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5 natural-ways-to-kick-start-digestion

Date post: 21-Apr-2017
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A good gut does not only mean better digestion but also a flat belly. Here are some ways you can improve digestion naturally and be in better shape.

1. Eat only when you are hungry

• Don’t force food down down your system just because it is lunch hour.

• Your stomach will need to truly empty for your digestive enzymes to be available for processing food.

Draw a clear line when it comes to eating out of necessity

and eating out of habit.

Rule for Digestion

Ensure that there is a gap of 3-4 hours between meals so that they are thoroughly digested.

2. Don’t drink cold liquids with your food

• Many of us drink a cold, sugary soda or juice as an accompaniment to our meals.

• However, the cold energy of the drink dampens our digestive fire.

The body has to work extra hard to absorb the cold drink which will

slow down the rate of digestion.

Rules for Digestion

• Ideally, you must stay hydrated so that your food passes through your digestive system easily.

• Sip on warm water throughout your meals to avoid digestive issues and make you feel fuller, faster.

3. Eat fresh

• Stale food is without life force (prana), and it can leave you feeling like you are carrying deadweight.

• If you regularly eat leftovers or frozen foods, you are bound to have digestive disorders.

Ayurveda has a simple principle: Fresh food will make you feel fresh


Rule for Digestion

• Spend a while in cooking fresh meals for yourself and eat warm.

4. Take your time while eating

• There is much wisdom behind the belief that you need to chew slowly.

• When saliva mixes with your food, it makes your stomach’s job easier.

The simple truth is that your teeth should do the heavy lifting instead of your belly.

Rule for Digestion

You must appreciate the smell, appearance, texture and taste of your food for your body to appreciate it too.

5. Cleanse your system periodically

• Doing a detox or cleanse is one of the most powerful ways to reset your digestive fire.

• You could go on a juice fast for a day weekly or eat a mono-diet with nourishing kitchari.

Start your day with a detoxing drink by squeezing half a lemon in

1 glass lukewarm water. Take on an empty stomach.

Rules for Digestion

• You can do a more intense cleanse once or twice a year.

• Typically, Ayurvedic cleanses are done during spring and autumn.
