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50 YEARS OF DESIGN KATE BROOKS SS+K ,'^S#& ' 'iOL A 'XHI I 3 LdN .... W AL g&- Arts NovernberIDecernber 2009 Twenty-Four Dollars www.cornrnarts.com
  • 50 YEARS O F DESIGN KATE BROOKS SS+K ,'^S#& ' ' i O L A 'XHI I 3 LdN .... W AL g&-


    NovernberIDecernber 2009

    Twenty-Four Dollars


  • .i ;* e 7s

    ' S

    F .t a 1

    Novernber/Decernber &l06 2-8 q


    40 50 Kate Brooks SS+K by Rebecca Bedrossian by Warren Berger Armed with courage and a strong This New York agency honed journalistic sensibility, this photog- its skills in the political arena. rapher finds richness in her adventurous career.

    58 Jason Holley by Anne Telford A Southern California illustrator unveils the natural world in his complex illustrations.

    66 Exhibit by Jean A. Coyne The latest and best In visual communicat~on from here and abroad.

    50 Years of Design A sampling of award-winning work and commentary by some of the designers we've profiled in the past 50 years.

    2009 design annual 108 Identity Progra ... 80 Packaging 96 Annual Reports

    1 10 Trademarks

    138 Catalogs

    152 Posters

    189 Editorial

    1 12 Product/Service Brochures

    1 18 Integrated Branding Programs

    146 Letterheads I 48 Miscellaneous Company Literature

    175 Books 168 Public Service

    197 Environmental Graphics

    208 Motion Graphics

    21 5 Miscellaneous 2 1 6 Self-Promotion

    Cover: (top row) Seattle International Film Festival FIND trailer by WongDoody, p. 212; (middle row, from left) Dream Team editorial design by CuriousOuts~der, p. 191; Lida Baday Spr~ng 2009 brochure by Concrete Design Communications Inc., p. 115; (bottom row, from left) Museum of Arts and Des~gn (MAD) identity by Pentagram, p. 128; The Wescott House Foundation poster by Hucklebuck Design Studio. p. 154; Feria du Velo 2009 poster series by Identica, p. 165.

  • lurn

    Design Culture Blogging with a different perspective by Wendy Richmond.


    r 234 236 238 Frank Stockton The White Room Shaun Fenn This New York illustrator uses In Toronto. Canada, t h ~ s A San Francisco Bay Area exaggerated perspectives in his husband and wife design team photographer captures serenil graphic narratives. take inspiration from the~r with his lens.


    2 4 30 Design Issues Emerging Media DK Holland discusses intuition, Augmented reality is spread- reason and creativity. ing like wild fire in mobile

    marketing, accord~ng to Sarn McM~llan.

    34 3 6 240 Advertising Web Watch Typography Amidst all the change, Edward Apollo II takes us to the moon Allan Haley looks at four Boches says the need for again, and three online type "new" typeface revivals. creativity is stronger than ever. destinations.

    244 251 266 Environment Business Design Trends Saul Griffith tells Sam David C. Baker on crowd- Writing about design, as seen McMillan that designers need sourcing-he doesn't mince by publishers, writers and to know the numbers. words. designers.

    . ".

    F: Editor's Column

    ' Contributors

    i $3 Letters to the Editor

    254 Book Reviews F % , - '~ < . ..o Resources

    2FK Index to Design Annual 50 255 Directory

    Volume 51, Number 5 Copyrtght 2009 by Cayoe Er Dbrect a!! mqulrles. address POSTMASTER Send change* www.oommarts.com Banchard. Inc All pleces repro changes. subscrptlon orders, of address to

    COMMUNICATION ARTS. duced ~n thts s s u e are under etc . to Communlcvtlan Arts (ISSN 0010-3519) s p~bl lshed S I X P"OrcopyrQht by Ihe Or Web www.commarts.com PO Box 2013 tmes a year (JonuoiyIFebruary, by the E-mall subscr>pt>an@comrnarts corn Langharne. PA 19047 MarchlAprl. MayIJune. July/ W t h their Phone 800-688~1971 [U S /Canada1 Canada post publIcatlons August. Septernber/October. Noth~ng shown may be reproduced Phone 215-788~5481 (lnternatlonai # 4 0 ~ 1 2 ~ 0 8 NovemberlDecemberl by Coyne n any form without obtalnlng the Fax 215788-6887

    Banchard. Inc. 110 Constltutlon permisson of the creators and any M a I COMMUNICATION ARTS Canada Returns to be sent to

    Drive. Menlo Park. CA 940251 107 other person or company who may PO Box 2013 Bleuchlp lnternat~onal

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    Fax 650-326-1648 E ~ m a I ca@commarts com

    Editor and Designer Patr~ck Coyne

    Executive Editor Jean A. Coyne

    Managing Editor

    m Sue Gar~baldi Editor At Large Anne Telford

    DesignerIArt Director Tricia Seibold Peterson

    Creative Consultant Bonnie Smetts

    Production Director Scott Perry

    Associate Production Director Ron Niewald

    Production Traffic Coordinator Nancy Hagemann

    Web Developers Jarnes Hawley Kena Karia Gary Wium

    Technology Administrator Michael Hoyt

    Customer Service Representative Kaitlin Kushner

    Production Assistant/Customer Service Representative Khader Yanni

    General Manager Jeff Stafford

    Advertising Director Vaierie Halaby

    Circulation Director Perrv Fotos

    Office Administrator Stacey Meisner

    Controller Lois Vega, CPA

    Contributing Editors DK Holland, Design Issues; Wendy Richmond, Design Culture; Ernie Schenck, Advertising

    Founder Richard Coyne (1 926-1 990)

  • index to the 50th desiqn U annual

    ABP Via Roma 85 Aal, Scott 225 Abrahams, Brad 212 Abrahams, Mark 150 Academy of Art

    University 229 Achatz, Grant 183 Acker, Ben 152 ACME Professional

    207 Acrobat 85 Acumen Publishing

    180 Adams, Jacquie 96 Addison 102 Adducci, Brian 81 Adsit, Chuck 92 AEG LiveNation 158 Aesthetic Apparatus

    164 Aggelopoulos, Alexandros 90 Ahmad, Yasmin 160 Aho, Lindsey 82 AlGA 168, 175, 203,

    226 AlGA DC 219 AlGA Philadelphia 221 Aimerito Inc. 145 air-conditioned 11 2 Albertson, David 172 Albertson Design 172 Alberty, Thomas 194 Alchemy 148, 212 Alexander, Rob 94,

    152, 157 Alinea 183 Allan, Judith 94 Allard, lsabelle 105 Allen, Scott 105 ALT Design 21 6 Amdur, Nikki 207 Anchor Books, a

    division of Random House 180

    Anderson, Charles 229 Charles S. Anderson

    Design 229 Anderson Energy 102 Andrade, Armando 134 Andrews, Kurt 189 Anselmo, Frank 171 Anstey Book Binding


    Anthropologie 148 Aparicio, Nicolas 85 Apothia Los Angeles 82 Appelbaum, Ralph 207 Ralph Appelbaum

    Associates Incorporated 207

    Apple Graphic Design 81

    Apple Industrial Design 81

    Apple Packaging Engineering 81

    Arakaki, Romy 134 Arnold, Eric 209 Arrowood Inc. 146 Arrowood, Scott 146 Ashburn, Bryn 180 Ashtanga Yoga Studio

    167 Astani Living 11 2 Asylum Creative 81,

    197 Atypis, Nikos 90 Aubert, Roland 201 Auchu, Claude 132 Australia Post 21 5 Awang, Zaidi 160

    Bachand, Gladys 121 Bacherl, Jo 87 Bacon, Jason 90 Lida Baday 1 15 Baggenstoss, Dan 81 Baik, Hoon 85 Baldwin, David 89 Bantjes, Marian 226 Baran, Georgiann 102 Barbehenn, Eric 105 Barcelona, Katie 201,

    226 Barfoot, Jeff 1 10 Barfootworldwide 11 0 Barnett, Dirk 191 Dirk Barnett Design 191 Bartalos, Michael 85 Bashore, Mark 212 Baternan, Jarnes 94 Bath 8 Body Works 92 BBDO New York 87 Beam Global 85 Becca's Gone Overboard

    110 Beckett, Deborah 197 Bednarik, Matthew 221 bee things 11 0 Beelik, Gary 101 Bekman, Jen 11 1

    Belanger, Richard 125, 165

    Bello, Roland 11 7 Bennett, Ed 82 Bergey, Sarah 154 Berkeley Group plc 11 1 Berkley, Ryan 154 Bhatt, Abhi 230 Bibliotheque et Archives

    nationales du Ouebec 198

    Bierut, Michael 122, 128, 201, 226

    Biesinger, Raymond 102

    Big Boss Brewing Company 89

    Big-Giant 90 Biley, Clive 172 Bird, Alastair 222 Bird, Andrew 158 Bisson, Julie 132 Bisson, Sebastien 106,

    198 Blackburn, Garry 11 1 Blackwell, Geoff 184 Blackwood, David 96 Blender 191 Blok Design 11 8 Boa Boca Gourmet 81 Bognar, Jessica 225 Boisvert, Paul 105 Boland, Jeremy S. 158 Bologna, Matteo 179 Bombay Bakery 21 5 Albert Bonniers

    Publishers 187 Boralex 99 Borders Perrin Norrander

    158 Barn 118 Boros, Steve 92 Boswell, Scott 85 Bowers, Joel 225 Boyer, Cindy 81 Boynton, Richard 146 Bradley, Roxanne 90 brainCELLS 92 The Brand Union 82 Brandever 96

    Brassard, Julie 105, 125 Brauer Museum of Art,

    Valparaiso University 143

    Brennan, Paul 225 Brew Nerds Coffee 127 Brindisi, Brian 226 Brink, Gaby 112 Brodsley, Adam 226 Brown 87 Brown, Mindy 180 Bruce, Bill 87 Bruce, Tim 108 Brugnoli, Gianluca 230 Bucholtz, Jeff 94, 175 Buck, Chris 194 BUR 179 Bureau Number 4 82 Leo Burnett Kuala

    Lumpur 160 Leo Burnett Toronto

    121 Leo BurnettIArc

    Worldwide Singapore 163

    Burns,Roy 146 Burtner, Russ 212 Burton, Mikey 11 1 Burton, USA 145 Butcovich, Cristian 229 Byrom, Roger 102 Byzewski, Michael 164

    Caguin, Mike 82 Caldwell, Kirk 225 Calgary Society for

    Persons with Disabilities 101

    California College of the Arts, Graduate Design 168

    California Lithographers 229

    Callahan, Brendon 230 Cameron, Cleve 89 Campbell, Chris 154 Camps Airy 8 Louise

    117 Canahuate, Delgis 197 Cantwell, Ciara 138 Capsule 81

    Card Sharks 85 Cardinal, Chelsea 193 Career Artist

    Management 11 1 Carlson, Todd 198 Caron, ~ar ie- i 've 201 Carpenter, Tad 122, 131 Cartier, Daniel 105 Cascades 106 Cascades

    Communication Department 106

    Case, Mairead 191 Roy Castle Trust 172 CatalogTree 194 Cathcart, James 207 Catlin Gabel School 141 Central Planning 198 Cerny, Anneka 1 10 Cerny Product

    Development, Inc. 110

    Chamberlain, Alexis 94, 148, 150

    Champigny Raymond 201

    Chandos Interiors 148 Chantha, Sam 154 Chen, Gillianne 154 Chepoulis, Kyle 207 Cherple 11 1 CH1 172 Chiarotto, Tania 132 Chicago Volunteer Legal

    Services 108 Chipotle Mexican Grill

    92 Chirhart, Steve 90 Chiu, Chris 163 Chocolate Research

    Facility Pte Ltd 81, 197

    Chouinard, Gilles 132 Chow, Lily 189 Chow Shu Jun, Michelle

    163 Christie, Alicia 89 The Jay W. Christopher

    Railroad China Collection 143

    Chronicle Books 184 Chua, Joseph 163 Chun, KJ 203 Church of Sts. Peter 8

    Paul 171

    258 Design Annual 2009

  • index to the 50th design annual

    Cihlar, James 175 Clark, Eszter 92 Clatter 8 Din 21 2 Clayton, Anthony 82 Clement, Rene 99 Clermont, Anne-Marie

    132 Clunie, James 87 The Coca-Cola Company

    89, 92, 94 Colbourne, Richard 102 Colle + McVoy 82 Collins, Brian 193 Collins, Greg 157 COLLINS: 193 Collis, Mark 167 Columbia University

    176 Concrete Design

    Communications Inc. 89, 11 5, 137

    Condo, Patrick 209 Connelly, Walt 209, 210 Contegni, Mariana 11 8 Cook, Holly 146 Cooper, Gavin 189 Cooper Graphic Design

    189 Cooper, Louise 94 Cooper, Michele 189,

    221 The Cooper Union 11 0 Coplan, Lee 1 17 Corbis 175 Correa, Lucho 87, 90 Cossette 125 Cote, David 189 Couchman, Brent 1 10 Brent Couchman Design

    110 Covanta Holding

    Corporation 106 Crawford, Justin 209,

    21 0 Creative Inc. 138 Creativille, Inc. 168 Creature 154 Cress, Dennis 225 Croxton, Brent 85 Croxton Design 85 Croxton, Michael 85 Crucial Detail 183

    Cruz, Lizania 148 Cullen, Steve 154 Curiousoutsider 189,

    191, 193 Curry, Nicola 138

    Dalzell, Rob 122 Dancziger, Patrice 105 DAREZ 225 Darzacq, Denis 230 DAT Pictures 11 7 Davidson, Andrew 82 Davies, Drew 167 Davis, Georgia Alexandra

    118 Davis, Jay 85 Dawe, James 189 DDB Canada 94 DDB Canada, Karacters

    Design Group 94 de la Mare, Nick 230 de Menna, Joanne 96 de Saint Phalle, Robert

    204 DeDonato, Janet 99 Degree Design 89 Delaney, Michael 198 Delissential 85 DeMartino, Laurie 89 Laurie DeMartino Design

    89 Denny, Carrie 180 Design Army 1 15, 21 9 Design Canteen 141 Design Ranch 122, 131 Design Within Reach

    143, 145, 207 Diageo 82 Diaz, Israel 121 Digital Kitchen 212 Dimmock, Jeremy 148,

    21 2 Dizzy Design 215 Doe-Anderson 85 Dolan, Doug 101 Dorval, Louis 105, 125,


    Dougherty, Michelle 209, 210

    Doyle Partners 11 0 Doyle, Stephen 1 10 Doyon, Jean 99, 106,

    198 Drummond, David 180 Dublin City Council

    138 Duchaine, Chris 110 Duckworth, Bruce 92

    Earnest, Robert 222 Ecke, Will 152, 157, 175 Eckert, Leigh 212 Eckstein, Vanessa 1 18 The Economist 87 Editora Biruta 187 Edwards, Clark 172 Edwardsville Arts Center

    168 Egg Rock Pictures 212 Eggers, Dave 176 eGO graphics 207 826 Valencia 152 Elite Concepts 11 1 Ellis, Regi 226 Emiroglou, Patrick 165 Enablis 105 Engine Company 1 225 Eplett, Meghan 141 Erickson, Janelle 21 2 Espinosa, Leo 90 Espiritu, Allan 221 ESPN The Magazine

    189 Evans, Stacy 89 Evolutiva 11 8 Ewald,Dave 141 Ewles, John 94 Exit10 117 ExperimentaDesign 21 5

    Fadness, Matthew 82 Farmer's Leap 92 Faulkner, Sarah 154 Federal Home Loan Bank

    of Seattle 99 Federation des

    producteurs de lait du Quebec 201

    Feldman, Robin 209, 21 0

    Feria du Velo de Montreal 165

    Ficklin, Jared 230 Field, Ann 1 12 Filter magazine 94 Finegold, Michal 209 Fines, Justin 194 Finken, Chad 197 Firos, Daphne 197 Fisher, Bryan 145, 150 Fisher, Jeffrey 179 Fitzpatrick, Kaylin 154 Flach, Tim 184 Flango, Kristi 154 Fleischmann, Jessica

    21 6 J Fletcher Design 11 0 Fletcher, Jay 11 0 Flores, Nicole 94 Foreman, John 212 Fort Franklin 11 0 Foundry Types 125 Franz, Sara 204 Freimuth, Michael 191,

    194 Michael Freimuth Design

    191, 194 French Paper Company

    229 Friedrich-Wilhelm und

    Karin Reller OHG 87 Friel, Michael 85 frog design 230 Fujita, Norihisa 167 Fulbrook, Ill, John 193 Future Action

    Reclamation Mob 168

    FWlS 194

    Gagnon, Louis 99, 106, 198, 222

    Gaira Musical Local 90 Galbraith, Jeff 94 Gall, John 180 Galles, Tim 209, 21 0

    Galligan, Shanan 221 Gallucci, Marc 1 10 Gamache, Monique

    101,102 Garza, Drew 221 Gast, Bradley 96 gdloft PHL 221 Gee + Chung Design

    201 Gee, Alan 110 Gee, Earl 201 Geiger Mountmaking

    207 Genesis, Inc. 138 Gensler Chicago 197 Gericke, Michael 221 Gershbein, Denise 230 Geyer, Wayne 219 Ghazarian, Saro 101 Gibb, Cameron 184 Gilden, Bruce 99 Gilhome, Natalie 207 Gilmartin, Eamon 225 Gilmore, Don 207 Don Gilmore Productions

    207 Giovanetti, Augusto 191 GJP Advertising +

    Design 110 Gliha, Christina 110 Goddard-Knop, Margaret

    197 Godici, Tom 157 Goetze, David 1 18 Goldberg, Nathaniel

    193 Gomez, Ernesto 207 Goodman, Timothy 193 Goodrich, Kara 87 Goodwill Southern

    California 157 Goulet, Cindy 132 Gozum, George 141 GO 189, 191, 193, 194,

    197 Grais, lan 222 Gralnick, Laura 226 Gravis Footwear 145 Great Lakes Scenic

    Studios 207 Greater Toronto Airports

    Authority (GTAA) 101 Greenberg, Lisa 11 0 The Grillo Group 143

    160 Design Annual 2009

  • Grillo, Maria 143 Guarnaccia, Steven 85 Guarnieri, David 222 Guerrero, Adriana 150

    Ha, JJ 85 Hachette Book Group/

    Twelve 179 Hadley-Beauregard,

    Bernie 96 Haggerty, Lawrence 85 Hainsworth, Stanley 87 Hall, Andy 198 Hallertau Brewbar &

    Restaurant 89 Halverson, Rob 141 Hamilton, Doug 189 Han, Suck Zoo 21 6 Hanson, Lee 82 Haralambous, Carole

    85 Haralambous, Nik 85 Harbor Point 96 Harden, Dan 110 Harding, Daniel 176 Harley-Davidson Motor

    Company 201, 204 Harrison, Doug 11 0 Hart, Dale 99, 203 Hartman, Steve 168 Hartsock, Eric 11 7 Hashimoto, Takahisa

    167 Hastings, Daniel 225 Hat-trick Design 160 Hatch Design 92 Haug, Andrew 134 Haven, Jim 154 Hayes, Andy 154 Hayes, Pete 94 He, Queenie 198 Headcase Design 176,

    180, 189 Hei, Yiyang 108 Heiman, Eric 226 Heinsma, John 158 Hejduk, Ken 11 1 Helfman, Jonathan 11 7 Helle, Raphael 99 Henderson, Ryan 89 Henke, James 207 Henry, Morgan 212 Herman, Jonathan 101,

    102 Hernandez, Monica

    112 Hernandez, Virginia


    Herr, Jack 92 Herrera, Jill 82 Hersey, John 85 Herve 134 Heuberger, Bill 85 Hewitt, Rob 189, 191,

    193 Hey, Hot Shot! 11 1 Hiek, Gloria 204 High Vale Orchard 92 Hinrichs, Christopher

    204 Hinrichs, Kit 204 Hinrichs, Linda 204 Hirasuna, Delphine 204 Hirschmann Design

    110 Hirschmann, Karl 110 Ho, Ohn 106 Hobday, Ruth 184 Hoek, Tjeerd 230 Hoffer, David 230 Hoffman, Jeremy 204 Holden Baker, Chelsea

    230 Hollingsworth, Jovaney

    229 Holman, Barrett 11 0 Holmer, Andreas 203 Honigsfeld, Emily 212 Hood, Doug 105 Hope, Chris 207 Horner, Doogie 176 Horsman, Anu 154 Horton-Griscom,

    Gwendolyn 143, 145 Hospodarec, Joe 101 Hosseinpouri, Farhad

    212 Houseworks Digital

    Media 207 Howard, Rachel 230 Howat, Gareth 160 Howe, Tim 212 Hoyne Design 215 Hsu, Judy 229 Hsu, Paul 11 1 HuaSen Architectural &

    Engineering Designing Consultants Ltd. 108

    Hucklebuck Design Studio 154

    Hudson, Tim 212 Hughes, John 112 Hughes, Kathy 154

    Hugo, Mario 102 Hui, Francisco 171 Bob Hund 82 Hunting, Rod 194 Husband, Eric 82 Huske, Steph 212 Hyphen 110

    Ibarra, Dan 164 IBM 157 ldentica 105, 125, 165 Igarashi, Taketo 167 Illenberger, Sarah 102 ilovedust 102 Imaginary Forces 209,

    21 0 Index Creativos 146 Infinite Water 11 1 loukhnovets, Anton

    191, 193 Isaaks, James 209

    Jacala, Yogie 221 Jacintho, Samia 187 Jacques, Barbara 105,

    125, 165 Jafri, Faiyaz 102 Jain, Katie 92 James, Michelle 150 Jamieson, Rob 157 JAQK Cellars 92 Jane Jenni Inc. 96 Jimmerson, Bem 158 John, Judy 121 Johnson, Andrew 229 Johnson, Andy 85 Johnson, Brooke 184 Johnson, Chuck 110 Johnson, Dan 215 Johnson, Deborah 230 Johnson, Erik 229 Johnson, Haley 90,96 Haley Johnson Design

    Co. 90, 96 Jones, Deborah 11 2 Jones Knowles Ritchie

    94 Jordan, Jen 85 Jung, Jay 127

    JWT New York 209, 210 JWT North America


    Kairys, Elizabeth 176 Elizabeth Kairys Design

    176 Kaji, Tomohiro 229 Kamei, Nick 158 Kander, Nadav 193 Kann, Martin 82 Martin Kann Design 82 Karkhanis, Ashutosh

    21 5 Karthaus, Jeanette 229 Kastner, Lara 183 Kastner, Martin 183 The Katalina Group 118 Kate's Paperie 141 Katona, Diti 89, 11 5,

    137 Kaufman, Dean 102 Kawase, Shinichiro 157 Keer, Carolyn 148 Kennedy, Kristan 141 Kepple, Paul 176, 180,

    189 Kester, Joe 102 Ketchum, Greg 157 Key, Janelle 138 Khoo, Stefan 171 Kiefer, AJ 92 Kim, Choong 168 Kim, Tamara 11 2 Kinetic Singapore 154,

    171 Kingsbury, Andy 175 Kinokuniya 160 Kinsco, LLC 1 10 Kirkpatrick, Lisa 89 Kitterman, Sue 11 8 Klancher, Lee 230 Kleeberg, Patricia 1 18 Klimiuk, Emilia 108 Koala Ranch 82 Koh, Joy 154 Koh, Steve 160 Kokonas, Nick 183 Kokoshari, Orges 209 Kolbel, Slavka 212 Kolenko, Eva 225 Kouri, Chad 191 Kousah, Emily 94 Kratz, Charles G. 143

    Krauss, Brett 209, 210 Kress, Karen 105 Kuhn, Sara 145 Kull, Wes 207 Kummer, Mark 110 Kushma, Deborah 226 Kysar, Mary 141

    La Brecque, Eric 1 18 The LAB 138 Labour 194 Lack, Allyson 148 Lacoursiere, Justen

    101,102 Laffer, Hilary 112 Laksmi, Anastasia 85 Landaker, Todd 81 Landor Associates 85 LaPage, Gary 226 Lapointe, Genevieve

    201 Lappin, Criswell 193 Lattaro, Fran~ois 165 Lau, Joan 209, 21 0 Laveaga, Jesus 146 Lawrence, Amanda 92 Lawrence, David 85 Lawrence, Della 94 Lawton, Bradford 164 The Bradford Lawton

    Design Group 164 Layton, Brett 92 Lee, Chris 81, 197 Lee, Hamin 121 Lee, Young 99 Lefebure, Jake 1 15,

    219 Lefebure, Pum 11 5,

    21 9 Lefebvre

    Communications Financieres Inc. 99

    Lefebvre, Marcel 106 Legault, Gilles 125 Leifsdottir 148 Lemmer, Emily 229 Lescarbeau, Maude

    132 Leutz, Josh 87, 94, 96

    Communication Arts 261

  • index to the 50th design annual

    Lewis Communications 146

    Ig2boutique 132 li, Junrong 108 Lifelong Friendship

    Society 209 Lim, Louis 171 Lirn, Pann 154, 171 Lim, Pin Jie 163 Lim Thye Aun, Alex

    163 Lin Jia Rong, Anthea

    163 Ling, Wong Ee 160 Lip 87, 90 Liske, Lukas 87 Little Jacket 11 1 Llorente, Ana 21 6 Loo, Driv 154 Lorenzo, Doreen 230 Louey, Robert 11 1 Lowercase, Inc. 108 Lubars, David 87 Luc, An 204 Ludwig, Yve 122 Luna, Ted 145 Lusthoff, Erika 143 Lyon, Dave 92

    Madle, Tim 21 9 Maegawa, Junko 85 Magic Cube 154 Magnusson, Jens 187 Jens Magnusson Design

    187 Maison TheBtre 132 Majluf, Veronica 134 Makelike 141 Makich, Jane 92 Makila, Eric 212 Mangos 96 Mangrum, Gaelyn 94,

    175 Manning, Keith 1 10 Mannix, Jason 1 10 Marco, Harvey 209,

    210 Marcus, Joan 189 Marianek, Joe 128, 194

    Mark, Brian 138 Marszewski, Ed 191,

    194 Marszewski, Rachel

    191 Martin, Chris 204 Martin, Kyle 209, 210 Martin, Rachel 127 Martin, Sarn 230 Martinez, Carlos 197 Martyniak, Gary 11 1 Materiel 194 Mattson Creative 11 1 Mattson, Ty 11 1 McCann, Alana 148 McCleney, Daniell 11 8 McCord, Megan 94 McCullag, Bryan 127 McDerrnott, Kelley

    209,210 McFetridge, Geoff 148 McGurk, John 176, 180 McKinney 89 McLallen, Christopher

    193 McLoughlin, Michael

    209, 21 0 McNae, Alexa 1 12 McNatton, Gary 82 McSweeney's 176 Meis, Ryan 92 Melander, Aaron 90 Melcher Media 183,

    189 Mennen, Caitlin 207 Meredith, David 219 Merrifield, Karla 207 Methodologie, Inc. 99,

    203 Metropolis 193 Meyer, Helmut 87 Meyer, Thelma 183 Meyerson. Abby 1 17 Mickle, Stuart 209, 210 Microsoft 209, 21 0 Miki,Ken 160 Ken Miki and Associates

    160 Milicevic, Mara 209 Milkweed Editions 175 Miller, Abbott 203, 204 Miller, Emily 230 The Miller Group 157 Miller, Jason 102 Miller, Lisa 108 Miller, Renee 157 Millotte, Laurie 96 Mitchell, Fiona 11 7 Mitre Agency 127 Mohamed, Zarak 160

    Mohawk Fine Papers 226

    Moll Design 11 1 Moll, Jason 11 1 Moll, Justin 96 Molton Brown 94 Monaco, Patti 96 Monnet, Stephane 89 Montague, Ty 209, 21 0 Montplaisir, Marc-Andre

    125 The Moravian Gallery

    203 Morissette, Martin 106 Morla, Jennifer 143,

    145, 207 Morse, James 194 Mortlock, Christian 221 Motley, Leigh Ann 146 MovieMaker 189, 191,

    193 Moyer, Jason 150 MO Studio 198 Mucca Design

    Corporation 179 Mueller, Andy 157 Mulder, Matt 212 Munn, Jason 158 Murray, Brian 89 Murray, Kelvin 172 The Museum of Arts and

    Design (MAD) 128 Myers, John 105

    Naar, Lenny 89 Naissance Inc. 183 Nakamura, Hana 179 Nakamura, Lisa 222 The Natural History

    Museum 160 Nazrni, lsh 209 Neatly Trimmed Beard

    87, 94, 96 Nebb, Edward 102 Neenah Paper, Inc. 102 Negre, Laetitia 191 Nelson Forss, Sarah

    183 Nemesis Pictures 154

    nerve.com 184 Nevada Museum of Art

    204 Newfoundland 8

    Labrador Liquor Corp. 96

    Ng, Chee Yong 81, 197 Ngo, Ly 209 Nguyen, Minh 99 Nicoll, Mason 212 Nielson, Carl 11 7 Nihalani,Aakash 102 Nike 94, 148, 150, 198 Nike Brand Design 198 Nolin BBDO 201 Norberg, Kate 141 Norman, Arny 89 Brad Norr Design 175 Norr, Brad D. 175 Northern United Brewing

    Company 87, 94,96 Novgorodoff, Danica

    176 Nuttall, Jason 193

    O'Leary, Dan 94 O'Neill, Justin 193 O'Rourke, Mel 138 O'Shea, Francis 207 The Oak Room 122 Obando, Juan Carlos

    82 Ochoa, Walter 215 Oeth, Luke 87, 94, 96 Off-Site Records

    Management 201 Office 94, 152, 157,

    175 Ogilvy 8 Mather

    Frankfurt 87 Ogilvy 8 Mather Japan

    K.K. 167 Ogilvy 8 Mather New

    York 157 Oh, Hello 212 Old Nassau Imports 81 Oldham, Kathy 146 Ornetz, Shay 1 10 Ono, Yoko 207 Opolis Design 94, 148,


    Otetiana Council, Boy Scouts of America 105

    Otis College of Art and Design 216

    Otto, Holly 209, 210 Oxide Design Co. 167 Oyafuso, Caio 121

    Panio, Carrie 222 Paprika 99, 106, 198,

    222 Paradox Media 198 Parallax Design 92 Park, Alfred S. 171 Park, Jiwon 225 Park, Sung 221 Parkes, Christian 94,

    148, 150 Parkes, Richard 222 Part 8 Parcel 194 partners + napier 105 Pattison, Sean 207 Paull, Monica 150 Peng, Jun 108 Pentagram Design 89,

    122, 128, 201, 203, 204, 221,226

    PepsiCo-IVI S.A. 90 perfectholiday brand

    design 145, 150 Perricone MD 89 Perry, lsaac 198 Persico, Steve 121 Peterson, Steve 179 Petkoff, Luben 134 Petrick Design 106 Petrick, Robert 106 Petrzelka, Daniel 87 Pettersen, Tor 11 1 Tor Pettersen 8 Partners

    11 1 Petunia Pickle Bottom

    138 Piercy, Clive 11 2 Pipkin, Catherine 127 Piqueira, Gustavo 187 Play-Doh 154 Plunkert, David 163 Poff, Kyle 194 Policarpo, Antonio Jo5o


    262 Design Annual 2009

  • Policarpo Design 81 Polyester Design 212 Pop Ink 89 Poulin + Morris Inc.

    226 Poulin, Richard 226 PQ Blackwell 184 Pratt, Jennifer 94 Prestek, Krista 189,

    194, 197 Price, Kevin 85 Pridgen, Scott 89 Principle 148 Pringle, Nick 172 Proximity 191 Pryde, Ross 11 0 Purdie, Evan 89 Push 226 Pylypczak, John 89,

    115. 137

    Qu, James 198 Ouirk Books 176, 180

    R3 229 Rabbit Content 209,

    210 Raby, Brian 204 Rafelson, Michael 101 Raja Samara, Neven

    230 Raphael, Janae 82 Rapp, Dan 117 Rare Form Mastering

    146 Raskala, Georgina 118 Ray, Dacia 99 Rayburn, Bob 209 The Recording Academy

    209 Red Design Consultants

    90 Red, Steve 81 Red Tettemer 81 Reeb, Michelle 204 Reifsnyder, Scotty 176,

    180, 189 Reinmuth, Steven 194 Reller, Karin 87

    Remphrey, Matthew 92 Rethink 222 Reumont, Caroline 201 Rex Design 187 Rheault, Sylvie-Diane

    106 Rhodes, Anthony P.

    21 6 Rice, Mike 94 Richard, Monic 99, 106 Richards, Dan 94, 148,

    150 Richards, Grant 225 Richardson, Terry 191 Rioux, Marc-Andre 125 Ritchie, lan 94 Ro, Chris 194 Robb, Chris 226 Robbins, Holly 90 Roberts, Jordan 209,

    210 Robertson, George 207 Robertson, Jill 152, 175 Robinson, Ron 82 Roche, Chris 11 2 Rochford, Darren 21 5 Rock and Roll Hall of

    Fame Annex New York 207

    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Cleveland 207

    Rodriguez, Edel 180 Rodriguez-Mariategui,

    Maruchi 134 Rodriquez, Carlos 207 Rohter, Eric 219 Roman, Heather 105 Roop, Jay 172 Rose 11 1 Rostowski, Thomas 143 Rothman, Holly 183,

    189 Russ, Kevin 212 Ruthven, Hugh 94 Rutledge, Meredith

    207 Ryce, Jim 101 Ryder, Andre 125

    Saenz, Maureen 82 Sagmeister Inc. 176,

    21 5 Sagmeister, Stefan

    176, 215

    Sainato, Michael 143, 145,207

    St. Mary's Church 11 1 Salamander Hill Design

    180 Salinas, Horacio 102 SALT. Optics 150 San Antonio Zoo 164 Sanders, Keith 1 18 Sands, lan 212 Sanna, James 207 Sargent, Cole 1 17 Sarin, Anisha 215 Schaedig, Cass 1 10 Scharffen Berger

    Chocolate Maker 112

    Schendera, Gunnar 118 Scher, Paula 89 Schiavo, Joseph 221 Schierlitz, Tom 189 Schneider, Terry 158 Schoenaerts, Corriette

    102 School of Visual Arts

    171,216, 226 Schulte, Jason 94, 152,

    157, 175 Schulte, Lynn 183 Schulz, Lee 141 Schwartz, Jeremy 105 Schwartz, Rob 209 Schweinzer, Daniel 87 Scifres, Frank 82 The Scribbler 146 Seattle International Film

    Festival 212 Seelert, Perry 85 Segal, Leslie A. 102 Seitz, Gregor 87 Senduka, Gina 90 Senduka, Ronda 90 Sense Team 108 Sequence 92 Seripop 194 Sforza, Nicole 183 Sharma, Parul 168 Sherry Council of

    America 154 Shirriff, Tara 141 Shouldice, Joe 176, 215 Siber, Matt 191 Sidie, lngred 122, 131 Siegenthaler, Oliver 87

    Sieu, Tom 229 Silicon Prairie News

    167 Silveira, Cathy 96 Silver Hills Bakery 94 Simon Spotlight

    Entertainment 189 Simoneau, Guillaume

    106 Singapore Architects

    163 Sinkinson, Topher 141 Sinnen, Cherie 11 1 Cherie Sinnen Studio

    111 Skinner, Becca 90 Slow Food Nation 172 Small, Eden 89 The Small Stakes 158 Smith, Brian E. 216 Smith, Kirk Richard

    183 Smith, Rodney 219 Smolover, Charles 96 Snavely, John 212 Soapbox Design

    Communications Inc. 101

    Soares, John 87 The Society of Graphic

    Sockwell, Felix 85 Sohl, Marty 230 Somosi, Dora 189,

    191, 193, 194, 197 Sonderegger, Michelle

    122, 131 Sormani, Dan 209 Spalding, Bridgette

    209 Sparano, Joe 167 Spellman, Bill 110 Spilman, Kristen 203 Spur Design 163 Srikantiah, Ashwini

    209, 210 Stafford, Ellen 212 Stanton, Miriam 204 Staples, Chris 222 Stapp, Kevin 207

    Starbucks Global Creative 87

    Stater, Scott 230 Steg Faranda, Michelle

    102 Sterling Ruth, John 81 Stevens, Eric 11 1, 158 Stewart, Neil 121 Stiers, Kristen 90, 11 7 Stiles, Dan 158 still room 21 6 Stolder, Steven 87 Strauber, Barry 105 Studio One 207 Studioa 134 Sugiuchi, Scott 11 7 Sullivan, Derek 99 Sullivan, Mike 102 SullivanPerkins 11 0 Suqi, Rima 141 Sutherland, Jim 160 Swift, Amy 11 2 Swink 221

    Talisman Design 90 Tam, Kenny 212 Tan, Cherin 197 Tan, Eugene 154, 171 Tan, Gen 171 Tang, Kee Hong 163 Target Corporation 90,

    117 Tauntr, Inc. 110 TBWA\Chiat\Day 209 Technical Artistry 207 Teddy Bear Holding, Inc.

    141 Templin, Joel 92 10 Speed Press 183 Teter, Kathy Kocsis 118 Thares, Scott 146 The, Richard 176, 21 5 Theatre Project 163 1300 on Fillmore 85 Thornaidis, Chris 101 Thomas, Father 171 Thrasher, Christy 11 1 360 Architecture 131 Through Smoke Creative

    82 Thurman, Paula 99 Till, Spencer 146

    Communication Arts 263

  • index to the 50th design annual

    Tirondola, Meaghan 226

    Tjia, Siung 189 Tobin, Patrick 216 Tomorrow Partners 1 12 Tonuzi, Flag 179 Torpin, Adam 167 Tou, Anna 92 Tower of Babel 1 1 1,

    158 Tran, William 171 Trellis Healthcare 110 Tremblay, Martin 125 Trickel, Susan 96 Trivisonno, Danielle 154 Troy, David Aaron 1 17 Trulles, Max 198 Tryon, Heather 94 TUB Gin 81

    Tupper, Dave 121 Turner, David 92 Turner Duckworth

    London 8 San Francisco 92

    Tutssel, Glenn 82 Twomey, Anne 179 Tyler, Lael 94, 148, 150 Tyner, Troy 127

    Unger, Mark 226 united* dsn, Ilc 85 UNKL 90

    Urban Tree Salvage 121 Ursuline Academy of

    Dallas 110

    Vadas, Scott 11 5 The Valley of the Vapors

    164 Van Aelst, Kevin 197 Vega, Lou 189 Verdine, Michael 94,

    148, 150 Vidheecharoen, Jayne

    21 2 Villegas, Teresa 85 University of Virginia

    Library 1 15 Volume Inc. 226 von Rohr, Kirk 172 Vongsavath, Vadsana


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    l . Publ~cation Title: Communication Arts. 2. Publication No.: 082-120. 3. Filing Date: 9/22/09, 4. lssue Frequency: Bi-Monthly. 5. No. of Issues Published Annually: 6. 6. Annual Subscription Price: $53. 7. Complete Maillng Address of Known Office of Publication: l l 0 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (San Mateo County) 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher: Same. 9. Full Names and Complete Addresses of Publisher, Editor and Executive Editor: Publisher: Patrick S. Coyne, 110 Constitution Drive. Menlo Park. CA 94025. Edltor: Patrick S. Coyne, 110 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025. Execut~ve Editor: Jean A Coyne, 110 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025. 10. Owner: Coyne & Blanchard, Inc., 110 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025. The names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock: Patrick S. Coyne, 110 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025; Eric P. Coyne, l l 0 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025; Martha R. Coyne, l l 0 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025. 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None. 12. Not Applicable. 13. Publication Title: Communication Arts. 14. lssue Date for Circulation Data Below: SeptemberlOctober 2009. 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation (Average No. Copies Each lssue During Preceding 12 MonthsIActual No. Copies of Single lssue Published Nearest to Filing Date): a. Total No. Copies (Net Press Run): 71,898166.082. b. Paid andlor Requested Circulation: (1) Pa~dlRequested Outside-County Mail ~ h b s c r i ~ t i o n s Stated on PS Form 3541 (Include advertiser's proof and exchange copies): 43,869141,136. (2) Paid In-County Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541 (Include advertisers' proof and exchange copies): 0. (3) Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Non-USPS Paid Distribution: 13,082/12,667. (4) Other Classes Mailed Through the USPS: 0. c. Total Paid andlor Requested Circulation [Sum of 15b. ( l ) , (2). (3) and (4)l: 56,951153,803. d. Free or Nominal Rate Distribution by Mail and Outside the Mail: (1) Free or Nominal Rate Outside-County Copies Included on PS Form 3541: 6291728. (2) Free or Nominal Rate In-County Included on PS Form 3541: 0. (3) Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed at Other Classes Through the USPS (e.g. First-Class Mail): 15/24. (4) Free or Nominal Rate Dlstrlbution Outside the Mail (Carriers or other means): 7771125. e. Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution (Sum of 15d ( l ) , (2). (3) and (4)): 1,4211877, f. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and 15e): 58,3729154,680. g. Copies Not Distributed: 13.52611 1.402. h. Total (Sum of 15f and g): 71,898166,082. Percent Paid (15c divided by 15f times 100) : 98%198%. I certify that all information furnished on thls form is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits material or information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) andlor civil sanctions (including multiple damages and civil penalties).

    Patrick S. Coyne, PublisherIEditor

    Wadsworth, Talin 226 Waggett, David 207 Wagner, Drue 189 Waks, Connie 99 Walk, Mark 212 Walker, Katherine 143 Wall, Chris 157 Walsh, Michael J. 216 Walsh, Sam 209, 210 Ward, Matt 138 Waterfall, Rhonda 222 Watson, Mark 212 WAX 101, 102 Waxman, Robyn 168 Weik, David 194 Weil, Daniel 89 Welch, Derek 90 Wells, Ton; 82 Werner Design Werks,

    Inc. 183 Werner, Sharon 183 Werner, Vince 212 The Westcott House

    Foundation 154 Westre, Susan 157 Whipsaw, Inc. 11 0 Whisenand, Taylor 150 White, David 11 7 White Dot Inc. 92 Wigdahl, Joe 194 Wilcox, Sebastien 102 Wilde, Richard 171 Willamette Week 1 58 Willig, Lew 157 Wilson, Lisa 82 Wilson, Mary Ellen 176 Wink 146 Wire To Ear Records

    110 Wise, Adi 204 Wojcik, Marta 154 Wolfe, Ann 204 Wong, Agnes 11 5, 137 Wong, Jeremy 154 Wong, Tracy 21 2 WongDoody 212 Woodward, Fred 189,

    191, 193, 194, 197 Wu, Ron 106

    Xococava 137

    Yang, Seong lm 221 Yee, Henry Sene 179 Yee, Steve 209 Yentus, Helen 180 Yi, Jeseok 171

    Yoshihara, Dean 145 Young, Forest 226 Yuan, Tina 143, 145,

    207 Yuan, Wei 108 Yuen, Jonathan 154

    Z Factory 11 1 Zacher, Kevin 150 Zagorskis, Bob 212 Zamierowski, Nancy

    212 Zanetti, Lorella 101 Zapata, Josue 164 Zartman, Cary 11 1 Zimmerman, Dan 198 Zopol, Felicia 176 Zuccker, Pamela 148 Zukerman, Jacob 230 Zuma Press 179

    Editor's Note Every effort has been made to ensure that the credits comply with information supplied to us. If, for any reason, a misspelling, omission or other error has occurred, notify us within 30 days and we will be able to issue corrected award certificates.

    264 Design Annual 2009

