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4. Chapter 2.1

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8/19/2019 4. Chapter 2.1 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/4-chapter-21 1/13 Chapter 2: Body Coordination Types of Reex action: (a) Cerebral refex (c) Cranial refex (b) Spinal refex (d) Conditioned refex (c) Cranial refex IRIS  control the light intensity at the retina (Pupil reex)  cereral reex 1. Cereral reex: refex action that is controlled by the brain. Eg: Pupil refex 2. The echanis is about ho! iris control its uscle to control aount o" light eg: #utonoic ner$ous syste (%efex action)  &no!n as 'pupil refex  igh light intensity*bright light +o! light intensity*di light Circular uscle contract ,Parasypathetic -S) %adical uscle contract (Sypathetic -S) Pupil reduced in sie (constrict) Pupil is open !ider (dilates)
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Chapter 2: Body Coordination

Types of Reex action:

(a) Cerebral refex (c) Cranial refex(b) Spinal refex (d) Conditioned refex(c) Cranial refex

IRIS   control the light intensity at the retina (Pupil reex)   cereral reex

1. Cereral reex: refex action that is controlled by the brain.Eg: Pupil refex

2. The echanis is about ho! iris control its uscle to control aount o" lighteg:#utonoic ner$ous syste (%efex action) &no!n as 'pupil refex


igh light intensity*bright light +o! light intensity*di light

Circular uscle contract

,Parasypathetic -S)

%adical uscle contract

(Sypathetic -S)

Pupil reduced in sie (constrict) Pupil is open !ider (dilates)

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!nee"#er$ (Spinal reex)

Spinal reex: the refex action that is controlled by the spinalcord

Path%ay: Stiuli sensory neurone spinal cord  otor neurone

&& 'thers:



%efex that occurs in brain and head region. Eg: sal$ation and eyes blin&ing


ed reex

 The action that is due to long practice and experience

Eg: riding a bicycle


1. Synapse: site !here t!o neurons or a neuron and an e6ector cell counicate.

;nee3er&  tested by

&noc&ing at the &neecap 

caise a refex contraction at

the <uadriceps uscle inthe upper tight  leg &ic&s.

,n this refex path!ay5 a

stretch receptors(proprioceptors) in the

tendon is stiulated by the

tap and it sends signal tothe sensory neurone and to

the spinal cord.

 The ipulse is then send toa otor neurone "ro spinal

cord to <uadriceps.

8ailure o" the leg respond tothe tap ay be due to

disease*daage to one or

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1. o! any neurones are in$ol$ed in &nee er&= -ae the neurones

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A. -ae a refex that do not in$ol$es relay neurones

B. >hat receptors are used to detect taste=

2+ Proprioceptors

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, Proprioceptors: receptors !hich are connected to sensory neurones." ;no!n as -stretch receptors." Sensiti/e to 0o/e0ent1 pressure

or stretching %ithin the ody

" #cts as internal sensory organs carry outacti$ities !ithout being !atched.

3 8ound in the uscles5 tendons5 ligaents and


1. 4uried under the s&eletal

uscle are uscle

spindles (sensory stretchreceptors) that lie parallel!ith the rest o" the bres

in uscle.

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, !inaesthetic: using proprioceptors to help to sense and detect lib0s position and


2  This !ill help the body to coordinate the o$eent and the balance o" the body.

 oint: location at !hich the bones

are connected

Tendons: tough band brous

connecti$e tissues that connectsuscle to the bone (can !ithstand


3iga0ents: brous tissues thatconnects bones to the other bones

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Chapter 2: Body Coordination

24 5u0an Brain

+e"t heisphere:

Control the rightside o" the body

%ight heisphere:

Control the le"t sideo" the body.

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1. The brain is protected by craniu and ? ebranes (eninges)2. /eninges "unction as shoc& absorber "or the brain?. The brain has 2 hal$es that is called as cerebral heispheres (le"t heisphere and right




Controls side o" the body



Control the side o" the body

9. The brain is di$ided into ? ain parts that are:(a) Cerebru (c) /edulla oblongata

(b) CerebelluCereru09


+argest part o" the brain

6unctions: control the eory5 thin&ing and all $oluntary actions%ecei$es ipulses "ro receptors in the eyes5 ears5 nose5 tongue and

s&in Transit ipulses to uscles and glands

Futer layer o" the cerebru  cortex4elo! cortex  !hite atterCortex:

3 Consists o" grey atter ade up o" cell bodies o" neurones3 Cortex ebrane is greatly "olded  increase the sur"ace area to

hold ore cell bodieshite 8atter:

/ade up o" neurone0a axon


as t!o heisphereas a "olded sur"ace to increase its sur"ace area

Futer region rey atter,nner region >hite atter

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;oluntary action ;s In/oluntary action

;oluntary action In/oluntary actionSiilarities

3 4oth are ner$ous coordination3 4oth in$ol$e peripheral and central ner$ous syste

<i7erences:Part o" the brain

that is in$ol$ed:

Controlled by cerebellu Controlled by edulla oblongata

>ill control


Controlled by our !ill Cannot be controlled by our !ill

#!areness: #!are o" the action beingplanned or ta&en

 Ta&e place continuously andautoatically in the body !ithout us

being consciously a!are o" the


Path%ay:%eceptor  spinal cord  cerebru


Path%ay:%eceptor  spinal cord  /edullaoblongata

  E6ectorSpeed o" action: Speed o" action can be

<uic&ened or slo!ed do!n

Speed o" action is "ast

Exaples Eg: !riting5 dancing5 reading5

clibing5 carrying outexperient

 putting do!n a hot obect ==

Eg: peristalsis5 heart beating5 "ood

digestion5 breathing rate

3ael the diagra0

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1. >hy are the groo$e on the sur"ace o" the huan brain=

2. >hy is an in$oluntary action <uic&er than a $oluntary action=

?. # $icti inures his brain and becoes paralyed and speechless in an accident but

his heart still beats and he can still breathe. >hich parts o" his brain are inured and

!hich part is not=

9. ,n !hat !ay is the huan brain superior to other aalian brains=

@. -ae the 2 structures that protect the brain

A. >hich part o" the brain is called the sall brain=

B. >hy is it iportant "or the brain to ha$e the grey atter on the outer side=

I. >hat is !hite atter ade up o"=

J. >hat is eant by the otor area o" the brain=

17.Kou are !atching a TH prograe. ,s this a $oluntary action or an in$oluntary action=>hy=

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SP8 2=,=

Diagra belo! sho!s 2 types o" 


(a) -ae the type o" neurone:-eurone #:  

-eurone 4:  

(b) -ae the structure labelled L at neurone 4


(c) >hat is the "unction o" the structure L=


(d) 8ill in the boxes belo! !ith the correct neurone "or the

ipulse path!ay

%eceptor   Central -S  E6ector

(e) Diagra belo! sho!s the part o" a huan brain

# student has lost his body balance and could not

coordinate his leg and hand o$eent. ,n the diagra

belo!5 ar& √  the part o" the brain !hich is inured

SP8 2==>

Diagra belo! sho!s the structure o" a neurone

(a) 4ase on diagra abo$e5 ar& √  the type o" neurone in

the box pro$ided

Sensory neurone %elay neurone /otor neurone

(b) -ae L:  

(c) State 2 "unctions o" L


(d) Diagra sho!s the path!ay o" an ipulse. /ar& the √  

location o" neurone in the diagra

%eceptor   C-S   


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