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Fourth Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: 13 days Matter Matters ©2009, TESCCC 08/01/09 page 1 of 53 Lesson Synopsis In this lesson, students will study the properties of matter and observe changes in the states of matter. TEKS: 4.7 The student knows that matter has physical properties. 4.7 A Observe and record changes in the states of matter caused by the addition and reduction of heat. 4.7 B Conduct tests, compare data, and draw conclusions about physical properties of matter including matter, conduction, density, and buoyancy. Process TEKS: 4.1 The student conducts field and laboratory investigations following home and school safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices. 4.1A Demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations. 4.2 The student uses scientific inquiry methods during field and laboratory investigations. 4.2B Collect information by observing and measuring. 4.2C Analyze and interpret information to construct reasonable explanations from direct and indirect evidence. 4.2D Communicate valid conclusions. 4.2E Construct simple graphs, tables, maps , and charts to organize, examine, and evaluate information. 4.3 The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. 4.3C Represent the natural world using models and identify their limitations. 4.3E Connect Grade 4 Science Concepts with the history of science and contributions of scientists. 4.4 The student knows how to use a variety of tools and methods to conduct science inquiry. 4.4A Collect and analyze information using tools including calcula tors , safety goggles, microscopes, cameras, sound recorders, computers, hand lenses , rulers, thermometers, meter sticks , timing devices, balances, and compasses . GETTING READY FOR INSTRUCTION Performance Indicator(s): x Develop a superhero and illustrate his/her special powers to change states of matter using the reduction or addition of heat, density, and buoyancy. (4.7A, 4.7B) ELPS: 1C, 1E, 2E, 2I, 3D, 3J, 4E, 5B Key Understandings and Guiding Questions: x The addition or reduction of heat may cause change in the states of matter. How does the addition or reduction of heat cause a change in matter? How do the molecules of matter behave with the addition and reduction of heat? x Matter has physical properties that can be observed including density, buoyancy, and conduction. How does the density of an object affect its buoyancy? How do we classify the different kinds of matter found within our world? Vocabulary of Instruction: x solid x liquid x gas x freezing x evaporation x melting
  • 1. Fourth Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: 13 daysMatter MattersLesson Synopsis In this lesson, students will study the properties of matter and observe changes in the states of matter.TEKS: 4.7 The student knows that matter has physical properties. 4.7 A Observe and record changes in the states of matter caused by the addition and reduction of heat.4.7 B Conduct tests, compare data, and draw conclusions about physical properties of matter including matter, conduction, density, and buoyancy.Process TEKS: 4.1 The student conducts field and laboratory investigations following home and school safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices. 4.1A Demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations.4.2 The student uses scientific inquiry methods during field and laboratory investigations. 4.2B Collect information by observing and measuring. 4.2C Analyze and interpret information to construct reasonable explanations from direct and indirect evidence. 4.2D Communicate valid conclusions. 4.2E Construct simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts to organize, examine, and evaluate information.4.3 The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. 4.3C Represent the natural world using models and identify their limitations. 4.3E Connect Grade 4 Science Concepts with the history of science and contributions of scientists.4.4 The student knows how to use a variety of tools and methods to conduct science inquiry. 4.4A Collect and analyze information using tools including calculators, safety goggles, microscopes, cameras, sound recorders, computers, hand lenses, rulers, thermometers, meter sticks, timing devices, balances, and compasses.GETTING READY FOR INSTRUCTION Performance Indicator(s): Develop a superhero and illustrate his/her special powers to change states of matter using the reduction or addition of heat, density, and buoyancy. (4.7A, 4.7B) ELPS: 1C, 1E, 2E, 2I, 3D, 3J, 4E, 5BKey Understandings and Guiding Questions: The addition or reduction of heat may cause change in the states of matter. How does the addition or reduction of heat cause a change in matter? How do the molecules of matter behave with the addition and reduction of heat? Matter has physical properties that can be observed including density, buoyancy, and conduction. How does the density of an object affect its buoyancy? How do we classify the different kinds of matter found within our world?Vocabulary of Instruction: solidgasevaporation liquid freezing melting2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 1 of 53

2. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01dissolvingmass moleculecondensationvolumeconductionbuoyancydensity stateMaterials:clear containers with lidsmetric rulerscontainers arecooking oil (optional)aluminum foilrecommendedsyrup (optional)stop watch popcorn, pennies, or paperrubber ball (optional)paraffin candleclipspaper clip (optional) gogglesdensity blocksrock (optional) milk clayplastic baggies lamp oil graduated cylinders (plasticballoon (optional)syrupcylinders would be best)air freshener (optional)food coloringcentimeter cubes (notmatter examples large transparent cylinder orwood)ice cubes glasseggstriple beam balance crayons/map colors 3 quart clear containers forinsulating materialssmall containers with lids demo or 3 for each groupcotton batting (optional) like water bottles saltcotton balls (optional) various float/sink items:waternewspaper (optional)paper clips, wood blocks,wooden or large spoonfabrics (optional)metal washers, coins, rocks, measuring spoons - metricpacking peanuts (optional)marbles, toys, etc.ping pong balldirt or sand (optional) container of water big washers or uniform weightspaper plate enough to test float/sinkmarblescooler for ice storageitems (aquarium works well)rocks for third object ofsmall tea light per group small air tight containers teachers choice(plastic baby food pencilthumb tackscontainers, over the countertweezers or forcepscontainers, pill bottles, filmmatches (teacher) canisters) transparentbaby food jars Appropriate materials may be substituted as needed to incorporate district resources and availability Resources:http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/activities/changing_state.shtmlhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/activities/gases.shtml http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_diving_suithttp://www.onr.navy.mil/Focus/blowballast/people/submersibles3.htm http://www.seed.slb.com/labcontent.aspx?id=11586 STATE RESOUCES: Bridging II TAKS: Using Tools to Explore Matter Grade 4 Connecting to the Unifying Concepts through Physical Science: MatterAdvance Preparation:1. Make copies of the following handouts:A Matter of Observation (1 per group)Solid, Liquid, and Gas Notes (1 per group)Solid, Liquid, and Gas Notes (ELL) (as needed - optional) 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 2 of 53 3. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Matter Matters (1 per student) Matter Matters KEY (1 per teacher) Ice Races (1 per student or group) Heat Energy Information (1 per student or group) Heat Energy Information (ELL) (1 per student or group as needed) Cool Cubes (1 per student) Conduction (1 per student or group as needed) Conduction (ELL) (1 per student or group as needed) Hot Stuff (1 per student or group) Float or Sink Test (1 per student or group) Float, Sink or Flink? (1 per student or group) Floating, Flinking, and Sinking (1 per student or transparency) Are You Dense? (1 per student) Does Density Matter? (1 per student or group) Drop Me (1 per group or student) Egg-Citing Eggs (1 per student) Ships Ahoy!! KEY (1 per teacher) Ships Ahoy!! (1 per student or group) Deep Sea Diver KEY (1 per teacher) Deep Sea Diver (1 per student) Deep Sea Diver Word Bank (1 per student) Images of Deep Sea Divers (ELL) Department of Matter Job Vacancy (1 per student) Examples of Super Heroes (1 per student) Super Hero Rubric (1 per student) 2. Prepare basket full of matter for each group of students. Suggested examples of matter are three liquids inclosed, clear containers (water, cooking oil, syrup, etc), rubber ball, paper clip, rock, plastic baggie, balloon (full ofair or helium), air freshener, or any other example of matter that is available. 3. Collect various insulating materials for the Explain portion of Reduction/Addition of Heat. Materials can be:cotton batting, cotton balls, newspaper, various fabrics, packing peanuts, dirt/sand, or any insulating paper of yourchoice. 4. Collect various substances for float/sink tests and place in baggies: rocks, washers, wood, toys, marbles, craftsticks, paper clips, coins, etc 5. Fill a container(s) with water to float/sink test and Float, Sink or Flink on Explore: Density. One container can workor multiple containers (one per group) can also work. 6. Prepare containers by labeling them A, B, & C (fill the containers before class or during the lesson) Fill container A full of warm water. Fill container B half full of water and add four spoons of salt. Finish filling container B with water and stir the solution. Fill container C half full of water and add four spoons of salt. Slowly pour the fresh water into the top of the container on top of the layer of salt. Prepare to add three eggs to each container. 7. Pour the milk into a clear water bottle marked liquid A. 8. Pour the blue lamp oil into the second clear plastic water bottle marked liquid B. 9. Pour the clear corn syrup into the third plastic water bottle marked liquid C. Add three to four drops of red foodcoloring and shake the bottle until the corn syrup becomes red.Background Information: In Grade 4, students should begin to conduct tests on their own. One of the big ideas of this lesson is for students to begin to organize their own scientific tests. A valid test should have a well defined problem, a hypothesis (or prediction), one tested variable (independent and dependent variables are not expected to be mastered at this time), data collection, and a drawn conclusion.These tests are used to explain one of the foundational concepts of chemistry properties of matter. While understanding the states of matter is a review for the students, it is also where one of the largest misconceptions of matter comes into play. Many textbooks, websites, and even the TAKS test images display molecule models of solids, liquids, and gases. 2009, TESCCCC 08/01/09 page 3 of 53 4. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 The molecules of each state are tight in solids, loose and spread out in liquids, and really far apart in gases. For the most part these are correct, but understand that the misconception comes in the liquid. Liquid molecules are still very close together. The molecules still have contact with each other. The density of a solid substance and a liquid state of the same substance is not significantly different. The molecules of a liquid flow, while the molecules of a solid vibrate in place. To change from one state to another heat energy has to be added or removed. Solids melt into a liquid with the addition of heat energy. Liquids evaporate into a gas with the addition of heat energy. To change a gas back into a liquid, heat energy needs to be removed from the system in a process known as condensation. To change a liquid back into a solid, heat energy needs to be removed in a process known as freezing.Another property of matter is density. Density is the ratio of mass to volume. The density of water is 1 g/mL. Objects that have a density greater than 1 g/mL will sink in water. Objects that have a density less than 1 g/mL will float in water. Salt water is more dense than fresh water.Density is closely related to buoyancy. The ability of an object to float when it is placed in a fluid is related to the buoyant force in that fluid as well as the objects density. When you step into a pool, you feel lighter. You did not actually lose mass upon entering the pool, but you feel lighter due to the upward force of buoyancy. Wood floats in water, but steel does not float. How then do large steel ships float? Ships hulls are very important. The broad shape helps buoyancy. Ships also have lots of space filled with air in their hulls. This affects the overall density of the ship, making it less dense than water. If the hull is compromised, as it was in the Titanic, and water floods in to replace the air compartments, the ship will sink. Submarines work on similar concepts. They flood compartments when they want to dive and fill the compartments with air when they want to rise. GETTING READY FOR INSTRUCTION SUPPLEMENTAL PLANNING DOCUMENT Instructors are encouraged to supplement, and substitute resources, materials, and activities to differentiate instruction to address the needs of learners. The Exemplar Lessons are one approach to teaching and reaching the Performance Indicators and Specificity in the Instructional Focus Document for this unit. A Microsoft Word template for this planning document is located at www.cscope.us/sup_plan_temp.doc. If a supplement is created electronically, users are encouraged to upload the document to their Lesson Plans as a Lesson Plan Resource in your district Curriculum Developer site for future reference.Instructional ProceduresNotes for TeacherNOTE: 1 Day = 50 minutesENGAGESuggested time: Day 11. Place matter baskets in the middle of each table or group of students (3-4 students per group). 2. Distribute handout: A Matter of Observation. Tell students that they willMATERIALS: be given five to ten minutes to classify each item in the basket intoHandout: A Matter of Observation categories according to the observable properties. (1 per group)Handout (optional): Solid, Liquid,3. Ask students to be prepared to share why and how they classified eachand Gas Notes (1 per group) item into its specific category. Handout (optional): Solid, Liquid,and Gas Notes (ELL) (as needed)4. After giving students the appropriate amount of time, ask students to shareHandout: Matter Matters (1 per how they classified the various items. student)Handout: Matter Matters KEY (15.Ask each group to explain why they chose these categories.per teacher)matter baskets6. This discussion and sharing time will lead into the classification of the three3 liquids (water, oil, syrup or liquid of states of matter. Students will share why they classified items into their teachers choice) categories. This will open discussion on how scientists classify various closed containers items in our world today leading into the review of matter.rubber balls Ask: paper clips What do you know about matter? baggies Record responses on board or overhead. Place a definition of matter on balloons board or overhead for students to copy into their scientific notebooks.air freshenerHow do we classify the different kinds of matter found within our world? Matter Baskets can be created from2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 4 of 53 5. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional ProceduresNotes for Teacher Discuss as a class & record student responses on board or overhead. local available resources. The above list is a suggested list. The main 7. Explain that all matter is classified into three states or phases or matter. concern is for all three states of matterThe phase or state of matter is another important physical property of to be represented.matter. Matter on Earth most commonly exists in three states: solid, liquid,and gas. Plasma is a fourth state of matter and can be found in stars like The states of matter should be a reviewour Sun. from grade 2 and 3 (TEKS 2.7 A and 3.7 A and B). Plasma may be 8. Have students read and discuss a non-fiction text on Solid, Liquid, andmentioned as the fourth state of matter,Gas. (The optional handout: Solid, Liquid, and Gas Notes might help with but students are not expected to masterthis.) the concept of plasma in grade 4.9. Students should then make inferences using the factual information and The purpose of this activity is to allowanswer the questions on the handout: Matter Matters. students to classify items based on their prior knowledge. Some groups 10. After students finish their reflections:may organize these items according to Ask:shape, size, color, etc. This will provide What are some physical properties of a solid? A liquid? A gas? Aan idea of how much the students solid has definite shape and volume, a liquid has definite volume but already know about matter and how takes the shape of its container, a gas will expand to fit the container in much extra time needs to be spent which it is placed. It has no shape or volume.reviewing the states of matter. Can you name some objects that are examples of a solid? A liquid? A gas? Answers will vary. Can you name any other objects from outside of your home that The handout: Matter Observations is would be good examples of the states of matter? Answers willleft blank so that the students can vary. decide how they want to represent their When you add heat energy to a solid what happens? It melts. classification scheme. Graphic When you add heat energy to a liquid (boil) what happens? The organizers (charts, tables, Venn liquid evaporates into a gas. diagrams, T-Charts) should be How would you reverse this process? Gas to a liquid? You wouldencouraged. do the opposite; take away heat energy or cool a gas down. This is called condensation. How do you change a liquid into a solid? You take away heat energy. You freeze the liquid.Matter Notes: All matter is defined as anything that has 11. Tomorrow, we are going to investigate what happens when energy is mass and takes up space. This definition added and removed from a solid. involves two properties: mass and volume. Mass is the amount of material in an object and is measured with a balance or scale. Volume is the amount of space taken up by an object. All matter has physical properties that can help distinguish one kind of matter from another kind. Some properties of matter are color, shape, composition, size, density, buoyancy, conduction, along with many others.Textbooks are one source of a non- fiction text. Included in the handouts is a small discussion of solids, liquids, and gases.States of Matter Interactive Website changing states of matter 2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 5 of 53 6. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional Procedures Notes for TeacherCool Matter Quiz States of Matterinteractive website and quiz EXPLORESuggested time: Day 2 Reduction/Addition of Heat Energy1. Reflect on student experiences with solids, liquids, and gas fromyesterday.MATERIALS:Handout: Ice Races (1 per student 2. Tell students that today they will be investigating how matter changes fromor group)one state to another. The students objective is to design a test that will cubes of icemelt a piece of ice quickly. All tests must have teacher approval beforecooler for ice storageexperimentation can begin. Experiment is detailed on the two page triple beam balancehandout: Ice Races. paper plate or shallow bowlsealable baggies 3. Before the experiment remind students about the characteristics of a good various forms of heatscientific test:The problem needs to be clearly stated. What we are investigating isKeep the investigation simple. Studentsthe problem. In this case, it is, How fast can ice melt?can place their ice bag system in theA prediction or hypothesis needs to be included based on research orSun, they can hold it in their hand, theyprior knowledge. For example, rubbing the ice/bag system between can heat the system with a hair dryer,my hands will cause it to melt the fastest.etc. Use common classroom items forOnly one variable needs to be tested. You can test how rubbing andthis exploration.blow-drying both affect the ice melt rate. You can only test onevariable. Everything else needs to be kept constant.Control: One ice cube needs to beExperiments need a control. In this case, an ice cube in a bag that isplaced in a baggie, set aside, and timednot manipulated in any way is the control. This gives studentsfor a control. No action should besomething to compare to when they are done testing. applied to the baggie system.Data needs to be taken. In this case, students will be taking the massof the ice/bag system before and after the test (which should be thesame) and also they will be monitoring the time it takes for their ice to Safety note:melt. Safety needs to be addressed in theStudents need to draw conclusions based on their data. They shouldteacher approval process. Somerefer to their hypothesis to see if they were correct or not. students may want to use a tea light orcandle. While this will work well, the bag 4. To Reflect on their learning experience ask:system may be compromised. Use of What state of matter was the ice? Solid. flame heat or hot plates is not What state of matter was the melted ice? Liquid. encouraged. What methods were used to melt the ice? Answers will vary. Lead the students to discuss melting point or the process of melting. Tool: Students may or may not Which group had the fastest method?understand how to operate a triple Regardless of the method, what did every group use to melt the beam balance. Time may need to be ice? Heat energy was applied causing the solid ice to change into aspent introducing the students to liquid.carrying, zeroing out, and using this Describe how the molecules of the ice cube were arranged. Thetool. molecules were tightly packed, touching each other, and vibrating or moving in place. Students were introduced to fair tests Once heat energy was applied, what began to happen to the ice? in the third grade. Instead of using the The ice began to melt. word hypothesis, students may haveused the word prediction. In the fourth How were the molecules of the ice affected by the heat energy?grade, students should begin to master Molecules began to absorb the energy and this caused the bondsexperimental design. between the molecules to weaken allowing the ice to melt and loose its rigid shape. How could you reverse this melting process? Remove heat energy and refreeze the liquid water back into ice.2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 6 of 53 7. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional ProceduresNotes for TeacherMISCONCEPTIONS:Mass and weight are the samething.Measurement can be measured onin a linear method.The temperature of an objectdepends on its size.EXPLAIN Suggested time: Day 2 Reduction of Heat Energy1. Place the word "Energy" on the board or overhead.Ask: MATERIALS: Handout: Heat Energy InformationWhat do you know about energy and its forms? How would youdescribe it? Answers will vary.(1 per student or group) Handout: Heat Energy Information 2. List and discuss answers on the board. Most students will relate energy to (ELL) (1 per student or group aselectricity, but in this lesson students need to focus on the heat energyneeded)given to the Earth by the Sun. The term molecule is introduced in the 3. Explain to students that heat energy is transferred from the Sun to thesolid, liquid, and gas handout. In theEarth. This heat energy provides the Earth with warm air that is necessary third grade, students used the wordfor all living things to survive. Heat energy flows naturally from hotterparticle.objects to cooler ones just like the Sun passes its heat energy on to us.When objects are in direct contact, this energy transfer occurs through theIn the previous unit, students studiedprocess called conduction. about the Sun. Solar energy should be easy for the students to recall. 4. Explain to students that water forms ice at 0 degrees Celsius or 32Knowledge of other forms of energydegrees Fahrenheit. When exposed to temperatures above freezing, ice may not be mastered at this time.remains at 0 degrees Celsius, but begins to melt as it absorbs the heatenergy from its surroundings. Heat energy travels from the warmer air to The purpose of this explanation is tothe cooler ice. Conductors of heat energy speed up this movement but provide an example to students of howinsulators of heat slow it down. heat energy is transferred. Prepare students by dividing them into small groups.Heat Energy explanation may be given orally or through the reading of the supplied handout: Heat Energy Information.Students have very limited information on the ways heat can be transferred. Conduction is the only way being formally explored in this lesson. Radiation and convection may be mentioned, but do not expect the students to master all three ways at this time. EXPLORE Suggested time: Days 2 and 3 1.The challenge of this activity is to find a good way to insulate the ice cubeto keep the heat transfer from occurring. This will keep the ice from meltingas quickly as the control. MATERIALS:2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 7 of 53 8. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional ProceduresNotes for Teacher 2. To begin Cool Cubes activity, ask students how long they think it takes ice cubesan ice cube to melt, given the current air temperature. Gather their oral cooler for ice storageresponses and record these on the board or overhead. Then ask what they sealable plastic bagsmight do to keep an ice cube from melting. Gather and record ideas. insulator of some kind (studentchoice) 3.Start the activity by explaining that the objective is to build a structure or Handout: Cool Cubes (1 perinsulator to keep an ice cube from melting. This can be done by preventingstudent)the transfer of heat energy from the air into the ice cube. Student groups can choose any material 4.The rules of this investigation are to use the provided materials that do to be their insulating material. If aNOT include an electrical appliance, a thermos, or an ice chest. Also, the student group decides to use ainsulator must fit on top of their desk area.combination of materials, then their combination has to be referred to as an 5.Also, explain that all groups will receive the same amount and shape of aninsulation system. Do not discourageice cube that must be kept inside of a sealed plastic baggie to avoidthe use of a multi-material system.messes.6. Distribute insulating materials to students.7.Provide students with time to devise a plan possibly drawing or designingtheir model in an interactive notebook or journal. Students should alsoScience Notebook:make a list of materials necessary to build their insulator in their interactive Time must be provided for students tonotebook or journal. build their insulator. This point may be a natural break to end the day. 8. Give students time to create their insulator using the provided materials. Make sure to leave out one ice cube in 9. When all groups are ready, give each group one ice cube in a plastic bag.a baggie out in the room as a control.Students will need to record the mass of their ice cube & baggie using a Have students compare the melting ofbalance in grams on their activity sheet.this non-insulated cube to those with their insulated protection. 10. After the given amount of time, instruct students to record the ending time, then drain the melted water from the plastic bags and find the ending mass It is best to leave the ice cubes in the by massing the remaining cube & baggie. Students record this result.insulators one to two hours if possible before recording results. If this is not 11. Have students to determine the elapsed time and write a number sentence possible, then leave the ice cube to show how the mass changed. Ask student groups to orally share this baggies in the containers for as long as information to use for class comparisons. These could be recorded on theyour class time allows. board or overhead. Students may need help writing a 12. Tell students to study their results and determine which types of insulationnumber sentence. worked best. Using their handout: Cool Cubes, students should answerMass before mass ending = change in the following questions:mass. Ask: How did your ice cube change? Melted but at a slower rate.A class graph of the information can be What caused it to melt? The warmer air around it began to transfercreated but understand that students the heat energy to the cube.have not created two dimensional What would happen to the cube if the temperature were below graphs (coordinate pairs) yet in freezing? It would not melt, but remain frozen. mathematics. Bar graphs are most What kind of insulating material worked the best? The class might appropriate for this age group. Line order these materials from least to most successful.graphs are the best to represent data What other kinds of materials might you try if the activity wereassociated with time. To use a line repeated? Answers will vary.graph, will require teacher support. If you were taking refrigerated or frozen food to a picnic and did not have a cooler, how would you insulate it? Is your ideaIce cubes could also be tested in practical? Answers will vary. different places to test melting rates in the Sun, shade, refrigerator, etc. 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 8 of 53 9. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional ProceduresNotes for Teacher EXPLAIN Suggested time: Day 4 Addition of Heat Energy1. Start class by reminding students about yesterdays lesson.Ask: MATERIALS:Who had the best cool cube yesterday? Answers will vary. tea lightWhat about their design stopped the flow of heat energy? The baby food jarsinsulating material. tweezersWhat are objects that do not allow heat energy to flow called? tacksInsulators.paraffin candle aluminum foil 2. Review the word conduction aloud or through a non-fiction text source. metric rulerThe handout: Conduction may help review this concept.stop watch goggles 3. Explain to the students that in today's activity, a candle will be used as the matches (teacher)source of heat energy. During the investigation, think about how heatHandout: Conduction (1 perenergy is being moved or transferred from one place to another. Look for student or group as needed)patterns of heat transfer. Handout: Conduction (ELL) (1 per student or group as needed) 4. The activity today will include the transfer of heat that we call conduction.Handout or transparency: Hot Stuff (1 per student or group) 5. Begin handout: Hot Stuff investigation. The students will observe the direction Hot Stuff Activity- heat travels by watching the melting 6. Students should wear safety goggles. patterns of falling thumb tacks. 7. Cover the testing area with a sheet of aluminum foil.8. Light paraffin candle and place in a safe position in the lab area. Observe MISCONCEPTIONS:all safety rules for an open flame in lab. Heat and temperature are the same thing. 9. Have each student group prepare their testing area by placing the twoTemperature is a property of ababy food jars with lids (or other heat resistant structure that is stable particular material or object (metal isenough to hold an aluminum bridge) approximately 15 centimeters apart. naturally colder than plastic to mostThese will act as the base for the aluminum bridge.students).10. Cut a piece of aluminum foil that is 18 cm long.11. Have the students fold their piece of aluminum foil four or more times into a foil bridge, approximately 4 cm wide. Note: 12. Students need to make a pencil mark 6 cm from one end of the bridge.Review heat energy transfer by conduction with students by explaining 13. Students need to continue to make pencil marks at 8 cm, 10 cm, 12 cm, that conduction is the flow of heat and 14 cm.through a material from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower 14. Students carefully use tweezers to place the head of a thumb tack into thetemperature. Write this definition on the buildup of wax at the base of the burning candle. Then the students place board for students to copy into their the tack head with wax down on the first mark (8cm) on the aluminum notebooks. bridge. Students will need to repeat this procedure until they have placedExplain that conduction can be from one tacks at the 10 cm, 12 cm, and 14 cm marks. area of a material to another or from one material to another material in direct 15. Students need to allow the tacks and wax to cool. contact. For example, if you hold a 16. Invert the cool bridge and place the aluminum foil bridge on top of the two metal spoon, the heat energy from your baby food jar lids. warmer hand is conducted to the cooler spoon. Your hand actually warms it up.2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 9 of 53 10. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional Procedures Notes for Teacher 17. Place the small candle (tea light) directly below the first tack.18. Before lighting each candle, ask students to feel the end of the aluminum foil bridge, which should feel very cool to the touch. Remind them not toSafety note: touch the bridge or tacks during the experiment for safety reasons.Before beginning the experiment, stress 19. Teacher lights the candles and students begin their stopwatches. the importance of safety to the students.Take every precaution necessary to 20. Have students record the time it takes for each tack to drop. Remind ensure a safe environment and keep a students to keep the stopwatch going to record the total amount of time it fire extinguisher handy. This activity took for each tack to drop indicating melting of the wax has occurred. should be done in small groups so thatstudents can observe and record the 21. After all tacks have fallen or the teacher calls time, extinguish the candles. physical changes. Safety issues todiscuss with students include the 22. After a few minutes of cooling time, Students should feel the same end offollowing: the aluminum foil to describe the increase in temperature. Remove coats or fold up arms oflong sleeved shirts. 23. Tell students to use their recorded information on their data chart to drawTie any long hair back. conclusions about the conduction of heat and the falling thumb tacks.Place non-flammable surface like Ask: aluminum foil under work area.What patterns did you notice? Answers will vary but lead students toHave teacher light and extinguish thethe understanding the heat started above the candle and traveled outcandle flame.from there. Do not use the lab equipmentWhy do you think this happened? Answers will vary.inappropriately (tacks).Do not touch any surface until it has 24. Lead or redirect student answers to reflect that as the candle flame completely cooled. radiates heat energy to the particles in the foil directly above it, the tacksDo not remove any lab item from lab anchored in wax will display the transfer of heat energy by dropping. The heated molecules of aluminum will start to vibrate rapidly, bumping intoTacks work well in this experiment nearby molecules and passing energy to them. This next set of vibratingbecause they have a flat surface and molecules bumps into their neighbors and passes heat energy on. Theare light weight. Make sure each group molecules do not travel along the solid; they just vibrate in place, bumpingreturns the tacks at the end of the against their neighbors in a game of "pass it on". Through this process ofexperiment. conduction, heat energy is carried along the foil bridge.This activity can be done as a classdemo. If the teacher is using it as aclass demo, candles larger than tealights can be used on the aluminumbridge. If students perform theinvestigation under teacher supervision,tea light candles are suggested.Safety Note:You must supervise this process.Having one larger candle producing waxfor all groups is suggested to minimizerisks. Make sure students record their data ontheir lab papers. After the lab, go overthe lab questions and be sure to explainthat just like mass and volume,conduction is a physical property ofmatter. Explain that through theconduction of heat, states of matter can 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 10 of 53 11. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional ProceduresNotes for Teacher change from a solid to liquid through melting or from a liquid to a gas as in evaporation. Ask students to share any related examples of this with the class. EXPLORE/EXPLAIN Suggested time: Day 6 1. Currently, we have been studying about the state of matter and how theaddition or removal of heat energy causes the states of matter to change.Ask:Another resource: Bridging IIWhat are physical properties? Observable characteristics of matter.TAKS: Using Tools to Explore MatterAre states of matter physical properties? Yes. has a great 4th grade lesson on density.What are some other physical properties of matter? Size, shape,color, mass, volume. Note: 2. Today, we are going to explore another physical property of matter Volume is often referred to indensity. mathematics as capacity.Ask: Have you ever noticed that some things float in water and someStudents will not have had lots of things sink?experience determining volume. They What kind of things have you seen that float? Sink? may not even know the difference What makes some things float while others sink? Student answers between mass, volume, and density. will vary but may include a reference to mass or heft.MTR (Math TEKS Refinement) has How can boats like battleships and tankers float when they are so numerous activities for the fourth grade massive? Do not answer this question at this time. Just pose thethat develop these concepts. Ask a question to get students to thinking. math teacher to let you see this state curriculum for ideas on how to 3. Density is the relationship of mass to volume. Mass is defined as thesupplement these complex concepts.amount of matter contained in an object. Volume is defined as the amountof space an object takes up. Most of the time, the density of many objectsis compared to the density of water. People want to know if substances orobjects will sink or float in water. MATERIALS: Handout: Float or Sink Test (1 per student or group) Handout: Floating, Flinking, and Sinking (1 per student or group) Handout: Float, Sink, or Flink? (1 per group or teacher) triple beam balance (optional)container of watervarious float/sink items: (paper 4. We are going to take several common substances and see if they sink orclips, wood blocks, metal washers,float in water.coins, rocks, marbles, toys, etc.)small air tight containers (plasticbaby food containers, over thecounter containers, pill bottles, filmcanisters) transparent containersare recommendedpopcorn (unpopped), pennies, orpaper clipstriple beam balance 5. After testing the various objects, allow students to share their results. large clear water container6. Record the class results on the board or overhead. Record the objects that The sealed containers need to be veryare denser than water in one column and the objects that are less denselight and float high in the water. Yourthan water in the other column.water test containers could be anything, 2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 11 of 53 12. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional Procedures Notes for Teacherbut containers that are transparent work Float, Sink, or Flink? (optional) This will take approximately 1 day.best (aquarium). What you place intothe sealed container is up to you. 7. Once students have begun to explore sinking and floating, introduce the Pennies (approximately 2.5 grams ainvented property of flink. To flink means the object doesnt float on top of piece), large paper clips (approximatelythe surface and does not sink to the bottom, it flinks half way in-between. one gram a piece) will all work. Thefilling objects need to be small enoughto fit in the container but have someheft. Un-popped popcorn might work ifthe original container is larger enough. Itwill take more popcorn to sink acontainer than pennies. It is justimportant to keep the filling objects 8. Two factors contribute to density mass and volume. In the next activity uniform.on density, we are going to explore how changing the mass of an objectContainers may not sit up right in theaffects its density.water. This activity will still work withcontainers that lay on their sides. 9. After students have finished their Float, Sink, or Flink? activity, ask:Did you have to add or remove matter to get the container to drop The difference between sinking andlower in the water? Matter had to be added. flinking may be less than the differenceWhen the empty container was placed in the water, did it float, of one penny. The student may besink, or flink? The empty container floated.floating with 10 pennies (25 grams) andHow many __________ did it take to flink the container? Answers sinking with 11 (27.5 grams) pennies.will vary.To flink, they may have to add 10How many __________ did it take to sink the container? Answerspennies and one paper clip which wouldwill vary.be 26 grams. Try to keep the fillingBy adding _______, were we increasing the mass or volume of the objects uniform but the student maycontainer? We were increasing the mass. have to manipulate the objects to obtainDid the volume of the container change in the experiment? The flink.volume remained constant during the experiment. EXPLAINSuggested time: Days 7 and 8 Mystery Liquid Activity 1. Explain to students that they will use their scientific knowledge and skills tosolve the mystery liquid activity.MATERIALS: 2. Display the empty cylinder to be used for the three liquids in this Handout: Are you Dense? (1 perdemonstration. Next, tell students to closely observe the demonstration student)quietly.MilkLamp Oil 3. Cover the cylinder with aluminum foil so that the students cannot see the Syrupresults until the appropriate time. This is easily done by wrapping the foilFood coloringaround the cylinder tightly.Large transparent cylinder or glass(This cylinder or tall glass needs to 4. Then, display the three mystery liquids A (milk), B (blue lamp oil), and Cbe transparent so that the students(red syrup). Turn each liquid upside down in its container to show students can clearly see the results after thehow the liquids flow. liquids have been combined) Crayons/map colors 5. Remind students to observe closely. Small containers with lids like waterbottles for liquids A, B, and C 6. Complete demonstration by pouring the same amount of all three of liquids Aluminum Foilslowly into the covered cylinder while the students observe closely.7. After all three different liquids have been poured into the same container,ask students to use their crayons or colored pencils to color in theirprediction of the results of pouring these three very different liquids 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 12 of 53 13. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional ProceduresNotes for Teacher together on their handout: Are you Dense?8. When all students have completed coloring their cylinders, ask various Many students will ask you to sharestudents to share how and why they made their predictions. more with them, but it is best to tell the students to use their scientific reasoning 9. Make sure to discuss each prediction and the logic behind each conclusionskills and their prior knowledge of mattergiven. to solve the problem. They do not need to know what the mystery liquids are, 10. Ask other students to raise their hands in agreement or disagreement to and you will need to remind them to only discuss other possible predictions. focus on the liquids physical properties. 11. Finally, after all predictions have been discussed, unveil the cylinder by removing the aluminum foil. Explain that the molecules are closer 12. The three liquids will be layered according to their density with the thick red together in the thick liquid syrup making syrup on the bottom, the white milk in the middle, and the light blue lampit extremely dense and heavy. The oil on top. molecules in the milk are not quite as dense, but are spread out further apart 13. Have students to share if their prediction was correct by raising their hands making the liquid less dense than the and discuss the results.syrup. That is why the milk floats on top of the thick syrup. Then explain that the 14. Tell students to draw and color the actual results of the demonstration nextlamp oil molecules are not very dense to the prediction cylinder on their handout: Are you Dense? and are spread much further apart Ask:making them lighter than both the milkCan you guess why the three liquids are layered this way? They and syrup. All three of these liquidsshould be able to explain that the different densities of each liquidhave different densities as their physicalmade it lighter or heavier than the others displaying a unique physicalproperties of matter. Density is anotherproperty of that liquid. important physical property of matter.15. To complete the activity, ask: How can the density of matter affect its physical properties? Discuss student answers in relation to the demonstration. Science Notebook: 16. Notebook Entry- Assign students to write a notebook entry describing theEntry density of different liquids in their notebook or interactive notebook. Students will need to explain why the three liquids layered with the red, white, and blue pattern in their own words. Tell students to describe the density of each liquid in relation to its position in the cylinder. MATERIALS: Does Density Matter? Activity Handout: Does Density Matter? (1 per student or group) 17. Place all density blocks out for students to view without touching. density blocks metric ruler 18. Ask students to brainstorm the physical properties of the blocks together triple beam balance as a class. Density Blocks can be ordered from a 19. Record these on the board or overhead and have students record physical science supply company or check with properties on chart on their handout: Does Density Matter?your local middle or high school. Density blocks are commonly used in the upper 20. Some examples might include color, size, shape, etc. Most students will grades. recognize that the blocks are very similar in shape and size.21. Students will complete their charts independently or in a small group. Students have studied measurement 22. Ask the students to predict if they think the blocks have the same density. but they will not use formulas to Some may want to touch them at this point, but tell them to devise adetermine volume until the 5th grade. scientific test that the class could do to test for the density of the blocks.Volume (capacity) is still a conceptual2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 13 of 53 14. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional Procedures Notes for Teacherskill for them at this time. Demonstrationof volume will allow the class to explore 23. Ask students to share their ideas and discuss the relationship of mass towith volume without having to density. understand how to calculate it at this Ask: time.Would a heavier item have more density?Would a lighter object be less dense? Note:How could we test this? Other household items can be easilytested for their density and buoyancy 24. Have students measure and record the mass of each block. Students will including plastic lids, gallon milk jugs, need to record this information on their chart.two liter soda plastic bottles, andvarious kinds of fruit 25. Demonstrate for the class how to determine the volume of each block.26. Tell the students to record the volume on their handout. Ask:What do students think will happen when the blocks are placedinto the container of water?Will they have buoyancy and float?Will they sink to the bottom?27. Have students share their predictions aloud and record in their notebooks.Science Notebook: 28. Test each block and record the results.29. Explain that we already know that all solids are made up of molecules that are closely fit together, and remind them that not all solids are the same. Some solids contain more molecules which are fit very tightly together compared to other solids in which the molecules are spread further apart. The concept of a solids density is another physical property of matter.30. Have students share their results of their testing with their small group or class.31. Discuss and review the relationship of the physical properties of density, mass, and buoyancy. EXPLORE /EXPLAIN Suggested time: Day 9 Buoyancy1. During this unit, we have been working with matter and how its densitydetermines if it floats or sinks in water.MATERIALS: Handout: Drop Me (1 per student or 2. Today, we are going to continue to investigate what is happening whengroup)objects are placed in water. watergraduated cylinder (clear plastic 3. Displacement Activity: Drop Me. works best because it will not breakwhen objects are added) 4. A Greek mathematician named Archimedes worked with water displacementnon-wood centimeter cubesin a way very similar to what you have just explored. From his work, a law marblesof science was discovered. Archimedes Principle states that any objectthird object (rocks) of the teacherspartially or completely immersed in a liquid is pushed upward by a buoyant choiceforce equal to the weight of the liquid displaced.Note:Centimeter cubes are used here 5. Teacher Demonstration or group activity:because they should displace 1 mL of 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 14 of 53 15. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional ProceduresNotes for Teacher water. Wood centimeter cubes can not be used because they will float. Marbles are also used as a second object. The third object is at the discretion of the teacher. It could be small rocks or other objects that will sink in water.Students can look up information on Archimedes using computers or search for local library books about his life and work. One book that covers this story is Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela AllenThis activity can be done as a teacher demo or in groups. EXPLORE/EXPLAIN Suggested time: Day 9 Egg-citing Eggs! Activity 1. This lab addresses buoyancy as well as density. Students will identify thatall the eggs have the same physical properties including density, but willreact differently when the buoyant force is placed upon each egg in thethree different solutions. This can be done as a demonstration for the MATERIALS:whole class or in small groups of three to five students.Handout: Egg-citing Eggs (1 per student) 2. Label the three quart containers A, B, & C.raw eggs water 3. Fill container A with 450 mL of warm water.salt (Kosher salt will dissolve and leave the solution clear) 4. Fill container B with 250 mL of warm water and add 7 grams of salt. Stir 3 quart containers (clear)the salt into solution.measuring spoons graduated cylinder 5. Point out that the salt, a solid, disappears into the liquid.wooden spoonAsk:Where does the salt go? The water molecules that make up the Explain the process of dissolving as thiswater allow the salt molecules to be incorporated into the water makinglab progresses.a salt solution.6. Finish filling container B with 200 mL of water and stir the solution. Sea water has a consistency of pound of salt per gallon of water. This 7. Fill container C with 250 mL of warm water and add 7 grams of salt. Stir works out to be about 0.1 L of salt tothe salt into solution.every 3.8 L of water in the metric system. 8. Place the spoon inside container C and slowly pour 200 mL the fresh waterdown the spoon into the container. Be careful not to mix the two layers. Afresh water layer will develop on top of the layer of salt water. As the water Using the spoon is very important. It islevel rises, lift the spoon up also to minimize the mixing of fresh water with important that the two layers do not mix.the salt water.9. Add one egg to each container. It is best to place the egg in the spoon andlower the spoon into the liquid gently rolling the egg into the liquid.10. Observe what happens and record on the data & observations chart.11. The egg in the first container will sink to the bottom of the container. The egg in the first container (fresh water) is denser than the water. The egg in2009, TESCCC 08/01/09 page 15 of 53 16. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional ProceduresNotes for Teacher the second container will float. The egg is less dense than the salt water. The third egg is denser than the fresh water, but less dense than the salt water, so it floats in the middle.12. Tell students to give their own explanations for the results to record in their science notebook or interactive notebook.13. Place the word Buoyancy on the board or overhead. Have students explain what buoyancy is and to give some examples of buoyancy. Record student answers and relate buoyancy to the density blocks in previous lessons.14. Explain to students that all liquids have what is called a buoyant force. It is the force of molecules in the liquid that push up on a foreign body that is in Buoyant the liquid.force Ask:Have you ever been in a pool and tried to hold a beach ball or anair-filled ball under water? Balls filled with air are very hard to holdunder water. As soon as you loose your grip, the ball will shoot to thesurface.Demonstration: 15. Using a graduated cylinder or other water container (clear is better) and a ping pong ball, have a student volunteer try to submerge the ping pong ball MATERIALS: in the water with a pencil. Ask:ping pong ball or other small objectthat is less dense than waterDo you feel a push against you when you try to submerge theping pong ball? Students should feel a push against the pencil. If theycontainer of water or large graduated cylinderdo not have the pencil in the right position the ping pong ball willescape and pop to the top of the water.pencilWhat is in the inside of a ping pong ball? Air.What happens if you let go of the ping pong ball under water? Itshoots to the top.Since a force is called a push or a pull, would you say the action Explanation:of the ping pong ball as it rises is due to a force? Yes, because the Container A contained fresh water. Theping pong ball is pushed to the waters surface. downward force of weight of the egg was greater than the upward force of 16. This force that pushes up is called buoyancy. buoyancy of the water, so the egg sank. In container B, the salt increased the 17. Now lets apply what we have learned about this upward force in water to buoyant force of the water so much that our egg experiment. the weight of the egg was supported by the liquid. Container C was filled with 18. Explain to the students what happened in the egg experiment. both salt and fresh water. The weight of the egg was too great for the buoyant 19. Have students complete filling in their scientific notebook explaining their force of the fresh water in the top half of own conclusions briefly while filling in the chart. the container. When the egg sank to the middle of the container, it reached the 20. Complete this lesson by asking students to explain what they think would salt water layer and stopped sinking. happen to their own buoyancy if they tried to float in a fresh water lake as The buoyant force of the salt water was compared to a highly dense salt water lake. great enough to support the weight of the egg. 21. Also allow the students to explore if a ship loaded with cargo should be more worried going from the open sea into a fresh water port or when they are going from a fresh water port and to the open seas. Students need to use what they have learned to explain their answers. Students need to understand that a loaded cargo ship should be more concerned coming into a fresh water port because fresh water is less buoyant than salt water 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09 page 16 of 53 17. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional Procedures Notes for Teacher and it could run aground easier. EXPLORE/EXPLAINSuggested time: Day 10 Buoyancy 1. To further explain buoyancy, we are going to explore using clay and thesport of boating.Ask:MATERIALS:Has anyone ever gone boating? Answers will vary.Handout: Ships Ahoy!! (1 perWhat does a boat look like? Answers will vary. Lead students to student or group)include that all boats have a hull. Handout: Ships Ahoy!! KEY (1 perAre boats all the same size? No some boats are very large. They are teacher)even referred to as ships.container of waterWhat do people use boats for? Boats are used for a variety of clayreasons. Some people use boats for recreation. Sometimes boats areuniform weights like washersused to transport cars and people over bodies of water. Ships also areimportant because they can hold lots of material that countries tradewith one another. Ships have also been used throughout history in warbattles.Students may have had differentHow do boats stay afloat, especially big ships? That is what we are experiences with boats or ships. Theygoing to explore today. Boats and ships stay afloat because they aremight enjoy discussing these questionsdesigned to use the buoyant force of water or seawater to keep them in small groups and reporting to theafloat. Ship builders make many calculations to build ships that cangroups as a whole.hold lots of mass and still float!Activity: Ships Ahoy!!2. In this activity, you will be exploring what makes a boat float. Yourchallenge is to engineer a clay boat that can hold the most cargo.3. After the activity, ask the following questions:Which boat design held the most cargo? Answers will vary.What makes boats float? The ball of clay sank, so the shape of theboat determines if it will float.Does shape matter? Yes, the buoyant force has to have a surfaceupon which to push.If a force is defined as a push or a pull, what makes buoyancy aforce? It is the upward push exerted by water (salt water or liquid)onto the object. This is a review of yesterdays topic.Are density and buoyancy related? Yes, density of a material isdetermined by the objects mass and volume. Buoyancy is related todensity and the boats bottom surface (volume) affects if it floats or not..ELABORATESuggested time: Day 11 1. Scuba diving is a popular sport that relies on understanding buoyancy andweight. The weight of an object pulls it down toward the Earth, but if theobject is placed in a liquid, a force called buoyancy acts in the oppositedirection. The buoyant force is equal to the weight of liquid that the object MATERIALS:displaces, or pushes aside.Handout: Deep Sea DiverAsk: Word Bank (1 per student)When you relax in a pool, do you tend to float? Normally, humans Handout: Deep Sea Diver (1 perwill feel buoyancy when they relax in a pool. Relaxing on your backstudent)and floating is one of the first things life guards teach you when you Handout: Deep Sea Diver KEY (1are learning to swim. Some people who have lots of muscle mass may per teacher)not be as buoyant as others because their body is denser. Muscle Handout: Images of Deep Seatissue is denser than fat (adipose tissue).Divers (ELL) (1 per student as 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09 page 17 of 53 18. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Instructional Procedures Notes for Teacherneeded) How do divers overcome buoyancy of the sea to explore the depths of the ocean floor? Students will have varied answers.There are many websites that featurediving information: 2. Have students brainstorm what a deep sea diver would need to explorePeople Under the Seacoral reefs on the ocean floor. Students could design a labeled diagram Cartesian Diver Experiment Linkthat would illustrate how they would explore the depths of the ocean. A listof words has been supplied to help the student compose an explanation ofthe forces and physics at work in a deep sea dive. (optional)3. A handout has been provided to help ELL students understand what adeep see diver looks like.Optional: 4. A great extension would be to create a Cartesian Diver from a pen cap, a bottle, and a ball of clay. A link on this experiment has been supplied in the teacher notes. EVALUATE Suggested time: Days 11,12, and 13 1. Explain that during this unit, we have reviewed the states of matter, howthe addition or removal of heat can affect matter, how density is related tomass and volume, and how buoyancy is the upward force in a liquid.MATERIALS: 2. Tell the students that today they will work on a project that will demonstrateHandout: Department of Matterwhat they understand about matter. This project involves the Department Job Vacancy (1 per student)of Matter. The Department of Matter (DOM) is looking for recruits or superHandout: Examples of Superheroes to battle the issues of matter.Heroes (1 per student)Super Hero Rubric (1 per student 3. Explain that their task is to create super heroes who have special powers and teacher)to change matter using the addition of heat, removal of heat, density, andbuoyancy. They must include an illustration and an explanation on howtheir super heros powers change the states of matter.4. Tell them that they can use the handout: Super Hero Rubric to help themplan their heroes. 2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 18 of 53 19. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01 A Matter of Observation Directions: You have been given a group of items that need to be grouped together according to their observable properties. List and describe below how you classified these items. You may also choose to place your similar items in a chart or diagram. 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 19 of 53 20. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01Solid, Liquid, and Gas NotesEverything on Earth can be classified as matter. Matter is anything that has mass and takesup space. Matter can be classified as a solid, a liquid, or a gas. A fourth state of matter, calledplasma, exists but it is not a common form at the Earths surface. Solids are composed of tiny particles called molecules. These molecules are rigid. They aretightly packed together. Often, solid molecules arrange themselves in a pattern. Solids havedefinite shape. Their molecules move, but they move or vibrate in place. Solids have adefinite volume. Examples: Ice, snow, wood Liquids have definite volume, but are able to take the shape of their containers. Themolecules in a liquid are still very close together. The molecules still touch, but their motion isvery different. While solids vibrate in place, liquid molecules flow around each other. Thisaction is what allows them to take the shape of their container. Examples: Rain, water, tea Gases are another common state of matter. The energy in gases is very high. Theirmolecules move in very random patterns and will take the shape of a closed container orspread out to fill whatever space they are in. Gases do not have a definite shape or volume.Each of the molecules is well separated- resulting in a very low density for gases. Examples: Helium in balloons and neon gases in lights Plasma is the fourth state of matter. Plasmas are the most common state of matter in theuniverse comprising more than 99% of our visible universe. Plasma occurs naturally andmakes up universe objects like our star the Sun. On Earth, plasma can be seen in flames,lightning, and northern lights (auroras).SolidLiquid Gas 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 20 of 53 21. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01Solid, Liquid, and Gas Notes (ELL) Everything on Earth can be classified as matter. Matter is anything that has mass andtakes up space. Matter can be classified as a solid, a liquid, or a gas. A fourth state ofmatter, called plasma, exists but it is not a common form at the Earths surface. Plasma canbe found in lightning and in stars. Solids are composed of tiny particles called molecules. These moleculesare rigid. They are tightly packed together. Often, solid molecules arrangethemselves in a pattern. Solids have definite shape. Their moleculesmove, but they move or vibrate in place. Solids have a definite volume. Examples: Ice , snow, and wood Liquids have definite volume, but are able to take the shape of their containers. Themolecules in a liquid are still very close together. The molecules still touch, but their motionis very different. While solids vibrate in place, liquid molecules flow around each other. Thisaction is what allows them to take the shape of their container. Examples: rain, water, milk... Gases are another common state of matter. The energy in gases is very high. Theirmolecules move in very random patterns and will take the shape of a closed container orspread out to fill whatever space they are in. Gases do not have a definite shape orvolume. Each of the molecules of a gas is far apart resulting in a very low density for gases. Examples: Helium in balloonsNeon gases in signsSolidLiquidGas 2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 21 of 53 22. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01Matter Matters KEY Directions: Make inferences using the non-fiction text to answer the following questions about the three states of matter.1. What is matter? Anything that has mass and takes up space. 2. How is matter classified into groups? Matter is generally classified into solids, liquids, and gas here on Earth. 3. Can matter change forms? Yes, matter can change form with the addition or removal of heat energy. 4. How can the temperature affect the state of matter? When gases cool to their dew point, they change into a liquid state. When liquids cool and reach their freezing point, they change into a solid. The addition of heat works in the same way but reversed. 5. What are the properties of a solid? A solid has definite shape and definite volume. The molecules of a solid are held tightly and move or vibrate at a fixed point. 6. What are some examples of a solid? Ice, pencils, and desks are examples of solids. 7. What are the properties of a liquid? A liquid has definite volume but it takes the shape of its container. Because the molecules are more loosely held than a solid, they are able to flow and take the shape of their container. 8. What are the properties of a gas? A gas has no definite shape or volume. Gas molecules have lots of motion and energy. When a gas is not contained, it will expand to fill the space it is given 9. What are some examples of a liquid? Milk, water, syrup are examples of liquids. 10. What are some examples of a gas? Helium in balloons, gases in the atmosphere,and bubbles in carbonated beverages are all examples of gases. 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 22 of 53 23. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01Matter Matters Directions: Make inferences using the non-fiction text to answer the following questions about the three states of matter.1. What is matter? 2. How is matter classified into groups? 3. Can matter change forms? 4. How can the temperature affect the state of matter? 5. What are the properties of a solid? 6. What are some examples of a solid? 7. What are the properties of a liquid? 8. What are the properties of a gas? 9. What are some examples of a liquid? 10. What are some examples of a gas? 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 23 of 53 24. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01Ice Races (pp. 1 of 2) Your challenge is to engineer a way to melt an ice cube quickly.1. Observe the physical properties of an ice cube. Place an ice cube on a paper plate or in a shallow bowl and discuss in your groups what physical properties it displays. Record your observations in the space below. 2. Brainstorm with your group ways to make the ice cube melt quickly. Decide on a test and record it in the space below.My group is going to melt the ice cube by ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________3. Ask your teacher to approve your test. Teacher Approved 4. When you are approved and ready to begin your test, get another piece of ice from your teacher. Place it in the baggie. Seal the bag. This is your ice/baggie system.5. Using a balance, mass the ice/baggie system. Use grams for mass.Baggie and ice = _______ g6. Keeping the ice in the baggie, begin your teacher-approved test. Record your beginning time.Investigation began at ______________.7. When the ice is completely melted, record the ending time.Investigation ended at ______________.8. How long did it take using your melting method for the ice to melt?_________________(Ending time beginning time = how long it took for the ice cube to melt)9. Mass your melted ice/baggie system. Record your mass in grams below.Bag with melted ice = ____________ g 2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 24 of 53 25. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01 Ice Races (pp. 2 of 2) 10. Subtract the mass of the ice/baggie from the mass melted ice/baggie system to determine ifthere is any difference._________ g - ___________ g = ___________ gIce/Baggie Melted ice/bag difference11. Compare the mass of the baggie system before and after the test. Was the mass of the melted ice/baggie less than, greater than, or equal to the mass of the ice/baggie alone?______________________________________12. Why do you think the mass before and after was the calculated amount?13. Can you think of another way to melt your ice quicker and record it?Another way to melt the ice ever quicker could be: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. What about your investigation caused the ice to melt? _______________________________________________________ 17. What in your experiment did you keep constant? __________________________ 18. How long did it take the control to melt? Check with your teacher. ____________ 19. Was your method more effective than ice melting on its own in the control? _____ 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 25 of 53 26. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01Heat Energy Information The Sun gives off heat energy. This heat energy provides the Earth with warm air that is necessary for all living things to live. Heat energy flows from hotter objects to cooler ones. The Sun is hotter than the Earth. The Sun passes on its energy to the Earth. When objects touch each other, heat energy transfer occurs through the process of conduction.Water forms ice at 0 degrees Celsius. When ice is exposed to temperatures above freezing, ice remains at 0 degrees Celsius, but begins to melt. Melting occurs because the ice is absorbing the heat energy from its surroundings. Heat energy travels from the warmer air to the cooler ice.Conductors of heat energy speed up this movement of heat energy from warmer objects to cooler objects. Metal pans are an example of a conductor.Insulators of heat energy slow the movement of heat energy down. Styrofoam makes a good insulator. 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09 page 26 of 53 27. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01Heat Energy Information (ELL)The Sun gives off heat energy. This heat energy provides the Earth with warm air that is necessary for all living things to live. Heat energy flows from hotter objectsto cooler ones. The Sun is hotter than the Earth. The Sun passes on its energy to the Earth. When objects touch each other, heat energy transfer occurs through the process of conduction. Water forms ice at 0 degrees Celsius. When ice is exposed totemperatures above freezing, ice remains at 0 degrees Celsius, but begins to melt. Melting occurs because the ice is absorbing the heat energy from its surroundings. Heat energy travels from the warmer air to the cooler ice.Conductors of heat energy speed up this movement of heat energy from warmerobjects to cooler objects. Metal pans are an example of aconductor. Insulators of heat energy slow heat energy down. Styrofoam in coffee cups makes a good insulator. It keeps the hot coffee from burning your hand. 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 27 of 53 28. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Cool Cubes (pp. 1 of 2)Your goal is to find a good way to insulate an ice cube to keep the heat transfer from occurring and melting the cube. This physical change would change the ice cube from a solid to a liquid. Your objective is to build a structure or insulator to keep an ice cube from melting using the materials provided by your teacher. You need to develop and design a plan to achieve this goal. Directions: Answer the following questions and record your information below to complete theactivity.Beginning Data:1. What items did you use to build your ice cube insulator? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________2. Predict how long you think it will take your ice cube to melt completely from a solid into a liquid form?________________________________________________________________3. Record the mass of your ice cube and baggie _________________________ grams.4. After the ice cube is placed in insulator, record the time _________________________or begin your stopwatch.Ending Data:5. Record ending time _________________________ 6. How much time elapsed? _________ 7. Record the mass of your melting ice cube and baggie __________ grams 2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 28 of 53 29. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Cool Cubes (pp. 2 of 2) 8. Did the mass change? Explain. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________9. How did your ice cube change? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________Conclusion:10. What caused it to melt? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 11. What would happen to the cube if the temperature were below freezing? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________12. What kind of insulating material worked the best? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________13. What other kinds of materials might you try if the activity were repeated? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________14. If you were taking refrigerated or frozen food to a picnic, how would you insulate the food items to keep them cold? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09 page 29 of 53 30. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01Conduction Conduction is the flow of heat through a material from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperatures.It can occur from one area of a material to another or from one material to another material in direct contact. 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09 page 30 of 53 31. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01Conduction (ELL) Conduction is the flow of heat through a material from areas of higher temperature to areas oflower temperatures. It can occur from one area of a material to another or from one material to another material in direct contact. 2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 31 of 53 32. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Hot Stuff (pp. 1 of 4)Materials:Aluminum FoilMatches Tweezers or Forceps2 baby food jars with lids Safety GogglesParaffin candle for waxThumb TacksStopwatch or clockTea LightMetric Ruler Procedure: 1. Put on your safety goggles. 2. Cover the testing area with a sheet of aluminum foil. 3. Light paraffin candle and place in a safe position in the teacher lab area. Observe all safety rules for an open flame in lab. 4. Place the two baby food jars with lids (or other heat resistant structure that is stable enough to hold an aluminum bridge) approximately 15 centimeters apart. These will act as the base for the aluminum bridge. 5. Cut a piece of aluminum foil that is approximately 18 cm in length. 6. Next, fold the piece of aluminum foil four or more times into a foil bridge, which is approximately 4 cm wide. 7. Make a pencil mark 6 cm from one end of the bridge. 8. Continue to make pencil marks at 8 cm, 10 cm, 12 cm, and 14 cm. 9. Using tweezers or forceps carefully place the head of a thumb tack into the buildup of wax at the base of the candle that has been burning at the teacher station. 10. Place the tack head with wax down on the first mark (6 cm) of the aluminum bridge. 11. Repeat this procedure until you have placed tacks at the 8 cm, 10 cm, 12 cm, and 14 cm marks. 12. Allow the tacks and wax to cool. 13. Invert the cooled bridge and place the aluminum foil bridge on top of the two baby food jar lids. 14. Place the small candle (tea light) directly below the first hanging tack. 15. Before asking your teacher to light the tea light, feel the end of the aluminum foil bridge. Record how the bridge feels. 16. Remember do not touch the bridge or tacks during the experiment for safety reasons. 17. Teacher lights the tea light and students begin their stopwatches. 18. Record the time it takes each tack to drop. 19. Remember to keep the stopwatch going to record the total amount of time it takes for each tack to drop indicating melting of the wax has occurred. 20. After all tacks have fallen or the teacher calls time, extinguish the candle. 21. After a few minutes of cooling time, feel the same end of the aluminum foil to describe the increase in temperature.2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 32 of 53 33. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01Hot Stuff (pp. 2 of 4) Data Chart:Tack Melting or Dropping TimeTack at 6 cm Tack at 8 cm Tack at 10 cm Tack at 12 cm Tack at 14 cm Results: 1. Which tack dropped first? 2. How long did it take for the first tack to drop? 3. How long did it take for the fifth or last tack to drop? 4. How much longer did the fifth tack take to drop when compared to the first tack? Conclusions: 1. Describe the tack wax system after it was placed over the candle. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. In what kind of pattern did the heat energy travel? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Did the tacks drop at even time intervals? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 33 of 53 34. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01Hot Stuff (pp. 3 of 4)4. How would you describe the melting pattern of the tacks? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________5. If we repeated this experiment with five new tacks placed 3 cm apart as before, but moved the lit candle to a new position under the center of the aluminum bridge, how do you think the melting pattern would change? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Using what you already know about conduction of heat energy, which one, the flame or the foil, changed the temperature of the other one? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What conducted the heat in this activity? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 8. How is the tea light like the Sun? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 34 of 53 35. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01Hot Stuff (pp. 4 of 4) Measure in centimeters.Place the waxy tacks flat side down on the mark. Be careful around flames. 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 35 of 53 36. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01Float or Sink Test Some things float and some things sink in water. Objects more dense than water sink. Objects less dense than water will float when placed in water. Use your prior knowledge and the help of your group to explore density.Open your baggie and organize your items on the table. List the items in the table below. Observe the items carefully and make a prediction about whether you think the item will float or sink in water. After predictions are made, test each item by placing it in a container of water. Item Prediction: Sink or FloatTest List the objects that were less dense than water: List the objects that were denser than water: 2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 36 of 53 37. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Float, Sink, or Flink?Materials: Sealed container, packing materials (large paper clips (~1 g), pennies (~2.5 g) etc), clear container of water, balance. Physical Characteristics: Mass = ____ g 1. Draw your container. 2. List its physical characteristics. 3. Using a balance, determine its mass. 4. Place your container in the water. Does it float or sink?Your challenge is to determine how much matter (pennies, paper clips) have to be added to get your container to sink and flink (1/2 of the container above the water line and the container below the water line floating sinking.flinking). 1. Make a prediction about how much matter it will take to cause the item to sink and flink.2. Begin adding matter to the container one piece at a time. After each addition, test your item to see if it sinks or flinks.3. Once the object flinks, remove the container and dry it off. Using a balance, determine its mass. Record the number of pennies or paper clips it took to flink the container.4. Continue to add matter one piece at a time until the container sinks. Remove the container. Dry it off. Using a balance, determine its mass. Record the number of pennies or paper clips it took to sink the container.Data:Flink Prediction Number of ________ it tookMass of Container that Flinks to flink the container Sink Prediction Number of ________ it tookMass of Container that Sinks to sink the container 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 37 of 53 38. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01Floating, Flinking, and Sinking Float(0 paper clips)Flink (45 paper clips) Sink (100 paper clips) 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 38 of 53 39. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Are You Dense? Directions: Color in the cylinders below to show your prediction and results of the density demonstration. 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 39 of 53 40. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01Does Density Matter?Directions: Complete the following chart on the physical properties of the blocks. Block Size of ColorMass Volume Sink Other Facein g in cm3 or or mL Float? 12345 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09 page 40 of 53 41. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Drop Me Directions: 1. Place 20 mL of water into a graduated cylinder.2. Observe the water level and record the original volume of water.3. Add one centimeter cube into the graduated cylinder.4. Observe the water level and record the volume of water with one cm cube.5. Continue to add cm cubes one at a time and measure the water level after each addition.6. Repeat the same experiment with marbles. Record the volume after each addition.OriginalVolume after Volume afterVolume after Volume after ObjectVolume1st drop 2nd drop3rd drop 4th dropCentimeter 20 mL cubes Marbles 20 mL20 mL 7. What happens to the water level when objects are added to the graduated cylinder?8. Does every object affect the water in the same way?9. How much did the water raise with the centimeter cube?10. Compare the volume amounts, are there any patterns?The method you have been exploring is called water displacement. When objects are submerged into water, the water level raises the amount of volume that the object takes up. 2009, TESCCC08/01/09page 41 of 53 42. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01Egg-Citing EggsDirections: Record your predictions, results, and conclusions in the chart below. Container Prediction:Result:Conclusion:Other ofWill egg float What Why did the egg observations water or sink? happened?float or sink? ABC 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 42 of 53 43. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01Ships Ahoy!! KEY Gather Materials: Clay (40 grams), containers of water, weights (must be uniform in weight washers, marbles, pennies, etc)Phase 1: Ball the clay and place it in water. Describe what happens. Ball of clay should sink.Phase 2: Mold your clay into empty boat shapes until you find one that will float Allow everyone in your group to offer suggestions. Try out as many different shapes as you need until you find the right shape for the challenge. Draw your challenge clay boat.Answers will vary.Cargo Challenge: Which clay boat will hold the most cargo (uniform weights)? Phase 3: Add uniform weights to see how much cargo your boat will hold. Record the number of weights your boat could hold.Using a balance, mass your dry clay boat. ______________ gGather the cargo that your boat would hold and mass it using a balance. How much mass could your boat hold? ___________ gWhich mass is greater, the boat or the cargo?What determines why a boat floats? The amount of surface area that the buoyant force of water can push on is an important factor in why a boat floats. Mass is another critical factor. Redesign Phase 4: What could you change about your boat to get it to hold more cargo? Try it and see 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 43 of 53 44. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Ships Ahoy!! Materials: Clay (40 grams), containers of water, weights (must be uniform in weight washers, marbles, pennies, etc)Phase 1: Ball the clay and place it in water. Describe what happens.Phase 2: Mold your clay into empty boat shapes until you find one that will float Allow everyone in your group to offer suggestions. Try out as many different shapes as you need until you find the right shape for the challenge. Draw your challenge clay boat. Now you are ready for the Cargo Challenge: Which clay boat will hold the most cargo (uniform weights)? Phase 3: Add uniform weights to see how much cargo your boat will hold. Record the number of weights your boat could hold.Using a balance, mass your dry clay boat. ______________ gGather the cargo that your boat would hold and mass it using a balance. How much mass could your boat hold? ___________ gWhich mass is greater, the boat or the cargo?What determines why a boat floats?Redesign Phase 4: What could you change about your boat to get it to hold more cargo? Try it and see. 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 44 of 53 45. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01Deep Sea Diver KEY What are the essential elements a diver needs to consider when going on an expedition?Deep in the ocean it is coldthe diver needs to protect his body against temperature. The diver needs to be able to breathe underwater. The diver needs to be able to descend to explore but then ascend to get back to the boat. The diver does not need to fight against density and buoyancy, he needs equipment that will lower him or raise him. The diver needs to be able to see and communicate underwater. Draw a labeled diagram of the equipment (diving suit) that would support your diver in his expedition. Answers will vary. Explain the science behind diving using some of the words in the word bank. You must correctly address states of matter, heat loss or gain, density, and buoyancy. A diver needs equipment to explore the depths of the ocean. The ocean is salt water which is a type of liquid. Liquids are one of the three states of matter found on Earth solids, liquids, and gases. Salt water is denser than fresh water. Things float easier in salt water than fresh water. A diver needs help to sink to the bottom. If he increases his mass he will overcome the upward buoyant force of the salt water and sink. An oxygen tank is very heavy. Oxygen is a gas that divers need to breathe. While an oxygen tank is heavy it can not be left behind, so the diver has to overcome all of its mass to ascend to the ocean surface. My idea for the diver is to have bladders or pockets on his diving suit that can be filled with air with a pull of a string like a cars air bag. When the diver hits the water, he descends due to the weight of his tanks. To ascend, he pulls the string, gases flood the pockets and his density becomes less and he rockets to the surface. As the diver descends, he encounters another problem. It is cold in the ocean. His suit needs to be made of thick insulating material that will keep in his body heat. Even with the suit, the diver will loose some of his body heat or energy to the surrounding water. Divers should only stay underwater for a certain length of time to avoid over exposure to the cold. 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09 page 45 of 53 46. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Deep Sea DiverWhat are the essential elements a diver needs to consider when going on an expedition? Draw a labeled diagram of the equipment (diving suit) that would support your diver in his expedition.Explain the science behind diving using some of the words in the word bank. You must correctly address states of matter, heat loss or gain, density, and buoyancy. (Use the back or another sheet of paper if needed.) 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 46 of 53 47. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Deep Sea Diver Word Bank SolidLiquidGasStateMatterMoleculeEnergy Addition or addsRemoval orRemoves Heat Force MassVolume DisplacementDensityUpward DownwardBuoyancyWeight 2009, TESCCC 08/01/09page 47 of 53 48. 4th Grade Science Unit: 02 Lesson: 01 Images of Deep Sea Divers (ELL) 2009, TESCCC08/01/09 page 48 of 53 49. 4th GradeScienceUnit: 02 Lesson: 01Department of Matter Job VacancyThe Department of Matter is looking for super heroes. The department needs super heroes who have skills for the removal of heat from matter. Another need of the Department of Matter is to be able to add heat energy to matter. The Department of Matter also needs to be able to change the density of an object or the effect buoyancy had on an object. Sometimes matter needs to be melted and at other times matter needs to be frozen. Sometimes matter sinks when we need it to float. Sometimes matter floats when we need it to sink. Sometimes matter is just too heavy to move on its own. The Department of Matter needs help to solve the Earths matter problems. Applicants to the Department of Matter need to be able to be super heroes when it comes to matter. These super heroes are needed to save the world. Do you know of any heroes who fit the description? Send their resumes or descript
