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4 I ONeiUs Stirn - Library of Congress...A mass was then said by the ROY George W Mundelein...

Date post: 22-Apr-2020
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THE SUN MONDAY SEPTEMBER 1 1902 I I I r r 4 4 I H- it LABOR DAYS OUTINGS MANY PARADE OF ITOnKFliS EXPECTED TO JIE LAIWFM TIMV IUlAL- Dmrryi narhrrue Mill FtmiMi Fowl on Joy for the Mntli Ulillc I Dlv rr Mil Take III Iollnnrn to CnllrRn Ioln Fun for nard lilinil Iatlrnl Most spectacular of tho celebration which will mark Lalxir Dny In or Manhattan will ho the great lieefsteal Dinner and Iarb Mje which Big 11111 Dev OO to givetender Invitation readto tho working mrn or thn Ninth Awembly district on tho North River front The slaughter will place along Thlr tecnth avenue between Twentyeighth streets beginning at oclock noon Another outing mingling politics with labor will bo Urn annual excursion games of tho P Dir Association n College Point It Is In tho air that Judgi Diner presently will come forth as a de elated candidate for the of hi district So far as the throngs who wen looking forward to charing In outlnj today knew Mr Divver has not yet made up his mind definitely to contest again for tho leadership but It wan said In somi quarters that perhaps an announcement might be looked for nt tho picnic Tho great formal event of the day will bt tho parado of tho building trades of Now York It is expected that this will bo a larger parade than Iabor Day customarily eoe The estimates of leaders are that between 400 o and 4SWK mon will be in line Tho parado will start at 10 oclock from street and Mfth avenue and will gi down tho avenue tc d street nnd thenco by way Broadway to the Hall marchers will join families and friends and to Park Coney Island for a picnic will carry banners with Inscriptions calling the coal operators- to rate tho troubles Square tbo parade will Im reviewed Mayor Borough President Cantor officials It eald that some of the devices on the banners or floats will bo Tho managers of the have engaged bands- to enliven tho procession Tho taxers city are to have their filth celebration of birthday of Henry thin evening at C30 at 41 Vst Nineteenth ureet At tho Tnltor lay obervonco nt tho Educational Alliance East Broadway and Jefferson street Marcus M side and there will l speeches by Henry White and the Hov II The exercises will begin at 8 P M Mr Marks- is president of tho National Association of and A meml of the Concilia- tion Conunltteo of the National Clvio Fed- eration Tho Frank P Early Association of the Assembly district Identified with th Greater New York Democracy- will picnic at Oakwood Park Staten Island Mens Republican Club of tho outing and games at live Rye on the Sound Republican organiza- tion district goes with Its excursion to Martian Beach where it wilt have some athletic games Tho management of the Manhattan State Kast West on Wards Island has arranged an elaborate of sports In tho patients and employees to oludos a summing contest baseball lawn bowls the running high jump tug of war- n potato race sack race threelegged- race a iaMb a hurdle race a a Wyard dash for women patients basketball an egg race a nail contest a contest- a shoo hunt and Excursions by rail and water to patronage are many Special trains will l run on nv st and fpcclal boats on the regular water lines to places Some leaving- in the will go out this morning PO as to give patrons a longer time at their destinations will lx opportuni- ties to go on tho water In steamers evening too rxcunsiox no ATS CROWDED line neathrr and Holiday help to MnUe Thn excursion steamers with few ex- ceptions were crowded to the limit yester- day on account of tho fine weather and tho holiday today At some of tho piers It was put down as the heaviest day of the summer In accordance with Collector Strann liens recent order nn Increase was made force of aligned to watch the boats for cose of overcrowding Tho Collector has ordered the inspectors to nil such cases to him at once first warning the captain of the boat Staten Inland Firemen to Parade The Tottonvllle Staten Island Volunteer Firemen will have their first parado today Many visiting fire companies will tako and it is said time In charge that there will IH about 750 men In STATIOX MitT MOK- Flrr liaised a Happy Family llrnrath- Pmn ltanla llallrnail Tracks YEW HncNHWirK N J Aug 31 For thirtyfour years Matthew Her tho station agent at tho Upper Jamesbiirg station of the Pennsylvania Railroad has lived In a cellar under time railroad station Now he must move by order of the company po that the platform of time station forming th runt nf his hoiioohold can IHI lowered two in order that the big fiftyton steel coal ears will not rip up the platform us sometimes happens Th Eler I all above ground yet It lies in a In the algte made by the meeting of two tracks and the necessary elevation of the tracks to bridge thorn over a public road This gives a height- of from time ground to time the platform and the rcnms Wove high living It was into this home that Eler brought lila bride a third of a century ago and It was that he a family cf and girls In tills lived it happy life earl lies slept the cf the t engines awl trains tnndo miniature earthquakes above hU head recurred on both skies of lus dwellIng Two or three times the nnd station hive caught fire from Rut the houwi still stood the children crow married nnd left and the mother died there tv ov Iunhook or Texas Seriously III- AUHTIV Tex Aug 31 Former Governor Frank R LuMmck Is seriously III at his hme in this city Ho Is In Iris eighty revrnth year and was In fine health up to two weeks when his wife rIled Tim shock of her tOOth prostrated him anti condition huts grown worse He was the war Governor of Texas and served several terms as State Treasurer fJIfl to irrnmn Man Tho German Press limb of New York pave a nolld buyer M rvlcn to Georg v n- Hkal managing editor of the Ycrkrr- Ktaat Zfituny In recognition of his tour yearn service as of tlio The was lucite at a regular monthly meeting of tho club- by President hundreds or 1irr Aihrrtlum like other Intelligent nail dlnnmlne eltlens trials and femaln rmvn loarnrd that 1 UK film and THE KVKNINO HUN are nt tin of lh heap why Fits buss advertising growl no IJv I I near I i III bbs i ink and 12 t and i leader hlp I hi i elt ur- I NI f i f I If p The tko The In all lord i I j f i 1 Tomorrow i tr I niT fet hOI hl her hal whip huh Ncr Ir r i Twenty nlnth I 1 I p I ouug holds its are tha band k has I 1 t I Ireus Ion at Ion A rt r t I 1- LL ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < V XEJTPOnT SOCIETY lunrh oru on Hoard the Varuna Nourmahal raalno Concert NeWPORT R I Aug 81 Mr Eugene Hlgglns entertaIned at luncheon this alter on board the strain yacht and Mrs John Jacob a largo luncheon on board tho Nourmahal There were fifty guests Including the Duchess of Marlborough Tho yacht was decorated with American Beauty roses time occasion A cottage luncheon given by Mrs Nathaniel Thayer and Mrs Alfred G Vanderbilt entertainetl In a elm liar manner at Oakland Form There were ninny cottagers at the Casino concert this evening and during thin prog- ress of the concert dinners were given or tIme prill room bv Mrs Robinson Mrn Craig Bitfdle Mrs Charles F Hoffman W S Wetmore Mrs ElWu Dyer Mrs S 1 Schenck Mrs ieorgt A and Mrs K HolTman Mrs K Rollins Morwi held her regular Sunday night musicale which was largely l the guests from tho ninny mummer parties coming In tho Miss gavo a for sIxteen tonight at her cottage Mr Mrs W W Herman entertained at dinner Mrs Pembroke Jones pave a luncheon Mr and Mrs Forest trail a jolly company of friends at dinner at the decoration were arranged with quaint effect on one large Ogden Mills entertained at luncheon nt Ocean on time cuffs decorations wire supplied for tire table the color being bright feathery Mr J J entertained at luncheon at Wakehurs- tITAUA rnriicn DEDICATED Our Lady of Nolarr Innrjr Inland 12 M Iarlshlonrn Dedication services were In tho Church of Our Lady of Solace t Seven- teenth street and Neptune avenue Coney Island yesterday morning At the open- ing of tho services Bishop McDonnell robed In tho purple ordination robes of Iris rank walked round tho Interior of the building blessing tho structure and sprinkling It water A mass was then said by the ROY George W Mundelein chancellor or the diocese of Brooklyn assisted by Rev Father Stenson Omaha ns deacon and tho Rev Father William McAdnm of Bath Bench as nubdeacon One hundred liltlu girls robed In white antI wearing white marched through the aisles of tho church aunt chanted the Two sermons were preached onn In English and the other tho cm luring inado up largely of tho Italian population of Coney Island Rev C A of tho Dominican order in the Eastern States preached In whllo time Rev John Brooklyn preached thu Italian sermon Bishop rondo a short address of con- gratulation to the congregation and the pastor Rov Joseph F Church Our of Solace was organized two thirtyfive Yesterday there were present over 120- 0ILLFfiEl IllOAMIST YAMSUES- Irenian Aiks for an Hour Off and Sends In HU IteMRiiatlon Foreman John C Van Hotiten of tho Towark Fire Department resigned In a on Saturday and hid from public Ho probably a tip that there was a warrant Iris arrest In tho Union county courts upon a charge of bigamy Mary Fooder of 153 Green street Now irk made a complaint that Van Houten marrIed her on 20 last at he had a wife living In Newark Van iouten meanwhile has been living with its first wife at 22S Walnut street Ho got an appointment to Chemical En linn I a ago arid re steadily at work Saturday afternoon lost he asked an Off This was granted dipt Smith and a few mlnuten later a Ixiy handed thn nn containing Van hoot resignation Miss Fooder had called Mrs Van Houlen at her home and told story Mrs Veto Houten had no sue lclon of her husband alleged wrong bings until she line not seen him since She has a 15 MOXFY FOHST JEROMESl- enlal From thin Pulpit That llrennan Left the lilt Mraltli Tho priests of St Jeromes Roman Cath Church at ISSth street and Alexander avenue yesterday and on thin Sunday l c- ore the pulpit the story circul- ated in their parish that J lm Brennani who dieil two weeks ago nl hits home 470 East 135th street bind left lltiono and two houses to their church Brennan was a member of St Jeromes Church and he hint a daughter who was a nun In Mount St Vincent Convent She died four years ago and ns she was his only child 1m never got over lice death after his death story started that he hail left all lila property anti money to the church Brennnn left his money to lila nephew Patrick Brennan of The Brunt tIme churclv nor the convent received a CHOKED OX A ISfKXT STEAK llntaurant Man Had Mltril a turf Trust loKr MUM Fowl Thomas Kennlngton 30 years old a tailor living at 321 Hast Fortysecond street went Into a little restaurant nt flio Second avenue early yestorthy moniing nail or ilered a IS ient steak While he Wits Pat it the proprietor f the place and of a about the Beef Trust Tim struck nn a piece of steak was hallway down throat when he him Thou proprietor arid thin waiters slapped him on and they knew to relieve him hut didnt sue and he became unconscious An am- liulamv niched him to Hellevue Hospital where tho surgeons performed an opera lion Ills trachea wore removed Ho will get well SllWtfliWS VlffHOir ESCAPE YayiieK Strength ar Out Mlirn He Ma Halt Mile Front Shore UpLMAn N J Aug 31 H Wayne if Newark was sAved from drowning a half mllo off shorn today Although nn expert swimmer Wayne iccamn exhausted whn ho was a long way out beyond I ho breakers nnd the llfo- Ines Ills struggles witnessed by hun Ireds ff more prudent bathers In veiled for I lIfo Guard Van Horn swam out to thou rescue flircn other men followed to help Von Horn reached that limo was unconscious without a mInute o anti with thn help nf the other three swimmers through surf to the leach irwly Married Man I M of lleirt llsrnrP- ATKnsoN 31 Thomas Hums of- B3 Oliver a newly married man Irnpped dead at IrIs work last night on tim thiamine of tho upper The walls of he flume wero concreted and hums mil of a of workmen He was standing on a thrown aerocs- he flume when suddenly throw hula lands Into the liime eight County Physician IvaMi ways dun to heart dIsease I nol arM for was Ir Ar anI an hell t hurl Jot I ar Ill S then chilI IMllny Ills l1u rot t on I r w the AlI and l beautIful lie us ego with while hr bier and NOT birch ohio rota atom imI lime r f just t t Fred Frank I rig hi feet below samInNl < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > TO ACCEPT HUNGARIAN GIFT ALLDAY CELEBRATION AT TO DAYS FLAG PRESEXTATIOX Many Hungarian Will Be There I f plt the Opposition of Sonic Win Feel I a lllil for IHloyalty to Their Adopter lind rn Zienl Ilrgreli the now Although many Hungarians In tills coun- try are opposed to tho acceptance of the lag brought over by Gen Joeoph Zsenl ns gift from the societies of Hungary to thin Hungarian fraternal societies of America- It I certain that tine presentation earn mommy In the Grand Control Palaco todaj will lo Attended by largo numlwni of dele- gated of Hungarian organizations from nl parts of tho country The celebration will last alt day It IH ititondod that tho flap shall bo held In rotation by each of thin societies in turn from year to year The fIrst to hold It will bo tho Bridge- port organization which has tho largest membership- It Is riot expected that the Hungarians who are op oM cl to time gift will make any demonstration at todays celebration They disapprove becaiuo tho flag bears an Inscription calling upon tho American Hungarians to bo unswerving In their loyalty to their mother country It Is thIs that lias raised thor ire of Anthony S tho president of thin National Slavonic says that he I rted in Ills position 70000 residents of It has been charged thoso who disagree with Mr Ambrose he represents tim Slovaks In lug Mr Ambrose said that the Hungar- ian Club hind declined to take in ho described aa holing hostllo to American In- stitutions Hu said further- It Is significant llkiwl that not only ernter thin lending citizen of Vow York Ions resigned as president of tIm Committee lout Confulfitwrul De who IH of the oldest Magyar stock has also withdrawn nf the ConsulGenerals withdrawal that It savors of a from Washington It is notorious that tIn Hungarian Government is actually iil though not ostensibly behind this entire to gain for the that aro earned by Hungarians In len will who seemed deeply grieved that lois mission had been snid to the reporters yesterday Mv visit no political slKiilflcnncx Tho notion which got abroad the Hungarian Government Is In iomi way connected this move- ment Is nn ulwunl onto Thero Is nothing more Ixdilnd mission tuna the out of n purely sentimental emanating from the societies of Hungary This sentiment Is thin with of the Hungary to in a tangible way the kind and sympathetic attitude American hold toward them In handing over this fUg tomorrow I shall state that I hove esx cUlly In stpiloted to say that It must dU national holidays Tho lag Is Intends primarily as an em- blem of thin gratitude of feel for tho magnificent reception the American gave to ho visited tho fnlted States Gen JSsenl explained that thin Inscription- on thou flag is lint line a written by the Hungarian patriot- Accompanied by n large crowd of dele Gen X drove to Grants Tomb yesterday afternoon and laid a wreath upon He also made a short address- to delegates SKVLL FIlACTVttED I FIGHT- It Mat on a Car at Mornlns No- Arrrtti James Cosgrove 21 years old WM from his homo at 319 Plymouth street Brooklyn to tho Brooklyn Hospital yester ilay morning suffering from a fracture of tIme si Ul Cosgrove and John Pendergast of Ml Plymouth street and James Cotkerford of 44 Hudson avenue attended time picnic of the Clinton Club of Manhattan at Feld mans Park MasK th on Saturday- On the way home in a trolley car at 3 nVlock moniing anti companions had a fight vrith the memo Club mid also with several memlwrs of tho Liberty Club of Manhattan during which Cogrovo was Mruck on tho heath and his companions- were cut on tho bend and face At Flushing and Graham avenues the conductor called a patrolman who the row companions loft car home Yesterday morning and culled to we anil found him unconscious They notified Kergt Becker of the Fulton street station who summoned thin ambulance and hall Cosgrove removed Thero were no arrests SPEXT Tin NIGhT AT COXEY Many Kaisrr llnllrtaMakrrs Went to tlir Islam Saturday lo Stay a While Threeday exeurhionlsts rushed to Coney on anil hundred of were on tim each nt sunrise yesterday During the day ninny visitors arrived Everything was wide iipen and the Coney Islander worn a happy mlle im ho whispered to his friends that it understood that every one was to have 11 two days belt nt the graft An to cleanse the Island was Inaugurated yesterday by William H move- ment on Sea Beach Walk A gathering of- nhmili workers and omission was railed for yesterday Many prominent workers are o the plans So Information was given out list concerning the methods to lie adopted lo prosecute tho work it being announced not all were perfected would any information lx given MEX iiKLn o sispiciox Stole a 1 lInt tout Are HMIrvrd to lie rook of Store Account NFW BRUNSWICK N J Aug 31 Two young men who describe themselves as rnolil Fortes a tailor and Louis Weiss shoemaker of New York are in Jail lien nider suspicion of liclng professional are technically held on ft- ihargo of stealing a lrtt a dollar a local store When thin shopkeeper after discovering lit theft on thin street with belt possession of one thin rB promptly down and ran were half n milo by cItIzens Iron they were captured to answer any nues ions excepting as to their unities oc grow suspicious and they are holding them an is HOSPITAL RESERVES CALLKlt- wo llundrrd Italians Vlilllnic Two r lleiili Jot In ArKiimrnt Over 200 Italians wont In delegations twos tens and twenties yesterday to Wt Ho Mlchelll nod Frank In n ward In Bellevuo dangerously rounded n the result of a row at 422 East hlrteentb street Friday night Thor visitors by tlwir uproarious dlseiiwden- nt the ease disturbed tho other patients Thy took stoics and formed Into two A stiletto or two was shown anti hlngs began to look lark when thin nurse who was almost terrified out of her senses elephoned to tle prison ward for tho hos reserves Thov run to time ward and drawing their billies threatened to use bom unless tho Italians cleared out at once Time whole crowd was ouuldn- if the bofpHal gates In order a I h coulltr h that la MTh ti dolor I lint r n lmar hN o joe t o a hp thin In Inl T Nol of ar hort I Am- brose than States t been out Early re- moved his and hoe was Prey crooks rein t thr ci ran t t are < ¬ > ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = ONeiUs Store Closed TodayF- ULL DETAILS OF TQMOR ROWS SPECIAL ATTRAC- TIONS WILL BE FOUND IN THE MORNING PAPERS Sixth Avenue 20th to Street 21 st ¬ PREACHER SCORES SARATOGA- ITS OPEX dAMHUXd IS A SHAM- ifOV Till STATE HE SAYS Aunt Nn Town County or State Irnnl Such a NeamUl Wllh Impunlt U- nmuUtlon of the Iaslilnnalile Vtr From thin Iulplt or IMatti liurch The n v Alfred K Myers1 In th pulpit or tho liar Dr David Jumo Hurrell ivnato- PlatlM pastor In the Marbio Church last evening denounced the Bainlni In high places which i charateri thin at Saratoga Ho deiuiimrt the socially well placed wire liars lent their countrnanct to the gambirit- jiuivilt tumid ho denounwl the pulpit ant the county amid Stale authorllc ho han ttood silent while the gaming nourished The gamlillnR spirit peeniH lo H on lh- increaM said he We havo the racetrack Rainliler tho gaiuhlinR hou e gambler thin Stock Kxcliango gainblur thin corrupt manipulator nf stock market often gam hung in tho lutwllies of life anti making life harder for the poor And then wi have thin amateur gambler playing for prizes at cards Ixillng trtlfs on trifles and many women cf good social follow this road from Innocenl- lieglnningH to UK bitter ending Mr that thin bler was dishonest and that tho ono was Dimply u thief It were he pursued If tho leoderr of finance anti of umuse them selves with in varIous forms would ask theniwlves whether thev like to for the effect of their example These prominent people are set on a and cannot news- paper blazon abroad all that they do of anti of bad Thousands of young men and women take their cue thoso wealthy and fashIonable people Can to lead the young a which will render success improbable and moral and social ruin not The preacher said that tier became thai calam- ity of thousand Ho continued The Empire Stair di honore all this summer The nation line wilnewed New YorkH most famous timed Into a notorious resort for various sorts of gam- bling after day the columns of the are tha reports of high gaming aro won fortunes are lout In an professional gamester is In hits element teem to be to silence Sworn officials poem Influenced to n connivance The county does nothing The does nothing open undisguised tho forward without let or liindrance If there Is active pro- tect on the of thin citizens the preitt or the pulpit tho sound thereof riot while the scandal resounds everywhere No town or State can such a scandal with Contempt of law In anarchy and con- tempt one wt of criminal law breeds for nil the restraints anti prohi- bitions of law Shame Blwme to the State which tolerates such a within ifllOT DHWX IX MlUlEHIIY ST Junrrrl IlrRim In Italy nrncnrd FIrst NUlit Here HIIMO May Angelo Iwiutlero of Ittl Hester street ou of of reveiiRo for an iiwault com him two years ago in Italy shot flenarnmo HUKSO of hSO Pellmrn nvenui- ehlnd the left ear yesterday afternoon i- Mullwrry street The wounds may provi- to lw fatal The men met In front of th tenement at IM Mulberry street and after an argument both walked away Then iutiero i to have drawn a revolver and niching up behind KUHSO plac yl inuxzle of the weapon within n few Inches of hU hound and fired Thin shot was heard by Policeman Urn eran of the Mullwrry station and Detectvn Sergeant Petrisino who started In pursuit Petrisino caught Inutlero after ft of several blocks and took him to Headquarters n si i taken- to St VincentsHoKi ltal- Ijiutleni lol l DetectIve PetrUIno that about two years alto he nnd RUKMQ who lived in the same in Italy had a quarrel over a bottle of wino and him twice in thin hand Ho showed tin scars Iwiutlero came lo this country shortly afterword and Rtwo followed later They did not moot until yesterday tlero said that he shot Honest iKcauso the Utter had tried to shout him first No re- volver wo found on HuwoR- IIWIO recovered consclousneiw later and told the detective that time original trouble started l twppn autlero and another man Ijau emit him in thn hand twice STOPPED THE FESTAL llrtfcthM Arrrftrd hanoi at WrddliiK CrlrhrMlnn David miss of 87 East 114th street was opening the grand march nt hin wlfen sisters wedding In Creat Central luau in Kfxex Ktrect Saturday night when detix tires arrested him on a charge of passing a worthless check for 510 on Samuel Kdel stein of 32 Went Houston who tiwd to his The untie collapsed the detectives come excited OrosM wits In Jefferson Market pollen court yesterday Ho still worn badges a and hat He pleaded not gullly and was released on Last of the Paulrtlnc Trrr to lie Tho removal of three trees at tho junction if White Plains and Demllt avenues Wako eld Wait begun last Thursday Thin trees tint lat of thirteen which were planted v A relative of the Pauldlnjc who cnptunsl the thirteen The oth r trees were nut down some years ago to rnaka way for the ojwnlng of Iliinitml of lever other Intelllcrnt mnlp nd female hnvn learned that THK and Tux KVKNINO Htx am nt thin top of the That why Sfs grows so an lIP Hall I cooked th lh ment- or has Da filed hou io OCK t 10 counl spectacle Ill border M at nit rot the chI 0 when a tero a nrr ali hal rll In hl h anti they to Ath crt dl Tie CollegIate position Its eenhhuil ens said lie mono linen State flit alleged street was six mutornt when WOOS hue lntrfertsh iii tight hind 11 1 lUll tress et rent toe bail are Andre vern nt streets ilk citizens heap < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ° ° LABOR Off villi working togs stores closed i oinorrov well out man anti boy with everything they wear KOGKKS FEKT COMPANY M nrnadwar rnr Warren City Plait MI Uroadway for Ilib ant IW to IH 4tti Ave KM Drniilway tom S5J arid M We t JSJ St W fill order by mall MRS MASONS EVIL FORTUNES EIOIED AT IH AT 37 ShE THIE TO KILL HERSELF A fnrecr of Vlrlttlludrf ntilrh Started When at a Pretty Girl Mime Fell Victim to the Holler Kkatlnt ind Noon Afterward Was Unrrlrd- MM Olllo Mason of 380 Hooper street WIMIamsburfc attempted to commit sul cido early yesterday morning by swallow- ing carbolic acid She In 33 years old She Is tho daughter of an East River pilot named the roller skating craze struck the town about eighteen years ago shoe frequented a roller skating rInk in renal street Willlamsburg Sho was then n very pretty girl of IE and one night after skating all the eve nlng clue and George Mason a young electrician olopod and wero married by the late liar J J White known as the marry log parson of Wllllamsburg In housi at Derry and South Third streets Dominie White received a fee of SO cents antI when tho eloping couplo were gone he missed a pair of new slippers The elopement created a sensation at the time on account of the wids circle of ac- quaint nc 8 of the girls father Ho trim to have the marriage annulled but was unsucccfwful thn young people had lived together a short die appeared and was never heard of A few years later Mrs became acquainted with a named 0 Kourko who carried on business at avenue and South Eighth Because he failed to marry her when cue wanted him to nho attempted to end her lifo In hU saloon ono by taking rat po on Frequently after that Mio came into con tact police She was arrested several tlmef nnd MW tried to have several broke for having M nhn al alleged disorderly houses and about six years ago at tcmptwl to end her life oho had lived with relative In Hooj r street She quarrelled with them nn Saturday anti her last words In the were that she would soon end lur eventful career Two hours after midnight hoer attracted attention it was discovered that she had wallowxl carbolic To AmbuUnco Surgeon who her to tho Eastern District Hospital she said that she wanted to die her Doctors worked over hoer for hours In time hospital More she was out of danger a arrested her and shun was nrralgnetl before Mnglstratf HignlnlKitlmrn in thin Im avenue iiollcs on of attempted to say was remanded until Wednesday SIDXEY COLOUR A FtOITIYE A Chleaitn Cashier Short In Account Ilrlnc Pursued In Canada CHICAGO Atig 31 Charged with ember zlement M was hU father Sidney Colomb- membor of a family that was one of thin proudest In New Orleans is hurrying across Canada with two Chicago detectives In pursuit Those who know this young man say that If he Is captured will repeat Itself and Im will kill himself- as loIs father did when arrest threatened- him For sly Colomb has lxy n cashier for the woolen firm of A Co and was more as a member of the firm than an employee Sovnral mine curies wero In lila account and on Tuesday accompanied by wife and It Is not known how much money Colomb secured but mnnibern of say thou amount Is small Colombs father Louis Colomb with another roblxxl Union Jatlonat Bank of Now Orleans of bctweon 400000 and 50dooo and when a mirshal curie to arrest him he took a dose of poison dying in a few minutes HOSPITAL DEDICATION HVJCV- Ttie IUrrrlirt at Newark Still Cnnllnue Throughout the A week of Interesting exercIses for time dedication of the new Both Israel Hospital- at Newark was begun at 2 oclock yesterday afternoon with n parade of over 26000 mem- bers of Hebrew societies with six bands Dr Armin Fisher president of the Hospital Association an address of welcome and the Kov Jouclit outdo a after which lImo Building through thn hands of Personetle delivered time keys trt Dr Arrrln Fisher Dr Kmanucl Sohwarz the chief of medical staff made a short address and tho societies passed through the hospital upon a tour The lie opened for public Inspection today and l e day t a hi Mon Mason IIY imer Into She In In ned curt the this raze street taken esimso raids Ill lois Week week > > ¬ ¬ Brotliers Commencing Tomorrow Tuesday Store will be dally until 6 P M Womens Cloak DepartmentsL- ater Styles Paris Bern Coats Wrnps Jackets Long Garments Also very deslrabe Domestic Garments at Attractive Prices English Rain Coats Si i E of Tweeds Cheviots and Covert Clstns at WooHem Dress Fabricsf- or Fall and Winter Scotch and English Cheviots Fancy Camels Hair Zlblllne Mlrolr and Flamme Novelties In Plaids and Chscj New Effects In Cloths or Tailormade Gowns Boys Fall School Clothing Tomorrow at Special Prices Sailor Suits of heavy navy bli hard strgss embroidered emblem on shield and collar e extra pair trousers 3 to 12 yrs 43 IronClad DoubleBreasted Suits e of cheviot mixtures extra pair trousers 7 to 16 yrs r 0 English Norfolk Suits of navy bue cheviots c serges Scotch Tweeds mixed cheviots 7 to 16 yrs O U Masses Girls School Apparel For Autumn Wear j All Exceptional Values Girls BOX CoatS of navy blue cheviots e covert or red golf cloth saUn lined 4 to 14 yrs V Girts Sailor Suits blue brown or red serges trimmed with soutachs braid lined skirts 3 to 12 yrs O J Girls Norfolk Blouse Suits of Q n cheviots and snowflake mixtures 12 to 16 Misses Plaited Walking Skirts- of navy blue or snowllako mixtures or striped cloths 14 to 18 yrs dJ Upholstery DepartmentN- ew Fall Lines of Italian French German Drapery Stuffs French and English Cretonnes the nswest and most select styles Also the Following Greatly Reduced Armure Tapestry Portieres 375 675 Were from 550 to 1150 Pr Reversible Figured Velours Sfl 75 all colors 50 la Door Curtains at Original price 350 yd Silk Cotton Tapestries 5 50 In wide for Furnlturs at 11 0 295 yd Furniture Reupholstered Special Sketches Estimates submitted for Draperies Lace Curtain Dept Special Irish Point Pr 275 350 450 Lace Renaissance Pr 395 550 825 Curtains Marie Antoinette Pr 575 650 800 v Point Arabe Pr Bed Sets Ruffled Renaissance 675 950 1250 Estimates and Designs Furnished for all kinds of Lace Panels Curtains and Bed Sets Continuation J Bedsteads Sale Brass Bedsteads 2475 3500 4950 Previous prices 36 00 4750 6500 White Enamel 500 675 950 Previous prices 675 875 8t 1150 Pure South American Hair Mattresses Spring Underbeds Feather Pillows and Bolsters West Twentythird Street A U u open u u yU u u I b Melons 0 s an Covering nd o I 12001 1650 Stirn w w 4 or Values 5950 < I LAST DAYS OF PARSIPPANY PROGRESS REQUIRES DESTRVC- TIOX OF JERSEY VILLAGE IIUtorlrilRltf toI1M l for fits Reservoir Horkaway to Be Dammed rosin Flint and Footprints of the lohtti o aurus Found by Old LakeShore This face of the country near the town of Boonton N J is undergoing a great change Th niral landscape the schoolhotm time farmhoiiso nnd two villages aw dl i- pearlng under the vandal hands of hun- dreds of worklngmen employed by the Jer- sey City Water Supply Company which Is building a vast reservoir on time site of tho village nf old Boonton and Parslpjvuiy The whole countiy Is littered with ma- chinery nnd building matcrliil anti dotted with gangs of worklngmen The area of time reservoir will l 1400 acres extending from the Boonton to tim of TarHl piny a distance of three It will Im a mile wide Through this centro of this area at present flows the llocknwajr River Time plan U to dam up this river and form the rwrvoir Thin dam will be Ito ftet high front the lowest The masonry nt thin l a e of time dam IH 74 wide and when completed it will wide at the top In the retiree of the excavation for tho flam a great number of fossil fishes were found thirty fi t below thou surface Then are al o footprints In thor rocks where thou Ichthyosaunw walked on the shores nf semi i lake older than Lake Passaic or the Bergeti hills In the n hOlt maRl I rOt fact River point his i I > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > new reservoir will occupy lie ft a that according to fltatnrap nf Natural HW 7 existed some 15010000 years r loss down to rant recent tlir building of the reservoir will MMM some hwtorlt landmarks The iw rf old Boonlon that thin first Iron trulls In W United States WPM built and canon for tho Ibvolutioiiary army Wl r there Tho ore uwvl In the mills was hW from thou mountains In saddle n to smelted and forged null balls stone late was used ns a iiiII nvir tho where these Iron mills st the other nldo of time stands a ll Revolutionary house which iuil yearn ago which has shelters anti other oniccrs of the This great change Is being imi lr tarn of the country to T r i water at a cost of jwomi I work wa started Contrnitor Vnri H but ln found that It was t wr for his financial rwoiirces nail e Ind abandon It It has U eri tnken ip V Jersey tiny Water Supply i1 n large part Walked Out or n MrrnnilKtnr ntn ltl lrcp Y AIIR 11 Jirv this morning while asleep MIC frk out of a mvondsinrv- tho Five Point Hoim at ni v cinslderiil y n 200 pounds grouri awnkcned every n liouwi by cries Hu was KiMs and shaken up but no IWIIHH vi r I- TKrn In Society allot oilier MaHf Interest tu Women morn fully intPlllecntly hindlel r Bus Kv sisu bts Oman br o dally mcJIutn lit f I mIl or ParsirPon and olul I W to I wU al hAt t A- non mil IRT14 I 11 I t COil I Mil the ago 11I back flumes snot w i wits tar S Fl van Whim c Eckles st nick t lie loIs are anti rue em > ° > > > > > ° °
Page 1: 4 I ONeiUs Stirn - Library of Congress...A mass was then said by the ROY George W Mundelein chancellor or the diocese of Brooklyn assisted by Rev Father Stenson Omaha ns deacon and




I r r 4


I H-



Dmrryi narhrrue Mill FtmiMi Fowl on

Joy for the Mntli Ulillc I Dlv rr Mil

Take III Iollnnrn to CnllrRn IolnFun for nard lilinil Iatlrnl

Most spectacular of tho celebrationwhich will mark Lalxir Dny In orManhattan will ho the great lieefstealDinner and Iarb Mje which Big 11111 Dev

OO to givetender Invitation

readto tho working mrn or thn NinthAwembly district on tho North River frontThe slaughter will place along Thlrtecnth avenue between Twentyeighth

streets beginning atoclock noon

Another outing mingling politics withlabor will bo Urn annual excursiongames of tho P Dir Association n

College Point It Is In tho air that JudgiDiner presently will come forth as a deelated candidate for the of hidistrict So far as the throngs who wenlooking forward to charing In outlnjtoday knew Mr Divver has not yet madeup his mind definitely to contest againfor tho leadership but It wan said In somiquarters that perhaps an announcementmight be looked for nt tho picnic

Tho great formal event of the day will bttho parado of tho building trades of Now

York It is expected that this will bo alarger parade than Iabor Day customarilyeoe The estimates ofleaders are that between 400 o and 4SWK

mon will be in lineTho parado will start at 10 oclock from

street and Mfth avenueand will gi down tho avenue tc

d street nnd thenco by wayBroadway to the Hallmarchers will join families and friendsand to Park Coney Islandfor a picnic

will carry banners withInscriptions calling the coal operators-to rate tho troublesSquare tbo parade will Im reviewed

Mayor Borough PresidentCantor officials It eald thatsome of the devices on the banners or floatswill bo Tho managers of the

have engaged bands-to enliven tho procession

Tho taxers city are to havetheir filth celebration of birthday ofHenry thin evening at C30at 41 Vst Nineteenth ureet

At tho Tnltor lay obervonco nt thoEducational Alliance East Broadway andJefferson street Marcus M

side and there will l speeches by HenryWhite and the Hov II Theexercises will begin at 8 P M Mr Marks-is president of tho National Associationof and A meml of the Concilia-tion Conunltteo of the National Clvio Fed-

erationTho Frank P Early Association of the

Assembly district Identifiedwith th Greater New York Democracy-will picnic at Oakwood Park Staten Island

Mens Republican Club of tho

outing and games at live Ryeon the Sound Republican organiza-tion districtgoes with Its excursion to Martian Beachwhere it wilt have some athletic games

Tho management of the Manhattan StateKast West on Wards Island

has arranged an elaborate ofsports In tho patients and employees


oludos a summing contest baseball lawnbowls the running high jump tug of war-n potato race sack race threelegged-race a iaMb a hurdle race a

a Wyard dash forwomenpatients basketball an egg race a nail

contest a contest-a shoo hunt and

Excursions by rail and water topatronage are many Special trains

will l run on nvst andfpcclal boats on the regular water lines to

places Some leaving-in the will go out this morningPO as to give patrons a longer time at theirdestinations will lx opportuni-ties to go on tho water In steamersevening too

rxcunsiox noATS CROWDED

line neathrr and Holidayhelp to MnUe

Thn excursion steamers with few ex-

ceptions were crowded to the limit yester-

day on account of tho fine weather andtho holiday today At some of tho piersIt was put down as the heaviest day of thesummer

In accordance with Collector Strannliens recent order nn Increase was made

force of aligned to watchthe boats for cose of overcrowding ThoCollector has ordered the inspectors to

nil such cases to him at oncefirst warning the captain of the boat

Staten Inland Firemen to ParadeThe Tottonvllle Staten Island Volunteer

Firemen will have their first parado todayMany visiting fire companies will tako

and it is said time Incharge that there will IH about 750 men In


Flrr liaised a Happy Family llrnrath-Pmn ltanla llallrnail Tracks

YEW HncNHWirK N J Aug 31 Forthirtyfour years Matthew Her tho stationagent at tho Upper Jamesbiirg stationof the Pennsylvania Railroad has livedIn a cellar under time railroad station Nowhe must move by order of the companypo that the platform of time station formingth runt nf his hoiioohold can IHI loweredtwo in order that the big fiftytonsteel coal ears will not rip up the platformus sometimes happens

Th Eler I all above ground yetIt lies in a In the algte made by themeeting of two tracks and the necessaryelevation of the tracks to bridge thornover a public road This gives a height-of from time ground to time

the platform and the rcnms Wovehigh living

It was into this home that Eler broughtlila bride a third of a century ago and Itwas that he a familycf and girls In tills

lived it happy life earl lies slept thecf the t engines

awl trains tnndo miniatureearthquakes above hU head

recurred on both skies oflus dwellIng Two or three times the

nnd station hive caught fire fromRut the houwi still stood

the children crow married nnd left andthe mother died there

tv ov Iunhook or Texas Seriously III-

AUHTIV Tex Aug 31 Former GovernorFrank R LuMmck Is seriously III at hishme in this city Ho Is In Iris eightyrevrnth year and was In fine health up totwo weeks when his wife rIled Timshock of her tOOth prostrated him anticondition huts grown worseHe was the war Governor of Texas andserved several terms as State Treasurer

fJIfl to irrnmn Man

Tho German Press limb of New Yorkpave a nolld buyer M rvlcn to Georg v n-

Hkal managing editor of the Ycrkrr-Ktaat Zfituny In recognition ofhis tour yearn service as of tlio

The was luciteat a regular monthly meeting of tho club-by President

hundreds or 1irr Aihrrtlumlike other Intelligent nail dlnnmlne eltlens

trials and femaln rmvn loarnrd that 1 UK filmand THE KVKNINO HUN are nt tin of lhheap why Fits buss advertisinggrowl no IJv




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Twenty nlnth






ouugholds its

aretha band








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lunrh oru on Hoard the VarunaNourmahal raalno Concert

NeWPORT R I Aug 81 Mr EugeneHlgglns entertaIned at luncheon this alter

on board the strain yachtand Mrs John Jacob

a largo luncheon on board tho NourmahalThere were fifty guests Including theDuchess of Marlborough Tho yacht wasdecorated with American Beauty rosestime occasion A cottage luncheongiven by Mrs Nathaniel Thayer and MrsAlfred G Vanderbilt entertainetl In a elmliar manner at Oakland Form

There were ninny cottagers at the Casinoconcert this evening and during thin prog-

ress of the concert dinners were given ortIme prill room bv MrsRobinson Mrn Craig Bitfdle Mrs CharlesF Hoffman W S Wetmore Mrs ElWuDyer Mrs S 1 Schenck Mrs ieorgtA and Mrs K HolTman

Mrs K Rollins Morwi held her regularSunday night musicale which was largely

l the guests from tho ninny mummer

parties coming In tho Missgavo a for sIxteen tonight at

her cottageMr Mrs W W Herman entertained

at dinner Mrs Pembroke Jones pave aluncheon Mr and MrsForest trail a jolly company of friends atdinner at the decorationwere arranged with quaint effect on onelarge

Ogden Mills entertained at luncheonnt Oceanon time cuffs decorations wiresupplied for tire table the color being bright

featheryMr J J entertained at luncheon

at Wakehurs-


Our Lady of Nolarr Innrjr Inland12 M Iarlshlonrn

Dedication services were In thoChurch of Our Lady of Solace t Seven-

teenth street and Neptune avenue ConeyIsland yesterday morning At the open-

ing of tho services Bishop McDonnellrobed In tho purple ordination robes ofIris rank walked round tho Interior ofthe building blessing tho structure andsprinkling It water

A mass was then said by the ROY GeorgeW Mundelein chancellor or the dioceseof Brooklyn assisted by Rev FatherStenson Omaha ns deacon and thoRev Father William McAdnm of BathBench as nubdeacon One hundred liltlugirls robed In white antI wearing white

marched through the aisles of thochurch aunt chanted the

Two sermons were preached onn InEnglish and the other tho cm

luring inado up largely of thoItalian population of Coney Island RevC A of tho Dominican orderin the Eastern States preached Inwhllo time Rev John Brooklynpreached thu Italian sermon Bishop

rondo a short address of con-

gratulation to the congregation and thepastor Rov Joseph F

Church Our of Solace wasorganized two thirtyfive

Yesterday there were presentover 120-


Irenian Aiks for an Hour Off and SendsIn HU IteMRiiatlon

Foreman John C Van Hotiten of thoTowark Fire Department resigned In a

on Saturday and hid from publicHo probably a tip that there

was a warrant Iris arrest In thoUnion county courts upon a charge ofbigamy

Mary Fooder of 153 Green street Now

irk made a complaint that Van HoutenmarrIed her on 20 last at

he had a wife living In Newark Vaniouten meanwhile has been living withits first wife at 22S Walnut street

Ho got an appointment to Chemical Enlinn I a ago arid re

steadily at work Saturdayafternoon lost he asked anOff This was granted dipt Smithand a few mlnuten later a Ixiy handed thn

nn containing Van hootresignation

Miss Fooder had calledMrs Van Houlen at her home and told

story Mrs Veto Houten had no suelclon of her husband alleged wrong

bings until she line not seen himsince She has a


enlal From thin Pulpit That llrennanLeft the lilt Mraltli

Tho priests of St Jeromes Roman CathChurch at ISSth street and Alexander

avenue yesterday and on thin Sunday l c-

ore the pulpit the story circul-

ated in their parish that J lm Brennaniwho dieil two weeks ago nl hits home 470

East 135th street bind left lltiono and twohouses to their church

Brennan was a member of St JeromesChurch and he hint a daughter who wasa nun In Mount St Vincent Convent Shedied four years ago and ns she was his onlychild 1m never got over lice deathafter his death story started that hehail left all lila property anti money to thechurch

Brennnn left his money to lila nephewPatrick Brennan of The BrunttIme churclv nor the convent received a


llntaurant Man Had Mltril a turf TrustloKr MUM Fowl

Thomas Kennlngton 30 years old atailor living at 321 Hast Fortysecond streetwent Into a little restaurant nt flio Secondavenue early yestorthy moniing nail orilered a IS ient steak While he Wits Pat

it the proprietor f the placeand of a about the

Beef Trust Tim strucknn a piece of steak was hallway down

throat when hehim

Thou proprietor arid thin waiters slappedhim on andthey knew to relieve him hut didnt sue

and he became unconscious An am-liulamv niched him to Hellevue Hospitalwhere tho surgeons performed an operalion Ills trachea woreremoved Ho will get well

SllWtfliWS VlffHOir ESCAPE

YayiieK Strength ar Out Mlirn He MaHalt Mile Front Shore

UpLMAn N J Aug 31 H Wayneif Newark was sAved from drowning a

half mllo off shorn todayAlthough nn expert swimmer Wayne

iccamn exhausted whn ho was a longway out beyond I ho breakers nnd the llfo-

InesIlls struggles witnessed by hun

Ireds ff more prudent bathers Inveiled for I lIfo Guard

Van Horn swam out to thou rescueflircn other men followed to help

Von Horn reached thatlimo was unconscious without a mInuteo anti with thn help nf the other

three swimmers throughsurf to the leach

irwly Married Man I M of lleirt llsrnrP-ATKnsoN 31 Thomas Hums of-

B3 Oliver a newly married manIrnpped dead at IrIs work last night on tim

thiamine of tho upper The walls ofhe flume wero concreted and hums

mil of a of workmenHe was standing on a thrown aerocs-

he flume when suddenly throw hula

lands Into theliime eight County Physician

IvaMi ways dun to heart dIsease


nol arM










Ill S




l1u rott on











ego with









atom imI







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feet belowsamInNl






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Many Hungarian Will Be There I f pltthe Opposition of Sonic Win Feel I

a lllil for IHloyalty to Their Adopterlind rn Zienl Ilrgreli the now

Although many Hungarians In tills coun-try are opposed to tho acceptance of thelag brought over by Gen Joeoph Zsenl nsgift from the societies of Hungary to thinHungarian fraternal societies of America-It I certain that tine presentation earnmommy In the Grand Control Palaco todajwill lo Attended by largo numlwni of dele-

gated of Hungarian organizations from nlparts of tho country The celebration willlast alt day It IH ititondod that tho flapshall bo held In rotation by each of thinsocieties in turn from year to year ThefIrst to hold It will bo tho Bridge-

port organization which has tho largestmembership-

It Is riot expected that the Hungarianswho are op oM cl to time gift will makeany demonstration at todays celebrationThey disapprove becaiuo tho flag bears anInscription calling upon tho AmericanHungarians to bo unswerving In theirloyalty to their mother country It Is thIsthat lias raised thor ire of Anthony S

tho president of thin National Slavonicsays that he I rted in

Ills position 70000 residentsof It has been chargedthoso who disagree with Mr Ambrosehe represents tim Slovaks Inlug Mr Ambrose said that the Hungar-ian Club hind declined to take

in ho described aaholing hostllo to American In-

stitutions Hu said further-It Is significant llkiwl that not only

ernter thin lending citizenof Vow York Ions resigned as presidentof tIm Committee loutConfulfitwrul De who IH of theoldest Magyar stock has also withdrawn

nf the ConsulGeneralswithdrawal that It savors of a fromWashington It is notorious that tInHungarian Government is actually iilthough not ostensibly behind this entire

to gain forthe that aro earned by HungariansIn

len will who seemed deeply grievedthat lois mission had beensnid to the reporters yesterday

Mv visit no politicalslKiilflcnncx Tho notion which gotabroad the Hungarian GovernmentIs In iomi way connected this move-ment Is nn ulwunl onto Thero Is nothingmore Ixdilnd mission tuna theout of n purely sentimentalemanating from the societies of HungaryThis sentiment Is thin with of theHungary to in a tangible waythe kind and sympathetic attitudeAmerican hold towardthem

In handing over this fUg tomorrow Ishall state that I hove esx cUlly Instpiloted to say that It must dU

national holidaysTho lag Is Intends primarily as an em-blem of thin gratitude offeel for tho magnificent reception theAmerican gave to hovisited tho fnlted States

Gen JSsenl explained that thin Inscription-on thou flag is lint line awritten by the Hungarianpatriot-

Accompanied by n large crowd of deleGen X drove to Grants Tomb

yesterday afternoon and laid a wreathupon He also made a short address-to delegates


It Mat on a Car at Mornlns No-

ArrrttiJames Cosgrove 21 years old WM

from his homo at 319 Plymouth streetBrooklyn to tho Brooklyn Hospital yesterilay morning suffering from a fracture oftIme si Ul Cosgrove and John Pendergast ofMl Plymouth street and James Cotkerfordof 44 Hudson avenue attended time picnicof the Clinton Club of Manhattan at Feldmans Park MasK th on Saturday-

On the way home in a trolley car at 3nVlock moniing anti

companions had a fight vrith the memoClub mid also with

several memlwrs of tho Liberty Club ofManhattan during which Cogrovo wasMruck on tho heath and his companions-were cut on tho bend and face

At Flushing and Graham avenues theconductor called a patrolman whothe row companionsloft car home

Yesterday morning andculled to we anil

found him unconscious They notifiedKergt Becker of the Fulton street stationwho summoned thin ambulance and hallCosgrove removed Thero were no arrests


Many Kaisrr llnllrtaMakrrs Went to tlirIslam Saturday lo Stay a While

Threeday exeurhionlsts rushed to Coneyon anil hundred of

were on tim each nt sunrise yesterdayDuring the day ninnyvisitors arrived Everything was wideiipen and the Coney Islander worn a happymlle im ho whispered to his friends that it

understood that every one was to have11 two days belt nt the graft

An to cleanse the Island wasInaugurated yesterday by William H

move-ment on Sea Beach Walk A gathering of-

nhmili workers and omission wasrailed for yesterday Many prominentworkers are o theplans So Information was given out list

concerning the methods to lie adoptedlo prosecute tho work it being announced

not all were perfectedwould any information lx given

MEX iiKLn o sispicioxStole a 1 lInt tout Are HMIrvrdto lie rook of Store Account

NFW BRUNSWICK N J Aug 31 Twoyoung men who describe themselves asrnolil Fortes a tailor and Louis Weiss

shoemaker of New York are in Jail liennider suspicion of liclng professional

are technically held on ft-

ihargo of stealing a lrtt a dollara local store

When thin shopkeeper after discoveringlit theft on thin street with

belt possession of one thinrB promptly down and ran

were half n milo by cItIzensIron they were captured

to answer any nuesions excepting as to their unities oc

grow suspicious andthey are holding them an



wo llundrrd Italians Vlilllnic Two rlleiili Jot In ArKiimrnt

Over 200 Italians wont In delegationstwos tens and twenties yesterday to

Wt Ho Mlchelll nod FrankIn n ward In Bellevuo dangerously

rounded n the result of a row at 422 Easthlrteentb street Friday night

Thor visitors by tlwir uproarious dlseiiwden-nt the ease disturbed tho other patientsThy took stoics and formed Into two

A stiletto or two was shown antihlngs began to look lark when thin nursewho was almost terrified out of her senseselephoned to tle prison ward for tho hos

reserves Thov run to time wardand drawing their billies threatened to usebom unless tho Italians cleared out atonce Time whole crowd was ouuldn-if the bofpHal gates In order



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ONeiUsStore Closed TodayF-


Sixth Avenue 20th to Street21 st





Aunt Nn Town County or State IrnnlSuch a NeamUl Wllh Impunlt U-

nmuUtlon of the Iaslilnnalile VtrFrom thin Iulplt or IMatti liurch

The n v Alfred K Myers1 In th pulpitor tho liar Dr David Jumo Hurrell ivnato-PlatlM pastor In the MarbioChurch last evening denounced the BainlniIn high places which i charaterithin at Saratoga Ho deiuiimrtthe socially well placed wire liarslent their countrnanct to the gambirit-jiuivilt tumid ho denounwl the pulpit antthe county amid Stale authorllc ho hanttood silent while the gaming nourished

The gamlillnR spirit peeniH lo H on lh-

increaM said he We havo the racetrackRainliler tho gaiuhlinR hou e gamblerthin Stock Kxcliango gainblur thin corruptmanipulator nf stock market often gamhung in tho lutwllies of life anti makinglife harder for the poor And then wihave thin amateur gambler playing forprizes at cards Ixillng trtlfs on triflesand many women cf good socialfollow this road from Innocenl-lieglnningH to UK bitter ending

Mr that thinbler was dishonest and that thoono was Dimply u thief

It were he pursued If tho leoderrof finance anti of umuse themselves with in varIous formswould ask theniwlves whether thev liketo for the effect of theirexample These prominent people are seton a and cannot news-paper blazon abroad all that they do of

anti of badThousands of young men and

women take their cue thoso wealthyand fashIonable people Canto lead the young a which willrender success improbable andmoral and social ruin not

The preacher said that tierbecame thai calam-

ity of thousand Ho continuedThe Empire Stair di honore

all this summer The nation line wilnewedNew YorkH most famous timed Into anotorious resort for various sorts of gam-bling after day the columns of the

are tha reports of highgaming

aro won fortunes are lout Inan professional gamester isIn hits element teem to be

to silence Sworn officialspoem Influenced to n connivanceThe county does nothing The doesnothing open undisguised

tho forward withoutlet or liindrance If there Is active pro-tect on the of thin citizens thepreitt or the pulpit tho sound thereofriot while the scandalresounds everywhere

No town or State cansuch a scandal with Contempt oflaw In anarchy and con-tempt one wt of criminal law breeds

for nil the restraints anti prohi-bitions of law

Shame Blwme to the Statewhich tolerates such a within


Junrrrl IlrRim In Italy nrncnrd FIrstNUlit Here HIIMO May

Angelo Iwiutlero of Ittl Hester street ouof of reveiiRo for an iiwault com

him two years ago in Italy shotflenarnmo HUKSO of hSO Pellmrn nvenui-

ehlnd the left ear yesterday afternoon i-

Mullwrry street The wounds may provi-to lw fatal The men met In front of thtenement at IM Mulberry street and afteran argument both walked away Theniutiero i to have drawn a revolverand niching up behind KUHSO plac yl

inuxzle of the weapon within n few Inchesof hU hound and fired

Thin shot was heard by Policeman Urneran of the Mullwrry station andDetectvn Sergeant Petrisino who startedIn pursuit Petrisino caught Inutlero afterft of several blocks and took him to

Headquarters n si i taken-to St VincentsHoKi ltal-

Ijiutleni lol l DetectIve PetrUIno thatabout two years alto he nnd RUKMQ wholived in the same in Italy had a quarrelover a bottle of wino and himtwice in thin hand Ho showed tin scarsIwiutlero came lo this country shortlyafterword and Rtwo followedlater They did not moot until yesterday

tlero said that he shot Honest iKcauso theUtter had tried to shout him first No re-volver wo found on HuwoR-

IIWIO recovered consclousneiw later andtold the detective that time original troublestarted l twppnautlero and another man Ijau

emit him in thn hand twice


llrtfcthM Arrrftrd hanoi atWrddliiK CrlrhrMlnn

David miss of 87 East 114th street wasopening the grand march nt hin wlfensisters wedding In Creat Central luau inKfxex Ktrect Saturday night when detixtires arrested him on a charge of passinga worthless check for 510 on Samuel Kdelstein of 32 Went Houston who tiwdto his The untie collapsed

the detectives comeexcited

OrosM wits In Jefferson Marketpollen court yesterday Ho still worn

badges a and hatHe pleaded not gullly and was released on

Last of the Paulrtlnc Trrr to lieTho removal of three trees at tho junction

if White Plains and Demllt avenues Wakoeld Wait begun last Thursday Thin trees

tint lat of thirteen which were plantedv A relative of the Pauldlnjc who cnptunsl

the thirteen The oth r treeswere nut down some years ago to rnakaway for the ojwnlng of

Iliinitml of leverother Intelllcrnt

mnlp nd female hnvn learned that THKand Tux KVKNINO Htx am nt thin top of the

That why Sfsgrows so












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Off villi working togs storesclosed

i oinorrov well out mananti boy with everything theywear


M nrnadwar rnr WarrenCity Plait

MI Uroadway for Ilibant IW to IH 4tti Ave

KM Drniilway tom S5Jarid M We t JSJ St

W fill orderby mall



A fnrecr of Vlrlttlludrf ntilrh StartedWhen at a Pretty Girl Mime FellVictim to the Holler Kkatlntind Noon Afterward Was Unrrlrd-

MM Olllo Mason of 380 Hooper streetWIMIamsburfc attempted to commit sulcido early yesterday morning by swallow-ing carbolic acid She In 33 years oldShe Is tho daughter of an East River pilotnamed the roller skatingcraze struck the town about eighteen yearsago shoe frequented a roller skating rInkin renal street Willlamsburg

Sho was then n very pretty girl of IEand one night after skating all the evenlng clue and George Mason a youngelectrician olopod and wero married by thelate liar J J White known as the marrylog parson of Wllllamsburg In housiat Derry and South Third streets

Dominie White received a fee of SO centsantI when tho eloping couplo were gonehe missed a pair of new slippers

The elopement created a sensation at thetime on account of the wids circle of ac-quaint nc 8 of the girls father Ho trimto have the marriage annulled but wasunsucccfwful thn young people hadlived together a short dieappeared and was never heard of

A few years later Mrs becameacquainted with a named0 Kourko who carried on business at

avenue and South EighthBecause he failed to marry her when cuewanted him to nho attempted to end herlifo In hU saloon ono by taking ratpo on

Frequently after that Mio came into contact police She was arrestedseveral tlmef nnd MW tried to have several

broke for having M nhn al

alleged disorderlyhouses and about six years ago attcmptwl to end her life

oho had lived with relative InHooj r street She quarrelled with them

nn Saturday anti her last wordsIn the were that she would soonend lur eventful career

Two hours after midnight hoerattracted attention it was discoveredthat she had wallowxl carbolic ToAmbuUnco Surgeon who herto tho Eastern District Hospital she saidthat she wanted to die her

Doctors worked over hoer forhours In time hospital More she was out ofdanger a arrested herand shun was nrralgnetl before MnglstratfHignlnlKitlmrn in thin Im avenue iiollcs

on of attemptedto say was remanded

until Wednesday

SIDXEY COLOUR A FtOITIYEA Chleaitn Cashier Short In Account

Ilrlnc Pursued In CanadaCHICAGO Atig 31 Charged with ember

zlement M was hU father Sidney Colomb-membor of a family that was one ofthin proudest In New Orleans is hurryingacross Canada with two Chicago detectivesIn pursuit Those who know this youngman say that If he Is captured willrepeat Itself and Im will kill himself-as loIs father did when arrest threatened-him

For sly Colomb has lxy n cashier forthe woolen firm of A Coand was more as a member of thefirm than an employee Sovnral minecuries wero In lila accountand on Tuesday accompanied by wifeand

It Is not known how much money Colombsecured but mnnibern of say thouamount Is small

Colombs father Louis Colombwith another roblxxl UnionJatlonat Bank of Now Orleans of bctweon400000 and 50dooo and when a mirshalcurie to arrest him he took a dose of poisondying in a few minutes


Ttie IUrrrlirt at Newark Still CnnllnueThroughout the

A week of Interesting exercIses for time

dedication of the new Both Israel Hospital-at Newark was begun at 2 oclock yesterdayafternoon with n parade of over 26000 mem-bers of Hebrew societies with six bands

Dr Armin Fisher president of theHospital Association an addressof welcome and the Kov Jouclitoutdo a after which lImo Building

through thn hands ofPersonetle delivered time keys trt Dr ArrrlnFisher

Dr Kmanucl Sohwarz the chief ofmedical staff made a short address and thosocieties passed through the hospital upona tour Thelie opened for public Inspection today and

l e day







imer IntoShe In In







taken esimsoraids









BrotliersCommencing Tomorrow Tuesday

Store will be dally until 6 P M

Womens Cloak DepartmentsL-ater Styles Paris Bern

Coats Wrnps Jackets Long GarmentsAlso very deslrabe

Domestic Garments at Attractive PricesEnglish Rain Coats Si i E

of Tweeds Cheviots and Covert Clstns at

WooHem Dress Fabricsf-or Fall and Winter

Scotch and English Cheviots Fancy Camels Hair

Zlblllne Mlrolr and Flamme Novelties In Plaids and ChscjNew Effects In Cloths or Tailormade Gowns

Boys Fall School ClothingTomorrow at Special Prices

Sailor Suits of heavy navy bli hard strgssembroidered emblem on shield and collar eextra pair trousers 3 to 12 yrs 43IronClad DoubleBreasted Suits eof cheviot mixtures extra pair trousers 7 to 16 yrs r 0English Norfolk Suits of navy bue cheviots c

serges Scotch Tweeds mixed cheviots 7 to 16 yrs O U

Masses Girls School ApparelFor Autumn Wear j All Exceptional Values

Girls BOX CoatS of navy blue cheviots ecovert or red golf cloth saUn lined 4 to 14 yrs V

Girts Sailor Suits blue brown or red sergestrimmed with soutachs braid lined skirts 3 to 12 yrs O JGirls Norfolk Blouse Suits of Q ncheviots and snowflake mixtures 12 to 16

Misses Plaited Walking Skirts-of navy blue or snowllakomixtures or striped cloths 14 to 18 yrs dJ

Upholstery DepartmentN-ew Fall Lines of

Italian French German Drapery Stuffs

French and English Cretonnes the nswest and most select styles

Also the Following Greatly Reduced

Armure Tapestry Portieres 375 675Were from 550 to 1150 Pr

Reversible Figured Velours Sfl 75all colors 50 la Door Curtains at

Original price 350 yd

Silk Cotton Tapestries 550 In wide for Furnlturs at 11 0

295 yd

Furniture Reupholstered Special SketchesEstimates submitted for Draperies

Lace Curtain Dept Special

Irish Point Pr 275 350 450Lace Renaissance Pr 395 550 825

Curtains Marie Antoinette Pr 575 650 800v Point Arabe Pr

Bed Sets Ruffled Renaissance 675 950 1250Estimates and Designs Furnished for all kinds of

Lace Panels Curtains and Bed Sets

Continuation J Bedsteads Sale

Brass Bedsteads 2475 3500 4950Previous prices 36 00 4750 6500

White Enamel 500 675 950Previous prices 675 875 8t 1150

Pure South American Hair Mattresses

Spring Underbeds Feather Pillows and Bolsters

West Twentythird Street

A U u

openu u yU u u



Melons 0






12001 1650

Stirnw w








IIUtorlrilRltf toI1M l for fits ReservoirHorkaway to Be Dammedrosin Flint and Footprints of the

lohtti o aurus Found by Old LakeShore

This face of the country near the town ofBoonton N J is undergoing a great changeTh niral landscape the schoolhotm time

farmhoiiso nnd two villages aw dl i-

pearlng under the vandal hands of hun-

dreds of worklngmen employed by the Jer-

sey City Water Supply Company which Isbuilding a vast reservoir on time site of thovillage nf old Boonton and ParslpjvuiyThe whole countiy Is littered with ma-

chinery nnd building matcrliil anti dottedwith gangs of worklngmen

The area of time reservoir will l

1400 acres extending from theBoonton to tim of TarHl piny adistance of three It will Im a milewide Through this centro of this areaat present flows the llocknwajr RiverTime plan U to dam up this river and formthe rwrvoir Thin dam will be Ito ftethigh front the lowest The masonrynt thin l a e of time dam IH 74 wide andwhen completed it will wide atthe top

In the retiree of the excavation for thoflam a great number of fossil fishes werefound thirty fi t below thou surface Thenare al o footprints In thor rocks where thouIchthyosaunw walked on the shores nfsemi i lake older than LakePassaic or the Bergeti hills In the

n hOlt

















new reservoir will occupy lie ft athat according to fltatnrap

nf Natural HW 7existed some 15010000 years r

lossdown to rant recent tlir

building of the reservoir will MMM

some hwtorlt landmarks The iw rf

old Boonlon that thin first Iron trulls In W

United States WPM built and canonfor tho Ibvolutioiiary army Wl r

thereTho ore uwvl In the mills was hW

from thou mountains In saddle n tosmelted and forged null

balls stonelate was used ns a iiiII nvirtho where these Iron mills stthe other nldo of time stands a ll

Revolutionary house which iuilyearn ago which has shelters

anti other oniccrs of theThis great change Is being imi lr

tarn of the country to T r iwater at a cost of jwomi I

work wa started Contrnitor VnriH but ln found that It was t wrfor his financial rwoiirces nail e Indabandon It It has U eri tnken ip VJersey tiny Water Supply i1

n large part

Walked Out or n MrrnnilKtnr ntn ltllrcp

Y AIIR 11 Jirvthis morning while asleep MIC frk

out of a mvondsinrv-tho Five Point Hoim at ni v

cinslderiil y n

200 pounds grouriawnkcned every n

liouwi by cries Hu was KiMsand shaken up but no IWIIHH vi r I-

TKrn In Society allot oilier MaHfInterest tu Women

morn fully intPlllecntly hindlel rBus Kv sisu bts Oman br o

dally mcJIutn lit

f I


or ParsirPon and olul I Wto I wU al



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back flumes

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