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5 Day Reset - The Healthy Apple

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Welcome to Your 5 Day Reset

(Watch Video 1: CLICK HERE) Click on the link and use the password:

5DaystoHealth to watch the Introduction video from Amie.

You’re on your way to optimal wellness with my 5 Day Reset and I am delighted to be here with

you. I want to teach you how to detox in a healthy way that’s a lifestyle-not a diet or cleanse that

would otherwise leave you feeling deprived. I want you to feel amazing and live the active life

you were meant to live, every day.

With this Reset, you’ll feel cleaner, lighter and have more energy…more importantly, you’ll gain

mental clarity and will end these 5 days feeling rejuvenated and vibrant. I’ve made it easy for

you! I know it’s not realistic to make perfect meals every day, so we made a simple meal plan to

jumpstart your clean eating efforts to get your body working for you- not against you. Follow my

plan to hit your reset button and see how amazing you can feel. When you’re finished with the 5

days, check out my 30 Day Reset for a longer reset that takes you through your entire month

with brand new recipes, more detailed information about health and detoxification, and strategies

and videos to help you feel your best.

The Foundation of the Reset

Eat Clean. Enjoy clean, whole food meals and snacks with a focus on lowering inflammation

and detoxing your body. You’ll also gain the understanding of inflammatory vs. anti-

inflammatory foods and the importance eating them daily.

Detox. Support your liver to remove everyday toxins by focusing on simple daily detox practices

and clean whole foods as well as easing your digestion with daily smoothies to support your gut


Reset. Reset your physical and emotional body through eating well, movement and mind-body

practices. Learn how to restore your gut health and also breathe from your belly to relax your

nervous system and get your body out of fight/flight mode, which will lead to better digestion,

energy and relaxation.

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Why Detox?

Many of you probably experience symptoms of toxicity that you don’t think of yourself as being

toxic. However, if you experience any of the below symptoms, you may be in need of a detox.

Detoxing is not a diet, it’s not about depriving yourself on a cleanse or counting calories, it’s

simply about supporting your body to get rid of waste that builds up inside of us from toxins

we’re bombarded with on a daily basis from chemicals in our food, cleaning products, personal

care products, car exhaust, tap water, stress and so on.

The goal is to learn how to enhance your body’s ability to detox and remove these toxins on a

daily basis. Some of us are better than others at removing these toxins while others are not. No

matter where you fall on the detox spectrum, everyone can benefit from a detox overhaul.

Do you…

● Have a lot of stress?

● Have insomnia?

● Feel foggy brained?

● Eat too many processed foods & foods high in sugar?

● Have excess weight on your body?

● Find yourself craving more energy?

● Want to get the glow back in your skin?

● Drink coffee, soda, or energy drinks for energy?

● Suffer from muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, bloating, sinus problems, heartburn,

eczema, acne, dark circles under your eye, food cravings, water retention, bad breath?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are ready for a Reset!

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What to Expect

Before you dive into my Reset, I am going to arm you with tips on how you can prepare for the

week ahead. Start slowing your life down by freeing up your calendar, getting out in nature,

making time for a bath at the end of the day and focus on breathing from your belly. I

recommend starting your Reset on a weekend so you can rest and have time to adjust to the

change in your lifestyle. This plan has a focus on getting the root of inflammation, symptoms and

unwanted cravings. It’s not about treating the symptoms and going on a diet, however it’s an

approach that supports our body long-term on a cellular level. When our bodies are

overburdened with toxins, we experience unwanted symptoms and get sick. Toxins can be

anything from stress (anger, jealousy, and loneliness), food allergies, environmental allergies,

molds, yeasts, heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizers, medications, bacteria and processed foods.

Some of us are better than others at removing these toxins than others, so if you experience

symptoms from removing caffeine and processed foods, take it slow and remember your body is

getting acclimated to this new lifestyle. These symptoms will subside and you can drink lemon

water to help support your detox system. We all detox at different paces so don’t get discouraged

if you’re not feeling well while your friends are detoxing and feeling incredible. Remember to be

kind to yourself and take it slow!

The Reset

You’ll be having one smoothie every day for 5 days that will replace one of your meals

(typically breakfast). The other two meals will be Market Bowls, which are explained on page

20. You can have snacks in between meals as long as they include foods from the chart below

and exclude the Toxic 13 below, as well. All meals and snacks should include a healthy fat

(avocado, extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, nuts and seeds), quality protein (beans,

legumes and organic animal protein if desired), and fiber from vegetables (frozen or fresh).

Eliminate the Toxic 13 (Inflammatory Foods)

I could give you a big long list of every food you should stay away from on this diet, but that can

get really confusing, so let me give you just a short list—the Toxic 13! If you get rid of the

following items and remove them completely from your house—you’ll be well on your way to

feeling better fast. For the next three weeks, remove all trigger foods from your diet, including

the Toxic 13 listed below and those in the “Exclude” column in the chart below. You won’t find

any of these ingredients in this 5 Day Reset.

1. Gluten

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2. Dairy (no milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.)

3. Soy

4. Corn (No corn starch)

5. Caffeine

6. Eggs

7. Refined Sugar (And no chemical sugar alternatives)

8. Alcohol

9. Shellfish

10. Peanuts

11. White potatoes (no potato flour or potato starch)

12. White flour (no baked items made with white flour. Yes, this means no gluten-free flours

such as white rice flour, too!)

13. Any processed food sold in a package or can (i.e., food mixes, chips, snacks and snack bars,

popcorn, pizza, etc.)

Now one note of caution—it might look like a simple list, but if you look closely at the foods

you’re eating now, you may find that almost all of them contain at least one of the items above.

(Corn and soy can be particularly sneaky, especially in processed foods.) Try not to get too

discouraged at this point. Move on to what you can eat for the next three weeks and focus on

that, letting the other foods fall by the wayside.

Here is a list of the foods you can include and exclude on this 5 day Reset.

Include Exclude

Fruits and


Organic fresh or frozen whole fruits

and vegetables

Corn, eggplant, conventional fruits and

vegetables, potatoes, (limit peppers and

tomatoes only if problematic), canned

fruits, canned vegetables (limit oranges,

grapefruit, strawberries, grapes, bananas

only if problematic), creamed

vegetables, edamame

Dairy Substitutes Almond, hazelnut, walnut, hemp,

rice, and other nut and seed milks;

coconut milk, culinary coconut milk,

organic virgin coconut oil, coconut


Soy milk and all forms of dairy,

including milk, cheese, cottage cheese,

cream, yogurt, butter, ice cream,

nondairy creamers, ghee, powdered milk,

sheep’s milk, cow’s milk, goat’s milk,

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whey protein, tempeh, tofu, non-dairy



Grains, Flours,

and Starches

Rice (brown, black, wild), millet,

amaranth, certified gluten-free oats,

teff, tapioca, buckwheat, quinoa,

bean pasta, brown rice pasta, quinoa

pasta, bean flours (chickpea flour),

seed flours, nut flours (almond flour,

almond meal)

Wheat, couscous, bran, farina, barley,

corn, kamut, rye, spelt, triticale, oats,

corn pasta, polenta, corn meal, corn

starch, white flour

Proteins All beans, split peas, lentils,

legumes, nuts, seeds, gluten-free

whole grains, a small amount of

organic doctor-approved protein

powders from hemp, artichoke or pea


Soy products, protein powders, seitan,


Nuts and Seeds Raw (unroasted and unsalted) tahini,

nut and seed butters, hemp seeds,

sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds,

sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, pecans,

almonds, walnuts, cashews,

macadamias, pine nuts, Brazil nuts

Peanuts and peanut butter, pistachios

Oils Cold-pressed extra-virgin olive, flax,

hemp, chia, avocado, and organic

virgin coconut oils

Butter, margarine, shortening, processed

oils, canola oil, processed salad

dressings, mayonnaise

Drinks Purified water; organic green, white,

or herbal tea (non-caffeinated);

seltzer; mineral water; organic

freshly squeezed juices

Alcohol, coffee, caffeine, soda,

processed fruit juices, tap water

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Sweeteners Pureed and whole fresh fruit, sulfur-

free dried fruits, pure maple syrup,

organic honey, cinnamon sticks,

fennel seeds, cardamom seeds, fresh

and dried fruit peels, unsweetened

cocoa powder, carob and carob

powder, raw chocolate (dairy and

sugar free), raw cacao, unsweetened

coconut flakes

Refined sugar, white sugar, brown

sugars, high-fructose corn syrup,

evaporated cane juice, Splenda, Equal,

Sweet’N Low, fruit juice concentrate,

agave nectar, brown rice syrup, beet

sugar, processed stevia

Other Sriracha or pure pepper hot sauce, raw

unfiltered apple cider vinegar, organic

balsamic vinegar, freshly squeezed

citrus juices, spices, dried herbs, sea salt,

pepper, whole grain and Dijon mustards,

chickpea miso paste, coconut aminos,

no-sugar-added whole fruit jam, sea

vegetables (seaweed, dulse, kelp, nori,

kombu), fresh herbs, vegetable broth,

garlic (if tolerated), fermented

sauerkraut, kimchi, fresh horseradish,

licorice, pure vanilla and almond

extract, saffron, pickles

Processed chocolate (with dairy and sugar),

processed ketchup, relish, soy sauce,

processed barbecue sauce, teriyaki, gum and

mints, protein bars, popcorn, chutney, MSG,


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What You Need

● Kitchen Equipment:

○ High speed blender (for the smoothies and dips)

○ Cutting boards (for cutting fruits and vegetables for the smoothies and Market


○ Large bowls (for making salads in the Market Bowls)

○ Large skillet (for sautéing vegetables in the Market Bowls)

○ Baking sheet (for roasting vegetables in the Market Bowls)

○ Sharp knife (for cutting fruits and vegetables)

● 5 Day Smoothie Meal Plan on page 15

What to Prep

● If you drink coffee, start cutting caffeine and coffee 3 days before you start your Reset to

help relieve detox symptoms, such as headaches and fatigue. Check out the coffee

withdrawal tips on page 10 for additional support.

● If you eat a lot of sugar, start reading labels and becoming aware of how much sugar you

are consuming and start removing it 3 days before you start. See page 10 for additional

tips to help with sugar cravings and what you can swap in.

● Shop in the bulk aisle (beans, gluten-free whole grains, nuts, and seeds are all great


● Stock up on organic frozen fruits, veggies, beans and quinoa for stir-fries and smoothies.

They’re less expensive and just as delicious and nutritious.

● Think out of the box for flavor and add these items to your recipes for a boost of flavor:

unsweetened coconut flakes, unsweetened cocoa powder, chickpea miso, Himalayan sea

salt, black and white peppercorns and citrus zest such as lemon, lime and orange zest.

● Make smoothies the night before and store them in a sealed container in the fridge if

you’re time crunched in the mornings.

● For the Market Bowls, cook wild rice, quinoa and other gluten-free grains and store them

in a sealed container in the fridge or buy them frozen.

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Gut Health

There are trillions of bacteria in our gut and it’s our job to keep the good bacteria (probiotics) in

check to outweigh the bad bacteria. Our gut digests our food, regulates our hormones, excretes

toxins, produces vitamins and keeps our entire body healthy. Optimal gut health starts with the

food you eat, which should be rich in fiber, proteins and healthy fats. In addition to unhealthy

food, chronic stress and lack of sleep can contribute to gut imbalance. When our gut is

imbalanced, we’re in need of a healthy detox!

Here are a few healthy gut tips:

● Feed your good bacteria in your gut with clean, whole, organic foods, especially dark

leafy greens and fermented foods – sauerkraut, kefir and kimchi.

● Eat more veggies, especially leafy greens!

● Eat more healthy fats such as walnuts, avocados, avocado oil, coconut oil and extra-

virgin olive oil. Remove inflammatory fats such as vegetable oils (canola oil) and trans


● Eat prebiotics, which feed your good bacteria (aka probiotics). A few examples of

prebiotic rich foods are jicama, dandelion greens, onions, garlic and Jerusalem

artichokes. Think of them as ‘fuel’ for your beneficial gut bacteria.

● Try an elimination diet as noted in my book, Eating Clean, to identify what foods are

wreaking havoc on your body and causing inflammation.

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Detox Tips

How to Handle Coffee (Caffeine) Withdrawal

Leading up to the 5 day Reset, I recommend that you gradually start reducing your intake of

coffee three days before the program begins, which can help you minimize withdrawal

symptoms. Also, drink at least 6-8 cups of water each day to help relieve your withdrawal


Day 1: 1 cup 50% caffeinated 50% decaf organic coffee

Day 2: 100% decaf organic coffee

Day 3: No coffee. No decaf and no caffeinated. Replace 1 cup of coffee with organic roasted

dandelion root tea.

How to Handle Sugar Withdrawal

Processed foods can stimulate the reward system in our brains the same way that drugs do, which

is why it’s so hard to stop eating a donut or soda because we become addicted to these foods.

When we eat, our brains release feel good hormones such as dopamine, which we interpret as

pleasure. When we eat processed foods, they can cause a powerful reward release, which is what

makes our bodies crave that feeling. You can train your body to release these cravings.

● Drink a large glass of water with a freshly squeezed lemon, orange, grapefruit or lime

juice. Add in chopped fresh mint leaves for a boost of flavor.

● Add ground cinnamon to your food and cinnamon sticks to your tea help balance your

blood sugar levels.

● Add more healthy fats to your meals and snacks.

● Roast naturally sweetened root vegetables and add them to your meals (sweet potatoes,

carrots, rutabaga, parsnips, and squash).

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Feeding Your Body, Not Your Belly

Day after day, we’re bombarded by external stressors from our inbox to our family to traffic and

deadlines, so we’re constantly stuck in a fight or flight mode, which is a huge stress on our body.

To bring your body out of this stress mode, breathe from your belly (not your chest) to swing

your body back into the rest and relaxation mode so you can detox easier.

Before you reach for food, ask yourself these four questions. Take a minute to consider what is

causing you to reach for the food before you indulge in every craving. Knowing why you’re

reaching for a certain food can help you make a healthier choice.

Am I tired? Not getting enough shut-eye throws off our hormones and appetite so we’ll

want to reach for a bar of chocolate for energy when what we need is sleep. Keep a

handful of raw walnuts on you at all times so you can reach for these healthy nuts when

you’re needing a pick-me-up.

Am I anxious? When you’re anxious, your stress hormone cortisol can influence your

hunger signals. Look first at the source of your anxiety before you reach for the comfort

foods you crave in these situations because those foods won’t provide you any comfort.

Identify the issue and start making changes that put you in a more positive space.

Journaling your feelings can be a great way to start this process.

Am I in a rush? When we’re in a hurry, we tend to eat foods that can be eaten quickly,

which are often the processed foods that are void of nutrients. Instead, prep for your

meals on Sunday and chop your veggies, fruits, and herbs for the week ahead.

Am I lonely? Food can be a go-to for people when we’re looking for comfort from

something outside of ourselves. Remember, when you overindulge in food or reach for

unhealthy foods, you’ll feel awful after you eat these foods both mentally and physically.

Instead of beating up on yourself, ask yourself what you can do to satisfy your loneliness

to give you a sense of belonging. Find ways to fulfil that void and write them down so

you can use them to make changes when you feel down or lonely.

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The Connection between Resetting Your Body & Your Nervous System

It is important to slow down and realize the connection between your nervous system and your

overall health. Stress is a huge cause of so many health issues and so many of us overlook stress

because we often don’t even realize we are so stressed out! We need to learn how to slow down

and reset ourselves so that our bodies can function optimally. When we’re stressed, we end up in

fight/flight mode and our body slows down the process of digesting our food and slows down the

reproductive system, leading to hormonal issues; therefore, it’s key to learn how to handle stress

in our busy, fast-paced lives. Here’s what you can start doing today to get your body out of

fight/flight mode (sympathetic nervous system) and into your rest/relaxation mode

(parasympathetic nervous system):

Belly Breathing: Breathe in and out of your belly- not your chest. This is such an easy way to

pull your body back into the relaxation mode. Place your hand on your belly to ensure you are

breathing in and out of your belly and not in and out of your chest. Set a google calendar alarm

for yourself to check yourself to ensure you’re doing this a few times throughout the day.

Sleeping with the circadian rhythm is such a huge part of our overall stress response because if

we go to sleep too late and don’t get enough quality sleep, our cortisol (stress hormone) will

increase and will lead to inflammation, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, digestion issues and

so much more. Try to get into bed by 10PM and up by 6:30-7AM to get in sync with the

circadian rhythm. This is the rhythm that your body wants to be on. Trust me! You’ll feel so

much better because you’re in tune with the natural rhythm of life.

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Clean Eating Tips

Here are a few swaps you can make to transition into your anti-inflammatory lifestyle

● Instead of coffee, chose herbal teas such as dandelion root tea.

● Instead of processed oils such as canola oil, safflower oil, corn oil, butter and margarine,

chose extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil or coconut oil.

● Instead of white carbs such as white flour, white bread, and white crackers, chose gluten-

free whole grains and sprouted whole grains such as quinoa, millet, buckwheat, amaranth,

wild rice, brown rice and black rice.

● Instead of dairy yogurt, chose coconut milk yogurt or almond milk yogurt.

● Instead of table salt, chose Himalayan sea salt.

● Instead of refined sugar and artificial sweeteners, chose honey or pure maple syrup.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Add to Your Meals

● Raw Garlic: raw garlic is more beneficial than cooked garlic since heat and water

inactivates the sulfur enzymes that lessen garlic’s power to wipe out bacteria. It’s also

great for fighting inflammation. Add garlic to pesto’s, dressings and marinades for a

boost of flavor.

● Fresh Turmeric: turmeric contains curcumin, which is a natural anti-inflammatory and

painkiller. Add it to stir-fries, smoothies and salads.

● Fresh Ginger: ginger is a gut-friendly spice that stimulates digestion and helps alleviate

nausea and bloating. Add fresh ginger to your smoothies and desserts as well as to your

evening hot tea.

How to Make the Best Smoothie

The main part of this Reset is really about replacing one meal with a smoothie each day and

cutting out the Toxic 13 on page 4. This will help reduce any inflammation in your body and aid

in your digestion (almost 70% of your immune system lives in your gut so it’s important to focus

on what you are putting into your body and eating).

Here’s what you can toss into your high-speed blender for a simple smoothie:

● 10 oz. liquid (coconut water, full fat coconut milk, unsweetened almond milk, etc.)

provides hydration, healthy fats and protein.

● 3 cups dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, dandelion greens).

● ½ cup veggies or fruits (cucumbers, celery, red bell pepper, berries and a banana)

provides vitamins, minerals and fiber. You can use fresh or frozen fruits and veggies.

Frozen are much cheaper and often easier to digest because they have a higher water

content! Frozen veggies were a savior for me with healing my gut because they were

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easier for me to digest than raw or cooked raw veggies, that tended to be too rough for


● Handful of fresh herbs (freshly grated ginger, fresh parsley, fresh mint, fresh basil).

● 3 Tbsp. freshly squeezed citrus juice (freshly squeezed juice from lemons, limes, oranges,

grapefruits) to support liver detox.

● 1 Tbsp. protein (almond butter, cashew butter, sunflower seed butter, walnuts, almonds,

Brazil nuts, etc.) provides protein and healthy fats.

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5 Day Reset Meal Plan

Day 1

Upon Waking: Warm water with lemon

Breakfast: Smoothie

Lunch: Market Bowl (see page 20)

Dinner: Market Bowl (see page 20)

Snack: Choose from one of the dips below with my grain-free crackers on my website HERE

Day 2

Upon Waking: Warm water with lemon

Breakfast: Smoothie

Lunch: Market Bowl (see page 20)

Dinner: Market Bowl (see page 20)

Snack: Choose from one of the dips below with my grain-free crackers on my website HERE

Day 3

Upon Waking: Warm water with lemon

Breakfast: Smoothie

Lunch: Market Bowl (see page 20)

Dinner: Market Bowl (see page 20)

Snack: Choose from one of the dips below with my grain-free crackers on my website HERE

Day 4

Upon Waking: Warm water with lemon

Breakfast: Smoothie

Lunch: Market Bowl (see page 20)

Dinner: Market Bowl (see page 20)

Snack: Choose from one of the dips below with my grain-free crackers on my website HERE

Day 5

Upon Waking: Warm water with lemon

Breakfast: Smoothie

Lunch: Market Bowl (see page 20)

Dinner: Market Bowl (see page 20)

Snack: Choose from one of the dips below with my grain-free crackers on my website HERE

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5 Day Reset Recipes


Strawberry Smoothie

Serves 1


● 2 cups hulled strawberries

● 1 cup unsweetened almond milk

● 1 medium apple, chopped

● 1 cup baby spinach

● 1 inch fresh ginger root, peeled

● Ice, as needed


1. Puree all ingredients in a high-speed blender and puree until smooth. Transfer the liquid

to a serving glass and serve immediately.

Mango Smoothie

Serves 1


● 1 large mango, peeled and chopped

● 1 cup baby spinach

● 1 cup unsweetened almond milk

● 2 tsp. almond or cashew butter

● Pinch of ground cinnamon

● Ice, as needed


1. Puree all ingredients in a high-speed blender and puree until smooth. Transfer the liquid

to a serving glass and serve immediately.

Cocoa Banana Smoothie

Serves 1


● 1 medium banana, peeled

● ½ ripe, medium avocado

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● 1 cup baby spinach

● 1 cup unsweetened almond milk

● 1-2 tsp. Unsweetened cocoa powder

● Honey, if needed

● Ice, as needed


1. Puree all ingredients in a high-speed blender and puree until smooth. Transfer the liquid

to a serving glass and serve immediately.

Almond Blueberry Smoothie

Serves 1


● 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk

● 1 Tbsp. almond butter

● 1 cup fresh blueberries

● 2 fresh mint leaves

● Ice, as needed


1. Puree all ingredients in a high-speed blender and puree until smooth. Transfer the liquid

to a serving glass and serve immediately.

Ginger Peach Smoothie

Serves 1


● 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk

● 1 large peach, diced

● 1 Tbsp. almond butter

● 1 Tbsp. unsweetened coconut flakes

● 1 inch finely chopped fresh ginger, peeled

● Ice, as needed


1. Puree all ingredients in a high-speed blender and puree until smooth. Transfer the liquid

to a serving glass and serve immediately.

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Roasted Red Pepper Dip

Serves 4


● 1 red bell pepper

● ¼ cup well-stirred tahini

● 1 tsp. finely chopped fresh parsley

● 1 large garlic clove

● Juice of ¼ lemon

● Sea salt, to taste

● 1 Tbsp. cooked white beans

● 2 Tbsp. hemp seeds

● 5 no-sugar added, sulfur-free dried apricots (Made in Nature brand)


1. Roast the red bell pepper on the stove top over a medium flame with a fork. Stick the fork

into the pepper and hold it over the flame until the pepper is soft and tender. Then, place

it in a small brown paper bag for 5 minutes to steam. Remove from the bag, discard the

bag and chop the pepper, discarding the stem and seeds.

2. Place all ingredients in a high speed blender.

3. Puree until smooth.

White Bean Avocado Dip

Serves 4

● ½ ripe, peeled, pitted avocado

● 1 tsp. Finely chopped parsley

● 1 thinly sliced scallion

● ½ cup small white beans

● Juice of ¼ fresh lemon juice

● 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

● ¼ tsp. curry powder

● Pinch cayenne pepper


1. Place all ingredients in a high speed blender.

2. Puree until smooth.

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Beet Hummus

Serves 4

● 2 large beets, scrubbed and cleaned

● 1 cup small white beans

● 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley

● 1 thinly sliced scallion

● 1 clove garlic

● Juice of ½ lemon

● Sea salt, to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

2. Place the beets in a glass baking dish with 1 inch of water and roast for 45 minutes or

until they’re tender. Remove from the oven, and set aside for 10 minutes to cool. Using a

towel or paper towel, remove the beet skin and discard. Finely chop the beets and place

into a high speed blender along with the remaining ingredients.

3. Puree until smooth.

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Market Bowls

What is a Market Bowl and How to Make It

A market bowl is a meal that can be put together in just a few minutes. A market bowl typically

has a gluten-free grain base, leafy green vegetables, roasted vegetables, protein (vegan or non-

vegan) and add-ins such as avocado, nuts/seeds and dressing. You can create your market bowls

to suit your favorite whole foods and flavor combinations. Below are some suggestions for your

market bowls during the reset. Be creative and enjoy!

Gluten-Free Grain Base (1 cup): quinoa, brown rice, wild rice, millet.

Leafy Green Vegetables (unlimited): massaged kale, spinach, arugula, mixed greens.

Roasted Vegetables (1-2 cups): sweet potato, carrots, beets, squash, zucchini, Brussels sprouts,

parsnips, frozen and defrosted cauliflower, frozen and defrosted broccoli, peppers.

Protein (¼ cup): chickpeas, kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans, navy beans, lentils.

Optional Animal Protein (size of palm): wild caught salmon, organic chicken, organic eggs,

organic, organic grass fed beef.


● Fresh (unlimited): green snow or sugar snap peas, cucumber, radish, tomato, sprouts

● Ground spices (unlimited): Himalayan pink sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, cumin,

garlic powder, basil, cayenne, onion powder, paprika, crushed red pepper flakes, oregano,

curry powder, turmeric, cinnamon

● Fresh herbs (unlimited): parsley, cilantro, thyme, rosemary, basil, dill, mint

● Roasted or sautéed red onion, shallot, garlic

● ¼-½ ripe, peeled ripe avocado

● Unsalted raw nuts and seeds (⅛ cup): pumpkin, sunflower, almonds, cashews, chia seeds,

ground flax seeds, hemp seeds, pecans, walnuts, pine nuts

● Dressing/Dip (2 Tbsp.): black bean, hummus, pesto, guacamole, salsa, extra-virgin olive

oil, freshly squeezed lemon, lemon zest, freshly squeezed lime

How to Feel Amazing After this Reset

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Congrats on completing my 5 Day Reset! You should be feeling amazing and eager for more

clean food! To keep your body clean, make sure you’re drinking enough purified water and

eating whole, organic foods to keep your liver detoxing on a daily basis. If, at the end of these 5

days you want more of a boost in your overall health, you can dive into my 30 Day Reset or my

best-selling cookbook Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and

Reset Your Body. Both the 30 Day Reset and my cookbook are free of gluten, dairy, soy, sugar,

corn, eggs, animal products and inflammatory foods, just like this 5 day plan I created for you.

Thank you for spending the last 5 days with me. Join me over on my social media channels

(Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Tumblr | Google+) to ask me any questions.

I’m here for you and would love to work with you on-on-one. If you’re interested in a private

session, please see my Services page.


