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"" . . :'.:'.)TREET AND AVENUE GUIDE. EXP LAN ATOR Y.· The City copiprises Three Grand Divisions, known as North, South, and West Divisions; State street is the main artery to the South Division. North Clark street is the main artery to.the :;S'orth Division. Madison, Randolph, and Lake streets are tile main arteries to the West Division; on any giyen street, the relative location of a particular place or house is got by running· down the column of figures, which are its numbers at the several of the streets that intersect it. The right hand numher 'after crossing is usually given. For example, t() find 44 State, it will be seen that 30 is on the corner of Lake, ancl 66 is on the corner of Randolph; hence, 44 is between these two streets. Where. no numbers are giYen, the corners, and often the blocks, are vacant, or occupied by a house or manufactory not numberecl. · · streets that· cross the Chicago River have .the prefix N, ·North of the River, aml W. West O! the · River, but the prefix E. or S. is never used. Thus, the correct names are Erie and ,V. Erie, Lake aml '\V. Lake, Clark and N. Clark, etc. In the West Division, all ·streets that cross W. Randolph have the prefix N. or S. Tlrns, N. Ada, North of Randolph, and S. Ada, South· of Randolph. West of Union Park (where W. Randolph encls) w. Lake street is the dividing line. For information in regard to street cars, see heading City Railway Lines in Mlscellaneous Infor- mation. al. .... : ............. Alley av ....... ....... Avenue boul. ........ , Boulevard ct .................. Court e .................... East e.s ............. East Side fr ............. : .... From A (N.D.J fr. 125 Sont1!- port av. w. to Donn- nick. Even nos. n.s. Southport av ...... 2 Dominick .... , ..... 64 Aberdeen (W.D.) fr. 328 W. Madison s. to Eleventh. Even nos. e.s. l\ladison.... .. . . . • .. 1 Rundell pl .......... 11 Church ct .......... 21 Monroe ............. 33 Adams ............. 65 Jackson ............ 97 Garden ............. 114 VanBuren .......... 129 Tilden .............. 143 Congress ..... , ...... 157 Harrison ........... 183 Gurley ............. 217 Polk ................ 245 Good .... .-......... . Better ............. . Damon .............. 271 Taylor .............. 301 Eleventh .......... 331 AdaN. (W.D.) f·r. 435 ,V, Randolph n. to Hubbard, and fr. 347 W. Indiana n. to W. Erle. Even nos. w.s. Randolph .......... 1 Lake ................ 39 Fulton .............. 75 Carroll av .......... 105 Arbor pl ............ 122 Kinzie .............. 139 Hubbard ........... 143 Indiana ............. 147 Ohio ................. 173 Erie ................. 193 Ada S. (W.D.) fr. 434 W. Ran<lolph s. to 461 Yv. Madison. Even nos. e.s. Randolph .......... 1 Washington ........ 33 Madison .......... . • 67 Adams (S.D.) fr. 157 1\Ilclligan aY. w. to the River. Even nos. s.s. l\Uchlgan av ........ 1 Wabashav ......... 29 State .... ....... ... 55 Dearborn .... •.•... 91 Clark ................. 123 LaSalle ............. 157 Fifth av ............ 185 n ............. : ..... North N.D .. c •• Nortb. Division ne ............. :N"ortheast nr .................. Near n.s ........... North Sicle nw. , ......... Northwest op ... ; .......... Opposite Franklin ........... 221 .Market ............. 249 The River .......... 271 Adams W. (W.D.) fr. the River w. to Cali - fornia av. a9d fr. 169 S. Kedzie av. w. to Central Park av.Even nos. s.s. TheRiver .......... 1 Canal ............... 27 Clinton ............. 59 Jefferson ........... 89 .Desplaines ......... 121 Halsted ..... . . . . . . . 185 Green ....... _ . . . . . . 205 Peoria .............. 225 Sangamon .......... 245 Morgan ............ 2'65 Aberdeen ........... 319 Centre av ........... 367 Throop ............. 413 Jetferson pk ...... . Loomis ............ 463 Laflin ............... 509 Ashland av ........ 557 Ogden av ........ l 605 Paulina .......... 5 Wood .............. 655 Honore ............ 677 .L.incoln. .. . . ........ 699 Winchester av ..... 721 Robey .............. 743 Seeley a., .... . .. .. . . 769 Hoyne av . . . . . . . . . . 793 Hamilton av ....... 821 Leavitt ............. 847 Irving av ...... ; .... 875 Oakley av .......... 899 ·western av ........ 959 Campbell av ....... 1019 Rockwell ........ •.. 1081 R.R. crossing ...... 1085 Washtenaw av ...• 1149 California av ...... 1207 Iiedzieav .......... 1439 Spaulcling av ..... 1501 Homan av ......... 1563 St. Louis av ........ 1627 Central Park av .. 1677 Alaska (N.D. 1 fq, 385 Larrabee w. to Town. . Even nos. s.s. Larrabee ........... 1 Town ............... 37 Albany av. N. CW. D.) fr. 1452 W. Lake n. to Central Park boul.. Even nos. e.s. Lake ................ 2 pk ................... Park pl. .................. Place rd .................. Road R.R ...• .... •... Railroad Ry .............. Railway s ................... South S.D ...... South Division Walnut ............. 40 Fulton .............. 68 Carroll av .......... 108 Kinzie .............. 126 (Jentral Park boul. 174 Albany av. s. (W.D.) fr. 1451 W. Lakes. to 1427 Madison, fr. 206 Colorado aY. · s. to ,V, 22d, and (S.D.) fr. Ill. & Mich. canal s. to Egan av. Even nos. e.s. Lalrn... . ........... 1 Park av ............ 25 Washington . . . . . .. 45 'Varreu aY.. ....... 69 Madison ......... ;. 91 Colorado av ........ 151 Jackson ............ 205 Van Buren ....... :. 251 Tremont ............ 265 Congress .......... 297 Harrison .......... 323 Flournoy ........... 353 Lexington . . . . . . . . . 385 Polk ........... : .... 417 Harvard ..... ..... 451 Taylor .............. 483 Fillmore .. . . . . . . . . . 511 Twelfth ............. 571 Boulevard ......... • 687 Co!Uns ...... ·' ...... 729 Truro .... .......... 769 Sixteenth ...• .... } 803 Ogden av ....... . Isabel ct ............ 869 Nineteenth ........ 905 Cross ................ 931 Twenty-first .... l 957 C., B. & Q. R.R .. 5 Twenty-seco11cl ... 1013 Ill. & Mich. Canal. Thil·ty-sixth ...... . Smith av ......... .. Thirty-seventh. William ........... . Thirty-eighth ... .. Joseph ............ . ·Egan a.v ........... . Albert (W.D.) fr. 583 W. J<;;ghteenth s. ,. bllr. Aldine sq. (8.D.)fr. 3726 Vincennes av. w. J6" . Alexancler (S.D.) fr. 2246 Wentworth av. w.to Stewart av. Even nos. n.s. se .............. Southeast S.S •••••••••••• Sorith Sicle sq, ............ : .. Square sw .......... :southwest w ................... West W.D ..... West Division w.s .... -- ...•.. west Side ·wentworth av .... 2 Portland av ........ 5S Stewa:rt av ......... 91> Alice pl. CW. D.) fr. Powell :iY.w. to Perry av. 2<1 s. of W. Fuller- ton av. Allport (W.D.) fr. 433 W. Sixteenth s. 10 Twenty-secolld. Evei. nos. e.s. Sixteenth ........... 659 Eighteenth . . . . . . . . 719 Nineteenth ......... 779 Twenty-first ... "·· 839 Twenty-second ...• 895 Almoml {W. D.J fr. 952 W. Taylor s. to Ashland 1 blk. Even nos. e.s. f 1 I 37/ Titylor ............. . Ashland ........... . ) Ambrose (W. D:) fL 1001 S. Wood w. ·to Leavitt, and fr.1039 S. Oakley av. w. to 'Vesteru av. Even nos. n.s. Wood ............... · 2 Lincoln ............. 50 Robey ............... 98 Hoyne av .. ....... : 146 Leavitt ............. 192 Oakley av .......... Western av ....... 290 Ann N. {W.D.) fr. 3"61 W. Randulph n. tow; Ki11zie. Even nos. w.s.- Randolph .... ... . . . 1 Lake ................ 33 Fulton .............. 63 Carroll av .. : ....... 87 I<inzie .......... ... 113 Ann 8. (W.D.) fr. 362 W. Randolph s. to 369 W. Even nos. e.s. Ranclolph . . . ..... .• 1 . Washington ....... 31 Madison .. . . ... . . . . . 65 Appenrade (W.D.) fr. N. California av. w. to Humboldt Park l>onl. 3.d n. of Armitage av.


FURNITURE WORKERS' UNION No. 1-l'fleets every Tuesday, at 54 W. Lake. '

GAS FITTERS" UNION-Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, at 106 Randolph.

F~dORSE-SHOERS' (Journeymen)-Meets second rr ays, at 71 W. Lake. IRON-MOULDERS' UNIONS, No. 23-b'.[eets Fri­

gays, at 71 W. Lake. President, George Rodgers·

23e3cre~1aryt, Thomas Callahan, Thirteenth pt No'. ~ ee s .Saturdays at 71 W. Lake; President

rratrdick Enr1gllt. No. 239 (Benell Moulders)-Meets HLOD ays, at 71 \V. Lake. · .

LATHERS' UNION-Meets first and thlrcl Wed­nesdays, at 54 W. Lake. 's Mt ETdAL WORKERS' UNION-Meets everv other

a ur ay, at 54 W. Lillie. • PAPERHANGERS-Meets Thursdays at 55 N Clark. · • ·

Lis~~.TE1:ERS' UNION-Meets Saturdays, at 208

PRESSMENS' UNION-Jileets first Saturda:rs at :208 Lasane. Presideut R F Sullivan· Secreta'ry B. Tate. ' · · ' '

SCANDINAVIAN TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOC!­. ATI9N-Meets first Sundays at 106 Randolph President, Oscar Williamson; s'ecretary, --. .

.·SEAMEN'S UNION-Meets at 99 W. Randoipl1 eMYery. Tuesday. President, Richard Powers· Sec'

aur1ce Aure. - ' ., SHOEMAKERS' UNION, No. 1 (Scandinavlan)­

Meets second Mondays, at 432 Milwaukee av. S'._['ONECU.TTERS' UNION-Meets first and third

JTuesQdays,. at 74 W. Taylor. John Mitchell pres .

as. u111u, sec. · ' · · TAILORS' UNION-Meets first and tliird Satur­

days, at 85 Dearborn. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 9 (German)­

Meets fir~t Snndays, at 45 N. Clark. H. Pudewa sec., Arbeiter Zeitung office. '

TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 16-Meets last Sundays at 2.30 p. m., at Greenebaum Hall. Presi­dent, M. J. Carroll; Sec .. C. G. Stivers· Secretary­Treasurer, Sam. Rastall, 9, 76 Fifth av.'

UNITED BARBERS' ASSOCIATION-Meets first and third Tuesdays at 8.15 p. m., in room D 208 La­salle .. Benj. Bauer, Gr. M.; biaurice .Frank Secre-tary. •

WOOL PULLERS-Meets third Fridays at 59g Milwaukee aY. '

UPHOLSTERERS' UNION-Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, at 36 Lasalle. .

WEST DIVISION CONDUCTORS' AND DRI­YERS' ,PROTECTIVE AND BENEVOLENT AS­SOCIA'IION-Jlfeets first and third Saturdays at 8 p. m., at 54 W. Lake.

WOODWORKING MACHINE HANDS-Meets second and fOJ!.rt:i Thursdays, at 208 Blue Island av. No. 2 (Bohem1anJ-Meets second and fourth Sun­days, at 408 W. Eighteenth.

Village Organization of Hyde Park. For 1885-1886. ·

VILLAGE OFFICERS (Elected). President-GEORGE W. SPENCER. \. Board of. Trustees-John E. Cowles 4320 Lake

av.; Fred Howard, 4409 Michigan av;;' Daniel A Pj'lirce, 5460 Washington av.: W. J. Thompson: Riverdale;. Edmond D. Tobin, South Chicago and Commerc!al av.; George W. Spencer, 91st st. and Commercial av. .u.ommi~tees-Finance, Howard and Peirce; Jn­

d1~iary, Peirce and Cowles; Streets, etc., Tobin and Peirce; Draln~ge, Cowles_ and Thompson; Sidewalks and Street Lights, Tohm and Thompson· Public Gro_unds, Buildings and Plats, Peirce and 'cowles; Pohce, Thompson and Howard· Licenses Cowles and Thompson; Water Commissioner Fred Howard· Fire,--. · ' '

Village Cle~k-A. G. Proctor, Hycle Park. Regular Meetmgs of the Board at 3.30 p. m, Sat­

urdays. VILLAGE O.FFICERS (Appointed.)

Attorney:--George Willard, office, ro.om 19 Ash­land blk., Chicago; res. 53d st. cor. Frederick pl. . Comptroller-Charles L. Norton, res. 5635 Mad­ison aY.

Treasurei•-,-E. W. Henricks, Pullman. Supt. of Special Assessments-Frederick K.

Root, res. 2713 Walnut st. Collector-George H. Waite, 16 New Court House. Engineer and Supt. of Public Works­

John A. Cole, Chicago office, 69 Ashland blk. Supt. of Water Woi·ks-Robert Hawkins res

at works, foot of 68th st. ' • Supt •. of Water Rates,--A. N. Smith res

South Chicago. ' · · Supt. of Water Pipes-James Wallace Calumet av. and 5lst st. • res,

Captain of Police-Nicholas Hunt, res. 5745 Monroe av. 0 .

Health O:Oicerc:_Dr. J. Ramsay Flood res 5324 Jefferson av. · ' · •

Police Magistrate CElected)-Charles E. Rees res. South Chicago av. and 79th st. '

Oil Inspector-Benj. R. Chamberlain res Oak-land. . · ' •

Sealer of Weights and l\Ieasures-J. 1"1. Ralston, res. Kensington.


EXP LAN ATOR Y.· • The City copiprises Three Grand Divisions, known as th~ North, South, and West Divisions; State street is the main artery to the South Division. North Clark street is the main artery to.the

:;S'orth Division. Madison, Randolph, and Lake streets are tile main arteries to the West Division; on any giyen street, the relative location of a particular place or house is got by running· down the

column of figures, which are its numbers at the several crossin~s of the streets that intersect it. The right hand numher 'after crossing is usually given. For example, t() find 44 State, it will be seen that 30 is on the corner of Lake, ancl 66 is on the corner of Randolph; hence, 44 is between these two streets. Where. no numbers are giYen, the corners, and often the blocks, are vacant, or occupied by a house or manufactory not numberecl. · ·

streets that· cross the Chicago River have .the prefix N, ·North of the River, aml W. West O! the · River, but the prefix E. or S. is never used. Thus, the correct names are Erie and ,V. Erie, Lake aml '\V. Lake, Clark and N. Clark, etc.

In the West Division, all ·streets that cross W. Randolph have the prefix N. or S. Tlrns, N. Ada, North of Randolph, and S. Ada, South· of Randolph. West of Union Park (where W. Randolph encls) w. Lake street is the dividing line.

For information in regard to street cars, see heading City Railway Lines in Mlscellaneous Infor­mation.

al. .... : ............. Alley av .......•....... Avenue boul. ........ , Boulevard ct .................. Court e .................... East e.s ............. East Side fr ............. : .... From

A (N.D.J fr. 125 Sont1!­port av. w. to Donn­nick. Even nos. n.s.

Southport av...... 2 Dominick .... ,..... 64

Aberdeen (W.D.) fr. 328 W. Madison s. to Eleventh. Even nos. e.s.

l\ladison.... .. . . . • .. 1 Rundell pl.......... 11 Church ct.......... 21 Monroe............. 33 Adams............. 65 Jackson............ 97 Garden ............. 114 VanBuren .......... 129 Tilden .............. 143 Congress ..... , ...... 157 Harrison........... 183 Gurley ............. 217 Polk ................ 245 Good .... .-......... . Better ............. . Damon .............. 271 Taylor .............. 301 Eleventh ..........• 331

AdaN. (W.D.) f·r. 435 ,V, Randolph n. to Hubbard, and fr. 347 W. Indiana n. to W. Erle. Even nos. w.s.

Randolph.......... 1 Lake................ 39 Fulton.............. 75 Carroll av .......... 105 Arbor pl............ 122 Kinzie .............. 139 Hubbard ........... 143 Indiana............. 147 Ohio ................. 173 Erie ................. 193

Ada S. (W.D.) fr. 434 W. Ran<lolph s. to 461 Yv. Madison. Even nos. e.s.

Randolph.......... 1 Washington........ 33 Madison.......... . • 67

Adams (S.D.) fr. 157 1\Ilclligan aY. w. to the River. Even nos. s.s.

l\Uchlgan av........ 1 Wabashav ......... 29 State.... ....... ... 55 Dearborn ....•.•... • 91 Clark ................. 123 LaSalle............. 157 Fifth av............ 185

n ............. : ..... North N.D .. c •• Nortb. Division ne ............. :N"ortheast nr .................. Near n.s ........... North Sicle nw. , ......... Northwest op ... ; .......... Opposite

Franklin ........... 221 .Market ............. 249 The River .......... 271

Adams W. (W.D.) fr. the River w. to Cali -fornia av. a9d fr. 169 S. Kedzie av. w. to Central Park av.Even nos. s.s.

TheRiver.......... 1 Canal............... 27 Clinton............. 59 Jefferson........... 89 .Desplaines......... 121 Halsted..... . . . . . . . 185 Green ....... _ . . . . . . 205 Peoria .............. 225 Sangamon .......... 245 Morgan............ 2'65 Aberdeen........... 319 Centre av........... 367 Throop ............. 413 Jetferson pk ...... . Loomis ............ 463 Laflin ............... 509 Ashland av........ 557 Ogden av ........ l 605 Paulina .......... 5 Wood .............. 655 Honore ............ 677 .L.incoln. .. . . ........ 699 Winchester av..... 721 Robey .............. 743 Seeley a.,.... . .. .. . . 769 Hoyne av . . . . . . . . . . 793 Hamilton av ....... 821 Leavitt............. 847 Irving av ...... ; .... 875 Oakley av .......... 899 ·western av ........ 959 Campbell av ....... 1019 Rockwell ........•.. 1081 R.R. crossing ...... 1085 Washtenaw av ...• 1149 California av ...... 1207 Iiedzieav .......... 1439 Spaulcling av .....• 1501 Homan av ......... 1563 St. Louis av ........ 1627 Central Park av .. 1677

Alaska (N.D. 1 fq, 385 Larrabee w. to Town.

. Even nos. s.s. Larrabee........... 1 Town............... 37

Albany av. N. CW. D.) fr. 1452 W. Lake n. to Central Park boul.. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 2

pk ................... Park pl. .................. Place rd .................. Road R.R ...•....•... Railroad Ry .............. Railway s ................... South S.D ...... South Division

Walnut............. 40 Fulton.............. 68 Carroll av .......... 108 Kinzie .............. 126 (Jentral Park boul. 174

Albany av. s. (W.D.) fr. 1451 W. Lakes. to 1427 Madison, fr. 206 Colorado aY. · s. to ,V, 22d, and (S.D.) fr. Ill. & Mich. canal s. to Egan av. Even nos. e.s.

Lalrn... . ........... 1 Park av ............ 25 Washington . . . . . .. 45 'Varreu aY.. ....... 69 Madison ......... ;. 91 Colorado av ........ 151 Jackson............ 205 Van Buren ....... :. 251 Tremont ............ 265 Congress .......... 297 Harrison ..........• 323 Flournoy........... 353 Lexington . . . . . . . . . 385 Polk ........... : .... 417 Harvard .....•..... 451 Taylor .............. 483 Fillmore .. . . . . . . . . . 511 Twelfth ............. 571 Boulevard ......... • 687 Co!Uns ...... ·' ...... 729 Truro ....•.......... 769 Sixteenth ...•.... } 803 Ogden av ....... . Isabel ct............ 869 Nineteenth ........ 905 Cross ................ 931 Twenty-first .... l 957 C., B. & Q. R.R .. 5 Twenty-seco11cl ... 1013 Ill. & Mich. Canal. Thil·ty-sixth ...... . Smith av ......... .. Thirty-seventh. • William ........... . Thirty-eighth ... .. Joseph ............ . ·Egan a.v ........... . Albert (W.D.) fr. 583

W. J<;;ghteenth s. ,. bllr.

Aldine sq. (8.D.)fr. 3726 Vincennes av. w. J6" ~lit. .

Alexancler (S.D.) fr. 2246 Wentworth av. w.to Stewart av. Even nos. n.s.

se .............. Southeast S.S •••••••••••• Sorith Sicle sq, ............ : .. Square sw .......... :southwest w ................... West W.D ..... West Division w.s .... -- ...•.. west Side

·wentworth av .... 2 Portland av........ 5S Stewa:rt av......... 91>

Alice pl. CW. D.) fr. Powell :iY.w. to Perry av. 2<1 s. of W. Fuller­ton av.

Allport (W.D.) fr. 433 W. Sixteenth s. 10 Twenty-secolld. Evei. nos. e.s.

Sixteenth........... 659 Eighteenth . . . . . . . . 719 Nineteenth ......... 779 Twenty-first ... "·· 839 Twenty-second ...• 895

Almoml {W. D.J fr. 952 W. Taylor s. to Ashland 1 blk. Even nos. e.s. f

1 I 37/

Titylor ............. . Ashland ........... .

) Ambrose (W. D:) fL

1001 S. Wood w. ·to Leavitt, and fr.1039 S. Oakley av. w. to 'Vesteru av. Even nos. n.s.

Wood ............... · 2 Lincoln............. 50 Robey ............... 98 Hoyne av .. ....... : 146 Leavitt............. 192 Oakley av .......... 24~ Western av ....... 290

Ann N. {W.D.) fr. 3"61 W. Randulph n. tow; Ki11zie. Even nos. w.s.­

Randolph.... ... . . . 1 Lake................ 33 Fulton.............. 63 Carroll av .. :....... 87 I<inzie.......... ... 113

Ann 8. (W.D.) fr. 362 W. Randolph s. to 369 W. ~Iadison. Even nos. e.s.

Ranclolph . . . ..... .• 1 . Washington....... 31

Madison .. . . ... . . . . . 65

Appenrade (W.D.) fr. N. California av. w. to Humboldt Park l>onl. 3.d n. of Armitage av.


Arbor pl. CW.D.) fr. 122 N. Ada w. to N. Ashland av. Nos. on s.s. only.

Ada ........... ,...... .2 Shelclon............ .J4 1Tnion Park pl..... 88 St. John's pl........ 114 Ashland av......... 148

Arcade ct. (S.D.) fr. 155 LaSalle e. to 160 Clark. Even nos. n.s.

Arch (S.D.) fr. 2943 Archer av. s.e. to Ly­man. Even nos. w.s.

.A.relier av .....•.... 2900 Bonaparte.... . ... . Lyma1J. ............ 2978

Al'cher av. (S.D.) fr. 1906 State SW. to City limits. Even nos. n.s.

St~te ........ _ ..... [ l_ 900 Nmeteenth ...... S Dearborn .......... 1936 Butter!ield .. ·" .. [ 1950 Twentieth ....... 5 ·Clark ................ 2010 S. LaSalle .......... 2030 Wentworth av ..... 2050 Twenty-first ...... 2112 Purple .............. 2158 Twenty-second, [ 2200 Portland av ..... f Finr1ell ............. 2237 'Stewart av ......... 2:.!46 lllcGiashen ......... 2274 Twenty-third ... [ 2301 Hanover ........ f .Bushnell ........ ., .. 2347 tirove .............. 2348 Butler .............. 2363 Wallace ........... 2401 Waver .............. 2422 McGregor .... , ... ( 2449 Sanger .......... 5 Emerald av ... -. ... 2475 .Halsted .............. 2500 Bridgeport commences Boundaries: S. by Thir-

ty-first, N. l)y soutl1 branch of C 11 i ca go River, E. by Halsted, '\V. by Ashland av.

Lime ............... 2524 Hough pl .......... 2568 ·Quarry ............. 2600 Mary .............. 2'/00 Joseph ........... , .. 2728 Quinn ............... 2741 Main ......... : ..... 2800 Farrell ............. 2824 Keeley ............. 2837 Logan ......... ; .... 2852 Bonfield ............ 2876 .Elias ................ 2889

\ ~eering ......... ( 2904 :F nil er ............ f Haynes ct .......... 2925 Arch ...... : ......... 2947 {)lmrch,pL ........ 2964 MeDermott ........ 2988 Lock .... : ........... 3000 Broad ............... 3030 .Pitney ct.. ........ 3052 The River .......... 3062 R.R. crossing ... .. :As!J!and3;v.~., .. ( 3100 Th11ty-fi1st ..... f Market Square •... 3148 . Jones ............... 3193 Beers ............... 3260 Thirty-third ...... 3300 Thirty-third ct .... 3327 Lincoln ........... . Thirty-fourth ...... 3373 Long John ......... 3414 Hoyneav .; ..... ( 3500 Douglas av ...... ) :Saratoga ........... 3568 Summtt ............ 3600 Oa'\tley a_v ....... [ 3626 Tb1rty-s1xth •... 5 Blake.; ............. 3629 Lockport ........... 3652 Thirty-seventh •... :3701 Western av ........ 3715 'Thirty-eighth ..... . Hart ............... .

, Roclcwell .......... . ',Egan av .........•..

A·i·mitage av. (W.D. l fr>l\Ieni:J.ell, e. of 769 Elston av. w. to City limits. Even nos. s.s

Mend&ll............ 21


Elston av.... ...... 49 R. R. crossing..... 65 North pl............ 79 R.R. crossing ..... 101 Paulina ............ 120 Commercial ........ 161 Wood .... : .......... 183 Girard.............. 209 Elkgrove av; .... · .. 235 Dudley ............. 261 Robey .............. 287 Hoyne av ........... 347 Leavitt............. 407 Oakley av.......... 467 Wilmot av.......... 522 Western av ........ 525 Milwaukee av .... . Seymourav ....... . Bingham ......... .. Rockwell .......... . Stave ............. .. Washtenaw av .. .. Point ............... . Fairfield av ....... . California av ...•••. Mozart ........... .. Rendsburg ........ . Heine .............. . Flensburg •......... Humboldt ......... . Bouleva1·d ........ . Nebraskaav ....... . Clarl;:son av ....... . Kedzieav .......... . l\Ieadeav ......... .. Sberitlan av ....... . California av ...... . l~allou ........... .. Hancock .......... . CenlJ'al Park av .. . Hamlin av ....... .. Springfield av .....• Crawford av .... .-..

Armour (W.D.)fr.505 W. Kinzien. to433 W.

· Cllicagoav.· Even nos. e.s.

Kinzie.............. 2 Hnbbard ...... . . .. . 28 Ferdinand • . ... .. . 42 J:ndiana...... . . . . . 54 Bickerdyke sq..... 78 Ohio ................. 86 Erie ................ 106 Huron .............. 126 Superior ........... 146 Chicago av ......... 164

Arnold (S.D.)See La-Salle i;.

Artesian av. (W.D.) fr. 1040 W. Lake n. to

. W.Ohio. Evennos.e.s; Lake................ 2 Fulton.............. 66 Kinz1e.............. 124 Hubbard ........... 152 Grand av ... : ....... 194 Ohio ....... ; ........ 232

Arthington(W.D.)fr. 285 Centre av. w. to Lytle aml fl'. Sibley w. to 311 Loomis.

Centre av ......... . Lytle ............. .. Sibley ............. . Loomis ............ .

Arthur (W.D.) fr. 35 w. Sixteenth s. to Eighteenth. Eve 11 nos. e.s.

Sixteenth . . . . . . . . . . I Seventeenth........ 31 Eighteenth......... 57

A>1h (S.D.) fr. Thirty-first s. to Ill. and Mich. Canal, 1st w.of West­ern av.

Ashland (W.D.l fr. 505 S. Robey w. to Olive. Even nos. s.s.

Robey.............. 1 l\1yrtle ....... ,...... 31 Cypress............ 55 Almornl... ... . . . . . . . 85 Olive ................ 107

Ashlandav.N.CW.D.) fr. 578 W. Lalce n. to W. Clybourn pl. and (N.D.) fr. Clybourn av. n. to Belmont av. Even nos. e.s.

Lake........ ....... 2

Walnut............. 23 Fulton...... ....... 36. Carroll av........... 62 Arborpl............ 88

Thirty-eighth ..... 3800 Thirty-eighth ct ... 383<! Egan av ............ 3900 Thence s. to Fi!ty-fifth

Kinzie .............. 100 Hubbard ... .. .. . • .. 132 Fe1·dinand......... 152 Indiana .. . . .. . .. . . . 164 Ohio ................ 210 c,o~·k ............... 221 Erie ................ 236 Huron .............. 262 Superior ............. 288 Chicago av ......... 314 Fry ...... ; .......... 342 Clarinda............ 364 Cornell ............. 374 Cornelia . .-.......... 402 Augusta ............ 430 Emma .............. 460 Emily . . . .. .. .... .. . 471 Tellpl. ............. 490 Jane ................ 520 Division............ 5114 l\Iilwaulrne av ..... 556 · Bau wans........... 599 Blackhawk........ 660 Brigham........... 679 Julian .............. 707 Blanche ............ 720 l\IcReynolds .. . .... 729 Keenon ............ 757 North av ............ 780 Wabansia av ....... 840 Bloomingdale rd.. 900 Clybourn pl...... . 952

Re-commence at Clybournav ....... . Fullerton av .. ., .... 1210 Montana .......... 1236 Dunning . , ......... 1262 Lill av .............. · Wrightwoodav .. .. Diversey av ....... . Wellington ........ . Lincolnav ....... ( Belmont av ...... )

Ashland av .s.cw.D.) and (S. D.) fr. 577 W. ' Lake s. to City limits. Even nos. e.s. to the RiveP and WS. s. Of the River.

Lake............... 1 Park av............ 33 Washington........ 59 Warren av......... 77 Matlison............ 9.7 Ogden pl ......... ( 127 Ogden av ........ f l\1onroe............. 137 Adams .............. 179 Jackson ............ 219 Va"nBuren ....... ;. 251 Congress ........... 281 Harrison ........... 309 Yorlc ................ 347 Polk ................ 385 Taylor .............. 465 Nebraska .......... 496 Eleventh ........... 524 Twelfth . ... .. .. . .. . 549 Thirteenth pl...... 565 Thirteenth......... 589 Hastings .. . . .. .. .. . 615 Fourteenth .. . .. .. . 641 Henry .............. 675 l<'ifteeuth........... 701 Rebecca ............ 731 R. R. crossing..... 741 Sixteenth .......... 751 Seventeenth....... 785 Eighteenth ......... 811 Yan Horn .......... 845 Nineteenth .. .. .. .. 871 Twentieth . .. . .. .. . 897 '.l'wenty-first ....... 923 Hinman ............ 957 Twenty-second .. ( 989. Blue Island av .. f '.l'he River ......... 1235 Dexter av ......... .. Post ............... . Levee .............. . Ill.and Mich.Canal 'l'hirty-first ...... ( 3110 Archerav ....... 5 l\larket sq...... . .. 3162 '.l'l1irty-second .... 3200 l\lill. ................ 3230 Meaglrnn ........... 3229 Thirty-third· ...... 3300 Thirty-third ct .... 3334

. Thirtycfourth ..... 3400 Dong las av ......... 3500 '.l'llirty-sixth .. : .... 3600 '.l'llirty-seventh .... 3700 Thirty-seventh ct.3732

Ashley (W.D.) fr. 177 N. Wood w. to Leavitt. Even nos. n.s.

Wood.............. 2 . Lincoln............. 52

Robey .............. 102 Hoyne av........... 152 Leavitt ............. '198

Astor (N. D.) fr. 583 Division n. to North av. Even nos. w.s.

Division............ 1 Scott................ 25 Goethe............. 45 Banks .............. 73 Schiller............ 103 Burton pl.. ........ 163 North av .. -. ........ 217

Asylum pl. (W.D.)fr. 945 Elston av. w. to Leavitt.

Elston av ........ .. Wood .............. . Lister av ......... .. Girard ............. . Elkgrove av ....... · Du<fley ............ . Robey ............ .. Hoyne av ......... -... Leavitt ........... ..

Atlantic (S.D) fr.For­ty-seventh s. IO )Jlks. Ist w. of Wentworth

. av.

Auburn (S.D.) fr. 897 '.rhirty - thi1·d s. to Douglas av. 1st w. of Halsted. Even nos. w.s.

Thirty-third ....... 3300 Thirty-third ct ..•. 3336 Thirty-fourth ..... 3400 Thirty-fourth ct .. 3436 Douglas av ......... 3464

Augusta (W.D.) fr. 97 Elston av.w. to Craw­ford av. Even nos. n.s.

Elston av.......... 2 Centreav ..... : .... 23 Will................ 45 Currier............. 76 Milwaukee av..... 98 Noble ............... 122 Holt ................ 175 Ashland av........ 226 Rumsey ............ 244 Paulina .. .. .. .. .. .. 266 :Samuel. ............ 286 Wood ............... 310 Newton ............ 332 Lincoln............. 352 Dudley ............ 378 Robey ............. 402 Hovne av ........... 462 Leavitt ............. 522 Oakley av .......... 582 Western av ........ 642 Washtenaw. av ... ; Fairfield av ...... .. California av ..... . Francisco ....•....• Humboldt pk ....• Keclzieav ......... . Granclav .......... . R.R. crossing ..... . Homanav ....... .. Central Park av .. . Crawfor<l av ...... .

Avers av. (W.D.) fr. W.Kinzien. toChica­go av. 1st w. of Ham­lin av. Even nos. e.s.

Kinzie.............. 126 Indiana ........ , ... 184 Ohio ................ 240 Huron .............. 306 Chicago av ......... 362

Avon pl. (W.D.) fr. 267 S.Robey w. to 260 :s. Leavitt. Even nos. n.s.

Rolley.............. 2 Seeley av........... 28 Hoyne av.......... 50 Leavitt............. 96


;\.yers ct. (W.D.) fr. 279 w. Chicago av. s. to Huron. Even nos. e.s.

Thirty-sixth ....... 3600 Thirty-seventh .... :3700 Thirty:-seventh ct.3732 Thirty-eighth ..... 3800 '.rhirty-eighth ct .. 3832

Bickerdike (W. D.) fr. 411 w. Indiana n. to 397 W. Chicago av.

Cllicago av... .. . . . 4

19 Huron ... '··········

B (N.D.) fr. 93 Soutl!­port av. w. to Donu­nick .. Even nos. u.s

RouthporG av • ._.... 2 Dominick....... .. 44

Babetta (N. D.) fr. 446 Racine av. e. to Seminary av. Even

·nos. n.s. Racineav ...... ; ... 1201 Semiuary av .. ·: ... 1257

Dalclwin (W.D.) fr. 721 '\Y. Kinzie n. to Hubbard.

Kinzie ............ .. Hubbard ......... ..

Ballou (W.D.) fr.1281 w. Nonh av .. n. to W. Fullerton av.

Banks (N.D.) fr. 473 N.State e. to the Lake. Even nos. s.s.

State................ 2 Astor............... 28 Ritchie pl.......... 52 Stone ............... 76 The Lake.......... 82

Barber (W.D.) fr. 101 Stewart av. w. to 576 S. Halsted. Even nos . s.s.

Stewart av......... 1 Canal.;............. 41 J elferson .. .. .. . .. 99 Union .............. 157 Halsted ............ 189

Barry Point rd. (W . D.l see Colorado av.

Bartlett av. (W.D.J fr. N. Kedzieav.w. to Homan av. 3d n. of W. Division.

:Bates (W.D.) fr.Lum­ber w. to Stewart av. 1st s. of W. Twelfth.

.~!" -,,;ILum_ ber .. .. · --c"' Dodge ..... . ~ =~ Holden .... . ~"'S lRa!lroadav. ~ ,..:i Stewart av ..

'Bauwans (W.D.) fr. 587 N. Ashland av. n. w. and"n. to W. Black­hawk. Even nos. e.s.

.Ashland av........ 6 Elk:................ 43 .Blackhawk .. .. . .. . 68

Beach (W.D.) fr. 38 W. Harrison s. to W. Twelfth. Even nos. e.s.

Harrison ......... .. ·'°fSebor ....... .. .i:>:;-3 Mather ...... .

,~;. i:ol!r ........ .. .:; LEwmg ....... .

Forquer .......... .. ·Taylor ......... _. ....

151 DeKoven .......... . .Bunker ............. 163 ·Twelfth ........... .

Beach av. CW.D.) fr. N. Kedzie av. w. to Sheridan. 3<1 s. of W. North av.

'Beers (S.D.) fr.Ill. and Mich. Canal s. to City limits. Crosses Ar­cher av.at 3260. Even nos. w.s.

III.and l\'Iich.Canal

·Indiana............ ·

Egan av ............ 3900

Belden av. (N.D.) fr. 30 Perry e. to Lincoln pk. Even nos. n.s. ~

Perry.............. 2:> High ................ 49 Southportav....... 73 Ward .. -. ... ,_ ...... 95 Herndon ..... ; ...... 117 Lewis ............... 139 Racineav .......... 159 Jay ................. 185 seminary av ....... 207 Osgood ............ 229 Sheffield av ....... 251 Bissell .............. 273 l<"remont ........... 295 .Dayton .. . .. . . . . . .. . 317 Halsted .. . . • . . . .. . . 337 Burling.' .. "....... 363 Lincoln av ... ·.·· } 385 Orchard ........ .

~~fa~~e;1: ... ::-.:::: ~~~ Hurlbut ............ 475 Clark ............ ( 519 Sedgwick ........ s Nortl1 Park av ..... 577 Lincoln pk ........ .

Belden pl. (N.D.) fr. 458 Belden av. 11. and w. half blk. Even nos. e.s.

Belknap (W. D.) .fr. 419 s. l\Iorgan w. U hlk. Even nos. s.s. Tile old nos. are even n.S.

Bellevue av. (S.D.) fr. Forty-seconds. 10 hlks. 3d w. of Cot­tage Grove av. Even nos. ,v_.s.

Bellevue pl. cN.D.) fr. 313 N. State e. to

· the Lake. Even nos. S.S.

State .........•... ··· Rush ............... . Lake Shore drive .•

2 12 84

Belmont av. (N.D.) from the River e. to tile Lake. 1 mile n. of City limits.

Benton pl. (S.D. l fr. 45 State e. lU blks (alley bet. Lake and Randolph),

Benson (S.D.) fr. 10.81 Thirty-firsts.to Tlnr~ ty-second. Even nos. w.s.

Thirty-first ...... :.3100 James av ........... 3133 Thirty-seconcl ..... 3157

Berg pl. (W.D.) fr· Brand pl. w. to N· Robey, Ist n. of El­ston av.

Berlin (W.D.) fr. 1285 N. Leavittw. to West­ern av. Even nos. s.s.

Leavitt............. 95 Oakley av .......... 141 Western av ........ 185

Best. av. (N.D.) fr. Wrightwood av. n. I blk., 1st e. of Sheflield av.

Bethuel(W.D.) fr. W.

BicJterdike sq ..... . Ohio ............... . Erie ............... . Huron ............. . Superior ..........• Chicago av ... ; .....

Bickerdike sq. (W. D.) fr. Bickerdilte w. to Armour, bet. 'W. Ohio and W. Indiana.

Bingham (W.D.) fr. Ar1nitage av. n\v. to Cornelia, 1st w. of Milwaukee.av.

Binzo (W.D.) fr. El­ston av. sw. to Lister, 2<1 s. of W. Fullepton av.

Birch (W.D.) fr. 425 :;. Robey w. to Ken­dall. Even nos. s.s.

Robev .............. 1 l\Ivrtie........ • ... • 32 Kendall .. .. .. .. .. .. 47

Bi&hop ct. (W.D.) fr. 478 W. Washington s. to 521 W. Madison. Even- nos. e.s.

Washington....... 1 l\Iadison... ......... 31

Bismarck (W.D.) fr. N. Hockwell w. to Humboldt pk., 3d n. of W. Division.

Rockwell .......... . Washtenaw av ... . California av ...... . Humboldt pk .... ..

Bismarck ct. CW.D.) fr. al. rear 111 W. Huron w. to 291 No­ble.

Alley ................ 21 Noble ................ 105

Bissell (N.D. 1 fr. 137 Dayton nw. to Willow and n. to Belden av. Even nos. e.s.

Dayton............. 6 Fremont ............ 44 Willow............. 76 Clay ................ 150 Centre .............. 226 Garfielcl av ......... 282 Webster av........ 340 Belden av.......... 390

Bissell av. (S.D.) fr. Forty-first s. to For­ty-thircl, 1st w. of Stewart av.

Bixby ,l'l· (W.D:1 fr. 459 "'. Kinzie n. to Hubbard. Even nos. e.s .

Kinzle.............. 2 Hubbard ••. ,....... 28

Blackhawk (N.D.)fr. the River ne. aud e.

·to 398 Sedgwick. Even nos. s.s.

TheRiver ......... 2 North Branch..... 20 Uherry av ... · .. · l 40 Hickory av ...... j Hooker............ 68 N. Branch Canal.. 90 Hawt110rne av ..... 110 Smith av .......... 129 Judson ............. 134 Dayton .............. 158 Halsted............. 178

~~~~~~~.~.~::::::: ~~t Hinsche . .. . .. .. ... . 262 Larrabee .. .. .. . .. . • 288 Mohawk ............ 308

'Thirty-first ........ 3100

Sixteenth s. to w. Nineteenth, 3rd e. of s. Crawford av.

Hurlbut ............. 328

~r~~~s,~rc~~::::::::: i~~ R.R. crossing ..... . 'Thirty-second ..... 3208 Archer av .......... 3252

Old New Nos. Nos.

The River...... 1 Fleetwood .. l 41 Elston av .... f Luce .. : ....... ;. 71 R.R. crossing.. 95 Noble .......... ; 79 111 Cleaver ......... 101 143 HoLL ........... 117 169 Dickson ........ 147 203 Ashlan<l av .... 177 229 Ban wans ...... 186 266 Paulina ........ 201 289

Blackwell (8.D.) fr. . 231 Eighteenth s. to

Twentieth. Even nos. w.s.

Eighteenth ........ 1800 Nineteenth ........ 1900 Twentieth ......... 1934

Blair (W. D.) fr. 31 C:malport av. s. to '\V • Twentieth. Even nos. e.s.

Canal port av ....... · 3 Twentieth .. . .. .. . 43

Blake (S.D.) fr. 3623 Archer av. sw. ,_ !Jlk.

Blanchard av. (S.D.) See Rockwell S. ·

Blanchard pl. (S.D.) fr.191 Twenty-fourth s. ~ !Jlk.

.Blancbe. (W. D.) fr. tbe River w. to 718 N, Ashland av., 1st s. of W. North av. Even nos. s.s.

.{he River ........ .. )i·leetwood ........ . l\lcHenry. .... . . . . . . 41' Elston av ........ .. R.R. crossing .... . Noble .............. . Cleaver ............ . Holt .............. :. Dickson .......... .. Ashland av ....... .

Bliss (N.D.J fr. 22{ North Brauch ne. t~ N. Branch canal. Even nos. s.s.


North Branch .. l 6 Cherry av ....... l · i{~c~:l..~.~:::::::: ~~ .. N. Brancl1 canal.. SS

Block (N. D.) fr. 301 · . North av. n. to Ell- . J genie. Even no. e.s. ;

Nortl1 av........... 2 1 Eugenie............ 56 (

Bloom (S.D.J fr. 34th s. to 36th. 1st. e. ?f Beers. -Even nos. \V .s.

Thirty-fourth ..... 3400 Douglas :tv ......... 3500 Thirty-sixth •...... 3558

Blooiningclale rel. (W.D.) fr. 661 Elston av. w. to 954 N.West­ern av. tllence w. to Crawford av .

Elston av ......... .. Coventry .......... . R.R. crossing ..... . Dickson ......... .. Ashland av ..... .. Edgar ............ .. J•n.ulina .... .... ·. · · · Con1mercial . ....... .. Wood .............. . Girard ............. . E!kgrove av ..... .. Dudley ............ . Robey ............ . Hoyne av ........ .. Wilmot av ... : ... .. Leavitt .... '·· ... .. Milwaukee av ... .. Rosebud ........... . ·western av ....... .

Blucher (W. D.) fr. ·Thirty-third ....... 3300 Thirty-third ct .... 3334 Thirty-fourth ..... :3400

'Thirty-fourth ct .. . .Douglas av ......... 3500

Better (W.D.) fr. 81 Sholto w. to 330 S. ll'[ay. Even nos. n.s.

2 Sholto .............. · Aberdeen .. • . .. . . .. 22 May ................. 42

Blackhawk ·w. (W. D.) fr. the River w. to N. Paulina, 4th n. of w. Division. Even nos. s.s.

Lull pl. w. to 598 N. ·wood. Even nos. s.s.

Lull pl.............. 3. Wood ............... 25

\ \


Blue I~iand av. rw. D.)fr.junctlonof Hal­ste<l and Harrison sw. to 'Western av. Even nos. s.s.

Harrison........... 1 . Gurley............. 49 Hope............... 69 i:ol!<················ 91 Ewmg .......•...... 114 Forauer..... •. . • . . . 144 lllorgan • . • • • .. . . •• . 167 'l'aylor .............. 169 Eleventh ........... 205 'l'welflh ..... ' ...... 249 Thirteenth pl. ..... 279 Thirteent11.. .. . . . . 313 Maxwell. ........... 3$0

. Hastings .......•... 341 Frank .............. 342 Fou_rieenth •..... ( 365 Centre av ........ S Henry .............. 391 .Fifteenth.......... 423 Rebecca......... } 453 Throop .......... . Burlingt'n cros'g} 483 Sixteenth ....••.. Eighteenth ....... } 5~1 Loomis ......... . Nineteenth .•..... 623 J,aflin ............. l 653 Twentieth ......• S Twenty-first . . . . . . 683 Twenty-second. } 759 Ashland av ..... . Panlina ............ 813 Wood •....•......... fl79 Lincoln ............. 945 Robey .............. 1011 Hoyne av ..... , ... 1067 Leav;tt ............. 1125 Oakley av .......... 1191 Western av ........ 1255

Bonaparte (S.D.) fr. . Arch sw. to Lock. 1st s~ of Archer av. Even nos. n.s.

Arch ....•.......... 2950 Fake ............... 2977 Lock.: .........•.... 2998

Bond (W.D.)fr.Doug-las Park boulevard s. to W.Sixteenth, lstw. of Genesee av.

Bonfield ( S. D. ) fr. Hickory se. to Thirty­first, crosses Archer av. at2872. Even nos. w.s.

Hickory ....••...... 2700 Archer av •......... 2900 Lyman .•.......... 3000 Thirty-first •....... 3094

Bonney ( W. · D. ) fr. Geneseeav.w.toMow­rey 2 bl ks, 2d s. or W. Twenty-second.

Bonney av.(W.D.)fr. ·Ogden av. s. to 'l'wen­ty-sixth, 4th e. of Crawford av. Even nos. e.s.

Ogden av .......... . Twenty-second ... 1015 Twenty-third ..... 1075 Bonney ........... . Twenty-fourth .... 1135 '.rwenty-fifth ....... 1195 ·Twenty-sixth ...... 1253

Boone (W. D.) fr. De-Kalb w. to 436 S. Lea­vitt. Even nos. s.s.

DeKalb............. 1 Leavitt............. 13

Boston av. CW.D.)fr. 197 S. Desplaines w. to Halsted. Even nos. S.S.

Desplal nes......... 1 Halsted............ 65

Bowen av. (S.D.) tr. Graud boulevard e. to Cottage Grove av. 1st s. or F01·ty-first. Even nos. s.s.

BowPry (W.D.)fr. 294 'N. VanBuren s. to W. Congress. Even nos. , e.s.


· VanBuren. . • . . . . . • 1 William............ 17 Congress . . . . . . • . • . 31

Bradley (W.D.)fr 303 Elston av. w. to Holt. Even nos. s,s.

Elston av........... 1 R.R. crossing...... 21 Noble............... 57 Cleaver............. 75 Holt ........•.. ; ....

Brand pl. (W.D.) fr. W. Fullerton av. 11. ancl nw. to N. Robey, 1st e. of Elston av.

Br,..menpl. (W.D.)fr. 1229 N. Leavitt w. to Western av. Even nos. s.s.

Leavitt.............. 95 Oakley av .......... 141 Western av ........ 185

Breiner ( N. D. ) See J\Iilton av.

Breslau ( W. D. ) fr. 163 Hamburg n. to Ems. 1st w. of N.Oak­ley av. Even nos. e.s.

Hamhurg....... .... 2 Ems ................ 30

Brigham (W. D.) fr. 673 N. Ashland av. w. to N. Woocl, Even nos. s.s.

AshlaHd av........ 1 Paulina............. 59 Dean................ 94 ·wood ...... ; ..•.... 113

Broacl (S.D.) fr. C.&A. R.R. se. to Thirty­first, crosses Archer av. at 3022. Even nos. w.s.

C. & A. R.R .•...... 2900 Archer av .......•.. 3000 Thirty-first ........ 3064

Brook (or Fortieth) (S.D.Jfr. Drexel bou­levard e. to the Lake, 2 blks s. of City limits.

Broom (W.D.) fr. 561 w. Indiana n. to W. Ohio. Even nos. e.s.

Indiana............ 2 Ohio................. 40

Bross av. ( S. D; ) fr. Long John sw. to City limits. 1st s. of Ill.& Mich. canal.

Brown (W.D.) fr. 316 W. Taylor s. to the River. Even nos. e.s.

Taylor.............. 1 Twelfth............ 63 Maxwell............ 129 Fourteenth •..••... 165 Wrigbt ............• 197 R. R. crossing ....• Sixteenth ....•..... 265 Eighteenth ........ 325 Eighteenth pl...... 347 Nineteenth . . . . . . . . 367 Nineteenth pl...... 390 Twentieth ...••..... 407 ()Jayton ............. 432 Twenty-first....... 451 Canalport av... . • . . 4 71 Twenty-second .... 491 'l'he River; ........•

Bryan pl. (W.D.) fr. 485 W. Randolph nw. to L ke (opp. Union plt.) Nos. 011 n.s. only.

Bryant av. (S.D.) fr. 3540 Vincennes av.w. to Stanton av. Even nos. n.s.

Vincennes av...... 2 Stanton av......... 88

Bryson (W.D.) fr. 599 N. Lincoln w. to N. RQckwell. Even nos. n.s.

Lincoln............. 2

Robey............... 62 Hoyne av.......... 122 Leavitt ...•..••.•••• 182 Shober ............. 208 Oakley av ....•..... 234 Davis; .............. 260 Western av ... , ..... 288 Dania av ..........• Sey1nour av ....... . J\Iaplewood av ....• Rockwell .....•••..•

Buclianan(W.D.) See Washtenaw av. n. of W. North av.

Bucldan (S. D.) See Portland av.

Buena Vista pl.(S.D.) fr. Emerald av. n.e. U hlk. (1 blk. S. Of 2473 Archer av.) Even nos. n.s.

Bunker (W. D.) fr. 159 Beach w. to 434 S. Halsted. Even nos. S.S.

Beach............... 1 Canal........ . . . . . . 33 Clinton............. 59 .Jefferson........... 87 Desplaines .....•... 119 Halsted............. 185

Burling (N.D.) fr. 183 North ~Lv. n. toBddeu av. Even nos; e.s.

North av........... 1 Willow............. 82 Centre ....•......... 21 O Garfield av......... 266 Webster av......... 322 Belden av .......... ii78

Burlington (W. 0.)fr: ~5 W. Sixteenth s. to 96 W. Eighteenth. Even nos. ~:s.

Sixteenth ... ,....... 1 Eighteenth......... 65

Burnside (S. D.) See Dearhorn s. of Four­teenth.

Burton J>l. (N.D.) fr. 1108 N. Clark e. to the Lake. Even nos. s.s.

Clark .........•... ;.. 2 Dearborn av....... 24 State................ 48 Astor............... 74 The Lake ..........• 100

Bushnell CS. D.) fr. 2324 Wentworth av. w. to Archer av. Even nos. n.s.

Wentworth av..... 94 l'ortland av........ 150 Stewart av .•....... 190 Hanover ...•.•...• 220 Archerav ........•. 258

Butler (S.D.) fr. 2361 Archer av. se. to Twenty-fourth,thence s. to Egan av. · Even nos. w.s.

Archer av ••........ 2332 Twenty-fourth .... 2365 McGregor ....•..... 24:J2 . Twenty-fifth •.•.... 2500 KossntJ1 .........•.. 2532 Twenty-sixth •..... 2600 Twenty-seventh •.. 2700 Twenty-eightll .... 2800 Napoleon pl. ....... 2832 Twenty-ninth ...... 2900 Thirtieth ........... 3000 Thirty-first •....... 3100 Tllirty-second .... 3200 Thirty-third ....... 3300 Thirty-fourth .•.... 3400 Douglas av ........ 3500 Thirty-sixth ....... 3600 Thirty-seventh .... 3700 Thirty-seventh ct. 3735 1'hirty-eighth ..... 3800 '£hirty-eighth ct .. 3835 Egan av .......••••. 3900

But.terfield (S.D.) fr. 201 Sixteenths.toCity Limits. Even nos.w.s. ,

Sixteenth .......... 1600 Seventeenth ....... 1700

Eighteenth ........ 1800 Nineteenth ........• 1900 Archei; av .•..... (

2000 Twentieth ....... S Twenty-first .. : .... 2100 Twenty-seccmd .... 2200 Twenty-third •..... 2300 Twenty-fourth .... 2400 Twenty-fifth ....... 2500 Twenty-sixth .....• 2600 Spring .............. 26ZO 'l'wenty-seventh .. 2700 Twenty-ninth .. ; .. 2900 Thirtieth ........... 3000 Thirty-first .... , ... 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Thirty-thircl ....... 3300 Thirty-fourth ..... 3400 Dong las av ......... 3500 Thirty-sixth,, ... :.3600 'l'birty-seventh ... 3700 Tllirty-eiglith .... ;3800 Egan av ............ 3900

Thence s. 10 bl ks.

Butterfield al.(N.D.) fr. 151 Clybourn av. s.w. and w. to rear 585 N. Halsted.

Byfoi:dav. (W.D.)fr. Douglas .Park boule­varcl s. to W. Six­teenth, first e. of Cen­tral Park av.

C (N.D.) fr. 61 South­port av. w. tu Domin­icK. Even nos. n.s.

Southport av....... 2 Dominick.......... 28

Calhoun pl. <S.D.)fr. US Statew.to Market. al. bet. Washington and l\ladison

State ......•. ; ...... . Dearborn ......... . Clarlr-. ............ . J,aSalle .........•••. Fifth av ........•..• ·Franklin .......... . Market ............ .

California av. N.(W. D.) fr. 1272 W. Lake 11. to Diversey av. Even nos. e.s.

Lake .......... -....... 2 Fulton.............. 68 Kinzie.............. 126 Indiana . . . . . . • . . . . . 196 O:oio ................ 240 R.R. crossing ..... . Grand av .......... . Chicago av ......... 364 Iowa ................ 422 Linwood pl ....... . Augusta............ 482 Cortez ..........•.•.

·Thomas .........•... Division ........... 604 Werder ............ 634 Moltke .........•.... 660 Bismarck .......... 694 Hirsch ............. 720 Thompson......... 780 North av ........... 840 \Vabansia av ••..•. Bloomingdale rd .. Cortland .......... . Armitage av ...... . Tondern ...........• Point ..............• Russum ........... . Appenrade .•....... Stave ........•.....•. Milwaukee av •.... Fullerton av ...•.. Green wood av ... :. HumlJoldt Pk.boul. Everg1:een a'v ..... . Diversey av ....... .

California av. S. CW. D.) and (S.D.) fr. 1211 W. Lake s. to City limits. Even nos. e.s.

Lake..... .....•. ... 1 l'ark av........ ... 22 Wasllington....... 43 Warren av......... 69 Madison, ......•. ( 95 Colorado av ..... 5 Monroe............. 125 Wilcoxav .......... 151 Adams ............•• 179 Jackson ....•........ 201> Van Buren......... 251

Oongres5 ...•.. :-.. ; . 289 Harrison. . . . • . . . . 323 Flournoy ........... 3358~ Lexington.......... u

Polk ..........••..•. 417 Harvard ........... 451 Ftll more ......•...• 511 Twelfth............ 569 Douglas plr ....... . Ogclen ay ........ } 744 F.ifteentn .... ; .. . Sixteenth .......... 804 Eighteenth ....... . Nineteen h ....... . R.R. crossing ..... . Twentieth ........ . Twenty-fi1·st ...• · .. .

· Hi111nan .... -. ...... . 'l'wenty-seconcl .... 1015 Moore ...........•.. 1076 Parmelee ......... . Laugluon .......... 1136 Coulter ............. 1190 Twenty-sixtll .....• 1251 The River ......... . Ill. and Mich.canal Dong las av ........• Thirty-sixth ...... . Th!rty-seventll ... . Thirty-eighth ..... . Egan av ........... .

Calumet av.(S.D.)fr. 1 Eigllteenth s. to Egan av. Even nos. ,v.s.

Eighteenth ........ 1800 T'ventiet~1 ......... 2000 Twenty· first ......• 2100 Twentv-second .... 2200 Twenty-third ...... 2300 Twentr-fourtlL ... 2400 Cottage Grove av .. 2442 Twenty-fiftll ...... 2500 Twenty-sixth ...... 2600 Twenty-nintll ..... 2900 Ray ................. 2932 Gano ....... ~ ....... 2962 Tl1irty-first. • ... 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Thirty. th Ir cl ....... 3:300 Douglas av ......... ;J50Q Thirty-seventh .... 3700 Thirty-eightl1 ..... 3800 Egan av .....•...... 385S

Campbell av. (W.D.) fr. 1062 W. Madison s. to W. Sixteenth. Even nos. e.s.

J\Iaclisou . . . . . . . . . . 93 Monroe..... . . • • • • • • 125 Wilcoxav ..••.•.... 151 Adams ......•••••.. 179 Jackson............ 205 VanBuren ......... 251 Congress ........... 289 Harrison ".!'....... .. 323 Flournoy ........... 353 Lexingtun . . . . . . . . 385

t~\;·,i1~a:.:::::::::: 4AI Taylor .............. 483 Fillmore ........... 515 Crenshaw ••...•••.. 545 Twelfth......... . . 571 Ogden av ....•..... 661 Fourteenth . . . . . • . . 683 Fifteenth •......... 743 Rebecca ...... , ..... 777 Sixteenth .......... 801

Campbell Park(W. 0.) fr. 357 S. Leavitt w. to S. Oakley av.

n.s. call eel 'Voodbine pl. s.s.calle<l Evergreen pl.

Canal N. (W.D.)fr. 29 W. Randolph n. to \V .. Kinzie. Even nos. w.s.

Randolph . . . . . . . . . 1 Lake........ ....... 41 Milwaukee av..... 48 Fulton.............. 73 Carroll av .......... 111 R.R. crossing ..... . Kinzie............. . 139

Canals. (W.D.) fr. 30. W. Randolph s. to Lumber. Even nos. e.s.

Randolph.......... 1 Washington....... 37 Madison............ 77 School......... .... 95 Monroe .. ; ••........ 113 Adams ............. 149


Jackson ............ 189 VanBnren ......... 229 Harrison ... , ....... 301 Sehor ............... 330 Jllatber . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 Polk ......•••.••... 375 Ewing ....••........ 399 Forquer ....•••..... 421 'J'aylor.............. 443 DeKoven........... 461 Bunker ............. 483 'l'welfth............ 507 Jucld ..........•..•.• 5~7 Wilson.:........... 547 11rax,vell........... 567 Liberty ............ 581 Fourteenth........ 595 Barber ............ 609 Wright ............. 623 Fifteenth •...•..•.• 637 l'>Ieagher.:....... .. 651 R.R. crossrng ..... . Sixteentl1..... .. .. . 679 Seventeenth....... 718 Canalport.av ....... 735 Eigbteenth ...•...• 745 Lnml>er ........... 797

Canal pl.(W.D.)fr.N. Bra a ch OhicagoRiver w. to 780 Elston av.

Canal port av .(W.D.) fr. 735 S. Canal sw. to Twenty-second. Even nos. ii.s.

canal........ ...... 2 Sewarcl. ._ ........ ( 26 W. Eighteenth .. S Blair................ 35 Jefferson........... 66 String.............. 86 Ruble ................ 108 Union .•............ 134 Halsted •........... 176 Twenty-first .... ( 224 Johnson ......... S Brown .••.......•... 250 Morgan .......... ( 290 Twenty-second. S

Carl (N.D.) fr. 548 N. Wellse. to LaSalle av. Even !JOS. s.s.

\Veils ...•.... :...... 2 LaSalle av.. . . . • • • • . 28

Carpenter N. (W.D.) fr. 301 \V. Randolph n. to the River. Even

·nos. "'.S. Randolph.......... 1 Latrn............ ... 31 F1t1ton.. .. . . . ...... 61 C!.arrc_ill av ...... ; ...


55 Kmzie ............. .

Hubbard .•..••• ;... 143 Indiana............ 175 Ohio............... 205 Erie ........... ; •... 237 Huron .............. 267 l\Iilwaukee av ..... 281 Chicago av ........ 311 Front ............... 339

¥~~'.RTvei·:::::::::: i~~ Car1>enter s. (W.D.)

fr. 302 >V. Randolph s. to 295 W. Madison. Even nos. e.s.

Randolph.......... 1 Washington........ 35 l\Iaclison........... 67

Carroll av. (W.D.) fr. theRiverw. to Leave itt ancl fr. Francisco to Central Park av.2d n. of \V. Lake. Even nos. s.s,

The River •..•.•••• Canal............... 1 Clinton............. 33 Jefferson........... 63 l\Iilwaukee av..... 73 Desp\alnes.... .... 95 Union .........••... 127 Halsted .......••••. 167 Green.............. 187 Peoria ..........•••• 207 Sangmnon ...... .• . 227 Morgan . . . . . . .••••. 247 Carpenter.......... 267 Curtis .••••••...•... 287 l\Iay ······•• •...... 307 Ann ......••.••••.•. 327 Elizabeth . . . . . • • . . . 365 Ada ........ ; ...••.•• 409

Sheldon ............ 447 Union Park pl.. ..• 491

. St. John's pl....... 517 Ashland av ........ 553 Paulina........... 613 Wood ...........•••. 673 Lincoln............. 733 Robey .............. 793 Hoyne av •••...•..• 853 I~eavitt .........•... 911 Francisco ......... . Sacramento av ... . Albany av ......... . Kedzie av ......... . Homan av ......... . Central Park av ..•

,Cass (N.D.) fr. 263 Kinzie n. to Rush, 3 blks. e. of N. Clark. Even nos. w.s.

IGnzie....... .. • • • . • 1 Michigan.......... 19 Illinofs.... ... ...•.. 37 Indiana............. 57 Ohio................ 77 Ontario............. 95 Erie ................. 115· Huron ............. 135 Snperior ............ 153 Chicago av......... 177 E. Pearson ......... 197 Chestr.ut ... , ....... 213 Delaware pl. ....... 236 Rush. . ........... 244

Cedar ( N. D. l .fr. 347 Rush e. to the Lake. Even nos. s.s.

Rush.......... ..... 2 Lake Shore drive. 76

Central av. (S.D.) fr. 9 S. Water s. to Ran­clolph. Nos. on w. s.

~~,g~~ {s. Water .. ?-='·:::~ ii5' Lake ...... . al '55~..._ Randolph. 0 .....

CentralPark av. N. ( W. D. J fr. <;entral Park boulevard ll. to City limits. 4th w. of Hou1an av.

Indlana ............ . Ohio ............... . Huron ..........••.. Chicago av ......... . Augusta ........... . Grattd av .......... . DiVision .. ........ . William ........... . FrecJerick ........ ' Prince ............. . North av ......... . Thence n. 10 hlks.

Central Park av. S. ;W.D) fr. 1736 W. i\Iadison s. to Thirty­first. Even nos. e.s.

l\Iaillson............ 94 Monroe ........... 134 Aclams . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 J aclrnon . . . . . . . • . . . . W9 Colorado av ........ 250 Harrison •••. : .•... Twelfth . . . . . • • . • • . 571 Gooclwin .... ....... 612 Palatine ............ 650 Douglas Park boul 687 Fifteenth .......... 743 Sixteenth........... 803 Ogden av ........... 927 Twenty-second •... 1015 R.R. crossing .•.... 1045 Twenty-third ..•.. 1075 Twenty-fourth .... 1135 Twenty-fiftll ..•.... 1195 Twenty-sixth ...... 1253 Twenty-seventh .. Swift .............. . Whitehouse ....•... Thirty-first ....... .

Centre (N. D.) fr. 28 Raei1ie av. e. to 873. N. Clari,, Even nos. n.~. !

Racme. a1v....... .. . 31 Seminavy av....... 93 Clyde .........•..•.. 111 Osgoocl .......••.•.. 114 Sheffield av ......•. 135 Bissell ...•.•.•••..•• 157 Fremont............ 179 Dayton ...•........• 201

Halsted............. 221 BurJi,1g ......••...• 241 Orchard.:.......... 261 Howe ......•.•....•• 283 Larrabee ........... 303 l\Iohawk .....•...•. 323 Hurlbut............ 343 Hudson av .••.•••.• 369 ~incol~ av ......• l 393 Seclgw1ck ........ 5 Lane pl •.........•. 414

~10::~.~~:~.~::::} 435

'Centre av. OV.D.) fr. 382 w. l\Iaclison s. to

• Lumber. Even no11. e.s .

l\Iadison... .••.....• 1 Rundell pl......... 12 Church ct.......... 22 l\Iouroe............ 31 Adams.. .. . • . • • . . . . 61 Jackson............ 93 VanBuren . . . . .•••. 125 Tilden.............. 140 Congress •.........• 157 Harrison........... 179 Vernon Park pl... 207 Gurley ............. 214 Macallister pl . . . . . 243 Polk ................ 253 Gilpin pl.. ... ,..... 265 Arthlngton......... 293 Taylor ............•. 315 Twelfth............ 379 ·.rhirteenth pl...... 399 Thirteenth., ..••... 419 Hastings........... 439 Fourteenth....... . • 457 Blue Island av.... 467 Henrr .............. 475 Fifteenth . . . . . . . . . . 497 Rebecc" .......••... 517 R.R. crossing ..... . Sixteenth........... 537 Seventeenth .....•• 566 Eighteenth . . . . • .. . 585 Nineteenth........ 637 Mel'IIullen ct....... 644 Twentieth......... 664 Twenty-first ....•.. 68$. Walsh ct........... 684 Twenty-second.... 729 Lumber............ 835

Centre nv. N.(W.D.)' fr. 347 W. Kinzie n. to 17 Augusta. Even nos. w.s.

Kinzie ..... ;........ 1 HublM.rd........... 29 Indiana. . . . . . . . . . .. 55 Hunt................ 7l> Ohio .. . . . .. .•. .•.... 85 Erie ..••••....•••... 109 Huron .........•..•. 133 Su:perior..... 165/ Chicago av......... 193 Fry ................. 226 lllilwaukee av •.... 239 R.R. crossing .•.... Augusta,........... 313.

ChampJaiu (S.D. l fr_ Bross ,.v.s.to Donglas­av. 5th e. of ·westerH av. Even nos. \V.s.}'

Bross av ......•.... 32ll0 Thirty-thlrcl ....... 3300 Thirty-fourth ..... 3400 Douglas av ...•..... 3450

Champlain av. (S. D.) fr. Forty-first s. to -Fifty-first, abt. 2 blks. w. of Cottage Grove av.

Chapin (W.D.) fr. 543 No!Jle e. to Currier. Even nos. n.s.

Noble............... 1 Currier............. 43

Charles CW.D.) fr. W. VanBurnn s. to W. Hanison. 1st w. of the River.

VanBnren ......... . Harrison .......... .

Charle!! 1>l. (S.D.) fr. 324 Fifth av.w.to 327 FranKlln. Even nos. n.s.

.Fifth av.. •.•. .••.•. 2 Franltlin.. .. ••••• .. 32 ,


C:harlotte (W.D.) fr, S. Central Park av. w. to Genesee av. 1 hllc.

. 1st 11. of W. Twelfth.

<Charlton ( S. D. ) fr. ThirGy - third s. to Douglas av. 1st e. of S. Ashland av.

<Jhase (W.D.) fr. 312 W. Chicago av. n. to Cornell. Even nos. w.s.

<Chicago av......... 1 !Fry................. 25 Corn ell.. . .. . . . . . . . . 4 7

·-Ohase ct; (W. D) fr, Coulter s. ~ blk. 1st e. of \Vestern av.

<Jhatham ct. (N. D.) fr. Hol>l>ie n. to 204 Division. Even nos. e.s.

Hobbie.. .......... 2 Elm . . . . ... ... .. ... 38 Division............ 68

:Cherry av. (N.D.) fr. 224 North Branch n. w. to Eastman and n. to NOI"th av. Even nos. e.s.

"North Branch ... ( 2 ·;suss .............. S Division . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Rees ................ 108 Eastman........... 148 Hickory av ...... ( 214 Blackhawk ...... l Hooker ........... ( 280 Weed ............. S N. Brancb. Canal.. 320 North av ........... 328

Cherry pl. (W.D.) fr. Powella\'.W. to Perry av. 1st s. of Edbrooke pl.

Chestnut ( N. D. J fr. ;> blk. w. of 240 N. Market e.'to tlie Lake. Even nos. s.s.

First No ............ 124 Market ............. 146 Franklin ........... 182 Wells ............... 218 LaSalle av .......... 254 Clark ............... 290 Dearborn av ....... 326 State .....•.......... 366 Cass............... 400 Rush ................ 408 Geary .............. 443

· Pine ................ 460 Tile Lake.......... . 490

Chicago av. (N.D.) fr. the River e. to tlie Lake. Even nos. s.s.

The River.......... 2 Robe1·ts. .• . . . . . .. . . 14 Larrabee........... 19

·•\Vesson...... .... . . . 41 Kingsbury......... 48 Nilton av........... 61 Townsend .. ,....... 80 Sedgwick.......... 108 Marlret............. 138 Fran lclin • • . . • • . . . .. 164 Wells ............... 196 LaSalle av.• . .'...... 228 Clark ............... 258 Dearborn av ....•.. 286 .State ............... 316 Cass ................. 346 Rush .... ; .......•.. 372 Tower pl ............ 379 Pine ............•... 400 The Lake ........... 470

Chicago av. W. (W. D.) fr. tile River w. to City limits. Even nos; n.s.

TheRiver.......... 2 Putnam . . • • . • .. .. . . 19 Halsted............. 70 Green.............. 88 Dix .................. 110 Lessing............. 132 Sangamon .. . • • . . . . 156 Morgan ............ 171 Carpenter; ..• ,... . . 188 .May ................. 220 Milwaukee av ...... 228


l\fay ................. 229 C"ntre av ........... 254 Ay~rs ct ............ 285 Keith ............... 307 Cllase ........ ,... . . 316 Temple ............. 325 Snell ................ 347 Noble .............. 366 Rose .............. :. 394 Bickerdike.,....... 403 Holt ................ 422 Armour............ 439 Aslllanu av ........ 470 Rumsey........ .. 498 Paulina . . . . . . . . .. .. 520 Samuel.. ........... 546 Wood .............. 568 Lincoln ............. 628 Dudley ............. 662 Robey .............. 688 Hoyne av .......... 748 Leavitt ............. 808 Oakley av ......... 868 ·western av ...... :. 928 Seyn1our av ....... . Rockwell ....... ., .. . Washtenaw av ... . :Fairfield av ...... . Californi>i av ..... . Grand av .......•... Francisco ......... . Kedzie av ......... . Boulevarll ........ . Sherillan av ...... .. Homan av ......... . Trumbull av ...... . St. Lonfa av ...... . Drake av .......... . Central Park av .. . Tinkham av ....... . Lawndale av ..... . Hamlin av ........ . Ave1,.,-sav .......... .. Springfielll av .... . Harding av ....... . Crawford av ...... .

Church (N. D.J See Hudson av.

Church ct. (W.D.) fr. 83 S. J'ilorgan w. to Centre av.

l\Iorgan ......•..... Aberdeen ......... . Centre av ......... .

Church pl. (S.D.) fr. Fuller se. to 2962 Archer av. Even nos. 11.S.

Fuller .............. 2800 Archer av..... . .. 2860

Churchill (W.D.) fr. 889 N. Robey w. to N. Leavitt. Even nos. s.s.

Robey.............. 1 Hoyne av ...... ;... 51 Wilmotav ....... i 99 . Leavitt ........... l

Cicero ct. (W.D.) fr. 1078 W. Jackson s. to Harrison. Even nos. e.s.

Old Ne\Y Nos. Nos.

Jackson....... 1 VanBuren ... ; 1 39 Congress ...... 43 67 Harrison .....• 67 93

Clara pl. (W.D.) fr. Po\\"ell av. w. 1 blk., 1st s. of W. Fullerton av.

Clarinda (W.D.) fr.34 Holt w. to N. ·wood. Even nos. n.s.

Holt................ 2 Ashland av........ 52 Rumsey ........... . Paulina ........... . Samuel. ...•........ ·wood ............. .

Clark (S.D.) fr. the Rivers. to City lim­its. Even nos. w.s.

s. Water........... 2 Lake................ 32 Couch pl........... 50 Randolph........... 66 Court House sq .. . Washington ........ 104 Calhoun pl..... . .. . 122

Madison...... . . . . . . 14 2 Arcade .ct ........ :. 162 Monroe ........•.... 180 Marble pl. ......... 196 Adams.............. 214 Quincy.............. 232 J acl<scm... . . . .. . . . .. 250 VanBuren ......... 282 Harrison.......... 352 Polk ............. : ... 424 Taylor .............. 496 Stowell........ ... . . 538 Twelfth ............ 1200 Fourteenth •....... 1401 Fifteenth ..........• 1501 Sixteenth ........... 1600 S~venteenth ...... 1700 Eighteenth ........ 1800 Nineteenth ........ 1900 Twentieth ......... 2000 Archer av .......... 2014 Twenty-first ....... 2100 '£wenty-second .... 2200 Twenty-third .... . 'l.'wenty-fourth ... . Twenty-fifth ...... . Twenty-sixth .... . Spring ............. . Twenty-seventh .. . Twenty-ninth .... . Thirtieth ......... . Thirty-first ....... . 'l.'hirty-second .... . Thirty-third ...... . Thirty-fourth .... .. Douglas av ........ . Thirty-seventh ... . Thirty-eighth .... .. Egan av ..... : ..... . Thence s. to Sixty-fifth.

Clark N. (N.D,) fr. the River n. to North av., thence nw. to Di­versey av. Even nos. e.s.

Tile River.......... 2 N. Water........... 20 Kinzie ....... ,...... 40 lllichigan....... .. . . 60 Illinois............. 82 Incliii.na............ 106 Ohio ................ 126 Ontario ............. 146 Erie .............. 172 Huron ............. 192 Superior ........... 214 Chic:w:o av ......... 240 ChesLnut; .......... 274 Wasbingtou pl.. ... 292 Locust .............. 313 Lafayette pl........ 330 Oak .... , ............ 352 Maple ............. 392 Elm ................. 432 Division............ 448 Goethe .............. 504 Schiller . . . . . . . . . 562 Burton pl.. ........ 614 Grant .............. 645 North av ........... 663 Engenie......... . . 713 LaSalle av .......... 737 Menominee ........ 771 Park front......... 787 Lincoln av ........ . Wells ............... 817 Wisconsin ......... 821 Centre ..... , ........ 879 North Park av .... 896 Garfield av......... 922 Webster av ........ 976 Sedgwick ........ l 1009 Grant pl. ......... 5 Belcle·1 av .......... 1026 Fullerton av ....... 1076 Frederick ct ....... . Deming ct .........• Wrightwoodav.: .. Deweyct .......... . Diversey av •.......

Clarkson ct. (W.D.) fr. 1299 W. Lake s. to W. Washington. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ l Washington....... 41

Clay . (N.D.) fr. 156 Sheffield av. e. to 818 N. Halsted.

Sheffield av ....... . Bissell ............. . Fremont .......... . Dayton ........... . Halsted,. .......... .

Clayton (W.D.) fr.395 Jonnson w. to Brown, and fr. 769 S. Morgan w. to :E'isk, Even rios. S.S. .

Johnson............ 1 ]~rO\V.iI.. •• • ••••••••. 29 JUorgau.... ....... 61 Fisk... ............ 89

Cleaver CW.D.) fr. 761 lllilwaukee. av. n. to Blanche.Ev.3n nos.e.s.

Milwankee av..... 2 Division , . . . . . . . . .. 52 Bradley............ 108 Blackhawk ........ 168 Blanche............ 226

Clifton Park av. ( W. D.) fr. W. Sixteenths. to ,V. Twenty-sixth. 3cl w. ol' Homan av. (Froin Ogden av. to Twenty - second this street is called Cyn­thia.) Even nos. e.s .

Sixteenth .......... . Eighteenth ....... . Ogllen av .......... . Twenty-second .... 1015 R.R. crossing ...... 1037 Twenty-thir'cl. ..... 1075 Twenty-fourth .... 1135 Twenty-fifth ...... 1195 Twenty-sixth ..... 1253

Clinton N. CW.D.)fr. 61 W. Randolph n. to \V. Kinzie. Even nos. e.s. s. of Lake, and w.

· s. n. of Lake; Randolph.......... 2 Lake. .... ......... 39 Milwaukee av .. l 71 Fulton ........... 5 Carrollav .......... Ill Kinzie .............. 137

Clinton S. (W.D.) fr. 62 W. Randolph s. to 165 l\Iaxwell. Even nos. e.s.

Randolph.......... 1 ·washington . . .. . . . 41 l\Iadison............ 79 School.............. 97 lllonroe............. 115 Adams............. 153 Quincy ............. 173 Jackson... . . . . . .. . . 189 VanBuren ........• 221 Congress........... 259 Harrison ........... 291 Sebor ............... 313 l\Iather............. 329 Polk ................ 345 Ewing .............. 367 Forquer ............ 391 Taylor ............. 411 DeKoven •.......... 431 Bunker ............. 451 Twelfth............ 473 Judd ................ 495 Wilson .............. 517 l\Iaxwell........... 537

Clybourn av, (N.D;) fr. 305. Division nw. to tile City limits. Even nos. n.s.

Division............ 2 Hurlbut............ 54 Mohawk ........... 90 Larrabee ...... ( 122 Rees ............. 5 Butterfielll al...... 155 Langdon ........•.. 189 Hinsche............ 198 Blackhawk ........ 214 Orchard ............ 238 Weed ct ............ 262 Halsted .......... l 278 Weed ............ 5 ~ayton .......... l. 308 .North av ........ 5 Conconl pl . . . . . . . . 349 Sllefiield av ...... l. 414 Willow .......... 5 Clyde .............. 486 Wabansia av . . . . . . 529 Clybourn pl........ 551 Racine av .......... 552 Lewis ............... 596 Herndon........... 638 'Vard ............... 672

~~~~~~~~~~~·::.:} 690 Webster av ........ 718

:Perry ............... 762 Cooper ............. 806 Ashland av ......... 830 .Fullerton av ...... . Diversey av ...... . Belmont av ...... .

·Clybo111·n pl. (N.D.) fr, 549 Clybourn av. w. to the River. Even nos. s.s.

Clybourn av....... 7 Marcy ............ .. ·Hawthorne av..... ·41 Southport av... 101 The J.tiver .......... 117

Clybourn pl. W. (W. D.) fr. the River w; to 930 N. Robey. Even nos. s.s.

The River.......... 119 Mendell ............ 141 Elston av ........... 161 ·Coventry ......•••.. 172 R.R. crossing...... 179 Ashland av ........ 182 Edgar .............. 208 Paulina . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Commercial........ 251 Wood ............... 273 Girard .............. 295 Elkgrove av ....... 317 Dudley ............. 339 :Robey .............. 359

Clyde (N.D.) fr. 484 Clybourn av. ne. and n. to Centre. Even nos. e.s.

·Clybourn av....... 2 Kroger ............. 22 Poe ......... :....... 36 Centre.............. 90 Coblentz (W.D.) fr.

1013 N. Robey w •. to N. ·western av. Even nose s.s.

Robey.............. 1 Hoyne av.......... 49 Leavitt............. 95 Oakley av .......... 141 Western av ........ 185

College pl. (S.D.) fr. 3326 Cottage Grove av. w. to Rb.odes av. Even nos. n.s.

Cottage Grove av.. 2 Rb odes av . . . . . . . . . 54

Collins (W.D.) fr. 721 s. Albany av. w. to S. Ketlzie av.1blk.2cl n. of W. Sixteenth.

Cologne (S.D.)fr.2500 Quarry sw. to Fuller. Even nos. n.s.

Q~arry .......... l lilckory ......... 5 Main ............... 2500 Deering ............ 2700 Short ............... 2801 Lock ............. l 2870 Fuller ........... S

Colorado av. (W.D.) fr. 1250 · W. Madison sw. to City limits. Even nos. s.s.

Maclison ......... l 2 Californiaav .... 5 .Francisco.......... 71 Monroe ............. 96 Sacramento av .... 135 Whipple ............. 180 Albany av ...••..... 214 Troy ..•...•••.•..•• 248 Kedzie av .......... 287 Spaulding av ...... 335 Jackson............ 368 Homan av......... 399 Trumbull av ....... 432 St. Louis av ........ 471 Central Parle av .. . Hamlin av ........• Crawford av ..... .

Com1nercial (W.D.) Ir. 321 W. North av. n. to Armitage av,aml ~blk.u. Even nos. e.s;

North av........... 2 Wabansia av....... 50 Bloomingdale rel;. 102 Clybourn pl........ 148 Armitage av ....... 194 L.-ist No ............. 226


Concord pl. (N.D.)fr. 341 Clybourn av.w. to Sllefiieldav.Even nos. n.s .

Clybourn av....... 8 Sheffield av ........ 11 46

Congress (S.D.) fr. Jmchigan av.w. to 319 State, and fr.300 Fifth av. w. to the River. Even nos. n.s. e. of State and s.s. w. of Fifth av.

llficl1igan av....... 2 Wabash av......... 32 Holden pl . . . 48 State................ 62

Recommences at Fifthav ............ 175 Franklin ........... 207 Market ............. 223-The River ......... .

Congress w. (W.D.) fr. 255·S.Clinton w. to Jefferson, fr. 231 Hal­sted to Leavitt,ancl fr. Westernav.toSpauld­ing av. Even nos. n.s.

Clinton............. 69 Jefferson........... 99 Halsted............. 14~ Green .............. 162 Peoria .............. 182 Sangamon . .. .. . .. . 202 Morgan . . . . • • . . . . . . 222 Bowery ............ 242 Aberdeen . .. •. •.. . . 274 Centre av........... 330 Throop............. 378 Loomis ....•.....•.. 428 Lafiin....... ... .. . . . 488 Ashland av......... 542 Marshfielclav •..... 568 Paulina ......... •.. 594 Hermitageav ...... 618 wood ............... 646 Honore ............. 670 Ogden av........... 690 Lmcoln... .... . . . . . . 694 Winchester av..... 720 Robey .............. 746 Hoyne av........... 806 Leavitt.............. 858

. Western av........ 982 Campbellav •.•....• 1040 Union pl ........... 1063 Cicero ct .....•••. :.1086 Rockwell. .......... 1096 R.R. crossing ..... 1102 Congress Park ..... 1114 wasntenaw av .... 1148 California av ...... 1204 Francisco ... • ...... 1264 Sacramento av .... 1324 Albany av .......... 1384 Kellzie av ......... 1444 Spaulding av ...... 1502

Congress Park CW. D.) fr. 1112 W. Van Buren s. to W. Harri­son. Even nos. e.s.

Van Buren......... 1 Congress........... 35 Harrison........... 67

Connor (N.D;) fr. 62 Hurlbut e. to 334 Sedgwick. Nos. on n.s. only.

Hurlbut ........... . Sedgwick .•........

Conrad(W.D.) fr. Ru-ble w. to 682 S. Union Even nos. n.s.

Ruble .......... ,... 2 Union.............. 20

Cook (W.D.) fr. the River sw: to 133 N. Jefferson. Even nos. n s.

The River ......... . W. Water.......... 10 Dunn............... 35 Jelfersou........... 38

Cooper (N.D.) fr. 802 Clyllourn av. n. to 121 Fullerton av. Even nos. e.s.

C\ybourn av........ 2 Fullerton av .. . . .. 48

Thence n. ~blk.

Cork (W.D.) fr. 215 N. Ashland av. w. to N. Paulina. Even nos. D.S.

Asillanrl av........ 2 Paulina . . . . • • • . . . .. 50

Cornelia (W. D.) fr. 606 Milwaukee av. w. to Wool!. Even nos. n.s.

Milwaukee av..... 6 Noble............... 60 Holt ................ 112 Ashland av ........ 162 Rumsey ••.......... 190 Paulina,; .......... 218 Samuel............. 246 Wood ............... 272

Cornell (W.D.)fr. 556 l\Iilwaukee av. w. to 374 N. Ashland av. Even nos. 11.s.

Milwaukee av,..... 8 Chase............... 41 Noble . ._............. 92 Rose ................ 115 Holt ............... 144 Ashland av ........ 196

Cortez (W.D.) fr. N. California av. \V. to Humbolclt pk, 2ll s. of W. Division.

California av .• : .•. Francisco ....•..... Humboldt pk .....•

Cortland (W.D.) fr. 941 N. Robey w. to N. Oakley av.audfr.1001 N. Western av.to Cen­tral Park av. Even nos. s.s.

Robey.............. 1 Hoyneav........... 51 Leavitt............. 109 Wilmot av ....... l 147 Oakleyav ........ j \Vestern .av ....... . Seymour av ....... . Rockwell ......... .. \Vashtenaw av •... Fairfieltl av .. ; .. · ... California av •....• Mozart ......•••.• ; .. Heine ....•....•.•.•• Humboldt ......•... Bonlevarcl. ...... ., Nellraska av ...... . Kellzieav .......... . l\Iead , ............. . Sheridan .......... . Homan av ........ . Ballon ............. . Hancock •.•..•....• Central Park av ..•

Corwin (W.D.) fr.792 W. Fifteenths. to W. Sixteenth, 1st w. of Lincoln.

Corwin pl. (W.D.) fr. 74 l\Ioore s. ~ blk. 1st w. of 1045 s. Lincoln.

Cottage Grove av. (S.D;) fr. 89 Twenty­seconcl ,e. to the City limits. Even nos. w.s.

Twenty-second ..• 2201 Indiana :w ......... 2218 Twenty-third ...... 2300 Prairie av .. , ....... 2344 Twenty-fourth .... 2400 Clilmnetav .... ,, .. 2439 ~wenty-fifth ....... 2500 Twenty-sixth ... t 2614 South Park av .. l Twenty-seventh ..• 2700 Twenty-eigllth ..•. 2801 Twenty-ninth ....• 2900 Thirtieth ........... 3000 Thirty-first ........ 3100 Dexter pl .......... 3140 T IIirty-second •...• 3200 Graves pl ........... 3238 Thirty-third ••..... 3300 College pl .......... 3326 Groveland pk ...... 3351 University pl. ..... 3432 Woodlancl pk ...... 3437 D~uglas av ...... l 3510 Vmcennes av .•• 5 Prospect pl ........ 3600 Thirty-seventh ..•. 3700 Thirty-eighth •••••• 3800

Egan av ............ i390!l Thence s. through

Hyde Park.

Cottage pl.(S.D.) See Groveland Park av.

Cottage pl. (W.D.) a local name for an' al­ley fr. 83 Throop w. 1 blk,

Conch pl. (S.D.) fr. Statew.toMarket; al. bet. Lake ancl Ran­dolph.

Coulter (W. D.) fr. 1083 S. Robey sw. to Oakley av; thence w. to California av. Even nos. n.s.

Robey.............. 1 Hoyne av.......... 68 Laughton,......... 79 Leavitt ............. 137 Oakley av ......... . Western av ...... .. R.R. crossing ..... . Rockwell ......... .. ·washtenaw av .... . California av~ .... .

Court pl. (S.D.) fr. State w. to Market; al. bet. Randolph ancl Washington.

Courtland(W.D.).See Cortland.

Coventry (W.D.) fr. 145 \V.Nortllav. n.w. to W. Clybourn pl.

· Even nos. e.s. North av........... 2 Walmnsia av...... 68 moomingdale rd .. 120 Clyuom·n pl. ....... 170

Cox (W.D.) See Ra:r-moncl.

Crawford (S.D.) fr.al. rear 465 Twenty-sec­ond s. to nr. Archer av. Even nos. w.s.

Alley .............. 2210 Crawfordct .••.••.. 2227 Last No ............. 2234

Crawford av. N. (W. D. (Western City limits) fr. 1984 W. Lakeu.toDiversey av.

Lake......... ...... 46 Kinzie .............. 126 I mliaua . . . .. .. .. . . . 184 Ohio ................ 240 Huron .............. 306 Cllicago av; ....•... 364 Augusta ........... . Division ••••••••...•

*;~~g ::;::::::::::: ;Ii '" Tl~~~ce u. to Diversey . ·. 1 < ... Crawford av. S. (W. ) '

D.) (Western City !·

limits) fr. 1983 W. · Lake s. to Egan av.

Lake................ /' · l\1adisou ......•••... Harrison ............. /./ Coloradoav ....... . Twelfth .•..•....... Rixteenth ......... . Twenty-second.··'· Ogdenay ........ ; .. R.R. cross_ing .• f ••• Twenty-s1xt1l ..•.. Thirty-first ....•... Ill.anrl Mich.Canal The River ........ .. Chicago and Alton

R.R .............. . Egan av •...••. '. ... .

Crawford ct;. (S.D.) fr.22181\IcG\ashen w. to Crawford J-5 blk. n. of2272 Archer av;

Crenshaw (W.D.) fr. 55 Olive w. to 546 Leavitt and fr. 543 S. Oakley av.w.to Wash­tenaw av. Even nos. S.S.

\ .. \


Old Ne'v Nos. Nos.

Olive ..........• Leavitt.: ..... . Oakley av ..... . Western av .... 1 1129 Campbell av ... 41 1187 Rockwell ..... . ·washtenaw av CrHtenden(W.D.) fr.

509 NolJle e. to Cur­rier. Even nos. s.s.

R.R. ·crossing .... ,. Noble ... ......... 2 Wade ............... 24 Currier............. 44

Crooked (N.D.) fr. 20 Soutl1port av .. se. U blk. Even nos. n.s.

Crosby (N.D.) fr. 81 Larrabee nw.to Divi­sion. Even nos. e.s.

Larral>ee..... . . . . . 12 Oak................. 36 HolJbie ............• 76 Elm ................ 116 Division ............ 146

Cross (W.D.) fr. s. Al-bany av. w. to Kedzie av. 1st s. of W. Nine­teenth.

C11ossing (W.D.J fr.25 Mendell w. to 986 N. Paulina. Even uos.s.s.

Mendell ....... , . . . . 1 Elston av........... 17 R.R. crossing...... 31 Paulina............ \jl

Crown pl. (W.D.) fr. W. Twenty-sixths.to the River 1 blk. 1st e.· of California av.

Crystal (W.D.) fr. 555 N. Robey w. to N. Leavitt. ·

Robey ....... : •....• Hoyne av ......... . Leavitt ............. .

Currier (W.D.) fr. 70 Augustan. to Chapin. Even nos. e.s.

Augusta............ 2 Wade ............... 20 Crittenden......... 46 Chapin............. 64

Curtis N. (W.D.) fr. 321 "\V.Randolph n. to "\V.Huron. thence nw. to May. Even nos.w.s.

Randolph.......... 1 La.Ice................ 31 Fulton........ ... . 61 Carroll av.......... S5 Kinzie .............. 113 HulllJard ........... 143 Indiana ........•... 169 Ohio ....... •...... : 197 Erie ..•..•....•.•... 223 Huron ........... ; .. 249 May ................ 307

Curtis S. (W.D.) fr. 322 W.Randolph s. to 323 W.llfadison.Even nos. e.s.

Randolph.......... 1 Washington........ 31 Madison........... 65

Custom. House pl. (S.D:),.fr. 156 Dear­born w, and s. to 111 JUom·oe.\

\ Cynthia '(W.D.) fr.

Ogden. av. s. to W. Twenty-second 1 bile. 1st e. of Central Park av.

Cypress (W.D.). fr. n1rch s. to 945 W. Twelfth. Even nos. e.s.

Uirch....... ....... 2 Kendall.. .. ... . ... 9 Taylor.............. 39 Ashland............ 77 Twelfth ....•... :... 109

Dakota av. (S.D.) See Lake Park av.


Dale pl. (W.D.) f. 724 W. Twenty-second s. J.!i blk. Even nos. w.s.

DaJY(S.D.) fr.Douglas :w. s. to Thirty-sev­enth, 3cl w.of"\Vestern av.

Dam.en (W.D.) fr. 91 l:illolto w. to 340 S, i\Iay. Even nos. n.s.

Sholto......... ..... 52 Aberdeen.......... 72 ]\fay................ 90

Dania av. (W.D.) fr. 686 w. Division n. to "\Yabansia av. Even nos. e.s.

Division ............. 604 Bryson ............. 660 Hirscll............. 720 Tllompson......... 780 North av ........... 838 WalJansia av .. : .... 894

Dasl1iel (S.D.) fr. 539 Twenty-sixth s. to Forty-sevent 11. 2<1 e. of Halsted. Even nos. w.s.

Twenty-sixth ..... 2600 Twenty-eighth .. , .2800 Twenty-ninth ..... 2900 Tllirtieth ........... 3000 Tllirty-first ....... 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Thirty-third ... , ... 3300 Thirty-fourth ...•. 3400 Douglas av ........ 3500 Thirty-sixth •...... 3600

·Thirty-seventh ••. 3700 Thirty-eighth; .... 3800 Egan av ............ 3900 Thence s.to Forty-sev-


Davis (W.D.) fr. 622 W .Division n. to Wa­bansia av. Even nos. e.s.

Division........... 600 Bryson ............• 660 Hirsch ............. 720 Thompson ......... 780 N01·th av ........... 838 Wabansia av: .....• 894

Davlin nv.D.)fr.1894 W. Lake n. to l(inzie; 1st w. of Hamlin av.

Dayton (N.D.) fr. 140 Rees n. to Uelden av. Even nos. e.s.

Rees................ 2 Eastman........... 28 Blackhawk . . . . . . . . 54 Weecl............... 86 Clybourn av ..... l. 112 North av ........ 5 mssell .............. 143 Willow ............. 194 Clay .......•........ 254 Centre .....•........ 316 Garfield av ........• 366 Wellster av ........ 424 Belden av .......... 476

Dean (W.D.) fr. 649 N. Paulina nw. to Brigham. Even nos. S.S.

Paulina............ 7 Brigham . . . . . . . .• 41

Dearborn (S.D.) fr. tlt.e River s. to City Ii -nuts. Even nos. w.s.

S. 'Yater............ 2 Haddock pl. . . . . . . . 16 Lake................ 30 Couchpl............ 4S Randolph . . . . . . . . . 66 Washington....... 104 Calhoun pl......... 1~ 0 Madison............ 138 Custom House pl .. 156 Monroe ......•...... 174 Marble pl.. ........ 194 Adams ............. 2l;J Quincy .............• 233 .fackson ............ 244 Yan.Buren ..... , .. . Harrison... . . . .. . . 372 Polk ................ 440· Taylor .............. 524 Twelfth (not open).

Fourteenth ........ 1400 Fifteenth .....•..... 1500 R.R. crossing .••... 848 · Sixteenth ......... 1600 Seventeenth . . ... 1700 Eighteenth ....•.... 1800 Nineteenth ......... 1900 Arche~ av •....•.• t 2000 Twentieth ...... j Twenty-first ....... 2100 Twenty-second .... 2200 Twenty-thircl ..... 2300 Twenty-fourth .... 2400 Twenty-fifth. . . . .. 2500 Twenty-sixth ...... 2600 Spring . , . . . . . . . . . .2620 Twenty-seventh ... 2700 Twenty-ninth ..... 2900 Thirtieth .........•. 3000 Thirty-first ........ 3100 Thirty-second .... ."3200 'l'hirty-third ....... 3300 Thirty-fourth· ..... 3400 Douglas av ......... 3500 Thirty-sixth ....... 3600 Thirty-seventh ... 3700 Thirty-eighth •.... 3800 Egan av ........... 3900 Tllence s.to Fifty-fifth.

Dearborn av. (N.D.) fr.theRiver n.toN01·th av. Even nos. w.s.

The River ....... :.. 1 N. Water........... 17 Kinzie.............. 35 l\1ichigan . . . . . . . . . . 55 Illinois ..... .-...... 75 Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Onio ......•.•....... 113 Ontario............. 131 Erie ........•....... 151 Huron ..........•... 171 suverior .. ·.;... . . . 193 Clucago av ......... 215 Chestnut........... 251 Washington pl.... 266 Delaware pl.. ...... 285 Lafayettepl; ...•... 302 Walton pl. ..•••••.. 305 Oak ................. 323 l\Iaple • . . . • • . . • . . . . . 363 Elm ................. 401 Division ............ 421 Goethe ............. 475 Schiller ............. 527 Burton pl.......... 573 North av .. , ........ 629

Dearborn pl. (S.D.) fr. 20 Randolph s. to Washington.

DE>ering (S.D.) fr. the River se. to Thirty­first; crosses Archer av. at2900. Even nos. w.s.

The River ....•..... 2600 Cologne ............ 2700 Hickory ......... ; .. 2800 Archer av ....... l. 2900 Fuller ............ 5 Lyman ............. 3000 Thirty-first ....... 3071

DeKalb cW.D.) fr. 26 Flournoy sw. to 452 S. Leavitt. Even nos. S.S.

Flournoy........... 1 Lexington......... 37 Hoyne av........... 57 Polk···'............ 77 Boone .......•...•.. 127 Leavitt ....•......... 139

DeKoven (W.D.) fr. 151 Beach w. to 406 s. Halsted. Even nos. s.s.

Beach.·············' 61 R.R. crossing •..... Canal............... 93 Clinton............. rn1 Jelferson ........... 149 Desplaines......... 177 Halsted •..•.•..•.... 241

Delaware pl. (N.D.) fr. 277 Dearborn av. e. to the Lake. Even llOS; S.S.

Dearborn av....... 2 State................ 34 Cass .............. l. 64 Rush ............. 5 Geary............... 94 Pine ... · .....•....... 114 The Lake .......... .

Deming ct. (N.D.) fr .. N. Clark w. to Orch, arc!, 2 blks. n. of City limits._

Depot (W.D.) fr. 157" Stewart av. w. to 642 s. Halsted.

Depot pl. (W.D.) See Arllor pl.

D.e1myste1·_ (W.D.) fr. 255 S. Desplaines w. to 2 4 2 S. Halsted. Even nos. s.s.

Desplaines......... l Halsted.... . . ...... 63

Desplaines N.(W.D.} fr. 12:3 W. Randolph n.to w. Erie. Even. nos. w.s.

Randolph........... 1 Eagle............... 28· LaRe................ 41 Lyclia ..... ...•..... : 60 Fulton.............. 73. Wayman ......... ,. 89 Carroll av ......... 105· R.R. crossing ..... . l\Iilwankee av ... l. 121 Kinzie ....... ." ... 5 Hubbarcl. .......... 153 Indiana. . . . . . . . . . . .. 183 Ohio ................ 224. R.R. crossing ..... . Erie ................ 253

Desplaines S. (W.D.) fr. 122 W. Ranclolph s. to 211 W. Twelfth. Even nos. e.s.

Raudolph.......... 1 Waldo pl........... 23 Washington....... 37 Mericlian........ . . 59. Madison............ 77 School.............. 95· Monroe ........•.... 111 Marble pl.......... 129 Adams ............ 149 Quincy........ . .. 167 .fackson ............ 183 Boston av .......... 201 VanBuren .. : ....... 215 Pearce .. ~·······'··· 237 Depuyster.......... 259 Harrison ....... :... 279 Sebor ....•.......... 305 Mather ............. 325 Polk ................ 347 Ewing ...•.......... 367 Forquer ............ 389 Taylor .............. 409 DeKoven·........... 429 Bunker........ . . . . 451 Twelfth ............. 473

Dexter av. (W. D.) fr. s. Ashlancl av. sw. to Thirty-first, bet. the River and Ill. & Mich. Canal.

Dex1er av. (S.D.) fr. Stewart av. "" to Hals tee!, lstn. of For·· ty-seventh.

Dexter pl. (S.D. • fr. 3B!O Cottage Grove av. s. 1 blk.

Dickey av. (W. D.) fr. N. Ketlzie av. w. to N. Homan av. 2 blks. 2d s.of w. North av.

Dickson(W.D.)fr.174 W. Division n. to Bloomingdale r cl. Even nos. e.s.

Division ........... 534 .Blackhawk ........ 660 Blanche............ 720 North av ........... 780 Wabansia av ...... 840 Bloomingdale rel .. 898

Dieden (W.D.) fr. 217 Elston av. sw. to Cur' rier 1 blk.

Diller (W.D.) fr. 898 Fulton n. to. W. Ohio. Even nos. e.s.

Fulton.............. 2 Kinzie.............. 46 HuhlJarcl......... .. 70 Indiana............ 94 Ohio ..... , .......... 128

:Oiversey a.v. (N. D.) · fr. the River e. to the

Lake. 5 blks. n. of Jity limits.

Diversey av. W. (W. :0.) fr. the River w. to Crawford av.

Division (N.D.) fr.the River e. to the Lake; crosses N. Clark at 448. E;ve!J. nos. s.s.

The River.......... 2

ii~~~~--~~~~-~~:::} 28 ·Cherry av.......... 48 Hickory av .... '... '12 Hooker............. 96 N. Branch canal.. 120 Hawthorne av.. l 140 Halsted ... ; .••••• 5 Grace ...........•... 159 Crosby ........••.... 166 Penn •.............. 177 Pleasant ............ 193 Otis ................. 205 ·Chatham ct..... . . . 206 Vine ................ 219 Larrabee........... 228 "\Yesson ............ 250 Milton av .......... 272 Vedder ....•........ 277 Townsend......... 294 Clyuourn av. . . . . . . 305 Sedgwick ........... 318 Sedgwick ct........ 330 Market ............. 352 Moore .............. 368 Franklin........... 386 Wells ............... 418 LaSalle av . • . . • . . . 452 -Clark •..•••..•••.... 484 Dearborn av •.•.... 516 -State •... -............ 544 Astor .....••••...... 593 Stone ......•........ 621 TheLake •.........

Division W. (W.D.) fr. the River w. to the City.limits. Even nos. n.s.

The River.......... 8 Elston av . . . . . . . . . . .28 R.R. crossing...... 56 Noble............... 98 Cleaver............. 120 Holt ...............• 152 Dickson............ 176 Milwaulcee av..... 186 Ashland av ........ 200 Rumsey ............ 221 Paulina ............. 256 Samuel. .•........ 273 Wood ............... 296 Macedonia. .. . . . . . . 320 Newton ........•.•. 329 Marion pl..;....... 336 Lincoln............. 356 Duclley............. 387 Robe)' ...••••...... 418 Hoyne av .........• 478 Leavitt............. 538 :Shober. . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 ·Oakley av .......... 598 DaTiS ........ ··•··· 630 Western.av ........ 658 Dania av., •• , .•...• :Seymour av ....... . Maplewood av •.... Rockwell ......... .. Washtenaw av .• ,-.

·California av ..... . Francisco .......... . Humboldt pk ..... . Kedzie av .•........

:Sheridan av .••...•• Homau-av •......•..

-Grand:av .••.•....•• ·Central Park av .. . "Tinkham av ...... . i.Hamlin av ....... . 8prlngfield av •.... Crawford av ...... .

Dix (W.D.) fr. 102 W. Chicago av. n. to Front.

,Chicago av ........ . ·Front .•.•.•........ ,

Dobyns (W.D.) See · Thirteep,~~ W,

Dock ( S. ;p_.~ .f!, 46 • River ~Yf: ~ tlrn

River •. -River .......... ,,, .. ''IJl<i ~iy~r .,, , , ••. ,


Dodge(W.D. )fr.Lum­bers. to 53 W. Four­teenth.

;:: .; {Lumber ••.•.. ~~ .. Bates .. -...... . ;: ce Maxwell •..... i'.:i"" Fourteenth ••.

Dominick (N.D.) fr. Alley w. of 51 South­port av. nw. to Web­ster av. and half lllk. beyond. Even nos.e.s.

Alley •. ;............ 2 c.................... 20 B ....•....•••••••••.. 56 A.· ..••.•.......•... 92 Webster av ........ 122 LastNo ....•....... 160

Douglas av. ( S. D.) cor Thirty-fifth) fr. tile Lake w. to Ill. & Mich. Canal. Even nos. n.s.

The Lake •••••.•... Lake av............ 17 Ellis av............ 43 Vincennes av .... l. 64 Cottage Grove av 5 Rhodes av.......... 130 Stanton a.v .....•... 143 Vernon av ....•••.. 160 South Park av •.... 188 Gran cl bout. ....... 201 Calumet av •••..... 218 Forest av •••••.. , .. 250 Prairie av •..•• ; •••. 276 Indiana av •••.•••.• 302 Michigan av....... 334 Wabash av......... 370 State .......••.•.•.•. 406 Dearborn . . • . . . • • . . 430 nutterfield. ··' .... 456 Clark ............... 470 S. LaSalle .......... 484 Wentworth av... 508 Fifth av ........•... 542 Portland av.; •.•... 569 Stewart av......... 634 Hanover .•••• _... . . . 666 nutler;........... •. 700 Hubbs ....•••••..... 734 Wallace. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 60 Loweav ............ 786 Dashiel ............. 812 Emeraldav .••.•... 838 Halsted . • . . • . . . . . . . 862 Tucker ............. 905 Auburn............ 928 Gage .............••. 949 Laurel .....••....... 986 Ullman ....•••.••.. 1112 The River .......... 1154 Iron ................ 1202 Loomis ....••••••.. 1232 Jasper .••.•.•••.... 1268 Latlin .....•...•..... 1292 Charlton ••......... 1326

· Ashland av ........ 1352 Louisa .•...•••.••... 1385 Jones ....•...••••... 1412 Bloom ....••..•.•... 1446 neers .......•••..... 1472 Honore ............• 1505 Lincoln ...••.•.••.. 1532 Long ,John ....•.... 1592 Archer av._ ...... l. 1652 Hoyneav ....... 5 Champlail! ...... l 1696 R.R. crossmg ... 5 Saratoga ........... ' 1712 Yorktown .•..•..... 1746 Oakley av .•........ 1772 l\fcAlpine ....•..... 1802 Western av •....... 1828 1Vard .•............. Hart .....•..•...•... Daly ............... . Rockwell .......... . California av ..... . Ill. & Mich. Canal.

Drake av. (W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie-n. to W. Chicago av. (1st e. of Central Park av.J Even nos. e.s.

Kinzie.............. 126 Central bouleTard. 190 Ohio ................ 240 Huron ....... '··· ... 306 Chicago av ..•...... 362

Drexel boulevard (S.D.J fr.3900 c_ ottage Groveav.s.e.toForty­first,thence s.to Fifty­fifth. Even nos. w .s.

Dudley (W,D.) fr. 652 W. Chicago av. n. to Division, and fr. 429 North av. n. to Asy­lum pl. Even nos. e.s.

Chicago av......... 300 Iowa .....•••••.....• 362 Augusta •..•.•• ;.... 424 Thomas ............ 484 Division............ 542 North av.......... 760 Wabansia av ....... 816 Bloomingdale rd .. 870 Clybournpl. ••..... 928 Armitage av •••.... 984 · Hervey ...•••••••... 1044 Asylum pl ••....... 1102

Duncan Park (S.D.) fr. Stewart av. w. to Wallace, 1st s. of Forty-second. Even nos. n.s.

Dunn (W.D.)fr. 45 W. Kinzie nw. to Cook.

Kinzie ••...... : ..... Cook •...•• , ......•••

Dunning (N.D.) fr. 1260 N. Ashland av. e. to N. Halsted 2 blks. n. of City limits.

Duss~ld CW.D.) fr.483 s. Jefferson w. to s. Halsted. Even nos. s.s.

Jelferson........... 1 Union.... ... ...... 59 Halsted............. 91

Eagle (W.D.) fr. 20 :N. Desolaines w. to 21 Halsted.

Desplaines. .. . ..... 1 Union ....•......... 153 Halsted .••..•...... 193

Earl (S.D.) fr. 2920 Shields av. w. to Stew­art av. Even nos; n.s.

Shields av.......... 2 Stewart av......... 26

Eastm.an(N.D.)fr, N. nranch n.e. to J nelson, thence e. to 586 N. Halsted. Even nos.s:s.

North.Branch...... 2 Cherry av.......... 30 Hickory av......... 60 Hooker............. 90 N. Branch Canal .. 116 Hawthorneav ....• 140 Judson ••.•..••..... 157 Dayton ...••••.•.... 17~ Halsted ••.•••••••.. 196

Eberhart (W.D.) fr. N. Kedzle 11v. w. to N. Homan av. 2 hlks. 1st n.of W.Divisiou.

Ecla (S.D.)fr. 3610 In· diana av. w. to State.

! 1.dianaav ....•.... l'>Iichigan av ....•.• Wabash av.: ..•.... State .•........•....•

Edbrooke pl. (W.D.) tr.1191 N.Westernav. w. to Hoffmann av. 3 blks.

Edgar (W.D.) fr. 265 W. North av. n. to W. Clybourn pl. Even nos. e.s.·

North av... ....... 2 Wabansia av........ 62 BJooroingclale rd.. 122 Clybourn pl........ 178

Edward (N.D.) fr.352 Sophia n. to 'Yeuster . av. 1 blk. Nos. o. aud e. on e.s. only.

Egan av. (or Thirty­ninth)'(S.D.) fr. Lake av. w. to Ill.and Mieh. Canal, Even nos.n.s. (Hyde-Park nos.are even s.s. and increase from west to east.)

Lake av............ 2 ·Ellis av............ 40 Cottage Grove av.. 76

Langley av......... 150 Johnson pl ... ; .... 18(} Vincennes av •....• 212 Stanton av ........• 252 · Yernonav .........• 278 Grand boulevard .. 306 Calumetav ......•.. 326 Forest av . .-..••.... 352 Prairieav ......... 378 Indianaav ......... 404 J\Uchigan av . •.. . . . 436 Wabash av ..••..... 474 State .......••.•..... 510 Dearborn. • . . . . .. . . 534 nntterfield ...... , .. 556 Clark .............. . S. LaSalle . . . . . . . . . 576 'Ventworth av..... 602 Fifth av ........... . Portland av;....... 668 Stewart av......... 728 Entler .............. 788 Parnell av .. ; ....... 820 Wallace............ 846 Loweav ............ 872 Dashiel....... .•. . . . 898 Emerald av........ 924 Halsted........... 950 Tucker.............. 988· Gage ...•............ 1026 Laurel. ............. 1064 Uilman ............. 1180 The River ......... . AShlaud av •....... 1424 Jones .•.••.......... 1484 Beers .•••....•...... 1544 Lincoln ......•••... 1604 Long John ...•.•... 1662 Hoyne av ..........• Western av •.......

Thencew. to Ill. and l'>Iich. Canal.

Ezandale av. (S.D.) fr. Forty - tttird s. through Town of Hycle Park, 2d e. of Cottage Grove av.

Eighteenth (S.D.) fr. the Lake w. to the River. Even nos. n.s.

The Lake ........ . R.R. crossing .... . Calumet av . . • . . . . . 1 l'rairie av.......... 28 lll(liana av......... 56 l\Iichigan av....... 80 Wabash av......... 112 llolden pl........ . . 122 State ................ 138 Dearborn ....•...... lti4 Butterfield ......... 176 Clari!: ...........•..•. 186 R.R. crossing ..... . S. LaSalle.......... 198 Wentworth av ..... 210 Blackwell .. , .•..... 233 Grove .............. 244 T!l!JEiver .•........ 262

.... Eighteenth W. (W'.

D.J fr.the River w. to California n.v.1 and fr. Homan av. w City ; limits. Even uos. n.s. "/

TheRiver.......... 2 Lumber............ 24 /' Stewart av......... 26 r Arthur............. 42/' lllechanic . .. . . . . . . . 43 Canal..~............ 62 Seward .......... l. oh. Canal port av ... ) 9u Burlington ....•...... 1U2 Jefferson ........... i120 String .......• '···· .l 136 Ruble ............. '· 152 Union ........... .'.. 170 Halsted............. 204 Newberry av ...... 226 Johnson .... ; ....... 250 Brown ....•......... 288 lllorgan ............ 316 Nutt ............... 344 Flsk •••..••......... 374 !\lay................ 415 Centre av.......... 450 Allportav .......... 474 '.rhroop..... .. . . ••• . 498 Wallrnr ct ..• , ...... 512 Loomis .......... l 556 mue Islanclav .. 5 Albert .....•........ 589 Laflin........ ... . . . 614 A.shlancl av ....•... 670 Paulina • . • • . . . . . . . . 726 Wood ........••••... 786 ;Lincoln............. ~~!I

·Robey ........ · ...... 906 Hoyne av.: ........ 966 Leavitt •...•........ 10;.!6 Oakley av .......... 10&6 Western av .... .-... 1146 R.R. crossing; ..... 1196 Rockwell. •......•.. 1258 Washtenaw av •... California av ..... HQman av .....••.•. Tr um !mil av..... • St. Louis av ....... . Clifton Parlt av ...• Central Park av •.. Bethuel. ........... . l'<largaret pl ....•... Moore pl.. ........ . Crawfor<..L av ...... .

Eighteenth 1>l. (W. D.) fr. 327 Johnson w. to S. May, 1st s. of w. Eighteenth; Even nos. n.s.

Johnson . . . . . . . . . .. 34 B1·own.............. 66 Morgan............ 96 Fisk ....••.......... 128 May ................ 158

Eldridge ct. (S. D.) fr. 1'Iichigan aY. ,v. to-483 State. Even nos. S.S.

1liicl1.igan av....... 1 "'abash av......... 33 · Holden pl.......... 47 State................ 59

Eleventh (W. D.) fr. 403 S. J\Iorgan w. to l\lay. Even nos. n.s.

Morgan............. 66 Blue Island av..... 82 Sholto .............. 102 Julius .............. 103 Aberdeen •. ,, ....... 122 l\Iay ......•...•..... 138

Eleventh· W. (for­merly l{ansas) CW. D.) fr. 329 Throop w. to 516 S. Ashland av. Even 11os. n.s.

'.rllroop. ..... .. . . .. . 2 Loomis............. 50 Laflin............... 90 Ashland av ......... 132

Elgin (S.D.) "fr. 2114 Purple w. to Stewart av. :md % lJlk. lJc­_yond. Even nos. u.s.

Purple.............. 2 Stewart av......... 72 LastNo............. 94

Elias (S.D.) fr. 2881 Arcl1er '"'· se. % lJlk. Even nos. w.s. .

Archerav .......... 2900 Last No ..........•.. 291:10

Elizabeth N. (W.D.) fr. 401:l W. Handolplt n. to ·w. Erie. ETen nos. w.s.

Randolph.......... 1 Lake ......• ;........ 29 Fulton............. 51

. Carroll av.......... 75 \Kinzie........ . . . . . 105 liubbanl. ...•...... 129 lt~dla1rn . . . . . . . . . .. . 157 HUJlt .•..•...•••....• 171 Ohiq ................ 183 Erie\ .............. 207

\ Elizai>,ett1 S. (W.D.)

fr. 404W.Randolpl1 s. to 417 ·Y•. Madison. Even nos. e.s.

Randolph>......... 1 ·wasllingto1L, .... , 35 Madison ..•........ , 69

Elk (W.D.l fr. Bau-wans w. to u26 N. Paulina. Even nos. S.S.

Bauwans........... 1 l'auliua............ 27

Elk Groveav.;W.D.) fr. 733 N. Wood w. and nw. to "\Y. North av., thence n. to Asy­lum pl. Even nos. e.s.

W ()Od; ..•... ,, .... ,. 666


Girard .. ·............ 710 North av •.......... 760 Wabansia av •...... Blb Bloomingdale rd.. 872 Clybourn 111........ 928 Armitage av ....... 984 Hervey ............. 1044 Asylum pl. ......... 1100

Ellen (W.D.) fr. 984 Milwaukee av. sw. and w. tu N. Lincoln,

· thence J.!> blk.w. Even nos. s.s.

l\lilwa ukee av..... l l\Ioorman ........ t 18 Lull pl. .......... 5 Wood............... 47 Macedonia......... 68 lliarion pl.......... 82 Lincoln........ . . . . 105 Last No... 121

Elli!i av. (S.D.) fr. 35 Douglas av. se. to the City limits. Even nos. w.s.

Douglas av ......... 3500 Thirty-seventh .... 3700 Egan av ..... ~ ..... 3900 Oakwood av ........ 1:1918 Brook ··········'·· R. R.crossing ...... .

Ellis Park (S.D.) fr. Prospect pl. s. to 98 Thirty-seventh .Even nos. w.s.

Prospect pl. ........ 3600 '.l.'hirty ~seventh •... 3644

Ellsworth (W.D.) fr. Sebors. to19 W. Polk.

Sebor ... '··········· l'IIather ............ . Polk ......••........

Ehn (N.D.) from N. Branch Canal ne. to Crosby, thence e. to the J,alrn. Crosses N. Clark at 430. Even nos. s.s.

QIU New Nos. Nos.

N. Br.canal.... 2 Hawthorne av. 20 Crosby .......... 25 48 Chatham ct .... 50 74 Larrabee....... 98 Wesson......... 118 l\Iilton av...... 138 Townsend...... 158 Sedgwick....... 182 Sedgwick ct.... 197 Marlrnt........ 214 l\loore . ~...... .. 237 l'ranklin....... 56 248 Wells ........... 84 278 LaSalleav ...... 110 310 Clark ........... 142 3:38 Dearborn av ... 176 368 Sta'.e · · · · ·· · · · l. 194 398 Rush ......... ) The Lake. .. . . 488

ElBton av. (W.D.) fr. 499 l>Iilwaukee av. n. and nw. to City lim­its. Even nos. e.s.

l\1llwaulrne av..... 2 Front............... 14 George.............. 52 R.R. crossing...... 80 Augusta ............ 105 \Yade .......... ; .... 133 Deitlen .... , ........ 225 Division ............ 240 Sloan .............. 279 Bradley ............ l:lll Ingraham .......... 341 Blackhr.wk ......... 370 Fox pl. ••........... 423 Blanche............ 486 North av .•......... 496 Rawson ............. 540 Wabansia av ....... 590 Redfield............ ti20 Bloomingda!'e rd.. 664 Clybourn pl..,..... 724 Crossing .. ;......... 750 Armitage av .... ··' 772 Canal pl: .......... . R.R. crossing..... . 838 Paulina ............ 851 Asylum pl. ......... 953 Gloy pl. ........... . Binzo .............. . Kuehl pl. .•........

Fullerton av .....•. Robey .....•••.•.... Snow ....••......•.. 'Vestern av .......• Diversey av •.......

Emerald (S.D.) See Poplar av.

Emerald av. (S.D.) fr. 2473 Archer av. s. to Forty-seventh. Even nos. w.s.

Archer av .......... 2500 3uena Vista pl. ..• Kossuth ............ 2550 Twenty-sixth ..... ,2600 Twenty-eighth .... 2800 Twenty-ninth •.... 2900 Thirtieth ....•...... 3000 Thirty-first ........ 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Thirty-third ....... 3300 Thirty-fourth ...... :l400 Douglas av ......... 3500 Thirty-sixth ....... :3600 Thirty-seventh .... 3700 Thirty-eighth ..... 3800 Egan av ........... 3900 Tlience s. to Forty-sev-


Emery (W.D.) fr. N. Kcclzie av. w. l blk. 2d s, of W. Division.

Emily (W:D.) fr. 469 N. Aslllaml av. w. to N. Wood. Even nos. n.s.

Ashland av, . . . . . . . 2 Rumsey.... . . . . . . . . 30 Paulina ........... 58 Samuel............. 86 Wood ......... , ... , 112

Emma (W.D.) fr. 704 l\Iilwauk·ee av. w. to N. Ashland av. Even nos. n . .s.

l\Iilwaukee av ... { 2 Noble ............ 5 Ashland av ........ 104

Ems (W.D.) fr.1201 N. Leavitt w. to \Vestern av. Even nos. s.s.

Leavitt............. 95 Leipzig ............• 134 Oal>ley av .......... 143 Hreslau ............ 174 Western av ..•..... 189

Erie (N.D.) fr.the Riv­. er e. to the Lake.

crosses N. Clark at 170. Evennos. s.s.

The River ......... . Roberts............ 1 Kingsbury......... 30 '.rownsend........ .. 57 Sedgwick.......... 85 i\larket ............. 114 Franklin........... 140 Wells ............... 168 J,asalle av ......... 196 Clark ............... 226 Dearborn av ...... 258 State ................ 294 Ca~s ................ 318 Rusl1 ......•........ 342 Pine ............... 366 St. Clair ........... 390 The Lake ....... , ... 488

Erie W.(W.D.)fr. the River w. to "\Vestern av. Even nos. s.s.

. .; ) Tile River ..•. ~;:; J Desplaines ..• pf~ Putnam ......

<--< Un10n .••..... 9 Halsted............. 41 Green............... 61:l

~r~1'v-au.·1ce0a:-v::::: ii~ Sangamon ......... 115 J\Iorgau ............ '137 Carpenter.......... 161 Curtis ..•.......•... 183 l\lay .....•.•........ 203 Centre av .......•.. 2<13 Elizabeth .......... 280 Ada ................. 304 Noble ............... 329 lliclrnrdike........ 359 Armour ............ 389 Ashland av ........ 419 Paulina ........•... 469

Wood ....•...••..... 519 Lincoln ............. 5


99 .

Robey •.•.........• Hoyne av .... : ..... 669· Leavitt ........••..• 719 Oakley av .......... 779 Western av........ 833.

Eugenie (N.D.) fr.456 Larrabee e. to 711 N. Clark. E·Ten uos. s.s.

Larrabee........... 2 Mohawk........... 22 Block............... 36 Hurlbut............ 42: Hull................ 53 Hudson av......... 62 Sedgwick......... . 82 Hammond . . . . . . . •. 107 Franklin........... 122 N. Wells ............ 158 LaSalle av . . . . . . . . . 186 Clark ............... 192

Evans av. (S.D.) fr. Forty-second s. to, Forty-seventh, lstw. of Cottage Grove av •. Even nos. w .s.

Evans ct. (W.D.) fr •. 629 S. Union w. to S. Halsted.Even nos.s.s.

Union........ . . . . . l Halsted . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Evergreen av.cW.D.} fr. 1088 Mihvankee av. sw .. ancl w. to N. Leavitt. Even nos.s.s.

Milwaukee av..... 1 Park... ............ 27 Fowler............. 51 Robey ............. 123 Hoyne av .........• 181 Leavitt .. .. .. . . . . . . 237

Eve1·green pl.( W.D.) fr. 369 S.Leavitt w. to· S. Oakley av. Nos. on s.s. only.

Leavitt............. 2' Oakley av.......... 62

Ewing (W.D.) fr .. Beach w. to 108 Blue Island av. 1st s. of W. Polk. Even nos. s.s.

Beach........ ..... 29 R.R. crossing .....• Canal............... 5!J Clinton............. 89 J elfersou......... .• 11 7 Desplaines ......... 147 Halsted . . . . . . .. . .. . 215 Blue Island av..... 263·

Ewing pl. (W.D.) fr. 719 N. Robey w. to N. Leavitt. Even nos. s.s.

Robey........ ... .. l Hoyne av . . . . . . . .. . 49 Leavitt............. 95

Excbanl':'e pl. (S.D.) fr. 128 Washington s, to llla!lisop.

Fabins (N.D.) See Seminary av.

Fairfield av. N. (W. D.) fr. 1238 W. Lake n. to "\V. North av.1st e. of California av. Even nos. e.s.

Lalrn................ 2· l'Lllton ... . . . . . . . . . . 74 Kinzie.............. 126 Chicago av ......... 364 Iowa ....•••........ 422 Augusta ..••........ 480 Hirsch.............. 720 Thompson ......... 780 North av ........... 838

Fairfielcl av. S. (W. D.) fr. Fillmore s. to 979 Ogden av. Even nos. e s.

Fillmore .......... , 513. Twelfth ............ 571. Ogden av ..........•

Fake (S.D.) fr. 2971 nonaparte s.e. to Ly-1na.11. Even nos. ,v.s.

nonaparte ......... 3000. Lym11u •• ,._ ••••...... 303SJ ·

Fall (W.D.)fr.1161 W. Lakes. to warren av.

Lake .......••....•.• Park av ........... . Washington ...... .

• "\Yarren av ........•

Farrell (S.D.)fr.Hick­ory se. to Thirty-first. crosses Archer av. at 2822. Ever.t nos. w.s.

Hickory ............ 2600 R.R. crossing •..... Archer av ....•••••• 2800 Lyman ............. 290,0 Thirty-first •....... 3060

Fay (W.D.) fr. 89 W. Erie n. to Pratt. Even nos. e.s.

Erie................ 2 Phillips............ 14 Pratt................ 44

Fayette ct. (W.D.)fr. 504 W. Harrison s. to 53 Vernon Park pl. 1 blk.

Ferdinand CW.D.) fr. 188 Noble w. to Oak­ley av. 1st s. of W.ln­diana. Even nos. s.s.

Noble .............. . Ar1nour ........... . Asbland av • . . . . . . . 1 Paulina............. 51 Page... •...•.... ... SO Woocl.. ............. 101 Lincoln •........... 151 Robey .............. 199 Hoyne av .. ; ...... . Leavitt ............ . Oakley av ......... .

Fifteenth (S.D.) fr. 1500 Statew.to Clark. :Even nos. n.s.

State................ 2 Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . 34 Clark............... 66

Fifteenth W. (W.D.) fr. 131 Stewart av. w. to 606.S. Halsted. (I.ml fr. 581 S. Morgan to City limits. Even nos. S.S.

Stewart av. ••• • • . . 1 Canal............... 41 Jefferson........... 99 Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Halsted............ 193 !\[organ............ 261 Margaret . .• . . . . . . . 333 Centre av . . . . . . . . . • 383 Blue Island av ..... 405 TbrO'.l.Jl. ... . . . • . . . . . . 421 Loomis ............ 471 Laflin .............•. 531 Ashland av........ 587 Paulina . . . . . . . . . . . 645 "\Yood ............... 705 Smnner . . . . • . . . • . . . 740 Lincoln.:........... 765 Corwin............. 800 Rolley ............. 825 Hoyne av . . . .. . . . . 885 Leavitt . . . . . . . ... .. 945 Oakley av .......... 1005 Western av ....•••. 1063 R.R. crossing ..... . Maplewood pl .... . Rockwell ......... . Washtenaw av .... . Ogelen av ....•...... California- av .... -.-. Douglas pk •.... , ..• Kedzie av ..... .-.... Homa11 av ••••••••• Trumbull av •.....• St. Louis av ....... . Byford av ......... . Central Park av ..• Woocllancl ........ . Genesee av ....... . Bond ..............• Crawford av ......•

Fifth(W.D.) See San-gamon n. of "\V. Chi­cago av.

Fifth av. (S.D.) fr.the River s. to Taylor, and fr. 311 Twenty­sixth s. to Thlrty­elghtll. Even nos.w.s.

South Water....... 2 Lake................ 30


Randolph.......... 66 Washington ....•.• 104 l'IIadison............ 138 ... l'IIonroe • • • • • • • • • • . . 17 4 Adams •••••••••••..• 210 Quincy.... . . . . • • . . . 228 Jackson ...••••.•... 244 Van Buren •••••.... 280 Congress ..•........ 306 Charles pl.......... 332 Harrison........... 350 Polk ............•.... 428 Taylor ........•..... 498

Re-comm,,nces at Twenty-sixth ..... 2600 Twenty-seventh .. 2700 Napoleon pl. ...•..• 2800 Swift pl ....••.••... 2900 Whitehouse pl .... 3000 '.l.'hirty-first ........ 3100 Thirty-third ....•.. 3300 Douglas av ......... 3500· Thirty-seventh .... 3700 Thirty-eighth ••....

Fig ( W.D.) See Tell pl.

Fillmore (W.D.) fr. 507 8. Western av. w. to Genesee av. Even nos. s.s.

Old New Nos.- Nos

Western av ...• 1 1129 Campbell av . .41 1189 Rockwell. ...•...•.. R.R. crossing ..... . Washtenaw av ..•. Fairfield av ....... . California av ..... . Francisco .......... .. Sacramento av ....• Albany av ... : ....• Kedzie av .........• Central Park av •.• Genesee av ••.••....

Finnell (S.D.) fr.221:13 Archer av. e. to 2220 Wentworth av. Even nos. n.s.

Archer av........... 1 J'ortlamt av........ 31 .Wentworth av..... 85

Fisk (W.D.) fr. 351 W. Sixteenth s. to Lum­ber. Even nos. e.s.

Sixteenth . . . . . . • • . . 1 Eighteenth . . . . . . . . 55 Eigl1teenth pl . . . . • 71 Nineteenth......... 89 ll[cl\Iuil en ct . . . . . .. 105 Twentieth • . . . . . . . . 121 Clayton ............. 142 Twenty-first ....... 157 Twenty-second .... 1!17 Lumber •••••.•.•...

Fleetwood(W.D.) fr. 39 W. Blackhawk nw. to Rawson. Even nos. w.s.

Blackhawk........ 1 J3Janche............ 47 North av........... 97 Rawson ........... .

Florence av. (N.D.) fr. Wrightwood av. n. to Diversey av. 1st w. of N. Halsted.

Florimond CN.D.) fr. N. Franklin e. to 683 N. Wells. Even nos. S.S.

Franklin........... 34 'Yells............... 74

Flournoy (W.D.) fr. 339 S. RolJey w. to Alllany av. Even nos. S.S.

Ogden av ........ t 1 Robey ........... 5 DeKalb.... ........ 36 Hoyneav........... 71 Leavitt............. 131 Oakley av .......... 191 Western av........ 251 Campbell av •....•. 309 Rockwell... .• . • • • . 379 Washtenaw av.... 435 California av ...... 495 Francisco ......... . Sacramento av ....• Albany av ..•......•

Fontenoy ct. (W.D.) fr. 1146 ll'l!lwaukee av. sw. to Park. 1 blk.

Forest av. {S.D.) fr. 175 Thirty-first s. to City limits. Even nos. w.s.

Thirty-first ........ 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Thirty-third ....... 3300 Douglas av •..•..... 3500 Thirty-seventh ••.. 3700 '.l.'llirty-eighth •..... 3800 Egan av •••.....••.. 3851:!

Forquer (W. D.) fr. Beach w. to Blue Is­land av. 1st n. of W. Taylor. Even nos s.s.

Beach........ ..••• 49 Canal..,............. 77 Clinton ...••...••.•• 103 J efl'erson. •• • • . • . . .• 131 Desplaines ......... 159 Halsted ..•.....•.... 227 Blue Island av .... 295

Forsyth (W.D.) See Twenty-third W. w. of Genesee av.

J!'ort (S.D.) See Sllort.

Fortieth (S. D.) fr. Cotra~e Grove av. w. to S. Halsted. 1st s.of City limits

Forty-first (S.D,) fr. Drexel l>oul. w. to State, ancl fr. Stewart av. w. to S. Halsted.

Forty-seeond (S.D.) fr. Cottage Grove av. w. to State, and fr. Stewart av. w. to S. Halsted.

Forty-third (S.D.) fr. the Lake w. to S. Crawford av.

Forty-fourth (S.D.) fr. Lake av. w. to S. Ii.edzie av.

Forty-fifth (S.D.) fr. 'Voodlawn av. w. to S. Keclzie av.

Forty-Mix th (S.D.) fr. \Vooclla,vu av. w. to S. l~e<..Lzie av.

Forty-seventh(S.D.) fr. the Lake w. to S. Crawford i1v.

Foster (W.D.) See La'v av ..

Fourteenth (S.D.) fr. Indiana av. w. to Clark. Even nos. n.s.

Inclianaa.v ... ... .. 2 . l\Iichii::an av....... 30

Wabash av.-........ 58 Holden pl.......... 72 State................ 86 Thir•l av........... 106 Dearborn........... 117 Fourth av .••.•. : ... 128 Clark ................ 146

Fourteenth W. (W. D.) fr. the River w. to Ogden av; Even nos. S.S.

The River.... l Lumber .... .-.. 23 ;;;·.,. Stepheuson ... 39 ·.<:<::> Dodge ......... 55 s 8 Holclen ........ 71 -I>< Railroad av. . . I i'.:i Stewartav .... 85J Canal. ... '........ . 125 Jelrerson ........... 183 Union ....••........ 241 Halsted ............. 2'15 Newberry av ...... 291 Johnson ............ 307 Brown .............. 323 Morgan . . . . • . . . . . . . 339 Waller ............. 357 l'IIargaret.......... 412 Blue Island av .. { 455 Centre av ..... , .. ) Throop ...•••..•...• 503

Loomis ........••••• 558 Laflin ................ 603 Ashland av •••.....• 657 Paulina.•· •......• 705 Wood ......•.•••.•.. 755 Lincoln ••••.•......• 815 Robey ..•••.••••..•. 875 Hoyne av ••••••..•• 935 Leavitt •······· ••..• 995 Oakley av ......•... 1053 Western av ....•... 1113 R.R. crossing •....• Ogden av ...••.•...•

Fourth" (W.D.) See Ohio W.

Fourth av. (S.D.) fr. 102 Jackson s. to Fourteenth. Even nos. w.s.

Jackson.:........... 2 VanBuren.... . . . • 34 Harrison . •• . • • • . ..• 106 Polk ...............• 170 Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . .• 24() Twelfth ....•....... 120() Fourteenth •....... 1356

Fowler(W.D.) fr. 51 Evergreen av. w: to 728 N. Leavitt. Even nos. s.s ..

Evergreenav...... I Robey.............. 63 Hoyneav ••......... 117 Leavitt·····'······· 169

Fox (S.D.) fr. 1025 Thirty-firsts.to Thir­ty-third. Even nos. w.s.

Thirty-first ........ 310() James av ........... 3132 Thirty-second ..... 320() Springer av .....••. 3234 Waterville .....•... 324S Thirty-thlrd .••.•.. 3259

Fox pl. (W.D.) fr. 415 Elsron av. w. to No­ble. Even nos. s.s.

Elstonav........... 3 Noble............... 43

Francisco N. (W.D.) tr. 1332 W. Lake n. to Humboldt pk. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 2 Walnut............. 39 . Fulton.. . . . . .. ....• 68 Carroll av .•....•..• 107 Kinzie ..•.....•.... 126 Grant! av ......•.... Chicago av ..•...... Iowa .............. . Linwood pl.. ..... . Augnsta ........... .. Cortez>. .........•.• Tho1nas ........... ... Division ..•...... ··­Humbolclt pk .• , ..•

Francisco S. (W.D.) fr. 1331 W. Lakes. to w. Twelfth. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ l Washington....... 41 Warren av......... 6S Madison.... . . . . • .. . 93 Coloraclo av .......• Monroe .....••...... Wilcox av ......... . Adams ......•..•... , Jackson ............ 205 Van Buren .....•.... 251' Congress .........•. 289 Harrison........... 323 Flournoy ........... 349 Lexington ....•.•.. 385 Polk ................ 415 Harvard ............ 451 Fillmore ........... 511 '.rwelfth. ..•........ 569 Douglas pk ........ .

Frank (W.D.) fr. 75 Waller w. to :3:36 BJne Island av. Even nos. n.s.

Waller.............. 2. Bineisland av .... 8()

Frankfort (W.D.) fr. 1065 N. Robey w. t<1 \Vester11 av. Evet,> nos. s.s.

Robey.............. 1

Hoyneav........... 49 Leavitt. . . . ......... 95 Oakley av .... , ..... 141 Western av ........ 185

Franklin(S.D.)fr. the Rivers. to Harrison, Even nos. w.s.

South Water....... 6 Lake ........••...... · 30 Randolph.......... 66 Washington •••.... 102 Madison ..•......... 136 Monroe •.•.•.•...... J72 Adams .............. 212 Qnincy .............• 230 .fackson ............ 246 VanBuren .......... 286 Congress ..... ,..... 308 Charles pl. ........ 337 Harrison ..... ,. ..... 358

Franklin N. (N.D.) fr. tile River n. to Di­vision, fr. 109 Sigel n. to North av., and fr. 41 Starr to Flori­mond. (Fr. Menom­onee to Fullerton av. is now called North Park av.) Even nos. w.s.

North Water....... 15 Rmzie .•..•..... ... 25 Michigan... .. .... . 45 IHinois ....... ..; . . . . . . 6 7 Indiana............ 87 Ohio ................ 107 Ontario............. 127 Erie ................ 147 Huron .............. 167 Superior ........... 187 Chicagoav .....•... 211 Pearson ............ 231 Chestnut ............ 249 Locust .............. 267 Whiting ........... , 287 Oak ................. 307 Wendell ............ 325 Hills ................ 343 Elm ................. 363 Division ............ 387 Sig~!. .............. 463 Scfaller .. .. .. .. .. . . 487 North av . . . . . .. .. . 581 Starr ............... 639 Eugenie ........ ,.:. 661 Florimond ........ .

Fredericlc av.(W.D.) fr. CentralParlcav.,v. to Hamlin av. 2d n. of·w. Division.

Frederick ct. (N.D.) fr. N. ()lark w. to Or­cliard. 1st n. of Ful­lerton av.

Fremont (N.D.) fr. 36 Bissell n. to Belden av. Even nos. e.s.

:Bissell.............. 2 Wilow ............. 26 Clay................ 86 Centre ....•......... 146 Garfield av ......... 192 'Vebster av ........ 242 Belden av .......... 288

Front (W.D.) fr. 344 N. Halsted w. to Els­ton av. Evcnnos. n.s~

llalsted............. 2 Green .............. . Dix ................ . Lessing......... ... 58 Sauga1nou .... -. . .. . 74 'Carpenter .......... 106 May ................. loli El~, ton av .......... 158

.Fry (W.D.) fr. 218 N. centre av. w. to 385 Noble, and fr. Rose to

. Asltland av.Even nos. n.s.

:N. Centre av....... 2 Chase............... 52 Noble •.•........... 100 Rose . .: ............. 1~2 Holt ....... " ....... 118 Asltlancl av........ 192

Fuller (S.D.) .fr. the River se. to 2900 Archer av.

The River ........ .. Cologne ........... . Lock ............. .


Hickory ........... . Church pl. ....... . Deering .......... .. Archer av ......... .

Fullerton av. (N.D.) (northern City lim­its) fr. the River e. to Lincoln pk.; crosses N. Clark at 1076. Even nos. n.s.

TheRiver ••.••..... R.R.· crossing ..... . Clyhourn av ...... . Ashland av ... '..... 95 Cooper .............. 121 Perry ............. ,. 143 High ...... ······ ... 165 Southport av ...... 193 Ward ............... 225 Herndon........... 251 Lewis ............... 283 Racine av .......... 309 Seminary av ....... 371 Osgood ............. 41,5 Sheffield av ........ 431 Fremont .......... 491 Halsted .......... l 557 Lincoln av ...... 5 Orchard, ........... 613 Larrabee........... 67:3 Hurlbut ............ 739 Ulark ..............• 763 Sedgwick .......... 797 North Par!• av ..... 855 Lincoln pk ....... .

· Fullerton av. W .(W. D.) fr. the lUver w. to City limits.

The River ......... . nrand pl.. ......... . Elstonav .......... . Robey ........ , ... , R.R. crossing ..... . Leavitt ........... . Oakley ............ . ·western av ...... . Thence w. to Crawford


Fnltori (W.D.) fr. tlie River w. to N.Homan av. 1st 11. of W. Lake. Even nos. n.s.

The River ......... . Canal............... 2 lll!lwaukee av ... ( 40 Clinton .......... 5 Jefferson....... . .. 66 Desplaines......... 98 Union .............. 128 Halsted............. 172 Green .............. 192 Peoria........ 212 Sangamon ......... 232 Morgan ........... ~ 252 Carpenter.......... 272 Curtis .............. 292 l\Iay; ................ 312 Ann ................ 332 El izalJetlt.......... 372 Ada ................. 404 Sheldon....... . . . . 4;38 Union l'arlc pl. .... 478 St. John's J>l.. ..... 500 Ashland av ........ 532 Paulina............ 584 Wood ............... 634 Lincoln............. 682 Robey ......... "' .. 732 Hoyne av.......... 780 Leavitt ............. 830 Irving pl .. .. •• • .. . 858 Oakley av .......... 878 JJiller ............... 906 Western av ........ 1014 Arcesiau av ........ 1048 Seymour av ....... 1082 l\Iaplewood av ..... 1116 Roclcwell ........... 1158 Talman :w ......... 1178 Washtenaw av ..... 1212 Fairfield av ........ 1246 Ca1ifornia. av ...... 1~74 Francisco .......... 1334 Sacramento av .... '1:394 Albany av .......... 1454 Kedzie av .......... 1514 Homan av ......... 1642

Gage (S.D.) fr. 941 Douglas av.s. to Egan av. Even nos. w.s.

Douglas av ......... 3500 Thirty-fifth ct ..... 3538 Thirty-sixth ........ 3600 'l.'hirty-seventh .... 3700 Thirty-seventh et. 3738 Thirty-eighth ..... 3800

Thirty-eighth ct .. 3838 Egauav .... , ....... 3860

Gano (S.D.) fr. 2956 South Park av. w. to Prairie av. Even nos. 11.S.

South Park av..... 2 Calumet av........ 30 Prairie av.......... 58

Garden (W.D.)fr. 175 8.1\<Iorgau \V. to Aber-deen. .

Gardner (N.D.) fr. 49 Vine w.to 541 N.Hal­sted. Even nos. n.s.

Vine ............... 2 Halsted............. 98 Garfield av. fr. 40

Herndon e. to J,incoln Park. See Sophia

Garibaldi (S.D.) See Shields av.

Geary (N.D.) fr. 437 Chestnut n w. to 94 Walton pl.

Gehrke(N.D.)fr.Shef­field av. e. to N. Hal­sted, 1st s. of Belmont av.

Genesee av. (W.D.J fr. ,V. Hanison s. to Sixteenth, and fr.1600 Ogden av.s.to Thirty­first. 6th e. of City limits. Even nos. e.s.

Jiarrison ..... .- .... . Flournoy .......... . J,exington ........ .. 1-'ul k: . ..••.•••••••••• l•"'orquer ...... ..... . Taylor ........... , .• Fillmore •• : •••..... Charlotte, ......... . Twelfth ........... . Douglas boul.. ...• J?ifteenth .• : . •....• Sixteenth ......... . Ogden av........... 957 Tweifty-second ... 1015 RR. crossing ...... 1063 Twenty-third ..... 1075 Twenty-fourth .... 1135 Twenty-fifth ....... 1195 Twenty-sixth .... , 1253 Thence s. to Thirtyc


Geneva ('W.D.J fr. S. Central Par]{ av. \V. to i\Iowry, 1st s. of >Y. Douglas av.

George (W .D.) fr. 350 N. S,Lng:.in1ou 1v. to 50 Elston av. Even nos. n.s.

Sa.nga1non .. . -. . . . . . 16 Greeley pl.. ....... . Carpenter...... .. . 52 j\fay ........ .. .... 82 Elston av ......... :. 104

Geor)'"e (N.D.) tr. N. Halste<l w. to Soutll­I>Ort av. 2d n. of Di­versey av.

George pl. (W.D.) fr. 749 W. Kinzie n. ~ blk.

Gilpin pl. (W.D.) fr. 277 Loomis e. to 259 Centre av. Even nos. S.S.

Loomis............. 2 ·Sibley.............. 36 Lytle............... SO Centre av .......... 114 ·

Girard(W.D.)fr.1129 Milwaukee av.ne.atHL n. to Asylum pl. Even nos. e.s.

Milwaukee av ..... 698 Ellcgrove a.v....... '7~-~ Nortlt av ........... 760 Wabansia av ...... 816 Bloomingdale rd .. 872 Clybonrn pl ........ 9z8 Armitage rd ....... 984 Hervey ............ 1044 Asylum pl, ........ 1102

Glenwood pl. (W.D.) S~e Howard ct.


Gloy pl. (W.D.) fr. Elston av. sw. to Lis·· ter, 1st u. of Asylum pl.

Goethe (N.D.) fr. 301 • Sedgwl<•k e. to tile Lake. Even nos. s.s.

Sedgwick. ........ 2 Shaughnessy- .... _.. 15 Wells .. ........... 88 LaSalle av .......... 114 Clark ..... c ......... 144 Dearbornav ....... 168 State ................ 19U Astor ............... 220 Ritchie pl.. ........ 241 Stone ............... 254 Tile Lake ........... 264

Gold (W.D.) fr.302 W. Harrison s. to Gurley. Even nos. e.s. ,

Harrison........... 1 Gurley ............. 33

Good ( W. D. ) fr. 71 Sholto w. to 324 S. May. Even nos. s.s.

Sholto.............. 1 A bercleen .. .. . . . . . . 21 l\Iay ......... ... ... . 39

Goodwin (W. D.) fr. Hon1a11 a.v. W. to Cen­tral Park av. 2 blks, 1st s. of W. Twelfth.

Gordon CS.D.)fr:state w. to Clari• and fr. Stewart av. w.'to Da­shiel. 1st s. of Forty­tltird. Even nos. 11.s.

Grace (N. D.) fr. 157 Divisioa n. t<> 30 Ved­<l~r. Even nos. e,s.

Division............ 2 Vedder............. 36

Grand av. (W.D.) fr. 177 N. Western av. uw. to Crawfor(\ av. Even nos. s.s.

"Western av ....... . Artesian av •....... Seymour .......... . Ohio ............... . Rockwell ......... . 'Yashtena\v av ... . California av ..... . Chicago av ........ . Hnmbold J)k ...... . Kedzie·av ........ . Sheridan ........ .. JVfead ....... : ...... . Augusta,._ ......... . Homan av ......... . Central Park av .. . Tinlcham av .... . Lawndale av ...... . Hamlin av.- ....... . Sp1·ingfield av .... . Cra,vford av: .•.....

Grand Boulevard (S.D.) fr. 185 Douglas av. s. to Fifty~!irst. Even nos. ,v,s.

Douglas av ......... 3500 'l.'hirty-seventlt .... 3 700 Thirty-eighth .... , 3800 Egan av ........... 3900

Granger (N.D.) fr.281 Sedgwick e. to 423 N. wens. Even nos. S.S.

8edgwiek.......... 2 ·Wells............... 82 Grant (N. D.) fr. 605

LaSalle· av. e. to 641 N. Clark. Even nos. s. s.

LaSalle av.......... 2 ' ClarlL.............. 32

Grant pl. (N. D.) fr. 995 N. Clark w. to Larrabee. Even nos. n.s.

Clark .. ;,. .•. : .... l 2 Sedgwick .....•... 5 Hutlbut............ 48 Larrabee........... 9:!

Graves pl. CS.D. \fr. 3212 r:ottage Grove av. s. 1 blk.

Greeley pl. (W.D.)fr. George s. ~ blk. 1st w. of N. ffangamon. Even nos. e.s.

Green N. (W. D.) fr. 217 w. Raudolph n.to Front. Even nos.w.s.

.Randolph.......... 1 Lalrn ...• '............ 31 Fulton.............. 59 ·carroll av. .. .. .. . 85 R.R. crossing .... .. Kinzie .............. 111 Hubbard ........... 139 Indiana ............ 169

~~\~~~~~~-~-~:::} 191 Erie .............. 221 Phillips ............. 2a3 Pratt ........... '.... 265 SntJerior .....•.•... 273 Chicago av......... 289 R.R. crossing .... ( 313 Jj'ront ............. 5

Green S. (W.D.)fr.218 W. Randolph a.to 261 W. Harrison. Even nos. e.s.

Randolph.......... 1 Washington........ 35 Madison............ 69 Monroe............. 101 Adams .............. 133 . Jackson ............. 165 VanBuren ......... 197

•Congress. . . . . . . . . . 227 Harrison ........... 251

Green Bay rd. (N.D.) fr. N. Clark, cor. Di­versey av. 11w. to Bel­mont av.

Greenwich (W.D.)fr. 915 N. Robey w. to Leavitt. Even nos.s.s.

Robey.............. 1 Hoyne av.......... 51 Leavitt............. 99

,Greenwood av. (8. D.) fr. Forty-thirds. tilrougl1 To w n of H\•de Park. 3d e. of Cottage Grove av. Even 11Js. w.s.

Greenwood av. (W. D.) fr. N. Oakley av. w. to California av. 2d n. of W. Fullerton. av.

-Grenshaw(W.D.) See Crenshaw.

·Gross cw. D.) See Cross.

Grove (S. D.) fr. 281 Sixteenth sw. to 2346 Archer av. Even nos. "\V.S.

Sixteenth .......... 1600 Seventeenth ....... 1700 Eighteenth .•...... 1800 Nineteenth .••.... l. 1900 Purple ........... I Twentieth .......... 2(101 Stewart av ......... 2038 Todd .............. ,2100 Twenty-second .•.. 2200 Archer av .......... 2298

Groveland ct. (S.D.) fr.3634 Vincennes av. w. to Stanton av. Nos. ,on s.s. only.

Groveland P a i· k (S. D. )fr. 3325 Cottage Grove av. e. 1 blk. Even nos. s.s.

Groveland avenue (S.D.) fr.~ blk. n. of 22 Twenty-niutn se. to Thirty-third. Even nos. w.s.

First No ........... :2816 Twenty-ninth ..... 2900 Thirtieth ........... 3000 Thirty-first ........ 3100 Thirty-third ....... 3268

Gurley (W.D.) fr. 41 Blue Island av. w. to 212 Centre av. Even nos. s.s.

Dine Island av.... 1


Silver .. ; •.•........ Gold ... ;, ••.••••.•.. :l'rlorgan ........... .

19 Dussold .•••••.••... 478 4~ O'Brien ..... •...... 498 67 .. Kramer............ 514

Miller .............. . 83 Maxwell .......... 529 Sholto .............. . 99 Liberty............. 544 Aberdeen., •.•..... 115 Fonrteenth..... .. . 563 May •.•••••......... 133 Barber .............. 580 Norton ............ . Centre av ......... .

149 Wrigltt............. 593 159 Fifteenth .•••.•••.• 610

Haddock pl. (S. D.) Au alley fr. Wabash av. w. to Franklin bet. S. Water and Lake.

Haines (N.D.) fr. 32 Hickory av. n.e. to N. Branch Canal. Even nos. s.s.

Meagher........... 624 Sixteenth . . . . . . • • • • 669 Seventeenth........ 680 Evans ct..... •. . . . . 704 Eighteenth ••••••••• 709 Nineteenth • • . • • • .. 7 4 7 Mark .............. 77~ Twentieth.......... 791

· Canal port av........ 807 Twenty-first ..•.... 825

12 Lisle ..... ~ .......... 840 Hickory av ...••••.. Hooker •.•..••••.... 42 Twenty-second.... 859 Halsted .......... ( N. Branch Canal 5 66 Jotm pl. ............ 891

O'Ne!l.... .•• ••.••.• 915 Lum Iler . . . . • • • • • • . . 933

Halsted N • CW. D. ) and rN .D.) fr. 197 w. Randolph n. to Bel­mont av. Even nos. '\V.S.

Ranclolph .. , ...... . Eagle ............. . Lake ............... . Lydia ............. . Fulton ........ " ... . >Vayman .......... . Carroll av ......... . R.R. crossing ..... . Kinzie ............. . Hubbard ......... .. Milwaukee ay •.. l. Indiana .......... 5 Ohio .......... ; .... . Erle ............... . Phillips .......... .. Pratt .•. , .......... . SntJerior .......... . Chicago av ....... . Front ............. .. The River ........ . North Branch .... . Hooker ........... . Haines ............ . N. Branch Canal •.

§~~~~ci'r"iie a:-v · }

3 21 33 49 61 79 99

123 151 183 215 247 260 292 300 317 354 359 375 410 454 457 493

Vedder ............. 527 Gardner....... .. .. . 545 Rees...... 561 Eastman............ 588 ·BJacl•hawk . . . . . . .. 599 Clybourn av •... · j 655 'Veed ........... . North av .......... 677 Willow ............. 759 Clay ................ 824 Centre .............. 881 Garfield av ......... 935 Webster av......... 985 Belden av .......... 1035 Lincoln av ...... ( 1095 Fullerton av .... 5 Dunning .......... . Lill ......... , .... , .. Wrlghtwoodav ... 1230 Wolfram ........... 1383 Geoqrn ............ . Wellmgton ...... . Green !lay rd ..... . Gehrke ........... . Belmont av ....... .

Halsted S.(W.D.) and (S.D.)fr. 198 W. Ran-. dolph s. to City lim­Hs. Even nos. e.s.

RandolplI.... .. .. .. 1 Waldo pl ...... ,.... 18 Washington........ ;33 Meridian........... 52 Madison............ ti9 Monroe ............. 101 Marble pl.... . . .. . mo Adams ............ 1:35 Jackson............ 167 Boston av.......... 188 VanBuren .......... 203 Pearce., ............ 224 Congress .........•. 233 Depuyster: ......... 246 Harrison ........ l. 269 Blue Islancl av .. 5 Sebor ............... 290 Mather ............. 310 Polk ................ 331 Ewing ............. 355 Forquer ..•••....... 37:3 •.raylor.. . ......... 395 DeKoven ........... 414 Bunker ............. 440 '.l'welftll ............ 461

The River .......... 2400 R.R. crossing .... .. Archer av ..••.•.... 2500 Kossuth ............ 251!5 Twenty-sixth .•...• 2600 Twenty-seventh •. 2700 Twenty-eighth .... 2801 Stearns ............. 2900 Twenty-ninth ..... 2901 Thirtieth ..•. : ...... 3001 Thirty-first ........ 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Tllir&y-third .•..... 3300 Thirty-third ct •... 3336 Thirty-fourth ...... 3400 Thirty-fourth ct ... 3436 Dong las av ......... 3500 Thirty-fifth ct .•... 3538 Thirty-sixth ....... 3600 Thirty-seventh .... 3700 Thirty-seventh ct.3738 Thirty-eigllt11 .... 3800 Thirty-eighth ct .. 3838 Egan av ............ 3900

Thence s. to Sixty­fifth. Hantbnrg \ W.D.J fr.

1091 N. Robey w. to N. ·western av. _Even nos. s.s.

Robey.............. 1 Hoyneav ......... 49 Leavitt............. 95 Leipzig.... • . .. .. . . 119 Oakley av .......... 142 15reslau ............ 169 Western av ....... 185 Hamilton av. (W.D.)

fr. 824 W. lllonroe s. to Pratt pl. Even nos. w.s.

Monroe ........... . Adams ............ . Jackson .... , ... . Prattpl.. .......... .

2 34 60 80

Hamlin av. N. (W. D.J fr. 1854 W. Lake 11. to >V. Fullerton av. Even nos. e.s.

Lake ................ 32 Fulton........... .. 89 Kinzie.............. 126 Indiana .... , ....•. 184 Ohio ......... , ...... 240 Huron .............. 306 Chicago av ......... 364 Augusta ........... . Division ........... . Grand av .. , ....... . Frederic av ....... . Prince av .......... . North av .......... . Bloomingdale rd .. Armitage av._ ..... . Fullerton av ...... . Hamlin av. S.(W.D.)

fr. 1853 W. Lakes; to W; Harrison.

Lake ............... . Park av •...•........ Wasbingtou ••...... Warren av ......•.• l\ladlson ........•..• Colorado av ....... . Harrison ..........• Hammond (N.D ) fr.

99 Eugenie n. ~ blk. andfr.64 Menomonee n.to Wisconsin. Even nos. e.s.

Eugenie ........... . Me1rnmonee........ 2 Wisconsin.......... <j()

Hancock (W.D.) fr. w. North av. n. to Armitage av. 2d w. ot Homan av.

Hanover (S. D.) fr. 2301 Archer ay. s. to Thirty-third. Even nos. w.'s.

Archer av ....... l. 2300 Twenty-tltird ..• 5 Bushnell... . .••.... 2332 Twenty-fourth .... 240(1 McGregor ..•....... 2432 Twenty-fifth .. : •.. 2500 Kossuth ............ 2532 · Twenty-sixth •..... 2600 Twenty-seventh .• 2700 Twenty-eighth •... 2800 Napoleon pl ........ 2832 Twenty-ninth ..... 2900 Thirtieth •.•.•...... 3000 Thirty-first ........ 3100 Thirty-second ••.. 3200 '.rhirty-third ....... 3300

Hardi:n~ av. (W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie n. to W. Chicago av. 1st e. of City limits. Even nos. e.s.

Kinzie ....•••.•..•.. 126 Ill(liana •........... 184 Ohio ..•............. 240 Huron .............. 306 Chicago av ......... 362

Harmon ct. ,S.D~) fr. Michigan av.w .to 525 State. ET en nos. s.s.

l\Hchigan av....... 1 Wallash av......... 33 Holden pl.......... 47 State................ 59

Harrison tS.D.) from 'Michigan av.w. to the River. Even nos. s.s.

j\Ucltlgau a y....... l Wabash av......... 33 Holden pl.......... 47 State................ 61 Third av........... 83 Dearllorn .•... •.... 93 :Fourth av .......... 11iil Clark ........••...•.. 121 Pacific av .......... 137 Sherman ........... 157 Fifth av ..... , ...... 175 Franklin ........... 207 The River ......... 211

Harrison W. (W.D.) fr. the River w. to City limits. Even nos. s.s.

Tile .<tiver .•. '...... 1 Ellsworth.......... 14 Charles............. 31 Beach ............. 40 Canal............... ·73 Clinton ............. 101 J e!l'erson ........... 141 Law av ............. 161 Desplaines ......... 171 Halsted ........... l. 243 Blue Island av .. 5 Green .............. 267

.Silver ............... 286 Peoria............ 291 Gold ................ 308 8angamon......... 315 l\l01·gan • . • . .. .. . . . . 341 l\Iiiler. ......... .... • 352 Sholto ...•••...•..•• 372 Aberdeen ........... 393 !\lay ................ 410 Centre av ........... 441 Lytle ................ 482 Throop ............. 501 Fayette ct.......... 508 Sibley .............. 530 Loomis............. 565 Laflin ............... 625 Ashland av ........ 679 Mm·shfield aT ...... 703 Paulina............ 727 Hermitage av ....• 751 Woo(!. .......•...•.. 777 Honore............ 809 Lincoln ....••..•...• 835 Ogden av ........... 851 Wlncltester av ..... 857 Robey .............. 889 Hoyne av .... ; ....• 949 I,eavitt ............. 1009 Irving av ..•.•...•. 1043 Oakley av ... · ..... :1069 Irlallo ....•.......... 1101 Western av ..•..... 1129

Campbell av ....... ,1189 Union pl. .•..•... , .• 1215 Cicero ct ........... 1241 Rockwell.. .... ., .. 1251 R.R. crossing .••.•. 1255 Congress pk ........ 1285 Washtenaw av •... 1319 California av· .•.... 13 79 Francisco .......... 1439 Sacramento av •... 1499 Albany av .......... 1565 Kedzie av .......... 1625 Spaulding av .•.... 1693 Homan av .......... l 753 Trumbull av ......• Central Park av .. . Hamlin av ........ . Barry Point rd .... . Crawfo1·d av ...... .

Hart(W.D.)fr.701 W. Kinzie n. to Hubbard.

Kinzie ............ . Hub!Jard .......... .

Hart av. (S.D ) fr. IU. & iVIich. Canal s. to Egan av. 2d w. of Western av.

Harvard CW.D.J. fr. 441 S. Western av. w. to Sacramento. 1st s. of Polk. Even nos. s.s.

Old New Nos. Nos.

Western av.... 1 1129 · Camp!Jell av ... 39 1189 Rockwell. .... . ·washtenaw av California av .. Francisco ..... . Sacramento av

Hastings (W.D.) fr. 335 Blue Island av. w. to S. Hoyue av. Even nos. n.s.

Blue Island av..... 2 Centre av.......... 18 Throop............. 66 J,oomis ............. llB J,aflin ..•............ 166 Ashland av ........ 214 Paulina............ 276 Wood ............... lJ:36 Lincoln ............. 396 Robey ......•....... 456 Hoyne av ......... 514

H>tven (S.D.) fr. 3024 Shields av.w. to Stew­art av. Even nos. n.s.

Shields av.......... 2 Stewart av......... 22

Hawthorne av. (N. _, D.) fr. 29 Larrauee

nw. to Southport av. Even nos. e.s.

Larrauee... ......... 14 NorthBranch...... 51 Oalc....... ....•.... 96 Hobble ..•........... 148 Elm ................. 190 Division ....•.... t 244 Halsted .......... 5 Rees ................ 33.2 Eastman ........... 370 Blackhawk ........ 410

~~~ei;i·a,:,;::::.:} 474 North:w., ......... 508 Willow ..... : ....... 584 Wabansia av ...... 722 ClylJOurn pl........ 780 Lewis ............... 804 Herndon .. .. . . . . .. . 864 Southport av...... 892

'Hayne>1 et. (S.D.) fr. 2923 A1·cher av. se. to Lyman antl U !Jilt. !Jeyoud. Eveu nos. w.s.

Archer av .......... 2900 Lyman .............. 3000 Last No ............ 3036

Hein (N. D.) fr. 12 H n r 1 but e. to 298 Sedgwick. Even nos. s.s ..

·Hurlbut............ 12 Twomey............ 42

, Sedgwick........... 66

Heine (W.D. l fr. 955 '\V. North av; n. to Armitage av.


Henry (W.D.) fr. 1 blk. e. of Il'Ia1·garet w. to s. Wood. 1st s. of W. Fourteenth. Even nos. n.s.

First No............ 2 Margaret..... ..... 52 Centreav .......... , 98 Blue Island av..... 104 Throop ............ 140 Loomis ............. 190 Laflin ............... 240 Ashland av ........ 284 Paulina .. . . .. . .. .. . 342 Wood .............. 400

Hermitag-e av. (W. D.) fr. jnnction of Ogden av. and W. Jackson s. to W. Twelfth. Even nos. e.s.

Jackson .......... ,.. 207 VanBuren .......... 247 Congress ........... 281 Harrison ........... 309 York ............... 347 Polk ......... , ....... 387 Taylor ............. . Twelfth ........... .

He1•n<lon (N.D.) fr. Hawthorne aY. ne. and n. to Fullerton av. Crosses Clybom·n av. at 636. Even nos. e.s.

Hawtl10rne av..... 2 Clybourn av ....... 28 Nursery............ 40 Garfield av......... 42 Webster av........ 102 Belclen av .......... 160 Fullerton av ....... 216

Hervey (W. D.) fr. 1083 N. Wood. w. to Rolley. Even nos. s.s.

Wood .............. l8!l Girard .............. 209 Elkgrove av ....... 235 DucUey ............. 261 Robey ............. .' 285

Hiclrnry (S. D.) fr. Coloi:-ne 1 Lilk. nw. of 2600 Archer, av. sw. to the River. Even nos. 11.s.

Cologne ............ 2501 1\Iary ................ )!517 Joseph ............. 2543 l\Iain ................ 2600 Farrell ............. 2681 Logan .............. 2701 Bonfield ............ 2729 Deering ............ 2800 Shore ................ 2848 Fuller .•............ 2890 Loclc ............... 2900 The River ...... ., ... 2952

Hickory av.(:N.D.) fr. 140 North Branch nw. to Blackhawl<. Even nos. e.s.

North Branch...... 2 Haines............. 34 lUiss................ 74 Division ............ 144 l~ees.......... ... .. . 180 Eastman ............ 216. Cherrv av ....... t 274 Blackhawk ...... 5

High (N.D. l fr. 68 We!Jster av. n. to Ful­lerton av. amt U lllk. n. Even nos. e.s.

Webster av......... 2 UeJclen av.......... 72 Fullerton av ....... 128

Hill (N.D.) fr. 209 Sedgwick e. to 350 N. Wells, thence U blk. Even nos. s.s.

Sedgwick........... 2 1\Iarlrnt .. ,... .... .. . 30 Franlrl!n........... 58 Wells............... 86 Last No ............. 102

Hinman ( W. D.) fr. 753 Throop w. to'.Laf­lin, and fr.947 S.Asll­laml av. w. to Califor­nia av. Even nos. s.s.

Throop ............. 459 Loomis ............. 519

Lafiin............... 577 Ashland av........ 631 Paulina .. , ......... 691 Wood ............... 751 Lincoln............. 811 Robey.............. 871 Hoyne av .......... 931 Leavitt ............. 991 Oakley ay .......... 1051 '\Vestern av ........ 1111 R.R. crossing ...... 1163 Rockwell .......... 1221 Wasl1tenaw av .... 1279 California av ..... .

Hinselte (N.D.)fr.192 Clybourn av. ne. anti n. to 258 Blackhawk. Even nos. e.s.

Clybourn av........ 2 Blackhawk .. .. .. . . 36

Hirsch (W.D.) fr. 717 N. Leavitt w. t@ CaJic forn1aav.

Leavitt ............ . Shober ............. . Oakley av ......... . Dayis ............. .. Western av ....... . Dania av .......... _ Seymour .......... . 1\Iaplewood av .... . Rockwell .......... . Talman av ....... .. Waslltena w av .. .. Fairfield av ... ~ .... . California. av .... ..

Hobbie (N.D.) fr. 138 Ha,vthorne av. e. to 196 Sedgwick. Even nos. s.s.

Hawthorne av..... 2 Crosby............. 30 Chatham ct........ 37 Larrabee............ 62 ·wesson............. 82 l\Iilton av........... 102 Townsend . . . . . . . . . 122 Secf'gwick.......... 142

Hoey (8. D.) fr. 2708 Mary SW. 74 blk.

Hoffman av. (W.D.) fr. :i\Iil,vaukee av. 11-, to W.Diversey av. 3cl w. of N; Weste1·n av.

Holden<W D.)fr. 44 '\V. Twelft!J. s. to W. Fourteentll,

Jo.; {Twelfth .... .. i::'E Bates ........ . ;: d Maxwell ... .. ,:;;:.. l Fourteenth ..

Holden pl. (S.D.) An alley fr, Randolph s. to Twe1:ty - first, bet. Wa!Ja~:l1 av.and State.

Holt (W.D.)'fr. 418 W. Chicago av. n. to Au­i:rusta. and fr. 144 W. Division to \Vauansia av. Even nos. e.s.

Chicago av ... ; ... .. Fry......... ....... 23 Clarincla...... .. .. . 36 Cornell ....... " .. . Cornelia ......... .. Augusta ........... . Division ........... 534 Bradley .•. ,......... 596 lllaclclrnwk........ 660 manche............ 720 North av ........... 780 Wabansia av ...... 832

Homan av.N.(W.D.) fr. 1638 W. Lake 11. to DiveTsey av. Even nos. e.s.

Lal;:e..... .,.. .. .. .. . 16 Walnut............. 38 Fulton.............. 70 Carroll av.. .. .. .. . 108 Kinzie.............. 126 Central uonlevard 198 Ohio ................ 240 Huron ........ , ..... 306 Chicago av ......... 364 Augusta ............ 484 Grand av ......... .. Di.vision......... .. 604 Eberha1·t av ........ 634

Norwood av ........ 664 Bartlett av......... 964 Weage av .... : ..... 728 Dickey av .......... 784 Pierce av,. ......... 812 North av ........... 838 Thence n,toD!verseyav.

Homan av.~.(W.D.) fr. 1637 W. Lakes. to City limits. Ev en. nos. f. .. s.

Lake................ 1 Park av............ 27 'Washington....... 51 ·warren av ... :..... 73 i\I adison.. .. . .. .. . . 93 Monroe............ 133 Adams...... .. ... 175 Jackson .. .,........ 205 Colorado av .... ., . 207 Van Buren.......... 241 Tremont.. . . . . . . .. . 265 Congress ......... .. Harl'ison ........... 323 Twelfth ............ 57~ Goodwin ........... 611 Palatine ............ 649· Douglas Pk, boul. 687 Fifteenth .......... 743. Sixteenth ........ ,. 803. Eighteenth ........ 863· Ogden av ........... 887 Nineteenth . . . . . . . . 906 Twenty-first ....... 965 R.R. crossing.; .. ,. Twenty-second ... lOla Twenty-thi)'(l ..... 1075 Twenty-fourth ... 1135 Twenty-fifth ...... J 195 Tw:enty-sixth ...... 1255. Twenty-seventh .. . Swift .............. . 'Whitehouse ....... . Thirty-first ....... ,

Homer (W.D.) fr. 967' N. Ro!Jey w. to N. Oakley av., an<l fr. ·western av. cor. Mil­waukee av. to Rock­well. Even nos. s.s.

Robey.............. l Hoyne av.......... 51 Leavitt ............. 101 O>ikley av .......... 149. Western av ...... .. Seymour av ........ . Rockwell .......... .

Honore (W.D.) fr. 708' \V. ·l\Iadison s. to w. Ha.rr'ison. li:veu nos. e.s.

Ol1l New Nos. lSos,

1VIaclison...... 1 97 l\Ionroe ....... 31 137 Adams ....... 61 177 Jaclrnon ... '. .. 91 213 VanBUl'en .... 125 253 Ogden a.v .... _.127 279 Gungress ..... 135 291 Harrisou ..... 159 319·

Hoolrer (N.D.) fr. 396' N. Halsted mv. ta. Cherry av. Even nos., e.s.

Halsted............ H Haines,, .... _ ..... 50 Bliss ............. ; .• 91} Division ........... 141} Rees ................ 196 Eastu1an ............ !.t34 Blackhawk ........ 274 Weed ............... 336 Cl1erry av.... .. .. .. 340

Hope(W.D.)fr.65Blue Isfancl av. w. to 298 S. ll'Iorgan.Even nos.s.s.

Blue Island av.... 1 l\Iorgan............ 57

Hough pl. (S.D.) fr. 256U Archer av. uw. 1 blk.

Houston (W.D;) See N. Paulina bet. DiYl­sion and Milwaulrne av.

Howard ct.CW.D.) fr. Humboldt 111» w. to N. Keclzie av. 1st s. or. Augusta.

Howe ( N. D.) fr. 22 Willow ·n. to Sophia. Even nos. e.s.

Willow .... ~.... ... 2 Centre.; ............ 136 Garfield ay •• - ••. : .. 186

Boyne av. N. (W. D.) fr. 832 W. Lake u. to Asylum pl. Even nos. e.s. ·

Lake................ 2 Walnut..... ...... 26 Fulton.............. 50 Carroll av........... 74 Kinzie... .......... 98 Hubliar<L. ....... ~ .• 130 Ferll.inand........ . 150 Indiana............ 160 Ashley ............. 178 Ohio ................ 198 Erie ................ 222

§iuu£~r~or::::::::::: ~~~ Lee pl. .............. 276 Cl1icago aY ......... 294 Rice................ 3> 6 Iowa .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. 354 Augusta ............ 414 Thomas ............ 474 Division ... _ ........ 534 Crystal. ............ 560 Bryson ............. 586 Evergreen av ...... 612 Fowler............. 646 LeMoyne .......... 680 Ewing pl. .......... 714 North av ........... 746 l\1ilwaukee a.v ... t 800 Wabansia av .... 5 Wilmot av;........ 822 Peterson........... 848 Bloomingdale rd.. 864 Churcllill .......... 874 Greenwich ......... 896 Cortland........... 918 Homer .............. 940 Armitage av....... 962 Coblentz............ 984 Lubeck.. . ........ 1000 Frankfort.: .• , ..... 1028 Hamburg .......... 1050 Asylum pl.. ....... 1062

Hoyne av. S• (W.D.) and (S.D.) fr. 831 W. Lakes. to DeKalb, fr. W. Twelfth s. to the River, aml fr. 111. am! Mich. Canal s. to Douglas av. Even nos. e.s. to the River, and ws. s. of the River.

Lake................ 1 Park av.-........... -21 ·washiugton....... 45 Warren av......... 69 Madison............ 93 Monroe ............. 133 Adams, ............ 173 Jackson ............ 203


Hubbard (W.D.) fr. Huron (N.D.) fr.Rob• 152 N. Jefferson w. tm ·, erts e. to the Lake, Seymour av. Eveu crosses N. Clark at nos. s.s. 190. EYen nos. s.s.

Jefierson........... 1 Roberts .. .. .. ... .. • 2 Despiaines......... 29 Kingsbury......... 30 Milwaukee av.. l 67 •rownsenll........ ... 58 Union ............ S Sedgwick.......... 86 Halsted............. 97 l\Iarket ............ 114 Green .............. 119 Franklln ........... 142 Peoria .............. 139· Wells .............. 170 Sangamon ......... 161 LaSalleaT .......... 198

,Morgan ............ 185 Clark ............... 228 Carpenter ......... 207 Dearuorn aY .... ; .. 256 Cnrtis .............. 229 State ................ 288 May ................ 249 Cass ................ 314 Centre av .......... 287 Rush .. , ............ 338 Elizabeth .......... 317 Pine................ 362 Ada ................. 360 St. Clair ............ 386 No!Jle .............. 383 The Lake ......... .. Bixuy pl. ........... 406 Armour ............ 451 Huron W.(W.D.) fr. Ashlan<! av ........ 481 3641\Ulwaukee av. w. Trustee ,., ......... 502 to City limits. Eve11 Paulina ........ : ... 531 nos. n.s; Page ................ 555 Milwaukee av..... 8 Wood ............... 575 Carpente,-.......... 24 Smart .............. 602 Cmtls .............. 40 Lincoln ............. 623 May................ 72 Hart ................ 644 Centre aY .......... 102 Baldwin ............ 666 Ayersct ............ 120 Robey .............. 673 Keith ............... 140 Hoyne av.......... 723 Temple ........... ;. 162 Leavitt ............. 771 Snell ••• .. .. .. .. .. .• 180 O:tkleyav .......... 821 Noble .............. 198 Diller ............... 841 Hickerdike ......... 228 ·western av ........ 861 Armour ............ 258 Artesian aY ........ 887 Ashland av ........ 288 Seymour ay ........ 911 Paulina ............ 338

Woori ............... 386 Hubbard et.(S.D.) fr. Lincoln ............. 436 Ml.ch1·~n av w to 399 Robey .............. 486 - · · Hoyneav ..... ; ..... 536 otate. ven nos. s.s. Leavitt ............. 586

Michigan av. .. . .. 1 Oakley av .......... 634 '.Vabashav ....... ;. 33 western av ........ 678 Hol<len pl.......... 47 seymourav ....... . State................ 59 Rockwell. ......... . Hubbs (S.D.)See Par- Re-commences at

nell av. · Kedzle aY ......... .

Hudson av. (N.D.)fr. 1 blk. s. of 346 Black­hawlc n. to Centre. Even nos. w.s.

l'irst No .......... , 73 Blackhawk . ... .. .. 131 Northav ........... 175 Eugenie ............ 22:~ Menomonee ........ 271 Wisconsin......... 321 Centre .............. 369

Hull (N.D.) fr. 51 Eu-genie n. w Menomo­nee. Even nos. w.s.

~ugenie............ 1 Menomonee........ 51

Homan av ....•...•• Trumbull av ......• St. Louis av ........ . Drake av .......... . Central Parle av ..• Tinkhtt.m av ........ Lawndale av ......• Hamlin av ...... .. Avers av .......... .. !;pringfield av .... . Harding av .....•.. Crawforci av .......

Hussum (W.D.) fr.N. California av. w, to Boulevanl. 2d n. of Armitage av.

Hyde Park av.(S.D.) oee Lake av. s. of City limits.

Indiana CN.D.) fr. the­River e. to·the Lake. crosses N.~ Clark at, 106. Even nos. s.s.

The River.......... 2 Kingsbury......... 24 Market............. 86 Franklin . .. . • •• .. .• 112· Wells .............. 140 LaSalleav .......... lliS Clark ................ 200 Dearborn av ....... 232 State ... ' ............ 268-Cass .......... ; ..... 292 Rush ...... ; ....... -.. 316 Pine ............... 3'40 St.Clair ............. 364 Seneca .............. 393, The Lake ........... 500

Indiana W.(W.D.)fr. the Riverw. to Craw­fonl av. Even nos.s.s.

The River ......... . West Water ....... . Jefierson........... 1 Desplaines......... 29 Union.............. a7 Milwaukee av ... t 103 Halsted .......... ) Green............... 119 Peoria.............. 143-Sangamon ......... 163-Moi·gan ............. 185 Carpenter .......... 207 Curtis .... . . .. • . . .. .. 229 l\Iay . .. .. . . .. . • .. • . . 249 Centre av .......... 281 Eliza!Jeth . . . . . . . . . . 327 Ada .................. 357 Noble .............. 383 Blckerclike ........ 419 Armour ............. 449 Ashland av ......... 479 Rumsey............ 507 Paulina .......... - . 529 Osborn ... -.. .. . • . .. 547' Broom.............. 56t.. Woocl ............... 579· Lincoln............. 629· Robey ............. 679· Hoyne av • • .. . . . . .. 729 Leavitt ........... , .• 777· Oakley av .......... 82'i Dillei: ............... 849 Western av ........ 875. Rockwell ........ .. 'Washtenaw av .. .. Kell.zie av ........ . Homan av ....... .. Trumbull av ...... . St. Louis av ....... .

, Drake av ......... .. Central Park av .. . Tinkham av·---·'­Lawndale av ......• Hamlin av ........ . Avers av .......... .

, Springfield av ... . Harding av ....... . Crawford av ...... .

Pratt pl............ 227 · YanBuren ......... 253

Humbol<lt (W.D.) fr. 979 '\Y. North av. n. to .A.rmitage av.

Humboldt av. (W.

ldaho (W.D.) fr. 944 '\V. Yan Buren s. to HarrisOn, antl fr. % blk. n. of 1019 W. Polk s. to W. Taylor. Even nos. e.s.

Indiana av. (S.D.) fr.

Avon pl. .......... 255 Congress........... 293 Harrison........... 323 Flournoy .......... 343 Lexington .. , ....... 367 DeKalb ............. 377 Twelfth .. . .. . .. . .. . 569 Thirteenth pl ...... 600 Thirteenth ......... 625 Fourteenth........ 685 Fifteenth . . .. . . . .. . 745 Sixteenth .......... 805 Seventeenth ... .'... 840 Eighteenth ........ 865 YanHorn ........... 897 Nineteenth........ 925 Twentieth ......... 959 T1venty-first....... 985 Hinman .. , ......... 1019 Twenty-second •... 1045 Ambrose ........... 1069 Moore .............. 10~& Parmelee .......... 112 1 Lau~hton ........ l 1157 Cou1ter .......... S Blue Island av ..... 1185 Twenty-sixth ...... 1267 The River ......... 1353 Ill. & Mich. Canal.3122 Bross av ........... 3150 Thirty-second ..... 3205 Thirty-third ....... 3300 Thirty-fourth ..... 3400 Archer av ....... t 3458 Douglas av ...... 5

D.) fr. N. Keclzie av. w. to Crawford av. 3d n. of Armitage av.

Hunt (W.D.) fr, 70 N. Centre av. w. to N. Elizabeth. Even nos. JJ.S.

Centre av............ 2 Elizabeth.......... 4 2

Hurlbut (N.D.) fr. 48 Cly!Jonrn av. n. to Fullerton av. Eveu nos. e.s.

Old Ne'v Nos • .Nos.

Clybonrn av... 2 Hein........... 12 Sullivan....... 32 Sigel........... 48 Connor........ 58 Blaclcllawk .... 132 142 North av ...... 178 200 Eugenie ........ 228 260 l\Ienomonee ... 276 320 Wisconsin ..... 326 380 Centre .... , .... 374 440 G,arfield av, , i 422 500 Lrncoln av ... I Webster av .... 468 560 Grant pl. ...... 492 586 Belden av ...... 514 612 l'ullerton av .. 560 670

VanBuren.· .......• 251 Harrison ........... 321

Re-commences at 381 PolK ................ 411 Taylor .............. 487

Iglehart pl. (S.D.)fr. U blk. 11. of 60 Twenty-seventh s. to Twenty-eighth. Even nos. w.s.

First No ............ 2616 •rwenty-seventh .. 2700 Last No ............ ;2730

Illinois (N. D.) fr. Kingsbury e. to the Lake, crosses N.Cla1·1c at 82. Even nos. s.s.

Kingsbury......... Ii ll'Iarket............. 50 Franklin ....... ;... 76 Wells .............. ; 106 LaSalle ST.......... 136 Clark ............... '168 Dearborn av ....... 196 State ................ 232 Cass ................ 256 Rush . .. . .. .. . .. .... 280 Pine ................ 304 St. Clair ............ , 334 Seneca ............ 367 The Lake........... 486

Twelfths. to U lllk s. of Thirteenth, and fr. ~blk.n.of Fourteenth s. to City Ii mi ts. 3d e. of State. Evennos. w.s.

Twelfth ............ 1200 Thirteenth .......•. 1300 Fourteenth ........ 1400 R.R. crossing...... . Sixteenth ......... ' 1600 Eighteenth; ....... 1800 Twentieth ......... 2000 Twenty-first ...... 2100 Twenty-second .... 2200 Cottage Grove av .. 2217 Twenty-third ....•. 2300 Twenty-fourth .... 2400 Twenty-fifth ...... 2500 •rwenty-sixth ....•. 2600 Twenty-ninth ..... 2900

, ·rhtrtieth ........... 3UOO Thirty-first, ....... 3100 Tb irty-seco nd ..... 320() Thirty-third ....... 3300 Tbirty-fourth ..... 3400 Douglas av ........ 3500 Thirty-sixth •••.•.. 3600 E<la ................. 361& Thirty-seventh .... 3700 Thirty-seventh et.3736 Thirty-eighth ..... 3800 Egan av ... , .....•.. 3900

Thence s. to FiftY• fifth.

.In;_:-raham (W.D.) fr. 3a3 Elston av. w. to 663 Noble. Even nos. U.S.

:Elston av........... 2 R.R. crossing...... 28 Noble............... 5\1

Iowa (W.D.) fr. 357 N. Wood w. to Western av.and fr. 'Vasbtenaw av. to California av. Even nos. n. s.

Wood............... 2 Newton .•........••. 22 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Dudley............. 66 Robey.............. 88 Hoyne av •...•....• Leavitt ......•......

·Oakley av ......... . 'Vestern av ....... . Washtenaw av .... .

·Caiifornia av ••.....

. Iron (S;D.) fr. Thirty­second se. to Douglas av. lst.w,of the River.

Irving av. (W.D.) fr. 894 W. Monroe s. to W. Harrison, ancl fr. U blk. n. of 973 W. Polk · s. to 'L'aylor. Even nos. e.s.

Monroe ............. 135 A'.dams . . . .. . . . . . . . . 175 .Jackson ............ 205 VanBuren ....... 251 Harrison........... 321

Re-commences at 381 Polk........... 411 Taylor ••••......... 487

Irving pl. N. (W.D.) fr. 848 Fulton n; to W. Kinzie. Even nos. ,v.s.

Fulton....... 1 Kinzie.............. 45

Isabel ct~ (W.D.) fr. Douglas pk. w. to S. Kedzie av. 1 blk. 1st s. of Ogden av.

.Jackson (S. D.) fl". J\1icl1igau av. w. to the River. Even nos. s.s.

lllicbigan av..... . 1 Wabash av......... 35 Holden pl.......... 49 State................ 6'3 "Third av........... 86 Dearborn •...•... •. 94 Fourthav .......... lO!i

·Clark............. 127 Pacific av .......... 154 LaSalle............. 159

:Sherman ........... 172 Fifth av ............ 191 Fraul,lin........... 223 .l\Iarlrnt ............. 255 'The River .......... 265

Jacl.:son W.(W.D.)fr. the River w, to Cen­tral Park av. Even nos. s.s.

TheRivcr.......... 1 Canal............... 35 Clinton............ . 69 Jefferson ......... :. 101 Desplaiues......... 133 Halsted ............. 197 Green .............. 217 Peoria .............. 237 Sangamon .• · ........ 257 Morgan ............ 281 Aberdeen.......... 335

\Centre av........ . 383 \-Throop ............. 431 J,oomis ....•••.••..• 4 79 .Laflin........... 527 .Ashland av ....•... 575 Jlfarshfield av ...... 604 l'aulimt ............ 635 .Hermitage av ...... 660 or,uen av ........... 659 '" ood ............... 679 Honore .. . . .. . . . . 705 Lincoln ............ 731 Winchester av..... 757 Robey ... · ........... 783 Seeley av ........... 807 Hoyne av.......... 833 Hamilton av ....... -857 Leavitt ............ 881 Irving av .......... 911 Oakley av ......... : 935


Western av ......•. 993 Campbell av ....... 1049 Cicero ct ........... 1084 Rockwell ........ , .1111 R.R. crossing ..... 1119 Washtenaw av .... 1175 California av ...... 1235 Stevens ............. 1268 Francisco .......... l3iJ1 Nassau ............. 1336 Sacramento av .... 1361 Whipple ............ 1387 Albany av .......... 1413 Troy ................ 1439 Kedzle av .......... 1465 Spaulding av ...... 1525 Colorado av ........ 1547 Homan av ......... 1567 St. Louis av ........ 1631 Central Park av ... 1685

James av. (S.D.) fr. 31~4 Laurel w. to Benson. Even nos.n.s.

Laurel. ............. 866 l\luspratt ........... 926 Wahl. .............. 950 Ullman ............. 974 Fox ....•............ 1028 Benson ....•........ 1082

Jane (W.D.) fr. 812 Milwaukee av.sw.aucl w. to Newton. Evc11 nos. s.s.

l\Iilwaukee av..... 1 Ashland av........ 51 Rumsey............ 75 Paulina............ 99 Samuel.. ........... 123 Wood .. ; .•...••... : 147 Newton .......... 171

Jasper (S.D.) fr. Thir-ty-third s. to Douglas av. 3d e. of S.Asllland av,

Jay (N.D.) fr. 192 So­phia n. to Fullerton av. Even nos. e.s.

Sophia.............. 78 Webster av ......... 138 Relclen av ......... . Fullerton av ..... ..

Jefferson N.•(W.D.) fr. 93 W. Randolph n. to the River. Even nos. w.s.

Randolph.......... 1 . Lake ................ 39

:Fulton . . . . . . . .. . . . . 71 Wayman ... :....... 92 .lllilwaukee av ... l 109 Carroll av ....... I R.R. crossing .... . Kinzie .............. 123 Cook ................ 143 Hubbard ........... lfi2 Indiana ........... 195 R.R. crossing ....•. TheRiver .......... 247

Jelforson S,(W.D.Jfr. 92 W. Randolph s. to 31 W.Twenty-second. Even nos. e.s.

Randolph.......... 1 Washington ....... · 41 111adison............ 73 School.............. 87 l\Ionroe........ • .. . 105 Adams.............. 139 Quincy ... ; .......... 160 Jackson............ 175 VanBuren ••...... 207 Congress ........... 242 Harrison ........... 275 Sebor ............... 300 l\Iather.......... ... 320 Polk ................ 339 Ewing ............. 363 Forquer .. ,......... 385 Taylor .............. 405 DeKoven ........... 427 Bunker ............. 449 Twelfth ............ 471 Dussold ........... 485

·Judd ................ 494 O'Brien ........... 499 Wilson ............. 512 l\.l'amer ............ 513 · Maxwell ............ 527 Liberty ............. 543 Fourteenth........ 557 Barber .............. 571 Wright ............. 585 Fifteenth .......... 60!

Meagher ............ 615 R.R. crossing ..... . Sixteenth .......... 643 Eighteenth ........ 707 Canalport av ....... 729 Twentieth....... . 754 Ward ct ............ 774 T.wenty-second.. 835

Jefferson ct~ (W.D.) fr.1129 N. Western av. w. 1 blk.

Je'ssie pl. cw.D.) fr. 769 W. Kinzie n. % blk. .

John pl. (W.D.J fr. 879 S.Halsted w.1 blk. Even nos. n.s.

Halsted............. 2 LastNo............. 40

J olrnson(W.D.)fr.292 "{.Taylors. to Twen­ty-second. Even nos. e.s.

Taylor. ............ 1 Twelfth ............ 65 Maxwell ........... 131 Fourteenth ........ 169 Wright ............. 201 Sixteenth .......... 267 Seventeenth ....... 278 Eighteenth ........ 315 Eighteenth pl..... 333 Nineteentl1........ 349 Nineteenth pl. ..... 367 Twentieth ......... 381 Clayton.......... .. . 401 Canalport av .... l 417 Twenty-first .... 5 Twenty-second .... 449

Johnson av.(S.D.)fr. U blk. n. of 12 'L'wen­ty-seveuth ,,to Twen­ty-eighth. Even nos. w.s.

Twenty-seventh .. 2700 Lass No ............. 2730

Jol1nson pl. (S.D.) fr. U blk. n. of 150 Thir­ty-eighth s. to Egan av. Even nos. w.s.

First No ............ 3736 Thirty-eighth ..... 3800 Egan av ............ 3854

Jones (S.D.) fr. 3183 Archer av. s. 1 o Egan av. Even nos. w.s.

Archer av .......... 3200 Thirty-second ..... 3221 Mill. ................ 3251 Thirty-third ....... 3300 Thirty-third ct .... 3334 Thirty-fourth ..... 3400 Douglas av ........ 3500 'l'hlrty-sixth ....... 3600 Tl1irty-seventh .... 3700


'L'hirty-seventh ct.3732 · Thirty-eightll ..... 3800. Thirty-eighth ct.. .3832

· Egan av ........... 3856

Joseph (S.D.)fr.Hicl(­ory se.to 2720 Archer av. Even nos. ,v.s.

Hickory ............ 2500 R.R. crossing ..... . Archer av .....•.... 2636

Joseph (S.D.) fr. S. Sacran1ento av. w. to Kedzie av. lat s. of Thirty- eighth. (Brighton station C. &A. R.R.)

Judd l W.D.) fr. Stew­art av. w. to s. Jelfer­son. 1st s. of w. Twelfth. Even nos. S.S.

Stewa1·t av......... 1 Canal........ 47 Clinton............. 77 Jelferson ........... 103

Judson (N. D.) fr. Eastman nw. to Blackhawk. 2d w. of N. Halsted. E v e n nos. e.s.

Eastman .. . .• • . .... 2 ;Biackl1aw!~,,,,,,,,. 30

Julian (W.D.) fr. 699 N. Ashland av. w. to N. Wood. Even nos. s.s.

Old New No,;, No.:.

AshlaQ.d av.... 2 l Paulina........ 38 57 Wood ........... 82 111

Julius (W.D.j fr. iu3 Eleventh s. 1 tlk. Evei; nos. e.s.

Kansas (W.D. J See Eleventh W.

Kedzie av. N. (W.D.) fr. 1512 W. Lake n. to City limits. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 2 Walnut............. 38 Fulton ............. - 68 Carroll av .......... 108 Kinzie . . .. . . . .. .. .. 126 Central bout....... 190 Ohio ................ 240 Huron .............. 306 Chicago av..... .. . . 364 Grand av ........... 458 Augusta... .. . . . .. .. 482 J\Icllroy.. .. .. . . .. .. 51 7 Emery ............ 545 Wheaton ........... 575 Division............ 604 Eberhart.. . . . • . . . . . 633 Norwood .......... 663 Bartlett........ .. . 693 Weai;e ..............


0_33 Beacn av .......... .

Dickey av .......... 783 Pierceav ........... 811 North av ........... 838 Thence n. 6 !Jlks.

Kedzie av. S. (W.D.) anCl (S.D.) fr. 1511 W. Lakes. ro City limits. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................. 1 Parkav............. 21 Wasl1ington . .. .. .. 43 'Varren av......... 69 .ll1adison..... ..... .. 93 l\Ionroe. ............ 133 Adams .......... ( 175 Coloraclo av ..... 5 Jackson ............. 205 VanBuren .......... 251 Tremont ........... 265 Congress ........... 297 Harrison ........... 323 Twelfth ............. 571 Doui;las Pk. boul.. 687 Collrns........... ... 730 Truro ............... 770 Sixteenth ........... B03 Ogden av ........... ,29 Isabel ct........... 70 Nineteenth......... 01 Cross ................ 1134 Twenty-first ...... IJ65 R.R. crossing ...... 977 Twenty-second . ., .1015 Twenty-sixth ...... 1253 'L'wenty"seventh .. 1313 Swift ............... 1373 Whitehouse ........ 1433 Thirty-first ......... 1491 Tl1e River ......... . Ill. & l'>Iich. Canal. Thence s. to Fifty-fifth

Keeley (S.D.) fr. 2833 Archer av. se.to Thir­ty-first. Even nos. ,v.s.

Archer av .......... 2800 Lyman .............. 3000 Thirty-first ........ 3060

Keenon (W.D.) fr.749 N. Ashland av. w. to N. Wood. Even nos. S.S.

Ashland av........ 1 Paulina............ 37 "'ood ........... ,... 73

Keith (W.D.) fr. 303 W. Chicago av. s. to 136 W. Huron. Even nos. e.s.

Chicago av .... ,.... I Huron.............. 47

Kendall (W. D.) fr. 840 w. Polk SW. tow. Taylor, Even nos. s.s.

Polk................ 9 Birch............... 5!i Cypress...... ..... 66 Taylor ........... ":. 111

Kimbell av. (W.D.) See Homan av. n. of W. North av.

Kincaid cs. D.) See California av. s. of Ill. & l\Uch. Canal.

Kingsbury (N. D.) fr. 27 Kinzie nw. to Erie, thence n. to 44 Chi­cago av. Even nos. w.s.

Kinzie.............. 1 Michigan........... 27 Illinois . . • . . . . . . . .. . 47 Indiana............ 67 Ohio........ ....... 89 Ontario ........... . Erie ................ 175 Huron ..... , ....... . Superior .......... . Chicago av ........ .

Kinzie (N.D.) fr. the River e. to N. Water.· 2d n. of the River. Even nos. s.s.

The River.......... 2 Kingsbury... . .. .. 26 J\Iarket............. 50 Franklin........... 80 Wells ............... 112 LaSalle av ... : ...... 142 Clark ................ ·174 Dearborn av ....... 201i State ................ 242 Cass ................ 273 North Water ....... 299

Kinzie W. (W.D.) fr. the River w. to City limits. Even nos. s.s.

The River ......... . Canal................ 4 West 'Vater. ...••.. 19 Clinton .. ·........... 32 Dunn................ 47 Jelferson........... !il Desplaines ....... l 89 J\lilwaukee av ... 5 Union ............ 117 Halsted............. 153 Green ............... 177 Peoria .............. 201 Sangamon......... 225 Morgan ............ 249 Carpenter.......... 273 Curtis .............. 297 May ................. 321 Ann ................. 346 Centre av .......... 357 Elizabeth.......... 385 Ada ................. 423 Noble .............. 445 Bixby pl. ........... 461 Armour ............ 507 Ashland av........ 537 Trustee............. 557 Oswego ............. 579 Paulina............. 587 Page ................ 615 Wood ............... 637 Smart ............... 663 Lincoln............. 685 Hart ................ 705 Baldwin............ 725 Robey .............. 733 George pl.......... 753 Jessie pl.. .......... 773 Hoyne av ......... ; 781 Leavitt .. . • . . • • . ... 829 Irving pl........... 858 Oakley av .......... 879 Diller ............... 901 Western av ........ 923 Artesian av ....... . Seymourav .•...•. Maplewood av ... .. Rockwell .......... . Tahnan av ........ . Washtenaw av ... .. Fairfield av ...... .. qalifo~nia av ..... . :Franmsco ......... . Sacramento av ... . Nichols ............ . Albany av ........ . Kellzie av ........ .. Sheridan; ...•.••••• Homan av ......... . St. Louis av ....... .


Drake av .......... . Central Park av .. . Tinkham av •...•.. Lawndale av ...... . Hamlin av ....... .. Avers av .......... . Springfield av ... .. Harding av ....... . Crawford av .... .

Kissain (W,D.) See Vernon Park pl

Koss.ut"h(S. D. )fr.2527 s. Halstecl e. to 2524 Wentwm;th av. Even nos. n.s.

Halsted............. 1 Emeralclav........ 17 Sanger.............. 53 \Val1ace... • .. ... .. 91 Butler .............. 123 Hanover ........... 153 Stewart av ......... 183 Portlrmd av ........ 223 Wentworth av ..... 275

Kramer (W.D.)fr.511 s. Jelferson w.to Hal­sted, Even nos. s.s.

J elferson ....... .-. • . 1 Union... .......... :>9 Halsted............. 91

Kroger CN.D.) fr. 125 Shellield av. nw. to Racine av._ Even nos. U.S.

Shellield av... 2 Poe ................ ., 30 Clyde............ .. 52 Seminary av....... 62 Racine av......... 160

Kuehl pl. (W.D.) fr. Elston av. sw. to Lis­ter. 1st s. of w. Ful­lerton av.

Labar (N.D.)See Ved­der.

Lafayette ·pl. (N.D.) fr. 330 N. Clark e. to Dearborn av. 1 blk.

.Nos. on n.s. only.

Laflin( W.D;)fr.536 W. Madison s. to the Riv­er. Even nos. e.s.

Madison ........... . Monroe •.•...•...•. Adams ............ . Jackson .......... ;. VanBuren •.••..... Congress .......... . Harrison .......... . Plum ............... . York .............. . Spruce ............. . Polk ............... . Taylor ....•...•••... Nebraska .•....•... Eleventh .........•.

·Twelfth ........... .. Thirteenth pl. .••.. Thirteenth ........ . Hastings .....•....• Fourteenth ....•... Henry ............. . Fifteenth ....•..... Rebecca ......... .. R. R, crossing ... • .. Sixteenth ......... . Seventeenth ....••... Eighteenth ••.• ; •.. Nineteenth ..•..... Twentieth ........ .. Blue Island av ....• Twenty-first ...... . Hinman .......... .. Twenty-second .. . The River ........ ..

1 29 55 81

107 129 149 166 177 186 201 263 281 297 313 33·7 361 385 409 433 457 481 493 507 531 555 615. 641 653 663 698 723 975

Lake (S.D.) fl-. Central av.and R.R. depotsw. to the River. Even nos. n.s.

R.R. Depots ..... l Central av ....... 5 Michigan av....... 4 Wabashav......... 34 State................ 64 Dearborn.......... 96 Clark ............... 128 LaSalle ............. 160 Fifth av .. , ......... 192 Franklin........... 226 S. Water •• _.;, •.•• l 252 Market .......... 5 The River ..••••••.•

Lake W.(W.D.)fr.the River w. to City1lim­its. Even nos. n.s.

The River.......... 2 West Water........ 8 Canal ............ l 36 l\Iilwaukee av ... 5 Clinton ....••.... '.. 62 Jefferson........... 96 Desplaines.... .. .. • 124 · Union ............. 154 Halsted ............ 198 Green ............... 220 Peoria ..•. -. ......... 240 Sangamon .. . .. • .. . 260 J\Iorgan , , .......... ,280 Carpenter .......... 300

· Curtis . . .. .. . . .. .. .. 320 l\Iay ................ 342 Ann ................. 362 Elizabeth.......... 408 Ada ................ 446 Sheldon . . . .. . . . • .. . 482 Union Park pl..... 524 Bryan pl .. . . . . . . . .. 543 Union pk ......... .. St. John's pl. ...... 548 Ashland av ......... 580 Paulina ............ 628 Page ................ 653 Woocl ............... 676 Lincoln............. 724 Robey............. 774 Hoyne av ....... ,.. 834 Leavitt....... . . . .. 894 Oakley av ....••... 954 Wester:< av ........ 1014 Artesian av ........ 1041'i Staunton ........... 1069 Seymour av .....•.. 1080 Maplewood av ..... 1114 Rockwell .......... 1146 R.R. crossing ..... 1150 Fall. ................ 1169 Talman av ......... 1180 Washtenaw av ... o.1212 Fairfield av ........ 1246 California av ...... 1274 Clarkson ct ........ 1305 Francisco .......... 1334 Sacramento av .... 1394 Albany av .......... 1454 Kedzie av .......... 1514 Homanav ......... :1640 Central Park av .. . Hamlin av ......... 1860 Davlin: •....•....... 1904 Crawford av ....... 1984

Lake av. (S.D.) fr. 15 Douglas av. se. to the City limits. Even nos. w.s.

Douglas av ......... 3500 Thirty-seventh .... 3700 Pier ................. 3821

· Egan av ............ 3900 Oakwood av ........ 3920 Brook ..........•...• R.R. crossing ......

Thence (called Hyde Park av.) se. through Town of Hyde Park.

Lake Park av.(S.D.) fr. Twenty-third se.to Twenty-fifth, and fr. M blk. n. of Twenty­ninth se. to Thirty­third. 2d e. of Cottage Grove av. · Even nos. w.s.

Twenty-third ...... 2300 Twenty-fourth .... 2400 Twenty-fifth ....... 2450

Recommences at 2816 Twenty-ninth ...•. 2900 Thirtieth ........... 3000 Thirty-first ........ 3100 Thirty-third .. · ..... 3:.l66

Lake Park pl. (S.D.) fr. R.R. track w. to 3361\Iiehigan av. Nos. o. and e. on s.s. only.

R.R. track.. . .. .. .. 1 1111 chigan av. . . . . • • 11

Lake Shore drive (N.D.) fr. foot of Oak. n. to Lincoln pk.

Lane pl. (N.D.) fr.412 Centre n. to Sophia, 1 lllk.

Langdon fr. 183 Cly­bourn av. sw. ~ IJlk. Even nos, s.s.

Langle}'" av. (S.D.)fr. 115·Th1rty-seventh s. to Fifty-first. Even. nos. w.s.

'L'llirty-seventh ••• 3701t Thirty-eighth ••.•• 3800 Egan av ............ 3 90(}

Thence a. to Fifty­first.

Larrabee (N.D.) fr.19 Chicago av. n. tfr Demingct.-Even nos. e.s.

Chicago av. • . .. .. . 2 Hawthorneav..... 41 Crosby............. 93 Oak ................. 11& Hobbie ............. 142 Elm ............... 178 Division ............ 204 VeddeF ............. 236 Rees ............. l 278 Clybourn av ..... 5 Blackhawk........ 35S Alaska .............. 389 North av ........... 406 Eu~enie .......... " 4!i4 Willow ............. 499 Menomonee • .. . . . . 522 Wisconsin....... .. 576 Centre ...•.......... 634 Garfiehl av ......... 692 North Grove ct .... 717 Websterav ...... l 742 Lincolnav.: ..... 5 Grant pl.. .......... 770 Belden av .......... 792 Fullerton av ...... 842 Frederick ct ..... .. Deming ct .• , .... ..

LaSalle (S.D.) fr. the Rivers.to VanBuren. Tunnel on this street to North Side. Even nos. w.s.

S. Water............ 2 Lake................ 30· Randolph.......... 66 Court House sq .••• Washington ....... 102 Madison ....... ; .... 138 Arcade ct.......... 160 Monroe ......•...•. 178 Aclams ............. 212 Quincy .............. 221> Jackson ............ 241> VanBuren ..•.•.... 284

LaSalle S.(S.D. )fr.237 Sixteenth s. to For­tieth. Even·nos. w.s.'!

Sixteenth ••••••.•.. 1600 Seventeenth ....... 1700 Eighteenth ......... 1800 Nineteenth, ........ 1900 Twentieth •........ 2000 Archer av .......... 2028 Twenty~first ....... 2100 Twenty~second •.. 2200 Twenty-third •.•.•. 2300 Twenty-fourth .... 2400 Twenty-fifth ....... 2500 Twenty-sixth •.•.• 2600 Spring .............. 2620 Twenty-seventh ... 2700 Twenty-ninth ..... 2900 Thirtieth .. , ........ 3000 Thirty first ........ 3100 Thirty-third •...•.. 3300 Donglasav ......... 3500 Thirty-seventh •... 3700 Thirty-eigh tll ...... 3800 Egan av ............ 3900 Fortieth ........... .

.LaSalle av. (N.D.) fr. the River n. to N. Clark. Even nos. w.s,

The River.......... 1 N. Water........... 19 Kinzie.............. 35 11-Iich!gan.......... 55 Illinofs .. .. . . .. • • • .• 75 Indiana............ 95 Ohio ................ 115 Ontario............. 133 Erie ................ 153 Huron.. . .......... 1 73 s1111erlor......... . .. 193 Chicago av ......... 217 Chestnut ..•... , ..... 259 Locust .............. 297 Oak ................. 333 Maple.; ............ 367 Elm ................ 401 Division ............ 419 Goethe ............ 473 Schiller............ 527


Carl. ...............• 574 -Grant ..............• 609 North av •....... ;. 627 Eugenie ............ 680 Clark ....••..•...... 698

Laughton CW.D.) fr. 1151 S. Hoyne av. w. to California av.Even nos. s.s.

Hoyneav .••••••• i · 1 Coulter •••.• ; .•.. 5 Leavitt............. 61 Oakley av •........• Western av ....... . R.R; crossing ..... . Rockwell .•...•.... 299 Washtenaw av ..... 349 California av ..... .

Laurel (S.D.) fr. 865 Thirty-first s. to Egan av. Even nos .. w.s.

Thirty-first .....•.. 3100 James av ........... 3132 Thirty-second •••.• 3200 Springer av ........ 3234 Thirty-third ...•... 3301 Thirty-third ct •••• 3337 Thirty-fourth ..... 3400 Thirty-fourtl1 ct ... 3437 Douglasav •........ 3500 Thirty-fifth ct ..... 3 53 9 Thirty-sixth ....... 3601 Thirty-seventh .... 3701 Thirty-seventh ct.3739 Thirty-eighth ..... ,3801 Thirty-eighth ct ... 3839. Eganav ••.......... 3860

Law av. (W.D.) fr.;!) blkn. of 157 W. Har­rison s. to W. Polk. Even nos. e.s.

First No............ 33 Harrison........... 67 Polk .. ; ............. 129

Lawrence (N.D.)fr.n. branch Chicago River e. to 35 Southport av. Even nos. n.s.

River ...... ·......... 1 Southport av..... 43

· Lawndaleav.(W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie n. to VI'. Chicago av. and fr. Grand av. n. to W. North av. 2<1 w. of Central Park av.Even ;no~. e.s.

runzie .............. 126 Indiana, ........... 184 Ohio .........•..••.. 240 Ruron ............ ;. 306 Chicago av ......... 362 Grand av .....••.... 626 Wllliam av .•...•... 662 ·Frederickav .••..•. 720 Prince av ••• : ••.... 780 North av ....••••••• 836

Leavitt N. (W.D.) fr. 892 W.Lake n. to City limits. Evennos. e.s.

Lake................ 2 Walnut............. 42 Fulton............. 68 Carroll av.......... 98 Kinzie .....•........ 124 Hubbard ........... 156 Ferdinand • • . . • . . .. 180 Indiana............ 194 Ashley ............. 220 Ohio ................ 240 Erie .........••••... 272 Huron ........••.... 306 Su:perior .....••..•.. 338 Chicago av ......... 364 Iowa .......•.....•.• 424 Augusta ............ 484 Thomas............ 544

. Division........... 604 Crystal............. 636 Bryson............. 662 Evergreenav ••.... 696 Hirscn . . . . . . . .. .. . . '719 Fowler ............. 730 LeMoyne ........... 764 Thompson ........ ; '179 Ewing pl.. ........ , 804. North av ........... 838 Wabansiaav ....... 897 Milwaulcee av ..... 916 Bloomingdale rd.. 938 Wilmot av ....... l 948 Churchill ........ 5 Greenwich......... 976 Cortland •••••••••.• 1002


Homer ............. 1030 Armitage av ......• 1052 Coblentz ••••.••.... 1080 Lubeck .. .; .•••..... 1108 Frankfort .•........ 1136 Hamburg .......... 1166 Asylum pl .......... 1184 Ems ................ 1209 Bremen., .•........ 1239 Rhine .............. 1265 Berlin ....•........ 1293 Fullerton av .•...•• 1314 Station •...........• R.R. track ........•. Snow ........ ; ......• Elston av •.......... D1versey av., .....•

Leavitt s. (W.D.) fr. 891 W.Lake s. to City Ii mi ts. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 1 Park av ............ 21 Washington....... 45 Warren av......... 69 Madison ........ .,.. 93 · Monroe............. 133 Adams ............. 173 Jackson........... 205 VanBnrcn ......... 251 Congress........... 294 Harrison........... 323 Flournoy.......... 349 Campbell pk .... ~ Woodbine pl.... 369 Evergreen pl •... Polk ................ 411 Boone ....•........ 444 DeKalb ............. 464 Taylor .............. 495 Ogden av ........... 513 Twelfth ............ 569 Thirteenth......... 625 Fourteenth ..... : .. 685 Fifteenth . . . . . . . . . . 743 Sixteenth .... , ..... 803 Seventeenth....... 829 R.R. crossing .•.... 833 Eighteen(h......... 853 Van Horn .......... 885 Nineteenth ........ 911 Twentieth ......... 937 Twenty-first ....... 963 Hinman............ 989 Twenty-second .... 1015 Ambrose ........... 1050 Moore ............. 1075 Parmelee ........... 1109 Laughton .......... 1135 Coulter •.....•..•... 1161 Blue Islaml av .... 1183 Twenty-sixth ....•. 1253 The River •........• Tl1irty-first .......• Ill. & .Mich. Canal.

Lee pl. (W.D.) fr. 273 N. Robey w. to N. Hoyne av. Even nos. n.s.

Robey.............. 2 Hoyneav........... 50

Leipzig ( W. D. ) fr. Hamburg n. to Ems, 1st w. of N. Leavitt. Even nos. e.s.

Hamburg.......... 2 Ems................. 38

LeMoyne CW. D.) fr. 685 N.Robey w. to N. Leavitt. Even nos.s.s.

Robey ............ '.. 1 Hoyne av .......... 49 Leavitt............. 95

Lessing (W.D.)fr.124 w. Chicago av. n. to Front,

Chicago av ••••..•.. Front .....•••.••..••

Levee (W.D.) fr. the River sw. 3 blks. crosses S.Ashlandav. bet. the River and Ill. & Mich. Canal.

TheRiver ......... :2700 Post ........•....... 2738 Ashland av •....... 2756

Lewis (N.D.) fr.Haw-thorne av.ne. to Nur­sery, t h e n c e n. to Belden av. c,r o s s es Clybourn av. at 586. Even nos. e.s.

Hawthorne av..... 2 Clybourn av........ 30

Nursery .•..•.•..... 53 Garfield av......... 84 Webster av ........ 144 Belden av.......... 202 Fullerton av; .....• 258

Lexington (W.D.) fr. 35 DeKalb w. to Lea­vitt, fr.377 S. Western av. w. to Albany av. and CentrarPark av. w.to Genesee av.Even nos. s.s.

Old New Nos. Nos.

DeKalb....... 1 Hoyne av.... 11 Leavitt....... 59 Western av .. 133 1129 Campbellav .. 201 1189 Rockwell ..... 249 1251 ·washtenaw av .... . California av ..... . Francisco •........ Sacramento av ...• Albany av •......... Central Park av ... Genesee av •...••...

Liberty (W.D.) fr. 73 Stewart av. w. to 542 S. Halsted. Even nos. S.S.

Stewart av......... 1 Canal............... 41 J e!Ierson........... 99 Union .............. 157 Halsted ............. 189

Lill CN.D.) fr. N. Asl1-land av. e. to N. Hal­sted, 4th n. of City limits.

Lill W .(W.D.) fr. Sta­tion w. to N. Western av. 1st n.ofW.Fuller­ton av.

Lime ( S. D. ) fr. the River s. to Twenty­seventh; crosses Ar­cJ1er av.at 2522. Even nos. w.s.

The River .......... 2400 R.R. crossing ..... . Archer av. .......... 2500 Twenty-seventh .. 2568

Lincoln N. (W.D.) fr. 722 W.Lake n. tol\fil­waukee av. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 2 Walnut............. 28 Fulton.............. 50 Carroll av.......... 74 Kinzie .............. 100 Hubbard ........... 132 Fe1·diuand.......... 154 Indiana ............. 162 Ashley ............. 188 Ohio ....•.•......... 208 Erie ..•............. 234 Huron .............. 260 Superior ........... 286 Chicago av ........• 312 Rice ................ 346 lowa ....... c •••••••• 372 Augusta .........•• 430 Thomas ............. 488 Division ............ 544 Bryson ............. 607 Ellen ................ 624 Park ................ 674 Milwaukee av ..... 698

Lincoln S.(W.D.) and (S.D.) fr.723 w. Lake s. to the River.and fr. Thirty-firsts.to Egan nv. Even nos. e.s. to the River and w.s. s. ofthe River.

Lake................ 1 Park av............ 25 Washington........ 49 Warren av......... 73 Madison............ 97 Monroe ....•.•...•. 137

.Adams ............. 175 Jackson ............ 213 VanBuren .......... 253 Congress ........... 291 Ogden av.......... 297 Harrison........... 309 Polk ................ 385 Taylor .............. 465 Selden .............. 494

Yeaton ..•.......... 517 Twelfth. . • • • . . . • • . . 541 Thirteenth pl...... 563 Thirteenth......... 589 Hastings... . • • • . . . . . 615 Fourteenth . . . . . . . . 641 Fifteenth ......•... 701 Sixteenth.......... 751 Eighteenth •........ 811 VanHorn .......... 845 Nineteenth.. . . . . . . . 871 Twentieth .......... 897 Twenty-first ....... 923 Hinman ............ 957 Twenty-second .... 983 Ambrose ........... 1013 Moore ..•.••........ 1045 Blue Island av •.... 1073 R.R. crossing •.... 1097 The River .......... 1289 Thiny-first ...•.••. 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Thirty-third ....... 3300 Tllirty-fourth ..... 3400 Thirty-fourth ct ... Douglas av ....••. :3500 ThiFty-sixth ....... 3600 Thirty-seventh ... 3700 Thil'ty-eighth ..... 3800 Egan av ....• ; ••••••

Lincoln av. (N.D.)fr. 739 N. Wells nw. to Belmont av. Even nos. n.s.

Wells............... 2 North Park av ... l 38 Wisconsin .....•. 5 Lonergan........... 59 Centre ...•........ l. 102 Sedgwick ........ I Garfiel<l av ....... l 160 Hurlbut .......... 5 Webster av, ..... l 222 Larrabee ......... 5 Belden av ........ l 284 Orchard ....... ~ .. 5 Halsted ........... l. 346 Fullerton av ..... 5 Montana. . . . . . . . . . 387 Dunning ........... 430 Lill ................. . Wrightwood av .. l 536 Sheffield av ...... I E<lsonav ........... 580 Seminary av....... 622 Thence nw. to Belmont


Lincoln J?l• (N.D.) fr. 500 Sophia n.to Web­ster av. Even nos. w.s.

Garfielcl av . . . . • • . . 1 Webster av........ 57

Linden av. (W.D.)fr. ·w.Fullerton av. n. to Dlversey av. 1st e. of California av.

Linwood pl. cW.D.) fr. N. California av. w. to Humboldt pk. 1st n. of W. Chicago av.

Lisle (W.D.) fr. 755 S. Union w. to 832 S. Halsted. Even nos. n.s.

Union.............. 2 Halsted ............. 36

Lock (S.D.) fr. Fuller se. to Thirty-first, crosses Archer av. at 3000. Even nos. w.s.

Fuller ........•..... 2800 Hickory ............ 2814 Archer av •.•....... 3000 Bonaparte ......... 3031 ~Y!Jlan ........... l 3084 Thirty-first ....•• 5

Lockport (S.D.) fr. 3644 Archer av. nw. 1 blk.

Locnst(N.D.Jfr.% blk. w. of 138 Townsend e. to 311 N. Clark. Even nos. s.s.

Townsend .. . . . . . . . 14 Sedgwick.......... 38 Market .............. 72 Franklin........... 100 Wells ............... 128 LaSalle av .......... 158 Clark ............... 184

Logan (S.D.) fr. 2651 Hickory se. to R.R. track. Even nos. w.s.

Hiclrnry ............ 2700 R.R. track ......... 2736

Lonergan (N.D.) fr. 44 Wisconsin n. to 53 Lincoln av. Even· nos~ ,v._s,

Wisconsin.......... 1 Lincoln av......... 15

Long Jolin (S.D.) J:r. Thirty-firsts. to City limits, crosses Archer av. at 3420. · .

·Thirty-first ........ 3100 Brossav .......... .. ·Thirty-se~ond ..... 3200 'Thirty-tlurd ....... 3300 Thirty-fourth ..... 3400 Archer av .......... 3422 Thirty-fourth ct .. Douglas av ......... 3500 ·Thirty-seventh .... 370Q Egan av ............ 3856

• Loomis (W.D.) fr. 486

W.l\Iac:l.isons.toLum­ber. Even nos. w.s. .

Madison..... .. . . . . . 2 Monroe ...•........• 34 Je:!Ierson pk ......•. Adams.............. 66 .Jackson ............ 100 van Buren......... 134 Congress.......... . 166 Harrison........... 198 Pi um .... ., ......... 222 Vernon Parlr pl .... 227 :Spruce.. . ... . . . . . . . . 250 Macalister pl. ..... 259 Polk ................. 270 Gilpin pl.. .......... 285 Arthington . . . . . . . . 32.1 Taylor .............. 350 Nebraska ......•... 370 Eleventh ........... 390 Twelfth ............ 410 Thirteenth pl...... 434 Thirteenth .....•..• 458 Hastings ........... 482 Fourteenth .·.•..... 506 Henry .............. 530 Fifteenth ...... : . . .. 554 Rebecca ........•... 578 R.R. crossing ...... 590 Sixteenth ........... 602 Seventeenth....... 634 Eighteenth........ 658 Blue Islandav •.... 674 Zion pl ............. 693 Nineteenth ......... 718 ·Twentieth ....•..... Twenty-first ..•.... 778 Hinman ............ 810 Twenty-second .... 836 Lumber ....•.....•. •

Lonisa(S.D.) fr.Doug­las av. s. to Thirty­sixth. 1st w. of S. Asl1land av. Even nos. w.s.

Douglas av ......... 3500 Thirty-sixth •...... 31>58

Lowe av. (S.D.) fr. 515 Twenty-sixth s. to Egan av :.o. 3d e. of s. Ha1sted. ~ven nos. w.s.

Twenty-sixth ...... 2600 Twenty-eighth .... 2800 Twenty-ninth ••... 2900 Thirtieth ........... 3000 ThirLy-first ....•.. 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Thirty-third ....... 3300 Douglas av ......... 3500 Thirty-sixth ....... 3600 Thirty-seventh •... 3700 Thirty-eighth ..... 3800 Egan av ............ 3860

Lubeck(W.D.)fr.1039 N. Robey w. to Westc ern av. Even nos. s.s.

Robey......... .•.. 1 Hoyneav........... 49 Leavitt............. 95 Oakley av.......... 141 Western av ... , ..... 185

Luce (W.D.) fr. 61 W. Blackhawk nw.~ blk.


Lullpl.(W.D.)fr. El­len).!! blk. sw. of 984 Milwaukee av. s. ancl w. to N. Wood. Even nos. e.s.

Ellen......... ... . 17 Moorman.......... 28 Blucher............ 47 Wood............... 97

Lumber CW .D.) fr. 18 W. Twelfths. and sw. with the Ri«er to Loomis. Even nos. e.s.

Twelfth............. 1 Dodge ............. ·~·;;;.; Bates .............. 5~ Stephenson....... ,.., Maxwell............ 83 Fourteenth . . . . . . . 105 R.R. crossing ..... Sixteenth .......•. Eighteenth ... ' .... 292 Stewart av ........ . "Wharf ... : •......... Canal. .............. 86S Seward ............. 391 Ward ct ..... •...... 403 Je:!Ierson ........ l 469 Tw.enty-second: 5 Umofr. . .. . • . . • . . . . • 559 Halsted . . . . .. . . . . . . 593 R.R. crossing ...... 635 J\Iorgan ............ . Fisk .............. . Centre av ....... .. Tl1roop ............• Loomis ............ .

Lnndy's Lane (S.D.) fr. Thirty-seconds.to Thirty-fourth. 1st w. of Long John.

Lydia (W.D.) fr. 54 N. Desplaines w. to 43 N. Halsted. Even nos. s.s.

Desplaines. .. .• ..•• 1 Union.............. 25 Halsted •. .. . . .. .... 45

Lyman (S.D.J fr 2878 l\'1ain sw. to Thirty­

. first. Even nos. n.s. Main ................ 2900 Farrell ............. 2926 Keeley ..•.•.....••. 2942 Bonfield ............ 2964 Deering ....••...... 3000 Haynes ct ..•••..... 3024 Arcl1 ............... 3050 Fake ................ 3076 Lock ............• l 3098 Thirty-first .....• 5 Lynell pl, (S. D.} fr.

'.rhirty-secoud s. to Thirty-thlru, 1st e. of s. Ashlaml av.

Lytle (W.D.) fr. 474 w. Harrison s. to W. Twelfth. Even nos. e.s.

Harrison........... 1 Vernon Park pl... 25 l\1acalister pl...... 46 Vernon pk ........ . Gilpin pl............ 65 Arthington . • ...... 84 Taylor .............. 107 Twelfth . . . . . .. •• . . • 165

Macalister pl. CW. D.) fr. 229 Centre av. w. to Loomis. Even nos. s.s.

Centre av.......... 1

~fbtl:i:::::::::::::: ~i Loomis ....... ; .... .

lllacedonia(W.D.) fr. 316 w. Division n. to Ellen. Even nos. e.s.

Division............ 2 Ellen............... 74

Madison (S. D.) fr. Michigan av. w. to the River. Even nos. s.s.

Michigan av....... 1 Dearborn pl....... 19 Wabash av........ 35 Holden pl.......... 49 State.... ........... 67 Dearborn........... 95 Clark ............... !27

LaSalle ............ 159 Fifth av ..••....•... 191 Franklin..... . .• . . . 231

· Market ............. 269 The River .......•.. 289

Madison ,V, (W.D.) fr. the River w. to City limits. Even nos. S.S.

The River ......... . W. Water ....... .. Canal............... 17 Clinton............. 49 Je:!Ierson .•... .. . . . 81 Desplaines ......... 113 Union ......••...... 147

. ~:~~~~~:.-.-.-.~::::::: ~E~ Peoria .............. 229 Sangamon .......... 253 Morgan . . . . ... . . . . . 275 Carpenter .......... 299 Curtis .............. 325 Aberdeen •...•..... 334 May ........••••.... 351 Ann ............•... 379 Centre av .......... 384 Elizabeth ... .. . . . . . 425 Throop .......••.•.. 440 N. Throop.......... 445 Ada ................. 461 Loomis ............ 490 Shel<lon . . . . . . . . ... . 495 Bishop ct........... 523 Laflin ............... 544 Ogden av........... 569 Ashland av ........ 583 Paulina............ 641 Page ................ 665 Wood .............. 689 Honore............. 716 Lincoln............. 7::17 Winchester av. . . . 764 Robey ............. 785 Seeley av. . .. .. . . . . 806 Hoyneav ........... 825 Leavitt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 883 Oakley av .......... 943 Western av ........ 1003 Staunton ........... 1051 Campbell av ....... 1064 Rockwell. ...•.•.... 1135 R.R. cri.ssing ••.... Washtenaw av •. :.1194 California av ...... 1249 Colorado av ........ 1260 Francisco .......... 1309 Sacramento av .... 1369 Albany av ..•.....•. 1435 Kedzie av .......... 1495 Spaulding av ...... 1562 Homan av ......•... 1021 St. Louis av ..•.•... 1686 centralParkav .... 1736 Central pl;: ..•..... Hamlin av ......... 1859 Crawford av .•..... 1981

1\Iain (S.D.) fr. the River se. to Thirty­first; crosses .Archer av. at2764. Eveunos. w.s.

The River ....•.•... 2400 Cologne ......•..... 2500 Hickory ........•... 2600 Arcller av .......... 2800 Lyman .....•....... 2900 f"tearns ..•.• : . ...... 2943 Thirty-first ........ 3068

Mantene ct. (W.D.) See l\lautene ct.

Maple (N.D.) fr. % blk. w. of 366 LaSalle av. e. to 360 N. State. Even nos. s.s.

LaSalleav........ • 10 Clari>:............... 30 Dearborn av....... 58 State................ 84

Maple pl.(W.D,) See Jettorson ct.

m:aplewood av. (W. D.) fr. 1104 W. Lake n. to Fulton, fr. W. Divia!on n. to 766 W. North av., and fr. W. .Fullerton av. n .. to D!versey av. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 2 Fulton.............. 68 Kin•ie .............. 126 Division ............ 604 Bryson .............. 660

Hirsch .............. 720 Th·ompsou .......... 780 North av ....•••...• 836

lUaplewood av. S; CW.D.) fr. W. Thirty­first s. to Ill. & Mich. Canal. 30. w. of S. Western a;.

Maplewood pl. (W. D.) fr. 860 O>!den av. s. to W. Fifteenth. Even nos. e.s.

Ogden av. ......... 2 Fourteenth........ 12 Fifteenth . . . . . . . . . • 69

Marble pl. (S.D.) fr. State w. to Fiftl1 av. Alley bet. Monroe and A<larns.

Marble pl. W.(W.D.; fr. 125 s. Desplaines w. to Halsted. Even nos. n.s.

Desplaines.... .. . . . 94 Halste<l. .. .. .. ... . . . 158

Marcy (N.D.) fr. 53 Sliefiiel<l av. nw. to Clybourn pl. Even nos. e.s.

Sheffielcl av . . . . . . . 8 Willow............. 52 Wabansla av ...... 184 Clybourn pl. ...... .

!Uaro-aret (W.D.) fr. 402"\'v. Fourteenth s. to W. Fifteenth. Even nos. e,s.

Fourteenth.... . . 1 Henry .............. 23 Fifteenth........... 43

Margaret·pl. CW.D.) fr. W. Sixteenth s. ·to w. Nineteenth. 2de. of Crawf::>rd av.

Marianna (N.D.) fr. 470 Racine av. e. to Lincoln av.. aml fr. Sheffield av. to Flor­ence av. 1st s. of Di­versey av.

Marion pl- (W.D.) fr. 328 W. Division n. to Ellen. Even nos. e.s.

Division........ .. 2 Ellen .......••.. ;... 78

Mark (W,D.) fr. 689 s. Union w. to 764 S. Halsted. Even nos. U.S.

Union............... 2 Halsted· ..... ; ...... ; · 34

Market (S.D.) fr. 253 Lake s. to Cungress and J.!l blk. beyond. Even nos. w.s.

Lake................ 2 Randolph . . .• • •.. •. 38 Washington....... 72 l\Iadison ............ 108 . Monroe............. 146 Adams ...........•. 180 Quincy .............. 196 .Jackson ............ 2J 2 VanBuren .......... ·246 Congress ............ 269

Market N. (N.D.) fr. the River n. to Divi­sion. anti fr. 97 Schil• ler to 378 North av., 4 blks. w. of N. Clark. Even nos. w.s.

The River ........ ,.· N. Water .....••.•.. Kinzie.............. 23 l\'lichigan .......... • 43 Illinois.............. 63 Indiana............ 83 Ohio ................ 103 Ontario ......... ~ .. 123 Erie ................. 143 Huron .............. 163 Sul'erior .. . • .. . . . . . 183 Chicago av ......... 205 Pearson........ . . . . 223 Chestnut ............ 241 Locust ....•••.••.... ·259 Whltmg ............ 277 Oak ................. 297

Wendell .. ; ......... 317 Hill ..........•.•.... 335 Elm ................. 355 Division ..........•. 381 Schiller ........•.... 501 North av .....•..... 597

l\Iarket sq. :s.D.) fr. Thirty-first se. to s. Ashland av. Crosses Archer av. at 3136. Even nos. w.s.

Thirty-first ........ 3100 Archer av ...•...... 3132 Ashland :w ........ 3168

l\larshfield av.(W.D) fr. 600 W. Jacksons. to W. '.I. welfLh. Even nos. e.s.

Jackson ......••.... 207 VanBuren ......... 247 Congress ........... 281 Harrison ........... 309 York ................ 347 Polk ................ 387 Taylor ......•....... 467 Twelfth............ 541

.l\larvin(W.D.)fr.1159 s. Oakley av. w. to R. R. track.

Oakley av ......... . \Vestern av ........ . R.R. track ........ .

l\lary (S.D.J fr, Hick-ory se.to Hoey. Cross­es Archer av. at 2636. Even nos. w.s.

Hickory .....•...... 21\00 .Archer av .......... 2700 Hoey ............... 2708

Matller(W.D.)fr.Ells-worth w. to 316 S. Jefferson•, aml fr. 323 S. Desplaines w. to Halsted. Even nos s.s.

Ellsworth....... . 1 Beach.............. 29 R.R. crossing ..... . Canal............... 61 Clinton.. . . . . . . .. . . 91 Je1ferson ........... il 7 Desplaines ......... 143 Halsted ........... '. 209

l\lathew (W.D.) fr.215 Q~den av. w. to s. "ood 1 blk.

l\Iautene ct. (W.D.) fr. 1112 l\Iilwaukee av. sw. U bll<. Even nos. S.S.

Milwaukee av...... 1 Last No ......... ,... 35

:i\Iaxwcll (W.D.) fr. the River w. to 330 Blue lsland av. 2d n. of FOlnteenth. Even nos. s.s.

The River.......... 1 Lumber............ 25 Stephenson........ 41 Dodge.............. 57 Holden............. 73 R.R. av ....•.....•.. Stewartav......... 87 Canal. .............. 133 Clinton ..........•.. 165 Jcft'erson ........... 191 Union .............. 249 Halsted.. . . . . . . . . . . :.!83 Newberry av ...... 301 Johnson ............ 319 Brown .............. 337 Morgan ............ 353 Waller ............. 367 Blue Islamlav ..... 435

May N. (W.D.J fr. 341 W. Randolph n. to George and U blk. n. Even nos. w.s.

Randolph.......... 1 Lalce. ............... 31 Fulton.............. 61 Carroll av.......... 87 · Kinzie .............. 115 Hubbard .•...••.... 141

·-.Indiana ..•......... 167 Ohio ................ 193 Erie ................ 219 Huron .............. 245 Superior ........... 274 Curtis .............. 28!1


Nlilwau1rne av ... ( 295 Chicago av ...... I Front ............... 321 George ............. 349 LastNo ............ 368

l\lay S. (W.D ) fr. 342 W. Randolph s. to l\Iaclison. fr. 408 W. Harrison s.to Twelfth and fr. 405 W. Eight­eenths.to W.Twenty­second. Even nos. e.s.

Randolph.......... 1 Washington....... 29 Madison... . . . . . . . 61 Harrison .....•.•..• · 241 Gurley ............• 273 Polk ...........•.... 313 Good ............... 324 Better .............. 334 Damon ............. 346 Taylor .............. 377 Eleventh ........... 410 '.l.'welfth............ 439 Eighteenth . , . . .. .. 641 Eighteenth pl...... 660 Nineteenth ...•• ., 675 McMullen ct....... 6113 Twentieth......... 709 Walsh ct ........... 733 Twenty"first ....... 743 '.l.'wenty-second ... 775

l\'CcAlpine (S.D.) fr. Bross av. s.to Douglas av. 1st e.of S. Y\'estern av.

McDermott (S.D.) fr. C.& A.R.R. se.to 2984 Archer av. Even nos . w.s.

R.R. crossing ...... 2900 Archer av .......... 2938

llicCaffery av. (S.D.J See Thirty-eighth w. of Archer av.

McGlashen (S.D.) fr. 449 Tweuty-secon(l s. to Archer av. Even nos. ,v.s.

Twenty-second .... 2200 Urawfonl ct ........ 2224 Archer av .......... 2242

McGovern (W.D. J fr. .111ilwaukee av. w. 1 blk. 1st s. of W. Ful­lerton av.

McGrath (W.D.) See Avon pl.

l\IcGregor (S.D.) fr. 2447 Arcner av. e. to 2424 Wentworth av. Even uos. n-.s.

Archer av •...... l 1 Sanger ........... S Wallace ............ 55 llutler...... •. . . . . . . 85 Hanover........... 115 Stewart av .......•. 145 Portland av ........ 187 Wentworth av ..... 241

lUcHenry (W.D.) fr. Blanche U blk. e. of 436 Elston av. n. and mv.to n. b;:anch Chi­cago River. Even nos. e.s.

Old New Nos. Nos.

Blanche ....... 169 2 Northav ....... 123 56 Rawson ........ 77 120 Wabansia av .. 29 106 Redfie](l . . . . . .. 9 186 The River..... 1 206

Mcilroy (W.D.) fr.N. Ke<lzie av. w. 1 blk. 1st n. of Augusta.

Mcl'llullen ct. (W.D.J fr. 103 Fisk w. to ti38 Centre av. Even nos. S.S.

Fisk................ 1 May ....• ,......... 31 Centreav..... ...•.. 55

l\lcReynolds (W.D.) fr. 727 N. Ashland av. w. to N, Wood. Even nos. n.s..

Ashland av......... 2 Paulina........... 32 \Vood........ .... . .. 70

Mead (W.D.J fr. W. Chicago av. n. to Grand av. and fr.1159 W. North av. to Ful­lerton av. 1st w. of Kedzie av. Even nos. e.s.

Chicago av......... 364 R.R. crossing ..... . Grand av........... 470 North av .......... . Wabansia av ...... . Bloomingdale rd .• Cortland .......... . Armitage av ...... . Dickens ........... . Humboldt av ..... . .l\Ientmore av ..... . Fullerton av ...... .

Meaghan (S.D.) fr; S. Ashland av. e. U blk. 1st s. of .Thirty-sec­ond.

Meagher (W.D.) fr. 143 Stewart av. w. to 622 Halsted. Even nos. s.s.

Stewart av..... ... 1 Canal............... 41 Jelferson........... 97 Union ............... 161 Halsted... . . . . .. . . . . 193

lliecllanic (W;D.) fr. 41 w. 18th $.)1 blk.

Meeker (W.D.) See Central Park av. n. of W. North av.

Mendell (W.D.)fr.141 W.Clybomn pl. nw.to Canal pl. Even nos. e.s. -

Clybonrn pl........ 2 Crossing............ 33 Armitage av·....... 41! Canal pl..._........ 56

l\lenomonee (N. D.) fr. 769 N. Clark w. to 512 LarrnlJee. Even nos. n.s.

Clark............... 4 Wells........ ...... 16 North Pm·k av.... 46 Hammond .........• 72 Sedgwick........... 92 Huclson av ........• 112 Hull ................ 119 Hurlbut ........... 132 Mohawk........... 152 Larrabee........... 170

l\Ierian (W.D.) fr. W. Twenty-firsts. to W. Twenty-second, 1st e. Kedzie av.

Meridian(W.D.)fr. 51 S. Desplames w. to S. llatstecl. Even nos. S.S.

Desplaines......... 1 Union............... 31 Halsted............. 73

l\Uchii;an (N.D.) fr. Kingsoury e. to N. Water; 3(l n. of the River. Even nos. s.s.

Kingsbury ..... ;... 4 Market............. 36 Franklin........... 62 Wells............... 94 LaSalle av . . . . . . . . . 122 Clark ......... , ..... 154 DearboTn av ...•... 184 State ................ 220 Cass .... ; ....... ; . . . 244 Rush .............. 2H8 Pine ................ 292 ::it. Clair............ 321 N. Water .......... .

lliichigan av. (S.D.) fr. the Rivers.to City limits. Even nos. e.s. fr. River to Randolph (Nos. on w.s. only fr. Randolph to Lake Park pl.) and w.s. s. of Twelfth.

TheRiver ......... .

River............... 1 S. Water........... 45 Lake................ 73 Randolph.......... 105 Washington....... 107 Madison............ 121 Monroe ....•...••..• 141 Adams .....•..•.... 158 Jackson .........•.. 178 VanBuren •••.•.•.. 197 Congress.... . .. . . . . 217 Harrison ...••.. , . . 234-H ul.Jl.Jard ct ..••.•.. 254 Peck ct.... . . . . . .. . . 27 4-Eldridge ct........ 294 Harmon ct ........ 314 Lake Park pl....... 336 Twelfth ............ 1200 Thirteenth ......... 1300 Fourteenth ........ 1400· R.R. crossing .... .. Sixteenth .....••... 1600 Eighteenth ....•... 1800 Twentieth ......... 2000 Twenty-first ...... ;2100 Twenty-second .... 2200 Twenty-third ...... 2300 Twenty-fourth .... ;J400 T~enty-fifth ...... 2500 Twenty-sixth •..••. 2600 Twenty-eiJ:l'hth ..•. 2800 Twenty-nmth ..... 2900

·Thirtieth ........... 3000 Thirty-first ....... 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Thirty-third ...•... 3300 Thirty-fourth ...... 3400 Douglas av ........ 35~ Thirty-sixth ....... 36 Eda ................ 361 Thirty-seventh ... 3700 Thirty-seventh ct. 3736 Thirty-eighth ..... 380(} Egan av ............ 3900

Thence s. througl1 Town of Hy(le Park.

l\fill (W.D.) fr. Lynch pl. w. to Jones. 1st s. of Twenty secoml.

Lynch pl. ......... . Asblan(l av........ 42 Jones............... 86

.Millard av. (W.D)fr. 1566 Ogden av .. s. to ,V. Twenty-sixth. (Lawndale station C. B.&Q.R.R.) Even nos. e.s.

Ogden av .... , ...... 941 Twenty-second .... 1015 R.R. Cl"OSSing ..... 1053 Twenty-third ...... 1075 Twenty-fourth: ... 1135 Twenty-fifth ...... 1195 '.rwenty-sixth ..... 1253

l'lliller (W.D.) fr. 346 \V. Harrison s. to 357 W. Taylor. Even nos. w.s.

Harrison........... 2 Gurley........... . 36 Polk................ 66 Taylor .............. 126

Milton av. (N.D.) fr. 57 Chicago av. n. to Division. Even nos. w.s.

Chicago av......... 1 Oak .... : ............ 123 Hobbie ............ 149 Elm ................ 177 Division ............ 199

Milwaukee av. (W. D.)fr. 28 W. Lake nw. to City limits. Even nos. s.s.

W. Lake ......... l 1 N. Canal. ........ 5 Fulton ........... ( 39 N. Clinton ....... 5 Carroll av ....... } 85 N. Jefferson .... . Kinzie ........... ( 123 N. Desplaines ... \ Hubbard ........ } 161 N. Union ...... .. Indiana .......... ( 209 Halste(l. ......... 5 Green. . ........ ( 253 Ohio ............. ! Peoria .............. 280 Erie ................ 307 Sangamon ....•.... 329 Huron .....•.... ; ... ~67 Morgan ••••...•.... 387

~arpenter.......... 407

~hi~~~?.~~::::::} 465 Elston av........... 513 N centre av....... 543 Cornell............. 568 wm ................ 579 Cornelia ...•..•....• 618 Augusta............ 657 Emma ..... • •. •·• l '/15 Noble ............ 5 Tell pl. ........•••.. 760 Cleaver............. 769 Jane .........••••••. 812 Division .. , ......... 845 Ashland av......... 883 :Mantene.ct...... ... 920 _ Paulina............. 975 Ellen •.••....•.•.•... 994 Wood .............• 1059 Lincoln ...•..•.•..•. 1060 Evergreen av ...... 1098 Girar<l .............• 1139 Fontenoy pl. •...•.. 1156 _Rolley ..... ····· .. l 1231 North av .•....... S Wabansia av .... ( 1331 lloyne av ........ I Leavitt •...........• 1407 llloomingdale rd .. 1432 Oakley av ........... 1487 Upton ••............ 1488 Western av ........ 1569 Armitageav ....... 1605 Powell av ....... , .. Perry av .... ; ....•• Hoffman av .......• Cornelia ..........•• California av •.•...• McGovern ......•.• Follansbee .......•• Fullerton av.: ••..• Logan sq ..........• Diversey av .•.••..•

Moffat (W.D.) fr. 977 N. Western av. w. 2 blks.

Mohawk (N.D.) fr. 78 UlylJourn av. n. to So­pt1ia. Even nos. w.s.

Clybourn av....... 1 Blackhawk........ 105 North av ........... 151 Eugenie ........•... 199 :Menomonee ....•.• 249 Wisconsin ......... 299_ Centre .............. 347 Garfield av......... 393

Moltke (W.D.) fr. N. Rockwell w. to Cali­fornia av. 2d n. of W. Division.

Rockwell •.•••....•• Washtenaw av .... California.av; •••..•

Monroe (S. D.) fr. .lllichigan av.w. to the River. Even nos. s.s.

Michigan av....... 1 Wabash av......... 29 .State................ 59 Dearborn .......... 101 ·Custom House pl.. 111 Clark ............... 131 LaSalle............. 167 Fifth av .....•••... 195 Franklin ........... 231 Market ............. 259 TheRiver ••..•..... 285

Monroe W. (W.D.)fr. 111 S. Canal w. to Central .Park av.Even nos. s.s.

·Canal. .......•.... ;. 21 Clinton............. 55 ,Jefferson ...••..•.• 87 Desplaines..... •• . • 121 Halsted •. • . . • . . . . . . 187 Green .•••••..••..•.• 209 Peoria .............. 233 Sangamon .....••.• 257 Morgan ......•..... 281 Aberdeen.......... 335 Centre av .......•.. 385 Throop ..........••. 431 Jefferson pk ....... . Loomis ..........•.. 479 Laflin ..............• 527 Ashland av ..••.... 573

·Ogden av........... 587 . Paulina •.•......... 621 Wood ............... 671 Honore ••.•.•. , ....• 691 Lincoln • . • . • . . . . . . . 713 ·w1nchesterav .•..• 735


Blue Island av •. l Robey •..•.......... 757 Seeleyav ..••.•...• 781· Hoyne av ...••...• 807 Hamilton av ••••... 842 Leavitt............. 865 Irving av . • .• . . • . . . 902 Oakley av.......... 925 Western av ..••.... 985

Taylor ...•••••••• 5 .. Eleventh ........•.•

377 407 425 439 505 539 569 585 611

Campbell av ....... 1041 Rockwell .......... 1101 R.R. crossing ..... 1109 Washtenaw av .... 1173 California av .•.•.• 1223 Francisco ....••.... 1292 Colorado av ........ 1308 Sacramento av ..•. Kedzie av ......... . Spaulding av ..... . Homan av ......... . St. Louis av ....... . Central Park av .. .

Montana (N.D.) fr. N. Ashland av. e. to Perry atid fr. Racine av. to Lincoln av~ 1 IJlk. n. of City limits.

Montana W. (W.D.) fr. Station st. w. to N. Western av. 3d n. of W. Fullerton av.

Moore (N;D.) fr. 366 Division s. to Elm. Even nos. e.s.

Division........... 1 Elm................ 25

Moore (W.D.) fr. s. Wood cor.Blue Island av; w. to California av. Even nos. s.s.

Wood............... 1 Lincoln............. 49 Corwin pl.......... 80 Robey.............. 97 Hoyne av ..•...... H5 Leavitt .....•..•.... 193 lUce pl.. ..••..••... 219 Oal•ley av ...••.... 241 Western av ........ 287 RR. crossing ..... . Rockwell ......... . ·washtenaw av ..•• California av ......

Moore pl. cW.D.) fr. W. Sixteenths. to W. Nineteenth. 1st e. of Crawford av.

Moorman (W.D.) fr. Ellen J1 blk sw. of 984 Mil\vaukee av.se. to N. Paulina. Even nos. n.s. "

Ellen............... ~ Lull pl.............. 9 Paulina............ 31

Morga,n N. (W.D.) fr. 281 W.Randolph n. to W. Chicago av. Even nos. w.s.

Randolph .••. ,..... l Lake................ 31 Fulton.............. 61 Carroll av.......... 87 R.R. crossing •..... Kmzie ...........•. 117 Hubbard .....•..... 145 Indiana . •. . . . . . • • • • 1 77 Ohio ••••••......••• 207 Erie ..•..........•.. 239 :Milwaukee av ....• Pratt •....•.........• Su~erior ..........• Chicago av ........ .

Morgan S. (W;D.) fr. 282 W. Randolph s.to Lumber. Even nos. e.s.

Randolph.......... 1 Washington....... 33 Madison . . . .• • . .. . . 65 Rundell pl......... 75 Church CL ••••• u.... B'i Monroe............ 97 Adams ........•••.• 129 Jackson ...•.......• 161 Garden ....•••...... 177 Van Buren ......... 193 Tilden ......••...... 211 Congress ...••..•... 225 Harrison........... 251 Gurley ••.•....••••• 285 Hope ••.•••••••••.•• 302 Polk .............. 315

Belknap ....••...... Twelftl1 •........... Maxwell .........•. Fourteenth ....... . Wright ....•........ Fifteenth ....•..... Rebecca .•......... R.R. crossing ..... . Sixteenth ......... : Eighteenth ....... . Eighteenth pl .... . Nineteenth ........ . Twentieth ......... . Clayton ....•...•.. ·Twenty-first .•.... Canal port av .... l Twenty-second. 5 · Lumber .••....•••••

633 683 699 717 755 775 791 823

l\Iowryav. (W.D.) fr. Douglas Park bonl. s. to w. Thirty-first 4 blks. w, of Central Park av.

Mozart (W.D.) fr. 933 W. Nortl1 av. n. to Armitage av.1st w.of N. California av.

Mulligan (S.D,) See Tl1irtr-second w. of the River.

l\Iurray (S. D.) See Emerald av.

l\lu«pratt (S.D.) fr. 923 Thirty-first s. to Springer av. Even nos. w.s.

Thirty-first .. ; •.... 3100 James av .....•..... 3132

- Thirty~second .... 3200 Springer av .•...... 3224

Myrtle (W. D.) fr. Birch s. to Ashland, crosses w. Taylorat 903. Even nos. e.s.

Birch............... 1 Taylor.............. 39 Ashland............ 75

Napoleon pl. (S.D.) fr. 2744 Wentworth av. w. to 2825 Wal­lace. Even nos. n.s.

Wentworth av..... 2 Shurtlettav ...... .. 28 Portland av........ 52 Garil.Jalcli.. •. . . . . . . 78 Stewart av ••......• 104 Hanover •....•..... 142 Butler .•••••••••...• 180 Wallace ..•......•.• 216

Nassau (W.D.)fr.1326 W. Jackson s. to w. VanBuren. Evennos. e.s.

Jackson............. 1 VanBuren.......... 45

Nebraska {W.D.) fr. 309 '£hroop w. to S. Ashlan(! av. 2d n. of w. Twelfth. Even nos. n.s.

Throop.............. 2 Lon mis............. 50 Laflin............... 90 Ashland av ..•....• 132

Newberry av. CW.D.) fr. 270 W. Tavlor s. to W. Eighteenth: Even nos. e;s.

Taylor.............. 1 Twelfth.'........... 65 Maxwell •...•..•...• 131 Fourteenth .••..... 163 Wright ......•...... 197 R.R. crossing ..... . Sixteenth .•..•..... 265 Eighteenth ••...... 309

Newton \W.D.) fr. Iowa u. to 321 W. Di­vision. Even nos. w.s.

Iowa................ 1 Augusta............. 61 Thomas ..•••••.••.. 119 Jane................ 151 Division............ 173

Nichols cw. D.) fr. 1424Fultnn n. to Cen­tral Park boUl. 3 blks.

Nineteenth (S.D.) fr. 1900 State w. to the River. Evennos.n.s.

State .........••.. l 138 Archer av .••.••• ) Dearborn.... . ... . . 164 Butterfield......... 176 Clark .••.••......•.. 186 R.R. crossing ..•..• S. LaSalle .......... 198 Wentworthav ••••. 210 Blackwell.......... 232 Purple .....•••... l 254 Grove ......•••.•. I The River •••.••••.• 266

Nineteenth w. (W. D.) fr. 669 s. Union w. to City limits. Even nos. n.s. e. of Centre av. and s.s. w. of do.

Union.... .......... 2 Halsted............. 36 Johnson _.......... 66 Brown.............. 96 Shelby ct .•........• 111 Morgan ............. 126 Nutt ct:............. 141 Fisk ......•.•••... 156 May .....•........... 184 Centre av........... 367 Allport............. 401 Tllroop..... .• .... .• 427 Loomis............. 487 Blue Island av..... 527 Lafiin ..... , . . . . . . . 547 Ashlandav ......... 603 Paulina............ b63 'Vood ...••.......... 723 Lincoln ..•••...•.•.. 791 Robey .••......•.... 871 Hoyne av.......... 931 Leavitt ...•....•...• 991 Oakley av ..•....... 1051 Western av ...... ;.1111 R.R crossing .•..•. Rockwell.. ........ . Washtenaw av ... . California av ..... . Albanyav .........• Kedzieav .......•.. sawyerav ........ :. Spaulding av ..•... Turner av .......... . Ho111an av ..•.••.••• Ogden av ...•...... Mowry av ......... . 13ethnel .........•.• Margaret pl. ...... . Moore pl. ...•..•..•. Crawford av •••.•••

Nineteent.h pl. cw. D.J fr. Johnson w. to Brown 1 blk. 1st s. of W. Nineteenth •

Nixon (W.D.) fr. 572 W. l'oll• s. tow. Tay­lor. Even nos. e.s.

Polk................ 1 Taylor.............. 75

Noble (W.D,) fr. 443 W. Kinzie n. to W. North av. Even nos. w.s.

Kinzie .....•.•••.. 141 Hubbard .......•... 175 :Ferdinand ......•• 192 In<liana . . .. . . . . . . . • 207 Ohio ...........•••• :l51 Erie ................ 277 Bismarckct ..•..... 293 Huron .............. 303 Superior -..•......• 335 Chicago av ...••. , .. 361 Fry .•.........•.•... 391 Cornell .......•.•... 417 Cornelia............ 443 Augusta •••......... 469 Emma ............ l 495 Milwaukee av ..•. j Crittenden., ........ 519 Chapin ..•••......... 553 Dlvfslon.. •• . . ... . . . 581 Sloan ...........•..•. 615 Bradley ............ 641 Ingraham .•......• 673 Blackhawk ....•..•• 699 R.R. crossing ..•..• Fox pl .............. 7SS Blanche . . • . • • • • ••. . 769 North av ....••••••• 821

North av. rN l>.) fr. the River . e to the Lake; <'rosses N.Clark at 661 Even nos. s.s.

-The River .•.•.•••• , 2 Cherry av.-···..... 22 Hawthorneav..... 58 Sheffield -av...... 70 Smith av ........... 114 Clybourn av ..... } 146 Dayton ..........•• Halsted............ 164 Burling........... 191 Townes ct ......•... 198 Orchard ....••...•.. 214 Town ............... 232 Vine ................ 251 Larrabee........ . . . 268 Mohawk ............ 290 Block ............... 303 Hurlbut ........ : ..•. 312 Hudson av ......... 334 Sedgwick........... 356 Mar1ret .. . • • . . . • • • • 378 Franklin ••..••• , .. . 400 Wieland ............ 424 Wells ............... 444 LaSalle av ......... 472 Clark •.............. 504 Dearborn av ...... 542 State ................ 568 The Lake ...... , . . . 611i

North av. W. (W.D.) fr. the River w. to City limits. Even nos. S.S.

TheRiver •...•..••. Fleetwood.......... 47 McHenry........... 87 Wright ............. 107 Elston av ........... 1 '9 No!Jle ......... -.•.•. 142 Coventry ........... 147 R.R. crossing ••.... 165 Holt ................ 191 Dickson............ 217 Ashland av ........ 241 Edgar .............. 271 Paulina............. 297 Commercial . . . . . . . 327 Wood ..... :.; ....... 353 Girard .............. 379 Elkgrove av...... 405 Dudley ............. 437 Robey ............ i 471 Milwaukee av ... 5 Hoyne av .......... 527 Leavitt ............. 587 Shober ............. 613 Oakley av .......... 639 Davis .............. 665 Western av ........ 691 Dania av ........... 717 Seymour av ........ 743 Maplewood av ..... 775 Rockwell.. ......... 803 Talman av ......... 835 Washtenaw av .... 8ti3 Fairfield av........ 889 California av ..•... 915 Mozart ............. 935 Heine ............... 957 Humboldt .......... 981 J3oulevard .......... 1009 Kedzie av .......... 1125 Mead .............. 1171 Sheridan ........... 1211 Homanav .......... 1247 Ballou ....•.•....... 1293 Hancock ........... 1337 _ Central Parl< av ... 1375 Tinkham av ..... .. Lawnuale av ....... 1440 Ridgeway av ...... 1474 Hamtin av .... : .... 1499 Springfield av ..... 1559 Crawfordav ....... 1617

N ortb Brancb(N.D.) fr. 45 Hawthorne av. nw to Division,and n. to Blackhawk. Even nos. e. s.

Hawtl10rne av..... 6 N. Branch Canal. .. 44 Halsted ............. 100 Hi<;kory av ....... i .1s2 Harnes ............ l . Bliss ................ 240 Cherry av .......... 242 Division .......... l_ 362 Rees .............. 5 Eastman ............ 406 BI:i.ckhawk ......... 490

North Grove ct. (N. D.)fr.711".Larrabeew. to Orchard. Even nos. n. l!.


Larrabee............ 2 Orchard· .......... 48

North Park av. (N. D.) fr. 38 Menomonee n. to Fnllerton av. Even nos. W; s.

Menomonee ........ 681 'i\'.isconsin .. _ ..... l_ 729 Lmcoln av ....... 5 Centre .............. 776 Clark ............... 790 Garfield av ......... 820 Webster av ........ 878 Belden av ......... . Fullerton av .... .

North Pier (N.D.) fr. Michigan, cor. North Water. e. to the Lake.

North pl. (W.D.) fr. 65 Armitage av. nw. M blk. Even nos. e.s.

Armitageav........ 4 LastNo .............. 40

North Water (N.D.) fr.18N. Wells,e. tothe Lake. Eveu nos. s.s.

Wells ............... 98 LaSalle av ......... 130 Clark ................ Hi2 Dearborn av ....... 194 State ................ 2<!0 Kinzie .... , ...... l_ 302 Rush .. _ ........... 5 Pine .. : ............. 335 St. Clair ............ 378 Michigan ........... 388 TheLake ..........• ·

Norton (W.D.) fr. J.i blk. n. of 145 Gurley s. to 399 W. Polk am! U blk.s. Even nos.e.s.

First No............ 5 Gurley ....... ; ••.... 31 Pollr................ 71 LastNo... ....... 123

Norwoodav. (W.D,) fr. N. Kedzie av,w. to N. Homan av. 2d n. of W. Division.

Nursery (N. D.) fr. Lewis J.i blk n. of 586 Clybom·n av. nw. to ·ward. Even nos. e.s.

Lewis............... 6 Herndon ............ 50 Ward .............. 82

Nutt (W.D;) fr. 319W. Sixteenths. to Eii::h­teentl1. Even nos. e.s.

Sixteenth .. . .. . . .. . 1 Eighteenth ._ •... 51

Nutt.ct.(W.D.)fr. 137 w. Nineteenth s. to Twentieth ·Even nos. e.s.

Oak(N.D.)fr. 88 Haw­thorne av. e. to the Lake;-crossesN.Clark at 350. Even nos. s.s.

Hawthorne av..... 2 Crosby.............. 26 Larral>ee........... 42 Wesson............. 68 Miltonav........ ... 84 Townsend .......... 106 Sedgwicl< ........... 130 Market ............. 162 Franltlin ........... 196 Wells ............... 226 LaSalle av ......... 258 Clark ............... 288 Dearborn av ....... 318 State ................ 352 Rush ................ 368 Pine .............. 448 The Lal<e ......... ..

Oak av. (S.D.) fr. 3612 Vincennes av. w. to St:tntcinav. Evennos. n.s.

'Vincennes av...... 2 Stanton av......... 82

Oakley av. N. (W.D.) fr: 952 W. J,ake n. to 'Nabansia av. and fr. 1485 Milwankee av.n. to City limits. Even .nos. e.s.

Lake .•..••.• ··- ·---· ..• · .. 2

Walnut....... ..... 42 Fult-0n.............. 68 Kinzie .............. 124 Hubbard ........... 156 Ferdinaud..... .. .• 178 Indiana............ 194 Ohio ................ 240 Erie ................ 272 Huron ....... _ ....... 306 Superior........... 338 Chlcago av......... 364 Iowa .....•.....••.. 424 Augusta ........... 484 Thomas ............ 544 Division .. . . .. .. .. . 6U4 Bryson .............. 662 Hirsch .............. 720 Thompson ....•.•.. 782 North: av ........... 838 Wabansia av ...... 894 Milwaukee av .•... 968 Wilmotav ....... l_ 1006 Cortland ......... 5 Homer .............. 1030 Armitage av ....... 1052 Coblentz ........... 1080 Lnbeck ............. 1108 Frankfort .•....•.•• 1136 · Hambnrg ........... 1166 Hol8tein Park .. : .. Ems ................ 1210 Bremen ............ 1238 Rhine ............. 1266 Berlin .............. 1294 Fullerton av ....... 1316 Lill ............... . Greenwood av .... . Station ..... c .... . C. & N. W. R.R ... .

Oaklei av. S. (W.D.) and (IS.D.) fr. 951 W. Lakes. to W. Twenty­sixth and fr. tile Ri­ver s. to City limits. Eveu nos. e.s. to the River and w.s. s. of the River.

Lake..... .......... 2 Park av............ 21 Washington........ 45 Warrenav .••••••.. 69 Madison............ 93 Monroe............ 135 Wilcox av ......... 153 Adams ............. 175 Jackson............ 205 Van Buren.......... 251 Harrison ........... 323 Flournoy.......... 349 Woodbine pl ..... ~ Campbell plr..... 370 Evergreen pl. .. . Polle ............... 411 'J'aylor............. 495 Ogden av ........ ( 573 Twetnh .......... 5 Thirteenth.......... 62!'i l!'ourteenth........ 685 Fifteenth ........... 743 Sixteenth . .. . . . . . .. 8U3 Seventeenth ....... 829 R.R. crossing .... .. Eighteenth........ 855 VanHorn .......... 885 Nineteenth ........ 911 Twentieth ......... 937 Twenty-first ....... 963 ·Hinman............ !J89 Twenty-second .... 1015 Ambrose ........... 1049 Moore .............. 1075 Parmelee .......... 11U7 Laughton .......... 1135 Marvin ............. 1169 Coulter ............. 1195 Blne Island av ..... 1233 Twenty-sixth ..... 1253 The ~iver ......... . 111.andMich.Canal 3200 Bross av ........... 3228 Thirty-third ....... 3301 '.L'hirty-fourth.. . . 3400 Douglas av ........ 3500 Thirty-fifth ct ..... 3536 Thirty-·sixth ...... 3600 Archer av ........ .. Thirty-seventh •... Ega11 av ••.......•••

Oakwood (N.D.) See Bellevue pl.

Oakwood av. (S.D.) fr. The _ J,ake w. to Cottage Grove av. 1st s. of City limits. Even nos. 11.s.

Oakwood b o u fe • vard(S.D.Jfr.Cott~e. Grove av.w. to Grand boulev. 1st s. of City· limits. Even nos. n.s.

O'Brien (W.D.) fr.49'! Jelfer•on w. to 490 S. Halsted. Evennos.s.s.

Jefferson ....... ;... 1 Union.............. 59 ~alsted............. 91

Ogden av. (W. D.) fr~ 486 W. Randolph sw. to Crawford av. Even nos. s.s.

Randolph.......... 2 Washington . . . .. .. 52 Warren av......... 77 Madison ............ 111 Ashland av........ 121 Ogden pl........... 133 Monroe............. 147 Paolina •......... } 197 Adams ......... .. Matthew............ 223 Hermitage av .... ( 251 ,Tac1>:son .......... 5

·wou<I .............. 273 VanBtiren......... 297 Honore............. 305· Congress ......... } 33r Lincoln .......... . Harrison........... 369• Winchester av .... , 382

. Robey ........... ( 403 ]'Journoy ........ 5 Polk ................ 477" Taylor .............. 580 Leavitt.............. 585 Oakley av ........ ( 679. Twelfth .......... 5 Thirteenth ....... } 747 ·western av ..... . Camphelt av ....... 813 R.R. crossing ..... . Fourteen th ...... l_ 866 i\Iaplewood pl. ... l Rocl,well........... 887' Talman av .......... 921 Washtenaw av .... 951. Fairfield av..... . . 935-Fif~eent!J ........ l_ 1015. Callforma av .... 5 Donglas pk ....... . Sixteenth ........ l 1211 -Albany av...... 5 Kellzie av .......... 1279· Sawver av ......... 1322 Spaulcling av ....... 1358 Tnrner av .......... 1394 Homan av .......... 1417 Trumbull av,; ..... 1445 St. Louis av ........ 1473 Clifton Park av .... 1501 Cynthia ............ 1506 Central Parle av ... 1531 Millard av .......... 1572 Genesee av ......... 1608 Bonney av ......... 1644 Mowry av .......... 1665· Twenty- secoml. ... Crawford av ...... .

Ogden pl. (W.D.) fr. 125 Oguen av. w. to s. Wood. Even nos. n.s •.

Ogd_en -av ........ } 2 Ashland av ..... . Paulina............. 48· Wood ............. ,. 9B

Oglesby (W.D.) See ~·rancisco S.

Ohio CN.D.J fr. Kings­bu"ry e. to the Lake. Crosses N. Clark at 124. Even nos. s.s.

Kingsbury. • •. .. .. 4 l\13.rket......... .• .. 86 Franklin .. . 112 Wells ............... 140 LaS:otlleav ,; ...... 168 Clark .............. 200 Dearborn av.... 232 State ................ 270 Cass ................ 296 Rush............. 322 Pine ................ 348 St. Clair........... 37~ . The Lake........... 488

Ollio W. cW.D.)fr.214 N. Desplaines w. to Crawford av. Even nos. s.s.- ·

Desplatnes......... 1 Union·--··-• ..• ·-·... . ,29

Hal steel .. . . .. . .. .. . 63 Green.............. 85 llfllwaukee av...... 97 Peoria .............. 103 Sangamon ......... 1:!7 l\[organ ............. 149

8~W~1:~:r:::::::::.: H:~ ~.aceiiii-e·a.;;::::::: ~a Elizabeth ........... 285 Ada .......... : ...... 3341?,, "loble ........... · · ·



Bickerrlike ....... · ·

·.:t.~::1~~~1·av:::::::: :g~ 4 ~." Rumsey ........... · 48v~ Paulina ......... ····

Osborn ............. 500 Broom .............. 520

533 Wood ............ ·· 58

._, Lincoln ........... · , Rolley.............. 663813 Hoyne av .... , ... .. Leavitt ............. 733 Oakley av .......... 793 Diller ............... 826 Western av ........ 853 Artesian av~ ....... . Seyn1our av ....... . Grancl av .......... . Rocln>ell .......... . 'Vashteninv av ... . ·California av ...... . Boulevard ......... . Keclzie av ......... . Spaul1ling av .... .. Ho1uan av ......... . Trumbull av ....... . St. Louis av ....... . Drake av .......... . Centra_I Park av .. . Tinkham av ....... . Lawndale av ..... .. Ha1111in av ....•...• Avers av .......... . Springfieltl av ... .. Harding -av .... ~ ... . Crawforcl av ..... ..

Olive rW.D.J fr. 976 w. Taylor s. to 1001 "\V. Twelfth.Even nos. e.s. .

1 Taylor.............. 46 Ashla ml. ...•.... - . · 61 Crenshaw ........ ·· 77 Twelfth ........... .

Oliver pl. (W.D.1 fr. 11 Walker ct.w.)-6blk. Even uos. n.s.

"ra,lker ct.......... 2 Last No.............. 12

O'Neil (W.D.l fr. 911 8. Halstecl w. 1 bll>. Even nos. s.s.

Halsted............. 4

11 LastNo ........... ..

Ontario ( N. D.) fr. Kiuo-sbury e. to tlie La]re·; crosses N.Clark at 146. Even nos. S.8.

Kingsbury......... 22 l\l:trket .............. 104 Franklin........ • . 130 Wells ................ 15ey LaSalle av.......... 186 Clark ...... ; ........ 214 Dearborn av ....... 244 State ............... 280 Cass ............... 304 Rush ................ 328 Pine ................ 352 St. Clair ............ 380 The Lake .......... 478

Orcharcl(N.D.) fr.230 Clvl.Journ av. ue. a1Hl n. ·to 214 North av.; thenre 11. t > Diversey av. Even nos. e.s.

Clyhourn av........ 2 Nortllav ........... 66 Willow ... ~ ......... 140

CJUO Centre .............. ~31 ~8 Gm·field av ........ . N'Ortll Grove ct.... 35~ Webster av ........ 378 Belclen av ........ l 438 Lincoln av ....... l Fullerton av.~ ..... 498 Frederick ct ......• Deming ct. ....... .. Wright\vood av .... . Dorney ct .......... . Diversey av ...... ..


o~borne(W.D.)fr.541 "\V. ltHliana u. to W. Ohio. Even nos. e.s. . .

Jnlliana .......... ;. 2 Ohio:............... 4U

Osgood (N.D.) fr. 114 Centre n. to Fnllerton av. Even nos. e.s.

Centre.............. 92 Garfieid av . . . . . . . . 150 Wehster av ........ 2U8 Belden av ......... - 268 Fullerton av...... . 326

Oswego (W.D.) fr.573 w. Kinzien. % blk.

Otis ()l'.D.) fr. 203 Di­vision n. to Vedder. Even nos. e.s.

·Division............ 2 Vedder ....... :..... 38

Owasco(W.D.) fr. 223 s. Western av. w. 76 blk. Even nos. s.s.

Western av ........ , 1 Last No........... 29

Oxford <'t. (S.D. i fr. 3838 8tauton av. w. to Grand boulev.

Stanton av ....... .. Vernon av ........ . Grand ooulev .... ..

Pacific av. (S.D.) fr . 148 Jacksons. to Tay­lor. Even nos. w .s,

Jackson............ 1 Vanl:luren... ....... 33 Harrison........... 97 .Polk ................ 16::l Taylor .............. 233

Page N. (W.D.)fr. 607 W. Kinzie n. to_ Fer­dinancl. Even nos. e.s.

2 26 42

Kinzie ............. . Hnbhard .......... . Ferdinand ........•

Page S. (W.D.)fr 651 · W. Lake s. to 663 W.

.Madison. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 1 Parlr av............ 25 Washington .. .. .. . 49 "\V1trren av . .. .. . .. 7~ Madison............ 9o

Palatine (W.D.) fr. ·s. Homan av. w. to Cen­tral i>ark av. 2ll s; of w. Twelfth.

Pai•k (W.D.) fr. 631 N. "\Voocl nw. to Lincoln ancl fr; 27 Evergreen av. nw. to N. Robey. Even nos. n.s.

2 40 n8

Woocl.. ............ . Lincoln ........... . Evergreen_ av ..... . Wicker pk ........ . Fontenoy pl. ... ···


6 Robey ............. .

Park av. C'V.D.)fr. 31 s. Ashland av. w. to California av. fr. 17 s. Albany av. to Ho-1nan av. an ct fr. IIam­lin av. to City limits. Even nos. s.s.

Ashlan cl av........ 1 l':tulina .... . . . .. . .. 49 l'age................ 71 Woocl. .............. 95 Lincoln ............ 14~ RolJey .............. 21~11 Hoyne av.......... v

J,eavitt ............. 311 Oakley av .......... 371 Western av ........ 431 <;taunton .......... 481 Rockwell........... 557 I!.. R. crossing ..... 56~ Ji'alls .. , ............. 577 California av ...... 685 Albany av ...... .. Redzie av .......... 925 Homan <1.v .......... 1047 Central pk ........ . Hamlin av ...•..... 1291 crnwfor<l av .•.....

Park Front (N.D.)fr. N. Wells e. to 787 N. Clark. 3 h. on s.s.

Parmelee (W.I!.) fr. 1119 S. Hoyne av. w. to California av. 3<1 s. of W. Twenty-second. Even nos. s.s.

Hoyne av ......... . Leavitt ............ . Oakley av ....•...• Western av ....... . Rockwell .......... 299 ·washtenaw av .... 347 California av ..... . Parnell av. (S.D.) fr.

603 Thircy-first s. to Egan av. Even nos. \V.S.

Thirty-first ....... 3100 Thirtv-secon<J., ... 3200 ThirtY-third. ...... ll300 Dong las !\V ...... ·--~~00 Thirty-sixth ....... 3600 Thirty-seventh .... 3700 Thirty-eighth ..... 3800 Egan av ............ 3858

Paulina N. (W. D.)fr. 626 W. Lal;:e n. to 843 Elston av. Even no~. e.s.

Lake _ ............ 2 Walnut ............. 24 Fulton.............. 48 Carroll av ........ ;. 74 Kinzie.;............ 100 Hubbarcl.. .......... 132 Ferdinaml. ........ 152 Indiana·····-···· ... 162 Onio ................ 208 Cork ................ 220

fi~t;o·u:::·.:::::::::: ~g~ 3Yir;.~·~c::-a:v::::::::: ~r~ Clarincln.............. 3:;2 Cornelia............ 392

~~m~t~:::::::::'.::: i~~ Jane ............... , 512 Division ............ 544 Moorman ........... 593 Milwaukee av .... 620

628 Ellt ................. B~"

~y;~iil:i-Wk:·:::::·:.: 1i6·8600

Brigham ......... .. Juilan .............. N


!rlcReynoills;.. . .. ii Kec11on . .. . .. .. .. . . ?Iii North av ........... '1'30 WalJansia av ....... 1'


Bloomingdale rd.. ~ Clybourn pl........ ltiO Crossing ............ ~94 Armitage av ....... 1020 Elston av ........ ..

Paulina S. (W.D.) fr. 6~7 w. Lakes. to the Ltiver. Even nos. e.s


Lake ............... . Park av............ 33 Washington........ 59 Warren av....... . 77 Madisori _ ......... · · ~Z Oguen pl. .. • .. · ..... 1-


Mon roe............. 1 1 Adams ....... ···· l 187 Ogdenav ........ \ Jaclrnon ............ 219 VanBnren .......... 247 Congress ........... 281 Hm-rison .....•....• 309 YOik ................ 347

0 85 Polk ................. 0

465 'l.'nylor ............. · Twelfth ............. 549 'l'hirtcenth pl, ...... 565 Thirteenth ......... 589 Hastings ............ 6


1 Fourteenth ....... . Henry .............. 675 l'iftcenth .......... 701 Rebecca ............. 731 R.R.m·ossing ....... 741 Sixteenth .......... 751 Seventeenth ....... 78;> Eighteenth ........ 811 VanHorn ........... 845 Nineteenth....... 8'i'l 'J'wentieth .......... 897 Twenty-first ..•.... 923 Hinman ............ 957 'l'wenty-seconcl. .. . 983 Blue Islan<l av .... 1021 R.R. crossing ... ;.1053 The River .......... 1247

Pearce (W . .V.) fr. S. Desplaiues w. to 222 S. Halsted. Even nos. S.S.

Desplaines......... l Halsted ... ;......... 65

Pearl (N.D.) fr. 378 Sophia n. to Webster av. nos. o. antle. w.s. only.

Sophia....... ...... 1 Webster av......... 54

Pearson E. CN.D.) fr. J.i bll'- w. o[ 220 N. State e. to tlie Lake. Even nos. s.s.

State................ 28 Cass........ .....•. 58 .Rush............ ... 74 Tower pl........... 96 Pine ................. 115 The Lake ........... 154

Pearson W. (N.D.)fr. 76 blk. w. of 22-J N. Market e. to U l>lk. e. ot 242 N. Wells. Even nos. s.s.

l\Iarket ............ . Frankiin ........ .. .N. "\Veils ......... .. Last No ............ .

18 44 70 84

Peck ct. (S.D.) fro~n Michigan av. w. to 441 State. Even nos. S.S. .

l\liehigan av....... 1 Wabasl1 av......... 33 Hol<len pl.......... 47 State........... .... 59

Penn ('N.D.) fr. 175 Division n.to Vedder. Even nos. e.s.

Division............ 2 Vedder ... ;......... 36

Peoria N. ( W.D.) fr. 239 W.Randolph n. to l\lilwankee av. Even nos. w.s.

Ranclolph .......... . J,akc ............... . Fulton ............. . Carroll av ......... .

1 31 59 85

R.R. crossing ... .. 1'.i ,ic .............. 113 -Hu~uard ........... 141 I m!iana .. . . . . . • . . • .

21 z


01110 ..••• -••• •••••••• ~ M1lw.rnkee av •...• 20'!

PPoria s. (W.D.) Ir. 2-!0 W. Randolph s. to "IV. Harrbo,1: Even nos. e.s.

Randolph.......... l Washington....... 3'. l\Iacli~on............ (,; Monroe............. 97 Adams............. 129 Jackson ............ lol Vanllnrcn .......... 19:3 Cong1·ess ........... 223 Harrison ........... 247

-Perry (N.D.) fr. 754 Clyllonrn av. 11. to

Lincoln av. Even nos. c.s.. 2

Clyhourn av ...... . Heiden av.......... :!4 Fullerton av... ... 90 Thence 11.to Li11coln av.

Perry av. (W.D.) fr. l\Iilwnukee av. u. to W.Fullerton av.2cl w. of Western av.

Petert1on (W.D. > fr. 859 N. RolJey w. to N. Hoyne av. Even nos. s.s.

Robey .............. 59

1 Hoyne av ......... .

Phillip!< (W.D.) fr •. 258 N. Halste1l w.to N.

· Sangamon. Even nos. S.S. l

Halsted............. 25 Green .....• _ ........ .

Fay .................. 51 Sangamon .......... · 11

. I

Phinney av. N. (W. D.) fr. W. Ohio n. to Huron 1 blk. 1st e. of Homan av.

Phinney av. S.(W.D.) fr.W.Jackson s. to W. VanBuren 1 blk.1st e. of Homan av.

Pier (S.D.) fr. 3813 Lake av. e. to the Lake.

Pierce av. (W.D.) fr. N. Kedzie av. \V. to Homanav. lsts.of W. North av.

Pine (N.D.)fr.N.Water n. to Oak, 3'1 e. of N. State. Even nos. w.s.

N. Water........... 1 Michigan.......... 5 Illinois............. 23 Indiana............ 41 Ohio................ 59 Ontario............. 77 Erie................ 93 Hm·on .............. 109 Superior........... 125 N. Sherman pl..... 134 Ch!cagoav •........ 147 Water W01•ks ..... E. Pearson......... 169 Chestnut ........... 191 Dela warn pl .....•. 213 Walton pl.......... 235 · Oak ................. 255

·Pitney ct. (S.D.) fr. C. & A.R.R. se. to Thir­ty-first. Crosses Ar­cher av.at 3050. Even nos. w.s.

R.R. crossing ...... 2900 Archerav .......... 3000 Thirty-first ...•... 3048

Pleasant (N.D. )fr.191 Divisi"n n.to Vedder. .l!:ven 11us .. e.s.

Division........... 2 Vedder............. 40

Pleasnnt pl. (W.D.) fr. 1223 N. Western av. w. to Ho:trman av. 3 blks.

Plum (W.D.) fr. 220 Loomis w. to Laflin. Even nos. s.s.

Loomis ... ,......... 1 Laflin............... 49

Poe (N.D.) fr. 2G Kro-ger 11e. aucl nw. to

• Clyde. Evei; nos. e.s. Kroger............. 2 Clyde............... 34

Point (W.D.) fr. Ar-mjtage av. nw. to N. California av. 3d w.of Milwaukee av.

Polk (S.D.) fr. 426 Statti w. to the River. Even nos. s.s.

State................ l ·Thircl av .......... , 19 Dearborn.......... 31 Fourth av.......... 37 Clark . ............ 55 Pacific av.......... 75 R.R. crossing ... . Sherman ........... 95 Fifth av ............ 115 TheRiver .......... 141

Polk W.<W.D.J fr.the River w. to S. AllJany av. Even 11os. s.s.

TheRiver.......... 1 Ellsworth.......... 19 !leach............... 47 <Jana.I............... 79 Clinton ............. 107 Jellerson ........... 137 La.wav ....•..•.••... 161 Desplalnes ....••... 169 Halsted . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 lllue Island av..... 269 Morgan .••.....•... 311 .Miller .............. 329 Sholto ....•••.•..... 349 .Aberdeen ••..•.•.•. 363 :May................ 383 Norton .••...••.•... 399


Gentre av .•........ 413 Lytle .............. 435 Vernon pk ....... . <lillley . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 77 T.oomis ............. 501 Winthrop pl....... 530 Laflin .............. 551 Nixon .............• 578 Ashlanda.v ..•.....• 599 Marshfielu av...... 633 Paulina... 659 Hermitage av...... 691 Wood .........••.... 717 Lincoln............. 773 Winchester av..... 805 Robey .............. 8~9 J~endall............ 850 Ogden av ........... 873 DeKalll ............. 903 Leavitt............. 949 Irving av .......... 973 Oakley av .......... 997 Idaho ............... 1021 Western av ........ 1045 Campllell av ....... 1101 Rockwell .......... 1163 ·wasbtenaw av ... . California av .....• Francisco ......... . Sacramentoav .... . Albany av .........•

Poplar av. (S.D.) fr. l lilk. nw. of 2918 Stearns se. to 766 Thirty - first. Even nos. w.s.

First No •......... 2800 Stearns ............. 2900 Thirtv-first ........ ::1086

Portland av.(S.D.)fr. 381 Twenty-seconds. to Forty-thir·d.·Even . nos. w.s.

Twenty-second.} 2204 Archer av ...... . Finnell. ............ 2226 Alexander .... ~ .... 2252 Twenty-third ...... 2300 Bushnell ........... 233:l '.rwenty-fourth .... 2400 McGregor ....•..... 2432 'l.'wenty-fifth ...... 25!10 Kossuth ........... 2532 Twenty-sixth ..... 2600 'l.'wemy-seventh .. 2700 Napoleon pl. ...... 2800 Swift pl. .......... 2900 Whitclrnuse pi.": .. 3000 'l.'hirty-first ........ 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Tl1irty-third ....... 3300 Douglas av ........ 3500 Thirty-seventh .... 3700 'l.'hirty-seventh ct. Tl1irty-eighth ....• 3800 Thirty-eighth ct .. 3834 Egan av ............ 3900

Portland pl. (N.D.) See Pearsou E.

Post (S.D. )fr. S. Ash­lan<! av. se. to Levee bet. the Rivel" and Ill. ancl Mich. Canal.

Ashland av ......... 2700 Leve.e ............... 2728

Powell a-r. (W.D.J fr. lVlllwaulrne av. 11. to W. Fullerton av. 1st w. of WesteTnav.

Prairie av. (S.D.) fr. 9 Sixteenths.to Fifty­fifth. Even nos. w.s.

Sixteenth .......... 1600 Eigllteeut!J ....•... 1800 Twentieth .....•.... 2000 'l'wenty-flrst ....... 2100 Twenty-second ... 2200 Twenty-third ...... 2301 Cottage Grove av .. 2324 Twenty-fourth .... 2400 'l.'wenty-fifth ...... 2500 Twenty-sixth ..... 2600 Twenty-nintll ..... 2900 Ray ...........•..... 2933 Gano .........•..••. 2963 Thirtieth ........... 3000 'l'hlrty-flrst ........ 3100 Thirty-second ..... ll20U Thirt.y-thircl ....... 3300 Douglas av ......... 35011 Thirty-seventh .•.. 3700 Thirty-eighth •.... 3800 Egan av .....•.•.... 11900

Thence s. through Town of Hyde Park.

Pratt CW.D. l fr. 292 N. Halstell w. to l'rlo1·gan Even nos. n.s.

Halsted............. 2 Green............ 22 Fay................. 47 Sangamon . . . . . . . . . 68 Morgan . • . . . . . • • . . 94

Pratt J>l. (W.D.) fr. 219 S. Hoyne av; w.1 bll<. Even nos. s.s.

Hoyne av ..... ,..... 1 Hamilton av....... 21 Last No............ 37

Price. pl, (W.D.) See .Boston av.

Prince av. (W.D.) fr. N.Central Park av. w. to Hamlin av. 1st s.of W.Northav.

Prospect pl. (S.D. )fr. 3570 Cottage Grove av. w. to Vincennes av.

Cottage Grove av .• Ellis pk .......... , \'iuceunes av ..... .

Purple (S.D.) fr. 251 Nineteenths. to 2156 Archer av. Even nos. w.s.

Nineteenth ...... l. 1900 Grove ............ 5 . Twentleth .. • ..•..... 2000 Sheridan pl.. ...... 2020 Twenty-first ....... 2100 Elgin .........•..... 2120 Archer av ......... 2124

Putnam (W.D.)fr.W. ~rie u; to· 19 W. Chi­cago av.

Brie ............... . Chicago av, ....... .

Quarry (S.D.) fr. tile River se. to Stearns. (Urosses Archer av.at 2598.) Even nos. w.s.

The River._ ....... 2400 Cologne ......... :.2500 A:rcher av ..•....... 260U Twenty-seventh .. 2701 Stearns ... , ..•..... 2842

Quincy (S,D.) fr. 220 8tate w. to Dearborn. and fr. 230 Clark w. to the River. Even nos. s.s.

Slate ...... ........ 1 Dearborn.......... 33 Clark,.............. 69 LaSalle............ . 101 Fifth av ........... 133 Franklin ........... lli5 Market............. 197 Tile River. 215

Quincy 'W. (W.D.)fr. 167 S. Clinton w. to S. Jefferson, ancl fr. 161 S.Desplaines w. 1 blk. Even nos. s.s.

Clinton............. 27 Jefferson........... 59 Despla.ines....... .. 85 Last No 125

Quinn (S.D.) fr. 2733 Archer av.se.to T!Jir­ty-first. Even nos. w.s.

Arcberav ...•...... 2700 St-earns ............• 2900 Thirty-first ........ 3050

Racine av. CN.D.) fr. 550 Clyllourn av. n. to Belmont av. Even nos. e.s.

Clyllourn av....... 2 Kroger............. 18 Centre.............. 36 Garfield av......... 94 Webster av •........ 154 Belli.en av .......... 222 Fullerton av ....••. 282 ll1ontana ..........• Dunning .......... . Lill.. ............... . Wrlghtwood av .. . :Babetta............ 448 Marianna .•.•••••.• 4n Lincoln av ...•... l. Dlverseyav .•.... 5

Railroad av. (W.D.) fr. 64 W. Twelft!J s.to W. Fourteenth.

R"ndolph (S.D.J fr. lVlichigan av.w. to the River. Even nos. s.s.

ll'l:ic!Jigan av.... . . l Dearborn pl........ 20 WalJasb av......... 33 Holden pl.......... 50 State................ 63 DearlJorn . . . . . • . . . . 95 Cl.::rk . . . . . . ~ .... 127 Court house sq .... . LaSalle; ............ 159 :Fifth av .....•...... 191 Franklin ........... 223 111arket ............. 255 '!'he River .......... 261

Randolph W.(W.D.) fr, the Hi ver w. to Union pk. Even nos. S.S. .

Tile River ......... ; l W. Water.......... 7 Canal............... 31 Clinton............. 63 ,J e:trerson......... .. 93 Desplaines......... 125 Union .............. 157 Halsted ............. 199 Green .............. 219 . Peoria. .............. 241 Sangamon ........ · .. 261 l\iorgan ............ 283 Carpenter .......... 303 Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 l\lav .••.........•... 345. Anii. ................ 365 Willa rel pl. ......... 386 Ehzabeth .......... 405 Ada ................. 437 Sheldo11 ............. 471 Bryan pl.· .......... 483 Ogden av .....•.... 486 Union pk ..... , .....

Rawson (W.D.)fr. the River w. to 532 Els­ton av. 1st n. of ,V. North av. Even nos. s,s. ·

The River.......... 1 Fleetwood......... 31 McHenry........... 57 Wright............ 83 Elston av.......... 107

Ray (S.D.) fr, 2924 South Pa1·k av. w. to Prairie av. Even nos. n.s.

South Park av..... 2 Calumet av......... 32 Prairie av.......... 60

Raymond (W.D.) fr. 787 N. Rolley w. J.!l !Jlk. Even nos. s.s.

Roliey ........... ·... l LastNo............. 21

Rebecca (W. D.) fr, 603 S. Morgan w. to 726 S. Woocl, ancl fr 767 S. Western av. to Califor.nia av. Even nos, n.s.

Morgan............. 2 Centre a.v... ... . . . . . 124 Blueislanu av ... l 170 Throop .......... , I Loomis ............. 220 Laflin .... , .......... 270 Ashland. av.... . . . . 318 Paulina............ 3611 Wood .............. 4H 'Vestern av ....... . Campbell av ...... . Rockwell ....... ,,.. Washtenaw av .... . Cailfor111a av .... .

Redfield (W. D.) rr. the River w. to 61(1 Elston av. Even nos. s:s.

The River ......... . McHenry........... 47 Stein................ 81 Elston av........... 99

Rees (N.D.) fr. 275 Larral.Jee w. and. sw. to Nor t ll Branch. Even nos. n.s;

Larrabee ......... } ~ Clybourn av •.....

Yine.... .••......... 15 Halsted........ . . . . 116 l>ayton .....•....... 146 Hawthorne av ..... 162 N. Branch Canal.. 186 Hooker ............. 212 Hickory av......... 242 Cherry av .......... 272 Nor.t~Branch .. ,.l 20G DIVISlOll... .• • • s Rhine (W.0.) fr. 1257

N. Leavitt w. to West­ern av. Even nos. s.s.

Leavitt............. 95 Oakley av ....•..... 141 Western av . . . . . . 1ti5

Rhode§ av.(S,D.)fr. J.!l l>lk. u. of 6ti 'l'hirty­secontl s. 1o122 Doug­las av. Even nos.w.s.

First No ............ 3122 Thirty-second ... : .3200 Thirty-th1nl. ..... 3300 College ............ 3:125 'l.'hirty-fourth ..... 3400 Universi1y pl. ..... 3431 Douglas av.. . . 3450

Rice CW.D.) fr. 323 N: 'Youd w. to Lincoln, aucl fr. 317 N. Holley w. to Hoyueav. Even 110S. 11.S.

Wood ...... · ........ . Lincoln ........... . }{ohey ............ . Huy11e &v

2 4ti 92


Rice J>l. (W.D.J fr. 1016 W. Twenty-sec­onll s. to Moore l lJlk.

Ridgeville rd. (W. l>, J t;ee Paulina u. of i\Iilwaukeeav.

.Ridgeway av.(W.D.) fr. W. 01110 u. to W. Chicago a.v., anc.J fr. 'Yi!liam av. n. to North av. 1st e. of Hamlin av. Even,n.os. e.s.

Ohio ................ 240 Huron ......... , . . . 11Uti C!Jicago av ......... 36<! William av . . . . . . . 662 F redericl' av..... . 720 J'rince av .......... 780 North av .. ··'····· 8<!6

.Ritchie pl. CN.D.) fr. 231 Goethe 11. to Ban ks. Even nos. w.s,

Goethe ........ ,..... l Banks................ ;;1

River (S.D.) fr. Rush . st; IJrillge sw. to 54

South Water. Even nos. "T.s.

Rnsh st. llriclge .. l 2 lllichigan av ...... 5 Dock................ 48 S. Water 52

Roberts CN.D.) fr. 1 Erie 11. to 14 Chicago av. Even nus. w.s.

Erie................ 1 Huroa ............. . Superior ........... . Chicago uv. ... ..... 85

Robey N. (W.D.Jfr. 772 W. Lake n. to City limits. Even nos. e.s.

Lake ............... .- 2 Walnut............. 24 Fulton.............. 48 Carroll av.......... 72 Kinzie . . . . . . . . .. ... 96 Hubbard ......... 128 Ferdinand .......... 148 lndiaua...... .. . . . . 158 Ashley ............. 178 Oltio ................ 191:! Erie .....••.•... ; ... 222 Huron .............. 246 ~uperior ••••....... 270 Le" pl. .....•....... 2,·5 Chicagoav ....... ,. 294 Rice ................ 325 Iowa ................ 354 Augusta ...•....•... 414 Thomas ••....•..... 474 Division ....... : .... 534 <Jrystal............. 565


:Bryson ............. 5% Evergreen av •... 620 Fowler ............ 655:·· Wicker Dk ........ . Lemoyne ........... 687 Park ................ ·712 Ewing pL. .•....... 725 l\Iilwaukee av ... l 758 North av ......... S Raymond .......•.. 793 \Vabansia av ...... 814 Wilmot av ......... 839 Peterson . . . . . . . . . . . 8ti5 Bloomingdale I"d.. 876 Clrnrchill ........ '.. 895 Greenwich ......... 921 Clybourn pl........ 938 Cortland ............ 947 Homer ...•.....•••. 971 Armitage av ....... 994 Coblentz ............ 1019 Lubeck ............. 1045 Her'vey ........ : .... 1050 Frankfort .......... 1071 Hamburg ......... 1095 Asylum pl.. ........ 1110 C. & N. W. R.R ... ,. Liston av .......... . Fullerton av ...... . Elston av ....•...•.. llerg pl ............ ... Brand pl. •.•...•... 'l'he River ........•

Robey S. (W.D.) fr. 771 W. Lakes. to tbe River. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 1 Park av............ 25 Washington........ 49 Warren av......... 73 l\Iauison ...... ,.. .. . 97 lllouroe .•........... 139 A<larns. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 179 ,Jackson ............ 219 VanBuren •........ 259 Avon pl ........... 271 Congress ........... 297 Harrison ........... 3:H Flournoy ........... 341 Ogueu av ........... 345 Polk. 1 •••••••••••••• 3~! B1rcll .•..•...•...... ·4<10 Taylor .............. 471 Ashland............ 51a Twelfth ........... 545 'l'hirteent11 pl ...... 573 Thi1·teeuth ......•.. 599 Fourteenth........ 659 :Fifteenth .....•..•.. 719 R.R. crossing ..... . Sixteenth ..... .-.... 779 Seventeenth ....... 813 Eighteenth........ 839 Yan Horn ......... 873 Nineteenth ....•.... 899 Twentieth .......... 9<!3 Twenty-first ...••.. 95\J Hinman ............ 983 Twenty-second .... 1007 Ambrose ........... 10:n l'rloore .............• 1055· Coulter ............ 1091 Blue Island av .... 1115 R.R. crossing ... , .. 1137 The River .......... 1337

Robinson (S.D.) fr. 'l'turty-flrst nw. to Ill. & l\Iich. Canal. 1st w. of 8. Ashlaull av.

Rockwell N; (W.D.) fr. 1142 W. Lake u. to Armitage av. Even 11os. e.s.

Lake................ 2 llulton........... ... 74 Kinzie .............. 124 lmliana............ 195 Ohio ... _ ••••..•...•.. 240 Grancl av ........•.. 250 Huron ............•• 306 Superior ....... , .... 338 Chicago av ••....... 36.:.! Division ............ 604 ·werclt:r .. ,.. .. . .• . . . 63:-1 Bryson ............. 660 l\Ioltke .......•...... 659 Bismarck ....... ; ... 693 Hirsch .............. 720 '.rhompson ........ ,. 71:!0 North av.: ......... 838 Wallansia av ....... 896 Bloomingelale rel .. 956 Cortlaucl ............ 1016 Homer .............. 1050 Armitage av ....... 1074

Rorkwell S. (W. D.) fr. 1141 w, Lake s. to Egan av. .ll:ven nos. e.s.

Lake ..•. : .••..•.•••• Park av ....•.•..•.• Washington .•...... 'Varren av ........• Madison............ 93 l\Ionroe ............. 125 Wilcox av ....••.... 151 Adams ......••...... 179 Jackson ............ 205 VanBnren •..•..... 251 Congress ........... 289 Harrison.· .......... 323 Flournoy .......... 353 Lexington ..... , . . . 385 Polk ................. 417 Harvard ........... 451 Taylor .......•.•.... 483 Fillmore ........... 515 Crenshaw •......... 545 Twelfth •........... 571 Ogden av ........... 689 Fifteenth ........... 743 Rebecca...... . . . . . 777 Sixteenth .......... 803 Bis:_hteenth ........ . R. it. crossing ..... . Nineteenth ......... 911 Twentieth . .. .. . . . 937 Twenty-first ....... 963 Hinman ............ 989 Twenty-second .... 1015 llloore .....•........ 1075 Parmelee ........... 1109 Laughton ........... 1135 Coulter ............. 1195 Twenty-sixth .•.•.. 1253 The River .....•..•. Thirty-first ....... . Ill. & l\1ich. Canal. Douglas av ........ . Thirty-sixth ...... . Thirty-seventh ... . Thirty-eighth ...•.. Egan av .......... l Archer av •....... )

Roe (W.D.) See Cren-~haw. Bet. Olive and s. Leavitt.

Root (or Dummy rd.) (S.D.) fr. 4128 State w. to· Union Stock Yds. Even nos. n.s.

Rose (W.D.)fr. 390 W. Chicago av. ri. to Cor­nell. Even nos. w.s.

Cl1icago av......... 1 Fry................. 34 Cornell............. 57

Rosebud (W. D.) fr. Bloomiug<lale rd. nw. to 998 N. Western av.

Bloomingdale rd ... Upton ........... , .. Western av ....... .

Rountree (W.D.) See · 'ralman a.v. N.

Ruble (W.D.) fr. 153 W. Sixteenths. to 125 Canalport av. thence J.!l lllk. Even nos. e.s.

Sixteenth . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eighteenth........ 65 Conrad............. 99 Canal port av ....... 1119 Last No ........... 145

Rucker ( W. D. ) See Centre av. N.

Rumsey (W.D.Jfr.499 \V.lnllia.na JL to-Ohio, and fr. 490 w. Chica­

. ·go av.to 223 Division. Even uos. e.s.

Indian.a............ 2 Oh_10 ................. 34 Clncago av ......... 114 Clarinda ........... 146 Cornelia ..... · ....... 178 A 11!fUSta............ 206 En11ly ............... 240 Jane ..••.• ~ •.•..•.• ~72 Division ..........• 296

Rund el pl. (W.D.) fr. 73 S. l'rlvrgan w. to Centre av. 1st s. of W. Madison.

Morgan ........... . Aberdeen ......... . Centre av ..........•

Rush (N. D. J fr. the River n. and nw. to Elm ( bridge .f o o t Michigan av.) Even nos. w.s.

The River.......... I N. Water....... ••• 1 Kinzie.............. S Michi~an ...•.... , . 19 lllino1s........... .. 39 Indiana............. 59 Ohio................ 79 Ontario ....••..•..•• 101 Erie................. 123 Huron ...•.•..••••.. 145 Superior............ 167 Chicago av......... 195 Pearson............ 217 Chestnnt ...........• 239 Delaware pl........ 261 Walton pl.......... 283 Oak ........•.•.•...• 305 Bellevue pl......... 327 Cedar.............. 349 State .....••..•.... l 369 Elm ............. 5 SacraD1ento av. N.

\W. D.) fr. 1392 W. Lake n. to Central Park !Joulev. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 2 'Val nut............. 40 Fulton.............. 70 Carroll av ...••...•. IOB Kinzie ....•........• 126 Boulevard ...

Sacramento av. S. ( W.D J fr 1391 W. Lakes. to W. Twelfth and fr. w, Tweuty­second s. to Forty­seventh.Even nos.e.s.

T,ake... .. .. .. ...... 1 Was!Jington... .. . . 39 ·warren av......... 69 l\Iadison.......... .. 93 Colorado av .•...... 139 Wilcox av.......... 152. Adams ............ 180 .Jackson ...........• 205 Vanllnren ....•••• 251 Congress ........•.• 289 Harrison .......•••• 323 Flournoy . . . . . .• •. • 353 Lexington .... • ..•.• 385 Polk ...........•••• 417 Harvard ............ 451 Taylor ............•• 483 :Fillmore .......... 511 Twelfth ............ 569 Twenty-second ... . Twenty-sixth .....• The River ......... . Ill. & Mich. canal. Thence s.to Fo1·ty-sev-

enth. Salt (S.D.) See Hough

. pl.

SaD1pSOll (W.D.) See Thirteenth W.; w. of Bluti Island av.

Samuel (W.D.) fr. 540 W. <Jhicago av. n. to 265 W.Division. Even nos. e.s.

.Chicago av......... 2 Clarinda............ 22 Cornelia............ 54 Au~nsta....... ... . . 114 EnDly . . . . . . . . . •• . . . 130 Jane ............... · 162 Division ...•.....•• 186 Sangamon N.(W.D.)

fr. 25~ W. R:rnclolpb 11. to the River. Even nos. ,..,. __ s.

Randolph.......... 1 Lake............. .. 31 Fulton.............. 55 Carroll av.......... 83 R.R. crossing ..... . Kinzie ............. 111 Hullbard ...•....... 141 l ndiana....... . . . ... 173 Ohio ..............•. 201 Erie .•............•.. 234 Milwaukee av ..... 233 Pllillips ............ 237 Pratt ..........•....• 273 Superior ........... 283 Chicago av ......... 303 J<'ront........ . • • . . .. 321 ll. n. rrossing ..... . George ....•..•••... 351 Tile River ...•...... 373

Sangamon.s. (W.D.) fr. 260 W. Randolph s. to W. Harrison. Even nos~ e.s.

Randol1ih . . . . . . . . .. 1 Washington . . .. . .. 33 Madison............ 65 Monroe ..•...•..... .' 97 Adams .........•... 129 Jackson ...•.......• 161 Van Buren •......... 193 Congress ........•.. 223 Harrison........... 247

Sanger (S.D.) fr. 2447 Ar~her av. se. to 522 Twenty-sixth. Even nos. w.s.

.Archer av .......... 2400 McGregor ......... 2405 'l'wenty-fifth ....... 2501 Kossnth ........... 25~4 Twenty-sixth .... 2562

Saratoga cs. D.) fr.Ill. and J\lich. Canal s. to 351i6 Archer av. 4.lh e. of s. Western av.

Sawyer av. (W.D.) fr. · l:l22 Og<len '"'· s. to

'\V. Twenty - second. 1st w. of J(edzie av. Even nos. e.s. ·

Ogdenav ........... 841 Nmeteentll ........ !JUI Twenty-first....... 9ti5 · R.R. CJ'OSSing ..... . Twemy-~econd .... 1013

Schiller (N.D.J fr. 357 Sedgwick e. to tile Lake. Crossesl'i.Clarlc at5ti0. Eve1111os. s.s.

Sedgwick . .. ..... 82 l\Iarket............. 105 Franklin........... 122 Wieland ........... 141 Wells ............... 158 LaSalle av .......... 186 Clark ..... ··- ....... 212 Dearborn.av ....... 286 State ................ 262 Astor .. -............ 29~ '1' ll e Lake. . . . . • 342

School {W.D.Jfr. 93 s. Cauanv:to Desplailies thence :Ii' ulk w Even llOS. U.S.

Canal. ............. . Clim on ............ . J etfe1·son......... .. 4 O · De•plaines.... .... . 7,:. Last No ............. 106

School{S.D.)fr.Forty­. tilth s. to Fifty-fifth

2tl ,v, of 'Ve11t\\·orlll av. Even nus '" s.

Scott CN. D. l fr. 407 N. State e. to the Lake. Even nos. n.s.

State................ I Astor ......... ~·-··· 29 Stone................ 53 Tile Lake 61

Sebor nV.D.) fr. Ells-worth w. to 328 s.' Canal, fr. 305 S. t;I in­ton to J efferso11. and fr. Despla1ues to 284 S. Halbted Eveu nos. S.J.

Ellsworth.......... 9 Beach ............... 35 Canal............... 65 Clinton............. "5 Jefferson .... , ...... 125 Despla.nes ......... 157 Hay J\larket Slj • • • . lg 1 Halsted ............. ~;:;7

Sedgwick (N.D.) fr. 85 Erie 11. toUlcy lim­its. Even uos. '" .s.

Erie................ l Huron.............. 21 Superior .......... 41 Chicago av......... 65 Locust ............... 1~9 Oak; ................ 171 Wendell ............ 193 liolJl.Jie ............. 20~ Hills ................ · 211 Elm ................. 233 Division .......... 255 Granger ............ 285


Twomey ... : ........ 292 Hein ................ 302 Goethe.............. 305 Sullivan ............ ' 312 8igel. ............... 33~ Connor ............. 338 Schiller .. .. . . . . . . .. 357 Blackhawk ....... 408 North av .. , ........ 457 Starr ............... 487 Eugenie ............ 505 Tell Ct .............. 543 Menomonee ........ 557 Wiscoi1sin .. . .. . .. . 607 C~utre ............ l 657 Lrncoln av .. ~ .... ) Garfield av......... 709 Webster av ........ 757 N. Clark ............ 775 Rrant pl.. .......... 780

el den av ......... 797 l"ullerton av .. .. . 855

Sedgwick ct. (N.D.) fr 328 Division s. to Elm. Even nos. e.s.

Division............ 1 Ebn. 25

Seeley av. (W.D.) fr. 8U4 W. llladiso11 s. to . Avon pl. Even nos. e.s.

Madison............ 1 lllomoe........... .. 33 Adams.............. 65 Jackson........ . . . 97 Van Buren .......... 131 Avon pl.. ........... 139

Selden (W.D.) fr. 485 S. Wood w. tu S. Lin­coln.

Seminary av. (N.D.) fr. 52 Kroger u. to 620 Lincoln av. and 1 blk. 11. Even nos. e.s.

Kroge1•.............. 2 Cemre.............. 64 Garfield av ......... 1~4 WelJster av ........ 180 Belden av ......... : )!40 l"nllerton av ...... 300 .l\lontana ........... . Dunning ....... : .... 448 Lill. ................ .

· Wrightwood av .... 530 Babetta............. 553 :t\larianna ..... ·-· .. : Lincoln av ..... -.... 578 Diversey av ....... .

Semina1·y 1>1. (N.D.) See Bauetta.

Seneca {N.D.) fr. 361 Illinois 11. tu Indiana l l>lk.

Senesc'1.alle(S.D. l fr. 446 Hout 11. % IJllc 1st e. of Stewart av. ·Even nos. \Y.s.

First No ........... .4056 Root...... . ... .4126

Seventeenth(S.D.)fr. 1700 Statcw.tourove. Even uus. n.s.

State ................ 128 DearlJorn .......... 150 !Sutterfield.......... 162 Clark ............... 172 R l{. crossing ..... . S. LaSalle ......... . Wemwortll av .... . Grove ............... 218

Seventeenth W. (W. D.) from Anhur w. to. 708 t;. <Ja.ual, fr. ti. Union to 676 S. Hal­sted, fr. allev, w. to 272 Johnson. fr. alley w. to 564 CentrP av. fr.626 Loom is to Wood, Rolley to Hoyne av. and.Leavitt tu Westeru :w. Even uos. u.s.

Artl.lur.............. 42 Canal............... 6:! Union ............... 170 Halsted .. .. . . . . . . . . 202 Johnson ............. 274 Alley ................ 390 Centre av .......... 448 Loomis ............. 554 Lafiin ............... 614 Asllla1H! av ........ 670

Paulina ............. 726 '\Vood ............... 78'1 Rouey .............. 9U6 Hoyne av ........... 9b4 Leavitt ............ 1026 Oalcley av .......... 1086 Western av ........ 1144

Seward (W.n.) fr. 77 W. 8ixteenH1 s. to LnmlJer Even nos, e.s ..

Sixteenth.......... 1 Eighteenth ...... 1 6 _ Canalj1ort av .... 5 D Lumuer .......... 129

Seymour av. (W.D.) fr. 1072 W. Lake n. to Chicago av. ancl ·fr. Di vis tun to Armitage av. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 2 Fulton.............. 68 Kinzie .............. 126 HulJuard ........... 164 Grand av ........... 224 Ohio ................ 246 Erie ................ 280 Huron .............. 306 Superior ........... 332 Chicago av ....•.... 356 Di vision............ 604 Bryson.............. ti60 Htrscll .............. 7:W Thompson......... 'l80 North av ........... 838 Wauansia av ....... 896 Bloomingdale rd .. 95ti :l\Ioffat ............ , 980 Cortlancl ............ 1004 Homer .............. 1028 Armitage av ...... 1050

Sliau;!'hnessy (N.D.J fr. 9 Goethe IL to Si­gel 1 IJlk. Even nos. e.s.

Sheffield av.(N.D. )fr. 47~ Hawthorne av. 11. to Belmont av. Even nos. e.s.

Hawthorne av .. l 'Yeed ... ........... 5 2 :North av........... 26 ConCOl'(l pl......... 52 l'ilarcy . . . .. .... . ... 61 ClylJourn av........ 96 Willow............. 98 Rroger............. H!7 Clay ................ 160 Centre.............. 220 Garfield av ...... ... ~78 Webster av........ 3::lti Belden av ....... , 390 Fullerton av....... 450 1\Ioutana ... ....... . Dunning ........... . Lill ................. . Wrightwood av .. l Linc_oln av . ...... 5

· 111arrn1111a ........ . Diversey av ....... . Wolfram ......... .. George ........... . Wellington ........ . NolJle aY ......... .. Gehrke ........... . llelmout av

Shelby ct. (W.D.) fr. 11)9 W Nineteeuth s. tu 241 W Twentieth. Even nos e.s.

Sheldon N. (W.D.) fr. 467 W.Ranllolph n. to ArlJor pt Even nos. w.s.

Old New No:-. No=.

Randolph.: .... 1 1 Lake ............ 29 39 };'ulton ... _ ..... . 57 75 Carroll av ...... 77 99 ArlJorpl. ....... 91 121

Sheldon S. (W.D.) fr. 468 W. Raudolph s. to 491 W. l'ilatlison. Eveu nos. e.s.

Randolph........... 1 Wasllingron....... 29 1\1.atl.iSOll............ 59

Sheridan {W.D.J fr. W. Kinzie n. to Ful­lerton av. 1st w. of l\.et.lzie u v. Even nos. c.s.

Kinzle ........... ,., 126 Central Park IJoul. 190 01110 .. __ ............ 240 Huron .............. 306 Chicago av ........ 364 R.R. crnssing ..... . Gran<l av.......... 482 Augusta............ 48;J !llcllroy ............ 518 Emery. .. .. . .. .. ... 546 Wheaton .. .. . . . . .. . 576 Division ............ 604 ~li'erhart . , .. .. .. .. 634 No.rwood ........... 664 Bartlett............ 694 \Veage av ....... _.. 724 Dickey av .......... 784 Pierce av ........... 812 North av ........... 838 \:ValJansia av ...... . Bloomingdale i·d .. Cortlaud ........... . Armitage av ...... . Dickens av ....... .. Hnmlloldt av ..... . l\lenttuore av .... .. Fullerton av ...... .

She1·iclan .av. s. (\V. D,)fr.1467 W.Twelfth n. l IJlk.

Sheridan pl.(S.D.)fr. 2014 \Ye11tv1torth av~ w. lU blks. Ev~u nos. Jl.S.

·wentworth av..... 2 Purple.............. 58 Last No... ........ !!4

She1·man (S. D.) fr. 164 J ac·k sou s. to Stowell. Even nos. ,v,s.

Jackson............ 2 VanHuren.. ........ 34 Harrison........... 98 Pulk ................. 172 Tiirlor .............. 244 Stowell ............. 278

Sherman pl.N .(N.D.) fr. li:l2 l'iue w. U IJlk.

Shields av. {S. D.) fr. 365 Twenty-sixths. to Thirty-third. Even nos. \V .s.

Twenty-sixth ...... 2600 Twenty-seventh .. 2700 :Napoleon pl.. ...... 2800 ~\Vifr. pl ............. 2$0tJ Earl. .............. 2926 Whitehouse pl. .... 3000 Haven .............. 30<6 Thirty-first ........ :ll 00 ;1;11 ~ i:t);-sec?nd .... ·~tQO lh11 t) -tlmd ....... 3208

Shober (W.D) fr. 562 W. Division u. to Wa.­IJansitt av.

Division ............ 6:!4 Bryson.............. 662 Hirsch.,...... . . .. . 72U Thompson .......... 782 :North av ........... 838 WalJansia av ...... 894

Sholto CW.D.) fr. 368 W.llarrisous. toElev­emll. Even nos. e.s.

Harrison.... . . . .. . 1 Gurley............. 33 Polle................. ti3 Good ................ 73 Better......... . . .. 85 Damon............. 95 Taylor ............ 127 Eleventh........... 157

Short {S.D.) fr. 2731 Cologne s.e. to 2848 Hkl•ury l IJlk.

Shurtleff av. (S.D.) See 1"1fLh av. s. of Twenty-sixt!L

Sibley (W.D.J fr. 522 W. Harrison s. to 512 · W. Taylor. Even nos. e.s.

Harrison..... .. . .. . 1 Vernon Parlqil.... 31 l\Iacallister pl...... 61 Verno1t pk ........ . Polk................ 71· Gilpin pL... ....... 81 A rthington ........ 111 Taylor .... , ......... Ia.9


Sigel(N.D.)fr.46 Hurl­but e. to 4 77 N. Wells. Even uos. s.s •.

: Smith (W.D.) See Og­d"n pl.

Hawthorne av..... 82 Congress ............ 321 Harri so 11......... . . 356

IIurJIJnt............ 28 Sedgwick .. . . . . . . .



Shaughnessy ... ; .. Franklin.... . .. . . .. 117 Wells ............... 152

Silver (W.D.) fr. 280 \V.Harrison s. to Gur­ley 1 IJlk. · Even nos. e.s.

Rarrison ......... ;.. 1 .Gudey......... .... 33

Sixteenth (S.D.)fr.the Lake w. to tlie River .. Even nos. n.s.

TheLake ......... . R. R. crossing .... .

Old New Nos. Nos.

prairie av ..... 7 13 Indiana av.... 40 52 Michigan av . . 70 84 WalJash av . .. . 86 120 State ............ 108 156 Dearborn .......... 190 Butterfield ......... 209 Clark ................. 224 R. R. crossing .... . s. LaSalle .......... 245 Wentworth av..... 267 Grov.e ............... 291 The River .......... 304

Sixteenth W. (W.D. l fr. th" River w. to City limits. Even nos n.s.

The River ........ . Lnmuer ........... . Stewart av .. :...... 24 R. R. crossing ... .. Arthur ............. 43 Canal............... 64 Seward............. :.'9 Bur!rngton.,.. • • . . 97 Jefferson ........... 116

~~h~[::::::::::: :: mi Union .............. 178 Halsted ............ 212 Newberry av ...... 22~ JllhnSOn ............ 250 Brown .............. 272 Morgan ............. 294 Nutt ................. 32<1 Fisk ............... 351 Centre av .......... 414 Allport ............ 441 Throop .......... , ... 464 Blne !:;land av ..... 478 Loomis ............. 512 Lafiin .............. 56:.l Ashland av ......... ti22 Paulina...... . . . . . . 6 80 Wood ............... 740 Sumner ..• · .......... 772 Lincoln........ .. . . 800 Rolley .............. SliO Hoyne av .......... 920 Leavitt ............. 980 Oaklev ............. 1040 Western av ........ 1100 Campbell ;w ....... 1160 Rockwell .......... . 12:.W R.R. crossing ..... . Waslltena w av ..... 1278 California av ...... 1336 Douglas pk ....... . AllJany av ... ; ... t 1518 Ogden av._ ...... 5 Kedzie av .......... 1580 Homan av ........ .. TrumlJullav ...... . St. Louis av ...... .. Byford av ......... . Central Park ave .• Woodland av ..... . Geneseeav ....... .. Bond .............. . '.Mowry av ......... . Bethuel. .......... .. Margaret pl ........ . l\1oore pl.. ....... .. Crawford av ...... .

Sloan (W.D.) fr. 273 · Elston av. w. to 607

Noule. Even nos. s.s. Elston av........... 1 R. R. crossiug...... 17 Nol.Jle............... 57

Smart (W.D.J fr. 657 W. Kinzie n. to HnlJ­IJartl.. Even nos. · e.s.

Kiniie .. :........... 2 );ln!JlJard......... ... 24

B .................... 101 A .................... 125

Smith av.(N.D.) fr. 129 Blackhawk n. to 114 North av. Even nos .. e.s.

-ClylJournav ....... 132 Wellster av ........ ltiO

Blackhawk......... 32 '\Veed............... 64 North av........... 86

Smith av. {S.D.) and ( W.D.J fr: s. l:alifor­nia av .. w. to Kedzie av. antl. from S. Cen­tral Park av. w. to 111owry, 1st s. of Thir­ty-sixth.

Snell(W.D.)fr. 341 W. Chicago av. s. to

· Huron. Even nos.es. Chicago av........ 1 Huron............... 47

Snow (W.D.) fr. N. Leavitt cor. C.& N. W. R.R. ne. to tile River, 2 blks. 1st n. of W. Fullerton av.

Sol)hia (N.D,). fr. 40 Herndon J4 b!I•. ne. of 636 Clyuonrn av. e. to Lincoln pk. Even nos.

n.s .. See Garfield av. Herndon............ 123 Lewcill .......... ···-. 145 Racine.av ........... 165 Seminaryav ....... 215 Osgood ............. 231 Sheffield av ...... :. 259 Bissell ............. 281 Fremont ........... 303 Daycon .............. 325 Halsted............. 345 Edward ............. 354 Bnrlmg ............. 365 Pearl.. .............. 3SO Orchard ............ 387 Howe ............... 411 LarralJee........... 435 l\1ohawk ............ 4t.il H_nrl!Jut. ......... t 431 Lmcoln av ....... 5 Lincoln pl.......... 506 Sedgwick........... 525 Clark ............... 567 North Park av ..... 577 Liucoln pk ...... ' ..

South Parkav.(S.D.) fr, l Twenty-seconds. to Douglas av. (s. of Douglas av. this st. is called Grand uoulev. J Even nos. 'iv.s.

Twenty-second .... 2200 Twenty-third ...... 2300 Twenty-fourth .... 24110 Twenty-fifth ....... 2500 Cottage Grove av 1 2600 Twenty-sixth .... 5 Twenty-seventh ... 2701 Twenty-ninth ...... 2~00 Ray ...............•. 2932 Gano .... , ........... 2962 Thirtieth ........... 3001 Thirty-first ........ 31011 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Thirty-third. ....... 3304 Thi rty-fourtll ...... 340 I Douglas av ......... 3458

South Water (S.D. fr. tlie Like w.antl. sw. to Lalrn st. Even nos. n.s.

TheLake .......... . Freight depots etc. Central av.......... 10 Michigan av....... 22 w:auash av......... 51 River............... 54 State................ 82 Dearborn ........... 114 Clark ................ 146 LaSalle............. 178 Fiftll av ............ 210 Franklin .......... 242 Lake st .............. 282

Southport av. (N.D.J fr. 95 Clybourn pl. n. to Belmont av. Even nos. e.s.

Clyuonrn pl........ 2 Crooked............. 24 Lawrence.......... 43 c ............ ,,,,.... (i9

Belden av .......... 218 Fullerton av ....... 276

Thence n. to Belmont av.

S11auldingav.CW.D.) fr. 1554 W.i\ladison s. to W. Harrison anc.t fr. 1350 O~tl.en av. s. to Th irty-nrst. Even nos. e.s.

l\ladison.... .. •. . • .. 93 Monroe ............. 13 l Adams.............. 169 Colorado av ........ 198 Jackson ............. 205 VanBnren .......... 241 Tremont ............ 265 Congress ............ 297 Harrison ........... 321 Ogden av ........... 855 Nineteenth . : .. . . . . 901 Twenty-first ....... 965 Twenty-second .... 1015 Twenty-sixth ..... . 'fwenty-seventh .. . Swift ...•.......... ;. ·whitehonse ....... . Thirty-first .... , ... .

Spring (S.D.) fr. 2612 State w. to - Went­worth av. 3 blks.

Spr;nger (S.D.) See Fifteenth.

S11ringer av. (S.D.)fr. 3224 Laurel w. to '\Yaterville. Even nos. n.s.

Laurel. ............ 866 l\1uspratt ........... 926 Wahl. .............. 950 Ullman ............. 974 Fox ................. 1028 Waterville ........ 1048

Springfield av. (W. D.J fr. W. Kinzie n. to w. :Norm av, 2 IJ!ks.e . of Crawforc.t av. Even nos. e.s.

Kiuzie......... •. • • • 126 lntl.iana ............ 184 Ohio ...... ·'·· ....... 240 Huron . .. . . . .. .. . ... 306 Chicago av . . .... 364 Division ........... . Ui·a1ul av .......... . Nurtn av ......... ..

Spruce (W.D.) fr. 242 Loou1is 'v. to La.rt1n. Bveu nos. s.s.

Loo nus...... . . .... 1 Laflin............... 4\1

Stanton (W.D.) See !::itatLlltOil.

Stanton av. {S.D.) fr. 137 Douglas av. ·s. to Egan av. Even nos. w.s. .

Douglasav .. - ....•• 3500 Bryant av .......... ;J549 UaJc av ............. 36ll3 Groveland ct .... • .. 36;rn Thi rty-seventli. ... 3700 Oxford. ct ........... 3846 Egan av ............ 3860

Starr (N. D.J fr. 481 :seclgwick e. to N. l<'rauklin. Even nos. S.S.

Sedgwick........... 2 ]<'J'lillklin........ .... 44

State (S. D. l fr. Tile Rivers. to Sixty-fifth 2 IJlks. e. of Court House. Even nos. w.s.

The River ......... . S. Water............ 2 Lake ............... 30 Hantl.olph.... ... .. . 66 Washington ........ IOO Madison ........... 132 l\Iouro., ............. 166 Adams ............. 202 Quincy.,............ 2:.!4 Jackson .. .. . . . • • • • 242 VanBuren .......... 282

Hul>bard ct ........ 403 Polk ..... · .......... 430 reek ct .............. 445 Eldridge ct......... 487 Taylor........... . . . 506 Harmon ct......... 527 Twelfth ........... 1200 Thirteenth ........ 1301 Fourteenth ........ 1400 Fifteenth ........... 1500 Burlington crossl'g Sixteeuth ....•...... 1600 Seventeootll ........ 1700 Eighteenth ......... 1800 Niueteenth ......... 1900 Archer av .......... 1906 Twentieth ........... 2000 Twenty-first ..••.•. 2100 'l'wenty-second .... 2200 Twenty-third, ..... 2300 T\venty-fourtll .. -.2400 Twenty-fifth ....... 2500 Twenty-sixth ...... 2600 Spring .............. 2620 Twenty-seventll ... 2700 Twenty-eighth .... 2800 Tweu ty- n intll.. . .2900 'rhirtieth ......... 3000 Tl1irty-first ........ 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Tllirty-tllird •...... 3300 Thirty-fourth ...... 3400 Douglas av ......... 3500 · Thirty-sixth .•..... 3600 Eda ............. : .•. 3617 Thirty-seventh .•. 3700 Tllirty-seveuth ct.3735 Thirty-eighth ...... 3800 Egan av ............ 3900 Thence s. to Sixty-fifth.

State N. (N. D.) fr. the Rl ver n. to .North av., 2 IJlks. e. of N. Clark. Even nos. w.s.

The River ........ . North Water....... . Kinzie... ....... ... 21 Micllii;an... .. . . .. .. 4

611 Illinms ............ ..

Indiana . . . . . . . . . .. . 81 Ohio ................ 101 011tario........ .. . . 121 Erie ................. 141 Huron .............. 161 Superior ............ 179 Chicago av ......... 201 Pearson ............ 221

g1~T~~~~0-i>i:::::·:: ~n Walton pl.. ........ 279

~~ll;;vu.e··iii:::::::: ~U Maple ............... 320 Rush ...... · .. ···•· t 365 Elin ........ ······ 5 Division ............ 383 Scott ................ 415 Goethe ............. 449 Banks .............. 481 Schiller •. ; .......... 5~3 Burton pl. ......... 569 .N ortll av........... 623

Station (W.D.) fr. N. Leavitt uw.to Western av. 1st 11. of W. Ful­lerton av.

Leavitt ............. . Lill. ................ . Olll•ley av ........ .. Greenwood av .... . ·western av ....... .

Staunton (W. D.) fr. lUlil w. Lake s. to 1 o 4 9 W. Madison. Even nos. e.s.

Lake ............ l P.trk av..... ..... .. 21

~~~~i~!;;~f$~:·:.::::: i~ Madison............ 91

S.tave (W.D.) fr.Arm!~ tag:e av. nw. toN.Cal­ifornia av., 2d ,v. of Milwaukee av.

St. Clair (N.D.)fr.317 Mi~h igan 11. to 384 Superior. Even nos. \V.S.

Michigan........... 1 Illmuis ..... ···---·· 19 Indiana............. 35 Ohio................ In Outarlo......... ... 7~

Erie 83 r-urori·_·:::::::::::: 99

uperior ..•••....•.. 115

St. John's pl. (W.D.) fr. 546 W. Lake n. ro ArlJor pl. Even nos. e.s.

~afe ......... ,..... 2

0 u to11\----·········· 32 A~b1~or fv.......... 52

p ············ 70 St. Lawrence av. cs.

D.) __ fr. Forry-first s. to_ J< 1ft)•-first, 1st e. of Vrncennes av. Even nos. w.s.

St. Louis av. N. (W. D.) fr. W. Kinzie n to W. Chicago av., ·2d w. of Homan av. Even nos. e.s.

fin.zle'............. 125 cJt1~ana ............ 184

Ht~roi1:·::.:::·:::::: ~gg Chicago av .....•... 3ti2

St. Louis av. S. (W. D.) fr. 1684 W . .Madi­son s. to Thirty-first. Even nos. e.s.

Madison............ 93 Monroe............. 133 j-dams .............. 175

Cackson............ 205 olor_ado av ........ 231

Harnson ........... 323 Twelfth ............ 571 Good~ln ........... 611 Palarrne . . . . .. . . . . . 649 i?~uglas Park boul 687

ifteenth ........... 743 Sixteenth .......... 803 Ogden av ......... .

. Twentycsecond. l_ " R.R. crossing ... 5 10H5 Twenty-thircl.. .... 1075 Twenty-fourth .... 1135 Twenty-fifth ....... 1195 Twenty-sixth ...... 1253 Twenty-seventh .. . Swift ............... . Whltehouse ....... . Thirty.first ....... .

Stearns (S.D.) fr Twenty-ninth sw. to 2935 Main. Even nos. D.S.

Twenty-ninth ..... 2900 Poplar av ........... 2922 Qurnn • · ............ 2950 Main .•••..........•• 2972

Stein (W.D.J fr. 75 . Redfiel<l uw. l blk.,lst

e. of 610 Elston av. Even nos. e.s.

Redfield............ 2 LastNo............. 20

Stephenson(W. D.)fr. Lumber s. to 37 w. Fourteenth.

Lumber ........... . Bates .............. .. ~faxwell .......... .

ourteenth ........ .

Stevens(W. D. )fr.1260 W. Jacksons. to Van Buren. Even nos. e. s.

Jackson............ 1 VanBuren .... ..... 45

Stewart av. (W.D.) aml ( S.D.) fr. 70 W. Twelfths. to Eighty­fifth. Crosses Archer av. at 2246. Even nos. e.s. to the River and w.s. s. of the River. ·

Twelfth._........... 1 Judcl........ ........ 21 Bates ............. . Wilson ........ ,..... 41 :r.~axwell. ....... .,.. 61 Liberty............. 75 Fourteenth .. .. .. .. 89 Barber.............. 103 Wright ............. 117 Flfteeutb .......... 131 .Meagher ............ 145 Depot ............... 159 R.R. crossing .... .. Sixteenth.... • . • . • . 173


flghgeenth ......... 237 TfmR~r ............. 257

ie iver .......... 2000 Grove ............... 2030 Tw~nty-first .••.... 2101 Elgm ............... 2rn2 Twenty-second .... 2200 Archer av .......... 2228 Alexander .......... 2253 Twenty-third ...... 2300 Bushnell ............ 2332 Twenty-fourth .... 2400 McGregor .......... 2432 Twenty-fifth .•..... 2500 Kossuth ............ 2532 Twenty-sixth ...... 2600 ~wenty-seventh ... 2700 'I wenty-eighth ...• 2800 Napoleon pL ....... 2832 Tw_enty-ninth ..... 2900 Swift pl ............ 2901 Earl. ................ 2927 Whitehouse pl 3001 H . . ... . Trveu .............. 3027 .,

11!rty-first .....•.. 3100

,I 1!rty-second ..... 3200 £l11rty-thircl. ...... 3300 ,1,1o!Jglas av ......... 3500 11.rty-seventh ... 3700

,Th.irty-s_evench ct3734 Tlurty-e1gilth ...... 3800 ~h1rty-eiglltb ct ... 3834

gan av ............ 3900 Thence s. to Eighty­


Stou~ <N.D.) fr. · 61.3 1>1v1slon u. to Banks. Even nos. e.s.

Division............ 2 Scott............ 30 ~oethe ......... :::: 58

auks.............. 84

St?well (S.D.) fr. 536 C,lark w. lU IJ!l(S, Even- nos. s.s.

~lark ............... . • hern1a11 •••••••• , ••. J.ast No ........... ..

1 51 57

String (W.D.) fr. 131 W. Sixtem1th s. to· SO Canalport av., thence s. to 'l'\venty-second. Even uos. e.s.

Sixteenth .. _.... 1 Eighteenth ...... ::: 65 Canal port av....... 97 Twenty-second .... 191

Sullivan fN. D.) fr. 310 Sedgwick w. to 30 Hurlbut. E v e n nos. s.s.

Sedgwick ........ _. 1 Hurlbut............ 41

S~mm.it CS. D.) fr. 3600 Archer av. nw 1 blk. .

Sumner (W.D.) fr.730 W. Fifteenths. to 764 W. Sixteenth. Even nos. e.s.

Fifteenth.......... 1 Sixteenth ......... : 53

Superior (N. D.) fr. Ho!Jer1s e. to the Lalrn. Crosses N. Clark at 211. Even nos. s.s.

Roberts............. 2 Kingsbury......... 32 Townsend... . .. .. 60 Sedgwick ......... : 88 IIIarlcet ............. 116 Fpml,lin ........... 146 "ells ............... 174 LaSalle av .......... 202 Clark ............... 228 Dearborn av ....... 258 State ............... 288 Cass ................ 312 Rush ................ 336 Pme ............... 360 ~'t Clair ............ 398 1 eLake ........... 428

Superior W. (W.D.) fr. 298 N. Halsted w to l\lorgan, fr. 266 N: May to N. Centre av. fr. 328 No!JletoWood' and fr. 283 Liucolli to Rockwell. Even nos. s.s.

Halsted............. 91

~reen .............. . ]lfngamon ........ .

l\1g~~~-~::::::: :: : : : : ~otfntre av ..... ..

. e .............. . B1ckerdike ........ . Armour .......... .. j}shland av ...... .. ,;ulina ........... .

ood ............. .. ~incoln ........... .. Holley ............ .. L oyne av ......... ..

0 eavitt .; ......... ..

'"~kley- av ........ .. •restern av .... ~ ...

ieymour av ...... . ockwell ........ ..

115 169 201 269 301 403 441 479 517 577 635 697 757 817 877 937

Swan (S.D.) fr. Clari<; w. 10 Stewart av. 1st n,. of Forty-seventh. Even nos. n.s .

Swift (W. D.) fr. S Kedzie av .. w. to s' Crawford av. Ist s: of W. Twenty-sev­enth.

Sw/ft pl. (S.D.) fr. 2844 ·Wentworth av. w. to 2845 Stewart av. Eve1111os. n.s.

Wentworth av..... 2

PF•fth av............ 26

ortland av 50 Shields av:.:::::::: 7ti Stewart av ......... 100

Talman av. N. (W. D.) fr. 1170 W. Lake 11 .. to Kinzie, and fr. Hirsch 11. to 826 w. North av. a11d 1 blk. n. Even nos. e.s.

Lalrn................ 2 F~lt<?n ..• :.......... 74 Kmzre .............. 124 Hi.rsch....... .. . . . . . '720 'l'110mpson......... 780 North av ........... 888 .

Talman av. S. (W. D.) fr. 1286 W. Twelfths. lo W. Fif­teen th. 3d w. of 'Vestern av.

Taylor (S.D.) fr. 504 S,tate w to tire River. Even nos. s.s.

~,ta_te................. 1 lurd av............ 21

Deari.Jorn ......... 35 Fourth av.......... 41 ~Jar~............... 61

ac1fic av.......... 83 R.R. crossing .. -... . Sl1erman .......... 109 rrhiftll '~v ........... 137

e River .......... 153

Taylor W. (W.D.) fr. the River w. to'\Vash­tena'v av., aud fr. Central i'ark av. to Genesee av. Even nos. s s.

Tl!" River.......... 1 Beach............... 6l R.R. crossing ... .. qn;nal. .............. 95 Clrnton ............. 125 Jefferson ........... 165 Desplaines ......... 187 HNalsted....... .... .. 253 J e

1wuerry av ...... 276

O lllSOll ............ 298 ~rown .............. 322 lorgan .......... ( 339 Ill ue Island av ... !

l\Illler .. .. .. . . . . .. . 355 Sholto ............. : 381 A!Jerdeen...... .... 397 May .............. ;. 413 Cent e L r av ........... 441

ytle ............... 473 Throop ............. 494 ~~IJ~e.I'. ............. 513

nus ............. 541


0f!throp pl ....... 575

a rn ....... -·-····· 601 Nixon .............. 535. Ashland av ........ 657 Marshfield av...... 685 Paulina ................ 711'

iermitage av ...... 735 ood........... 771

~i1hcolu. _ ...... .".: :: 827 0 ey.... ......... 883

Myrtle ............. : 905 Cypress........... 929 Almond .......... :: 956 K~udall.. .... ; ...... 959 81JJe ................ 986 Lg ep. av ........... 997

1 ea,vitt ............. 1001

d"v~rg av .......... 1025 1J1ai1~y av .......... 1061 \V ............... 1093 c estern av ........ 1129 Rampbell av ....... 1189

\,,ockwell .......... . • ashtenaw av

Central Park av::: Genesee av ........

TE;ll ct._ (N.D.)fr. 541 Sedgwick e. to 703 N Well~. Eve1< nos.s.s:

~~dgw1ck...... .... 2 ells............... 74.

Tel_l pl. (W.D.) fr. 748 III1lwaukee av, w. to N. Ashland av. Even nos. n.s.

l\Iilwaukee av 4· Ashland av ... ::::: St>

Temple (W.D.) fr.323' W. Chicago av. s. t-0 W. Huron. Evennos_ e.s.

fibicago av......... 1 ur.on . ... . . . . . . . • 47

Thircl av. (S.D.)fr.86-Jackson s. to Four­teenth, 1 blk. w. of State. Even nos. w.s.

Jackson............ z Van~uren ......... 34 i!arr1son........... 98 T•>lk ................ 162. Taylor .............. 23(} ~, welfth ............ 1200· _.. ourteenth ........ 135&

·Thir~eenth (S.D.J fr. lndianaav.w. to 1301 St~te. Eveu nos. n.s.

Indiana av......... 2· ~ic~1igan av....... 21l· Ha ash av ......... 62 S olden pl.......... 78· tate............. ... 92

Thirteenth'W. (W. D. )(fonnerlyDoilyns) fr. 39 Waller w. to ;.!94 Blue Island av: Even nos. n.s.

Waller.............. z Blue Island av..... 54

Thirteenth w. (W. D.) (form~Jlly Samp-. son) fr. 303 Blue Isl­and av.w. to Western av. Even nos. n.s.

Blue Island av..... 2 Centre av.......... 36 Throop,............ 84 L00!11lS............. 134 Lafim ............... 184 Ashlanu av ........ 238 Paulin:\............ 288 '\~ood ............... 3:-!8 *rn

0coln . . • . . . . . . .. . 398

0 ey .............. 458 Hoyne av .......... 518 5eavitt .......... ;. 578

0 akley av .......... 638 .({den :tv ........... 688

We.stern av ........ 693.

Thirteenth pl. (W. J?.Lfr. 15 Waller w.t~· S . .noy11e av. 1st s. of W. Twelfth. Even nos. n.s. ,

Waller.............. z· Blue Island av..... 38 Centre av.......... 90

LTliroo.p ............. 138

OOnllS ............. 186 Lall in ............... 231) :J}shl!lnd av ........ 282

aulma ............ 338 1"'.ood ... ·---·····-· 398 RlllCOln ............• 458-

obey .............. 518. Hoyne av ........... 576'

Thirtieth (S.D.)fr. the' Lake w.to South Park av. fr. Prairie av. to 'Ventworth av.ancl fr. Wail ace to S. Halstecl. (fr. Wentworth av. to Stewart av. · calle<l Whitehouse pt) Even nos. n.s.

The Lake ......... .. R.R. crossing ..... . Lake Par!' av...... 2 Grove Ian cl avenue 22 Cottage Grove av. 42 Vernon av......... 90 south Park av ..... 112 Prairie av .......... 180 Indiana av ......... 218 Michigan av ...... 252 Wabash av ......... 292 State ................ 330 Dear!Jorn .......... 352 Butterfield ........ - 372 Clark .............. 392 s. LaSalle.......... 404 ·wentworth av ..... 426 Wallace............ 6i12 Lowe av ............ 662 Dashiel. ............ 696 Emerald av ........ 71l2 Halsted............ 746

Thirty"tirst (S.D.) fr .. tile Lake w. to Ill.and Mich. Canal. Even nos. n.s ..

The Lake ......... .. R.R. crossing ..... . Lake ParlULV...... 2 Groveland avenue 26 Cottage Grove av . .- 48 Vernon av ......... 106 Soutll Park av..... 132 Calumet av ......... ltiti Forestav ........... 183 Prairie av .......... 200 Indiana av ......... 228 l.Vlichigan·av ....... 260 Wabash av ........ 294 State ................ 330 Dearborn ......... 3~2 Butterfield ......... 372 Clark ............. 392 s. LaSalle .......... 'l04 Wentwortli av ..... - 4:!8 Fifth av ........... 452 Portland av ........ 470 :Shields av .......... 500 stewartav ......... 522 Hanover .......... 553 Butler .............. !179 Parnell av .......... 005 Wallace ............ 632 Loweav ............ 664 Daslliel.. ........... 696 Emerald av ........ 722 HalsteLl.......... .. 7 46 Poplar .av .......... 770 Q.uinn .............. 794 Main ............... 830 Farrell . . . . . . . . . . • . . 854 Laurel .............. 867 Keeley ............. 868 Bonfield............ 894 Muspratt ........ _.. 925 Deering............ !!38 Wahl ........ ; ..... 949 Ullman ............. 973 Fox ................. 1027 Lyman ........... l_ 1058 Lock ............. 5 Broad .............. 1082 Benson .· ........... 1083 Pitney ct ........... 1106 The River .......... 1154 Archer av ......... 1201 Ashlancl·av ........ 1210 Marl.et sq .......... 1279 Robinson ........ .. Beers ............... 1335 Lincoln ........... 140:~ Vermont av ........ 1437 Long John ......... 146'~ Ill.and l\lich. c .. n '1.1489


Homan av ••........ St. Louis av ...•.... Central Park av .. . Genesee av ........ . l\Iowry ............ . Hamhn av ........ . Crawford av ...... .

Thirty-seconcl (S.D.J fr. Cottage Grove av. w. to Clark. fr. Port­land av.w.to Emerald ·av. and fr. s. Halsted to S. Hoyne av. E'len nos. n.s.

Cottage Grove av.. 44 Dexter pl........... 54 Rhodes av.......... 68 . Vernon av ......... 100 South Park av ..... 132 Calumetav ......... 156

·Forest av ......•.•.. 180 Prairieav .......... 204 Indiana av ........ 228 l\Iichigau av ....... 260 Wabasliav ......... 294 State .............. ;. 330 Dearborn .......... 3fi2 Butterfield ....... - . 372 Clark ................ 380 Portland av ........ 476 Shields av .......... 500 Stewart av ........ 522 Hanover ........... 554 Butler ............. 5BO Parnell av ........ 606 Wallace ............ 632 Loweav ............ 664 Dashiel ... _. _ ...... . ~'merald av_....... 720 Halstecl .•... - . .. .. .. 746 Laurel.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 8ti8 l\Iuspratt ...... -.... 926 Wahl. .............. 950 Ullman ............. 974 Fox ................. 1028 Waterville; ....... : 1079 Benson ............. 1084 The River ....•..... 1134 Iron .............. l_ 1161 Lynch pl. ........ 5 Ashla ml av ........ 1210 Jones....... .. ..... 1268 Archer av ......... . Beers.. .. ......... 1348 Lincoln ............. 1404 Vermontav ...... 1438 Long John ......... 1464 Lundy's Jane ....... 1497 Huyne av .......... 1522

Thirty-third (S.D.) fr. the Lake w. to Oakley av. Even nos. n.s.

The Lake .......... . R.R. crossing .... . Lake Park av...... 10 Groveland avenue 40 Cottage Grove av.. 62 Graves pl........... 70 Hhodes av ......... 104 Vernon av .......... 136 South Park av ..... 168 Calumetav ......... 194 Forestav ........... 220 Prairie av .......... 252 Inc!iana av ......... 278 l\lichigan av ....... 308 Wabash av ......... 340 State ................ 374 Dearborn ........ - .. 398 Butterfield ......... 4 36 Clark ............... 448 S. LaSalle ......... 468 Wentwortliav ..... 494 Fifth av ............ 526 Portland av ........ 560 Shields av.......... 592 Stewart av ......... 618 Hanover ............ 6~8 Butler .............. 674

Lincoln ............. 1496 R.R. crossing .••.•. Vermont av •••••••. 1526 Long John ......... 1552 Lundy's lane ....... 1586 Hoyne av .......... 1612 Champlain ......... 1648 Saratoga. __ ........ 167 4 Yorktown .......... 1706 Oakley av .......... 1730

Thirty-third ct. {S. D.J fr. 3328 S. Hal­stedw.to Laurel.Even nos. s.s.

Halsted............. 1 Auburn............ 37 Laurel.............. 97

Thirty-third ct. W. (S.D.) fr. 3324 S. Ash­land av. w. to Archer av. Even n-os. n.s.

Ashland av ........ 1310 Jones ............... 1370 Deers ............... 1430 Arche-r av ......... .

Thirty-fourth (S.D.) fr. 3400 Rhodes av.w. to South Park av .. fr. Indiana av.tu Butter­field. fr. Dashiel to Ullman, and fr. tile River to Rockwell. Even nos. s.s.

Rhodes av .......... 120 Vernon av ......... 152 South Park av ..... 182 Indianaav ......... 280 l\lichigan av ....... 310 Wabash av ......... 346 State ................ 380 Dearborn .......... 40ti Butterfield ......... 430 Dashiel ............ . Emerald av ...... .. Halsted ............ . Auburn .......... . Laurel. ............ . Ullman ..•.....••.•. TheRiver ......... . Loomis ........•.... 1190 Jasner .............. 1224 LaOin .......... ; .... 1250 Charlton .........• 1284 Ashland av ......... 1310 Jones ............... 1370 Bloom ............. 140il Beers ............... 1430 Lincoln ............. 1489 Archer av .......... 1520 Long Jolin ....... .. R.R. crossing .... . Lundy's lane ..... . Hoyne av ......... . Champlain ........• Saratoga,., ....... . Yorktown ......... . Oakley av .......... . IIIcAlpine ......... . Western av ....... . Hart ............... . Rockwell .......... .

Thirty-fourth ct.(S. D.) fr. 3428 s. Halste<l w. to Ullman. Even nos. n.s!

Halsted............. 2 Auburn............ 48 Laurel.. ........... 72 Ullman ............ .

Thirty-fourth ct.W. (S.D.J fr. !leers w. to Long John, 1st s. of Tlurty-fourth. Even nos. n.s.

Beers .............. 1430 Lincoln ............. 149:.l Long Jol!n ......... 1550

Oak.ley av ......... . Western av ....... .

ThirtY· sixth(S.D.)fr. 3600 Imliauaav,w. tD­Butterfield and from· Butler ,.,._ to Laurel. fr. S. Ashland av. tD­Loag John and fr. Archer av. to Kedzie av. .1:.ven nos. n.s.

Indiana. av . . . . ... . 302 l\lichigan av ........ 33& Wabash av ........ 372 State ................ 408-Dearborn........... 33( Butterfield .••.•.... 458 llutler..... .•. .. .. .. 700 Parnell av.......... 734 Wallace............ 760 Loweav ............ 786 Dasl!iel.. ........... 812 Emerald av ......... 888 Halsted............. 862-Tucker. . • • • • • .. . • . 90& ' Gage ............... 95() Laurel ............. 984 Ashland av ........ 1352 . Louisa. .............. 1386·" Jones ............... 1414 Bloom .............. 1446 Beers ............... 1472 Lincoln ............. 1532 Long John ......... 1590-Archer av ......... . Oakley av ........ .. Western av ...... ..

Thence w. to Kedzie av.

Thirty-seventh (S. D.) fr. the Lake w. to­Lanrel, fr. S. Ashland av. to Archer av. and fr. Western av. to Ill. and Mich.Canal.Even nos. n.s

The Lake .....••.•.• R.R. crossing .... •· 2 Lake av............ lS .l!.llis av............. 50 Cottage Grove av.. 82 Langley av ........ 117 Ellis pk ............ 136 Viuceunes av ...... I54 Stanton av ......... 224 Vernon av ......... 250 Grand !Joni. ........ 276 Calun1et av ........ 288 Forest av ........... 312 Prairie av........... 336 Indiana av ......... 360

·Michigan av ...••.. 392 Wabash av ......... 428 Srate ................ 464. Dearborn .......... 488 Butterfield ......... 512 Clark ................ 528 S. LaSalle._........ 540 Wentworth av ..... 566 Fifth av............ 592 Portland av ........ 618 Stewart av ....•..... 678 Butler .............. 738 Parnell av ......... 772 Wallace ............. 798 Loweav ............ 824 l>aslliel. ........... 848 Emerald av ....• _. 872. Halsted ............. 896 Tucker ............. 930 Gage ................ 966 Laurel.. ............ 998.

Re-commences at Ashland av ........ 136() Louisa ....•••......• 1'394 Jones ............... 1420, moom .............. 1454 Beers ........... -.1481} Honore ............. 1514 Lincoln ............ 1542·

-J.ong John ......... 1596 Saratoga .. _ ......... 1721!·

Tl1irty- fifth (S. D.) See Doughi:s av.

Parnell av ..... -.... 700 Wallace ............ 726

Arcllerav ..•....... 180ti Western av ...... ..

Loweav ............ 760 Dashiel. ............ 792

Thence w. to Ill. and l\'lich. canal. Thirty-firo;;t W. (W.

D. J fr. lll. an•l Mich. Canal w. to Crawford av.

Emerald av ........ 818 Halsted ............. 842 Auburn ............. 905 J.aurel ..... _ ........ 964

Thirt.y fifth ct.(S.D.) fr. 3228 s. Halsted w. to Laurel and fr. Sar­atoga 7<J bl!•. 11. of 3566 Archer av. w. to ·western av. Even

Thirty-seventh ct. (S.D. l fr. :-J728 Indi­ana av. w. to State. fr. 1 lJlk. e. of 3725 Stewart av. to nut!er, fr. S. Halsted lo Lau­rel and fr. 8. Ashlaml av. to Long John. Even nos. n.s.

111.ancl Mich.Canal Leavitt ......... .. Oakley av ........ . Western av ....... . Ash ................• R.R. crossing .•.... s. Maplewood av .. Rockwell .......... . TheRiver ........ . Kodzleav ......... . Spaulding av ..•••.

Ullman ............ 1088 Fox .............. l_ 1152 \Vatei;ville ...... l The River .......... 1190 Iron ............. .. Lynch pl. ........... 1250 Ashland av ........ 1310 Jones ............... 1370 Beers; .............. 1430 Archer av .......... 1460

nos. n.s. . Halsted........ .. .. 862 •rucker _ .••.•... --.. 906 Gage ................ 950 Laurel.. ......... · .•. 984

Re-commences at Sara.toga .•.•.......• York.town .•...... -•

Indiana av ......... 36() l\lichigan av ....... 892 WalJash av ......... 428


State ................ 462 Alley ............ ;. 652 Stewart'tav ......... 678 Butler ..••...... , ... 736 Halsted ..•.........• 896 Tucker .•..•..•.••.• 930 Gage ................ 966 Laurel.. ............ 978 Ashland av ....••.. 1360 Jones ............... 1420 Beers ............... 1480 Lincoln ........•.... 1542 Long John ••....... 1598

.Thirty-eighth (S.D.) ·fr.38UOCottas-e Grove

, av. w. to Vwcennes · av., fr. Grand !Joni. to

Indiana av .. fr. Wa­bash av .. to Ullman alll.l fr.s. Ashla11d av. to Ill. and Mich. Canal. Even nos.n.s.

Cottage Grove av.. 80 Langley av......... 128 Johnson pl.......... 152 Vincennes av...... 166 G1·and bout........ 276 Calumet av ....•... 288 Forest av .......... 312 Prairieav .......... 336

-Indiana av......... 358 lWnlJash av ......... 430 :state ................ 464 Dearborn ...•.•••• -. ·486 Butterfield....... • 508 Clark ............ -,.,. s. LaSalle . . . . . . ..... 540 Wentworth.av ..... 564 Portlanuav ........ 618 Stewart av ......... 678 Butler ................. 738 Par.nell av.............. 764 'Wallace............. 798 ·Lowe.av.............. 824 lJasniel. ..... -....... 848 Emerald:av .....•... 872 Halsted ............ 896 Tucker ............. 930

. Gage ................ 966 Laurel.. ............ 998 Ullman ............ . Ashland av.:; ..... 1360 Jones ............... 1420 Beers ...•............ 1480 .Lincoln ............. 1542 Long .John .•...•... 1598

'l'lience w. to Ill. aud Mich. Canal.

'Thirty - eighth ct. (S.D.Jfr. l'ortland av. w. to Butler. and fr. · 3830 S. Halsteu w. to Laurel, and fr. s. Ashland av. w. to Beers. Even nos·.n.s.

Portlandav ........ 616 Stewartav ...••.... 678 Butler .............. 736 Halsted............. 896 Tncker ........•.... 930 Gage ................ 966 Laurel. ........•.... 998 .Ashland av ........ 1360 Jones .•.....•...... 1420 Beers ............... 1480

Thirty-ninth (S.D.) See Egan av.

Thomas CW. D.) fr. 485 N. Woou w. to Western av. 1st. s. of Yv. Division.

Wood ............. . Newton ............ . Lin• oln ............ . Dudley ............. . Robey ............. . Hoyne av.: ....... . Leavitt .........•... Oakley av ........ .. Westernav ....... .

Thompson (W.D.) fr. 777 N. Leavitt w. to Cal!fornia av,. 1st s. of W. North av.

Leavitt .•........•... Shober ........... . Oakley av ......... . Davis .............. . Western av ....... . Daniaav ............ . Seymourav ....... . lllaplewood av .... . Rockwell. ......... . Talman av ..•..•... ;washtenaw av ....


Fairfield av ....... . California av ... .

ThrooprW.D.)fr. 438 W. Madison s. to 499 W. Harrison, and fr. 488 W. Taylor s. to the River. Even nos. e.s.

Madison ... ., . . . . . . . 1 lllonroe........... .. 31 Jefferson pk .•...... Adams............. 65 Jackson............ 95 VanBuren . . . . . . . . . 131 Congress . .. . . . . . . .. 157 Harrison ........... 183 Taylor ....•.....••.. 295 Nebraska ......••.• 315 Eleventh ........... 339 T\'!'elfth ............ 357 Thirteenth pl, ..... 381 'thirteenth ......... 405 Hastings ............ 429 Fourteenth ........ 453 Henry .............. 477 Fifteenth ........... 501 Rebecca............ 527 lllue Island av ..... 539 R.R. crossing ..... . Sixteenth .......... 549 Jo:igllteenth ........ 609 Zion pl.............. 643 Nineteenth........ 669 Twentieth ........• 703 Twenty-first ....... 729 Hinman ............ 753 Twenty-second .... 787 Lumber ............ 923 TheRiver........ 945

Throop N. (W.D.) fr. 439 W. l\1a(lison n. to Washington. Even nos. e.s.

Madison............ 2 Washington....... 42

Tilden (W.D.) fr. 207 S. Morgan w. to 138 Centre av. Even nos. n.s.

lllorgan .•... ;...... 2 Bowery ............. · 18 Abercleen...... .. . 52 Centreav ........... 104

Tinkl1am av. (W.D.) fr. W.Rinzie n. to \V. Chicago av. and fr. W, Division n. to. W. North av. 6th e. of City limits. Even nos. e.s.

Kinzie ............. 126 Indiana............ 198 Ohio ................ 240 Huron .............. 306 Chicago av ......•.. 362 Division ............ 604 (}rand riv.~ ... : .... . William ............ 662 Frederick.... . . . . . . 720 Prince .........•... 780 :North av ........... 838

Todd (S.D.) fr. 2100 Grove nw.to the Riv­er 1 blk.

Tom11ki11s CW.D.)See Winthrop pl.

Tondern (W.D.) fr.N. Ualifor11ia av. '\v. to HnmboldtPark !Joni. 1st n. of Arm\tage av. ·

Tower pl. (N.D.) fr. 379 Ullicago av. n. to Pearson. Even nos. ,v.s.

Chicago av ......... 147 l'earson............ 167

Town (N.D.) fr. 249 U 1 a c k 11 a w l' n. to 228 North av. Even nos. e.s.

Blackhawk......... 2 .Alaska ...... ;....... 22 North av........... 40

Townes ct. (:N.D.) fr. 194 North av._s.UlJlk.

Townsend (N.D.) fr. 55 Erie n. to 288 Division. Even nos. w.s.

Erie ................ · 23 Huron .............. 39 Superior.:. . . . . . . 55 Chicago av......... 75 Locust ...........•. 139 Oak ................. 181 Hobbie............. 207 Elm ................ ;<3!\ Division .. , ........ 257

Tremont (W.D.) fr. 259 S. Albanv av. w. to Homan av."1sts. of \Y. VanBuren.

Troy N, (W.D. i fr. W. Kinzie n. to Ohio, 1st e. of N. Kedzie av. Even nos. e.s.

Kinzie .... ,......... 126 Boulevard......... 190 Ohio ................ 238

Troy S. (W,D.) fr. 240 Colorado av. s.to 1417 W. Van Buren. Even nos. e.s ..

Colorado av...... . 1 Jackson... .... .... 43 VanBuren......... 87

Trumbull av. N.(W. D.) fr. Central Park boulev. n. to W. Chi­cago av. 1st w. of N. Homan av. Even nos. e.s.

Boulevard .......... 190

g_~~°oii:::::::·::::::: ~fig Chicago av ......... 362

Trumbull av. S. lW. D.J fr. 426 Colo1·ado av. s. to Harrison, and from Dong! as Park boul. s. to. W. Twenty-sixth, 1st w. of Homan av. Even nos. e.s. ·

Colorado av ........ 217 Harrison........... 321 Douglas bout..... 687 Fifteenth . . .. . . . . . . 743 Sixteenth.......... 803 Ogden av .......... . Twenty-first ...... .- 965 R.R. crossrng ..... . Twenty-second .... 1015 Twenty-third ...... 1075 Twenty-fourth .... 1135 Twenty-fifth ....... 1195 Twenty-sixth ..... 1253

Truro (W.D.) fr. S. .Albany av. w. to S. Kedzie av. 1. blk. 1st n. of W. Sixteenth.

Trustee (W.D.)fr. 551 W. Kinzie n. to Hub­bttrd. Even nos. e.s.

Kinzie.............. 2 HulJbard........... 26

Tucker (S.D.J fr. S95 Douglas av. s. to Egan av. "Even nos. w.s.

Douglas av ........ 3500 'l'hirty-fiftli ct .... 3538 'l'hirty-sixll1. ..•.. 3600 Thirty-seventh .... 3701 Thirty-seventh ct.3738 Thirty-eighth ..... 3800 Thirty-eighth ct ... 3838 Egan av ........... 3860

Turner av. (W.D.) fr. 1381i Ogden av. s. to W. Twenty - second. Even nos. e.s.

Ogclen av ....•...... 871 N meteentll ........ 901 Twenty-first ....... 965 R.R. crossing ..... . Twenty-second .... 1013

Twelfth CS.D.) fr. In-diana av. w. to the River. Even nos. 11.s.

Indiana av......... 2 l\lichigan av .... '.. 28 Waba'h av......... 64 Holden pl.......... 80 State................ 96 'l'hird av ........... 116 Fourrh av ....... : .. 136 Clark ........•...... 156 R.R. crossing ...... 186 'J:IJ.e ~Iver .......... 238

-----. Twelfth W.(W.D,)fr.

the River w. to City limitsc Even nos. s.s.

The River.......... 1 Lumber............ 26 Holden .............. 52 R.R. av............. 68 Stewart av......... 80 Beach......... .. . 91 Canal. .............. 121 Clinton ............. 149 Jefferson .......... 181 Desplaines ......... 213 :,en ion .............. 252 Halsted............ 287 Newberry av ...... 305 Johnson ............ 323 Brown .............. 339 lllorgan . .. . . . . . . . . . 355 Waller .............. 376 Blue Island av ..... 397 l'ilay ................ 439 Centre av ......... 467 Lytle ................ 493 Throop .............. 515 Loomis ............. 565 Lafiin ..........•.... 615 Ashland av ........ 663 l\Iarsbfield av ...... 697 Paulina..... .. . . . 723 Hermitage av..... 753 'Vood ................ 783 Lincoln ............. 839 Robey .............. 895 Cypress............. 953 Hoyne av ........... 968 Olive ............... 1009 Leavitt ............. 1027 Oakley av ....... l 1083 Ol;l'den av ........ 5 \\ estern av ........ 1139 Campbell av ....•.. 1199 Rockwell ........... 1263 Talman av ......... 1292 Waslltenaw av .... 1319 Fairfield av ........ 1353 IJalifornia av ....... 1379 Francisco ......... 1439 Sheridan av ........ 1469 Sacramento av .... 1495 Albany av ......... . Kedzie av ......... . Homan av ......... . Central Park av ... . Genesee av ....... .. Crawford av ...... .

Twentieth (S.D.) fr, the Lake w. to Grove. Even. nos. n.s.

The Lake .......... . R.R. crossing...... 2 Calumet av........ 24 Prairie av.......... 40 Ill<liana av......... 68 lllicbigan av.......



Wabash av ........ . Holli en pl.......... 138 State ................ 154 Dearborn . . . . . . . . .. 178 Butterfield ...... l 188 Archer av ....... 5 Clarie .............. 196 S. LaSalle .......... 208 Wentworth av ..... 220 Blaclcwell.......... 248 l'urple . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 Grove ... , ........... 294

Twentieth W .(W.D.) fr. Blair w. to 752 S. Jefferson, fr. 789 S. Halsted to Centre av., fr. 693 Throop to Loomis, and fr.· 653 Blue Island av. to Washtenaw av. Even nos. s.s.

Blair................ 2 J ett:erson.... .. . . . .. 26 Halsted ............. 149 Johnson............ 187 Brown .............• 225

~i~e1!~K1~~::::::::::: ~g~ Nutt ct .............. 283 Fisk .........•...... 301 l\lay ................ 339 Centre av .......... 3N3 'l'hroop ............. 459 Loomis ............. 517 Blue Islancl av .. l 579 Latlln ·····'······ 5 Ashlan cl av........ 635 Paulina ............ 691 Wood .............. 751 Lincoln ... : ........ 811 Robey ............... 871 Hoyne av .......... 931 Leavitt av .......... 991


Oakley av .......... 1051 I Morgan .... l "73 Western av ........ ll~l R.R. crossing .... ,1161

• 00 1canalportavi ~ .?;'O I Fisk ......... ; 31.9 :;; 2 I l\lay........ .. 363

L;tke Park av...... 2 South Park av..... 46 Oottage Grove av.. 65 Calumet av........ 70 Prairie av.......... 106 ~:.o I Uentre av .... 39? I nuiana av ........ 144

Rockwell .... •····• Washtenaw av ... ·


""'"'~Allport ....... 433 .!:!2;";jThroop ....... 459 :::: ::: L. oomis .. ~ ..... 519

· 11uc1>igan av ....... 121~ w abash av ........ · the Lake·w. to Stewart av. Even uos. n.s.

Tlie Lake .. _. .. ······ 2 R. R. crossrng · · · · · Calumet av ...... ··· 24 :Prairie av .. ····.... 52 J:ndi"ana av ... ······ 8~ .M.icll"igan av ... ···· 10 Wabash av......... 136 Holden pl.····· · • · · 1 ~0 ·state .............. 164 ·Dearborn.... • . . . . . 188 Butterfield ..... · · .. 2op

'Clark ......... · ··· .. 22~~ --s LaSalle .... ······ · \Ventworth av .. l 240 Archer av .... ···

282 Purple .... ····· ..... Stewart ... · · · .. · · · · 344

Twenty-first 'Y .(W · )). ) fr. 735 S. Umou w. to St. Louis av. Even nqs. s.s.

103 Union ....... · · · · · · · 145 Halsted ..........•. , . Johnson ... ··· · · · l 183 canal port av;.··· 5 ,

1 Brown .............. ~~9 ~organ .•••.. ·· · · · · 297 Fisk .......... ··•··· :135 May ................ 3'59 -·Centre av .. · · · · · · 3 -Allportav .......... 4g

9 ·Throop ....•. ··· ... · 4~ Loomis ......... ···· i~i Lalim ............ · · Blue Island av..... 55? Ashland av .... •·•· ~~~ Paulina ...... · · ·· · • ~h Wood ........ ,.·····

71 Lincoln ...... ······· ~31 Robey ......... ··•·· 91 Hoyneav .... ······ 8.

Leavitt ...... ··• .. •· 1ljri ·Oakley av..........

71 western av ....... 10 R R crossing ..... 1123 R


uckwe!I .......... 118l Washtenaw av .... 1239 -California av .. ···· .Albany av ....... · Merlan ............. . Kedzie av ......... . sawverav ......•.•• Spaulding av.· · · • Turner av ......... . Homan av ......... . Trumbull av .... ···

:St. Louis av ...... ..

'"Twenty - second (S. D.J fl'. the Lalrn w. to the River. Even nos. n.s.

The Lake........... 1 South Park av •.. · ·

Cal nm et av ....... ·· ~4 Prairie av.......... 64 Indiana av ... · · · · · l 94

,Cottage Grove av. 5 Michigan av ....•... 130 Wabash av ........ 168

.. State .............. ·· 206 Dearborn ....... · · · 2~~ Butterfielcl .•...... 206

·0larlc. ............... 276 s. LaSalle ........ ·· 29~ Wentworth av ..... 308 Portlar.d av.··· ... l 374 Archer av ........ 5

.Stewart av ......... 428 McG-lashen ......... 455 Grove ........ •·•··· 484 The River......... 506

·Twenty - second _w • cw .D.) fr. the R1yer w. to the City limits. Even nos. s.s.

1 1 'l'he River ...• ~,; Lumber .. ·· l 31 ,o-o f Je1J.ecson •.. 5

• 5Nj E@ String.... ..•. 88 P>o J_Union pl. .....

..:I Union .••.•... 103 Halsted............. 149

.:! ::: Laflin ........ 579 P..~ Blue Isl'il av l 631

Ashlaml av. 5 Pan ina...... . .. . . . 691 Dale vl.. .. ........ 73~ Wood ......... ~ .... 75 Lincoln ............. 811 Robey ....•.....•... 871 Hoyneav ........... 9ill Leavitt .......... · · · 15~1 R!Cf' pl. .... '.• ... 00 1051 Oakley av ........ ··

1 western av ........ 111 R. R. crossing ..... 117i Rockwell.. ...... · .123 Washtenaw av .... 1291 Califot'nia av ......• 1351 Sacramento av ... · Albany av .... ······ l\lerian ............ . Kedzie av ......... . Sawyer av ......... . Spaulding av ..... · Turner av ......... . Homan av .......... 1679 • Trumbull av ...•... 1703 st. Louis av ........ 1729 Clifton Parkav .... 1757 central Park av ... 1787 Millarcl av .......... 18


9 Genesee av ...... ·· .18 ·-Bonney av ........• 186D l\Iowry .. ; .......... . Ogden av ........ ··· Crawford av ...... .

Twenty-third (S.D.) fr. the Lake w. to Ar­cher av. Even nos.n.s.

The Lake .......... . R. R. crossitig .... · •

1 Lake Park av ... ··· 10 so nth Park av •.. · ·

Calumet av ..... · · · 36

86 Prairie av ......... .

Cottage Grove av.. 70 Indiana av .... ·· ... 1~§ lllichigan av ...... ··

168 Wabash av ........ . l':.•ate ................ 22M~ I.>Jarborn ........ · ·

256 Butt~rfield .... · · · · · 278 Clark ........ ······· 28

., s LaSalle.......... - 0

\Ventworth av ..... · ?14 Portland av ..... ··· 3~* Stewart av ....... ··· 4~6 Hanover .. ········ 1 462 Archer av ....•... ,

Twenty-thirdW.(W. D.) fr. 1075 S. Homan av. w. to l\lowry av.

(Lawndale Station, C., .B. & Q. R. R.)

Twenty - fourth (S. D.) from the Lake w. to Butler. Even nos. 11.s.

The Lake ......•.... R. R. crossing ... ·· Lalrn Park av .... ··


. south Park av .. ···

.. Calumet av ..... ··· ~~ cottage Grove av .. Prairie av .......... 1~g Indiana av ...... ···

144 Michigan av ....... 176 Wabash av ...... ··· 208 State ....... ········· ,,32 Dearborn .... ···· · · ~

Butterfield .... ·····. 22~! Clark ....... ········ 2 ~, 6 s. LaSalle ... ······· Wentworth av ..... 33~06 Portland av ...... ·.· " Stewart av ..... -. ... ~~~ Hanover ...... · · · · ·

472 Butler .......... ····

Twenty-fourth W. (\V.D.) fr. 113~ S. Ho­man av. w. to City Inu­its. (Lawn~lale Sta-tion, C., B. & Q. R.R.)

Twenty-fifth (S.D)fr. the Lake w.to Su,nger; Even nos. u.s.

TheLake ......... .

State ................ 252 Dearborn .......... 274 Butterfield. . . . . . . .. 294 Clark ...............• 314 s. LaSalle ......... · §~06 Wentworth av ..... ou Portland av ........ 42U Stewart av ......... 4



Hanover ....••..... llutler.... .. .. . . . .. . 544 Wallace.... . . . . . . . . ~~~ Sanger •............

Twenty - Fifth W • {W.D.) fr. 1193 .s. Homan av. lo City limits. (Lawn<lale station C.B. & Q. R.R. l

Twenty-sixth (S.D.) fr.2600 Cottage Grove av. w. to s. Halsted. Even no::;. n.s.

2 Cottage Grove av l South Park av ... I Calumet av......... 34 Prairie av.......... 64 Inclianaav ......... 94 Michigan av ....... 122 Wabash av ......... 154 Stace ............... 186 Dearborn ........... 204 Butterfielu ....•.•.. 236 Clark .............. 25;< s LaSalle .......... 270 \Ventworth av .•... 292 Fifth av ............ 319 Portland av ........ 362 Shields av .......•• 369 Stewart av ......... 392 Hauover ........... 422 Butler .............. 46;.J Wallace .......•.•... 492 Loweav ............ 51Y San "er... . . . . . . . . . .• 528 Dashiel...... •.. . . . . 543 Emerald av........ 578 Halsteil. ... •. • . • . . .. 594

Twenty - sixth W. c W. D.J fr. 1267 S. Hoyne av. w. to Craw­ford av.

Hoyneav .•........ · Leavitt ............. . Oakley av .........• Hlue Island av ..• l Western av ...... 5 R.R. cros,ing ..... . Rockwell. ......... . Washtenaw av ...• Crown pl. .. ·······• California av ..... . 8acra1nento av_.··· Ke<lzie av.· ...... ·• Spaulding av ..... · Homan av ......... . 'l'rumbnll av ..... ·· St. Louis av .... · · · · Clifton Park av ... . Central !'ark av .. . Millard av ......... . Genesee av ..... · .. · Bo1111ey av ..... ···· l\Iowry av ......... . Crawford av ... ····

Twenty-seventh (S. 1>. l fr. t11e Lake w. to 2701 South !'ark av., fr. 27UO State w. t? 'Vallace, am! fr. S. Halsted to Quarry· Even nos. n.s.

The Lake ........ _... 2 R.R. crossing ..... ·

Johnson av ... · ·· · 3:-& Iglehart pl.. .. ····· 1~08 Cottage Grove av .. li:IO south Park av.····

330 State ................ 352 DearboJ·n ....... ··· 3

.,i .Butterfield .... ····· Clark ...... ····· .... 39 J s. LaSalle ....... ;-.· 4


3 Wentworth av.···· " Fifth av ... · · · · · · ·• 4457~ Portland av .... _ ... . Snields av ........ ·· g~a Stewart av ...•.. , ..

560 Hanover ... ········· 596 .Johnso11 ............. 193 .llrowx. .•...•........ 237 R.R. crossing •. ···• Butler .......... ····

Wallace............ 630 Halsted............. 746 Lime.· .....•....•.... 764 Quarry ..... '"" ••..•

Twenty-seventh W. (\V.D.) fr. 1311 S. Ketlzieav.w.to Uraw­ford av. cs. of Lawn-

. dale Station C. B. & Q. R.R.}

Twenty- eighth (S. D.) fr. the Lak ... w. ti; 2801 Cottage. G~ove av., fr. 2800 M1cll1gan av. w. to State.anti fr. Stewart av. w. to S. Halsted. Even nos. n.s.

TheLake ........ . 2 R. R. crossing ..•...

Iglehart pl. ....••.. cottage Grove av.. 52 Mlcnigan av .....•. 196 Wabash av ......•.. 234 Stace ............... 2!0 Stewart av •......•.. 460 Hanover ............ 4?~ Butler ...•.......... §<16 Wallace ..•......... 074 Lowe av ........... . Dasl1iel .......... · · ~22 Emeratdav; ....... 646 Halsted............. 668

Twenty-ninth (S.D.) fr. the Lake w. to \Ventwonh av., and fr. Stewart av. to S. Halstecl (fr. Went­worth av. to Stewart av. caHed SwiH pl.) Even nus. n.s.

TheLake ........ . R. R crossing ... ···

4 Lake Park av .... ·· Groveland avenue 26 Cottage Grove av.. 48

72 Vernon av......... 90 south Park av .....

Cal um et av •.... ··• 120 Prairie av.......... 150 Indiana av ......... 178 Michigan av ....... 204 Wabaoh av ......... 2~0 State ................ 2i2 Dearuorn ....•.•. • · • 294 Butterfield ..••.• ··· 3!4 Clark .•..•. , ........ ~24 s LaSalle .......• ·· 336 'Vent worth av •.... 3'?8 Stewart av ... ·•···· 460 Hanover •....•••... ·· 4?~ Butler ...••.•...•.•. 53ij Wallace ..... ······· ~4~ Lowe av ........... . Dash le! ......... · · · 66"~;.J6 Emeraldav........ . Halstecl; •........ · · 668

Twomey (N.D.) fr.288 Sedgwick w. and n. to 42 Hein. Even nos. 11.S. 2

Sedgwick .... ·····.. 34 Hem ......•.•...•..•

Ullman (S D.) fr. 971 'l'hi rty-first s. to Fifty-fifth. Even uos. w.s. 3100 Thirty-first .. ······

J:imes av ....... ··· -~~32 Tnirty-secontl •.... ?;.J90 Springer ~v .... ····?~34 Thirty-tlurtl ....... 3300 Thlrty-fOurth ...... ;H~~ Thirty-fourth ct ... 34.~3 Douglas !' v ........ :1500 'l'h irty-eighth ..... -?801 Egai. av ............ 3900 Thence s. to l<'ifty-fifth.

Union N. (W.D.) fr. 155 w. Randolph n. to w. Erie. Even nos. w.s. 1

Randolph ... ····•·•· 15 Eagle ......•....•.. Lake.:.............. 29 Lydia ..... ·········· 43 F niton .•.. · · · · ·· · .. · 57 Wayman ........... 75 oarroll av ...... ·•·· 91 Kinzie ....... ········ 115 Milwaukee a V ••• t 147 Hubbard ...•...• ~ Incpana ..... • · · · · · · ~f~ Ob!o ........ ······•· 241 Erie ......•........•



Union S. (W.D.Jfr.156 W. Ran<.lolph s.to 145 W. Madison, and fr. 246 W. Twelfth s. to Lumber. Even nos. e.s.

W. Randolph...... 1 Waldo pl............ 15 Washington........ 29 Meridian........... 45 Madison............ 59 Twelfth ............ 421 Dussold............ 435 O'Brien ............. 449 · Kramer ............ 463 Maxwell ........... 477 Lillerty ............. 491 l!'ourteenth ....... , 505 Bar!Jer ............. 519 Wright ............. 533 l!'ifteentll ........... 547 Meagher............ 561 R. R. crossiug .... .. Sixteenth ........... 589 Seventeeuth... .... . 611 Evans ct............ 63;'; Elghteeuth ......... 651 Nineteenth ......... 675 Conrad .............. 684 Mark ................ 695 Canalportav ....... 707 Twenty-first ....... 741. Li•le ................ 761

Bowery ............. 296 Aberdeen.......... 329 Centre av ........... :!79 Throop ............. 427 Loomis ............. 479 Lall in ............... 527 Ashland av ... , .... 573 Marsllfield av...... 595 Paulina ............. 615 Hermitageav ...... 635 Wood ............... 657 Ogden av .... , ...... 663 Honore ............. 671 Lincoln ............. b91 Winchester av ..... 717 Rolley .............. 745 Seeley av ........... 773 Hoyne av........... 799 Leavitt . . . . . . . . . . . . 859 lrving av........... 893 Oakley av ....•..... 919 Idaho .............. , 954 Western av ....... , 977 CamplJell av ....... 1035 Cicero ct ........... 1067 Rockwell ... ,, ...... 1095 R.R. crossing ...... 1101 Congress p, ........ 1126

· Washtenaw av ..... 1153 California av ...... 1213 Stevens ............. 1247 Francisco ......... 1273 Nassau ............. 1307

Vincennes a'-. (S.D.) fr.3500 CottageGl'Ove av.sw. to Forty-third, thence s. to Fifty-first, Even nos. w.s.

CottageGrove av l. 3500 Douglas av ..... ; 5

Bryant av •......... 3548 l'rospect pl ••...... 3615 Oakav .............. 3620 Groveland ct ....... 3638 'l'hirty-,seventh .... 3 700 Aldme sq .. , ........ 3750 Thirty-eighth ..•.. :!801 Egan av ............ 3900 'l'l1ence sw. and s. to


Vincennes i>l. CS.D.) See Johnsou pl.

Vine (N.D.J fr.215 Di­vision n. to Rees, and fr. 247 Nurth av. n. to ·willow. Even nos.e.s.

Division............ . 2 Vedder............. 38 Gardner............ 51 Rees................ 66 North av ............ 190 Willow ............. 272

Twenty-secoud .... 777 Union }ll.. ... ., ..... 836

Sacramento av .... 1333 · Whipple ........... 1367

Wabansia av.(W.D.) fr. the. River w. to 1319 Milwaukee av. an<l fr. 895 N. Leavitt Lumber............. 839

Union av. (S.D.J See For1ieth !Jet. Cottage Grove av. and Vin­cennes av.

Union pl. (W.D.) fr. 82 VV. Twency-~econd s. and sw.w S. Union.

Union pl. (W.D.) fr. I 057 W. Congress s. to 1209 W. Harrison.

UJlion Park pl. CW. D,) fr. 522 W. Laite n. to Arbor pl. Even nos. "' .s~

Lake................ 1 Fulto11.. .............. 27 Carroll av.......... 47 Ar!Jor pl. .. ,.,...... 63

University pl. (S.D.) fr.3432 CoUageGrove av. ,v. to Rhodes av. Nos. on s.s. only.

Cottage Grove av.. 1 Rhoc.lesav .......... 71

Upton (W .D.) fr. 1486 Milwaukee av.sw.aud w. to City limits. Even nos. e.s.

Milwanlrne av,..... 1 Rosel.Jud............. 25 Western av........ 49

Van Buren (S.D.) fr. Michigan :w.w. to the River. Even nos. s.s.

Michigan av....... 1 "\Vahasll :iv.......... 35 Holden pl.......... 49 State .... ,.......... 63 Third av............ 81 Dear horn........... 91 Fourth av.......... 97 Clark ................ 115 l"acific av .......... 135 LaSalle ............. 149 Sherman ........... 155 Fifth av ............ 17.5 Franklin .......... 207 Market ............. 239 The River . . . ... . .. 243

VanBuren W.(W.D.J fr. tJfe I~iver '"· to .Hoinau .,v, EVen noS. S.S.

l'he River.......... 1 Charles............. 14 Canal............... 41 Clinton............. 69 • J.elferson. ....... ... 95 DespJaines ......... ~ 1~7 Halsted............. 193 Green ............... 213 Peoria .............. 233 Sangamon.......... 25:3

.. Morgan ............. 275

Albany av .......... 1393 Troy ................ 1427 Kedzie av .......... 145:3 Spaulding av ...... 1513 Phinney av ....... 1545

_ Homan av ........ 1571

Van Horn CW.D.) fr. 835 S. Ashland av. w. to Wood, aml fr. 863 S.Robey w.toS. West­ern av. Even nos. n.s.

Old New No::. Nos.

Ashland av... 1 670 Paulina ....... 49 726 Wood......... 786 Robey ........ 201 906 Hnyneav ..... 253 ~66 Leavitt....... 1026 Oa!<ley av.... 1086 Western aY.. 1144

Vedder (N.D.) fr. 525 N.Halste<I. e. an<I. se.to 270 Division. Even nos. s.s.

Halsted............. 2 Grace............... 30 Penn................ 54 Pleasant........... 74 Otis................. 90 Vine ................ 108 Larrabee ........... 120 Division............ 178 ,

Vermont av .(S. D. )fr. Thirty-firsts. to Tl1ir" ty-tllircl. 1st w. of s. Lincoln. Even nos. ,v.s.

'l'hirty-first ........ 3100 'l'l1irty-secoml. .... ;moo Thirty-third ....... 3260

Vernon av. <S.D.) fr. % Ill k. n. of 68 'l'wen­ty-nint;h s.to Egan av. Even nos. w.s.

l'irst No ............ 2824 'l'wenty-ni tll ..... 2900 Thirtieth ........... 30110 'J.'111rty-first ........ 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200 Thirty-third ....... ll300 Thirty-fourth ..... 3400 Dought' av ......... 3500 Thirty-seventh .... 3 700 uxrur<l ct .......... 3846 Egan av ............ 3860

Vernon Park pl.("\V. D.) fr. 201 Centre av. w. to Loom is, lst s. of W. Harrison. Even nos. s.s.

Centre av........... 1 Lytle............... 33 Fayette ct. . . . . . . . . . 59 Sillley ... ,.......... 75 Loomis ............. 107

Victoria av. (S.D.) See Holden pl.

w. to 'Uity limits, crosses Ji:Jston av. at 587. Even HOS. s.s.

The River.......... 1 N.Cl!Lrolliug mills McHenry........... 47 Wright............. 76 Elston av........... 99 Conventry .......... 111 R. R. crossing..... 123 Holt ................ 124 Dickson ............ 149 Asl1Iand av ........ 107 Edgar ..... : ........ 199 Paulina .. . . . .. . . . . . 225 Commercial.. ...... 251 Wood ............... 277 Girard .............. 303 Elkgrove av ....... 329 Ductley ............. 355 Holley .............. :!81 Hoyne av ........... 441 Milwaukee av ..... 451 Leavitt ............ . Sholler ............. . 11alcley av ......... . Davis ............ : .• Wester.n av ....... . Seymour av ...... .. Rockwell ..... .. Washtenaw av .... . Fairfield av ...... .. California av .... .. l\Iozart ............. . Heine ............ .. Humboldt ......... . lloulevard ........ .. Keclzie av ......... . Mead .............. . Sheridan .......... . Homan av •......... Ballou ............. . H:rncock .......... . C(:ntral Park av .. .

Wabansia av. E. (N. D.) fr. tile River ue. to 527 Clyllourn av. Even nos. n.s.

The River......... 1 Hawthorne av . . .. 21 Marcy ............. :n Clybonrn av........ 41

Waba"h av. (8.D.) fr. s. Water s. to about Seventieth. Eve n nos. e.s. n. of Twelfth amt w.s. s.of Twelfth.

S. Water............ I Lake................ 29 Randolph ......... , 65 Washington........ 95 Madison...... .. .. 123 Monroe ............. ·ma A<lams ............. 199 Jackson.... . ..... 239 VauBuren .......... 281 Congress........... :!23 Harrison ........... 363 Hubbard ct. ....... 401 Peckct. ............ 441 Eldridge ct........ 481 Harmon ct ......... 523

Twelfth, •••..•..... 1200 Thirteenth ........ 1300 Fourteenth ....••.. 1400. R.R. crossing ..... . Sixteenth .......... 1600" Eighteenth ........ 1800· Twentieth .•........ 2000-Twenty-first ....... ~HOO Twenty-sccolld .... 2200· Twenty-third ..... 2300 Twenty-fourth •... 2400 Twenty-fiflh ...... 2500· Twenty-sixth •..... 2fi00· '.l.'wenty-eigh th .... 2800 '.l.'wellty-niuth .•... 2900 Thirtieth ........... 3000· Thirty-first .....• : .3100 Thirty-second •... -3\!00 Thirty-thirc.l ....... 3300 Thirty-fourth., ... -3400· Douglas av ......... 3500 Tllirty-sixth .•....• 3600 l!:da ....•............ 361S Th!rty-seventh •. , .370(} TJm·ty-seventh ct.3736 Thirty-eighth ...... 3800-Egan i;.v ••••••••••• 390().

Thence s. through Town of Hyde Park.

Wade (W.D.) fr. 125 J;;Jstou av. w. tu Car-· rier, and llW, to 0rit­tenden, Even nos.n.s.

Elston av........... 2. R. R.crossing...... 52 Currier ............. 74 Crittenden.......... 111.

Wahl (S.D.) fr. 947 'l'lurtv - first s. to· S1iriuger av. Even. llOS. \V .S.

· Thirty-first ..... ~ ... 3100> James av ........... 3132 'l'hirty-second ..... 320(). Springer av ....... 3224

Waldo pl. (W.D.) fr. 21 8. D, SJJla1ues W. to 8. Halsted.. Even nos. S.S.

Desplaines......... 1 Union.............. 33: Halsted............. 73:

Walker ct. ( W. D.) fr. 508 IV.Eighteenth n.~ l.Jlk. lsL e. of .Blue Is­land av. Even nos. e.s.

Eighteenth........ 2' Oliver pl............ 15· Last No............ 38

Wallace(S.D.)fr.2399 Archer av. se. to Mc­Gregor. thence s. t() al.Jt. 8eventieth. Even nos. w.s.

Archer av .......... 2400< llfcGregor .......... 2446 'l'wen LY-fifth ...... 2500 Kossuth ........•... 2532 Twenty-sixth ...... 2600· Twenty-seventh .. 2700-Twenty-eighth .... 2800 Napoleon pl. ....... 2832 Twenty-nm th ..... 2~00· Thirtieth-........... 3000 Thirty-first .•...... 3100 Thirty-second ..... 3200-Thirty-third ....... :!;JOO Douglas av ......... 3500 'l'hirty-s ixth ....... 360() Tllirty-seventh .... 3700 Thirty-eightll ..... 3800 Eganav ............ 3900

'!'hences. to al.Jt. 8ev­entieth. Waller (W.D. J fr. 37()

W. 'l'welfth s. to· 349 "IV. Fourteenth. Even. nos. e.s.

Twelfth............ l 'l'hirteenth pl...... 23 Thirteenth......... 47 Maxwell........... 65 Frank.............. 75 l!'ourteenth . .. .. .. . 91

Walnut (W.D.l fr. 21 N. Ash laud av. w. to Western av., :!{ blk. bet. California av.and Francisco, an<I. fr. 33 N. Francisco to Homan av. lst n. of "IV. Lak.e. Even nos~ u .. s ..

.:Ashland av........ 2 Paulina.... • .••...• 52 Wood ............... 100 Lincoln ..• ; •.•...... 148 Robey .............. 196 Hoyne av .......... 236 :Leav.tt .............. 272 -Oakley av .......... a20 Western av ........ 368 California av ..... .

Re-commences at :Francisco .......... 636 :Sacramento av.... 696 .:i\.JIJany av .......... 756 Keclzie av .......... 816 .Homanav .... , ..... 942

Walsh et. (W.D.) fr. 727 '3. Illay w. to 682 centre av. Even nos. n.s.

May................. 228 Centre av .......... .

Walton pl. (N.D.) fr. 303 Dearborn av. e. to the Lake. Even nos. s.s.

Deai·born av....... 2 .State................ ~g Rush .............. .

,Geary.............. 96 Pine ................ 122

·Tue Lake ......... ..

-Ward (N.D.) fr. 666 Clyl.Journ av. ne. to Nursery, thence n. to Fullerton av. Even nos. e.s.

·c1ybourn av....... 2 Nursery............ 14 Websterav......... 50

~~A1:~~;;·av::::::: rn~ Warcl (S.D.) fr. Doug­

las av. ·s. to Tllirty­sixtl1. 1st w. of s. Western av.

Ward ct. (W.D') fr. 401 Lumber w. to 772 s. J elferson. Even nos. s. s.

Lumber............ 1 Jefferson........... 27

Wa=en av.(W.D.) fr. 77 Og<.len av. w. to Francisco, ft". Sacra­mento av. to Homan av. and fr. Central pk.'to City limits. 1st n.of W • .M.ad1son.Even nos. n.s.

·Ogden av........... 3

15 Ashland av ........ .

Paulina............ 91 .Page ................ 115 Wood ............... 139 Lincoln ............. 197 ·Robey .............. 257 Hoyne av .......... 317 Leavitt ............. 377

, Oakley av .......... 435 Western av ••.••... 495

. Staunton .......... · 5451 Rockwell ........... 63

R.R. crossing ...... 645 Falls ..•.............

·California av ...... 751 Francisco .......... 809

:Sacramento av .... 871 Albany av ........... 929 Kedzie av .... , ..... 991 Homan av ......... 1113

•Central pk. •••• ,.... • Hamlin av .....•... 135:> ·Crawford av .•.•... 1481

Washing-toll(S.D.)fr. Michigan av.w. to the Rlver. Tnnnel on this street to the W estSide. Even nos. s.s.

·Michigan av.... .. • 1 .Dearborn pl........ 7 Wabash av......... 21

. Holden pl........ .. 33 .State................ 47 Dearborn.......... 79

<Clark .... , ......... 112 •Court 1.Iouse sq •.•. -LaSalle ............. 143 . Flfthl\y .••••••.••• 175 Franklin .•..••••••• 207 .Market ..•..•••••••. 239 The River .......... 251


Washington '\V. (W. D.) fr. the River w. to Central pk. and fr, Hamlin av. to City limits. Even nos. s.s.

TheRiver .... ,.... 1 West Water........ 5 Canal. ... : . . . . . . .. . 1 \I Clinton.,........... 49 Jelferson..... ... •.. 79 Desplalnes ......... 109 Union ....••..•..... 141 Halsted............. 181 Green". ............. 201 Peoria .............. 221 Sangamon ......... 245 Morgan ............ 265 carpenter .......... 287· Curtis .............. 307 May ................. 327 Ann ............... 347 Willard pl. ........ 367 Elizabeth .. . . . . . . . . 385 N. Throop .. · ........ 408 Ada ................. 423 Sheldon ............ 455 Bishop ct........... 480 Ogden av ........... 491 Union pk .......•... Ashland av ......... 493

~~~~;-~~.:::::::::·:: g~i Wood ............... 581 Lincoln .•..•....... 6~9 Robey ........•..•.• 677 Hoyne av ......••.•. 721 Leavitt ............. 781 Oakley av...... . • . 841 western av ....•... 001 Staunton .......•... 951 Rockwell ........... 1025 R.R. crossing ...... 1037 ]!'alls ..... : .......... 1047 California av ....... 1157 Clarkson ct ........ 1181 Francisco .......... 1217 Sacramento av .... 1277 Albany av •••....... 1337 Kedzie av .......... 1397 Homan av •..•...•.. 1519 Central pk •...••• ·.' Hamlin av ......... 1761 Crawford av ..•.... 1883

Washington pl. (N. D.) fr. 2\12 N. C1ark e. to Dearborn av. Nos. on s.s. only.

Washtenaw av. N, (W.D.) fr. 1206 W. Lake n. to Armitage av. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 2 Fulton.............. 74 Kinzie .............. 124 Indiana ••• ••• ••••• 196 Ohio ............... 240 Grand av ........... 288

306 J;Iurof! .............. 338 Superior . . . • •. . ...

364 Chicago av ....... .. Iowa ................ 422 Augusta............ 482 Division ........... 604 Werder ............ 634 DB~olt'Ee .. k........... 6b6

9o4 1sm"rc ......... .

Hirsch ............. 7:.!0 Thompson . . . ... . .. 780 North av ........... 840 Wabansia av ...... . Bloomingdale rd .. Cortland .......... . Armitage av ...... .

Washtenaw av. S. (W.D.J fr. 1186 W. Madison s.to 'l'wenty­sixth, 1st e. of Cali­fornia av. Even nos. e.s.

Madison ..••...•...• Monroe ...........•. Wllcox av ••..•••.•. 151

Sa~3i.~~ri:::::::::::: JZ~ Van Buren •.•••••... 251 Congress ..•••••. •·· 289 Harrison........... 3:.!3 Flournoy ........... :!53 Lexington.......... 385 l'olk ............... 417 Harvard ........... 451 '.l.'aylor ••.••••...•... 48~ Fillmore ............ 516 Crenshaw .......... 546 Twelftb. • .. • • • • • • . . • 571 · Ogdenav .•••••••..• 715 Fi!Ceenth ••••••••••• 743

Rebecca ........... 775 Sixteenth .......... 803 R.R. crossing ..... . Eighteenth ........ 862 Nineteenth .... • ... 912 Twe11tieth...... ... • 938 Twenty-first ....... 964 Hinman ..........•. 990 Twenty-second •.•. 1015 Moore .............. 1075 Parmelee ........... 1110 Laughton ......... 1135 Coufter ............. 1195 Twenty-sixth ..... 1253 The River ......... .

'\Vater North. See Nortll Water.

Watel." Snuth. See South Water.

Water West. See West Water.

Waterville (S.D.) fr. 1077 T11irtv - second se. to Fox. Even nos. w.s.

Thirty-second ..... 32QO Springer av ........ 32;,7 Fox ................. 3284

Waver (S.D.) fr. 2420 Archer av. w. 1 blk.

Wayman (W.D.)fr.86 N. Jefferson w. to 79 N.Halsted. Even nos. S.S.

Jefferson .......... . Desplaines......... §~ Union ........•..... Halsted ............. 113

Weage av_. (W,D.) fr. 717 N. Kedzie av. w. to Homan av. 4th n.of w. Division.

Webster av.(N.D.)fr. the River e.to Lincoln pk., crosses N. Clark. at 975. Even.nos. n.s.

The River.......... 1 Dominick., ... '.... 25 Clybonrn av....... 65 High... ............ 70 Soutllportav....... 81 Ward .............. 101 Herndon........... 12:3 Lewis ............... 145 Racineav .......... 165 Jay ................. 191 Seminary av ....... 215 Osgood ............. 237 Sheflield av ........ 259 Bissell .............. 281 Fremont ............ 303 Dayton ............. 325 Haisted ......•....•. 345 Edward ............. 3~~ Burling ....... •·· .. 32:> Pearl. ............... 317 Orchard ............ 385 Larrabee ....... · l 431 Lincoln av ....... I Hurlbut............ 475 Lincoln p1 .........• 501 Sedgwick, ......... 523 Clark ............... 537 North Park av ..... 577

·Lincoln pl>. ........ .

Weed (N.D.} fr. 334 Hooker ne. to Haw­thorne av. thence e.to 265 Cly!Jonrn av. cor. N .Halsted. Even nos.

H~girnr............. 2 N. Branch Canal... 28 Hawthorne av .. l 52 s11eflield av ...... I Smith av ........ · .. igg Dayton ........•..•. Halsted ..... ······ l 160 Civbourn av ...... I

Weed et.(N.D.) fr.256 Clyl>ourn av.ne.UbJk. Even nos. es. ·

Clybourn av....... 2 Last No............. 22

Wellington (N.D.)fr. N. Ashland av. e. to the Lak.e, 3 blks. n. of DiverseY av


Wellington pl. (S. D. l fr. Jo'o. ty-sixth n. M hlk .. lste.of Green­wood av.

Wells N. (N.D.) fr.the River n. to N. Clark: Even nos. e.s.

The River.......... 2 North Water....... 20 Kinzie.............. 36 l\Iichigan... ... . .. .. 58 Illinois............. 80 Indiana............ 98 Ohio ................ 118 Ontario............. 138 Erie ................. 158 Huron .............. 178 Superior ............ 198 Chicago av ......... 224 Pearson ..•.•...... 244 Chestnut ............ 26~ Locust .............. 278 Whiting ............ 298 Oak ................. 316 Wendell ............ 334 Hills ................ 352 Elm ................. 372 Division ............ :!96 Granger ............ 431 Goethe .......•...... 454 Sigel.. ....••........ 483 Sclliller ............ 5Q~ Carl. ................ 5:> North av ........••• 603 Eugenie ......•...•. 6ii8 Florimond ........•. li91 Tell ct ............... 707 l\Ienorr..onee ......• 724 Park front.......... 7:~8 Lincoln av .........• 741 Clark ................ 757

Wendell (N.D. )fr.187 Sedgwick e to 30!1 N. Wells aml ~ blk. e. Even nos s.s.

Sedgwick ......... . Market ........•.•... Franklin .......... . ·wens .............. . Last No ........... .

2 28 52 80 96

Wentworth av. (S. D.} fr. 259 Sixteenth s. to abt. Seventy­fifth. Even nos. w.s.

Sixteenth .......... 1600 Seventeenth ........ 1700 Eighteenth ......... 1800 Nineteenth ....•.... 1900 Twentieth .....•.... 2000 Sheridan pl .••..... 2020 Archer av.······ l 2100 Twenty-first ... 5 Twenty-secoud .... 2200 Finnel .........•.•.. 2226 Alexander .......... 2252 Twenry-thlrd ...... 2300 RusJrnell ........... 2334 Twenty-fourth ..•. 2400 McGregor .......... 2434 Twenty-fifth ...... 2500 Kossuth ............ 25 4 Twenty-sixth ....•. 2~00 Spring ..... ··' ..•... 2621 Twenty-seventh .. 27CO Napoleon pl.. ...... 2800 Twenty-nrnth ...•. 2901 Swift pl.. .......... 2900 Whitehouse pl. .... 3000 Thirtieth ......•.... 3001 'J.'nirty· first ........ 3100 Thirty-third ....... 3300 Douglas av ......... 3500 'l'hirty-scventh .... 3700 Thirty-eightb ...... 3800 Egan av ....... , .... 3900 Thence s. to abont 8ev-


We rd er (W D.} fr.627 N. Rockwell w. to California av. 1st n. of W. Division.

Wesson (N,D.J fr. ;~9 Chicago av. n. to Di­vision. Even nos. w.s.

Chicago av......... 1 Oak ........•......... 133 Hol.Jbie ........... , .. 159 Elm ................. 187 Division ............ 209

West Water N. (W • D.)fr. 5 W.Randolph n. to Fulton, and fr. 19 w. Kinzie nw. to Indiana. Even nos. w.s.

Ranclolph. ... . . . . . . 1 Lake................ 43 Fulton .•............ J(inzie. ~ .... -. . . . . . . 78 Cook ............... : 110 Indiana ............ .

West Water s. (W. D.J fr. 6 ·w. Raudolph s.to w Madison. Even 110$. "" .s.

Randolph.......... 2 Washington........ 38 Madison............ 76

Western av. N. CW. D.) fr. 1012. W. -Lake n. to City limits. Even

·nos. e.s. Lake................ 2 Walnut.............. 42 Fulton.............. 58 Kinzle .............. 124 Hubbard........... 156 Gran cl av ........... 185 Indiana............ 194 Ohio .....•...•...... 24U Erie .............•.. 2•12 Huron .............. 30fi Superior ............ 388 Chicago av........ 364

· Iowa ................ 424 Augusta ............ 484 Thomas ............. 544 Division ........... 604 Bryson. . . . . . . . . . . . 660 Hirsch .............. 720 Thompson.......... 780 North av ........... 838 Wauansia av ...... 896 Bloomingdale rd.. 956 Upton .............. 976 Moffat ............. 979 Rosebud ........... lUOO Cortland ............ 100~ Homer ............. 1029 Milwan]\ee av .... 1030 Armitage av ....... 1052 Coblentz ............ 1080 Lubeck ........•.... 1108 Frankfort ...•...... 1136 Jefferson ct ........ 113 7 Ham lmrg ....•..... 1164 Edllrooke pl. ...... 1201 Ems ................ 1210 Pleasant pl. ........ 1233 Bren] en ............ 1238 Rhine ............... 1266 Berlin . . . . . . . ..... 1294 Fullerton av ....... 131u L!ll. ............... •· Greenwood av; ...• Montana ........... . StatiOIL ············· Boulevard ......... . R.R. crossing ...•.. Evergreen av ..... . Elsto.u av .......... . Diversey av ....... . The River ......... .

Western av. 'S. (W. D.iand(S.D.Jfr. 1011 -.,y_ Lake s. to about Sixty-fifth Even nos. e.s. to the River and w.s. s. of tile River.

Lake................ 1 Park av............ 21 Washington........ 45 Warren av.......... 69 Madison............ 93 J\-lonroe........ ... . . 125 Wilcox av .......... 151 Adams .............. 179 Jackson ........... 205 Owasco ............. 225 Vanlluren.......... 249 Congress ........... 289 Hanison ........... 323 Flournoy, .......... 353 Lexington .......... 385 Polk ................ 417 Harva1·d.... . . .. . . . 451 Taylor .............. 483 :Fillmore ........... 515 Crenshaw .... ··' ... 545 Twelfth . . . . . . . . .. ... 571 Thirteenth ......... 628 Ogden av ........... 633 Fourteenth . . . . . . . . 683 Fifteenth........... 74 3 Retiecca............ 777 Sixteenth .......... 803 Seventeenth ........ 829 Eighteenth ......... 859 VanHorn ........... 886 Nineteenth ......... 911 Twentieth.......... 937 Twenty-first....... 963


Hinman ... , ........ 989 Twenty-second ..•. 1015 Ambrose ........... 1050 l\Ioore ............•.. 1075 Parmelee ........... 1109 Laughton .......... 1135 l\Iarvin ............. 116~ Coulter ............. 1195 mue Island av ..... 1240 Twenty-sixth., ..•. 1253 The River ......... . Tt1irty-ftrst ........• Thirtv-seconcl ..... Ill. &-l\Iich. eanal.3217 R.R. crossing ..... . Rross av.. .... . .. 3247 Thirty-fourth ..... <HU 1 Douglas av .... · ..... 3500 Thirty-fifth ct .••.. 3537 Tll irty-sixth ....... :3600 R.H. crossing ..... 3641 Thirty-seventli. .. . Archer av .......... 3667 Thirty-eightlll .... . Egan av ............ .

'.!.'hence s. 3 miles.

Weston (N.D.J See lllontana.

Wharf(W.D.) fr.Lum­ber ,e. to the River. 1 blk. lst w. of Stewart av.

Whei<ton(W.D.) fr.N. Reuzie av; w. 1 !ilk. 1st s. of W. Division.

Wl1 i1>vle (W .D.) fr. 170 Colorado av. s. to 1:357 _,y, Van Buren. Even nos. e.s.

Coloraclo av... . . . . 1 ,fa.ckson..... ....... 67 Van Buren ......... 111

White (N. D.) See Locust.

Whitehouse (W.D.) fr. l'l. Kedzie av. w. tr> ll'low1·y av. 1st n. of W. Tllirty-ftrst".

"\Vhitehou~e pl. (S. D.) from 3000 Went­worth av. w. to Stew­art av. Even nos. ll,S.

Wentworth av ..... 428 F fth a\'.......... . . 452 Portland av ........ 476 Shields av .......... 500 Stewart av..... • . . . 5:!0

Whiting (N.D.) tr. >\\" bile. w. of 276 N. Mar­ket e. to ·:!{ Llk. e. of 296 N .. Wells. Even nos. s.s.

l\1arket.... . . . . . . . . 20 Franklin..... . . . . . . 50 Wells. ............. 80 Last No............. 96

Wicl;:er ct. CW. D.) See.Park.

Wieland (N.D) fr. 1:3'1 Schiller n. to 418 North av. -Even nos. e.s.

Schiller........ .... 2 North av ....••••... 114

Wilcox av. (W.D.J fr. 145 S. Oakley av. w. to Sacrameuro av. 2<1 S. of W. l\IatliSOil. Even nos. s.s.

Oakley av,. . . . . . . . 901 'Vestern av ....... 961 Campbell av ....... 1019 Roclnvell .......... lUSl R.R. crossing ...... 1087 Wasl1tenaw av .... 1147 California av ...... 1:!07 J<"rancisco .......•.. 1269 Sacramento nv ..... 1333

"\Vil! CW. D.) fr. 56'/ l\:Tilwaukee av. n. 10 Augusta. Even· nos. w.s.

l\Iilwankee av..... 1 A ugustu.. . . . . . . . . . .. 4 3

Willa rel pl.(W .D.) fr. 361 W. Washington n. to 380 W. Randolph. Even nos. 'v .s

Washington....... l Woocl N.(W;D.Jfr.674· Randolph. 29 1 W. Lake n. to Asylum.

pl. Even nos. e.s. Willim:n (W.D.) See Lake, ....... :....... 2:

'l,il<len. : -'V.alnnt.......... .. .. 26-

William fS.D.) fr. S. Sacra1nento av. \V. to Ketlzie av. 1st & of Thirty-seventh (Brighton station C,& A.R.R.J

William av. (W.D.) fr. (.JeHtral lJark av.\v. to Hamlin av. 1st n.of W. Division.

Willow (N.D.) fr. 491 Larrabee w. to 41:3 Clybourn av.; thence s. w. to Hawthorne av. Even nos. n.s.

J .. arrabee.... . . . . . .. 2 Vine................ 21 Howe ............... 28· Orchard............ 50 Hurling............ 70 Halsted............ 90 Dayton..... . .. . . . . 110 Fremont . . . . . . . . .• 130 Bissell.. ........... 150 Sheffield av ...... l. 174 C1ybour11 av ..... 5 l\Iarcy .............. 198 Hawthorne av ..... 2~0

Wihnot av. (W;D.)fr. 833 N. Rolley w. to N. Hoyne av.; thence n.w. to Armitage av. Even nos. s.s.

Fulton.............. 50> Carroll av.......... 74-KLnzie.. .. .. .. . .. .. . 98· Hulibard ........... 12t; Ferdinand .......... 152· Indiana............ 160 Ashley .............. 185. llhio ............... 206: 1'rie ............... 230> Huron .............. 254-Snperior ........... 27S Vhicago av ........ 302 Rice ....... : .....•.. 333 Clarinda . , . . . . . . . . . 346 Iowa .............•.. 367 Cornelia............ 392 Augusta.·-········· 42&, Emily............... 476·. Thomas ............ 49&: Jane ................ 52(} 1Jivisio11..... .. . . • . 55() Lull pl. ............. 578 lllnc11er ............. 606 Ellen ................ 632 !'ark ................ 639, Milwaukee av ..... 684 Brigham............ 698·· Julian ............. 72!>. Elkgroveav ........ 743. l\IcReynolds . . . . . .. 754> Keenon............. 78(), North av ........... 802 Wabansia av ....... 862·. Bloomingdale rd .. 918 Clybouru pL....... 972 Armitage av ....... 1028. Hervey ............. 1091

Robey··········'··· 1 R.R.crossing ...... 1114 Hoyne av ......... . 55 Asylum pl. ......... 1148.; Bloomingdale rd .. Churchill ......... 115 Leavitt ............ 12:~ Corti a ml............ 181 Oakleyav.;: ....... 197 Armitage av....... ~47

Wilson (W.D.) fr 39 Stewart av. w. to 510 S.Jelferson.Even uos. S.S.

Ste,vart av......... 1 Canal... . . . . . ...... 4T Clinton . . . . .. . . . . . . . 77 Jefferson ........... 109

"\Vilson (at Union stk. yds.) See l!' o r t y -fourth.

\Vinchester av. (W. D.) fr. 'i58 W. l\Iadi­son s. ro 795 W. Polk Even nos. e.s.

Old Ne'"' Nos. Nos.

:Madison...... 1 97 i'.lonroe ........ 31 137 A1hims ........ 61 175 .Jack,on ....... 9.1 213 Van Buren .... 123 253 Congress ..... 145 287 Harrison . [ 149 • 319 Ogden av .. 5 Polk ........... 213

'Viuter (8. D.) See Daslliel.

""\Vinthrop pl, (W.D.) fr. 522 W. J:'ollr s. to 567 W. •.raylor. Even nos. c.s.

Poll<................ 1 Taylor.............. 81

Wi,.consin (N.D.) fr. 819 N.Clark IV. to 572 La.rrabee. -Even nos. n.s.

Cl:irlc...... ....... .. 2 North l'ark av..... 23 Lincoln av......... 30 Lonergan .-. . . . . . . . . 44 Hammontl...... .... 53 Se1l~wick.......... 74 Hunson av......... 94 Hurlbut ............ 114 MohaWlL ........... 1;34 L~rrabee ........... 15:!

"\Volfrmn (ND.) fr. N. Ashland av. e. to Herndon.and fr.Shef­field av.to N. Halsted." 1st 11. of Diverscy av.

Wood,S.(W.D.Jfr. 675 W. Lake s, to the River. Even nos. e.s.

Lake................ 1 Park av............ 25

· Washington........ 49 Warren av......... 73 l\Iadison.... ........ 97· Ogden pl........... 128 Monroe ..... -·...... 137 · Adams ............ 179 · 111atllew ..... , . . . . .. 198 Jackson............ 219 Ogden av ........... 241 VanBuren .......... 247 · Congress........... 281 Harrison........... 30!l York ................ 348 Polk ................ 381> Taylor .............. 46<> Selden .............. 493 Yeaton .............. 521 Twelfth ............ 541 Th irteenti1 pl. ..... 563 Thirteenth.... . . . . 589 Hastings............ 615 Fourteenth........ 641 Henry.... . ....... 676. Fifteenth . . . . . . . . . . 701 Rebecca............ 734 R.R. crossing ...... 739 Sixteenth . . . . . . . . . . 751 Sevcnteentl1., ...... 786. Eighteciith ........ 811 VanHorn ........... 846. Nineteenth ....... 871 Twentieth .......... 897 Twenty-first ....... 923 Hinman ............ 957 · Twen ty-secoml. . . . 983 . Ambrose ........... 1009 l\Ioore ............. , 1031 Blue ls land av .... 1035. Tile River ......... .

Woodbine pl.(W.D.J · fr. 357 S. Leavitt w. to S. Oakley av. Nos .. on n.s. only. Odd 1-tiL ..

Woocllandav.(W.D.) · fr. Douglas Park IJoul. s. to W. Sixteenth. 1st w. of Central Park av ..

Woodland Park (S. D;) fr. 3411 Cottage . Grove av. e, 1 lllk.

'°\Voocllawn av.(S.D.}' : fr. Lake av. nr. For­

ty-fourth. s. through .. Town of Hyde Park ..


Yager S. (W.D.) see All.>any av. S.

Wright(W.D.)fr 115 Stewart av. w. to 5j"O s. Morgan, thence )6' IJ!k. Even nos. s.s.

Stewart av......... 1 {lanai........ . . . . . .. 41 Jefferson........... 99

Wriltht (W.D.) fr. 99 w. North av. n. amr nw. to Wabansia av. Even n-0s. e.s.

North av........... 2 Rawson ............ 42

. .Yancey (W. D.) fr. 15:32 llenesee av. e. to Mowry 1 blk.

lUats.hfield av...... 591 Paul ma . . . . . . . . •. . . 613 ~ermitage av .••... 63f>

ood .............. . Yorktown (S.D.) fr·

Bross av. s.to Thirty­ftfth ct. 3cl e. of s. Western av. Union .............. 161

Halstecl.. ........... 195 Newberry av ..•... 215 Johnson ........•... 237 Brown ........•..... 257 J.l-1organ.... .. .. .. .. 279 Last No ............ 29:3

Wahansia av....... 76

Wrightwond av. (N. D.) fr. Ashland av. e. to N. Clark, 3 blks. n. of City limits.

Yager N. (W.D.) See Alhany·av. 1-i.

Yeaton <W.D.J fr. 513 S. Wood w. to S.I ',in-coin 1 1.Jlk. I ·

I ,'. 1 York (W.D.) fr.: 1' '

Laflin w. to S. >I . ·-... :L Even nos. s.s. \

Laflin ...........•... Ashland av ..•......

Zion pl. (W.D. l fr.633 Throop w. to Loomis 1st s. of W. Eigh­~eenth. Even nos.n;s.

T roop............. 2 ~oom1s............. 46



Austin av. (W. D.) formerly Hubbard from 152 N. Jefferson w. to Seymour av. Even• nos. ss.

Beethoven pl. (N. D.) formerly Granger, fr. 281 Sedgwicke. to Wells. Evell nos. ss. Chappell pl. (S. D.) from Forty-thirds. to Forty-sixth bet. Egandale and Greenwood avs .. Chestnut pl. (N .. D.) fr. 417 Chestnut nw. to Walton pl. · Commercial (N. D.) fr. 1259 N. Paulina nw. and n. 2 blks. Ellis av. (S. D.) formerly Egandale av. fr. Forty-third s. 2d east of Cottage Grove av. En1erson av.(W. D.) formerly Ashley; fr. 177 N.vVood w to N. Leavitt. Even nos. ns •. Francis pl. (W. D..) fr. N. California av. ne. to Point. lst n. of Armitage av. Gross av. N. (W. D.) (See N. Talman av. n. of vV. North av.) Gross Parkway (W. D.) fr. 573 N. Western av. w. to Rockwell Gross Terrace (W. D.) fr. vV. Madison s. to Colorado av. Ist w. of Sacramento av. Honore (:5. D.) fr. Douglas av. s. to Egan av. 1st w. of Beers. Even nos. ws. Huber (N. D.) fr. Racine av. w. to Herndon, Ist n. of Belden av. J{emper pl. (N. D.) fr. 462 Orchard e. to Larrabee. Even rios. ns. Orchard 1, last no. 25~ Illinois av. (S. D.) fr. 761 Thirty-seconds. to Thirty-third, I blk. !St w. of s. Halsted :Morgan pl. (vV. D.) fr. 143 S. Morgan w. to.Aberdeen l blk. l\'Iyrtle av. (W. D.) fr. Milwaukee av. n. 6 blks. 1st w. of Hoffman av. Paulina N. (N. D.) fr. 892 Clybourn av. n. to Diversey av. Even nos. es. Pa1Llina S. (S. D.) (also called Jones) fr. 3183 Archer' av. s. to Egan av. Even nos. es. Thirtieth (:5. D.) also runs fr. 2956 South Park av. w. to Prairie av. (This part of 30th was .

formerly Gano st.) Thirty-second ct. (S. D.) fr. 32n Cottage Grove av. e. to the Lake Twenty-fourth pl. (S. D.) formerly McGregor, fr. 2447 Archer av. e. to 2424 \.Vent-.

worth av. Even nos. ns. Archer av., vVallace 55, Butler 85, Hanover n5, Stewart av. 145, Portland av. 187, Wentworth av. 241

•.rwentymtifth pl. (S. D.) formerly Kossuth, fr. 2527 S. Halsted e. to 2524 \Ventworth av. Even nos. ns. Halsted I, Emerald av. 17, Sanger 53, Wallace 91, Butler 123, Hanover r53, Stewart av. 183, Portland av. 223, "Wentworth av. 275

Twenty-seconcl pl. (S. D,) formerly Finnell, fr. 2233 Arch.er av. e. to 2220 ·weutworth. av. Even nos. ns. Archer av. I, Portland av. 31, Wentworth av. 85

Twenty-thircl pl. (S. D.) fr. 2324 vVentworth av. w.to Archer av. Even nos. ns. Went-worth av. 94, Portland av. 150, Stewart av. 190, Hanover 220, Archer av. 258 ·

Uhland (N. D.) formerly "Butterfield al. fr. IS I Clybourn av. sw. and w. to rear 585 N ... Halsted

Washington boul. CW. D.) formerly Vv. Washington, from 33 S. Halsted w. to city·: limits. Even nos. ss.

Wright pl. (vV .. D.) fr. 39 Grand av. n. to 820 W. Huron. Even nos. es.


Ashley (W. D.) now Emerson av. Bushnell (S. D.) now Twenty-third pl. Buttel'fielcl al. (N. D.) now Uhland Egandale av. (S. D.) now Ellis av. Everg-reen pl. (W. D.) now Campbell Park Finnell (S. lJ.) now Twenty-second pl. Gano (S. D.) now Thirtieth (bet. South Park

and Prairie avs.)

Granger (N. D.) now Beethoven. pl. Hubbarcl(W. D.) now Austin av. J{.ossutll (:>. D.) now Twenty-fifth pl. J'l-'IcGreg·or(S . .Q.) now Twenty-fourth pl. "\Vashing·ton W. (W. D.) w. of .Hal- -

sted, now ·w ashington bo.111. Woodbine pl. (W. D.) now Campbell.


Randolph.......... 1 Lake................ 43 Fulton ............. . Kinzie .. o. •• •• • • • • • '78 Cook ............... : 110 Indiana ............ .

West Water s. cw. D.J fr. 6 W. Ra11(lolph s. to w Madison. Even nos. "\\·.s.

Rantlolph.......... 2 Washington........ 38 Madison............ 76

Western av. N. (W. D.J fr. 1012 w .. Lake n. to City limits. Even

·nos. e.s. Lake................ 2 Walnut.,......... . 42 Fulton ............ :. ti8 Kinzie .............. 124 Hubbard ........... 156 Gran cl av........... 185 Indiana ............ 194 Ohio ................ 24U Er1e ................ 272 Huron .............. 306 Superior ............ 3'38 Chicago av ........ 364 Iowa ................ 424 Angusta ............ 484 Thomas ........... ,. 544 Division ........... 604 Bryson ............ 660 Hirsch .............. 720 Thompson.......... 780 Nort11 av ........... 838 Wabansia av ...... 896 Bloomingdale rd.. 956 Upton .............. 976 Molfat ............. 979 Rosebud ........... lUOO Cortland ............ lOOo Homer ............. 10~9 Mllwau)\ee av .... 1030 Armitage av ....... 1052 Coblentz ............ 1080 Lubeck ............. 1108 Frankfort .......... 1136 J elferson ct .. : ..... 1137 Hamburg .......... 1164 Edbrooke pl.. ..... 1201 Ems ................ 1210 Pleasant pl. ..... ; .. 1233 Bremen ............ 1238 Rhine ............... 1266 Berlin . . . . . . . ..... 1294 Fullerton av ....... 1311.i Lill. ................ . Greenwood av .... . Montana ..........•.

·Station ............. . Boulevard ......... . RR. crossing ..... . Evergreen av ..... . Elston av .......... . Diversey av ....... . The River ......... .

Western av. 'S. CW. D.1and(S.D.Jfr. 1011 W. Lake s. to about Sixty-fifth Even nos. e.s. to tile R1 ver and w.s. s. of the River.

Lake................ 1 Park av............ 21 Washington........ 45 Warren av.......... 69 Madison............ 93 Monroe ............. 125 Wilcox av .......... 151 Adams .... , ......... 179 Jackson............ 205 Owasco ............. 225 VanBureu .......... 249 Congress ........... 289 Harrison ........... 323 Flournoy ........... 353 Lexington .......... 385 Polk ................ 417 Harvard ........... 451 Taylor .............. 483 Fillmore ........... 515 Crenshaw .......... 545 Twelfth . . .. . . . . . . . . 571 ThiTteenth ....... :. 628 Ogden av ........... 63::! Fourteenth........ 683 Fifteenth ........... 743 Rebecca............ 777 Sixteenth .......... 803 Seventeenth ........ 829 Eighteenth ......... 859 VanHorn ........... 886 Nineteenth ......... 911 Twentieth .......... 937 'Cwenty-first....... 963

Hinman ............ 989 Twenty-secoml. ... 1015 Ambrose ........... 1050 l\foore ............... 1075 Parmelee ........... 1109 Laughton .......... 1135 l\farvin ............. 116!1 Coulter ............. 1195 Blue Island av ..... 1240 Twenty-sixth ...... 1253 The River ......... . Tnirty-first_, ..... .. rrhirt:r-second .... . 111. & lliich. canal.3217 R.R. crossing ..... . Bross av.. . . . . . .. 3247 Tliirty-fourtll ..... iHU 1 Douglas av .... · ..... 3500 'l'hirty-fifth ct ..... 3537 'l'llirty-sixth ....... :~600 R. R. crossing ..... 3641 Thirty-seventh ... . Archer av .......... 3667 Thirty-eighthi .... . Egan av ............ .

Thence s. 3 miles.

Weston (N.D.) See l\fontana.

Wharf(\V. D.) fr.Lum­ber oe. to the River. 1 bile 1st w. of Stewart av.

Wheaton(W.D.) fr.N. Kedzie av. ·w. l hlk. 1st s. of W. Division.

·w11ipvle cw.D.J tr. 170 Glilorado av. s. to 1:357 W. Yan Buren. Even nos. e.s.

Coloraclo av....... 1 Ja.ckson...... .. . . . . 67 Yan Buren ......... 111

White (N. D.) See Locust.

Whitehouse (W.D.) fr. :S. Kedzie av. ,v. to l'ilowry av. 1st n. uf W. Tllirty-first",

"\Vhitehou•e pl. (S. D.) from ::1000 Went­worth >W. w. to Stew­art av. Even nos. 11,s.

Wentworth av ..... 428 l!' ftll av ............ 452 Portlarnl av ........ 476 Shields av.......... 500 Stewart av ......... 520

Whiting (N.D.) tr.14 hilt. w. of 276 N. Mar­ket e. to ~ blk. e. of 296 N. Wells. Even nos. s.s.

111arket.... . . . . . . . . 20 Franklin..... .. .. . . 50 Wells. . ....... ..... 80 Last No............. 96

Wiclrnr ct. CW. D.i See.Park.

Wielaucl(N.D) fr. 13'1" Sclliller n. to 418 :.N"orth av. Even nos. e.s.

Schiller........ .... 2 North av ........... 114

Wilcox av. (W.D.) fr. 145 s. Oakley av. w. to Sacra1ncnto av. 2Ll s. of W. l\Iacliso11. Even nos. s.s. .

Oakley av ......... 901 Western av ....... 961 Camp hell av ....... 1019 Hockwell. ......... 1U81 R lt. Cl"OSSing ...... 1087 ·washtenaw av .... 11•17 Californi<t ;1,v ...... 1207 l!'rancisco .......•.. 1269 Sacramento av ..... 13a3

Will (W.D.) fr. 56'/ J\TiJwaukce av. n. to Augusta. Even nos. w.s.

l\Iilwankee av..... 1 Augusta............ 43

Willard pl.(W.D.) fr. 361 W. Washington n. to 380 W. Randolph. Even nos. w.s


Washington....... 1 Randolph. .. .. . . . . 29

William (W.D.) See Tilden.

William (S.D.) fr. S. Sacra1nento av. \V. to Kellzie av. 1st s, of Tl1irty-seventh (Brighton station C,& A.R.R.)

William av. CW.D.) fr. Central Park av. \V. to Hamlin av.1st n.of W. Division.

Willow (N.D.) fr. 491 Larrahee w. to 41:3 Clybourn av.; thence s.w. to Hawthorne av:. Even nos. n.s.

Larrabee........... 2 Vine................ 21 Howe ............... 28· Orcharcl............ 50 Burling............ 70 .Halsted............ 90 Dayton ............ 110 Fremont .......... 130 llissell............ . 150 Sheflielcl av ...... l. 174 Clybouri• av ..... 5 Marcy.............. 198 Hawthorne av ..... 2~0

Wilmot av .. (W.D.)fr. 833 N. Robey w. to N. Hoyne av.; thence n.w. to Armitage av. Even nos. s.s.

Robey.............. 1 Hoyne av.......... 55 Bloomingdale rel.. Churchill ......... 115 Leavitt ............ 12::1 Cortlancl... .... . . . . . 18 l Oakleyav ... : ...... 197 Armitage av ....... ~47

Wilson (W.D.) fr 39 Stewart av. w. to 510 S.Jetrerson.Even nos. s.s.

Ste,vart av......... 1 Canal... . .. . . ...... 47 Clinton............. 77 Je!Ierson ........... 109

"\Vilson (at Union stk. yds.) See l' o rt y -fourth.

\Vinchester av. (W. D.J fr. '/58 W. Madi­son s. to 795 W. Polk Even nos. e.s.

Olil New Nos. No~.

:IIadison...... 1 97 i>lunroe ........ 31 137 Acl:m1s ........ 61 175 .Jack,on ....... !ll 213 Vanlluren .... 123 253 Congress ..... 145 287 Harrison. l. 149 • 319 Ogden av .. 5 Polk ........... 213

"\Vinter (S. D.) See l'.>ashiel.

"\Vintlnon pl, (W.D.) fr. 522 ,'? . .Polk s. to 567 W. Taylor. Even no::.. c.s.

Poll'................ 1 Taylor .......... ···' 81

Wi,.consin (N.D.) fr. 819 N.Clark w. to 572 Lana bee. Even uos. n.s.

Clari<................ 2 North Par!;: av..... 23 Lincol11 av......... 30 Lonergan . . . . .. . . . . 44 Hammond.......... 53 Sedgwick.......... 74 Hucrson av......... 94 Hurlbut ............ 114 .i\lohawic ........... 134 L~rrabee ........... 152

"\Volfra1n (ND.) fr. N. Ashlancl av. e. to Het·nclon,ancl fr.Shef­field av .to N. Halstea; 1st n.of Diverscy av.

W.oo<l N .(W:D. )fr.674· )V.. Lake n. to Asylum pl. Even nos. e.s.

Lake ........ :....... 2: · .w:aJnut.. ......... .. 26-

Fulton............... 50: Carroll av.......... 74 Kinzie.............. 93. Hubbard ........... 128 Ferdinand .......... 152· Indiana ............. 16(} Ashley .............. 185-. Ohio ............... 206. Erie ............... 230'· Huron .............. 254 ~.uperior ........... 278 0h1cago av ........ 302. Rice ....... : . . . . .. . . 333. Clarinlla . . . . .. . . . . . 346· Iowa .............•.. 367 Cornelia............ 392 Augusta.·-......... 428, ~mily ............... 476·. lhomas ............ 493: Jane ................ 520 llivision... .. . . .. .. 55()c Lull pl. ............. 578 lllucher ............. 60& Ellen ................ 632 Park ................ 639· Milwaukee av ..... 684 Brigham............ 698>, Juhan........ . . . . . 726, Elkgroveav ........ 743, i\IcReynolds..... .. 754; Keen on............. 78()c, North av ........... 802 Wahansia av ....... 862, Bloomingrlalc rd .. 918. Clybourn 111. ....... 972 Armitageav ....... 1028·· Hervey ............. 10g1 R.R. crossing ...... 1114 Asylum pl. ......... 1148.•

Wood,S.(W.D.)fr. 675 W. Lake s, to the River. Even nos. e.s,

Lake................ 1 Par!{ av............ 25 Washington........ 49 Warren av.......... 73. l\Iadison. .. . ... . .. .. 97 Ogclen pl . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Monroe............. 137 · Adams . . . . . . . . . . .. 179 · Mathew ............ 198 Jackson ............ 219 Ogden av ........... 241 VanBuren .......... 247 · Congress ........... 281 Harrison........... 30!1 York ................ 348 Polk ................ 385· Taylor .............. 465-Selden .............. 493. Yeaton .............. 521 Twelfth . . . . . . ... . . . 541 Thirteenth pl. ..... 563 Thirteenth ........ 589 Hastings ............ 61:> Fourteeuth ........ 641 Henry.... . ....... 676. Fifteenth .......... 701 Rebecca............ 734 R.R. crossing...... 739 Sixteenth . . . . . . . . . . 751 Seventeenth., ...... 786, Eighteenth ........ 811 Van Horn........ . . . 846 . Nineteenth ....... 871 Twentieth .......... 897 · Twenty-first ....... 923 Hinman ............ 957 · Twenty-seconcl. ... 983 . Ambrose ........... 1009 .i\Ioore ............. , 1031 Blue Island av .... 1035. Tile River ......... .

Woodbine pl.(W.D.) fr. 35'/ S. Leavitt w. to S. Oakley av. Nos .. on n.s. only. Q(ld F61. ..

Woodland av .(W.D.) · fr. Douglas .Park boul. s. to W. Sixteenth. 1st w. ofCentralPark av ..

Woodland Park (S . D.) fr. 3411 Cottage Grove av. e, 1 blk.

'"\Voodlawn av.(S.D.) ·. · fr. Lake av. nr. l'or­

·tycfounth. s. through .. 'l'own of Hyde .Park.

Wright(W.D.)fr 115 Stewart av. w. to 570 S. Morgan, thence );; lllk. Even nos. s.s.

Stewart av......... 1 (!;i.nal. ......... ,.... 41 Jefferson........... 99 Union .............. 101 Halsted., ........... 195 Newherry av ...... 21!> Johnson ............ 237 Brown .............. 257 l\1organ.... . . . .. . . . 279 Last No ............ 293

Wri;:-ht (W.D.) fr. 99 W. North av. n. and nw. to Wabansia av. Even n-0s. e.s.

North av........... 2 Rawson............ 42 Wabansia av....... 76 Wri~btwood 11.v. (N.

D.)fr. Ashland av. e. to N. Clark, 3 bl ks. 11. of City limits.

Yager N. (W.D.) See Albany av. N.

Yager S. (W.D.) see AllJany av. S.

,Yancey (W. D.) fr. 1532 Genesee av. e. to Mowry 1 blk.

Yeaton (W.D.) fr. 513 S. Woocl w. to s:Lin­coln 1 lilk.

York (W.D.) fr. 171 Laflin w. to S. Wood. Even nos. s.s.

Laflin .............. . Ashland av ........ .

Marshfield av ...... 591 Paulina........... 613 Hermitage av ..... : 63f> •vood ............. .. Yorktown (S.D.J fr·

Bross av. s.to Thirty­fifth ct. 3cl e. of s. Western av.

Zion pl. (W.D. l fr.633 Throop w. to Loomis 1st s. or w. Eigh­

"'hteenth. Even nos.n.s. i roop.... ... . .. . . . 2 Loomis ............. 46



Austin av. (W. D.) formerly Hubbard from 152 N. Jefferson w. to Seymour av. Even. nos. ss.

Beethoven pl. (N. D.) formerly Granger, fr. 281 Sedgwick e. to Wells. Even nos. ss. Chappell pl. (S. D.) from Forty-thirds. to Forty-sixth bet Egandale and Greenwood avs,_ Chestnut pl. (N. D.) fr. 417 Chestnut nw. to Walton pl. Com.mercial (N. D.) fr. 1259 N. Paulina nw. and n. 2 blks. Ellis av. (S. D.) formerly Egandale av. fr. Forty-thirds. 2d east.of Cottage Grove av. Em.erson av. (vV. D.) formerly Ashley, fr. 177 N. vVood w to N. Leavitt. ·Even nos. ns •. Francis pl. (W. D.) fr. N. California av. ne. to Point. Ist n. of Armitage av. Gross av. N. (W. D.) (See N. Talman av. n. of W. North av.) Gross Parkway (W. D.) fr. 573 N. Western av. w. to Rockwell Gross Terrace (W. D.) fr. vV. Madison s. to Colorado av. lst w. of ~acramento av. Honore (:::i. D.) fr. Douglas av. s. to Egan av. 1st w. of Beers. Even nos. ws. Huber (N. D.) fr. Racine av. w. to Herndon, 1st n. of Belden av. l\:.en1per pl, (N. I>.) fr. 462 Orchard e. to Larrabee. Even nos. ns. Orchard I, last no. 25~ Illinois av. (S. D.) fr. 761 Thirty-seconds. to Thirty-third, l blk. 1st w. of S. Halsted Morgan pl. (W. D.) fr. t43 S. Morgan w. to.Aberdeen l blk. JUyrtle av, (W. D.) fr. Milwaukee av. n. 6 blks. rst w. of Hoffman av. Paulina N. (N. D.) fr. 892 Clybourn av. n. to Diversey av. Even nos. es. Paulina S. (S. D.) (also called Jones) fr. 3183 Archer av. s. to Egan av. Even nos. es. Thirtieth (:::i. D.) also runs fr. 2956 South Park av. w. to Prairie av. (This part of 30th was.

formerly Gano st.) Thirty-seconcl ct. (S. D.) fr. 3211 Cottage Grove av. e. to the Lake Twenty-fourth pl. (S. D.) formerly McGregor, fr. 2447 Archer av. e. to 2424 Went-.

worth av. Even nos. ns. Archer av., vVallace 55 1 Butler 85, Hanover IIS, Stewart av. 145, Portland av. 187, Wentworth av. 241

•.rwentymtifth pl. (S. D.) formerly Kossuth, fr. 2527 S. Halsted e. to 2524 Wentworth av. Even nos. ns. Halsted I, Emerald av. 17, Sanger 53, ·wallace gr, Butler 123,. Hanover 153, Stewart av. 183, Portland av. 2231 Wentworth av. 275

Twenty-seconcl pl. (S. D,) formerly Finnell, fr. 2233 Archer av. e. to 2220 Wentworth, av. Even nos. ns. Archer av; I, Portland av. 31, Wentworth av. 85

Twenty-third pl. (S. D.) fr. 2324 Wentworth av. w. to Archer av. Even nos. ns. Went--worth av. 94, Portland av. 150, Stewart av. Igo. Hanover 2201 Archer av. 258 . ·

Uhlancl (N. D.) formerly Butterfield al. fr. 151 Clybourn av. sw. and w. to rear 585 N ... Halsted

Washington boul! (vV. D.) formerly W. Washington, from 33 S. Halsted w. to city·:

. limits. Even nos. ss. . Wrig·ht pl. (W .. D.) fr. 39 Grand av. n. to 820 W. Huron. Even nos. es.


Ashley (\V. D.) now Emerson av. Bushnell (S. D.) now Twenty-third pl. Buttel"fielcl al. (N. D.) now Uhland Eganclale av. (S. D.) now Ellis av. Evergreen pl. (W. D.) now Campbell Park Finnell (S. D.) now Twenty-second pl. Gano (S. D.) now Thirtieth (beL South Park·

and Prairie avs.)

Grange1· (N. D.) now Beethoven pl. Hubbar<l (W. D.) now Austin av.

· J{.ossuth (::i. D.) now Twenty-fifth pl. D'IcGreg·or (S. D.) now Twenty-fqurth pl. "\Vashing·ton W. (W. D.) w. of .Hal-·

sted, now Washington bo.ul. Woodbine pl. (W. D.J now Campbell ,




Austin ._v: (W. D.)formerly Hubbard from 152 N. Jefferson w. to Seymour av. Even nos. ss.

Beethoven pl • .(N. D.) formerly Granger, fr. 281 Sedgwick e. to Wells. Even nos. ss . . Chappell pl. (S. D.) from Forty-third s. to Forty-sixth bet: Egandale and Greenwood avs. Chestnut I>l. (N. D.)fr. 417 Chestnut nw. to Walton pl. Conunercial (N. D.) fr. 1259 N. Paulina nw. and n. 2 blks. Ellis av. (S. D.) formerly Egandale av. fr. Forty-thirds. 2d east of Cottage Grove av. E1uerson av. {W. D.) formerly Ashley, fr. 177 N. Wood w to N. Leavitt. Even nos. ns. F1·aucis pl. (W. D.) fr. N. California av. ne. to Point. lst n. of Armitage av. Gross av. N. (W. D.) (See N. Talman av. n. of W. North av.) Gross Parkway (W. D.) fr. 573 N. Western av. w. to Rockwell Gr-0ss 'rcrrace (W. D.) fr. vV. Madison s. to Colorado av. 1st w. of ~acramento av. Honore (S. D.) fr. Douglas av. s. to Egan av. 1st w. of Beers. Even nos. ws. Huber (N. D.) fr. Racine av; w. to Herndon, 1st 11. of Belden av.

Ke1nper pl, (N. D.) fr. 462 Orchard e. to Larrabee. Even nos. ns. Orchard 1, last no, 25 Illinois av. (S. D.) fr. 761 Thirty-s~cond s. to Thirty-third, 1 blk. lst w. of S. Halsted Morgan pl. (W. D.) fr. 143 S. Morgan w. to Aberdeen 1 blk. ]}Jyrtlc av. CW. D.) fr. Milwaukee av. 11. 6 blks. 1st w. of Hoffman av. Paulina N. (N. D.) fr. 892 C!ybourn av. n, to Diversey av. Even nos. es. Paulina S. (S. D.) (also called Jones) fr; 3183 Archer av. s. to Egan av. Even nos. es. Thirtieth (s. D.) also runs fr. 2956 South Park av." w. to Prairie av. (This part of 30th was

formerly Gano st.)

Thirty-second ct. (S. D.) fr. 32II Cottage Grove av. e. to the Lake

Twenty-fourth pl, (S. D.) formerly McGregor, fr. 2447 Archer av. e. to 2424 Went­worth av. Even nos. ns. Archer av., ·wallace 551 Butler 85, Hanover u5, Stewart av, 145, Portland av. 187, Wentworth av. 241

Twenty•fifth pl. (S. D.) formerly Kossuth, fr. 2527 S. Halsted e. to 2524 Wentworth av. Even nos. ns. Halsted 1, Emerald av. 17, Sanger 53, \Vallace 91, Butler 123, Hanover 153, Stewart av. 183, Portla~d ~v. 223, Wentworth av. 275

Twenty-second pl. (S. D.) formerly Finnell, fr. 2233 Archer av. e. to .2220 Wenhvorth av. Even nos. ns. Archer av, l, Portland av. 3r, Wentworth av. 85

Twenty-third pl. (S. D.) fr. 2324 Wentworth av. w. to Archer av, Even nos. ns. Went­worth av. 94, Portland av. 150, Stewart av. 190, Hanover 220, Archer av. 258

Uhland (N. D.) formerly Butterfield al. fr. 151 Clybourn av. sw. and w. to rear 585 N. Halsted 1

Washington boul. CW. D.) formerly W. Washington, from 33 S. Halsted w. to city limits. Even nos. ss.

Wrig·ht pl. (W. D.) fr. 39 Grand av. n. to 820 W. Huron. Even nos. es.


Ashley (vY. D.) now Emerson av • .Bushnell (S. D.) now Twenty-third pl. Buttei·field al. (N. D.) now Uhland Egandale av. (S. D.) now Ellis av. Evergreen pl. (W. D.) now Campbell Park Finnell (S. D.) now Twenty-second pl. Gano (S. D.) now Thirtieth (bet. South Park

and Prairie avs.)

G1·anger (N. D.) now Beethoven pl. Hubbard (W. p.) now Austin av. Kossuth{S. D.) now Twenty-fifth pl. McGreg·or (S. D.) now Twenty-fourth pl. Washington W. (W. D.) w. of Hal-

sted, now Washington boul.

Woodbine pl. (W. D.) now Campbell Park


(PATE.NTED, NOV. 13, 1883.)

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