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60 Minutes of Excel Secrets Key Terms Term Definition Introduced in: Add-Ins Tab(s) along the ribbon that show additional programs or features (e.g. Acrobat ® ) Module 1 AutoCorrect Corrects typographical, grammatical, and capitalization errors; corrects commonly misspelled words which can be customized; can be used to insert symbols Module 3 AutoFill Extends a data series from a selected cell range to additional selected cells Module 3 AutoFill Handle A control located at the bottom right corner of a selected range that can be dragged to fill a series or copy cells Module 4 Column Header Microsoft™ explains a column header as the bolded - grayed out box with a black bold letter above row one to identify each column; also is identified by the designated column name in row one Module 2 Conditional Formatting Applying formatting options based on cell values, text, averages, and data that falls in the top or bottom ten values (e.g. have dates turn read after their calendar date); can be used to identify past due payments, payments not made, etc. Module 4 Fill Series Continue a number, date, other built-in list, or custom list pattern into one or more adjacent cells Module 3 Formula An equation that can calculate numbers, apply logic, or manipulate cell contents Module 4 Formula Bar The special field in the Excel interface where you can enter data or type a formula or function Module 5 Freeze Panes Keep a portion of the sheet visible while the rest of the sheet scrolls Module 2 Glossary Page 1

 60 Minutes of Excel Secrets Key Terms

Term Definition Introduced in:


Tab(s) along the ribbon that show additional programs or features (e.g. Acrobat®)

Module 1

AutoCorrectCorrects typographical, grammatical, and capitalization errors; corrects commonly misspelled words which can be customized; can be used to insert symbols Module 3


Extends a data series from a selected cell range to additional selected cells

Module 3

AutoFill HandleA control located at the bottom right corner of a selected range that can be dragged to fill a series or copy cells Module 4

Column Header

Microsoft™ explains a column header as the bolded - grayed out box with a black bold letter above row one to identify each column; also is identified by the designated column name in row one Module 2

Conditional Formatting

Applying formatting options based on cell values, text, averages, and data that falls in the top or bottom ten values (e.g. have dates turn read after their calendar date); can be used to identify past due payments, payments not made, etc. Module 4

Fill SeriesContinue a number, date, other built-in list, or custom list pattern into one or more adjacent cells Module 3

Formula An equation that can calculate numbers, apply logic, or manipulate cell contents Module 4

Formula BarThe special field in the Excel interface where you can enter data or type a formula or function Module 5

Freeze Panes Keep a portion of the sheet visible while the rest of the sheet scrolls Module 2

 Glossary Page 1

 60 Minutes of Excel Secrets Key Terms

Term Definition Introduced in:Group Collection of related controls located on a ribbon tab Module 1

HideHide rows or columns so that they are not visible to the viewer, though the data remains accessible Module 2

Name BoxLocated above the worksheet; displays cell and range names; can be used to navigate within a worksheet Module 4

Quick Access ToolbarProvides quick, customizable, and easy access to commonly used features; appears above or below the ribbon Module 1

RedoThe Redo Button recreates up to the last 16 undo changes; the Redo command (CTRL+Y) both previously undone actions and repeats the last action Module 2

Ribbon Located above worksheets Module 2


Splits the window into four resizable panes containing views of your worksheet; activated by opening the View Tab and clicking Split; can be used to compare multiple sets of data within a worksheet Module 2

Status Bar

Shows status of options selected that appear on the status bar; can be customized by right-clicking the status bar and selecting options you want to see; offers a convenient way to display a message to a user Module 1

Tab A division of the Ribbon that contains related function/control groups Module 1

Undo Undoes up to the last 16 changes made to a document; the Undo command (CTRL+Z) undoes the last action Module 2

Unhide Reveal a previously hidden selection Module 2


Document containing cells divided into rows and columns that allow you to store and manipulate data; also known as a spreadsheet; workbooks are collections of spreadsheets Module 4

 Glossary Page 2

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EXCEL SECRETS MODULE ONE – THE EXCEL QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR Male: The Excel Quick Access Toolbar. You’ll notice it’s up here on the top left

hand of your screen, right there. That is a Microsoft Excel Quick Access

Toolbar, and that is the default. The default is to have a Save As icon, an

Undo icon, and a Redo icon. And then this little drop down arrow right

here will give us more options to do some customization with that Quick

Access Toolbar. Now just a recap so that we’re all on the same page as

far as how to do some of the simple things related to the Quick Access

Toolbar, if I wanted to add an icon to that Quick Access Toolbar, I can

simply point to any one of my icons on my ribbon and do a right mouse

click, and you will see that I get the option to add to the Quick Access

Toolbar. When I select that option there, it will take Bold and add it to my

Quick Access Toolbar, which you see right there. So you can do that with

anything that’s listed on any of the ribbons and any of the tabs on the

ribbon. Now the other thing we can do, we’re going to take a look at the

dropdown arrow now and see what customization we have in there. And

the first thing that we have is a set of standard items we can add. In other

words, Microsoft has just assumed these are the kinds of things that

people would want to add the most often, so we’ll make it nice and easy.

All you need to do is click on it and you’ll get your checkmark. And when I

do that, as you see I’ll do that with the Open. And as soon as I click on it, I

now have an Open icon. So now we’re going to take a look at the

additional item here, which is More Commands. And when we get into the

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More Commands, now we can pick from lists of the items that we want to

add to our toolbar. More importantly here, what I want to show is when

you use this dropdown, they have an option in here that’s called

“Commands Not In The Ribbon.” So if there are any commands that you

are aware of that you want to utilize on a consistent basis and it’s not in

your ribbon, this is where you can find it and add it to your Quick Access

Toolbar. And I’m just going to add one over and you’ll see now it moves

over to this side here. And when I click OK, I now have that additional

icon. The other thing I want to show you related to this toolbar is a kind of

a little kept secret, which is when you take a look at this section here,

Custom Access Toolbar for All Documents, these are the icons you’ve

been adding, which is the default. You added on there every time you

open up Microsoft Excel, those are the icons you will see. Well, that’s not

your only option. See this dropdown here, you’ll see that when I select

that, I now have the ability to select either for all documents, which is what

we were in, or for this Class File Only. So this specific file. So I can

actually create a customized Quick Access Toolbar just for this file. And

what’s great about that is my default – if I were to send this file to

somebody else, my default would not go. So any Quick Access Toolbar

icons I have would not go with the file. Yet, if I add those Quick Access

Toolbar icons to this file, when I save the file and then when I send it to

somebody else, when they open it, they will get those icons. Let me just

show you what that’s going to look like, because when I select this, and

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now I’m just going to throw on a couple of icons and you’ll see now, I have

a default which has icons, and I now have this specific file. When I select

it, it has icons. So when I click OK, you will see now in my Quick Access

Toolbar this little line. See the line right here? That is what separates my

default icons from my file specific Quick Access Toolbar icons. One last

quick thing is when you use this dropdown here, you also have this ability

here to show below the ribbon. And when I select that, you will see that

my Quick Access Toolbar moves below my ribbon. It’s a matter of

preference where you want it. It all depends on how you work. So now

let’s take a look at customizing the ribbon, because that is new, actually, in

2010 is your ability to customize the ribbon. And to do that, we can just

simply point to anywhere on our ribbon and do a right mouse click. And

you’ll see that menu that comes up says “Customize the Ribbon.” And

when I go to Customize My Ribbon – and I want you to be careful when

you customize your ribbon because you can add and remove items from

your standard tabs and ribbon. Personally, my recommendation is to use

these buttons down here. And I create a new tab, or create a new group.

That way, I’m not messing with what Microsoft has built as a standard. I’m

only adding in the things I want to see in my ribbon. And you use it the

exact same way, because again, you’ll notice you have the same layout

as when we did the Quick Access Toolbar, where here all your commands

on this side, including commands not in the ribbon. So now what I’m

going to do is I want to create my own tab. I’m going to start here by

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selecting Commands Not in the Ribbon. And then for my Home tab, I’m

going to create a new group. And that new group will just be called – I’m

sorry. I started typing before I hit Rename. I’m just going to call it

“Custom.” And now I’m going to take an icon off of here and simply move

it into my Custom. You’ll see what happens here, this is my Custom

Grouping, and here are the items in my Custom Grouping. And when I

click OK, you will now see on the end of my ribbon is a Custom Grouping

with the features that I added to it. And to bring this all back together, as I

mentioned earlier, you now have the ability to export this. So what I’m

doing here, other than the Quick Access Toolbar for a specific file, all the

other things I was doing was related to default it. It’s on my machine.

Now if I wanted to take all my custom settings as far as Quick Access

Toolbars and my ribbon, and I want to take it and I want to bring it home

and put it on my home computer. Or I want to give the exact same thing

to my assistant so that we are using everything that looks the same. We

can do that. Again, using the dropdown arrow from the Quick Access

Toolbar, or just a simple right click anywhere in the ribbon, and I’m going

to go to Customize. And when I get to Customize, down here we have

Import/Export. And that’s it. You select Export and it’s going to ask you to

name it. And then if you select Import, it’s going to ask you to find that file

so it can import it back in. So now you can take that customization –

Quick Access Toolbar, the ribbon – and you can move it around. Now

let’s move on to our Status Bar. This is your Status Bar down here. This

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whole blank line that most people look at and say, “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s

just some space.” If you actually point to it and right click, you will see that

we now get a number of different items. And they look similar to when we

first accessed the Quick Access Toolbar because this is the list that

Microsoft has developed of what you can add through the Status Bar. You

cannot add additional items. You can only add what they have offered to

you right here. And you’ll see a number of them – Signature, this is by

default. If you start Microsoft for the first time, this is what you’re going to

see – those items checked. Now you can play around with a lot of these

different ones. What I want to really show you is these right here because

as you’re working with numbers and different things in Excel, these can be

very useful. You’ll see it tells you how many pages. But more here –

Average, Account, Sum – those are there by default. But you can also do

a numerical count min and max. Well, what does that all mean? Well, it

all means very simply if I happen to have a list of numbers and I decide I

want to highlight just a select few of them, and I’m going to highlight these

four, you will notice now down on my status bar, of those four items, the

average number is 5.5. The sum of all four items is 22. And then it shows

you what the count is, which is four items that I’ve selected. If I were to

come to my Status Bar and turn on Numerical Count Min/Max, you will see

now the system has added for me – so I still have my average and I still

have my count, but now I have a numerical count, I have a min, I have a

max, and I still have my sum. The other thing that a lot of people don’t

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notice is that you can also use the Control key. I don’t need to highlight a

whole range. I can select non-contiguous items using the Control key.

And when I do that, you will see now that my Status Bar gives me the

average of three numbers – the minimum, the maximum, and the sum. So

it only looked at the three that I had selected using my Control key.

[End of recording.]

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EXCEL SECRETS MODULE TWO – KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Male: So we’re going to move on now and take a look at some keyboard

shortcuts. Studies have been done and it has been proven that the more

you keep your hands on the keyboard, the more efficient you are at

utilizing any system, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint. The minute you

have to take your hand off the keyboard and grab the mouse and start

moving the mouse around, you reduce your efficiency. Now I know what

you’re thinking – really, how inefficient is that? Well, it really depends on

how much work you’re doing. If you are typing out a 200-page letter, you

will find that the inefficiency of having to move over to your mouse and

coming back will be noticeable. If you do very little typing, well then you

probably aren’t going to see much. But we’re going to take a look at some

of these things, just so that you’re aware. And if you decide you want to

use these efficiencies, you’ll know how to. And the Control key – now we

can use the Control key. For instance, some of you may already know

that the Cut and Paste feature is Control C is Copy, and Control V is

Paste. Likewise, Control X is Cut and Control V, again, is to Paste. Now

what some people might not know is what is Bold? Well, Bold is easy to

remember. It’s actually Control B. But what if I didn’t know what it was?

Now what some people don’t know is that if you simply point to the Bold

icon, you’ll see below it says “Bold” and then in parentheses what the

Control combination is to make that happen with your keyboard. So as I

said, that’s Control B. But what if I came over here and I wanted to make

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something a percent? You see, it tells you if you do Shift/Control/Percent,

that will turn it into a percent. So now if I hold down the Shift key and the

Control key and press the number 5 key, it turns it into a percentage. Now

the other thing – and this is a secret that a lot of people really don’t know,

because the Control combination, that’s been around for so long, many

people know it. What a lot of people don’t know is the Alt key. Now I want

you to watch my ribbon closely as I press the Alt key, and you will see that

I get letters associated with all the tabs, and then I get numbers

associated with my Quick Access Toolbar. Here’s my numbers with my

Quick Access Toolbar, and here are my tab letters. Now what that

enables me to do is when I hit the Alt key, I get those. Now let’s say I

wanted to go to the Page Layout tab. I just click the letter associated with

it, which is the letter P. And when I select the letter P, it now opens up the

Page Layout tab and the ribbon is now filled with all of those icons, and

now letters, associated with each of those items. So if I wanted to move

to Page Orientation, I’m going to click on the O key. So I’m going to hit my

Alt again. And I’m going to Page Layout, and then I’m going to hit O. Now

I have my orientations. And now I can use my arrows to just go up or

down and hit Enter. Now I’ve changed my page orientation. So the Alt

key, again, is very useful because if you haven’t learned every – or excuse

me, not just learned, but if you haven’t memorized all the Control key

combinations that Microsoft has, this is a more efficient way to do it rather

than using your mouse. You hit the Alt key. And now you can, even

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though it’s not as efficient as the Control key, it’s still very efficient

because I can do H for Home, and then I can do number 1 for Bold. And

it’s a little less efficient than Control B, but more efficient than grabbing my

mouse and moving over to the Home tab and clicking on Bold. So those

are our keyboard shortcuts. You have the Control key and the Control key

combinations, and you will find in publications like Quick Clicks and a

number of other things, they have a listing of all the different Control keys

that are available to you. And the Alt key is not really listed. You read it

right off the screen. One of the other items that Microsoft offers for us is

the Undo and the Redo list. And you’ll see that if I copy the number 1 and

paste it, and I copy the number 3 and I paste it, and if I go back up here

and I delete the number 1, and I delete the number 2 over here, now I’ve

done these. Now if I want to undo those, what I normally would do in the

past would just be hit the Undo button three, four, five times until I get to

all the ones that I want to undo. And what I’m going to teach you right

now applies to both the Undo and the Redo, and that’s related to this right

here, which is this dropdown arrow. And you’ll see that when I select that

dropdown arrow, see the different things that I did – the clears, pastes, the

typings? And you’ll see now that when I start to select anything in that list,

it highlights them all. So I don’t have to say, “Undo, undo, undo,” to get

back three or four or five different items. I can actually come in here and

as you’ll see, as I move down I highlight each and every item. So if I want

the last six items undone, and take a look at the bottom here. It actually

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lists, “Undo six actions.” It’s counting the number of actions I want to undo

as I highlight them. I’m not holding down Control or Shift. I’m holding

nothing down. It’s just as I scroll down or move down this list, it

automatically selects everything. And when I click on this last Paste, it’s

going to undo the last six things I did. And that’s the exact same thing for

the Redo. You see here, as I move down I can say OK, we’ll redo the last

three. And you’ll see it moves things back around. So it’s not just about

quickly undo, and you have to undo five different things. You now can use

those dropdowns to quickly undo a large number, or a decent number, of

items that you want to undo or redo. Now let’s take a look at Freeze

Panes and Split Screen. Now this is something that you probably know

about already. But I want to make sure you understand the nuances

between the two. What they’re intended use was, I know a lot of people

who use Split Screen in order to make sure that their headers stay, so that

they scroll down as if we look at our example here. As I scroll down, my

headers disappear, or my row headers disappear. And they don’t want

that to happen. So they used a split screen. And the Split Screen is this

little icon right here. That’s for the horizontal split. And the little icon right

here, which is the vertical split. And what we’ll do is we’ll just click and

hold and drag this split down. And you’ll see, now I have it actually

duplicated, but more importantly as I scroll down, my headers stay. Does

it work? Yes. Is it the most efficient way to do this? No. The best way to

do this, which is maintain my headers, is to use Freeze Panes. So I’m

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going to get rid of Split Screen. Well, you know what? Before I get rid of

it, I wanted to talk to you about, well why do we have Split Screen, then?

Split Screen was really more intended for you to compare two items in a

list. In other words, let’s say I wanted to look at line 13, BMW, and I want

to compare that easily to line 50. Now I can scroll down. And now I have

line 13 and line 50 right next to each other for me to compare directly.

That’s really what the Split Screen was designed for. Now the Freeze

Pane – and I’m going to double click on this and get rid of my Split Screen.

Now we’re going to use Freeze Pane. The way Freeze Pane works is

wherever I put my cursor, everything to the left and everything above it will

stay. So if you’ll see, when I put my cursor here in B3, everything to the

left, which is the A column, and everything above, which is rows 1 and 2,

will stay. Now to get to Freeze Panes, we’re going to the View tab, and

then here’s Freeze Panes. And we’re going to select the first one, Freeze

Panes. You will see now, although some lines did appear, but they’re very

difficult to see. More importantly, as you start to scroll down, you’ll see

that your header stays. And there is no duplication of that header. It’s just

those first two rows stay. But you’ll also notice that when I move to the

right, my column A stays. Now, they did – Microsoft did create something

that’s a little bit easier to use, let’s say – kind of a shortcut. So what I’m

going to do is I’m going to go Freeze Panes and unfreeze panes here.

See Unfreeze? I’m going to select that. And then you’ll see below the

Freeze Pane that I selected earlier, you have Freeze Top Row, Freeze

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First Column. So if, like in this case column A is the information I want to

stay put, if I move to my right, so then I can use Freeze First Column. And

now if I move to the right, that column stays. But I did not freeze the rows.

Now if I want to freeze the rows, I’m going to go back to Unfreeze. My

problem now, though, is if I say “Freeze top row,” it’s only going to freeze

row 1. And when I move down, all I keep is Preferred Customers. So

what you can do in that case is either A), get rid of Preferred Customers,

which is really what you should do, and just put Preferred Customers in

the header; or you can use the method I showed you earlier, which is put

your cursor in the third row and say, “Unfreeze them,” and then say,

“Freeze Panes,” and now both rows will stay. Now moving on to printing,

we’re going to use the same spreadsheet here to take a look at printing.

And as most of you probably already know, when you go to print in

Microsoft Excel, generally you’ll have problems like this where the first few

columns will be printed, and then the bottom will be printed, and then the

next few columns will be printed, and then the bottom of those columns

are printed. So it’s a little disjointed. Now in the past, the way we took

care of this was things like hiding columns. So if you didn’t need to

actually see the column, you could hide it. And to do that, let’s take a

look. Or maybe I didn’t need to see their address, their city, state. So

then I could highlight those columns and then while I’m pointing to the

column header, use a right mouse click and click on Hide. And when I do

that, those cells, they’re not gone. They’re just hidden. And I know that

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because now I go B, C, D, and I have a bunch missing. Then I have I.

That’s how I can tell something’s hidden. But you’ll see now when I go

File/Print, now I can get a much better view of my data. Now obviously I

decided to cut some of it out. So if what I want to do is print the whole

thing, then I’m going to highlight these two rows here where they have

data missing in between, do a right mouse click, and click Unhide. Now

I’ve got my data back. Now, I know some of you probably already know if

you go to Page Layout, you have features here called width and height.

So if I say I want it to be – and what this is, this is for printing. Scale to Fit.

So if I tell it that I want only one page wide and one page deep, it

automatically changes my scale here to exactly 64 percent, which is the

largest it can be if I want it all to fit on one page. All right? So that’s

convenient and that’s been around a little bit. But they’ve actually created

something new for us to make it a little bit – well, to make it even easier.

And what they’ve created is down here, these three icons, the last one

here is what they call a “Page Break View.” So if you point to that, you’ll

see Page Break Preview. When I click on that, it now gives me a

graphical representation. And you’ll see kind of watermarked into these

pages, you’ll see Page 1, here’s Page 3, and if I scroll down you’ll see

here’s Page 2 and here’s Page 4. So now of these, now I see what my

pages are. And the key here, though, are these blue lines. See these

blue lines? They are movable. So now if I look at this and I decide I want

to move – I want everything on just one page, I click on this blue line and

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you’ll see it moves column by column. Then I release it. Now the system

has decided that this is page 1, because I’ve moved my page breaks, and

it put everything on one page by moving that out. And if you notice, all the

system really did was give you a graphical way to end up with the same

result, which is printing at a 64 percent scale. But again, we’ve had that

for a while. But this Page Break Preview is one of I find a lot of people are

not aware of.

[End of recording.]

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EXCEL SECRETS MODULE THREE – AUTO CORRECT Male: And now we’re going to move on to Auto Correct. We’ve been using this

quite a bit. If you have an iPhone, an iPad, or a bunch of other devices,

auto correct is something we have come to live with and enjoy because

teh/Enter automatically gets corrected to “the.” Include without an E and I

hit Enter, and I get the E. That’s auto correct. So as I’m typing, if I make

a misspelling, it will try to correct it for me. Well, where is this stored? Is

this something I have access to? Absolutely. If we were to go to

File/Options and you go to Proofing, you see Proofing right there. When I

select that, I have an option here for Auto Correct Options. When I select

that, you will see now I have a couple of checkboxes of decisions I can

make. Show Auto Correct Option Buttons; Correct Two Initial Capitals.

We can turn these on or off, capitalizing the first letter of a sentence,

capitalizing the name of days, correct accidently use of reverse

capitalization, OK? And replace text as you type – that’s what we’re

talking about right here. And that information is in this essentially, little

database. Because as you scroll down, you will see all of those entries

that we use or have come accustomed to being automatically corrected for

us. If I type in here “Teh” you will see that it will look up and show me that

there is in fact an entry for teh and it will correct it with the. Now this is

good because if for some reason there’s a word in here that does auto

correct, but we don’t want it to, we can remove it. So if I looked at this

here and said, well I like surprise spelled that way. I like it spelled wrong.

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I can just click on Delete. When I click on Delete, from now on the system

will not automatically correct it. Now I’m going to show you what I’m

talking about because I can also add in my own entry. So I’m going to

type in here MGC. Those are my initials. Now I’m going to type in

Michael. Now anytime I type MGC, it will automatically type out my name.

So I’m going to click Add and Close, and I’m going to prove to you that it

works. MGC, I hit Enter, and it didn’t work. So why didn’t it work? It didn’t

work for a very specific reason. It is case sensitive. So I put it in as

capital MGC, all caps, and that will return my name. Lower case will not.

So let’s say I did that, but you know what? I don’t want it. I really don’t

want that in my system. So I’m going to go back to File, and Options,

Proofing, and Auto Correct. Now again, when I type in MGC, it

automatically looks it up for me. And I’m going to delete that and click OK,

click OK, and now when I type in MGC, it leaves it as MGC. So we see

that it works. What I would encourage you to do is think about how you

can make entries on your own to cut back on your typing. Not only take

out entries that you don’t want to be auto corrected, but also add in auto

items like MGC equals my name. So one of those things that again, just

provide that little extra efficiency in the work that you’re doing. All right,

now we’re going to look at the Auto Fill handle. The Auto Fill handle, most

of us know that if I put in the number 1 now and I click on here, our Auto

Fill handle is this little box right there. When I point to that, my cursor

changes and I’m able to drag. And you’ll see I get a whole bunch of 1’s.

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Is that what I want? No. I want it to auto fill the number in sequence. So

what I need to use is this little option right here, which will give me some

more options. And when I click on that, it gives me the entry. I’ll copy the

cells. That’s what’s selected, so that’s what was happened. Fill Series,

and then you’ll see here I can do Fill Formatting Only, or Fill Without Any

Formatting. Well, I’m not worried about those right now. I want to use the

series. So when I click on that and I select Fill Series, now it does 1, 2, 3,

4, 5, 6, 7, 8 – fills out the series in order. And I think most of you also

know that if I were to get rid of all of this, and rather than be 1, 2 I put 1, 3,

if I highlight the two of them, and then click my Auto Fill, it will increment

everything by two. And if I change my mind and don’t want it filled as a

series, I can clip on Copy Cells and all I get is 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3. What I find a

lot of people don’t know is that if I wanted to do, let’s say if I do first period,

you’ll see now that when I select my Auto Fill handle, it will actually update

my types of periods. It actually recognizes my sequence and gives me

first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on. And I think many people

already know it also handles quarters. Excuse me, I typed that wrong.

Quarter 1. And if I were to drag that down, it recognizes that there’s only

four quarters, and therefore it only gives you quarter 1 through 4, then

starts over again. And again, just to make sure we’re all on the same

page, we know that we can do 1/1/2012. And if I were to drag that down,

it increments by 1. But keep in mind, too, what I do want to show you – let

me get rid of that and do that one more time, because when I click on my

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options here, notice I have a lot more. This is what we’re used to. Notice

down here, I can fill days, weekdays, months, and years. What that

means is Microsoft will know if I say I’ll just fill the months, now it does

January, February, March, April. And if I were to change that to years,

you’ll see it just does January 1st, 2012, 2013, ’14, ’15. Here’s something

many people don’t know, is you can create your own list – list of just about

anything you want it to be. Let’s say, for instance, I have students in my

class and I have Jimmy and John, Paul and Sarah and Claire. So I’ve got

my own list. Well, I want to be able to do the same thing I did with all of

this with my own personal list. You can do that. You highlight your list.

Go to File, Options, Advanced, and if you scroll down, you will see

towards the bottom that it custom lists. And you will see that when I select

that, it shows me some of the lists that are already in here. And right here,

because I had it highlighted before I came in, it has K2 through K6

highlighted. When I click on Import, it’s going to grab those entries and

those fields and put them in my list here. What that means now is when I

click OK, now if I type in John’s name here and use my Auto Fill, it uses

that list to complete. And when it’s finished with the list, it starts all over

again. Now let’s take a look, too, if we go to Options and go back to

Advanced and edit that list, I can also come in here and just type in a

manual list – just random stuff. And when I select that, now if I come in

here and just type in the word “Four,” it will put in the rest. One other thing

I want to mention related to the Auto Fill handle is you can combine two

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different things together. In other words, test one, if I were to Auto Fill

that, you will see it says Test 1, Test 2, Test; Test 1, Test 2, Test. Again,

working with school theory, Period 1. And if I were to Auto Fill that, you

will see it will go Period 1, 2, 3. So even though I’ve combined the number

with text, the system will still allow me to do an Auto Fill, and it will

increment that number for me.

[End of recording.]

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EXCEL SECRETS MODULE FOUR - COMMENTS Male: OK, so let’s move on to Comments now. There’s not a whole lot in

Comments that I want to show you, but there is certainly one thing. On

this cell here, if I wanted to insert a comment, I do a right mouse click, and

then I select Insert Comment off the menu. And I can get a little box, and I

type in, “This is a test comment.” First off, I want to make sure everybody

knows that once I put a comment in, once I have that comment in, I get

new options, which is to edit it, delete it, but also to show or hide the

comment. So if I were to select Show, Show and Hide, it now stays up. It

doesn’t disappear. If I were to right click and say Hide, it now doesn’t

appear until I point to it again. The other thing I wanted to show you,

though, is you are not stuck with this little rectangular boring box. You can

change the graphic or the shape that is used for that comment. And the

way that we do that, first of all we need access to the Change Object.

Now I’m going to add that to my Quick Access Toolbar. So I’m going to

click on my down arrow here. And say More Commands. Then I’m not

going to go to Popular Commands. I’m going to go to All Commands.

Down here a little further you’ll see Change Shape. And I’m going to add

that to my Quick Access Toolbar. And I’ll show you why. Now that that is

on my Quick Access Toolbar, and you’ll see it’s right there, right before my

Document Only icons, now when I click on this, see where the comment

shows? I’m going to show the comment. And I’m going to click on the

outside because right now I’m clicked inside and I can type. I don’t want

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that. I want to click on the border. And you’ll see when I click on the

border, this icon that we just added to our Quick Access Toolbar is now

enabled. It’s not grayed out anymore. And when I click on that, I can pick

any one of these shapes to change my comment into. So I could come

here and, I don’t know, make it a bubble. Now my comment for that is a

bubble. I’m going to hide it again, and any time I point to it now, that’s

what it looks like. And that is only for that cell. So you can create different

shapes for different cells’ comments. This can be very useful when you

are, obviously putting comments in, but you want to differentiate your

comments – you want them to be different, or people to recognize quickly

that there are different types of comments in your document. Conditional

Formatting – we’re going to take a look at some of the basics so that we’re

all on the same page. But mainly I’m going to focus on a couple secrets of

conditional formatting. I think a lot of people already know, here’s the

conditional formatting. Here are a whole bunch of predefined conditional

formatting things that you can accomplish. But one of the things I find a

lot of people ask about is, well how do I format an entire row based on just

the value of one cell, or one cell in that row? If I want to highlight an entire

row based on the value in one cell of that row, here’s what I need to do.

So what we’re going to do is I’ve highlighted all of these rows. And we’re

going to look for anybody who has a revenue over $50,000. So what we

do is we select our Conditional Formatting button on our ribbon, and we’re

going to go down to New Rule. We’re going to do a manual rule. And this

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new rule, I’m going to select “Use a formula to determine which cells to

format.” And now here, I’m going to put my formula in this box. I want to

click this icon here that allows me to select J3. And when I click Enter, it

opens it up. Now I have to modify this a little bit. I need to say that I want

J3, test to see if it’s over 50,000. Then I’m going to say if it is, I want you

to format it yellow. Now there is a small problem with this formula. As

some of you may have learned, this is an absolute value, which means it

will stay in column J and it will only look at row 3. I need that to change. I

need it to look at each row individually. So I’m going to get rid of that

dollar sign in front of the 3 so that the 3 can change and go to 3 to 4 to 5.

And you’ll see now that I have my formula, which looks like this, which is

J3 greater than 50,000, and if it is I want you to color it yellow. And when I

click OK, you will see my entire row is highlighted based on the fact that

my revenue generated is over $50,000. Another question I get is how do I

shade every other row? One of the things you can do, and I’m going to

remove my formatting here. By the way, a quick way to do this is Clear

Rules. You’ll see “Clear rules from selected cells, or clear rules from

entire worksheet?” It’s all up to you as far as what you’re doing. I’m going

to select clear it from the entire worksheet. Now one of the things I can do

is I can format this as a table. Right next to Conditional Formatting is

Format as a Table. Then I can pick one of these options here, and it nice

and easily, very quickly gives me my every other row being highlighted.

But it also modifies a lot of other formats, columns. You'll see what it did

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up here, OK? So it actually applied a whole style sheet and I might not

want that. I might just want simply, how do I shade every other row?

Here’s what you need to do. I’m going to highlight this section yet again.

And I’m going to go to Conditional Formatting, again a New Rule, and

again I’m going to use a formula to determine it. And this is the formula,

and you’re going to want to write this down: = mod (row open close, 2 =

0). Then I’m going to decide I want it colored in orange, and you will see

using that, which is Mod, Row, 2 = 0. When I click OK, you’ll see this is

what I get. So that’s how you can shade every other row without having to

use the format as a table option. Naming Cells and Ranges. This box

right here is called the Name box. What that box allows me to do is when

I haven’t created anything special, it just uses the A1, B2, C3. But what I

can do is I can name a specific cell. So I can come in here, and this is J3.

But if I highlight it, I can make this change and name it “Connect

Revenue.” And now that box is named that. It still is named J3. I can still

use that reference. But I also now have given it a name. So now I’m

going to create a formula right next to it, and I’m going to do “equals 5,”

but instead of saying, “Multiply that by J3,” I’m going to say, “Multiply that

by Connect Revenue.” And it’s simply going to take the 5 and multiply it

by the revenue and give me the value. And what I want you to notice,

though, is along with the fact that I gave it a name, it’s easier to

remember, it’s also – watch the system. As I’m typing, it looks it up for me

and it tells me that I only have to type the first four letters and it tells me

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what the name of the item is. And I click Enter, and I’ve got my value.

We’re going to use this again in a little while, so keep that in the back of

your head. And one last quick thing related to charts, I said I had a quick

tip for you on charts. This is actually one of my personal favorites. Some

of you may already know it, but in case you don’t, I’m going to highlight

this, and I’m going to press one key and I’m going to get a chart out of it.

And then I now can do all my changes, all my editing to the chart. I have

all my options here to change the chart. The key that I pressed was very

simply F11. And I will show you that again. I will just highlight a bunch of

rows and click F11, and the system generates me my chart. Obviously it

doesn’t look so good down here on the bottom. And this is why we would

then need to do some editing. Also, maybe decide that maybe I selected

too much information.

[End of recording.]

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EXCEL SECRETS MODULE FIVE – FUNCTIONS AND WIZARDS Male: First of all, we’re going to take a look at building a simple function, but

using the wizard. To access the wizard, we’re going to select our column

here – B8. Select cell B8. And now we’re going to click on this FX right

here next to the Formula Bar. When we click on that, we get a dialogue

box that’s called “Insert Function.” This Insert Function dialogue box – this

Insert Function dialogue box, one of the most important features it has is

right here, which is “Search for a function.” This is actually very useful.

Before we even get into building one, we need to find the one we want.

And you’ll see that it also says “Or select a category,” and it already

defaults “Select most recently used.” So you will see a number of them

here. So the ones you’re seeing here are the ones that I have recently

used. This dropdown also has other categories – All Financial, Date,

Time, Math and Trigonometry, Statistics, Look Up and Reference,

Database, Text, Logical, Information, and Engineering – as well as a few

others. You’ll see down here, Cube and Compatibility. If you know what

category the function you’re looking for is in, you can just select one of

those and you’ll see it gives you a much sampler list to look through,

because if I were to select the All, you will see there is quite a few

functions in Microsoft Excel. What we’re going to do is I want to leave it at

All, but I’m now going to type in a search keyword. So if I just put in the

name – the word “Loan,” you will see it will find me a number of functions

all related to loans – Payment, Rate, Present Value. You’ll see a number

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of them here. There’s quite a few. For instance, what if I wanted to look

into some sort of if statement, and I type in the work “If” and you’ll see you

get a list of different functions using an If statement. So this is a very

effective way to find the functions that you might be interested in. Now

let’s use this wizard, and we’re going to use it – we’re going to start by

using it with a very simple function called “Sum,” which I know some of

you probably already know that there’s an Auto Sum function in Microsoft

right here that can do this for you. But in this case, I want to show you

how to use the wizard so that we can use it to work on some of the more

complicated – eh, I shouldn’t say complicated; some of the more intricate

functions that are available. So I’m going to select Sum, and you’ll see

when I open this up, I get a dialogue box. And it assumes I want a sum

B4 to B7. It makes that assumption because those are the cells right

above where I’m inserting the Sum function. And that’s fine. I can leave it

like that. What I want to show you is these buttons right here. This

actually minimizes the dialogue box so that I can go back to my Excel

spreadsheet and highlight the area that I in fact want to sum. So I’m going

to click on this. And you’ll see, I can highlight this column here. You’ll see

it’s writing it right into this feature here. And I really do want to follow with

what they said, which is I do actually want to get rid of that. I want to just

sum up B4 to B7, which is what you will see right here. And now with that

selected, I just simply click this icon over here – this one. And I get my

dialogue box back. And now number one is the first range that you want

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to sum. And you will see, B4 to B7, what you see here are the actual

values from your spreadsheet. Now you can do a second number. If I

decided I wanted to sum two different locations, I can also come here and

highlight our item number, which doesn’t make much sense. I’m just

trying to show a point. And you’ll see now it will sum number one, B4 to

B7 with these values; and then number two, A4 to A7 with these values.

Excuse me, with those values. And you can continually do this. So the

amount, or the ranges or even the cells that are used in a sum function do

not need to be contiguous. And now if I click OK, you’ll see I get the sum

of $521, which is the sum of all of this and all of this. And if you want to be

sure that you’ve got it right, as we mentioned earlier, if I highlight both A

and B from A4 to B7, and take a look at my Status Bar down here, it tells

me I’ve selected eight. My minimum is 1224, maximum is 114, and

there’s my sum – 521.40. So that’s what I’ve got going on there. And now

I’m going to modify this formula. Just simply take out the A4 to A7 so that

it’s just summing up B4 to B7. That’s $71. So we’ve seen how to do that.

Now what I’d like to take a look at is I want to use some of these other

interesting functions. And one of the ones that I find very interesting is

something called a “Count If.” So I want to find out how many products

my number of items new. So how do I determine how many number –

how many of my items are new? What I’m going to use here is something

called a “Count If Function.” I’m going to click on my FX. And I’m going to

type in “If” and let the system go searching. When I scroll down here, I do

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in fact find Count If, all the way at the bottom, of course. And I’ll click OK.

Now it’s asking me for the range. What range is it going to be looking for?

And the range is right here – Product Type. So I’ve selected that. Now

Criteria – what am I looking for? Well, I could pick a cell. So I could have

an individual cell somewhere telling me exactly, or having it look up to

there for the value. Or I can just type it in myself by hand. And I’m putting

it in as “New.” Now I use those quotes to let it know that it is in fact text.

And when I click OK, I only get a value of 1, which is somewhat

interesting. So now I have to look at what is in my cell. It looks like I have

the word new, so that should be fine. But you’ll see when I hit F2 to edit it,

look at that. There’s a space there. The computer is in fact that sensitive,

that a space on the end will give you bad results. So I’m going to get rid of

that space, and you’ll see now it tells me I have two items. I’m going to

get rid of those decimal places. So that’s the Count If. All I do is tell it,

“Here’s the range I want you to look at. Now count everything that

matches my criteria in this case, which is the word ‘new’.” Now I’m going

to take a look at a “Sum If,” which is a little bit more complicated, but really

not too bad. What I’m going to do here is I’m going to tell it, “Sum up the

prices for anything that is in fact new.” So I’m going to do the same thing.

My FX button, FX, and I’m going to type in – oh, excuse me. I’m going to

type in If again. Scroll down here and find the Sum If. It’s right there.

Nope, that’s not it. That’s Sum If S. I don’t want that. I want just Sum If,

right there. Click OK. Now I get three boxes. So the range is, what range

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do you want me to look at? Which again, is going to be C4 to C7. My

criteria, I’m again going to type in the word New, and then the sum range.

Now I have to tell it, “OK, well if it is in fact new, what range of numbers do

you want me to sum up?” And that’s going to be B4 to B7. And the

system is instinctively knowing that if row 4 has the word New, I want to in

fact sum row 4. If it’s used, leave out 1530. Now again, if you’re looking

at this, it looks at that range and it finds New and New. Here’s my criteria,

and here’s the values in the four rows – excuse me, yeah. The four rows.

Now when I click OK, you’ll see that I get 30.6, which is in fact 1224 +

1836. And that’s how you do a Sum If function.

[End of recording.]
