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Ministry of General and Professional Education of Sverdlovsk Region Town Secondary School №8 THE ABSTRACT KRASNOURALSK: YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW. Pupil: Alexander Uvarov Form 7 B Teacher: M.A.Uvarova 1
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Ministry of General and Professional Education of Sverdlovsk Region

Town Secondary School №8




Pupil: Alexander Uvarov

Form 7 B

Teacher: M.A.Uvarova

Krasnouralsk , 2011


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Contents p.2

I. Introduction 3

II. Basic part 4-16

1. General information 4-5

2. History of our town 6

3. Our town today 7-13

a) Industry 7

b) Education 7-9

c) Culture 9-12

d) Famous people 13

e) Traditions of our town 13

4. Plans for future 14-15

5. An opinion poll 16-17

III. Conclusion 18

IV. List of literature 19


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There is no place like home.

My name is Alexander Uvarov. Now I’m a pupil of the 7th form.  Why have I chosen the theme of my abstract «Krasnouralsk: yesterday,

today, tomorrow»?

Russia is my homeland. Krasnouralsk is my native town - it’s the place where I was born. My ancestors lived here. My great-great-parents and great-parents also lived here. And my parents live here too.

The problem of the investigation: People should remember, respect and be always ready to protect and try to improve their native land.

The aim of my work is to show the importance of our town with its activities, which kept the town traditions for the future generation.

To do it I set myself the following tasks:

-to find interesting material and pictures (photos) about the history of our town;

-to find out how to make the town more beautiful;

That is why I have chosen the theme of my abstract “Krasnouralsk: yesterday, today, tomorrow”.


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Basic part

General information

We live in Krasnouralsk. It is a small town situated on the eastern slope of

the Ural Mountains between the Salda and the Tura rivers. It is situated in 200 km

distance from Yekaterinburg, the capital of the Urals. There is a highway between


The origin of the town’s name goes back to the 20-s, when vast deposits of

copper ores were found near the small village of Bogomolovsk. Red color of copper

gave the first part of the name of the future town. The second part is the name of

the Ural Mountains.

There are two lions on the flag and on the coat of arms of our town. They

symbolize strength and power . The red colour means copper and the golden

mountain means the basic enterprise «Svyatogor».

Krasnouralsk is situated on the picturesque area. You can enjoy wild and

beautiful nature here as the nature around the town is wonderful.


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You can find different fir-trees, birches, mushrooms and flowers in the forest.

Such animals as bears, wolves, foxes, hares, squirrels live here.

In the rivers there are a lot of fish.

Cities like people have their own individuality. My native town has its own

image that makes it distinctive and recognizable. On the one hand it is rather

young. This year Krasnouralsk is 80 years old only. On the other hand the unique

history, architectural monuments which are located in the area of the town speak

about its past.


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History of our Town

Krasnouralsk was founded in 1931 when copper was found near the small village

of Bogomolovsk.

It was decided to build a giant copper plant there. The construction of the

copper plant wrote a heroic page to the history of non-ferrous metallurgy in our

country. The plant was built at the end of 1931. January, 1 1932 is considered to be

the date of birth of our town. The town became famous in our country and abroad.

Its progressive technologies were compared with the ones of the best European

and American copper enterprises. At that time the population was 20 thousand

people. There was only 1 school, 1 hospital, 1 college and 1 plant. Since that time

the town has changed greatly.

In 70-s Krasnouralsk was quite big: the population of our town was about 40

thousand people. There were 8 factories and plants: a copper smelter, a chemical

plant, a machinery work, a poultry-factory and some others. What they made was

not used in the town only. Metal, chemicals, machine-tools, clothes, food were sent

to different regions of our country. There were 8 schools, a vocational school, a

music school, 4 cinemas and 2 palaces of culture. Krasnouralsk situated in 200km

distance from Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg), was connected with the capital of the

Urals by railway. There was a railway station here. The train carried people to and

from Sverdlovsk every day and it was very convenient for citizens of our town.


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Our town today.

Since that time the town has changed greatly. Now the population of our

town is about 25 thousand people only.


Krasnouralsk is an industrial town. There are 6 factories and plants: copper


chemical plant, machinery work, poultry-factory and some others. What they make

is not used in the town only. Metal, machine-tools, food, wood are sent to different

regions of our country and abroad.

Culture and Education

There are 6 schools,

School #1


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School #2

School #3

School #6

School #8(old building) School #8(new building)


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Art school where children study to play different instruments and to paint

and Children’s Youth Centre with some clubs for children .

The Vocational school and the branch of the Ural State Technical University

(UPI) have not practically changed. A lot of students study there to get some jobs

and professions.

There are some libraries and 2 palaces of culture:

The Palace of Culture “Chimic” with many clubs for children.


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In the Palace of Culture “Metallurg” there is an interesting museum about the

history of our town and “Svyatogor” and some clubs for children and grown ups .

It’s a pity but now there is no cinemas left in our town.

In Krasnouralsk there are 2 squares:

Lenin square with the Monument to Lenin

Victory square with the Administration of the Town.


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The Palace of Sports is one of the most beautiful and popular buildings in

Krasnouralsk. Young and grown up people can do different kinds of sport there.

In the centre of the town there is the Memorial to Soldiers, who lost their

lives during the Great Patriotic War, in Afganistan and in Chechnya.

Our town has changed grately. Let’s have a look at the streets of Krasnouralsk.


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Lenin Street - the main street of the town .There are a lot of shops in it.

Kalyaev Street


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Sovetskaya Street- the longest street of the town

Kirov Street with the basic enterprise of the town and the oldest school.

Some streets are named after the famous citizens of our town: Yankin Street,

Tagirov Street (the best miners), Naimushin Street (the sniper), Ustinov Street (the first

director of “Svyatogor”) .

Krasnouralsk is the hometown of the cosmonaut V.I. Sevastianov, who made

two space flights in 1975 and in 1978. It’s a pity but there is no monument to him.

There are many good traditions in our town life. Some of them are:

celebration of the Day of the town, the Day of Metallurgists, some sport

competitions (e.g. town athletic racing devoted to Victory Day), Teenager Leader,

Shrovetide , the Meeting devoted to Victory Day and others.


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Plans for Future

People can not create their future if they don’t know their past.

In 2011 Krasnouralsk will celebrate its 80th anniversary.

I like my provincial town and want it to become more beautiful and more

comfortable for people to live in it, but there are also many things I would like to

change here. There are no theatres and cinemas in our town. If we had them our

cultural life would be richer. Many young people have a lot of spare time but they

do not know what to do. This causes the problem of drugs, alcohol and criminal

situation. I think it is necessary to build more playgrounds for young people. If we

had more free sports and different hobby clubs we would spend our spare time

more useful for our health and life.

The problem of the environmental protection is also very acute in

Krasnouralsk. We should take care of the environment of our town to live and

work here.

I want the town to become more visited by tourists. First of all it is necessary

to build a new hotel in which tourists will live. Also it is necessary to arrange the

training of guides. Then it is very important to repair our old buildings: houses,

hospitals, cultural centers, the sport centers and sights of the town. And it is

necessary to take care of historic sites.

It's a pity we have no fountain and flowers in Lenin Square .

1979 2008


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I wish we had a big fountain , some benches for people to rest and beautiful

flower beds on the square.

In spite of all these difficulties I like my town and want it to be more



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An opinion poll.

To achieve the aim of the abstract I worked out a questionnaire for the

interview of schoolchildren and teachers. These questions about the history of our

town were answered by my classmates and the teachers of our school because

only they can remember and compare town activities now and before.

1. Were you born in Krasnouralsk? (for teachers)

2. What was/is your favourite town holiday/activity or celebration? (for teachers)

3. What should be done to better the life of our town? (for teachers)

4. What streets were named after the famous citizens of our town?(for classmates)

I interviewed 23 classmates and 13 teachers. Then I analysed the results of the poll and got the following results:

75 % of the teachers were born in Krasnouralsk.

From the charts we can see that the citizens know and support the traditions of our town. The most favourite town holidays are Victory Day, The Day of the Town, Sport competitions, the Metallurgist’s Day and others.


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The citizens are interested in improving the conditions of our daily life. They want to improve roads, hospital, flower beds and to build a fountain as before, a cinema, a Hotel, and Indoors skating rink.

Pupils showed the knowledge of the history of our streets.


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In conclusion it seems to me that the citizens of our town remember, respect

and are ready to protect and try to improve our town. Knowledge of the history of

our town is very useful for young people as we will live here some next years. I

want this abstract to help students to learn the history of my town.

If someday I have a chance to go to any English –speaking country I think I

will be able to speak about our town.

I think the material of my abstract will be very useful for English teachers at

their lessons as well as for other pupils of our school.


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List of literature1. Internet (photos of Krasnouralsk) ;

2. “Krasnouralsk. 3/4of Century” N.Taguil, 2006.

3. Nepomnyacshiy V.”The Copper Dress of the Ural”, Ekaterinburg, 2004.

4. Sites of schools


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