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6 Stress Relief Strategies for Professional Women Who Do Too Much!

Date post: 29-Jul-2015
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6 Simple Stress Relief Strategies for Professional Women MELT STRESS, MOVE INTO JOY, MEET THE BLYSS LIFE © BY SAMANTHA A. GREGORY SAMANTHAGREGORY.COM/STRESS Stress Less Live More Blyss Out

6 Simple Stress Relief Strategies for Professional Women


Stress Less

Live More

Blyss Out

What Stress Does to You

The body responds to stress by releasing stress hormones. These hormones make blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels go up. Long-term stress can help cause a variety of health problems, including:

● Mental health disorders, like depression and anxiety

● Obesity

● Heart disease

● High blood pressure

● Abnormal heart beats

● Menstrual problems

● Acne and other skin problems (WomensHealth.gov)

Kill StressBefore

Stress Kills You!

How the Silent Killer Almost Destroyed Me! (My Story)

I worked in Corporate America for 15 years as a Sr. Technical Writer, SharePoint Admin and Trainer. I lived and worked in high stress environments with grumpy bosses and abusive exes. It affected my performance, parenting, and overall health.

The extreme stress I was under triggered early menopause caused by pre-mature ovarian failure at age 32. I suffered from chronic depression, was prescribed the anti-depressant Lexapro which further damaged my health, relationships, and professional performance.

After experiencing the horrible affects of prescription drugs I decided to go back to my roots and re-discover the natural solutions I knew deep down would help me manage the stress and health issues.

Today I am 90% symptom-free, stress-free, and living in my Blyss Life©. I can’t have any more children but at 44 I think I’m good with that now ;-).

I’ve been helping busy women manage financial, motherhood, relationship, and career stress for the last six years. I am happy to help you too!

Let’s get into the 6 Stress Relief Strategies and Guiding Principles

Guiding Strategy #1 Say Yes to Yourself

Make this your first priority


We put everyone else’s needs ahead of ourselves.

Start putting self first in small doses

Kill Stress

Self-love Heals!

How to Put Self-Love into Practice• Say no to stressful situations• Run from overwhelming people and

situations• Treat yourself to a massage or pedicure• Take mini vacations• Binge out on a favorite show for one

day• Get outside• Train your family to give you alone time• Recognize your significance in the

world• Forgive yourself• Reward yourself for big and small

accomplishments• Say “I Love You” to yourself daily• Light a beautiful smelling candle• Breathe deeply and Relax

Guiding Strategy #2 Take 10 Religiously Every Day


To breathe, to decompress, to get centered


Set a timer for 10 minutes and shut the world out ● listen to music ● rest your eyes ● take walk alone● Breathe deeply

Guiding Strategy #3 Decide Your Happiness is #1

Sounds counter-intuitive but when you choose your happiness, guilt-free and confidently…

Everyone else is happier

“When Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!”

StressLess Therapy - #embraceyourcrazy

I think most moms (who are not natural born neat freaks) struggle with disorganization. The expectation from society is you must be a certain way. We try and try but it rarely works without sacrificing our peace and true essence. The kids suffer, not because the house is a little untidy or unorganized but because mom is stressed and emotionally unavailable in an effort to keep up with type-A Betty Sue down the street. All I'm saying is embrace your true nature, be a happy mommy, and get a helper to come in and do the cleaning. Trust me when I say that guilt-free motherhood is waaayyyy better than perfect stressed out motherhood because you are trying to maintain some cultural or societal standard. Embrace your crazy and be the genius that you are lovely lady (((hugs))).

Guiding Strategy #4 Set Clear Boundaries

...around your life and…

Get clear about:● What makes you comfortable● What you like and don’t like

Set policies around your preferences and trust that very few people will violate your space!

Draw a line in the sand of your life and insist that others respect the line.

How to Set Clear BoundariesGrab and pen and paper to jot down your:• Likes• Dislikes• Guiding principles• Things you will not tolerate• How you want to be treated• Things that matter to you• Things that don’t matter to you

Post them if you need to remind yourself what they are then stick by them

Guiding Strategy #5 Take a Supplement

● Does your mind go 100 mph?● Can’t stop thinking about the next 100 things to do?● Trouble getting and staying asleep at night?

Sometimes we need help relaxing...the drug-free way

Here are 3 natural supplements and 4 natural remedies you can start using today:

“...half of all women (49 percent) say they have lain awake at night in the past month because of stress…” American Psychological Association

Supplements to Help De-Stress

1. Valerian2. St. John’s Wort3. Magnesium

NOTE: Please consult your physician if you are on other medications.

● These are much better than Valium

● Calms your body and mind

● Helps you sleep better at night

● Not addictive

Where to find these supplements:• GNC• Walmart/ Target• Whole Foods or other natural food stores

Note: The quality of these supplements vary from store to store and brand to brand. Try to get a brand that doesn’t have fillers and other unnecessary ingredients.

Guiding Strategy #6 Implement Natural Remedies

Lavender● Lotion● Satches● Sprays● Ice cream

Sunshine● Turn your face and arms to

the sun● Natural mood booster

Play● Run around with the kids or

friends● Play sports (tennis, swim,


Positive Music● Classical● Inspirational● Feel-good● Oldies● Dance/Party

Samantha’s Organic Calming Cream Blyss Body Butter

The Results

A healthier, happier, stress-free you!

Your Sanity saved (mentally healthy)

Depression free (emotionally healthy)

Body healthy (physically healthy)

Kids happy/ family alive (family healthy)

Go Deeper. Get to Your Blyss.

The strategies in this guide is just the start.

Are you ready to go deeper and experience ultimate joy?

Are you ready to live life in a long-term stress-free and sane state of blissfulness despite the chaos around you?

Are you ready to own your power and inspire your family with your calming influence?

Click to schedule your

FREE 30-Minute

Blyss Call

Join me on a FREE 30-minute discovery call where I will give you

more strategies to begin living a Blyss Life© and enter into your joy.

About Samantha Gregory

Samantha Gregory is a recovering stress addict. She trains women to take radical steps to embrace the Blyss Life© through coaching, courses, and her Blyss Body Butter calming cream.

Ms. Gregory is also an author, empowerment speaker and coach, entrepreneur, trainer, and mom. She lives in Atlanta with her son and has a college-aged daughter.

Her purpose on the planet is to encourage, inspire, and empower women to recognize their worth, embrace their freedom, and attract love (and wealth)!


Visit SamanthaGregory.com/blysscall to schedule your free 30-minute discovery call and begin the journey to Stress-Less living and Ultimate Joy!

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