordinator, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Ms. Florije Kqiku, WG 4 Coordinator, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Mr. Enis Tela, WG4 Coordinator, Environmental Inspectorate

Apologies from Mr. Dragan Asanovic (WG 4 coordinator Montenegro) and Mrs. Pinar Topkaya (WG 4 coordinator Turkey)

European Union

• Madalina Ivanica (EC task manager for RENA))

Project Team • Mr. Ike van der Putte, TL/WG4 Leader • Mr. Rob Glaser, WG 4 Senior ST Expert • Mr. Mihail Dimovski, expert and WG 1 coordinator

Environment Forum Project • Mr. Metodija Sazdov, Environment Forum representative

RENA Secretariat • Mr. Ruza Radovic • Bojana Stanojevska

Other initiatives

• Enes Srndic (IMPEL)

• Dragoljub Todic (expert)

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Opening of the meeting

The meeting was opened by Ms. Madalina Ivanica , EC task manager for RENA, introducing her background and her experience in working with RENA. The participants were also welcomed by Mr. Darko Blinkov, WG4 coordinator, hosting the present meeting.

Mr. Darko Blinkov expressed his appreciation to RENA for organising the meeting and hopes that FYR of Macedonia together with other participating countries will also be part of the follow-up of the RENA programme (RENA II).He emphasised that in RENA II, projects should be focused on country priorities especially with reference to enforcement of legislation being a priority at the next level of accession. Relatively good progress is made in the transposition of environmental legislation. The implementation and enforcement of legislation is still a challenge for all beneficiary countries.

Approval of Minutes of Meeting from last ECENA meeting

Mr. Ike Van der Putte pointed out that all action points in the minutes of the ECENA meeting held in Montenegro (Becici, 20 October 2010) have been implemented and incorporated in the WG 4 programme. Examples are

1) A more detailed description of “common inspection” as an Annex in the inception report and

2) Organisation of training sessions in combination with field practice (Pilot industries).

No further comments were received and the minutes were approved.

Approval of the agenda

As proposed by Croatia the original draft agenda has been amended by including IMPEL and environmental crime as special subjects. Ms. Madalina Ivanica invited all participants to express their comments and ideas during the meeting.

Overview of developments in RENA and its status of implementation

Mr. Ike van der Putte started the presentation with general information on the status of implementation of RENA. He presented the institutional framework of the project with its specific programmes in four Working Groups and informed the participants that the next ministerial meeting is planned to be organized at the end of March 2012 in Brussels.

For WG1 a change is reported as Mr. Mihail Dimovski has been assigned as WG 1 leader replacing Ms. Cynthia Whitehead who had to withdraw from the project for health reasons. For all other working groups, leaders and co-leaders remain the same. The WG groups are on schedule with the implementation of the defined activities. From the reports made by WG 1 it can be concluded that transposition of environmental legislation is showing relatively good progress. However, more work needs to be done on implementation and enforcement of the legislation. WG 2 and 3 are implementing the defined programmes and are very active in training and creating awareness in the countries.

The Second RENA interim report was produced as a hardcopy with a CD containing specific outputs. Most of the materials have been and will be placed on the RENA website. In WG4 a number of 4 training programmes have been conducted and according to Mr. Van der Putte with the increasing number of training sessions, the numbers of end products with reports and evaluations will also increase. This is the case for all WGs.

Regarding the recruitment of experts it can be concluded that most of the experts for the working groups have been selected but that for 2012 some more are needed including experts from institutions and government agencies.

Regarding RENA focal points and WG coordinators, more changes are to be expected. Next to a new focal point for Montenegro, a new focal point for Turkey should be expected due to the reorganisation of the Ministry of Environment and Forest.

RENA is actively cooperating with other relevant stakeholders and NGOs EF representatives are invited for all meetings and are participating in most of the organised RENA meetings.

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



A question was raised by Ms. Anita Pokrovac Patekar on the evaluation and feed back of activities in the Second Interim report.

It was explained by Mr. Ike van der Putte and Ms. Ruza Radovic that every training activity has a feedback based on standardized evaluation forms. An evaluation report is produced for each activity with inclusion of the feed back results. The evaluation reports are included in the separate CD of the interim report and are placed on the RENA website.

There is a strong recommendation of Ms. Anita Pokrovac Patekar that everything considering feedback or evaluation should also be included in the main body of the text.

Ms. Madalina Ivanica recommended that the interim report will include a specific heading on the evaluation of activities.

In this respect it was added by Ms. Ivanica that the RENA secretariat was asked to perform an evaluation of all activities, in order for the EC to have more in depth analysis on what has been done up to now with a qualitative and quantitative overview of the activities.

Mr. Dragoljub Todic asked what the level of awareness and knowledge is of third parties on RENA as the project should be considered of importance also for NGOs and the business sector.

Mr. Van der Putte answered that this is a strong point because more and more regulations are putting specific responsibilities to the business sector. However, the RENA budget is not allocated for the business sector as a stakeholder.

Mr. Metodija Sazdov commented that these kinds of trainings and initiatives can also be organized by chambers of commerce which role is to help the industry

Ms. Madalina Ivanica explained that the project is capacity building for the Ministries in the beneficiary countries. Other stakeholders can be invited to the activities but on their own expenses.

Protection of Environment through Implementation of Criminal Environmental Law

The aim of Mr. Mihail Dimovski’s presentation was to discuss to what extent combating environmental crime should be considered as a priority and how to integrate implementation of the EC Environmental Crimes Directive in RENA activities. Another item was to discuss follow up and synergies with WG4. Mr. Dimovski emphasized that transposition of the EU Acquis does not always ensure proper implementation in reality and that there are a lot of weaknesses in the enforcement of environmental law. Activities related to combating environmental crime activities should be covered under WG1 and WG4. Under WG1 a regional training on environmental crime has been conducted. There are also more activities planned to be conducted under WG1 in the period from September 2011-March 2012, such as the second regional workshop for CLP and REACH Regulations.(note: both the environmental crimes directive and the REACH and CLP regulations are subjects that can be selected in the WG 4 training programmes for inspectors and permit writers).In addition a third regional workshop on the INSPIRE Directive has been organised and an Annual RISP meeting is planned for defining further activities.

IMPEL activities with specific reference to transfrontier shipment of waste (TFS)

Mr. Enes Srndic gave a brief explanation on the background of IMPEL, on who the involved authorities and organizations are and also on the objectives and strategic aims of IMPEL. The IMPEL – TFS (Trans Frontier Shipment of waste) is one of the three clusters of the IMPEL programme. The activities are related to enforcement projects on transfrontier waste transport via seaports and roads. Furthermore attention is paid to risk assessment and also to the development of supporting tools for inspectors. In his presentation Mr. Srndic explained how his Ministry performed the verification process of waste destination and treatment in countries of destination. He also provided illustrative figures on number and types of violations.

Mr. Sazdov asked about protective equipment for inspectors doing field inspections. Mr. Srndic answered that there is special equipment available but that in addition there are also special experts who are carrying out analyses to assess whether it is safe for inspectors to continue with inspection.

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Ms. Madalina Ivanica informed the participants that the EC has asked IMPEL to open the membership not only to candidate countries as is the case now but also to open membership to potential candidates. In this way all beneficiary countries in RENA can participate in IMPEL activities including IMPEL TFS. In the subsequent discussions with the IMPEL board two main concerns were raised: one was which countries are considered as potential candidates and another concern was the financial consequences of membership. After additional information provided by the EC, the IMPEL Board took a positive decision. However, the IMPEL Board has to put the proposal as an item on the agenda of the General Assembly Meeting and needs also approval by its members. The Commission is now waiting on a positive decision from the General Assembly which is going to have its meeting at the end of November 2011.

Presentation of WG4 Cluster 1 activities – Training and exchange Planned and finalized activities

This presentation was given and discussed by Mr. Ike van der Putte and Mr Rob Glaser. It provided a detailed overview of the planned and finalized activities within WG4 for Cluster 1 activities on training and exchange. Apart from the training workshops on IPPC permitting and inspection in the individual beneficiary countries for around 20 participants, also site visits to selected factories have been included with invited participants from 2-3 other RENA countries to carry out the so called “common inspections” and exchange of information. The general training programme included a 3.5 days training where day 1 is related to general subjects, day 2 on IPPC/IED requirements, permitting and inspection, day 3 on site visit and reporting and day 4 on evaluation of results and further presentations on special subjects. Special subjects and specific directives can be selected and might include IED/IPPC with EIA, LCP, PRTR, RMCEI, SEVESO II, VOCs, waste and chemicals management (REACH/CLP) and environmental crime. For the training in the first 4 countries Albania, Kosovo under UNSCR1244 /99, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey detailed topics have been assessed and specific training manuals have been produced. The site visits were held at cement factories with the exception of Turkey where a steel factory (Electric Arc Furnace) has been visited. The training in this first batch of 4 countries has been finalized in the period March – October 2011.

For the second batch of 4 countries the specific subjects and pilot industries for the training have already been selected. In Serbia it is planned to visit a petrochemical plant with IED/IPPC, SEVESO II and waste management as special subjects. The training is to be held in March 5-8, 2012. For fYR of Macedonia a site visit will be made to a steel factory with a training concentrating on IED/IPPC in the period 23 -27 April 2012. In Montenegro the site visit and common inspection is planned to be conducted at a thermo electrical power plant and will concentrate on the LCP directive and land filling of waste as special subjects in the period of 3-7 September 2012 The training in Croatia will be held in the first week of October (1-5 October 2012 ) with a visit to a calcium aluminates cement plant with IED /revision of RMCEI as special subjects.

The results from evaluation forms filled by participants to the trainings in Albania, BiH and Kosovo were presented, illustrating that especially the combination of lectures and practical field visits to pilot industries were very much appreciated.

Round table discussion on Cluster 1 activities

The National coordinator of BiH evaluated what has been reached in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Under cluster 1, training and exchanging, a highly appreciated practical training has been provided for participants on entity level, cantonal and municipal level including environmental permit writers and environmental inspectors. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there is not a sufficient basis for issuing integrated permits at this moment and there are not many environmental inspectors available. The training was very useful especially in providing practical training with the cement industry as a concrete example. The cement industries are considered as big polluters. An associated problem in BiH is the site remediation of quarries of the cement industry.

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Mr. Blinkov from the Macedonian Ministry also agreed that the training was very useful especially in relation with the cement plants. He asked if it is possible in future to put the training and information materials on a USB considering the size and volume.

Ms. Anita Pokrovac Patekar, National Coordinator for Croatia, expressed that it will be very useful if bilateral exchange is organized, where practical trainings in a particular cement industry will be conducted, together with operators and inspectors which will help in exchanging experiences regarding modernization and incineration technologies. She proposed this to be considered as one of the next RENA activities.

Also Mr. Enes Tela from the Albanian inspectorate and Ms Florie Kqiku mentioned that the training courses were very useful and that in general all inspectors were very satisfied with the programme.that has been carried out.

Presentation of Cluster 2 activities – Institutional and methodological Development

Activity 2: Country external assessments, Case Serbia

Mr. Ike Van der Putte gave a short introduction on the Cluster 2, activity 2 Country external assessments. The countries were visited by the respective experts, interviews were held with various stakeholders and an analysis was made of the collected materials. Based on the elements of the regulatory cycle, draft reports have been prepared which were sent out to the Ministry for obtaining comments. He pointed out that the activity will be finished by the end of this year in which the reports for Serbia, fYR of Macedonia and Montenegro are considered to be finalized, and the reports for Albania, Kosovo under UNSCR1244 /99 , BiH and Turkey are in the preparatory phase, i.e. to be finalized in January 2012. The assessment is done evaluating the national, regional and local environmental capacity covering the whole regulatory cycle of policy, legislation, permitting, verification and control, monitoring and reporting, focusing specifically on the issues of permitting, inspection and enforcement.

Country external assessment. Case Serbia

Mr. Dragoljub Todic presented the report he prepared for the external assessment of Serbia. The methodology for preparation is based on the regulatory cycle where the first step is policy, followed by legislation, implementation with permitting and enforcement and feedback reporting. The basic methodology had three elements in which the 1st one is the analysis of documentation which includes an analysis of strategic documents, reports and answers in the European Commission questionnaires for progress monitoring. The 2nd

Furthermore Mr. Todic explained the subjects considered in preparation of the report, with a comprehensive analysis of policy, legislation, strategic documents, harmonization with EU legislation, permitting and enforcement, monitoring responsibilities, reporting, access to information and public participation, control and enforcement, appeals, and capacity building programmes for public authorities. The report also contains information on the response to the Environmental Acquis and governmental plans for joining the European Union. The transposition implications and involved institutions in implementation of the Environmental Acquis are also considered. The report also includes a review of local self government and public utility companies and their role in implementation of environmental legislation.

phase was preparing questionnaires and sending them to the business sector, NGOs and Ministry staff working on permits, in the provincial and local self government units. At the final 3rd stage interviews with some of the relevant stakeholders were performed.

At the end of the presentation Ms. Ivanica pointed out that according to the Commission on a general level Serbia made progress in approximation of the environmental acquis comparing with previous years.

Mr. Rob Glaser asked about the structure of the environmental inspectorate in Serbia, is it an independent body or not? On this question Mr. Todic answered that there is an initiative for placing the inspectorate in one separated agency. This agency will cover all activities related to inspection and

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



permitting, and the Ministry will be in charge for drafting laws, creating policies, etc, but for now that is only an idea that is being developed.

Mr. Todic explained that the problem is specifically referring to the local level. It is hard to find competent people in LSGs. So very often it is the case that one person is issuing permits and at the same time the same person is doing also the controlling inspection activities.

Presentation of Cluster 3 activities – Cross border enforcement and Networking

As the end of the meeting Mr. Ike van der Putte gave short introduction on Activity 3, Activity 4, Activity 5 and Activity 6 within WG4. Main aim of this presentation is to show the plan of activities for the year 2012.

Activity 3 (EU –ETS) includes a Regional Training /Workshop programme on elements of the European Climate Change Programme. A 2-day regional training workshop will be organized with a focus on Kyoto mechanisms and the major factors in the EU ETS Compliance cycle (Zagreb 15 – 16 May 2012)

Activity 4 (TFS), includes Regional Training /Workshop programmes on elements of the Waste Shipment Regulation (WSR). Two 2-day regional training workshops will be organized: one in Edirne, Turkey on harbor and ship transport (18 -19 April 2012) and the other one on road transport at the Macedonian Serbian border (13-14 June 2012). The TFS activity will be organized in cooperation with IMPEL.

Activity 5 (– Inspection and Enforcement in Cross border nature protection areas) includes Regional Training/Workshops on elements of enforcement in cross border nature protection. Two 2-day regional training workshops will be organized: one will be organised in fYR of Macedonia/Albania - Lake Ohrid (23-25 October 2012) and the 2nd WS will be organised in Albania/Montenegro – Skadar Lake (13-15 November 2012).(note: This activity will be organised in cooperation with Greenforce)

At the end of the meeting , under Networking activities (Activity 6), Mr. Van der Putte presented the proposed participation of ECENA in relevant networking activities and schedule for participation.

Ms. Madalina Ivanica concluded the meeting noting that the workplan for the next months has been made and dates are defined


Ms. Patekar recommends that in future RENA activities training can be organized, in which both operators and inspectors will be invited and will have concrete training on particular hot spots.

Considering activity 1- training and common inspections Mr. Rob Glaser emphasized that it is very important that invited inspectors who will participate in the training come well prepared and should not have any hesitations in exchange of information during the training sessions.

Closure of the meeting

The follow-up points resulting from the meeting are:

Follow-up points By whom Deadline

Confirmation of the Calendar of activities to be sent by e-mail to all beneficiaries

WG4 Key eexpert

Next few weeks (see ANNEX))

Activity 1.Finalization selection of topics for training batch 2 countries (fYR of Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro)

WG 4 Key expert an STE for activity 1 /December 2011

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



Follow-up points By whom Deadline

Activity 1.Finalization training manual for training and common inspection batch 2 countries

WG 4 Key expert an STE for activity 1 /January 2012

Activity 2.Finalization of all country external assessment reports

WG4 Key expert and STE for activity 2 /January 2012

Activities 3-5.Finalization of training programmes for activity 3 (ETS), 4 (TFS) and 5 cross border nature inspection with selection of experts

WG 4 k

Key expert See calendar of activities (ANNEX)

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“Regional Environmental Network for Accession” Ref: EuropeAid/128906/C/SER/Multi

This Project is funded by the European Union

A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium



CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES 2012 RENA WG 4 Activity 1 Training and common inspection

Serbia 6 – 9 March 2012 fYR of Macedonia 24 -27 April 2012 Montenegro 4 – 7 September 2012 Croatia 2 – 5 October 2012 Activity 3 ETS Zagreb 15 – 16 May 2012 Activity 4 TFS Turkey – Harbor 18 – 19 April 2012 fYR of Macedonia/Serbia 13 – 14 June 2012 Activity 5 . Cross border Nature inspection Lake Ohrid (fYR of Macedonia/Albania) 23 – 25 October 2012 Skadar Lake (Albania/Montenegro) 13 – 15 November 2012 Activity 6: Participation in networks IMPEL GAM Copenhagen 7 – 8 June, 2012 IMPEL Projects TBD Other sister networks (INECE, Interpol, …) TBD
