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40020100 Warhammer Core Rules

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Design and W riling: Chris Pramos Original WFRr Creators: Jim Hambra, Graeme Davis, Phil GaUagher, Richard Halliwe ll, and Rick Prresrley Additional Material: Dan Abnerr, Jrrem.y Crawford, Graem.e Davis/ Kate Flack, Ew an Lamont, Aaron Loeb, T.5. Luilum, TodJ. Miller, Rick Priestley, Roberr J. Schw alb, Gav Thorpe Editing: W.D. Robinson Proofreading: Marc Gascoigne Graphic Desi gn and An Dira:tion: Hal Mangold Additional An Direction: John Blanche Cover An: Geoff Ta,Ylor WFlU'Logo: Davis Hinks Interior Art: Toren. IIMacbin" Atkinson, S reve Belledin, Caleb Cleveland, Dave Gallagher, David Griffith, Jon Hodgson, Car l Frank, Ted Galaday, Janine JOhMon, Karl Kopinski, Pat Loboyko, Britt Martin, V al Mqyerik, Torstein NordeSlrand, Justin Norman, Erik Polak, SeOrl Purdy, W qyne Reynolds, Rick Sardinha, Adrian Smith, Greg Staples Canognphy: Shawn Brown, Nua la Kmnti{v, Fluid" Entertainmenr Characra Shec=r Design: Rick Acllberger WFRl' Development Manager: Kate FLack Projttt~: Ewan Lamonr Head of Black Industries: Simon Burler - Special Thanks.II""" 5fevr K~n.! Worbhup Mhiv~ Department. T o Huid Enteruinmem for the maps in Chapler 6 (created with their Dumljilllli m3p pillg ",,/twaIc. www.dundjinni.com). ChrIs Pr.mas would Uke (0 thank Chris Flahe rty. Brian E. Kirby. Roben /...;!wwn. kuon Locb. 'Iodd Millu. Kim Prom. Sandeep R~". William Simuui. ami Rubcn J. Tuth-199 Bergeu Sr. lives 1"[email protected]/orGarMSWorkshopW2O()().2004.l14riab1yrtgirrtrwiintkUK lind n/kr """nm/' ! """,nd tht ,-" AU riF" rt1MItd. Cff", ROIl'" If" C,"" /Wn", Ingo "'" T",Jmlilf h ofC"'~II &mill ruMifhi,,/{ lind 11'" Wl!d with ~rmiJtin". Dundjinn; IInd.1N Du ndj;",,; logo 'Iff Tm&mam ofF/roM EnUrra""'1(I1f and II'" um! with fi"""Wi"n. ,,,ui Product Code: 6004028J002 ISBN,I-8441()..221-4 Black IndLUuiQ Wurld Wide Web sil e: www.blacki ..duuri.wfII Gr~n RODin World Wide Web site: www.grccuronin.com Playt0:3! Group Lead.. and Playt .... u t: R..lf Achcnhach (CI .,di. AehcnMch. S ,efan Mulier, Ft:lnk Vcrm); Chril'ophwn. Bjarn Moirnfos. . . AI~",nd.r R>lhnow. And~u ikn,from. GU$T3V Sjfuu";im. un SfrOmquist): Moxlme Bt ~ulltu (DominIque 6tlltma~ Page . Richard Blais. Chae Dirki. C[.,I:. Fr:all~"i' F ili"l"'~uh. Fr'lI~ui. M...); S.ho M"lu, M.rm De Filippo, NicoL. Nar.l k Qn:l.vio N.. :al~); S.mud G.""". (Mlchul Whom, David G..,c,,~, Jhu M... h""", ), lI. (1!.Iw DominlU oJ Wof,frnb"rg, pri w of Si!'M r, rhi, rhrt't hunodmlrll day of IM:JMr 1)10, II) a tJrttIl roltt:n&a ticn oj ! ood folk in 1 high Innplr of (hili burg, and wril down II) ~fffllr$lir non.1l>)' R. M ]owphw, rubricalor. Commmd mt, oh ferd, 10 his lmptrillf MajtffJ Karl Fral\t, ! ..II!.lfttl' oj 1/1( Mnhtru, rurrllUling in Sigmllr'J ,;Tllet, wo rld without md. G.ltha dose 1!1d listal now, be you ploughman or warrior, high-b orr. aT low. Amnd me now. n- wonk an! rraJll (or you, ror m you nor all mc:n bor n of rht: II you nod. Ayt, linrn then, and lfISir. To be. man born olrir Ernpin' b to Ie tw l ink pm of I Sft:Iler thins. and 10 play th1.1 man mllll koow his plK'e .ia tb: workin!tl oillle World. The rim lli' W"p o" (),oup {Throwm.l. Street Fighting, Strike to Stun, Very Strong or Very Resili ent Trappings: Buckler, Knuck1e-clusten, A Pair of Throwing A:J.C$ or Throwing K nives, Light Armour (Leather J'ok) Career Entries: E.stalian Dksrro,Jailer, Merc enary, Thug Career Exits: Bailiff, Bounty Hunter. Imcnogator,JaiIer I Mtrcenary, Protagonist, Racketeer

protect themselves from thieves and common riffrnff. While many look like the th ugs they are, others are gussieJ up in the livtry uf the Noble or Mer(hanr House they ~trvt:. Some of the STOUps are so hig th~r rhey a re pr.mically priv~re armies. II

ill: Careen DFscRwrION BONE PICKER Bone Pickers arc salvcngcrs, scraping a living together off the refU5c of othm. They lead their carts through villages and rowns, collecting old bones, rags, an d OIher junk md disposing ofi! in rerurn for a fc-.v pennies Of a SlllalJ item in trade. Somclimtli kuowll as rag and bone men ur rJg pi(ker~, they arc a common sight in Skills: Animal Cart, Charm or Gossip, Drive, Common Knowledge (ttll: Empire), Ev aluate, Haggle, Perception, Semh Talents: Coolheaded or Srreetwise, Hardy or Resisrance to Di"", Ihe EllLpin:'s dlks. which generate large amounts of wastt'. Since: many goods pass th rough lhdr hauUs, BOIlt: Pkkers arc also petl}' traders. What is rrash to a Trappings: Cart, J Sacks Career Entries: Peasant, Rat Catcher, Vagabond Career Exirs: Camp Follower, Cat Burglar, fence, Grave Robbt:r, Smuggler wealthy Burgher is treasure 10 a ponr I'easanr. DFscRwrION Rollnty HunTer: hard to keep III" whh CUTTenr rrends and politiCS in the Old World. When They neeel ~lIch knowledge, they turn 10 their E nvoys. The:;e young Elves arc the public facc uf ,he Mercbant H uu~o;::;. 111 1' )' negotiatc the COntraCts, make till: dais, and h-':Jllhe pea~e with the Humans of tlading hub ~ucb a!> Alulurf, Nuin, ~nd M:uicnburg. Even Elves have a limit IU their p;lIien~e, so it is unsurprising thu many cnvuys lak~ leave uf thdr n.. mllics for the advcnrutcr's life. Nu to;: Only EJvt:S can cmer cateer. [hi ~ Skills: alarm , Common Knowledge (dr Empm or the Wasteland), Evaluate, Gossip, H aggle, Perception, ReadIWrite, Secret Language (Guild Tongue), Swim, T..de (Merc hant) TalmtS: Dta1makct or Seasoned Tta"eU cr T rappings: Light Armour (Intb=rjack),:2 sets of Good Craftsm=nship aothes, Writ ing Kit Carm' ElIlrits: Student, Tndesman Carwr Exits: Dlarlatan, Merchant, Rogu e, Seaman, Student, Vag.bond

m:Careen DESCRIPTION ESTALIAN DIESTROThe Estollian Kingdoms all: southWCSt of the empire. There the thral ofCh3()!; ! OCtms rcm(m:. lll~ Cl.aus Wa&les arc quile distant from this sUllny land, which has never wimessed the wTlIrh of hlMulded) Trapp ings: Light Armour (In.tlrr Jerkin), BonIe of Spiriu, Gmt Wetpon or Shield Carm' Entries: None

Carm' Ems: Mm:enary, Pit Fighter, Seaman, Sergeant, Veteran No te: If this is your St;lrting Career, you arc frum Nursca.

Chapter III: Careers -OUTLAWDESCRIPTION Imperial juslict is swift and merciless. [f i.~ no wonder [hen [hat so many Oee lhe walch and rake on the life of the Outlaw. The hills :tnd fore;r~ are filII uf Outlaw uallds. It is a pr=uious exis tence, as they must deal nOt only wi lh Roauw.mlells, Su]Jjtr~. and olher agents of law, hUI also the dark denizt:lIs uf lhe 'll'ih.6. While m;my Outlaws arc no thing more rhan com mon th iev. M0.5[ of the time though, it is 01' tu small ~ruups uf Roa.dwardcllS to deal wiul all UUt the wurst h",m" M~n~r, Outlaw, Outrider, Sergeant, Toll Keeper -ROGUEDEsc:Rn>TION If Rogues havc a creed, it is this: never du an honl'St d3Y'S work if you can av oid it. These fut-l1Llking (;un men W;~ Iheir charm and luck to make their way i n the world. Some work as hawds, professional guides to the dens of vice~nrl inC!pliry 10 be found in any dty. Others are profe."~inna! gamhler.; or r:aCOnteUrf. All Rogues favour Iheir WiT.~ over rheir swo rds,

and [hey always have a ready Sl(lry on [hcir lips. While Rogues often have olle city as home turf. some travd from place to place, profiling rwm dabor.u~ Khemcs and then moving on. The mOSt skilled Rogues go unJ~[~cli. llteir lit:$ arc so convincing rh~t even those they have swindled nc ,er realiu: it was a CUll. Skills: Blather, Charm, Evaluate, Gamble or Secret Sigm (Thin), Gossip or Haggle , Perctption, Performer (Actor or Storyteller) , Search or Secret Language (Thll :ves' Tongue) , Speak Language (ReikspieI) Talent s: FlI!t! or Su~twise , Luck or Sixth &nse, Public SpcalTION TROLL SLAYER Dwarfs who have been disgraced, crossed in love, or otherw~ humiliated abandon tr.ldirionai soci~ry and seek rhe sweeT relea..e of dealh. They hum the most dangerous of monsters in the hopes of fincling:l glo rin".~ coo. MOSI of Them die fitirly quickly, but those few who survive become m embers of the 51rang cult of Troll Slayer.;. They exist only to clk, and by doing MJ rt:det:m whatever disgrace rhey ~u(fen:J tl t3 in till: pas!. lh:y Skills: Consum: Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Intimidate Talents: Disarm or Q.uick Draw, Hardy, Lightning Reflexes or Very Rt:siliBlt, Sp rialist W~pon Group (Two-lmxIo1), Street Hghter, Strike Mighty Blow Trappings: G mt Wrapon, Lq;ht Armour (LeathrrJerkin), One Bottle of rOOt Craftsmenship Spirit s Career Entries: Pit Fighter Carter E:tirs: Giant Slayer a ~ure route seck the fiercest foes, and Trolls are cunsidcn:d ideal because the Dwar&" death s an: almust a u:rtaimy. Trull Slayers arc instantly recognizable, will! their spiky or-.mgc hair, outlandish r attoos, and gaudy jt:Wdhy. 1111:Y ~penJ a great deal of dme bo~dng of their exploits ancl .~how off their many scars, and ofTen innulge in houtSof overc3ting. drunkcnnesl;, Note: Only Dwufs can join this career. Taking the Slayer's path is IU death. TIl ink Clrefully lJefore entering this Clreef. and 51e(!p deprivation. Vagahonds love life nn rhe road. The traditional Peasant or Burshcr existence se ems like prison to them. Who wants to wake up in the S1Ime vilbge or ciry every day, doing the ~me thing as yesrerday~ Va~l>onds are footloo~e wanderers who loo k on each day:t'l a new adventucc. TIley may lake on odd jubs here and there [0 earn some brw, but they never ~tay in one I'lace for VAGABONDlong. The road beckons, with the I'rumise of sumethin!; !Jetter Skills: Common Knowledge (Bretonnia, Estalia, Kislev, or TUea), Gossip or Secret Language (Ranger Tongue or Thieves' Tongue), Haggle or Swim, Heal or Perception , Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Performc:r CDancer, Singer, or Storyteller) or S ecret Signs ltdgt (Nfgie) II fourth timt.

Chapter IV: Skills at Talents 14ITr. flxrr/orr, \\'-&~Il"K must ""in FvIloIlJ Tr4;1 fir 5.onrt Sjgru (Sto/ft), OutJ~r Ss,rviwJ, I1nd SurrA Si"a 'N's II llllllllln from tk Empi". I1nd thwMnd lIIilh umnIAti KrlhWkdg" (rk EmptTr) /JIW GoSSIP, he dot; rwl Mtd w bl/)' "JO~ skills. Acaoemic Knnwledge (Religinn) if a different skill than Academic Knuwlt:tlEe (Hi litury). 111e 1Il~1 commun ACOIdemic Knowledge skills att the Am, ASlronomy, Dae monology, Engineering, GenealngylHernlory, Hi~tnry, I~w, Magic, Necromancy. Phil osophy, RuntS, Science, Str.uq;y(facucs. aml SKllL FORMAT Skill~ lhcology. Related l itlenrs, Nnne. are presenTed in the tnllnwing lormal: Skill Name Skill Ty~: Basic or AJV".uJ(~ C ha.nc:tcristi c.: This entry spcdfies which Characteristic this Utili U50 Skill T~, Bask. Characterinic lmelligl'nce. OcM:ription: U!>t: lhis skill to take cue uffallll a nt! JUIIlt51K: animals, like horses. anle, pi~ oxen. md the like. Roudne arc md feeding require no Skill Tcn.1Csu arc most commonly made to spot developing illn esses or signs of discomfon, or for special grooming (prcpmng a mOUD! for a para de, for irullance). Reilttoo Ia l enf.~: None. forTt$IS. Descriptionl This !ZCrion descrihe. what the .~kill does and is used for. Relate d Ta.lcllu: Many lal~lll~ i1upl\)v~ your dla.m:n with skills. The bonus either applies all the time or under C(:rt1.in cir.:umstances s~jfieJ jn the talent description. Any !Alenr.~ th ar am affect a skill ue listed here. SKILL DF.;, rhollgh mort' unu$lIalanimals may be U '.l.illc:d with the GM '~ pc:rm~iun. Pruptrly training an animal takes some timc. Skill Tests sh ould be made once a week during rmining. A simple trick can be learned with one succcssful tCSt, a moderalely difficult Irick call be k-,um:t! with lhrt:t: sua; :=ful tests.:lIld a difficu.lttric;k~ be learned with ten succ;essful tests. R~l ated T. I~n u: None.

a1phabc-lical oruer. ACADEMIC KNOWLEDGE (VARIOUS) Skill Type: Acl\lance!t:ntjful Plemiful Common SCt:wlI:r T3nk3rd., wooden 'telescope Tent Tinderbox 5, 3g' 15 xc I g' (" 2 4 3 Jug: 'Ihis simpled~y oree~mic com~iner has ~ sm~n handle ~nd a spout m the lOp. A jug holili I gallon ufliquid, increasing ils encumbrance to 105 units. Pouch: This lmail bag comes with ties to hang it from your belt. 5", )0, 5 10 50 10 , I g' 10g( lOge

backpack, or strap. Th= are dmh, bur b~({er poucho may be silk. fur. or cured le ather. A pouch hold,; 400 coins or 2 units of encumbrance. 5 5 5 5, I go. I g' I X' " I" 5 SO 5 10, 100 .('e 5 5 20 Rare Very Rare ft." Common Common Common Plt:ntiful Plentiful Rare Purse: A purse is a spedal kind of pouch dcsigned to hold money. Smaller and con cealable, ir is preferred as ir i~ Ie...,; visihle rhan a pouch and thereby safe r. A purse can hold 100 coins. Sack: A sack is a ~eneral.purpose doth or linen bag. It holds 200 un its of encu mhrance. S~ddlcbag: A saddlebag ties OnTO a sadd!c, and is ncarly always made of durable h:alhe" with a flap that closes Ovef the mouth. Inside, there are smaller pouches and divisions to keep items .o;ep~l'3re. 15, )0, 5 Common rlcntiful Slillgbagt A slillg{,ag b a pouch with a shoulder str..lp. TIlUugh smaller than a. ba from the 5u(['erer's body. Should Illey survive the pox. the victim will be cove red with large greenish-grey stars ~hour the li:rao, thro~t ~nd shoulders. The Gr~1I POll; c:m rur at any pOUlt in the victim's life from the n on, increasing the density and brightness of ,h" P"'" mHk.~ each lime. Only he lvy make up can Jisguise: the Jistinctive marb. Duration: 14 days. Effecu: Each day the cha ract er has the Green I'mt he mllst make a Tou~hne!>lo To;:st Qr lu~ ... S% from evcry Characteristic on his Miin Profile, If Toughness is reduced t o 0 or less, the chancter dies. If the victim survives, he must m~ke ~ ToughnasT

o.t or ~uJTet a yetma.rltill-IO% ~nalty to FeUowship TeSlS reliant on physical a ppearance or good looks. falu DISEASE Plague and [H'Stilence arc fact.~ ufHfe in dte Empire. TIlt: common folk suITer ye;;rrly outbreaks and epidemics of many types. Some choose rn rrllSt ro Shallp In heallheir ills. whilst others prefer [(J pbce thetr r~i th in doclOr! and qua ckery, Whatcve r the cue. the old, the young, the unwashed md the unlucky arc fr equent victims of disease. When exposed to a dise.1SC, a characrer must make a s ucce:ssful ' Ioughness Te!:t or COntf':lCl it, 11le disease: lasts fur a set num lter of Jays. modjfted by the re.!ults of a sond Toughness Ten. Each degree of ru CC('M shortens the dllf':ltioo hy one day, while elch degree of failure lengthen s it by ont: wy. Ow.:e every thrtt Ua)'5, a cll~racter with the Tical Skill can mempt to aid the character as well. A successful rcsr ,horrens the rluf':Itiun b y one day. When th~ duration Jrops IU 0, lite character rc:covers ftOm lhe disea se. KRUTS VesO'iptioll' Legend has il Ihal Dwarf herdsmen brought down thIS itching, crepu scular rash from the mountains. M~ddcning, painful and cmh~ rrn~sin g, this sick ness tends IU gathtr ubout die thi~\S. groin and lorso. Transmitted by touch, Ih is highly infectioul ruh Is quite a soelal stigma. Sometime.~ asSnci~Tcd wirh go ~tS, ~nd other livc.~tnck, folk m~dicine rt:cu/ll/ll~uJ~ dlavillg the afflicted area and p.unting it with turpentine. Duration: 5 da,.,. Effects: ' Ihe connan! irriration causes the charaCler to ~uITer a -10% penalty to his Agility and Fell owship. During combat he must makc a successful Willl'ower ' lesT elch round at Ihe iJ.q;iJluiu!; of hib tum or spend a half action itchmg and scratching. DISEASE FORMAT NlI.me~ Self-explanatory. Do:.scriptiou: How foul 15 the disease exactly. Duration: The average num ber of days the afHiction lam. Effccu: ViClim~ suffer th ese penalti es whilsl di=llcd. THE BLOODY FLUX DeJcription' The Flux Is a common term for any illness that cause~ the sufferer TO vuitllarge :lmOUI1l$ of matler from th~ir ~~rsoll in a short lime. Privy doon flap when the Flux comes ro town. The Rloody Hux is 1\ p~rticlliarly unpleasant strain. often believed to be a punishment from the God,.; to the impious. The c urtS for it are certaioly foul , induding the inhabtion nf NEIGUSHROT Descriptioll' Thi' insidious diseue is rightly the mOSI feared of all rhe Emp're 's ills. Whils! mOST sicknesses destroy the boJy, thb 136

VI, Combot, loathsome rm t"Jt~ away :1.\ the v~ry soul of in victim. Suffeccrs exhibit boils , fevcr ~nd violent HUll':' as the ror wirher.~ Their fr~me to leprous pnlpuniun s. Most end their lives before rill: final Siages of the disease, for the distur bing changes iI wreaks upon ones frame arc enough to shaner onc's sanity. Many whi~per ,hal Ihi~ illllb5 is lh~ work of the Fly Lord, casling his lIet \0 snare souls 10 his ser vice. Only the mighticst ofShallyan healing magic ClIO cU le Ncigli.~h i{nr. ror most victims, iT is ~ c!ellrh sentence. Dllratiom 30 days. EffcCQ: Each day 11 character bas rhe NeigH~h Rot he must make 11 Toughnw 'lesl or In~ 5% from evt:r ), Characteristic on his Main Profile. J(ToughlltsS is reduced to 0 or less, the ch.uactn dies. AI the end of l'ach w~k the charnercr has (he disca.o;c, roll on Ta Me 11 - 1: C haos MutatiulI~ UII page 229. ScuRVY MADNESS Ducriptioo: This dangerous disease ClIl1~es painful swellings ufKln m(' lips, Tongllc and gums. WIII:.!1 ulC:::.e bum-usually whilst sn~~tin!;-rOUlllSling md infdolls pus Spr.l.)'l sometimes up to five feet away. A high fever indu=" hdludnalions and a TI:rrihlf' ThirsT in [iI .. victim, who must he doused in wateTami k~IH ,oo[ at all tom. People in the grip of me m adnen have gone on violent I'lImp3ge~, made OUl, shocking admissions and ClIllsed dangerous ~canJals. Folk Cli res include srr.tp ping sufferer~ IU J SWUI board and forcing either grog with vinegar md limejuicc or a live frog down their gullet. Durulon: 7 days. Effectsl1h: sufferer b~oll\e s so debilit:ued that all the Characteristics on his Main Profile are halven (rn undro up). If Trying TO dn anythiul> bUI rupemlc. the c;hanu;:\eT must make a su= ful Will Power TC$I or the GM will decide wh:H he dots inSlud. Con'idering that vicfims suffer from scvl:'rc h~lIucinarion s, this coulJ Ix: nearly anything. EfI'ecu: The illness causes 3 -20% penahy!O all the Char.lcteristio; nn rhe char aClds MaiJl Profile. The sufferer and anyone within 4 yard~ also suffers a -10% on Perceprion 1 e,.;T.~ involving sen: of smdl, since the odour of the char.tcter 's fcct is so unbelievahly fuul. STENCHFOOT FEVER Oesl;riplion: This foul di:ase i5 a common HaJIIlng ~fAicrion rhal has CSOI.ped f rom Ihe Mont tu plague the Empire. Views conflici on how it u. Clught. Some clai m merely sharing a selt with one of the ~wee folk~ is cnoush fO get YOIl infccre tl. Unfortunates who ~nfJer from Ill: fC'o'er arc affiicted with sweats ami sliak Q, sickness and a foul. me,uy stink arising from their feet. The accepted mcrhnc l of dealing wilh this 51ckncss is to fight fire willi fire -rubloins the afflic ted feet with 1111:'.1\, dung and Ihe like to "drive out" thl:' sidrncss. D urat ion: 4 clays. WEEVIL CoUGH D Q'l;ription: Tiny mites that live in hay, wheaT Rnd flour .~lores cause thi~ h acking cough. Spending tUO much tillle around infested arQ.', will produce a thi ck. phlegmy cough, shortness of breath and a distinctive throaty !'anle to The v oice. Quack!; often claim inhaling the VOIpuur~ uf various concoc tionsmany of t helll highly addictive--can cure iI. Duralion: J days. Effect": Conghing ClIU.>;

eN th~ d lar.tcter to suffer a -10% penalty to the Characteristics on his Main P rofile and roouces Movement by 2. "emelll has already been c;overed during combat and other iluatioll5 where time i~ hroken inlo 10 second rounds. MovemenT during narrluivc lime, .,lus rulal for jumping and falling. lea ping, ami flying, follow. Swimming and climbing arc co vered in C hapter 4: Skills and Talents under the skills Swim and Sl:aIe Sht:i:r Sumct respecrively. M; Nuln f~ling hungry anJ dispirited.~ Some GM, prefn to play suth thillgs fast and loose ("It ukcs you about a week."). Others prefer IIIUTe realism and like 10 s pin om 3 story. For !lIe benefit of the laner. there arc two movement chart6, Ta blu 6-8 and 6-9. Table 6-8: Loc;al Movemelit in Yards Per Minute is for fT~vel i n ~ limned area. such as a city, village, or valley. Table 6 !:h Overla.nd Movcrne nr in Miles Per Hour is for long.term travel, such as that Ut,tweeu TWo cilia;. Both ubles are based on th e Mnvemcm Char.lc;!eristic and have rwo c;olllm ns, h ampen'd and ~taIlJard. NARRATIVE MOVEMENT 11le vast majority of movement occurs ~s parr nf rhe story or narrative and it u n be h~ndled ~pccdilr. It isn't necessary to make a iourney as tedinus for the p layers as it is for their chanc;!ers. The GM can simply say rhings Uke, mAfier a gme11 ng eight hour hike, you finally ;ulive in Hampered Movement: U!iC th is culumn when moving Clutiuwly ur through difficult reITain ,uc;h as woods, marshes, or hilk Thi~ column is also appropriate for mil itary formarions on the marth. '37

Chapter VI, Combat, Damage (\( Movement Loct.L TABLE 6-8: MOVEMENT IN YARDS Ha mpered Mov.::melll PER MINun: _dud Movement TABLE 6-IO: FAu.ING DAMAGE , D il.UlIl"C FaJJ~n Damage 3 """ 6~,tb Mo,~ ment , , 7 j Chana~fiJti( 1 12 2 < 1 6 7 B 9 JO 3 30 48 " " 48 72 96 120 1 in light of advem cirCllrn5tancts, slic h as weather, darkness, congestion, heavy IOilds, and so on. A pelCenlage roouel ;u!! of the 101011 distance lra\'elled ;~ rhe ('uiC'sl way to Hlimpel'C'd Movement Chancterinic SWldard Monmeul , 2 .1 1 handle this. The GM might deo:;ide, [01 example, that the Ught dri1.7.1e hu rtdu ce:;1/IIim lup i.J 7 "mil (J-t-4.. 7). IVith Strrngth 42%, Sum maktI hiJ Test and rolls II 63%. SI'tnfoi/ s by 2196. !lUi II two ikgnN tJjfoilurr, so Svrn rrJuctS hI.> Jut41net b] 2 Jtlr l!t. Ht bm IJnl] Itapd 5 l'mis Stl is just sh] tJjllx nw";. SIK1I fJnct again kl ll7lJ about foUing. mm! move at 1 .Ili1 4 y,m1s (2 .ll.Juues) in a STraight line leading up .... to nice off. The maximum dismoce leapecl i_~ equal tn Muvement plus StrengTh Knnlls in yards. 1hi~ i~ the diSlaIlCC of the leap if a succes5ful Sucugth Teli\ is made. For cOI.ch degree of failure of the tCSt, the GUiana: leaped is reduced by 1 yllTf! (minimum I yard). If the ,haraclcr hM the Performer (Acrobat) skill, he may usc: thaI inSle3d of Sm:nglh at the player's option, A standing leap is similar, but I~ke.~ nn run-up. 111is i~ adjudicued same WlIy, hm Ihe final dislan~e: h halved (rounded up). ~he 'I he \'enical disrancc of a leap (iC important) is cqu.al to M-2 in yards. JUSt as WiLli hori:rontal distance, the veninl disW\ce is reduced by 1 Examplel Our/n(lld SWll IS bll(k (JII tiN roofioPJ. 'fq gtt OlltO fhr buiWmg hr /MIIIS to rob, Ix l/Iust 11'111/1(' II kap tlf6yardJ. Slim yard for each dcgrCt r or the effects of the Wind.~ nrM~gk (see Variable Winds, page 145), if allllle JI Os uf yuur C~stin!; Roll come up 1, the spell fulls. In addition, you must I ".lkc it Will Power lQl or gai n an Insanity Poim as the uncomrolled magical e n ~rgy sew your mind. Because they only roll IdiO to hegin with, oovice $pdkaslers arc in grealer dangcr Ihan th~ir more cxj>Crienced dders. EUllIple: Hum, a H~dg ~ WiZllrd with a Magic Chnmmrisrir o/}, iJ tird ojltud]illg ill tIll sputttfmg l ight oja fand'" 10 '" tkritln to calf rlu magifflam'IPfl/. Ht malus " Outing ~/l with hiJ IdJO alld1.([1 a " S(J r," SptUfoils. Hr dun maKtl II Will PoUtt, Tist ,jails ii, "".l so glllllS J /IIJtlIlJI] Point. Hom barns " mluabk /(JIM abDlit IIsing m"git for lrivial purp,StI. TZEENTCH's CURSE Arcane Magic f;~' be unpredictable. The more: power you use to ca51 a ~ptll, the more likely it is Ihal something unexpected will happen. This is TIetJllch's CU /W. NUL all Wizards honour T7.eemch, rhe Ch~os God of Magic and Change, bUI all fear him. If you are an arcane spellcastcr. TzecnH;h's Curse lakes effect when y ou roll doubles, triples, or quadruples on your Casting Roll. The more d IOs yuu wi I, Ihe mnre de~dly i1.eemch's Curse become$. If yuu roll duubles, rull perct!mile dice and consulT Table 7-2: Minor Chaol Man ifC6latioli. If yuu roll triplt:S, mil perct!mile dice ane! con~ulT Table 7-3: M ajor Chao, Manifestation. If you roll \{uadlUpb, rull p!.'rccmilc dice and consu lr 1ab le 7-4: OIta"rophlc Chaos Manifatation. If you roll multiple malches 011 Ulle Castillg Roll, fhere an hf more rhan one manifest"Wer when adjud icating this spell. WINGS OF HEAVEN Casting Number. 18 Casting Time: Full aainn Ingredielll: A dove's fe;uher (+2) D escrlptlon: You are borne ~lofr by wind~ IInner your command. Yuu call ny fot a number of U1ll1utc::. c:qu.allo your Magic Clu.racteristic with a flying M()\'Cm cflt of 6. r"Or more inform~rion on Hying, see Chllpler 6~ Comblll, DIlffiage. a nd MovcmenL You cannot CUt this ~pell on othe~. STARSHINE Casting Number: 22 Casting TilDel I full actiun and ! half auion Ingredient: A H ar ch;J.f\ (+3) De~criprlon: You 0111 nown the light of the smr.;. lhe area wirh in 48 yarc.l~ (24 i>l/llarcs) of yOll is iUuminated by a 50ft light that reveals all that i! hidden . DarkllC!.'l (both magical and lIlundane) is llanishcd, dl~ invbillle b made visibl~, llic.lden or disguised ch.aracters are exposed, and . secret areas (doon, chamher.~, etc.) are rC\'eal~d. S"mhin~ lasrs for a number o f minutes equal to your Mask Characteristic. FIRST PORTENT OF AMUL Cuting Numberl 6 Ca.sting Time: 1 -I;tIf action Ingredient: A piece of glass (+ 1) Dc:scrJption: You can read the signs in the air and divine clues a.\" ro what the immediate futlltc holds. On your n(."Xt turn, you can make one dice re rnll of your chuice. This can be 3ny sort of roll (Skill Tw, damage roll, Casting Ro ll, etc). Ijj

VII: Magic Magic. Magbteri uf this lun: ar~ knuwn as Jade Wizards and they are mOSt iU home in the eountryside. They visit cities when they mUSt, but prefer to he surroun ded hy the maj~sry and puw~r uf the wild. Powerfil1 Jade Wi7;1rds go harefoot, t hat rhey might be in constant comact with the earth. As they progress in their O rder they take on aspct~ uf Sigmar usc spells from thdr patron lU furthtl Ihe BEACON OF CoURAGE Casting Number. 14 Casting 1ime: Half action Ingredient: A prism (+2) Dcscriptio n: The power and majesty of Sigma! fills you, making you shine O il( like a beac on in the nighL Any frightened or terrified ally who can ~ee you is inspired by your faith and bravery. Such characterS immediately recover and can now act norm ally. purposes of the church. defend the Empire. and combat heresy. Those who a.lIlipo n Sigm3r often fincl rh~r they Tend roward leadership ami pWII:aiun uf the willm on folk . HAMMER OF SIGMAR Cuting Number: 5 Caning Timet Half aerion IlIgRWo:nt: A dlJTm cngr-JveJ wilh the symbol of Sigmar (-t 1) CoMET OF SIGMAR Cuting Number: 16 CasringTlmc: Half action IIIgn:di.:IIt; A golden arrow head (+ 2) Description: You throw a fiery missile that takes the form of Sigmar! filmed [win railed comet. ' Ihe miniature cornel streaks towards an opponent of your choi ce within 24 yards (12 squares). A romr/ ofSigmllr is a tnllgir minik with Damag e 6. OCription: Your hammer is imbued with Sigmar's power. Y hand our weapo n, which m ust he a hammer, connr.s as having the I mp~cr quality and as magiQ.] [or 1 mill ule (6 lUumh). ARMOUR OF RIGHTEOUSNESS Casting Number: 6 Casting Time: Full action Ingredient: A small iron ring (+ 1) Description: A nimbus uf pown prutet:IS yuu from harm. YOli gain f I Armour Poin t on all locations, though the maximum of S APs still app~es. Anl1llur of rjg/wo umrss huts for onc minute per poim of your Magic Chatacrerisdc. SoULFIRE Cuting Nwulx:r. 20 Cuting Time: Half action Ingredient: A go lden amulet engrave d with the comet of Simgar (+2) De.scripLion: TIle purifying f1aml'S ofSigmar su rround you, as his wrath manifests on earth. Ctnue the large template on ynll~lf . Those ~lfected take ~ nam~ge 3 hit. Undead and Daemuns have il even wurse, ~ul ftring a Damage'} hit. Armuur offers 00 protection against SOllIjiU. HEALING HAND Cuting Number: 12 Ca.stingTIme: 1 full ~crion ~od 1 half ~ction Ingredient: A Im ther glove (+2) Desuiptiou; Y louch heals an injun:d char.lcler ur IJIO Wuumls. our You can also heal yourself. This is a touch spell. LORE OF T AAL AND RHYA Taal is the Lord of Nature, and husband to Rhya, [he Mother of the Eanh. He waTc hes OVCt The creamres of The wild places, whilst Rhya huldb guardianshiiJ uf lhe t".Irl h am.l ilS fertililY. Taal and Rhya are worshipped as joint, yet distinc t deities. Their Priests must prOteCt the huge tracts ofl~nd Rhya calls her own, and defend Taal's child ren frum deMrUct ioll by Man or Chao~. 1110sl: who ofle

n call uiJun Taal and Rhya's aid find that they arc seldom ill and have near bou ndlcu enrhllsj~sm, bur become mel~ncholy in cities ~nd town.~. BEASTFRIEND Cuting Number: 4 CasrlngTlm e: 1 fi.tll ~cTion and I h~lfaction lngredieut; The longue of a b.:asl (+ I) D escription: Wi:h TaaI's aid you are able to converse with a single animal within 12 yards (6 squares). You can undersmnd each Olher f or 10 minutes and during [hat time you gain a +20% bonus on Charm Animal Tests i nvolving this creature. Animals :lre not used. 10 conversing with bipeds, so the y sometimes have trouble articulating ideas. The GM should decide how much the a nimal knows, temembering rhat worldvicw of the avetage animal is limitoo at bes[ . STAG'S LEAP Casting Numbcr: 6 CasLing Time: Half action Ingredient: A tuft of hair from a st ag (... 1) Description: YOl ] are imhued wirh the pn:rogni= ! by the Empire. Cunsidert:t.l to be monal agent.. of rheir God, T ReligiOUS Ord ers he take an a(;tive role in the day-to-day life of the Empire, be it tendinl) The oead, catlng lor the land, or ministering 10 the \Vound~d. Whilst they fed lillie n~d to ~recnJi r" for their (~od, m~ny Priests take it upon themselves 10 tell instructive t'ales and offer guidance. Each OrJer has considelllhie religi ous, fiscal and political power, which they widd:u and when they fed it necessar y. $Qme haye argued thai poliTics is nor II realm in which the Priesthood is qua lified to meddle; however. the RdigioWl Orders have been exrrcmely quick to fHli nr om rhat whilst Sigmar moves the Heavens, it is his Warrior Priests who move t he Eanh. While each Religious Order maimains its holdings in their own particula

r way, mere are some basics thar apply to ~n of rhem. For specifiG on each Order . see The Religious Orders Marting at p~e 181. - Fouw. VBND.ATlON TEMPLES 'The temple is the cenlre of worship for ea(;h ddty. II is where ceremullialllla gi~ invocation, and sacrifice are performeo according to the rites of thai God. There is no $u(;h thing:u a typical temple. There are rempl old ano new, sparse a nd opulent, and small and vast. Styles vary greatly, even amongst temples dedica ted to rhe .Owntrodden mmers, Jadc Wi/ ,auls, P=1t5 The Poor, the Diuased, Women Empire f"olk, Nobillry, ,he Army Ambtt Wi7.ard~, Peasam~, WouJsmen Warriors, Mjddcnhdmcrs Scribes, Cekstial Wiurrls, Magistr:nes larg~ ~hrinc, attended by only ont s"l'UfIcnrai figure who mighT nm eve n be: a Pricn. Temples and shrines generally comain nhjecrs of value----olfering:; that have be en m~cle tn th~ am~ru.laUl deily, icons, rcliQ;, and so on. Iheo;e valuaub arc: c onsidered the property of the ddty, and characters who atumpt to steal or damage Them are inviting the dUpleasurc not only of the Temple's Prit'St.s, but alw uC the deity. Blessings are rafe. TIteY:Me rollef wimout great need. A duraCler praying to Ulr ie for aid in tunle may be hearu, but it is doubtful Ulric will lend him snellgt lr wiless the battle is of vital impottance (the char:.lcter is outnumbcttd, the Mille will dide the flIte of the duraCIcr's family, Ihe hanle is for the defence of a temple of Ulric, and 50 fonh). Blessings will generally only be granred to character~ who devoutly foUow the me ndanl deil)', aitlll.lugh characters who are properly IcYelelll in their prayer may be beard and given a bonn. Blessings Qil tllke several forms, and it is up t o the GM to decicle on ~ suitable one, taking into account rhe circumstance!>, t ile nature of Ihe deity involved, lind The past hi~tury uf ule character. A char acter might he granrro a small bonus 10 olle test, the one-time usc of an unknow n skill or talent, or a onc-shot usc of a ~pell. GM.~ Are frcc tu invent new typ es of blessing, but they should only he mort fIOwtrfu] lhan me cxampl~ given her e in truly mirJculuu~ cirCUIlUllUlCCS.

Shrines are a common Ceature in Lhe Old World. Most are indeJH!ndelll, Cr~t3.nd. ing structures, erectro by the inhabitants of a village or a city ward, or by me mbers of a paniculA.r guild or mher group. Essentially, sh rines are tentples tJ 1 miniatu re; they are places where offerings arc made and llrayers are offered to placate or gain tite favour oC a deity. Mon ar( no more than a small alrar, w ith an image of the God and a suitable in tlml each God is said TO prefer. Generally speaking, the more allention a player Watllb, tbe mur e valwble 3nd irrcplaccahle tht ofJ"fring ntis to be. If the PCS have offended th e God. ur havc an extreme favour TO a~k, thry will need to take the much morc se rioU5 Slep of making a sacrifict. The avcuge Ok! Woelder invuke the Gods when one of Them is needed. A sailor woul d makt offerings 10 Mananll when heading il11u the open 5e".I, "hilsl a Fanner m ay m~ke offfrings throughout the year to Taal, Rhya and SigmJr, Rich Illelchal11 s often m3ke nnn~tion~ 10 Shallya, for the sake of propriety, whilst the Imperia l Army C"Jlb upon Sigmar to guide [heil ~word~ amI lead them fO vicrory The Gods are nOl JUSt all emergency servi~, however. l'hdr Influence: CUI he fdr throJgh oul life, and 1I0t JUSt via the Religious OrJm. Many pt!rsollalllaml'S. for exam ple, include the names of Gcx4 and m~ thill~ like -[01 TJ.I" wwardi~ :lull uickery, ami UpeclS his fol lowers 10 a1w.J.YS taC thc direct apprm.ch to solving Oi. problem. Ulric ~ Ihc p;ttron God of the Tcul~ns, onc of the rwchx: great Human tribes a.' KI [he prople from whom Sigmar himself sprnng. Like hi~ Goc.I, Sigmar widdcJ a t wo-handed hammer ami weill imo baule wLlhoUl a helm. Mer mmy adventures. Sigmar evcnru.illy unified the tribes into The Empire. Since then, the Sl~te religion o f the Empire hru; bc-cnme The !;ult ufSilOlLLaJi wppiaming Ulric', plxe ofimporl :lIlce in the Empire. VERENA Goddess of Learning and Justice Symbol The symbol of Ulric is the wolf; wolf-head mooallions arc worn by many of his fo llowers, and the design is also used as decoraTion on weapons ;.tnd llln10ur. So me followeu ofUlri( wear wolf-skins as cloaks. Priem wear black roDeS with white wolf-head emblems on the brt:351 and trimllll.u will! wulf-)kin_ I >edirnTed wOr.lhippelll of Ulric usually go unshaven and do nm Ifim thdr hair . w that tller IIllght be . KlliWllly urder), :.oldiers, liIercenaries and mosl anyone who fights for a living will have a shrine dedic.ued to Ulric near them It all time s. In Middenheim particularly, the cult ofUldc is the dominant fo rce, bolh poli tically and splrhllally. Only rhere is the C highly UlT urgani4(J, with 11l;bSiv \! telllpb and complexes housing thousands upon thou5anrls of clergy and other (

ult members. Only there in the Empire docs Ulric easily eclipse the importance o fSigmar; Ulric is the rnll~l (UIIlIUOn n:UI1~ for buy) in Middellilcim, and must mell thefe IOU unshaven as a lign of devotion. While professional w;arriof$ thr oughom the Old World pray 10 Ulric, often on a daily basis, these som of folk ra rely rdy on temples or clergy 10 comrr.unic;ue with thdr God. Whil~ it is true, Iher~fore. ,hal the highly org;mized cuI! of Ulric is limited to Middenheim, lct there be no mistake: Ulric i~ a pnwerful ~ncl importanr Gnd, prayed 10 hy every man or "oman who has to do batik In the- Old World, lOOner or l;.ttcr, that's e vhip Vert'n~ i~ wnr~hipped Tbroughour The Old World, t'SpCcially in ulliversity towns like Ahdorf and Nuln, where there are great lemples in htr honour. S~e has smal ler temples in most towns and cides of Any Ib.OII:fSCCUle lhe ulher rdee:,: for Lheir ,'(orship of t heir mange deities. Mosr prople arc ignoranr and unelring of these religions, ch oo~iog rn "hn rrnw~ ~ny fe;lival~ Ihar involve urinkiug anJ (~al:Lillb> wilibt I rrb.liug ;lilY ~ulllkliphelllous lllh..ilO i.S shrink aW"Jy frum utteriug the names uf Iltdr masters KHORNE 7JN BIMd GoJ. r/u SImI! L()rd, fb~ MllJfn'()f&mlt This l\:.wtr is the mgry and murderous God ufChaos. His great brass thrune sits atop a mountainous pile ufbones---the rem:!.ins ufhis foll(l',\'ers who h:l.\ e di oo in harrle. He is rhe Humer of Souls, who drive; the grcar armies ofChaus befo re him. I lis thirst for blood and souls knows no end. Upon many a frozen night, his go:-e-Heeked warriurs have risen from the dMk, TO claim Skll!l~ ancl Livee II re cree a[ ~. ~. . . _~ ~) Once yuu've completed rhe5e srep.~, bt gin. YOll are ready ro

Chapter IX: The Game Master GEITING STARTED Oncc you\-e gathered your playtn, the first thing they must do is make character s. II's recommended thaI you Ja players read Chapler II Inlroduaio n !,efule tiler ma!- lhtl! clktrJClers if ~l>lt'. TItis will give: Ihelll SOllie" undcnI.lnding of the Old World before they stan. lhe process is c xpl.uncd in Chaptt:r 2: Characru CITation. You should shepherd ,hem through Ihis proct::SS and help them make: good choia:s when: yuu call. Al this sl~e Lhcr ar c likely 10 have many questions about how the game worla, whn differem skills an d ralems do, \....h:n weapons IITC !,cst, and . hm what if Ihe holder rars made off W Ith the village' stores this summer? Some problems cannot De readily "solved" yet they'll greatly affect your ad\'cnture, such liS a I94

Chapter IX: The Game Master Iimiu:u timetable ur a great Jist:l.llct 10 be: cro~ed in a short span of time. By incorpoming these difficulties into the whole, you mac your ~tlvenm rc morc: dcm~nding ~nd thcrc:fnfl:, more interesting. HUMOUR RoIepbying is meam to be a fun activity and levity should a.lways have: a pbce a t your table. Some sinlt ",! fon intu Ihe PU' main opl-'Ollem. Y uu s.hould know how he culle 10 be who he is and what he now wants. By considering the antagonist's motivatiolU, you will kn ow how 10 properly roleplay his reactions 10 me pcs Ihwatting of his schemes. So me of your P("...s' opponem~ will haY!' lackey.; and henchm",n that you'UlleeQ t o uetail as well. The enemy, though. need nOI necessarily be one individuoU. If the Pes have wen on a Chaos cult, they may nOI meet a single, spedfic foe for a long time, if ever. Instead, they will have TO conlend with a ~rie MId the Old World is bcsc:r with wars, both gmr and sm~ll. Few Id~nl1l~ indeed ra"" wirhout any swordplay. While ,here are a nUIHu.:1 of /Ole-p laying gounc:s Ulat 5uITer fools to live, WFRP is not one of them. It is no acci dent !lUI Fate points arc an inhcrent pan: of tltt game; your pes are going {O n eed Them. Ihis leads 10 an inreTeSl"ing efrea though:)'01I may find ,hal your PC. s stan actively avuiJing colllb:u if they can help it when they realize JUSt how deadly it is. This isn't bad at oUl; me Old World is a dmgcroll$ pbce. and they 're just growing wise to ,hat. Whcn considering how a fighl will go in your adve nlllre, rememher Ih.1l rhe majurlty ufNPCs (am.l wun enlJlq;h, Pes) are wdl 3W.m : of how quickly a Slr.ught fight CUI go wrung. M.my warriors will look 10 get w hatever advantages they em, e.g. ambwh, greater nu mbers, superior weapons, CIC. Some of the more sinister will U!IC polson or rlln nw,"y"' the !ir,;t ~;gn n( r mnhle 91 T 0 ' " hey cnm!' hack alld sli, IhfUlll~ whcn tl lcil fue ate aslrtp. TItink about how YOllr NPl~ will r~(:t III iujury or 1tJS!.. Very, very few bein gs are willing III fi!;111 to the death. If lhcy'le clearly losing a banle and g iven a chance to surre nder, they' ]] probably take it, if Ihey haven'l already run away. Combat ~cencs should always be ru n as Usl as you are capable of doing them while still accuflItcly keeping ffllck of whaT i~ going on. Give 1'C:~ fhe bare;r am01tnt of time !(l figure um what they're guing to du ami if they hesit ate, tell them they JUSt IOSl a hoUf aClion because of their SoLE SURVIVOR G:nnuk: approadol de outbw amp, pleased that she had fmal..ly lost th:: pursuing Roadwardens. Sh:: Nd bern away for sevm1 days, raking I circuitous route to ens wt tbal s~ was nol foll~. She- ~ Artur would lave her head if she led the lawmen 00ck to dl!:ir hi~t. When sic reaclccl tic fim lookout post, no dulIenge was f~ , Gertrude inunedi1te1y nocked an mow and scanned the SlUtOW1ding woods. With no threatS visible, shecrqn: forward towards the OUtlaw camp. She should lavecnrou mmd at Icm two guank but de woods wac empty. Sotoohing was wrong. Gertrude: appr oached the camp silently, sidling up behind a iargt' tree. She poked her head ou t for a quick look am her worst fem were confirmed. Th bodies of h::r comrades U ttered the bloody ground. Th amp was a shambles: tents slastrd, boxes smashed, a nd supplies scattered amongst the dead. G:nnuk: did a circuit around th:: amp bu t found no one. At last she entered the amp to COUnt the: dead. Sh:: found Artur nailed to a tree with tl:nt spikes. A crude symbol was carved into his forehead . It was On: work. Gutrude cursed under her breath, While sh:: was ducking the Roadw.udem, the Om had wired out h::r bane!. She was the only survivor. The Outl aw gathered up as many arrows as she could find, den smwed her face and hands wi th soot from the fire pit. The Ore trail was easy enough to find. No one tnmplcd the fortSt like the Oro. She disappeared amongst the nttS, wcfuUy tracking her prey. She may 001 be ablt: to kill them all , but Gertrude would take let vengta na:. For Artur and all her comrades. The Orcs v.oould come to fear this fortSt, Genudc SWO>t. 195

IX: The Game Master - WAIJIAMMR CAMPAIGNS A Single adventure can be a lot of fun, but most groups want more than jLlSt a few se!i..~ions. A !;fries of linked roleplaying arlvenmre:, generally using the 5: uJ1C set of charactt'r~, is knuwn as a caJupaiglL. While a single adventure allo ws a Story ro be told, it must. by its very namrc, he a mirly .~rraigh ff(lrw.lr d nne. Ry connecting a longeT series uf auvtnlures, yuu call ldl a much bi~er st ory. C..ampaigns gcncraHy end up having a wider SOlpt rhan a single adVtlHun:, t huugh lht:}' don', nccessarily have to. Campaigns allow a GM to have charaelcJ'5 lha! "progre:;,< a.~ well. Your I'C'.~ friends and enemies grow with them, maki ng th t Old WurlJ ~Ulllt alive for yuur players. invokes nostalgil, n!gret and t he faint hope that some of that which gre:.T on yet he preservecl. Eminently ~ui rahle for t:lmp~lgn~ featuring illlel""ol(tioll witll eidter Dwarfs or Elves. th e key is to invoh thc idea that these once great races arc fading from the O ld World. Wilh each generarion, they become less than they werc. WhM lirde hope the y have for survival now rests, ironiOilly I'nough, with the ul'stan yuungottts, Humans. W3~ once WEALTH IS CoLD CoMFORT An object lesson in the wages of greed. this theme suggem that friends, bmil)' a nd good cllccr are far more Important than money. PCS in sudt ~ cullpaig!l will meet individuals who have givell So lIIudl of their lives over to the acquisitio n of wealth that they have nothing else in them. Their noble patron will be will ing to give everything he ha.~, jnst 10 see his kidnappl'd daughter again. The w l'llirhy merchant. 110 matter how Illally,rowlls he po.uesses, cannot buy a ,urI ' for his disease. It's hard for a player to get 10 know a ,haw.Cltr very well if liter play them f or only a night or two. A campaign Oiut them alo wt:iJ. FOT exam ple, lhe main sloryof your o.mpaign may involve stopping the terrible deeds comm itted by a war band of pillaging Beastmen, but your theme coulJ be ~as lung as t here is cuurage, life t:mlures~. Your PCo; would see the atrocities commirrcd by the rniders, but aha that the many acts ofbrnvery and ~erificc by orhers who wo uld not give up frequently prevented by Bt:astrn~n fwm doing worst! to innocems. Here are some theme examples for the Old World.

BLOOD & DARKNESS The Old Worlel i~ coming TO an end. The prophets of doom ~re right, rhe end !If rhe world is nigh; rhe Taint from rhe Norrh will sweep over alll],~ bml., 'umin! lt],~ world entire jlllo a single, i"""c:opaLle, Realm of Chaos. Againn the migh l)' threat of Chaos, all the Kingdoms of Dwarfs, Elves and Men are as kindl ing before a bonfire. Will your PC~ STruggle againST a nearly unheaTllhle foe, fighT ing on as la nd afTer land falls. or wi!: they embrace corruption and join in us hering in the ending of the world! If you Jove grim barrles and valiam final sta nds, this campaign is jusl whar you're looking for. A ROGUE's LIFE All the PCs are thieves and ne'er-do-wells. perhaps part of a crime syndicate, o r maybe trying TO found their own. Along the way, they'll fa'e ril'",lb, Politit :ians, corrupt alld (I"",lrt:iy) uthtrwi~e. 'ultist~, revolt~, Knights, Zealots, riots, Witch Hunters, Mutants, Traitors. Spies, Nobles, 'Ii-mplals, hired sword s, masterminds and Skaven. It's damn hard to lUake 3 dishom:M now!!. APPEARANCES CAN DEcEiVE The Old World places a great deal of rru.~T in appe~TlInces. Mosr folk accep' wh at Lhey see or ate told at face value and i1l4uire no further. All mutants are d espised, regardleu of whether or not they've commiTTed any crimes, from rhe mome nt rhey are cliscovered because that is what ute folk or th~ Old WorlJ have IN:t n taugh\. 1his theme is all aboUT TlUlt and decepTion, making it eminently suita ble for games involving Chnos cnlr.~ and cleaelly .Owen indl.ldc; perform all of me above aCTS by louch, CUt spells. usc mcntal po'oI-'Crs (Illind-re:.ding, pymkinc:;is, telep athy), w1l.k on waTer, fly, become invullll:rahle to harm, and invent amazing ma chines. In Ih~ ~ me cho.ncler bcli~ he possesses the powrr innately, and will al ways bcluve so even in the face of overwhelming evidence he has no powers at all . A I>c:MIl who believes he posseues spedal powers is frtquendy viey,.ed a~ ilia d. So is a person who makes outrageous claims oo~1 00 incoherent ramblings. Both types nfren fiod [hemM'lv~ in dangerous situations as a resulr of ,heir di.o;on ler. However, there are some, mostly other unfortunates whose mmUs have long sna pped, who may follow a Delirious 5.J.viour on his delusional quest. Desperate and Doomed 1he forces ufClm~ are everyw:,ere, relentlcssly anacking the Old World from the o utSide and corrupting it from within. Advenrureni are in the thick of Ihe fighl' in a never_BIding and seemingly hopeless banle. There arc man)' who grit their teeth, uetermined to defeod their way oflifc no matter how bleak the eventual ou tcome may appear. Ann then rhere are those who simply give up. When a dwaetcr is driven 10 t-.ecnme Desperate a.nJ Dwmcd, ils bcauo;e ooosr~nr exposure to viultncc: md horror has gradually w-eakened and t1len finally snappe d his fiagile mind. Al the momcnl smity leaves him forever, he ha! ~ rlelusional epiphany. He Ix:lvNe5 a powerful GncI (like Sigmar) finally shows him the truth ; the world is coming 10 all avuca1yptic end. There is nothing to be done about it. Ir's time to repenl and die. Many of the Desperate md Doomed gn inro hirling . in deep (Olv~ or looely foresrs. Huwever, lhete arc some who believe they'vc b een anointed as tile Jeity's special messenger, ;ltld musl preach 10 the people th~t mcir world is coming 10 an end. ' Ih~ are the IaAAOO and filthy individuals seen in town Sl:Juan:s ur at erossrwds, proselyti:ting aboUi the final days uf the Old World. A charJCler who is Desperate;md Doomed beUCIItS he is conmtnrly r eure, Ihe character gains In i

ncredible amoulll of energy and often shuns sleep for days at a time; he also be come restless and impul"j\,l'. spcnds mUlley he doesn't have on O:Ir.tv:tganr if ems, ~urro:l'b from impaired judgment, behav('S inappropri~lely in soci~1 situat ions ~nd strongly fed.~ like he's cap.lble of doing anything. In thi~ mllf he ga ins a .,.10% 10 Agility, bUI sulfer a -10% penalty 10 I mdli~eno:;o: and Will (l ov. er. When rht: Wllt:1:1 turns to Dread, Ihe charactcr o&en refuses 10 gel nUl u fbtd. sleeps 100 much yel feds tired all rhe Tim~. io; prune to random bursts of unconrrollable weepill/;, looses inteTCSt in his pursuits, shuns family au'" fr io:nds, feels hopeless and worthless, and PO~'IC,'i." a strung dQ;i re 10 die. C onsoillioru f.tll on deaf tars, and rho: char~cler lUually ends up driving away thu~ wl:o care for him. In this state he suffers II -1 U% jJCn,uty 10 Agility, W ill Power and Fellowship. Venomous Thoughts Trust is a fragile thing in tht Old World, :lnd I:tlemie:. all: evtrywhtfe. Thcr e:trc counrll'S'i individu.ah an advclllurer meets tC.ld.y 10 break their wnrd, srl'al frum Inm. do him harm or WOn;;tid, YOIl may rCWllrd c:h~r~Clers wilh ~peci~l rllLining thaT lers them buy skills and talents outside their career~, but this should be a nre occurrence. You also must make sure tha t characters justify IhCS;e ro rival cl aimall!s for rulership and di.scurd with C".ldl ulher. Many uf lhe Cuunl~ arc ab o the iJ.tar.:rs of other tilles, some of them from fhe Empire's military, other s heredirary or honorary. Karl Pram., a.~ well as heing Emperor and CoUnt of Rdk lanu, is also the Pdnce of Aiulorf, while lhe Coum of Midden land, Boris Todbrin ger, also holds the tide ofGraf of Midclenheim. 'The Collnr on":!!~hecIRnd is al so known as the Orrilia in m.:mury of the ~df-prodailllt:d Empr= Otdlia, whil.: lll.: Princ\: uf Marienburg, the Count of Nordland, has been barred from the cir y on pain of death sincc its secession. The Count of OSter mark also has the dut y ofWaldell ofth~ Mal~he~ alld is given a .....JuaiJJe W.ull frum Iht Emperor, t hough how much of fhis money iJ spent on military forces proTeCting the Empire's ('astern border has varioo widely depending on the inclination of Ih.: ruling C UUIll. THE UNnS OF THE ELECI'OR CoUNTS O riginRlIy there were rwelve Counts, bur the province of Soliand v.-as all bUl de5lroyed by the invasion of the Ore W"M!urd Gurbau Irondaw ;rnd is now pan ofWi ssenland. whilc the old srate of DrakwaJd was overrun by B~tmcn and other foul c realUres. The ];lIIds of the slain Coum W':I': uivided belWet!l Nurulanu amI Mid uenbnd, rhough predsdy wruch starc po~sscs which pans of DrakIVaid h still oftar gued over to rhe poim of waging wu. More recently the greedy Emp.:(u( Oietn IV, in return fur a large donarion TO hi~ personal coffers, gramed the dty of Marien burg see~ me.:\, Altdurf is hume IU Ihe Rdkpurl, the !ast sttCtch of the Reik navigable by ocean-going ships. Mer~hants wishing TO mnve r heir WlIrts furrher up the l"llJabec or Stit musr first unlo~d their ~s here, pa ying the attendant taxes and duties to do so. 214

Chapter X: The Empire NULN Nuln is the lXonomic ccnrcc of the lands of the upper Rcik, and like A!rdorf is an important huh of md!:, comrolling goods from MIDDENHEIM a~ Talabheim i~, the most impregnable bastiou of the Empi rc is, without a doubt , Middenhdm. The teachings of The Cult of Ulric fell fhar when fhe world wa.~ yo ung, their God sought a place to call his own and his brother Taal, lord of all the Gods, grantcd him a greal mountain that rises up OUt of the forests like a s pear. Ulric .~Truck off rhe fOp of the mounmin wirh a mighry blow of his hand. F rom this it was given its m.me by the ancient Teutogcn p('uplc, the Fauehslag-me aning fist-strike-though il is mur~ communly refem:d tu as the UlriCliberg by th ose outside the city, Middenhcim sits :atOp this mile-high pinn:acle, rca pt'ri)hed in the cl~5in~ il:uno uf the Witch I lume-rs. I lowC\ cr, i t is nOI just the Necromancer who threatens the Empire. for the shadow of the V~ mpirc lies long aero."" the land. THE MARCH OF THE VAMPIRE CoUNTS On the Ustern border ofStiria:ld, under the cold shidow of the World'~ Edge MouJ "lr.lin~, lies Sy!vani~, the must ill-rcgardct.! place in the whule Emplre-somc would say aU of thc Old World. It is a mggcd, infcrtill: land covered .... ith h ~rrcn hills. hla~roo wa~t~ and fog.swathcd fure~t~. It b ~hulllled by all who ha ve no dire reason to go rhere. Only a lunatic would vemure forth illlo Sylvania after dark and nm ~\'I!n the hmvet;t Qut)tn~ KniJ:;iu uf Bretunnia, nOI the most fatif,ucd ask for shelter within the brooding astles lh~t lower over Ihe land. By nlghl. the half.decaying vill~g~ ~re secured ~gain~t rhe uarkllt:S/>, their i ll-bred inhabitants lock and bar their doors, and hang 219

Chapter X: The 220

Chapter X: The Empire 221

X: The and broke free. Snatchng up a sword from one of his gJtarcls he struck off the h ead ofVlad before being tom to pi~Ct:S by the slain Count's followers. A5 the ot her Vampires squ~bbled for control of the army, Vlad returned to them, whole and unharmed, not for the first time. Vlad was sbln again by Jetek Kruger, Grand M: :tSfer of the Knights nf the White Wolf, and the Army uf Sylvania \I'lI5 desuuye J by th~ furces of the Graf of Middenhdm. Within J year, howCl'er, Kruger's bane red, bloodless corpse was found at the foot of the Ulrksberg, and Vlad's army wa s on the march ~Sl'in . Al Bhahof, VlRrl W.1S cm down hy the Cuunt of OSllanu's Runef:m!;, havin!; been tr.l.IIsfix~d with no l~s~ than five lanccs, and yet thr ee days latcr he proudly officiatcd at a mass crucifixion of prironers omsidc th e gates of the town. At Bogenhafen Bridge a lucky C".!IUiun ~hot LOok I'un Grstc in's head ofT. Within the hour the cannon crew were dead and the village was bei ng Ol'errun. Thc wldiers of the Empire were grippc a Hand Weapon but with the Slow quality. Armour: Medium Armour (Chain Shirt, Leather J ack, Le~(her Skullcap) Armou.r POinlS: Head I. Arms I, Budy 3, ugs U Wupo ru: Ch oppa, Dagger or Bow Skills: Animal Care. Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Pnception, Silent Move, Speak Language (Dark Tongue or Reikspiel) Talt:nlS: FI~t:! Spel bidt uf tht rivtr and managed to scrabble OUI .. n exisren('.t Ag>tinsrall odd,_More than th .. t, the village Oq,,1U tu g ruw. TIle small sellle:me:1lI turned imn AIOwn, e....entually exp.. nding to the e~srcrn sid~ of the river. Wilh 5U]lIrakwalcl and rhe arch nemes is of Count Todbringer, led a surprise: night rime alr.1ek against Ulllerg;ud. K lmuak's Kea~rmcn ao;sailcd the walls, broke inside, and completely overran rhe e alotclII half uf IUwn. The: de:fcnde" milioo aT Ihe hridgc, how~ \.'cr, ~nd ~ nine -day baIlIe for Unlcrsard ensued. ThoU$.lnds of Impcrialtroup~ alld Dwarf alJit' S reinforcoo rhe rown anrl rh e bridge became a scene of unbeliev"ble carnage. S tymied, KhJ.:i.r.u.. destruyed the c:aslern half of lown and !(IOk his forces no rth. 'lhe tOcUli of the camp;ugn soon shifted [0 MiJdenhdlll itsc:lf amI

XlI: 'Through the Drakwald Umcrgard seemed wJe. Regimenl after regiment was c~llcd away from Umergard to sr rcngthcn Imperial for~ elsewhere. ' The survivors ~n I" rebuild ' Ihe eastern half of IOwn w.t5 so rhomughly deslr oyc:tilhal il had LV u:lllyurarily abandoned. Umerg:ud n:;uiVCl, plus many refug ees from evt"n less fortunate settlements, wenl In work in Ihe Tuins. The rnsk o fhufring Ih~ dead lOok weeh and Ih~ rultiug WIf1~~ ca~tJ J wmagioll lhal further reduced the survivors' numbert. Captain Gerhard Schiller , Watch Captain Careen Capr.r..in (ex-Watchman. ex-Sergeant) R.ac~ Human u.: TIlt population of Umcrgard is currently MOund 7S people. mostly Peasants and Bu rghers (sec. C harier 3~ Careers), All ~h[e Imdioo r~idems are I'XP~II:J IU wmribu\e IU the lown's JtCI'Jlcc;:, ~lalldillg guard JUlY 011 the LOwn walb and the river hom pali$.ldc (or:l few hours a day In addition to thdr normal acrivilies. 'I he IOwn is dfecrivdy under mania! law, om by Gc:rhard Schillc(. 1111: GVtain u( du: WdICh. then is where the advcnn.:re o ~ns. Umergard ("all be the home town of all or some of the Player Ch~l'1tcrers, or they cOllld hRve enme here looking (ur safety during the Storm o(Chao~. Chara t;ters with military badcgrounds may have Decn wounded during the fighting and l eft behind. A ~h:eahle condngenr of Dwarfs fought here as well. so Dwarf PG may have come to Untergarcl in that way. TIllS While it is t:'~k~t if lhe P]ayel Chlu-"Cters a1IelIdy know each other, that doe sn't necessarily have [0 be the ca$C. They could Starf OUf as strangers and come IOgether \\hile faCing adversiry. Skills: Actdemic Knowlecige (Law), Command .. 10%, Common Knowledge (the Empire, the Wasteland). Uodge Blow, Follow Trail, GOlhl'ip .. 10%, Imimidate, Perceptio n .. 10%. Re.ldlWrile, Ride, $eal"(:h. 5rct Language (Banlc Tongue), Speak 1.;lII gll~ge (Reikspiel, 'J1lean) TaJe:ul5: Coolheaded, Di~arm. Menacing, Savvy, Slree t Fighting, Sirike Mighry Blow, Strikc to Stun, Very ResilienT Armour: Medium Ar muur (Full Mail Armour) Armour Poinl5: I lead 3. Arms 3. Body 3. Legs 3 Weapon,: I-i;tlld Weapon (~nrrl) , Shield, and Dagger Trappings: Uniform Granny Moescher, Amber Wizard PROMINENT CITIZENS Descriptions of the prominen: chrlC"u~ u( UmcrgMd follow. E.ach o( these characu :rs h:tll a pan to play in (he unfolding advelllure. so make sure you familiarit c yourself \lith their luckgrollnd~. (leTMInalities, and motivations before play . '[he rc.s will have many uplJOllunities to InterneT with these tharnctcrli ~u yuu'll have to draw from their background~ and personaliti! to portray them corre ctly. C:an:.:,., JUU'IICYIH"J\ Wiunl (ex-I kdge Wiurd. ex.ApI'~nticc Wiun n Race: Human A grinloo veternn of abour 50, Schiller i.~ the higlu:sHanking survivor in Umerg ard. It was he who organized the lownsfolk 10 defend themstlvC$, ~nd ffi=W lile rqxUt~ tu the town walls. I Ie rules the town largely becausc rhc other rcsidcnt ~ have come to l"ok IU him (ur kadclship, and is doing his besl 10 lcp mainmn ord er rn make ~llre the remaining inhabitant.:; art: ready to defend themselves fro m further attack Schiller U lOUgh, bUI fair. He may come acros.~ as gruff. but h e em:.. about the people. nf Umt'rgaro and will du his best to prorect them. Cap tain Schiller has r.r.ken uver Ulle u( the mort $u\ntanli.ll warehollSCS AS a re

mpur.JfY Walch headquarters; its doors and windows have ba::n strengthened, and it has ocrn filled wilh salVlJ:ed weapons ~nd equipment for 11M: in tile cyem u( (unller trouble. Schiller has cunvertnl a luCI III this WOlrehousc as living qu arters for himselt: Skilb: Awdemic Knowledge (Magic) .. 10%, k.tdcmic KnnwlOOge (Theology), Anitrull CUI'. Charm, Charm Auimal +10%. Channdling t 10%. ('",mmon Kllowlnlg:c (the Emp i~. the W~dand) , Gossip .. 10%, Heal. Magical~, Pcnxprion, RoicllWrire, Search. Speak .An::tnr Language (Magiqc), Speak L1ngtla!>~ (Oas!iical. Reoopiel) Talent s: Arcane wre (Bt'"~), ACt,hyricAtlunemelll. Hedge Magic, NIght Vision, Petty Ma gic (Area , Hooge), S:twy, 'srrong-minJeJ Armour: None ~ Armour [>oinl5"; Head O .Arms 0, Body O.Legs 0 Weapo ns: Staff TrapplnSJ: H~ckpack, Grimuire. pjn;e with 30 gr, Writi ng Kit I much older Ihnn Ihat. No on~ III Unrergard !;'.J1l rcmember a time whm Granny wa s nOI around. Gr.r.nny Moescher provides a political countcrpoint tu Capt..in Sc hiller. la.ding efforts 10 TCStarl farming and erellre .'inme kind nf llurmallif c again. Despite her ritle, Gran ny is a vigorous womlln wirh II no-nonscn.o;e m llnner and MI eye for praCTicalities. She is onc of only GRANNY MOF5CHER (~r:umy ib the oldcst living inhabitant ofUntctgarcl and serves as a healer and general wise-womm fnr Ihe TOwn. Tht' people ofUmergard do nor know Ih~1 she is a wizMd and , III' has been !;:Heru] to kt:ep her abilities secfCt. She ~ppea., t o be aoom 6O}'eII"l "In hut is in filci

XII: the Drakwald Hans Baumer , Woodsman ~er: HANS BAUMER A rni!, he:lrdoo man in his thirties, Hans i!; unt uf Ute forest &...-ellero; wh o carrn: 10 Unlergard for safeI)'. l ie is a qllief man, prckrring the solitude of the wikltm~ to Ihe bu.",]e of town. He spends his days OUt in the forest. hun ting and scouring fOr the approach uf allY hostile forces. rerurning to Ihe lown only at dusk. The: small gault. he occasionally brings back hdps 10 supplcmtltt the meagre living provided by the IOWIUfolkl fields and liYQtudt. although Capmi n SchiJIrr has voiced the fear tht mything caught in the: forest might IIUW Ue t alntai by Cha~,!oU !oUme peupl~ prefer nol 10 ell it. So fur, though, no one has shown any ill e:ffcctS rrolll eatinSWUlle. Tltt GM shuuld note !h~ 1 H ~ns is 0 111 of rown when the adventure begins; he will appear later un. Woodsman Race: Human Skill,: ConceallLlI:lIl. Fullow Truil, (;o~~ip, Perception, &act Language (Ranger Tongue), xS~~ 911 jixtd Oil tlu.Jmh bt-rNi in rhr (;.,pulns h.1fIIIs. Ill" bq;in to rhillll, " Lon!. IiIH UN COItnt! Lo"t J,w tJ" rOllnl.l" S"lilltf lJUkh btTlIJ and M'lllt hi fh '" tht .fir ItI ,hi hardt/ltd mtuilJtS ofUl:tt'lartl s""ut thNns,t"" /mmI'. Su Jdnrly, rhrrr;f" lId,.,.dt Ilrui Un bolllt JhMIm. .hm..mng SthjUn "rui'''t brt.u l u'ith tI4u 4'" Nt. P.mprmlm/um trUpts III flu tnJu..J 1t4ttm in fN'"k. 3 4

5 After the last batde:, aJlthc folk o( Untcrgard can re(ogniu l.lit ~uulld of a f ire~rm rlj.;charging. They Utgm a mad dash to find cover. as the Ackcrpbr~ i~ wi do; open. The PCs lu un the hridge. If yuu 113Yt: 3 brl;~ l;rouP of player!;, you may want to add mo re Mutants 10 the ar:ack. One per PC u. 3 n".l~tm3hle nnmher.

tlirrrtil1l'l ufrm Fn

AFTER THE BATTLE Mer the Murauui ;11': Jcft:".lu:d, Ihings Qllm down. Gr:mny Moescher sers about healing the injured. If any of the PCS 3fC injured (which is likely), Granny imr oduces herselt and oRers her assistancc. Shc and Captain Schiller also thank the PCS to helpi ng ro fighT off The AITIlck. Captain Schiller add~ thai hc~ going to hang the heads of t.hc sl:l..iu Mutants on the UlWIl b tt:. as a warning!O ot hers. .... thnrfow ft'S1#Ju,1IJ fIR ,he" "... If the Pes hav(n't hearn about Hans yet, a successful Euy (-+20%) Gouip TCJI rev eall that hC'b a lucal Wuodsman who hH heen gone for 3 week and was feared dead. upTain SchiJltr ard Granny Moescher go to meet Han$, along with many of the tow nsfolk. Everyone W"J.mb to know where Han~ has """,.

Xli: M iImJ P'OIIling rht tumJrnuIbrt ttNlmrydIU """J'h*lnl /W U/StnIS'fIm. 7hmfolh m th me---IH ~IU ~ IN refotm MbNuQn"U.~ -_/ft-4~ .. "" _ 7My_ fom ~ JI "'" MiJJm/uJ. :\ J~ not the auswer b ut it would require quite a performance. This is nOt somelhing you Wllnt to det( 'rmine with ~ tHe roll hm with roleplaying. The ~rgument needs to be very wllvil lc.ing ill..1..1 10 get tluuugh to Gr.l.nny in her current scale. If Granny is $I ain. she'll say. -fill sorry fotlitr, I foiltd JOlt, "before dying on th(' um(' ground lU he. Should Granny survive thc encounter, she'll rerreal into hcrsctf a nd go nearly olTlIIonic. Within a wetk, sht dies of gricf (or, if the ritual was foiled. due 10 the ronuquences of the ritu~; see the Magical Tome sideb~r). Shn ulrl lhe I 'C:~ fnil ll) ~!(Ip the rimal, a win~ed Daemon appears in the bonfire and takes to the skies. 'the PCs later hear about the sbnghrcr at Slcrn haur Ke ep. In which Ihe enlire mmi!y anrl all it.~ relainer$ wtre wiped UUI by ~ O:ulle -wre:llhed Daemon. f inishing the ritual tues Granny beyond he r cndut1lnce and sh(' dies a round laler, n smile on her bee. hrrr. Milll grm fJ .'n' a'(7)'u.'ht~, Iht wails Ilrt pllttd IlruJ >l.oI",tI, llmi "~1flJJe- nly /ttlllJ 11/ IUllll. fom w Mitltl,nhtl ll/. it IftillS, lif( it 01 Itrugg/(. YI1II roJn only w(Jnd~r uJ/J,u 1IU'4ilf .)VIU in tht Cay orthe Whjll 1X'ol( '[his c()ndllrl('~ Ihffllllh fhl Omkwald. The aJ veOlure wflli ll u~ ill Palhs , [Ih, Dll1llntJ Vo/U1IIt 1. AsJ1tlI1[Middmhtilll. The PCS have rlisch~rgcd Ih~ir ohligatinn 10 che people uf Ulll~rgacd (Ut wtudt Upt3in Schiller ~nd ind~d alllhc refugees thank rh('m), hm Ihey STili have bTher f)ieTrich'~ rdic and Fale h~ a tut Jllore iu ~tvr( for thellI. EXPERIENCE POINTS The PCS receive 125 xp for surviving the ~dvcnlU rc . They gain another ,}U xI' ir they SlUp GrJIUlY Moe~(;he c fru m co mpl~li J\ g htl ri tual. You can also g ive out 5 30 xp 10 each character for good ro l epl~ying. 245

XII: Through the Drakwald THE STORM OF CHAOS All of you grew up listening to stories of the Great War Against Chaos. The tak of Magnus the Pious and his victory over the armies of Chaos is well known. Whil e there have been wars and threatS in the 200 years since, there has been nothin g on that scale. Until now. This year toc Chaos Lord Archaon invaded toc Empire with five mighty annies. They swept down from the Chaos Waste5 1 ranks filled wi th mutant warriors, nightmarish monste". and power-mad soreere". Flagellants and otocr propocts of dcom declared these toc End Times. And as these armies pillag ed and burned their way through the nonhem provinces of the Empire, it was easy to believe. You've heard endless stories over the past few months. They say that Sigmar once again walked the eanh. They say an army of wolves attacked the Kisl evian city of &engrad. They say the dead rose from their graves to defend the Em pire. They say a mighty victory was won at Middenheim. They say a plague has cho ked the Streets of Talabheim with bloated corpses. You can only believe what is in front of your eyes. You are in the town of Unter gard in the Drakwald Forest. A nine-day banie took place here, as Bcasrmcn tried to force their way across the town's great bridge. They were rebuffed but the p rice was high. The town is in ruins and its remaining citizens suuggle to surviv e. The Imperial army has long since moved on from Untergard, leaving behind only irs dead. You've heard tell of more banks up north but the war here sc:ems over . Or so you hope. You have been in Untergard for several days, as rainstorms of utmOSt savagery la shed the Drakwald. You find tWo things when you awaken: the raimtorm has broken and there is a commotion in the nearby Ackerplatz. !fr C'f'amYchtller $om:&TI1'!!Y.Nvescher C:tfOifl, J tljlogEfr Iemff'{S the chlklrm In fhi,. In! a dm.en poop]e roleplaying_ I watched them for a bit and when mere was a break in me game, I imroduced myself; by the nnt week I had joined me Sodety for Stwegic Gaming. We played various RP G and board games that fall and at semester's cod most everyone went home for th e holidays. A few of us were left in the nearly vaeam dorm and we were looking f or something to do. Dave had gonen a copy of Warhammer Fanta.ry Roup14y and the /intt inmllment of the Enmly \Vi/hill CamjHligll, so we decided to try it out. P at, Gene, wd Illlad~ two chn "7 Criwc Lo.d "'""" '" 130 '" 132 SCIII'Y)' MadneM 137 $lcneltMot F""". "7 Wrcvil ('(lIIgh , Oi,S',i", 92 O;,nngui shin& Ma. 1u Oivine Len: Oivine U,rc1 163---1&8 IoreofM.nlnn 163 l.nn'_of Morr 1 63-164 l.nrc nf Myrmlrll. l..o",nfR:on.lrl 164-1&~ Lo", ofShallya 16~166 l.nre n fTaRI and Rhya 166 167 167 l..nrenfUlrk t.;,,,, nfVe",n. 167_1~8 Dod", OMlgc Blo w 92 232 0 .... '" '" Las Growth l'icWo:.:k Sasa !kidlrt-1S) a Q a a a a u Oatdoto- Sur'+'i'nl Ond -""" ... "" ""'.) Suk~Surf.... (S} a a 0 a a a u a a a u a a a 0 s..rthOm) TRAPPINGS ""'" """ "" Swim(5) A tJIIANClfl St',-NT: OUCI.'I"nOIO, DucJ.'PTlON' SPELL NAME.: C"T""I Nuwln..: I IiOUDltllT: D~,c""TII>N: SrELLNAML I c.n,IIGTI.II: CuT,llO HUMin, IHOU " " NT: O l.:k,rTION: I Cot.n-INQ TI ...: srELL NAME: C..n
