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4th Quarter 2014 Lesson 10 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx

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 Adult B ible Study Guide Oct • Nov • Dec 2014 powerpoint presenta tion designed by claro ruiz vicente http://clarovicente.weebly.com  
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 Adult Bible Study Guide 

Oct • Nov • Dec 2014 

powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente


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 Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide An Appeal

Dear User…. This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all whomay find it beneficial. While intended primarily

for personal use, some find it useful for teaching

the lesson in church.There are those, however, who add illustrations,change background, change fonts, etc. Whiletheir intention may be good, this is not right.

Slide #2 says “designed by claro ruiz vicente.”For honest Christians, it is not necessary for

another’s creation to be copyrighted in order tobe respected.


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Carlos Steger, Principal Contributor

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The Book of James Contents

1 James, the Lord’s Brother2 The Perfection of Our Faith 

3 Enduring Temptation 4 Being and  Doing

5 Love and the Law6 Faith That Works

7 Taming the Tongue

8 The Humanity of  Heavenly Wisdom

9 One Lawgiver and  Judge10 Weep and  Howl!

11 Getting Ready for the Harvest 12 Prayer, Healing and  Restoration

13 The Everlasting Gospel 

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The Book of James Our Goal 


 journey this quarter spans theentire Christian era, as it includes

some of the earliest preaching, aswell as special insights for theselast days.

Let us not miss these insights.

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The Book of James Lesson 10, Dec 6

Weep and Howl!

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Weep and Howl!  Key Text

Matthew 6:21

“ ‘F or where your treasure is,

there will your heart be also.’ ” 

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Weep and Howl!Initial Words 

M any people vicariously enjoy therags-to-riches fantasy and probably

hope it could happen to them

someday.But wealth isn’t all that many believe

it to be. Increasing income followsthe law of diminishing returns:beyond allowing people to live

comfortably, more possessions do

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Weep and Howl!Quick Look

1. The Wealthy’s Wretchedness

(James 5:1)

2. The Wealth’s Worthlessness(James 5:2, 3)

3. The Wealthy’s Wickedness(James 5:4-6)

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James 5:1 NKJV

“C ome now, you

rich, weep andhowl for yourmiseries that are

coming uponyou!.” 

Weep and Howl!  1. The Wealthy’s Wretchedness

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1. The Wealthy ’ s WretchednessJustice Will Be Done!

 J ames 1:10, 11, reminded the rich ofthe impermanence of wealth. Chapter

5, urges those who stubbornly hold

on to it to “weep and howl.” The vividdescription continues throughout our

passage bringing to mind the divineretribution for the wicked excess thatcharacterizes the period just prior to

Christ’s return (see Luke 17:27 – 


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1. The Wealthy ’ s WretchednessJustice Will Be Done!

A similar attitude permeates God’s last-day church (Rev. 3:17).

Interestingly, the Greek wordtranslated as “miseries” in James 5:1comes from the same root used to

describe Laodicea as “wretched” inRevelation 3:17.

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1. The Wealthy ’ s WretchednessJustice Will Be Done!

There is so much injustice in the world,especially economic injustice.

Sometimes it is so hard to understand

why some people get rich exploitingthe poor and seem to get away with it!

We should do what we can to alleviateinjustice, while resting in the promisethat, somehow, when it’s all over,

God’s justice will be done

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Weep and Howl!  2. The Wealth’s Worthlessness

James 5:2, 3 NKJV“Y our riches are corrupted, and yourgarments are moth-eaten. Your gold

and silver are corroded, and theircorrosion will be a witness againstyou and will eat your flesh like fire.

You have heaped up treasure in the

last days.” 

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 2. The Wealth’ s WorthlessnessWrong Use

T he world’s economic situationalways seems to be going from onecrisis to another; even the “good” 

times, when they come, rarely lastand are always followed by a

downturn.Discontent and instability grows asthe disparity between rich and poor


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 2. The Wealth’ s WorthlessnessWrong Use

Money has its place;the problem is when people put itin the wrong place.

Money will be “a witness against” those who misuse it (James 5:3).

Though given in an end-time context,the point should be clear: how we use

our money matters.

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 2. The Wealth’ s WorthlessnessWrong Use

The image of flesh-consuming fire ismeant to wake us up to the

seriousness of the choices we are

making with our money.

Are we heaping up treasure that

will ultimately be burned up,or are we saving for eternity?

(See Luke 12:33, 34.)

d l

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Weep and Howl!  3. The Wealthy’s Wickedness

James 5:4-6 NKJV“I ndeed the wages of the laborers...

which you kept back by fraud, cry

out.... You have lived on earth inpleasure and luxury; you have

fattened your hearts as in a day ofslaughter.

You have condemned, you have

murdered the just....” 

3 Th W l h ’ W k d

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3. The Wealthy ’ s WickednessCries of the Poor

I n Bible times, as soon as wages werepaid, many, if not most, of the workers

used these earnings to buy food to feed

their families. Withholding wages oftenmeant the family had to go hungry.

For someone already rich to hoardwealth by stealing from the poor is asin, not just against the poor but a sin

against heaven itself.

3 Th W l h ’ Wi k d

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3. The Wealthy ’ s WickednessCries of the Poor

“Riches bring with them greatresponsibilities. To obtain wealth byunjust dealing, by overreaching in

trade, by oppressing the widow andthe fatherless, or by hoarding up

riches and neglecting the wants of theneedy, will eventually bring the justretribution....”—Testimonies for the

Church 2:682.

3 Th W l h ’ Wi k d

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3. The Wealthy ’ s WickednessFat and Happy (for Now)

In the ancient world, the notionprevailed that there was a fixedamount of wealth. The rich can get

richer only by making the poorpoorer. The issue of wealth inequality

still rages today.

In the parable of the rich man andLazarus, the real focus is this life, not

the afterlife; no future life in which’

3 Th W l h ’ Wi k d

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3. The Wealthy ’ s WickednessBlame the Victim

When someone has done wrong, thenatural tendency is to try to escape


Often people try to do this bytransferring the responsibility to

someone else—including the personwho has been wronged.

3 Th W lth ’ Wi k d

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3. The Wealthy ’ s WickednessBlame the Victim

James never condemns the richsimply because they are rich. It istheir attitudes and actions that

matter to God. Similarly, the bare factof being economically poor does not

in itself endear a person to God.It is the “poor in spirit ” and “rich in

 faith” who will be “heirs of the

kingdom” (Matt. 5:3, James 2:5, NKJV).

W d H l!

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Weep and Howl!  Final Words 

“H oarded wealth is not merelyuseless,

it is a curse. In this life it is a snare to

the soul, drawing the affections awayfrom the heavenly treasure....

He who realizes that his money is atalent from God will use it eco-nomically, and will feel it a duty to

save that he may give ”—Christ’s Object
