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49 Research papers, short notes and abstracts based on presentations given at the 3rd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON GRAPEVINE TRUNK DISEASES jointly organized by the International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, the Australasian Plant Pathology Society, and the International Society for Plant Pathology Christchurch, New Zealand 1–2 February, 2003


Research papers, short notes and abstracts based onpresentations given at the


jointly organized bythe International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases,

the Australasian Plant Pathology Society,and the International Society for Plant Pathology

Christchurch, New Zealand1–2 February, 2003





Phytopathol. Mediterr. (2004) 43, 51–58

Corresponding author: J. EdwardsFax: + 61 31 9800 3521E-mail: [email protected]


Crous et al. (1996) described the genus Phaeoa-cremonium with six species. Four of them, Pm.chlamydosporum, Pm. aleophilum, Pm. angustiusand Pm. inflatipes, were isolated from wood ofgrapevines (Vitis spp.). Subsequently, molecularphylogenetic work of Dupont et al., using partialrDNA sequencing, indicated that the genus washeterogeneous and suggested that while Pm.chlamydosporum appeared most closely allied tothe ascomycete order Chaetothyriales, familyHerpotrichiellaceae (members of which have an-amorphs in the similar genus Phialophora), theremainder of the genus showed closest affinitiesto the diaporthalean family Magnaporthaceae.Tegli et al. (2000a,b) confirmed the degree of di-vergence between Pm. chlamydosporum and Pm.

Detection of the Togninia teleomorph ofPhaeoacremonium aleophilum in Australia


1Cooperative Research Centre for Viticulture, P.O. Box 154, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064, Australia2Primary Industries Research Victoria, Knoxfield Centre, Private Bag 15, Ferntree Gully Delivery Centre,

Victoria 3156, Australia

Summary. Moist incubation of grapevine wood infected with both Phaeoacremonium aleophilum and Phaeomoniellachlamydospora yielded an ascomycete referable to the genus Togninia (Ascomycota, Calosphaeriales). Single as-cospore cultures were morphologically identical to Pm. aleophilum. The rDNA ITS sequence of single ascosporeisolates was identical to published sequences for the majority of Pm. aleophilum isolates. Comparison with the mor-phology of other wood staining Togninia species confirms that the teleomorph of Pm. aleophilum is Togninia minima.

Key words: grapevine, fungus, Petri disease, wood.

aleophilum and agreed that separate genera wereneeded. Crous and Gams (2000) confirmed the con-clusions of Dupont et al. (1998) and assigned Pm.chlamydosporum to the new genus PhaeomoniellaCrous & W. Gams. Groenewald et al. (2001) pub-lished molecular phylogenetic studies confirmingthe isolated position of Phaeomoniella chlamy-dospora, and demonstrating the close degree ofrelatedness of remaining species of Phaeoacremo-nium. Tegli et al. (2000a) studied the genetic vari-ability of Pm. aleophilum and Pa. chlamydospora(as Phaeoacremonium chlamydosporum) in Italyand found it to be low in both species but higher inPm. aleophilum than in Pa. chlamydospora. Theysuggested that sexual reproduction possibly oc-curred in both species. Similar conclusions weremade by Peros et al. (2000) who studied the genet-ic variability of populations present in French vine-yards. Subsequently, Tegli (2001) concluded thatsexual reproduction made a major contribution tothe genetic structure of populations of Pm. ale-ophilum.


52 Phytopathologia Mediterranea

I.G. Pascoe et al.

In 2000, whilst surveying large numbers ofgrapevine trunks for the presence of these and oth-er fungi, we observed dark, long-necked ascocarpsgrowing amongst extensive colonies of Pa. chlamy-dospora and other fungi after a lengthy period ofmoist incubation of grapevine trunk pieces. Believ-ing that we may have discovered a teleomorph forPa. chlamydospora, we carried out single-ascosporeand single-ascus isolations and consistently recov-ered colonies identical to typical colonies of Pm.aleophilum. This paper describes the morphologi-cal and molecular characterisation of the ascomyc-ete and provides proof that it is the teleomorph ofPhaeoacremonium aleophilum.

Materials and methodsMoist incubation

Pieces of grapevine wood from established vineswith vascular streaking were cut transversely andlongitudinally to half cylinders up to 10 cm long.They were moist-incubated by placing them onmoist paper towelling in suitably sized plastic boxes(take-away food containers) with lids, and incubat-ing at room temperature (18–22°C). The paper tow-elling was moistened periodically as required. Sam-ples were examined under the dissecting micro-scope and the fungi present were noted.


When ascocarps were first observed, squashpreparations were made to give an indication ofthe morphology of asci and ascospores. Mountswere made in water, lactic acid and Melzers rea-gent. Due to the dense melanisation of the ascomawall, visualisation of the wall tissue requiredbleaching in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite. Drawingswere prepared using a drawing tube.


Ascocarps were observed surrounded by conid-iophores of Pa. chlamydospora and other fungi.Consequently it was acknowledged that attemptsto culture from the ascocarps ran the risk of con-tamination with fungi other than the ascomycete.Because it was difficult to differentiate single as-cospores from conidia of Pa. chlamydospora at lowmagnifications, in addition to single-ascospore iso-lations we attempted single-ascus isolations andsingle-centrum isolations from isolate VPRI 22559.

Single-ascospore isolations were made either bysquashing an ascocarp in a drop of sterile wateron a microscope slide, or alternatively by taking amass of ascospores from the tip of the ascocarp neckand suspending the spores in a drop of water. Theresulting spore suspensions were streaked with abacteriological loop onto potato dextrose agar (PDA)in a Petri dish. Single-ascus isolations were madeby excising the centrum from an ascocarp with asterile fragment of razor blade, gently teasing thecentrum apart in a drop of sterile water on a mi-croscope slide and streaking out the resulting sus-pension of asci onto PDA. Single-centrum isolationswere made by excising the centrum from an asco-carp and stab-inoculating the centrum onto PDA.Cultures were incubated at 25°C in the light forup to 24 h before examination under the high pow-er (�60) of a dissecting microscope using trans-mitted-light illumination. In this way, single asciwere readily identified and subcultured using a fineneedle, while single ascospores could not be differ-entiated with confidence from conidia. Germinat-ed spores or identifiable asci were subcultured ontofresh plates of PDA, where they were incubated at25°C until identifiable colonies had grown. Single-centrum cultures were not subcultured until iden-tifiable colonies had formed.

DNA extraction

A single-ascospore isolate (ex VPRI 22559) wasgrown on PDA for 2 weeks at 22°C. Twelve 1 cm2

pieces were cut from the growing edge of the colo-ny and transferred into an Erlenmeyer flask con-taining 100 ml PD broth. The broth culture wasincubated for 8 days at room temperature (18–22°C) on a shaker table operating continuously at150 rpm. Mycelium was harvested by vacuum fil-tration onto sterile cheesecloth, thoroughly washedwith sterile distilled water and then freeze-dried.DNA was extracted from the freeze-dried myceliumaccording to the protocol described by Lee and Tay-lor (1990), modified with the addition of 1 mg ml-1

RNAase (Progen Ltd., Darra, Australia) to the lysisbuffer. The DNA concentration was adjusted to 5ng µl-1.

rDNA ITS sequencing and phylogenetic analysis

The rDNA ITS region was amplified using PCRprimers ITS5 and ITS4 according to White et al.(1990), with the exception that the total reaction


53Vol. 43, No. 1, April 2004

Detection of the Togninia teleomorph of Phaeoacremonium aleophilum in Australia

volume was 25 µl and using 5 ng of DNA template.The PCR product was visualized on a 1.4% agar-ose gel containing ethidium bromide.

The PCR product was purified using a QiagenPCR Product Purification kit (Qiagen, Clifton Hill,Australia). Both strands were sequenced with prim-ers ITS5 and ITS4 using the PE Applied BiosystemsBigdye (Perkin Elmer, Scoresby, Australia) technol-ogy according to the manufacturer’s instructions.The sequencing products were read on an ABI 373DNA sequencer. The forward and reverse sequenceswere compared to determine the complete ITS se-quence.

To determine the relationship between our iso-late and other fungi including Pm. aleophilum, theITS sequence was compared with relevant sequenc-es in GenBank with a Blast search (Altschul et al.,1997). Using ClustalX (Thompson et al., 1997), theTogninia sp. ITS sequence was aligned with ITSsequences from the ex-type cultures of all describedPhaeoacremonium species, a selection of addition-al Pm. aleophilum isolates, the published ITS1 se-quence of Togninia novae-zealandiae (Hausner etal., 1992) and an unusual Pm. angustius sequence(GenBank AF295138). The ITS sequence for Am-phisphaeria umbrina was included as an outgroup(Groenewald et al., 2001). A neighbour-joining treewas constructed using MEGA ver 2.1 (Kumar etal., 2001) with 1000 bootstrap replicates. As the T.novae-zealandiae sequence covered only the ITS1region, a distance matrix, using the Kimura 2-pa-rameter method, was calculated using pairwisedeletions of gaps and missing data.

ResultsMoist incubation

Ascocarps were first noticed on wood of grape-vine cv. Riesling from Kyneton, Victoria, Austral-ia, (VPRI 22559) after 157 days moist incubation(specimen collected 18 May 2000, moist incubationprepared 22 May, ascocarps first noticed 16 Octo-ber). Subsequent samples took 99 days (VPRI30331), 147 days and 77 days (specimens lost) be-fore ascomata were observed.


The predominant fungus isolated by single-as-cospore culturing was similar in cultural charac-teristics to Pm. aleophilum, although there was

some contamination with Pa. chlamydospora andother fungi. In all single-ascus and single-centrumisolations the only fungus isolated was Pm. ale-ophilum-like. These colonies (on PDA) were hon-ey-coloured with greyish aerial mycelium and ayellow pigment diffusing into the agar, typical ofPm. aleophilum.

Molecular analysis

The Blast search showed the Togninia sp. ITSsequence to be identical or nearly identical (differ-ing at 1 to 3 bases) to all Pm. aleophilum sequenc-es in GenBank. The sequence has been depositedin GenBank and given the accession numberAY159787. The neighbour-joining tree revealed itto cluster among the Pm. aleophilum sequences(Fig. 1). The T. novae-zealandiae sequence clusteredclosest to the sequence of CBS 777.83 (isolated fromsoil, Argentina), identified as Pm. angustius byCrous et al. (1996) and Tegli et al. (2000a).

Morphological description of the Togninia teleomorphof Pm. aleophilum found in Australia

Ascomata (Fig. 2 and 3) occurring on bark orexposed wood of Vitis spp., single or loosely gre-garious amongst a weft of mycelium and conidio-phores of the Phaeoacremonium aleophilum an-amorph (and frequently mixed with other fungiincluding Phaeomoniella chlamydospora). Ascoma-ta black, sphaerical, 150–250 µm diam., with anelongated, tapered neck 150–500 µm long, about50 µm wide at the base, tapering to 30 µm at theapex; frequently all necks of a group of ascomatacurved in the same direction, possibly phototropic(Fig. 2b). Ascocarp wall thick, black, surface layerof textura epidermoidea, the outer cells dark brown,of up to 20 layers of compressed cells, with an in-ner layer of hyaline cells, 4–6 cells thick, perithe-cial appendages short, dark hyphae, neck of darkbrown textura epidermoidea, verrucose, with a sim-ple, slightly paler apical ostiole composed of slen-der, paler, incurved hyphae. Centrum consistingof fascicles of paraphyses and ascogenous hyphaewhich are easily dislodged from the inner hyalinewall layers. Paraphyses hyaline, unbranched, orbranched at the base, septate, the septa occurringat intervals of 5–12 µm, cells swollen (monilioid)at the base, 3.5–4.5 µm wide at the base, 2.5–3.5µm at the apical septum which usually occurs with-in 6–12 µm of the apex, the apical cell usually ta-


54 Phytopathologia Mediterranea

I.G. Pascoe et al.

AF197992 Pm. aleophilum CBS 100400

AF017651 Pm. aleophilum CBS 246.91

AY159787 Togninia minima VPRI 22559

AF197981 Pm. aleophilum CBS 100397

AF197993 Pm. aleophilum CBS 101358

AF197984 Pm. aleophilum CBS 101568

AF295328 Pm. mortoniae CBS 101585

AF266651 Pm. sp. aff. angustius CBS777.83

Togninia novae-zealandiae

AF197974 Pm. angustius CBS 249.95

AF118137 Pm. viticola LCP 933886

AF197990 Pm. inflatipes CBS 391.71

AF197988 Pm. rubrigenum CBS 498.87

U31841 Pm. parasiticum ATCC 26366

AF009805 Amphisphaeria umbrina








Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree based on ITS sequences for ex-type cultures of all Phaeoacremonium species, four addition-al isolates of Pm. aleophilum, VPRI 22559 (our Togninia sp.), Togninia novae-zealandiae (from published sequenceof Hausner et al. 1992), and CBS 777.83 (P. sp. aff. angustius). Bootstrap numbers lower than 90% are not shown.Scale bar indicates changes per 100 bases. All data except VPRI 22559 and T. novae-zealandiae from GenBank.

Fig. 2. Ascomata of Togninia minima on moist incubated grapevine wood. A. Single ascoma. B. Group of ascomatashowing probable phototropic alignment. Scale bars: A = 50 µm; B = 100 µm.


55Vol. 43, No. 1, April 2004

Detection of the Togninia teleomorph of Phaeoacremonium aleophilum in Australia

pering abruptly to a point less than 2 µm thick.Asci in fascicles of 5–20 inserted acrogenously ona sympodially proliferating ascogenous hypha aris-ing from the same hyaline pseudoparenchyma cellsas the paraphyses. Asci small, sessile on the as-cogenous hyphae, unitunicate, oblong to clavate,14–20�3.5–5.5 µm, with a thick, rounded apicalcap 1.5–2.0 µm thick, with a barely visible, inamy-loid, cylindrical apical apparatus 1–1.5�1 µm, as-cus base truncate, often displaced laterally, basaltruncation 1.5–2 µm wide. After secession of theasci, a partial outer ascus wall up to half the lengthof an ascus remains attached to the ascogenoushypha. Ascospores 8, loosely arranged or biseriate,

Fig. 3. Togninia minima teleomorph A. Ascomata. B.Ascoma neck with ostiolar hyphae, and hyphae and co-nidiophores of the Phaeoacremonium anamorph. C. Par-aphyses. D. Asci. E. Ascogenous hypha. F. Immature asci.G. Spent ascogenous hypha, with basal frills. H. As-cospores discharged from ascoma neck. I. Asci dischargedfrom ascoma neck (scale bars 100 and 10 µm).

ellipsoid-oblong to allantoid, 3.5–5.5�1–1.8 µm,each with a single small guttule at each end.

Anamorph Phaeoacremonium aleophilum (Fig.4). Colonies on MEA growing optimally at 35°C,growth rates variable, 3.5–15.5 mm in 15 days at35°C. Hyphae forming mid-brown ropes from whicharise either single phialides or hyphae which bearvarious combinations of single phialides or morecomplex conidiophores. Single hyphae are palebrown, the pigment extending into the conidio-phores but becoming progressively more diluteapically, leaving the phialides more or less hyaline.Phialides mono- or less often polyphialidic, slen-der, tapered, often proliferating percurrently, witha cylindrical or slightly flared collarette. Conidiaellipsoid to allantoid, 2–5�1–1.5 µm.

Found on moist incubated wood of Vitis vinif-era cv. Riesling, Virgin Hills vineyard, Kyneton,Victoria, Australia, J. Edwards (00-030), 18 May,2000, VPRI 22559.

Additional specimens examined

Vitis vinifera cv. Mataro, Eagle Spirit Vineyard,Auburn, South Australia, P. Speakman, 14 June2002, VPRI 30331; cv. Merlot on Kober 5BB, AvocaVineyard, Wentworth, NSW, D. Dawes, October2000 (2 specimens, lost); cv. Sultana on Ramsey,Mildura, Victoria, G. Fletcher, November 2000(specimen lost).

Our specimens of Togninia agree well with thedescription of T. minima by Mostert et al. (2003)but differ slightly from the description of T. mini-ma published by Hausner et al. (1992), in whichthe fungus is described with longer asci and as-cospores (asci 20–30 µm long, ascospores 5.0–6.5µm long, fide Hausner et al., 1992). However, ourmaterial differs more substantially from T. fraxi-nopennsylvanica, which has cylindrical or slightlycurved ascospores with truncate ends, and a dif-ferent anamorph; from T. novae-zealandiae whichhas broader ascospores (2.2–2.6 µm wide); and fromT. inconspicua O.E. Eriksson & J.Z. Yue which hasmuch longer ascospores (8–10 µm long). Althoughour isolates have smaller asci and ascospores thanT. minima, as described by Hausner et al. (1992),we concede that this may be caused by naturalvariation due to different environmental and cul-tural conditions. We agree therefore with Mostertet al. (2003) that T. minima is the most appropri-ate name for the teleomorph of Pm. aleophilum.









56 Phytopathologia Mediterranea

I.G. Pascoe et al.


Hausner et al. (1992) described in detail the tel-eomorph of Togninia minima and the teleomorphs,anamorphs and cultural characteristics of two ad-ditional species of Togninia Berl. Anamorphs weresaid to be intermediate between Phialophora Med-lar and Acremonium Link. Their illustrations ofTogninia species show remarkable similarities toour ascomycete and their anamorphs appear to begood Phaeoacremonium species. Included in thepaper were rDNA ITS1 sequences for two species.Although their sequence data is not present inGenBank, a Blast search (Altschul et al. 1997) ofthe published sequence for T. novae-zealandiaeHausner et al. (1992) confirms that their species isrelated to species of the genus Phaeoacremonium.Based on the descriptions provided by Hausner etal. (1992), our ascomycete was identified as a spe-cies of Togninia and our work confirms the resultsof Mostert et al. (2003) who independently discov-ered the teleomorph of Pm. aleophilum and identi-fied it as Togninia minima. Rooney (2002) alsofound, but did not identify, the teleomorph of Pm.aleophilum. The taxonomy and nomenclature ofTogninia has been comprehensively discussed byMostert et al. (2003).

Eriksson and Yue (1990) figured a cylindricalapical apparatus in the ascus of T. inconspicua,which is also visible (but barely) in our materialwhen mounted in water or Melzer’s reagent. Whileascus dehiscense has not been observed in ourmaterial, two observations suggest dehiscence bybreakage of the outer wall somewhat above thebasal septum. Firstly, remnants of the ascus wall(Fig. 3G) remain on the ascogenous hypha afterdehiscence (also illustrated by Hausner et al.,1992). Secondly, groups of 8 ascospores can be foundoccasionally amongst discharged ascospores at thetip of the ascoma neck, surrounded by a thin mem-brane but lacking the truncate base of intact asci(Fig. 3I).

Hausner et al. (1992) were able to produce as-cocarps of Togninia spp. in vitro by pairing strainsisolated from dark streaks in wood. Recently, oth-er researchers such as Rooney (2002) and Mostertet al. (2003) have also successfully paired isolatesof Phaeoacremonium species from grapevines andinduced ascoma production in culture. Mostert etal. (2003) commented that it is not known underwhich conditions ascocarps are produced in thefield. From our moist incubation work we can ten-tatively predict that ascocarps of T. minima devel-op on the outside or in crevices of infected, proba-

Fig. 4. Togninia minima. Phaeoacremonium aleophilum anamorph, grown on PDA for 2 weeks at 25°C (scale bar 10 µm).


57Vol. 43, No. 1, April 2004

Detection of the Togninia teleomorph of Phaeoacremonium aleophilum in Australia

bly dead wood, over a period of between 2–5months.

Hausner and co-workers also commented thatproduction of perithecia by T. novae-zealandiaeappeared to be stimulated by other fungi, which itovergrew. This suggested to Hausner et al. that thefungus was either mycoparasitic or obtained nu-trients from other fungi. This concurs with ourobservation that perithecia were found mixed withother fungi, in particular Pa. chlamydospora, un-der moist incubation conditions, where an abun-dance of other fungi was present. There is alreadysome evidence that Pa. chlamydospora and Pm. ale-ophilum occur together in a competitive or antag-onistic relationship (Sparapano et al., 2000).

The discovery of the Togninia minima teleo-morph of Phaeoacremonium aleophilum coupledwith Hausner et al.’s illustrations and descriptionsof Togninia anamorphs, and ITS sequence data,leaves little room for doubt that all Phaeoacremo-nium taxa will have teleomorphs in Togninia orsimilar calospherialean genera. The morphology ofteleomorphs of Phaeoacremonium taxa can be ex-pected to provide additional criteria for identifica-tion. The biology of Togninia and related genera(wood-inhabiting endophytes associated with vas-cular streaking) should provide additional clues tothe ecology of the Phaeoacremonium taxa associ-ated with grapevine.


We acknowledge the support of the CooperativeResearch Centre for Viticulture, which is support-ed by Australia’s grapegrowers and winemakersthrough their investment body the Grape and WineResearch and Development Corporation, withmatching funds from the Federal Governmentthrough the Commonwealth Cooperative ResearchCentre Program. We are grateful to Lizel Mostertand Pedro Crous for providing us with a copy oftheir manuscript, and to Suzanne Rooney for pro-viding a copy of her Master´s thesis.

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Accepted for publication: December 10, 2003
