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www.Padasalai.Net ( SSLC Special Practice Material ) ENGLISH PAPER - II by RK NAAM HSS. Section - I (NON - DETAILED) Question No: 1 Filling Phrases : 1) Hubert, a little boy of fourteen, was once _________(i) through a lonely road infested with ________ (ii) three hefty men way laid him, took away his horse and beat him _________(iii) Hubert limped __________(iv) nearby _______ (v). (i) to a palatial mansion (ii) travelling on his horse (iii) hoping to get some help (iv) thieves and robbers (v) black and blue ( ii, iv, v, i, iii) 2) Here at last was ________ (i) For many days and part of many nights, the painter worked feverishly to _________ (ii). As the work went on, a change came _______ (iii). A strange tension replaced ________ (iv) and his blood shot eyes were fixed with horror on the a painted _______ (v) (i) complete his master piece (ii) likeness of himself (iii) over the model (iv) the model for Judas (v) the stupondous languor (iv, i, iii, v, ii) 3) I can remember like yesterday my father came home _______(i). A flying officer ________(ii) he was dressed in a blue uniform with a skinny _______(iii) plonked so precariously on the side of his head that I wonderd why it never fell off. A neighbour called out ' what's the weather like up there ?" as my gaint - like father bounded by, carrying ________(iv) strapped together with large leather belt. He was, without question __________(v) I had ever seen. (i) boat - shapped cap (ii) a battered brown suitcase (iii) the tallest man (iv) during world war II (v) from the war (v, iv, i, ii, iii) 4) Celine could not understand what was happening. She was ______ (i) underwater, helpless, and swallowing mouthfuls of ________ (ii) she couldn't breathe. "I am drowning. There's _________ (iii) I can survive this. " Then she found that she could breathe again. In ________ (iv) she could see that she was about ten meters from the manhole through which she had plunged, but the current made it impossible ________ (v) (i) no way (ii) being swept along (iii) to swim back (iv) the filthy liquid (v) the dimlight ( ii, iv, i, v, iii)


( SSLC Special Practice Material ) ENGLISH PAPER - II by RK NAAM HSS.

Section - I (NON - DETAILED) Question No: 1

Filling Phrases :

1) Hubert, a little boy of fourteen, was once _________(i) through a lonely road

infested with ________ (ii) three hefty men way laid him, took away his

horse and beat him _________(iii) Hubert limped __________(iv) nearby

_______ (v).

(i) to a palatial mansion (ii) travelling on his horse (iii) hoping to get

some help (iv) thieves and robbers (v) black and blue

( ii, iv, v, i, iii)

2) Here at last was ________ (i) For many days and part of many nights, the painter

worked feverishly to _________ (ii). As the work went on, a change came

_______ (iii). A strange tension replaced ________ (iv) and his blood shot eyes

were fixed with horror on the a painted _______ (v)

(i) complete his master piece (ii) likeness of himself (iii) over the

model (iv) the model for Judas (v) the stupondous languor

(iv, i, iii, v, ii)

3) I can remember like yesterday my father came home _______(i). A flying officer

________(ii) he was dressed in a blue uniform with a skinny _______(iii) plonked

so precariously on the side of his head that I wonderd why it never fell off. A

neighbour called out ' what's the weather like up there ?" as my gaint - like father

bounded by, carrying ________(iv) strapped together with large leather belt. He

was, without question __________(v) I had ever seen.

(i) boat - shapped cap (ii) a battered brown suitcase

(iii) the tallest man (iv) during world war II (v) from the war

(v, iv, i, ii, iii)

4) Celine could not understand what was happening. She was ______ (i) underwater,

helpless, and swallowing mouthfuls of ________ (ii) she couldn't breathe. "I am drowning.

There's _________ (iii) I can survive this. " Then she found that she could breathe again. In

________ (iv) she could see that she was about ten meters from the manhole through

which she had plunged, but the current made it impossible ________ (v)

(i) no way (ii) being swept along (iii) to swim back (iv) the

filthy liquid (v) the dimlight

( ii, iv, i, v, iii)


5) Kumar watched ________ (i) flying in a _______ (ii) and remembered time when

he had seen ________ ( iii) and his father had told him that the bird had come there

to stay only (iv) ________ and would soon leave the ________ (v) and return to their

home in the Arctic.

(i) for a short while (ii) the migratory birds (iii) the place of their sojourn

(iv) nestlings in vedanthangal (v) streamlined

(ii, v, iv, i, iii)

6) " Some one must have _______ (i) Mom said sadly " that means he has an

_______ (ii) But still no one came secretly I was glad I wanted Goldy to be _____ (iii)

Mom even put his ______ (iv) and still no one came. Guess he's your dog now

shelly". She said one day as she brought home a ______ for goldy to play with

(i) picture to play with (ii) new chew toy (iii) trained him

(iv) my dog (v) owner

(iii, v, iv, i, ii)

7) I nursed the dog's paw _______ (i) I could, he sat down ______ (ii) and patted his head

because he seemed kind of sad questions circled _______ (iii) like get lost ?

Goldy and I sat together until mom came home. Mum put a notice in the paper, and

we waited. It was ______ (iv) of my life. Goldy mended more everyday. At first he

couldn't walk on his paw, but then _______ (v) it healed.

(i) thorugh my mind (ii) little by little (iii) next to him

(iv) as best as (v) the longest wait

( iv, iii, i, v, ii)

8) A great artist was ________ (i) a mural for the cathedral in a Sicilian town. The

subject of the mural was ________ (ii) After many years of diligent labour, the

painting was finished ______ (iii) the two most important figures, Child Jesus and

Judas Iscariot. He searched ______ (iv) for those two models. One day the painter saw

a twelve year boy whose angelic face _______ (v)

(i) stirred his heart (ii) far and wide (iii) engaged to paint

(iv) life of Christ (v) except for

(iii, iv, v, ii, i)

9) Lunel in Southern France, is a _______ (i) often invaded by sea water. Serge and

Celine ______ (ii) in thigh highwater to escape a watery burial. Moving near a

hedge Celine _______ (iii) Instinctively, she ______(iv) serge's hand. His hard

slipped away making her relief _______ (v)

(i) short lived (ii) reach up for (iii) flat marshy town


(iv) waded across the road (v) disappeared below the water (iii, iv, v, ii, i)

10) Suddenly it all (i) ______ to the author. No job, no money _______ (ii) and no

piano, Neighbors invited Mum to _______ (iii) any time. Mom ______ (iv) Dad

when he got a job creating an impression that she had won a lottery Mom _______

(v) Dad as he studied dozen of books stacked on the kitchen table every night to

become a Charted Accountant.

(i) fussed over (ii) was proud of (iii) became very clean

(iv) to payback the loan (v) play their piano


3) Match the name to the appropriate reference:

1) A) Sam - bike (D)

B) Kumar - a home help (C)

C) Celine - Good night Irene (E)

D) Schwinn - first aid kit (A)

E) Mum - two siblings (B)


2) A) Dad - was waylaid (C)

B) Goldy - home is where the heart is (D)

C) Hubert - council worker (E)

D) Migratory birds - looked sad and worried (A)

E) Serge - shelly (B)


3) A) Judas - the owner of the guide dog (B)

B) Diane - blew the snuff into the cupboard (E)

C) Mum - the artist searched far and wide for this

model (A)

D) Celine - fond of playing piano (C)

E) Hubert - caught in a drain (D)



4) A) Snuff - Shelly's friend (C)

B) Fanbelt - service man (E)

C) Goldy - to trap the thieves (A)

D) Artist - from an old lawn mower (B)

E) Dad - two models (D)


5) A) The kind old man - model for Child Jesus (C)

B) Grandpa - a lady with dark sunglasses (D)

C) A twelve year old boy - mistook Hubert for a thief (A)

D) Real owner of the dog - bashing away on the ivories (E)

E) Mum - seated on the armchair watching

T.V. (B)


6) A) Judas - lives in Lunel (D)

B) Kumar - clever little boy (E)

C) Mum - one of the two figures for a

painting (A)

D) Celine - young and enterprising (B)

E) Hubert - accomplished pianist (C)


7) A) Dad - real name of the dog (D)

B) Jack Poderoso - little boy of fourteen (C)

C) Hubert - 12 yrs. old boy (E)

D) Sam - a flying officer (A)

E) Jesus Christ - teacher (B)


8) A) Diane - rescued celine from the ditch (B)

B) Jack poderoso - serving tea (D)

C) Old man - a blind lady (A)


D) Grand Ma - hid in the cupboard (E)

E) Thieves - lived in a big mansion (C)


9) A) Dad - life of Jesus (E)

B) Blond labrador - lived opposite the couple (D)

C) Amandine - accounting firm (A)

D) Louis Martinez - dog (B)

E) Artist - daughter of celine (C)


10) A) Louis Martinez - escaped under the clothes line (B)

B) Rex coker - found his first model on the street (D)

C) Hubert - studied late into the night (E)

D) The Painter - offered to ring the brigade (A)

E) Dad - was beaten black and blue (C)


Section - I

4) Complete the following sentences choosing the correct answer from the

option given below :

1) Mom allowed _________ (b) to keep the dog

a) Goldy b) Shelly c) Sam d) Diane

2) The brothers started off the ride with _______ (a)

a) a thumps up sign b) a wave of the flag c) a whistle

d) a gun shot

3) There were ________ (C) thieves hiding in the cupboard

a) four b) six c) three d) five

4) The painter was trying to find a model for a painting of ________ (b)

a) an artist b) Judas Iscariot c) a beggar d) poet

5) Dad finally got a appointment __________ (d)


a) at a doctor's clinic b) as a cleark c) as a lecturer d) with an

auditing firm

6) The house of Celine and Serge was invaded by water for the _______

(c) time in just over a year

a) sixth b) third c) second d) fifth

7) The mural was to be painted for a _________ (b)

a) hotel b) cathedral c) Palace d) College

8) A _______ (a) carried a brand - new piano along the road leading to

the house

a) cart b) van c) truck d) fifth

9) The dog had lost his ________ (d) and harness too.

a) limb b) leash c) tail d) collar

10) Kumar saw tiny little nestlings _________ (c) of them

a) ten b) six c) five d) four

11) Kumar's outstanding performance at college had gained him a

wonderful carrer at __________(b)

a) the LIC b) an MNC c) the BSNL d) the BHEL

12) The tinkerer applied his ideas to paper skill fully _______ (d) his


a) drawing b) copying c) sketching d) blueprinting

13) The boy's name was _________ (b)

a) Goldy b) Shelly c) Sam d) Diane

14) Serge was a _________ (a)

a) Council worker b) teacher c) home help d) lawyer

15) Mom put a ________ (a) in the paper

a) notice b) slogan c) headline d) query

16) Mural is a painting done on a _______ (d)

a) screen b) paper c) leather d) wall


17) Celin's daughter Amandine was to celebrate her _________ (d)

birthday in two weeks time

a) tenth b) fourteenth c) sixteenth d) twelfth

18) Utopia is an imaginary land of _________ (a)

a) contentment b) sorrow c) congestion d) poverty

19) Hubert's _________ (b) helped him retrieve his horse

a) luck b) cleverness c) bravery d) cunningness

20) Shelly thought it would be mean to call ________ (d) on a hurt animal

a) vet b) butcher c) police d) dog catcher

21) The young man who approached the artist begged for _______ (c)

a) money b) clothes c) wine d) food

22) ______ (b) thought himself shorter than the inventor

a) the rider b) the narrator c) the trainer d) the trainee

23) Kumar migrated from ________ (c) to the states

a) Singapore b) Srilanka c) India d) the trainee

24) Goldy responded to commands like sit, stay and __________ (d)

a) sleep b) whine c) bark d) come

25) Mom's ________ tickled Dad(c)

a) anger b) Amandine c) frustration d) despair

26) Celine asked Jack to ring _________ (a)

a) Serge b) Amandine c) herfather d) Louiz martines

27) The inventor took the old battery from dad's old _________ (b)

a) mechanic shed b) chevy c) form Ikon d) Marutic Suzuki

28) Kumar's call made his mother sit up till _______ (b)

a) dawn b) midnight c) midday d) noon

29) Kumar's utopia had been ________ (c)

a) vedanthangal b) the Artic c) America d) Ethiopia

30) Hubert emptied the _______ (c) into the narrow opening of the



a) scent bottle b) match box c) snuffbox d) waterbottle

31) The narrator's brother was a ________ (c)

a) doctor b) lawyer c) tinkerer d) sorcerer

32) The important job the dog had was ________ (c)

a) to catch thieves b) to guard Diane's house

c) to guide Diane d) to play

33) The model for the Child Jesus was ________(b)

a) fourteen year old b) twelve year old c) six year old

d) an infant

34) The boy found the _______ (a) with a hurt paw

a) Labrador b) doberman c) pomeranian

35) Who were reunited _________ (c)

a) Shelly and Sam b) Sam and Goldy c) Diane and Sam

36) The real name of the dog was _______ (c)

a) Shelly b) Goldy c) Sam

37) The brother spend most of his time in ________ (d)

a) watching movies b) cycling

c) riding bikes d) new inventions

38) Celine had been down the flood water for _______ (a) hours

a) five b) seven c) nine d) three

39) The model was actually _______ (b)

a) the artist's son b) one who posed for the child Jesus

c) angry with the artist d) fortuned by the artist

40) The first one to notice Celine was ______ (b)

a) Serge b) Jack Poderoso c) Amandine d) Louise Martinez

41) Shelly and the dog played _________(a) in the yard

a) football b) hide and seek c) throw ball d) basket ball

42) Hubert hid himself _______ (c)


a) in a cupboard b) in the kitchen

c) under the staircase d) in the arctic

43) The boy called the dog ________ (b)

a) sweety b) goldy c) browny

44) The artist was painting _______ (d)

a) the life of Judas Iscariot b) the life of a young man

c) the life of an aged man d) the life of Jesus

45) The sprocket which drove the chain was replaced with _______ (b)

a) a lawn mower b) pulley and a fan belt

c) a motor and a battery d) baloon type tyres

46) Hubert saved the old man and his family with just a little ______(c)

a) sugar b) salt c) snuff d) chilli powder

Section - IV

Match the following product and slogans :

1) A) Wrist watch - Get set, go (E)

B) Jewellery - you are what you wear (C)

C) clothes - The Magic of words (D)

D) Pens - Dazzle and Sparkle (B)

E) Slippers - Wear and tear (A)


2) A) Ointment - Kitchen mate (E)

B) Computer - a comfortable sole in a cosy hole (C)

C) Shoes - Flawless writing (D)

D) Ball - pointpen - Key to knowledge (B)

E) Mixer grinder - Smooth cure (A)


3) A) Glass - The cup that cheers (E)

B) Watch - Passing of days (C)

C) Calender - Handle with care (A)


D) Motor bike - Sharp time for sharp people (B)

E) Tea - Extra mile and smile (D)


4) A) Shampoo - So soft and smooth and comfortable (C)

B) Jeans clothes - to take in your stride (E)

C) Inner wear - Rough and tough (B)

D) Pens - Silky and smooth (A)

E) Slipper - Thought transmitter (D)

5) A) Refrigerator - Store house of knowledge (E)

B) Scooter - Clear reflection (D)

C) Home Theatre - For smooth riding (B)

D) Mirror - Keep fresh, stay fresh (A)

E) Encyclopedia - Arm chair viewing (C)


6) A) Health drink - click for a flick (B)

B) Switches - Warmth for hours (D)

C) Steel rods - tuck yourself into safety (E)

D) Hotpacks - keeps you light and brisk (A)

E) Seatbelts - long and strong (C)


7) A) Allout - The Secret of my energy (D)

B) Parle - G - Stain champion (C)

C) Henko - Refreshing breath, tooth (E)

D) Boost - Milkier (B)

E) Close - up - Keep the mosquitoes out (A)


8) A) News - Paper - wear me, look clear (E)

B) Biscuit - adds fuel to your health (B)

C) Fridge - your tongue can feel my taste (D)

D) Tea - World at glance (A)

E) Glass - keeps your things fresh and cool (C)



9) A) Cello - for softy shiny skin (B)

B) Dove - a health drink (C)

C) Boost - pen with fine grip (A)

D) Pepsodent - Express yourself (E)

E) Airtel - Fights the germs (D)

10) A) Horlicks - solves teeth problems (C)

B) Ujala - single spray drives away insects (D)

C) Colgate - Children grown stronger, sharper taller (A)

D) Mortain - Washes white (B)

E) Clinic Plus - Soft shiny hair (E)


11) A) Surf Excel - King among fans (C)

B) Rexona - sixth sense technology (D)

C) Khaitan - washes beyond belief (A)

D) Whirlpool - The Watch of the US (E)

E) Timex - Soft - shiny skin (B)


12) A) Dictionary - A friend when the power fails (B)

B) Emergency lamp - Feel wounder under your feet (C)

C) Floor tiles - prevent you from suffocation (D)

D) Exhaust Fan - Connects the world (E)

E) Internet - Excellent explanation for thousands of

words (A)


13) A) Chocolates - Home away from home (D)

B) Silk Sarees - for a confident smile (E)

C) Lip stick - A sweet gift of love (A)

D) Hill resort - Choose the Colour of your smile (C)


E) Tooth paste - Blooms from the gloom dazzling

diamonds (B)

SSLC - ENGLISH - II = SECTION - 1 (6) Study the given mind map and fill in the

Incomplete details. 5 X 1= 5

The dog too loved him. His mother wanted to trace the owner. One day a lady came there to get back her dog. The dog's real name is

Sam. The dog had to be given back, as she was the real owner.

He Brought It Home Shelly saw a wounded dog

He loved the dog

The dog too ____1________

______2_______ to trace the


One day, a lady ____3_____

The dog's real name ____4________

The dog had to be given back , as ___5_____

A great artist painted a mural in a cathedral

It was the life of Jesus Christ

The masterpiece was unfinished

(1) _______served as the model for Christ child.


A twelve year old boy served as the model for Christ child. Painter still found no one to serve as the model Judas Iscariot. At last he found the model for Judas Iscariot in an inn. The model's eyes were fixed with horror on the face of Jesus Christ. "Years ago I was the model for the Christ Child", said the model.

PTA 1:

Mum practiced and within a month, belting out a tune. All neighbors were amazed. Dad was sad because he had no job. They had to sell the piano. At last dad got a job in an accounting firm.

PTA 2:

Mum practiced (1) _______

Dad had brought Mum a piano

We positioned it in the living room

All the neighbors (2) ____________

Dad was sad because (3)__________

They had to sell (4) ___________

At last dad got (5) ___________

In the US, he held(i)



Kumar got a job in USA

He carried the memory of the poor living conditions in India

He had lived (ii) ________________

His mother wanted (iii) Kumar recollected his picnic (iv) _____________


He had lived a luxurious life in USA. ......... green card and a well furnished house. His mother wanted him

to return India. Kumar recollected his picnic to vedanthangal. He realized that there is no place like home.

PTA 3:

palatial mansion. wide open. the voices of the thieves. fell . the cupboard

PTA 4:

Hubert, a little boy of fourteen,

once travelled on his horse

through a lonely road infested

with thieves and robbers

The thieves attacked him and

took away his horse

He reached _____i_____________ Hubert limbed his weary


The door was already ___ii_____

He was shocked to hear


They had to wait until night ____iv________

The thieves hid inside ______v_________

My brother liked to invent things (i)


He spent his summer holidays (ii)


He bought a(iv) ______________ This summer he was making (iii)


to overexert himself. inventing new things. a motor bike. DC electric motor . main frame of his Schwinn


PTA 5:

belonged to someone . came to claim the dog . keep the dog. Frisbee and football in the yard . beside him

to school.


belting out a tune . appreciated her. the piano. a job with an auditing firm . new piano by paying cash.

Dad had bought Mum

a piano

After connecting the parts the

bike was ready for a lest ride.

Mom felt that the dog had

been (i) __________ Despite the advertisement in the paper

no one (ii) _________

The dog obeyed commands Mom permitted Shelly to (iii)_________

The dog even walked (v)


Shelly and the dog played (iv)


We positioned it in the

living room

Mum practiced and within a

month (1) ________________

All the neighbors (2)



They had to sell (3)


Dad had no job, he

was sad.

At last Dad got



He rose in his position and after two years _____5_____


MARCH 2012:

to get some help. hiding inside a cupboard and waiting to rob the household. the impending danger. a storm

in the cupboard. the narrow opening along the upper edge of the cupboard.

JUNE 2012:

the living room . he had no job. the piano . a job in an accounting firm. bought a new piano by cash


gathered around her to croon . he had been unable to find a job the piano . got a job in an accounting firm. bought a new piano by cash

Hubert was beaten up and

robbed of his horse by thieves

He limped his way to a nearby mansion hoping ______(I)________

Hubert wanted to warn the

household of _______(III)________

He saw that the thieves had entered in there

and were ________(II)_______________

He offered to demonstrate a magic

trick by creating ____(IV)________

He emptied snuff boxes into ___

(V)________ and blew the snuff into the


The thieves in the cupboard fell into a fit of

sneezing and almost fainted

Dad had bought Mum a piano.

We positioned it in _____1_____

All the neighbors gathered around and sang

Mum practiced and within a month

she was belting out a tune

Dad was sad because _____2_____

They had to sell______3_______

After two years Dad _______5________

At last Dad got _________4__________

Dad has bought Mum a piano

Mum practiced and within a month she was belting out a tune

All the neighbors..1...

Dad was sad because ..2...

They had to sell.......3.......

He rose in his position and

after two years......5......

At last dad





1. Look at the details in the given mind map. Then, complete the remaining details:

loved Shelly. Shelly's Mom put a notice in the paper . Was not known. approached Shelly's Mom asking for the dog. as it belonged to the lady.

I ( June 2012, October 2012, Mar.'13. Oct.'13)

1.the living room 2.he had no job. 3.the piano 4.a job in an accounting firm

5.bought a piano by cash


The dog was found in the street. Shelly brought it home

The boy loved it.

The dog1


_________2_______ to trace the


The dog's real name ________3________

Suddenly a lady ________4____________

The dog had to go back,



The narrator's Dad

came home from war. He brought his Mum a piano.

Mum squealed with delight.

We positioned it in


Dad was sad because



They had to sell



At last, Dad got


After two years, Dad



A great painter was

engaged to paint a mural He wanted two models, the

Child Jesus and Judas


He searched far and wide


He chose _________2_____________

for the model Child Christ.

But he found no one to serve as a model


One afternoon, the artist found a

gaunt tattered _____4___________ The artist drew _______5_____________


1.the two modles. 2.a 12 years old boy 3. For the model of Judas Iscariot.4 staggered

figure 5.the figure of Judas Iscariot


1.She was in the manhole 2.a plastic pipe. 3. She couldn’t be survive.4.by the terrifying

force of storm water.


On Sep.22, 2003, Lunel in

France was battered by


Serge and Celine stepped

into the street covered

with flood.

Celine slipped into the

river and disappeared

Celine found that _________1___________

She grabbed 2 _____________________

She feared that


She was buffeted



Jack Poderoso informed

_______5________ saved after 8 p.m

The narrator's brother was a


He would make a blueprint of

his invention.


1.the back tire began to sing a high pitched sound 2.was headed the bike towards

author3.escaped under the clothes line 4. Bike was too fast.5.he was not so smart as



1.had squeezed out from every possible source 2.avoided his chatting with

mother 3. Migratory birds through the window.4 the bird would live in a place

for short time and it will makes it return journey to its place. 5 to go to his


VI . (April 2012)

So, he decided



He fixed a DC electric motor and a battery to the old Schwinnbike.

He switched the motor on

and the-----1

When he reappeared, he



The narrator ________3

Though his brother switched the motor off, the ------ 4 He said that _______5

Kumar stood staring through the

window of his apartment in New York.

He could feel an emptiness in his heart

He felt that he missed his mother

very much.

When he got a job in the USA, his father___________1__________________

As his mother requested him to

return, he _______2___ Then, he saw ---3

Once, his father told him that




1.to get some help.2.planned to steal the household.3.the impending

danger.4.creating a storm in a cupboard.5.a narrow opening of cupboard.

“ Our attitude determines our altitude”

Prepared by,

Mr. R. Kodiyappan.

There thieves waylaid Hubert

and took away his horse.

He limped his way to a nearby mansion



He saw that the thieves had entered there

and were


Hubert wanted to warn the household of ________________3_________________

He offered to demonstrate a magic trick

by -------4---------------

He emptied snuff boxes into __________________________________

They opened door and tackled the thieves

