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5Testing Results.pdf

Date post: 01-Oct-2015
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11 5 After creating the testing plan, the step that follows is to implement that plan to make sure that the system is working well and that there were no problems with the system after it was created.
  • 115

    After creating the testing plan, the step that follows is to

    implement that plan to make sure that the system is working

    well and that there were no problems with the system after it

    was created.

  • 116

    Testing Strategy for Barcode Number Field

    Test # 1,3 & 5:

    No error message has appeared upon

    moving from this field indicating the

    data was accepted.(It was of the

    correct length and type)

  • 117

    Test # 2:

    The data entered has been rejected

    indicating the test was a success as

    the two letters did not appear in the


  • 118

    Test # 4:

    This message shows that the

    data didnt match the input

    mask regarding the length of

    the data entered. This indicates

    that the test was a success.

  • 119

    Test # 6:

    This message appeared when I tried

    to save the record without entering

    the barcode number indicating the

    test was a success.(Barcode Number

    is necessary in each record)

  • 120

    Testing Strategy for Drugs Name Field

    Test # 1:

    No error message has

    appeared indicating the

    data is valid. (Testing is


  • 121

    Test # 2:

    This message appeared when I

    tried to save the record

    without the drugs name

    indicating it must be present in

    the record. (Testing Successful)

  • 122

    No error message

    appeared nor was the

    data refused indicating it

    was of the correct type

    and within the range.

    Testing Strategy for Dosage Field

    Test # 1& 3:

  • 123

    Test # 2:

    This message

    indicates that this

    data type is not

    valid in this field.

  • 124

    Test # 4:

    This shows that

    only data within

    the specified range

    can only be


  • 125

    Test # 5:

    No error message has

    appeared nor was the data

    refused indicating data on the

    extremes of the specified

    range is acceptable.

  • 126

    No error message

    appeared nor was the

    data refused indicating it

    was of the correct type

    and within the range.

    Testing Strategy for Quantity in Stock Field

    Test # 1& 3:

  • 127

    Test # 2:

    This message

    indicates that this

    data type is not

    valid in this field.

  • 128

    Test # 4:

    This shows that

    only data within

    the specified range

    can only be


  • 129

    Test # 5:

    No error message has

    appeared nor was the data

    refused indicating data on the

    extremes of the specified

    range is acceptable.

  • 130

    No error message

    appeared nor was the

    data refused indicating it

    was of the correct type

    and within the range.

    Testing Strategy for Price Field

    Test # 1, 3 &5:

  • 131

    Test # 2:

    This message

    indicates that this

    data type is not

    valid in this field.

  • 132

    Test # 4:

    This message indicates

    that data must be

    present in this field in

    each record.

  • 133

    Test # 6:

    This shows that

    only data within

    the specified range

    can only be


  • 134

    Test # 7:

    No error message has

    appeared nor was the data

    refused indicating data on the

    extremes of the specified

    range is acceptable.

  • 135

    Testing Strategy for Expiration Date Field

    Test # 1, 3 & 5:

    This date was not rejected indicating it

    is written in the correct format, within

    the accepted range, of the correct

    length and consists only of digits. Thus

    the validation checks concerned are

    working. (Testing successful)

  • 136

    Test # 2:

    This message shows that a part of

    the date is outside the accepted

    range thus an error message

    appeared. (Testing Successful)

  • 137

    Test # 4:

    As shown in the error

    message, the data entered is

    unacceptable as not all

    characters are digits.

  • 138

    Test # 6:

    As shown by the error

    message, a part of the date

    is outside the specified


  • 139

    Test # 7:

    As shown above, the data is

    accepted as the first two

    parts of the date are each at

    an extreme of their

    respective ranges.

  • 140

    Testing Strategy for Supplier ID Field

    Test # 1, 3 & 5:

    The data entered was

    accepted by the system

    indicating it was of the

    correct type and length.

  • 141

    Test # 2:

    The error message

    shows that the

    Supplier ID must be

    present in the record.

  • 142

    Test # 4:

    The data to be entered was 14O2

    however as shown the letter doesnt

    appear as it doesnt match with the

    input mask. This shows that only digits

    are accepted in the field.

  • 143

    Test # 6:

    This message shows that the

    data didnt match the input

    mask regarding the length of

    the data entered. This indicates

    that the test was a success.

  • 144

    Testing Strategy for Supplier Name Field

    Test # 1:

    No error message has appeared indicating the data is valid as it

    is composed entirely of letters

    and is present in the field.

    (Testing is successful)

  • 145

    Test # 2:

    This error message shows

    that the supplier name

    must be present in this

    field of each record.

  • 146

    Testing Strategy for Phone Number Field

    Test # 1& 3:

    No error message appeared

    meaning the data is of the

    correct length and composed

    only of digits. (Validation

    Checks working)

  • 147

    Test # 2:

    The data to be entered was

    O5O4579568, however as shown the

    letters dont appear as they dont

    match with the input mask. This

    shows that only digits are accepted in

    the field.

  • 148

    Test # 4:

    This message shows that the

    data didnt match the input

    mask regarding the length of

    the data entered. This indicates

    that the test was a success.
