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5c-Tumpuan Insan-MyGuru.pptx

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Tumpuan Insan Person Centered Therapy/Counseling

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Tumpuan InsanPerson Centered Therapy/Counselingman lives essentially in his own personal and subjective world, and even his most objectives functioning in science, mathematics, and the like, is the result of subjective purpose and subjective choice (Rogers 1959, hlm. 191)

the inherent tendency of the organism to develop all its capacities in way which serve to maintain or enhance the organism (Rogers 1959, hlm. 196)

Kehidupan adalah proses yang aktif yang melibatkan organisma berinteraksi dengan persekitaran yang direkabentuk untuk mengekal, meningkat dan membiak.

Justeru tiada kepuasanBagaimana dgn fictional finalism?Striving for superiority ?

The power of positive self concept Pemangkin perubahan pada diri klien adalah interaksi dan hubungan yang mesra dan akrab.

Konsep kendiri sebagai tunjang pembentukan personaliti

Berdasarkan Konsep Kendiri yang terbina hasil pembelajaran pengalaman berlaku percanggahan antara kehendak kesempurnaan yang ideal dengan alam situasi sebenar .

Pertembungan kehendak kendiri ideal (ideal self) dengan kendiri sebenar (real self) akan menggerakkan suasana kecelaruan atau konflik tingkahlaku.

Real selfIdeal SelfReal selfIdeal SelfReal selfSEPADANKendiri Ideal Vs Kendiri SebenarReal selfReal selfIdeal SelfIdeal SelfReal self

Sekiranya keadaan yang sesuai dapat diwujudkan, maka individu akan dapat menggunakan potensi yang ada ke arah kesempurnaan dan kesejahteraan diriSELF FULFILLMENTPSYCHOLOGYKEPERLUN ASASKEPERLUAN FISIOLOGIKEPERLUAN KESELAMATANKASIH SAYANG DAN KEPUNYAANPENGHARGAN KENDIRIKESEMPURNAAN KENDIRIMASLOWS Hierarchy OF NEEDSPerson-Centered View of Human NatureAt their core, humans are trustworthy and positive

Humans are capable of making changes and living productive, effective lives

Humans innately gravitate toward self-actualizationActualizing tendency

Given the right growth-fostering conditions, individuals strive to move forward and fulfill their creative nature

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 7 (1)11Person-Centered Therapy (A reaction against the directive and psychoanalytic approaches)Challenges:The assumption that the counselor knows bestThe validity of advice, suggestion, persuasion, teaching, diagnosis, and interpretationThe belief that clients cannot understand and resolve their own problems without direct helpThe focus on problems over personsTheory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 7 (2)12Person-Centered TherapyEmphasizes:Therapy as a journey shared by two fallible/imperfect peopleThe persons innate striving for self-actualizationThe personal characteristics of the therapist and the quality of the therapeutic relationshipThe counselors creation of a permissive, growth-promoting climatePeople are capable of self-directed growth if involved in a therapeutic relationshipTheory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 7 (3)13Therapy is a Growth-Promoting ClimateCongruenceGenuineness or realness in the therapy sessionTherapists behaviors match his or her words

Unconditional positive regardAcceptance and genuine caring about the client as a valuable personAccepting clients as they presently areTherapist need not approve of all client behavior

KekongruenanKetulenan atau realiti dalam sesi terapiTingkah laku terapis serasi dengan penampilan atau perkataan beliau

Penerimaan +ve Tanpa syaratPenerimaan dan penyayang tulen thdp klien sebagai individu yang bernilaiMenerima klien seperti seadanya/yang sekarangTerapis perlu tidak membenarkan semua tingkah laku klienTheory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 7 (4)14Accurate empathic understanding The ability to deeply grasp the clients subjective worldHelper attitudes are more important than knowledgeThe therapist need not experience the situation to develop an understanding of it from the clients perspective

Six Conditions (necessary and sufficient for personality changes to occur)1. Two persons are in psychological contact2. The first, the client, is experiencing incongruence3. The second person, the therapist, is congruent or integrated in the relationship4. The therapist experiences unconditional positive regard or real caring for the client5. The therapist experiences empathy for the clients internal frame of reference and endeavors to communicate this to the client6. The communication to the client is, to a minimal degree, achievedTheory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 7 (5)16The TherapistFocuses on the quality of the therapeutic relationship

Provides a supportive therapeutic environment in which the client is the agent of change and healing

Serves as a model of a human being struggling toward greater realness

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 7 (6)17The TherapistIs genuine, integrated, and authentic, without a false front

Can openly express feelings and attitudes that are present in the relationship with the client

Is invested in developing his or her own life experiences to deepen self- knowledge and move toward self-actualization

Application to Group CounselingTherapist takes on the role of facilitatorCreates therapeutic environmentTechniques are not stressedExhibits deep trust of the group membersProvides support for membersGroup members set the goals for the group

Group setting fosters an open and accepting community where members can work on self-acceptance

Individuals learn that they do not have to experience the process of change alone and grow from the support of group members

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 7 (7)19Person-Centered Expressive Arts TherapyVarious creative art forms promote healing and self-discoveryare inherently healing and promote self-awareness and insight

Creative expression connects us to our feelings which are a source of life energy. Feelings must be experienced to achieve self-awareness.

Individuals explore new facets of the self and uncover insights that transform them, creating wholeness Discovery of wholeness leads to understanding of how we relate to the outer world.

The clients inner world and outer world become unified.

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 7 (8)20Conditions for CreativityAcceptance of the individual

A non-judgmental setting


Psychological freedom

Stimulating and challenging experiences

Individuals who have experienced unsafe creative environments feel held back and may disengage from creative processes

Safe, creative environments give clients permission to be authentic and to delve deeply into their experiencesTheory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 7 (9)21Limitations of the Person-Centered ApproachCultural considerationsSome clients may prefer a more directive, structured treatmentIndividuals accustomed to indirect communication may not be comfortable with direct expression of empathy or creativityIndividuals from collectivistic cultures may disagree with the emphasis on internal locus of control

Does not focus on the use of specific techniques, making this treatment difficult to standardize

Beginning therapists may find it difficult to provide both support and challenges to clients

Limits of the therapist as a person may interfere with developing a genuine therapeutic relationshipTheory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 7 (10)22
