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5 Tips to Make Any Man Attracted to You

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Relationship advice for women. Discover some secret tips that will make any man that you desire suddenly pay more attention to you. Learn how to attract men and make any man crazy for you. This book provides you with some key advice as to how you can either attract the man of your dreams or keep the one you have committed and dedicated to you (http://www.ask191.org)
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5 Secret Tips to Attract Any Man You Want Ask191.org
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5 Secret Tips to Attract Any Man You Want


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Can I ask you a personal question?

Have you had any of the following experiences in dating men:

You really like some guy, but all he wants to be is “Friends”;

You feel offended and outraged when that one special man doesn't see

you as anything more than a fling;

You feel irked and annoyed when a man doesn't call back after a date

when he said he would.

Or perhaps you are already in a relationship, then do either of these

scenarios ring true for you?

He ignores you and spends more time with his buddies than you;

You are stuck with a commitment phobic man who won’t marry you

but also won’t let you go.

I completely understand the pain of being rejected by men and ignored by

the men you love and care for. I’ve had the “let’s just be friends” speech more than a few times and was also really wounded when I discovered that

the guy I thought was the love of my life was just treating me as a fling

before he suddenly announced he was moving away. No warning, nothing! Just one day he said, hey it’s been fun, but next month I move to Houston

so I won’t be seeing you anymore.

I was devastated, because I really thought we had something, but he was really just treating it as a casual stopgap.

However, I was fortunate to discover this amazing lady named Kelsey Diamond.

Kelsey used to work as an assistant for multiple hypnosis coaches. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw one of the coaches use a simple

phrase and turn a severely depressed person who was in the most extreme

type of pain into this enthusiastic person who was feeling so much joy that he couldn’t stop smiling.

The experts that she worked for called it “Emotion Trigger Phrases”.

Shocked and baffled by what she saw, she literally nagged her coaches to

explain the psychology behind these phrases.

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They told her that these phrases were carefully researched and developed

over many years of study and work so well because they sink deep into the emotion producing part of the human brain and spark up any emotion you

want a person to feel.

Emotions like euphoria, joy, pleasure, optimism and even LOVE,


Feeling obsessed and excited by this new discovery, Kelsey did something evil…

She was out at a party with a close friend of hers who is a very gorgeous, tall and distinguished looking blonde.

In fact, Kelsey said that she felt like an ugly duckling next to her.

They were grabbing drinks when a very handsome man approached Kelsey’s

friend and asked for her phone number. Kelsey admitted that she felt jealous, so she casually blurted out one of the mysterious phrases she’d

recently learned at work. Kelsey told me, “The moment my words reached this man, he shifted his

attention to me....and as weird as it sounds literally begged me to share my

phone number and later that night texted me and said – “You’re the most tempting woman I’ve ever come across. I’d love to know you more.”

She was so blown away by this that she did even more research and discovered that certain phrases create a feeling of euphoria in the human

brain exactly like a drug. Once a man is in this euphoric state, his brain

releases something called the pleasure and bonding chemical throughout

his body which makes him feel attached, addicted and completely in love with any woman who uses these phrases on him.

Kelsey was so hungry to know every phrase out there that she then spent 3 full years, learning, researching and collecting every little detail. Finally,

after all that hard work, she compiled a complete guidebook of phrases and

started calling it “Obsession Phrases”... because of how rapidly it made any man feel obsessed with love.

Find out more about

But let’s get back to those tips to attract any man you want.

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5 Secret Tips to Attract Any Man

Have you ever seen a woman who can make any guy go absolutely crazy for

her, and do the dumbest and sometimes even embarrassing things to please her?

And at the same time have you ever seen a woman who does everything right, yet she is never able to get the love or attention she desperately

desires from her man?

Most women don't get this; in fact, most women dress sexy, cook great

meals and try to logically convince a man to like them.

But that doesn't work because they're missing the most important element

of the puzzle.

That element is "EMOTION".

If you ever want a man to feel a deep intense, almost addictive love for you,

then you need to become emotionally in-tune with him.

What do I mean when I say emotionally in-tune?

I basically mean that you have to connect with the emotional part of his

mind rather than the logical part.

These are special words that sink deep into any man's mind and will make

him ache with so much love that just thinking about you will bring a smile.

Find out more here:

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Tip # 1: A shocking but surprising trick that'll make men long

for you...

I’m going to teach you a phrase that will make any man go insane, crazy and

a little paranoid with attraction for you.

How you ask? Well, by using very simple words. In fact, it all started with a

story for me.

All my life I’ve been picked out as the weird one, the average one and the not

so special one. Whenever I was around my friends I would casually joke that

no amount of makeup could ever fix my weird looking face. And no amount of exercise could fix my chubby looking body. I guess you get the point I am

trying to make. Anyway, obviously with this mindset I had my fair share of

struggles with men and dating. I wasn’t the so called “DATABLE” woman that every man looked for.

Other than being another plain Jane, I struggled to keep a conversation

going for too long without it getting too weird. As a result, no man ever used to call me after the first date. But all that changed for me that one fine

evening when I saw something I had never seen before in my life.

What was it you ask? Well, for the first time in my life a really handsome

man was curious about me and not just curious, he wanted to get to know

me better.

How did I do it, you ask? Well, it all started with that one simple line that I

learned from Kelsey Diamond’s that I’m going to share with you today.

We were in the middle of our date and things started to get weird as it

always does for me. Then suddenly, he asked me to share what I thought about him so far. I impatiently blurted out –

“Well, you’re nice and all, but I did notice something weird about you.”

The impression on his face instantly changed and he asked me…

“Um! What’s that”.

I immediately responded by saying - “Well, it’s nothing major, maybe I’ll talk about it when I know you better.”

And suddenly, I saw a massive shift in his demeanour around me. Now he was more interested, more curious and more eager about me than he had

been that entire evening.

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Do you see what I did? All I said was – “He was nice but I did notice

something weird”. This line seems innocent enough, doesn’t it? As innocent as it is, you’ll notice something pretty fantastic about it if you pay just a

little bit more attention to it.

This innocent line carries a lot of intrigue power within it. It started a loop

in his mind and drove his feeling of curiosity through the roof. By calling

him nice and weird… I planted a seed that expresses interest and also

established a personal boundary to keep him away from knowing everything about me right away. I don’t know if you know this or not but every human

being has something called the reptilian brain.

The sole job of this portion of your brain is to ensure your survival and to

make sure that you achieve maximum possible pleasure out of everything

you do.

So the core job of this brain is survival and pleasure.

This brain basically follows 2 rules…

Rule 1- Unlike your logical brain, this brain doesn't have the power to

reason and only understands the simple language of pain or pleasure.

Therefore, it tends to motivate you to do more of the things which please you

and less of the things which give you pain.

Rule 2 – Since this brain doesn't have any power to reason, any message

sent directly to this part of a man’s brain is followed with an extreme sense of urgency because it doesn't have the power to reason, and it has no power

to reject a command.

For example, if I say “DON’T” think of a big, fat, blue COW…

What’s the first thing which popped into your head? An image of a blue cow


That’s because your reptilian brain can’t reject a command even when it is

told “Not to do something”.

Therefore, my words directly hit his reptilian brain and as a result, he felt

this surge of curiosity which drove him insane.

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Tip # 2: Secret Method to Grab His Attention

In the famous book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale

Carnegie, he said…”One of the most effective ways to win friends is to make people feel important when they are around you.”

One way to make someone feel important is to become curious about them

or curious about things they value. Your man is no different. He wants to

feel good about himself, to feel valued and accepted. Consider it…A gift that you can give to him.

Here’s how…

Take a few minutes and think of something he loves to do or something he

loves to talk about. How about football? (I know you’re probably cringing right now.) Throw aside your opinion for a second. Have you ever been to a

football party and one of the guests was a woman wearing a football jersey?

Well, she could be the ugliest woman in the room, but guess what? Men find her attractive.

Why? Because she has taken an interest in what the men like, and they can relate to her on the common ground of a mutual understanding and


When you become curious about things he values… he’ll be interested in you. That’s because we’re naturally attracted to people who have something

in common with us, and that’s why I want you to develop ways in which you

can share some common interests.

The bonus is, when you maintain interest in him or something he values,

he’ll be interested in you. It’s exciting for him to share with you, because he’ll feel understood by you, and you’re connecting with him on a deeper

level—where his heart’s passions lie. This is where you want to be, close to

his heart’s passion, because he’ll begin to associate you with those passions. This also builds up that bank of positive interactions because it helps you

get—and stay—connected.

To get started, tonight you simply need to ask him questions that show you’re curious about him and allow him to showcase his positive attributes.

If you have been wanting him to share more of himself with you, here is your

opportunity: draw him out!

He will respond. After all, he is beginning to feel like a king in your eyes.

And keep in mind what motivates him: being a provider. So, ask him about work, or even projects he’s working on around the house.

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Tip # 3: Create Some Drama (Good Drama, not Soap Opera

Drama) Mary used “ ” on her husband, who by the way, was

one of the most boring and dull men I have ever met, and the turnaround in

this relationship was phenomenal.

The guy, who never did anything even remotely romantic in his life, was

buying her flowers, and taking her out dancing.

Out of nowhere, he had suddenly turned into a completely different man.

She said, “Do you know what these "Obsession Phrases" are doing?

They’re creating drama. But this isn’t the usual kind of drama, it’s the kind

which makes men go crazy.”

After hearing this, I made a great discovery as I came across a research

article on a popular psychology website.

That article talked about how humans naturally seek experiences which give

them adrenaline spikes in their relationships.

In simple terms, it mentioned that as humans we are naturally inclined to

seek anything which triggers a surge of adrenaline in our system, something

which makes us feel emotionally high, and we do it the most when it comes to dating and relationships.

This also explains why new lovers feel the most intense levels of emotion during the early stages of a relationship.

Only, in Kelsey Diamond’s case, she has figured out "Secret Phrases" which

maintain and increase that intensity of emotions, for as long as you wish.

Upon further research I realized that most men naturally and genetically

seek emotional highs and any woman who is capable of triggering that high, gets unconditional love from ANY man she wants.

These phrases give you the power to make any man feel every good emotion with a lot more intensity when he is around you.

He will feel a more intense level of love for you, and a new sense of comfort around you, which will make him feel addicted to the feelings he experiences

around you.

In other words: when he will laugh, he will laugh much harder with you,

which also means that he will experience every emotion at its peak level.

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By using these phrases you will appear to him as this worthy woman he

could spend the rest of his life with, because no other woman would be able to make him experience such intense emotional highs.

You can find out more about these " " here.

Tip #4: Show Your Vibrant Side Men are attracted to women who are attractive, by this I don’t only mean the

supermodels, or pretty blondes, but women who take care of themselves,

who like themselves and who have an interest in the world. Men are attracted to women who have some sort of passion.

Here are some ideas to really show your own vibrant self:

Be your own person. Define your own reality, philosophy, values, and

interests rather than automatically accepting those of your family,

peers, religion, or culture.

Let go of the need for validation. Don’t be motivated by the opinions or

others or the desire for recognition. Be driven by what is important to you and what you value.

Trust your instincts and allow for experimentation. Get to know yourself and discover what you enjoy and find exciting, even if you

have to fail a few times.

Accept others as they are. Begin letting go of judgments and criticism

of others. Focus on people’s strengths rather than their faults. Learn

to deal with difficult people without diminishing yourself.

Embrace a healthy lifestyle. Get some form of exercise daily. Eat

healthy foods that support your body, not your emotions. Do this

because you respect yourself, not to impress others.

See with your heart, not your eyes. Look beyond superficiality when

seeing someone. Financial status, appearance, notoriety, all mean nothing. Look for the authentic person inside.

Challenge yourself constantly. Don’t settle for mediocre. Don’t

languish in past accomplishments. Keep moving forward and exude

enthusiasm about possibilities and the actions to make them happen.

Keep evolving. Stay on a path of self-improvement and stay alert for

opportunities for shifts and growth.

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Tip # 5: Believe in Your Own Self Worth

It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you are 18 or 81, if you are fat or thin, if you are skinny or scrawny, a PhD or a high school dropout, the greatest

secret of attraction is that you need to love yourself.

You should also KNOW that you are WORTHY of love and being loved.

Here’s the bottom line: we want people to like us. Even when we say we don’t care what people think, we really do.

We desire to be loved, respected, and viewed in a positive light. Our human interactions are vital to our sense of well-being, self-esteem, and happiness.

When we discover that someone doesn’t like us or rejects us in some way,

our emotions can run the gamut from defensive indignation to deep pain

and profound sadness.

However, I realized that only when I saw myself as lovable and began loving

all my quirks and eccentricities, my looks, my habits, my desires, did I become attractive to other people. I also realized that the less I depended on

others for my own happiness, the more attractive I became to others.

Love yourself first and then you can find others to love you!


However, even if you do love yourself totally, men can sometimes need a

little help to really see the wonderful being that you are. This is where

Kelsey Diamond’s amazing discovery of comes into


Some of the phrases she has discovered include:

The “Everlasting Attraction Phrase”: throws a man’s emotions on

over-drive and he’ll enthusiastically tell you how you’re his

sweetheart, soul mate and his ultimate dream come true. He will feel

such unconditional and never-ending love for you that he will crave to

be with you, around you, beside you, and close to you all the time.

the “Whiz-Bang Phrase” which makes him see you as the most

important person in his life and inspires him to treat you like this

prized possession that he is really lucky to have. He won’t be able to

keep you out of his mind, not even for a minute. You’ll be the first

thing he thinks of in the morning and the last thing at night.

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Are you stuck with a commitment phobic man who won’t marry you

but also won’t let you go? Use the “Monogamy Awakener Phrase” on

him and watch how he convinces himself that you’re the only woman

he’d ever want to be with. He will wish to wake up every day to your

beautiful face & will look forward to the day he finally gets to walk

down the aisle with you and say, "I do ..."

Learn the “Subconscious Bonding Phrase” and make him feel, believe

and be absolutely convinced that you are his ultimate soul mate. His

love for you will grow stronger and stronger as hours and days go by

and he will care for you so deeply that when you’re sad, he’ll cheer

you up, when you’re worried, he’ll be there to comfort you and when

you feel empty, he’ll tell you that you make his life complete.

Do you feel offended and outraged when that one special man doesn't

see you as anything more than a FLING? Try Kelsey’s “Attraction

Spinner Phrase” on him and watch how his mind opens up to the

idea of love for you. Within a few hours of using this, he will start to

miss you without reason, will feel you in his heartbeat and will long to

be near you, hold your hand & tell you how special you are to him.

Do you know what a man really wants in a woman? Use the

“Emotional Transparency Phrase” today and make any man feel that

you’re the only woman who actually “GETS” what he needs. He’ll crave

to cuddle up next to you and share his most intimate feelings, his

most secret thoughts and will speak his heart out like he’s never done


Do you feel irked and annoyed when a man doesn't call back after a

date when he said he would? I’ll show you how to turn yourself into a

“Mental Addiction” for him by using the “Razzle-Dazzle Phrase”. This

will make every nerve in his body stir and tingle with so much

attraction that he’ll blow up your phone just to hear the sound of your

voice and will keep telling you that being around you gives him the

best feeling in the world.

Discover all of these by .

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Wishing you every happiness and much success in creating the most

amazing relationship that is right for you.

Jodie Summerfield
