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4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)

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  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    IK110W WhoI Really Am ....




    You are an extensionof N 0.1]-Physic}.] ' Ene:rgy.

    You are, lndeed~ an ex:rensionof that ' l ,vh.ich we are . ..W e an~

    acretogethe r bee ause of ourrnatching intentions and d.esrres..

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    T'he Universal Lawi f Attraction Defined ....

    " h . e Law 0 /Attraction says:'The essence of that which islike l]J1tO :1.tseJJ i , dr,awn. And.

    wh ile ith is , m av ,S re 'e111ike a ra ther~.simple statement, It defu,nes themost powe rfll]. Law in th e

    U11~.ve:rse-the Law that .dJ:ffe:ctsa ll t h : i . 1 l g S at aJ]' tl.llles-for

    nothing exists that is 'un affected'b y this powerful Lf iw.

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)



    Since theL aw oj Att~aC'tion

    is the basi s of you:r experie nee,a 1 1 . unde rsra 1 1 . & l.ng of i tt is .~iessential to living hfe 0.1 : 1purpo se. I fact. an under-

    st.anding of the .Law?! Attr.,lrtionis essential to IIving the n i fe of~oythat you carne forth to live ..

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    I Am a.M.,agnet,Attracting Unto Mysel f~4

    W it l1 .ou t exception,what you give thought to(wanted or unwanted'), you.

    begin to invite into your ~xper:r-e n c e , See you' I~.s,dfas a 1 1 1 ag11l.el t:lttr,aLt~.ngianro you l the essenceof whdJ. l t i f 'V ,e:ryou a re thinki..gand feeli n.g . FOIl' ~X:JJ]l.p],e~f YOllfee], po 01 ' : , you cannot attract

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    My h _ o u g h _ t Man.ifesrariolls. 1 1 j O Y a Buffer of irne

    In an. attractionbased. Universe, there is no suchth i ng as 1 H . ' i ' . Your attention toit says y e s to ir. In your physi:calr -eaJ. i : tYJ 'hings do not n1 JaniJest

    instantlv; foll"there,is a wonderful '~1:ifftr 0 / U m e

    that gm. \l'es yO 'u the opporruniryto redirect you[ arrenrionmore to w a. rd.wliat yO'u c l o

    want to exper:l.enc-e .

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    You are :hereto [ r e n t e the world. around you.

    t h d J . 1 t y . ou choose, wh. i ] ,e vou ,allow- f.

    y O J l ~ " choices, your dlttentioll, totheir choices does affect you:rvibration, d l n d . t h. eU ' lE f o L'e your

    point of arrracrion -s -

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    I Attract the Essenceof My Thoughts

    The Law o f Attractiondl.nd.irs m.dlg n e't i.c powe :r reachesout into the Un iverse :Jnd.attracts other t~:1:0Ugh.tshatare vibrationallv :[ke it . , ,dJ.l1Id.;!brings that to you. A.n.d so, youd l m E gett : i .mg the essence o . f what

    y o . u are th ~:mk~:]]gabout, 'wl~:etherit is somerhi n.g you want Oil'somethi l1.g you do not want.

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    My Inner Bei11g GuidesMe Through My Emotions


    While vou are,1indeed, a wondrous p b y s J { a lcreator; you exist, simultane-ousl y . . in another di rnension,'The ~ is a p,art of you-yo'u'l:', ,~;!lr!~'1",Bt. '~'1'Jg-1thdi.1t exist'S i n , thisp h y s , t c a l body, a nd YOtU" gui :d, -l,ng emotions are you:r ph y s : l . c a lind icarion of you:[ relationship

    'w,i ,1th 'Your 11'1 ~ 1 t . ' ~ r e i ' - 1 ( J ' . ,~ 6

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    Ra her than .r}Tlngto monitor your thoughtsJ , p o l yattention to how ynu are feel-i..c...For i: f VDU should c],nose ao .X

    your broader intentions you w : i J J . feel th e dis co rd: and. then"you can re direct your d l O U g h . 1 tto' sornethinq that feels,andtherefore serves YOU1better.~

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    Welcome '0 'planet . .arth,There r . s , noth i . l ! l . g that you

    cannot be, d D , 01[" have. . . ...Gofo:n:th on. this dar of your lifeexperience kno.w! ng th:ilt yourreal 'work is to decide what you\V'dJ.nt-and then focus 'uponthat. ..'Goforth, givi ng thoughtto what you wanr, antracti [I.g l i f e :experiences to help you decidewhat you want, and once youhave decided, g l ' il l l! l . g thOUg~:lt

    o.J1],Yo that.

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    My C r e a ti V V o r k s h o p P r o c e s sWo r k s . for Me ....

    If you will use yourrime wi th . an :[nrention to collect

    d 'h b".ata t.at you inay .:r.l.ng mto

    ~ind every day to he one ' o f fu.n..

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    I Attract t~~ Essen":;f :ofWhatever Pleases Me;~ 14

    W :h _ e n . you g o intoyour C r ; e t l i ! h m W V o r k s b . o p , you

    c an 'begin to assimilare the darathat rep:['esen:fi:syour p:reference.s;and ;],5, you assimilare the dara,you will pL 'epa 'L 'e a 'p i, c tu : r) E ofselffro]ll Wh~:d.lyou ' w : l J ] _ begin

    I. I. attl"acnng U1tO your e.xpenenc-ethe essence of d l H thalt h;]'s,

    been. pleas ing yOt]~

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    recooruze hatbIam unlimited i1 . d i U fao~tso f n 1 J Y l i f e . I s e e : I ] " ] Y fu.nanc[dJ.[

    1 L l l' . d rhil a,n.c e ;;t .SlIn unrlte-, ~, so. not , ..-" I ' h ' . . ] " , JII,ng . am c r .oostng is um teu

    b y [TIoney. Fo.r I know Iam a: ID.dJ ,g.net;dJ.nd.Iattract whateverlev el of p ':n'os perfn;r~ he JJ . l th , d J . n d. , ~:re]at:i,onsh.ips I choose,"

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    I See MY'selt~AttractingHarmonizing Intern

    '~Iee t l lyself a tractingordy those i1 h a r n 1 J . o n y 'w ith :rnycurrent intent. And I , J 1 1 1 J ,gett~.ng-clearer and clearer ~ : 1 ! 1 ,eve:q;rmoment about what it is rh atI want, It matters not whdJtorh ..."'"'T i " . . , . , .. ,} . oosi ' ' ' " g , , , , , , , ' h . ' ' ' ' I lL ' I' " "u.~.IJ.'L,L~l lSI. L !o... L.[ !I:U .. a-.L :L.lI,1 . i . '!o 1Il,- ! ' i f .til. ,.~important is that ] d I J I 1 1 . pleased,"vith me; and as ] see nlysel(.

    ] cerrai nlv am,";!"I'

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    I See MyselfEnjoying bsolute,Continuing Abundance

    ~~I '1 b 1" Cjl0,OSe absoluteand. c.ont:i.nuIJlg abundance,for I understand that there IJ],

    n o li.llU .itto the abundance in. th eUnIverse.; and so hy Iny attract-lng abund ance to tnyself. I amnot ]irm.iti.ngzn.other, Til re i s .ennugh or eve:ryone. The: k ey isfor each .o f us to see. ~ : tandwant :it-and then we

    ' n l " 'h . ~ ;wu ,e.J.L.. attr.act n,

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    I See Myself Enjo yingPerfect W ell-Being

    U I see myselfin p e:[, : fec t h.eall i :h~W T , 1i ll abso-] ,. d i dute prospe :n ty ; . an _: I .n .v : rgordl te -wirh ]ife. ] am a t ppt'eci.at~:.I1g thisphys lcdl l l ~.fethat Iwanted, asIdec ided to b e a p h r s ~ : c 2 1 1Be:i .ng .

    ' 1 ' - ' ] ' - - b 'h r....t isg o rrous toe .. .ere n ',;lK J .n ,gj" irh ~ " ' n ' b - U.if'C]'s~I:GiTIS"fi,i'lt ... n1iy pnys lc dL ll. 'rambut: accessi ng the powe: [" of theUniverse t h r ough . the powe r 'of th e L aw r f Att~'aeUmJ:, j~'

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    B), choosing a thOllghtthat fe els ,5 1:g h dv better rhanf.th e thougl:-~.tsyou have bee:nth i nki n.g..you GHlI. g : rdJduaHychang.e the: direction of your. ~thoughts . H y foC'usi:.ng lIpon.

    2 1 . 'bette I~'-eeli ng t hough t , rheLw o j Attri: lCtiOrl wi ] J . respondto. that lthoughlt.;and the reforethe balance of ynu:r t hough t s

    \ v i:H now improve.

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  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    My Dr,ea:m ThoughtsA re N ',o t Creative Though t s~ ..... .. .

    Wh.atever you, a.reth ink~ .ng (dlnd therefore,

    feeli.n.g) :lnd. that 'wh. ich. you ar e~.1t1trdlc1tlg IS dJ.] ,w,ays :J. [11atch,

    Also, whdJ.1i : you are d lT nki n,g dlnd.feelT llg in the dL"e:J:lJ'n . state ; ; J ! . n d .' l rVJ:ldlt T S 1 !T I.c iL I l~Je.s:ti.nprn 'l/ou'r h fe

    ,~ .- :;.:.t..... p""I';" " ' ' ' I i ' ' - _ ; ' " . . . '~u:''' ':I(Y' '" ... '1- ' ' ' ' I t ' "~'1-,A , L,_~-~.~."'-. ' ! . . .. ~."'" ;: !L , IL ,!,.:Il. "'" ;: !L ,.JJ.~~. IJ. . '. Y O U : [" d : r r ' ' j f 'd l1 ! T I .s g~.veyou a g:ti,mpseinto ' l rV~.ldt t you are creati.ng-but

    JlOU, d l : r r ' ' j f 'not ~.1, the p'L"Ocess ofcreating whi le you ar e d :L"ed J1TI ~.ng;,

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    ~ " l " - " ~" '. I'. .' ... . ~':.. ";. ', ' I .:... . ....~ "l'..... _ ,':.,..,= : " ' l: '. ; \ 'o " ' '' ~ . ' ' . , , . ' ';;.i:: f , : - ; " . -'''i f~ (: :{ . "" 't t~?" ~: .............. - ._._ :I'

    If .you are t> es is tfllganything, you are -focu.sed

    , h' .,upon rt pus , ' I. ng aga.Lns.tu,and . l, C t .i ,v a t: i.n _gh e vibration of:it- .l.nd. therefore attracting

    h ' 1 ' h' ] " k ' ,t at wruc I I .S I.. if' it.

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    The Law if AttrQ'ctionTreatsMy Imagin.at.iol1! as Realityl 4

    " " r ' h e Ulliverse, \ .vhich i . , s , l 'espol :1d .~.1I1go th ethough t s you are think ~.ngJ '

    d . . . . l i ' ' ' ' ~ ' b' toes not J .: I. st ~. 1 I1 g !lu .s :b .oetwe en aIt.'.........." C ! , : h It f' '"0''''''1 '.r.......'"." .......s e r v ar i .. . . . . .1 1 1 ~.I;.. ! "[.~. . . . 1 1 . . ~.I.JJ.lU "'~L U ~'L.~. < : ! L .U.Uof S0I11:e observed r~ality and ath.ought brought dtbout b y your~:nldtg:i.lldtt~.on,.In. either case, thet hnugh t equals ynur pO~.]]itofartraction-c-and ~.fVD!ll focus.!upon it l 0 1 1 l . g en.oughcr it w ~ : n

    become y 'Ou l~ reality.

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    t makes no differellce'Whether you want the s p e c : f ' 6 c . s ,of It or not; it i~,he vibrat iona]essence of th e subje ct of your

    attention that is heing attracted,That which you really reallywant, you, get-and. thatwhich you, r eal] .y , r e a H y do

    not levant, you get",

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    In seekingand H:n,ding ' " O r l .You no t onI,} nndp!f:r ' .ect .a ] j .gn,r:n~n.1twith your .Inn.ff

    B e . i 1 . ' & and wirh Wb0 . . . .o - u ; r . . n a J . ' ~ - l i 1 . f t l 'b ur you also . f i n d , vibrational

    aHgn:ment with a] I th in.g s that youdesire. When J ' o e is reaU't impor-

    ,J ,J! I

    tant 1t00 vou, VoOU wal not allow,J 1yourseJ f to focus upon things, thatdo :n,OI[ fed gco.a=a,nd, the 'resultof thinking only thc) ,!! :d,ghls ,hat :li-elgood, w :i I1then C : ; l J i J J S C - you, to. createa wonderful Ufe 6 ar td. "dfh all the

    th,j,ngs you desire.,

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    You cannot perceive1~If : f rom. , a J n . y perspec t ive othert han :from that of youlI'sd ....Selfishness is the sense of SfJ r .Unles s ,Y 'oo.are se]6s]1 , e-n ,ough to .

    Ci:lJf,e about how c 011 feel-and~ -therefore direct Yo!i l :r thoughts. :n nsuch a way that you au alowi.nga true connection to your l~'mf:'f'B e i r 1 , g = = Y O u h av e nQt hin g [0 i ' l l " \ :

    anoth er an ' l~a J V . E:\l\ftryo-.nes s e .!i sh .,J ,JIt ..s not possibl.. tobe otherwise ..

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    I Am Not .Hereto Create S,amel1.eSS

    Th_ere are as manyd~:ffeent worlds as thf'r-e are ~perce ive r s , Bein.gs J, o:r . ~ : . n , d ~ : v l . d . ' U -a]s. You are 1J I . o there to create

    ~ h be rh .....'.1. . '( . 1 , . ' . . . . " . 1 1 . . . .S",Ul1e.. au are .ere to e t..}. t

    you dlH ow dJH o th er s to b e th at 'Iwh~:d: lthey want to he.

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    .I Cannot Create in theExperience of Another

    You cannot create'1'1 ! 1 'he exoeri enC"'"0'['" 1 10';'he lti'". 1 1 . . . !I... '.' ([' . .'L.~, .. ."_ .. u.

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    ICan F e e l PO , s i l i veWhile Thjnking Positive

    TIle lo,nger you stay:focused upon 'lrylldlit you do notwant, the g]~:dJt~r dlJld, nlJOI~po-w,e'ffu]'rhar thought will he-come. But ~:fyou, are sensitive to

    yO ' u r emonons and. you' l rv : i thd :[ '~w your attention fnJlI1l1,the unwanted ve:['Yqu ~ : c : k ] . y r youwi]] , begl.l1to' : f e e l beuer-and,YDU '"vill ston the attraction~ r.

    D f the unwanted I t ' h : i . 1 1 1 , , g .

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    "I cwant perlecthealrhl I Iike f e " e ]ing good.

    ] enjoy n~.ygood ,-fe -eli .ng body. ]hdl .ve] ~ n . d l n y positive memories offeel lng good in m y hod y . I see

    m , a n y people who ; ;JU)ec J . e d l ' d yi n , d! state o f good . b . e d l J . 1 i : l l ~and

    ~.tE . easy to see how much th.eyare Enjoying thei r good.-fee] ~.,ngbodies.,When I t lt i. lllk . t hough t sl ike these, I fe-el good. Thesethoughts. are in harmony with .

    ' h '~L 1L d ~: I 'a ,.,t":lltnry LiO - . r .

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    "'1 want finJlnclalpr'OIS,:perity J There: ar e so l"nany

    wonderful t h m . l] ,_ g s '~:hat are av a i b d S J ' j ; ; ' inthis wO[ l I, de rfL l 1 w ,odd. ; and 6nanctal:prosp f1 : i J ty ope.ns the door to so :m,anyof th ose t h m , n g ) S . SLnDe ' , the .Law o j

    Atlt :~'{~.r(1

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    'Iwant orea- 15relationships, I so en)"DV. -I

    nice, cleve r, funny, energEtl.c,sltinllula'ting people; and. I love

    : k n.o\rving thalt this planet isabundant 'wilth them .... ,.It seems that the :Ill011'e ]

    en joy people, the U10L"e peoplewhom Injof come into .lll '1Lyexpe rience, Iove this rimeof spectacular co-creation."

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    "'1 am a ,grow' 1 1seeking s 'e lng> and it is

    e1d.lrlalr 'altrng to rememb er thatexpansion is not only natural.but inevita h.le. I love knowi ngthat joy is simpIy a choice. So,si nee Im.yex pansion is inevitable,I choose to have it-in joy..~;

    . '

    . .. .

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    Whether it's a trophy,m.oney~l')E ] _ J . t : i : G i l l S h . : i . p s J '

    or thing.s.,the achievement of,an.Ylhing that you desire musth e c o n s : i , d .e : [ ') E d s u c c e s s . . B U f i : ify o u wi]] , let your standard ofsuccess he you:[' achievement of

    j oy , f ' v , e r y th . i n g e ] ' s , e V i ; ~ : nthen: faU eas i ly into place. For in rhefi .n .d~.ng of jo~. you , a : I L ) Efi.ndinib . 1] . . 1_ il.v rratrona ..J..rgnment wnn tne: I L ) E S O l I l U " C ) E Sf the U n i. v , e l~ s { e .

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    ICall Reach for aBetter-Feeling Thought

    ~ .4

    From V01Llr 'Non-p'hvslcalJ Jwa.ii1ltagepoint, y ou , understood

    the ' eternal C "\:roI vi:n.gnature of'your Bdng ' and t:h e promise

    'L h' L d " 'E .iI 'nat [ " , ' I , S , ea , . : Ung ' , ...Q " g e : 'Lonu:; ' }S'E lng" 1 1 . , . 'I d 'v'environment nf"...'.". ,iOU

    understood the-powerful L~wr J ' A.umtl{c!.il and. the fai .: rn,~ss and.a ; c c t t E ' , i : ' J j l : Y w i t : h , w :h :i c :h : i t r e s p o n d s. 'to [he ,(tr,eewill of all creators,B ' h " h he b fI]', - " ' w - - , '- ' , , - , . - " - . ' '_-- .. --f reac ", u . n . g "or I:ae ses [=...ee _ , n . gh r 6 ' d ']1,,- ", --,.~ "~-, ,- _ - ,. I - ~- --:-,It , 'Qug 1,'[y o !1 1 can ,In ._"you WI, .'L" irh 'h"I 'niver W],,[ ,,' ex "I:~aration as y o u ," '~- ' hreconnect w~tn.fOUli purpos,c:, wrtn

    ,YOUlt' ' zest fOlL I . , f e : - ::1 J :n d w i th y01;. l ; ,

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    he Law if Creat ionhas, two important pdi:rts:th eJeslre (0:[" the creation and rhe

    aUo"vb~ 'of the ereat l01'1. Whetheryou are think l U g of what youdesire, or the lack of'what youdes ire 0 th e d..recrion of Y01U"thought is YOU]::' c h oic e) ~[heLaw ~fC"a~'on goes to \rvcrrkupon whatever you are

    t h ink i .ng about.

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    You have intendedaction, ALt~:O]1 is pa:rt of thedel iciousness of your p~,lysica],world. But you,did not intendif'Ito create rhrouch P ' hvsical, : = , . . I-bodi ly ,J,Lt~.o.l1-Jl'Ouintendedto use j1D 'LU: ' body to enjO f theacti " '- "] '1 " , '" th ",it- 'l1"",n 11 I ' " , " , , ' " , , " "created:Ill!....L, :" - 1 ' ~ L" .I:1L 0 ; . ' 'ULL ~,~,dLjr'''_ ',~,"_

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    M a .n ,Y want topoint out "real~:tyuto y o u . .They Sdtyl "Face lthe- fdlCltS.Look d j , t , \ . - V h a ! . . . .s" A n d 'we sav


    to 'YOU: ; If you are able to seeo.n]." l v - h a , ; - i s , then, b y the lawI E ~

    e { ' A . u ' l' :t l ;r : U cw r , . r O i l ] \vi,ll create O l 1 J , ymore .....f ' - , -_ 1 :-:t:~~'., ' y , ' , ; . ., . . '. ' I""" '" 'I""ii- P '" 'I t! 1 , .IJ... . u, ~I~ iI...l.. , . U L.!l ,.JJ"!L"-:~~'L , " - ' I ! .,,1'......'1' rl........o'hlti "" ' 6 " " , y ' o,...d .,.-",,t '''']. U"-'I: L 1I:U L . ! l , b ' " . .:JI >.'L.._ ' .. ~.!I.I _' ~.f)l,;!tJi'-ll~in order to attract someth ~.ngmore 0:[:' s o m : e - lt l: 1 . : i. 1 l 1 . _ g th.J,lt

    i ' s , diffe renr,

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    My A P F .f e G .a~on o r IA t f f ,_ cts b ES$ence 0M@

    An extremely effectiveuse of vou:r Lffatiue r t V O r ' k s J . H r ~ ~I - .ris tn ponder the .aspects you.appreciate r .eg.clJ .I~ing yourlT iLO\S: t imp ortant s;ubJiec.ts.,

    'U ']-." ' h V ; ' ~ - 1 . -._tr Jz~.ng t,:.e J I ~ . ' ff t S f j O P r 1 1 1 . li]1.t sVii"diy accomplisbes i E v e . r y d 1 . i 11grequired f011" D d i . b e 1 " t ~ t C~'latimJ.1~1.yo~wr l:roU~m:? l ~ppre'C~'a'h'{t-n)youart' anow~'ug t h a ~ 'wh~'chyo~~Jes~'~'lto

    m'~~1! fes t~'m,"fj)MlUf' l ! f e experi~el:rees' ,

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    Whether you arel tb . : rk ing about son:1Jfthing

    h appening nDW ~Oil' so,neth i .n_grh at h app ened in your past ,or SOHlf'thlng you "i'"ouJd.l i ,ke to h av e h 2l.p pen in yourfuture-yOtu are d.oi..ng th el th ink: i ,ng '1 .o~ and i t is th is

    p:[:esf'11I.t-thought v ib rat ion th .J .ltthe Law , o j AJ~m{"mnris :respondingto, Therefore-ynu:r power'

    ..to create rs 1 1 ' OW .

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    When vou understandJthe Iaw5) then rOlLl understandthdJ, l i : it is 111.0 l i :more d:i .fficult tocreate a castle than ~ :t~ : S a

    button a, ThEY' are equal, It isnor m ore d.: i .ffic uh to create $1.0l ] 1 i U i o . l 1 than $100,000. Ir i s th esame . a p p J . r C d J . 1 i : T D . I 1 of th e sam e

    I{1W to tWDd~.fferent r .n . li :~ n l i: i0 1 1 l . 3 .

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    Ac .ion offeredfllul:na place of contrad i : c t e d .lthought is h ard, ull1sdJtis :fjr ing'work ~.nd.does not y : ~ e l d .,goodreselrs: hut when you reall y feel,good about .~Un1lplng into action,that r , s , d J . dear :s ign rhar you ~:I~nor offeri n.g dl:oughlts that are

    ccntradicrorv tovour. I ~own desires.

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    My Mallifesting TIlotlgl1tsAre Btlffered by Ti:me

    Your : E a r r l 1 . is a niceenvironment for t ine- tuni ngyo'U~rkl1lowled.g~, for h~re your ~d lOUgh t s do not rransl ate into~:n;t~,l']tequTv,a],ent,S,-your'fiJloughts ,JJ.'Il~ gDverned. hy a

    hutTer of rime, . 0 '. If vou were;!, ] "L'I1l1Sli:anli:.y H1Lan[restlng~ you

    would, be sp~11I,ding HlJOL'etimetryi ng to f i x Y{llU' lTI istakes t h . J . n

    you would i cl'e~til1gwhat you want",

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    "J \ . . ,syou focus ,on,the best of Vl,lhdJtvou d o have,,,,' ,,' , , i " ,,,' ,~even if itonly is a SUlJd J ,U , p;;u:tof you:[" EXperience, the Lw ? l

    Att:r~: l{HO~1V I , n now bring youmore of the essenc-e of that ..And.[. I(d dso: you can :lfep.ace a .,.'ownwar ..spi ral j. . with . a fast -.rnov[ng

    ~jUpW.d!.L~. sp~.'I~,aljb yS:IJ11,n],vdirecti.llP" vour~i ,~th ou g hts . m o re to t h , : r llg.s.

    'You J o want,. . . .

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    C,o"mpe t i t i on canserve you ifit stimulatesyODJ~"desl::reJ , but it can, be adisadvantage :iJ It hdJ:lnperS

    you:r belief in :5uc-ceedi:ng"In thisunlimited Universe, there is no

    n e e d , 1 t o cOI:m.pete f o r v . V e H . - B , e ,i . n g ,for YOlU" resources are unlimited.'Yo~JlTl,aypercc~'w a shortage, butit would be of your own : I :m,aking. ,'"

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    1 1 e Art cf Allowing is :~~Iam that which I am and]

    dlJTI pleased and joyful in it,andyOUL are that ~vh: i .chyou are" ,A .nd

    w h i l e yOUL a r e d:i.ffen~nt f i : : 'O u ' lJlthdlt wh icli I am, [ can . ; 1 ] lowrhar, fo r it is also goo d."

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    My Thoughts AreLike Powerful Magnets

    Your r h _ o u g i 1 . t s arepo\v,erfut artracrive Inagnelts-attracti n.g one to anothe r ..

    Thoughts attract to rhemselves,arid you art ract thoughts to

    you bv g.lving.vnu:r attention to'~ J Jthem, Those who speak mostD f prosperity have it, and. thosewh.o speak most of sickness or'pov,e rty hdlve Ilt.It is Law.,Ir can h e no other VlldJ.y.

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    It is ]~ . f e -experience rhar bringsyou your knowi llg. . .' ~:R,e:f.],ecltinte yOUJf' own PdlSl i : 1 i f f ' experi-

    e n c e ; ; U , 1 1 1 , d . beg~:,nvir.dJ.' l tdl : i ,ng f(n~'hecorrelation between the \v{u:d,syou a re : 1 : 'e dJ d ln gh e re and the ][Feexper iences th at you h;;u .velived .I-:I'ave you he'en mostly thin king,S p e d J . k . i f l g - , 'wrlt~,ngJ 'and ob.s ,e . rv~.] lgthat which pleases you? 01:' not?

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    When Focusing' UpOl1S o l u t i o n s , I Feel Good

    Focusiilg upona s o l ~ ~ H o 1 1 bl':'.ngs you positiveemotion; focusing 'U.pO .l1ap r i O h l ' rm h,~l.l1gSyou neg.atlveemotion, 'While th e di f f e : [ ' l E l J i c e sare subtle, they : ; U : I ~ very

    important, (0:[" wl~:e.n.ou arefeeling positive emotion, you areart fdJ)ct i .ng into your ex:perieneesthat wh ~.d:lyou wanr, v V hen youc ].. . ..are ree .Lngnegdi.1trve emotion, youare in the proc-ess , of ,at"h:actl .ngthat ' ' ! "vhich you do not want,

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    Rarller thantrvine to control the',! 0experiences of all othe rs (which

    you carmor do no matte r ~ . 1 , ' 0 1 i 1 1 1hard. you try), instead" lntend tocontrol YOllrown participationwithin those experiences ...A . n d .

    b y setti ng fo:nh your clearimageof the .hfe you want to lrve, rOil~wlH he guid.ed, in e\re-ry moment,toward a smooth and pleasaru

    path for yourself.

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    The c h _ i l d isthi nki ng on the d d l y it entersyour environment ..,And. .0heliefs are easi ly transmitted: tL"On1J ,adu l ts to ch U J d r ,e n . . . . .

    T h ~'"]d ,. 'b ' ]'[ -. ".if: CUt ; -. tS Vl'r,at:l:on:d! .. yre oeivf .ng YOLU' fedl l ! :s and you r

    bel ~:,efsven 'withou,t vour spoken- - I '\ - " V o : n : ' ~ : l .So gl v e th.ought only t othat whi .c J l von want, and VQ!U'I~I ,- IchiId wi] n receive fnJIIJl YOUIon ly th e v ~:b r21 t~:O Inof tho\Sfe

    wanted r I [" ," " " u c r 'h l ti " "i:lL, " ILL _ . II.U ,b'''' .3",

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    Ev ery Morning , for30 Davs, 1 \ ' J i ' l i l lJ

    Inrentionallv IntendJ

    1 ever}, mornrnpfor the next 30 d J .y s~you b e g i nVOlU~dav b y sav i.npr : : :1 ; i~ ' M t e ~ ' I l J . to,! l.r,..:="see; . 1 f :XpelJ to see , 11.0 m aner w bo

    1am w , i t J : J , . l - l , O maue Wkl.T . 1 am , I ' M Omatter W & 1 tIa m ,d o b1g ,I~'1~'tfndto sut~t , w h i c h . 1 Vi. ' .af l l t ttl :see-yoll wlHchange the momentum of

    YOUI[" ,[ i : f e =r e rience.

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    The point .from" , , , ; o : h " ; , . . , , 1 - - ~".""""I are con~.,..,,;...... 'I ~l'l.~.'Vii " 1I,Ii.J. II. '!i!" U- ' I : ,ta. '.",. ,. i:IL.!I.U N..:l:i:I~['"I ~pe:n:e ivi .ng . . . ._thdJ:I ! : :point is

    ; I ! . egm'f11.t, Your c h l ! Y may h ed ' ' d " d '' 1 1 1 , . .if: .mto In any Sif'gnle.nts,.~It is not .neceSsdltT to have ar : i .g~.dschedule of segm.ents~hut i tt is important thar youc l e d J . d y identify when you

    are nloving from. one seg m.el1 u:of itentions into another

    f' ,seg1i :nent 0 mtennons,

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    , E v , e r y thoughtlLh:l!.lLO'[], lLh:i,nk th;;ut is di rectec]

    t o ~ r J w b a t y f J & ~ ' 'W a11.t'jr.W yO'f,t~~t H ' l < ~ r ~ ''f b fi Es0, g reat nene t to you. '"ve:l[:Ythought that you are lLhinking

    about you r f u tu l1 :e th;;U.lL;D:~ d o IJvi'W .t! lJ,t ' I S ;;u,drs adv.antage to you.W hether th:~n.king of vital ~: tyand health, or ded~:neanddisease . . '.you are pl'epaving

    you r f U 'U J D.'e .

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    As I Am S eg m e nt Inte nd ing )lAm Attracting


    . . I I ' ". . . . . . .J.;'IIo~:~ . '.~' .. ~~ F.'T L l . . . . . _. . ', '.~. " _~"~""- - - '0 I.~ . L r "."~. . . ; ' ~ \ : :. ? : ~ : , ~ .- ' " . : ! , 'r : : ; . . . . . " ~. ,r. .

    l~e \yay YOtl feelis, vour poi nr of attraction. AndI . ~so J' the: va]u.e: of S ~ gl'f~entInta~Jiugis, that you pdllle li.nany timesduri. l1 gyo ur d ay to S d l . y : r b l s is

    'wl ,at . 1 want (U1J e xn ec : [ro m tbis _,.stgmr.n:t if ~ l ' r y l ! f t eXp"~'e~1ee;. A J : 1 d .as VOl.] set forth those p 'owerfulJ .th oug hts , you w ill art ract intovour experience 'what Y ' au want,J .

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    he reason vot 1 are' "not conscious . o f , J , n y sp ecI:ficpreb rr t i : l g O , J ,R s ,is because therewe re no . s p ec 1 : : 6 C ' goalst, Y o u h a d( b e f o r e yOlit1' b ; i r t ~ ) g , t; ,n c r f !l h a l c u t . i o f M S ,5 'f~cb ~s l~b~gb a p p y , ,b i . i r l g a 1 1 ' 1 J f p 1 i f t e ' r ,ba1) i~~ ' .o~~ti~1.Ui11Er o w th ; , ; , ; , ,btd' t l ' J c: s p tn fi t p : r o C f SS I ' S to a c h i e w tk r ; S l thi'~:s

    M.t' ftp to yo~ t to d ed Je h e r e" m d 'lOW;, In thistime-

    y o : w are the ereator,

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    A s you becomeefficient with you:r .sfgm:f~lt

    I n " ln r J J r ~ g , Y O 'l ] ~v~i.llxpand. Y O ' u : rus able t~:.1:1111:e......' I B y b e m : . n . g d . e ; ; u . rab cu r v i"h Jl.ltyou want du.ring

    each. imporrant sfeglnent of you:rday, you \ovi]],harness the Law o jAttmdio~lto d D its work-and ItV l 1 m : n require : t .J :rless rime

    fo:['you to accomplish~ .much, much more.

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    iCan Foc;tls Specifically.-:cJpon What 1Wa;l\lt ,

    You, are ' b omba rdedb '~ 'h . lati A- dy t~,lOt]g,,:.t stin1!Uat ion, ,;.11,:, soJ'unless you give you r atrention to'wl~,dttyou speci,fic.ally want, youc an, b e ~: .nA , uen,c .ed,b y that whichsurrounds you. U'nles,s,you arefocusing on wh at [S iD,portdtTItto ,y~~-,you can he stimulated b y

    o t h f : 1 ' i thou,ghts~ lvh~:chU ' D . 2 1 y orlID,~,y' 1 1 I , o t be imporrant to vou,, , I

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    I Can Learn to,Prioritize My Inrentions


    It is importantfor you to : ide,ll tdj ' which.

    ., . ' Il "i ~eTI'r'.....11"vou m ost want 'toI.Jl.~IL. ,IL.1I.U1,,, i;:Il i '1 i.. .,II . " :u~ '" ,:1 .. ..

    :tulti] l,because as vou prioritize,J: .you g ~ : v ' eroar s i ngu :b , r arrenrioato 'Wh.dlt is most important; andas you give itlt21t your s : i , n g u l d t 1 1 ",attention-by th e Law if,AJf,mctirJtr--you attract pow,et'

    ~. i ' ianto tnar mtentron that :r s

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    B , Y ' in.tend~~lg=dJ,s,ou are UJ/Dvr 11g 1nto asegr]]:enlt of reldJtionsh~.ps--to focus UpOl1 vour points of, I "harmony; to g~:veyou:r gre atattention, n o t to 'Wl lci t t you ; I ! : I ~ , edisagre,eing a bout !' hut to theth inos you, cit,O! 'rei f 'upon . . '.o I ~ ,that f s the resoluriou ill allrelarionshins, FOI[ when, vou

    u : - I-focus on what you do not like!,

    'b y the law ' a f A.un~(Ufjtl')yousolicit more of what you

    do not want,

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    Within 60 Oa}F s ,It Call Be Mille

    As YOtl , g ' f v ethought to YO'!LU' : ' fU.1i:tU'1f:---

    lthat 1!llaty he ten yedtl1'S or 60 d . a y saw.dfY-You heg: rn p l : e p a c v f . n g .And . then. as you. move into

    i " " [" ,o '~" ' "P ' ~ " " " " f ' i ! " j i , ~ : , " ' dm o m e n t S andL. ,! , I, . ~'&. . . "IJ, 'P.;.. [".-=.L ' If , ,- -, ' _ .' ! I, , ,Jm.. .. .. I , .I l !I . 'I... , " ~~, ,.!,I, _as that :future becomes your;tf - o ilpr-es,enJt,you ne-tune rt u y

    sa.y: ing~ TMs i s ' w ha t . 1 rmw Ull

  • 8/2/2019 4. Law of Attraction - Cards (2008)


    H '. 'ow tha Iunde rstand the rules of th is

    Gan1l ' 0 / .Ete"fmll L i f e . . . . now thatr underst and the powe:[~f~J.[awo j Attrar.tiMI. and Delibe rate

    Creation, I can plLepJ.v,e J, .s ~ ..n~1iJtb y j~r~l~nt,. .Iny _[[fe experienceinto heculn:i.ng the A l l o W t y 1was born to be, . ..(0:[" I wasdestt.ned. to ' a l[fe of fuHi.llm.ent

    and never-ending j o y . .t,

    . '
