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5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU

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Seale University ScholarWorks @ SealeU e Spectator 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 Editors of e Spectator Follow this and additional works at: hp://scholarworks.sealeu.edu/spectator is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SealeU. It has been accepted for inclusion in e Spectator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SealeU. Recommended Citation Editors of e Spectator, "Spectator 1933-05-02" (1933). e Spectator. 13. hp://scholarworks.sealeu.edu/spectator/13
Page 1: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU

Seattle UniversityScholarWorks @ SeattleU

The Spectator


Spectator 1933-05-02Editors of The Spectator

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Spectator by anauthorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU.

Recommended CitationEditors of The Spectator, "Spectator 1933-05-02" (1933). The Spectator. 13.http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/13

Page 2: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU

--S ftOTg£v© ®#&-^Sbo.ttlo Collogotfni. 1. tfO. 13. "Woek Eliding March 6. 1935.



The animal Alum-ni Communion andBreakfasti8to beheld next Sundaymorning, May 7,atSt. Joseph's Churoh,whioli is located at18 Aye. No. at. L,Aloha St. Mass willbe celebrated at9:00 o'clook and cbreakfast will boservod immediatelyafterward in thehall of the Church.

All arrangementshr.vo boen oomplotedby tho oommittoe inchargo end they r_n-nounco c v&riod coidinteresting progrcjnfollowing the broak-fast.

Mr. John Cormody,a graduato of llotreDemo and L.n ominontlawyor in our city,and Fr. Roidy, Prof-oesor of Philosophyat Socttlo Collogo,will melee tho occas-ional sppochos.

Invitations tothe Conmunion-Broak-fr.st havo boon sontto alumni of othorCatholic collogoswhich havo not analumni associationin this city.

Thus, a ropros-ontativo cross-soc-



Mothers and sonswill gr.thor iriday,racy 12, c.t tho SchoolCh-.pol in colobrr.tionof Mother's Dcy, /

This is c yocrlyaffdX for thcColl-ogo Students, f.iid itie vj^poctod thct notonly thoy who c.ttondwith thoir mothorsbo thcro, but alsotho other Students.

Mr.ss .illbo c.t9:00 o'clock an&brocikfast will foll-ow imraodictoly cft-orwcdbds.

Tho Student&chosen by Hovvr.rdSylvostor, Pro6-idont of tho 3tu-dont Body, to holpwith the progrcmfor thr.t dr.y r.ro theProsidonts of thoconsooutivo clr.ssos.

Thus Jim Ce.Boy,John Hooschon, EdO'Co.lloghr.n, endHarold Mclono, willbo in efcergo, r.ssist-od by Frank O'Loary,Joo Hurloy, Art 01--mor, end Frc.nk Tovvn-sond.

In addition, or.ehstudont is r.skod tocontributes the smallsum of 10^ to holpdofrr.y oxpcnsGS.



Everything isror.dy for a vondorfulpicnic. Every studontie guaranteed r. vvond-orful time.

All tho cdv-ntr.gosof ohnrnod Lr.ko Wild-crnose arc opon to thostudents of So-vttloCollogo on Thursday,Mcy 25.

Rosort mcnr.gorshc.vo promised cvoryform og cooperation,and so wo now noodonly a group of roll-icking students tosupply tho pop, andwo will all enjoy Cday novor to be for-gotton.

Tho picnic comraitt-oo, as announced byPrcsidont Sylvcstor,is composed of JimCasoy, John Hooschon,Ed O'Callaghan, andHarold Mr.lono.

♥*V "-♥*»!<

xjnong thosu oxpcct-od at tho "broclrfastfor tho clumni eretho following:Prosidont Wr.lt Gall-r.ghcr, Goorgo Stantz,Honry Ivors, Howe.rdLoClcir.

Pr. Porontcau endFr. Rcidy, both of thefr.culty, will clso "bo

Page 3: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU


The pay-off regar-ding Hitler's law thatone Jew in your familymakes you Jewish isthat Adolph himselfhad a Jewish uncle.

There is really ariver called "Old manRiver" (In Cunada).

A certain cigarettefirm is right. The Uof Michigan, in an ex-periment, proved thatthe lighting of a cig-arette actually nldsIn maintaining non-chalance in moments ofstress.

Nearly 800 letterswithout addresses areplaced in mall boxes

tvery day.

r/hile most firmsere losing money the

convict Industries atSing Sing finished thefiscal year with a netprofit of $258,500.

That Sir WalterScott was plenty dumbas a student. A prof-essor at Edinburgh Usaid of him: "A duncehe Is and a dunce hewill remain!"

Helen of Troy hadcelebrated her sixtileth birthday whenParis fell in love

iith her.


V.'hiTe there areno fifteen men on adead man's chest inDEhTH IS A STOY'AWAY(William Godwin),there is far morethan a single bottleof rum on the treas-ure-chartored yachtund as exciting a runof baffling conflictsas you will pitch in-to in any soa.

It seems that oldCogswell, a banker inpossession of a verydefinite clue for loc-ating burled pirategold, wishes to steerthe world from hisreal motive and givesthe yacht the appear-ance of a pleasureoraft on a spree. Be-fore sailing, a fare-well party in piratedress lends the pro-per note of departure.But in the morning a;aan dressed as a buc-caneer is found deadon tho boat deck.

As usual a veryastute defective hap-pens to be a passengerand his clever deduc-tions lead to a cap-ture of the criminal.

The plot driftswith amazing skillinto tho treasure th-eme, whore an elementof sheer adventuregives added impetusto the book, a realmystery find*



We hear that theFrench national themesong is: "Debts allthere Is, there Isn'tany more."

Fr. Peronteau: "Lucid,did you get my letter?"Lucid: "Yes, Father.Iread it inside andout. On the inside itanid 'you are expelled'and on the outside itread 'return in fivedays' - so here Iam".

Malone: "V/hat isthnt proverb about arolling stone?"

Molthan: "A revol-ving fragment of thepaleozoic age collectsno cryptogamous vege-tation."

"You wield yourbrush like a master,"suld the critic. Thenho frowned thought-fully. "Still, though,Iadvise you to takea little more painsaround the curbstones;the mayor's getting^awfully particular.

The difference ineffect of the stuffRip drank and what wedrink is that Rip wokeup.

And then there isthe sneezing song: whenI'M looking atchoo.


2May 2, Seattle College Speotatori

Page 4: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU


last xiiurode./ x^r.■leidy's Religion classwas to have a test.The students were atclass on time for ahasty look at thebook before they re-oeived the questions.But to their dismayFather iteidy was notthere.

The students wait-ed for about fiveminutes, some thoughtthat he had not heardthe bell. They caution-ed the others not tomake any noise sonot to aoquaint thedean with the stateof affairs.

After waiting fortwenty minutes adisoussion was broughtup whether or not towalk out. The votowas about half andhalf. Tho half thatvoted to walk outdid so. Then someonetold the doan.

A moment lator aworried Father Por-onteau spod down thehall to Fathor Roidy'csanctum, rapped sharplyon the door and criodout in a sharp voico,"Fr. Reidy, are youill?"

lather iteidy ap-pearod in tho door-way with flushedface and tousled hair,,rubbing his eyes."Why Ithought therewas another hour yoti"He exclaimed in onalarmed voice. 3utthe boys didn't caro.Tho oxam was off.


Boylo at the 400Club---

Thorapsoia at thoOlympic Hotol

Sylvostor on ■party. (Hoy was itHoward?)---

Drow ongaged0 1Leery taking his

day off ocrly thisweek

—Ccßoy looking for

a jobGois wondoring if it

"x.ye to studyFrooly plaing "ball

with tho grammar schoo:Gonost suporvising

all tho shower—

Robinson clickinghis hoels with ayoung lady at thoChancellor Club Daiico.

John atill wondoringif he has to make uphis exporimonts

O'Callaghcn with a .now roligioue doctrino

Mclono unfair toorgc.nized labor

— -Donohuo still a

studentMcClcJ.ro string ;

homo for a changoMartin entering

tho moviosflling Kong).'Tombroull at school

yostordc.yDaylight sc.ving time

Too bed Sifforman.Er.rly to bed

Olmor soon in Bellanat o danco

TovviiEcnd dodgiug theTreasurer

otocle giving upsmoking '.

Gallagher atilllooking for somoonoto roscuc.

Daubonspock still '

CAW YOU IMAGINE***** **>..

Fr. Roidy forgotting tocomo to class.Finn at an oporaThompson in knuc pauts

—A Soattlo College Sttt-dont gotting lost in thowoods (Locturo)Mr.lono gotting marriod--Prof. McClanc growing aboardDonohuo kooping hismou|jh shutTho State olosodCasoy boating Halpin'atiuoGois boing polito1. Jahn smokingTho Vagabond Lovor(Sylvostor) paradingwith tho communistsRobinson not roading aradio magazino duringpsychologyMartin sowingOno-round Boylo doingroadwork at five in thomorning

— -.Acquino coming toschool barofootcd(.iuinby allowing thowaitrossos to go aboutthoir workifo examinationsGrant skipping classi?r. Nichols on thowarpathLocturo not criticisingeomoono.Thompson stepping out.(Alono )Hooschcn a Gigolod Casoy with falsotoothOlmor yollingColoman answoring aquostion rightDrew studyingiuinby not skippingEconomicsTho BaskotballToam potting th< ir^^^^^_

Page 5: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU

Hoy; ttclono onjoyod liia lilind.,da£cSaturday night...../hat Jacobsun VCA doing in a car<;ith throe couples ltßt xriday....If "^dair-l" Daubonspock will ov^rgut en ungino lor his ship....Hoy; Sylvester likoß red-heads, CJOAnii-t Taylor would say....How long this Tombroull-Johnsonaffair Mill last....Whoro Gallagher end uinty wontSaturday night....If a rubber ball could bouncelileo Drow did at Sand i'oint....v/hon tho boor will bo roady....v/hy Boylo failod to show up atthe Club 400....'//hen Donohot will be Sports-Ed-itor of tho P.IIf Looturo could stop pining forilathlcon." ".When BtoOlciro and McClean willgot togothor again.....■diat are Professor Melane's in-toroste in ..allingford..... _When Oorrigan will go to a dance...:ra- .'iiai had to nout Holon lestWednesday n00n....When Sifii-riatn will challengeHr.rvey to m 18-hole matoh....Ii that «CJ Oullctte v/o say; at'S.-jk*. j?oint Saturday night....How Cretan liicos Latin....How i'reeloy over got that way....If tho picnic will bo a success....


Hooschon, Sifforoan, and Jc.hn on-Joyod ./heolor and vyoolsoy'e latest.Millet was soon out strolling witha nureo,*uimby got lost in tho gravoyard.Owens is Koing to tho world I'air.Harrington.il smart enough tov/car a Phi Bet pin.Gerhard wants to go C.lifornian.Martin is quite a tonnie playor.Jahn is soliciting orders for thoP.I.Gois will probably give anotherspeech before the year is over.

)f *f.*v )|« VVW ¥


Tho-opoctator- is ouoor.vrock by tho Assooiatod otudonts ofSoattlo Collogo. Porsons other thanstudents desiring copies should add-ross tho Editor,Exocutivo Editor....Wondol i?. JahnAssistant Editor...Earl SiffornanAssistant Editor....Arthur OlmorA6sistantEditor....Mordio LocturoWriters Sylvester


— Gois—




Grant«.rt Work Francis Townsond.

(cont'd from pg 1)tion of tho Catholic mon of ourcity will be prosont and any pro-gram of Catholic action proposodwill be assured of a strong andactive furtherance

I-'r. Porontcau, Spiritual Dir-octor of tho Alumni -iseooi.'tion,is quoted as saying:

"Since tho strength raid flour-ishing odrtditlon of tho Churchdepends to an extraordinary degreeupon tho participation of tho laityin tho «.poatolic ondoavors o:.? thohierarchy, such an aeJ-unrtly is oi"groat momont in tho spiritual andsocial lifo of tho dioccso."

"If tho laity ie to look :.ny-whoro for leadership, it is cer-tainly to those who have boonblossod v/ith a Catholio education."

/4ncl it is not mcroly a piouscounsel but : stern obligation,if we Catholic fa are to live up totho obligations and our faithwhich our opportunities h.wo im-posed on us."


Dean Fr. Porontoau haschoson Thursday, May 18, ac thodato for the election of studentoffloors for the coming schoolyoar.

Tho prosont officers, HowardSylvostor, Prcsidont; Ed O'Call-aghcji, Vico-Prosidont; and PrankHarrington, S.^crotary, will bosuccoodod.

Each and ovory member of thestudont body is ozrpoctod to voto.


Page 6: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU


Aa yiolont viotins of aorophobiawo wish to add our noto of pro-tost on tho stool mo ah floor oftho now Univor8ttv bridge Thofaot thr.t it frigntona horaos ondolophonta oonoorna ua not onowhit. Wo thoroughly dialikohoraoa, having lost nonoy on enindividual 8pooioa of thr.t rr.co,r.nd hate olophenta bocr.uao theynovor forgot. Our iaonory ian'twhat it ueod to bo. *nywr.y thothought of on r.ninr.1 h.ving c.bottor nouory than U8 nrJcoa usfool ao ar.iR.ll thc.t wo arc afraidof felling through tho nioah.Bo8idoa our old thrill of lookingovor tho railing will bo blaatodif wo ovor got uaod to tho nownrrangocont r But wo know wo ahr.llnovcr conquer our natural inefcin-ct and wo ahall bo nocoa8arilyforood to look at the Savons inardor to koop our ninda off thewatcr8 bonoath. And thcnwhc.t.Our Mr.ny adnirora will think wohavo gono high-hct and givo ue thoair. *****.Although no ono ha8 ovor soon anaton tho Univor8ity of Californiaaciontiata roport that tho atonis built in r. dofinito do8ignoonparr.blo to tho pyrc.raida,

(If you hc.vo ovor triod ancahingen atom you nuat admit this

Ioory ie not at all oxaggoratod).♥♥♥♥

0 Elblo eaya it ia not good foruan bo livo clono and ItnL» it,.t r.ioana without r. wifo.

(We know a nan thr.t koops a doginstoad--bonobody nuat bo wrong)»

A swimming pr.rty wr.s arrangedduring tho Ir.at stuiont bodymooting. Miko Donohuo, Chairmanpromisos an onjoyablo time forall. The affair will tako plncoat tho Washington Cluboither this month or tho firstof next. With tho back court oftho swimming tank convortod intoa dance floor., thoso who do notoaro for swimr.iing can spond thotime dancing.


What with buildinga strotohingto ovor now hlghta into tho

at ratoaphoro wo aro egrooablysurprisod whon intondod auioldosaro foilod through somo trick offcto. To us thoro is nothingfunnier then a von Jnraping off anine story building and gottingup -uid asking "Whore an I"?If wo woro on tho scono wo wouldliko to grab a oigarotto lighter-no-a match would bo bottor


holding it oloso tot oortainpert of his anatomy shout "Inholl big boy". (Wo also liko tosoaro be.bios)

Not only tho ;hove r fctonptodr.uioido bat ot'iors ax excitooar resibility, Tho "

rJ v-^.who rooontly atabbod hxHS-lf ithD ponknifo thirty-two tiaelwithout finding a vital sp^+ cnltho story of the oastcrn g. .tlo-nian with the woodon leg whoconsidered drowning and in wadingcut *t caught in the mud and'oquiroi jsistanco, likowiso

fj.ndb r. ?.co in our album.*******Soattlc City Council refuses an

application for a gamblingliconso bocaueo tho establishment'paid off in counterfeit nonoy.


Page 7: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU


./qdneedc.y morning tho P.I. rmen p.coount of r.n unknown horo whorescued c. girl fron en cttcok bya vioious fiend. Our Horo, JackOr.llc.ghor hepponing on tho aoonoroutod tho nan, offered his cm totho trembling girl and safely oon-duotod hor to c noarby drug store,Jr.ck thai loft the girl, sens wordor nr.no boing nontionod. Thorocro unsung horoos still walking thostroots, oc.gor to roscuo ohcimingMissos in distress.


Our hor.rt wont out to tho poorwrotoh Who was eirrostod during thopetit yocjc for jamming up tho trc.ffioon d loor.l highway at the vision Por tho boncfit of those stud-of an oncoming train on en oloatrio onts who trc.oo thoir anoGStry tosign. Wo h-vo "bean foolod oursolvcPthc ] :.nd of beor aid drinking songsby tho scno algn and it was only *wg^:rßc±±xxi:axiiKyamx3:rxxxx2ccxxscxzxxxxtr.rdy rcflexos on our part that raid for thoso whoao choioe of lit-prevented a fdw lest hurried prayor%raturo is not oonfined to tho por-propcrr.tory to tho grc^.t cdveitturo* usal of dotootive end westorn nov-We woro so grateful whon wo dis- ols, wo offer this absorbingoovorod our nistclco thr.t wo nevor analysis of affairs in Gormany,too.'- r.otion but intond to in tho Published at this tinio whon Oer-fut lug, There should bo a law. many appoars tr bo rcvortin^ to its

formor monarcricl ryston of govor.iThis boing tho hoydcy of our nont, the booi. ia, ill thp parlance

r,noodotc.go wo wish to rolcto the of novrs roportors, "sj. >t no.va". Itt lo of tho exuborcjit citizen's en oaaslqglj 'OOSG r.lysisexperience at tho sr.no sign. Ho of tho forcoe thc.t aro renpu iblo8-.w tho trr.ln coning, and veorod for tho dooadonoo of "tno tee\shr.rrly off, turning over about domooraoy in tho world",- a 1 tollsfivo tinos. «Yith tho customary Vvhy Gormany has revortod to tholuck thr.t sonotimos pr.rr.doxicolly nannor of thinking thr.t was pre-aoconpanios liquor, the man pullod valont during tho yoars prior tohiuso?f from his domolishod :hinotho Gro. ■ -Yar. The book is writtonthcjnkod his str.rs, rjid told r. iot ji fy- . c.nd sineore nennor andtoo hopeful bystander, -"the Sana - c n :.. «.,Edgar Mowror, nevortrain kept coming," ..ilawa his aocount to lag or grow

dull. Ho offors a oSild, unyqtouohodpicture of world politics, and cttimes a satirioal paragraph oreepein which is rominisoont of JonathanSwift, Lb is ovidont from thisdescription, it is a sorious dis-cussion of Gorman affairs and not*

*********Kcufnr.il of Mcnohoetor we.a

givon c. $5.00 bad 3h&ck by Jc.cobBrc.dfard as c rowcrd for roturninghis lost purse containing $98,00.

(We adviso taking tho fivo bucksfron tho purse, montioning thefact nonohclr.ntly md wclk Gwc.y. )

"Gorracny turns Br.ck theClock"-

By £d # Mowrcr


Page 8: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU

■> .0 16 UOit jfl^iU '.7ith B.X.HeI1

blunts, uj K>r.2s 03 totie l<-^er. 'ibsn tie MUjy Cio"joliove we should stc it ut theto.j. Tliis idea his aeon rootedout 0- those uliius; tius »ntli^ala it lies 'jeoii tolfi thau, thatour etu.' oAjt 'joCj c-innot hanc'lesuch a_..^iifc, wOic" asjeoiall;/ ao

in the_e are so Jew tli&t will£,CtU£.ll./ iic.

Lilio>ii,e there ere stilla -a ; ,ho insict on aChorino totr« "" ition, a_'.;i.ira and ■>irit o;the sohoolc 2lo:ii wuich t.137ici'.Ui.tci0, in )>.. tici'.Li r joc.ttlo.i a. /c a*ti c Ba_vii'«.te .inatitu*tionr cue" ac SttSfc UeiJtLiic1 icoo';-nition. Those :o/ ,ju_t reeai.etut fcfl loir, .s v. e'iioli"1 to i^i cu;7i,j tuia a . 0:1 f-t;la- t o_ ciOtlioa

x>C.. f .«c cc. tiiiil" ',1.11 iu-t %atl«.:. >o L-t'j 'o, ut uun. lot"jolii.K1 tlia college ../ >u3li, xOUi.ie all iloneorr. bo tc 1.oalc,8u«*ll BUOkJex 00..jfc.i».tiv el tiietBhc.ll Ith tlio .fliio. Ivor?Oollc^e 2cj£ rJiiivo.-it: nevarbee,—' itlii.o.o. Jitch t.iu \;a^on..to the jiovoi.ial -tci cur. fc?ostti^ .jotto o-x - 'let 1:. \oi.


(totivitiea).AD o'".iov;Lo -./ell ..i-.rui:lied ioou.,c noca to nv..c'\c se a r*e\/

'Jliioli .111 aot £Cd j. £rcctfill to t!ic .)_ ououiicecL e:ajti^io3B jthet j-cv^ilc. Consequently


dclze tliii a^ye&l to tlje .tuuents.0:. - ..'hetlior rt^_. 3,ciuL: or leiinaate. lone estlie, Co not afsil ajait T*ion invie iiiii tbon cc-ounc , Ss^«* lo:ss'.ill .c oc.x £,c in, Licic'entcilljaa aatenn« r,oi f.e r«C.ie ..'ov.id ")e ,dee >1 c. -ccie.ted.

fCliitteier fH&.ve joe ever, "jeon sli' Ijtl;curious as to the iieieaV.:v.t c ofthe :ouii£, M.n '£10 £>ou^:t ais ieal

./ell, we are jrcje -ad totell ,ov.ell. 3rs.ee otMiel\es.iiet ijie t her. He m&11ieflhe:. He .niurcered har.

/c j&aov a ei%*.j 1 k#'t« <.,rooz,, Jollo;. ...e'n _otjorsoiclit; ." ■./"j-c^i. -cc-ii-L 1

&1 u'ji jolly, meeting ii_oao.it on :iia lii3» -o l£ oaujetasat',he

'c hoalthy, he

'& jl;- cut "" *a4l

we hcte hiai

An<i no;; we've jut oa ouri-ci.uo.aic t leotcwClse. te ■

to reo#uui2xC. & jook. It£an oi: ooolc. It ieooi'3 :. '..uiotljb.e. The idud*.ticu 0.. Ben<.oa.ua ia uioio t^it.n w- :.u.to'«io-y±c >hy ox a (_uieti&t, o. c iiiei«aiixinex 0/ riadiss. It ia ajooi O'i > o rascieo, -rittoxi ;ith

JB dia:;ir, cl£.ii"O ;-.ie 0 V 0210. cc 'tlon^ll,,* aituo ojcervor.

..icto:.-i an3 re-ru _.:. L.i_ tt& tcat. >tei eiititlci" ''**. J^'il&lkiioBlisor^ 0. .ir.toi " in the li^ht0:. the c:/ »ci ience 0.. the ;e^"B1C 0-lk;.Li .iill Jl.i' tie theoryo_ tic hintoiis.n 0* the no-.* :-e,hich .'.tlc.j~ <, ./o heliovo, is

rK).je( „ to Bi lrirt the rofese-ioiul >hilOoOiher cB tli c ruler0 :ao lc sector of Truth.

The 'jaaket "ball toam oo^joi-ed0^ thirteen iiieii 188 so f^i so:letliru their scheCula . ith t. veii-e^ice, losing -ut tincc gaa«s

out 01 the efflcbt ;l.yed. Theirco<a.ah lo^cja ii.i). oor^r OreichtonS-_>esJCB ©11 or the s^u^.d i.ndRelieves thit ith a little ino^ejxcotice en<? e^rjerieuco taej'will oecome a _orMidaol3 teau.

Jinime -inn, iiftShaall so farlie.s suoceoc'od i:i ttCTrtng in theoest jeirr: &."Jle torinc. the 'ole juckbt ' ixoa everyan^le. The a^uacn conai.ta of.■inn, ."iarle;, Oliusr, jalm*ul3<^steele, Halve;, Corri^.^n, Jre:;,Gels, i:;Joracai, IJcOliir andUoGinley*

Page 9: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU

,] , Cjjoneuts :41

■j't 2#ly Rosary 25XI i, C. i|U)ulty24<{9 Galaro^a C, £642 Car lieId C. 2247 1419 Lamaoultte 19 ..;5 Lanc.oxile.te 2V


Due to .the crc-oiou^ oonsont,ol the Jean enc" thru the:,e:ierosity of c *'roshman, tho j,s.-ioliint rooaiifca ac-oiied a radio.3ut ith ai -ood UiiXJga tiiere is.c et*iHS to it. Jt isnot to ja jlc.; ed <u;4AG cltss■iour*« The ctucont'"joc> is asked,to allliere to this nils, if it is ,jrolcen tl» radio v:ill Liwe^ictely

■jo removed. vo :oi the oeneiitOf those iio :t.ve citernoon clc.^£p£,and remain in school during theuoon hoi.r, we eak all to see toit that thi rule is tejt,»XHincice:italljr i-.-oioa "jnil.eeasil

-handle .ith carei


_ew realized tlx^t thereaultc oi those .raiilieiisteinhorrors, (" ua-ter e^'a) .-ocldhave iuch far reaohinc <^eve6-;tatinr eifects. Pareiits are hardheertsd, ciid .vhile a luolzystuJont inl^ht possess the sull-iole tind, the"majority find thex.rexital authority teiu'lUbtov;ares ake;iticiBm, .orn no douot-froa j11. viou £ juL113.1 -«i lure "~

iiut no"j thct they ;oas^ed, (x»r»iTi«S to the e^'s) ■

those the heic.est hit .111realise the enormity or theirfo-ilt, aac U.co^.niz in^ tlia atmoa-'htiie o^ -tv.r \ -^ievwlent a,out

the favoied few, '..ill e;.in the£«v -Teai ri',ht r3> w'ato& tlie o-_t .rejected reeolution 0.. 'jioiectvc ',vat -;oith»7ith jrocesd toreal: it after tlae iii:t two c. a;

( /c heai- tliat trie name Ox theCollege Lj a^oit to "be olisn:,ec.



Lrery l£.i&o institution .;£ sonce small..athei -toid:- Vc.S formerlyirati-ent o^ Gonza:,a#

lather l.ichola he.3 c v;ay iHithe .-eljiana.Lir. I-oLcJie was an honor wtucentt2ie U../. last Btuaatr*Deui 2eronteau never recoivodless then G? in <J.l hia hi^iccLool ''a;'S. .«e hoje lierealises tiers is a degressionnow i

iflk Holthen hor he out hifi hanc" "

/a haax ,I^lone "oolievee he isl-oinc to" irz-Cxu-te,Lverjone realised thct J^lveetorneeded a retrec.t.SO dou'jt fiosh «ir oau'.es thi-tJ?£.lni-oli'v c, sciiool ca..-

Iwxtin o£^ lies g.occt.Gella^her he s dcci:ed to sur-j)dlce _r. -Qic1:anC. tain in ar»£ «r,;Cbj' c'oes x-oe alien 62 cHinc.!it on the 'iool: row, ne.rt tothe r^.dii tor..<l»re oes the tilo :o, eveij

kioai.*&3 nl^ht w. i-tsr x'vilic■J -»ec.2:inc»1anona <:u£.rt er s i^.h te....idniteoil >i'io: to cr'B,

'* ja&dlDG ->ri:^s o.ene_ia >he.el oi Titian Eo'./nsenCGh'c.velle3'c :,irla....l*adelineon the "j&r room iloor..*o hei.7 Oaae;- enC UlU'l«y :,otlough ith the Co&ph lt.2t \;eel:.»iC.U>_ ilu^ " " " "nlXit is Jim a. do in^ "' i*la 'aqomaualsmaHj' minded s^l-"riendi

Page 10: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU

.xi- la -.-'iiioa? -oc -:.er i&^ or Ld.uJLt.

./.' ".-one'er ±2 Dt>yllaa has -inishedijc.diir the answer to /hel33"r»i'olo -oi'& oi" iea ;t.j'uvxeati Harrington and L-.1lo'Callshan Coean't ooliore in ;

(£7, he ■*yi he gets ty on fell ,....;„; *;e so, out the s t*f1er c lengthy conference he s "

illy a :,roed k® onli' :mlf"

10~ .-on.or. or i~ Robinson or* J^hn 'tiwaanit Zo:.ic 0- I*:tin?Tie -ti-iins 0:. ethereal ayes "ill

eolxO in the iaoiling loom .c ;


Dla -ei'ie .cis-xsj/se, the blfe co-jroared

3ufc all tlb ;oya stood >tI'll Oi.Ee;.- ce^ie tik tar.iec" the

36i;r. rouu." t*ie It1'»

.ioroii h£6 out ono £j£Mtiou f tovisit evfcr'- jt^te in cli^.wiioli,iiic hen li3 Joes, he'll -" Ifi h../. 1:.

x t r lie hec 'eo^e 1 45 o_ lii&J. ,Jrew ooaiea '051 the *eet honebtl^ -.the -^cic. oaii'ies l. Jdc'ge^ rCad CoiTi^cJi 'x.iaaed to I.^, lastsiuiu^- 10- the vJI:-Tn^io s«ues, uiCvo: to seoia thea. ( ho v;isoae Oidjj"c he.-v J-en3 BttiS96 60J3L

Oome on u^ liellxr a.

Liuher out t" elve Buiolses

*st ie(.". .( ho iiicljieasion)

Jill .IcCleU-e is jtosiitcnt _jro jt

Jcc::2on Piik'uLeotine taftf fe.Oently invested in !

Coo Jtcci-

Elie 'is -.*-" u*9GlOole.n^n i£. c \»maa hi.teri

RE TEST2he I^.lGe nxinuei of ocosrui?-

-cuutß £.t the oolle^G oiks Chuncc.;txorniir., veri_ied the rojort thttsi^t odd con&cienoeß threw o^_v 6.cr«*t v;ei ht Cxx 3DC t-a ratio^t.The i.et_3£.t iiic.ster, lieola hise± 10. t3 hv.ve -iot jeen in \ ein.

,ather 3e,.)c.ria reaiCes :.t thaU.. j,-»

- *tJxuai'ly -t.I^ktius,3cji _ isco " -t ;>e£ent he iat otn >01sr±lz r zt :.ticied in -ortTo^nseiid, .ervi^;. 4 ftHi adI«rtii.r>ihiy, i\ toy " sei iea o-_

ret.i-ec.t3 c.t tie vciiaxs insti-tutions.

The stv.-'ont '.oc;/ (eel;£ '_;rc ciot ed tho t las .. r. -e.-t sl--

a:Sent i*-i Iheg»'*&«: oei-t. LJ.y€Ckj2i-ed his tilia. It -.a3 theilrat reti-jt uo^t 0- the ..: 92--or ienc od,,t 0 '^c c av." uctcc. in

tfodhim i:itells6tuj-l ..^iusr, :nithe :e3.J.cc vei« eutre.jel:i^tii . . .;e ho.je lie Uas

iv-.cce£S^..l in -ii- future i-etrai"c.s at r*s in tiiifi j.t je.ttloColla;e.

4 el.id roei alin.er41< the 'jO ■̂£ c vi-.itr^st cd.aorniai in the o^pkiiv loo. .

the -itn. eiita ..ere aa aretreat 1» \reoited the aoaent tr*Jc.c-v3.ntioaorjb : 0:. thteir oonversion;(tl;e:e ot'.lc ;0 no c oje Jiois).xOltivith he set out ai a l3i"ctlijc" icaertition on ;us3re^ *o^ the_-i":le.it, s he: -/lirt i-ell^.ion to:£j

..e-2v.i,ea to c£l:_o. le'^e the :lood0^ Clrifikt (-ilaix-e)*C,aiXK] -he nt-^.er three is thoao.;t out ft tuf ire nv_: er in tlia-os-^el - it :i;ni^i^a the Loc"hs.dcue" ever; thiq. el-.e. ( >ilenoe01cLaen).itut.«&t' **0» : Q'-* tlie :j&ur -)Oint

OS the Lc^tli - tlia -a:r eesaoiA,tljs -ov.i .01 --e;aenJ- b-otoha th; tfetai.

Page 11: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU

081 in t..e ..il^rk of Ittolog- ,

r«soli.is, ta« Bethel TeuiplJ cx-■ .(■■: vji,.? suddenly interr^pied ''.* c udvent of Fr BexinT^a

■»tv=.-l a^fiter .Fr, desired no:; or opposition,

—tho t'AO left

.0 Ulie It over 1 in the—

office. ,<i * '." V ■


Ci-^velle 'On De-r,J

'^'lvester to i.rlono. Go-way, norvne likes yfcu »nyn»y.

Sonirl is 3oine to .v ye tae boysut sc:e nijnt.ii-jnet to olt..^n.—Y ou loo* ,auchbett3r since tne retreat,


(.ft*r one lecture) Tlisretreat i3:-.illin^ me..

.olthm n&s it. 'Oh De-.rI

Ch..vellJ csu^nt o:liing \*p Dey-lillg«s friend, (jirl) on office'phone. »las I»?ille3.i, sJinuierschool di- jfrtist.. :her....Fr. IflflVigM I»*■ flick.

Soddeberc;....Fooled you tit tirao.(;r ..oL-ne) Dveryt.iins loolcs s..iallto you, you tie rdvsntc^ byhr vin^ o pltti'oriu to stsnd uoon....no chance to retch your level.

o«Leary:-I r»ver will learn thisstuff, (epiatemolosy)

,:ie heard Donohue is 't.V t w?y4

"..bout .fcrtin.

Jin Casey 'ssied' .iis vi'-y tarutae suuner vc.ee t ion viv t.:eColleie roate; only Incited out ofthree states in tho erfort ac re-plied laconioally... "One r.-s tolive.'



On re-din^ Eugene O» reill's" "L"2TUB L'.u hs; tne writer w?sstruc'.: by the vivid ch'-rrcter ofLozarus. O'L'eill writing tnispiny for an imv.^inery ther tre,^rvafree rein to his descriptive r»ndntLrrtitive ability snci ere tted ncharacter trv*t snail ?Ave ion3 in'the reel* of O'Uuill's 3re»t fi;iu»s

The pley oer.tered übout thisrut-n uitreculeusly r&isod fror.; taede^d *■ a powerful chcructer por-trayola tW character anya little,becoming ;;re«»t through hia lAu■■\:.wnich see...a to mock t^e Tut lielivea of uen. 'Tierei3no deith 1

he cries, "so come-snile u'nrf behan-ly».

C*NTelll is successful in hiseffort to brins forth the ideutnct lnu_jhter ie yo^tti. In Laz-ajfus he brings this idea into re-ality. AX tao outset ef tho pleyI^uz rus is near 50 years of ->~e',asid in » few months h?s laughed hismy towards youth now ap-'oaringbut <30 ye^rs of aje, w.iile hisyoun^ &nd becutiful rcife not hrvingIjearned how to suile shoulders theburden of tiie yf-.»TB csst off byHer nusbnnd, » nd in less thin twoy*ecrs dies of old .iork -jnd stcrifice and oftYou'll find fcr all your troublesJhe honor you h::d crnved so longJs but & pretty bubble.

(Is the Collere about to chen^eIts nunet?)

Page 12: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU

A deplorable die-oovery was made by VXtReidy laay Thursdayduring Religion. Tlioz-e in &racketeer in doftr oldAlma Mater.

As Father ekipptdfrom pupil to pupil Withhis queationa ha aud-

Inly ran into a dif-oulty in this form,h&TQ no book, "■li.tfcer"*

""'vVtawre ia -jaguar: JosxsikZ*'"I dtoanU know, but

hod one."The same question

8 put to several moroadeata and he roocirodc aara reply.

"WhatJ" criffld lathox,oje a tfciiffif brokon 10000. tho school?" Ioortain-

ly oon't imogino any boyliking Apologoticc bo v/01li8to purloin cnothor'abook. Surely thoso booiiSdidn't just wcLfc ay/ay.Woll, liow rozny fcuivctl'tbxaoks?"

T^ic kiiiSß were r«e-lusjUisaifcly ailcraited.p Vin&to-an^tHar and uroitSioi- uiiiilnocrly & third of VtoGpapils hci -teio-ir hajtfdsIn the air,

"It l®o£d lito a bigday for Vol.® bo&olc r©oai* tt

docioonc fieid."Yes." Hcplied fr.

Eeidy. "Every ohiw o<f ytmJaaTre & 'bcolt try ncortt. clji»sor don't ctaac b^clc. Andnow lota got back to> tft<&lesson. Again willheve to depend on our oldfaithful Freoloy, oto#,otc.

Lecture Si McClairc.

xhe janitor oxthe College has spenta great doal of timecleaning up the Oera-pus. Everything thatis burnable has beenput in a pile anc* isready to burn whenconditions becomefavorable.

The aforement-ioned janitor thinksthat 3t. John's Daywould be the opport-une time for the fire.Owing to the factthat school will beover by 3t. John'sLay, it is thoughtbest to have the bon-fire a day or ao be-fore the 'ipring In-formal Dance.

Father Klohola,beinc asked if hewould famish marsh-mallows on the dayci fire, rerr.ar-ked that to roastir.arshmallov.s wat afine idea but theidea would bo ctillbetter if someoneeloe furnished them.

If nocne elsewill furnish themarahmallows, whynot the schoolVDean Peronteaucould sell them fora cent a piece andin this way makeenough to pay forthe postage atampaused in sendingoverdue tuition no-tices.


"Three Little "Wordajr'

is again the themesong-Spring is here.1Yes, with poems andbath tubs. If youhaven't got a bathtub in your home trya shower, or see aplumber, Ed O'Calla-ghan will do.

We Wonder--When John and John,

Hoescheh, and Martinwill start their tapdaucing 5ch001....

When Jack Lucid isgoing to Kirkland...If John McGliney

will be operating acard room and poolhall in the future..

Why LicClaire quitwoaring rompers....

Whon Harvey willget engaged....If Drew and Casey

will be "on the wat-or wagon irriday...If 'iuimby Will over

grow....When tuition will

come dovn..."Kow Thompson got

that the fomininovoice....If Boyle could play

football....Who Lecture's new

blond i5....Where o 'Leery got

that jackot....When Donohoa will

be on time for cla-s.Whon Daubonspeck

will take the Fresh-men for a cruise...

Who that certainparty was that i'orr-estal was seen withlest Friday nite....


Page 13: 5-2-1933 Spectator 1933-05-02 - ScholarWorks @ SeattleU

STAFFThe Spectator is published once a

weeic hy the Aasooiatoc1 Students ofSeattle Collego. Porsons other thanstudents dediring copies should efcflress the editor.Exeputivo Editor V7endol i^.JahnAssistant Editor.....Earl SiffermanAssistant Lditor Arthur OlnierAS3iatant Lditor Lerdic locturoWriters

— .dis-Casey-hoeschcn-Llc-Glairo-3ylvostcr-?rooloy-0rantArt worlz by Prancia Tovvnaond... if.¥ ■■fi V>,-V♥VVVV¥ ¥ '■"" >.:V'I'V V>.'" VV>,< -."'■">/"».:WWW


CASE/ 3^Y3 SPHIiIG lIJ. G?J.I~Liii?o:sißL^

Just before goiiig to prosi,tho Spoctctor WCI informed by Cmombor of tho denco comiiittoc thc.ttho Spring Informr.l in :.ll probe-bility will not bo held this.ycer .due to tho inability of the com-mit t^e to 6ooxi.ro c, suitrblo olc.ccto hold tho d.'.nco ct tho desiredt imo.

uini-.TUi^L scizaiois

4ues. On whet docs tho tonporcturodopcind':Tho tomporeturo of z plecodepends upon th^ higher Mid '.lov/cr positions. If it iatoo low there will be hotclimeto--if we dig c Aoc;ptronch we c:.n et lr.st findfire in it.

v......... .....v

3o id Gridmed.

.-h, tho sprigd,It ie coaid,Iknow boc,\udlly uodo id ruunidJ

..dvt: Drini: old Doc 3noggs Indienbittora— good for r.r.11 orbest.


.at last tho long awaited call-lottors have arrived. Tho Clubstation will bo Iriiown £.8 V/7DAC.

And now wo havo the ploasuroto cmounoo that Ecrl Sifformanis nor; c full-fledged ham. Miscall is W7C^Z. Tho fly in thoointment hovcvor, ia tLct Lcrlhe.d despaired of en cnbwor tohis e-.0-.licetion, and ite unun-nouncod r.rrival found him un-

r properod ■j.p. to rotjoivor, trens-mittor end poworpec:; — not touontion the entonne f so wo foerit will bo nc.iiy v:oo!:a beforeour rocoivora ere blocked .'ithhis aifeht./ cigiv.ls.

Other cells roccivofi duringtho r?ook by club mombors ere :

Portcblo W7O2Z:—

Carl HobinsonPortablo W7.Da3 -- V.V.J&hn

'2ho followiiig jdvico is pxtond-lo-d to L&rl ty rnombors of tho Club:

Jc.hn-:TUso ootorfl in tho proporccuiiior.

itcbiuson-"iJc not plr.co your headsj.croas tho output of trena-iormcrs I.'1.'

Gdia-"± >ut up a llortz"Ui rtiu-"J3o cc.rcful With the lr.ddur.Hooschon-"Lcts mooch down to c

boor pc.rlor*

Tho Scc.ttlc Collogo Greater it-.dioSOCBOII will bo incugcretcd duringiLc.ster Vecc.tion. a trensmittoremploying aiO typo tubes in push-pull parallel will bo brought inend the club members will experi-ment v/ith C 160 meter phono.
