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5 Etiquette Musts For Hiring Managers

Date post: 18-Oct-2014
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Have hiring managers become too comfortable with the recessionary advantage of a large hiring pool? We all read and hear about job candidate etiquette and the do’s and don’ts of applying, cover letter submission, interviewing protocol, thank you letters, follow up calls, and so on. What about the etiquette of the hiring managers? First Impressions are not just about the candidate.
For Hiring Managers Wri$en By: Tracy L. Lube
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For Hiring Managers

Wri$en  By:  Tracy  L.  Lube  

Page 2: 5 Etiquette Musts For Hiring Managers

1.  Job  Pos7ng  

No  Boilerplates  

Be  Specific  

Accurate  Descrip7on  

Time  Requirements  

Phone/Email  Contact  

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  Include  a  deadline  date  for  the  hiring  process,  so  that  candidates  are  not  kept  guessing.  

  If  using  an  auto  response  for  the  applica7on,  state  a  specific  7meframe  the  candidate  should  or  shouldn’t  expect  to  hear  back.  

  Be  apprecia7ve  of  the  candidates  7me.  

  Respond  in  a  7mely  manner,  not  weeks  or  months  later.  

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•  En7re  process  should  be  organized  and  well  thought  out.  


•  Plan  out  your  pre  qualifiers  to  find  the  “style”  candidate  to  fit  what  is  being  sought.  


•  Provide  any  pre-­‐qualifiers  before  the  in  person  interview.  

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  Do  not  make  last  minute  interview  schedule  changes.    

  The  interviewer  should  not  be  late.    

  Avoid  cliché  ques7ons,  they  are  not  necessary  with  an  experienced  veteran.    

  Remember  the  candidate  is  assessing  the  hiring  manager  and  company  as  well.    

  Be  direct  and  ask  relevant  ques7ons.    

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A  hiring  manager  will  interview  4-­‐6  applicants  on  average.  Send  personal  feedback  to  these  applicants.    

•  Be  honest    •  Be  construc7ve    •  Provide  a  posi7ve  rejec7on  le$er    Not  only  will  this  send  a  clear  message,  it  shows  mutual  respect,  professionalism,  and  how  the  company  conducts  business.    

In  addi7on,  send  an  automated  email  to  all  the  other  applicants  that  a  hiring  decision  has  been  made  and  show  apprecia7on  for  their  7me.    

There  is  no  reason  this  process  cannot  be  automated.    


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CANDIDATES  PERFORM  THEIR  OWN  ASSESSMENT  of  an  organiza7on  based  on  culture  and  values,  the  role  they  will  be  performing,  treatment  through  out  the  process,  and  mutual  respect.  Here  is  where  companies  may  fail  to  recognize  the  fallout  of  their  ac7ons  or  lack  of  ac7ons:  

1.  Candidates  can  provide  nega7ve  feedback  on  places  such  as  Glassdoor.com,  leveraging  the  influence  of  social  media.      

2.  Opinions  travel  at  high  speed  in  today’s  technological  world  and  may  have  a  damaging  effect  on  the  overall  percep7on  of  the  company.    

3.  The  candidates  rejected  may  end  up  working  for  a  compe7tor,  a  vendor,  or  with  a  company  you  rely  on  and  have  developed  a  partnership  with,  it  is  a  small  world.  

4.  A  candidate  may  reject  an  offer  based  on  their  assessment  of  you  and  the    en7re  process,  especially  a  highly  qualified  candidate  that  most  likely    will  have  mul7ple  offers.    

                                         YOU  HAVE  JUST  BEEN  TKO’D                      

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Common  prac7ce  will  pay  off  in  the  long  run.  U7lize  the  recrui7ng  process  as  an  opportunity  to  increase  a  posi7ve  brand  and  build  future  rela7ons,  possibly  as  a  customer  or  even  a  partner  in  the  future.    

Provide  the  same  e7que$e  as  expected  from  the  candidate,    aeer  all  it  is  a  two  way  street.    

Image  from  mo7fake.com  
