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4 Square for Early Learners

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  • 7/28/2019 4 Square for Early Learners


  • 7/28/2019 4 Square for Early Learners


    Teaching & Learning Company a Lorenz company

    P.O. Box 802Dayton, OH 45401-0802


    Written by Judith S. Gould and Mary F. Burke

    Cover and book designed by Kati Baker

    Four Square (4 )

    Writing Methodfor Early Learners

  • 7/28/2019 4 Square for Early Learners


    Copyright 2010, Teaching & Learning Company

    ISBN 978-1-4291-1836-1

    Teaching & Learning Company

    a Lorenz company

    P.O. Box 802

    Dayton, OH 45401-0802

    The purchase of this book entitles teachers to make

    copies for use in their individual classrooms, only.

    This book, or any part of it, may not be reproducedin any form for any other purposes without prior

    written permission from the Teaching & LearningCompany. It is strictly prohibited to reproduce any

    part of this book for an entire school or school dis-

    trict, or for commercial resale.

    All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of


    This book belongs to


    ii TLC10578

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  • 7/28/2019 4 Square for Early Learners


    How to Use This Book

    iv TLC10578

    Level ThreeThis section allows students to copywritten words to fill in the graphic orga-nizers.

    Level Four

    Students who are beginning to writewords can use these Four Squares toorganize their ideas.

    Level OneThis section focuses on using picturesto represent ideas within the FourSquare.

    Level Two

    Students will trace your written wordsto fill in the Four Squares.

    In the following chapters, we present a method of teach-ing basic writing skills that is applicable across gradelevels and curriculum areas. Divided into four levels ofwriting readiness, this resource teaches prewriting andorganizational skills through the use of a graphic orga-nizer. This is one proven method. Please adapt andmodify to fit the needs of your students.

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    6 TLC10578

    Lets look at the writing process. Ever wonderwhy its such a challenge for so many students?Dr. Mel Levine, author ofA Mind At A Time, tellsus that writing is one of the largest orchestras achilds mind has to conduct.

    Its true.

    Writing requires a simultaneous integration ofmany critical elements. Dr. Mel Levine discussesthese at length in his book, but we devised anabsurd educational acronym (because lets faceit, there arent enough of those in education)called GLOFA to help you remember the com-ponents.

    Understanding the Writing Process

    The G in GLOFA is all about handwriting, a Grapho-MotorFunction. Handwriting can derail at any or more of these stations:

    Pre-visualization - if the student has trouble picturing the letters in his or her mind

    Motor memories - if the student has difficulty activating the correct motorsequences to make the letters

    Implementation - if the student is challenged assigning the muscles for the rightmotor sequence

    Localization - if the student has trouble tracking finger movements

    Its not all gloom and doom with handwriting. Dr. Levine insists that most handwritingdifficulties can be remedied with consistent and repeated letter formation drill andpractice; about 15 minutes a day.



    GLOFAstands for:

    Grapho-Motor Function

    Language Production


    Focused Attention

    Access to Memory

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    TLC10578 7

    The L in GLOFA stands for Language Production, which is the abil-ity to translate ideas and thoughts into word or sequence codes.

    This is at the heart of the writing process, and we have all seen students strugglewith putting words on the page because they wrestle with expressive language.

    Heres the good news! If you have students that struggle with language production,there are activities you can do to help that process become easier:

    Use instructor and peersharing to provide thestudent with powerful

    models of the writingprocess.

    Demonstrate verbalrehearsals of writingthrough group brain-storming and partnersharing.

    Introducing drawing, sketching and mapping before or after verbalization canalso help students who struggle with language production.

    Primary-aged students without lots of real world experiences often lack the lan-guage production for writing. Teachers reading stories about specific topics theirclass will write about will help these students build their prior knowledge. Listeningand talking about these stories will help activate language production.


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    8 TLC10578

    The O in GLOFA stands for Organization, which is the ability toknow how to generate, organize and integrate ideas. Its also the

    ability to prioritize and manage time and materials.

    The Four Square Method is a great tool for organization, that is certain. Using theFour Square allows for sorting and categorizing of a topic in a visual manner. It isalso helpful in the establishment and practice of the predictable routines and proce-dures that can help your students take the OH! out of organization.

    To help in establishing the practice of predictable routines and procedures, wehave designed a daily behavior guide for students during the writing time - WHAT,as in WHAT are we doing today in writing?

    WHAT stands for Walking, Helping,Activity and Talking. It lets students know whatbehaviors are expected for movement, asking for help, completing the assignmentand talking.

    Put up on the board, it might look like thisin your classroom:Walking: Stay in writing nooks

    Help: Put help card (red card eachstudent has) on desk

    Activity: Start book on pets

    Talking: Whisper talk only to yourpartner

    Of course, each WHAT component can beused with a picture or symbol to communi-cate behavioral expectations.


    W Stay in seats

    H Red cards

    A Pet book

    T Whisper share

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    TLC10578 9

    The F in GLOFA stands for Focused Attention. No one has troublewith kids paying attention these days, right? Ouch. Children with

    attention difficulties is one of the biggest issues teachers face today. In writing,students have to pay close attention to the task of beginning, sustaining and end-ing their energy for writing. They must also curb social distractions and apply goodjudgment to plan, pace and monitor the quality of their writing.

    Step away from the tranquilizers! Theres some good news. Focused attention canbe taught, practiced and monitored as a skill. Using such tools as the ObservableBehavior Chart (see page 10), students can be easily identified for intervention andremediation.

    What is the Observable Behavior Chart? Its a chart that allows teachers to get aquick check of the activities of the classroom. It also helps teachers set goals forbehaviors and actions as well as measure progress at various intervals.

    The OBC allows a teacher to establish spe-cific behaviors of the writing class (start writ-ing in a timely manner, sustain the writing,choose own topics, etc.) and observe thebehaviors of the class during writing time.From the results of the observations, theteacher can therefore see which studentsare struggling with specific behaviors andcreate interventions and remediation lessonsto help those students become more suc-cessful in demonstrating those behaviors.


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    10 TLC10578

    The A in GLOFA stands forAccess to Memory. This element isall about remembering what you need to remember about writing:

    rules about spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization, formatting, etc. Its alsoabout remembering ideas and thoughts for writing.

    Again, theres some good news! Certain planning toolslike the Four Square can help with the memory of ideas,since the visual aspect of it makes it accessible to bothdrawing ideas and writing ideas. Also, practice andrepetition of English language conventions can aid instudent success in the mechanics of writing.


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    TLC10578 11

    Observable Writing BehaviorsRecord Keeping

    Desirable behaviors head the columns. List student names in the rows. Keep that clip-board handy!


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    12 TLC10578

    Sorting and Classifying

    Why is it important to sort and classify?

    Weve included many practice pages for sortingand classifying. Writers need to align main ideasand pertinent details. Understanding how thingsare related is a foundation for the organization ofour ideas. Lots of practice within these pages willhelp your young writers apply this ability to their

    own topics when they begin using their own FourSquares.

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    TLC10578 13

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyFruit

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyToys

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyZoo Animals

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyBugs

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyFlowers

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyTransportation

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familySports

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyThings for School

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    People in my familyPets

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyPlaces to Play

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    32 TLC10578

    Level OneBecause the Four Square can accommodate picturewriting, writing letters, writing words, or a combinationof all, it is the ideal tool for your beginning writers! In the

    earliest stages of writing, students may communicatethrough pictures alone. These children may be just start-ing to learn about letters and letter sounds. Thats okay!

    Emerging Levels of WritingReadiness with Practice

    For students at this level, let themdraw! During writing time, you (ora parent volunteer, perhaps) canscribe, lightly and in pencil, at thebottom of the square. Have thestudent tell you a word or a sen-tence about the picture. Rereadit to the student. Have them trackthe words as you reread it. This iswhere writing comes from!

    At School

    The bus We play

    Mrs. Burke My friend Sarah

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    TLC10578 33

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyFamily

    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



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    34 TLC10578

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyFriends

    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



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    TLC10578 35

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyRecess

    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



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    36 TLC10578

    People in my familyGames

    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 37

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familySummer

    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



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    38 TLC10578

    People in my familyMy Tooth

    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 39

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyPets

    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



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    40 TLC10578

    People in my familyAt the beach

    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 41

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyPets

    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



    Adult writing: ___________________________



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    42 TLC10578

    Level TwoThe students at this level are beginning to learn theirletter sounds, formations, and the conventions of text.Though they may not quite have the readiness or con-fidence to put their own words in the boxes, they cantake a bit more responsibility in the completion of theirFour Squares.

    After you scribe their ideas inpencil, have them trace over the

    letters, being mindful of movingleft to right. You can use this toreiterate the lessons in phonicsand handwriting, and the childrenwill love using colored pencils todo this!

    The bus

    Mrs. Burke Myfriend Sarah

    We playAt School

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyAfter School

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

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    44 TLC10578

    People in my familyLunch

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 45

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyShopping

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

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    46 TLC10578

    People in my familyDinner

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 47

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyStory Time

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

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    48 TLC10578

    People in my familyVacation

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 49

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyBed Time

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

    Trace this

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    50 TLC10578

    Level ThreeThe students at this level are almost ready to try toadd the words themselves! Help to build their confi-dence and use their own words to practice formingletters.

    At School

    The bus We play

    Mrs. Burke

    The bus

    Mrs. Burke My friend Sarah

    We play

    My friend Sarah

    At this level, you will continueto scribe for your students,but then make a space belowyour writing for the childrento recopy their words. Theyare taking increasing levels ofresponsibility in doing their own


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    TLC10578 51

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyWinter Holidays

    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


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    52 TLC10578

    People in my familyHalloween

    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 53

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familySnacks

    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


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    54 TLC10578

    People in my familyFirst Day of School

    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 55

    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyMy Teacher

    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


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    56 TLC10578

    People in my familyAt the park

    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Name ___________________________________________________

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyAt the pool

    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


    Adult: _________________________________


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    58 TLC10578

    Level FourThese students have enough confidence and experi-ence with letter sounds to try it on their own. Remindthem that how do you spell isnt as important astrying to spell. When a child is ready for this level,we need to step back and let them try it alone, whichmay cause a bit of separation anxiety at first.

    Reward any attempts at soundingand spelling the words. Learningto spell and write for ourselvesmay be messy, but we all start



    At School

    The bs Wiply

    MsBrk Mi fnd srh

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyWatching TV

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    60 TLC10578

    People in my familyBabies

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyParties

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    62 TLC10578

    People in my familyThanksgiving

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    Name ___________________________________________________

    People in my familyGoing to the Zoo

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    64 TLC10578

    People in my familyFunny Things

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 65

    The Four Square for Book Making

    The Four Square can be easily turned into books that your students can make, share,and read again and again. Because Four Square practice in sorting and classifying hashelped your students to record main ideas and details, making a book all about one topicis going to be a piece of cake!

    Use the template on the following pages to have your students create their own bookson any topic. The back cover of the book is perfect for a self-portrait and an about theauthor, which you can help your students complete. Fill in the pages, cut along the

    dotted lines, and then staple together. They can use pictures, letter sounds, temporaryspelling, or you can act as a scribe.

    The best thing about it isthat a book looks like areal piece of writing, in aformat familiar to your stu-dents. Invite students to sitin the authors chair and

    read their books to theirclassmates. Dont forget toshare the illustrations too!

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    66 TLC10578

    Fold, dont cut here!

    Front CoverBack Cover

    By: Judys





    Four Square Mini-BookExample

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    TLC10578 67

    Four Square Mini-BookExample


    It was delicious.


    They cooked in the hot water.


    First we peeled the apples.


    The moms cut them up.


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    68 TLC10578

    Fold, dont cut here!



    Front CoverBack Cover

    Four Square Mini-BookTemplate

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    TLC10578 69

    Four Square Mini-BookTemplate





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    70 TLC10578

    Writing in All Genres

    The Four Square can be used in all genres forwriting, even with your beginning writers. Usethe squares to plan a book review, an autobi-ography, a how-to, a description, and even aninformational report.

    The squares provide a pat-tern for the thinking, drawing,

    and writing.Yes, your begin-ning writers can write in manygenres, and the Four Squareshelp to define the work andmake it accessible.

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    TLC10578 71

    My Four Square Book Review

    People in my family

    In the beginning:

    At the end:

    In the middle:

    Did you like it?

    (happy face,straight-line face, or sad face)

    The Cat in the Hat

    Dr. Seuss

    Author and title:

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    72 TLC10578

    My Four Square Book Review

    People in my family

    In the beginning:

    At the end:

    In the middle:

    Did you like it?

    (happy face,straight line face, or sad face)

    Author and title:

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 73

    My Four Square Autobiography

    People in my family

    My family:

    My favorite thing

    to do:

    My hobbies:

    This is me!Bryce

    All about:

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    74 TLC10578

    People in my family

    My family:

    My favorite thing

    to do:

    My hobbies:

    This is me!

    All about:

    My Four Square Autobiography

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 75

    My Four Square "How-To"

    People in my family





    Spread one with peanut

    butter and the other with


    Make a Peanut

    Butter Sandwich

    Get 2 pieces

    of bread.

    Put them together. Eat it!

    How to:

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    76 TLC10578

    My Four Square "How-To"

    People in my family





    How to:

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 77

    My Four Square Description

    People in my family





    It is a

    rectangle.My Blankie

    My blankie is

    not big.

    The blankie is light blue. My blanket is soft and



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    78 TLC10578

    People in my family






    My Four Square Description

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 79

    My Four Square Report

    People in my family




    What do you think?

    They live in

    the forest.Brown Bears

    Brown bears are big

    and dark


    Brown bears like to eat

    berries and plants.

    Brown bears are my

    favorite animals.


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    80 TLC10578

    People in my family




    What do you think?


    My Four Square Report

    Name ___________________________________________________

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    TLC10578 81

    About the Authors


    Judy is a teacher,


    al speakerwho has

    been sharing ideas


    schools nationwide.She has taught

    nearly all grades, including Pre-K and

    highschool.Whenathome inFlorida,

    she enjoys readingandwritingwith

    husband Evan, daughte

    r Ilana and



    Mary has been ateacher for23years.She is currently thewriting

    teacher atJacksonville BeachElementary inFlorida.Sheenjoyswrit-ingpoetryandhavingasimplelifewithherhusbandCalandherdog,Melandcat,Ripley.

  • 7/28/2019 4 Square for Early Learners


    Four Square:Writing Method with Enhanced CD

    Teach writing skills using this innovative newapproach that has been proven to work inclassrooms just like yours. The Four Squaremethod can be used with all forms of writing andwill fit any reading or language arts program. This

    step-by-step approach is built around a simplegraphic organizer that first shows students howto collect ideas and then helps them use thoseideas to create clear and polished prose. Open-

    ended reproducibles makethe technique accessibleto writers of all abilityranges. Also great forcontent area writing.

    TLC10578 Early Learner (no CD)TLC10579 Grades 1-3

    TLC10580 Grades 4-6

    TLC10581 Grades 7-9

    Four Square:The Total Writing Classroom

    At last! A companion activity book to the

    immensely popular Four Square Writing Method.Chock-full of projects and ideas that are tailor-made to work with the Four Square Writing

    Method, this volumeincludes age-appropriateactivities designed totake advantage ofthe language-learningconnection and helpstudents use what theyknow to learn new things.

    Four Square:The Personal Writing Coach

    This book in the popular Four Square seriesprovides a personal coach for students to helpthem write. Included are 13 themed unitsdesigned to meet the interests and abilities ofstudents. Each unit brings the prewriting through

    art, word association, questions, poetry, planningand composition of prose. The exercises willhelp students learn to be less fearful of writingassignments and actually make them fun! Thetopics are personal onesyoung writers will enjoy:themselves, their familiesand friends, their favoriteplaces to go and thingsto do, etc.

    TLC10446 Grades 1-3TLC10447 Grades 4-6

    TLC10448 Grades 7-9

    Four Square:Writing in the Content Areas

    When you give a writing assignment, do your

    students respond with, I have nothing to writeabout? Obviously, there are plenty of topicsavailable. What your students need isnt topics,but the skill of organizing and clarifying theirthoughts around a topicand developing thatcontent into sentences andthen paragraphs. Youll findall the help you and yourstudents need about writingand learning across thecurriculum in this book

    TheFour SquareSeries
