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5QWNOCVG #VVTCEVKQP )WKFG 6JG %QPUEKQWU 9C[ … · Saucha: Simplicity Santosha: Contentment Tapas:...

Date post: 30-Aug-2019
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Ever wonder why yogis are so peaceful and happy, and how they have the ability to attract in their life’s desires in a seemingly effortless way? Wouldn’t it be great if you could use that easy-breezy, conscious approach to attract in your life partner?! Well, I’ve got some good news for you… You absolutely CAN! Let me start by helping you to connect the dots. What most people don’t know is that yoga is about so much more than stretchy pants and downward facing dog. Yoga is an ancient practice dating back as far as 3,000 years ago. Patanjali, a legendary sage who many know as the "founder of yoga," created a text called "the Yoga Sutras." In essence, this has become the "bible of yoga." It refers to what he called the eight limbs of yoga and get this… asana (the physical postures) is only one of the eight limbs, and only mentioned three times among the 196 sutras! Now don’t get me wrong, I believe physical yoga is amazing (and I highly recommend it!), but, to me, the true definition of a yogi is someone who takes the practice beyond their mat and uses the philosophy to attract a beautiful, fulfilling life. The Yamas & Niyamas are the two limbs of yoga that I have studied most in depth, and the ones that I credit for my ability to attract in my partner, Caleb.
Page 1: 5QWNOCVG #VVTCEVKQP )WKFG 6JG %QPUEKQWU 9C[ … · Saucha: Simplicity Santosha: Contentment Tapas: Commitment Svadhyaya: Self-inquiry Ishvara Pranidhana: Surrender Still a little

Ever wonder why yogis are so peaceful and happy, and how they have the ability to attract in their life’s desires in a seemingly effortless way?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could use that easy-breezy, conscious approach to attract in your life partner?!

Well, I’ve got some good news for you…

You absolutely CAN!

Let me start by helping you to connect the dots.

What most people don’t know is that yoga is about so much more than stretchy pants and downward facing dog.

Yoga is an ancient practice dating back as far as 3,000 years ago. Patanjali, a legendary sage who many know as the "founder of yoga," created a text called "the Yoga Sutras." In essence, this has become the "bible of yoga." It refers to what he called the eight limbs of yoga and get this… asana (the physical postures) is only one of the eight limbs, and only mentioned three times among the 196 sutras!

Now don’t get me wrong, I believe physical yoga is amazing (and I highly recommend it!), but, to me, the true definition of a yogi is someone who takes the practice beyond their mat and uses the philosophy to attract a beautiful, fulfilling life.

The Yamas & Niyamas are the two limbs of yoga that I have studied most in depth, and the ones that I credit for my ability to attract in my partner, Caleb.

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Below are each of the Yamas & Niyamas in Sanskrit along with an English translation:

Yamas Ahimsa: Kindness and compassion Satya: Truth Asteya: Non-stealing Brahmacharya: Moderation Aparigraha: Non-attachment

Niyamas Saucha: Simplicity Santosha: Contentment Tapas: Commitment Svadhyaya: Self-inquiry Ishvara Pranidhana: Surrender

Still a little fuzzy around how these principles will help you attract in lasting love? OK, let’s go a bit deeper.

In order to attract lasting love, we need to embody a certain energy; I call this your Love Vibration – and it has everything to do with your mindset.

The thing is, while going to meet-ups or having an online dating profile may increase your chances of finding someone, if you haven’t yet done the deep, inner work, the likelihood of it working out is probably pretty slim (sorry!).

While this may seem like a pretty simple concept on the surface, chances are that your experiences with love to date have conditioned you to think – and act – a certain way, making this shift somewhat difficult.

This is where the Yamas & Niyamas come in. The real magic happens when we consistently embody all 10 principles, but to avoid this turning into a novel, I’m going to share a glimpse of three of these KEY principles as well as some exploration questions and tools to help you raise your Love Vibration and attract the ONE!

So… are you READY? Let’s dive in!

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Ahimsa: Kindness & Compassion

The principle of Ahimsa can be translated to kindness & compassion, non-harming, non-violence... In essence, it is LOVE, and it is at the very core of the yamas and yoga philosophy.

Similar to how a house needs a strong foundation to be built upon, our lives and relationships must be deeply rooted in kindness and compassion for things to flow smoothly.

You know the saying… "You can't love someone else until you love yourself." -unknown

Although it may sound cheesy, there is a lot of truth behind it. You must first feel whole and happy within your own being before you can attract someone else in. Law of Attraction tells us that like attracts like, so if we try to attract someone in to complete us or fill a void, the person we attract is likely expecting the same from us. As a result, there are two unfulfilled people who have unrealistic expectations of their partner. Eventually this will become apparent and cause issues within the relationship. Not only is it unhealthy to approach love from this perspective, but it's also unsustainable.

Write out 15 things that you like about yourself (yes, 15). Note: they don't have to be physical qualities, and in fact, I'd actually encourage you to lean more toward personality traits. Think of things that your future partner will cherish about you. One example might even be that you're kind to the less fortunate, or that you make an awesome stir-fry!

Take some time to reflect on your self-talk, both in general and when it comes to your experiences with love and dating. What types of things do you say to yourself most often? Is it light and complimentary, or heavy and harsh? Do you tend to focus on celebrating what you've done right, or judging yourself for what you've done wrong? How can you treat yourself with more kindness and compassion along this journey? Use the space below to explore.

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Typically, treating others with kindness and compassion is a pretty simple concept, but what about to those who have hurt you, or that you feel don’t deserve your kindness? That’s a true test of our ability to embody this principle.

The thing is, we're all looking to be seen and heard, and unfortunately, some individuals don’t go about that in the best ways. When we feel that someone has wronged us, it’s not always apparent on the surface, but the fact is that they’re actually suffering on the inside which is contributing to their negative behavior. Maybe they’re insecure with who they are and they did or said whatever it was in order to boost their confidence or to feel more secure in themselves. Maybe they’ve been extremely hurt by others in the past and now they feel they have to build a tough amour to protect themselves from everyone and everything. Now, let me clarify, this is by no means justifying what they did/said, or saying that their behavior was acceptable, but when we harbor anger and resentment toward others, it's really only hurting us by projecting more of those negative vibrations into the world and taking up space which prevents good, loving energy from flowing in.

“There is freedom on the other side when you open up to forgiveness, remembering that a happy person cannot do harmful things. So if you feel harmed, feel compassion for the person who has harmed you because they are not happy. They are not well.” -Gabby Bernstein

Use the space below to write a letter of forgiveness to those who you feel have wronged you. You can write as many as you’d like. I’d also encourage you to write these out on paper as well. Then read each of them out loud and burn or tear them to symbolize letting go and clearing space.

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Satya: Truth

Be truthful. Don’t tell lies. Seems pretty straightforward right? Hang on though, because it is SO much more than that.

The principle of truth asks us to check in with ourselves, get CLEAR on our wants and desires, and CLAIM them unapologetically. It asks us to live in alignment, even when it’s difficult. Use the spaces below to explore the following questions.

Are you CLEAR on your ideal relationship? What qualities do you want and need in a partner? Which ones are really important to you (think non-negotiable), and which ones are more of a bonus?

If you’re currently dating someone, do they have the above qualities? Are you staying TRUE to what’s important to you, or are you settling? Remember, this principle is all about getting honest with ourselves, even when it’s difficult.

Living in alignment with your desires also means pro-actively doing things to help the Universe bring them into your life. With that, what work – inner or outer -- are you currently doing to help manifest your desires?

(Note: If you’re not yet doing the inner work to shift your mindset, energy, and overall Love Vibration, I highly encourage learning more about these yogic principles and really working to embody each of them.)

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Often times, I see women who want a long-term, committed relationship focusing time and energy on someone who they know, deep down, it isn’t going to work out with. (First of all, there is absolutely no judgment here at all. In fact, I was one of these women at one point!) Initially, it seems harmless as there’s sort of a “I may as well do this until my person comes into my life” mentality… but what they don’t realize is that be a e their actions are not in alignment with what they want, they’re actually confusing the Universe and therefore preventing true opportunities for love to be delivered to them!

Take a moment to reflect. Have your actions been truly in alignment with your desire for lasting love? (And again, there is no judgment here. It’s simply about unearthing our previously unconscious blocks so that we can create the necessary shifts.)

Now, if you’ve identified some ways that you’ve been blocking lasting love from entering into your life, are you ready to commit to acting differently? What do you need to do – now, or moving forward – in order to create a shift and put an end to this misalignment.

Asteya: Non-stealing

At first glance, it probably seems that you’ve got this principle mastered. After all, many of us don’t steal physical things, but the reality is that we often unconsciously steal things like time, opportunities, energy, and so on.

For example, we can steal from ourselves by not giving ourselves enough credit. We can steal from the present moment by always thinking ahead to the future or dwelling about the past. We can steal from others by venting or complaining in front of them, not paying attention to them, or thinking we’re better than them.

One of the most common examples that I see in love and dating is individuals stealing the opportunity to find true love from themselves and the person they’re dating as they know that it’s not going to work out in the long run. Or by wishing they could get back together with their ex.

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The principle of asteya asks us to GIVE – both to ourselves and others. When a relationship ends, it can make it easier to move on by keeping this principle top of mind. If we fully embody the principle of non-stealing, we want others to be happy, and if for whatever reason this isn’t with us, we must respect and accept that. And in doing so, we’re actually giving ourselves the opportunity to heal and move forward to find lasting love of our own.

Use the space below to explore if/how you’ve been stealing from yourself:

& from others:

Next time you’re in a conversation with someone – whether in your love life or in general – see if you can lift that person up. Have them leave your interaction feeling happier and inspired than before. Afterward, use the space below to free write about this and how it made you feel.

Practices like meditation and mindfulness provide us with the ability to stay grounded and centered. Challenge yourself to do a 5-minute meditation or visualization each morning this week.

As you move throughout your days, notice if you constantly feel rushed or you find yourself trying to multi-task. Try your best to s-l-o-w down and stick to one task at a time. The more we can quiet our minds, the more we’re able to notice opportunities for love and abundance. se the s ace below to free write on how you feel when you ve been able to consistently ractice mindfulness and meditation for a few days.

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• Get CLEAR on what you want and need in a partner.• Discover what’s really stopping you from attracting EPIC love into

your life.• Learn your next steps to find the person who’s perfect for YOU.

Now, there are SO many ways to apply each of the above principles. It really has to do with you, as an individual, and what’s currently going on in your life. And, as mentioned, it takes all 10 Yamas & Niyamas coming together to radically shift your Love Vibration.

So, if you'd like to take things a step further and learn more about these yogic principles and which ones apply specifically to your situation, I’m happy to offer you a **FREE Soulmate Attraction Breakthrough Planning Session.** This is a private call where I’ll help you:

Simply click this link to get access to my calendar and choose a date/time that works for you!

I can't wait to chat and support you further.



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