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5 Years Awaiting a Grave

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  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


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    Publicat ion Date: 10 Muharram 1434 (11/24/12)

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    Among the greatest f avors Allah conf ers upon a man is to expand his breast

    to embrace Islam, and be from the ummah of Muhammad, the master of

    mankind, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That is indeed, by Allah, the best f avor

    and the greatest blessing, as confirmed by Allah Almighty in His st atement

    In the Name of Allah; and all perfect praise be to Allah Alone; and may Allah

    se nd bles sing and peace upon him after whom there will be no Prophet. To go


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  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


    Among t he gre atest favo rs Allah confe rs upon a man is to e xpand his breas t to

    embrace Is lam, and be from the ummah of Muhammad, the mast er of mankind,

    sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That is indeed, by Allah, the best favor and the

    greate st bles sing, as confirmed by Allah Almighty in His s tat ement (what


    - They cons ider it a favor to you that t hey have accepted Is lam. Say, "Do not

    conside r your Islam a favor t o me . Rather, Allah has confe rred favor upon you

    that He has guided you to the faith, if you should be t ruthful." [Al-Hujuraat




    17 :

    Tranliteration: Yamunnoona AAalayka an aslamoo qul la tamunnoo AAalayya

    islamakum bali Allahu yamunnu AAalaykum an hadakum lileemani in kuntum


    - Ce rtainly did Allah confer [great ] favor upon t he be lievers when He s ent

    among t hem a Mes senger from themse lves , reciting to t hem His verses and

    purifying them and te aching them t he Book and wisdom, although they had bee n

    be fore in manifes t e rror. [Al-Imran 3:164]



    164 :

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  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


    Transliteration: Laqad manna Allahu AAala almumineena ith baAAatha feehim

    rasoolan min anfusihim yatloo AAalayhim ayatihi wayuzakkeehim

    wayuAAallimuhumu alkitaba waalhikmata wain kanoo min qablu lafe e dalalin


    All perfe ct prais e be to Al lah for the g reat favo r of Is lam, which none could

    es timate well but he who maintains it perfectly, fulfills its rights to the be st , in

    te rms of knowledge, deed and conduct, and witnes se s with his own eye, how

    wretched is he who is deprived of it, from among those of t he other religions

    and cults .

    I have two t ragic sto ries which clearly indicate how far-fet ched is t he st ate o fmoral degradat ion, familial disinteg ration and so cial division in which the Wes t is

    now, and refle ct how the p eop le there are suffering from s piritual bankrupt cy:

    they have nothing of the inheritance of t he Prophet s t o remedy their so cial

    crises which sto rm their communities , and turn them, in some respects , into

    brutal rather t han civilized human communities .

    That is be cause t he spiritual remedy is only in the shade of Is lam, as refe rred to

    by the Western intellectuals. Geo rge Be rnard Shaw, for example, says : I have

    always held t he religion of Muhammad in high es timation be cause o f its

    wonderful vitality. It is t he only religion which appears to me to pos se ss that

    ass imilating capability to the changing phase o f exist ence which can make its elf

    appeal to every age. The world must doubt lessly att ach high value to t he

    predictions of great men like me . I have p rophesied about the faith of


  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


    Muhammad that it would be accep table t o the Europe of t omorrow as it is

    beginning t o be acceptable t o t he Europe of today. The medieval eccles iastics,

    either t hrough ignorance o r bigot ry, painted Muhammadanism in the darkest

    colours. They were in fact t rained bot h to hate t he man Muhammad and his

    religion. To them Muhammad was Anti-Christ. I have studied him the wonderful

    man, and in my opinion far from be ing an Anti-Christ he must be called t he

    Saviour of Humanity. I be lieve that if a man like him were t o as sume the

    dictat orship of t he modern world he would succeed in solving its prob lems in a

    way that would bring it t he much-needed peace and happiness. But t o proceed,

    it was in the 19th century that honest thinkers like Carlyle, Goe the and Gibbon

    perceived intrinsic worth in the religion of Muhammad, and thus there was some

    change fo r the bet te r in the European att itude towards Is lam. But the Europe o f

    the pres ent century is far advanced. It is be ginning to be e namoured o f the

    creed o f Muhammad.

    Those words , to be sure, give lie to, and refute t he argument of him who claims

    that Islam has brought nothing new, and that Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa

    sallam, has come only with evil and badnes s: Grave is the word that comes out

    of t heir mouths; t hey speak not e xcept a lie. [Al-Kahf 18:5]

    { {

    5 :

    Transliteration: kaburat kalimatan t akhruju min afwahihim in yaqooloona illa


    Has he not read what the German Zigrid Honka, his fellow-citizen, wrote about


  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


    the great ness of Is lam and how it has brought new things t o mankind?

    Has he not read what Thomas C arlyle wrote in his book the Heroe s about t he

    greatnes s of t he Prophet Muhammad, s allallahu alayhi wa sallam?

    Has he not read the bookof Michael Hart The 100 , a Ranking o f the Mos t

    Influential Persons in History? he b egan the list of t he most important and the

    greate st men with Muhammad, the Prophet of me rcy, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

    and move the Christ , peace be upon him, back to be t he third in the list , given

    that he is a Christ ian.

    Has he not read what was written by the French poet , La Martin in his book the

    Histo ry of Turks about t he greatness of t he Prophet of Is lam, sallallahu alayhi

    wa sallam?

    Now, let us go t hrough the painful incidents of the two st ories I have previously

    referred t o:

    The first s tory:

    The Austrian authorities disco vered the dead body of a man who died o n his bed

    se emingly 5 years ago , without rousing the att ention of his neighbors, or the

    owner of the es tat e he was living in!!!

    An Aus trian jo urnal ment ioned t hat the reason why the death of Franz Raid l,

    thought t o be towards the e nd of his eightieths when he died, did not rouse the

    att ention, is that his flats rental fee used t o be paid automatically from his bank

    account t o which his pe nsion was transfe rred.PDFmyURL.com

  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


    The authorities t hat discovered the dead body, afte r a command from the court

    to open the apartment, told that his dead body seemed embalmed and well-

    preserved. The neighbors confirmed that they did not detect any foul smell

    coming from Raidls flat!

    The ot her sto ry:

    In a st range unfortunate e vent, the ret ired British, Herbert Silver, did not

    disco ver that his b rother, George , had died , but 18 month afte r his de ath,

    although they were living in the s ame house !

    When the po lice went to the reside nce of bot h brothers, on receiving a phone

    call from Herbert, it found but a skelet on of his b rother!

    Herbert, 72 years o ld, to ld the Daily Teleg raph Newspape r, that he had not

    visited his brother George , 75 years old, in his chamber for a long time. But at

    last, he was s urprised a little when he noticed that his brother did not come out

    of his bedroom in the s ame house where they were living in Bliss ford, South of


    Herbert adde d t hat bo th he and his brother George preferred to live in isolation

    from each other!

    There are many ques tions t o raise about those incidents:

    Where are the children of those two men?PDFmyURL.com

  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


    Where are t he kith and kin of those two men?

    Where are t he friends o f those two men?

    Where are t he neighbors of t hose t wo men?

    That is the new thing brought b y Islam, when it enjoined upon the children,

    relatives, neighbors, friends and t he st ate t o be responsible fo r those men and

    their likes from among the old men, each according to his posit ion and duty.

    One may say: So and s o (his neighbor, friend, child, etc) has wronged me!

    Other may say: He has harmed me!

    A third may s ay: He has not as ked abo ut me !

    A fourth may s ay: He has not helped me!

    A fif th may s ay: He has clo sed his door in my face !

    For this reas on, the Mes se nger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: How

    many a neighbor who will come (on the Day of J udgment) hanging to (the neck

    of ) his neighbor, saying: O Lord! Ask so and so: why has he close d his door in

    my face and withheld his bounty from me? [Declared Hasan (good) by Al-Albani]

    : ! : !PDFmyURL.com

  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


    The responsibility of the st ate

    The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: Every one of you is a

    guardian and responsible fo r those under his guardianship: the ruler is a

    guardian and re sponsible for his wards . [Authenticated by Al-Albani]

    For practical application, let me give two examples from the b iography of the

    caliph Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him:

    The first e xample:It is narrated on the authority of Al-Awzai that he s aid: Once,

    Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, and he was the cal iph, went out in the

    darkness of night when Talhah, may Allah be pleased with him, saw him and

    followed him. Umar entered a house and then another house before he ret urned

    home. In the morning, Talhah went to that house and behold! It s inhabitant was

    a crippled blind old woman. He asked her: Why does this man visit you? she

    said: He has been taking care of me for a long time. He brings t o me what

    sust ains me, and t akes away the harm (waste matter t hat comes out of me).

    On that Talhah said: Let your mother be be reaved of you Talhah! Do you think to

    find slips with Umar to pursue?

    The ot her example: Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, came upon a blind old

    Jew, and he was begging the people. He asked him: What has compelled you toPDFmyURL.com

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    do s o? he s aid: I have no way but t o be g. Umar, May Allah be ple ased with

    him, took hold of his hand and went with him to his (Umars) house and gave him

    food. Then he s ent t o t he treasury keepe r (to come t o him) and s aid to him:

    Che ck the cond it ions of this and his like s . By Allah, we have not been fair to

    him: we have consumed his youth, and when he grows old, we disappoint him.

    Then, he recite d: Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and fo r the nee dy.

    [At-Tawbah 9:60]

    { }

    60 :

    Transliteration: Innama alss adaqatu lilfuqarai waalmasakeeni

    This belongs t o t he needy of t he peop le of Scripture. He removed Jizyah fromhim and his likes . It is t hat, which Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

    brought t o mankind. It has nothing evil nor disg raceful: on the contrary: it has

    good all good, just ice all justice, me rcy all mercy, and kindness all

    kindnes s. But those unsighted of dark souls and hardened hearts , like to screen

    the sunlight, claiming that Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, did not bring

    but e vil: They want t o e xtinguish t he light of Allah with t heir mouths, but Allah

    will perfe ct His light, although the d isbelievers dis like it . [As-Saff 61:8]

    { {

    8 :

    Transliteration: Yureedoona liyutfioo noora Allahi biafwahihim waAllahu

    mutimmu noo rihi walaw kariha alkafiroonaPDFmyURL.com

  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


    Khalid Abu Salih

    The respons ibility of the children

    Allah Almight y said (what means ):

    - And We have enjoined upon man, to his parents, good treatment. [Al-Ahqaf


    { }

    15 :

    Transliteration: Wawass ayna alinsana biwalidayhi ihsanan

    - Be grateful to Me and to your parents ; to Me is t he [final] dest ination. But if

    they endeavor to make you ass ociate with Me t hat of which you have no

    knowledge, do not obe y them but accompany them in [this] world with

    appropriate kindness. [Luqman 31:14-15]

    { ( 1 4 )


    15-14 :

    Transliteration: ani oshkur lee waliwalidayka ilayya almaseeru (14) Wain

    jahadaka AAala an tushrika bee ma laysa laka bihi AAilmun fala t ut iAAhuma

    wasahibhuma fe e alddunya maAAroofan


  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


    - And your Lord has de creed t hat you not worship except Him, and to parents,

    good treatment. Whet her one or both of them reach old age [while] with you,

    say not t o them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to t hem a

    noble word. And lower t o t hem the wing o f humility out o f mercy and say, "My

    Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small." [Al-

    Is raa 17:23-24 ]


    23) (


    24-23 :

    Transliteration: Waqada rabbuka alla taAAbudoo illa iyyahu wabialwalidayniihsanan imma yab lughanna AAindaka alkibara ahaduhuma aw kilahuma fala t aqul

    lahuma offin wala t anharhuma waqul lahuma qawlan kareeman (23) Waikhfid

    lahuma janaha alththulli mina alrrahmati waqul rabbi irhamhuma kama rabbayanee


    It is narrated that a man came to the Mess enger o f Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa

    sallam, and s ought his permiss ion to t ake part in Jihad. He asked him: Are your

    parents alive? he answered in the affirmative, thereupon he s aid to him: Then,

    strive yourself in their service. [Al-Bukhari]

    : . :



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    Another man came to him (fo r a s imilar reason) , thereupon he, salla llahu alayhi

    wa sallam, said t o him: Return to your parents , and be a good companion to

    them. [Mulsim]

    A man came to him and said : I have come to g ive you t he p ledge of alle giance

    for Hijrah and left my parents weeping. He, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said to

    him: Then, ret urn to them, and cause t hem to laugh as you have cause d t hem

    to weep . [Narrated by Ahmad with an authentic chain of t ransmis sion]


    The Mes se nger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: The parent leads to

    the greate st gate of Paradise. You then could leave this gate if you so like, or

    keep it if you so like. [Authenticated by Al-Albani]

    The children in the Wes t always flee away from any financial obligation t owards

    their parents , even if they are in the dires t need and des tit ution, as t hey are


  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


    not ob liged t o do s o, neither by a pos itive law nor by a moral dete rrent. , on the

    contrary, the Mess enger o f Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, decide d t his case

    when a man came to him and said: O Mess enger o f Allah! I have prope rty and

    children, but my father needs my property. He, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said:

    You (be long t o your father) and your pos sess ions are pe rmis s ible to your

    father. Your children are the bes t (and mos t lawful) of your earnings. So, (there

    is no b lame on) you to eat of t he earnings of your children. [Narrated by Ahmadwith an authentic chain of transmiss ion]


    Where is t hat from him who leaves his father entirely?: he neither spends onhim, nor visit s him, nor asks about him until he dies and his corps e put refies

    while none is aware of him.

    The res pons ibility of the kith and kin

    Relatives also are required to maintain kinship ties . Allah Almighty curse d the

    corruptors o n earth, who se vere kinship t ies , saying (what means) : So would

    you perhaps, if you turned away, cause co rrupt ion on earth and sever your [ties

    of ] relationship? Those [who do so] are the ones t hat Allah has cursed, so He

    deafened them and blinded their vision. [Muhammad 47: 22-23]

    { (22)



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    47 :

    Transliteration: Fahal AAasaytum in tawallaytum an tufsidoo fe e alardi

    watuqat tiAAoo arhamakum (22) Olaika allatheena laAAanahumu Allahu

    faasammahum waaAAma absarahum

    The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: He, who has faith inAllah and the Last Day should maint ain his kinship t ies . [Al-Bukhari]

    He, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, further said: He, who is pleased to have his

    sus tenance enlarged, and his life time prolonged for him, should maintain hiskinship ties.

    The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, further said: The maintainer

    of kinship ties is not he who gives in reward fo r being given. But the maintainer

    of kinship ties is he who maintains kinship t ies even with him who severs kinshipties with him. [Al-Bukhari]



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    The Mess enger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: No se verer of kinship

    ties shall ente r Paradise . [Ahmad]

    The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, exaggeratingly warned ofse vering the kinship ties , showing that t he punishment o f the severer of kinship

    ties would be haste ned on to him in this world. He, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

    said: There is no s in, for which Allah Almighty hastens on the punishment t o its

    perpe trato r in this world, let alone t he punishment He kee ps for him in the

    hereafte r, worthier than transg ression and s evering kinship t ies . [Authenticated

    by Al-Albani]

    The Mess enger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: The deeds of mankind

    are shown (to Allah) every Thursday, on the night prior to Friday, and no deed o f

    kinship t ies se verer is accepted. [Declared Hasan by Al-Albani]

    Do those Prophetic Hadiths not have a remedy for the problem o f that brot her,

    who s evered kinship t ies with his b rother, and neither as kd about him, nor knew


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    that he died but 18 months afte r his death, i.e. after his dead body had rott en

    and decayed and turned into a skele ton, given that they were living in the s ame

    house , with nothing t o s eparate them but a s tairs or some rooms? Did he not

    have any longing for his b rother? Did he not fear seclusion for him?

    But, how could he have any se nse o r feeling, since he is from among these of

    hardened hearts , as described by Allah Almighty (what means): So is onewhose breas t Allah has expanded t o [accept] Is lam and he is upon a light from

    his Lord [like o ne whose heart rejects it]? Then woe to those whose hearts are

    hardened against the remembrance o f Allah . Those are in manifest error. [Az-

    Zumur 39:22]


    { 22 :

    Transliteration: Afaman sharaha Allahu sadrahu lilislami fahuwa AAala noorin

    min rabbihi fawaylun lilqasiyat i quloobuhum min thikri Allahi olaika fee dalalin


    The respons ibility of the friends

    The real friendship endures and its ties are never cut off by t he elapse of t ime.

    on the contrary, time doe s but s trengthens and confirms it.

    Friendship requires that the friends should exchange visits in order to be affable

    with each other, and rest ass ured of e ach other. Allah Almighty s ays in a Qudsi


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    Hadith: My Love is affirmed t o those who love each other for My sake, sit with

    each other fo r My sake, visit each other for My sake, and give each ot her for My

    sake. [Reported by Al-Albani with an authentic chain of transmission]

    The Mes se nger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: Should I not t ell you

    about your men who will be in Paradise? The P rophet will be in Paradise. The

    martyr will be in Paradise. The sincere affirmer of t ruth will be in Paradise. The

    newborn (who dies befo re he att ains the age of pube rty) will be in Paradise. And

    the man who visit s his brother (in the religion of Allah) whatever far he is from

    him, and he visit s him just for t he s ake of Allah, will be in Paradise. [Declared

    Hasan (good) by Al-Albani]


    It is narrated on the authority of Jabir Ibn Abdullah, may Allah be p lease d with

    them, that he said: the Messe nger o f Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, came t o

    visit me and inquire about my health (when I fell ill), (and he came on foo t), notriding a mule nor a horse.

    Reflect also t hat nice good Hadith which shows how excellent is t o do favor to

    others, relieve them of d istres s, and bring about happiness upon the people.

    The Mess enger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: The deares t among


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    people to Allah Almighty is t he most advantageous to the peo ple; and the

    dearest of de eds to Allah Almighty is to bring about p leasure upon a Muslim,

    relieve him of his dis tres s, pay a debt on his behalf, or satis fy his hunger.

    [Authenticated by Al-Albani]


    A Muslim person s hould have a me rcif ul heart , a soul aspiring to do f avor, help

    othe rs and remove harm from the harmed. In confirmation of that, the

    Mess enger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: The similitude of believers

    in their mutual affect ion, mercy and sympathy they have fo r each other is like t he

    one body, if any part of which aches , the whole body shares insomnia and feverwith it . [Muslim]

    Where are such mutual mercy and affe ctio n in a community, in which a man

    remains dead on his be d for five years, and none is aware of him?

    Aft er all o f t his , it is said that Is lam has bro ught not hing new, and t hat

    Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, has come only with evil and vice.

    But even, it may be s aid that t hose men might have grown extreme ly old, and


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    their friends and companions died. Has Is lam put that condition in


    In reply to that, let us say that Islam left nothing without clarifying it in det ail.

    Allah Almight y says (what means ): We have no t neglect ed in the Regis ter a

    thing . [Al-Anam 6:38]

    { }

    38 :

    Transliteration: ma farratna fee alkitabi min shayin

    If a man dies and he has friends , Islam exhorts his children to maintain good

    relations with, and do good t o them. In this res pect , he, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, said: The bes t dutifulnes s (to parents ) is that a child maintains good

    relations with his fathers friends and companions. [Muslim]

    It is in the same connection that Abdullah Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleas ed with

    them, visite d Abu Burdah when he came t o Medina and asked him: Do you knowwhy I have visite d you? he s aid: No. he said: No doubt, I heard the

    Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, having said: He, who likes to

    maintain kinship t ies with his father in his grave, let him maintain good relations

    with his fathers brothe rs ( in the religion o f Allah) aft er his death. [Declared

    Hasan (good) by Al-Albani]


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    There was a bond of brotherhood and affect ion between my father Umar and

    your father, which I liked to maintain.

    The responsibility of the neighbors

    It is amazing that the neighbo rs had no role t o play towards their neighbors in

    those two s tories, given that the t wo men grew very old, and became in need

    for someb ody to ask about them and fulfill their demands from time to time. In

    the first st ory, the neighbors argue t hat t hey did not det ect any st inking smell

    indicative of t heir neighbors death, as if a neighbors right is res tricte d only todetecting the foul smell of his dead body after his death, and informing the

    authorities about that! How great right is it!

    Islam has enjoined a good treatment t o t he neighbor, and commanded to do

    good t o him, and e xtremely warned of doing evil or causing harm to him. He

    Almight y said (what means ): Wors hip Allah and as soc iat e not hing with Him, and

    to parents do good, and to re latives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the

    neighbo r fart her away. [An-Nisaa 4 :36]



    36 :


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    Transliteration: WaoAAbudoo Allaha wala tushrikoo b ihi shayan wabialwalidayni

    ihsanan wabithee alqurba waalyatama waalmasakeeni waaljari thee alqurba

    waaljari aljunubi

    Doing good to the neighbor is an obligation, stipulate d in the Book of Allah

    Almight y. The Messenge r of Allah, s alla llahu alayhi wa s allam, s aid: He, who has

    faith in Allah and the Last day, should do good to his neighbor. [Muslim]

    But, how should a neighbor do good to his neighbo r, given that he neither asks

    about him, nor visits him, nor looks over his conditions? He may be s uffering

    from a financial crisis and need s omebody to relieve him of his dis comfort . Hemay be anxious and sad and need somebody to conso le him. He may be ill and

    need s omebody to bring medicine to him. He may be hungry and need food. For

    this reason, the Mess enge r of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: He is not

    a believer who eats his fill while his neighbor is hungry. [Authenticated by Al-


    On the Day of Judgment, the fact s will be revealed , and it will appe ar how

    neighbors indulge in the rights o f their neighbors.


  • 8/22/2019 5 Years Awaiting a Grave


    Translated by Wathakker.info webs ite


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