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60 Years of memories

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Birthday wishes for Bob!
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Do you know how special you are? We all do!
Page 1: 60 Years of memories

Do you know how special you are?

We all do!

Page 2: 60 Years of memories

When we asked others to send in a

memory or two of you for your 60th

birthday, notes poured in by email,

mail, phone calls, texts and by scan

to share a special birthday message

just for you…

Enjoy this compilation

60 years of memories…

Page 3: 60 Years of memories

The funniest/most

nostalgic memory I have

of Uncle Bob was one

time when I was pretty

young and we were all

up at the lake. I was

talking to my dad I

believe about what I

liked about all of our

relatives and decided to

describe your dad as the kind of man who would make a great

brother. From then on, I liked to call him Uncle Brother Bob.

It's not much of a story, but I still remember feeling like he was

a great man to have in the family.


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Working on my government paper together until LATE

because someone accidentally deleted the almost complete

paper :)


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Q: “What’s one of your favorite memories or things to do with Grandpa?”

A: “Going to Niagara Falls

with us AND going on hikes

in the woods”

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Most important dates in our lives

November 16, 1974 (where it all began)

December 18, 1977

November 30, 1979

October 12, 1984



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I remember when Logan, Anna, Nolan, and I were little, we'd try to steal his hat! Our efforts were often in vain, but sometimes he'd let us succeed. I remember him rolling my siblings and me down a hill in trashcans. We'd get so dizzy we couldn't stand up for a while. This made our hat-snatching efforts much more difficult. (I think this was his plan all along.) I remember sleeping over at their house once or twice, and trying to get up before Uncle Bob did. He'd brag to me (he probably was just telling me, but this was bragging in my little kid mind) about how he was always the first one awake in his house, so I decided to try and beat him and get up even earlier than he did. (Of course, I did not succeed.) Lots of love, Sam

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We remember Bob standing up on the backs of Mike & Candy

(our horses) and trying to ride them without their trying to go

in different directions. I believe that some where there is a

photo of him looking like a rodeo performer.

-Tom & Kay Fortman

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Where do I start?! I remember when I lived with you guys how he would sometimes take me along in his work van. He would turn the music up so loud and we would both sing at the top of our lungs!!! I also remember going on a bike ride with him. I thought it was

just going to be a little one, but little did I know! It turned out to be a 20 some mile one! From Cromwell to....well I forget where. He would remember!! I'll never forget that ride. Made me surprise myself, push myself. Loved it! I could go on and on!! Best foster Dad of my life. All of u guys really showed me what a true family was. Brought me out of my shell, helped me deal with the hurt I had been through, and showed me I could be loved. Thank you so much! Much love, Krystal Baxter

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One day a long time ago, my husband, Garry brought a little friend home from school. Well, I guess he wasn't little but just a tall, hairy, mouthy kind of guy. And I guess it wasn't school, but one of his many photography classes. Oh great...another camera geek that talks ....blahblahblah about Fstops, light meters and photoshop. Sure there's photos from Ireland.. beautiful.. but c'mon what is real anyway? Well. so a friendship was forged regardless with this guy who to me sounds and somewhat resembles Weatherman Chris Daniels and who relates to our family because we share love through adoption and his many stories of foster children he has loved and continues to over the years. We've shared art parties, galleries, music, charity photo shoots, images of my granddaughters, soup salad and spirits! At 60 he seems to defy crankiness or at least around me thank goodness and have yet to hear anything about any chronic ailments or bodily functions. He gets my husband out of my hair for which I am forever grateful and hope will continue thank you very much. He shares his life with a lovely woman with a great family. The best thing is he's older than me. I call him Bob Voors and my friend...wishing him the Best Happy Birthday. Fondly, Dawn Harshbarger

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I remember when I was pretty young me and my siblings

stayed the night with Uncle Bob and Aunt Pat. After a couple

hours of being there someone noticed the front door had been

left open (by me), and almost

immediately after a chipmunk

started running around the

inside of the house. Andrew

Molly MoMo and I all kept

running behind Uncle Bob

whenever the chipmunk would

come into the room expecting

him to protect us. Needless to

say the evening was an

interesting combination of Uncle

Bob inventing his own

homemade chipmunk traps and

the kids all running around calling for him to come get it away

from them.


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Uncle Bob and The Chipmunk Incident We can’t talk memories involving our Uncle Bobby without talking about

the chipmunk incident. We all remember the day when the Goobers came to Uncle Bob and Aunt Pat’s house for a sleep over. It was such a great time, until Christopher decided to leave the door cracked open to the house. We were sitting around playing games when the little guy came flying into the living room! You would have thought the house was on fire the way everyone reacted by jumping, screaming, and running. Next, came the exciting part…the hunt. The chipmunk was smart. He found some great places to hide as we all ran through the house

searching for him. We started to devise a strategy to build a trap. Uncle Bob looked up chipmunk traps online while we all got to work building. Trap design:

Giant cardboard box Pencil String Peanut butter And Uncle Bob’s custom addition….giant Knife

The plan was to put some peanut butter on the inside of the box connected to a string. The string would then connect to a pencil that would prop the box up. When the chipmunk grabbed the peanut buttery string, the pencil would pull out and the box would fall onto the chipmunk! …then Uncle Bob said “let’s stick a knife through the top. Now when the box falls, the chipmunk will get scared, jump in the air, and lose a battle with our knife!” Obviously the boys loved that plan.

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Although, as we were devising this trap the chipmunk decided to make a surprise attack on us in the kitchen! He ran straight towards us, Uncle Bob reached out his foot, kicked the little sucker into the fridge, popped him up into the air and continued to play hacky sack with the chipmunk batting him up and down at least ten times (his might be a slight exaggeration, but it’s how we remember it) as he kicked it continually against the fridge. That apparently wouldn’t stop the little dude because he finally hit the ground and scampered away again. Well now that he had seen our plans for the chipmunk destruction trap, he definitely had the upper hand. It was getting late, which meant bedtime for the Goobers. Those of us who had to sleep on the floor that night barely slept a wink. When we woke up, though, Uncle Bob greeted us with the most epic story of heroism against a Chipmunk we have ever heard (although, it’s also the only epic chipmunk story we have ever heard). “It was down to me and him. We were cornered with no way out. I had a shovel, he had an attitude problem. I had to make the tough decision…would it

be me or him? I made my decision and let’s just say the chipmunk is no longer a problem.” We love you Uncle Bobby! You saved us from that horrible chipmunk. You’re our hero! Love, Your Goobers!

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I remember being over at Mom and Dad’s apartment when Dad

brought in the apartment door a young looking, clean shaven

man who he introduced as a "Voors cousin from California"

who came to Indiana for a short visit. It took a few moments

to realize it was BOB VOORS - who we just haven't seen

without a heavy beard for so long. It was pretty funny.

- Dave Voors

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Happy Birthday Bob! Remember this Christmas? I don't know the year but it was taken at my mom & dad's home. Its so much fun remembering how crowded the rooms were with everyone laughing & teasing each other! Great memories!! Enjoy YOUR day! from all the Beebe's! :>)

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Please wish Bob a super happy 60th birthday!! It was so much fun going

through cousin pictures. This picture was taken in the 80's at Christmas time

(you have to love the 80's! :>)

It was so much fun growing up with so many cousins! One thing I remember about going to your home on Lake Ave was that there was ALWAYS 'activity' :>) - and usually outside. The shallow pool in your backyard was always 'base' for something when cousins got together (tag, meeting place, finding critters etc).... Bob, you are one amazing person! I have

to admit, it wasn't until we grew up that I could say I was beginning to truly appreciate the blessings - the God-given talents -that you share with so many others... (photography, humor, time, kindness, charity- want me to go on? :>) Happy thoughts and birthday prayers are heading your way. I'll think of you on your birthday as I read one of my favorite verses... This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24) Have a great birthday... and many more! Love ya! donna :>) P.S. Your eagle photograph is still the greatest eagle shot ever!

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1. Non-traditional curfew times! Was never given a

“normal” time like 11:00p.m. to come home, but

rather it would be 10:53 or 11:04p.m., etc.

2. Bluegrass festivals

3. Dad: “You honk, I’ll wave!”


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1. Raking a huge pile of

leaves with Elizabeth, and as

you pulled in the driveway

we would hide in the pile

(you clearly saw us, we

weren’t very slick), but

nonetheless you jumped and

appeared to be startled every


2. Calling fog delays night



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Clothespin game (except for the time you left one

on me and I went to school with one on the back of

my shirt)

Attempting to teach me to drive stick-shift (that

day was exhausting for both of us!)


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Performing “Blowin in the Wind” together for a


ET rides to bed

Getting woken up with “you are my sunshine” on

your guitar all happy and cheery


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My favorite adulthood memories:

Getting one another with a clothespin at really important times

in my life

Super-secret handshake…you know, the one we both rarely


Capturing amazing photos of our


Sharing ideas together

Great phone calls

The correct approach to parenting

instilled from you and mom (it will

work soon, right?)

Thanks for being my Dad,


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“Going in the woods with

Grandpa Fighting Bears &

calling him Grandpa Fighting

Bears….that’s pretty cool!”


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Tooooooo many memories! So my memory to share is his overall person. Together with Pat, he showed me what it means to be a great parent, even to kids who aren't 'yours'! He demonstrated patience (Never once did he come into the den to tell me to quit practicing 'Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater' on the piano, although I now realize he likely wanted to...many times). He taught me unconditional love (couldn't tell you how many times I was over for dinner and got to eat off of the 'Special Day' plate...which really DID make my day special!). He taught me faith (I always wanted to go to church with them because it was fun!). Bob isn't 'my dad' but it sure felt like it as I grew up!! <3 Thank you for being a great example! I love you!


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One of my favorite memories is rolling down that hill with you in what I think I remember to be garbage cans. We were so dizzy, and had so much fun -- and somehow we managed to live through childhood!

-Logan Quigley

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God has blessed me with many wonderful people in

my life and you are one of them. I thank God for

you and ask HIM to bless you with a happy &

healthy & joyful life!



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Bob, did you remember we went to sailing at lake?

That is my first time sailing in my life.

I was such a bad assistant and we fail down to the lake...

We keep try and keep fail... It was still my beautiful memory

with you.

Wow!! It already past 18 years? I can't believe.

Congratulation 60's birthday!! Love you!!!!


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Special notes from Dad.

(somehow he always knew when I needed one)


He now shares memories with my children just like the great

ones he made with us!


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swimming with Grandpa, showing us the

cool climbing tree, and playing games.

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I wish I could remember the details that led up to this event...all I

can remember was that Bob was in high school...probably a junior

or senior. It was one of those dramatically cold winter nights...300

degrees below zero or something. Grandma Metker lived just

across the driveway from us. Bob is gonna have to fill in the

details..all I remember is that he ran from the back door of the

house on Lake Avenue to Grandma's house--no jacket, no

shirt, not pants-- wearing only his boxer shorts. Wish I could




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You use to dress the girls up in raggy clothes

to go get a Christmas tree, hoping someone

would give your poor girls a bargain!


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What you do for Love- not long after we were married you read an article

in The Mother Earth News about a dairy farmer in some out of the way

place in Pa. who needed help. Bob being the adventurous type and Pat

being the dutifill wife move to Pa. in the middle of winter to help on a

farm. In the six weeks we were there you never got off the farm and

learned alot about coal furnaces. Hmm. I wonder if this was the beginning

of our heating and cooling business. I thanked

God your parents never said"we told you so" on the long trip home to



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Bob, It's taken me awhile to write this because Becky asked for one memory and I haven't been able to come up with it. The truth is, you're not defined by a single momement for me. It's more like a hundred small, consistent memmories that have left an overall impression. Every time I see you there's patience, humor, subtly but also honesty. You are so comfortable with yourself that you give people permission to be who they are. You take people as they are and then respond in the way that they need. People respond to you Bob, it's really kind of amazing. You have a wisdom and perspective but you remain grounded. Its like you've figured out something that the rest of us don't quite understand yet. I don't know what that something is but I know it's real and it's very you. I know you didn't say this but I do think you embody it: "don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt." Happy birthday Bob. Mitch

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We were at your parents home on Lake Ave. and you got down on your

knees and asked me to be your wife. Where everyone was at the time, I

don't remember but you cut out a picture of an engagement ring from a

Sears catalog and tapped it on my finger. I was so excited to tell everyone.

I was so in love with you then and have been ever since.


When we would work BINGO; one Halloween you and Chuck dressed up

as real old men and came to BINGO and didn't talk at all until you had to

call BINGO.. No one knew who you were.


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Bob, one Christmas we gave you a baby blue leisure suit and the look on

your face was priceless! I know you didn't know what to think or say( a

first for you Bob!).


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Yo, Birthday Greetings Bob!!!

I'll never forget our meeting (of the mines) via are hero, idol, mentor Ted!

Choosing just one memory to mention just isn't fair,,,

So here's a few for you to fill in the details:

Art in the Country Party,,,exciting, fun, challenging, memorable,


Chasing the Eagles along the Mississippi (and they forgot to show up!)

Indoor Football,,,

Whitington Homes and Help Portrait Shoots,,,,very powerful!!!

Last for now and not the least of course sharing family triumphs and


I've always thought of you as a guy who not only thinks outside the box,

but lives outside the box!

But please ask someone to put fresh papers in the bottom of the box and

bring you in, it's getting cold!

Love you, Harsh

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The man of many talents and a truly great and caring heart. When Tombo died, Bob wrote a commemorative song/poem tribute about Tombo and Brian's bravery as the bone marrow donor, the two brothers. We will never forget this Bob. -Beth and Tom

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Bob Voors Drawers: When we first met Bob Voors, for about two

years, we referred to him as BVD Bob, because no matter if he was

sitting, standing, walking, running, the back waist band of his BVD

shorts were always showing. Have not seen them for a long time so

now we do not know if he is a "whitey Tighty" guy or just goes

commando.....(no answer needed).

-Beth and Tom

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Happy birthday Bob you deserve to be recognized for your unselfish generosity to everyone. You are always there when called on. I thank you for all the support and comfort I needed with Tom so many times. I also admire you for your help you give to Big Brother (I think you are the best role model). You wisely use the intelligence God blessed you with. You enhanced our family with wonderful daughters and grandchildren (thank you). I appreciate all the brilliant philosophical conversations you and I had. Tom thanks you for helping him with his manhattans. But my most memorable time with you was skating on thin ice at Webster when you yelled out OOOOOh shit. Keep making memories you're good at it! -Clancy

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The photo man. Some of the most fantastic scenery shot. Also, some of the most poignant and capturing portraits at family gatherings. We have a Bob Voors photo collage of Grandad hanging in our kitchen. Thank you Bob for this everlasting memory of Dad. -Beth and Tom

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I Remember, Bob's Early interest in photography. While we were in High School, one night I found Bob laying on his back, outside on the ground, in the dark for a long time. I thought this is odd. It turned out that he was taking a time lapse photo of the stars. It ended up being a really great photo, that had the stars all stretched out and streaking across the sky. (Chuck Voors)

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Bob - I will never forget the time at your house in Cromwell when I was in probably in 6th grade and we all went "snipe" hunting out in the lot of land beside your house. At some point I decided to be a smart ass and attempted to scare/annoy Becky and whoever else was there by taking off with the flashlight and leaving everyone behind without any illuminating device. On my run back to the house you jump out onto the path scaring the Jesus in or out of me and I fell to the ground. I have never been so paralyzed with fear in my life to be completely replaced with laughter afterwards as the entire gang caught up with me. At least that is how I think the story goes. Regardless that is my real first memory of you Bob and it will be one that I will have forever.

May are paths cross often whether it be through photography, sharing travel stories or sipping on a good bourbon. Happy Birthday Bob!

Paul McDonald

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I remember Bob offering me a Job when I was out of work. (Chuck Voors) I remember Bob and I walking on an ice covered gravel-pit in the spring time. Quite an adventure. (Chuck Voors)

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The year was about 1976, still post-Viet Nam, anti-hippie era. Many of our family made an annual trek to Columbus, Ohio for a bike ride over the Mother’s Day weekend. Bob, Dave Kartholl (I think) and I drove from Ft. Wayne and were waiting in the Columbus Airport for Dave to arrive from Cincinnati, where he was in the Seminary. One of us had the bright idea to use was paper and combs to play “Hail, Hail, the gangs all here” when Dave got off the plane. For some reason, the local airport constabularies felt that two long-haired draft dodgers and one scrawny kid playing music on their combs constituted inciting a riot. The three of us were hauled into the nearby windowed interrogation room where they ran background checks on the two Hippie terrorists-- just as Dave came down the jet way dressed in his clerics. -Jerry

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Bob and I drove to Brown County for a camping trip; arriving very, very late into the next morning. We were tired and it was very dark, so we decided to snack a little, and then sleep under the stars rather than pitch a tent. A few hours after getting to sleep, I woke up to the sound of scratching and scurrying. When I turned on my flashlight to investigate, I saw a family of six raccoons trying to burrow their way under Bob's sleeping bag, up by his head. I clapped my hands a few times, but the raccoons didn't leave, and Bob didn't wake up... so I went back to sleep. In the morning, we discovered that Bob had rolled out his sleeping bag on top of one of the bags of chips we had snacked on and fell sound asleep that way. In his defense, it was really, really dark, and we were pretty tired from a full day's work, followed by a long drive. -Paul Quigley

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I remember the first time you dad came to our house to pick up my sister

(your mom) for a date. To say that I was taken aback would be an

understatement. Here was this skinny long haired bearded tattered jean

wearing guy coming to take my sister out. At the time, I really thought

your dad was a hippie and I wasn’t sure I liked the idea of my sister going

out with a hippie. AS time went on and I met more of his friends, Kartholl,

Klotz, etc... I was convinced he was a hippie. However, the more time we

spent with him we warmed up to him so much that he is now

affectionately known as Uncle Brother Bob in our house. It took a little

longer to warm up to his friends but that happened too.

-Dan Quigley

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Another fond memory are the parties at the Voors homesteads and the homemade air balloons. -Dan Quigley

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Memory 1: EVERY year making me do all the grunt work of scrubbing the tarp from the removal of the pool cover. ha..ha..ha... and "accidentally" getting sprayed by other people with water! Memory 2: Learning how to cool beer in the back of a toilet tank in Chicago...it is a life lesson I have shared with many! Memory 3: Being my favorite Brother in law... allowing me to call you Bobby!!!! LOVE YOU.....Chief

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Monday December 9th 1980 (no real memory of that day) The real memory was the next day December 10th 1980. That was the day I learned from Bob that John Lennon had been shot. It was a chilly but not a bone chilling cold day when I arrived at Bob and Pats farmhouse in Cromwell Indiana to work. You know the one, the white farmhouse with the chicken coop off to the right. We had a slow workday. The laker’s had long been gone, and the farmers were not in the fields, and had time to fix their own appliances. A slow day……… Bob was teaching me the business of repairing appliances. (Thanks Bob and Pat for the employment) So we traveled together, Bob had brought up the shooting and death of John Lennon, which I knew little about. A very somber moment fell on both of us. All of the sudden Bob said, “He didn’t fell like working anymore” so we pulled the truck over and went for a walk deep in the woods. No leaves on the tress, kind of a dead day, just like what we felt inside. An important part of our lives had been taken from us and we felt cheated. We stayed in the woods and talk a lot about life, family, love, music and memories. (A lot of talking) After quite a while we left and went back to the farmhouse, and I went home. That day I felt for the first time my love and respect for my brother. (in-law). Happy Birthday Big Guy! I love you -Mike

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Dear Bob,

Happy Birthday!

I am sure this is a special day for you because you are receiving a lot of


cards and messages.

It was 10 years ago, 2002, when I met you and your family for the first


When I met you I felt to know since longtime.

It was afternoon and suddenly I wanted to cook spaghetti for you and your

family. You had not any real garlic, for cooking real italian spaghetti; you

and myself went to the store( far away) by car to buy it!!!!

Since that I felt to be like your brother or child!!Also my nick name

became Garlic Man.

I have a lot of souvenirs when I visited you, many times: playing music,

cooking, parties, beside also of the funeral of your father.

When you came to NYC, I was more happy to see you and Pat in my

small apartment of big city.

I keep all these souvenirs in my heart: I remember and refresh them in my mind, everytime I think about you and your family.

I hope you are happy and healthy as always and of course I want to meet

you again and soon.

Happy Birthday,


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Knowing I’m the favorite.


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“Always finding a way to be funny!”

-Message to you from Betsy (Gabet) Yates on facebook

Harmonica always in your pocket


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Q: “Wilson, what’s your favorite thing to do with Grandpa

Fighting Bears? It’s his birthday soon so we want to tell him what

you think”

A: “Grandpa Fighting Bears?!

OOOOOHHHHH (snicker,

snicker, snicker). It’s not his

birthday, it’s my birthday, and I

do Ben 10 birthday cake, tay?”

(Don’t worry, he still loves

you….he just apparently loves

his birthday more!)

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When my sister, Chrissy and I would spend the night at my

Aunt Pat and Uncle Bob's house, we never knew what kind

of an adventure we'd get to take. From walking "into town"

across the RR tracks to buy candy, to learning to drive a

small tractor to help mow the lawn, to learning to ride a

pony, my Aunt and Uncle always had something fun and

new for us to do. One of my strongest memories, though, is

Uncle Bob reading "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"

to us. I'd never read this wondrous book before, and he

would only read a couple chapters at a time, and then we'd

have to wait until the next visit before we could hear the

next part of the story. I had forgotten all about this reading

adventure until the movie came out a few years ago, and my

love of the story - and of the man who introduced it to me -

came flooding back. Thank you for all the adventures, Uncle



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Lots of really good stuff. Looking forward to

lots more years of making memories.

As you would say, Keep Smilin!
