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Business Quiz 1. What psychological methodology does NLP stand for? Neuro-Linguistic Programming 2. David McLelland's motivational theory identified three principal motivational needs which he said each of us possesses to varying degrees, and which characterise our motivational behaviour; what are these three motivational needs? Achievement (n-ach), the need to achieve things; Authority/Power (n-pow), the need to have impact, influence and authority; and Affiliation (n-affil), the need for relationships, interaction and acceptance among other people (or words to similar effect as these definitions) 3. Which organisation produces the UK's ABC1C2 (etc) Social Grade Classifications Statistics? NRS Ltd (National Readership Survey) 4. What does the selling acronym AIDA stand for? Attention, Interest, Desire, Action 5. Who developed the 'Equity Theory' of job motivation in the 1960's? J Stacey Adams 6. What does the financial abbreviation P&L stand for? Profit and Loss (Profit and Loss Account) 7. Who developed the ten stages of corporate life cycle, starting with Courtship and Infancy and ending in Bureaucracy and Death? Dr Ichak Adizes 8. The Ansoff matrix correlates what two aspects of business development from the 'new' and 'existing' perspectives? Products and Markets 9. In selling and communications, what do 'open questions' generally achieve? Open questions gather information, improve understanding, and build rapport by encouraging the other person to talk and explain things, including how they feel about things. 10. Albert Mehrabian researched and published a now widely referenced set of statistics for the effectiveness of spoken communications; what three types of communication did he identify and what percentages for each did he attach to each type in terms of the percentage of meaning (or understanding) that each communication type conveyed from person to person in his study? Mehrabian's research stated that: 7% of meaning conveyed is in the words that are spoken; 38% of meaning conveyed is in the way that the words are said (paralinguistic); and 55% of meaning conveyed is in facial expression. 11. In business accounts and financial reporting, expenses which change according to scale of performance or usage or demand are known as what? Variable Costs 12. What is the name of Ingham and Luft's model and theory which deals with hidden and open areas of knowledge about a person? The Johari Window 13. The '360 degree' appraisal method collects feedback from whom, about whom? A '360 Degree' feedback appraisal collects the views from people who work with the appraisee, about the appraisee, including subordinates, peers, upline managers; effectively anyone who comes into contact with the appraisee and who
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Business Quiz

1. What psychological methodology does NLP stand for? Neuro-Linguistic Programming

2. David McLelland's motivational theory identified three principal motivational needs which he said each of us possesses to varying degrees, and which characterise our motivational behaviour; what are these three motivational needs? Achievement (n-ach), the need to achieve things; Authority/Power (n-pow), the need to have impact, influence and authority; and Affiliation (n-affil), the need for relationships, interaction and acceptance among other people (or words to similar effect as these definitions)

3. Which organisation produces the UK's ABC1C2 (etc) Social Grade Classifications Statistics? NRS Ltd (National Readership Survey)

4. What does the selling acronym AIDA stand for? Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

5. Who developed the 'Equity Theory' of job motivation in the 1960's? J Stacey Adams

6. What does the financial abbreviation P&L stand for? Profit and Loss (Profit and Loss Account)

7. Who developed the ten stages of corporate life cycle, starting with Courtship and Infancy and ending in Bureaucracy and Death? Dr Ichak Adizes

8. The Ansoff matrix correlates what two aspects of business development from the 'new' and 'existing' perspectives? Products and Markets

9. In selling and communications, what do 'open questions' generally achieve? Open questions gather information, improve understanding, and build rapport by encouraging the other person to talk and explain things, including how they feel about things.

10. Albert Mehrabian researched and published a now widely referenced set of statistics for the effectiveness of spoken communications; what three types of communication did he identify and what percentages for each did he attach to each type in terms of the percentage of meaning (or understanding) that each communication type conveyed from person to person in his study? Mehrabian's research stated that: 7% of meaning conveyed is in the words that are spoken; 38% of meaning conveyed is in the way that the words are said (paralinguistic); and 55% of meaning conveyed is in facial expression.

11. In business accounts and financial reporting, expenses which change according to scale of performance or usage or demand are known as what? Variable Costs

12. What is the name of Ingham and Luft's model and theory which deals with hidden and open areas of knowledge about a person? The Johari Window

13. The '360 degree' appraisal method collects feedback from whom, about whom? A '360 Degree' feedback appraisal collects the views from people who work with the appraisee, about the appraisee, including subordinates, peers, upline managers; effectively anyone who comes into contact with the appraisee and who

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is happy to provide constructive feedback about the appraisee's strengths and areas for improvement

14. What are the four levels of learning evaluation defined in Donald Kirkpatrick's model? 1. Enjoyment; 2. Transfer of learning; 3. Application of learning; 4. Effect of application (or words to the same effect as these four definitions)

15. What is the correct ascending order of these human needs according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Esteem, Safety, Belongingness and Love, Self-Actualisation, Biological and Physiological? Biological and Physiological Needs (basic life needs - shelter, food, drink, sleep, etc); Safety Needs (security, protection, law, etc); Belongingness and Love Needs (family, affection, relationships, etc); Esteem Needs (achievement, status, responsibility, reputation, etc); Self-Actualisation (personal growth, self-fulfilment, etc)

16. What part of our brains typically handles process-type functions, according to brain theorists such as Katherine Benziger? Left Basal (left rear)

17. What does the accounting acronym FIFO mean? First In First Out (a convention for writing down the balance sheet value of assets of the same type - oldest are written-off first)

18. One of the most effective and efficient forms of marketing is abbreviated to the initials WOM; what is it? Word Of Mouth

19. Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains divides learning development into three main aspects: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor; what might these three aspects of personal development more commonly be called? Knowledge, Attitude, Skills

20. Who wrote the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? Dr Stephen Covey 21. The 'Big Five' personality dimensions, by which modern day psychologists

believe every person's personality and behaviour tendencies can be measured are commonly abbreviated to the OCEAN acronym; what does OCEAN stand for? Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion/introversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism.

22. What are the four metaphorical terms used to describe products/services in Boston Matrix model according to market share and market maturity? Dog, Cash Cow, Problem Child and Star (or Rising Star)

23. The financial ratio which divides a company's 'liquid assets' by 'current liabilities' is known by what popular term? Acid Test (or 'Quick Ratio')

24. What three important things should be confirmed and understood before conducting a brainstorming ideas session? The purpose or aim of the exercise; a time limit; the fact that all ideas are welcome and to be respected (ie., sometimes the craziest-sounding ideas are the best ones).

25. What does the SWOT stand for in SWOT analysis? Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

26. What are the 'Four Functional Types' within Carl Jung's theory? Thinking, Feeling, Sensation, Intuition

27. With what was the Kyoto Summit concerned? Global climate change (in other words, greenhouse gas emissions)

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28. What are the four sequential stages of the 'conscious competence' learning model? 1. Unconscious Incompetence, 2. Conscious Incompetence, 3. Conscious Competence, 4. Unconscious Competence

29. What is the '1st Law of Cybernetics' (aka the 'Law of Requisite Variety')? "The unit within the system with the most behavioural responses available to it controls the system." (or words to that effect)

30. What are the four main 'Temperament' types called within David Keirsey's Temperaments personality theory? Artisan, Idealist, Guardian, Rational/Rationalist

31. According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt theory relating to delegation and team development, what must be reduced in order for the team's area of freedom (and growth) to increase? The manager's use of authority

32. What does the financial term ROI stand for? Return On Investment 33. Whose experiential learning theory comprises the learning styles named:

Concrete Experience (feeling); Abstract Conceptualization (thinking); Active Experimentation (doing); and Reflective Observation (watching)? David Kolb

34. Daniel Goleman was responsible for popularising and defining what management and behavioural concept in his eponymously titled (ie., the title is also the subject) 1995 book? Emotional Intelligence

35. What is psychometrics? The science of measuring (or testing) personality type (or mental abilities)

36. What is the management technique that is commonly abbreviated to MBWA? Management By Walking About (or Wandering Around) - the term is generally attributed to Tom Peters (In Search Of Excellence, 1982) although it was probably part of a new management ideology first pioneered by a few bright American companies as far back as the 1940's

37. Large size hand-writing generally indicates what characteristics in the personality of the writer? Extraverted or out-going nature

38. Since October 2004, UK employers must follow a minimum process of three-stages for handling disputes with employees, including disciplinary and grievance matters; what are the basic minimum three stages required? 1. Write a letter to the employee explaining the issue; 2. Have a meeting with the employee to discuss the issue; 3. Hold or offer an appeal meeting with the employee if required.

39. Douglas McGregor defined two main styles of management; what did he call them and how are each of the two styles typified? X-Theory (or Theory-X) which is authoritarian, autocratic and repressive; and Y-Theory (or Theory-Y) which is participative, delegating, and developmental (or words to similar effect as these two descriptions)

40. Bruce Tuckman's theory about team development uses what four sequential rhyming words to describe the four stages of a group's progression? Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing

41. What are Howard Gardner's seven (original) Multiple Intelligences? Linguistic (words and language), Logical-Mathematical (logic and numbers), Musical (music, sound, rhythm), Bodily-Kinesthetic (body movement control), Spatial-Visual (images and space), Interpersonal (other people's feelings), Intrapersonal (self-awareness)

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42. According to Herzberg's motivational theory, which of these are 'hygiene needs' (or 'maintenance factors') and which are true 'motivators': work conditions, salary, achievement, advancement, work itself, responsibility, company car, status, recognition, and personal growth? Of the examples listed, hygiene needs are: work conditions, salary, company car, status. True motivators in the list are achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement, and personal growth.

43. What does VAK stand for in the learning styles theory? Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic/Kinaesthetic (three different learning styles or methods - seeing, listening, doing)

44. What does the business acronym IPO stand for? Initial Public Offering, meaning the initial sale of privately owned equity (stock or shares) in a company via the issue of shares to the public and other investing institutions

45. What does the PEST stand for in PEST analysis? Political, Economical, Social, Technological

46. What do 'open questions' typically begin with? Open questions typically begin with Who, What, How, When, Where, and Why, (or for particularly capable or intelligent respondents, 'Tell me about...')

47. What visionary management thinker wrote The Age Of Unreason and The Empty Raincoat? Charles Handy

48. What are the names of the (nine) Belbin 'team roles'? Coordinator (was called 'Chairman'), Shaper, Plant, Monitor-Evaluator, Implementer (was called 'Company Worker'), Resource Investigator, Team Worker, Completer-Finisher, Specialist

49. In marketing, what are the The Four P's? Product, Price, Promotion, Place. 50. A lot of the traditional 20th century sales theory and training was influenced by

the 1937 book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'; who wrote it? Dale Carnegie.

51. In which year were TV licences introduced in the UK? 1946 52. Which designer (brand) created the Kelly bag? Hermes 53. Arctic King, Saladin and Tom Thumb are which types of vegetable? Lettuce 54. By what name is the Gravelly Hill Inter-change better known? Spaghetti Junction 55. What is the name of the world's highest active volcano? Cotopaxi (Equador) 56. Which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta is sub-titled The Slave of Duty? The Pirates

of Penzance 57. Who succeeded Sir Clive Woodward as England's rugby union coach? Andy

Robinson 58. What is a baby oyster called? A Spat 59. What is Bill Clinton's middle name? Jefferson 60. In which country are the Sutherland Falls? New Zealand 61. In the US TV comedy show Everybody Loves Raymond, what is Raymond's

bother's first name? Robert 62. What is the largest flat fish species? Halibut 63. What did Nelson lose on Tenerife in 1797? His arm (or right arm - up to you) 64. What's the oldest university in the USA? Harvard 65. Who became Germany's first female chancellor? Angela Merkel

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66. Who wrote The Railway Children? Edith Nesbit 67. Who played the Ringo Kid in the original Stagecoach film? John Wayne 68. Which artist painted The Potato Eaters? Vincent Van Gogh 69. In architecture, what is a lancet? A window 70. Which singer's original name was Elaine Bookbinder? Elkie Brooks 71. Turin lies on which river? The Po 72. Which country has the international car registration RA? Argentina 73. A methuselah of wine holds the equivalent of how many bottles? Eight 74. Launched in 1960, what was the name of the first US communications satellite?

Echo 1 75. Who invented jeans? Levi Strauss 76. What does a cartophilist collect? Cigarette cards 77. Which European city had the Roman name Lutetia? Paris 78. What is the green pigment found in most plants that is responsible for absorbing

light energy? Chlorophyll 79. The Yeomen of the Guard are known by what other name? Beefeaters 80. Which actress appears with Jarvis Cocker in Pulp's video, Common People?

Sadie Frost 81. How many labours were performed by Hercules? Twelve 82. Which late MP owned Saltwood Castle in Kent? Alan Clarke 83. In which London pub did Ronnie Kray murder George Cornell? The Blind

Beggar 84. What date is Trafalgar Day? 21 October 85. What is the birthstone for April? Diamond 86. What does 'E' represent in E = MC2? Energy 87. What note do orchestras typically tune up to? A 88. Which English cathedral was destroyed by fire in 1666? St Pauls 89. Who shot and killed Billy the Kid in 1881? Pat Garrett 90. What was the first name of Dustin Hoffman's female character in Tootsie?

Dorothy 91. Which UK store was first to have an first escalator installed? Harrods 92. In which year (or decade) were luncheon vouchers introduced in the UK? 1955

(or 1950's - up to you) 93. How did soul singer Otis Redding die in 1967? Plane crash 94. Who invented the revolver (handgun)? Samuel Colt 95. In which ocean is Ascension Island? Atlantic 96. What is the USA state capital of California? Sacramento 97. In which country was cricketer Ted Dexter born? Italy 98. Who was the first English monarch to abdicate? Richard II 99. At which railway station was the film Brief Encounter made? Carnforth

(Lancashire) 100. Who was the first British person to walk in space? Michael Foale 101. Who invented the jet engine in 1930? Frank Whittle 102. Which two countries are connected by the Simplon Pass? Switzerland and

Italy 103. What is the US state capital of Mississippi? Jackson

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104. What is Earth's atmospheric region of charged particles connecting the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere? Ionosphere

105. 'The Absinthe Drinker' is a work by which painter? Manét 106. What was Manfred von Richtofen's nickname? The Red Baron 107. What does a vexillogist study? Flags 108. Which is the largest of the Channel Islands? Jersey 109. Who wrote 'Far From The Madding Crowd'? Thomas Hardy 110. Who plays Grace in the US sitcom 'Will and Grace'? Debra Messing 111. At which golf course does the US Masters take place? Augusta (Georgia) 112. What does NATO stand for? North Atlantic Treaty Organization 113. Which is the largest Castle in England? Windsor Castle 114. In which month of the year is All Saints Day? November 115. In which English cathedral is the Bell Harry Tower? Canterbury 116. In which country was exiled Russian leader Leon Trotsky killed in 1940?

Mexico 117. Who played Simon Templar in the 1997 film 'The Saint'? Val Kilmer 118. Which European country had the Roman name Helvetia? Switzerland 119. Which fashion items does Jimmy Choo design? Shoes 120. What is a blini? A Pancake 121. If a dish is 'a la crecy' with what is it garnished? Carrots 122. Which country has the international car registration ET? Egypt 123. What is the currency of Albania? The Lek 124. Which 1950's singer was originally names Charles Hardin? Buddy Holly 125. Which London station was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott? St

Pancras 126. Which bird was named after engraver Sir Thomas Bewick? The Bewick

Swan 127. What is the number 3.142 more usually known as? Pi (pronounced 'pie' -

it represents the ratio of a circle's circumferance to its diameter, also expressed by the fraction 22/7, and the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet, pi, equating to 'p', and shown as the symbol . The number 3.142 is a rounding to three decimal places; the full decimal number of pi is infinitely long and cannot be expressed absolutely other than as a fraction.

128. Who scored England's first goal in the 1998 World Cup Final tournament? Alan Shearer

129. Which is the largest of the Great Lakes? Lake Superior 130. Which British prime minister had a bag named after him? Gladstone 131. Majestic, Romano and Arran Victory are types of which vegetable? Potato 132. A firkin of beer holds how many gallons? Nine 133. What is the title of the film about a Scottish village that awakens once

every 100 years? Brigadoon 134. In which year did Roger Bannister break the four-minute mile? 1954 135. In 1960 Dr Thomas Creighton was the first person to receive what

punishment? A parking ticket 136. In which country was actor Mel Gibson born? USA 137. Whose autobiography is entitled 'Take It Like A Man? Boy George

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138. What is the lightest metal? Lithium 139. What is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet? Iota 140. What did the Warren Commission investigate in the US in the 1960's? The

assassination of John F Kennedy 141. What is the Fahrenheit boiling point of water? 212 degrees 142. How many sides does a rhombus have? Four 143. Which is the smallest bone in the body? The stirrup (in the ear) 144. What is Adam's Ale commonly known as? Water 145. How many syllables are in a Haiku (a type of Japanese verse)? Seventeen 146. Who served the longest time in office as Poet Laureate? Tennyson

(Alfred, Lord Tennyson, in office from 1850-92) 147. Which is the oldest football (soccer) club in London? Fulham (est. 1879) 148. What are the two ingredients in Bellini cocktail? Champagne and peach

juice 149. Which playwright wrote 'The Crucible'? Arthur Miller 150. What do algophobics fear? Pain 151. If a creature is 'opodous', what has is not got? Feet 152. What chemical element has the atomic number 18? Argon 153. What is the name of the character played by Angela Lansbury in 'Murder,

She Wrote' ? Jessica Fletcher 154. What is the name of the hooked staff carried by a bishop called? A crozier 155. In which war was Agent Orange used by the USA? Vietnam (Agent

Orange was a herbicide used to kill plants and remove leaves from trees that provided cover for the Vietcong soldiers. The name came from the orange stripe on the container drums.)

156. Who was the Greek God of dreams? Morpheus 157. Which American duo released an album titled Bookends? Simon and

Garfunkel (1982) 158. What was boxer Barry McGuigan's weight division? Featherweight 159. What is 'nacre' commonly known as? Mother of Pearl 160. What is the fictional brewery associated with the Rovers Return pub in

TV's Coronation Street serial? Newton and Ridley 161. What colour is the Mr Men character Mr Happy? Yellow 162. What does a hippophobic fear? Horses 163. Where is the Royal Navy Officer Training School? Dartmouth (Devon) 164. What is the best-selling book in the USA after the Holy Bible? Dr Spock's

Baby and Child Care 165. Who had a hit single in the 1960's with 'C'mon Baby, Light My Fire'? The

Doors 166. In which ocean are the Cape Verde Islands? Atlantic 167. How many bones are there in the human body? 206 168. What is the Lonicera plant commonly known as? Honeysuckle 169. 'Rule Britannia' is the work of which composer? Thomas Arne 170. What does a 'vigneron' cultivate? Grapes (for wine-making) 171. Which creature in Greek mythology was half-man and half-bull? Minotaur

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172. The Battle of Alma was fought during which war? The Crimean War (September 1854)

173. How much does Michael Henchard sell his wife and daughter for in Thomas Hardy's novel The Mayor of Casterbridge? Five Guineas

174. What are the two ingredients in a Rusty Nail cocktail? Whisky and Drambuie

175. Who became the first 'Children's Laureate' in 1999? Quentin Blake 176. How many players are there in a netball team? Seven 177. Who was the first poet to be buried in Poets Corner in London's

Westminster Abbey? Geoffrey Chaucer 178. What is the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet? Epsilon 179. Which comedian's autobiography is entitled 'The Full Monty' ? Jim

Davidson 180. Introduced in New York in 1950 what was the first credit card? Diners

Club 181. Which is the longest mountain range in the world? The Andes (7,240km) 182. What type of fruit would you pick from a Mirabelle tree? Plum 183. Who was Britain's first Labour Prime Minister? Ramsey MacDonald 184. Who painted 'The Laughing Cavalier' ? Franz Hals 185. Which famous guitarist's original name was Brian Rankin? Hank Marvin 186. What is the lowest point in Europe? The Caspian Sea (28m below 'sea

level') 187. With what is Earl Grey tea flavoured? Bergamot 188. What number is a hurricaine on the Beaufort Scale? 12 189. Who directed the film 'Alien' ? Ridley Scott (1979) 190. Which MP was killed by an IRA bomb in the House of Commons car park

in 1979? Airey Neave 191. Which English Cathedral has the highest spire? Salisbury Cathedral (404

feet) 192. When is Bastille day celebrated? 14 July 193. What is the capital of Tasmania? Hobart 194. What does a 'spelunker' explore? Caves 195. Which is the coldest planet in our solar system? Pluto 196. In which US city was the first Gap store opened? San Francisco (1969) 197. From what is an 'atoll' formed? Coral 198. In which country was the wheelbarrow invented? China 199. If something is 'aureate' what colour is it? Gold 200. What type of creature is a Bonito? A fish 201. The character Shylock appears in which Shakespeare play? The Merchant

Of Venice 202. Who released an album in 1999 called Brand New Day? Sting 203. If a creature is edentulous what has it not got? Teeth 204. What were the eldest sons of the Kings of France called? Dauphin 205. What is the fourth sign of the Zodiac? Cancer 206. Who is the Greek God of wine? Dionysus (Bacchus was the Roman God

of wine)

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207. P&O, the shipping line, stands for what? Peninsular and Oriental 208. What was Radar's surname in MASH? O'Reilly 209. What is the largest island in the world? Greenland 210. Who was the founder of the Body Shop company? Anita Roddick 211. In which year (decade) were parking meters introduced in the UK? 1958

(1950's) 212. Who wrote the novel Dracula? Bram Stoker 213. What is a baby seal called? A pup 214. What is the Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain more popularly known as?

Eros 215. What is the name of Don Quixote's horse? Rosinante 216. Which actresses play Rosemary and Thyme in the TV series about two

gardening sleuths? Felicity Kendal and Pam Ferris 217. During which war was the Battle of Marne? First World War 218. In the human body what is Varicella commonly known as? Chicken Pox 219. How many valves does a trumpet have? Three 220. Brock is a nickname for which animal? A Badger 221. What is the name of the RAF's aerobatics team? The Red Arrows 222. Which football club did Alan Sugar own? Tottenham Hotspur (Spurs) 223. Who is the Roman Goddess of the hunt? Dianna 224. What type of creature is an alewife? A fish 225. What is the metal or plastic end of a shoelace called? An aglet 226. What is the world's third largest desert? The Gobi Desert (500,000 square

miles) 227. What was Lancelot Brown famous for designing? Gardens (aka Capability

Brown) 228. Which artist was born in Bradford in 1937? David Hockney 229. What was the BBC's first TV pop music programme? Six-Five Special 230. Which English city had the Roman name Camulodonum? Colchester 231. What is an ecdysiast? A striptease artist 232. What is the main vegetable ingredient in the dish Borsht? Beetroot 233. With which country did the UK have the long-running 'Cod War' disputes

over fishing rights? Iceland 234. Who was given the name 'Fourth Man' when he was revealed as a spy in

1979? Anthony Blunt 235. Which two English Cathedrals have copies of the Magna Carta? Salisbury

and Lincoln 236. How many years of marriage is celebrated on the Ivory anniversary?

Fourteen 237. What famous landmark was moulded in gold during a bullion robbery in

the 1951 film The Lavender Hill Mob? The Eiffel Tower 238. Who was known as the Sun King? Louis the Fourteenth 239. Who was the first American in space? Alan Shephard (5 May 1961) 240. How many players are there in an Australian Rules football team?

Eighteen 241. Who invented the elevator in 1853? Elisha Otis

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242. At which ski resort would you see the Cresta Run? St Moritz 243. In which English county is Scotney Castle? Kent 244. White Lion pubs are named after which English King's heraldic symbol?

Edward the Fourth 245. What is the mouthpiece of a recorder called? A fipple 246. In which month is St Swithin's Day? July (15th) 247. What every-day item was named after Mrs Gamp in Charles Dickens'

Martin Chuzzlewit? The Umbrella 248. In what year did the USA adopt the Stars and Stripes flag? 1777 249. In which ocean are the Canary Islands? Atlantic 250. The authorised version of the Holy Bible was made at the order of which

King? James the First (1611) 251. The headquarters of Greenpeace is in which European city? Amsterdam 252. Which famous artist and inventor died at Amboise Castle in France, 1519?

Leonardo da Vinci 253. In what year did Mother Teresa of Calcutta win the Nobel Peace Prize?

1979 254. Which was the first European country to give all women the vote? Finland

(or as then, the Grand Duchy of Finland) was the first European country to extend the vote to all women, and incidentally to allow full female parliamentary candidature. This first European genuine 'full female universal suffrage' remained when Finland because fully independent in 1917. In 1881 the Isle of Mann, a country within the British Isles and a British Crown dependency, attempted to introduce the vote for all women, but after pressure from the UK Home Office the Isle of Mann government was forced to dilute its 1880 Election Bill so that the vote was extended only to women rate-payers (i.e., women owners of real estate)

255. What type of creature is a Garibaldi? A fish 256. What colour is the gemstone garnet? Red (dark red) 257. Which sign of the Zodiac are people born on 30th October? Scorpio 258. What type of weapon is a Falchion? A sword 259. Which pub in Nottingham claims to be the oldest in Britain? The Trip To

Jerusalem 260. By what name was world champion boxer Walker Smith better known?

Sugar Ray Robinson 261. Mount Elbert is the highest peak in which mountain range? The Rockies

(USA) 262. Edward II was murdered in Berkeley Castle in 1327, in which county is

Berkeley Castle? Gloucestershire 263. Which American horse race is run at Churchill Downs? The Kentucky

Derby 264. What type of food is Quark? Cheese 265. Which Alex Graham cartoon appears in the Daily Mail newspaper? Fred

Basset 266. What is the collective noun for a group of crows? A murder 267. Who discovered the smallpox vaccination? Edward Jenner (1796)

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268. What did Harry Beck design in 1931 and is still used in London today? The map of the London Tube system (the Underground)

269. What is the chemical symbol for the element Potassium? K 270. What is the name of the dog in Enid Blyton's Famous Five books? Timmy 271. Who released an album entitled The Six Wives of Henry VIII? Rick

Wakeman 272. What was the codename of the Allied forces landing at Normandy in

1944? Overlord 273. In the human body what is the Axilla commonly known as? The armpit 274. Who plays Lynette Scavo in the TV series Desperate Housewives?

Felicity Huffman 275. How many finger holes does a tin whistle (pennywhistle) have? Six 276. What famous London building is officially called No. 1 One Canada

Square? Canary Wharf Tower 277. Which tennis player was stabbed while playing against Steffi Graf in

Hamburg 1993? Monica Seles 278. What was the nuclear power station Sellafield previously known as?

Windscale 279. Swansea is situated on which river? The Tawe 280. In the Bible's New Testament what was the last battle between good and

evil before the day of judgement? Armageddon 281. What is the top string on a six-string guitar normally tuned to? E 282. What trophy is played for at the US Superbowl? The Lombardi Trophy 283. In what year did Margaret Thatcher become Prime Minister? 1979 284. What film was the first sequel to win a Best Picture Oscar? The Godfather

Part II 285. Who shot Martin Luther King in 1968? James Earl Ray 286. Who was Britain's first Christian martyr (an English town is named after

him)? St Alban 287. Which country has the largest malt whisky distillery in the world? Japan

(the Suntory Distillery) 288. What was Hiram Hackenbacker's nickname in Thunderbirds? Brains 289. What is the person called who leads prayers in a mosque? The Imam 290. What is a 'half-hunter'? A type of pocket watch 291. Which British organisation was founded by Octavia Hill in 1895? The

National Trust 292. What number did motorcycle racer Barry Sheen have on his bike? Seven 293. How tall is the Leaning Tower of Pisa? 190 feet (58 metres) 294. What was the name of the Spanish conquistador who conquered Mexico

in 1519? Hernando Cortez 295. What is the capital of Liberia? Monrovia 296. When is St Andrew's Day? 30th November 297. What type of game is Faro? A card game 298. Which team was the first to score a 'Golden Goal' in the soccer World Cup

Finals? France 299. Which opera did Verdi compose for the opening of the Suez Canal? Aida

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300. What does a belonophobic fear? Needles 301. Who was the first Tudor King of England? Henry VII (1485-1509) 302. What colour is the gemstone kunzite? Lilac (or mauve) 303. If a British infantry soldier has three stripes on his uniform on his

wedding day what rank does he normally hold? Corporal (traditionally a solider is made up one rank for his wedding day)

304. In what year was the Sex Discrimination Act passed in the UK? 1975 305. What word represents the letter J in the UK Police radio communications?

Juliet 306. Tanner was the slang term for which pre-decimal British coin? Sixpence

(or sixpenny piece) 307. What colour berets do the New York City crime-fighters the 'Guardian

Angels' wear? Red (founded 1979) 308. Eddie Shah's 1988 newspaper 'Post' folded after how many issues? Thirty-

three 309. During the siege of which African city did General Gordon die? Khartoum 310. Which artist's autobiography is titled 'Exploration of the Soul'? Tracey

Emin 311. What type of creature is a gadwall? A duck 312. What date of the year is Burns Night? 25th of January 313. Which member of England's 2003 Rugby World Cup winning team has an

uncle in the 1966 England Soccer World Cup winning team? Ben Cohen (the uncle is George Cohen)

314. Which sixteenth century German astronomer was reputed to have sold his soul to the devil? Johann Faust

315. In which English castle did King John die in 1216? Newark 316. What is the second book of the Bible's Old Testament? Exodus 317. What note appears twice in the conventional tuning of a six string guitar?

E (top and bottom strings are E, two octaves apart) 318. Who in Greek mythology fell in love with his own reflection? Narcissus 319. Which rock band released an album Beggars Banquet? The Rolling Stones

(1968) 320. What are musophobics afraid of? Mice 321. What is the name of the photographer famous for taking pictures of

crowds of naked people? Spencer Tunick 322. What is the largest artery in the human body? The aorta 323. How many strings does a ukelele have? Four 324. Who was the 'teacher' in TV's Rock School? Gene Simmons (of Kiss) 325. What does BAFTA stand for? British Academy of Film and Television

Arts 326. Which author died at Astapova railway station in 1910? Leo Tolstoy 327. Which sporting duo was coached by Betty Calloway? (Jane) Torville and

(Christopher) Dean 328. What does a copoclephilist collect? Keyrings 329. Mount Vinson Massif is the highest peak in which continent? Antarctica

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330. Who was appointed the first woman cabinet minister in the UK? Margaret Bondfield (Minister of Labour, 1929)

331. Alicante, Golden Boy and Piranto are types of which vegetable? Tomato 332. Who wrote the novel Bonfire of the Vanities? Tom Wolfe 333. In which year was the first Miss World contest held? 1951 334. Who was Sherlock Holmes' housekeeper? Mrs Hudson 335. How many square yards are in a British acre? 4,840 336. What is the white of an egg called? Albumen 337. Who played Professor Marcus in the 1955 film, The Ladykillers? Alec

Guinness 338. In which year was TV's Channel 4 launched? 1982 339. What are kept in an apiary? Bees 340. What poisonous chemical element has the atomic number 33? Arsenic 341. Which country has the longest coastline? Canada (152,100 miles) 342. What is the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet? Xi 343. What fish family is the anchovy a member of? Herring 344. Who was the first person to cross the English Channel in a plane? Louis

Bleriot 345. How many gun-firings salute the Queen's Birthday at the Tower of

London? Sixty-two 346. What nationality was the artist Edvard Munch? Norwegian 347. Munich is on which river? The Isar 348. Which fashion designer introduced the Polo label in 1967? Ralph Lauren 349. In which Bavarian town is the Passion Play performed every ten years?

Oberammergau 350. What is Hanson's disease commonly known as? Leprosy 351. India qualified for the Soccer World Cup in 1950 but were refused

permission to take part; why? Because the players were not permitted to play in bare feet.

352. The word 'anserine' relates to which type of birds? Geese 353. What year was Inheritance Tax introduced in the UK? 1986 354. What is the art of Japanese flower arranging called? Ikebana 355. Which artist sculpted the lions at the foot of London's Nelson's Column?

(Sir Edwin Henry) Landseer 356. In 1983 which film did Barbra Streisand co-write, direct, produce and star

in? Yentl 357. In electronics what does LED stand for? Light Emitting Diode 358. Who was the first person to reach the South Pole? Roald Amundsen

(1911) 359. If an object is hastate what shape is it? Triangular 360. What character did Beyonce Knowles play in the 2002 film Goldmember?

Foxxy Cleopatra 361. What is the name of the publishers run by women for women? Virago 362. Who was the first person to have a blue plaque conferred on the house

where he was born in Holly Street, Westminster, London? Lord Byron 363. What US gangster's original name was Lester Gillis? Baby Face Nelson

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364. What is the world's largest sea? South China Sea 365. What year did TV Soap Eastenders begin? 1985 366. What is the first sign of the Zodiac? Aries 367. Who is the Greek Goddess of Victory? Nike 368. Who wrote the book Brave New World? Aldous Huxley 369. Which musician received the first gold disc, in 1941? Glen Miller

(Chattanooga Choo-choo) 370. Which country had the first Women's Institute, in 1897? Canada 371. On which part of the body would you wear a deer-stalker? The head 372. Which King was the target of the Rye House Plot? Charles II 373. Which type of beans are used to make baked beans? Haricot beans 374. What musical aid did trumpeter John Shore invent in 1711? The tuning

fork 375. What is the technical term for the collar bone? The clavicle 376. Which group had a number one UK chart hit with the same song in 1975

and 1999? Queen (Bohemian Rhapsody) 377. Which twins were said to be the founders of Rome? Romulus and Remus 378. Adam's Needle is another name for which plant? The Yukka 379. Which prime minister took the UK into the EEC (as was then called)?

Edward Heath 380. What is a person who shoes horses called? Farrier 381. Haldi is the Indian name for which spice? Turmeric 382. What colour is the cabbage moth? Brown 383. Dendrology is the scientific study of what? Trees 384. Who won the men's singles at Wimbledon in 1987? Pat Cash 385. How many miles per second does light travel? 186,000 386. Which American artist was awarded damages of one farthing after John

Ruskin's criticism of his work provoked a lawsuit? James Whistler 387. What does a gricer take photographs of? Trains 388. Who played Mr White in the 1991 film Reservoir Dogs? Harvey Kietel 389. How long is Johnny Walker Black Label whisky matured for? 12 years 390. Which designer was awarded a best fashion design Oscar in 1985? Yves

Saint-Laurent 391. Who wrote the opera 'The Barber of Seville? Rossini (1816) 392. What is the capital of Finland? Helsinki 393. Who was the last Aztec Emperor? Montezuma (II) 394. Which US organisation's headquarters is situated in Langley, Virginia?

The CIA 395. Who was the first chancellor of the 20th century united Germany? Helmut

Khol 396. Madarosis is the absence or loss of which part of the body? Eyelashes 397. Who played Candice Stowe in TV's Coronation Street? Nikki Sanderson 398. In which sport would a niblick be used? Golf 399. The Capets were the rules of which European country? France 400. Who was the first woman editor of the Radio Times? Sue Robinson 401. What is a perfect diamond of 100 carats or more called? A paragon

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402. What does RIBA stand for? Royal Institute of British Architects 403. A toponym is a name of what? A place 404. How many books make up the Bible's Old Testament? Thirty-nine 405. In what year was Joan of Arc burned at the stake? 1431 406. How many times did Nick Faldo win the Masters golf tournament? Two 407. Who founded Playboy magazine in 1953? Hugh Hefner 408. Which artist was married to Hortense Fiquet? Paul Cezanne 409. During which war was the Battle of Cold Harbour? The American Civil

War (1864) 410. Who plays Jim Morrison in the 1991 film 'The Doors'? Val Kilmer 411. In which country are the Churchill Falls? Canada (Labrador) 412. 'Angels on horseback' are what wrapped in bacon? Oysters 413. What traditionally symbolises a couple's sixth wedding anniversary?

Sugar 414. Which English Cathedral houses the Sleeping Children statue? Lichfield 415. What make and model of car was John F Kennedy in when assassinated in

1963? Lincoln Continental 416. What is the name in John Travolta's character in Saturday Night Fever?

Tony Manero 417. What does a phullumenist collect? Matchbox labels 418. The Madhouse is a work by which artist? Goya 419. What planet is nearest to the Sun? Mercury 420. Who was the first Roman Emperor? Augustus Caesar 421. In which year was the first FIFA World Cup held? 1930 (in Uruguay -

Uruguay beat Argentina 4-2) 422. What is Canada's highest mountain? Mount Logan 423. Which vegetable is also known as an egg plant? Aubergine 424. In Greek mythology who persuaded her brother to kill their mother in

revenge for the murder of their father? Electra 425. What is a tree or shrub called that sheds its leaves annually? Deciduous 426. How many players are in a basketball team? Five 427. In the natural world what is a Camberwell Beauty? A butterfly 428. What does a hagiographer write about? Saints 429. In which month is United Nations Day? October (24th) 430. In which English town was the TV drama Middlemarch made? Stamford 431. An Eskimo roll would be seen in which sport? Kayaking 432. By which nickname was Edward Teach known? Blackbeard 433. Which is the largest Canary Island? Tenerife 434. Which Sunday newspaper was founded by John Browne Bell in 1843?

News Of The World 435. What is the male part of a flower called? The stamen 436. How many teeth does an elephant have? Four 437. Which duo had a 1982 UK chart hit with Save Your Love? Renee and

Renato 438. What does a phyllophobic fear? Leaves 439. Reynard is a nickname for which animal? The fox

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440. In which country was tennis player John McEnroe born? Germany 441. Which designer launched the Warehouse chain of stores? Jeff Banks 442. What spirit is used to make a daquari? Rum 443. Who wrote the novel The Boys From Brazil? Ira Levin 444. Which UK city had the first public library? Norwich (1608) 445. What is an Aldis Lamp used for? Signalling (Morse code) 446. What country has the international car registration letters TR? Turkey 447. Warsaw lies on which river? The Vistula 448. Which vitamin does the body get from sunshine? D 449. Apart from London which three other cities in Britain have an

underground railway system? Glasgow, Liverpool, Newcastle 450. Which international rugby player appeared in the January 2006 Matalan

fashion brochure? Gavin Henson 451. Which of these is a 'soft' skill? Analysing, Monitoring, Budgeting,

Counselling? Counselling. ('Soft' skills typically involve people and communications).

452. Integrity is essential in all functions, but is it most crucial in supervision, management, or leadership? Leadership. (Leadership which lacks integrity can bring down an entire corporation).

453. Staff performance appraisals work best if they are strictly an annual event - true or false? False. (A person's performance and progress and project work, etc., benefit enormously from more frequent appraisal discussions than once a year. Informal appraisals can be conducted as frequently as is helpful. Obviously the more frequent, the less formal, which is another benefit.)

454. Which tends to produce the highest percentage gross profit: mature high-volume products or new low-volume specialised services? New low-volume specialised services. (Mature markets tend to be more competitive which compresses pricing and margins. Mature products also have to be priced competitively to enable volume distribution, and to resist threats from newer better solutions. High-volume production requires competitive pricing in order to the maintain volumes necessary to support related large scale investment. Additionally customers and buyers are more informed and price-sensitive in mature markets.)

455. For effective time management what's the best frequency for checking your email inbox: constantly, every hour, two or three times a day? Two or three times a day. (Constant interruptions and distractions are extremely unhelpful for all proactive work, especially thinking, communicating, creating, planning, project managing, etc. Many organisations have developed the weird practice of continuous email checking or alerting, but that doesn't make it right. It's a question of managing your environment rather than let it manage you.)

456. It is said that "If you can't measure it then you can't..." what? Manage it. 457. Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of what? Needs. 458. What does MBO or MBO's stand for? Management By Objectives. 459. A subordinate has raised a personal issue with you by email which is

causing him/her obvious distress - what's the best means of communicating from this point: email, phone, face-to-face, text, letter? Face-to-face (in private). (It's

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extremely difficult to understand people - and to be understood - without face-to-face spoken communications. This is because tone of voice and body language, especially facial expressions, carry more meaning than words in all but obvious unemotional communications.

460. Putting interviewees under a lot of pressure at job interviews is generally helpful to the process of finding out about the person - true or false? False. (The purpose of interviews is to discover as much as possible about the person. When people are under pressure they clam up and/or mask their true characteristics. Interviews are artificial and pressurising enough without deliberately making them any more so.)

461. Experiential learning is most beneficial to people who have a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning style preference? Kinesthetic (Also spelled Kinaesthetic. A person who prefers this style favours 'hands-on' learning. For effective teaching, training, development, etc., using an appropriate style of learning for the learner is as important as the learning content itself.)

462. Which is likely to motivate an enthusiastic capable team member most: doubling their target, agreeing additional responsibility, a bonus payment, a new car? Agreeing additional responsibility. (None of the others actually changes anything sustainably and purposefully in terms of what the person does, which crucially is linked to true achievement and growth.)

463. What's a simple way to find out the causes if staff turnover (number of people leaving) has gone through the roof in the last two months? Carry out exit interviews with the people leaving and ask them. (People are at their most revealing when the ties have been cut. Added to which you are not dealing with rumour or opinions as might surface in staff surveys. Instead, exit interviews deal in facts, and enable very useful analysis if conducted with a reasonable number of leavers. Incidentally, staff turnover is normally shown as a percentage arrived at by dividing total leavers by total workforce. As a very broad guide, anything over 20% staff turnover in a year suggests serious problems. Anything less than 10% per year suggests stagnation.)

464. A company has a turnover of £11m. Its 'cost of sales' or 'cost of goods sold' (COGS) is £6.3m. Its overheads including fixed costs, depreciation (write-down of capital items) and any interest charges (on borrowings) are £3.5m. What is the company's percentage gross profit and percentage net profit before tax, and is this profit % for a company very high, very low or somewhat typical? 42.7% and 10.9%, and it's somewhat typical. Explanation: Gross profit is Turnover less COGS (£11m less £6.3m) = £4.7m. Percentage Gross Profit (or 'gross margin') is £Gross Profit divided by Turnover (£4.7m ÷ £11m) = 42.7% . Net Profit before tax is Gross Profit less Overheads (£4.7m less £3.5m) = £1.2m. Percentage Net Profit is £Net Profit divided by £Turnover (£1.2m ÷ £11m) = 10.9%. Anything around 10% is a typical sort of net profit percentage achieved by businesses and corporations, although this perspective is just a simple hypothetical 'P&L' (profit and loss account) and takes no account of balance sheet or cash aspects, which together with the P&L provide the three main measures of business performance.

465. What acronym is useful when delegating a task to someone or agreeing an objective? SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed/Achievable,

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Realistic/Relevant, Timebound) - or extended to SMARTER (Specific, Measurable, Agreed/Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, Timebound, Ethical/Enjoyable, Recorded. It is important that 'agreed' is part of delegation process.)

466. If you assume responsibility for a mature, high-achieving confident team, which of the following is generally the best approach to take: stamp your authority on the group; introduce some new ideas of your own; give them space and make yourself available if needed; or look for ways to cut costs? Give them space and make yourself available if needed. (A mature, high-achieving confident team can virtually run itself - which is every team-manager's aim. Why go backwards? If you start micro-managing or interfering you will waste your time that you could have otherwise used on strategic creative developments and opportunities, and you will upset the team members. Your priority is to understand the team so as to help them develop, ideally including the development of a successor for yourself. This will enable you to move on to your next opportunity.)

467. What's the relevance of hobbies on a person's CV? A person's hobbies often indicate their strengths, potential and character, aside from and beyond what might be suggested by their work experience and qualifications. A person's hobbies also give you the chance to get them talking about things they feel passionate about, by which you can often discover more about someone than discussing their work or qualifications.

468. What can 'closed' questions be used for? Getting yes/no answers; getting commitment (or 'closing' in selling); clarifying, qualifying and filtering. Ask a closed question if you need a short quick answer. If you want information and to listen and learn then ask 'open' questions (who, how, what, where, etc).

469. When planning the running order for a meeting is it generally best to put the big important items first or last or in the middle between smaller things? Big important agenda items should always go last - if you put them first you risk not having time left for all the small things, which could otherwise have been polished off quite quickly and easily, especially because people will be keen to get to the juicier items afterwards. Also people tend to do more posturing early in meetings - to 'have their say' even if they have nothing to say - which causes more problems for the big issues than the small ones. Later on in meetings, the dynamics and the emotions will typically have settled down a bit, which makes it easier to deal with the bigger issues. If there are other factors (guests with limited time availability for example) you'll need to schedule accordingly, but generally it's best to cover the small things first. Ensure you leave adequate time for the big items later, which means strictly managing the time used for the early small things.

470. When conducting appraisals or counselling sessions it's best to sit at your desk with the other person facing you on the other side, so as to reinforce your authority - true or false? False. (Similar to job interviews - you want the other person to be relaxed and comfortable, not threatened. Desks create barriers; so sit around a low coffee table instead. Sitting directly opposite facing each other is a confrontational arrangement; it's best to sit at an angle of between 90-120

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degrees; or think of 12:15 or 12:20 on the clockface. Using any method to reinforce or impose authority will increase emotions, which undermines the value of the communications.)

471. The Queensberry Rules are standard rules of which sport? Boxing 472. From which of Shakespeare's plays does the term 'salad days' originate?

Anthony and Cleopatra 473. Which perfume house launched the 'Joy' perfume in 1930? Patous 474. In heraldry what colour is sable? Black 475. What type of fruit is a canteloupe? Melon 476. Which English artist was president of the Royal Academy in 1768? Sir

Joshua Reynolds 477. Who played the Riddler in the 1995 film Batman Forever? Jim Carey 478. What is the fifth sign of the Zodiac? Leo 479. Who invented the steam engine? Thomas Newcomen (1712) 480. Which artist painted The Watering Place? Thomas Gainsborough 481. Which explorer gave Natal its name on Christmas Day 1497? Vasco da

Gama 482. An orchidectomy is the surgical removal of what? Testicles 483. What is the name of a word which reads the same backwards as forwards?

Palindrome 484. What does an ocularist make? Artificial eyes 485. An ennead is a group or set of how many? Nine 486. What do the US Marine Corps, the city of Exeter and Plymouth Argyle

FC have in common? The same motto (Semper Fidelis, Always Faithful) 487. In which castle was Charles I imprisoned from 1647-48? Carisbrooke

Castle 488. What chemical element has the symbol Fe? Iron 489. What is a Maori ceremonial war-dance called? Haka 490. What salad is named after the Mexican Restaurateur who invented it?

Caesar Salad (after Caesar Cardini) 491. Who became US president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated?

Andrew Johnson 492. Which city hosted the 1992 Summer Olympic games? Barcelona 493. In which year did the Gunpowder Plot take place? 1605 494. Who was the original presenter of TV's University Challenge? Bamber

Gascoigne 495. Who was known as Little Sparrow? Edith Piaf 496. What is the minimum alcohol content under EU laws? 7% 497. From which English county do Bakewell tarts originate? Derbyshire 498. What type of creature is a bandy-bandy? Snake 499. What is the largest gland in the human body? The liver 500. Who played Tom Hanks' wife in the film The Burbs? Carrie Fisher 501. Which Hindu God is depicted with the head of an elephant? Ganesha 502. What is the young of a rabbit called? Kit 503. What is the collective name for a large number of islands? Archipelago 504. Peanuts is the work of which cartoonist? Charles Shulz

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505. Who wrote the story The Old Man And The Sea? Ernest Hemingway 506. In which US city was the first juke-box installed, in the Palais Royal

Saloon, 1889? San Francisco 507. Which British Prime Minister's mother, Jenny Jerome, invented the

Manhattan cocktail? Winston Churchill 508. What was the first underground railway line in London? The Metroplitan

Line (Paddington to Farringdon, 1863) 509. Which sea has no land borders? The Sargasso Sea 510. What is the currency of Iran? Rial (= 100 Dinars) 511. Who is the Roman God of the sea? Neptune 512. What does the H in H-Bomb stand for? Hydrogen 513. Which actress is the voice of Homer Simpson's mother? Glenn Close 514. Lexicology is the study of what? Words 515. In which country is Interpol based? France 516. What is the line called behind which darts players stand when throwing?

Oche (pronounced 'ocky') 517. Who was the first leader of Polish trade union Solidarity? Lech Walesa 518. Martial art Jeet Kune was devised by which US actor? Bruce Lee 519. Which pope commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine

Chapel? Pope Julius II (1508) 520. Neroli is an essential oil distilled from the flowers of which fruit? Orange

(Seville521. Who wrote the novel, Treasure Island? Robert Louis Stevenson 522. In which country was ex-England cricket captain Tony Greig born? South

Africa 523. What was Tom Jones' first UK number one single? It's Not Unusual 524. Which South American country lost its coastline to Chile in 1879? Bolivia

(It still keeps its navy - on a lake) 525. What flavour is the liqueur cassis? Blackcurrant 526. What product was the first to appear in a UK TV commercial (in 1955)?

Toothpaste (Gibbs SR) 527. Which artist is famous for painting a portrait of his mother? James

Whistler (the painting is called Whistler's Mother) 528. Which singer was known as the 'Forces' Sweetheart'? Vera Lynn 529. What does a lepidopterist collect? Butterflies (and moths) 530. What was Genevieve in the 1953 film of the same name? A classic car (a

French 'Darracq' built in Paris in 1904) 531. In which UK cathedral is the Whispering Gallery? St Pauls 532. What are Blue Mountain, Caturra, and Mocca types of? Coffee 533. What was the name of the family in TV's Upstairs Downstairs? Bellamy 534. What type of ape is found on the Rock of Gibraltar? Barbiary Ape 535. In the human body what is the Trachea? Windpipe 536. What does an acrophobic fear? Heights 537. Entomology is the study of which creatures? Insects 538. What is the pole called which is used for propelling a barge or punt? A


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539. In which UK county is Hever Castle? Kent 540. What colours are the flowers of the flax plant? Blue 541. When is St Patrick's Day celebrated? 17th March 542. What is a village without a church called? A hamlet 543. Which male singing voice is between tenor and bass? Baritone 544. In German mythology what is the name of the siren who lived on a rock

and lured boatmen to their deaths? Lorelei 545. In what year were dog licences abolished in England? 1988 546. What type of leaves does a silkworm feed on? Mulberry 547. Which UK newspaper had the first colour supplement? Sunday Times (4th

Feb 1962) 548. What type of creature is a mouthbrooder? A fish 549. What colour is the Misterman Mr Worry? Blue 550. Which group had three consecutive UK Christmas number ones in 1996,

97 and 98? Spice Girls 551. In which sport do Great Britain and the USA compete for the Westchester

Cup? Polo 552. In which war was the Battle of Bosworth Field? Wars of the Roses

(August 1485 - "A horse, a horse,... etc") 553. Who wrote the opera Cosi fan Tutte? Mozart (1790) 554. Who invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell (1876) 555. What is the US state capital of Arizona? Phoenix 556. In which century was the first recorded Viking raid on England? 8th

century (793 AD) 557. Olfactory relates to which of the senses? Smell 558. Rome is on which river? The Tiber 559. What was the name of the bottled water launched by Coca-Cola and then

withdrawn? Dasani 560. Which side of a coin is obverse, heads or tails? Heads 561. What word represents the letter K in radio communications? Kilo 562. Who was the first Plantagenet King of England? Henry the Second (1154-

89) 563. In the TV series Run For Glory which two former Olympic athletes train a

group of novice runners? Steve Cram and Sally Gunnell 564. Which mountain was known as Peak XV until 1865? Mount Everest 565. Who was the first American to orbit the Earth? John Glenn (22 Feb 1962) 566. Who was the Prime Minister of Britain at the start of the First World War?

Herbert Asquith 567. How many players are in an American Football team? Eleven 568. What was the title of Madonna's 1992 book? Sex 569. What are the two ingredients of a screwdriver cocktail? Vodka and orange

juice 570. What does NAAFI stand for in the British forces? Navy Army and Air

Force Institutes 571. In which month is St David's Day celebrated? March 572. New York is on which river? Hudson

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573. On which planet is the Great Dark Spot? Neptune 574. Which famous London sculpture is the work of Sir Alfred Gilbert? Eros 575. In which English county is Nunney Castle? Somerset 576. An icosahedron is a three-dimensional form with how many faces?

Twenty 577. What colour are the flowers on the St John's Wort? Yellow 578. What is the young of an otter called? Whelp 579. What 'colour' was actor Steve Buscemi in the film Reservoir Dogs? Pink 580. What chemical element has the symbol Kr? Krypton 581. What word is the opposite of zenith? Nadir 582. Which character did Dustin Hoffman play in the film Midnight Cowboy?

Ratso 583. Joan of Arc is also known as the 'Maid of..' where? Orleans 584. What type of animal is a Border Leicester? Sheep 585. In anatomy what is the technical term for the kneecap? Patella 586. Which fruit is used to make the drink Calvados? Apple 587. What is the first name of Paul McCartney's fashion designer daughter?

Stella 588. What is the first letter of the Greek alphabet? Alpha 589. What is the flavour of the liqueur Amaretto? Almond 590. Who directed the 1995 film Casino? Martin Scorsese 591. The Thinker is the work of which sculptor? Rodin 592. On which river are the Victoria Falls? Zambesi 593. In the UK military what does SAS stand for? Special Air Service 594. From which type of wood are cricket bats traditionally made? Willow 595. On which part of the body would you wear a sabot? Foot (it's a wooden

shoe) 596. What date of the year is St Swithin's Day? 15 July 597. What is an archer's arrow case called? Quiver 598. What is the largest planet in our solar system? Jupiter 599. What type of creature is an avadavat? Bird 600. Who was the first actress to win an Oscar and an Emmy in the same year?

Helen Hunt (1998 - As Good As It Gets) 601. Who became the First Minister of Northern Ireland in 1998? David

Trimble 602. What is the largest city in Australia? Sydney 603. The Cenotaph is situated in which London street? Whitehall 604. Which team won the 2006 Superbowl? Pittsburgh Steelers 605. What is the title of the lowest order of the British nobility?

Baron/Baroness 606. What is the plant hamamelis commonly known as? Witch hazel 607. What is the name of the substance used for clarifying beer or wine? Fining 608. If a dish is 'en papillote' it is cooked or served in what? Paper 609. Who shot and killed John Lennon in New York, 1980? Mark Chapman 610. What was the title of the first talking film? The Jazz Singer (1927) 611. Which British disc jockey's nickname was 'Fluff'? Alan Freeman

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612. The Blue Boy is a work by which artist? Thomas Gainsborough 613. In which year was the MOT test introduced in UK? 1960 614. Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin? Harriet Beecher Stowe 615. Who discovered the rabies vaccination? Louis Pasteur (1885) 616. How many hearts does an octopus have? Three 617. What is the medical term for the shoulder blade? Scapular 618. Who plays Gabrielle Solis in Desperate Housewives? Eva Longoria 619. Whose autobiography is entitled Zero to Hero? Frank Bruno 620. Who is the Greek god of music? Apollo 621. Who would be put into a panoptican? Prisoners (it's a circular prison with

a hollow core in which the guard sits) 622. John Glenn became which US state's first four-term senator? Ohio 623. What is the birth stone for November? Topaz 624. Who wrote the opera Madama Butterfly? Puccini (1896) 625. Which town is the administrative centre of Shetland? Lerwick 626. In the TV comedy Dad's Army what is Captain Mainwaring's first name?

George 627. Pershore, Victoria and Washington are types of which fruit? Plum 628. Mrs Malaprop is a character in which of Sheridan's plays? The Rivals 629. What did Tim Berners Lee invent? The Internet (or the World Wide Web) 630. Which US city hosted the 1985 Live Aid concert? Philadelphia 631. What is the fatty substance found naturally on sheep's wool called?

Lanolin 632. Haptic relates to which of the five senses? Touch 633. Mal de Mer is the French term for which ailment? Sea-sickness 634. Who played the original Daisy Duke in TV's Dukes Of Hazard? Catherine

Bach 635. What is the second largest island in the world? New Guinea 636. How many times in succession did Bjorn Borg win the Men's Tennis

Singles at Wimbledon? Five 637. What was the title of the 1999 album released by Madness? Wonderful 638. What religious movement was founded by Mary Baker Eddy? Christian

Science 639. What type of animal is a Saki? Monkey 640. What are parentheses otherwise known as? Brackets (in the printed or

written word) 641. What type of animal is a caribou? Reindeer 642. Who wrote the novel Gulliver's Travels? Jonathan Swift 643. What Age followed the Bronze Age? Iron Age 644. What is the third sign of the Zodiac? Gemini 645. Who composed The Planets suite? Gustav Holst (1874-1934) composed in

1918 646. How many bones are in the human skull? Twenty-eight 647. Who was the first boxer to beat Muhammed Ali as a professional? Joe

Frazier 648. What is the collective name for a group of peacocks? A muster

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649. In Greek mythology who flew too close to the sun and fell to his death when his wax wings melted? Icarus

650. What type of structure is a camponile? A bell tower 651. How many strings are on a viola? Four 652. What does ASLEF stand for? Associated Society of Locomotive

Engineers and Firemen (the railway trade union) 653. What is the second highest mountain in the world? K2 654. Which rock band played the first ever concert at London's Roundhouse (in

1966)? Pink Floyd 655. What does an onomast study? Names 656. In which country is the site of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Iraq (60

miles south of Baghdad) 657. Who was the first person in space? Yuri Gagarin (in Vostok 1, on 12th

April 1961) 658. Vulpine relates to which animals? Foxes 659. Which song did Sting sing first at Live Aid in 1985? Roxanne 660. What were the code-names of the five D-Day Landing beaches? Gold,

Juno, Sword, Omaha, Utah. 661. A nebuchadnezzar of wine holds the equivalent of how many bottles?

Twenty 662. What colour is the mineral malachite? Green 663. Who was the first person to circumnavigate the world? Ferdinand

Magellan (1519-21) 664. Jeera is the Indian name for which spice? Cumin 665. What is the name of the parliament of the Isle of Man? Tynwald 666. What is the top or bottom supporting post of a stair-rail called? Newel 667. Which actor is the voice of Stan's gay dog Sparky in the TV cartoon South

Park? George Clooney 668. The density of which substance is measured by a lactometer? Milk 669. What is the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet? Theta 670. Whose autobiography is titled The Good The Bad and the Bubbly?

George Best 671. Epilation is the removal of what? Hair 672. In which country is the region of Dalmation? Croatia 673. Which cosmetics and perfume company was originally named The

California Perfume Co? Avon 674. What is the inscription on the doorstep of the Saatchi and Saatchi offices

in London? Nothing is impossible 675. How many member countries of the British Commonwealth are there (as

at 2006)? Fifty-three 676. Wedgewood Potteries' Queensware was named in honour of which queen?

Queen Charlotte, wife of George III 677. What is the world's fastest growing plant? Bamboo 678. How many eyes does a spider have? Eight 679. What is belladonna commonly known as? Deadly nightshade (the plant) 680. In anatomy what is the outer layer of the skin called? Epidermis

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681. Which 1984 horror film is subtitled 'The Final Chapter'? Friday the 13th 682. What are fino, oloroso and amontillado types of? Sherry 683. Which Egyptian president was shot and killed in 1981? Anwar Sadat 684. The Birth of Venus is a work by which artist? Sandro Botticelli (1445-

1510) 685. Marsh Gas is another name for what gas? Methane 686. In which year was the first telegram sent in the UK? 1870 687. Which actor was born Bernard Schwartz in 1925? Tony Curtis 688. What is the name of the official residence of the Lord Mayor of London?

The Mansion House 689. What was Jim Reeves' only UK No1 hit? Distant Drums (1966) 690. What is the capital of Peru? Lima 691. Who became US president after John F Kennedy was assassinated?

Lyndon B Johnson 692. Who wrote the book The Legend of Sleepy Hollow? Washington Irving 693. What does an acrophobic fear? Heights 694. Which band released an album entitled Wish You Were Here? Pink Floyd 695. Who is the Roman god of fire? Vulcan 696. What is a carrick bend a type of? Knot 697. What is an equilibris? Tightrope walker 698. Whose husband was Cosmopolitan magazine's first nude centrefold?

Germaine Greer 699. In which English county is the ancient monument Stonehenge? Wiltshire 700. Which Sunday newspaper was founded by Lord Beaverbrook in 1918?

The News Of The World 701. What is the collective name for a group of beavers? Colony 702. Who discovered penicillin? Alexander Fleming (1928) 703. What type of creature is a hairstreak? Butterfly 704. Which film starring Robert Redford is set in Wakefield Prison Farm?

Brubaker 705. Aileen Wuornos was notorious for being the world's first what? Female

serial killer 706. What type of fruit is a McIntosh? Apple (named after Canadian farmer

John McIntosh) 707. The Habsberg dynasty were the rulers of which European country? Spain 708. Kulfi is a type of which Indian food? Ice-cream 709. Eugene the Jeep featured in which comic strip? Popeye 710. Who sang the theme tune to the Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies? Sheryl

Crow 711. What is Oenology the study of? Wine 712. What acid is associated with muscles in the body experiencing oxygen

debt? Lactic acid 713. In 1960 which country had the first ever woman prime minister? (Ceylon)

Sri Lanka (Sirimavo Bandaranaike) 714. Nephritis is the inflamation of which part of the body? Kidneys

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715. Who played the father in the 1950 film Father Of The Bride? Spencer Tracy

716. What are classified using the Munsell system? Colours 717. If an insect is apterous what has it not got? Wings 718. In which country would you find the Southern Alps? New Zealand 719. What does OPEC stand for? Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting

Countries 720. Padauk is a type of what natural substance? Wood 721. How many carats is pure gold? 24 722. What was the first name of Winston Churchill's first wife? Clementine 723. What was the Rolling Stones' first UK number 1 hit? It's All Over Now 724. What is the bullet-proof screen on a military vehicle called? Mantlet 725. The Battle of Naseby was fought during which war? English Civil War

(June 1645) 726. How many hulls does a catamaran have? Two 727. Jazz singer Eleanor Gough McKay was better known by which name?

Billie Holiday 728. In which country is Africa's highest ski resort? Morocco 729. If a dish is parmentier what is it cooked or served with? Potatoes 730. In boxing what weight is between a flyweight and a featherweight?

Bantamweight 731. Boudicca (Boadicea) was the Queen of where? Iceni 732. What type of plant is a saguaro? Cactus 733. Which designer was made famous by his headwear worn by his mother

Gertrude? David Shilling 734. In which city were the 1972 Summer Olympics held? Munich 735. Which politician came second in the 2001 Tory Party leadership contest?

Kenneth Clarke 736. What colour is stone lapis lazuli? Blue 737. What is a camel with one hump called? Dromedary 738. What spirit is used to make a Harvey Wallbanger? Vodka 739. Who took over from Richard Whiteley as the presenter of TV's

Countdown? Des Lynham 740. Where was the 1986 World Cup held? Mexico 741. Who was the last player to captain England before David Beckham?

Martin Keown 742. What football club did Gordon Banks play for when he won his 1966

World Cup medal? Leicester City 743. Fill in the missing name in this sequence of England managers: Ramsey,

Mercer, Revie, ? , Robson. Ron Greenwood (1977-82) 744. Which of these players never scored a hat-trick for England: Bobby

Charlton, Gary Lineker, Paul Scholes, Luther Blissett, Teddy Sheringham, Alan Shearer? Teddy Sheringham

745. England coaches Sammy Lee and Ray Clemence played together at which club? Liverpool

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746. How many places were allocated to African teams for the 2006 World Cup? Five

747. What did all these players win between 1989 and 1997: Paul Merson, Matt Le Tissier, Lee Sharpe, Ryan Giggs, Andy Cole, Robbie Fowler and David Beckham? The (PFA) Young Player of the Year award, 1989-97

748. Aside from goalkeepers, which two England captains since 1966 never scored their country? Mick Mills and Trevor Cherry.

749. Which of these players never captained England's senior team: Peter Beardsley, Paul Ince, David Seaman, Bobby Charlton, Gordon Banks? Gordon Banks

750. Who was England's football manager in the 1970 World Cup? Sir Alf Ramsey

751. How many players in England's 2006 World Cup squad were also in the 1998 squad? And to ask a tougher question, name them..) Five - Sol Campbell, Gary Neville, David Beckham, Michael Owen and Rio Ferdinand

752. Which manager first appointed David Beckham as England captain? Peter Taylor (for Taylor's one match in charge as caretaker manager, versus Italy in November 2000)

753. Who was the first player to play for England who had not been born when England won the world cup in 1966? Tony Adams

754. What was the score after extra time before England lost on penalties to Portugal in the quarter final of the European Championship in June 2004? 2-2 (Portugal won the penalty shoot-out 6-5)

755. In what World Cup did the England goals by Mariner, Robson and Francis feature in games against France, Czechoslovakia and Kuwait? Spain 1982

756. Who was England's first national team manager? Walter Winterbottom (1946-63)

757. Whose injury made way for Geoff Hurst in England's 1966 World Cup team? Jimmy Greaves

758. Who was the first defender to captain England after Bobby Moore? Emlyn Hughes

759. What football club did Bobby Charlton play for when he won his 1966 World Cup medal? Manchester United

760. Who was the first £100,000 football transfer? Dennis Law (from Torino Manchester United in 1962)

761. What decade was the white ball legalised in football? 1950's (1950) 762. What did these players all win between 1963 and 1968: Lev Yashin,

Dennis Law, Eusebio, Bobby Charlton, Florian Albert and George Best? European Footballer of the Year award (from 1963-1968)

763. Who was the first football transfer over £100,000 between English clubs? Alan Ball (from Blackpool to Everton in 1966)

764. Where and when were the three World Cup tournaments that England failed to qualify for after 1966? West Germany 1974, Argentina 1978 and USA 1994

765. Where was the 1962 World Cup held? Chile

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766. Who were England's full backs in the 1966 World Cup Final? Ray Wilson and George Cohen

767. Who was the first £1m football transfer between English clubs? Trevor Francis (from Birmingham to Nottingham Forest in 1979)

768. What football club did Bobby Moore play for when he won his 1966 World Cup medal? West Ham United

769. Bobby Moore and Billy Wright share the record for the number of games as England captain with 90 each. At the start of the 2006 World Cup which player captained England the most times aside from Moore and Wright? Bryan Robson (65 times from 1982-91)

770. Who was the first £2m football transfer between English clubs? Paul Gasgoigne (from Newcastle to Tottenham in 1988)

771. What height and width is a football goal? Eight feet high (2.4m) and eight yards wide (7.3m)

772. What football club did Jackie Charlton play for when he won his 1966 World Cup medal? Leeds United

773. Who, according to FIFA regulations, was responsible for supplying the footballs for the 2006 World Cup qualifying stage games? The host football association, ie., Germany (incidentally FIFA supplies the balls for the final competition)

774. In what decade was England's first national team manager appointed? 1940's (1946 - Walter Winterbottom)

775. What football club did Roger Hunt play for when he won his 1966 World Cup medal? Liverpool

776. In what World Cups did Bryan Robson appear? 1982, 1986 and 1990 777. What is the minimum rest period between two games for any team at the

2006 World Cup according to FIFA competition rules? 48 hours 778. Which 1970 World Cup England striker retired to run a successful West

Midlands window cleaning business? Jeff Astle 779. Fill in the missing name in this sequence of England managers: Taylor,

Venables, Hoddle, ? , Keegan. Howard Wilkinson (caretaker manager in 1999 and 2000)

780. Who were England's three goalkeepers in the 1982 World Cup? Ray Clemence, Peter Shilton, and ....... Joe Corrigan (of Manchester City)

781. What did all of these players win between 1995 and 1999: Jurgen Klinsmann, Eric Cantona, Gian Franco Zola, Dennis Bergkamp and David Ginola? Winners of the English Football Player of the Year award (Football Writer's Player of the Year, 1995-99)

782. What football club did Nobby Stiles play for when he won his 1966 World Cup medal? Manchester United

783. Which past England captain is the only player in English football to have captained an English Football League-winning club in three different decades? Tony Adams

784. How many places were allocated to European teams for the 2006 World Cup, including the hosts Germany? Fourteen

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785. Who appeared most times for England and how many times? Peter Shilton, 125 caps

786. Between the 1966 and 2006 World Cups only four England captains have played for three different clubs while captaining their country, who are they? Paul Ince (Manchester United/Inter Milan/Liverpool), David Platt (Juventus/Sampdoria/Arsenal), Kevin Keegan (Liverpool/Hamburg/Southampton) and, wait for it ...... Peter Shilton (Nottingham Forest/Southampton/Derby)

787. What football club did Geoff Hurst play for when he won his 1966 World Cup medal? West Ham United

788. What decade was the crossbar introduced in Football? 1870's (1875) 789. Who broke his neck in the 1956 FA Cup Final? Bert Trautmann of

Manchester City 790. Who was the first football transfer over £10m between English clubs?

Alan Shearer (Blackburn to Newcastle in 1996) 791. Who replaced David Seaman as England's third choice goalkeeper in the

1990 World Cup squad after Seaman injured his thumb in training? Dave Beasant (of Wimbledon)

792. Where was the 1978 World Cup held? Argentina 793. FIFA's 2006 World Cup rules dictate a squad size of how many players?

Twenty-three 794. In what World Cup did Mark Hateley and Gary Lineker wear the 9 and 10

shirts? 1986 795. What did each of these players win between 1996 and 2000: Matthias

Sammer, Ronaldo, Zinedine Zedane, Rivaldo, and Luis Figo? European Footballer of the Year award (from 1996-2000)

796. Where was the 1998 World Cup held? France 797. Who was the first black footballer to win a full England cap? Viv

Anderson, 1978 798. What football club did Martin Peters play for when he won his 1966

World Cup medal? West Ham United 799. Which manager took England to the semi-final of the world cup in 1990?

Bobby Robson 800. Whose last game as manager of England was a 0-0 draw away to Portugal

in 1974? Sir Alf Ramsey 801. It is said that an international football match in 1969 started a war between

which two nations in the central Americas? El Salvador v Honduras 802. What football club did George Cohen play for when he won his 1966

World Cup medal? Fulham 803. How many medals will be awarded to each of the first, second and third

placed teams at the 2006 World Cup? Forty-five - that's 45 to each team. Amazing - who gets them all? If you know please tell me..

804. Who were England's four successful penalty takers in the winning 4-2 penalty shoot-out against Spain in the Euro-96 Championship quarter-final at Wembley? Shearer, Platt, Pearce, and Gascoigne (also the first four successful penalty takers in the next round versus Germany - Sheringham was the next to

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score against Germany; Southgate's penalty was saved and Germany won 6-5 to go through to the Euro-96 final)

805. What football club did Ray Wilson play for when he won his 1966 World Cup medal? Everton

806. Which team did England beat in the 1990 World Cup when Gary Lineker's second successful penalty of the game gave England victory in extra time? Cameroon

807. What football club did Alan Ball play for when he won his 1966 World Cup medal? Everton

808. In the event of a team failing to fulfil or complete a match at the 2006 World Cup Final tournament, what is the score awarded to the other team by the organising committee? 3-0 (or greater if the score was greater at the time of the withdrawal)

809. Who scored England's dying seconds winner against Belgium in the 1990 World Cup? David Platt

810. How many managers had been in charge of the England football team before Alf Ramsey? Just one (Walter Winterbottom).

811. Who was England's goalkeeper in the losing game against Germany in the 1970 World Cup? Peter Bonetti

812. Who were Everton's representatives in England's 1966 World Cup winning team? Alan Ball and Ray Wilson

813. Where are the headquarters of FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association)? Zurich, Switzerland.

814. How many players in England's 2006 World Cup squad had previously captained their country? (Or to ask a tougher question, name them..) Four - David Beckham, Michael Owen, Steven Gerrard, and, wait for it ....... Sol Campbell

815. Entertainment quiz816. Which former Miss World played TV's Wonderwoman in the 1970's?

Lynda Carter 817. Who wrote the novel Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas'? Hunter

Thompson 818. Which musician's original name was Declan McManus? Elvis Costello 819. Whose autobiography was entitled Unreliable Memoirs? Clive James 820. Who was Bertie Wooster's servant? Reginald Jeeves 821. The song The Rhythm Of Life comes from which musical? Sweet Charity 822. Which singer released a 1984 album called Alf? Alison Moyet 823. What was the title of the Beatles' first UK No 1 single? From Me To You

(1963) 824. Who played the Birdman of Alcatraz in the 1962 film? Burt Lancaster 825. Which comedy due were known as Derek and Clive? Peter Cook and

Dudley Moore 826. Who was the first star to appear as Cosmopolitan magazine's centrefold?

Burt Reynolds 827. What was the name of the car in The Duke's Of Hazzard? General Lee 828. Who was the child star of Steven Spielberg's Empire Of The Sun?

Christian Bale

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829. What was the cow called in the children's TV animation The Magic Roundabout? Ermintrude

830. Which football team did Gordon Ramsey play for before becoming a chef? Glasgow Rangers

831. Who presented TV's Room 101 before Paul Merton? Nick Hancock 832. How many Oscars did the 1997 film Titanic win? Eleven 833. Who killed Maxine Peacock in Coronation Street? Richard Hillman 834. Which father and daughter starred in the film Paper Moon? Ryan and

Tatum O'Neal 835. What was the name of the character played by David Cassidy in TV's The

Partridge Family? Keith Partridge 836. What is the title of Tennessee Williams' only comedy? Period Of

Adjustment 837. Who was the Beatles' original drummer? Pete Best 838. What is the name of the road where TV's Desperate Housewives live?

Wisteria Lane 839. What is the sisters' surname in the novel Little Women by Louisa May

Alcott? March (Amy, Beth, Jo, and Meg) 840. Who played Angela Phinlay in the 1938 film Asphalt Jungle? Marilyn

Monroe 841. In which 1985 was Madonna's first starring role? Desperately Seeking

Susan 842. Who directed the 1997 film Ice Storm? Ang Lee 843. What is the name of the school in the Harry Potter books? Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 844. Who is Calvin Broadus better known as? Snoop Dogg 845. The 1970's bands Wizzard and ELO resulted from the split what 1960's

group? The Move 846. Who played Elwood in the original film The Blues Brothers? Dan

Ackroyd 847. Kim Peek, the famous 'savant', inspired Dustin Hoffman's character in

which film? Rainman 848. Who was the drummer in the band Free? Simon Kirk 849. In which year skating stars Torville and Dean win Olympic gold medals?

1984 850. Which cartoon character has nephews Morty and Ferdy? Mickey Mouse 851. In which city is the Doors vocalist Jim Morrison buried? Paris 852. Which Rocky film had The Eye Of The Tiger as its theme song? Rocky

III 853. Which of the Sex Pistols was christened John Beverly? Sid Vicious 854. Which famous rock band were formerly known as The High Numbers?

The Who 855. What is the name of the captain of the Pequod in the novel Moby Dick?

Captain Ahab 856. Who directed the 1988 film Beetlejuice? Tim Burton 857. Who wrote the novel A Clockwork Orange? Anthony Burgess

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858. In TV's Coronation street how many sons did Mike Baldwin have? Three (Danny, Mark and Adam, bless 'em)

859. What character does Uma Thurman play in the 1997 film Batman and Robin? Poison Ivy

860. What was the title of Elvis Costello's first album? My Aim Is True (1977) 861. Who won the award for the best comedy newcomer at the British comedy

awards in 2003? David Walliams 862. Who did George Clooney play in TV's ER? Doctor Doug Ross 863. In which novel was the character Holden Caulfield? The Catcher In The

Rye 864. In which Australian TV Soap did Dannii Minogue star? Home and Away 865. What causes Lily Tomlin to shrink in the 1981 film The Incredible

Shrinking Woman? Perfume 866. Who wrote the opera Billy Budd? Benjamin Britten (1951) 867. With which UK airport is actress Lorraine Chase associated? Luton (she

mentioned it in a popular 1970's Campari advert) 868. What was Dorothy's surname in the Wizard Of Oz? Gale 869. Which pop star took Dick James to court over a royalty dispute in 1985

and won? Elton John 870. Who sang the theme for the Bond film For Your Eyes Only? Sheena

Easton 871. How many light years was ET away from home? Three million (not far

then...) 872. Who is the presenter on Channel 4's show Time Team? Tony Robinson 873. What was the name of the Long Island resort in the 1975 film Jaws?

Amity 874. Who was the first singer to have three consecutive releases reach number

one in the UK? Elvis Presley 875. What was the name of the fictitious hair dresser who sued to phone in to

Steve Wright's radio show? Gervais

876. What is the Roman numeral for 50? L 877. Jack Bauer is the main character in which TV series? 24 878. The statue on the top of London's Old Bailey building is holding what in

her right hand? A sword 879. What is the sign of the Zodiac represented by a crab? Cancer 880. Tactile relates to which of the senses? Touch 881. What does the F stand for in John F Kennedy? Fitzgerald 882. Which is the largest city in the USA? New York 883. What is a camel with two humps called? Bactrian 884. What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet? Omega 885. Who wrote the novel Cider With Rosie? Laurie Lee 886. An alligator pear is another name for which fruit? Avocado 887. Marie McLaughlin Lawrie is the real name of which singer? Lulu

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888. What was the name of the character played by Eddie Murphy in the 1984 film Beverley Hills Cop? Axel Foley

889. What is the common name for nitrous oxide? Laughing Gas 890. Which vegetables are hash browns made from? Potatoes 891. In the English National Lottery how many red thunderballs are there (as at

2006)? 14 892. Which British Royal Wedding was the first to be broadcast in colour?

Princess Anne and Mark Phillips 893. Who scored a hat-trick in the 1966 World Cup Final? Geoff Hurst (of

England) 894. Which country is Red Stripe lager originally from? Jamaica 895. In which year was the Falklands War? 1982 896. What is the name of the space station first launched by the Soviet Union

in 1986? MIR 897. When are pancakes traditionally eaten? Shrove Tuesday 898. What does EPNS stand for? Electro-plated Nickel Silver (seen on cutlery,

etc) 899. Who is the Roman God of Love? Cupid 900. Who was Henry VIII's first wife? Catherine of Aragon 901. What type of domestic cat has no tail? Manx 902. What is the medical term for the breastbone? Sternum 903. What is a supposed straight line connecting three or more ancient sites

called? Ley line 904. Which perfume house launched its Dune perfume in 1991? Christian Dior 905. Who wrote Wind In The Willows? Kenneth Grahame 906. Where was the Magna Carta signed? Runnymede (1215) 907. Who wrote the opera Porgy and Bess? George Gershwin 908. What is the world's longest river? The Nile 909. The Haywain is the work of which artist? John Constable 910. What is the collective term for a group of geese? Gaggle 911. Who was the first prime minister to live in No10 Downing Street? Robert

Walpole (1735) 912. Which country has the international car registration 'D'? Germany 913. Early Rivers, Morello and Napoleon are types of which fruit? Cherries 914. What does a philatelist collect? Stamps 915. A nicker was slang for which British pre-decimal currency unit? A pound 916. Which English county is known as the Garden of England? Kent 917. What type of animal is an Ibex? Goat 918. The spice saffron is made from the dried stigmas of which flower? Crocus 919. Which animal lives in a holt? Otter 920. Which was the last of the seven 'Road' films starring Bob Hope and Bing

Crosby? The Road to Hong Kong 921. In which month is St George's Day? April (23rd) 922. Which anniversary is celebrated upon 25 years of marriage? Silver 923. In which sport is an epée? Fencing 924. In which war was the Battle of the Somme? First World War (in 1918)

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925. In which European city would you find Checkpoint Charlie? Berlin 926. Which car manufacturer makes the Jazz model? Honda 927. Who took over from Magnus Magnassun as host of (UK) TV's

Mastermind? John Humphreys 928. Who was William Claude Duncan field better known as? WC Fields 929. Which 1969 film had the Oscar-winning song Raindrops Keep Falling On

My Head? Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 930. What was Westlife's first UK No1 hit? Swear It Again 931. What was the name of the character played by Michael Douglas in the

1987 film Wall Street? Gordon Gekko 932. Whose autobiography is entitled Is It Me? Terry Wogan 933. Which singer's real name is Paul Hewson? Bono (of U2) 934. Which actor is the voice of Homer Simpson's brother Herb? Danny Devito 935. Who directed the 1966 film Torn Curtain? Alfred Hitchcock 936. What car did Thelma and Louise drive? '66 Thunderbird 937. Which member of Led Zeppelin dies in 1980 age 32? Drummer John

Bonham 938. Which Beatles film features a mad scientist named Doctor Foot? Help? 939. How many Oscars did Joan Crawford win? One 940. What are the first names of the three Railway Children, the film from the

novel by Edith Nesbit? Peter, Phyllis and Roberta 941. Who wrote the poem Ode To A Nightingale? John Keats 942. What is the title of the 1985 film about Ruth Ellis, the last woman to be

hanged in Britain? Dance With A Stranger 943. How many roles does Eddie Murphy play in the 1996 film The Nutty

Professor? Seven 944. Who played the character Vivian in (UK) TV's The Young Ones? Adrian

Edmondson 945. Which European city is the setting for the 1973 film Don't Look Now?

Venice 946. Who wrote the Opera La Boheme? Puccini (1896) 947. The film Forrest Gump won how many Oscars? Six 948. The White Fokker was the first story to feature which hero? Biggles 949. Who was Humphrey the 10 Downing Street cat who died in 2006 named

after? Sir Humphrey Appleby, in TV's Yes Minister 950. Which was the first Road film featuring Bing Crosby and Bob Hope? The

Road to Singapore (1940) 951. Which Rodgers and Hammerstein musical features Prince Chula

Longkorn? The King And I 952. Which famous music festival was first staged in 1970? Glastonbury 953. Who plays New York gangster Noodles in the 1984 film Once Upon A

Time In America? Robert de Niro 954. Which celebrity was known as The Joan Collins Fan Club? Julian Clary 955. Who played James Bond in the film Goldfinger? Sean Connery 956. Who were the first artists to appear in (UK) TV's Top Of The Pops? The

Rolling Stones (playing I Wanna Be Your Man in 1964)

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957. In which country are the Cariboo Mountains? Canada (British Columbia) 958. In which month is Lady Day (UK)? March 959. Who was the first Lancaster King of England? Henry IV (ruled from

1399-1413) 960. A mahout is a person who works with and rides what? Elephants 961. What is the capital of Romania? Bucharest 962. What is the name of our nearest galaxy? Andromeda (2.3m light-years

way) 963. In which city was the artist Francis Bacon born? Dublin 964. Who saved the magazine Private Eye from financial ruin in 1962? Peter

Cook (the comedian partner of Dudley Moore) 965. Cartomancy is fortune-telling using what? Playing cards 966. Aioli is mayonnaise seasoned with what? Garlic 967. Lego building blocks originated from which country? Denmark ('Leg

Godt' means 'play well' in Danish) 968. What type of creature is a an Eland? Antelope 969. What does UNICEF stand for? United Nations International Children's

Emergency Fund 970. What is the longest river in France? The Loire 971. Where in the human body is the thyroid gland? Neck 972. On which country's stock exchange is the All Ordinaries index? Australia 973. Which health minister was responsible for the introduction of the UK

National Health Service? Aneurin Bevan 974. What is dromophobia a fear of? Crossing the road 975. What were artist LS Lowry's first names? Laurence Stephen 976. Who was the first person to cross Antarctica? Vivian Fuchs (1957-58,

English explorer) 977. What colour are the flowers of the harebell? Blue 978. In anatomy what are the nates? Buttocks 979. What is the Roman numeral for 500? D 980. In which country is the church with the tallest spire in the world?

Germany (Ulm Munster) 981. How many astronauts have walked on the moon? Twelve 982. Who were Balthazar, Melchior, and Gaspar? The Three Wise Men (or the

Three Kings) 983. Wild majoram is another name for which herb? Oregano 984. Latten is an alloy of which two metals? Copper and Zinc 985. Malibu Beach is in which US state? California 986. Which insect lives in a formicary? Ant 987. What is Sir Alan Sugar's charter airline called? Amsair 988. Lupine relates to which animals? Wolves 989. In which Yorkshire castle did Richard II die in 1400? Pontefract 990. What is ascorbic acid commonly known as? Vitamin C 991. Bunny was the sidekick of which fictional thief? Raffles 992. In which year was the Sydney Opera House opened? 1973 993. What type of nuts are used to make marzipan? Almond

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994. What is a negatively charged electrode called? Cathode 995. Which war started following the assassination of Archduke Franz

Ferdinand? World War One 996. What type of fruit is a Bergamot? Pear 997. A paradiddle is a playing technique for which instrument? The drums (or

a drum) 998. Which two teams played in the first FA Cup Final at the original

Wembley Stadium? Bolton Wanderers and West Ham (1923, Bolton won 2-0 - the crowd was estimated at 200,000 because about 70,000 burst through the gates without tickets. The original Wembley Stadium cost £750,000 and 300 days to build)

999. How many Grand Prix did Graham Hill win? Fourteen 1000. An oenophile is a connoisseur of what? Wine 1001. Which was the first US state to enter the Union? Delaware (1787) 1002. A terawatt is how many megawatts? A million 1003. Which British airport was opened to passengers in 1946? Heathrow 1004. What is decompression sickness commonly known as? The Bends (as

suffered by divers due to pressure-change when surfacing too quickly) 1005. What is the offspring of a donkey and a horse called? A mule (or a hinny) 1006. In which UK newspaper did the first crossword appear? The Sunday

Express (November 1924) 1007. Which American writer created Tarzan? Edgar Rice Burroughs 1008. What is the art of decorative writing called? Calligraphy 1009. In which part of the human body would you find the talus? Ankle 1010. In which European city is the International Court of Justice based? The

Hague 1011. What type of weather is Brontophobia a fear of? Thunder 1012. Sandra Goodrich was better known what 1960's singer? Sandy Shaw 1013. Which American artist died in a car crash in 1956? Jackson Pollock 1014. What type of flower is a ladies slipper? Orchid 1015. In what type of establishment was Lloyds of London formed in 1688? A

Coffee House (called Edward Lloyd's) 1016. A natatorium is what type of amenity? Swimming pool (partcularly

indoors) 1017. Who was Henry VIII's fourth wife? Anne of Cleves (Jan-Jul 1540) 1018. What (as at August 2006) is the world's longest running children's TV

programme? Blue Peter 1019. What was Elvis Presley's first record label? Sun Records 1020. Who designed London's Marble Arch? John Nash 1021. Which perfume was named for Coco Chanel's birthday? Chanel No19 1022. Whose autobiography is entitled Testing Times? Graham Gooch 1023. What painful custom was outlawed in China in 1912? Binding the feet of

young girls 1024. How many British Open Golf Championships has Nick Faldo won (as at

2006)? Three 1025. What was the first UK colour TV advertisement? Birds Eye peas (1969)

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1026. Who was actor Tony Curtis' first wife? Janet Leigh 1027. What is the birthstone for February? Amethyst 1028. Who composed Peter and the Wolf? Sergey Prokofiev (1936) 1029. In which English county is Belvoir (pronounced 'beaver') Castle?

Leicestershire (close to the Lincolnshire border and Grantham) 1030. What is the name of Al Pacino's character in the 1983 film Scarface?

Tony Montana 1031. Who designed Princess Dianna's wedding dress? David and Elizabeth

Emanuel 1032. If a floor or surface is marmoreal what is it made of? Marble 1033. What does JPEG stand for? Joint Photographics Expert Group 1034. Who discovered Panama in 1503? Christopher Columbus 1035. Which English city is the setting for TV's Inspector Morse? Oxford 1036. What is the fastest running British bird? Pheasant (up to 21 mph) 1037. Andy Cap is the work of which cartoonist? Reg Smythe 1038. What does a cartographer draw? Maps 1039. Who is the Roman Goddess of War? Minerva 1040. What type of creature is an alcid? Bird 1041. What is the wife of a Marquess? Marchioness 1042. What is the currency of Egypt? Pound (comprising 100 piastres) 1043. What is the only part of the human body which has no blood supply?

Cornea (part of the eye) 1044. Whish British Prime Minister followed Winston Churchill's first term as

PM? Clement Atlee (1945-51) 1045. TV chefs (UK) Simon King and David Myers are better known as? The

Hairy Bikers 1046. With what other large building society did the Nationwide merge in the

1980's? The Anglia Building Society 1047. What type of fruit is a gean? Cherry 1048. What is the brightest star in the night sky? Sirius (or the Dog Star, 8.7

light years from Earth, twice as big as our Sun and 20 times brighter) 1049. What is the world's second largest sea? Caribbean 1050. What is the name of silver in heraldry? Argent 1051. Nephology is the study of what high subject? Clouds 1052. In which year did Esther Rantzen launch Childline? 1986 1053. How many boroughs does New York have? Five (Manhattan, Brooklyn,

Queens, Staten Island, The Bronx) 1054. Which Mediterranean plant used in medicine and magic was said to shriek

when pulled from the ground? Mandrake 1055. Ursine relates to which large furred animals? Bears 1056. Cardiff in Wales is on which river? Taff 1057. Which Italian city is the setting for the film starring Cher and Judi Dench

called Tea With Mussolini? Florence 1058. Who had the best selling debut album by a female artist of the 20th

century? Whitney Houston 1059. Who plays Edie Britt in TV's desperate Housewives? Nicolette Sheridan

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1060. Who played a chain-smoking womanising angle in the 1996 film Michael? John Travolta

1061. Which underworld character's autobiography was entitled Odd Man Out? Ronnie Biggs

1062. Which actor's original name was Richard Jenkins? Richard Burton 1063. Who was Jessica Rabbit's speaking voice in the 1998 film Who Frames

Roger Rabbit? Kathleen Turner 1064. What US sitcom's famous fictional venue is at 112½ Beacon Street?

Cheers (the bar) 1065. Who was cartoonist William Hannah's professional partner? Joseph

Barbera 1066. In the 1938 film Bringing Up Baby, what is 'baby'? A Leopard 1067. Which Quentin Tarantino film was originally called Black Mask? Pulp

Fiction 1068. In which Marx Bothers film does the character Rufus T Firefly appear?

Duck Soup 1069. What is composer George Gershwin's famous brother's name? Ira

Gershwin 1070. Who directed the 1960 film The Alamo? John Wayne 1071. What is the name of the school in Muriel Spark's novel The Prime of Miss

Jean Brodie? The Marcia Blaine School for Girls 1072. Which two musicians founded Band Aid in 1984? Bob Geldof and Midge

Ure 1073. Who did Billie Piper play in Dr Who? Rose Tyler 1074. What was the title of the first colour Carry On film? Carry On Cruising

(1962) 1075. How many wives did actor Cary Grant have? Five (not all at the same

time of course..) 1076. Vincent Price's last screen appearance was in which film? Edward

Scissorhands (1990) 1077. What was the name of the department store in the UK 1970's TV show

Are You Being Served? Grace Brothers 1078. The 1976 film All The President's Men is about which US political

scandal? Watergate 1079. Which sporting event was BBC2's first colour transmission in 1967?

Wimbledon Tennis Championships 1080. Which singer made his first TV appearance in 1956 on the Dorsey

Brother's Show? Elvis Presley 1081. Steve Brookstein was the first winner of which UK TV talent show? The

X-Factor 1082. Who played Willy Wonka in the 1971 film Willy Wonka And The

Chocolate Factory? Gene Wilder 1083. What is the assistant to the chief electrician of a film crew called? Best

Boy 1084. What is the name of the police chief The Simpsons? Clancy Wiggun 1085. Michael Myers is a character in which series of films? Halloween

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1086. In the 1970's who became the first Jamaican singer ever to top the US pop charts? Carl Douglas (with Kung Fu Fighting)

1087. Which Italian city is the setting for the film starring Cher and Judi Dench called Tea With Mussolini? Florence

1088. Who had the best selling debut album by a female artist of the 20th century? Whitney Houston

1089. Who plays Edie Britt in TV's desperate Housewives? Nicolette Sheridan 1090. Who played a chain-smoking womanising angle in the 1996 film

Michael? John Travolta 1091. Which underworld character's autobiography was entitled Odd Man Out?

Ronnie Biggs 1092. Which actor's original name was Richard Jenkins? Richard Burton 1093. Who was Jessica Rabbit's speaking voice in the 1998 film Who Frames

Roger Rabbit? Kathleen Turner 1094. What US sitcom's famous fictional venue is at 112½ Beacon Street?

Cheers (the bar)1095. Who was cartoonist William Hannah's professional partner? Joseph

Barbera 1096. In the 1938 film Bringing Up Baby, what is 'baby'? A Leopard 1097. Which Quentin Tarantino film was originally called Black Mask? Pulp

Fiction 1098. In which Marx Bothers film does the character Rufus T Firefly appear?

Duck Soup 1099. What is composer George Gershwin's famous brother's name? Ira

Gershwin 1100. Who directed the 1960 film The Alamo? John Wayne 1101. What is the name of the school in Muriel Spark's novel The Prime of Miss

Jean Brodie? The Marcia Blaine School for Girls 1102. Which two musicians founded Band Aid in 1984? Bob Geldof and Midge

Ure 1103. Who did Billie Piper play in Dr Who? Rose Tyler 1104. What was the title of the first colour Carry On film? Carry On Cruising

(1962) 1105. How many wives did actor Cary Grant have? Five (not all at the same

time of course..) 1106. Vincent Price's last screen appearance was in which film? Edward

Scissorhands (1990) 1107. What was the name of the department store in the UK 1970's TV show

Are You Being Served? Grace Brothers 1108. The 1976 film All The President's Men is about which US political

scandal? Watergate 1109. Which sporting event was BBC2's first colour transmission in 1967?

Wimbledon Tennis Championships 1110. Which singer made his first TV appearance in 1956 on the Dorsey

Brother's Show? Elvis Presley

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1111. Steve Brookstein was the first winner of which UK TV talent show? The X-Factor

1112. Who played Willy Wonka in the 1971 film Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory? Gene Wilder

1113. What is the assistant to the chief electrician of a film crew called? Best Boy

1114. What is the name of the police chief The Simpsons? Clancy Wiggun 1115. Michael Myers is a character in which series of films? Halloween 1116. In the 1970's who became the first Jamaican singer ever to top the US pop

charts? Carl Douglas (with Kung Fu Fighting)

1117. What was the title of Marilyn Monroe's unfinished 1962 film? Something's Got To Give

1118. Which awards were first presented in 1929? The Oscars 1119. Who had the fastest selling debut single in UK pop chart history? Will

Young (March 2002, double A-side 'Evergreen' and 'Anything is possible', selling more over 400,000 on its day of release and over than a million in a week.)

1120. On which island was the TV series Bergerac set? Jersey 1121. Which was the first British sitcom to win the best comedy prize at the

Golden Globe awards? The Office (2004) 1122. Which showman coined the phrase 'The greatest show on earth'? Phineas

T Barnum 1123. In which country was actress Ursula Andress born? Switzerland 1124. In which British river did novelist Virginia Wolf drown? River Ouse

(1941) 1125. Which guitarist joined the Rolling Stones having played with Rod Stewart

and the Faces? Ronnie Wood 1126. Who is the presenter of UK TV's Deal or No Deal (as at 2006)? Noel

Edmonds 1127. Who did Robert Vaughan and David McCallum play in TV's The Man

From UNCLE? Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakian 1128. In which year were LP records first introduced? 1948 1129. Which musician was known as Satchmo? Louis Armstrong 1130. Who wrote the novel on which the Bogart film The African Queen was

based? C S Forester 1131. Which 1980's pop group were named after a 1960 film starring Robert

Wagner, Natalie Wood and Pearl Bailey? The Fine Young Cannibals 1132. Whose orchestral works include Enigma Variations? Edward Elgar 1133. Who plays the plastic surgeon in the 19992 film Death Becomes Her?

Bruce Willis 1134. Craig Stirling is a character in which cult TV show? The Champions 1135. Which film was based on an unproduced play called Everybody Comes

To Ricks? Casablanca (1942)

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1136. What is the name of the taxi driver played by Robert De Niro in the 1976 film Taxi Driver? Travis Bickle

1137. Which singer released an album called Drag? k d lang 1138. Whose autobiography is entitled Citizen Jane? Jane Fonda 1139. In which Beatles song are the names Vera, Chuck and Dave? When I'm

Sixty-Four 1140. Lou Todd and Andy Pipkin are characters in which British TV show?

Little Britain 1141. How many 'Mr colours' were there in the 1991 film Reservoir Dogs? Six

(White, Orange, Blue, Blonde, Pink, Brown.) 1142. Which US disc jockey is the subject of the 1996 film Private Parts?

Howard Stern 1143. Which female American country singer died in a plane crash in 1963?

Pasty Cline 1144. In the film The Wizard Of Oz, what does Dorothy have to steal from the

Wicked Witch of the West? Her broomstick 1145. How many films did Richard Burton and Elizabeth star in together? Ten 1146. What are the two cities in the Charles Dickens novel A Tale Of Two

Cities? Paris and London 1147. Which US state has the longest shoreline? Alaska (33,904 miles) 1148. How many children did Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister) have?

Four (Diana, Randolph, Sarah, Marigold) 1149. Who was the first cricketer in history to take 300 test match wickets? Fred

Truman 1150. What type of creature is an albacore? Fish 1151. Which UK newspaper was founded in September 1964? The Sun 1152. Which is the hottest planet in our solar system? Venus 1153. What is the capital of the Philippines? Manila 1154. A Macfarlane is what type of clothing item? Coat 1155. Who was the first Hanover King of England? George I (1714-1727) 1156. From which country does the drink Kvass originate? Russia 1157. What IBM (the IT systems company) stand for? International Business

Machines 1158. What is the plant saintpaulia commonly known as? African violet 1159. What part of the body does Keratitis affect? The eye (inflammation of the

cornea) 1160. Lacustrine is a technical term relating to what? Lakes 1161. What are Latter Day Saints otherwise known as? Mormons 1162. What rank in the Royal Navy is above Able Seaman and below Petty

Officer? Leading Seaman 1163. What is a puppet worked by strings called? Marionette 1164. Where is the deepest lake in the world? Siberia (Russia - Lake Baikal,

5,712ft deep) 1165. The natterjack toad has what colour stripe down its back? Yellow 1166. How many wheels did a hansen cab have? Two 1167. Who discovered Victoria Falls in 1855? Dr David Livingstone

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1168. The US Labour Day falls in which month? September (the first Monday) 1169. During World War II, forged paintings by which artist were produced by

Jan Van Meegeren? Jan Vermeer 1170. Anosmia is the technical term for the loss of which sense? Smell 1171. Jargonelle, Seckel and Winter Nelis are types of which fruit? Pear 1172. In which country was fashion designer Helmut Lang born? Austria 1173. What country has the international car registration EAK? Kenya 1174. How many strings does a balalaika typically have? Three 1175. A carat (gemstone measurement) is the equivalent of how many

milligrams? 200 1176. Beriberi is a disease said to be caused by the deficiency of which vitamin?

B 1177. What poisonous substance does the cassava root contain? Cyanide 1178. Lord Raglan was a commander in which war? Crimean War 1179. Who was the Greek goddess of divine punishment? Nemesis 1180. Which Frank Dickens cartoon appears in the London Evening Standard

(as at 2006)? Bristow 1181. What is the collective name for a group of finches? Charm 1182. Astraphobia is a fear of what? Lightning 1183. What star sign are people born on 25 August? Virgo 1184. In which year was the Battle of Stamford Bridge? 1066 (September - The

Battle of Hastings followed in October) 1185. Which fragrance was first made for Russian Count Orloff in 1768?

Imperial Leather 1186. Developed in Germany during World War II what is tabun? Nerve gas 1187. Which country was previously called Mesopotamia? Iraq 1188. The pub name The White Hart is named after which king's heraldic

symbol? Richard II 1189. How many presidents' faces are sculpted on Mount Rushmore? Four

(Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Jefferson) 1190. How many sides does a mansard roof have? Four (each with two slopes or

faces) 1191. Black velvet is a mixture of stout and which other alcoholic drink?

Champagne 1192. What is the title name of the Usher to the House of Lords? Black Rod 1193. Which country suffered the greatest civilian losses in World War II?

China (approximately 8 million people) 1194. Which element has the highest melting point? Carbon (3,527 degrees

centigrade) 1195. Who founded the Boys Brigade in 1883? William Smith 1196. Marble is a form of which type of rock? Limestone 1197. Which film-maker has received the most Academy Awards (as at 2006)?

Walt Disney (48 in his lifetime, according to his Disney corporation biography) 1198. What is the name of the wood where Winnie the Pooh lives? Hundred

Acre Wood

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1199. Who wrote the longest-running play The Mousetrap? Agatha Christie (first performed in London's West-End in 1952, and still running there, as at 2006)

1200. Which writer created the fictional British MI6 spy George Smiley? John le Carre

1201. Bob Hoskins played crime boss Harold Shand in which 1979 film? The Long Good Friday

1202. What film featured the ukulele-playing singer 'Sugar' Kane? Some Like It Hot (1959, Marilyn Monroe played 'Sugar' Kane, alongside 'Josephine' and 'Daphne' played by Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis)

1203. What is Jennifer Beale's day job in the 1983 film Flashdance? Welder 1204. On which Shakespeare play is the 1961 film West Side Story based?

Romeo and Juliet 1205. Who sang the theme song to the original Alfie film starring Michael

Caine? Cilla Black (1966) 1206. Which film was re-named Flight Pacific 121 and then changed back to its

original title? Snakes on a Plane 1207. Which iconic rock music frontman sang backing vocals on Carly Simon's

1973 hit You're So Vain? Mick Jagger 1208. Who played Jeff's (James Stewart's) girlfriend Lisa Carol Fremont in the

1954 Hitchcock film Rear Window? Grace Kelly 1209. Who directed the 1969 western The Wild Bunch and the 1971 thriller

Straw Dogs? Sam Peckinpah 1210. What is Wendy's surname in Peter Pan? Darling 1211. In which film does the Oscar-winning song Secret Love feature? Calamity

Jane (1953, starring Doris Day) 1212. How many UK chart number ones did the Beatles have (as a group)?

Seventeen (No, I am not going to list them all..) 1213. What type of shop is 84 Charing Cross Road in the 1986 film of the same

title? Bookshop 1214. Which US soul singer was shot dead in 1964 aged 33? Sam Cooke 1215. Which country was the location of the second UK TV series of Auf

Wiedersehen Pet? Spain 1216. What was the name of the character played by Richard Beckinsale in UK

TV series Porridge? Lennie Godber 1217. What was the name of the strip club in the 1996 film Striptease starring

Demi Moore? The Eager Beaver 1218. Which group removed the strings from their guitars in protest when they

were forced to mime on Top Of The Pops in 1977? The Stranglers (performing Go Buddy Go)

1219. Which actor played the King in the 1995 film The Madness of King George? Nigel Hawthorne

1220. What does Robert Mitchum's character have tattooed on his knuckles in the 1955 film the Night of the Hunter? The words 'Love' and 'Hate'

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1221. What is the real name of the comedian who devised and plays the character Avid Merrion? Leigh Francis (who comes from Leeds, not Transylvania)

1222. What is the name of the character played by Sarah Jessica Parker in the US TV series Sex and the City? Carrie Bradshaw

1223. Which actress plays the date (Nadia Gates) of Bruce Willis (Walter Davis) in the 1987 film Blind Date? Kim Bassinger

1224. What dance hit does David Brent hum during his famous dance routine in UK TV comedy The Office? Disco Inferno (originally by the Trammps, 1976)

1225. In which Thomas Hardy novel does the character Bathsheba Everdene appear? Far from the Madding Crowd

1226. Soeur Sourire was the stage name of the 1960's singer who was better known as whom? The Singing Nun (Soeur Sourire means Sister Smile; real name Jeanine Deckers, she was actually a nun Sister Luc Gabriel from Belgium - her big hit was Dominique, Christmas 1963)

1227. Apart from water, what runs through the mouth of the River Amazon and Lake Victoria? The Equator

1228. Which country has the world's tallest habitable building (as at 2006)? Taiwan (called Tapei 101, it is 501 metres high with 101 stories)

1229. Which country was previously called Abyssinia? Ethiopia 1230. In which country is the Blarney Stone? Ireland (or Eire) at Blarney Castle

near Cork 1231. What is the world's third largest sea? Mediterranean 1232. The largest policeman's beat (territory) in Europe is in which country?

Scotland (900 square miles, presumably somewhere in the Highlands - if you know where exactly

1233. The cities of Cairo in Egypt and Fez in Morroco are generally accepted to have the oldest of what type of institution in the world? University

1234. Where would you find the Queen Alexandra, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Maud mountain ranges? Antarctica

1235. The tenge is the basic monetary unit of which country? Kazakhstan (1 tenge = 100 teims)

1236. Which country at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula was previously known as Aden? Yemen

1237. What language do the locals speak in Bogota? Spanish (Bogota is the capital of Columbia)

1238. What's the most southerly city; Toronto, Seattle, Budapest or Bordeaux? Toronto

1239. LAR is the international vehicle registration of which country? Libya (Libyan Arab Republic)

1240. Where are the North Yolla Bolly mountains? USA, California 1241. In which South American country is the Atacama desert? Chile 1242. What is the capital of Qatar? Doha 1243. Where can you find the first iron bridge ever built? Ironbridge, Telford in

Shropshire, England 1244. Which is the least populated state in the USA? Wyoming

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1245. What and when is the biggest national celebration every year in Australia? Australia Day, January 26th (based on the 1788 proclamation of British sovereignty at Sydney Cove over the eastern seaboard of Australia)

1246. Which country has the internet domain .me? Montenegro 1247. What South American country's name means 'many fish'? Panama 1248. Which capital city has the highest population (as at 2006)? Tokyo (c. 34

million) 1249. What is the largest country in the world? Russia (c.17 million square

kilometres) 1250. Who renamed the South Sea as the Pacific Ocean in 1520? Ferdinand

Magellan (1480-1521, Portuguese explorer. Of the 270 men and five ships who sailed with Magellan on his three year exploration of the Pacific from 1519-22 fewer than 20 returned on a single surviving ship. Magellan was killed in the Philippines. And we think we have it tough in today's times..)

1251. What notable geographical feature is shared by Oxford, Reading, Windsor and London? The River Thames, the longest in England (N.B. the River Severn is slightly longer but given that much of the Severn is in Wales it is generally regarded as the longest in Britain, rather than England - ack T Smith for raising this point)

Compiled by: Suryakant Pandey 2nd year, hr Tiss, mumbai
