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Author: Katiuscia Giusti

Illustrations: Sabine Rich

Design: Chris Martin

ISBN: 978-3-03730-640-6

© 212 Aurora Production AG, Switzerland.

All Rights Reserved. Printed in China.


Te Bible verses in the 5-Minute Bible Devotionals series were selected from the following Bible versions:

Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Hol Bible, New International Version®. NIV®.

Copright © 1973, 1978, 1984 b International Bible Societ. Used b permission of Zondervan. All rights


Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible®. Copright © 1960,

1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 b Te Lockman Foundation. Used b permission.

Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copright © 1982 b 

Tomas Nelson, Inc. Used b permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Hol Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First

published in 1611.

Scripture quotations marked RSV are taken from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copright

© 1946, 1952, 1971 b the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of 

Christ in the USA. Used b permission.

Scripture quotations marked LB are taken from Te Living Bible, copright © 1971. Used b permission

of ndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Te Bible verses that are noted as “paraphrased” are taken from Feed My Lambs—Bible Verses for Kids Made 

Fun, b Derek and Michelle Brookes, © 2002 b Aurora Production AG, Switzerland. Used b permission.

 All rights reserved. Adaptations to the verses were made to simplif the vocabular for oung children while

retaining the original meaning, and were based on the King James Version in consultation with several

translations of the Bible, primaril the New King James Version® and the New International Version®.

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pic in this bk:

Christian Living 



Bible DevotionalsFoR yoUNG CHILDREN

In this bk u will nd:

15 devotionals r preschl-aged children

Each devtinal based n a Bible scripture 

 An activity r each devtinal

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Lve ur enemies, d gd

t thse wh hate u, andpra r thse wh hurt uand persecute u.

—Matthew 5:44, paraphrased 

As Jesus


 Jesus was amazing! Did u knw that when He was

ding, He asked His Father t rgive the peple wh had

nailed Him t the crss? He wanted the men wh haddne that terrible deed t receive Gd’s rgiveness. Tat

 was prbabl ver dicult r Jesus t d, but He did it

because He has s much lve r everne.

 Jesus wants us t shw lve and kindness t thers t.

Even i thse we shw kindness t are unkind, we canshw them hw much Jesus lves them b being caring 

and nice and acting like Jesus wuld. We can als shw 

ur lve and kindness b praing r thers.

It is nt eas t be nice t thers when the are nt nice

t us, but it is part shwing Gd’s lve t thers.

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Cut  f ur  big  c ir c le s ut  f  pa pe r . W r it e  a n “L ” n ne  c ir c le , “o” n ne , “V ” n ne , a nd “E” n t he  la st  t  spe ll ”L oV E.” N w  dr a w  a  pic t ur e  f  a  k ind de e d y u c a n d f r  sme ne  e lse  n e a c h c ir c le . St a ple  t he  e dg e  f  e a c h c ir c le  in r de r  ( “L -o-V -E”) t g e t he r  a nd ha ng  it  n y ur  w a ll.

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Blessed are the peacemakers, r the shall be called the children Gd.

—Matthew 5:9 KJV 



 What is a peacemaker? A peacemaker is smene wh

chses t make peace rather than pick a ght. Tat

is smetimes a hard chice t make, especiall whensmene has made us angr, and we want t shw that

persn hw upset we are at what he r she has dne.

 When we chse t rgive and make peace with

smene wh has wrnged us, then we are peacemakers.

Peple can see that Gd’s Spirit lives in us and that we

are children Gd.

 Jesus was a peacemaker. He chse t d the things that

 were kind tward thers—He rgave thers. His actins

and wrds shwed thers hw much Gd lved them.

Gd blesses us when we chse t shw rgiveness and

be a peacemaker. When we chse t make peace instead ghting, we are being a gd reectin Jesus’ lve

t thers.

alk abut times when

u culd chse t

be a peacemaker, even

 when smene has dne

smething wrng t u.

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He wh is aithul

in that which is leastis aithul als in much.—Luke 16:10, paraphrased 

cAring for

Things BigAnD sMAll

 As we grw up, we learn t d tasks. We learn hw t

help with chres, like hw t make ur beds, tid the

ts, care r ur pets, and keep ur cupbards clean.Learning t be diligent in ur chres, even i the are

small tasks, teaches us gd habits. Trugh it we learn

t care r small things and big things.

 When we take gd care the things we have, then

 we can be trusted with mre. Smetimes we think thatsmething is small r nt imprtant, and s we dn’t

take such gd care it. But even little things are


 When we are diligent in hw we care r what we

alread have, ur actins shw thers that we can betrusted t take gd care ther things t.

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 Ma  k e a  c ha r t o f   t wo jo bs  you 

a re  lea rning   to do.  Don ’ t  f org e t 

 to pu t a  l l  t he da  ys o f   t he  w

ee k  

on  your c ha r t.  E ver y  time  you 

remem ber  to do  your jo b, g i ve


 yourse l f  a  s tic k er. 

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Redeem the time.—Ephesians 5:16, paraphrased 

Tick!  Tock!  

Tick!  Tock! 

Have u ever listened t a clck tick? Ever tick u hear is

time that is passing.

Te Bible tells us that we shuld make the mst ur time.Tat means we shuld d ur best t use ur time wisel b 

learning t cus n whatever it is that we need t d and

cmpleting it as quickl and thrughl as pssible.

Smetimes, thugh, we ma nt want t d what we need t

d, s we let urselves be distracted, r we cmplain abut

 what we have t d. When we d this, we are nt using time

 wisel. It is as i we are thrwing ur time awa. When a da is

dne, all that time is gne. We cannt get it back. And man 

times we still have t d the things that were let undne.

 Jesus wants us t lk back n each da and eel glad r hw 

 we used ur time. Te best was we can use ur time wisel are b helping thers, ding what we are asked, studing and

learning, and b reading and living Gd’s Wrd. I we d these

things, we can be happ that ur time is being used well.

 A s k   your momm y or da dd y  to 

s ho w  you a  c loc k  or  wa  tc h in 

 your  house  t ha  t  ha s a  secon

 ha nd.  Pu t i t  to  your ea r a n

 lis ten  to  t he c loc k   tic k .  Ta  l k  

a  bou t  wa  ys  you ca n use  yo


 time  be t ter.

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Te ees the Lrd are

everwhere, keeping watch nthe evil and the gd.—Prverbs 15:3, paraphrased 

goD is


Gd is ver pwerul! He is everwhere at all times. He

can see things that n ne else can. Te Bible tells us that

He is keeping watch n all that we d.

Tere are times when we might be tempted t d

smething that we knw isn’t right. Tere ma nt be

anne arund t see what we have dne, but we shuld

alwas remember that Gd sees. He knws what we have

dne, and He judges us accrdingl.

 When we chse t d what is right, even when n ne

else des, Gd knws that, t. He blesses us r making 

the right chice. In act, i we stp t listen we can hear

His vice speak t ur hearts, telling us t d what is

right. When we listen t His vice, He will guide us t

 what is gd and right.

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Tink abut sme ur

avrite places t hide in

ur huse. D u think 

Gd knws where t nd

u when u are hiding?

N ne is ever “lst” t

Gd—He knws just

 where u are at all times.

alk abut sme the

things that u d when n

ne is arund that wuld

make Gd prud u.

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Give, and it will

be given t u.—Luke 6:38 NIV 

DroP A


Giving is ne wa that we can shw lve t thers. And

did u knw that we can give t thers b the things

 we sa and d? We can speak wrds thughtulness

and kindness, and that is giving lve t thers. We can

d deeds t help thers, and this is shwing ur lve.

Tis was what Jesus meant when He tld us t give t

thers, and that thers will give in return.

 When we think abut thers and give rm ur hearts,then thers are likel t return ur kindness. Jesus als

gives t us when we share what we have with thers, b 

lling ur hearts with gladness and j.

Trughut ur das we can be lking r was t drp

a little sunshine int smene’s da, thrugh ur smiles,ur gentle wrds, a thughtul deed, a praer, a helping 

hand. Everne needs lve, and we can make ur amil 

and riends happier b shwing lve and kindness

 wherever we g.

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Tink  of  someone y ou’d lik e t o do a  k ind deed f or . Get  a  sma ll piece of  pa per  t o ma k e a  “g iv ing  coupon,” a nd a sk  y our  mommy  or  da ddy  t o help y ou w r it e on t ha t  pa per  w ha t  y ou’d lik e t o g iv e t o t ha t  per son. Ten decor a t e t he pa per  w it h pict ur es a nd color s. W hen y ou’r e done, g iv e t he coupon t o t he per son y ou w er e t hink ing  of , a nd see how  it  w ill br ig ht en his or  her  da y .

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It is mre blessed t give

than t receive.—Acts 20:35 KJV 

A gifT of


Gits have a wnderul wa making us eel special. We

all like t be given presents, especiall i it is smething that

 we have wanted ver much. It makes us glad when smene

thinks us and makes the efrt t get a git just r us.

Te Bible teaches us that even thugh we like t receive

gits r receive help rm thers, giving t thers is mre

imprtant than receiving rm thers. Gd blesses us when

 we think thers and give t them.

I all we think abut is urselves and getting mre things,

 we becme selsh and we ignre ther peple and what

the ma need. When we put the gd thers abve ur

wn wants, this is called being unselsh. Being unselsh

means we are thinking abut ther peple and hw we can

help them—we are rst thinking thers and then abut

urselves. And did u knw that ten when we help

thers, Gd in return helps us?

Giving t thers is a wa t spread Gd’s lve in a simple

but wnderul wa.

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W ould y ou lik e t o t r y  g iv ing  t o someone else a nd see how  ha ppy  it  ma k es y ou  eel?  A sk  y our  mommy  or  da ddy  t o help y ou fnd a  t oy  t ha t  y ou don’t  use 

a ny mor e a nd t ha t  y ou t hink  w ould ma k e a   r iend ha ppy . W r a p it  up a nd t hen put  a  t a g  on it  t ha t  sa y s, “T o my   r iend, beca use y ou a r e specia l t o me.”  A nd don’t   or g et  t o w r it e y our  na me t oo. How  did t ha t  bit  o  g iv ing  ma k e y ou  eel?

 T  o :   J o e 

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A man reaps what he sws.—Galatians 6:7 NIV 

The seeDs

we PlAnT

I u plant a seed in sil, water it, and care r it, it will

grw int a plant. Te things we d are like little seeds.

Smetimes what we d r smene else seems s small

and like it wn’t matter much, but it des. Just as little

seeds can grw int health plants, ur actins, i the are

gd and kind, will result in gdness and kindness that

 will cme back t us. Tis is wh it pas f when ur

actins are kind and thughtul.

 When we are kind t smene, it’s like we are planting a 

little seed lve in that persn’s heart. And i we water

that seed, b cntinuing t be kind and thughtul, then

lve will grw.

Te mre kindness we shw thers, the mre kindnessthers will shw us in return. S plant a little seed lve

in smene’s heart tda.

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 ra ce  y our ha nd on a  piece o  

pa per, a nd then dra  w a  fo wer 

a t the end o  ea ch o   y our 

ng ers. Color the picture. 

 Tink  o   ve a cts o  k indness 

or thoug ht ulness tha t  y ou 

ca n do  or someone else, a nd 

a sk   y our momm y  or da dd y  

to  write a  k ind deed in ea ch 

o  the “fo wer ng ers” o   y our 

dra  wing .  No w remem ber to 

tr y  to do those k ind thing s. 

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Rejice in the Lrd alwas.—Philippians 4:4 NIV 


DAys wiThJesus

Te Bible tells us that n matter what is happening 

arund us, r even hw we eel, we can rejice in Jesus.

D u knw what it means t rejice? It means that we

shw great happiness. We can talk abut ur j in Jesus,

and even when things are nt as we want them t be,

 Jesus’ presence in ur da alwas makes it better.

 When we think abut Jesus and His lve and care r us,

ur hearts can knw j; we can trust that even when urda seems a little upside dwn, Jesus will be there t turn

everthing right-side up. But we have t d ur part rst

b talking t Jesus and asking Him r His help. And

 when we d, gd things will start t happen.

our das are alwas better when we ll ur hearts withpraise and thanksgiving t Jesus r all the lve and

gdness that He brings int ur lives.

Can u think tw things

abut Jesus that make u

glad? alk abut hw thinking 

abut Jesus can make even a 

dicult da better.

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Hw gd and hw pleasant

it is t live tgether in unit.—Psalm 133:1, paraphrased 



Did u knw that in an ant cln hundreds ants

 will live and wrk tgether, diligentl ding their tasks t

make sure that everthing is running prperl? Ants are

hard wrkers, and the knw hw t wrk tgether well.

I u watch ants at wrk, u wn’t see ants rm the

same cln ghting r taking things rm each ther.

Te wrk in harmn.

 We can learn a lessn rm the ants. When we wrk tgether in harmn, we can get a lt dne. It als makes

everthing mre pleasant.

Smetimes it’s nt eas t pla r wrk with a brther

r sister wh is bthering us r making us upset. But the

Bible tells us that when we can be tgether in unit—inharmn—this is gd. When we settle ur arguments,

rgive smene wh has upset us, and chse t shw 

lve, this is hw we can make harmn amng urselves.

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Dr a w  a  pict ur e of  a n a nt  colony , w it h ma ny  a nt s w or k ing  t og et her  t o collect  f ood, ca 

r e f or  t he y oung  a nt s, k eep t he colony  clea n, a nd mor e. T a lk  a bout  some of  t he w a y s t ha t  y ou liv e t og et her  in ha r mony  w it h y our  f a mily , a nd w a y s y ou ca n a lso ma k e it  bet t er . 

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D everthing withut

cmplaining r arguing.—Philippians 2:14 NIV 

wiTh A


Has ur mmm r dadd ever asked u t d smething 

that u didn’t want t d, such as having t clean up ur

ts when u wuld rather pla, r ding smething ur

brther r sister wants t d instead getting ur wa? It

can be dicult t d these things withut cmplaining r


Gd’s Wrd teaches us that we shuld d all things with a 

cheerul heart. Tat means withut cmplaining r arguing.

Smetimes we ma think that i we make a uss abut what we have t d, we wn’t have t d it. But instead, all the

time we spent arguing r cmplaining has been wasted,

because we still have t d what we needed t d.

Te best thing is t d what we knw is right as quickl as

pssible. Tis makes it easier r ur parents and thse wh

have asked r ur help. It als makes it easier r us, becausethings are dne quicker when we dn’t cmplain r argue

abut them, and then we can g n t d smething else we’ll

enj ding. We are als pleasing Gd when we d what we

knw is right.

 A s k   your momm y or da dd y 

if  t here is somet hing  t he y 

 wou ld  li k e  you to do to  he lp


t hem a round t he  house, t hen 

pra ctice doing  it rig  ht a  wa  y 

 wit h a  c heerf u l  hea rt. 

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Let all things be dne

decentl and in rder.—1 Crinthians 14:40 KJV 

DiligenT in

All Things

Have u ever dne a chre, but then ur mmm r

dadd asked u t d it again because u didn’t d it

right the rst time? Smetimes we want t get a jb dne

as quickl as we can s that we can get t smething we

 wuld preer t d. But learning t d a task prperl is

an imprtant part grwing up.

 We learn respnsibilit and diligence when we d things

thrughl. Smetimes the things we are asked t d seem

unimprtant, but the help us t build gd habits that will make a diference in ur lives as we grw up.

Te Bible tells us that when we are diligent in the small

things, then Gd and thers can trust us with jbs r

respnsibilities that are mre imprtant. Little b little,

each da we can learn hw t d ur tasks in the right

 wa. We can learn hw t see a need and respnd inhelpul was. We can learn t d ur tasks with rder and

diligence. And in these small was we are grwing and

maturing int the bs and girls that Gd wants us t be.

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Pretend ur parents have asked u t put ur ts awa,

but instead ding that, pretend t hp like a bunn,

then spin like a tp, and nw rar like a lin. D uremember what u were suppsed t d? yu ma have

rgtten, but u still need t clean up the ts, right?

Nw tr it again. When ur mmm r dadd asks u t

clean up, d it right awa. Tat is being diligent!

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A gentle answer turns

awa wrath.—Prverbs 15:1 NIV 

slow To


Tere are times when thers d things that bther us r

make us upset. Te Bible sas that we shuld be slw t

becme angr. When we d smething slwl, it means

 we take extra time t think abut what we d and sa.

I smene sas r des smething that upsets us, ten

 we want t answer back with an angr wrd r deed. But

that’s nt being slw t anger, and it will nl make the

prblem wrse. Jesus wants us t think bere we react

t what thers have dne, and make sure ur actins are

dne in lve instead anger.

Te next time smene des smething that upsets u,

g slw and tr t think a wa t answer the wrng 

deed r ugl wrd with kindness and gentleness. Actslwl and patientl. Prblems are slved better that wa.

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 Lea rn the  ollo wing  sa  ying  


remem ber  whene ver something  

ma k es  you a ng r y.

 When  I’m a ng r y,  I’ll a ns wer slo wl y,

B y frst counting  … one, t wo, three.

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Carr each ther’s burdens.—Galatians 6:2 NIV 

lenD A


Have u tried t lit smething that was t heav r

u, and then smene came and helped u lit it? yu

prbabl elt happ r the help.

Trughut ur das we will nd peple wh need ur

help, and whenever we can we shuld tr t give them

a hand. When we help thers we shw kindness and

thughtulness. one imprtant wa we can help ther

peple is b being riendl and curteus.

 Jesus was a gd example helping ther peple. He

tk time t help peple. He made riends with peple

 whm thers did nt like, and He made thse wh were

sad happ. We can d the same!

Smetimes it ma nt be eas t help smene else, r

 we ma have t stp ding smething we want t din rder t help. Even when it is dicult t d, helping 

thers is imprtant.

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 Ask ur parents r a riend

hw u can help, and then

lend a helping hand. Even

helping in a small wa will

make a diference.

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Gd is nt the authr  

cnusin, but peace.—1 Crinthians 14:33 KJV 


whAT cAnyou heAr? 

Have u nticed that everthing in creatin is in

harmn and has a pattern? Gd likes calm and peace.

He created the wrld withut unnecessar nise and


 We can take a lessn rm Gd’s wnderul creatin, and

learn t be peaceul and calm. Tere is a time and place

t have un and be nis, but we shuld learn t knw 

 when it is time t stp bere it begins t get cnusing.

 When we run arund and act wild, r create cnusin,it disrupts ther peple, and that is when accidents r

prblems can happen.

Gd wants us t be happ and t enj urselves, but

learning when t be peaceul is imprtant t. When

 we are calm and quiet, we are then able t see and hear

things that we d nt ntice when we are nis and

unrul. ake time t be peaceul, and see what new 

things u will discver!

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T a k e a  f ew  minut es t o be quiet  a nd list en t o a ll t he t hing s a r ound y ou t ha t  y ou w ould not  be a ble t o hea r  if  y ou w er e being  noisy . W ha t  did y ou hea r ? How  does it  ma k e y ou f eel w hen y ou a r e ca lm a nd quiet ?

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A word to the Parent“D u lve Me?” Jesus asked Peter.

“Lrd, yu knw all things,” Peter answered. “yu knw that I lve yu.”“Ten eed M sheep,” Jesus said. “And take care M little nes.”

—Based n Jhn 21:15–17.

5-Minute Bible Devotionals is a collection of Christian and character-building books written for children ages four on up. Each devotional is

built on a Bible verse, and explains to a child in simple terms what the principles of that verse mean and how it applies to dail living.

I wrote these books to provide opportunities for conversation and discussion on Christian values between parent and child on a level

that is relatable to a child. you can simpl select a devotional to read with our child and pause when questions are posed in the text to allow 

time for our child to answer. Ten encourage our child to express personal experiences or thoughts that relate to the theme ou are reading.Included with each devotional is a simple activit, such as a discussion question, a short rhme to learn, or a simple project. I have

found that emphasizing the lesson I am teaching m children b means of interactive activities brings that spark of fun into the mix that makes

these important times of learning a jo.

Te Bible verses included with each devotional have been selected from a variet of translations or revised so that the are eas for a 

oung child to understand. Children can also be taught these verses. Repeat the verse several times with our child; he or she should soon be

able to recite it from memor. Make a point to review the verses a couple of times a week so the child retains what has been learned.

In addition, I will often spice up a devotional reading b including related Bible or character-building stories that complement the

principles being taught.M aim for these books was to have a wa to teach m oung children Bible-based values, and I have had a wonderful time sharing 

these simple truths with them in this wa. It is m hope that ou’ll experience the same.

Katiuscia Giusti 

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