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5 Powerful Ways to Analyze Google Forms Data

Date post: 19-Jul-2015
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5 Powerful Ways to Analyze Google Forms Data


1) Where Does My Data Go?

● Google Form now makes a response collecting spreadsheet automatically when you create a new


● The response spreadsheet gets created in the root folder, i.e. My Drive, so you’ll need to move it


● Your Form is saved in the folder from which you created it (if any)

● To access your data from within the edit view of the form, click “View responses” from the toolbar.

● The response spreadsheet opens in a new tab, just like opening a new document. The responses

spreadsheet is aptly named “[Filename] (Responses)” making it easy to find.

● What I really like with the latest version of Google Forms is that the Form and the response

spreadsheet are no longer connected. You can (allegedly) edit data in the spreadsheet without fear of

your Form breaking. It’s still probably best practice to separate them anyway, and my advice, especially

if you’re still actively collecting data, is to make a copy of the data before manipulating it too much. A

quick way to do this is to duplicate the spreadsheet itself by using the tab menu at the bottom of the



Fig 1. - Viewing responses from the Form edit view is easy - just click on the toolbar button and your

responses open in a new tab as a spreadsheet.


Fig 2. - Finding your Forms and

Spreadsheets is simple in the Drive

interface. Both are green and are

named the same (except that the

responses have “(Responses)” after

the filename), so they typically reside

next to each other. This makes editing

the form and viewing the feedback



2) Basic Sorts & Filtering

● Now that you have collected the data,

you can manipulate it as needed.

● Refer to this earlier post where we

looked at some formulas for data


● Freeze rows/columns

o use this feature so you don’t

lose the column headers when

you’re scrolling

Fig 3. - Row 1 is frozen, which means that when you

scroll you’ll still be able to see the column headers. If

you’re working with Form data, you’ll also notice that

row 1 is gray, and the remaining rows are a lighter

gray. You can easily change that to meet your needs

using the Fill tool in Spreadsheets.


● Filters

o Use to create data sets that involve some

sort of identifiers like ‘State’ (from

addresses), school year etc.

o Gives you a quick view of the data that’s

associated with that value.

o How to create a filter:

1) Mark the header row (row 1).

2) Select the ‘Filter’ icon from the toolbar (it

looks like a funnel). Alternatively, you can

find it under the ‘Data’ menu.

Fig 4. - Filtering your results can be very powerful. You can filter

multiple columns at one time, depending on what you want to do.

Here, I can select to view all results, only those that are blank,

‘Agree’, or ‘Strongly Agree’, or a combination of all. The Filter

builds the select list based on the data in the column, so it’s most

helpful with quantitative data or data where there are only a few

options to select from.


● Sorting

o To Sort:

1) Select the whole data set that

you want to sort.

2) Select ‘Sort Range’ from the

‘Data Menu’.

3) If your data has headers, you

can sort by header names.

Fig 5. - Sorting a range of data is easy, and allows you to

quickly sort a whole set according to column headers.

Notice here that you might have to copy and paste the data

into a fresh sheet before trying this - if the data is still in

some way connected with a Google Form, you probably

won’t be able to sort the whole range.


3) Find and Replace● Depending on what kind of data you collect, it might be beneficial to turn qualitative data into


● For example, if you have a question like ““Rate how useful Google Forms is.” The answers to that

question might include, in a Grid Question, “Very Useful”, “Somewhat Useful”, and “Not Useful”. Well,

how do you get a good feel for that data? You turn those answers into numbers using “Find and


● To Find and Replace:

1) Select ‘Find and Replace’ from the ‘Edit’ menu.

2) Set the parameters (ie: find “Strongly Agree” and replace with “4”.

3) Click ‘Replace All’.

4) Google will automatically replace every instance of that parameter.

5) Then, run the ‘AVERAGE’ formula for that column and you should have a pretty solid idea of

how the statement fared, or how a question was rated (on average) on your scale. As long as

you remember your scale, and what it means, this is one of the quickest ways of taming

qualitative statements to make sense.


Fig 7. - Creating the ‘AVERAGE’ formula is simple. In this

case, there was a very high “Strongly Agree” average

from the 37 responses to this question.

Fig 6. - The Find & Replace tool in Google Spreadsheet.


4) Dealing with Qualitative Data

● If you collect lots of qualitative data, such as statements or responses to questions like “Tell me how

you feel about…”, you’ll end up with a spreadsheet full of very full cells, which can be difficult to deal


● The easiest way to deal with it is to download the data as an Excel file and use that with a merge

function in Excel. That way, you can easily break out your longer data and format it for easy reading, or

whatever else you plan on using the data for.

● Why Excel? Because there aren’t any great ways to do this in Google yet, and dealing with lots of

qualitative statements is not something I can recommend leaving to a script in Google Spreadsheet.


5) Survey of Summary Responses

● The Summary of Responses function in a Google Form is a wonderful way to quickly get a feel for data.

● It gives you a beautifully formatted visual report of your collected data, and Google builds pie graphs, bar graphs, or line

graphs depending on the data you’ve collected.

● To view it:

1) Select it from the “Responses” menu from the Form edit view, or from the “Form” menu from the responses


● A downside of the visual results is that it only works on Forms data. For data you’ve entered yourself, you’ll have to create

your own graphs.

Fig 8. - The summary report is easy to read,

and it displays real numbers, percentages,

and a bar graph.


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