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4. Confirmation of New Members: 5. New Missionary ...

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LEFC Congregational Meeting—November 14, 2021 Page 1

1. Opening and Prayer: Fred Eberly, Elder Chair 2. Team 127 3. Approval of Minutes from May 2021 Congregational Meeting: Fred Eberly 4. Confirmation of New Members: Elder Scott Galen 5. New Missionary Introduction: Elder Ed Scheuerman 6. Financial Update / Christmas Blessing: Elder Tyler Ranck and Pastor Tony Hunt 7. From the Heart of Tony Hunt: Pastor Tony Hunt 8. Closing Prayer: Elder Dave Cox

1. Agenda and Table of Contents ...................................................................................... 1 2. May 2021 Congregational Meeting Minutes .................................................................. 2 3. Confirmation of New Members and Membership Commitment ..................................... 4 4. Ministry Highlights

a. Elders: Fred Eberly, Elder Chair .......................................................................... 5 b. Senior Pastor: Tony Hunt ..................................................................................... 6 c. Executive Pastor: Joel Lingenfelter ...................................................................... 7 d. Executive Administrator: Ann Unruh .................................................................... 8 e. Music/Worship: Alex Swann and Ken Martin ....................................................... 9 f. Mobilization: Nicholas Todd ................................................................................. 10 g. LEFC Adults: Matt Sowada .................................................................................. 11 h. LEFC Connections: Jeff Travis ............................................................................ 13 i. LEFC Students: Tyler Morris and Nick Vargas .................................................... 14 j. LEFC Kids: Julia Brown ....................................................................................... 15 k. Mercy Ministries: Matt Sowada. ........................................................................... 16

5. Financial Reports a. Treasurer’s Report: Tyler Ranck .......................................................................... 18 b. Quarterly Financial Report: July 2021 – September 2021 ................................... 19


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Fred Eberly, Elder Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and opened in prayer.

– The minutes from the November 8, 2020 Congregational meeting were approved as submitted, without objection.

– presented by elder Scott Galen The following candidates were voted in as new members to LEFC:

Chuck and Pam Barby, Jim and Georgette Burkholder, Matt and Samantha Krick, Dan and Pam Kulp, Dana Landis, Keith and Sheri Newswanger, Dave and Judy Ranck, Jason and Aubree Sensenig, Blaine and Laura Tramel, Rachel Tress, Justin and Carmen Walton.

All candidates were approved by a voice vote, and we read the Membership Commitment together.

– presented by Fred Eberly Dan presented the following leaders who were proposed by the nominating committee to serve from June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022 in these leadership areas:

Elders: Dave Cox, Tom Daly, Jr., Fred Eberly, Scott Galen, Gary Hoover, Chip Mershon, Corey Mitchell, Tyler Ranck, and Ed Scheuerman

Non-Sitting Elders: Jon Balson, Tom Page, and Pete Wittmaier

Deacons: Steve Braun, Jon Clark, Andy Derr, Mike Donghia, Blake Herr, Matt Messersmith, Bruce Miller, Walter Piasecki, and Jordan Snader

Deaconesses: Kristin Barshinger, Maggie Demers, Peaches Gehman, Vickie Geiman, Ann Gillman, Jalisa Gingrich, Katrina Harrington, Dixie Haverstick, Brianna Kauffman, Colleen Keller, Pat Landis, Lynn Miller, Kim Murray, Carol Scheuerman, Emily Unruh, and Vanisa Weist

Members-At-Large: Shawn Garman, Julie Hurst, and Charlie Keller

Financial Secretary: Kevin Henry Motion by Fred and Seconded; All leaders were approved by ballot vote.

- presented by elder/treasurer Tyler Ranck

We recognize how God’s faithfulness has been so clearly demonstrated to us. We have been trusting Him and seeking His leading each step of the way.

Tyler noted how the budget forecasts created at the start of Creating Space Expecting Harvest reflected where we are now budget-wise. However, because CSEH finished strong and exceeded the victory goal results in lower monthly payments, a lot more dollars are devoted to ministry and mobilization than debt service.

The Finance Advisory Council and Elder Board believe this budget outlines a reasonable amount of growth to pursue new ministry opportunities that are before us, while also maintaining adequate cash reserves.

The proposed budget for 2021/2022 is $3,135,000, as compared to the prior budget of $2,925,000.

Motion: The Elder Board recommends that members approve the proposed 2021-22 LEFC Budget. Motion by Tyler Ranck and Seconded; Motion passed by ballot vote.

- presented by Fred Eberly Fred spoke about praying through the growth opportunities that God has for us as the body and the staff, challenges during this season, and the need to rebuild community and care for each other which is a recurring theme of the pastoral team reports.

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- presented by Tony Hunt Tony spoke about active hiring processes for the KidMin and Youth leadership positions. He also spoke about the challenges of the current political environment and reiterated LEFC’s commitment to remain focused on the Gospel of Jesus Christ rather than the prevailing issues of the day. The meeting was closed in prayer by elder Art Horn. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Corey Mitchell Elder Secretary

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The following desire to become members at LEFC. They have been through the New Members Class so that they have an understanding of the structure of LEFC and their responsibilities as a member. They have been interviewed by an Elder and are being presented for membership by the Board of Elders. You can read their testimonies online at or pick up a copy in the Welcome Center brochure rack. If there is any reason why you believe they are not suitable for membership, please contact Elder Chair Fred Eberly ( or 717-203-1069) to voice your concern.

Chuck and Emily Archibald Ed and Stacey Hansen

Sarah Matteson

Believing that Christ died to save His people, I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is my Lord, and commit myself to this body of believers. By becoming a member of this church, I willingly submit to God, the scriptures, this body, and its leaders, to hold me accountable for my faith, doctrine, and personal life. Should I ever deviate from scripture, I expect the church to lovingly, yet firmly, call me to return to those ways that honor our Heavenly Father. I agree to study God’s Word and model Christ in my home, work, and community. I endeavor to give a set portion of my income, speak with others about Christ, protect my home as a place of dwelling for God’s Spirit, pray for others, and use my abilities and resources to serve others. I will at all times strive to maintain unity with my other brothers and sisters in the faith. I will do these things out of obedience to God who paid the full price of my redemption through the death of His Son. To Him be the Glory!

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It is always fun writing this report as it causes me to reflect over the meetings the elders have had since the last congregational meeting. Part of the elder chair’s role is creating the meeting agendas and working with the Elder Board in discerning what God is prompting us to pray through and consider. That can be a heavy responsibility at times, but God always leads us through. Starting Saturday Sabbath readings is a great example. It was the result of God’s call on one LEFCer who said “yes” in obedience to following what God was placing on their heart. The elders listened to the concept, prayed over the request, considered the Hebraic roots of LEFC, and now you can experience God through the public reading of scriptures instituted in Moses’ day and confirmed by Paul in 1 Timothy 4:13 – “devote yourselves to the public reading of scripture.” We of course have no idea what this will look like or what impact it will have on LEFC in the coming years, but we do know that when God engages his people, great things happen! Make sure you experience it! I share that story simply because it is one of many things I looked back over since May and can see God gently nudging us along in new ways. Our prayer is that all of you are seeking God’s direction in your daily lives, remembering that God has a history of doing amazing things with people that are simply willing to listen and obey! Here are some other areas we have been working through since spring:

– a method for us to be challenging ourselves to constant improvement

– one of the congregational requirements of the Elder Board

hiring items


– reviewing concepts of how we handle these important moments

on October 14-16. Here are some highlights: o Thursday – Day of prayer and fasting o Friday – Discussed what it means to provide scriptural direction for the church; had some fun

(and a little competition) playing disc golf; discussed how staff and elders can best labor together as God’s kingdom continues to expand at LEFC and beyond; took time to consider the purpose, mission and vision for LEFC’s future.

o Saturday – A morning of wrapping up and reviewing takeaways from our focused time together. It has been a great season for us to be seeking out what God has for LEFC as we continue to see new faces coming through the doors while staying focused on preaching His word. There are some amazing things being developed here at LEFC to continually groom and mentor new leaders and teachers. Keep an eye out for that and be attentive to that “still small voice.” There are many ways to use your God given talents so don’t miss out on exercising the gifts God has given you! Thank you for your part in praying for leadership here at LEFC! There is an exciting future ahead of us when we stay connected to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Read Romans 8:1-17 for a great charge to your day. Respectfully submitted, Fred Eberly, Elder Board Chair 717-203-1069

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To my church family, My greeting to you is meant to be intentionally intimate as that is how I feel towards this church. You are my family. During a season where many people have chosen to switch churches or stop attending churches, it has been a bittersweet season. We have said goodbye to many beloved family members, and we have welcomed so many special people to the family. It is also true that many have yet to return to church since the pandemic began and some of that is due to caution but for some it is out of convenience. I share this to say that it has been an interesting season in shepherding a flock. Regardless of whether you feel exhausted or you have experienced new vigor for the future, this is a season of opportunity. Challenges bring opportunity. As followers of Christ, we are given the power of the Holy Spirit to continue to advance God’s work in you and around you, and that is a blessing in such times as this. People without the Spirit of God have had their foundations shaken in the past few months and are looking for a place to stand that is secure. I have found that people are hungrier than ever for truth and peace—two pillars of the gospel! Jesus—the Prince of Peace, the very essence of truth—is and has always been the answer to the void found in the human soul. Armed with that message we have such an opportunity more than ever to live out the gospel as salt and light. Salty in that when people get near us, they taste of something that causes them to want more. Others become drawn to us because the light of our spirit and behaviors are so different from the rest of the world that they seek to understand the source of that light. I share this to challenge each of you to renew your commitment to identifying and praying for who God has placed in your oikos. When you pray ask God for opportunities to model and speak the gospel into those relationships. Don’t be surprised if you discover more fertile soil than ever. I sense the opportunity is here! We have prayed for personal revival of our hearts, seeking to have more intimacy and fire for the Lord. But we have also prayed for harvest. I know that is a prayer that the Lord welcomes and is sure to fulfill! By God’s grace we will continue to advance the gospel as a church regardless of the cultural shifts that surround us. We will do so with joy in our hearts and love as our banner to the glory of God. Looking forward, Pastor Tony Hunt, Senior Pastor 717-626-5332, ext. 11

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First off, I want to take a moment to thank you for the incredible gift of our sabbatical this year. Patty and I drove over 13,500 miles during our time away, visiting 29 states, worshipping in ten churches, meeting with executive pastors across the country, and spending extended time with friends and family. This opportunity was an amazing gift and we really appreciate the love and care we felt from our LEFC family. Thank you! Thankfully ministry did not stop while we were away, and we were thrilled to return to a lot more people worshipping in person than when we left. It’s fun to see Children’s Ministry, Student Ministry, and our ABFs all thriving. This year has been one where we experienced significant staff changes. Julia Brown has joined our team as the Minister to Children. She brings incredible leadership gifts and a heart for Jesus to our children’s ministry. Jeff Travis shifted roles to Connections Pastor this summer, and is doing an amazing job leading our groups ministries and building community at LEFC. Nick Vargas, a Lititz native, has joined our team as the director of high school ministries and he hit the ground running. Nick truly feels like he has been on our team for years already. Our finances and attendance continue to be healthy, thank you for your generosity! We continue to see more and more people returning to worship in person, and it’s a joy to be in community with one another again. At the same time, our livestream continues to have a significant number of viewers every week, and Ken and his team are doing a great job insuring the experience is excellent. Over the coming months we will be looking ahead to the next ministry year as we engage budget and calendar planning. Please be praying for us as we seek the Lord for direction in this process. Grateful to serve, Joel Lingenfelter, Executive Pastor 717-626-5332, ext. 32

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As you read in Joel’s report, there have been several staff changes recently, and more to come. Nelson Boll is preparing for retirement sometime early 2022. We are currently in the process of receiving applications for his successor. Nelson has been such a strong support to the life and ministry of LEFC and it’s hard to imagine not seeing him around and working with him every day. I am preparing for semi-retirement beginning March 1. I will step into a new part-time role that will include my currently responsibilities for Hospitality Ministry and the Witness Park Cemetery. And I’m so happy to have Danielle Wittmaier stepping into the role of Executive Administrator. She will serve on the Executive Team with Tony and Joel, assisting them with staff leadership, HR, office management, and special events. She will also give administrative support to the Elder Board. Danielle has been attending Executive Team meetings and observing the various pieces of her new role, and I know she will do a fabulous job.

It is such a blessing to serve with this LEFC staff team. There is such a high value on working together for a common mission out of the power of the Holy Spirit. We genuinely love and care for one another. We also enjoy celebrating together, especially birthdays and special anniversaries. In September the staff celebrated Pastor Tony’s 10th anniversary as Senior Pastor. Good food, words of appreciation and encouragement, gifts, and lots of laughs were in good supply.

The Hospitality teams continue to do a wonderful job in welcoming all to our gatherings. A big shout out to the many volunteers who serve on the Parking Team, the Welcome Team, the Usher Team, and the Café Team. I’m so grateful for your partnership in the gospel! We are currently in need of more ushers, lobby hosts, and parking lot greeters. If anyone desires to join this important work, give me a call or an email. In September, we hosted Starting Point classes where folks learn about our mission and vision, and they discover ways to get connected and serve. What a joy to meet new people and help them find their way in their LEFC family. The next set of classes is scheduled for January. On October 30, we hosted a Newcomers’ Breakfast. Folks enjoyed eating breakfast with the pastoral staff, and they heard a bit about the mission and vision of LEFC. It was a good morning for the staff to build relationships with those who are new to the fellowship. The next breakfast will be held in January.

Because of the vision and gift of a generous donor, we recently reworked the cemetery landscaping along Rt. 772. Those trees will grow quickly creating a nice hedge to provide a more peaceful atmosphere for folks who come to remember their loves ones. The cemetery has been serving the needs of LEFC and the community since 2007. Every headstone bears an inscription that points people to God, most being from the very Word of God. This makes Witness Park a truly unique cemetery with a focus on the hope we have for life eternal and the goodness of God that makes that possible. It’s an honor to serve people who desire to be part of it. And it’s an honor to serve you all, Ann Unruh, Executive Administrator 717-626-5332, ext. 15

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The purpose of the Worship Arts Department is to glorify God and to draw others into an encounter with Him. “So that the people of the earth may know that the Lord is God and that there is no other.” 1 Kings 8:60

The LEFC Worship Arts department and its many volunteers serve faithfully leading worship and providing tech support for audio, lighting, video and projection needs. Here are a few highlights from the past several months: I’m thinking back to ! That event was a big endeavor for our teams and took many hands to pull off, especially when considering the addition of live-streaming logistics. Worshipping freely outside (on a HOT day) in the beauty of the campus that God has given to LEFC was a great moment for our teams and for our congregation. The can be challenging with the many vacations and events happening, and the many scheduling changes that need to happen. Through this season, it was amazing to see the hearts of service and flexibility that many of our team members showed. It was not rare for team members to go above and beyond, serving multiple weeks in a row to fill gaps as needed. This past season has been one of growth – both in competency in music, technology, and leadership for our team members and in numbers! We continue to welcome new team members who invest in this ministry as their community, and I’m excited for some upcoming events we have to look back at our growth and to encourage more of this expansion! It seems that every single week I hear more and more singing coming from the congregation, and it’s a beautiful sound. We’re also eagerly looking forward to the return of Created to Praise, our children’s worship choir, and our large Christmas worship choir! These are events that we have sorely missed over the past 2 years.

teams (Audio – Visual) are growing in participants, and growing in skill with training and experience. We all have learned so much in the past year and continue to grow as we commit our time and gifts to learning how to use technology as a tool to encourage worship. The purpose of the Worship Tech Teams is to draw the congregation into worship with the Worship Team leading from the platform. We are thankful that through our live-stream many can join us who cannot be with us in person, including many of our missionaries who are half a world away! Each service requires a minimum of 5 Worship Team members to make this possible. Thank you to each of our Worship Tech Team for making this ministry possible. “Worship is the expression of what is at the center of our lives” - Aaron Keyes Alex Swann, Director of Worship 717-626-5332, ext. 20

Ken Martin, Pastor of Technology, Worship, and Care 717-626-5332, ext. 12

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Pastor Nicholas is currently on sabbatical. The mobilization team has been meeting regularly during his absence led by Don Graham, one of our missionaries who is currently on home assignment and was happy to step up and serve. Missionary care continues, and plans are in the works for some ways to appreciate the many global partners that are currently stateside, as well as those who serve closer to home. Looking forward to having Nicholas back in the saddle for mobilization in the weeks ahead. Submitted by, Joel Lingenfelter, Executive Pastor 717-626-5332, ext. 32

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Have you ever experienced a song lyric or chorus getting stuck on repeat in your head? Maybe it was from a Sunday morning worship service, from the radio, or even from your Amazon Alexa…This happened to me recently. I was listening to a random worship playlist when the classic hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness, played next. The chorus to this classic was seared in my mind over the next few days and it wasn’t uncommon for me to realize I was almost unconsciously humming this tune throughout the day. Since I’ve had the opportunity to think through a few of the lines of this hymn (on repeat in my mind), I’d like to include you on this journey, as well as apply these concepts to LEFC’s Adult Ministry. Admittedly, this song is PACKED with truth, so for the sake of this brief article, I am only going to highlight two nuggets found within it.

We not only have a faithful God (Dt. 7:9), but the benefits of His faithfulness are beyond incredible. They are certainly great. Paul reminds us in 1 Thessalonians 5:24 that, “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” Having a God who does what He says is a blessing. Use these promises as handholds; as truths that sustain, for He will surely do what He promises. Isn’t that great?

Not only will he do what He says, but he has provided all that we would ever need! This isn’t necessarily referring to physical blessing, although He does provide that, I believe it’s referring to our spiritual needs. He has beyond what we can ask or imagine provided for us through the gift of His son, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. We certainly do have a faithful provider! We’ve been able to witness our God, this faithful provider in action, specifically in four ways over these past several months.

These past six months have included some significant transitions on our Adult Ministry staff. Our Life Groups Coordinator, Ric Joline, transitioned off LEFC’s staff, allowing Jeff Travis, former LEFC Youth Pastor to seamlessly slide onto our team as LEFC’s Connections Pastor. God’s faithfulness has been evident in the way Jeff’s seen a number of groups not only birth groups, but others begin from scratch. Our God certainly has prepared Jeff for a time such as this! We were sad to see Ric retire, but are excited to see what He has in store for Jeff in Adult Ministry! (For a better explanation of what Jeff’s been up to, please turn to his report in this packet.)

As has been mentioned, we’ve been able to observe a significant increase in the number of groups beginning, but in other contexts we’ve seen healthy community blossom. Several ABF’s (Adult Bible Fellowships) have not only seen numerical growth, but have experienced maturity within their communities. Women’s Bible Fellowship (WBF) has experienced an incredibly healthy season as well. When there seems to be division everywhere around us, we’ve been thankful to have opportunities to connect in community.

Amen – He has been faithful to care despite our best human efforts. Because of the faithfulness of God, the church (in this case LEFC) is in the business of Soul Care. We can love because he is faithful and first loved us. We’ve had the privilege of walking through adoptions, births, deaths, marriages, conflict, etc. In each scenario, we’ve prayed for our faithful God, to not only give us as the caregiver’s wisdom, but to show up in ways only HE can. He has certainly been faithful to do so. Thanks for allowing us to journey through some of the tougher moments in life alongside of you!

This fall, we have been able to launch a new emphasis on equipping. There were 11 individuals who attended two counseling conferences. These LEFCers were both challenged AND encouraged to think about HOW God’s faithfulness to them can change the way they engage relationally. We also had an

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opportunity to invest in dozens of couples at our Family Ministry Summit. What a great day celebrating God’s goodness to each of us as we challenged each other to replicate that in the lives of our kids. He’s been so faithful to allow us to engage in these essential conversations. What a blessing it is to serve in this capacity, within this special community. We love you guys and are so thankful to serve such a faithful God here at LEFC! We desire to create avenues in which you can share truth and life within the context of love (1 Thessalonians 2:8). If you have questions about any of these ministries or with LEFC’s Adult Ministry in general, please reach out to one of us, we’d love to engage in conversation with you! Grace and Peace,

Matt Sowada, Pastor of Adult Ministries 717-626-5332, ext. 18

Jenny Hoover, Director of Women’s Ministries 717-626-5332, ext. 33

Jeff Travis, Connections Pastor 717-626-5332, ext. 23

Randy Hunt, Care Coordinator

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2021 has certainly brought a lot of change! In August, I stepped out of my time in student ministry here at LEFC and into an entirely new role as Connections Pastor. For the past few months, I’ve been working to streamline a lot of different things that happen at LEFC as well as launch a few new things. It has been really exciting! One of the things I’m looking forward to most in my new role is the opportunity to platform . LEFC currently has 41 active Life Groups and my goal is to increase that number significantly. I’ve loved getting to interact with those of you who are leading Life Groups, many of you for longer than I’ve been a part of the church. If you aren’t part of a Life Group, I’d love to help you get connected to one! An all new way to find a Life Group community is by being part of a . We’ve already wrapped up our first four-week Connect Group and will be doing it again later this month! It’s so exciting to see new folks, and friends who have been here for a long time, re-engage in community with an existing or newly launched Life Group. Hopefully by now you’re familiar with the term . Before starting this role, I didn’t know how many groups we had that are ministering to those in our body that are in challenging situations. Grief ministry has quickly risen as a priority and we’re working hard to get the GriefShare ministry started at LEFC in 2022. As you have time, jump on to read more about these groups as well as others that are offered at LEFC. All of these different opportunities exist in hopes that our family here at LEFC grows closer together in community so that we can be on outward mission to our Oikos’ and the world together. As many new families have joined us in the past few months, we’re trying to help them find their place in our family. We want to “close our back door” meaning that no one comes in and is greeted but slips out never to hear from us again. As the holidays are fast approaching and you’ll be able to gather with family and close friends, I encourage you to also consider how you can build the Kingdom with your involvement at service here at LEFC. Find a community here and live on mission with the brothers and sisters by your side as you welcome others into that community with you. In Him, Jeff Travis, Connections Pastor 717-626-5332, ext. 23

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These past couple months have been a joy to be doing youth ministry. We were able to start new trips, continue old camps and added a new member to our staff. As many of you know Jeff Travis transitioned to a new role at LEFC titled the Connections Pastor this past summer which created an opening in the high school area of LEFC Students. We went through the process of selecting a candidate and chose Nick Vargas who is now our Director of High School Ministries. Fun fact: Nick and I (Tyler) were interns together here at LEFC back in 2017, so it is a joy to be working alongside him again. This past summer we were finally able to host a full week of after two summers off. A week that involves yelling, chanting, sports, small group time, games and teaching. This year’s theme was “Greater Than Gold” and our theme verse was Philippians 3:8 where it speaks about nothing comparing to the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ. We also added a new middle school trip called . We had 11 students visit 3 churches, 3 different religious sites, go on prayer walks, and partner with 3 different local ministries. We were also excited to be able to attend a full week of on Long Beach Island. After missing a full week last year, it was good to be back to worship and spend time growing together in our Life Groups. As we look to our fall programs, Sunday mornings are focused on Scripture and we are currently going through the narrative of Scripture during this fall semester. We are looking at Creation, Fall, Israel, Messiah, Church, and Future. Our evenings involve hearing from missionaries, talking in Life Groups, serving the community, praying for others, and identifying our Oikos. For during Sunday mornings we have been going through a series called Advocates, which is based on an apologetics curriculum created by Awana Ministries. In the evenings, we have our main Scripture study time through teaching nights and Life Groups. They too are also going through the whole story of Scripture in the evenings.

, our 5th and 6th grade ministry, has also had some changes. In the beginning of the summer, we hired a part time G56 Coordinator named Danni DeVinney. She has provided a lot of care and insight into the ministry and is regularly leading Sunday mornings. G56 is also going through the broad narrative of Scripture through a yearlong curriculum from the Gospel Project. Our hope and prayer for all LEFC students is that they would grow to experience the joys of true Christian community by deepening their relationships with their peers, their leaders and with God. We also pray they will grow in their Knowledge of God, Affection in God, and Obedience to God. In Christ, Tyler Morris, Director of Middle School Ministries 717-626-5332, ext. 28

Nick Vargas, Director of High School Ministries 717-626-5332, ext. 29

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It’s great to be here serving with LEFC Kids Ministry! Since starting my role in September, it’s been a joy to begin the process of getting to know people, this church, and the area. Here is a snapshot of what’s been happening in these past months:

I’d like to recognize and share my thankfulness for the (Julie Zook, Samantha Krick, and Christy Kramer) for doing such amazing work during the interim months! And along with that, we are deeply grateful for everyone who jumped in to serve during the summer months allowing for ministry during the first hour to continue!

We kicked off our first Sunday of the year on September 12. We praise God for how He has provided a team of over for ministry with the children for both hours on Sundays!

It is truly wonderful to see the love and commitment that the shepherds invest in this ministry! We are partnering with parents and families in the discipleship of children! It doesn’t get better than that!

We have an incredible team of junior shepherds who happily serve on Sundays at the second hour! We really are blessed by their energy, initiative, and helpfulness!

We have a new team of people, , who serve every Monday to reset rooms and prepare resources for the teachers for the following Sunday’s ministry! This is an amazing blessing to LEFC Kids Ministry!

Our newly formed grows a little more each week. I’m deeply grateful for our team of prayer warriors for this ministry!

Our , ministry with children who have special needs, is taking encouraging steps of growth as we add ideas and people to the ministry!

I have absolutely loved getting to hear the ideas and interest in the ministry as I talk with parents and shepherds! How great it is to be in a community of believers where ministry with kids is taken seriously and highly valued!

We have a team that is in process of creating a wonderful Christ-centered on Friday, December 3. We’re working on some new ideas to add to the gingerbread-house-

making fun as well as taking steps to make it safe/healthy for families to attend. Warmly in Christ, Julia Brown, Minister to Children 717-626-5332, ext. 34

Julie Zook, Early Childhood Coordinator 717-626-5332, ext. 27

Samantha Krick, Coordinator of Nurseries and Guest Services 717-626-5332, ext. 24

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ˈ kindness or help given to people who are in a very bad or desperate situation.

(Miriam-webster.com) In Lamentations 3:23, we are reminded that, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” They will never end! We, as humans, unfortunately fit into Webster’s definition. Because of our sin, we are each in a very bad or desperate situation! It’s only through His mercy, this encouraging reality Paul writes about in Ephesians 2:4-5, that we have hope. “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved.” Through God’s mercy, in the form of Jesus Christ, we now have the capacity to live out the command in Luke 6:36, “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.” Within the Mercy Ministries of LEFC, our hope and prayer is that LEFC would be known as a church who embodies His mercy, not only to each other, but within the community! This prayer certainly includes, but goes WAY beyond the care structures we have in place. It encompasses EVERY SINGLE PERSON at LEFC. Question for you – What has it looked like for you to extend mercy over this past month to someone in your Oikos, your sphere of influence? How have you allowed someone else to meet you in your very own bad place or situation? Within our care ministries, we have teams of people looking for ways to extend this kindness (MERCY) to those in tough spots. Here are some snapshots or what’s happened in the past six months:

– Twice a year, a team of caring individuals gets together to serve our single ladies (widows, divorced, single, etc.) through car care. They change oil, check some basic items, wash, and vacuum their vehicles. What a blessing it is to have a church caring for a basic need like this!

– Jesus spent a significant amount of time speaking about our money and possessions in the Gospels. He has given us everything we own and has asked us to be good stewards of it. This team has been working to help LEFCers steward the gifts God’s given them. There are financial coaches that you can connect with if you just have some questions, or if you would like help establishing a budget. The coaching opportunity can be a flexible and informal meeting for anybody, and at any stage in their finances. Reach out to the office if you would like a personal budget coach.

– We desire to see LEFC be a body that meets the needs of the body. The Mercy Network is just that. It’s an opportunity to connect those with the ability to serve to those in need of service. Needs like yard work, meals, and housework (among other things) have been routinely met this year BY VOLUNTEERS. We need you! Please sign up online at to help if you can! Also—if you have a need, please contact the LEFC office to see if we can help out!

– Every Thanksgiving, our deaconess team coordinates an opportunity to extend mercy to an individual or family that’s had a tough past year. They request LEFC attendees to donate items, collecting them and confidently disperse them to those who need it. What a blessing it is to not only be thought of, but to receive a blessing like this around the holidays!

- Over the past few seasons, we’ve had a growing team of “eyes” who are on the lookout at LEFC. We are certainly thankful for this team! They are always looking for a few more “good eyes” to join their team. If interested, please email [email protected] to sign up!

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– Want an illustration of helping a family at one of their hardest moments? Think funeral. Someone has just passed and we are able to offer them a wonderful catered meal after the service. It’s a beautiful extension of mercy into one of the toughest seasons one will face. Interested in helping? Please email to sign up! These are just a few of the ways our Care teams (primarily led by our Deacons and Deaconesses) have stepped into the gap and loved well on behalf of both God and LEFC. We are thankful for the men and women who not only lead these various ministries, but also for those who serve in them! THANK YOU for displaying God’s grace and goodness each time you “do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” (Gal 6:10) Grace and Peace, Vickie Geiman, Deaconess Chair

Blake Herr, Deacon Chair

Matt Sowada, Pastor of Adult Ministries

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It is so exciting to be a part of what God is doing at LEFC! On behalf of the elder board, we thank you for your faithful giving which enables the ministries of LEFC to be used to for God’s glory and to further His kingdom! God is at work, and we are excited to see what lies ahead for LEFC. The LEFC staff continues to be good stewards of our resources. Our prior fiscal year ended on June 30 and our final giving ended up being 3.7% less than the budgeted giving, but because of careful spending throughout the year and because of the impact of Covid-19 on some ministry plans, we spent 7.1% less than the budgeted expenses, so we ended up in a very stable financial position. In anticipation of a more “normal” year, the congregation-approved budget for July 2021–June 2022 was a 7.2% increase because of the desire to invest in some new ministry opportunities. We are excited to be able to support a new missionary family being sent by LEFC, to add a new full-time position for our Connections Pastor (Jeff Travis), and also to add a part-time position in our G56 ministry (Danni DeVinney). While there also have been some increased costs with the larger facility, your generosity during the building project led to lower-than-anticipated mortgage payments which frees up more funds for ministry. This graph shows the average weekly giving by quarter towards the General Fund. LEFC’s giving during this past summer (July-September) was our highest quarter ever! It is so encouraging to see the commitment and support of the LEFC family continue during these unprecedented times, and we praise God for the generosity of LEFC!

Currently, the balance on our mortgage is $4.75M. As we approach year-end, we do want to extend an invitation to anyone who wants to help pay down this debt. Any designated giving for Creating Space, Expecting Harvest will be used to directly pay down the principal on our loan, which saves interest expense in future years, which then leads to more funds that can be used for ministry. Please consider contributing to this effort or to LEFC’s General Fund if you are considering year-end charitable donations. Finally, I would like to remind everyone of our Servant’s Fund, which is money set aside in our regular budget to be caring for anyone struggling with a tough financial situation. If you are aware of anyone in need, please have them simply call or email the church office and ask to speak with someone from the Servant’s Fund, who can then bring the request to their committee for consideration. Thank you again for your ongoing support of the ministries of LEFC. To God be the glory! Tyler Ranck, Treasurer and Elder 717-645-8261

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Giving Total $ 2,809,023.57

Increase over 2019-2020 1%

Average Attendance Jul '19 – June ‘20 1035

Average Attendance Jul '20 – June ‘21 1075

Expenses: $ 2,718,002.47

Giving & Misc.: $ 2,815,405.72

Net Income: $ 97,403.25


General Funds & Reserve $ 389,473.86

Specials Fund $ 165,886.01

Witness Park $ 39,420.37

Capital Projects Fund $ 48,340.55

Petty Cash $ 800.00

Servant's Fund $ 33,278.56

HRA Account $ 10,566.36

The Learning Station $ 27,380.10

Witness Park Perpetuity Fund $ 165,093.01

Accounts Receivable $ (497.73)

Total Short-Term Assets $ 879,741.09

Land $ 957,713.38

Buildings $ 14,845,050.30

Land Improvements $ 2,613,662.68

Vehicles $ 71,568.81

Furniture & Equipment $ 910,070.62

Total Long-Term Assets $ 19,398,065.79

Accumulated Depreciation - Buildings $ (1,779,135.66)

Accumulated Depreciation - Land Imp. $ (554,201.60)

Accumulated Depreciation - Vehicles $ (54,635.11)

Accumulated Depreciation - F & E $ (469,629.91)

Total Assets $ 17,420,204.60

CIF Mortgage $ 4,799,623.44

Other Short-Term Liabilities $ 18,995.84

Total Liabilities $ 4,818,619.28

Net Funds $ 12,601,585.32

Total Liabilities & Net Funds $ 17,420,204.60
