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contentsSTEPS TO SUCCESS p 3


HIIT Workouts p 5

Tabata Workouts p 6










STEPS TO SUCCESSStep 1 Choose a workout that suits. Make sure you are SENSIBLE and start at a comfortable level you can perform consistently for the first week. Remember, even if you go to the gym or exercise regularly the increased frequency and volume of training in the following plans may cause delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

We recommend starting the first week at a lower intensity and using Essential Amino Acids (AMINO SWITCH™) before exercise and Branched Chain Amino Acids (REVIVE) during exercise to reduce soreness, improve recovery and enhance muscle gain and fat loss.

If you choose to do the at home workouts, make sure you are pushing to improve each week by performing more reps in a shorter period of time. Reducing rest between sets/exercises is a great way to progress your training, which will help you achieve greater results faster.

Step 2 Diarize your workouts. It doesn’t matter If you use a smart phone app, your computer or a paper diary. Make sure you schedule in your workouts like you would an important meeting. The biggest excuse people make is they don’t have time. However, if you plan for the time and block it out there is one less excuse.

If you are time poor, our Tabata workouts take no more than 4-8 minutes each, so there are no excuses when it comes to time constraints. Even if you did a 4 minute Tabata workout 3-4 times a day combined with our nutrition plans you would see physique improvements.

Step 3 Print your training program. If you have the online program please print your preferred training program and simply take this booklet to the gym or wherever you are working out. Fill it in as you go with the weights and reps as this will keep you accountable. You are 300% more likely to succeed if you journal your training and nutrition.

Step 4 Consistency. Increasing intensity and volume are important ways to continually see improvements. However, nothing beats consistency. Find exercises you enjoy that still challenge you and try to improve on them week to week in order to maximise your results.

Step 5 Buddy. Find a buddy or Personal Trainer to train with. The challenge is only 60 days long, which is probably only 50 workouts for most of you, so make every one count. You will be amazed at the changes you can achieve in a short period of time so find a friend, partner or family member to join your journey or get a PT to keep you on track.

Welcome to the #60DAYBURN training and exercise plans. Below are a few steps to help you maximise your results.


WHAT IS HIIT?HIIT is a training concept in which low to moderate intensity intervals are alternated with high intensity intervals. This can be applied to any cardiovascular movement that can be repeated over and over. Example: Cycling – sprint cycling, walking – sprinting, battle rope etc. HIIT sessions can vary in their time ON (high intensity) and time OFF (low or no intensity).

Some options include…

20 seconds On – 20 seconds Off15 seconds On – 45 seconds Off30 seconds On – 1–3 mins Off

There is no right or wrong approach. We have set out some structure in our HITT programs, however if you can’t give 100% all out maximum effort for each ON session then rest a little longer. Each week you can shorten the rest (off) and lengthen the intensity (on) parts as your fitness improves.

The AFTERBURN Effect: In studies looking at the impact of HIIT on fat loss, it was discovered that HIIT burns more calories per minute than all other exercise. In addition, fat burning sky rocketed post exercise as well.



WORKOUTShiitHIIT SESSION 1 Rowing 20 - 20

Warm up with 5-10 minutes on rower.Perform 20 seconds on the rower flat out with maximum effort, rest for 20 seconds and repeat 10-20 times.

HIIT SESSION 2 Battlerope Slams or Medicine Ball Slams

Warm up with 5-10 minutes on rower.20 second slams, 40 seconds rest, repeat 8 -10 times. Hold the rope in each hand, slam down into the ground. This is a high intensity, very fast movement and you should try to complete 40 slams in 20 seconds.Pick up the medicine ball off the ground and lift it above your head, then slam it into the ground and repeat. Try to perform 20 in 20 seconds.

HIIT SESSION 3 Century Rowing

Warm up with 5-10 minutes on rower. Once warmed up row 100 metres at your highest effort and rest for twice as long as it took to row the 100 metres. Complete 1000 – 2000 metres.

HIIT SESSION 4 Hill Sprints

Warm up with a light 5-10 minute walk or jog and then perform a full body stretch. 7 x 20 second sprints. Find a steep incline hill or soft sand and perform a 20 second sprint up the hill or through the sand. Walk back down the hill or continue walking down the beach on the hard sand for 60 seconds then repeat for a total of 7 sets. As an alternative you can perform this indoor on a treadmill set on the steepest incline.


Warm up with 5-10 minutes on medium resistance.10 x 30 second sprints. Stand up and pump out 30 seconds on a high resistance like it’s a hill. Rest for 40 seconds with a slow speed and low resistance in the seated position. Repeat for a total of 10 cycles.Note: If the length of time for the sprint is too long or the rest too short in the beginning, you can adjust to match your fitness level. As you improve you should try to lengthen the sprint and shorten the rest period. HIIT Training can be performed anywhere outdoors by simply sprinting between 2 power poles and walking between 3-4 power poles etc.


WORKOUTStabataPerform each exercise for 20 seconds (do as many reps as you can) at high intensity and

then rest for 10 seconds and repeat 8 times before moving onto the next exercise.

Complete these workouts 1-2 times per session and they can be repeated 2-4 times daily.


Step Back LungesExercise 2

Plank Shoulder Taps


Mountain ClimbersExercise 2

Knee Ups


Box JumpExercise 2



Burpees with Push-Up


Squat JumpsExercise 2

Push Ups – Alternating close grip and wide grip

EXAMPLE WORKOUTLunge - 20 Seconds On (Max Reps) 10 Seconds Rest - Repeat 8 Times

Plank - 20 Seconds On (Max Hold) 10 Seconds Rest - Repeat 8 Times


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Walking Lunges 4 12-15DB Shoulder Press 4 12-15Burpees 4 60 secCrunches 4 20CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS walking


*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

Complete the below exercises in a circuit. Once you have finished the last exercise, rest for 120 seconds and repeat for a total of four sets.

• Complete a 10 minute warm up consisting of a quick walk and an all over body stretch before commencing workouts.

• Please note: All exercises are to be performed with a weight range suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase your weight. You need to remain in this rep range but still push yourself so that the last few reps of each set are hard to perform. If they become too easy, increase the weight / resistance or choose an exercise progression

• We suggest you do 10-20 minutes of LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) exercise after each session as a warm down and to help burn more calories.


We have designed these ‘at home’ workouts to use minimal equipment. However, we suggest you have the below equipment available.

Kettlebell, weighted dumbbells (preferably adjustable) or resistance bands.

Day #1

Day #2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Squats 4 12-15DB Bicep Curls 4 12-15Mountain Climbers 4 30 secBetween Bench Dips 4 12-15CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS walking

Day #330 minutes of fasted LISS (low intensity steady state cardio) or HIIT cardio.


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Step Back Lunges 4 12-15Push Ups 4 12-15Squat Jumps 4 12-15Front Raises 4 12-15CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS walking

Day #5

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Step Ups Onto Chair 4 12-15Knee Ups 4 60 sec

Plank 4 60 secTricep Kickback 4 12-15CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS walking

Day #4

30 minutes of fasted LISS (low intensity steady state cardio) or HIIT cardio.

Day #6

Day #7Rest or 30 minutes of LISS cardio (no HIIT on this day).




Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Bent Over BB Row (overhand grip) 3 12-15DB Squat Press 3 12-15Cable Bicep Curl 3 12-15Machine Chest Press 3 10-12Assisted Dips 3 12-15Crunches 3 FailureCARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

• Complete a 5-10 minute warm up consisting of the rower, bike or fast walk prior to starting your workout.

• Please note: All exercises are to be performed with a weight level suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps recommended without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase the weight lifted. It is important to remain in this rep range but still push yourself to ensure the last few reps of each set are hard to perform. You should be 1 rep from failure.

Day #1

Day #3 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Machine Chest Press 3 12-15Weighted DB Lunges 3 12-15Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 3 12-15Seated Cable Row 3 12-1545 Deg. Machine Leg Press 3 12-15Mountain Climbers 3 30CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #2HIIT workout (select one from the HIIT section) + 10 minutes of LISS (low intensity steady state


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Double Arm KB Swings 3 12-15Leg Extensions 3 12-15BB Upright Row 3 12-15Alternating DB Curls 3 12-15Burpees 3 30 secsPlank 3 FailureCARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #5

Day #4HIIT workout (select one from the HIIT section) + 10 minutes of LISS (low intensity steady state

Day #6HIIT workout (select one from the HIIT section) + 10 minutes of LISS (low intensity steady state

Day #7Rest or 30–60 minutes of LISS cardio (no HIIT cardio on this day).




Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Squats 4 10-12 01B - Weighted Lunges 4 10-12 45-60

2A - Leg Extension 3 10-12 02B - Lying Leg Curl 3 10-12 45-603 - Romanian Deadlift 3 10-12 30-45

4A - Standing Calf Raise 4 20 0

4B - Seated Calf Raise 4 20 45-60

5 - Crunches 4 20 30-45CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

• Complete a 5-10 minute warm up consisting of the rower, bike or fast walk prior to starting your workout.

• Please note: All exercises are to be performed with a weight range suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase your weight. You need to remain in this rep range but still push yourself so the last few reps of each set are hard to perform.

• If the exercise is marked with an A & B, do not rest between these paired exercises. This is a superset and you should move as quickly as possible from the first exercise to the second, and then rest after performing the second exercise.

Day #1

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - 45 deg. Incline Barbell Press

3 10-12 0

1B - 45 deg. Incline DB Flys 3 10-12 45-60

2A - Flat DB Press 3 10-12 02B - Flat DB Flys 3 10-12 45-603A - BB Skull Crushers 4 12-15 0

3B - Rope Pushdowns 4 Failure 45-60

4 - V Sit-Ups 3 20 305 - Hanging Leg Raises 3 20 30CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #2


Day #3Option 1: 30 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - BB Upright Row 3 10-12 01B - DB Front Raise 3 10-12 45-60

2A - DB Shoulder Press 3 10-12 02B - Side Lateral Raises 3 10-12 45-60

3A - Rear Delt Raises 4 10-12 0

3B - Cable Rear Delt Fly 4 10-12 45-60

4 - Rope Crunches 3 20 30

5 - Plank 3 Failure 30CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #4

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Romanian Deadlift 4 10-12 01B - Close Grip Pulldowns 4 10-12 60-90

2A - BB Bent Over Row (overhand grip)

4 10-12 0

2B - Seated Cable Row 4 10-12 60-90

3 - Chin Ups 3 Failure 45-60

4A - BB Curls 3 10-12 0

4B - Seated DB Curl 3 10-12 60

5 - Rope Hammer Curls (drop set)

3 10-12 0

CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #5

Day #6Option 1: 30 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio

Day #7Rest day OR 30-60 minutes fasted LISS cardio (no HIIT cardio on this day).

intermediate 4-day



Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - Squat 4 8-10 60-902A - Lunges 3 8-10 0

2B - Leg Extensions 3 8-10 45-603A - Lying Leg Curls 3 8-10 03B - Romanian Deadlift 3 8-10 45-60

4A - Standing Calf Raise 3 12-15 0

4B - Seated Calf Raise 3 12-15 45-60

Crunches 4 20 30CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

• Complete a 5-10 minute warm up consisting of the rower, bike or fast walk prior to starting your workout.

• Please note: All exercises are to be performed with a weight range suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase your weight. You need to remain in this rep range but still push yourself so the last few reps of each set are hard to perform.

• If the exercise is marked with an A & B, do not rest between these paired exercises. This is a superset and you should move as quickly as possible from the first exercise to the second, and then rest after performing the second exercise.

Day #1

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - Incline Bench Press 4 8-10 45-602 - Flat DB Press 3 8-10 45-60

3 - Decline BB Press 3 8-10 45-604A - Cable Crossover 3 10-12 04B - DB Flys 3 10-12 45-60

5 - Machine Flys 3 8-10 45-60

6 - V Sit-Ups 3 20 30

7 - Hanging Leg Raises 3 20 30

CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #2

Day #3Option 1: 30 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Bent Over BB Row (overhand grip)

3 8-10 0

1B - Chin-ups 3 8-10 60-90

2 - BB Deadlifts 4 8-10 45-603 - DB Rows 3 8-10 45-604 - Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns

3 8-10 45-60

5 - Crunches (legs raised) 3 20 30

6 - Hanging Leg Raises 3 20 30

7 - Russian Twist 3 20 30

CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #4

intermediate 5-day

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - BB Upright Rows 4 8-10 01B - DB Front Raises 4 8-10 45-60

2A - DB Shoulder Press 3 8-10 02B - Side Lateral Raises 3 8-10 45-603A - Rear Delt Raises 3 10-12 0

3B - Cable Rear Delt Flys 3 10-12 45-60

4 - DB Shrugs 4 8-10 45-60

CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #5

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - Standing BB Curl 5 8-10 45-602A - Overhead DB Extensions

3 8-10 0

2B - Cable Bicep Curls 3 8-10 45-603 - Between Bench Dips 3 AMRAP 45-604A - Cable Curls (Hammer)

4 8-10 0

4B - Close Grip Push Ups 4 AMRAP 45-60

5 - Crunches 3 20 30

6 - Hanging Leg Raises 3 20 30

CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #6

Day #7Rest day OR 30-60 minutes fasted LISS cardio.



*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

• Complete a 5-10 minute warm up consisting of the rower, bike or fast walk prior to starting your workout.

• Please note: All exercises are to be performed with a weight range suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase your weight. You need to remain in this rep range but still push yourself so the last few reps of each set are hard to perform.

• If the exercise is marked with an A & B, do not rest between these paired exercises. This is a superset and you should move as quickly as possible from the first exercise to the second, and then rest after performing the second exercise.

• AMRAP – As many reps as possible

When it comes to hand placement of exercises:

• Supinated grip – Under hand grip • Pronated grip – Over hand grip • Neutral grip – Hands vertical, palms facing each other

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Incline BB Press 3 10-12 01B - DB Flat Flys 3 10-12 45-60

2A - Parallel Bar Dips 3 Failure 02B - DB Pullovers 3 10-12 02C - Close Grip Push Ups 3 Failure 45-60

3 - Cable Flys 4 10-12 45-60

4A - Skull Crushers 3 10-12 0

4B - Close Grip Bench Press 3 10-12 04C - Rope Tricep Push Down 3 10-12 45-60CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #1


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - Rack Pull 4 10-12 45-602A - Wide Grip Chin Up 3 AMRAP 0

2B - Straight Arm Pull Down 3 10-12 45-603 - Lat Pull Down 4 10-12 45-604A - Seated Straight Bar Cable Row (pronated grip)

3 10-12 0

4B - Seated Straight Bar Cable Row (supinated grip)

3 10-12 45-60

5 - V Sit-ups 4 20 306 - Plank 4 Hold

90 secs30

CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #2

advanced 4-day

Day #3Option 1: 30 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - Squat 4 8-10 60-902A - Walking Lunges 3 10-12 0

2B - Romanian Deadlift 3 10-12 45-603A - 45 deg. Leg Press 3 30 03B - Hanging Leg Raise 3 AMRAP 45-60

4A - Standing Calf Raise 4 20 04B - Seated Calf Raise 4 20 60CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #4


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Seated DB Shoulder Press

3 10-12 0

1B - Standing DB Lateral Raises

3 10-12 45-60

2A - Alternating Standing Front Raises

4 10-12 0

2B - DB Rear Delt Flys 4 10-12 02C - BB Upright Rows 4 10-12 45-603 - BB Shrugs 3 10-12 45-604 - Crunches 3 20 305 - Plank 3 Hold

90 secs30

CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #5

advanced 4-day

Day #6Option 1: 30 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio

Day #7Rest day OR 30-60 minutes fasted LISS cardio.



*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

• Complete a 5-10 minute warm up consisting of the rower, bike or fast walk prior to starting your workout.

• Please note: All exercises are to be performed with a weight range suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase your weight. You need to remain in this rep range but still push yourself so the last few reps of each set are hard to perform.

• If the exercise is marked with an A & B, do not rest between these paired exercises. This is a superset and you should move as quickly as possible from the first exercise to the second, and then rest after performing the second exercise.

• AMRAP – As many reps as possible

When it comes to hand placement of exercises:

• Supinated grip – Under hand grip • Pronated grip – Over hand grip • Neutral grip – Hands vertical, palms facing each other

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Incline BB Press 3 8-10 01B - Incline DB Fly 3 8-10 45-60

2 - Decline BBPress 3 8-10 45-603A - Incline DB Press 4 8-10 03B - Cable Crossover 3 8-10 45-60

4 - Assisted Dips 4 Failure 45-60

Crunches 3 20 30

Hanging Leg Raises 3 20 30Rope Crunches 3 20 30CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #1

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - Squats 4 8-10 60-902A - 45 deg. Leg Press 3 8-10 0

2B - Slow Walking Lunges 3 10m Walk 45-603A - Stiff Legged Deadlift 3 8-10 03B - Lying Leg Curl 3 8-10 45-60

4A - Seated Calf Raise 3 20 0

4B - Standing Calf Raise 3 20 30

CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #2


Day #3Option 1: 30 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio

advanced 5-day

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - BB Deadlift 4 8-10 02 - BB Bent Over Row 4 8-10 45-60

3A - Lat Pulldowns 3 8-10 03B - Straight Arm Cable Pulldowns

3 8-10 45-60

4 - DB Shrug 3 10-12 45-60

5 - Crunches 3 10-12 45-60

6 - Flat Bench Leg Raise 3 20 30

CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #4

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - DB Shoulder Press 4 8-10 45-602 - BB Upright Row 3 8-10 45-60

3A - Side Lateral Raise 4 12-15 03B - Front DB Raise 4 8-10 45-604A - DB Rear Flys 4 8-10 0

4B - Cable Rear Flys 4 8-10 45-60

5A - Seated Calf Raise 3 12-15 0

5B - Standing Calf raise 3 12-15 45-60

CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #5


Rest day OR 30-60 minutes fasted LISS cardio.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Close Grip Bench Press

3 8-10 0

1B - Assisted Dips 3 8-10 45-60

2A - Skull Crushers 4 8-10 02B - Tricep Pushdown 4 8-10 45-603 - Alternating DB Curl 4 8-10 45-60

4A - BB Curl 3 8-10 0

4B - Hammer DB Curl 3 8-10 45-60

5 - V Sit-Ups 3 20 30

6 - Crunches 3 20 30CARDIO: 10-20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.


Day #6

Day #7


FAQ’SDO I HAVE TO FOLLOW THE TRAINING PLANS WE ARE GIVEN?You can do your own training program or ones recommended by your trainer, boot camp or online coach. However, keep in mind you need to change to change. If you try a different approach it might just be the boost you need to kick start your results.

I DO CROSSFIT. WILL I STILL GET RESULTS?Yes. You will get great results by doing crossfit during the challenge. However, sometimes a change is a good thing.

DOES IT MATTER HOW LONG I REST BETWEEN SETS?This comes down to the kind of training that you are doing. If you are following our recommended training plans, we would suggest no more than 45-60 seconds rest between each set. This will ensure you keep your heart rate up and continuing to burn fat.Note: Keep in mind your own personal physical limitations and rest for longer if you need.

SHOULD I DO FASTED CARDIO IN THE MORNING OR AFTER I TRAIN?This is purely a personal choice and the timing of the cardio makes very little difference to overall results. Do what suits your schedule or what makes you feel best. We find there is no better way than to start your day with cardio to get the blood pumping and elevate endorphins to boost our mood!

IF I DO CARDIO WITH WEIGHTS. SHOULD IT BE BEFORE OR AFTER THE WEIGHTS?For best results in lean muscle gain and fat loss we recommend cardio after exercise. Training with weights allows your body to use ATP, glucose and stored glycogen as energy. Therefore, when you begin cardio, your body will start burning fat straight away. If you do it the other way around, your body may breakdown muscle as an energy source with the load bearing weights, which may result in muscle loss. You can use AMINO SWITCH™ before and after training to prevent muscle breakdown and promote recovery.

WHAT IF THE TRAINING IS TOO LONG AND I CAN’T FINISH IT?If you find the training too long and are struggling to complete it, you can reduce the sets. Remember, you only have approximately 50 workouts in total across the 60 days so do your best to complete them all and aim to push yourself that bit further each week. We do realise that not every day goes to plan. However, give it your best as you head towards your goal!

CAN I SWAP EXERCISES IF I PREFER ANOTHER OR CAN’T PERFORM SOMETHING?You can interchange exercises if they are working the same muscle of the exercise you are replacing in a similar fashion. Try to stick to the plan as much as possible and if necessary get a PT or qualified instructor to demonstrate or swap out the exercise for you.






CARDIO: An exercise performed in a repeated fashion that raises your heart rate.

LISS: Stands for Low Intensity Steady State. This is when cardio is performed at a lower intensity for a prolonged period.

HITT: Stands for High Intensity Interval Training. This is when cardio is performed at a low to moderate intensity with the addition of high intensity bursts at a random or planned interval.

TABATA: Short intervals of high intensity movements with short intervals of rest. Often repeated for a period of 4 – 10 mins. Generally done in one place and doesn’t require a lot of room.

WARM UP: A period before intense exercise where you slowly but purposefully move your muscles you are about to train to get blood flowing to them. Generally, it involves taking your muscles through their full range of motion.

REPS: A term used to describe the repetition of one movement from starting position through the range of motion and back to the starting position. If you repeat these 12 times you have performed 12 reps.

SETS: A term used to count the groups of reps you have performed. For example, 3 sets of 12 reps means you perform the movement 12 times and stop and repeat that set of 12 reps 2 more times.

REST PERIOD: The period where you rest between sets.

CONCENTRIC: The motion of a working muscle while it shortens under a load. Generally lifting a weight.

ECCENTRIC: The motion of a working muscle while it lengthens under a load. Generally lowering a weight.

TEMPO: The speed at which you move through a range of motion.

SUPERSET: To move swiftly from one set or exercise to another without rest.

DROP-SET: To lower a weight or resistance and repeat another set without rest.

FAILURE: To lift a weight or perform a movement until you can no longer complete the full range of motion because of fatigue.

AMRAP: Stands for As Many Reps As Possible. This term is generally used when it is referring to a body weight movement.

CIRCUIT: Is when you set up several exercises in an area and move from one exercise to the next. Traditionally this was performed in a circle hence the name circuit.

PRONATED: When you or your hands are facing down.

SUPINATED: When you or your hands are facing up.


LATERAL: To move away from the centre of your body.

MEDIAL: To move towards the centre of your body.

CLOSE GRIP: When your hands are positioned approximately a hand width apart. Also called narrow grip.

WIDE GRIP: When your hands are positioned wider than shoulder width apart.

NEUTRAL GRIP: When your hands are positioned shoulder width apart.

REVERSE GRIP: When you take an underhand grip.

PRESS: To push a weight away from your body.

PULL: To bring a weight closer to your body.

FLY/FLYS: To have your arms almost fully extended and move your arms slowly in a arch motion.

RAISE: To lift upward.

REGRESSION: An easier version of an exercise.

PROGRESSION: A harder version of an exercise.






contentsHIIT Workouts p 3

Tabata Workouts p 4








WORKOUTShiitHIIT SESSION 1 Rowing 20 - 20

Warm up with 5-10 minutes on rower.Perform 20 seconds on the rower flat out with maximum effort, rest for 20 seconds and repeat 20 times.

HIIT SESSION 2 Battlerope Slams or Medicine Ball Slams

Warm up with 5-10 minutes on rower.20 second slams, 40 seconds rest, repeat 8 -10 times. Hold the rope in each hand, slam down into the ground. This is a high intensity, very fast movement and you should try to complete 40 slams in 20 seconds.Pick up the medicine ball off the ground and lift it above your head, then slam it into the ground and repeat. Try to perform 20 in 20 seconds.

HIIT SESSION 3 Century Rowing

Warm up with 5-10 minutes on rower. Once warmed up row 100 metres at your highest effort and rest for twice as long as it took to row the 100 metres. Complete 1000 – 2000 metres.

HIIT SESSION 4 Hill Sprints

Warm up with a light 5-10 minute walk or jog and then perform a full body stretch. 7 x 20 second sprints. Find a steep incline hill or soft sand and perform a 20 second sprint up the hill or through the sand. Walk back down the hill or continue walking down the beach on the hard sand for 60 seconds then repeat for a total of 7 sets. As an alternative you can perform this indoor on a treadmill set on the steepest incline.


Warm up with 5-10 minutes on medium resistance.10 x 30 second sprints. Stand up and pump out 30 seconds on a high resistance like it’s a hill. Rest for 40 seconds with a slow speed and low resistance in the seated position. Repeat for a total of 10 cycles.Note: If the length of time for the sprint is too long or the rest too short in the beginning, you can adjust to match your fitness level. As you improve you should try to lengthen the sprint and shorten the rest period. HIIT Training can be performed anywhere outdoors by simply sprinting between 2 power poles and walking between 3-4 power poles etc.


WORKOUTStabataPerform each exercise for 20 seconds (do as many reps as you can) at high intensity and

then rest for 10 seconds and repeat 8 times before moving onto the next exercise.

Complete these workouts 1-2 times per session and they can be repeated 2-4 times daily.


Step Back LungesExercise 2

Plank Shoulder Taps


Mountain ClimbersExercise 2

Knee Ups


Box JumpExercise 2



Burpees with Push-Up


Squat JumpsExercise 2

Push Ups – Alternating close grip and wide grip


Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Squat Jumps 4 12-15Push Up 4 AMRAPTriceps Kickback 4 12-15Mountain Climbers 4 20Bent Over B/B Rows 4 12 – 15Crunches 4 20CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS walking


*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

Complete the below exercises in a circuit. Once you have finished the last exercise, rest for 120 seconds and repeat for a total of four sets.

• Complete a 10 minute warm up consisting of a quick walk and all over body stretch before commencing workouts.

• Please note that all exercises are to be performed with a weight range suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase your weight. You need to remain in this rep range but still push yourself so that the last few reps of each set are hard to perform. If they become too easy increase the weight or resistance or choose the exercise progression

• We suggest you do 20 minutes of LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) exercise after each session as a warm down and to help burn more calories.

• AMRAP - As Many Reps As Possible


We have designed these ‘at home’ workouts to use minimal equipment. However, we suggest you have the below equipment available.

Kettlebell, weighted dumbbells (preferably adjustable) or resistance bands.

Day #1

Day #2Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Walking Lunges 4 12-15Shoulder Press 4 12-15DB Bicep Curls 4 12-15Knee Ups 4 40V sit ups 4 15–20Wall sits (90 degree) 4 60 secCARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS walking

Day #360 minutes of fasted LISS (low intensity steady state cardio).


Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Knee Tuck Jumps 4 20Push Ups 4 12-15DB Front Raises 4 12-15Crunches 4 20Side Lateral raise 4 12-15Plank 4 60 secCARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS walking

Day #5

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Squats 4 12-15Plank 4 60 secPush Ups 4 12-15Burpees 4 60 secB/B Curls 4 12-15

Tricep Kickbacks 4 12-15CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS walking

Day #4

60 minutes of fasted LISS (low intensity steady state cardio).

Day #6

Day #7REST or 60 minutes of LISS (low intensity steady state cardio).




Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Squat 4 8-12BB Bench Press 4 8-12Seated Cable Row 4 8-12DB Squat Press 4 8-12DB Bicep Curl 4 8-12Tricep Push Down 4 8-12CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

• Complete a 5-10 minute warm up consisting of the rower, bike or fast walk prior to starting your workout.

• Please note that all exercises are to be performed with a weight level suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps recommended without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase the weight lifted. It is important to remain in this rep range but still push yourself to ensure the last few reps of each set are hard to perform. You should be 1 rep from failure.

Day #1

Day #3 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

45 Degree Leg Press 4 8-12DB Shoulder Press 4 8-12Bent Over BB Row 4 8-12Skull Crushers 4 8-12Seated or Lying Leg Curl 4 8-12Hanging Leg Raises 4 8-12CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #2HIIT workout (select one from the HIIT section) + 10 minutes of LISS (low intensity steady state


Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

Machine Seated Row 4 8-12Bentover DB Row 4 8-12BB Curl 4 8-12DB Front Raises 4 8-12DB Side Raises 4 8-12Burpees 4 60 secCARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #5

Day #460 minutes of LISS (low intensity steady state cardio).

Day #6HIIT workout (select one from the HIIT section) + 10 minutes of LISS (low intensity steady state

Day #7REST or 60 minutes of LISS (low intensity steady state cardio).




Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - Bench Press 4 6-8 45-602A - Incline DB Press 4 6-8 0

2B - Flat DB Flys 4 6-8 45-603 - Decline BB Press 4 6-8 45-604 - Parallel Bar Dips 4 AMRAP 45-60

5A - Skull Crushers 4 6-8 0

5B - Rope Push Down 4 6-8 45-60

6 - Crunches 4 20 30CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

• Complete a 5-10 minute warm up consisting of the rower, bike or fast walk prior to starting your workout.

• Please note that all exercises are to be performed with a weight range suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase your weight. You need to remain in this rep range but still push yourself so the last few reps of each set are hard to perform.

• If the exercise is marked with an A & B, do not rest between these paired exercises. This is a superset and you should move as quickly as possible from the first exercise to the second, and then rest after performing the second exercise.

• AMRAP - As Many Reps As Possible

Day #1

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - Chin Ups 4 AMRAP 60-902A - Close Grip Pull Down 4 6-8 0

2B - Straight Arm Cable Pulldown

4 6-8 45-60

3 - T-Bar Row 4 6-8 45-604A - Preacher Curls 4 6-8 0

4B - DB Curl 4 10-12 45-60

5 – Incline Bicep Curl 4 10-12 60CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #2


Day #3Option 1: 60 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 – 45 deg Leg Press 4 6-8 45-602A – Front Squat 4 6-8 0

2B – Leg Extension 4 6-8 45-603 – Lying Leg Curl 4 6-8 45-60

4A – Standing Calf Raise 4 20 0

4B – Seated Calf Raise 4 20 45-60

5A - Crunches 4 20 0

5B - Russian Twist 4 20 30CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #4

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - BB Shoulder Press 4 6-8 45-602A - DB Front Raise 4 6-8 0

2B - DB Side Lateral Raise 4 6-8 45-602C - Rear Delt Flys 4 6-8 45-60

3 - BB Shrugs 4 6-8 45-60

4 - BBUpright Row 4 6-8 45-60

5 - Side Toe Crunches 4 20 30

6 - Hanging Leg Raises 4 20 30

CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #5

Day #6Option 1: 30 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio

Day #7REST or 60 minutes fasted LISS cardio

intermediate 4-day



Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - 45 Deg Leg Press 4 12-15 45-602A - Front Squat 4 6-8 0

2B - Leg Extension 4 12-15 45-603A - Romanian Deadlift 4 6-8 03B - Lying Leg Curl 4 8-10 45-60

4A - Standing Calf Raise 4 12-15 0

4B - Seated Calf Raise 4 12-15 45-60

5 - Crunches 4 20 30CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

• Complete a 5-10 minute warm up consisting of the rower, bike or fast walk prior to starting your workout.

• Please note that all exercises are to be performed with a weight range suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase your weight. You need to remain in this rep range but still push yourself so the last few reps of each set are hard to perform.

• If the exercise is marked with an A & B, do not rest between these paired exercises. This is a superset and you should move as quickly as possible from the first exercise to the second, and then rest after performing the second exercise.

• AMRAP - As Many Reps As Possible

Day #1

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Seated DB Shoulder Press

4 6-8 0

1B - BB Upright Row 4 12-15 45-60

2A - Side DB Lateral Raise 4 12-15 02B - DB Front Raise 4 12-15 45-603A - DB Rear Delt Raise 4 12-15 0

3B - Cable Rear Delt Flys 4 12-15 45-60

4 - DB Shrugs 4 6-8 45-60

CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #2

Day #3Option 1: 60 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio


Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - BB Deadlift 4 6-8 01B - Chin Ups 4 AMRAP 45-60

2A - DB Row 4 12-15 02B - Straight Arm Cable Pulldown

4 12-15 45-60

3 - Bentover BB Rows 4 12-15 45-60

4 - Crunches 4 20 30

5 - Russian Twist 4 20 30

CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #4

intermediate 5-day

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - DB Incline Press 4 12-15 45-602 - Flat BB Press 4 6-8 45-60

3 - Decline BB Press 4 6-8 45-604A - Cable Crossover 4 12-15 04B - DB Flys 4 12-15 45-60

5 - Press Ups 4 AMRAP 45-60

CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #5

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - BB Curl 4 6-8 45-602A - Skull Crushers 4 6-8 0

2B - DB Curls 4 6-8 45-603 - Between Bench Dips 4 AMRAP 45-604A - Hammer Cable Curl 4 12-15 0

4B - Close Grip Push Ups 4 12-15 45-60

5 - Crunches 4 20 30

6 - Hanging Leg Raises 4 20 30

CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #6

Day #7REST or 60 minutes fasted LISS cardio



*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

• Complete a 5-10 minute warm up consisting of the rower, bike or fast walk prior to starting your workout.

• Please note that all exercises are to be performed with a weight range suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase your weight. You need to remain in this rep range but still push yourself so the last few reps of each set are hard to perform.

• If the exercise is marked with an A & B, do not rest between these paired exercises. This is a superset and you should move as quickly as possible from the first exercise to the second, and then rest after performing the second exercise.

• AMRAP – As many reps as possible

When it comes to hand placement of exercises:

• Supinated grip – Under hand grip • Pronated grip – Over hand grip • Neutral grip – Hands vertical facing each other

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Incline DB Press 4 6-8 01B - DB Flys 4 6-8 45-60

2A - Parallel Bar Dips 4 AMRAP 02B - DB Pullovers 4 6-8 02C - Close Grip Push Ups 4 AMRAP 45-60

3 - Machine Flys 4 6-8 45-60

4A - Skull Crushers 4 6-8 0

4B - Upon failure – Close Grip Press Ups


CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #1


Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - Rack Pull 4 6-8 45-602A -Chin Ups 4 AMRAP 0

2B - Straight Arm Cable Pull Down

4 10-12 45

3 – Lat Pull Down 4 10-12 304A -Bent Over BB Row (Pronated Grip)

4 12-15 0

4B - Seated Cable Rows 4 10-12 305 - Decline Crunches 4 20 306 - Plank 4 Hold

60 sec30

CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #2

advanced 4-day

Day #3Option 1: 60 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Standing DB Shoulder Press

4 6-8 0

1B - Standing DB Lateral Raises

4 6-8 45-60

2A - Cable Front Raise 4 6-8 02B - Cable Rear Delt Flys 4 6-8 02C - Cable Upright Rows 4 6-8 45-60

3 - BBShrugs 4 6-8 45-604 - Crunches 4 20 305 - Hanging Leg Raises 4 30 30CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #4


Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - Squats 4 6-8 60-902A - Lying Leg Curl 4 6-8 0

2B - Romanian Deadlift 4 6-8 45-603A - Leg Press 4 10-12 0

3B - Goblet Squat 4 10-12 45-604A - Standing Calf Raise 4 20 04B - Seated Calf Raise 4 20 45-60CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #5

advanced 4-day

Day #6Option 1: 60 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio

Day #7REST or 60 minutes fasted LISS cardio



*It is strongly advised to have a qualified Personal Trainer demonstrate the correct posture and technique for this program to avoid injury.

• Complete a 5-10 minute warm up consisting of the rower, bike or fast walk prior to starting your workout.

• Please note that all exercises are to be performed with a weight range suitable to you and your abilities. However, if you can comfortably perform the highest number of reps without it being difficult or a challenge then you need to increase your weight. You need to remain in this rep range but still push yourself so the last few reps of each set are hard to perform.

• If the exercise is marked with an A & B, do not rest between these paired exercises. This is a superset and you should move as quickly as possible from the first exercise to the second, and then rest after performing the second exercise.

• AMRAP – As many reps as possible

When it comes to hand placement of exercises:

• Supinated grip – Under hand grip • Pronated grip – Over hand grip

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - BB Deadlift 4 10-12 902 - BB Bent Over Rows 4 10-12 45-60

3A - Lat Pulldown 4 10-12 03B - Straight Arm Cable Pulldown

4 12-15 45-60

4 - Crunches 4 20 30

5 - Russian Twists 4 20 30

6 - Horizontal Leg Raise 4 20 30

CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #1

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - BB Shoulder Press 4 10-12 45-602 - BB Shrugs 4 10-12 45-60

3A - Side Lateral Raises 4 10-12 03B - Front DB Raises 4 12-15 45-604A - DB Rear Flys 4 12-15 0

4B - Cable Rear Flys 4 12-15 45-60

5A - Seated Calf Raise 4 20 0

5B - Standing Calf raise 4 20 45-60

CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #2


Day #3Option 1: 60 minutes fasted LISS cardio Option 2: HIIT workout + 10 minutes of LISS cardio

advanced 5-day

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Incline DB Press 4 10-12 01B - Incline DB Fly 4 10-12 45-60

2 - Flat BB Press 4 10-12 45-603A - Incline DB Press 4 10-12 0

3B - Cable Crossover 4 12-15 45-60

4 - Parallel Bar Dips 4 AMRAP 45-60

5 - Crunches 4 20 30

6 - Russian Twist 4 20 30

CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #4

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1 - 45 deg Leg Press 4 10-12 60-902A - Squats 4 10-12 0

2B - Lunges Step Back 4 10-12 45-603A - Romanian Deadlift 4 10-12 03B - Seated Leg Curl 4 10-12 45-60

4A - Seated Calf Raise 4 12-15 0

4B - Standing Calf Raise 4 12-15 45-60

CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.

Day #5


REST or 60 minutes fasted LISS cardio

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Exercise Sets Reps Rest weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps weight/reps

1A - Close Grip Bench Press

4 10-12 0

1B - Push Ups 4 AMRAP 45-60

2A - Skull Crushers 4 10-12 02B - Tricep Pushdown 4 10-12 45-603 - Alternating DB Curl 4 10-12 45-60

4A - Hammer Cable Curl 4 10-12 0

4B - Standing BB Curl 4 10-12 45-60

5 - Horizontal Leg Raises 4 20 30

CARDIO: 20 minutes of LISS cardio on treadmill/bike/elliptical/rower after session.


Day #6

Day #7


