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4 Ways to Overcome Limited SharePoint Expertise

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Presented by Dux Raymond Sy and Mark MillerNov 17, 2011
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4 Ways to Overcome Limited SharePoint Expertise in the Enterprise Dux Raymond Sy Mark Miller Watch Recording: http://vimeo.com/32406651
  • 1. 4 Ways to Overcome Limited SharePoint Expertise in the EnterpriseDux Raymond SyMark MillerWatch Recording: http://vimeo.com/32406651

2. Presentation Objectives In this presentation, you will learn the 4 ways to overcome limited SharePointexpertise in the enterprise Identify necessary SharePoint skills to support your organization Justify the value of hiring full time resources or outsourced providers Utilize existing resources to maximize the value of SharePoint Quantify the TCO of out of the box, third-party and custom developed SharePointsolutions@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 3. Meet Mark and [email protected] [email protected]@eusp@meetdux@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 4. SharePoint Implementation ContinuumDraconian IT GovernedWild Wild WestControlEmpowerment Chaos @eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 5. http://innovative-e.com/5ds@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 6. Wheres SharePoint Superman? SharePoint is so easy - users will figure it out Since youre the server admin, youre now the defacto SharePoint guy/gal On top of you day job, you can implementSharePoint in 3 months so 5000 of our employeescan use it, right?@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 7. SharePoint IS a Business PlatformPublicProject Facing Intranet ManagementWebsiteSystemSharePoint 2010@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 8. 1. Educate Decision Makers@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 9. SharePoint Ignorance is Not Bliss Executives ordered SharePoint to be deployed Do they REALLY understand the value of SharePoint to the organization? Is the investment realistic? As the enlightened ones, its our responsibility to raise executive awareness aboutSharePoint Read 5 Reasons Why Executive SharePoint Ignorance is Not Bliss http://go.meetdux.com/393b @eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 10. Justifying SharePoint Investment Understand strategic goals Business needs vs pain points Allocated budget Priorities Resources required to meet business priorities Technology and Tools Expertise Change Management Relevant analysis and planning is key @eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 11. 2. Remove IT Bottleneck@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 12. Power to the People Engage with the business up front to get buy-in That means you would have engaged the users from the get-go Having them involved from the start will likely contribute to a successful adoption Democratize both business solution development & support Paradigm shift from traditional IT model Well-defined roles and responsibilities Defined in your governance strategy@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 13. Example: Site Manager Responsibility Sample governance plan: http://spgur.us/IECSPGov @eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 14. Relevant Training Showcase SharePoint solutions, not features Share case studies Even better, success of pilot program Group users based on business needs IT Business Executives Vendors/customers@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 15. Provide Structured Support Self-service support Create a SharePoint FAQ site for basic how-tos Include external references for advanced topics Make sure its accessible to the entire user community Removes most of the support bottleneck Site Manager support IT help-desk support Create a SharePoint help-desk site Intended for higher-level support @eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 16. 3. Mentor the Business @eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 17. Wax On Wax Off @eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 18. Guide the Business with their Journey@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 19. Whos Your SharePoint Business Analyst? ITBusiness Executives Biz Analyst @eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 20. 4. Outsource to Experts@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 21. Whats Your Core Business? @eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 22. SharePoint TCO Technology & Tools Hardware Software Human Resources IT Business Policies and Processes Governance Release Management OOB vs Third-Party vs Custom Solutions @eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 23. http://fpweb.net@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 24. http://innovative-e.com/easy @eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 25. [email protected] [email protected]@eusp@meetdux@eusp @meetdux #SPExpertise 26. Thank Youfor Attending
