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40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights...

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Page 1: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.
Page 2: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

40 days and 40 nights

Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert.During this time he didn’t eat or drink anything and the Lenten tradition of abstinence is continued today by many who choose to give up something specific such as chocolate or alcohol.

Page 3: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

40 days and 40 nights

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil.

Luke 4:1-2a (NRSV)

Page 4: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

40 days and 40 nights

Jesus, tempted in the desert, lonely, hungry, filled with dread: ‘Use your power’, the tempter tells him; ‘turn these barren rocks to bread!’ ‘Not alone by bread’, he answers, ‘can the human heart be filled. Only by the Word that calls us is our deepest hunger stilled!’

Herman G Stuempfle (1923-2007) © 1993, GIA Publications, Inc. Used with permission

Page 5: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Shrove Tuesday s

Lent always starts on a Wednesday, so people went to confession on the day before.The old middle English word ‘Shriven’meaning to go to confession gave the day its name of Shriven Tuesday which became Shrove Tuesday. This was the last chance to indulge yourself and to use up the foods that were not allowed during Lent so pancakes became a tradition – using sugar, fat and eggs.

Page 6: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

The first day of Lent is called Ash Wednesday - the name comes from the tradition of putting a small crossof ash on people’s forehead at churchservices.

Ash Wednesday

Page 7: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Ride on, ride on in majesty

Holy Week commemorates the last week of the earthly life of Jesus before his crucifixion on Good Friday and his resurrectionon Easter Sunday. It begins with Palm Sunday which celebrates Jesus’ triumphal arrival in Jerusalem for the Jewish festival of Passover.

Page 8: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Ride on, ride on in majesty

Ride on, ride on in majesty!Hark, all the tribes Hosanna!’ cry;your humble beast pursues its roadwith palms and scattered garments strowed

Henry Hart Millman (1791-1868)

Page 9: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Welcome him into your life

Then they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks on it; and he sat on it. Many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut in the fields.

Mark 11:7-8 (NRSV)

Page 10: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Welcome him into your life

So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord - the King of Israel!’

John 12:13 (NRSV)

Page 11: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Welcome him into your life

Make way, make way, for Christ the KingIn splendour arrives.Fling wide the gates and welcome HimInto your lives.

Graham Kendrick Copyright © 1986 Thankyou Music

[email protected] Used by permission

Page 12: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

The Last Supper

Thursday of Holy Week is known as Maundy Thursday. On that day, Jesus had his last meal with his friends and followers – this meal is known as ‘The Last Supper’.Jesus and his friends would have followed the Jewish Passover custom of eating roast lamb and bread and drinking red wine.

Page 13: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

The Last Supper

Then he took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’ And he did the same with the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup that ispoured out for you is the new covenant in my blood. Luke 22:19-20 (NRSV)

Page 14: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Bread is blessedand broken, wineis blessed and poured:take this and rememberChrist the Lord.

John L Bell and Graham Maule©Wild Goose Resource Group

Page 15: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

There in the garden of tears

Then Jesuswent with them to a place calledGethsemane;and he said tohis disciples,‘Sit here whileI go over thereand pray.’Matthew 26:36 (NRSV)

Page 16: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

There in the garden of tears

There in the garden of tears,My heavy load He chose to bear;His heart with sorrow was torn,‘Yet not My will but Yours,’ He said.

Graham Kendrick

© 1983 Thankyou Music [email protected] Used by permission

Page 17: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Suddenly a crowd came...

While he was still speaking, suddenly a crowd came... Then they seized him and led him away, bringing him into the high priest’s house. Luke 22:47a,54a (NRSV)

Page 18: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Suddenly a crowd came...

Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus...theystripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, andafter twisting some thorns into a crown, they put it on his head... Then they led him away to crucify him.

Matthew 27:27a,28-29a,31b (NRSV)

Page 19: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

It was nine o’clock in the morning when they crucified him. And with him they crucified two bandits, one on his right and one on his left. Matthew 15: 25,27 (NRSV)

Page 20: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

My Lord, my Love is crucified

O look on him, as you pass by;the wounded Prince of life and peace!Come, sinners, see your Maker die,and say, was ever grief like his?Come, feel with me his blood applied;my Lord, my Love is crucified.

Charles Wesley (1707-1788)

Page 21: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Joseph of Arimathea... asked for the body of Jesus. Then Joseph bought a linen cloth, and taking down the body, wrapped it in the linen cloth, and laid it in a tomb that had been hewn out of the rock. He then rolled a stone against the door of the tomb.

Mark 15:43,46 (NRSV)

Page 22: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

They did not find the body

Page 23: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

They did not find the body

But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices that they hadprepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body. Luke 24:1-3 (NRSV)

Page 24: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

They did not find the body

Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,kept the folded grave clothes where thy body lay.Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son:Endless is the victory, thou o’er death hast won.

Edmund L Budry (1854-1932)

Page 25: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

They did not find the body

And he departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find Him. For He departed, andbehold, He is here.

St Augustine (354-430)

Page 26: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Alleluia! Christ is risen

...On the third day he rose again, he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father...

The Apostles’ Creed

Page 27: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Alleluia! Christ is risen

What shall I give you, Lord, in return for all Your


Glory to You for Your love.

Glory to You for Your mercy.

Glory to You for Your patience.

Glory to You for forgiving us all our sins.

Glory to You for coming to save our souls.

Glory to You for Your incarnation in the virgin’s


Glory to You for Your bonds.

Glory to You for receiving the cut of the lash.

Glory to You for accepting mockery.

Page 28: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

Alleluia! Christ is risen

Glory to You for Your crucifixion.

Glory to You for Your burial.

Glory to You for Your resurrection.

Glory to You who were preached to men and


Glory to You in whom they believed.

Glory to You who were taken up into heaven.

Glory to You who sit in great glory at the


right hand.

Glory to You whose will it is that the sinner

should be saved through Your great mercy and

compassion. Ephraem of Syria (ca. 306-373)

Page 29: 40 days and 40 nights Lent is a time to prepare for Easter – it represents the 40 days and nights when Jesus was tempted in the desert. During this time.

The great gift of Easter is hope

“The great gift of Easter is hope – Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake.”

Basil C. Hume (1923-99)
