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LOS ANGELES HERALD j TUESDAY MORIJING, JUNE 13, 'tgo* GAS WAR LEADS TO PROSECUTION YACHT RAMONA GOES TO MEXICO DROVE TEAM OF DECREPIT HORSES PARTY WILL INSPECT MINES OF BRADBURY TROUBLE PASADENA SPRINKLER MAN IN SAN BERNARDINO'S STREETS ALL TORN UP SOCIETIES ELECT OFFICERS SUPERINTENDENT COMPLAINS PLEADS GUILTY TO CHARGE Meetings Held by Various Fraternal Orders— J. E. Coulthurst Is Appointed Delegate to Baltimore W. A. White Arrested at Instance of Or. de Blron—No Site Yet Pur. chased for Convention Hall Board ef Trade Considers Proposition Prom Promoters of Glass Bottle Factory Proposing to Lo- cate Large Plant Bfthftotier Expansion, Ballurd, Barkentlne John Smith, Portland. Schooner Susie Plummet, Everett. Barkentlne C. K. Crocker, Port Town- send. Schooner William Renton. Wlllaps, Behoonep Tfturun, Lurilow. Stwfoer Cella, Greenwood. Bsrkentlne John C. M«y#r, Everett Schooner Bertla Minor, Eureka. St«am«r Norwood, Gray's Harbor. Stenmer Samoa, Ca»p»r. Schooner Cama.no, Gambia. Schooner Blakely, BlakMy. Schooner Erie, Portland. Pchoonep Beulah, Astoria. Schooner J. M. CoUimn, Everett. Schooner Novelty, Ban Francisco. Steamer Despatch, Mukllteo. Steamer Olympic, Hrliinghnm. Schooner Fred J. Wood, Gray's Harhor. Schooner Robert R, Hind, Portland. FOREIGN VESSELS. British bark Pass KUllecrankle, Ant- werp. Ship Olenerlcht. Wamburg. I British bark Kllmeny, Hamburg. Redondo Shipping ARRIVED. Steamer Santa Rosa, Capt. Alexander, from San Francisco and way ports. BAILED. Steamer Santa Rosa, Capt. Alexandsr, for San Diego. TO SAIL TONIGHT. Stenmer South Bay, Capt. Andreason, for San Pedro. TO ARRIVE JUNE 14. Steamer Santa Rosa, Capt. Alexander, from San Diego. TO BAIL JUNE 14. Stonmer Santa Ro«a, Capt. Alexander, for San Francisco and way ports. VESSELS IN THIS PORT. Schooner Irene, Capt. Mitchell, from Portland. Schooner Mahukona, Capt. .Marsters, from Olympla. Schooner Forater, Capt, Danerwltz, from toint Dlscovrr.V. Bcampr Inn.ua, Capt. Jorgensen, from Port Hadlock. Steamer South Bay, Capt. Andreason, from Portland. Tug Redondo, Capt. Andrenson. In port. VESSELS ON THE WAY. Schooner Azalea, Eureka. Steamer Rec, Tacoma. '\u25a0".\u25a0 Steamer Coronado, Gray's Harbor. Steamer Despatch, Portland. LOADING. Steamer Norwood, at Seattle. Schooner Blakely, at Port Blakely. Schooner Eric, nt Port Ballard. Schooner Sea Home, at Gray's Harbor. Schooner N. J. Peterson, at Portland. Schooner Borealis, at Gray's Harbor. Schooner George C. Perkins, at Tacoma. Schooner John C. Meyer, at Seattle. ' The Intense heat continues here and is felt greatly by Its contrast with the cool weather that has prevailed all spring. The temperature for several days here has ranged close to the 100 mark. This evening the board of trade held a public meeting to listen to proposi- tions from the promoters of a glass bottle factory for the location of the plant in this city. The plant is ex- pected to employ a large force of men. The city is the nearest point to the silica beds which the company willuse. SAN BERNARDINO, June 12.—The race between the rival gas companies In this city has resulted in at least one caae getting into court. The com- mencement of operations on the part of the new company In laying gas mains caused the old company to do the same In every section of the city, going into even the outskirts. Today R, Hi Sweeney, in the employ of the old gas company, was arrested for opening a street without permission from the street superintendent. The latter states that conditions have compelled him to take this action as a means of self- protection, since the streets are being torn up on every hnrrd. Special to The Herald. LONG BEACH TRUSTEES DISCUSS "BLINDPIGS" Silver Gate court, Forresters of America, has elected officers for the ensuing term as follows: C. F. McFar- lan, P. C. R.; W. J. Munkers, C. R.; H. M. Henderson, S. C. R.; George Coop, : R. S.; Charles Morris, S. W.; Dorcnal La Fortune, *J. W.; A. C. Griffith, S. B.; D. L. Marrs, J. B.; J. F. Schwartz, lecturer; Grover Breedlove, musician. The following officers have besn elected by Anna Rebekah lodge No. 137 and will be Installed at the first meet- ing next month: Mrs. Jessie A.Leon- ard, noble grand; Miss Maud Hartley, vice grand; Mrs. Olive Puryear, secre- tary; Mrs. Catherine M. Noyer, treas- urer; Mrs. Estella Groves, trustee. The other two trustees, Mrs. Abble J. Sell- ors and Mrs. John P. Becker, hoM over. Officers of the Concordla Turnverln were elected yesterday as follows- Joseph Winter, president; L. Schuler, vice president; Max Winter, turnwart; Franz Handrock, recording secretary; Mlchler, eingwart; Julius Naumann, financial secretary; Karl Winter, president of the board. of trustees; Aug. Sensenbrenner, treasurer; Alfred Ros- enfeld, bookkeeper. The County ' Christian Kndeavor union has selected J. 10. Coulthurst as delegate to the national convention to be held at Baltimore the latter part of this month. His trip will be made partly under the auspices of the cham- ber of commerce and he goes Instruct- ed to use all possible efforts to bring next year's convention to Los Angeles. SAN DIEGO, June 12,— The schoon- er-yacht Ramona, Capt. Douglas White In command, sailed this evening for Mexican waters with John Bradbury and Dr. Hitchcock of Los Angeles on board. Mr. Bradbury Is the owner of mines near the Mexican coast, which they are to visit. Special to The Herald. ELSINORE BREVITIES OCEAN PARK BREVITIES Leonard Perrln, the well known Pas- adena capitalist, and Mrs. Hattle E. Home were married this afternoon at Avalon, Catalina, where Mr. Perrln owns a handsome summer home. The couple left this morning for that place after announcing to their friends that the ceremony would Vft quietly per- formed and that they would return to reside at the bride's charming home, 811 Burlington avenue, Los Angeles. Mr. Perrln's bride came from lowa City, lowa, about five years ago and her daughter Is Mrs. L. L. Elliott, whose husband Is manager of the Merchants' Trust company. Perrln.Horne Wedding The convention hall committee was In \u25a0esslon tonight when Chairman C. D. Daggett refuted a statement appearing in an evening paper to the effect that the property at the southwest corner of West Colorado and Delacey streets has been purchased as a site for the pro- posed building. The committee Is yet without funds and according to Mr. Daggett has yet to devise ways and means of raising money. The article tn question stated that the Loughery property had been sold to the committee for $15,000. This. Mr. Daggett said to- night, Is absolutely untrue. Anent Convention Hall PASADENA, June 12.—Accused of working a team of decrepit horses to a heavy sprinkling cart W. A. White of 120 North Delacey street was arrested today on a charge of cruelty to animals. Dr. Medici de Blron, who recently re- signed as officer of the humane society, caused White's arrest by swearing to the warrant' Issued by Justice Cong- don. Dr. de Blron is still lookingafter the welfare of animals and he claims that the team driven by White Is unfit for the task of pulling the sprinkler, which weights 6,500 pounds when filled, and that one of the horses twice fell while exerting Itself to move the load. Dr. Barton also examined the team In question and corroborated Dr. de 131- ron's statement. White Is In the em- ploy of J. W. Ritzman, who has the contract to sprinkle the streets. White pleaded guilty this evening and his case willcome up for sentence on Wednes- day. Pasadena Agency, 114 East Colorado Street The salary of Postmaster G. F. Hlrsch of this city has been raised from $2,500 to $2,600 a year. The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Sons of Veterans has arranged a celebration of Flag day.here next Wednesday. Street Superintendent C. F. E. Taylor recommended to the board that street sprinkling with water be discontinued and all of the streets oiled. The mat- ter was referred to the public works committee, with power to act, and funds were placed at their disposal to carry on the work. Bids for the new fire department sys- tem were received by the trustees and were laid over until the next meeting of the board. LONG BEACH, June 12.—The city trustees took up "blind pigs" for dis- cussion at their regular meeting this afternoon. Trustee Cate said that the matter had been agitated much lately by citizens and In the newspapers. Trustee Oakford, a local druggist, re- plied that the newspapers had done en- tirely too much agitating and should not be allowed to guide the board. With this Mayor Eno agreed, claiming that it was a matter for executive session. Much Publicity Special to The Herald. as Having Already Received Too Matter Referred to Executive Session MISSING MAN HAD DEPARTED FOR SWEDEN W. L. Morrison and wife, of the Els- more press, are spending a week or two at Long Beach. Dr. W. P. Haworth has bought the Day property on Pottery street, and, with his wife, willreside here. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a dinner that day In Main street and a special meeting of the Home Improvement society has been called for Monday night to consider means for the entertainment of the ex- cursionists. ELSINORE, June 12.—The Temescal Water company has a special train contracted for Friday, June 16th, from Corona to Elsinore, when they expect to bring in 200 people, to remain here for a few hours. These people are to view the . Temescal Water company's pipe line, the longest for Irrigation In the United States, it is claimed. Special to The Herald. curslon From Corona Temescal Water Company to Run Ex. MARINE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. L. Herzog, of Thornton avenue, entertained the Ocean Park school teachers and the graduating class at a reception this evening. Mr. J. G. French of the school board pre- sented the graduated with diplomas following which an Informal program of musical and literary selections was enjoyed. A special meeting of the Business Men's association was held this even- Ing. A. M. Montgomery presided in the absence of President Dutton, who left for San Francisco this morning to meet his bride to be. OCEAN PARK, June 12.—Late this evening an unknown man, apparently past middle age and prosperous, fell down a flight of stairs leading to the Yolk apartment house and was render- ed unconscious. Willing hands carried the man Into the office of Dr. Klger where he was revived, but he refused to make any statement concerning his Identity. His Injuries proved of a ser- ious nature. Accident at Yolk House Special to The Herald. Unknown Man Meets With Serious FISHERMEN HAVE GOOD SPORT NEAR SAN PEDRO Yesterday at the mission the an- nouncement was made of the engage- ment of Miss Leonla Dunn and J. Miles Smith, both of San Francisco. The wedding will take place June 28 at the mission. Miss Dunn was formerly of this city, while Mr. Smith Is well known here. He is the manager of a clearing house in San Francisco. SANTA BARBARA, June 12.—1t was learned here yesterday that John Carl- son, the missing Astoria . man -whose relatives have been making a vigorous search for information relating to his whereabouts, had intimated his Inten- tion to leave for Sweden, his old home. Carlson was the owner of much val- uable property and had disappeared. His children, who suspected foul play, put the matter Into the hands of the Astoria police, who communicated with the department of . thjs city. Letters will be forwarded to his home in Sweden, where he has probably ar> rived by this time. Special to The Herald. son Learn That He Is Probably Safe Santa Barbara Relatives of John Carl. RIVERSIDE TRUSTEE DECIDES TO REMAIN LOADING. Schooner Ensign, Gray'a Harbor. Schooner Defiance, Gray's Harbor. Schooner Soquel, Hadlock. Schooner Forest Home, Olyrnpla. Schooner Luion, Portland. Schooner R. W. Bartlett. Gray'a Harbor. VESSELS ON THE WAY. Steamer F. H. Leggett, Eureka. Schooner Carrier Dove, Gray's Harbor. Schooner G. W. Watson, Portland. Schooner Admiral, Everett. Schooner Polarlß, Everett. Steamer Aurella. Portland. Steamer South Bay, Gray's Harbor. Schooner Ethel Zane, Portland. Schooner Maweema, Everett. Steamer San Gabriel, Umpqua. SAILED. Schooner Ariel, San Francisco. Steamer Redondo, San Francisco. IN PORT. Schooner Bangor, Gray's Harbor. Schooner J. A. Campbell, Columbia. Barkentlno Encore, Kverett. Schooner J. M. Weatherwax, Blakely. Schooner Endeavor, Olympla. Schooner Nokomis, Gray's Harbor. Schooner Columbia, Belard. Schooner Spokane, Gamble. Schooner A. F. Coats, Gray's Harbor. Schooner Honolpu, Portland. Schooner M. Winkleman, Gray's Harbor. Schooner R. E. Godfrey, Billiard. Schooner O. J. Olson, Ballard. Bark Haydn Brown, Tacoma. Schooner E. K. Wood, Gray"s Harbor. Schooner Meteor, Hadlock. Schooner Prospeh, Ballard. San Pedro Shipping ARRIVED. ' Steamer San Gabriel, Hardy Creek. Steamer Marshfleld, Hardy Creek. Peter Dyson, a colored youth, while passing the Kelson Ward grocery on Beacon street about midnight, noticed an intruder in the office of the estab- lishment, attempting: to open the safe. Dyson at once called the officers, but before they had reached the location the burglar had taken the alarm and fled. Entrance was obtained from the alleyway by removing the glass from the rear door. SAN PEDRO, June 12.—Big catches of bonita and barracuda were made yesterday by visiting anglers to San Pedro. Numerous launches were in requisition as the waters of the outer harbor and for a distance of a few miles beyond were literally alive with this species. Special to The Herald. Numbers Burglar's At. tempt Foiled Bonlta and Barracuda Caught In Large SAWTELLE MISCELLANIES Home Rebekah Lodge to Hold Memo. rial Day Exercises Special to The Herald. SAWTELLB. June 12.-Home Ile- bekah lodge will observe Memorial day on Tuesday evening at Laird's hall. There will be speaking, singing and other exercises. Many invitations are > out. Mrs. Nellie Jamison has sold her property on Fifth street to C. S. Crane of Missouri, and will remove to Ban Francisco where her husband Is. Miss Ada Williams of Monrovia is visiting Bessie Arnold this week. The police were called to Casa Blanca three times on Sunday to quell an in- cipient riot In the old Fay packing house, Th* packers celebrated the close of the season by securing a keg of beer and raising a rough house. All the windows of the building were broken and the neighborhood was ter- rorized by, th* bibulous celebrants, . RIVERSIDE. June 12.—Capt. J. T. Lawler, who recently resigned from the board of city trustees, has re- considered his action and will continue to serve the city. The buslneti men signed a petition with great unanimity asking that the captain reconsider, and this petition was recently present- ed to him. Capt. Lawler's resignation was due to the verdict In the suit brought against the city.by F. F. Mer- rltt, in which he was awarded JIO2O damages for Injuries sustained by fall- ing onto a sidewalk at the intersection of Seventh and Locust streets. Special to Tha Herald. 4 A tiny, chocolate coated tonio lax* atlve tablet, that gives VIGOR and health to the STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS, thereby curing— Sick llcadachM Bllloiun*«« Sallow Complexion Torpid Uvtr Uyipcpfto Juuuil|u. Indlgettloa Heartburn LoMOf Appetite rimule. gour Stomach I'lulueu Naiuea 1'""' Breath Take only one "VI GO RET" at bed- time and they will move the bowels gently yet thoroughly ! each day and permanently cure— Chronic Constipation They cool, clean*« and purify the blood and . are sold by all drugclet* In tte packages (50 tablets) and 100 trial ilse J|B|| Ye Cunotag | PlPf @ Los Angeles Furniture .Co. . r 1 IH Tn verity this splendid new building of ours is the HOME of the Los Angeles Furniture j?Sj Ipj Company. For, apart from the shell of steel and brick and plaster it is the work of our own «| j|| The entire scheme of finishing and decorating was devised in our Designing Department for jpf under the supervision of Mr. A. W. Harris. \u25a0• \u25a0 |j |& The wood carving that is freely used throughout the building is every whit hand- | ' Us work, by our skillfulworkmen. jf| || The vast quantity of cabinet work in the offices, all the, enclosed cabinets on the luxur- j$ iffl iously appointed second floor where the draperies, curtains, hangings and upholstery mater- W $js?# ials are displayed, is an example of the workmanship of our force. . \M j^P Coming to the special rooms you will find the paneling, the mantels, the tinting and m $&s decorating, the upholstery and carpeting, the framing and gilding is all the work of ;;our |g |& artisans. . . . \u25a0 ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?.- § H And there is one whole room finished throughout in fumed oak which is genuinely | ;jj| p|| fumed not stained, but treated by our own process whereby every fiber of the wood is pen- j&i H etrated with the coloring fumes. , .. | p II ThiLiirsdaiy, Let Us | Greet Youioooo . ; ' : | § We are proud of the new home. There is not its equal anywhere. We are anxious that I M you should see it Thursday, our Opening Day. Most of the men p long identified with the Los Angeles Furniture Company will join -_wL-^L-Jjii^i;.r i » \u25a0*? :^ H First, there is a building the like of which has not been built i^^^^JM]|ll{M|f|^M^M^^ kfi Then, there is a display of furniture, of carpets, of curtains jfPf f ll^Sif^^^MlfPllill I'll H and upholstery materials which is quite out of the ordinary. IMf llf^CiC^N^P'^ r "^rt^ 1 And we remind you again, that the entire finish of the build- *flstM^^Ltv//^^^*^ H ing is one continuous testimony to the ability of our skilled llljlft pl^^^V A** 3 * fs£ I Fiuiralttaire Coo lipMSj 1 63h633-635 Somth Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. K^^B™|pM^^S That Made Milwaukee famous. Phone tTVUIn 670. Sherwood Ctk Sherwood, 216 No. Main St., Los olngeles.. The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous Pale and Erlanger "Bavarian Beer" ON DRAUGHT AT Jos. Melczer ® Co., l* M4y Somh Main St - We Are Compelled To Vacate by July Ist We will give 20 per cent discount on everjr TRUNK, GRIP and SUIT CASH in the store. Come In before July 1 and let us sup* ply your needs. This Is a bona- flde sale, no marked*up prices, but an actual 30 per cent dis- count on all goods. J. C. Cunningham 222 So. Main St. Lei Angetti, Cat. RAMONA PORTABLE COTTAGES Stores, OfTloes -^»«mSmCPSn!mf^i and Bunga- "pressed pa- V^T^^T) per," "rough-board 10 t j/ California nouses;" Styles > S2fc. B" built of kiln- and ViV dried redwood, sizes. 1 to A-l finish, styl- 6 rooms with ish, substantial, porch, pantry, homelike.' closets, bath-room, built-in beds, tables « and furniture to order. $170 to $900. No nailing or saw- V' \ne. Screwdriver, wrench and \u25a011', hammer the only tools used. SO7 TAJO Building, Los Angeles,' Calif. Try Wolfsklll on Flouters. Rates th* lowest quality of flowers, the highest. 210 W. Second








Meetings Held by Various FraternalOrders— J. E. Coulthurst Is

Appointed Delegate to


W. A. White Arrested at Instance ofOr. de Blron—No Site Yet Pur.

chased for ConventionHall

Board ef Trade Considers Proposition

Prom Promoters of Glass BottleFactory Proposing to Lo-

cate Large Plant

Bfthftotier Expansion, Ballurd,Barkentlne John Smith, Portland.Schooner Susie Plummet, Everett.Barkentlne C. K. Crocker, Port Town-

send.Schooner William Renton. Wlllaps,Behoonep Tfturun, Lurilow.Stwfoer Cella, Greenwood.Bsrkentlne John C. M«y#r, EverettSchooner Bertla Minor, Eureka.St«am«r Norwood, Gray's Harbor.Stenmer Samoa, Ca»p»r.Schooner Cama.no, Gambia.Schooner Blakely, BlakMy.Schooner Erie, Portland.Pchoonep Beulah, Astoria.Schooner J. M. CoUimn, Everett.Schooner Novelty, Ban Francisco.Steamer Despatch, Mukllteo.Steamer Olympic, Hrliinghnm.Schooner Fred J. Wood, Gray's Harhor.Schooner Robert R, Hind, Portland.

FOREIGN VESSELS.British bark Pass KUllecrankle, Ant-

werp.Ship Olenerlcht. Wamburg. IBritish bark Kllmeny, Hamburg.

Redondo ShippingARRIVED.

Steamer Santa Rosa, Capt. Alexander,from San Francisco and way ports.

BAILED.Steamer Santa Rosa, Capt. Alexandsr,

for San Diego.TO SAIL TONIGHT.

Stenmer South Bay, Capt. Andreason,for San Pedro.

TO ARRIVE JUNE 14.Steamer Santa Rosa, Capt. Alexander,

from San Diego.TO BAIL JUNE 14.

Stonmer Santa Ro«a, Capt. Alexander,for San Francisco and way ports.

VESSELS IN THIS PORT.Schooner Irene, Capt. Mitchell, fromPortland.Schooner Mahukona, Capt. .Marsters,

from Olympla.Schooner Forater, Capt, Danerwltz,

from toint Dlscovrr.V.Bcampr Inn.ua, Capt. Jorgensen, fromPort Hadlock.

Steamer South Bay, Capt. Andreason,from Portland.

Tug Redondo, Capt. Andrenson. In port.VESSELS ON THE WAY.

Schooner Azalea, Eureka.Steamer Rec, Tacoma. '\u25a0".\u25a0Steamer Coronado, Gray's Harbor.Steamer Despatch, Portland.

LOADING.Steamer Norwood, at Seattle.Schooner Blakely, at Port Blakely.Schooner Eric, nt Port Ballard.Schooner Sea Home, at Gray's Harbor.Schooner N. J. Peterson, at Portland.Schooner Borealis, at Gray's Harbor.Schooner George C. Perkins, at Tacoma.Schooner John C. Meyer, at Seattle.


The Intense heat continues here andis felt greatly by Its contrast with thecool weather that has prevailed allspring. The temperature for severaldays here has ranged close to the 100mark.

This evening the board of trade helda public meeting to listen to proposi-tions from the promoters of a glass

bottle factory for the location of theplant in this city. The plant is ex-pected to employ a large force of men.The city is the nearest point to thesilica beds which the company willuse.

SAN BERNARDINO, June 12.—Therace between the rival gas companiesIn this city has resulted in at least onecaae getting into court. The com-mencement ofoperations on the part ofthe new company In laying gas mainscaused the old company to do the sameIn every section of the city, going intoeven the outskirts. Today R, HiSweeney, in the employ of the old gascompany, was arrested for opening astreet without permission from thestreet superintendent. The latter statesthat conditions have compelled him totake this action as a means of self-protection, since the streets are beingtorn up on every hnrrd.

Special to The Herald.


Silver Gate court, Forresters ofAmerica, has elected officers for theensuing term as follows: C. F. McFar-lan, P. C. R.; W. J. Munkers, C. R.;

H. M. Henderson, S. C. R.; GeorgeCoop, :R. S.; Charles Morris, S. W.;

Dorcnal La Fortune, *J. W.; A. C.Griffith, S. B.; D. L. Marrs, J. B.;

J. F. Schwartz, lecturer; GroverBreedlove, musician.

The following officers have besnelected by Anna Rebekah lodge No. 137and will be Installed at the first meet-ing next month: Mrs. Jessie A.Leon-ard, noble grand; Miss Maud Hartley,vice grand; Mrs. Olive Puryear, secre-tary; Mrs. Catherine M. Noyer, treas-urer; Mrs. Estella Groves, trustee. Theother two trustees, Mrs. Abble J. Sell-ors and Mrs. John P. Becker, hoMover.

Officers of the Concordla Turnverlnwere elected yesterday as follows-Joseph Winter, president; L. Schuler,vice president; Max Winter, turnwart;

Franz Handrock, recording secretary;

Mlchler, eingwart; Julius Naumann,

financial secretary; Karl Winter,

president of the board. of trustees; Aug.Sensenbrenner, treasurer; Alfred Ros-enfeld, bookkeeper.

The County'

Christian Kndeavorunion has selected J. 10. Coulthurst asdelegate to the national convention tobe held at Baltimore the latter part

of this month. His trip will be madepartly under the auspices of the cham-ber of commerce and he goes Instruct-

ed to use all possible efforts to bringnext year's convention to Los Angeles.

SAN DIEGO, June 12,—The schoon-er-yacht Ramona, Capt. Douglas WhiteIn command, sailed this evening forMexican waters with John Bradburyand Dr. Hitchcock of Los Angeles onboard. Mr.Bradbury Is the owner ofmines near the Mexican coast, whichthey are to visit.

Special to The Herald.



Leonard Perrln, the well known Pas-

adena capitalist, and Mrs. Hattle E.

Home were married this afternoon atAvalon, Catalina, where Mr. Perrlnowns a handsome summer home. Thecouple left this morning for that placeafter announcing to their friends thatthe ceremony would Vft quietly per-formed and that they would return to

reside at the bride's charming home, 811Burlington avenue, Los Angeles. Mr.Perrln's bride came from lowa City,lowa, about five years ago and her

daughter Is Mrs. L. L. Elliott, whosehusband Is manager of the Merchants'Trust company.

Perrln.Horne Wedding

The convention hall committee was In\u25a0esslon tonight when Chairman C. D.Daggett refuted a statement appearingin an evening paper to the effect thatthe property at the southwest corner ofWest Colorado and Delacey streets hasbeen purchased as a site for the pro-posed building. The committee Is yetwithout funds and according to Mr.Daggett has yet to devise ways andmeans of raising money. The article tnquestion stated that the Lougheryproperty had been sold to the committeefor $15,000. This. Mr.Daggett said to-night, Is absolutely untrue.

Anent Convention Hall

PASADENA, June 12.—Accused ofworkinga team of decrepit horses to aheavy sprinkling cart W. A. White of120 North Delacey street was arrestedtoday ona charge of cruelty to animals.Dr. Medici de Blron, who recently re-signed as officer of the humane society,

caused White's arrest by swearing tothe warrant' Issued by Justice Cong-

don. Dr.de Blron is still lookingafter

the welfare of animals and he claimsthat the team driven by White Is unfitfor the task of pulling the sprinkler,which weights 6,500 pounds when filled,

and that one of the horses twice fellwhile exerting Itself to move the load.Dr. Barton also examined the team Inquestion and corroborated Dr. de 131-

ron's statement. White Is In the em-ploy of J. W. Ritzman, who has thecontract to sprinkle the streets. Whitepleaded guiltythis evening and his casewillcome up for sentence on Wednes-day.

Pasadena Agency,114 East Colorado Street

The salary of Postmaster G. F.Hlrsch of this city has been raised from$2,500 to $2,600 a year.

The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Sons ofVeterans has arranged a celebration ofFlag day.here next Wednesday.

Street Superintendent C. F.E. Taylor

recommended to the board that streetsprinkling with water be discontinuedand allof the streets oiled. The mat-ter was referred to the public workscommittee, with power to act, andfunds were placed at their disposal tocarry on the work.

Bids for the new fire department sys-

tem were received by the trustees andwere laid over until the next meetingof the board.

LONG BEACH, June 12.—The citytrustees took up "blind pigs" for dis-cussion at their regular meeting thisafternoon. Trustee Cate said that thematter had been agitated much latelyby citizens and In the newspapers.

Trustee Oakford, a local druggist, re-plied that the newspapers had done en-tirely too much agitating and shouldnot be allowed to guide the board. Withthis Mayor Eno agreed, claiming thatit was a matter for executive session.

Much PublicitySpecial to The Herald.

as Having Already Received TooMatter Referred to Executive Session


W. L. Morrison and wife, of the Els-more press, are spending a week ortwo at Long Beach.

Dr. W. P. Haworth has bought the

Day property on Pottery street, and,with his wife, willreside here.

The ladies of the Presbyterian churchwillgive a dinner that day In Mainstreet and a special meeting of theHome Improvement society has beencalled for Monday night to considermeans for the entertainment of the ex-cursionists.

ELSINORE, June 12.—The TemescalWater company has a special traincontracted for Friday, June 16th, from

Corona to Elsinore, when they expectto bring in 200 people, to remain herefor a few hours. These people are to

view the . Temescal Water company's

pipe line, the longest for Irrigation Inthe United States, it is claimed.

Special to The Herald.curslon From Corona

Temescal Water Company to Run Ex.

MARINE NEWSMr. and Mrs. L.Herzog, of Thornton

avenue, entertained the Ocean Parkschool teachers and the graduating

class at a reception this evening. Mr.J. G. French of the school board pre-

sented the graduated with diplomasfollowing which an Informal programof musical and literary selections wasenjoyed.

A special meeting of the BusinessMen's association was held this even-Ing. A. M.Montgomery presided in theabsence of President Dutton, who leftfor San Francisco this morning to meethis bride to be.

OCEAN PARK, June 12.—Late thisevening an unknown man, apparentlypast middle age and prosperous, felldown a flight of stairs leading to theYolk apartment house and was render-ed unconscious. Willing hands carriedthe man Into the office of Dr. Klger

where he was revived, but he refusedto make any statement concerning hisIdentity. His Injuries proved of a ser-ious nature.

Accident at Yolk HouseSpecial to The Herald.

Unknown Man Meets With Serious


Yesterday at the mission the an-nouncement was made of the engage-

ment of Miss Leonla Dunn and J. MilesSmith, both of San Francisco. Thewedding will take place June 28 at themission. Miss Dunn was formerly ofthis city, while Mr. Smith Is wellknown here. He is the manager of aclearing house in San Francisco.

SANTA BARBARA, June 12.—1t waslearned here yesterday that John Carl-son, the missing Astoria .man -whoserelatives have been making a vigoroussearch for information relating to hiswhereabouts, had intimated his Inten-tion to leave for Sweden, his old home.Carlson was the owner of much val-uable property and had disappeared.His children, who suspected foul play,put the matter Into the hands of theAstoria police, who communicated withthe department of . thjs city. Letterswill be forwarded to his home inSweden, where he has probably ar>rived by this time.

Special to The Herald.

son Learn That He IsProbably Safe

Santa Barbara Relatives of John Carl.


LOADING.Schooner Ensign, Gray'a Harbor.Schooner Defiance, Gray's Harbor.Schooner Soquel, Hadlock.Schooner Forest Home, Olyrnpla.Schooner Luion, Portland.Schooner R. W. Bartlett. Gray'a Harbor.

VESSELS ON THE WAY.Steamer F. H. Leggett, Eureka.Schooner Carrier Dove, Gray's Harbor.Schooner G. W. Watson, Portland.Schooner Admiral, Everett.Schooner Polarlß, Everett.Steamer Aurella. Portland.Steamer South Bay, Gray's Harbor.Schooner Ethel Zane, Portland.Schooner Maweema, Everett.Steamer San Gabriel, Umpqua.

SAILED.Schooner Ariel, San Francisco.Steamer Redondo, San Francisco.IN PORT.Schooner Bangor, Gray's Harbor.Schooner J. A. Campbell, Columbia.Barkentlno Encore, Kverett.Schooner J. M. Weatherwax, Blakely.Schooner Endeavor, Olympla.Schooner Nokomis, Gray's Harbor.Schooner Columbia, Belard.Schooner Spokane, Gamble.Schooner A. F. Coats, Gray's Harbor.Schooner Honolpu, Portland.Schooner M.Winkleman, Gray's Harbor.Schooner R. E. Godfrey, Billiard.Schooner O. J. Olson, Ballard.Bark Haydn Brown, Tacoma.Schooner E. K. Wood, Gray"s Harbor.Schooner Meteor, Hadlock.Schooner Prospeh, Ballard.

San Pedro ShippingARRIVED.


Steamer San Gabriel, Hardy Creek.Steamer Marshfleld, Hardy Creek.

Peter Dyson, a colored youth, whilepassing the Kelson Ward grocery onBeacon street about midnight, noticedan intruder in the office of the estab-lishment, attempting: to open the safe.Dyson at once called the officers, butbefore they had reached the locationthe burglar had taken the alarm andfled. Entrance was obtained from thealleyway by removing the glass fromthe rear door.

SAN PEDRO, June 12.—Big catchesof bonita and barracuda were madeyesterday by visiting anglers to SanPedro. Numerous launches were inrequisition as the waters of the outerharbor and for a distance of a fewmiles beyond were literally alive withthis species.

Special to The Herald.


Burglar's At.tempt Foiled

Bonlta and Barracuda Caught In Large

SAWTELLE MISCELLANIESHome Rebekah Lodge to Hold Memo.

rial Day ExercisesSpecial to The Herald.

SAWTELLB. June 12.-Home Ile-bekah lodge will observe Memorial dayon Tuesday evening at Laird's hall.There will be speaking, singing andother exercises. Many invitations are

> out.Mrs. Nellie Jamison has sold her

property on Fifth street to C. S. Craneof Missouri, and will remove to BanFrancisco where her husband Is.

Miss Ada Williams of Monrovia isvisiting Bessie Arnold this week.

The police were called to Casa Blancathree times on Sunday to quell an in-cipient riot In the old Fay packinghouse, Th* packers celebrated theclose of the season by securing a kegof beer and raising a rough house. Allthe windows of the building werebroken and the neighborhood was ter-rorized by, th* bibulous celebrants, .

RIVERSIDE. June 12.—Capt. J. T.Lawler, who recently resigned fromthe board of city trustees, has re-considered his action and will continueto serve the city. The buslneti mensigned a petition with great unanimityasking that the captain reconsider,and this petition was recently present-ed to him. Capt. Lawler's resignationwas due to the verdict In the suitbrought against the city.by F. F.Mer-rltt, in which he was awarded JIO2Odamages for Injuries sustained by fall-ing onto a sidewalk at the intersectionof Seventh and Locust streets.

Special to Tha Herald.


A tiny, chocolate coated tonio lax*atlve tablet, that gives VIGOR andhealth to the STOMACH, LIVER andBOWELS, thereby curing—

Sick llcadachM Bllloiun*««Sallow Complexion Torpid UvtrUyipcpfto Juuuil|u.Indlgettloa HeartburnLoMOfAppetite rimule.gour Stomach I'lulueuNaiuea 1'""' Breath

Take only one "VIGORET" at bed-time and they will move the bowelsgently yet thoroughly !each day andpermanently cure—

Chronic ConstipationThey cool, clean*« and purify the bloodand.are sold by all drugclet* In ttepackages (50 tablets) and 100 trial ilse

J|B|| Ye Cunotag |

PlPf @ Los Angeles Furniture .Co. . r 1

IH Tn verity this splendid new building of ours is the HOME of the Los Angeles Furniture j?SjIpj Company. For, apart from the shell of steel and brick and plaster itis the workof our own «|

j|| The entire scheme of finishing and decorating was devised inour Designing Department forjpf under the supervision ofMr. A. W. Harris. \u25a0• \u25a0 |j|& The wood carving that is freely used throughout the building is every whit hand- |

' Us work, by our skillfulworkmen. jf||| The vast quantity of cabinet work in the offices, all the, enclosed cabinets on the luxur- j$iffl iously appointed second floor where the draperies, curtains, hangings and upholstery mater- W$js?# ials are displayed, is an example of the workmanship of our force. . \Mj^P Coming to the special rooms you willfind the paneling, the mantels, the tinting and m$&s decorating, the upholstery and carpeting, the framing and gilding is all the work of;;our |g|& artisans. . . . \u25a0 ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?.- §H And there is one whole room finished throughout in fumed oak which is genuinely | ;jj|p|| fumed

—not stained, but treated by our own process whereby every fiber of the wood is pen- j&i

H etrated with the coloring fumes. , • • .. | p

II ThiLiirsdaiy, Let Us |Greet Youioooo . ;


: |§ We are proud of the new home. There is not its equal anywhere. We are anxious that I

M you should see it Thursday, our Opening Day. Most of the men plong identified with the Los Angeles Furniture Company will join

-_wL-^L-Jjii^i;.ri» \u25a0*? :^

H First, there is a building the like of which has not been built i^^^^JM]|ll{M|f|^M^M^^

kfi Then, there is a display of furniture, of carpets, of curtains jfPff ll^Sif^^^MlfPllillI'llH and upholstery materials which is quite out of the ordinary. IMfllf^CiC^N^P'^ r"^rt^1 And we remind you again, that the entire finish of the build- *flstM^^Ltv//^^^*^H ing is one continuous testimony to the ability of our skilled llljlftpl^^^VA**3

* fs£

I Fiuiralttaire Coo lipMSj1 63h633-635 Somth Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. K^^B™|pM^^S

That Made Milwaukee famous.

Phone tTVUIn 670. Sherwood Ctk Sherwood, 216 No. MainSt., Los olngeles..

The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous

Pale and Erlanger "Bavarian Beer"ON DRAUGHT AT

Jos. Melczer ® Co., l*M4y Somh Main St -

We Are Compelled

To Vacate by July IstWe will give 20 per cent discounton everjr TRUNK, GRIP andSUIT CASH in the store. ComeIn before July 1and let us sup*ply your needs. This Is a bona-flde sale, no marked*up prices,but an actual 30 per cent dis-

count on all goods.

J. C. Cunningham222 So. Main St. Lei Angetti, Cat.


-^»«mSmCPSn!mf^i and Bunga-

"pressed pa-V^T^^T) per," "rough-board

10 tj/ California nouses;"

Styles >S2fc. B"built of kiln-and ViVdried redwood,sizes. 1 to A-lfinish, styl-6 rooms with ish, substantial,porch, pantry, homelike.'closets, bath-room,built-in beds, tables «

and furniture to order. $170to$900. No nailingor saw- V'

\ne. Screwdriver, wrench and \u25a011',hammer the only tools used.SO7 TAJO Building,Los Angeles,' Calif.

Try Wolfsklllon Flouters.Rates th* lowest


of flowers, the highest.210 W. Second
