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4-H Record Books. It All Starts With a Project…… Foundation of a Quality 4-H Experience Project...

Date post: 08-Jan-2018
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The End Result..The Record Book Learning Life Skills Prepare for scholarship and college applications Job applications and interviews

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4-H Record Books It All Starts With a Project Foundation of a Quality 4-H Experience Project Something the 4-Her wants to learn more about 1 Main Project (Exception is Achievement and Animal Science) 2 3 Other Projects The End Result..The Record Book Learning Life Skills Prepare for scholarship and college applications Job applications and interviews Record Book Age Categories Cloverbud uses Cloverbud Report form Ages 5-8 Beginner Ages 9-12 Intermediate - Ages Advanced Ages Members turn in record books according to their age when record books are due. Scoring Guide Project Work41 points Leadership21 points Community Service20 points 4-H Awards, Marketing & Impact 7 points 4-H Story & Pictures16 points Total105 points Resume (Advanced Only) 4 points Page One Page one contains personal information about the 4-H member. Signature needed are: 4-H members Parent or Guardians 4-H Leaders Goals (revised) Should reflect 4-H Project Objectives Goals should be SMART Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely Knowledge Gained (new) List the top three things the 4-Her has learned this year This should reflect the goals that were set this year Main Project Work Overview Use chart to report all the things done in main project Judges will be looking for 3 basic things Amount of project work Variety of project work Quality of project work Educational Experiences in Main Project Indicate level where educational experience took place (L, C, D, S, R, N), numbers reflect number of activities, not contacts List: Tours Talks or demonstrations seen or heard Judging Events Interviews Exhibits Workshops Camps Interviews Types of Experiences (continued) Competitions Consumer experiences Interviews made Websites visited Books read Pamphlets read Overview of Other Projects & Activities Report experiences in those project and activities not reported on page two Report no more than 3 projects List name of each project and then list activities Use numbers Show financial information Educational Experiences in Other Projects and Activities Record activities and learning experiences in other projects Use same list of types of experiences as main projects Indicate level Leadership Explain How and what did I do to lead or teach others in 4-H Be sure to indicate level (L=local; C=county; D=district; S=state, R=regional, N=national) Place an * by those experiences that relate to the main project Key Leadership Words Plan Lead Teach Conduct Organize Coordinate Direct Guide Elected / Appointed Leadership 4-H Offices (President, Report, etc.) 4-H Committees (Refreshment, Extension Expansion & Review, Valentines Carnival, etc.) Indicate level Community Service Community Service is: What you as an individual or with others perform to help your community OR any planned activities (projects, programs) that benefit others outside your group. Activities can include single-service events, a seasonal project or an ongoing project. Community Service Cont. List by year those activities you have done which help someone else (first year first) Give the number of items contributed or the number of hours served Place an * by those experiences that relate to the main project 4-H Awards (revised) List by year the most important awards in 4-H Add level to award received Place an * by those experiences that relate to the main project 4-H Marketing/Promotion (revised) page list of 4-H marketing and promotion Includes: speaking on radio, riding on 4-H float, news paper articles, 4-H promotion displays Does not include wearing 4-H shirts Include year and level 4-H Impact (new) In 100 words or less detail what differences 4-H has made in your life. 4-H Story (revised) Limited to 5 pages Includes: Introduction Body Conclusion Should emphasize the impact of 4-H on the individual, their family and their community Should include personal reactions and feelings Photos Limited to 4 pages 9 photos per page limit If photography is a main project, the 4-H member may have a total of 14 pages: 4 pages in front of the camera and 10 pages of photos the 4-H member has taken. Photo page outline Main Project Work Other Project Work Leadership Community Service
