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3u Our Ref GHH: 6720268

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T Maddocks Lawyers 140 William Street Contact Greg Hipwell Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia Direct 0392583354 Email greg.hipwell@r 3u Telephone 61 3 9258 3555 Our Ref GHH: 6720268 Facsimile 61 3 9258 3666 [email protected] www. mad docks. com . au 28 April 2016 DX 259 Melbourne Attention: The General Manager Adjudication Branch Australian Competition and Consumer Commission GPO Box 3131 Canberra ACT 2601 Dear Sir/Madam Exclusive dealing notification — LCA Franchising Pty Limited Please find enclosed: 1 . Form G — Notification of Exclusive Dealing from LCA Franchising Pty Limited; and 2. Cheque in the amount of $100 for the lodgement fee. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours faithfully Gr ip e I Pa r En [6720268:16296077_1] ri

T Maddocks

Lawyers 140 William Street

ContactGreg Hipwell Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia Direct0392583354 Emailgreg.hipwell@r 3u

Telephone 61 3 9258 3555

Our RefGHH: 6720268

Facsimile 61 3 9258 3666

[email protected] www. mad docks. com . au

28 April 2016 DX 259 Melbourne

Attention: The General Manager

Adjudication Branch Australian Competition and Consumer Commission GPO Box 3131 Canberra ACT 2601

Dear Sir/Madam

Exclusive dealing notification — LCA Franchising Pty Limited

Please find enclosed:

1 .Form G — Notification of Exclusive Dealing from LCA Franchising Pty Limited; and

2.Cheque in the amount of $100 for the lodgement fee.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

Grip e I Par




Typewritten Text

Form G Commonwealth of Australia

Competition and Consumer Act 20 10 — subsection 93 (1) NOTIFICATION OF EXCLUSIVE DEALING

To the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission:

Notice is hereby given, in accordance with subsection 93 (1) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, of particulars of conduct or of proposed conduct of a kind referred to subsections 47 (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) or (9) of that Act in which the person giving notice engages or proposes to engage.



(a) Name of person giving notice: (Refer to direction 2)

LCA Franchising Pty Limited ACN 150 499 595 (LCA)

(b) Short description of business carried on by that person: (Refer to direction 3)

LCA is the franchisor of a network of franchisees (Franchisees) that operate "Laser Clinics Australia" businesses in Australia (Clinics). The Clinics provide laser hair removal, cosmetic injections, skin treatment services and skin product sales under the Laser Clinics Australia brand and using LCA's business system.

As part of the operating model of the LCA network, LCA Operations Pty Ltd ACN 600 736 212 (LCA Operations), a related body corporate of LCA, has a shareholding interest of no less than 50% in each Franchisee entity. This model is designed to promote alignment of interest between the Franchisee and the LCA group, and allows for certain capital investments required by a Franchisee to be borne in shareholding proportion. As a result of this model, LCA has a direct interest in ensuring that Franchisees are able to obtain quality goods and services at a competitive price and LCA Operations is involved in all buying decisions of Franchisees.

Franchisees operate the Clinic pursuant to a franchise agreement with LCA (Franchise Agreement). Pursuant to the Franchise Agreement, each Franchisee will be granted the right to operate a Clinic using the "Laser Clinics Australia" brand and associated intellectual property, subject to the terms of the Franchise Agreement.

At present, there are 61 Franchisees operating Clinics in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australian and the Australian Capital Territory. As the date of this notification, there is currently 1 un-franchised Clinic which is operated by associates of the Franchisor.

(c) Address in Australia for service of documents on that person:

Unit 31, 6-8 Herbert Street, St Leonards NSW 2065.

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Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

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(g uQIjOej.IP ol Jejea)

:sajejej 4onpuoo 844 4014m 01 suosied lo sesselo jo sselo(e)

4onpuoo POIJIlOu 044 Aq pepe:ge aq ol A19)j!j jo pepejje Isuosied lo sOsselO JO'SuOSJOd


-juawtilap oilqnd Aue qbiemlno lonpuoo siql wojj builInsai sj!j9u9q oilqnd eql leql suieluiew Vol 'molaq pauillno se 'JGAGmOH -jailddnS P918ulwON JUBA919J 9ql

'wojl sailddnS PGAoiddV (aiinboe ol peei6e lou 9Aeq JO) eiinboe lou op seasiqoueij

J! juawagi5v asiqouejj aqj japun josiqouejl se saoi/uas si! Alddns ol asnjej (p)

pue'wojj sailddnS PGAoiddV aiinboe seasiqouejj leql uoil!puoo

aql uo juqwqqj6V asiqouejj eql japun josit4ouejj se saoiAies si! Alddns

:oj sesodoid Vol se'(qjo)OkO,7 loViewnsuoo pue uqpjadwoo GqIIO (L) Pue

(9)Lt, SuOI109S ul bUileOp 9AIsnloxa jo uoipijap eql uiql!m sliej lonpuoo E)Aoqe aqi

-siailddnS PE)IeulwON wojj seilddnS PGAoiddV aiinboe jo aseqojnd seasiqouejj leql uoilipuoo

eql uo Juqwqqj6VqsIqOuej=j aql Japun josiqouejj se sgoi/uas si! Alddns 11.1m Vol

0, uqiloa-^/p oi JaJOLO

:Ionpuot) posodoid jo lonpuoo e4j lo uoildliosea(q)

-(siailddnS POleulwON) VO-1 Aq paipads siailddns jo Vol wojj'(sailddnS PGAojddV'Aj9AIjO9jjOO)

'sbuipq pue sajnlxil pue slonpoid pue sailddns leoipew pue salqewnsuoo oiuilo'SGOIAJOS 6UIUlejl leinpeooid 'S931AJOS GOUeUE)JUIeW juawdinbaseqons'OIUIIOGqIJOIS901AJ9Spuesionpoid'luawdinbc)jc)qlo (AI)

pue laiempjeq pue ejemllos jaqlo pue ejemllos bui^ooq pue ales-lo-juiod (!!A)

'sleiialew builemiew

pue obeubis buipnloui 'esipueqojaw pue Aieuoilels eilejlsnV solullo J9Se-j (!A)

'slonpoid p9puejq,,jnj!jsui^S,,(A)

'juawdinbe pue salqejoefu! oilawsoo (AI)

'sionpoid leoilneoewsoo NO

'slonpoid ajeoui^s 0)

'Aieuipew pue juawdinbe jasel 0)

:6uisijdwoo 'VO-1 Aq 'p9jeUIWOU JO PGAoidde aq Aew qoiqm jo'pajeuipou io p9Aoidde

S901AJOS PUe SPOO5 lo seasiqouejj Aq uoij!sinboa aql ol selelai uoijeoiplou siqi

:se4elej 0314ou sit4i t4314M 10

uoij!sinboe jo Aiddns aLil ol uoilelai ui saoiAies jo spooB etp lo uoildijosea



(b)Number of those persons: (Refer to direction 6)

(i) At present time: there are currently 61 Franchisees operating in the LCA franchise network and each Franchisee operates 1 Clinic.

(ii) Estimated within the next year: LCA estimates that it will have 80 Franchisees operating in the LCA franchise network within the next year.

(c)Where number of persons stated in item 3 (b) (i) is less than 50, their names and addresses:

Not applicable, there are more than 50 Franchisees.

4.Public benefit claims

(a) Arguments in support of notification: (Refer to direction 7)

Refer to paragraph 4(b).

(b) Facts and evidence relied upon in support of these claims:

The purpose of the notified conduct is not to substantially lessen competition in any market. Rather, the notified conduct will enhance the capacity of Franchisees and provide significant benefit to consumers, as set out below.

The laser hair removal and cosmetic injection industry can provide significant barriers for entry primarily because of the high establishment costs. The notified conduct allows Franchisees, as small businesses, to enjoy the benefits of pricing arrangements with suppliers that may otherwise not be available to them as independent small businesses. By enabling more laser hair removal and cosmetic injection businesses to enter the market, the notified conduct encourages competition among these businesses, increasing availability and quality of these services for consumers and driving down prices. The involvement of LCA Operations in the Franchisee promotes entry into the market by sharing the capital investment required at the outset in proportion to its shareholding.

Competitive price

LCA invests significant time and effort in its supplier relationships and by doing so will ensure that the prices and supply terms it negotiates with Nominated Suppliers constitute fair value for Franchisees. The involvement of LCA Operations in the Franchisee further incentivises LCA to negotiate competitive pricing arrangements with its suppliers and the interests of the LCA group and Franchisees are more closely aligned than they otherwise would be under a traditional franchise model. In LCA's opinion, the prices that LCA can negotiate with Nominated Suppliers will on average be significantly less than Franchisees could obtain independently over any significant period. This is due to the volume of supply that a nominated supply chain provides.

When selecting Nominated Suppliers, LCA will consider a range of factors such as: product consistency, product pricing model, product quality, regulatory compliance, safety, logistical viability, references from other customers and ability to provide uninterrupted supply.

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I .uoij!jadwoo Al!lenb q6iq aseajoui

qbnojql sesiloeid Ajlsnpui japm ssojoe piepuels aql sasiej ujnl ui qoiqm

piepuels lseqbiq aql ol ioj paplAoid pue passaippe Buiaq Allenulpoo si Alejes

jewolsno pue joleiedo ;eql pailsiles eq pue abeuew ol elqe aq ll!m VO-1

'siewnsuoo Aq paloadxe spiepuels aql ql!m

leaw leql pue ales gie qoiqm Al!lenb jualsisuoo e lo saoiAies pue slonpoid

ql!M p9p!Aoid aie siewnsuoo leL41 ainsue ol elqe aq ll!AA Vol

^jomjau jailddns P9119A pue alqeilej e 6uiqsilqelsa AE]

-siewolsno Aq PGAIOOOJ JO paiinboe

aie qoi qm saoi/uas pue slon poid asnoq lo luoil, astid woo sai Idd nS PeAoiddV eql

lo Alpofew eqi -siewolsno lo Aleles eql pue soiullo 10 ss000ns aql ol eoueliodwi

leollpo lo AisnolAqo si Al!lenb aoi/uas pue lonPOJd 'NJONGu aL41 ol pailddns sailddns PaAoiddV lo Al!lenb aql joiluoo pue jopow ol VO-1 smolle lonpuoo peij!lou aqi

95uepyuo5 jgwnsuoo paseajou! pUe Apenb 55.1Ajes pue lonpoid

-siewolsno ol saoi/uas Al!lenb 9P!Aoid ol elqe aq ll!M A9L4j:POjLUO3 bUlAeq 9WIl

awes aql le lsl!qm siewnsuoo ol seoijd 9Aij!j9dwoo ajow pue jamol j9.4o ujnl ui

pue 'sesseuisnq glqelgoid ajow aleiedo ol alqe aq ll!m saasiqouejj 'S6UlAes

leu011ejado uielqo ol Al!unlioddo pue Aouaioi,49 sit4l lo eouenbasuoo e sV

-Buiuueld ssauisnq PGAoidwi sialsol t4oiqm'sisoo

Indui ql!m uoiloauuoo U.1 AIU18IJ90 JGIeGJB qj!M S99Slq3UeJ=j 6UIP!Aoid

pue 'eouewjoped buiobuo s,jailddns eql 5uijnsue

pue buijopow pue 'siseq jualsisuoo e uo SGOIAJOS pue slonpoid Al!lenb

t46lq 9P!Aoid ol Alpedeo jiaql 6Ulje6ljS9AUl 'sionpoid pue saoi/ues 'juawdinbe

jo siailddns buioinos jo uepjnq eql wojj seesiqouejj bUIA9119J

:Aq oiuilo

e builejado ql!m paleioosse uapjnq GAIJeJISIUIWpe at4l 9SIWIUIW SqqSlq0UeJ-j

se Aouaioi.49 sseuisnq jelsol ol A19N!l si lonpuoo paiplou eql'Albuipj000V

-Aeuow jol

anleA J9,40 pue spaeu jiaql j!ns iseq 'Al!lenb 9jqejdqooe ue lo aie qoiqm sailddns

POAoiddV aql ainooid Aaql leql ainsue ol japio ui 'SUOlje6ljSGAUl qons lonpuoo

ol owil jo uoileuiloui 'asiljE)dxa Gql GAeq IOU ll!M SGasiqouejj lenp!AIPUI ISOW leql

Sjqp!sUO3 Vol -seesiqouejj lo jleqaq uo ^sej siql Ino Aijeo ll!m 'jonpuoo paililou

at4l lo lied se pue 'siql op ol sdiqsuoilelai sseuisnq pue asi:padxa Aiessaoau

GLIJ Seq VO-1 'JE)P!AOJd lUeAGIGJ Gql JO sleiluepajo at4l jo sionpoid pue seoi/uas

'Iuewdinbe siql aoinos ol ejeqm mou^ ol Ajlsnpui at4l ui eoueijedxe Inoql!m

uosied e jol 11noiMp aq ueo 11 -posileioads Alqbiq aie ssauisnq uoiloalui. oilowsoo

PUe JeAOLU9J Jleq JGSel e joj peiinbei sionpoid pUe S901AJ,9S 'juawdinbe aqi

ADUG^10.1,ya ss,9u.1sng

-soiuilojieqljoAl!l!qel!jojdaqlasiwixew (Al)

pue -siewolsno jol eles sie sailddnS P9AojddV eql leql elqeljojwoo eq (!!!)

'aoi/ues lo Al!lenb q5iq e GAIGOBJ siewolsno ainsua 0)

'siewolsno jiE)qj ol Aauow jol E)nleA 9P!Aoid

:Ueo saasiqouei-i

'SOJeJ GAij!jadwoo le sE)ilddnS P,9AojddV aiinboe ol seesiqouejj 6uilqeue Ag

(iii) LCA will be able to manage the price of key inventory and the cost of providing services which in turn enables Franchisees to more easily provide, or to provide enhanced, value for money to customers;

(iv) customers will be able to have confidence that whenever they visit a Clinic, they will be supplied with the same high standard of service and quality products; and

(v) Franchisees will purchase Approved Supplies in the knowledge that the ability of the Nominated Supplier to provide products and services to the standard required by LCA has been investigated by LCA.

Protection of the Laser Clinics Australia brand and system

Since the establishment of the first Laser Clinics Australia branded clinic in 2008, owners and associates of LCA and LCA have invested significant resources in developing a sustainable business model. A key component of the success of this model has been the reputation developed in the "Laser Clinics Australia" brand as an indicator of quality services and products that represent quality, safety and value for money.

LCA has been able to achieve the above by:

(i) managing the pricing structure within its supply chain;

(ii) controlling and monitoring the quality of key equipment, services and products supplied to Clinics; and

(iii) working with suppliers and service providers to ensure equipment, services and products supplied to Clinics appropriately cater for the needs of customers at the Clinics.

These measures are aimed at protecting the integrity and distinctiveness of the Laser Clinics Australia brand and ensuring customers are provided with a safe and quality service. These measures also maintain the value in, and reputation of, the Laser Clinics Australia business, which will enable Franchisees to attract customers.

The views of LCA expressed above are supported by the ACCC's 2011 Addendum to its 2007 Guide to Exclusive Dealing which states that:

The A CCC is of the view that restrictive supply arrangements that require franchisees to purchase goods or services from particular suppliers are often central to the operation of a franchise network. These arrangements enable the franchisor to maintain quality and consistency in each of the franchise outlets that is often important in marketing the franchise network and promoting a standard customer experience. In addition, the use of preferred or nominated suppliers may result in efficiencies and cost savings that will potentially be passed on to the franchisees and ultimately consumers.

(6720268:16155496_21 Page 5 of 8

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-aoijd 9Aij!j9dwoo e le saoiAies pue slonpoid

Aj!Ienb uielqo ol alqe aie soiuilo eql ainsue 01 19A91 jojejado ue pue josiqouejj e

qloq le paSIAIJU90UI si dnoib vo-1 aql os easiqoueij qoea Ul isgialui diqsjaumo ue

seq 'VO-1 10 aieioosse ue 'suoileiedo Vol 'BAoqe pajou sV -Alddns lo Aj!Ienb pue

Alains pue Aleles 'seoijd 9Aipjadwoo ajow lo Al!l!qel!eAe 9ql 6uipnloui 'jonpuoo eql

wojj 6uimoU sl!jauaq aql Aq paq6iamlno aq II!m luewijlap t4ons Aue 'J9AO9JO"

-poijed peuielsns Aue J9AO J9MOI aq ll!m uieqo Alddns aql uiql!m

alqel!eAe saoijd leql spualuoo VO-1 'J9AamOH -uieqo Alddns aql lo ap!slno alqel!eAe

sailddnS PGAoiddV 01 JU91eAinba Alq6noi saoi/ues jo slonpoid lo builunoosip,jjo

-GUO,, 10 96elUeApe 9^ej ol E)Iqe IOU gie saoslqouejj leql ueaw Aew siql seouelsui

awos ul -Isenbei aql jap!suoo Alqeuoseoi II!m Vol pue jeilddnS 9AIleUJ91le

ue asn ol VO-1 WOJI leAoidde ^eas 'J9AGMOq 'Aew seasit4ouejj -sailddnS

PGAoiddV lo juawaiinbei jieql uielqo Aeql qoiqm wojl joilddns aL41 asooqo

ol alqeun aq II!m seasiqouejj 'jonpuoo paiplou aql lo eouenbasuoo e sV


-molaq ino las se eie'M91A S,Vol Ul 'jonpuoo paiplou eql qj!m peleioosse

sluawijlep elq!ssod aqi -Ile le slsixe juawijlep qons j! 'alcIftl6qu si

lonpuoo pagpou eql qj!m poleioosse juawijlap oilqnd Aue leql sl!wqns VO-1

:SIUMP1811) OSO41 01 JUBAOIOJ 93UGP!A8 PUe Sj3e=j(q)

(q)g qdei5eied ol jaje^j

(6 UQ/4084P 01 JeJed) :sjejjew paloojje jot4jo

ui seoiAies jo spooB lo seoijd aLli pue eAoqe (e) Z le peqljosep saoiAies jo

spooB at4i lo s9oijd aLil uo lonpuoo poililou etll lo joage Ale)III aLil jelnoiped

ui luoijeog1jou at4i wojj linsei ol Ala)l!l jo Builinsai oilqnd ato oi sivawwaa(e)

sluewijlap oilqnd.9

-Ajlsnpui aql lo ainieu leoppal pue pesileioads

Alt4biq at4j ol anp sluedioped 9AIJOe 10 jaqwnu GbJel e 9Aeq 01 A19N!l ssal

si J! '18U01jeu aq Aew saoi/uas pue luewdinbe jesel jol slaNiew 9L41 E)I!qm 'JGAOMOH

-sluediopped 9AIJOB 10 jeqwnu 96jel e pue uoij!j9dwoo lo aajbap

q6it4 e Aq pesijeloejeqo pue leuoileu aq ol slonpoid ajeoui^s pue s6uill!j pue

sejnlxij 'ejempjeq pue ejemilos se qons 'sja^jew asaqj lo awos siap!suoo VO-1

-AlddnS P9AojddV aLil lo ainieu

eql uo buipuedap'saijlsnpui ejeouiNs pue alqeloafu.l 01jGLUS03'IeAOLUGJ Jleq JqSel

aql ap!slno pue uit4l!m qloq 5U.ijejado 'saoiAies pue juawdinba'SPOO6 jUeA919J 941

lo siaiinboe pue siailddns Ile aie sjq^jew esaql ui papnloul -sailddnS PGAoiddV

aiinboe II!m seasiqOUeJj qOlqM Ul S19NJeW 9ql OJe SIONJBW lUeAGIGJ ISOW Oq

(8 uO./P&J.1p ol iajea)

:(suoijoulsai IeBeI jo oit4deiBooB oldwexe jol) S931MOS JO SPOOB JUBAOleJ OL41

10 uo!llsinboe jo Aiddns 9t4j uo uoiloijlsej Aue !SGOIAJOS JO SPOOB JUBAOIGJ

a44 jol alqellBAe sainji4sqns !sjejinboe pue siailddns 4ueoipuBis :Buipnioui

s4oliew paloejje m4p pue paiinboo jo pailddns aie (e) Z 4o paqposap

saoiAies jo spooB otp 4oiLim ui (s)joliew 9LI4 lo uoi4dijosep e GPIAOJd

uoilluijep leliew.9

LCA controls the establishment and management of the supply chain on

behalf, and for the benefit, of Franchisees. If LCA does not do so,

Franchisees will be required to fulfil this role themselves, at a significant cost

and time burden to their businesses.


In regard to consumers, LCA does not consider that the notified conduct will

cause any measurable detriment. Indeed in LCA's opinion, the conduct

will benefit consumers by enabling them to access safe, quality products and

services at a price that constitutes value for money. The notified conduct will

not impact upon a consumer's ability to "shop around" for alternative offerings,

should it wish to do so.


Suppliers of Approved Supplies that have not been approved by LCA, and do not

form part of the supply chain, will be impacted by the conduct to a limited extent.

This is because they are not approved to supply their products to Clinics.

However, LCA contends that the detrimental effect of the notified

conduct is minimal, given that LCA is willing to consider alternatives to existing

suppliers should LCA be satisfied the alternative offerings are better than LCA's

existing ones.

7.Further information

(a)Name, postal address and contact telephone details of the person authorised to

provide additional information in relation to this notification:

Greg Hipwell, Partner, Maddocks

140 William Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Direct line: (03) 9258 3354

Email: [email protected]

DatedA -w ff.


Signed by/on behalf of the applicant

................ Grep ^il,

g r Part e


ad cks V

[6720268:16155496_2) Page 7 of 8

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-alq!ssod aiat4m sluawijlep asoql lo uoileoililuenb 6uipnloui lonpuoo

pasodoid aql wojj llnsai Aew qoit4m oilqnd Gql 01 SIUGWIJIGP 9ql 10 SI!eJap GP!AOJd -6

.U01jeolplou eql 10 iallew loefqns eql

si leql aoiAias jo poo6 at4i jol salnipscIns aq Aew leql saoi/ues jo spoob ol piebei BU'Aet4

jelnoi:ped ui 'jonpuoo paililou at4i Aq paloejje eq ol Ala^q (s)ja^jew 9ql 10 SI!ejGp GP!AOJd 'IR

-elq!ssod ejaqm sl!lauaq asot4l lo u oijeoipluenb buipnioui lonpuoo posodoid

aqi wojj llnsai ol A19N!l aq ol jo llnsai ol pawielo sl!jauaq oilqnd asoql 10 SI!L-19P 9P!AOJd 'L

-jeeA lxou aql buijnp owil Aue le lonpuoo aql ui 6ui6e6ua jo asinoo eql ui jeep ol A19N!l si

9011OU 941 bUlAIF) Ajpua E)qj woqm qj!m suosiad lo jaqwnu lsaqBiq aql lo alewilse ue alelS -9

-ionpuoo 9t4j Aq pajoage aq ol Ajo^!l siawnsuoo jo ssouisnq aql aq!josa(] -g

'GOIJOU Oql qj!M PGP!Aoid aq ol si 6uil!jm aql lo Adoo

e '6uil!jm ol lied ui jo E)Iot4m ui peonpoi uE)aq 9Aeq Oko,7 JOV jawnsuoD pue uo.iXedwoo

9ql 10 Lt, uO1109s ul 01 paiielai adAl aql lo uoseei e lo jo uoil!puoo e lo sielnoilied 11 -t7

-ui pabe6ua si lonpuoo aqi qoiqm

aql lo asinoo aql ui aoilou 9t4j 6UIA16 uosiad aql lo ssouisnq aql lo lied jet4j eq!josa(] -C

-os op ol uoilejodjoo aql Aq pasijoqlne uosied e Aq pau61s aq

ol si goilou eq) pue 'Goilou 9141 6ulubis uosied aql lo aweu eql lou '(e) I, wal! ui papasui

aq ol si uoilejodjoo aql lo aweu E)qj 'uoilejodjoo e lo Ilet4eq uo jo Aq U@Alf5 Si a011Ou 9t-11 11 -Z

-lueoildde eql lo jleqaq uo

jo Aq PGU61S PUe A19AIinoesuoo pejeqwnu 'slaaqs aleiedes uo umoqs aq ol si uoilewjolui

aql 'uoilewjojui paiinbei at4j qsiujnj ol wjoj siql uo eoeds luaioijlnsui si ejeql ejaqAA

-uoijeoilgou jiaql 6uissesse ui jun000e olui aNel ol uoissiwwoo aql qsim Aeql leql

93U9P!A9 builioddns 6uipnloui 'uotIL-wjojui Ile apnloui isnw slueoildde'wjolsiql 6ui6pol ul -I,

