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03/15/22 1 Queues Implementations

04/18/23 1



04/18/23 2


QueuesQueues Basic operations Examples of use

ImplementationsImplementations Array-based and linked list-based

04/18/23 3

Building a Queue Class

In a queue, new values are always added at the front or head of

the list

values are removed from the opposite end of the list, the rear or tail

Examples of queuesExamples of queues vehicles at toll booth ticket line at movies Airport Security Check

04/18/23 4

Queue First In First Out (FIFO)

Queue: First In First Out (FIFO)

Toll Station Car comes, pays, leaves

Check-out in Big Y market Customer comes, checks out and leaves

ABCD OutputInput

04/18/23 5

Queues in a Computer System

When a process (program) requires a certain resource

Printer - printing jobs put in a queue. First in, first out

Characters entered in a keyboard - .

Kept in queue(Buffered) queue(Buffered)

until the operating system can deal with them.

04/18/23 6


Queue is a British word for line.

Expect Expect O O ( 1 ) ( 1 ) time per queue operation because it is similar to a stack.

The word "queueing" and its derivatives are the only English words with five consecutive vowels.

04/18/23 7


Queues are also useful for storing pending work:Queues are also useful for storing pending work:

Shortest paths problem (minimize the number of connecting flights between two arbitrary airports)

Operating Systems use queues to schedule tasks.

Queues are often used in simulations e.g. simulations e.g.

Simulating traffic at an intersection by creating a growing line of automobiles waiting for the light to change.

04/18/23 8

Abstract Data Types

Queue Operating on both ends: Operations: EnQueue( insert at rear) DeQueue(remove from front)




04/18/23 9

Printing Job Management

Many users send their printing jobs to ECS public printer

ECS Printer will put them into a queue according to the arrival time and print the jobs one by one

These printing documents are A.doc, B.doc, C.doc and D.doc

04/18/23 10

Printing Queue

ABC Now printing A.doc

BC A.doc is finished. Now printing B.doc

BC Now still printing B.docD.doc comes


A.doc B.doc C.doc arrive to printer at time 1A.doc B.doc C.doc arrive to printer at time 1



B.doc is finished. Now printing C.doc

C.doc is finished. Now printing D.doc

04/18/23 11

First-in First-out (FIFO)

When we enqueue entries in the queue and then dequeue them one by one,

we will get the items in the same order of entry.

When we enqueue entries in the queue and then dequeue them one by one,

we will get the items in the same order of entry.

The first one enqueued is the first one dequeued. (FIFO)

The first one enqueued is the first one dequeued. (FIFO)

04/18/23 12

Implementing a Queue Class

Implement as a LinkedListLinkedList

insertions and deletions from either end are efficient, constant O(1) time

good choicegood choice

Implement as an ArrayListArrayList Not as simple Not as simple adding values at one end, removing at other end

requires multiple shifts Need to use a circular array

04/18/23 13

Implementing a Implementing a Queue Queue Class with a linked listClass with a linked list

Build a Queue from scratch build a linked structure to store the queue elements

Attributes requiredAttributes required A handle for the head node - HeadHead handle for tail node - TailTail integer to store number of values in the queue -

countcount use LinearNode class

04/18/23 14

Queue Structure

Head Size Tail



. . .

. . .value0 value1 valuen-1

04/18/23 15


enqueue add a new item at the rear

dequeue remove a item from the front

isEmpty check whether the queue is empty or not

size return the number of items in the queue

peek return the front item

04/18/23 16

The QueueADT interface in UML

04/18/23 17

Listing 7.1 Interface

04/18/23 18


Invariant of the Queue ADT (Array version):Invariant of the Queue ADT (Array version):

The number of items is stored in the instance variableThe number of items is stored in the instance variable size size ..

For a non-empty queue non-empty queue

the items are stored in a circular array beginning at data[front]data[front] and continuing to data[rear].data[rear].

For an empty queue, size is zero and size is zero and

data is data is a reference to an array, a reference to an array,

but no reference is kept to front and rearfront and rear

04/18/23 19

Abstract Data Type - Use An Array

Using an array to store the elements:Using an array to store the elements:

Same as Stack class, we use the T datSame as Stack class, we use the T data typea type

Use an ArrayqueueArrayqueue, which stores all items that come in.

T que[ ]; create an array of type T called “que”create an array of type T called “que”

04/18/23 20

Queues: Simple Idea _ ARRAYSQueues: Simple Idea _ ARRAYS

Store items in an array with :

front item front item at index zero index zero last item last item at index index rearrear. .

We will add items add items at one end of a queue at one end of a queue and remove them remove them from the other end.from the other end.

Enqueue is easy: Enqueue is easy:

1. increment increment rear by one and rear by one and 2.store the new item in data[rear]2.store the new item in data[rear]..

04/18/23 21

Two Solutions – DeQUEUE -Array

B A…… C1 03 2

rear=3 front=0

C B……1 03 2

rear=2 front=0

A leaves

When A leavesA leaves, B and C B and C have to be moved up!moved up!

What is wrong with this solution?What is wrong with this solution?

1. Keeping the front item at index 0Keeping the front item at index 0


To dequeue,dequeue, we retrieve data[front].we retrieve data[front].

Dequeue is inefficientinefficient: all elements have to be shifted all elements have to be shifted up one place.up one place.

Result: dequeue will be dequeue will be OO( ( NN ). ).

Can we do it a more efficient way?

04/18/23 22

04/18/23 23

Better Idea - Increment Front

Keep a FrontFront index.

To Dequeue,Dequeue, increment frontfront..

a b c d


a b c d




Now have Big(1) for removal. Can you see another problem that might arise?

04/18/23 24

Array Implementation of Queue



After A leaves, FRONT MOVE TO B After A leaves, FRONT MOVE TO B



1 2 30

2 3 n-10 1

04/18/23 25

Circular Implementation

This implementation is O( 1 ) per operation.

The problem is after many removals there are

many empty places in the front of arraymany empty places in the front of array

but we will quickly reach the end of the array.


It is possible after It is possible after Array.lengthArray.length enqueues, enqueues,

we are full, we are full,

even if the queue is even if the queue is not really full not really full

It has many It has many empty spots empty spots in the front of arrayin the front of array

04/18/23 26


Use wraparoundwraparound to reuse the cells at the start of the array.

To incrementincrement, add one, add one,

but if rear goes past end, goes past end,

reset rear to zero reset rear to zero using the mod operator.mod operator.

Rear can now use empty places at the beginning of the Rear can now use empty places at the beginning of the arrayarray

04/18/23 27

04/18/23 28

Circular Example - Array

Both Both FrontFront and and RearRear wraparound as needed. wraparound as needed.

b c d

b c d


e f

e fg

FrontFront RearRear

So it is possible for rear to be behind Front!So it is possible for rear to be behind Front!

04/18/23 29

Circular Array

Wrapped around array

…… A B C2 3n-1 0 1










04/18/23 30

EnQueue & DeQueue In Circular ArrayEnQueue & DeQueue In Circular Array

EnQueueEnQueue rear = (rear + 1) MOD n What is(3 + 1) MOD n = 15 ?








• DeQueueDeQueue• front = (front + 1) MOD n• What is(1 + 1) MOD 15 ?








04/18/23 31

Empty/Full In Circular Array

What is(3 + 1) MOD , n = 15 ? Or 4 mod 15 = 4

When rear equals front, Queue is emptyrear equals front, Queue is empty

When (rear + 1) MOD n equals front, Queue is full(rear + 1) MOD n equals front, Queue is full

Circular array with capacityCircular array with capacity nn at most can hold at most can hold

n-1n-1 items starting at index 0. items starting at index 0.

04/18/23 32

Java Implementation- Array

Mostly straightforward; maintain:

FrontFront RearRear Current number of items in queueCurrent number of items in queue

Only tricky part is array doubling array doubling because contiguity of wraparound must be maintained.

04/18/23 33

Implemention of EnsureCapacity Implemention of EnsureCapacity Front behind Rear Front behind Rear

If front is behind rear, and rear is at the end of the arrayIf front is behind rear, and rear is at the end of the array

the array is full so a new array is allocated array is full so a new array is allocated and the

data from data[front] to data[rear] data from data[front] to data[rear] is copied using;

System.arraycopySystem.arraycopy((copyfrom, start, copyto, copyfrom, start, copyto, start, #of items)start, #of items)

If size is size is non-zero non-zero and rear is behind front , rear is behind front ,

a new array is allocated .

The items from data[front] to the end are copied data[front] to the end are copied

followed by the items from data[0] to data[rear]data[0] to data[rear].

Two separate calls to System.arraycopy() to System.arraycopy() are activated.

04/18/23 34


04/18/23 35

Front greater than rear – array full

C D ?fronfrontrearrear


front rear


? ?A


Bigger Array

? ? ? ? ?

The EnsureCapacity method requires several steps before a new array is created and the elements copies.

04/18/23 36

Linked List Implementation

The class LinkedQueue LinkedQueue has the following invariant:

SizeSize -The number of items in the queue

The items are stored in linked list with

frontfront at the head node at the head node and rearrear at the final node. at the final node.

The instance variable frontfront is the head reference is the head reference and

rear rear is the tail reference.is the tail reference.

For the empty queue, both front and rearfront and rear are null. are null.

04/18/23 37

Code for Enqueue - LinkedQUEUECode for Enqueue - LinkedQUEUE

In the case of the empty list, both rear and frontrear and front must be null: must be null:

LinearNode<T> node = new LinearNode<T>(item, null);LinearNode<T> node = new LinearNode<T>(item, null);

if( isEmpty())if( isEmpty())

{ { // insert first item // same as insertFirst// insert first item // same as insertFirst

front = node;front = node;

rear = front;rear = front;


else { // not empty , add to end (InsertTail)


rear = rear.next;// or rear = nodeor rear = node


04/18/23 38

The queue after adding element E

04/18/23 3904/18/23 39

Code for DequeueDequeue

//* Remove the first object from the queue - same as removeFirst//* Remove the first object from the queue - same as removeFirst

public T dequeue() throws EmptyQueueExceptionpublic T dequeue() throws EmptyQueueException {

if( isEmpty()) // throw an exception// throw an exception elseelse // store element in front node in a variable of type T // advance front to the next node // decrement count if (count == 0) //set tail to null; // the queue is now empty // return variable of type T; }


04/18/23 40

Customer Service In Fleet Bank

Suppose there is only one customer service available in Fleet Bank in Saturday morning

In every 3 minutesevery 3 minutes, a new customer arrives at the end of waiting line

Each customer will need 5 minutes for the service 5 minutes for the service

Print out the information after the first 30 minutesfirst 30 minutes

What variables do we need?What variables do we need?

The time of arrival and departure for each customerThe time of arrival and departure for each customer How many customers are in the line?How many customers are in the line? Who is the current serving customer?Who is the current serving customer?

04/18/23 41

public class BankServiceQueue {

//Create a new queue//Create a new queue QueuePT<T> que = new ArrayQueuePT<T>(100);  QueuePT<T> que = new ArrayQueuePT<T>(100);   // method runs until timed out// method runs until timed out public void run()public void run() {{ // instance variables // instance variables int time = 0; // time at start// time at start

int incustomer = 0; // number of customers// number of customers

int servicetime = 0; // time to process a customer// time to process a customer 

04/18/23 42

Customer In Service

// what's going on in 30 minutes while ( time <= 30 ) { // if queue is not empty, one customer service is started// if queue is not empty, one customer service is started

// customer leaves when finished - service time is 5 minutes// customer leaves when finished - service time is 5 minutes if( servicetime == 5 ) if( servicetime == 5 ) {{ dequeuedequeue start another jobstart another job }} }

04/18/23 43

New Customer Comes

// in every 3 minutes, there is a new customer coming// in every 3 minutes, there is a new customer coming..

if( time%3==0 )if( time%3==0 )


// enqueue a customer// enqueue a customer

// print out service and start all over again// print out service and start all over again


time = time + 1;time = time + 1;


04/18/23 44

Priority Queues

In an operating system where queues store tasks to be where queues store tasks to be performed by the CPUperformed by the CPU, some jobs are more important more important than others. than others.

E. G. answering a system call vs. printing a file.answering a system call vs. printing a file.

PrioritiesPriorities are assigned to the jobs. are assigned to the jobs.

A Priority Queue stores not only the A Priority Queue stores not only the itemitem but its but its priority.priority.


Jobs are dequeued according to their priority and Jobs are dequeued according to their priority and

jobs with jobs with the same priority are dequeued the same priority are dequeued according to according to which entered first.which entered first.

04/18/23 45

04/18/23 46

Priority Queue ADTPriority Queue ADT

In some operating systems, there are In some operating systems, there are multiple queues multiple queues with different priorities. with different priorities.

An An array of queues array of queues might be used if the number of might be used if the number of priorities is sufficiently small.priorities is sufficiently small.

04/18/23 47

Priority Queue --- Air Travel

Only one check-in service in United Airline at airport

Two waiting lines for passengers one is First class serviceone is First class service the other is Economy class servicethe other is Economy class service

Passengers in the Passengers in the first-classfirst-class waiting line have waiting line have higher higher priority priority

They check in They check in before the economy-class before the economy-class waiting line.waiting line.

04/18/23 48

Priority Queue

Two queuesTwo queues one is high priority queuehigh priority queue

the other is low priority queuelow priority queue

Service rules: First serve the people in high priority queueFirst serve the people in high priority queue

If no passengers are in high priority queue, serve If no passengers are in high priority queue, serve the passengers in low priority queuethe passengers in low priority queue

04/18/23 49

Two Queues

High Priority Queue, will come in hpQue

Low Priority Queue, will come in lpQue

D CHCheck In


High Priority Queue

Low Priority Queue

Customers coming in

04/18/23 50

Pseudocode For Arrival

Passengers Arrival: if( new Passenger comes )


if( is First Class)

hpQue.enqueue( new Passenger );


lpQue.enqueue( new Passenger );


04/18/23 51

Pseudocode For Service

Priority Service: if( hpQue is not empty )

{ // high priority queue is not empty// high priority queue is not empty

serve the passenger from high priority high priority queue,



else {

// high priority queue is empty// high priority queue is empty

serve the passenger from low priority low priority queue,



04/18/23 52

Implementation for QueueImplementation for Queue

public class ArrayQueuePT


private final static int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100;

// suppose the default capacity for this queue is 100.

private T queue[ ];

// The array that holds the items

private int rear, front;

// index of rear, front item in the queue; }

04/18/23 53

ArrayQueuePT - TWO ConstructorsArrayQueuePT - TWO Constructors

// Creates a queue with the default capacitypublic ArrayQueuePT<T> () {

this(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); // creates this queue with the default capacity}// Creates a queue with a user-specified capacitypublic ArrayQueuePT (int capacity) {

if (capacity < 2)throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Capacity must be > 1");

queue =<T> new Object[capacity]; // create array of Tqueue =<T> new Object[capacity]; // create array of T rear = front = 0;rear = front = 0;

} } }

04/18/23 54

ArrayQueuePT --- isEmpty/isFull

// check whether the queue is empty// check whether the queue is empty

public boolean isEmpty() public boolean isEmpty()


return size() == 0;


// check whether the queue is fullcheck whether the queue is full

public boolean isFull() public boolean isFull()


return size() == queue.length-1;


04/18/23 55

ArrayQueuePT --- enqueue()public void enqueue(T item) public void enqueue(T item)


if (item == null)

throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Item is null");

if (isFull())


queue[rear] = item;

rear = (rear + 1) % queue.length;// wraps aroundrear = (rear + 1) % queue.length;// wraps around


04/18/23 56

ArrayQueuePT --- dequeue()public T dequeue( ) public T dequeue( ) {{

if (isEmpty())throw new IllegalStateException (“Queue is empty");

T frontItem = queue[front]; queue[front] = null;

// increment front front = (front + 1) % queue.length; front = (front + 1) % queue.length; // front wraps around at end of queue// front wraps around at end of queue

return frontItem;}

04/18/23 57

ArrayQueuePT peek() Method

public T peek() public T peek()


if (isEmpty())

throw new IllegalStateException (“Queue is empty");

return queue[front];return queue[front];


04/18/23 58


Users don’t need to know how the Queue is implemented:

An array or a linked listAn array or a linked list

Users only need to know how they can operate the how they can operate the Queue.Queue.

There are many ways to implement Queue, but all of them have the same interfaces

insert, dequeue(), peek, isFull, isEmpty

04/18/23 59

Interface for Queue

public interface QueuePT<T>


public boolean isEmpty();

public boolean isFull();

public T peek();

public T dequeue();

public void enqueue(T item);

public int size();


04/18/23 60

Create an object of ArrayQueuePT

QueuePT is the interface for ArrayQueue

// create a queue with default capacity

QueuePT<T> myqueue = new ArrayQueuePT<T>();

// create a queue with 1024 elements

QueuePT<T> queue = new ArrayQueuePT<T>(1024);

04/18/23 61

The operations on a queue

04/18/23 62

Coded Messages

Let's use a queue to help us encode and decode encode and decode messagesmessages

A Caesar cipherCaesar cipher encodes a message by shifting each shifting each letter in a message by a constant amount kletter in a message by a constant amount k

If k is 5, k is 5,

A becomes F, B becomes G, C become Hetc.A becomes F, B becomes G, C become Hetc.

However, this is fairly easy to breakeasy to break

04/18/23 63

Coded Messages

Instead, change how much a letter is shifted depending on where the letter is in the message

A repeating keyrepeating key is a series of integers that determine is a series of integers that determine how much each character is shiftedhow much each character is shifted

Repeating Key

For example, consider the repeating keyrepeating key

3 1 7 4 2 53 1 7 4 2 5

The first character in the message is shifted 3 places, the next character is shifted 1,

the next 7, and so on

When the key is exhausted, we just start over at the we just start over at the beginning of the keybeginning of the key

04/18/23 64

04/18/23 65

An encoded message using a repeating key

So kSo k was moved up three places was moved up three places to Nto NN was moved up one place to Oto OO O was moved up 7 places to v etc.7 places to v etc.

Notice that e becomes a j and an lNotice that e becomes a j and an l

04/18/23 66

Coded Messages

We'll use a queue to store the values of the keyqueue to store the values of the key

We'll dequeue a value when neededdequeue a value when needed

After using a key value, we then enqueue it back onto the we then enqueue it back onto the end of the queueend of the queue

That way the queue represents the constantly cycling values constantly cycling values in the keyin the key

See Codes.java

04/18/23 67

Listing 7.2

04/18/23 68

Listing 7.2 (cont.)

04/18/23 69

UML description of Codes program
