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4-Day Home DETOX - Kyle Willets · 4-Day Home DETOX A Simple Ayurvedic Cleanse to Boost Your Energy...

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4-Day Home DETOX A Simple Ayurvedic Cleanse to Boost Your Energy & Build Fresh Prana Dr. Kyle Anne Willets

4-Day Home DETOX A Simple Ayurvedic Cleanse to

Boost Your Energy & Build Fresh Prana

Dr. Kyle Anne Willets



STEP ONE: Prepare Yourself for Detox 9

STEP TWO: Learn the Simple & Clean Routine 14

STEP THREE: Drum Roll - Let’s Get this Detox Started 21

LIFE AFTER DETOX: Boogie Down & Celebrate! 25



Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 2

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach

a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

~ Chinese Proverb

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 3


All material provided from CookingUpPrana.com for the 4-Day Home Detox is

made available for informational or educational purposes only, and is in no way

intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Kyle Willets, Ayurveda Therapist and doctor

of physical therapy or with an ayurvedic or medical physician regarding any

opinions or recommendations in relation to your specific symptoms or medical


Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 4


Do you want more energy?

How about a healthier body, better sleep, or fresh radiant prana (life force)?

In only four days of pain-free detox you can have it all.

The 4-Day Home Detox (4DHD) is the result of my in-depth research and

passion to identify the most simple, yet effective detox program to help you

feel unbelievably fabulous!

Why You Need to Cleanse

Everyday, your body detoxes as part of its natural cleansing process.

Detoxification occurs as one of its most primal functions in which ama (the

Ayurvedic word for toxins) are neutralized and eliminated through the liver,

kidneys, lymph, lungs, and skin.

Your system is like a sponge in a world filled with increasingly more ama,

some of which you put directly into your mouth. It is now estimated that with

tens of thousands of synthetic chemicals freely flowing through our

environment, more than 700 contaminants exist within you and every other

person on this planet.

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With all of the air, water, and food pollution, your body can barely keep up.

Ayurveda, the world’s oldest health system, considers that even healthy food,

when digested poorly, can create ama. And, the more ama, the more disease.

Nowadays, over-extended bodies fail to naturally detox and toxins become

“locked” within the body. The body literally traps them within fat and mucous

to protect itself from imbalance. (some people have between 12-15 pounds of

excess mucous that holds this waste).

If you survive on a highly-processed diet filled with adulterated foods,

unhealthy fats, sugar, caffeine, and/or alcohol your chances of getting heart

disease, diabetes, and even cancer are increased. Add a stressful lifestyle to that

and you’ve created the health-equivalent of a perfect storm.

Regular detoxification using some tools from Ayurveda can help get your body

back on the wellness wagon. Detoxing is the best way to purge harmful wastes

and mucous, rejuvenate your body, and naturally reset its normal self-cleaning


When to Cleanse

It doesn’t take weeks of rigorous detox and thousands of dollars spent on

massage and herbal supplements to start feeling fabulous.

In just a few short days the 4-Day Home Detox (4DHD), designed for the

modern lifestyle, will detoxify your body and revitalize your energy.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 6

While I recommend performing the 4DHD during change of season, you can

choose to cleanse anytime of the year.

One of the best aspects of the 4DHD is that it can easily be completed while

maintaining your regular work schedule and life obligations. Of course, if you

can muster a few “lighter load” days in which to detox, all the better!

Committing to Cleanse

If you’ve beaten yourself up over lack of willpower, you’re not alone. I have

been there and struggled to get through long, demanding detoxes often feeling

starved and depleted. The 4DHD won’t leave you ready to dive into a bag of

potato chips!

In order to achieve your goals for wellness, you need to dedicate and commit

yourself to change. You need a solid and well-established process to support

you along the way.

Over the last few years I have healed myself from multiple “chronic”

conditions using Ayurveda-inspired tools from this detox program. I overcame

diseases such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome that

are often plaguing for a lifetime. I healed my low back pain and found peace of

mind. Needless to say, I am a big believer in this detox program.

So, if you are truly serious about boosting your energy and achieving your

goals for wellness you’ve come to the right place.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 7

Once you’ve committed, your job is simple. Go through each step in this

eBook, use the tools, and at the end of 4 days you’ll feel revived and full of


I am excited for you. Really, I am. The world is a better place when people live

with fully-harnessed energy and thrive in their bodies. Enjoy the 4-day detox!

Dr. Kyle Anne Willets


Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 8

STEP ONE: Prepare Yourself for Detox

“Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes.”

— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Do remember the last time you went on a vacation; that feeling of freedom

approaching as the weeks, then days ticked by drawing closer to “The Big


Perhaps you’ll also remember that little “To Do” list you checked off before

you left. Preparing for a detox is much the same. First, it’s exciting! You are

embarking on an immensely important journey. Second, it will take a little

preparation to maximize the benefits. Last, you’ll feel so refreshed and your

fiends will say how much you glow.

So, you’re pumped for Detox Day #1 and you feel ready to jump right in, but

wait, aren’t you forgetting something? Now, normally with a vacation it’s the

toothbrush, or in my case underwear, but here are some things you will

DEFINITELY not want to forget before you kick-off your detox:

1. Secure your days for detox - While this might seem easily managed for

some people, experience has shown me that if you don’t lock the days, it may

never happen.

If fitting in even a short 4-day home-style detox is a stretch, keep in mind you

only need to set aside 2 hours/day to enjoy all the beautiful health benefits of

the 4DHD.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 9

So, let’s look at that schedule of yours, shall we? Do you see a 4-day block of

time on the calendar horizon that has just a teensy smidge more free time in it?

If yes, quick, pen-in “4DHD” on the refrigerator schedule, type it into your

Smart Phone alerts, or get it into your agenda book, whatever you need to do,

just secure those dates!

If, however, you flip through the calendar and “nope, booked solid” well then,

here’s what you do: you get really clear WHY you want to detox and then

look at the calendar again.

Perhaps you can wiggle your way out of a business meeting, postpone your

appointment for a hair cut, or take a rain check for lunch with an understanding


Another tip that helps me make time for the 4DHD is to let my friends and

family in on my plan. That way, I feel less guilt doing something “just for me”

and it encourages me to stay the cleansing course.

Let your loved ones know how important it is to you and they may even cheer

you on “Go detox, you can do it!”

Once you have committed and lined up your days for this vacation-style detox,

all you need are a few more prep steps and you’re good to go. Next step,


2. Claim “Your Space”. Like most little kids, I was once a pro at this.

Defining “My Space” versus “Your Space” came naturally and I would splay

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 10

myself out over all of my toys in the middle of my room to demonstrate that

this was “My Space”.

Over the years, I began to “play nicely with others” and before I knew it “My

Space” had all but evaporated. So, if you don’t have some space to claim in

your abode, the time has come to politely inform friends, roommates, and/or

family, “That’s Mine!”

In reality, you won’t need the whole house, or even a room (though how

refreshing). “Your Space” may be quite simply really. It might even be

something like a yoga mat that you can roll up and tuck away when you’re not

using it.

But the key is that when you unfurl your space and step onto it you want others

(critters included) to know that this is “Your Space” that you are dedicating to

bettering yourself. It may help if you let them in on a little secret too…

You are going to be much happier, healthier, and more fun to be around if

you take care of yourself now.

That will help them get on board. And, before you get into your space,

remember to show cats and dogs to “Their Space” wherever that may be.

3. Squirrel away the goodies. Remember, the 4DHD is not about going into

starvation mode. While you will be eating some ruffage, you won’t truly be

“roughing it”. Please excuse my poor joke.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 11

But seriously, you will want to stock up on your detox food supply (organic

basmati rice, yummylicious lentils, spices that’ll make your taste buds happy)

before your start day #1. Keep in mind, the spices on the list below are not only

tasty but they’re also powerful medicine (more to come on this in step #3).

You should be able to find all of the ingredients between your local grocery

market and health food stores. When possible help your body out by choosing

organic options.

Here is your Detox Shopping List:

36-oz. bag of brown basmati rice

36-oz. bag of split mung beans (if you can’t find them locally, try

ordering online from Banyan Botanicals or use red lentils instead).

26-oz. jar ghee* (clarified butter to lubricate the digestive tract and

facilitates the elimination of toxins) see my ghee recipe on ghee or use

extra virgin olive oil, preferably cold-pressed and organic.

2 bunches fresh, organic cilantro (a.k.a. coriander)


whole cumin seeds

coriander seeds

fennel seeds

cardamom pods


coriander powder

turmeric powder

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 12


4 medium-sized zucchinis

large bag brimming with leafy greens such as kale

5-6 organic lemons

Ingredients you probably already have:

ground black pepper

salt (preferably sea salt)

plenty of fresh water (preferably filtered)

That’s it!

So, now that you’ve secured your 4 transformational detox days, staked claim

to “your space”, and gathered your cleansing gear, your hypothetical bags are

packed and you’re one step closer to taking the expressway to change.

In step two you’ll get up close and personal with some empowering detox tools

to maximize your results.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 13

STEP TWO: Learn the Simple & Clean Routine

“Learning is not compulsory...neither is survival.”

~ W. Edwards Deming

Picture slicing into a perfectly vine-ripe tomato with a dull butter knife. Splat,

juice and seeds spray kitchen-wide, the tomato now barely recognizable. Just

like that your lunch looks like mush and your enthusiasm for the tomato has

been squashed.

Don’t let your detox end up like the tomato. Having the right tools for the job

is key. If you want to get the most out of your detox it’s time to hone some new

skills (and perhaps sharpen some old).

Outlined below is a list of what I call the Cleansing Tools of the 4DHD. You’ll

want to read through and feel comfortable with them before you get started

with the detox.

The Detox Cleansing Tools (and other important tips):

1. Kitchari (pronounced kitch-uh-ree)

To most Westerners, downing a robust dish of kitchari— a soupy one-pot meal

made of rice, mung beans, and balancing spices — would not be considered

fasting. In Ayurvedic Medicine, however, it is regarded as a highly detoxifying

food used to promote digestion and cleanse your body.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 14

A couple of years ago I tried a 7-day juice fast. I was a wreck. I could barely

concentrate at work, I felt faint and light-headed, and I quit the fast after only 3

days. The great thing about cleansing with kitchari is you never feel starved.

Whenever I detox with kitchari I feel great. This is because Kitchari is both a

medicine and a food.

The benefits of kitchari are two-fold. When you detox using kitchari you ensure

sustainable nourishment while allowing your body to dedicate its energy to


The rice and beans together create a perfect protein matrix while the slightly

warming spices and simplicity of the dish overall make it easily digestible.

As a mono-diet, kitchari fasting greatly reduces the work of the body since the

digestive organs only break down one type of food and are free from

producing so many digestive enzymes.

You will get all of the benefits of yummy kitchari to sustain, cleanse, and

revitalize you during the 4DHD. Review the recipe on the next page and

perhaps cook it once before starting– having this new tool sharpened will make

your detox days that much smoother.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 15

Cleansing Kitchari Recipe

Makes 3 hearty servings (tip: double the recipe to last you 2 days).

4 - 6 cups of filtered water

½ cup of organic split mung beans

½ cup organic brown basmati rice

2 tablespoons ghee (or E.V.O.O)

½ teaspoon cumin seeds

½ teaspoon coriander powder

½ teaspoon turmeric powder

¼ teaspoon ground black


sea salt

1 cup chopped zucchini and/or

3-4 cups of kale (optional)


1. Wash rice and mung beans and soak for 3 hours. Drain and discard


2. In a medium sauce pan over med-high heat melt the ghee (or

E.V.O.O) and add the cumin seeds.

3. As soon as the seeds begin to pop, it’s time to add in the coriander and

turmeric powders. Sauté for another minute and then add the presoaked

basmati rice and mung bean mixture.

4. Stir for 1-2 minutes until the rice is lightly toasted.

5. Add 4 cups of boiling water (5-6 cups if you prefer it soupy over

stewy). After it returns to a boil, replace the lid, turn the heat down to

low, and simmer for 30-40 minutes. (Optional – add squash after 20

minutes and greens just before it’s finished).

6. Add ground pepper and salt to taste. Garnish with fresh cilantro.

2. Home Brew Detox Tea

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 16

Tea companies would rather you not know this but the truth is you can make

fabulous detox tea using just water and a few common spices.

As I write this I am sipping on my home-brewed detox tea made with the

super-seeds of Ayurveda: cumin, coriander, fennel, and cardamom seeds. It’s

both refreshing and dee-lish!

Drinking this tea is not only tasty but also naturally cleansing for your digestive


So what’s the deal with these spices, you ask? Here’s the 30-second fly-by on

why these spices are so great…

Cumin seeds, known for being a rich source of iron are also helpful in

relieving indigestion and flatulence.

Coriander seeds are full of antioxidants making them extremely

helpful in removing toxins from your body.

Fennel seeds contain antioxidants and promote good digestion.

Cardamom improves blood circulation, relieves nausea, and

enhances the quality of your appetite.

Sounds great doesn’t it? The detox tea recipe on the next page includes these 4

highly-detoxifying spices that will refresh your taste buds and boost your

digestive powers naturally.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 17

Home Brew Detox Tea

½ teaspoon cumin seeds

½ teaspoon coriander seeds

½ teaspoon fennel seeds

1 cardamom pod


1. Coarsely crush the seeds and pod using a mortar and pestle.*

2. Remove the shell of the cardamom pod.

3. Place seed mix into a tea ball** and steep in boiled water for 3-5


* If you don’t have a mortar and pestle handy use a ceramic bowl and the

back of a spoon.

** An alternative to a tea ball is to steep the seeds directly and then filter

through a fine sieve.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 18

3. Breathe Deep (and exhale toxins)

Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. You do this all day long. But, how often do you

really take a deep breath?

In Yoga, the breath is emphasized in a technique called Pranayama which

translates to mean “extension of the prana, breath, or life force”.

Pranayama is reported to have dramatic effects on quality of health—

decreasing anxiety, increasing energy, rejuvenating the internal organs with

new blood, fluids, and oxygen, and flushing the body of toxins.

In order to deliver such an incredible impact on the body, pranayama activates

two of your body’s major detox systems: the lymphatic system and the

parasympathetic nervous system.

The lymphatic system is your own personal toxic waste removal system while

the parasympathetic nervous system directly signals the body to the rest and


Together, these two systems working in harmony will help you capitalize on

your detoxing efforts. Isn’t it amazing what a simple thing like breathing can do

for your body? If you haven’t taken a deep belly breath is awhile, it’s time you


Reel in the benefits of pranayama with the simple practice on the next page. It

will be part of your daily cleanse when you start the 4DHD so make sure

you’ve got it under your belt…

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Breathe Deep for Detox


1. Find a comfortable place to either lay down or sit supported in a chair.

2. Place your left hand over your abdomen and the right hand on top of

your chest.

3. Breathe deeply into your belly and feel the left hand rise. As you

exhale observe as it falls. (you will also feel your right hand rise and fall


4. Start to lengthen your exhalations so they are twice as long as your

inhalations. (aim for 4 second inhales and 8 second exhalations). When

you breathe out, say to yourself, “I am exhaling toxins and toxic beliefs

from my body”. As you breathe in think, “I am inhaling fresh oxygen

and love into my body”.

5. Continue this breath cycle for 3-5 minutes.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 20

STEP THREE: Drum Roll - Let’s Get this Detox


“Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: 'I'm with you kid. Let's


~ Maya Angelou

Your bags are packed and you’ve got some revitalizing tricks up your sleeve.

Watch out, you’re ready for your simple & clean detox vacation! You’re ready

to feel fresh energy coursing through your veins and to experience a lighter and

brighter you!

For the next 4 days you’ll eat only kitchari and stick to purified water and detox

tea to provide your body ample nourishment and hydration. (that means say no

to processed foods, caffeine, alcohol). Meanwhile, behind the scenes, your

body will take care of eliminating the toxins.

Consider these few days as a little get-a-way from the constant barrage of stress

and inflammation created by processed foods and an unhealthy lifestyle.

The step-by-step daily cleansing guide that follows will walk you through your

painless detox days.

Daily Cleansing Guide:

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 21

1. Rise, Shine, & Breathe! – After you’ve gone to the bathroom, rinsed your

face and mouth, it’s time to settle into “Your Space” and take a few cleansing

pranayama breaths.

Exhale those toxins using the Breath Deep for Detox technique (see page 20). It

will help get your metabolism going and jump-start your day in the right


After you’ve finished breathing – though not completely – spend another

couple of seated silent moments to think about your intention for your detox.

Ask yourself, “What do I really want?” Taking some time to indulge yourself

in visualizing the very best for yourself will help you reap the rewards of your


2. Drink to your Health – Immediately following your breath-work and

intention-setting put on the good ‘ol kettle and infuse your Home Brew Detox

Tea (see page 18).

Sit to enjoy 6-8 ounces of this digestive hot bevy and pour the rest of it into a

thermos to sip on throughout your day. You can alternate the detox tea with

lemon water made with purified water and freshly-squeezed organic lemon

juice. Staying properly hydrated will help you shed— or rather pee out – those

toxins with ease.

3. Your Meal Plan – Drinking your morning tea will likely get your stomach

rumbling for something a little more substantial. Prepare the Cleansing Kitchari

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 22

— enough for the whole day if you will be out for lunch and dinner— making

sure to add an extra dose of love.

Again, you will be eating Kitchari for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as

any snacks you need to tie you over. And, even though it’s fabulously spiced

and tasty, there may be times you are craving for variety—texture, flavor, etc.

Do your best to ride the wave of the crave. Here’s how…

Tips for overcoming cravings during your detox:

Sip the Home Brew Detox Tea or water with lemon.

Change your environment— call a friend, take a shower, get outside.

Move— go for a walk, stretch, shake it all about!

Engage your breath with a 60-second dose of the Breath Deep for Detox


Give thanks— often our cravings disappear when we give thanks for

what we already have (rather than seek for what is missing)


- Eat ONLY when you are hungry. Bringing your appetite to the meal will help

you appreciate it and feel satisfied.

- Sit to enjoy all of your meals and snacks.

- Implore your senses—when you smell your food and taste it slowly you will

relish the experience—and better sense when you are full.

- Finish eating at least 2 hours before you go to bed giving your body time to

digest before snoozing.

- Avoid eating when you are angry, sad, or nervous. When it comes to

detoxification a calm, centered feeling is as important as the foods you are


Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 23

4. Move – For 30 minutes of your day get your body moving. This could be a

bit of mat-style yoga, a quick walk during your noon-time break, or a mini

triathlon of jump rope, squats, and lunges. Whatever gets your body sweating

and your heart pumping will help you say sayonara to toxins leaving room to

welcome new-found energy.

5. Unwind— Finish your day right where you began. Get comfy and return to

that sacred space just for you. Practice the Breath Deep for Detox technique for

five minutes to clear your mind and then spend the last moments of your day

feeling grateful. You’ve accomplished a lot in just one day so make sure you

give yourself credit for it.

6. Sleep— Make snoozing a priority. Your body uses those precious z’s to

repair and heal you from the inside out. So, make sure you hit the hay, ideally

between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., for 8 hours of rejuvenating sleep.

Repeat three more times and after the forth day it’s time to CELEBRATE!!

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 24

LIFE AFTER DETOX: Boogie Down & Celebrate!

"Celebrate we will, because life is short but sweet for certain."

~ Dave Matthews

Woohooo! You made it. It’s like sliding into the detox home base. You feel

great and you deserve it. It’s time to let your hair down after your wild

cleansing ride and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Reflect for a moment on how you felt before the detox. Do you remember the

reasons you committed in the first place? Are there any foods or practices you

wish to adopt or eliminate as you return to a more typical routine? How does it

feel in your body now?

The past 4 days you may have experienced some new foods, flavors, and

practices that were, at first glance, a little “out there” for you. Perhaps you

weren’t sure, but you grabbed the new-age bull by the horns and tried this

ancient wisdom anyway. Kudos to you!

Now, you’re on the other side feeling more energized, centered, and fabulous

than perhaps you have in a long time. Exhale and savor the feeling—that all-

over comfort in your body and mind – the feeling you’ve come home.

As you come off of the cleanse, start by introducing steamed vegetables (bok

choy, fennel, and broccoli are good choices). Then, add in fruits, whole grains

such as quinoa or bulgur wheat, and some raw veggies.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 25

Savor each taste as if it’s melted chocolate. Your taste buds have been

recalibrated and even the tastes and textures of these simple, whole foods may

surprise you (and completely satisfy you).

So, CONGRATULATIONS to you, my fellow detox superstar – you’ve come

far and it’s just the beginning.

My advice is that if you love the new clean you, keep going! You can do this

detox for 7, 9, or even 21 days in a row if you’d like to take it further.

Otherwise, let this simple diet and lifestyle be your base—a new foundation to

return to whenever you stop thriving or start to feel sluggish.

I like to do the 4DHD at the start of every month. If it works for you I

recommend doing it with the change of seasons. It will help nudge you back on

the health track if you happen to veer off.

Peace & Prana,

Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | CookingUpPrana.com | Twitter | Facebook

P.S – I’d love to hear from you! Please share your thoughts, questions, or

simply say hi using the contact form at CookingUpPrana - I answer every


P.P.S – Want to take this detox to the next level? I offer every customer that

comes to me through this eBook a FREE introductory ayurvedic consultation.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 26


I would like to thank a few people who have inspired me throughout the years.

It is through their passion, wisdom, and generosity of spirit that much of this

eBook could come to life.

- Dr. Vincent Lad - The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies

- Dr. Claudia Welch – Balance Your Hormones Balance Your Life

- Dr. Sundar Raman – My guru from Ayurveda Retreat; Tamil Nadu, India

And a special thanks to my loving partner, Tal Gur, who has been a tireless

source of encouragement, patience, and thoughtful feedback throughout this


Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 27


Born in the sticks of New England with a passion to help and to heal, I’ve

sought out Ayurveda and Yoga as ways to turn-around my own health and

kick-start my life in a way that is processed-free, bubbling with energy, and full

of that fabulous feeling.

From practicing physical therapy on frenzied hospital floors to working with

rehab staff at underserved clinics in Bolivia and Nicaragua to teaching Vinyasa

yoga on a roof-top studio in Lima, Peru and underprivileged children in North

American parks, I’ve helped and healed around the world.

Through yummy Ayurvedic recipes, oodles of revitalizing lifestyle tips, and

prana-enhancing yoga tools, I help people energize their lives and amp-up

their wellness with daily and seasonal practices that produce sustainable


I believe if you want to thrive in today’s fast-paced world you must put your

health and wellness first. Starting with your well-being will help you be

successful in whatever dreams you may have.

I also believe that Ayurveda and yoga are two of the most highly potent, life-

changing practices in the world. And everyone — from children to adults,

healthy people to those that are imbalanced and unwell — can immensely

benefit from them.

Of course, I’m no sage from the Himalayas. I don’t pretend that Ayurveda and

Yoga have all of the answers either.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 28

But I am dedicated to sharing with you the very best of what I am cooking

up, living, and learning and keep it chock-full of prana as I go.

Say NO to a Processed Life!

Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | CookingUpPrana.com | Twitter | Facebook

P.S – I’d love to hear from you! Please share your thoughts, questions, or

simply say hi using the contact form at CookingUpPrana - I answer every


P.P.S – Want to take this detox to the next level? I offer every customer that

comes to me through this eBook a FREE introductory ayurvedic consultation.

Copyright © Dr. Kyle Anne Willets | www.CookingUpPrana.com 29
