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5am presentation

Date post: 14-Aug-2015
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Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Brooklyn Nets CEO Brett Yormark Procter & Gamble CEO A.G. Lafley General Motors CEO Mary Barra AOL CEO Tim Armstrong Newton Investment CEO Helena Morrissey Former presidents George HW Bush and George W Bush Apple CEO Tim Cook
  1. 1. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Brooklyn Nets CEO Brett Yormark Procter & Gamble CEO A.G. Lafley General Motors CEO Mary Barra AOL CEO Tim Armstrong Newton Investment CEO Helena Morrissey Former presidents George HW Bush and George WBush Apple CEO Tim Cook
  2. 2. Starbucks CEO Howard SchultzI get up at 4:30 every morning to walk my three dogs andwork out.1
  3. 3. Brooklyn Nets CEO Brett YormarkThe youngest CEO in the NBA told SellingPower that hegets up at 3:30 in the morning in order to get to the officeby 4:30.1
  4. 4. Procter & Gamble CEO A.G. Lafleyhe makes it a habit to be up between 5 and 5:30 a.m. andat his desk by 6:30 or 7.1
  5. 5. General Motors CEO Mary BarraShe's in the office before many people even wake up,usually by 6 A.M. 1
  6. 6. AOL CEO Tim Armstrong"I usually get up at 5 or 5:15am, 1
  7. 7. Newton Investment CEO HelenaMorrisseyMorrissey told The Guardian that she gets up at 5 in themorning, sometimes earlier, and immediately startssending emails until her kids get up.1
  8. 8. Former presidents George HW Bushand George W BushThe 1st Bush would get up at 4 am to run and be at theoffice at 6 am. The 2nd kept a similar schedule being 6:45at his office.1
  9. 9. Apple CEO Tim CookTim Cook, Apple's CEO, starts sending emails around4:30 AM 2
  10. 10. WHAT I LEARNT WAKING UPAT 5 AM FOR 21 DAYS*BADR S. MASRIOnline link for the slides, SlideSharehttp://www.slideshare.net/badrmasri* Inspired by Felipe Castro 3
  11. 11. IT TAKES 21 DAYS Dr. Maxwell Maltz that says you need 21 days to form anew habit.
  12. 12. 1.Have support along the way If you want to change something in your life, its alwaysbetter if you have support along the way.
  13. 13. 2.Get enough sleep It is no secret that I still suffer to keep 7 to 8 hours ofsleep as average. Started going to bed at 10 pm.
  14. 14. Make sure to keep a healthybalance !
  15. 15. 3. Eliminate the obstacles along theway Society in general is lazy. You create your own eco-systemand adapt to it.
  16. 16. 4. The physical condition helps a lot. Eating well Exercise Not a drinker Not a smoker Not a friend of hookah!
  17. 17. 5. Forget about the snooze studies show that youll be even more tiredafter sleeping that 10 minutes and this makespeople delay several other things. Nothinggood comes of snooze.
  18. 18. 6. More working hours In our case: finishing up tenders, quotations and allthat other office work that is .well BORINGZzzZZzzZZzzzZZzzz
  19. 19. 7. Time for gym.
  20. 20. 8. A new view on the world.
  21. 21. 9. Yes, you need the will to do it. If you dont have it, no one will have it for youand its highly likely that youll give up.Otherwise, if you have the will, no one will stopyou!
  22. 22. References1. http://www.businessinsider.com/successful-people-who-wake-up-really-early-2013-12?op=1#ixzz3KKTDWwju2. http://www.businessinsider.com/successful-tech-people-who-wake-up-early-2013-7?op=1#ixzz3KKXEf8HA3. Filipe Castro Matos is a digital marketer andentrepreneur. He currently works at Startup Lisboa.Follow Filipe on Twitter.
