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43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)

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  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    The Cenomanian-Coniacian of the

    Sergipe Basin Brazil

    Peter Bengtson





     Os lo 25th



    Universitetsforlaget • Oslo

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    F TTEdt

    Anders Martinsson, Department of Palaeobiology,Box 564, S-75122 Uppsala, Sweden.

    Edtoal ad admstatve boad

    Stefan Bengtson (Uppsala), Fredrk Bockele (Bergen), Anders Martnsson (Uppsala), Valdemar Poulsen (Copenhagen) and Roland Skoglund (Uppsala)


    Universitetsforlaget, Postboks 2959, Tøyen, Oslo 6,Norway

    OSSILS A STRATA is an iternationally distriuted series of monographs and memoirs in palaeontoogy and stratigraphy . t is issued in Numbers with individual pagination listed cumulativey onthe ack of each cover the arrangement of the numers in volumes

     for inding is left to the individual suscriers discretion.

    OSSILS AN STRATA forms part of the same structured pui shing programme as the journals BR AS L THAA and LI- THOS. These three journals are fuly international and accept papers within their respective sectors of science without national

     An Internationa Journal ofPalaeontoogy and Stratigraphy

    L THAA was launched inJanuary 968 with the motto Towardsa new st yle in palaeontological pu ishing" . Our attitude as to

     stratigraphy is of course the same. This means that we takeadvantage of structural and technica improvements in modern geoogical and iological pulishing. irst/y there is a need to distinguish satisfactorily etween international and local prolemsand etween discussion of general interest and routine" descrip-tions. Secondly suitale application of modern printing techniques on modern paper allows us to print articles with highquality gures in their proper place in the article instead of plates

    LTHAA thus aims to include articles on primary research and review topics as well as rief descriptive material which has newscharacter or concerns key forms in systematics. The material should

     e of international interest in palaeontology or in any ranch of stratigraphy which has a earing on the occurrence or environmen

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     limitations or preferences Fossils an" Sraa  however is an outlet for more comprehensive systematic and regional descriptions deaingwith areas in the ve countries of orden or written y paaeontolo- gists and stratigraphers from these countries. ontriutions y

    colleagues in other countries may also e included as far as this series is deemed to e the appropriate medium with regard to distriution and availailty . Articles can normaly e accepted only if they are heavily susidized y the national Research ounci intheir country of origin or y other funds Al income is reinvested in forthcoming numers of the series.

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    Many regional or systematic descriptions and revisions contain a nucleus of results which are of immediate and general interest in international palaeontology and stratigraphy. t is expected thatauthors of such papers wil to some extent duplicate their pulication in the form of an article for a journal in the rst place Lekaia  orBoreas

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  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    The Cenomanian-oniacian of theSrgip Basi, BrazlPETER BENGTSON

     Bengtson, P. 983 0225: The CenomanianConiacian of the Sergipe Basin, Brazil Fossils andStrata, No 2, pp 78, on foldout map Oslo. ISSN 0300949 ISBN 8200094847



     A geological outlin and a biostratigraphical framework ar prsnted for th Cnomanian Coniacian of Sergipe, as the basis for taxonomic work and development of a detailed biostratigraphy. A rich macrofauna of ammonites, bivalves, gastropods and echinoids wascollected from 604 localities, which are named and described. The sequence is subdivided intoight units, using ammonite assmblages easily recognizabl in th ld, and plottd on a:00 000 localiy map Where ammonites are laking, mirofacies analysis inoceramids or

     other bivalves complement the framework. The CenomanianConiaian sdimentation in theSergipe Basin, albeit inuenced by eustatic sealeve! changs, was largly tectonically control-ed and irregular, as is evidnt from numrous facies variations and discontinuitis. heEstncia area in southern Sergipe was more stable and apparently became transressed only

     by the global, late Cenomanian eustatic rise. The boundary between the Cenomanian Coniacian Cotinguiba Formation and the underlying Riachuelo Formation occurs at varying stratigraphical leve1s and appears verywhere to be unconformabl. An annotated bibliogra phy is provided O Ammo noidea, Inoceramidae, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Echinoidea, Arthropoda, Foramini fera; bi ostratigraphy, lithost ratigrap, areal geolo, microfaci es, geol ogical map, locali descr iptions,bibliography, otinguiba Formation, Aracaju Member, Sapucari Member, Laraneiras facies, Pindoba

     facies, Riachuelo Formation , Maru im Memb er, Agu ilhada Member, new name , lime ston e, dolomit ediscontinuities, enomanian, Turonian, oniacian, Upper retaceous, Sergipe Basin, State of Sergipe,Nordeste, northeastern Bra�il, South Atlantic Ocean, S1122 S1035 654 W727.

    Peter Bengtson, Paleontologiska museet, Box 558, S-751 22 Uppsala, Swede 2nd June 1982


    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Gooca sntess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Historical review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Te period of te foreign travelers ( 1 820-1 87 5he initiation and consolidation of national

    researc ( 1 8 75- 1 940 .The basic prospecting for ol ( 1 940-1 956Mode detailed and diversied researc (post

    1956)Fossils reported i n the literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Fieldwork and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .opographical and geol og ica l aps . . . . . . . . . . .Exposures and accessibilit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Locality descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Litostratigrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    he Riachuelo Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .he Cotinguiba Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    91 2

    1 21 5




    3 13 13 1

    Pindoba and Laranjeiras facies . . . . . . . . . . . .The RiachueloCotinguiba boundar . . . . . . .scontnutes n t uonan an onacan

    Bostratigrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Palaeontological notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S tage b ou nd ari es and s ub di vi si on s . . . . . . . . . . . .Cenomanian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Cenomanian 1 .Cenomanian 2Cenomanian 3Cenomanian 4

    Turonian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Turonian l ............................. .uronian 2uronian 3

    Coniacian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coniacian l ............................. .

    Prac tica l application of t subdiv is ion . . . . . . . .The Estncia area


    4 1 









  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    Diuion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subdiviion of te euene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Te biotratigrapia map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . onuion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Summar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ReumoRu



    505 5 52 


    Bibiograp and referene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix oait data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Deription of oaitie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nd ex of oa it ie in te i te rat ur e . . . . . . . . . . .

    Appendix 2: Biotratigrapia oait indexAppendix 3 Biotratigrapia map . . . faing page







  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    4 eer Benson : Cenoman an- Conacan o Sere

    nivesie, Sweden , Jos Wiedmann (Univesi Tbingen, ed- ea Repbic o Gemany , . Wiiam Wigh (Seabough, o- se, Engand, and Keih Yong (Unvesiy o Texas a Auin, USA PieeYves Behou (Univesi Piee e Maie uie, Pa

     is, ance conibued subsanially o he biosaigaphical maphogh micoacies anayses o he ocaliies Ele G Kauman(Univesiy o oloado, Bolde, USA conibued daa on he

     inoceamids and Jean Philippe Leanc (Univesi des Sciences e

     Techniqes d Languedoc, Monpelie, ance povided inomaion on he enomanian and Tuonin bivave and gasopod au nas oes o saigaphical impoance abo he echinoids wee given by Alain Bida (Msum d' Hisoie auel e, ice, anc

     Among he many Swedish coleages who have given hei ime o discss maes o elevane o his wok, specia menion goes oSean Bengson and Andes Mainsson (Enheen paleobioogi, Uppsaa nivesie

     A Paeonologiska insiionen (Uppsaa , cleaning and devel oping o he ossi maeia was done mainy by Szana Bengson,and om 98 aso by Jose Aanki agma Engsm daed heges and Gsav Andesson and Tommy Wesbeg povided phoogaphic pins oninous hep om he es o he sa oPaeonoogiska insiionen is acknowedged, noably om he aeEva Ekind, Bigi Jansson, Kain Landgen, he ae Bay Lidn,

    Jgen Schbe and Eic SåhlMaia Heena Ribeio Hessel (Baslia dew he ammones in

    ig 40 and Bigi Bengson (Rockneby, Sweden povided exao dinay seceaial assisance on many occasions

    as o he manscip wee ead by igenes de Ameida ampos, Godon R hancelo, Lesey hens (Sveiges geologiskandeskning, Uppsaa , Wiiam James Kennedy, ancisco esoPone, and Richad Reymen G R. hancelo and Lesey hens impoved he Engish The ench and Russian summaieswee povided by iana Beho (Pais, ance and Igo yov (Geoogicheskij insi A SSSR, Moscow

     The edwok in 97972 was panned and pepaed o d- ing a Roay Inenaiona Gadae eowship (970 a he Insi-o de Geocincias, Univesidade edeal do Rio Gande do Sul,

    Poo Aege, Bazi. The ed invesigaions wee nanced hough

     gans om he Swedish aa Science Reseach oncil (R; G22005 , G220 09, and R475004 , avel gans om h u (970, C F Lwah (972 and 97 , and Håa (97 , ogehewih nds o gadae eseach  97 om he Univesiy o U ppsaa The cos o shipping o Uppsaa he maeia coleced in972 was deayed by he v  o he Univesiy o Uppsaa,and in 977 by R (G475007 The empoymen o a paimeechnician o deveoping he ossi maeia was made possible in97 and 974 hogh gans om Th N a andHa-Rzu  of he Roya Swedish Academy o Sci ences, La  o he Univesiy of Uppsala, and NFR(G220 05 and G22005 Since July 975, he empoymen ohe echnician and my own eseach posiion have been nded eney by R (G220 04, 09 , 074, and 00; G4750 , 02 ,and 0 . Since 97, maeial and ave expenses in connecionwih he pojec have been coveed hough he above menioned gans and aso specicay by Båh h (97 o he Univesiy o Uppsala, Ma Bva (975,and R (G475 00.

     A majo pa o he maeial pesened hee was incuded in myPh hesis, deended in Jne 977 a he Univesiy o Uppsala

    Geological synthesis Srgip Bai i t otr af of t SrgipAagoa Bai i ortatr Braz te Nordese Regio, Fig

    oor part of ti bai, wic i tire witit two ma tat of Srgip (ot of t So FracicoRivr ad Aagoa ort of t rivr, occpie a coatabt om 380 m og ad 20 to 50 m wid It i o ofvra at Mozoic tioa rift bai sensu Wio


    Wiiam 99 o f ocaed Atatic tp itatd aog twtr margi of te Sot Aatic Oca (Fig Tbai wre iiia formed a rift va b t rptr oft formr AfricaSot Amrica cotit Pot Am (98 ad Am (98 give t mot rct,compriv accot of te googica votio of tBraziia marga bai A dtaid rviw wit mpaio rfac geoog ad paaotoog wa giv b Brito(99 O te mot importat featre revat to teomaia oiacia dveopmet ofS ergip wi be otid r, icdig om w obrvatio

    e rtaco margia ba i of Brazi fa t rctraad tratigrapica ito two grop: t tra Atatic bai, from t Amap to Potigar bai, ad (2 tSot Atatic bai, from te SrgipeAagoa to Peotabai (Fig ) formr grop corrpod arg to tar zoe wer t Africa ad Sot Amrica patid aog "qatoria traform fat drg t earretaceo ee bai dipa bot teioa ad

    comprioa tctoic trctre ad cotai great tic of dimt, oca mor ta 0 000 m Pot Am 98 tratigrapica qce i biparti t, coitig of a ower omari part of ear rtaco agad a ppr mari part of potAptia age SotAtatic margia bai ar caractrzd b xcivteioa fatig ad b omwat eer edimt ticee (maximm tic of 8 000 m, accordig to Pot Am 9 8 T tratigrapica qc i tripartite, teowr omare ad t pper mare bed big paratd b Aptia vaporite

    Betwee tee two regio i t PrambcoParaba

    Bai Fig wic ac mot of t omarie qecad te Aptia vaporit tr mari qc oore i dated a tartig i t Satoia, wit Abia depoit prt i t depr part of t ba Am arvao 9 8 Fig 3 Ti ggt tat te PrambcoParaba Bai wa i t area were coexiobtw Sot Amria ad Afrca prtd ogt aidfrom te Rio Grade RiWavi Ridg coexio e, forexampe, Remet 980 ad were te Atatic remaieda a arrow trat og to te ate retaceo

    Meiter Aric (92 mmarized te geoogica evotio of te Sergipe Bai , wic te part of te SergipeAagoa Bai were te eomaaoiaca mot

    f deveoped Fig 2 ompreive accot of teetire SergipeAagoa Ba were pbied b Am Pote ( 93 ad Ojeda Fgita (9 Stctra teSrgipAagoa Bai, icdig t adjact cotietamargi, form a afgrab, te cotrpart of wc iprab i Gabo g , Wio Wiiam 99 Fg e mai dpoitioa bai i boded to te otwet bte I taporaga Fat Fig 2 So t of ti fat tr i t"tcia patform, wic dipa a ti covr of marieretaceo edimt o Proterozoic? baemt Te rgioa dip avrag 0 5 to t otat, o ta progriv oger roc crop ot toward t c oat T e oor of

    te bai i it bocfatd (Ojda Fgita 9Fig I Srgip, orma dpt to bamt rage btw ad 3 m o or, wi oor bai dpt ocarac ovr m Pot e al 980 880

    tratigrapica qce Fig 3 i o of t mot

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FOSSILS ND STRT 1 ( 198 Golocal ntss

    M PA




    N S


    Fg l. Map of eastern Brazil, with shaded areas indicaing marginal basins

    (named. bbreviations of state names:











    _ J




    . '" SNTOS








    = lagoas, P = map, B = Bahia

     CE =  Cea, DF = istrito Federal, ES =

    Esp/rito Santo, G =  Gois, M =

    Maranhåo, MG = Minas Gerais, MS =

    Mato Grosso do Sul, T = Mato Grosso,

    P = Par, PB = Para/ba, PE = Pernam- buco, PI = Piau, PR = Paran, R =

    Rio de Janeiro, RN Rio Grande doNorte, RS = Rio Grande do Sul, SC =

    ata atana = Aa rom numerous sources)


    \S NT

    CATARINA' ::

    complete among te South Atlantic bain In latetJuraicand earl retaceou time, nonmarine ediment (theBaixo Såo Francico Group) were depoited in a ubidingrivalle bain Ater te general truc tural developm ent ofte bain, te rt marine incurion took place in te Aptianand i repreented b tick evaporitic equence, which,togeter wit dominantl nonmarine and lagoonal clatic

    depoit, make up the Muribeca Formation A te earloceanic rift widened, inux ofterrigenou material decreaedin relation to carbonate production. The Aptian(?eno-manian Riacuelo Formation i compoed of clatic ediment, lime tone and dolomite; te overling eno

    o 500 km

    manianSantonian otinguiba Formation eentiall com-prie pure carbonate

    Marine edimentation during the middle retaceou waalmot entirel conned to te outhern part of the bain(Ojeda Fugita 9 Fig. 58 . Thu, the Aptian eva-porite occur mainl in Sergipe, and Albian depoit (Ria-chuelo Formation are widel ditributed in te Sergipe

    Bain An Aptian, or Albian, trangreion ma havebreaced the margin of the bain and left trace in theinterior of te Brazilian craton, e. g. , i n te Araripe �(K. Beurlen 9 b: 0 Near te BaiaSergipe tate bound-ar, in te vicinit ofParipiranga A) and Simåo Dia (S ,

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    eter Bentson Cenomanan Conacan o Sere

    ° °

    FSSIS D ST 12 983)



    Fg 2  Geology of onshore portion of the Sergipelagoas Basin, including the Estncia area continental Cenozoic cover removed = taporanga Fault, E = Estncia, = taporanga, = aparatuba The arrow indicats the main outcrop area of the Cenoman

    eroioa remat of marie edimet (Richter 9 3 5 ma beog either to thi tragreive eiode or to the

    otiguiba SaucariLarajeira] deoitioa ceTe bae of the Riachueo Formatio i domiat terri-

    geou gico Member with the carboate roortioicreaig uward (Taquari Member ad with ooite ador ocoite formig i area of haower water (Maruim


    D    · . .. .

    Post -Santonian(Pa9abu9u Formaton)

    Cenomanan-Coniacian (Cotnguba Formation)

    Aptian?CenomanianRiachuelo Formation)

    Aptian(Muribeca Formation)




    50 km

     ianConiacian hown in Fig. 8 and in detai in ppendix 3 . dapt- ed from numerous soures mainl smus Pont 973 ig 6 data on Cenomanian in lagoas from Bntson in  smus  Carvaho 9780.)

    Member The ea retreated at the ed of the Abia orear eomaia, eavig ome area exoed or emi

    exoed Part of the Maruim Member wa the doomi tizeda a re ut of uratida exoure (Aguihada M ember adome edimet were rewored

    Th e eomaia wa a eriod of ow deoitioa ratecoued with tectoic readjumet i the bocfauted

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FOSSILS ND STRT 12 (1983)











    Fg.   Sragraph o he sedmenar sequenes o he Sergpeagas Basn onshore par (Based manl upn Shaller 1970

    oor o te ain A a ret tere wa patc depoi tion ocomparative tin cacareo ediment wic in ome

    ace conan ewoke maea a ea uaz oca-l te ediment are dolomitized.

    owar te end o te enomanian tere wa a wide-read tranreon wic ao covered te tectoncallmore tale tncia area in te ot. Ojeda Fta( 19 Fi. 1 et tere are Albian ediment (Ria-ceo Formation a well n ti area ut tere nopalaeontooica pport or ti amption

    Te ronian in mot area wa mared acceeratedidence ivin tic eqence o ime tone (S apucariMemer in area o ow terrieno inx and cacareomdtone Aracaj Memer in area wit proportionaower caronate prodction. ontinin reciproca movement o te ocated ain oor contrited o co-pico acie cane acro ort di tance and tee areao nmero dcontinitie ad intraormationa recciaed in te eqence. oward te oteat i.e. toward










    Igreja NovSubgou

    Geolocal ntess




    ixo SoFancisco


    smus Pone 1973 Ojeda Fuga 1976 and smus 1981 loalLoer Creaeous sage names rom Br  Campos 1981 )

    t e centre o t e ain t e o tinia Formation radeinto te terrieno catic Piaa Formation (Am

    181 O he conea e ouba ement (Aracaj Mem er ave been ond on n a retct-ed area in norteatern Serpe ( Ojeda Fita 19 Fi.18 . Onore near te coat te ormaton i oca vertin or abent e . . in boreoe WS S and AB AS (Ricter Sime 195 ee S24DI2 So ri-tvo c Bandeira 1 98 Fi 1 Te l med eececomined wit carcit or abence o tpica ronian o-i in oreoe on te contine nta e ed ea rier worrto potate a rea in eqence n ti part o e ain (eeor exampe Aric et al 192 Fi. 2 Qadro Gomide193:341 . owever oore tere i an noiierointerva in te aa Piaa Formation etween teAianeomaian and Santonian o Gomide Rio deaneiro peronal commnication 1982 wic probabcorrepond in time to te otinia Formation onorei.e. te enomanianoniacian i deveoped a Piaa

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    8 eter Bentson enoman an onacan o Sere

    • NW Pee e






    FOSSILS ND STR 12 1983

    Pee ffe SE .

    :Pia abu u


    Fg Schematic NWSE stratigraphcal section o the middle Cretaceos o the Sergipe Basin showing presmed relationships between ormations

    faces n te deeper parts f te basn c Fguered Mraes 1 972 1 2 ; Fg 4 eren An aternatve r crarexpanatn cud be te exstence f a rdge parae t tecast durng te enmanannacan Rement et al197292 Fg D frmed as a resut f ser subsdence tan n mre margna areas Magnetcanma pat-

    terns apparent supprt ts ptess Summeraes etal 19 In te

     ·nacan te sea tdre w eavng te margns f

    te basn expsed unt te Santnanampanan Tsregressn as prbab due t seaward ttng f te basnOjeda Fugta 1 97 1 3 eadng t up f te presentnsre parts Man secndar structures c dsturb tesequen ces re sut frm te se t tng mvements n cmbn atn t sme akness Ojeda Fugta 19 71 4 147 e ue areas ere suecte t ersn c r-duced matera fr te castc Paabuu Frmatn On tecntnenta sef sedmentatn was essenta cntnuustrug te ate retaceus

    Aer te cse f te carbnatedmnated ce tece terrgenus Santnanampanan transgressnas cvered te Aagan part f te basn Ts te Paa-buu depstna cce cntnued unt te end f te M-cene r even Pcene Asmus 1981 Fg Te presumedreatnsps f te mdde retaceus frmatns n Se rgpeare swn scematca n Fg 4 Te depstna str fte acue and tnguba frmatns as ustrated bBandera 1 978 Fg 1 9 as a seres f gures fdepstnaevents

    Te extensve terature and n part ver detaed currentknwedge f te geg f Sergpe ree ct te mprtance f

    ts area fr petreum prductn Te Sergpe Basn s tetrd mst mprtant petreum prvnce aer te Recnca-vTucan Baa and amps basns and as an estmated % f te recerabe petreum r eserves f BrazApprxmate 8 % f te Sergpean s trapped n teAptan Murbeca Frmatn Pnte et al. 198

    Hstorcal reVeWTe bstratgrapca mst mprtant pubsed rgnaresearc n te enmanannacan f Sergpe s s um-marzed ere Empass s paced n surface geg andstratgrap ca usefu macrfaunas Nmenc atra updat

    ng and ter sgncant taxnmc r stratgrapca re-marks are paced n square brackets Tese remarks cncernpartcuar ammntes frm examnatn f te cectnsf te M seu Nac na R de Janer cetns descr bedr cmmented upn b Wte and G Beuren Departa-ment Nacna da Prdu Mnera R de aner cMaur D uarte Wandere and B ender nversdad e F edera d R e Janer R de aner c MagaesBrt and Overa Brt nversdade Feera e Per-namuc ece c euren an nverst psaa c Rement Tat

    A cmpete anntated stng f te fsss reprted n teterature frm te enmanannacan f Sergpe s

    gven n Tabes 1 1 c are paced at te end f tecapter

    An anntated bbgrap s gven n pp 2

    Te s tr f gegca researc n te S erpe Bas n canbe dvded as fs n part after enz 1 9 teperd f te fregn traveers 1 82 1 87 2 te ntatn and cnsdatn f natna researc 1871943 te basc prspetng fr 19419 and 4 md-ern detaed and dversed researc pst19

    The period of the foreign travellers


    James Hendersn 1821 n s A Hstoy o te Bral devted a capter t te " Prvnce f Seregpe d' E Re nderte eadng "Mne rag e mentned te ccurrence fme Ts s prbab te rst pubsed reference t te

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FSSIS ND SR 12 (1983

    retces rcks f te Serpe Bsn lt te e fte eds ws nknwn t tt tme Sseqent frentrvelers pd lttle r n ttentn t te retces el- f ts re

    Te rst elcl descrptn f Serpe ws nt ntl ers lter wen te ndn scentst rles Fred-erck Hrtt 1 87 plsed s nw clsscl Geol an

    Pysical Geograp of Bral fllwng n erler smmrccnt f te sject Hrtt 1 88 ncldn te rst men-tn f mmntes frm Brzl Hrtt trvelled ln tecst etween R de Jner nd Pernmc n 187std n t e el nd erp nd cllectn g fssl s Afew mmntes nd strpd frm te twn f Mrmwere descred H tt 1 87 ncldn te new spees" eratites Harttii Paraascoceras hartti nfrtn tel nne f te spemens were red [Frm Htt's descrp-tns t ppers tt esdes Paraascoceras hartti te cllec-tn prl nclde d Hoplitoies r oilopoceras ( "eratites (Ammonites) Pierenalis Vn Bc; c vn Bc 1849

    sme Puosia ( Ammonites Hallii Meek nd Hden?; cMeek Hden 187 nd sme xtropioceras ( "Ammonites Peruianus Vn Bc r Ammonites acutocarinatus S-mrd nd "Ammonites Gibbonianus e; c de Bc 1839Smrd 1 84 nd e 1 84 1 respectvel Ts s clerl mxtre f Albn nd T rnn frms wc s nderstn d-be cnsdern tt te fssls were cllected frm testreet pvement n Mrm Brnner 189:39 r dntedt Hrtt resdents f te twn] It lter ppered tt tespemen f " eratites Harttii cme frm te lclt BmJess ner te twn f rnjers Brnner 189:397Hrtt ls vsted te S pcr qrr n te Serpe Rverwere e cllected smll mmnte nd sme ncermdsTe mmnte ws nfrtntel nt des cred n d "mve een lst Mr 1 93 :27 [ In te cllectns f teMse Ncnl n R de Jner tere s bdl pre-served Subprionoyclus?, lbelled "Sergpe Mrm Sp-cr cllected te "mmss Gelgc see belwTs m well e te spemen n qestn] De t tepct f dnstc fssls te e f te Spcr edsws fr ln te sject f mc cnfsn nd dspteHrtt 187: tenttvel sdvded te ret-ces fSerpe n t lwer rp mddle retces? ndn pper rp Sennn? Fre smmrzes te s-trcl develpment f te mddle ret ces str trp f

    te Sere sn

    The initiation and consolidation of nationalresearch (875-940

    Ts perd sw te cretn nd extnctn f te rstelcl srve f Brzl te "mmss Gel dImper d Brzl 1 87 1 877 drected Hrtt Orvl leA Der ne f Hrtt's stden ts wrked fr te "mms-s Gelgc; lter e becme Drectr f te GelgclDeprtment f te Mse Ncnl n R de Jner nd

    ls te rst Drectr f te " Serv

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    1 eer Bengson enomana n- onacan o Sergpe












    Hartt 1

    Cotinguiban groupenonan?)





    Nannoconus tutt

    Stenmann 11

    ogetes et a.

    enetes et a

    Wghtoceas et a

    Kossmat 195

    whoe seQuence


    hapeeas et a Hedbeea washtenss

    obceas et a

    g. . istorical development o age assignments and iostrati graphy o the middle Cretaceous sequences o Sergipe ocusing the

    Douvilh� inLapparent 19

    whoe seQuence

    FC20 Hedbeeaeoenss

    F0 Hedbegeawashtenss

    FOSSILS D STRT 12 98

    Hag 191?

    Bom Jesus beds

    de Oliveira199

    Bom Jesus beds

    - Lasto beds

    Lasto beds

    NC20: thastnusg;

    Morais Rego199

    Sahaa lmestes

    Cedro lmestoesad sadses

    Umb ootcmestoes

    Rachuelomestoes adsansoes

    HeX8pootcoptes emeaov

    NC10 Nannoconustfut

    P46 Gnetaceae

    Oentes dvesus

    P2 Eateospotes potensus

     CenomanianConiacian Cotinguia Formation (excluding minor purely nomenclatorial changes arlier age assignments in

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FOSSILS ND STRT 12 (1983

    ary 193


    oras Ro 1933 ary 193

    -Så Gonao andSta za bds


    puy m

    aals 195 d lra195

    Bndr 1959

    Hstorcal reew

    K. Brln 191(ammons)





    Laanjas Lmstonf- TUONN

    Bom Jss ston

    Gaa) BdsA a LmstonLa

    stro mston

    Viana (pollen)

    C3 P 6 sp1

    Sampaio North!lee 7(pollen)




    SaaaC Gop

    Ub Goup

    Riacu Group

    K, Beurlen 7


    Vascocas t a


    Tbco Bds

    Nokntocas obcas

    Sampaio North!lee 7(foraminifers)



    Cdo and BomJss Lmston

    Sapca andLaanjras bds


    G Beurlen 7 Schaller 7 Schaller 7(ammonites) (ammonites) (foraminifers)

    , - -

    309 Potxants113



    ammont zon "ammont zon

    Coopoca a 307 Coopocascot a collt 112

    Mtococas p30Mtococas sp

    [2 _111

    30 Motoncas 1111


    Sampaio Reyment e al. Bengtson 7Norh!lee 7 7 (ammonites) (ammonies(osracodes)


    212/213 PonoccocasSolgts t a

    t a Broscas

    Sbponoccls Subponoccs

    Bns t aBnts t

    vascoctdsNoptycts t

    toa t Kb

    Knbas Pdoalcoc t

    Acantocs Acantoa t


    Stolzka a Grasonts t a

    Motncas t a 30 Motoncrsgpnss

    Sapuca andLaranjas ms tons

    Mrm ormaton

    Racu an

    Schaller 7(benthic microfJ








    Schaller 7(poromorph)




    Lima his paperBoltenhagen (ammonites)(alynomorphs)


    Conacan 1

    Tonan 3

    1Tonan 2

    Toan 1


    17Comanan 3

    Cnomnan 2











    cluding he pian(?) lbian Riachuelo Formaion, up o and in-cuding he rs bozonaion presened or his ormaion, in 1961

     B Biosraigraphical subdiisions or zonaons o he Cenoman ianConiacian, aer 96 Original spllings o oponyms reained

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    1 2 eter Bengtson enoman an- onacan of Serge

    ncramd ccd Har frm Sapucar quarr asInoceramus (Serga) osonomaforms

    In 1927 r appard A Geologcal omarson of SouthAmerca wth South Afrca Ax L Du T n f cassca rks n sr f r f cnnnadrf Du T as an ardn supprr f Afrd Wgnr's cnrvrsa r ad ravd xnsv n

    Su Amra n 1 923 H cmpard racus casaasns n sds f Su Aanc and cncudda ad a cmmn rgn Du T 1 927 1 14

    EP d Ovra 1929 n a sragrapca car fr f Braz rsrcd Bm Jsus ds rTurnan; asr ds r gvn as nmanan FgA

    Mras Rg 1 929 sudvdd mdd racus fSrgp n Aan nmanan and Turnan Fg AA ar ar Maur 1934249 pusd an nrdrn sudvsn m ddu ppr Aan r Turnanand Maasrcan Fg A asd n a summar rvsn

    f W's fss dscrpns Maur 193272299Frm d suds r rprd n n 1929 s av

    Mras Rg [sc] 193339 48 cncudd a Sapucar ds suggsd Maur 193 Maasrcan ["Marrquan f Mras Rg] ar aara facs f Turna n H manand s s udvsnf mdd racus n Aan nmanan andTurnan aug rvsd un nams; cf Fg 14 andsuggsd a a Turnan ag fr ds arund Esncaand Aracaju; Fg A

    Maur 1937 rdscrd ccns sudd W 1887 and ncudd fsss ccd MrasRg A n Turnan ca dr as sasd n ass f nds f noceramus labatus vn ScmAmmns frm nar [Sanara] r assgnd Euholtes Anaholtes and Turrltes, and a mdd Aan ag assuggsd Maur 1937228231 24224 Ts drm-nans r cnsd Bngsn n Rmn 198 1 1 88 [Sud f rgna sp mns ss a pds arr Turnan Mtona and Watnoceas? ] aur pacd Esnca and Iapranga ds prvsna n Aanan rss a aa srcan a r aucar bs" apuca msn; Fg A

    Arsmns G D uar rprd n drk carrd un 193 n pubcans 1 93 193 8 ar cnan

    ng usfu daa n cas and sss ccd H s rprsf Anaholtes spp and Turrltes sp frm dr mus cnsdrd n g Maur's msdncans sav aug Rx 1 938 1 8 1 8 crrc pacds spmns n r Turnan Ar Wandr 1 938 gav an accun fcas vsd durng drkn 193 [Tanks s da d rpr man f undscrd spmns n ccns f DparamnNacna da Prdu\ Mnra DNPM c succdd "Srv\ Ggc Mnragc d Bras n 1933can n prpr cazd]

    Sm f spmns ccd Duar and Wandr-

    r sd Rx 1 938 1 81 87 ; amng m ar ammns "Puzosa braslana Maur and "Scahtes sp frm r Turnan f aranj ras [Su d f spmns n ccns f Dvs d Gga Mnraga fDNPM ss a frmr can rfrrd Watnoceras? c guenthert Rmn and ar Watno

    FOSSILS D STRT 12 9 8 3

    ceras amuarense Arkang 'skj T map f Srgp n Rca's 193 9 Atlas geolgco o

    Brasl s a smpd vrs n f Mras Rg's 1 92 mapsng nr racus and Es nca Grup [Pr-rzc?] undr n adng

    In 1 94 Ovra nards prducd a cmprnsvxk n gg f Braz Geologa o Brasl c as

    far as Srgp s cncrnd s man a snss fpusddaa T accmpanng ggca map fBraz AI dOvra gra xaggras xn f racusrcks n Srgp As n 194 E P d Ovra gav anaccun f drk carrd u as ar as 19 2 1 H as rs nrdu frman nams s Fg 14 anddsagrd Mras Rg 1 93 3 au ag f Sapucar ds "Sapucar Frman argung aMaur's 1 937 Maasrcan ag as crrc

    The basic prospecting for oil (1940-1956)

    T ns Nacna d Pr1 NP as crad n1938 In Januar 1939 as dscvrd n RcncavBasn Baa and prspng as xndd Srgp Basn n 1 94 n1 1 948 n rcnnassanc rkas carrd u Marqus 19 T fsss ccd rgnra sn Dvs d Gga Mnraga f Dparamn Nacna da Prd Mnra

    Frm numrus pusd and unpusd rprsn xnsv d nvsgans n Srgp daa rvan nmanannacan r ncudd n annua rprs f ns N acna d Pr1 948a 1 9481949 1 9 1 and n arcs rdr 1 941 and nards 1 949 Im pran fss ccns r rug gr A I d Ovra P d Mura and A Wandr fNP Sm d srvans r pusd A I dOvra 1943 gr a ggca map f Srgp

    In 1 943 a scnd rvsd and muc xndd dn fGeologa o Brasl Ovra nards 1943 appardT capr n racus f Srgp s na xpandd and as mr cmprnsv an A I d Ovra'scnmrar ar 14 bk cnans a mr -ad map f urp ara f mdd racus

    Magas 1 92 1 93 dscrbd rs cpcradsfrm Srgp ccd frm [su aparauba NP

    ggss T rsn f Holtoes suggsd Maga-s 192 a aranjras msn sensu amp1948; c Fg 14 rn mracd Turnanpss vn xndng n "Emscran Fg A

    Modem detailed and diversied research(post1956)

    T "mdrn prd f rsarc n racus fSrgp can sad gn n 19 n Prs crad n 193 ak vr xpran n Braz frm

    NP cnracd Grma ggs Frz Bndr frdad map png f as n Ts as fd nn sd surfac and susurfac nvsgans dscrd n numrus unpusd Prrs rprs and ; fr xamp nR 19 In 193 rs d as dscvrd armps d Prrs 194 and prducn sard

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FOSSILS ND STRT 1 2 1 9 8 3

    1 94 I 1 98 xpra as xndd cninnal sl r rc rsrvs ar ng xpld day

    On ms mpran s raigrapical r sls Bndrs r carrid 197 as mnd y E dOlivra 198 and K Brl 198 namely tat tinddd Sap car lims ns and mas sv aranj iras li ms s ar cntmprans facis and nt f

    dly dspara ags as as sggsd r exampl yMaury 1937; Fg A rin A latral acis rlainsipad prpsd as early as 1933 y Mrais Rg ucam grally accpd nly ar Bndr's r

    Frm Bndr's fssl cllctins E d Olivra 198rprtd r rs ime t ler Trnian ammniteammites and ppr Alian as cnrmd rg a nd aElobiceras Fg A A fll rpr n t Srgip Basin asplsd a yar lar Bdr 199 i a dald glgical map and lis s ssils cllcd An ammni cllcnfrm a qarry n te Itaaana rad [= lcaly S edr rn as gurd l 3:3 and said t nai ammites

    Pseuaspioceras [alms crtanly Kamerunoceras , Vascoceras[praly Fagesia , and oilopocerasSans na 1 98 1 99 rvisd t cinid Hemias

    terjacksoni Maury ic ad prvsly n sudid als y 193

    Frm 191 nards svra paprs y K Burln ap-pard n glgy and palatlgy raus nrasrn Brazil In paprs K Brln 191a9 dsssd palaggrapy and rprted n cllcns Trnian fssils cing fr xample teammns Kamerunoceras and Pseuotissotia K Brln 1 91 c i rdcd ry a land arrr n tgar and SrgpAlagas asins sparating t nt ralad S Alanic cans K Brln 19a as als ers amp an ammni znain ApianAliansqc Fg A

    r 1 92 dscrd 1 9 spi s f framinifrs f c3 r ad mnd sracd Brachthere asphenoies Rss as n s marrs "Sapcarirmai Amng s lcals n dsignad 8 suas Japaraa as caracrzd y andanExora [rm crrn nldg s p 49 a gd indca- mddlppr nmanan] eri prsnd aramral zan r Trnia Fg B asd n adan spis Heterohelix [alg is sampls

    ee acua rve m enmanan an naan 1calts t] H attmpted t crrelae s framnfealzns t macrfssl sccessn f Sergp sng asly dned framrk f "assemlage znes Petr92 38 Fig B ren

    MEM Sans 193 descred t ne spees fInoceramus frm nar n Nssa Snra d Scrrfrm a ar kn niaca ds]

    T sracd prdmian tnga Frmatnas dscrd y Krmmln 194 as Brachythere (B )sapucariensis ad as gv a arly Trnan ag [alg lcaly data sggs arly nacian]

    Rymt 19 rmard faal similariis - Ws Arca ad S Amria ting r t rsm frm Brazl [Srgip ammn spis Benueitesbenueensis Rym

    alynmrps ad n usd i straigrapy y trrs sc 197 Hvr as ntil 19 at t rst

    Historical reiew 1 3

    palylgcal zan r t racs nrasternBrazl as plsd Mllr 19 sing n zn fr Turianaca Srgp Fig B

    I a sadard mcrpalanlgical car r ra-csTrary nrastrn Brazl Bran 1 9 desg-ad a ramiral zn "Z cmprsing "S apcari/arairas Frman f lat nmananarly nac-

    an ag Fg BFrnads 197 pulisd a deailed sragrapcal

    car i rrs' znatins asd n sracdes pre-maan nly raminirs and plln Fig B

    Br 197 dscried a adly presrvd ammnit cllcd y Bdr n Estnca ara n strn SrgpeH amd i etengonocers olieirai and datd it as Alian[n nn t nman ian Olivera Brit 199rdscrd clpcraids sdid y Magals 1 92 1 93 gr i addtinal maerial inclding lrTran ges Spathites? and a Pseuaspioceras peroanumW rm st Japaraa [T lattr spim n is n

    ac a mddl nmanian uneganoceras and t rst plis rcrd a nmanan ammni frm Srgip

    Vaa 199 plisd rrs' ramifral znainad cmpard palynlgical znatin t Wes AfricaF ig B

    Rymn 1 99a rng mainly frm plisd dat arvd palaggrapy f t St Atlantic Hcncludd rm anal vdc a nral and StAlaic ceans cam prmanenly cnnctd lat in tearly Turna pssily an pmral cntact in tat Alan

    K Brln 197 synszd arlr r in s Geologieon Brasilien and addd t ammnits Paramammites [= Mitonia and Neopchites t ler Turnian fana fSrgp 197:24 Uppr nmanian as indiatdrg ammnt etoicoceras 197 :24 K Berlnamd ds xpsd n t Estncia ara "TrcBds atr mst mpran fssil lcality and placedtm taivly i manian n e asis f taudanc Exoyra 197 :23 ; Fig B rin

    G. Brl 197 dscrng sm ammnitscllcd y rrs glgss prpsd a znatin fr tepsAla sqnc Fig B cmplmn xistngApianAla znan Fi g A H addd t n generaPachesmoceras ppr [= er enmanan Parapuzosia

    uer unan an mee rreer an rceras ler nacan [Ote r genea n fr Srgpe erals descrd r gred eg Grasonites and agesia, al -tg undr dierent names

    Wk n a muc ndd satgrapcal evsn f teSrgp Basn as tae p in 193 y t omisso aeiso Estratigrca a Bacia e SergipeAlagoas f PtrrsT rslg plcain Scallr 197 is a asc rfrncer fr ggcal r in as in Fr derent isra-grapcal znats r marn seq ncs re prsnt-d asd ammns plan ramnirs nic mi-crsss ad sprmrps Fi g B A litstra igrapy f

    e Srgp Bas as salisd inclding t n gnr ally accpd ams Racl Frmain fr lr parad tiga Frmatn fr t uppe r part f te middlracs sqc c Fig 14

    K Brl 197a:94 cmmned frr n t srati-grapcal psi t "Tirc Frmatn Besds t

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    1 Peter Bengtson enomanian- oniacian of Sergipe

    speces f Exora e reprted a sma Liostrea and a specesf Plicatula In ne f severa ter papers n te mdderetaceus stratgrap and sedmentatn K Beuren 1 97 1 b 1 8 dscussed te er Turnan amnte faunasusng Petrbrs' Scaer 197 ammnte znatn butte desgnatn " Vascocerasoilopoceras fr te oilopocerasa colleti Zne He furter dscussed K Beuren

    1 9 7 1b223 te faces reatnsps f te "SapucarLaranjeras Frmatn and reverted n part t te rgnacncept f te Sap ucar and L aranje ras mes tnes as su cces-sve depsts Te absence f ammntes [sic] frm te md-deupper Turnan " ammntenfree Zscenzne sadt be ce deveped as tnb edded S apu car mes tnesas expaned trug unfavurabe currents n a deeper-ater regme tan te Laranje ras mes tnes [Te expana-t n as actua muc smper nadequate cectng

    Brt 1971 descrbed a [dubtfu nautd and treeammntes frm te Turnan [O ne de scrbed as Fagesiaas cected b Ben der nrtest f Rsr d atete and

    s cannt be Turnan as stated Resuts f edrk n Sergpe n 1 99 b R A Rement

    and E A Tat appeared n severa pubcatns Rement197 1a 1 97 1 b 1972 ; Rement Tat 1972a 1972b In teprncpa reprt Rement Tat 1972a te er Turnan as subdvded n te bass f ammntes addngWrightoceras t te fauna; Fg B and te age f te tapranga beds prevus referred t te ate enman an assn t be ear enmanan trug nds f Sharpeicerasand Stoliczkaia Frm te nac an te a utrs reprted frexampe eroniceras?, Solgerites Hauericeras Nowakites andrionocloceras " rionoclus

    Tresen Quadrs 1971 and Quadrs Gmde1973 reprted te bstratgrapca resuts btaned bPetrbrs frm nannfsss T znes are recgnzed nte enmanannacan Fg B atug sren te er zne as been dented Te current framn-fera znat n use d b Petr brs as gve n b A urc et al 1 972 Fg 2; Fg B eren and subsequent eabrated bNgut Sants 1973 Tese atter autrs nted te dverst f te Aptanenmanan faunas b cmparsnt aacent trpca areas na s as expaneb an ecgca barrer n te narr strat tat separtedAfrca frm Sut Amerca a barrer cnsstng f ersant and g er turb uence tan are nrma fr ceanc

    aters Suc cnd tns cud devep as a resut f excessveequatra prec ptatn prducng eav nux f fres a-ter bearng suspended matera

    Neufv e 19739193 197912 descrbed stracdesfrm t Petr brs brees A er Turnan Brachthere sapucariensis Krmmeben as reprted frm ne fte cres 2IASE taken 2 km suteast f Itaprangaand 1 km nrteast f te Itapranga Faut; see Rcter Smes 197 seet S24ZDI2/4 S rstv [Inte 197 3 paper t e t bre es ere nadvertent mxedand te er Turnan matera as sad t derve frm acre taken east fapartuba Neufve 1 973 1 8

    K Beuren 1 974 reveed te str f te Sut Atantc and cncuded man n te bass f ammnteevdence tat t became cnnected t te en tra Atantcbeteen te ear Turnan and te nacan

    A rened pangca znatn as presented b Rega

    FOSSIS D SR 12 9 8 3

    e t a l 1 974 an d cmpared t current framnfer andnannfss znatns Sme substages ere furter dvdedatug n Sergpe n ne pen zne as recgnzed nte enmanannacan Fg B T e pen ra f teBrazan cntnenta margn as subseq uent descrbed bRega et al 197 ntemprar bstratgrapca rkn panmrps as carred ut b Herngreen 1 97

    estabsed ne zne cmprsng te e enmanannacan? nterva Fg B

    Rmen in Herngreen 19773 and Krmmeben 197reprted n Turnannacan stracdes Beses abun-dant and genera dmnant Brachthere (B) sapucariensisKrmmeben Bairia araypris and thereis are present

    Bengtsn in Herngreen 197 added te er en-manan Grasonites t te ammnte fauna

    In 1 97 a gegca map f te SergpeAagas Basnas pubsed Rcter Smes 197 cmprsng 33seets f 1 scae Te map s base d n Petr brs 'unpub sed gegca maps f 2 scae and s b asca

    tstratgrapca atug t sme bstratgrapca ntes

    A crreatn cart fr te Brazan sedmentar basnsas presented b Sampa Nrteet 1 97 cmprsngrevsed znatns based n pen framnfers and stra-cdes Fg B Te entre enmanan sequence s referredt te Racue Frmatn b cntrast t fr exampeOjeda Fugta 1 97 refer te enmanan t tetnguba Frmatn r t Lange 1 97 refers teer enmanan t te Racue Frmatn and teupper enmanan t te tnguba Frmatn Fr ds-cussn f te Racuetnguba bundar se e pp 38

    4 1 Kenned per 19 7 and Kenned bban 1 97 frm stud f te ammnte dstrbutns arund teAtantc suggested tat "pen marne cndtns f ntactua rng beteen te entra and Sut Atantc de-veped durng te ate Aban Ts cntrasts t frexampe K Beuren's 9 74 recnstructns

    Rement et al 1 97 cmpared te transgressnregres-sn pattern f Ngera and SergpeAagas and reprtedte fng ne ammnte genea from P engtsn s e-rk n Sergpe Hpoturrilites er enmanan Acanthoceras mdde enmanan seuocacoceras and Kanabiceras[n a subgenus f Euomphaloceras per 1978 upper

    enmanan Watinoceras mdde Turnan Subprionoclusand eesiites upper Turnan and Barroisiceras ernacan Fg B Te nted permanent marne cnnexn beteen te entra and Sut Atantc frm teate enman an ear Turnan transgres sn; ccasna"spvers t fauna excange ccurred n te ate Ab-an and pssb as te mdde Aban [A mdd e r ateAban date fr nng te t mbs f te tantc as sncebeen supprted b Wedmann Neugebauer 1978 andFrster Scz 1979

    In 1 97 seet S 24 Aracaju f te m gegcamap f Braz appeared Brun et al 1 97 At ts scae te

    map cntans tte nfrmatn n te enmanannac-an but te accmpanng expanatn as an appendxamps amps 197 cntanng sme prevus unpubsed nfrmatn n fss cates and spemens nte cectns f DNP M [atug te map Fg 1 8 gves

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FOSSILS ND STRT 12 (1983)

    severa cait psitins incrrect] A wer enmanianAcanthoceras = Sharpeiceras and a niacian Gauthiericeraswere reprted rm Bender's cectin

    eranc 1977, in cmparing te gastrpd aunas nrteastern Brazi and te Agerian Saara, isted twupper enmanian and nine wer Turnian gastrpdsrm P Bengtsn's Sergipe cectins

    In a dis cussin te Turnian ammnite assciatins fte Tetan Ream, Rement 1978 remarked tat "inMrcc Taraa and Brazi Sergipe, Watinoceras andBenueites ccur in te same assciatins, atug te frmertends t predate te ccurrence te atter and te atterappears t persist aer te disappearance f te ast represent atives te rmer

    Bengtsn 1979 presented a prvisina znatin f teenmanianniacian based n ammnite genera andcmpared t is wit curren t znatins bas ed n pankt icraminiers, nannssis and sprmrps Te ammn itesceme Fig B cmprised ten prvisina znes and in

    cudes te rst reprts f uneganoeras c p 13 andAompsoeras rm te midde enmanian, and Thomelitesrm te upper enmanian

    K Beuren's suppsitin 197:23, 197a:94 en-manian age r te Tibrci beds in te Estncia area wascnrmed b Bengtsn 98a trug te ccur rence fte ate enmanian ammnite Thomelites

    Viana 198 summarized te micrpaaentgica suc-cessins te margina basins; wever, n specic mentin was made te Sergipe Basin

    In tw papers , Brit 198, 1981 described in partredescribed an ecinderm cectin, cnsisting Phmosoma brailiensis Wite rm Santa uzia near Estncia

    [prbab enmanian, in view te Thomelites mentinedabve], tw wer Turnian Hemiaster, a wer niacianHemiaster sp and a Stereo iaris sp , cected b Wandere in1934

    In studies te micrra reatinsips between Africa

    Historial review 1

    and Sut America, Herngreen 1 981 :4 12 reprted tedinageate inoymnium rm " te Sergipe tin-guiba Frmatin pper Turnian r niacian [nwdated as ear niacian], and ima Btenagen 1981 subdivided te enmanianniacian int fur pan-mrp units Fig B

    Apart rm te papers reviewed abve, a number f pa-

    pers ave been pubised ver te past decade b gegists Petrbrs n te ge nera geg, stru ctura geg,paaegegrap, etc te Sergipe Basin and/r te entireeast Braziian cntinenta margin Tese incude Ojeda Bis 1972 , Asmus Prt 1974 , 198 , eister Auric 1972 , Asmus Pnte 1973 , WM amps et al. 1 974 , Asmus 1 97 , 1 98 1 , Pnte Asmus 197 , 1978 ,Ojeda Fugita 197 , Asmus arva 1978 , andPnte et al 1 9 8

    Fossils reported in the literature

    Tabes 1 1 ist a fssis reprted in te iterat ure frm teenmanianniacian f Sergipe, wit reevant remarksMst te micrssis are derived frm sre sequences,in wic te Santnian is nrma incuded in te tin-guiba depsi tina cce; terefre, te tab es fr micrfssisTabes 8 cver as tis stage

    Te purpse te ists is t prvide cnvenient cmpari-sn wit aunas and ras ter areas Entries cnsist te rst mentin and descriptin eac taxn Werepssibe, ssi names are brugt up t date in te remarks Generic reassignments are nted were appicabe, were-as reidenticatins at species eve! are given n wen

    rigina specimens ave been studie dFr macrssis Tabes 14 and 91, ages are given

    witin te ramewrk ammnite units used ere in see pp 447 Fr micrssis, tis as genera nt been pssibe,due t ac k f diagnstic macrfssis in s ubs urface sampe s

    abl l  mmonites reported from the CenomanianConiacian of Sergipe giving origina names and rst authors; distinction is made between mention (M) noting if there are gures f) and fu taxonomic treatment T) . nric rassignments and reidentications from stud of oriina speimens nomencatoria updating stratigraphica comments notes on subsequent redescriptions etc are given in the remarks Where possibe age assignmets are brought up to date from current knowedge to conform with the ammonite subdivisions (itaics) of this paper

     Taa are isted in chronoogica order of pubication Repositor of specimens designated b codes as foows D =  Diviso de eoogia eMineraogia eartamento aciona a Prouo Minera Rio de aneiro M

    =eartamento e Paeontooia Museu aciona Rio e

    anerio; PM = aboratrio e Paeontoogia e Macei Petrobrs [art of coection subseuent transerre to Museu aciona an renumbere according ; Pe = nstituto de eocincias niversidade edera de Pernambuco Recife; PM = Paeontoogiska museetppsaa universitet ppsaa


    a itte mmonite

    Cratits hartti  nsp

    Cratits (Ammonits pirdnalison Buc

     Treat ment





    uronian  or Coniaian l

    uronian 1



    artt 1870a

    att 1870


    Possib specimen MN 4273 a poor pre- served Subrionolus?  sp

    Redescribed b White 1887) as Ammonits -hiras hartti,  b att (1903) and Maur(1937) as Vasoras hartti, and b Oiveira

     Brito (1969) as Pahasoras hartti Speimen D M 4959 of these authors is a Fagsia, and

     probab so is LPM206 (now MN 5284 ) of Beuren (1970) and Rement  Tait 1972a) Current name Paraasoras hartti

    Probab a coiopoceratid

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FOSSILS ND STT 12 (1983

     Table (continud


    Ponoclocras c haard  Y oungProtxants trolsni n sporrstria tabuans nsp Pachdsmocs sp

    Ngrcras?  spGombocras? spGombocras gonglns c gongilnscomprssum Barber

    Vasocras a globosum globusumeyent

    Vasocras a globosum comprssum Barber


     T T TM




    Psudotissotia c (auchioras nigr Mnsis nigrinsis (W oods

    Psudotissotia (auhocras gabon Mnsis Lombard

    Colopocras a ollt ya tt

    Parapuosia?  sp Tssotnae? gen et sp ndet

    Psuotissotia c gabonnsisobard

    agsa multiplx n sp

    Mammts houbrt CollgnonKamrunorasaobsoni eyentopltods ingns (von oenenNophts tlingaorms SolgerGlbosocras glbosum eyent

    auhocras planum (BarberWrghtocras walls eyent

    Gombocras gonglns (W oods

    Sharpicras  sp

    Mtoocras a ornatum Morean

    nuts spinosus eyent

    Coloporas discoidum Barber

    Solgrs brano (SolgerPronicras? sp.Nowaits p

    aurcras sp

    Eulophoras ntalns yattPronoclus a guaaba nus

    tenannSolgrts armat a (SolgerKamrunocras a sh (SolgerPronoclus sp

    Prionoclus pdroanum StenmannMammts dixi eyentCollgnonras p

    Stolckaia a afrianaPervnqureAcanthocras c quadratum  CrckMantllcras  sp

    p Bengtsn




















    ConacanConiacianConacanCnomanan 1 and

    Turonian 2Turonan 12Cnomanan Turonan 12

    Turonian 2

    Turonian 12



    Turonan 2

    Turonan 3Coniacian 1


    Turonan 2Turonian 2Turonan 2Turonian 2Turonian 2

    Turonian ?Turonan




    Turonian 2

    Turonian 2

    Conacan Conacian Caan

    Turonan 3

    Turonan 2 or 3Conacan

    Conacian Cnomanian

    Cnomanian Cnomanian Cnomanian


    Turonan 2 Cenoanan


     Brto 19 1

    eyment 19 1a

    eyent 19 1 b

    eyent  Tat192a

    Matsuoto 19 3

    Historical reiew


     Better reerred to Pronoclocras

    ddtonal age data n challer (190

    Probably Paravascocras (then ro Turonian 1= Vascocras gama  ChoatProbably Spathits

     Better reerred to Fagsa Specen LPM260gured also by eyent  Ta t ( 19 2a as Vascocras c globosum

    Specen LPM261 gured also by eyent  Tat (192a as Vasoras c comprssum

    Specen LPM2 10 labelled T sotnae aSolgrts

    From lban beds not lower Turonan as statedProbably a large Douvllcras

    Fgured by eyent  Tat 19 2 a

    = Nopchits cphalo tus (Courtllereers to specen P C 1404 an ndeterna ble colopoceratd

    Fgured by eyent  Tat ( 19 2a as Psudots

    soa (Wrightoras wallsieers to specens PM C 383 (ndeternable

    and PM C 1384 the latter a Vascocras gama  Choat

    Fgured by eyent  Tat (19 2a and s better reerred to Grasonits

    eers to specen PM C1460 probably a juve ne Grasonts

    Probably reers to specen LPM316 a Watinocras amudarins (rkhangel'skj

    eers to specen P C 1456 probably a Para

    uosa  speers to specmen PM C 1540 probably a puzo sne

    eers to specmen PM C 1454 a opltods sp Better reerred to Pronoclocras

     Better reerred to Euomphalocras (Kanabras Probably n error snce lsted ro an upperost Cenoanan localty Specmen not ound nPM collectons

    Error or Psudaspidoras pdroanum (Whteers to specen P M C 1441 a Psudaspidocraseers to specens PM C 1390 and PM C 142 6

    whch belong n Euomphalocras (Kanabicras

    = Stolickaa (Shumarinaia africana

    = Romancras  sp. Based on rke l t al (195L411 and reden-

    caton o Whte's (188 Ammonts oarcinatus( Matsuoto n litt  9th Nov 193 how

     ever ths s hgh ly speculatve

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    1 8 Peer Bengson : enomani an� oniacian of Sergipe

    ale oiue

     Taon  Treat ge ment

    Caoceas  sp M  Cenomanian

    Gaysonies sp M Ceomanian

    Hypotuil ites  sp M Ceomania 1Aanthoceas  sp M Cenomania 3

    Pseuocaoceas sp M Ceomaia 3Kanabiceas  sp M Ceomania Watinoeas  sp M Tuoian 2Subpionoclus  sp M Tuoia 3eesiies  sp. M Tuoian 3Baoisieas sp M CoiaiaGauhieiceas sp M Coiaian 1

    Kanabieas septemseiaum (Cragin) M Ceomania

    Dunveganoeas  sp M Ceomaia 2Aompsoeas sp M Ceomaia 2Thomelites sp. M Cenomaia 3


    oguti Santos1973

     Bengtson in ern

     green 1975Reyment e al 1976

     Campos  Campos1976

    Reyment 1977

     Bengtson 1979

    FOSSIS ND SR 12 (983)


     Doubtul; no source given.

    he Aanhoeas sp o Campos  Campos (1976) is a Shapeieasoeae (Spath) rom Cenomaian

    = Euomphaloceas Kaabiceas  sp

     Current name: Euomphaloeas Kanabieas septemseiaum

    ote  Comparison with Fig 39 herein ndicates that, o the genera repored in the literature, Euhoplies, Aahoplies, Scaphites, Paamammites,Eulophoceas, Pionoclus and Colligoniceas  do not occur (ie have not been ound) in the CenomanianConiacian o Sergipe , and reports oMeengooceas, Poexaes, owakies igeiceas, and Geboceas are doubtu.

    Tabe 2  Bivalves reported rom the CenomanianConiacian o Sergipe rrangement and symbo s as or able

    aon reat ment

    oeamus sp

    Ostea wegmaniaa d Orbigny

    Exoa conica Sowerby?

    eihea seiesis n s. ima itelineata n sp.

    Pliatula teuiostaa n sp Pteia liguomis Evans

    ShumardAxiaea bieminis n sp

    Isocaia supemesa  n sp.

    CobuLa  sp MIsocaia bannei  White  TCobua ganguaaica n. sp

    noceamus abiatus (von Sch lot  heim) ?

    abiau ceoensis  n ssp  T

    Labiatus segipensis nssp

    eithea quaicosata astoensis  T n ssp

    PLicatuLa ceoensis n sp  Topha phax (Coquand)?  T


    Tuonia 3(or Coiacia 1

    Cenomaia 3?

    Ceomaia 3?


    Ceomaia 3�?Ceomaia 3�?

    Ceomania 3�?

    Cenomanian 3 ?

    Tuoia 1�2Ceomania ?Ceomanian 3?

    Tuoian 2

    Tuoian 2

    Tuonia 2

    Tuoia 2

    Tuoia 2Tuoia


    artt 1868

     White 1887

    uarte 1935Maury 1937


    ge inerred rom artt (1870: 383384) entatively rerred to Posionomya  by Whit (1887)and described as noceamus Segipia posionomyaomis n sp by Maury (1925 ) Current name:Segipia pos io omyaom is

    Redescribed as Ostea casteLlobancoi n sp by Mau-

     ry (1937) . Beter reerred(?) to Cuvosea Redescribed by Maury (1937) . Current name:Amphioe coica

    edescribed by Maury 37 enamed ima Maelum segipica  n nom byMaury (1937) , at hough not listed rom the u ronian Beter reerred to Pseuolimea

    Redescribed by Maury (1 937)

    ocality doubtul: age questional Current name: Gmeis biemiisocality doubtul: abel is lost Rerred to Psio

    a  by Buren (1971 b 20) and said to driv rom Coniacian Redescribed by Maury (1937) . Current name: iopistha PsiLomya supemesa

    ge uncerta n because o mprecise locality data. Current name: Rostocaia banneiReerred to Anthonya  by Beurlen (1964d) Bet

    ter reerred to Cassatela (SubLaninia nity uncertain

    Probably Myi oies  o the M iloies (Mantell) group.

    Probaby MytiLo ies  o the M subhenicus (Seitz) group

    Reerred to eihea shawi Pervinquire by  Beurlen (1964e)

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FOIL AND TRATA 12 (1983)

    Table 2 coue

    Taxon Tea Agemen

    Eoa haooea (oweby) T Tuoa 1-2

    Mooa sahaca n sp T Tuoa 2

    Caum sp M Tuoa 1-2?Haoba sp M Tuoa 1-2?Myococha sp M Tuoa 1-2?Myophoa sp M Tuoa 1-2?Myus M Tuoa 1-2?Pece Chas sp M Tuoa 1-2?ehea quacosaa (oweby) M Tuoa 1-2?

    Pa sp M Coaca Pheopea sp M Tonian-

    Coniacianuca sp M Tonian-

    ConiacianCassaea sp M Tonian

    ConiacianTapes? sp. M Tonan-

    ConiacianPhoaoa sp M Tonian

    ConiacianIoceamus segpess M Tonian-

    ConiacianTgoaca afuo Daevelle M Tonian-

    Coniacian a hevesess (Coqand) M Tonian

    ConiacianFagum peobquum (von Koenen) M Tonian-

    Coniacianopsha a cuvaa (Riedel) M Tonian-


    Anhonya? sp M Tonian-Coniacian

    Psomya sp M TonianConiacian

    Osea sp M Coaca

    Ioceamus wae n sp T Coaca

    Ioceamus emoaus n .sp T Coaca

    osea sp M Ceomaa 3?Asae bue Ha M Ceomaa 3-4?

    Leanc, Monpelie, esona communicaion 92 M H Rieio Hesse, Baslia, pesonal commnicaion 1 9 E G Kaman, Bolde, Coloado, pesonal commnicaion 99


    Roxo 1938

    K Belen 196 1 a

    Historical reiew


    Age nceain becase of impecise localiy daa.Cen name Amphoe coa haooea

    Aibed o Vosea (invalid name) by Maga

    hes Mezzalia (1 953) cen name Moous sahacusAge nceai becase ofimpecise localiy daaDio.DioDioDioDioDio Refeed o shaw evinqie by K

    Belen ( 1964e)

    K Belen 19 61 b obably efes o I abaus segpess May

    K Belen 1964c

    ME C.M anos1962

    MECM anos1963

    K Belen 19 1 a

    obably es o Gaocaum

    obably efes o Cassaea aa

    Addi ional age daa in G Blen ( 1 90) .

    obably Cemoceamus waesoess (Ande )

    obably Ioceamus pepeus Whield o Cemoceamus ouaus (Fiee

    Campos Campos Aho of species dobfl96

    Tae 3 Gasopods epoed om he Cenomanian-Coniacian of egipe Aangemen and symbols as fo Table


    Mesaa hebe nspPaagaucoa sp

    eea apoagca nspEpoum pee Whie

    uaa subhumeosa WhieTyosoma m m um WhieAmpuospa whe Cossmann






    Ceomaa 3-4?Tuona 1-2?

    Ceomaa ?Tuona 1-2?

    Tuoa 1-2?Tuoa 1-2?Tuoa 1-2?


    Whie 88Dae 1 935

    May 193Roxo 1938


    Redescibed by May (193) Age nceai n becase of impecise local iy daaGens cenly placed in Gaucoa

    Age nceain becase of impecise localiy daa

    eviosly epo ed fom he Albian by Whi( 88 ) and May ( 193 )

    DioDioAge nceain becase of impecise ocaliy daa

    eviosly epoed fom he Albian by May( 93 )

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    Peter Bengtson : enomanian oniacian of Sergipe

    able 3 (otiue

    Taxon Tea Agemen

    Ceithium iahueanum May M Tuonian -2?

    Euspia segipesis May M Tuoia -2?atica egenhoae May M Tuonian 1-2?

    Paagauconia ia ay Tuonian 12?Monoonta sp M Tuonian -2?

    einea sp M Tuonia 12?

    Tubo sp M Coniacian ?

    Tuitea sp M CenomanianConiacian

    Cf Piestohius beichei Thomas Cenomanianon) Coniacian

    Tyostoma whitei von Iheing M Coniacian

    Tuitea (Haustato aegozica M Ceomaian 3-4

    MayAeana (Ringinea pinguisua M Ceomaian 34

    WhieTohus (Eucus c apousei M Ceomanian -4

    dAchiacPteoea c ecussata Zekeli Ceomanian 3Tuonia 2

    Chenopus (Heiauax subgibbosus Tuoian 1-2evinqie

    Ampuina (Pseuamaua bu bomis Tuoia 2oweby)

    Piesto hius (Cptohytis cf theves Tuoniatensis (Coqand)

    Mesohytis cf gapaini dObigny) Tuoia o 2

    Vouta (Auia a etacea Tuonia 2Coqand)

    Vouta (Rosteites cf eogata Cenomaia 3

    (dObigny)Acea bowi Whie M Tuonia n 2

    J Lefanc onpellie pesona commnicaion 198 2


    K Belen 196 1 a

    K Belen 19 6 1 b

    Reymen Tai192a

    Lefanc 19



    FIL AND TRATA 12 ( 19 83)

    Dio Gens cenly eaed as auoiaAge nceain becase of impecise localiy daaDioDioAge wihin ange given

    Age wihin ange given

    eviosly epoed fom he Alban by May 1 9 3 )

    eviosly epoed fom he Albian by Whie( 188 ) and May ( 193 )

    eviosly epoed fom he Albian by Whie188) and May 193

    Bee efeed o Ampuospia (Amauopsis

    obably close o Mesohytis eauxianus (dbiny)

    Bee efeed o Voutomopha oneosly ivenas ealy Tonian

    Feqenly spelled Akea eviosly epoedfom he Albian by Whie 188) and ay( 1 93 )

    Tabe 4 chinoids epoed fom he CenomanianConiacian of egipe Aangemen and symbols as fo Table

    Taxon Teamen

    Phymosoma baziie nsis n sp T

    Phymosom a? sp THemiaste i saus olicka? T

    Ehinobissusfeitasi Whie

    Hemiaste ceoensis May

    Cyphosoma santaeuci ae nsp T

    Hemiastejaksoni May T

    Hemiaste eoensis n sp T

    Ciais sp MHemiaste sp M

    Saenia sp MSteeoiais sp THemiaste sp T


    Ceomaia 3-4?

    Cenomaia 3-4?Tuonian

    Tuonian )

    Tuonian 2?

    Cenomania 3

    Tuonian -Coniaian

    Tuonia 2

    Tuonian o 2Cenomanian and

    Coniaian Cenomanian ConiaianConiacian



    Deby 188b

    Dae 1935

    May 193

    Roxo 1938challe 190

    Bio 1980Bi o 1981


    Redescibed y ay 193) as belonging oCyphosoma and by Bio 1 980) Refeed oRahiosoma by K Belen ( 1964f)

    oneosly ?) no indicaed fom Bom Jess inable of Deby ( 188 b) Redescibed fom RioGande do Noe by RT Jackson and namedH jaksoni by May ( 1925 5 18-521 )

    oneosly(?) maked fom Bom Jess Whie188) and May ( 193 262) indicae hespeies only fom he Albian

    omen nuum nil he pblicaion of May 1 93 )

    Redescibed by Bio 1 980) as Phymosoma santaeuiae

    Redescibed by Cooke 1953) anos Cnha(1959) and Bio 1 9 8 1 )

    Redescibed by Bio ( 1 981 )

    Addi ional age daa in Bio ( 1 980)

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FOIL AND TRATA 12 (1983) Histoical reiew 1

    Tabl Foaminifes epoed fom he Cenomaniananonian of egipe Aangemen and symbo ls as fo Table l


    Disona sp inde

    Amm obaulits hatti n sp

    Bignina uzbio i nsp

    Bolivina plaia CaseyCibiis mnsi n sp Dntalina bogsi n sp Globotunanafoiata lmmea akmanni Gandol

    Gumblitia kgli n sp

    Htohlix momani (Cshman)

    Htohlix ul timatum ia (Whie)

    ntiulina bni n sp

    onionla lonaosi n sp oosaia mouai n sp Planulaia sp bPlanulina otinguibnsis n sp PLuostomlla atsi Cshman

    PagLobotunana gautinsisBnnimann)

    SpiopLtammina goi nspCibiiina sp

    Txtulaia sp

    VaginuLina uati n sp Vaginulina sp

    GLobigina sp Gumblina sp Globotunanafoiata lmme

    Rugoglobigina ugosa (lmme)

    Hbglla lionsis (Casey)

    GLobotunana ilso ni Bolli

    Htohlix ussi (Cshman)

    Hbglla Lanisia (Tappan)

    Hbglla ashitnsi s (Casey)

    GLobotunana inoata Bolli

    Hbglla Lionsi s (Casey) andomly coiled

    Hbglla lionsis Casey) dexally oiled

    Rotalipoa voluta (igal)PagLobotunana lionsis (lm

    me)Hbglla amabiLis Loeblih &

    TappanGubkinlla gaysonnsis (Tappan)GLobiginllois aglonsis


    CLavihbglla nsp

    GLobotunana nzi Gandol

    GLobiginLLois sp

































    Cnomanian 2-Tuonian 2

    Cnomanian 2Tuonian 2


    Cnomanian 2-Tuonian 2

    lae Cenomanian?anonian

    Tuonian 2 oConiaian

    Tuonian 3 oanonian


    Cniaian- an onia n Cnomanian o

    Coniaian Coniaian Tuonian 2-

    Coniaian Cnomanian 2


    May 937

    ei 962


    Dobflly a foamiife Loaliy eoeosly(?given as Laso (Albian?) in English ex

    Age wihin ange given

    Age wihin ange given

    Age wihin ange given

    Addiional age daa Ban ( 1966) Viana(1969) and halle ( 1970)

    Ranges hogho ineval given

    Addiional age daa in halle ( 1970)

    Refeed by halle (1970) o Hast{iginoiswih addiional age daa

    Ranges hogho ineval given

    Age wihin ange given

    Age wihin ange givenTuonian 2


    Coniaian ?Coniaian ?Coniaian

    Kmmelbein 964 oably HbgLLa o FavuslLa






    anoniaealy Cenoanian

    Ban 1966

    Tonian- Viana 1969anonian

    Cenomanianmiddle Tonian?


    ealy Cenomanian halle 1970eal y Cenomania


    ealy Cenomanianealy Cenomanian

    lae Cenomanian



    obably Htohlix

    Addiional age daa in Viana ( 1 969) and halle( 1 970 ) .

    Addiional age daa in Viana ( 1 969) and hall( 1 970 ) .

    Addiional age daa in Viana ( 1969) halle( 1970) and Nogi & anos ( 1973 )

    peies en ly efeed o FavusLLa (Ha t al

    9 Addiional age daa in halle (1970) an Nogi & anos ( 1973) .

    Addiional age daa in halle ( 1 970 ) and Nogi & anos 1973 )

    Addiional age daa i challe (197

    Repoed only fom Riachelo FomaionRepoed only fom Riachelo Fomaion

    Addiional age daa in Nogi & anos ( 1973 )

    Repoed on ly fom Riachelo Fomai on

    Occence dobfl (challe 1970:63 cona dics Fig 25) peies cenly efeed o Maginotana

    (Ha tal 1 9 8 1 )

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    eter Bentson Cenomanan- Conacan o Sere

    T 5 ou

    Taxn Tea Agemen

    Clavihebegella smplx (w) TninSnnian

    Hastigeioies alexaei (Csh M le Tnin-mn) Snnian

    Planoglobulina glabata (Cshmn) Y SnninGlobigeinelloies messiae (Bnni Snnianmann)

    Rugoglobigea macocephala Bn Snninn mnn

    Rugoglobigeina ugosa (lmme) Y SnninEpistomina spinulea (Ress) Cenmanian?Clavulinoies sp 3 Cenmnin?Planulina sp 5 CenmninTocholina si lva ei CenmninGlobootalites sp 3 M Cenmnin?Tistix sp M CenmanianSiphogeneino ies etata Chenad middle Tnin-

    de lasz & Meije SnninPlanulina sp Y Cniin-

    SanninThomasinella sp Cenmnin

    Rotalipoa cushmani (Mw) middle Cenmnin

    Heteoheix stiata (henbeg) Tnin-Snnin


    Ngi & Sns1 93

    Rmein i Hengeen 195

    FOL S A D SR ( 1 983 )


    Species cenly efeed Hebegella (Hetal 1 9 8 1 )

    Addiinl ge da i n Ngi & ans ( 19 3 )

    i�b� Fmin n y?Di


    DiRichel Fmain nly?DiDiDi Di Di

    esence in Segipe n specied

    esence in Segipe n specied

    Table 6 Oscdes eped fm he Cenmnin-Snnin f Segipe Anemen nd symbls s f Tble


    Bachthee spheoies Rss

    Bachythee B sapucaie nsis nsp

    Bahythee nn sapucaiesis

    Potothee sppCytheeis spp


    Paapis sp

    Baiia sp

    Paapis sp

    Cythee is c logaeva logaevakn
















    Ah Remks

    ei 1 962 bly efes B (B  sapucaiensis Kmmebein

    mmelbein 1964 Redescibed by efville ( 1 9 3 19 9) Addiina ge da in Schlle ( 1 90)

    Schlle 190

    mmelbein 195

    Rmein i Hengeen 195

    Reped nly fm Riachel Fmain

    Sid die slighly fm his species

    Table 7 nnfssils eped fm he Cenmnin-Snnian f Segipe Aangemen nd symbls s f Table

    Taxn Temen

    Petobasiella venata n sp T

    ithastinus gilli Sadne M

    ithastinus oalis Sadne M

    Watznaueia banesae (Back)








    Tesen & ads1 9 1


    Occence in Segipe n specied


  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)



    Table 7 oiued


    Miula sp

    Miohabdulus sp

    annus uii Bnnimannannus spp










    Hrcl ree 3




    Rihelo omaion (ados & Gomide 7 Rihelo Fomaion (ados & Gomide 7 )

    TabLe 8 alynomophs epod fom he Cno maniananonian of egipe Aangemen and symbo ls as fo Tabl

    Taxon Teamen

    Ciaiosispoies sp M

    ohe ilee spoes" M

    Aauaiaies (and simil a foms) M

    smooh monocolpaes (pedomi Mnanly Gikgoadophyus

    Classopollis sp M

    olyplicaae (pedominanly Ephedipies sp )

    C Euommiidies sp M


    Echinae iolpodioae gains M

    yhoipoines M

    Tipoines M

    olypoines M

    Classopollis majo Goo & Goo MClassopollis espinado MGaleaoea aumiaa [ove M

    Geales sp M

    Hexapooiolpies sp M

    Dinoagellaes M

    H yschosheds M

    Geaeaepollenies diesus ove M

    Tioies afiaensis Jadin & MMagloie

    Klukispoies aiegaus Cope M

    yopdiumspoies o omex iaum MDgg

    Tilies sp MA auaiaies ausalis Cookson MClassopollis lassoides ocok & M

    JansonisHexapooilpies emeliai M

    BolenhagenGaleaonea ausea ove MElaeospoies klas Jadin M


















    onaanlae Cenomanian


    lae Cenomanan

    lae C enomanan

    lae Cenomanianlae Cenomanianlae Cenomanian

    lae Cenomanian

    lae Cenomanianlae C enomanian


    Mlle 1 966

    challe 70

    Regali e al 7


    Refes o Hexapooolpie emeiaoi Bolnhagen

    Figed by Regali e a l 75 ) obably ome udumesmed o be Elaeospoies aumiaus (ove)

    by Hengeen 7 5 : 5 )

    Index fossl of Zone C46, alhogh sa no ooc n egipe by Regali e a l 75 )

    Fige by Regali e al 75) Adiional agedaa given by Lima & Bolenhagen 8 )

    esence n lae Cenomanian of egpe no specied Daing of his and followng ses aslae Cenomanan s b as d on he ocnconly of Zone C46 in egipe Fge by gal e a l 75 )





  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    4 Peter Bengtson : enomanian- oniacian of Sergipe

    Table 8 cotiu

    axon Tea Agemen

    Elatocolpits castlaii & M lae CenomanianMagloie

    Elatoplicits aficasis Hengeen M lae CenomanianPomoolits poticulatus Benne M lae CenomanianPiastum palogits Wilson & M lae Cenomanian

    HomeiseMultipoopollits a maculosus M lae Cenomanianhomson & g

    Multipoopollit pogoalis Jadi M lae Cenomanian

    n & MagloieMultipoopollits sp C I 105 i M lae CenomanianJadin & Magloie ( 1 965)

    Schiza cta Bolkhoviina M lae Cenomanian

    Ephipits uulaus nsp M lae C enomanianSofpits lgouxaJadin M lae Cenomanian-

    onianticulataspoits jaius Benne M ae Cenomaian

    Ephipits baghooistapliii M Cenomanian-(ocock) Coniacian

    Stvsipollits c bioosus ove M Cenomanian-Coniacian

    slaicolpaes M Cenomanian-Coniacian

    Stiaticolpits sp M Cenomanian-Coniacian

    Reiicolpaes Cenomanian-Coniacian

    Psilaticolpoits sp Cenomanian-Coniacian

    Ctacaipoits mullii Hengeen M Cenomanian-oniacian

    Ephipits sub tilis Regali U es M ealy Cenomanan

    gi & anosEphipits ptacostatus Regali M ealy Cenomanian

    Uesgi & anosStsipollits multiliatus ove M ealy enomanianPsilaticolpits papilio omis M ealy Cenomanian

    Regali Uesgi & anosClassopollis basilisis Hengeen M CenomanianEphipits lsikii Hengeen M lae CenomanianGtacapollits cassipoli Regali Tonian

    Uesgi & anostcaoits simiLis Regai TunianUesgi & anos

    Stsipollits ativsis Regali M ConiacianUesgi & anos

    Gaboispois vigoouxii Bol enhagen M Coniacian

    Cuaiiits ticuLais Cookson & Coniacianike

    Bahiaspoits ticulais Regali M ConiacianUesgi & anos

    Bulbopollis sp M Ciacia Diomium acumiatum vi M Coiacia l

    Clake & VedieDiomium uclasis Cookson & M Coiacia


    G F W Hengeen Haalem pesonal commnicaion 1982

    Aho Remaks



    FOIL AD TRATA 12 ( 983)

    Dio Bee efeed o Ctacaipoits



    esence in lae Cenomanian of egipe no specied Descibed by Regali t al ( 1 95 )

    Dio om uum nil 195 Dio Addi ional age daa in Lima & Bolen

    hagen ( 1 9 1 ) Regali t al ( 1 95 ) aid no o occ i n Zone C46 by Regali tal

    ( 1 94 )

    Hengeen 195

    Lima & Bolenhagen 1981

    Hengeen 1981

    esence in egipe no specied



    DioDio= Ephipits lsikii Hengen esence in egipe no specied

    Peenc in Segipe n pecied





    Tabl 9 Veebaes epoed fom he Ceno manianConiacian of egipe Aangemen and symbols as fo able .

    axon ea Age Aho Remaksmen

    Fishes M Tuoia 3 Ha 1 0a(o Coiacia 1

    eleosean sh scales M Cenomanian- Addiional age daa in Roxo (1938) and eiConiacian ( 1 962 )

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FOIL AND TRATA 12 (1983)

    Table 9 cotue


    Pcnousab ellatus n sp

    astochths logpetoals nsp

    ChicenidaeFish eeAmphicels veebae






    Tnian? Cniacian?

    Tnian? Cniacian?

    Ceomaa ?ndieeniaedCeomaa and

    Tuoa 2


    Cpe 1885

    caee 194

    R ans 1958ei 1962

    Fielwork an methos 5


    In aggy liesne (sggesing Cingiba Fmain) lcaliy nknwn edesced Wdwad ( 1895, 1 90) and May ( 1 93 asPalaeobalstum abellatum and ged (p

    gaph) als by Mains (1959)In aggy limesne (sggesing Cingiba Fmain), alhg label saes Las liiclimesne" Redescibed by ans & algad(1969) as chous logpetoals

    Reped fm vais leves

    Table 1 Fssils he an se lised in Tables 1-9, ep ed f e Cenanian-Cniacian f egipe Aangemen a nd sybls a s fTable I

    Taxn Tea Age


    Uaste sp T Tuoa 3( Coaa 1

    Callaassa aqulae Rahbn M TnianCallaassa aqulae va elogata M TnianCallaassa segpess n sp M TnianCallanassa sp inde M Tnianpnge spicles M ndieeniaedByza M lae Ceaces?

    Hecglssidae gen e s p inde T Tuoa 2Cmatoc eas sp M Ceomaa

    Field-work and methodsMst researc te mdd e r etaceus f Sergpe as beerected ards te Racue Frmat Fr te verg tguba Frmat, spt e f te extesve ter aturesee pp 556 ) te rc fauas ave bee t pr kt a detaed crreat t ter areas

    Accrdg t te lterature, abut 3 caltes tetgu ba Frmat ad prevusl bee samped fr fs-ss ad ter auas te descrbed us, a basc sstemat

    c vetr f te auas f te etre sequece as re-ured Apprxmate 6 sects ere seected t prvdea ufrm gegrapca ad stratgrapca grd t teareas expsed Partcuar empass as paced ess ek ad gegrapca mre pr represeted parts te sequece, tat s, te emaa, te uppermst ura ad te aca A fe cates vestgated teRacuetguba budar beds ccurrg t tetguba belt te gegcal map f Rcter Smes 975 ) ma be f Alba age Hever, sce te pssbtf a emaa age cat be rued ut , te se cates arecuded te vestgat

    Topographical and geolgical aps

    As te bass fr edrk I used Petrbrs' upubsed 5 tpgrapcal maps t ctur tervas f 1 m


    Wie 188

    K Beln 1955

    ei 1962Rice 1 96

    Bi 19 1eymen & Tai



    Named Uaste jattae by May ( 193) , wicpy f Wies descipin" and geUaste s nw placed in synnymy wi Asteas

    omen uum?ome uum

    Reped fm vais levesFm lie wes f e egipe Basin sesu

    sttoly peseved pehaps an ammnie

    Servs Aerftgramtrcs ruzer d Su SA: Bacia eSergipeA lagoas Mapa topogrco Seets 63531 1966 ad197) 63534 1964) 63543 1966 ad 197) 71 33 1 966 ) 7 1 1 1 966 ) 7 1 1 966 ) 7 1 3 1 966 ) 7 41 1966) ad 744 1966) Petrbrs SA , R deJaer I beetted great frm frmat te cmpreesve, tera gegca reprts f Petrbrs taccmpag 1 : 5 gelg ca map seets HAF aves 1964: Gelga d leste de Sergpe [Reevat mapseets 63 34 63 4 3 7 1 1 7 1 7 1 3 elarioNo Pte, W. S de Areu G G Ner 64Gega da parte su d a baca sedmetar de S ergpe [Re-evat map seets 71 33 741 744 elrio No1 F Pte, A B Nues, 1 A Smes, W. S deAbreu GG Ner 1 967 : Gega da faxa sedmetar dbax S Fracsc [Reevat map seet 6 35 3 1 elario No 1 A Smes F P aer 1 968: Gega darea de Pramb, armps e Racue [Relevat mapseets : 63534 6354 elatrio No 1 Al are teralreprts Petre Braser SA Petrbrs, R de Ja-er

    e tpgrapcal maps pubsed f Sergpe are

    1 : 1 t 4 m ctur tervas SUDENE 1974) Seets C4ZBIV Aracau, C4ZBV Japaratubaad C4ZDI Estca cver te area vestgated

    e etre SergpeAlagas Bas s cvered b 1 5 gegca maps Rcter Smes 1975) t tpgrap

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    6 Peter Bengson enomani an- oniacian of Sergipe

    cal contous at 50 m intevals Unfotuna tely few oads aeindicated (not always the main oads) and only an occasion-al place name These factos and the widely spaced contouintevals make the published geological maps dicult to usefo statigaphical eldwok The publication of detailedtopogaphical maps of 1 :5 000 o 1 50 000 would be of geatvalue fo fu tue eldwok in the basin

    The geological map sheets (Richte i mes 75) l istedbelow (fom south to noth) contain data on the CotinguibaFomation aentheses indicate subsuface occuences

    shown by boehole data

    C4ZDI3 EstnciaC4ZDI algado(C 4ZDI/4 o Cistvo)C4ZBIV3 Itapoanga dAjudaC4ZBIV4 AacajuC4ZBV3 Rio omonga) 4Z RacueloC 4ZBV C ampolis(C4ZBV onta dos Mangues)(C4ZBII4 enedo)

    The base data on the map accompanying this pape (Appendi 3) ae taken manly fom the geological maps of Richte i mes ( 1 7 5) with the oad netwok updated wheenecessay Mino oads and tacks wee tansfeed fometobs' unpublished topogaphical maps (fo efeencessee above) o witten in diectly in the eld Apat fommain oads on ly oads leading to localities investigated aeshown on the map The Estnca aea in the southen pat ofthe basin is shown on a sepaate map (ig 41 p 48)

    The investigation is based on eldwok published dataand the unpublished eto bs mateial listed above O the

    unpublished epots and pimay mateial fom peviousinvestigations (eld ntes sketch maps etc) kept in a-chives ofD NM etobs geology depatments etc weenot consulted

    FO L AN D TRATA ( 1 9 8 )

    Fig  6 Ve of he Mucu area W ofrr aken o he souhes from

    hghay BR5

    Exposures and accessibility

    The egipe Basin les within the topical belt betweenlatitudes 1 0 and 1 5° ( c Fig ) C etaceous maine ockscop out within the coastal vegetational one maa ("fo-est) which is nowadays spasely foested and etensivelycultivated mostly fo suga cane The climate is classied asAs using the Kppen system ie topical ain climate withdy summes The landscape is undulating (Fig 6) withhi ls locally eaching 50 m o moe above the su ounding

    teain The majo ives ae tidal estuaies bodeed bymangove swamps ( Fig 7) which ae ofwide etent in someaeas

    The Cenooic continental Baeias Goup foms the su-cial deposit s of etensive aeas along the coast of noth easten Bail In the egpe Basin thee ae numeous win-dows in this cove which povide intemittent eposue ofthe Mesooic bedock The CenomanianC oniacian is failywe exose n e eaten onoe a o e asn g8) fom Itapoanga in southen egipe toapaatuba in thenotheasten pat of the state The localities selected foinvestigation lie in this the study aea (the Estncia aea in

    southenmost egipe is discussed sepaately pp 4748)In many places in the stud aea oc occus as loosedebis but no in situ bedock is evident Fig ) This isusully a good ndcaton of a vey thin sol cove (Fi g 1 0) and snce stong tanspoting agents ae lacking I assumesuch loose mateial to be vey locally deived

    The main aticial eposues ae oad and ailway sec-tions quaies suface eposues along tacks and minooads and ecavations fo constuctions The pimitivequaying technique that is manual wok with cowbasand sledgehammes (Fig l ) used in all but two quaies(Oiteio 1 and Retio 15) facilitates the discovey of ma-cofossils (c p )

    he topical climate ca us es apid changes in geomophology and vegetation Thus within shot peiods small out-cops can easily disappea and new outcops ae constantlyappeaing Fo eample the fossilich locality at anta

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FOSSILS AN STRATA 1 ( 1 98)

    Fig 7 Mangroves along he CongubaRver norh of Socorro

    Luia, south of Estncia, cited b White (887), appaentlno longe eists Man localities ae accessible onl duingpat of the ea, because of the vegetation o seasonal plantation The latte aects paticulal outcops in suga caneplantations

    The pincipal coasta highwa BR uns though theCetaceous belt Towns and villages ae connected b goodtaed o untaed oads and the netwok of mino oads iswell developed (cf Appendix 3 Duing the wet season(usuall Maul), some of the smae oads ae negotia-

    ble onl b fouwheeldive vehices These sma oads otacks lead to plantations and fams o seve imestonequaies and oil wells A consideable numbe of seti ons aeloated along o nea the oads; few equie etensive walk

    Fig 8 Ourop areas (shaded) for he CenomananConacan

    Conguba Formaon n Sergpe exclusve of he Esnca area(cf Fg 41 ) For loca on see Fg A = Aracaju C = Carmpols D = Dvna asora GM = General Maynard = Iaporanga [dAjuda J = Japarauba L = Laranjeras M = MarumR = Rachuelo RC = Rosro [ do Caee S = [Nossa S enhora do

    Fielwork an methos 7

    ing ome ofth e moe isolated sections can b e eached moeeasil b boat, fo eample the "cassial apucai qua(apucai ) on the egipe Rive


    ince the macofossil sucessn of the CenomanianConiacian of egipe was agel unknown, m eldwokaimed at obtaining deteminable and biostatigaphica

    useful macoossils fom as man statigaphical leves andas lage a geogaphical aea as possible The elative abundane, mode of occuene, pesevation, etc , of the macofossils wee eoded togethe with onventiona eld notes

    Socorro SA = Sano Amaro [das Broas SC = So Crsvo

    Only majo r roads (from Appen dx ) are shon Grd ndcae sgeologcal map shees of Rcher & Smes (197) for code numbers addonal opographcal deals names and locales sudedsee Appendx (Ourop areas from Rcher & Smes 197 andeld observaons 1971197 and 1977 )

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    Peter Bengtson enomanan- onacan of Sergpe

    on the localities Data which identify the localities fo subse-quent wokes ae included in the locality desciptions (Ap-pendi l ) Lithological samples wee taken fom each cali ty fo micofossil micofacies petogaphical and geochemical analyses

    Biostatigaphical wok in the Segipe Basin is hampeedby he li mited la teal and vet ical e tent of most epos uesthe latte usually less than a mete Statigaphically ove-lapping sections ae etemely ae so that it is dicult toestablish composite sections Consideable local vaiation in

    stike and dip and smallscae folds and faults ( see pp 3 3 3)esult in patchy epose of th e dieent statigaphicalleves with some levels copping out in only a single aeaU nfotunat ely bedding planes ae not always available foeliable stike and dip measuements so thee ae manysections which ae impossible to elate in statigaphicalode

    FOS SI LS AN STRATA 1 ( 983 )

    Fg 9 Rock ders on hllsde (foregrond Boa Sore 7 Tuonan 1 Veo he norhes over he sarmll Boa

    Sore h aaana monan eyond

    The thickness of the Cotinguiba Fomation aveages 00m but locally eaches well ove 000 m ( Bandeia 978 3 ) The highe gue efes to onshoe pats of the basin and isevident fom eld elationships in the main outop aea(povided thee is no signicant epetition of sata; se e pp33) Allowing a maimum of00 m fo the Cenomaniansequence that leaves at least 600 m ofTuonianConiacian ith 600 m of sedim ents and 0 ammonit e zones fo theTuonianConiacian (Hancock Kennedy 98 :44 , theaveage thickness pe zone will be in the ange of 60 m It is

    theefoe unlikely that an individual section will containsignicant faunal changes and even in the thickest sectionsinvestigated quaies of up to some 0 m the sameammonites geneally continue thoughout Despite the lagenumbe of sections collected many statigaphically impotant fossils wee found at only one o a few localitie s This i sespecially so fo the Cenomanian (ecluding the uppe most

    Fg 1 Secon hrogh ppermos mereof bedrock and sol a Cmbe 7 Cnomanan 4 lsrang srcal eaherngno rock ders as a res l of percolangmeeorc aer

  • 8/18/2019 43 Bengtson 1983 - Fossils and Strata (Low Res.)


    FOSSLS AND STRATA 12 (198)

    Fg 11 Manual q uarryng echnque offer deal condon for macrofol colleng Mave Laranjera lme onea Taboca 2 Concn 1

    pat of the stage) but applies also to the Tuonian andConiacian, and i s a seious obstacle to ecient intabasinalcoelation The poblem equies continued and wide systemati collecting

    By contast to the TuonianConiacian, the Cenomanianis epesented by a compaatively thin sequence with nueous gaps The limited thicknesses make the biostatigaphy of this pat of the sequence moe easy to nvestigate,although thee ae othe poblm
