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4.User Feedback Based CBIR System

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  • 7/27/2019 4.User Feedback Based CBIR System



    Prototype-Based Image Search RerankingLinjun Yang, Member, IEEE, and Alan Hanjalic, Senior Member, IEEE

    AbstractThe existing methods for image search reranking

    suffer from the unreliability of the assumptions under which theinitial text-based image search result is employed in the reranking

    process. In this paper, we propose a prototype-based rerankingmethod to address this problem in a supervised, but scalable

    fashion. The typical assumption that the top- images in thetext-based search result are equally relevant is relaxed by linkingthe relevance of the images to their initial rank positions. Then,we employ a number of images from the initial search result as

    the prototypes that serve to visually represent the query and that

    are subsequently used to construct meta rerankers. By applyingdifferent meta rerankers to an image from the initial result,reranking scores are generated, which are then aggregated using alinear model to produce the final relevance score and the new rankposition for an image in the reranked search result. Human super-

    vision is introduced to learn the model weights offline, prior to the

    online reranking process. While model learning requires manuallabeling of the results for a few queries, the resulting model isquery independent and therefore applicable to any other query.The experimental results on a representative web image search

    dataset comprising 353 queries demonstrate that the proposedmethod outperforms the existing supervised and unsupervised

    reranking approaches. Moreover, it improves the performanceover the text-based image search engine by more than 25.48%.

    Index TermsImage retrieval, image search reranking, light su-pervision.


    T HE existing web image search engines, including Bing[1], Google [2], and Yahoo! [3], retrieve and rank im-ages mostly based on the textual information associated with

    the image in the hosting web pages, such as the title and the sur-

    rounding text. While text-based image ranking is often effective

    to search for relevant images, the precision of the search result

    is largely limited by the mismatch between the true relevance of

    an image and its relevance inferred from the associated textual

    descriptions [4].

    To improve the precision of the text-based image search

    ranking, visual reranking has been proposed to refine the

    search result from the text-based image search engine by

    incorporating the information conveyed by the visual modality.

    Manuscript received July 18, 2011; revised November 02, 2011; acceptedJanuary 26, 2012. Date of publication February 13, 2012; date of current ver-sion May11, 2012. A preliminary resultof this paper appeared in L. Yangand A.Hanjalic, Learning from search engine and human supervision for web imagesearch, in Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multi-media (MM 11). The associate editor coordinating the review of this manu-script and approving it for publication was Dr. Shinichi Satoh.

    L. Yang is with the Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China (e-mail: [email protected]).

    A. Hanjalic is with the Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Nether-lands (e-mail: [email protected]).

    Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMM.2012.2187778

    Visual reranking has become a popular research topic in both

    multimedia retrieval and computer vision communities sinceit provides possibilities for considering the visual modality

    in the existing image search engines in a lightweight fashion

    and without incurring scalability issues. Moreover, apart from

    the image search scenario, visual reranking can also be used

    to improve the quality of the collected data in the process

    of automatically constructing training data from the web for

    object recognition [5], [6].

    While various techniques including clustering [7], topic mod-

    eling [5], [8], support vector machine (SVM) [9], graph learning

    [10][12], etc. have been investigated for the purpose of cre-

    ating visual search rerankers, all of the existing reranking al-

    gorithms require a prior assumption regarding the relevance ofthe images in the initial, text-based search result. In the most

    widely used pseudo relevance feedback (PRF) assumption [5],

    [8], [9], [13][15], the top- images of the initial result are re-

    garded as pseudo relevant and used to learna visual classifier for

    reranking. Even though the PRF-based reranking methods have

    been able to improve the precision over the initial text-based

    result in the past, the assumption that the top- images are

    equally relevant can still be seen as too rigorous to be satisfied

    well by any arbitrary text-based image search engine. Since the

    text-based image search is far from perfect (which is the reason

    to perform the reranking in the first place), the top result will in-

    evitably contain irrelevant images, which will introduce noiseinto the learning of reranking models and which may lead to

    sub-optimal search results being returned after reranking. In this

    sense, appropriately relaxing this assumption and redefining the

    reranking approach accordingly has the potential to further im-

    prove the precision of the visual reranking.

    In this paper we address this challenge by recalling the fact

    that image search engines usually optimize the system perfor-

    mance based on the relevance measures, such as normalized dis-

    counted cumulative gain (NDCG) [16], which tend to empha-

    size differently on the results at different ranks. Hence, it can

    naturally be assumed that the images in the top result of each

    query at different ranks have different probabilities to be rele-

    vant to the query. This should be incorporated into the reranking

    model for a more comprehensive utilization of the text-based

    search result. Although this information has been investigated

    in previous work [12], the way in which it was utilized was

    rather ad hoc and therefore suboptimal. In this paper, we pro-

    pose a prototype-based method to learn a reranking function

    from human labeled samples, based on the assumption that the

    relevance probability of each image should be correlated to its

    rank position in the initial search result. Based on the images

    in the initial result, visual prototypes are generated that visually

    represent the query. Each of the prototypes is used to construct a

    meta reranker to produce a reranking score for any other image

    from the initial list. Finally, the scores from all meta rerankers

    1520-9210/$31.00 2012 IEEE

  • 7/27/2019 4.User Feedback Based CBIR System



    are aggregated together using a linear reranking model to pro-

    duce the final relevance score for an image and to define its po-

    sition in the reranked results list.

    The linear reranking model is learned in a supervised fashion

    to assign appropriate weights to different meta rerankers. Since

    the learned model weights are related to the initial text-based

    rank position of the corresponding image and not to the image

    itself, the reranking model is query-independentand can be gen-

    eralized across queries. Consequently, the proposed reranking

    method can scale up to handle any arbitrary query and image

    collection, just like the existing visual reranking approaches,

    even though supervision is introduced.

    The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we briefly

    review the related work on visual reranking. In Section III, we

    provide an overview of our proposed method and then focus in

    Section IV on describing and discussing the key components

    of this method. The experimental results are presented and ana-

    lyzed in Section V, while Section VI concludes the paper with a

    brief overview of the main results of the paper and the prospects

    for future work.


    The methods for image search reranking can be classified into

    supervised and unsupervised ones, according to whether human

    labeled data has been used to derive the reranking model or not.

    The unsupervised reranking methods do not rely on human

    labeling of relevant images but require prior assumptions on

    how to employ the information contained in the underlying text-

    based result for reranking. The most well-known assumption of

    this type is the PRF assumption. It considers the top ranked im-

    ages in the text-based result as equally relevant to the query and

    uses them as positive samples for learning a reranking model[5], [8], [9], [14], [17]. While the reranking based on the PRF

    assumption has been demonstrated to often perform well, it suf-

    fers from a fundamental deficiency that we illustrate in Fig. 1.

    Thediagram there shows the probability that an image at a given

    rank position in the initial, text-based search result is relevant to

    the query. We derived the probabilities from the search results

    we obtained on the Web Queries dataset (described in more de-

    tail in Section V) for 353 representative image search queries.

    We can observe that on this dataset only 35 top-ranked im-

    ages with the relevance probability above 0.5 could be consid-

    ered relevant, though noisy, and used for learning the reranking

    model. This number of relevant images is, however, too smallto learn a robust model. Using more images is the only alterna-

    tive, but still not a good one. Lower-ranked images may namely

    be irrelevant and therefore introduce more noise in the model

    learning process.

    The other widely-adopted image search reranking assump-

    tion is the cluster assumption, which says that the visually sim-

    ilar images should be ranked nearby [12]. Based on this assump-

    tion, various graph-based methods [10], [11], [12], [18] have

    been proposed to formulate the image search reranking problem.

    The main deficiency of this assumption is that it makes the vi-

    sual similarity of images equal to the similarity of their rele-

    vance to the query. In addition, it omits to identify two images

    as equally relevant to the query if they are insufficiently visu-

    ally similar to each other. Although effort has been invested in

    Fig. 1. Relevance probability of images at different rank positions of the text-based search result, derived from the statistics in the Web Queries dataset com-prising 353 representative image queries.

    Fig. 2. Relevance probability of bags of images at different rank positionsof the text-based search result, derived from the statistics in the Web Queriesdataset comprising 353 representative image queries.

    the selection of visual features and similarity criteria that map

    visual similarity into relevance [19], this semantic gap has not

    yet been successfully bridged.

    A straightforward way of coping with the deficiencies of

    unsupervised reranking methods described above is to rely

    on manual relevance labeling of a training data set, that is, to

    introduce human supervision in the reranking process. Such

    supervision, however, needs to be embedded in such a way

    that the learned reranking model can scale up beyond thetraining data collection and queries used in the learning step.

    Hence, relevance feedback-based approaches [20], [21] cannot

    be applied since there query-specific models will be learned,

    which requires labeling from users for each submitted query. In

    view of this, the challenge of supervised reranking is to design

    query-independent reranking models based on query-dependent

    reranking features. These features typically model the pairs of

    a textual query and an image document taken from the initial,

    text-based search result. Recent successful attempts in this

    direction have been made by Yang and Hanjalic [4] and Krapac

    et al. [15]. While human supervision helps alleviate the prob-

    lems of unsupervised methods, the existing methods are still

    far from optimal. The reranking features used in [4] and [15]

    are still designed based on the PRF and cluster assumptions.

  • 7/27/2019 4.User Feedback Based CBIR System



    Fig. 3. Overview of the proposed prototype-based visual reranking framework.

    In addition, although in [4] the contribution of images into the

    reranking features varies with their initial rank positions, this

    variation is based on handcrafted rules. These rules may work

    well for some data collections and text-based search engines,

    but their suitability is difficult to be shown in a general case.

    The method proposed in this paper makes a further step in the

    development of supervised, but scalable visual reranking sys-

    tems by explicitly targeting the improvement in the robustness

    and reliability of the learned reranking model.


    A. System Framework

    As illustrated in Fig. 3, the proposed prototype-based

    reranking method consists of an online and an offline step.

    In the online part, when a textual query is submitted to the

    image search engine by a user, initial search is performed using

    any contemporary text-based search technique [22]. Then,

    visual prototypes are generated and for each prototype a meta

    reranker is constructed. The construction of meta rerankers is

    explained in detail in Section IV. Then, for each of the top-

    images in the initial search result, an -dimensional score vectoris obtained comprising the scores from all meta rerankers

    when applied to that image. Finally, the score vector is used as

    input to a reranking model, which has already been trained of-

    fline, to estimate theranking scores in thereranked image search


    The offline component is devoted to learning the reranking

    model from user-labeled training data. Since the learned model

    will be used for reranking the text-based search results, the

    training set is constructed from these results through the fol-

    lowing steps. First, several representative queries sampled from

    the query log are selected. Then, using these queries the top-

    images are retrieved from the text-based image search engine

    and downloaded for processing. Finally, for each query-image

    pair, people are invited to label the relevance between them to

    form the ground-truth. After the training data is collected, we

    can compute the score vector from the meta rerankers, as men-

    tioned in the online part, for each image and the corresponding

    query. Then the reranking model is learned and stored in the

    memory to be used in the online part for responding to users

    submitted queries.

    B. Learning a Reranking Model

    The linear reranking model adopted in this paper is learned

    by estimating the weights of the combined scores coming fromdifferent meta rerankers. This problem can be addressed using a

    learning-to-rank method [23], by regarding the score vector as

    the ranking feature of an image.

    Ranking SVM [24] is among the most popular learning-to-

    rank algorithms and we also adopt it in this paper. This algo-

    rithm adapts the widely-used SVM classifier to handle a ranking

    problem. The basic idea is to decompose a ranking into a set of

    pair-wise preferences and then to reduce the ranking-learning

    problem into a pair-wise classification problem. Ranking SVM

    learns the ranking model by solving an optimization problem

    that can be defined as follows:


    where is the model weight vector, is the parameter to

    trade-off the loss and the regularization, is the score

    vector from the meta rerankers for the image , and

    means that image is more relevant than for the query .

    Standard efficient approaches to learning an SVM classifier,

    such as sequential minimal optimization (SMO) [25], can be

    directly employed for learning the Ranking SVM. Moreover,

    a fast algorithm, e.g., the cutting-plane algorithm [26], can be

    adopted to speed up the training of a linear Ranking SVM.

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    C. Discussion

    The reason why the learned reranking model described above

    can be generalized across queries beyond those used for the

    training is that the model weights are not related to specific im-

    ages but to their rank positions in the text-based search result.

    The separation of the model weights from specific images is the

    key to ensure that the reranking model only needs to be learnedonce and can then be applied to any arbitrary query.

    The existing learning-to-rerank methods, including the super-

    vised-reranking [4] and query-relative classifier [15], design the

    reranking model based on the hand-designed ranking features

    defined at a higher abstraction level or on the ordered visual

    words, respectively. Compared to them, the prototype-based

    learning to rerank method learns how likely the images at each

    of the ranked position in the text-based result are to be rele-

    vant to the query. In other words, the method directly learns

    the characteristics of the underlying text-based image search

    engine and requires less expert input in terms of the reranking

    feature design and a more relaxed assumption on the underlying

    text-based search than, for instance, [4] and [15]. Consequently,

    the prototype-based reranking method can be expected to gen-

    eralize even better over a broad set of queries and perform well

    for any underlying text-based search engine.


    One of the key steps in the prototype-based image search

    reranking method is the construction of meta rerankers. Given

    a prototype and a set of images , the task here

    is to compute the ranking scores for these im-

    ages based on the prototypes. The computed scores are then

    used as input for the reranking model to estimate the ultimate

    ranking scores to determine the rank position of the images in

    the reranked result. In the following, we propose three types of

    meta rerankers, depending on how the prototypes are generated

    from the initial text-based search result.

    A. Single-Image Prototype

    A straightforward way to generate a set of prototypes is to

    select top images from the text-based result, as illustrated in

    Fig. 4. If we denote this set as , then the meta reranker

    can be built simply based on the visual similarity between

    the prototype and the image to be reranked:


    The score vector aggregating the values (2) from all meta

    rerankers is then used as input to the linear reranking model in

    order to compute the definitive ranking score for image :


    where are the individual weights from the model weight

    vector .

    1) RRC Assumption: If we recall the discussion of the pre-

    vious work in Section II, and in particular in relation to the

    PRF assumption serving as the basis of many existing visual

    reranking methods, it can be said that the proposed reranking

    Fig. 4. Illustration of constructing meta rerankers using single-image proto-type.

    method using single-image prototypes is also based on an as-sumption, namely that the relevance of an image should be cor-

    related to its rank position in the text-based result. We refer

    to this assumption as the relevance-rank correlation (RRC) as-

    sumption, which can also beseen asa relaxed version of the PRF

    assumption. Compared to the rerankers based on the PRF as-

    sumption, the RRC-based reranking methods are expected to be

    more robust to imperfection and unreliability of the text-based

    search result, since the relevance-rank correlation is actually re-

    flected in the objective of a search engine.

    2) Query Independence: It is interesting to observe that

    the model (3) is similar in form to the kernel model trained

    by PRF-based methods using the top images in the text-basedresult. However, while PRF-based methods learn query-specific

    models separately for different queries, our approach learns

    the models in a query-independent way. As discussed before,

    the advantage of the query-independent learning is that it can

    leverage the labeled data from a limited number of queries to

    train a unified model which can then be generalized across a

    broad range of queries. In this way, introducing supervision in

    the learning process does not jeopardize scalability.

    B. Multiple-Average Prototype

    While the RRC assumption introduced in Section IV-AI is

    more powerful than the PRF assumption, the noisiness of therelevance distribution in Fig. 1 indicates that the relevance-rank

    correlation criterion is not necessarily fulfilled at all rank po-

    sitions in the initial text-based search result. For example, in

    Fig. 1, the relevance probability at rank 41 is only 0.448 while

    that at rank 44 is 0.537. In order to leverage the effect of pos-

    sible correlation distortions at individual rank positions, instead

    of considering a single image as a prototype, one could also con-

    sider a bag of images taken from the neighboring rank posi-


    Following this rationale, as an alternative to the prototype

    definition in Section IV-A, we now construct a prototype

    by first selecting the top images in the initial search result list

    and then by cumulatively averaging the features of all images

    ranked starting from the topmost position to the position , as

  • 7/27/2019 4.User Feedback Based CBIR System



    Fig. 5. Illustration of constructing meta rerankers using multiple-averageprototype.

    illustrated in Fig. 5. In other words, the prototype can bedefined as


    Then, the prototypes (4) can be employed to compute the

    scores of individual meta rerankers by again computing the

    visual similarity between a prototype and the image to be



    1) Bag-Wise RRC Assumption: In relation to the RRC-based

    reranking introduced in the previous section, we can say that

    the meta rerankers (5) are generated under the bag-wise RRC

    (BRRC) assumption, which states that a rank position should be

    correlated with a bag of images, instead of an individual image.

    This is equivalent to smoothing out the noise from the proba-

    bility distribution in Fig. 1 through which more robust reranking

    models can be achieved.

    Fig. 2 shows the relevance probability of each bag at different

    ranks, which is estimated as the mean relevance of all images

    contained in that bag. By comparing Figs. 1 and 2, it can be

    observed that the relevance of a bag is better correlated with the

    rank than the relevance of an individual image.

    The BRRC-based reranking approach proposed in this sec-

    tion is a straightforward way to utilize the BRRC assumption

    by using the average image features as the representation of the

    bag. In Section IV-C, we will present another approach based

    on the BRRC assumption, where a visual classifier from each

    bag is trained as the representation of that bag.

    2) Analysis: In this section, we will analyze the properties

    of the reranking method based on the multiple-average proto-

    type. By using the dot product as the similarity measure, a cor-

    responding meta reranker can actually be written as


    Integration of (6) into the linear reranking model leads to the

    following expression:




    The above expressions transform the model based on a mul-

    tiple-average prototype onto the model based on a single-image

    prototype, however, with different weights.

    The reranking model based on a multiple-average prototype

    has three important properties. Thefirst isthat the weights of im-

    ages ranked higher in the text-based search result will be largerthan that of the images ranked lower:


    This property can easily be derived from (8). It states that the

    ranking in the text-based search result represents the ordering

    of the importance for each individual image to be used as a

    prototype for reranking. In other words, the reranking based on

    a multiple-average prototype will rely more on the initial text-

    based result than that based on a single-image prototype.

    To derive the second and the third property, we write the

    model weights as


    Then we integrate this formula into the formulation of Ranking

    SVM as defined in (1) and obtain


    From the above expression, we can see that the regularization

    of each model parameter is weighted by its rank. Hence, the

    second property of the reranking based on a multiple-average

    prototype is that the different parameters have different flex-

    ibility to find the optimal value. The parameters corresponding

    to higher ranks (smaller ) have a larger solution space, and vice

    versa. This has a similar effect as the feature balancing strategy

    in the supervised-reranking method to emphasize the important

    features a priori [4]. For the reranking method based on a mul-

    tiple-average prototype, the higher the image is in the text-based

    ranking, the more important it is for reranking.

    The third property is also derived from the regularization.

    The reranking model in (11) not only regularizes the solution

    space of model parameters , but also regularizes to make the

  • 7/27/2019 4.User Feedback Based CBIR System



    Fig. 6. Illustration of constructing meta rerankers using multiple-set prototype.

    images at adjacent ranks have similar weights. Combining it

    with the first and second property, we can conclude that the

    learned weights for individual images by the reranking based

    on a multiple-average prototype will decline gradually with the

    decreasing ranks. This may make this reranking model less ag-

    gressive and more robust than the one based on a single-image

    prototype. Meanwhile, it makes the reranking model learned bythe multiple-average prototype-based reranking method hardly

    over-fitting to the training queries.

    C. Multiple-Set Prototype

    The multiple-set prototype at rank is defined as a bag

    of images ranked from the topmost position to the rank , as

    illustrated in Fig. 6


    The multiple-average prototype presented in Section IV-B is theaverage of features for the images in the multiple-set prototype

    and can be seen as a special case of this prototype. The mul-

    tiple-set prototype is a more flexible representation satisfying

    the bag-wise RRC assumption, which can support the develop-

    ment of more types of meta rerankers.

    Given a multiple-set prototype , we can learn a visual

    classifier by regarding all the images in as positive sam-

    ples, which is then employed as meta reranker and the prediction

    score is used as the meta reranking score.

    Since a discriminative learning method is usually more ef-

    fective for learning a visual model, we adopt SVM [27] in this

    paper. However, it needs not only positive samples but also neg-

    ative samples. We propose the following two strategies to select

    negative samples.

    Background images. The advantage of selecting the back-

    ground images as negative samples is that they are very un-

    likely to be relevant to any query of interest. In this paper,

    we select the images which are ranked in the bottom for

    each query as the background.

    Random images. The other strategy of selecting negative

    samples is to use the randomly sampled images from the

    entire database. The advantage of selecting random images

    as negative samples is that we can construct multiple sets

    of negative samples, so as to de-correlate different meta


    The meta reranker with a multiple-set prototype can be de-

    fined as follows:


    where is the learned model and



    In this section, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the

    proposed prototype-based image search reranking method by

    means of an experimental study performed on the publicly

    available Web Queries dataset.

    A. Experimental Setup

    To make the experimental results reported in this paper re-

    producible, we used the publicly available Web Queries dataset1

    comprising a large amount of representative and diverse image

    search queries. The dataset contains in total 353 queries. For

    each query, tens or hundreds of images are retrieved and down-loaded using a web search engine, which resulted in a total of

    71 478 images. For each query and an image in its text-based

    search result, a binary relevance is labeled as the ground-truth.

    To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we

    compare it with the text-based search baseline from the search

    engine as well as the state-of-the-art supervised and unsuper-

    vised reranking methods. The supervised approaches include

    the recently proposed supervised-reranking2 [4] and query-rel-

    ative classifier [15]. The unsupervised reranking methods

    include the PRF reranking [9], random walk reranking [10],

    [11], and Bayesian reranking [12], [18]. In the PRF reranking,

    top-ranked images in the initial search result for a given queryare used as positive samples and the negative samples are

    selected from the background images. For Bayesian reranking,

    the best performing local learning consistency and pair-wise

    ranking distance are used. As suggested in [15], 400 ordered

    visual words are used to construct the binary features for

    query-relative classifier.

    The reranking models in the supervised reranking methods

    including those from [4], [15], and the one proposed in this

    paper are trained using Ranking SVM [24]. To validate the

    parameter C in Ranking SVM, the entire dataset is randomly


    2To differentiate the specific method called supervised reranking in [4]from the general meaning of supervised reranking, we will use supervised-reranking to denote the method in [4].

  • 7/27/2019 4.User Feedback Based CBIR System





    split into 10 folds to generate the training, validation, and test

    data. The reranking methods are tested in a round robin way

    for 10 times. At each time, one among the 10 folds is used for

    testing, 8 folds for training, and the rest one for validating the

    parameter C.

    For the purpose of computing visual similarity between im-

    ages, the SIFT features [28] with dense sampling are extracted

    from the images and then quantized together with the spatial

    layout to represent the images as bags of visual words [29].

    For the methods including random walk reranking, Bayesian

    reranking, supervised-reranking, and our proposed method, his-

    togram intersection is used as the similarity measure between

    two images. For PRF reranking and the variant of our method

    based on the multiple-set prototype, the linear kernel is adopted

    for SVM due to efficiency reasons. In addition to the visual

    features, 154-dimensional textual ranking features are extracted

    for each query-image pair from the text associated with the im-

    ages, according to a common text search approach.3 The textual

    ranking features will be combined with the visual ranking fea-

    tures to achieve a better performance. The reranking using only

    the 154-dimensional textual ranking features is also reported.

    The SVMLight software [27] is employed to learn the classi-

    fiers for PRF reranking and for constructing the meta rerankers

    for the reranking with multiple-set prototypes. Since cross-val-idation is time-consuming, the default value of the parameter C

    estimated by the software is adopted.

    All the images in the text-based result for a query in the Web

    Queries dataset are involved in the reranking process. For Pro-

    totype-Single and Prototype-Average, the number of prototypes

    is set as the number of images in thetext-based result for a query,

    while forPrototype-Set, we use at most top 100 images to build

    100 meta rerankers. When constructing the meta rerankers for

    Prototype-Set, we use 352 samples as negative samples that are

    drawn from a different query than the one being used.

    Average precision (AP) [30] and normalized discounted cu-

    mulative gain (NDCG) [16] are adopted to measure the ranking3http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/mslr/feature.aspx

    performance. AP is defined as the average of precisions at var-

    ious recall levels. The APs for all queries in the dataset are av-

    eraged to obtain the mean average precision (MAP). NDCG

    emphasizes more on the relevance of top results through dis-

    counting the gain by the ranked position, which is defined as




    is the relevance of the corresponding image and is

    a normalization term used to scale the NDCG between 0 and 1.

    B. Performance Comparison

    The proposed three variants of the prototype-based reranking

    method, including the one based on a single-image prototype

    (Prototype-Single), multiple-average prototype (Prototype-Av-

    erage), and a multiple-set prototype (Prototype-Set) are

    compared with the baseline from the text-based search engine

    (Text-baseline), textual ranking based on a learned ranking

    model with the 154-dimensional textual ranking features(Text-ranking), and the state-of-the-art unsupervised and

    supervised visual reranking methods, including supervised

    reranking (Supervised-reranking) [4], query-relative classifier

    (Query-relative) [15], PRF reranking (PRF) [9], random walk

    reranking (Random walk) [10], [11], and Bayesian reranking

    (Bayesian) [12], [18].

    Table I shows the performance comparison of the above-men-

    tioned reranking methods, in terms of MAP, NDCG@10, and

    NDCG@40. It can be clearly observed that all the visual

    reranking methods outperform the Text-baseline with perfor-

    mance improvements larger than 12%, and Text-ranking with

    improvements above 8%, in terms of MAP. This demonstrates

    the effectiveness of the visual reranking concept. Furthermore,

    all supervised reranking methods outperform the unsupervised

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    Fig. 7. Performance comparison ofPrototype-Set and Text-baseline from thesearch engine. The query is arranged in the ascending order of the performanceof Text-baseline.

    ones, which once again justifies the integration of a manual

    relevance labeling step in the reranking process.

    Among the three kinds of supervised reranking methods,

    all three variants of the proposed prototype-based reranking

    method outperform Supervised-reranking and Query-relative

    methods. Since the learning approach and the visual feature

    representation are nearly the same for these reranking methods,

    this result shows that the prototype-based meta rerankers

    are most successful in effectively utilizing the information

    extracted from the text-based search result. This also demon-

    strates the effectiveness of the proposed RRC and bag-wiseRRC assumptions. Since the Query-relative classifier uses the

    average of the visual features from top images as the visual

    representation of the query, the performance may be influenced

    by the outliers in the top result and the differentiation of images

    at different ranked positions is not taken into consideration. On

    the contrary, the prototype-based reranking approach is hardly

    affected by outliers, since the weights for different images

    are learned from human-labeled data. Compared to the Su-

    pervised-reranking approach, which extracts eleven carefully

    designed reranking features based on the domain knowledge

    from the image search context, the prototype-based reranking

    method can be thought of as to be more generalized sincethe knowledge about the image search engine is discovered


    Among the three variants of the prototype-based reranking

    method, Prototype-Set achieves the best performance, which

    improves 23.6% in terms of MAP over the Text-baseline. The

    reason may lie in the fact that Prototype-Set more comprehen-

    sively utilizes the information in the text-based result through

    learning visual classifiers. A comparison of the MAP perfor-

    mance between Prototype-Setand Text-baseline in Fig. 7 shows

    that search performance is improved for 93% (327/353) of the

    queries by the Prototype-Setreranking.

    For the evaluation of the computational cost of the proposed

    approaches, we mainly focus in the paper on the overall on-

    line computational cost that directly affects the query response

    time. The computational cost of reranking images for a query is

    12.47 s usingPrototype-Seton a single CPU in ourwork-station,

    which is mainly due to the training of meta-rerankers. While

    this is acceptable for the tasks including collecting training data

    from web, it is not appropriate for real-time web image search

    tasks. However, the speed can be traded off with the precision.

    Thereranking time can be reduced to 3.6 s by usinglessnegative

    samples (100 negative samples), and can be further reduced to

    0.78 s by constructing meta rerankers at every five images. The

    corresponding MAP values are 0.687 and 0.684, respectively,

    which are still better than those of other methods.

    The combination of the meta rerankers constructed

    by the three variants of the prototype-based reranking

    method and the features in query-relative classifiers

    does not perform better

    than only using Prototype-Set. This suggests that Prototype-Set

    already exploits all the visual information which can be mined

    from the text-based search result and that the information

    discovered by Prototype-Single, Prototype-Multiple, and even

    Query-relative does not reveal any new aspects of influence forreranking.

    To complete the experimental study, we also build a new

    reranking method, , by integrating the

    meta rerankers of the best performing Prototype-Set and the

    154-dimensional textual ranking features. This hybrid method

    outperforms all the others. Its ranking performance arrives at

    0.714 in terms of MAP and achieves 25.48% improvement over

    the Text-baseline. Moreover, improves

    the results for 95% (334/353) of the queries over the Text-base-


    Sample results from and the Text-

    baseline are illustrated in Fig. 14. We can see that the proposedmethod can indeed learn meaningful visual models from the

    text-based search result in a query-independent way to boost the

    ranking performance. For most of the queries, e.g., forbidden

    city and white house, the ranking performance is greatly im-

    proved. Even when the text-based ranking is bad, the proposed

    method can still discover useful information for reranking. For

    example, for the query comics page, the MAP forText-base-

    line is only 0.161. However, the reranking can still boost the

    performance by improvement of 63% since the relevant images

    exhibit common patterns while noisy images are scattered. In

    few cases (less than 5%) where the text-based result is poor and

    the noisy images are visually similar to the relevant ones, the

    reranking will degrade the performance. For example, for the

    query will smith, even though it can be discovered that the

    query is about people, the visual features cannot distinguish per-

    sons from each other.

    C. Analysis

    We can observe from Table I that Prototype-Average per-

    forms slightly worse than Prototype-Single. This seems to be

    in contradiction with the intuition since Prototype-Average is

    based on a more robust assumption. However, the analysis in

    Section IV-B indicates that this result is reasonable since Pro-

    totype-Average is more moderate in changing the text-based

    search result than Prototype-Single. Fig. 10 shows a per-query

  • 7/27/2019 4.User Feedback Based CBIR System



    Fig. 8. Performance of various Multiple-set prototype based meta rerankerscorresponding to different ranked positions in the text-based search result.

    Fig. 9. Visualization of the learned model parameters for Prototype-Singlemethod.

    Fig. 10. MAP comparison of Prototype-Single and Prototype-Averagemethods.

    performance comparison between Prototype-Single and Proto-

    type-Average with the text-based search result serving as base-

    line. This comparison shows that while Prototype-Average is

    less effective in boosting the reranking performance, it is also

    more robust in the cases when reranking may lead to perfor-

    mance degradation, like in the last examples discussed in the

    previous section.

    Fig. 8 illustrates the respective performance of the meta

    rerankers constructed by Prototype-Set using bags at different

    Fig. 11. Visualization of the learned model parameters forPrototype-Averagemethod.

    Fig. 12. Visualization of the parameters for the Prototype-Average method.

    Fig. 13. Visualization of the learned model parameter for the Prototype-Setmethod.

    ranks. Two observations can be made. First, the data size isthe most important factor influencing the performance of meta

    rerankers when the data size is small. For the meta rerankers

    with the background images strategy, the MAP quickly im-

    proves from 0.559 to 0.632 when the number of positive

    samples increases from 1 to 5. It arrives at a peak at 0.679 when

    top 55 images are used to construct the meta reranker. After

    that the performance starts to decline with more images being

    incorporated into the learning process and arrives at 0.658 when

    all top images are utilized. This leads to the second observation

    that the data quality is the most important factor when the data

    size is sufficient. Since finding a trade-off between the data

    quality and data size is a challenging problem, Prototype-Set

    addresses this problem by learning weights to combine the

    meta rerankers with high data quality or large data size, to

  • 7/27/2019 4.User Feedback Based CBIR System



    Fig. 14. Sample results of (a) Text-baseline and (b) . The numbers 1 or 0 below the images are the manually labeled relevance valuesserving as ground truth.

    more comprehensively utilize the information contained in the

    text-based search result.

    The comparison of the meta rerankers using random images

    and background images shown in Fig. 8 demonstrates that the

    two strategies are comparable, although background images

    perform slightly better than random images. The MAP of

    Prototype-Set with background images (0.705) is also slightlybetter than that with random images (0.702).

    The learned reranking models are visualized in Figs. 911,

    and Fig. 13 forPrototype-Single, Prototype-Average, and Pro-

    totype-Set, respectively. We can see that the model weights in

    Prototype-Single tend to decrease with the decline of the ranked

    positions in the text-based search result. While the decrease is

    not strict, it is basically accordant with the relevance probability

    as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 11 shows that Prototype-Average ex-

    hibits a similar trend, that is, the weights for top-ranked mul-

    tiple-average prototypes in the text-based result tend to be larger

    thanthose ranked lower. As the weights for the multiple-average

    prototypes in Prototype-Average can be transformed to be theweights on individual images using (8), the values are com-

    puted and shown in Fig. 12. The values decrease strictly and

    smoothly with the ranked position and become nearly zero after

    rank 78, which demonstrates the correctness of the derived three

    properties ofPrototype-Average in Section IV-B. From this re-

    sult and the former analysis, we can hypothesize that although

    Prototype-Average cannot perform better than Prototype-Single

    in terms of average performance, it is more robust to noise

    and hardly suffers from the over-fitting problem. The learned

    weights for Prototype-Set as shown in Fig. 13 have a more

    complex relationship with the rank positions since the meta

    rerankers learned from the bags at different ranks are highly

    correlated. A conclusion that can be drawn from this is that

    the learning process is rather important since we cannot simply

    Fig. 15. MAP ofPrototype-Setfor different numbers of meta rerankers.

    design a function to estimate the model weights from the rank


    We further studied the effect of two parameters in Prototype-Set, i.e., the number of meta rerankers and the number of

    top images to be reranked, on the reranking performance. We

    can see in Fig. 15 that the variation in the performance reduces

    for and that the performance exceeds 0.7 for

    . Since increasing leads to larger computational costs, we

    select in our experiments as a good representative

    value for our experiments.

    Intuitively, involving more top images in the initial result into

    the reranking process should lead to an increase in the reranking

    performance. Fig. 16 shows the performance of Prototype-Set

    when applied to different numbers of top images, from which

    we can see that the MAP keeps improving when increases.

    This basically demonstrates the correctness of the intuition. On

    the other side, we may also intuitively hypothesize that more

  • 7/27/2019 4.User Feedback Based CBIR System



    Fig. 16. MAP ofPrototype-Set for different numbers of top images to bereranked.

    images to be reranked could lead to increased unreliability of

    the reranked result. However, we did not observe this in our



    In this paper, we proposed a prototype-based reranking

    framework, which constructs meta rerankers corresponding to

    visual prototypes representing the textual query and learns the

    weights of a linear reranking model to combine the results of

    individual meta rerankers and produce the reranking score of a

    given image taken from the initial text-based search result. The

    induced reranking model is learned in a query-independent way

    requiring only a limited labeling effort and being able to scale

    up to a broad range of queries. The experimental results on the

    Web Queries dataset demonstrate that the proposed methodoutperforms all the existing supervised and unsupervised

    reranking methods. It improves the performance by 25.48%

    over the text-based search result by combining prototypes and

    textual ranking features.

    A natural extension of the approach described in this paper

    would be to applythe proposed methods to learn concept models

    from image search engines in a semi-automatic fashion. Com-

    pared to the fully automatic methods [6], the semi-automatic

    approach could learn the concept models for any arbitrary con-

    cept much better and with only little human supervision.

    While our proposed methods have proved effective for

    reranking image search results, we envision two directionsfor future work to further improve the reranking performance.

    First, we could further speed up the Prototype-Set method

    variant while decreasing the precision degradation. Since top

    images are incrementally added into the multiple-set prototypes

    to train the meta rerankers, one of the possible approaches in

    this direction is to utilize the online learning algorithms [31].

    Second, although we assume that the rank position is generally

    correlated with the relevance value of the image found there,

    and while our results show that this assumption can be regarded

    valid in a general case, still deviations from this expectation

    can occur for individual queries. Hence, we could work on

    improving the proposed reranking model to make it more

    query-adaptive. One possible approach here would be to auto-

    matically estimate the query-relative reliability and accuracy of

    each meta-reranker and then incorporate it into the reranking

    model. Another approach may be to learn the reranking models

    for different query classes.


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    Linjun Yang (M08) received the B.S. and M.S. de-grees from East China Normal University and FudanUniversity, Shanghai, China, in 2001 and 2006,respectively. Since 2009, he has been pursuing thePh.D. degree from Delft University of Technology,Delft, The Netherlands.

    Since 2006, he has been with Microsoft ResearchAsia, Beijing, China, where he is currently an As-sociate Researcher in the Media Computing Group.His current interests are in the broad areas of mul-timedia information retrieval, with focus on multi-

    media search ranking and large-scale Web multimedia mining.Mr. Yang has received the best paper award from ACM Multimedia 2009

    and the best student paper award from ACM Conference on Information andKnowledge Management 2009. He is a member of ACM.

    Alan Hanjalic (SM08) received the Diplom-In-genieur (Dipl.-Ing.) degree from the Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany, in 1995and the Ph.D. degree from the Delft University ofTechnology, Delft, The Netherlands, in 1999, bothin electrical engineering.

    He is a full Professor at the Department of Intel-ligent Systems, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft Uni-versity of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. Hewas a visiting scientist at Hewlett-Packard Labs,

    British Telecom Labs, Philips Research, and Microsoft Research Asia. Hisresearch interests are in the broad field of multimedia signal processing, withfocus on multimedia information retrieval. He (co-)authored/edited more than100 publications, including three books. He was a Keynote Speaker at thePacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Hong-Kong, December 2007, and atthe International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Klagenfurt, Austria,January 2012.

    Prof. Hanjalic is an elected member of the IEEE TC on Multimedia SignalProcessing and an appointed member of the Steering Committee of the IEEETRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. He has been on editorial boards of several sci-entific journals, among which the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, IEEETRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING, and the International Journal of

    Multimedia I nformation Retr ieval(Springer). He has served in the organizationcommittees of the leading conferences in the multimedia field, such as ACM

    Multimedia (General Chair 2009, Program Chair 2007), ACM CIVR (ProgramChair 2008), ACM ICMR (Program Chair 2011), and IEEE ICME (ProgramChair 2012).
