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5 weired things you should not do with laptops - sellalaptop store

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5 weired Things Which you should not do with Laptop sellalaptop.com
Page 1: 5 weired things you should not do with laptops - sellalaptop store

5 weired Things Which you should not do with Laptop


Page 2: 5 weired things you should not do with laptops - sellalaptop store


Laptops are easy to carry and serve as the ideal platform

to work while ‘on-the-go’. They are compact, light-

weight and handy but that does not give anyone the

right to utilize them for really weird purposes.


Page 3: 5 weired things you should not do with laptops - sellalaptop store

Well, for some people, laptops are more than just

laptops – they serve as a Frisbee, a boomerang

and in some extreme cases a hot plate amusing

as it may sound!


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Do no use your laptop as a heating device or a

temporary surface for your cup of tea, coffee

or any other drink. . Very often while working

on their laptops, the slightest distraction has

made a person keep his glass or cup of drink

on the bordering space of their keyboard


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. Some geeks think their beverages will remain

warm for a slightly longer period while they go

to answer the door or answer a phone call.

Chances of a spillage are high and once the

drink seeps into the sensitive area of the

motherboard, your laptop is in a lot of trouble.


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Kids are curious and when they see a laptop

lying idle, they could mess it up either with

whatever they are eating being spread across

the keyboard or just hitting the keys on the

keyboard real hard trying to ape you but

actually damaging the laptop to the core.


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Never, ever, ever transform your laptop into a

Frisbee. No matter how angry or upset you are

whether at home or at work avoid giving vent

to your frustration through your laptop by

hurling it on to the first surface you see at

home or at your work station.


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Laptops are well-equipped with extra cushioning

to protect the hard drive but remember, the

hard drive is a highly delicate mechanical

component which is unable to survive harsh

treatment. Tossing the laptop in a rage can

harm the machine to an extent that you may

lose all your important data


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Using the screen of your laptop as a ‘handle’ –

Yes, weird as it may sound people tend to

think its very hip to tag your laptop by its

screen. Don’t! The screen is a super-sensitive

part of the laptop and not meant to be treated

as some physical handle.


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By using the screen in this very strange manner,

you apply immense pressure on the LCD/TFT

panel which results in the screen developing

cracks or getting damaged completely. On the

flip side, excess pressure on the screen could

actually distort the outer casing of your laptop

causing irreversible changes.


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Don’t go to bed with your laptop. Workaholics

and computer geeks love to snuggle into bed

along with their laptops. Being addicted to

work or to technology is interesting but your

laptop is a machine and needs rest as well.


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When utilized in such a manner – in bed, under a

blanket the laptop tends to get over-heated

because the passage of air is restricted. The

resultant overheating of the machine can cause

great harm to the screen and the machine as

well. If you are watching a movie on your

laptop while in bed, ensure it is mounted on a

hard surface by which the open space below

will ensure the right amount of air circulation

around the machine and will prevent

unnecessary overheating.


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Laptops become a storage facility – Careless

people, working on their laptops, very often

leave a little stationery on the border

surrounding the keyboard, just below the

screen. Perhaps fatigue gets the better of them

and once through with their work, they tend to

slam the screen down without removing their

stationery. This oversight results in a cracked

screen and repairs. Your laptop is your friendly

machine. Don’t cause it harm but use it wisely


