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$5435 in 50 Days.pdf

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  • 8/14/2019 $5435 in 50 Days.pdf


  • 8/14/2019 $5435 in 50 Days.pdf


    $5435 in 50 days


    Legal Disclaimer

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    $5435 in 50 days


    Until one day, I came to my senses, and said to myself:

    STOP. This is not me. This is not my reality.

    And in 50 days, managed to manifest $5435.

    This morning in meditation I received a strong inner nudge, a deep impulse to

    share the sequence of events with you of how I ended the thrall of scarcity, to

    help those struggling in the throes of ruin move forward into a bright financial


    Normally I am a private person, reticent even, and dont like divulging personal

    details in public. But this tale must be told. It is a brief true story of my life.

    What follows is a description of how I managed to manifest reasonably large

    sums under seemingly impossible circumstances.

    But nothing is ever impossibleall it takes is a decision.

    Some of the material will be familiar to those into personal development,while a step or two might bring about an aha moment.

    At times just reordering the sequence or a slight change in attitude speeds up


    Whatever it may be, I find case studies intriguing, and love learning from the

    actual life events of another who overcame odds under similar circumstances.

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    So without further ado here is my tale.

    I share it in the hope it will help you if right now you are floundering in the

    same dark pit of despair as I was. Even one ray of light can show the way back

    from bare existence to living fully again.

    Here goes,



    P.S. Remember to check out the BONUSit speeds up the manifestation


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    This is a short riches-to-rags-to-riches story of my life.

    Unlike many a similar tale, I had no tragic upbringing to hamper me.

    Childhoodwas reasonably comfortablemy parents, both

    scientists, were happy to have me follow their footsteps and

    do my Masters in Botany and Chemistry. As honest

    academics, their limited salary did not stretch to luxuries, but

    hey, we had food, clothes, a good education, friends and

    family, and life was pleasant.

    Then came marriageand two lovely babieswho grew into stunning bright

    beautiful girls. Life was blessed.

    But a huge joltripped our lives apart 7 years ago, when my daughter fell

    seriously ill. What do you do when a beloved child, so active and full of

    promise, starts sinking before your eyes, crying out in pain and terror, Ma,

    please help me!

    One by one, I tried every treatment that offered a chance of recovery, turned

    to every healing modality and alternative therapy that held out hope. Today

    after 7 endless years, she has recovered almost 99 per cent, and should be

    over the last tiny hump soon.

    However it took almost every bit of our resources to get there. Though my

    husband passed away many years ago, we had managed to jog along on our

    savings. I tried doing Internet Marketing, but spent more than I earned onShiny New Objects, those alluring magic carpets to Fortuneland.

    Now we were left with practically nothingall fixed deposits gone, bank

    accounts drained, credit cards maxed, jewellery hocked. Nobody would

    sanction a loan, as I had no regular salary.I almost felt deserted by Divinity.

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    The house was the only asset we had left that could fetch us a reasonable sum,

    but my daughter refused to let it go as it brought back happy memories of

    childhood and her father. And after all she had been through I could not bringmyself to deny her.

    So that is where I was three short months ago, fluctuating between frustration

    and fear.

    The Turnaround

    The day the loan was denied, it was suddenly TOO


    All the refusals, all the struggles over the years

    came crashing down upon me.[Clue 1]

    Furious, flailing my arms wildly to cut through the

    black thrall of despair enshrouding me, pacing to and

    fro I ranted and raved. Slashing violently at the

    dark energies thickening all around [Clue 2] I cried

    out, NO! Enough is enough. This is not my life. I

    will not live this way any longer. I deserve the best

    and I WILL get it. [Clue 3]

    And immediately the energies began to shift.

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    Regaining a measure of calm I sat for a while in a

    pool of stillness, barely breathing. [Clue 4]

    Then gathering my thoughts, decided withabsolute

    conviction, a steely determination that the Universe

    was sending me Rs.3,00,000 ($5500 approx) even now.

    [Clue 5]

    A huge wave of relief washed over me as I distinctly

    feltmoney fly into my ambit and swirl around me,

    energising, soothing, releasing the tension of

    constant struggle to meet expenses. I sawloansbeing repaid, daily expenses easily met, perhaps even

    an outing or a little shopping spree... [Clue 6]

    Deep gratitudewelled up from the depths of my being

    for the immense luck and blessings now conferred on

    me, and I thankedthe benign Divine forces over and

    over again for their infinite grace, compassion and

    generosity, for always taking care of me in every

    situation.[Clue 7]

    Iwent about my daily workover the next few weeks,

    holding unshaken the feelingthat the money was on

    its way to me even now. Though situations in the

    outer world were uncertain and turbulent, there was a

    steady inner core of peace and sureness.

    My life had changed I had changed my life. [Clue 8]

    Two smaller amountsof cash dropped into my lap

    unexpectedly, and while they were very welcome and a

    great help, I was not to be diverted. I had asked

    for INR 3L, and by golly, I was going to get it - and

    more. No placebos, no substitutes would do. [Clue 9]

    A little over a month and a half later, while at the

    bus station to see someone off, a distant

    acquaintance whom I barely meet once every few years

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    called up out of the blue to ask how I was doing.

    When I mentioned I was looking for a lump sumto

    invest in internet marketing, she immediately said,No problem - just tell me the amount, and Ill send

    you the cheque.

    After a stream of constant refusals, this was a new experience!

    Picking my jaw off the floor, I stammered out the

    figure, wondering if she would backtrack when she

    heard how much it was.

    And there amid the cacophony of tinny announcements

    and snorting buses, I heard these astounding words,

    music to my ears, The cheque will be in the mail


    That was that! A true Gift from the Universe!!!


    I have received other smaller amounts since then, and while my recovery to

    wealth (rather, financial INPUTinstead of constant financial OUTPUT) is not as

    epic as that of Donald Trumps, it nevertheless is a major turnaround and has

    enabled me to breathe and live again. Instead of wondering where my next

    meal is coming from, I now actually have the option of looking around to

    choose how I can increase my business further.

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    And that is what I wish for you toothe Option To Choose.

    Without stress, pressure or tension, wondering how you will keep body and

    soul together.

    Calmly and happily, free to do what gives you joy.

    There are no guarantees in life, so live each moment in full awareness and

    appreciation of all that you have.

    For these are the materialisations of yourchoices, YOURmanifestations. And if

    you dont like any of it, CHANGE IT.

    Its as simple as that.

    In the following pages I detail the how and why of the stepsI took to

    materialise the money, followed by an Action Planin case you are interested in

    doing it too.

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    $5435 in 50 days


    Relationships are pleasant, supportive, helpful, enjoyable, with a lot of real

    friends. I have consciously released discord and recriminationmajor time and

    energy guzzlers. Also I am a confidante to manywhen troubled, people cometo me for advice knowing they will get help and find a way out.

    Money has always been there, sometimes more, sometimes less. Even in the

    worst of times tiny amounts appear, just enough to keep us afloat. But now I

    am consciously widening the channel to increase the flow.

    Spiritually, I am deeply, completely BLESSED! Those interested can contact me

    for more on this.

    Now you may be wonderingif I am so capable of manifesting, why was I

    stranded in monetary doldrums in the first place? There are several reasons,

    and it is an interesting study of energy cycles and a great learning experience.

    But I dont want to take up more time on the whys and wherefores of how I

    landed there.

    Letsget to the point and explain in detail what was involved in my manifesting

    money again in my life.

    In the next few pages I have broken down the process Step-by-Step and

    explained the importance of each, and why I did what I did.

    This is followed by an Action Plan detailing what you need to do if you too

    want to manifest your desires in a similar fashion.

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    $5435 in 50 days


    Step One:

    STOP!The day the loan was denied, it was suddenly TOO

    MUCH. All the refusals, all the struggles over the

    years came crashing down upon me.

    [Clue 1]

    This is the very first thing I had to docome to a STOP. My desperate activity

    to somehow procure a bit of money was taking me in the opposite direction of

    spending, not earning.

    So I dabbled in this and that, and as my panic quotient

    increased I sunk deeper into the swamp of diminishing

    returns. A small food stall selling hot rolls found enthusiastic

    customers in the chill of winter but petered out as the

    weather warmed up. Then offered numerology readings but

    the response was sporadic. And so it went.

    All the while the inner conviction constantly hammering away was, Get on

    with sharing your spiritual experience on a wider scale.

    But I could not see how to reach those whom I could help, and the more

    urgent consideration, how I could earn enough doing so.

    And went on frittering my energies, until the shock of the NO!was enormous

    enough to stop me in my tracks.

    Action Plan- Step 1


    Like a car careening down the highway in the wrong direction, you have to stop

    to turn before you find yourself headed the right way.

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    Any time you get frantic about money, just STOP.

    The energy of desperation that is actually fear, will bring more fear-generating

    situations into your life. You have to put a brake on this downward spiral


    Find one quiet evening to really work on the energies in order to change them.

    Close the door on family and friends, book a room without telling anybody

    where you are, or go outdoors somewhere far away where you can be

    absolutely alone and undisturbed.

    These few hours are going to be life changing, so plan for them seriously.

    Step Two:


    Furious, flailing my arms wildly to cut through the

    black thrall of despair enshrouding me, pacing to andfro I ranted and raved. Slashing violently at the

    dark energies thickening all around

    [Clue 2]

    Whats with all this Shakespearean drama?

    This is avery importantstep, and differs depending on what you want tomaterialise.

    For minor things, sometimes a passing thoughtwill do.

    There have been times when stepping out of the house in the heat of the

    afternoon Id wish for clouds, and within seconds the blazing

    bright sunlight became fuzzy. Looking up, Id see a tiny cloud

    covering the sun in an otherwise cloudless blue sky, softening

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    the heat and offering moderate shade until I reached my destination, when it

    would vaporize.

    Or a rickshaw or car appearing the moment I stepped out, offering me a lift

    when otherwise there was no transport around.

    Or someone mentioning an interesting book, and receiving it as a gift from

    another later in the day.

    And of course parking spaces, always there even in rush hour crowds. And so


    But larger blockagesin areas where manifestation is not taking place, despite a

    lot of effort over time, need more dramato disperse.

    What happens is when any phrase or thought is repeated with strong emotion,

    such as Moneys running out how will I manage?or I cant afford that it

    gets infused with thought energywith each repetition. The longer this goes on

    the more energy it gets, until it becomes a soulless thoughtform. Basicallythis is just a huge mass of heavy negative energy in your higher energy bodies,

    but it does have a sense of its own existence.

    If you now try to turn your fortunes around with positive affirmations, or take

    actions to ease the situation, this thoughtform will resist and block it, for you

    are threatening its very survival. So affirmations dont work, or just as you are

    about to succeed things stop working and you are back to square one.

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    Since you are the creatorof the thoughtform, it is up to you to uncreateit too.

    There are many ways to do thisenergy healing, mantras, rituals etc. But you

    can start the process physically too, by dispersing the negative energy. That iswhat I was doing by slashing through the heaviness surrounding me. And as

    soon as your higher energy bodies receive your command, they begin to open

    up and release the unwanted energy.

    Action Plan- Step 2


    If you have a huge blockage, dont just sit there passively feeling sorry for


    Be furious! Get mad!

    Your repeated desperate thoughts have created a huge mass of heavy grey

    energy that is stifling you. And each different thought pattern creates yet

    another dark energy mass.

    I need money one thoughtform

    I dont have money another thoughtform

    I cant afford it yet another

    Cant pay my bills this month and another

    ...and so on.

    How many times have you repeated similar thoughts over the past few

    weeks or months?If you could see an energy image of yourself, can you

    imagine what you would look like?

    Yeah. Ugh. Not a pretty sight.

    Everybody senses energy, consciously or unconsciously, and so most people

    begin to shrink away from someone generating negative energy all the time.

    Who wants to be around a garbage heap?

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    And less and less positive energy is able to find its way down to the murky

    depths where you reside, creating even more stink every second with your

    tension, panic and fear.

    It is essential to release this energyin order to manifest money or anything

    positive in your life. And doing so physicallyis a great start.

    Think of this energy as a dense pall of smoke surrounding you, suffocating you,

    cutting off air. How would you disperse that? Exactlywave your arms

    violently, slash at it, and at the same time command it must go away.

    Insist, I cancel, delete, erase this energy. Release, release, RELEASE!

    BE OUTRAGED. How dare it disturb you?

    [Proponents of personal development may feel that sending it Unconditional

    Love is a better alternativeand it is. But when you are really upset it is

    difficult to feel and send deep love unless you have practised it earlier.]

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    Step Three:

    SELF WORTHI cried out, NO! Enough is enough. This is not my

    life. I will not live this way any longer. I deserve

    the best and I WILL get it.

    And immediately the energies began to shift.

    [Clue 3]

    Often when we are caught up in a negative energy cycle, we are so immersed

    in it that were willing to accept any ridiculously small relief that eases the

    situation briefly. Well, the Universe gives you whatever you are willing to

    receive, and if you are always going to be thankful for small mercies, the

    mercies are going to get smaller and smaller.

    As soon as I rejected what had come my way, and took a firm decision on the

    minimum standard acceptable to me, the energies changed.

    Action Plan- Step 3


    If you want something better state clearly just what it is you want, the

    standard you will live by. Once your sense of self respectkicks in and you

    decide you will no longer accept this degrading state of neediness, the energies

    coming your way will change.

    Ask and it shall be given to you.

    Assert yourself. For in order to convince the Universe, you have to convince

    yourself first.

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    ...now sit quietly for a while in a receptive state, doing nothing.

    This is the point of NOW, the Zone, and the deeper you go into the stillness,

    the more potent will your manifestation be.

    Step Five:


    Then gathering my thoughts, decided withabsolute

    conviction, a steely determination that the Universe

    was sending me Rs.3,00,000 ($5500 approx) even now.

    [Clue 5]

    Several factors were operating simultaneously at this step.

    Determining my goal was a delicate balancing act between where I was and

    where I wanted to be. The tightrope stretched between my needs (repayment

    of loans and credit card interests, plus daily expenses) and my future wealthy

    self. My gut feeling was that INR 3L, though a somewhat large figure under

    current circumstances, was doable. It would cover not only my needs but leave

    something over for future investment in business.

    All I had to do was

    - be convincedthis would come- hold onto this conviction unwavering- and commandit to come to me.

    Then with complete attention and focus on this outcome, I pointed the arrow

    of my Intention towards the goal.

    And let go.

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    Step Six:


    A huge wave of relief washed over me as I distinctly

    feltmoney fly into my ambit and swirl around me,

    energising, soothing, releasing the tension of

    constant struggle to meet expenses. I sawloans

    being repaid, daily expenses easily met, perhaps even

    an outing or a little shopping spree...

    [Clue 6]

    As soon as I let go of the arrow loaded with feelings, my inner bowstring was

    now at peace, no longer taut.

    My intention, my command had activated the energies of money, prosperity

    and abundance in my field. And with the dispersal of dark heavy negativity, I

    was free to resonate to these higher energies. My tuning up, attunement to

    money vibrations had begun.

    The Law of Resonanceis the efficient way the Universe operates to distribute

    energies. Whatever your vibration matches will come to you; what does not

    match will leave you. So to get what you want you have to match your

    frequency to that which you desire.

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    There are many ways to do this. But the most efficient is EXPERIENCING.

    In the days following, I spent at least 15 minutes every morning and evening

    experiencingthe money flowing to me. Oh, the relief of being able to meet

    loan payments without scrambling for excuses. It felt so good to buy an extra

    treat or two while grocery shopping. And going out for and elegant meal again!

    No more economy class ticketsI was travelling first class, staying at the best

    hotels. Buying lovely gifts for my precious children. And contributing as much

    as I wanted to my favourite charities.

    And all the while, holding steady the thoughtthat INR 3L was already mine.

    Action Plan- Step Six



    Thousands of years ago, our sages discerned that Experiences are the units of

    Life. Or put another way, Life consists of a series of experiences that you havemanifested, usually with unconscious intention.

    So if there is something you desire that you do not have,

    experience it fully, continually, with conscious intention and

    it is bound to manifest for you. For you will begin to

    resonate with it, and those energies will be drawn to you.

    To manifest quickly, make this Experiencing a continuous process. But take

    carebe sure you want what you experience, for you will get it.

    Experiencing means bringing the end result alive through all your senses. See

    it, hear it, feel it, taste it, smell itits yours!

    So for money and prosperity, it goes something like this:

    Everyday when you wake up, feel you are in a luxurious bed with a magnificent

    view outside (if this is what you wantfor your current reality will change if it

    does not matchso take care).

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    When you put on your clothes feel happy and appreciate that they are the very

    best kind you love (even if they are old rags now). As you slip into your car feel

    it is the make and model you have been coveting.

    And so on throughout the daysavour every experience, and feel it deeply.

    The messages that go up to the higher realms are not through

    words, but feelings. The stronger the emotion, the quicker the


    As you walk around, see and feel money flowing into your bank account, cash

    being magnetized into your hand, shop for all the luxuries you have been

    denying yourself.


    Step 7:

    GRATITUDEDeep gratitudewelled up from the depths of my being

    for the immense luck and blessings now conferred on

    me, and I thankedthe benign Divine forces over and

    over again for their infinite grace, compassion and

    generosity, for always taking care of me in every


    [Clue 7]

    AhGratitude! The golden key to the kingdom. The main activator that opens

    the floodgates of affluence, abundance and everything positivein life.

    It is the catalystthat quickens manifestation and opens doors to further


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    As I visualized and experienced prosperity every day, after each thought I sent

    thanks to all the energies that enabled this to come to me - an unsung litany of

    wordless thanks that welled up from the heart continually.

    Action Plan- Step 7


    Here is where many people get confused. If something has not yet come, isnt

    it a lie, a childish game of pretence to give thanks for it?

    Well, if that is what you think, that is what will happen for youlie, pretence,

    nothing coming through.

    For the truth is there is no concept of time in the higher realms. The moment

    you experience something clearly, it has already manifested in energy form. No


    It only takes time to manifest in 3D, our material world, where the clarity of

    your energy field will determine the time taken for your desire to condenseand actualize in your life.

    Being really grateful clears your energies, ups your vibrational frequency and

    speeds up resonance with what you desire.

    For after divine unconditional Love, Gratitude is the next highest frequency in

    the energy spectrum of creation.

    So remember to be thankful at all times! For everything, even when you getthe opposite of what you have asked for. Sometimes energies just have to

    reverse before turning and going the right way.

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    Step Eight:

    APPROPRIATE ACTIONIwent about my daily workover the next few weeks,

    holding unshaken the feelingthat the money was on

    its way to me even now. Though situations in the

    outer world were uncertain and turbulent, there was a

    steady inner core of peace and sureness.

    My life had changed I had changed my life.

    [Clue 8]

    Experiencing, visualization and gratitude will bring you the money you desire,

    but to receive a steady reliable flow, you must set up regular channels of

    income. That makes it easy for wealth to reach you.

    And for that one needs to take appropriate actionget a job or start a

    business. In anticipation of the money coming, I started exploring variousoptions and planning ways of investing it for future returns.

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    Sometimes what manifests is close to but not exactly what you want. If you do

    not want that be clear, and say thanks but no thanks. Else you will be led off

    the path of manifestation into settling for other things. Be vigilant.

    Though it was great to get other amounts, I remained steadfast in my resolve

    INR 3L or nothing.

    Action Plan- Step Nine


    Go about your work in the calm certainty that what you have asked for has

    reached you and is even now condensing into the material realm.

    No doubt, no agitation, no wondering why it is taking so much time or whether

    it will come or not.

    Each such thought will block the process, and dematerialise it back to formless


    Know that it is yours, lean back in relief and give continuous heartfelt thanks.

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    And Now... No More CluesMystery Solved

    A little over a month and a half later, while at the

    bus station to see someone off, a distant

    acquaintance whom I barely meet once every few years

    called up out of the blue to ask how I was doing.When I mentioned I was looking for a lump sumto

    invest in internet marketing, she immediately said,

    No problem - just tell me the amount, and Ill send

    you the cheque.

    After a stream of constant refusals, this was a new experience!

    Picking my jaw off the floor, I stammered out the

    figure, wondering if she would backtrack when she

    heard how much it was.

    And there amid the cacophony of tinny announcements

    and snorting buses, I heard these astounding words,

    music to my ears, The cheque will be in the mail


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    That was that! A true Gift from the Universe!!!


    What else is there to say? It happened. And I am grateful.

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    Action Plan

    Here is a short recap of the Action Plan again for your ready reference.

    Step 1: Stopall frantic activity, going in the wrong direction

    Step 2: Uncreateyour negative thoughtforms

    Step 3: Feel worthyof having the best life has to offer

    Step 4: Be stilland gather your energies, centre yourself

    Step 5: Clearly decideyour goal, and acceptit is done

    Step 6: Experienceand resonatewith what you want

    Step 7: Be deeply gratefulto be so loved and blessed

    Step 8: Planout future course of action to retain and reinvest

    Step 9: Be of firm resolvein the face of all distractions


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    $5435 in 50 daysFound this case study interesting?

    I hope you too will soon manifest whatever amount you wantand send me

    your success stories!

    Do check out the BONUSit has a mantra that really speeds up

    materialization, that I have used to good effect.

    All the best and do let me know how it went.



    P.S.Regret having bypassed the coaching? Here is the link againthis specialoffer is open to Warriors for the next one month.


