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660MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant

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660MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) October 2015 Rotan Power Limited
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660MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant

Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

October 2015

Rotan Power Limited

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357718 PWR PHR 01 A

C:\Users\sto29582\Documents\Takoradi LNG\Rotan Power CCGT SEP v3_Final for disclosure.docx

30 October 2015

660MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant

Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

660MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant

Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

October 2015

Rotan Power Limited

P.O. Box CT 6218 Cantonments Accra Ghana

Mott MacDonald, Victory House, Trafalgar Place, Brighton BN1 4FY, United Kingdom

T +44 (0)1273 365 000 F +44(0) 1273 365 100 W www.mottmac.com

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660MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

Revision Date Originator Checker Approver Description

A 18 Sep 2015 P. Gouws M. Rowan M. Rowan First draft SEP

B 16 Oct 2015 P. Gouws M. Rowan I. Scott Second draft SEP

C 29 Oct 2015 P. Gouws M. Rowan N. Stone Final for disclosure

Issue and revision record

Information class: Standard

This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the above-captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose.

We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties.

This document contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other parties without consent from us and from the party which commissioned it.

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660MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

Chapter Title Page

Glossary of Terms i

1 Introduction 1

2 Project Location and Description 2

3 National and International Regulatory Requirements 8

4 Summary of Previous Stakeholder Engagement 10

5 Stakeholder Identification and Analysis 11

6 Stakeholder Engagement Activities 15

7 Implementation Timescales and Responsibilities 19

8 Project Grievance Mechanism 21

9 Documentation, Monitoring and Reporting 24

Appendices 25

Appendix A. Grievance Registration Form _________________________________________________________ 26 Appendix B. Record of Meetings ________________________________________________________________ 27


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660MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

Term Definitions in line with International Finance Corporation (IFC) Good Practice Handbook on Stakeholder Engagement (2007) and Performance Standards

Consultation Consultation is a two-way process of dialogue between the project company and its stakeholders. Stakeholder consultation is about initiating and sustaining constructive external relationships over time.

Grievance Mechanism

Procedure provided by a project to receive and facilitate resolution of affected communities’ concerns and grievances about the project’s environmental and social performance.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

A forward-looking instrument that is able to proactively advise decision-makers on what might happen if a proposed activity is implemented. Impacts are changes that have environmental, political, economic or social significance to society. Impacts may be positive or negative and may affect the environment, communities, human health and well-being, desired sustainability objectives, or a combination of these.

Information Disclosure

Disclosure means making information accessible to interested and affected parties (stakeholders). Communicating information in a manner that is understandable to stakeholders is an important first and ongoing step in the process of stakeholder engagement. Information should be disclosed in advance of all other engagement activities, from consultation and informed participation to negotiation and resolution of grievances. This will make engagement more constructive.

Stakeholders Stakeholders are persons or groups who are directly or indirectly affected by a project, as well as those who may have interests in a project or the ability to influence its outcome, either positively or negatively.

Glossary of Terms

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1.1 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Overview

Rotan Power Limited (the Project Proponent) is developing a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) gas fired

power plant (henceforth referred to as the ‘Project’) in Takoradi, Ghana. The proposed Project is in the

planning phase and an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is under preparation.

This document is the Project’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP). The purpose of the SEP is to

manage stakeholder engagement activities for the lifetime of the Project. It has been prepared in line with

the laws of the Government of Ghana (GoG) and the requirements of international lenders, typified by the

International Finance Corporation (IFC).

The Project has been identified as being a Category A project which means that it could result in potentially

significant and diverse adverse future environmental and/or social impacts. Stakeholder engagement has

been planned in line with IFC requirements for Category A projects specifically.

This SEP orients information disclosure, consultation and engagement processes so that stakeholders can

best contribute to the Project. The SEP proposes how to engage with stakeholders in ways that enhance

the understanding of the Project and its anticipated impacts amongst interested and affected parties. The

SEP aims to provide adequate and timely information to affected communities and other stakeholders, and

to give these groups sufficient opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns.

The structure of this SEP is:

� Chapter 2: Project location and description

� Chapter 3: Summary of Ghanaian legal requirements and international requirements for consultation

and disclosure

� Chapter 4: Summary of previous stakeholder engagement

� Chapter 5: Stakeholder identification and analysis

� Chapter 6: Stakeholder engagement activities

� Chapter 7: Implementation timescales and responsibilities

� Chapter 8: Project grievance mechanism

� Chapter 9: Monitoring and reporting

More details about the Project are provided in the following section.

1 Introduction

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2.1 Overview

The proposed Project is located on the southwest coast of Ghana approximately 15km north east of the

towns of Sekondi and Takoradi and approximately 250km west of Accra. The nearest settlement is the

village of Aboadze located less than two kilometres east of the site. Approximately 25 acres of land has

been acquired for the Project.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study is required to obtain approval from the Ghana

Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA) to proceed with the proposed Project. The EIA requirements for

Ghanaian approval are encapsulated in the ESIA which is currently under preparation. One set of

documentation is being produced to satisfy both Ghanaian legislative requirements and the requirements

of any international lenders.

2.2 Project Location

The proposed Project site is located near the town of Aboadze, within the Aboadze Power Enclave (APE)

that has been designated as a power enclave by the GoG. A number of concessions have been granted to

private power generation investors to develop thermal power plants in the TEE.

Aboadze is located on the south eastern end of the Shama District. The district was established through a

Legislative instrument (LI. 1882) in 2007 and gained administrative independence from the Shama Ahanta

East Metropolitan Assembly (SAEMA). The Shama District is bordered to the west by the Sekondi

Takoradi Metropolitan Area, to the east by the Komenda – Edina – Eguafo – Abrem District, to the north by

the Mpohor Wassa East District, and to the south by the Gulf of Guinea. The district covers an area of

215 km2.

The Project is located on the coast adjacent to the beach and above the high tide line and is currently

undeveloped, except for two disused buildings on the site. There is a small stand of coconut trees at the

western extent of the site. To the east of the proposed Project site the Volta River Authority (VRA) is

operating the existing T1 and T3 thermal power plants whilst T2 has been recently modified to a combined

cycle configuration by the Takoradi International Company. Figure 2.1 below shows the location of the

Project in relation to the existing Takoradi power plant.

2 Project Location and Description

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Figure 2.1: Project Location to the west of the existing VRA plants

Source: Rotan Power

The Project includes the construction of a gas pipeline to enable the power station to be supplied from

either the Ghana Gas gas station at Takoradi or the West African Gas Pipeline. The route of this buried

gas pipeline is shown on Figure 2.2. The route of the line from the Ghana Gas gas station is undeveloped.

It will be along low lying land for approximately 3km before making a connection into the Project. The land

is characterised by long grasses, sparse clusters of small shrubs and trees, and large pools of water on

account of the low lying nature of the land.

An alternate fuel supply may be by means of the re-gasification of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). The off-

shore Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) ship and a submarine gas pipeline bringing the re-

gasified LNG to the power plant site are the subject of a separate ESIA, but the likely route of the

submarine pipeline to the power station site is shown on Figure 2.1.

The 330kV overhead transmission line will traverse from an indoor gas insulated switchgear (GIS)

substation which will be built on the power station site at the northern extent of the site into the existing

GRIDCo Aboadze substation lying to the north-east and within the existing VRA power plant site. The

overhead transmission line will be approximately 500m in length and the environmental setting is the same

as that of the power station site and buried on-shore gas pipeline.

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Figure 2.2: Onshore gas pipeline route

Source: Rotan Power

Consultation with the Shama Chief was undertaken and an agreement was reached for land acquisition.

The required land has been registered to the Project Proponent at the Public and Vested Lands registry.

The Project acquired four land plots which have two privately owned derelict structures on them. The

presence of tenants in these structures is to be confirmed and potential economic displacement will need

to be investigated.

The Project area of influence (AoI) includes the neighbouring landowners, communities, traditional and

government authorities. These and other relevant stakeholders are identified in Section 5.

2.3 Project Description

The Project will consist of a number of components which are described in the following sub-sections.

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2.3.1 Combined Cycle Blocks and Barges

The power station will be comprised of four barges. Each will carry the majority of components required for

the operation of the power station and for power generation.

On each barge there will be a combined cycle gas turbine block capable of generating 165MW. The

combined cycle block will be composed of two gas turbine generating sets, two waste heat boilers and one

steam turbine generating set, and its condenser. Each waste heat boiler will have its own exhaust stack,

for a Project total of eight stacks.

Shoreline marine works will be required in order to bring the barges onshore. A basin will be excavated in

the beach and water will be pumped into the basin to raise the barges, which will allow them to be floated

across to their final position. The water will be drained, the basin closed and the beach reinstated. This will

mean that the barges will ultimately sit permanently above the highest wave point during high tide.

2.3.2 Cooling System

The main cooling requirement will be for the steam turbine condensers mounted on each barge. Cooling

towers will provide the principal cooling for the power station and will be a low-level, fan-assisted, salt

water evaporative type. The cooling towers will be mounted onshore and not on the barges.

Circulating water pumps will draw water from concrete basins that will be set below site grade level and

beneath the cooling towers. Water will be pumped to each condenser, with the warm water from the

condenser outlets being carried back to be discharged to the upper level of the cooling towers.

A cooling system for the alternators (driven by each turbine) will be provided. This will consist of a single

grouping of two low-level, fan-assisted cooling towers to serve all alternators and will use fresh water for

cooling purposes.

2.3.3 Seawater Intake and Discharge

A short breakwater will be constructed and this will carry the seawater intake pumping chamber, including

the screens and pumps, plus a desalination and water treatment plant, and the waste water discharge

pond. The seawater intake chamber will provide the seawater for make up to the principal cooling towers

and water to the desalination plant. The seawater desalination and water treatment plant will supply the

fresh water cooling tower, water for fuel oil washing, potable water, water for gas turbine washing, boiler

feed make-up, and water for gas turbine injection. The seawater pumping and desalination plant will

provide all water requirements of the power station, making it independent of any other water supply or

bore waters. An aqueous effluent discharge pipe of 600mm diameter running approximately 100m offshore

and buried in the seabed will be constructed. This will be for the discharge of salty water from the waste

water discharge pond located on the breakwater. The main sources of waste water will be cooling tower

blow down, which will dilute smaller quantities of desalination plant brine, storm water drainage from

buildings and sealed areas, and sewage treatment plant discharge.

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2.3.4 Onshore Gas Pipeline and Gas Receiving Station

A buried natural gas pipeline running approximately 3km from the Ghana Gas receiving station located to

the north east to the power plant will be constructed with a spur from the header at the western end of the

West African Gas Pipeline, as shown on Figure 2.2.The pipeline will be 20 inches in diameter with a design

pressure of 100 bar.

A gas receiving station will be built with a design pressure of 100 bar but with an expected normal

operating pressure of 70 bar. The gas receiving station will be located within the power plant site but not on

the barges. It will include all the equipment necessary to distribute gas (either natural gas or re-gasified

LNG) to each of the gas turbines.

A second gas receiving station may be provided on the power station site to receive re-gasified LNG from

the offshore FSRU to supply the power station and it may also supply re-gasified LNG to the Ghana gas

station. This second gas receiving station and the cross connection to the power station gas receiving

station is the subject of a separate ESIA which is being prepared for the LNG project, which includes the

FRSU and submarine gas pipeline.

There will be no storage of gas on the site.

2.3.5 Power Export and 330kV Overhead Transmission Line

Generator step-up transformers will be mounted on each of the barges. These will be capable of stepping

up from 11.5kV generation to 330kV transmission voltage. 330kV connections from the step-up

transformers to the on-site, indoor GIS substation will be developed.

An overhead transmission line carrying two 330kV circuits to the existing GRIDCo Aboadze substation,

approximately 500m in length will ultimately connect the Project to the GRIDCo transmission system. This

will allow dispatch of the power generated from the Project to where it is needed across Ghana.

2.3.6 Stand-by Fuel System

The stand-by fuel system will use distillate oil. Road tanker delivery facilities will be constructed. There will

be two tanks to store the as-delivered fuel oil, plus one ‘clean’ fuel oil tank. The tanks will be located in a

bunded oil compound, with a dedicated storm water system. Oil and oil film removal facilities will be

installed in the drainage lines.

2.3.7 Buildings and Access

Single story, air conditioned, high quality buildings suitable for continuous 24 hour habitation will be

constructed. These will house site security, the main plant control room, a laboratory for water and fuel oil

monitoring, offices for the operation and maintenance staff, a medical room, general administration offices

and a canteen.

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There will be a workshop and warehouse with air conditioned office space, and mixed air conditioned and

assisted-ventilation workshop and storage rooms, plus a firefighting area with air conditioned office, toilet

and shower facilities, and a canopy for firefighting vehicles.

Site access will be developed by upgrading the existing track ways used to access the site to a good

quality sealed roadway which would be suitable for safe motor vehicle use, and to withstand repeated visits

by loaded road tankers and other heavy vehicles. The upgrading will extend to the point of connection with

the sealed public roads to the east of the VRA Power Plants. An emergency exit to the west of the site will

also be developed. Parking bays will be provided on site and will include a permanent sun shade or

canopies to protect from the sun and rainfall.

2.3.8 Accommodation Village

An accommodation village will be built and operated. This will house the permanent staff plus their

immediate families. There will be four grades of housing and a community centre. It will be located on

undeveloped land approximately 1km from the coast and 6km east of the Project site.

This accommodation village is needed due to the pressure on local housing. It is intended that the main

proportion of the staff will be recruited locally, and it is expected that not all staff will wish to leave their

homes and move to the accommodation village. Therefore it is planned to build housing for around 80% of

the permanent operation and maintenance staff and hence 80 workers.

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3.1 Overview

This section outlines the key legislation of Ghana applicable to the Project’s stakeholder engagement

process as well as the requirements of the IFC regarding information disclosure, consultation and

grievance redress that this Project will meet.

3.2 National Requirements

The impact assessment process is regulated by the Environmental Assessment Regulations (LI1 652,

1999 and amended in 2002) (the Regulations), the principle enactment within the Environmental Protection

Act (Act 490 of 1994).

Stakeholder engagement is an integral part of the EIA process. The Environmental Assessment

Regulations (1999) require that activities likely to have an adverse effect on the environment must be

subject to environmental assessment and issuance of a permit before commencement of the activity.

The Regulations require that a scoping notice be advertised to relevant Ministries and in at least one

national and one local newspaper. Copies of the Scoping Report must be made available to the general

public in the Project locality for inspection. The Project must also advertise in a local and national paper on

the release of the EIA report.

Once the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is published it must be advertised and made available to

the general public, public agencies, organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), Metropolitan,

Municipal and District Assemblies and local communities in order to allow these stakeholders to provide

comments and suggestions on the proposed project. The Regulations also provide for the GEPA to hold

public hearings if there is an adverse public reaction to the Project, if there is a need for resettlement, or if

the project could have extensive effects on the environment.

3.3 International Requirements

The International Finance Corporation is the private sector arm of the World Bank Group. Public

consultation, disclosure and stakeholder engagement are key requirements of the Performance Standards

(PSs) embodied within IFC’s 2012 Policy on Social and Environmental Sustainability.

The IFC PSs are applicable to private sector projects in emerging markets. Each PS has specific

consultation requirements and these are embedded in the general requirements specified in PS 1:

Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts. PS 1 refers to the need for

and means of achieving community engagement, disclosure of relevant project information, appropriate

consultation processes and grievance mechanisms throughout the project lifecycle. The main requirements

for stakeholder engagement in projects are:

� Start as early as possible in the project cycle

� Continue throughout the life of the project

� Be free of external manipulation, interference, coercion, or intimidation

3 National and International Regulatory Requirements

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� Where applicable enable meaningful community participation

� Be conducted on the basis of timely, relevant, understandable, and accessible information in a

culturally appropriate format

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4.1 Overview

This section presents a summary of the stakeholder engagement activities that have been undertaken to

date on the Project.

4.2 Stakeholder Engagement Carried Out To Date

Preliminary introductory meetings where held with the following stakeholders:

Date Location Activity Stakeholders Consulted

Monday 27 July 2015 Takoradi

Meeting at Shama District Assembly

Hon Kojo Appiah (DCE), Vincent Mawuli Wordi (Budget Officer) Rhoda Boachie-Ansah (Admin Officer)-Shama District Assembly (SDA)

Monday 27 July 2015 Takoradi

Meeting at Nana Atom IV residence

Nana Kwabena Attom III, Chief of Shama, David Amoah, Private Secretary (Shama Chief’s Palace), Emmanuel Arthur, Shama Chief’s Palace (Lawyer)

Monday 27 July 2015 Takoradi

Meeting with GEPA in Takoradi

Sarfo Afriyie, Regional Director (GEPA, Takoradi, George Diewu, Senior Program Officer(GEPA, Takoradi)

Monday 27 July 2015 Takoradi

Meeting with GPHA Capt James Owusu Korangteng, Director of Port (GPHA, Takoradi)

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Accra Meeting with GEPA at Head Office in Accra

Kwabena Badu Yeboah, Director (GEPA, Head Office, Accra), Audrey Quarcoo (Principal Program Officer (GEPA, Head Office, Accra)

The initial meetings were aimed at introducing the proposed project, the Project Proponent and ESIA

Consultant to key stakeholders, and to introduce the ESIA process that will be followed. Stakeholders were

offered the opportunity to provide input and comments to the ESIA process, which will be ongoing

throughout the ESIA.

The main comments from stakeholders during the introductory meetings were centered on the need to

employ local community members, to implement appropriate community development programmes, and to

assess cumulative negative impacts to air quality and potential impacts to the Anankwari wetland and

mangroves. There appears to be general discontent from communities regarding power plant operators in

the area which have reportedly made commitments to social investment and preferential local employment

but are not meeting these commitments. These expectations and perceptions are likely to be carried into

this Project by communities.

Subsequent meetings were conducted as part of the scoping phase consultation activities, which are

described in further detail in Section 6.3.

4 Summary of Previous Stakeholder Engagement

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5.1 Overview

Stakeholders are people or groups who are directly or indirectly affected by a project, as well as those who

may have interests in a project or the ability to influence its outcome, either positively or negatively.

Stakeholders for the Project include locally affected communities and their formal and informal

representatives, national or local government authorities, civil society organisations and groups with

special interests, the academic community, and businesses.

5.2 Categorising Stakeholders

Just as the degree of stakeholder interest may vary throughout the Project lifecycle, the most appropriate

communication and consultation methods will vary among stakeholders. By identifying appropriate

consultation methods in advance, this Project aims to give all stakeholders equal opportunity to participate

and influence the ESIA process.

An analysis of Project stakeholders, interests, and suggested communication and consultation method is

summarised in Table 5.1 below.

Table 5.1: Stakeholder Identification and Analysis

Stakeholders Relevance to Project Communication and Consultation Methods

Local Communities

Shama District Assembly, Paramount and Local Chiefs

Interested in how the Project will affect them during its lifetime, in particular regard to employment opportunities and community social investment activities.

Land acquisition, site clearance permit, building permit, provision of waste management services, and relevant district information on tourism, health, population, amongst others

Meetings with Shama District Assembly

Meetings with Paramount and Local Chiefs

Public consultation at appropriate locations

Provision of Project information, including a brochure, scoping documentation and ESIA documentation, in Aboadze

Ongoing engagement via Rotan Community Liaison Officer

Project grievance mechanisms

Aboadze Royal Family Interested in how the Project will affect them during its lifetime, in particular regard to employment opportunities and community social investment activities

Face to face meetings

Provision of Project information, including a brochure, scoping documentation and ESIA documentation

Ongoing engagement via Rotan Community Liaison Officer

Project grievance mechanisms

Neighbouring villages:



Kwaku Anlo Village

Malam village

Nyametease Village


Interested in how the Project will affect them during its lifetime, in particular regard to employment opportunities and community social investment activities

Provision of Project information, including a brochure, scoping documentation and ESIA documentation

Public consultation meetings as required (via District Assembly and Local Chiefs)

Ongoing engagement via Rotan Community Liaison Officer

Project grievance mechanisms

5 Stakeholder Identification and Analysis

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Stakeholders Relevance to Project Communication and Consultation Methods

Esipon Town

Nearby land and property owners/representatives

Interested in how the Project will affect them during its lifetime, in particular regard to land value and development

Provision of Project information, including a brochure, scoping documentation and ESIA documentation

Ongoing engagement via Rotan Community Liaison Officer

Project grievance mechanisms

VRA Clubhouse and township Interested in how the Project will affect them during its lifetime, in particular regard to employment opportunities and community social investment activities

Provision of Project information, including a brochure, scoping documentation and ESIA documentation

Ongoing engagement via Rotan Community Liaison Officers

Project grievance mechanisms

Local minorities and marginalised groups

There is the potential for vulnerable groups to be excluded from communications and management measures

Measures to enable their inclusion in the Project will be identified and implemented

Provision of Project information, including a brochure, scoping documentation and ESIA documentation

Ongoing engagement via Rotan Community Liaison Officers

Project grievance mechanisms

Fisher folk and land users in the Project area

Interested in whether the Project will affect their livelihood activities, land use or access routes

Public consultation at appropriate locations

Provision of Project information, including a brochure, scoping documentation and ESIA documentation, in Aboadze

Ongoing engagement via Rotan Community Liaison Officers

Project grievance mechanisms

Government Authorities and Parastatal Organisations (central and local)

Regional Ministers and Regional Coordinating Councils

Project concept, approval and implementation

Face-to-face meetings

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Environmental Protection Agency (Western Region -Takoradi)

Will provide approval of Project and environmental permitting

Face-to-face meetings

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Volta River Authority Neighbouring developer Face-to-face meetings

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Ministries of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development; Energy and Petroleum; Water Resources, Works and Housing; Chieftaincy Affairs and Traditional Affairs; Environment and Science; Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration; Trade and Industries

Can provide useful insights to assist in impact and mitigation identification

Face-to-face meetings where appropriate

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

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Stakeholders Relevance to Project Communication and Consultation Methods

Energy Commission Power purchase issues, provision of electrical supply during construction.

Project approval and energy licensing issues

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Land Valuation Division of Ghana Lands Commission (Sekondi Office)

Registration of land lease agreement and deed, valuation for compensation payments

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Forestry Commission Mitigation measures regarding mangroves

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Water Resources Commission Water provision issues Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Ghana Highways Authority Access road issues Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL)

Provision of water at Project site for drinking, construction, operation, fire-fighting, and other uses

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Public Utilities Regulatory Commission

Provision of and concerns regarding impacts to public utilities

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Hydrological Services Department (HSD) (Western Region)

To be confirmed Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Ghana Grid Company Limited Interconnection to national grid system for IPP owners

Face to face meetings

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Ghana Meteorological Services Department

Provision of meteorological data to inform impact assessment

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

West Africa Gas Pipeline (WAGP) Company

Neighbouring stakeholder Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

National Disaster Management Organization(NADMO)

Inputs into disaster management system

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English


Research Institutes: Water Research Institute (WRI), Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies of the University of Ghana, Academics at Ghanaian universities-University of Cape-Coast (Geography Department), International Water management Institute (IWMI)-West Africa Regional Office, Conservation International- Ghana

Inputs into mitigation measures Face to face meetings

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

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Stakeholders Relevance to Project Communication and Consultation Methods

Emergency services in the Project area, Ghana Army, local Police regiments, fire brigades, ambulance services, VRA main hospital, Ghana Navy

Security issues Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

NGOs: Hope for the Youth Foundation, Aboadze, Friends of Nations, Hen Mpoano, Canoe Fishermen Council of Western Region

Interested in how the project will affect local communities and potential opportunities for CSI

Project contact provided for direct feedback.

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Environmental NGOs: Ghana Wildlife Services, International Birdlife, IUCN

Interested in how the project will affect the local environment and endangered fauna and flora species

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Social Development NGOs active in local area

Interested in how the project will affect local communities and potential opportunities for CSI

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Media - national and local newspapers (e.g. "Ghanaian Times"), radio services in Project area

Announcement of project related documentation and events

Project media contact to be established for construction and operation. For ESIA, the contact details are provided

Prospective Projects in the wider vicinity such as VRA, Jacobsen, Globeleq, One Energy, Amandi

Neighbouring developers within the Aboadze enclave need to plan and align on future infrastructure developments and layouts

Opportunities for joint CSR opportunities

Face to face meetings

Project contact provided for direct feedback

Notification of availability of ESIA documentation in English

Other local suppliers and businesses

Interested in potential direct and indirect business opportunities to arise from the proposed Project

Project contact provided for direct feedback

5.3 Vulnerable Groups

The Project team recognises that vulnerable, marginalised and disadvantaged groups are likely to

experience impacts differently from mainstream society. For instance, they may be less able to cope with

change such as influx of workers into the area than a typical community household. As such, the ESIA will

reflect the differential impacts of the Project on these groups where evident. Consultation activities will be

used to gather information and opinions on how different groups are affected. Consultation and information

disclosure activities will take into consideration logistical and cultural factors such as language, physical

access, literacy levels, and time availability of these groups.

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6.1 Overview

This section describes the main activities that will be undertaken throughout the ESIA process and on an

on-going basis throughout the life of the Project. During the ESIA phase, the stakeholder engagement

activities serve two key purposes:

� Disclosing appropriate information about the Project and the ESIA process. Disclosure of relevant

Project information helps stakeholders understand the risks, impacts and opportunities of the Project.

Consultation activities are more informed and constructive if stakeholders have accurate and timely

information about the Project and its impacts.

� Providing relevant stakeholders with the opportunity to voice their opinions, preferences and

grievances. This enables participation and involvement in the planning and design process.

The various engagement and disclosure activities to be undertaken for the Project are based on principles

related to informed consultation and participation as detailed within IFC PS1.

6.2 Informed Consultation and Participation

6.2.1 Overarching Approach

All stakeholders, including NGOs and members of affected communities, have the right to participate in the

ESIA process from the scoping phase onwards. The level of involvement will range from receipt of

information and key documents to face-to-face meetings and other methods of feeding back comments

and concerns. Local communication channels and public mass media will be used to enable accessibility

of information to the greatest number of people. Different forms of media such as phone calls and

meetings will be used to communicate information to those with literacy problems.

The Project Proponent will listen to the concerns of affected communities on issues that affect them

directly and will incorporate their views into its decision-making process. Consultation activities by other

developers surrounding the proposed Project have resulted in a degree of stakeholder distrust, and

therefore Project Proponent will take special care to ensure that stakeholder comments will be addressed

on a continuous basis.

The consultation process will capture both men and women’s views and reflect their different concerns and

priorities about impacts, mitigation mechanisms, and benefits. Affected communities will be informed how

their views and concerns have been incorporated into the Project’s plans and how adverse risks and

impacts will be avoided.

6.2.2 Community Liaison Officer

The Project Proponent has already appointed one part-time Community Liaison Officer (CLO), based in

Takoradi, who is responsible for community liaison and arranging communications with affected

communities. The CLO reports to the country managing director, who is also responsible for community

relations. The CLO will as far as possible be constant throughout the Project and will be largely responsible

6 Stakeholder Engagement Activities

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for implementation of the SEP, particularly receiving and channelling comments and concerns during the

ESIA phase and management of the grievance mechanism during the construction and operational

phases. The CLO will also attend and record stakeholder engagement activities and maintain lines of

communication with the District Assembly, government departments, community leaders and other

community members (also see section 9).

6.2.3 Use of Electronic Media

The Project has established a website (http://www.rotanpower.com/) which will be used to advertise the

availability of ESIA documentation, to provide links to the documents, and to publish relevant news of

interest to the public about the Project. It will also have a feedback page so that stakeholders can contact

the Project Proponent with views or concerns about the Project.

6.3 Consultations during the ESIA

Consultations regarding the ESIA will be undertaken through the following anticipated activities and

associated timeframes:

� ESIA Scoping Disclosure and Consultation:

– Scoping consultation meetings were conducted by the ESIA consultant in August 2015

– A public consultation event was organised in September 2015 to gather opinions on key issues, the

terms of reference for the detailed ESIA and the proposed assessment methodologies

� Draft ESIA Disclosure and Consultation:

– The ESIA will be prepared giving due consideration to the views and concerns of affected


– Announcements will be made using culturally appropriate means including local newspapers, the

Project website and consultation with key stakeholders and communities. The ESIA non-technical

summary (NTS) will be available for review. Public consultation meetings will aim to provide two

weeks’ notice with location and timing details. Letters will also be sent to notify selected


– In the announcements, comments will be invited and details will be given as to where comments

should be submitted if in advance of the public consultation event

– The NTS and full ESIA will be distributed in the local area. They will be distributed to selected

stakeholders as detailed in Table 5.1.

– Two public consultation events will be conducted in suitable locations so that governmental and

non-governmental stakeholders can attend as well as affected communities. The location and

exact dates are yet to be decided (expected in December 2015 as part of the process to finalise the

ESIA). The ESIA consultant and the Project Proponent will present non-technical information, as

appropriate, about the risks, impacts and mitigations and hear comments and concerns. A

feedback form will be available to allow for comments (including anonymous ones) to be submitted.

– Comments received will be forwarded to the ESIA consultants for consideration by technical

specialists and inclusion in the final ESIA.

– ESIA feedback collection will stay open for one month after announcement of disclosure.

Responses will be provided to those presenting questions as soon as is reasonably possible with

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the timing depending on the complexity of the issue and source of information needed to provide

the answer.

The draft and final ESIA reports will also be disclosed on the Project website.

The stakeholder engagement activities conducted thus far during the scoping phase included various

meetings with key authorities and representatives, as depicted in Table 6.1. The objective of the meetings

was to inform stakeholders about the project, let them know about the scoping announcement and to seek

input for the scoping report.

Table 6.1: Scoping phase consultation activities

Person/agency Consulted Date No. of Participants

Richard Oppong Mensah, Director Thermal Generation, Volta River Authority Aboadze

Mr Badger, Deputy CEO, Volta River Authority





Nana Kobina Attom III, Chief of Aboadze

John Kingsley Arthur (Stool Secretary (Aboadze Chief’s Palace)

Emmanuel Arthur (Lawyer Aboadze Chief’s Palace)

27.08.2015 9

Nana Amakye II (Chief of Abuesi Community) 27.08.2015 14

Henry Argeety, Nii Askong, Adam A Joseph, Energy Commission 28.08.2015 8

Aboadze and Abuesi communities 22.09.2015 88

Total 131

6.4 Consultation during the Construction and Operation Phases

Stakeholder consultation is a continuous process throughout the life of the Project. Consultation and

community engagement will continue throughout the construction and operation phases. The Project

website, newspapers and radio will continue to be used to provide public domain information as it becomes

available, such as information on management of construction impacts, monitoring reports and annual

sustainability reports.

The primary stakeholders, particularly local communities and local governments, will be closely consulted

in the development of the relevant actions plans, such as those dealing with community health and safety

including emergency preparedness and response.

The Project will disseminate relevant Project information to key stakeholders throughout implementation.

This is likely to be information related to project implementation progress, policy approaches and action

plans, grievance mechanism, information related to construction jobs and recruitment. The dissemination

will be through the use of various media including the Project website as well as print and oral


Throughout construction and when there are milestones on the Project such as changes in key activities,

the CLOs will organise meetings with affected persons so they are informed of the construction schedule

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as well as likely impacts and mitigation activities to minimise negative effects. These will occur at least

once annually. For more general notices, for instance any traffic impacts that require, radio, brochures or

the project website will be used.

During construction and installation, the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor will

need to carry out environmental and social monitoring activities. This information will be summarised and

reported to the Project Proponent and the company will make annual reports on Project performance

available during the construction and operational phases. The EPC will also log and report on community

grievances, categorising grievances according to risk level and identifying that some grievances will be


The SEP will be reviewed by the Project Proponent at least annually during construction and operation, in

order to assess whether:

� The type of consultation and disclosure activities are appropriate for the different stakeholders

� The frequency of consultation activities is sufficient

� Grievances are being adequately dealt with

� The stakeholder list remains appropriate

� Whether engagement should cease or be intensified

The next chapter identifies implementation and timescales.

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Consultation and disclosure need to occur at appropriate times to allow stakeholders to be informed and

contribute to the management of environmental and social issues throughout the life of the Project. Table

7.1 assigns timescales and responsibilities to the activities identified in the previous section. This is a live

document and will be updated as the Project progresses with further details on specific timings, locations

and media for certain activities.

Table 7.1: Stakeholder engagement implementation, timescales and responsibilities

Activity Timing/detail Responsibility

1) ESIA Scoping Phase Consultation and Disclosure

Stakeholder meetings during scoping

Face to face meetings with stakeholders regarding scoping main issues and potential impacts, approach to detailed ESIA.

ESIA consultant

Announcement and implementation of public consultation on the Scoping ESIA and Terms of Reference

At least one week prior to meetings.

Informative meetings with key stakeholders to announce project and establish protocol for scoping and impact assessment engagement activities.

Publication and distribution of draft scoping report in Aboadze and on Project website.

ESIA consultant and the Project Proponent

Disclosure of final scoping report

Submission to GEPA

Disclosure of Final Scoping Report in English on Project website, distribution of paper copies to Shama District Assembly

ESIA consultant and the Project Proponent

2) ESIA Phase Engagement

Stakeholder meetings during impact assessment

Face to face meetings with stakeholders regarding impact assessment main issues and impacts.

Focus group discussions with key stakeholder groups regarding impact assessment main issues and impacts.

Community meetings to obtain inputs regarding stakeholder concerns.

ESIA consultant

Announcement and implementation of public consultation on the draft ESIA

At least two weeks prior to meetings.

Adverts to be placed in local newspapers, in print press and on Project website identifying dates and locations of the public consultation meetings and how to submit comments.

Announcements in affected communities.

Letters of invitation to key stakeholders.

Separate meetings to be held with women to encourage their involvement.

ESIA consultant and the Project Proponent

Disclosure of Draft and final ESIA

Disclosure of Draft and Final ESIA in English on Project website, distribution of paper copies to District Assembly, email to key stakeholders as identified in Table 5.1 with provision of paper copies where requested.

Two community meetings to be held. Locations, dates and times to be confirmed. Expected December 2015. The Project Proponent to present information about the Project and the findings of the Draft ESIA as well as proposed mitigation measures.

ESIA consultant and the Project Proponent

Announcement of final decision on Project, expected start date

Press release and follow up communication to stakeholders to announce availability of final ESIA.

ESIA consultant and the Project Proponent

Media communications As requested or when press releases deemed relevant. Rotan Power to identify which

7 Implementation Timescales and Responsibilities

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Activity Timing/detail Responsibility

manager has media response duties

3) Construction Phase Engagement

Consultation and disclosure on contents of Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP) and other key plans affecting communities

Meetings with the nearest fire, ambulance, military and police services to discuss the EPRP and ensure they are aware of its contents. Communication channels between the Project and the service providers clearly established. Annual drills organised by the EPC contractor.

Meetings with any communities potentially affected by emergencies to ensure that effective plans are in place. Announcements of meeting plans in affected communities at community meetings.

Consultation with community leaders and local authorities on key aspects of public health and safety plan, traffic management plan, etc.

As appropriate, disclosure of key elements of the EPRP and other plans in leaflet and meeting format.

EPC contractor

Ongoing community liaison and grievance logging, resolution and reporting

Communications with District Assembly, community leaders and community members.

Monthly reports by Rotan CLO to Rotan senior management. In the event of important grievance, report immediately.


EPC Contractor

Community consultation events

Information provided to communities on risk, impacts and mitigations prior to the start and end of construction, and when other key changes in project activities take place, including material changes to the project description. At least annually.


Regular updates of website

Updates when activities change and milestones are reached,

Provision of public domain information as it becomes available, such as information on management of impacts, monitoring reports and annual reports.


Updating SEP At least annually. The Project Proponent in discussion with CLOs

Annual Reporting Project specific annual report summarising project performance, CLO activities including grievances, impact mitigation and management.

The Project Proponent

4) Operations and Decommissioning Phase Engagement

Grievance logging, resolution and reporting

Six-monthly grievance reporting to Rotan Power PM. Operational CLO and the Project Proponent PM

Updating SEP Annually. Operational CLO and the Project Proponent PM

Annual Reporting Information about the Project during its operational phase will be included in Rotan Power’s annual sustainability reporting.

Operational CLO and the Project Proponent PM

Decommissioning consultation event

With staff prior to retrenchment proceedings.

With communities prior to ceasing operations (or any rehabilitation works).

Operational CLO and the Project Proponent PM

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8.1 Overview

A grievance can be defined as an actual or perceived problem that might give grounds for complaint. As a

general policy, the Project Proponent will work proactively towards preventing grievances through the

implementation of impact mitigation measures and community liaison.

Anyone will be able to submit a grievance to the Project if they believe a practice is having a detrimental

impact on the community, the environment, or on their quality of life. They may also submit comments and

suggestions. The sections below consider confidentiality and anonymity and the project’s grievance

resolution process.

8.2 Confidentiality and Anonymity

The Project will aim to protect a person’s confidentiality when requested and will guarantee anonymity in

annual reporting. Individuals will be asked permission to disclose their identity. Investigations will be

undertaken in a manner that is respectful of the aggrieved party and the principle of confidentiality. The

aggrieved party will need to recognise that there may be situations when disclosure of identity is required

and the Project will identify these situations to see whether the aggrieved party wishes to continue with the

investigation and resolution activities.

8.3 Grievance Reporting and Resolution

Grievances will be logged in a formal logging system for which the CLO will be responsible. People may

register grievances using the form in Appendix A or by contacting the CLO or reporting to their local chief.

Contact details for the CLO will be included in appropriate project communication materials such as the

non-technical summaries.

The CLO will classify grievances according to Table 8.1. Where investigations are required, project staff

and outside authorities as appropriate, will assist with the process. The CLO will collaborate with the EPC

contractor and the Project Proponent management team to identify an appropriate investigation team with

the correct skills to review the issue raised. The investigation will also aim to identify whether the incident

leading to the grievance is a singular occurrence or likely to reoccur. Identifying and implementing

activities, procedures, equipment and training to address and prevent reoccurrence will be part of the

investigation activities.

8 Project Grievance Mechanism

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Table 8.1: Grievance Classification Criteria


Risk Level (to health, safety or environment) Response

Comment (not a grievance)

None or low CLO to identify whether the comment can be answered or the request can be accommodated. If it can, an action plan to implement will be developed.

Low None or low CLO will conduct investigation, document findings and provide a response.

Medium Possible risk and likely a once off event

CLO and an appropriate investigation team will conduct investigation. The Site Manager or Occupational Health and Safety Manager may decide to stop work during the investigation to allow the corrective preventive actions to be determined. The CLO will provide a response.

High Probable risk and could reoccur

CLO will get the contractor to organise a Major Investigation Team for prompt investigation and resolution. Work may be stopped in the affected area. The CLO will provide a response.

The CLO will explain in writing or verbally in person (especially where literacy is an issue) to the

complainant the review process, the results, and any changes to activities that will be undertaken to

address the grievance and how the issue is being managed to meet appropriate environmental and social

management systems. In some cases it will be appropriate for the CLO to follow up at a later date to see if

the person or organisation is satisfied with the resolution or remedial actions.

The CLO will summarise grievances weekly during construction and installation and bi-annually during

operation removing identification information to protect the confidentiality of the complainant and

guaranteeing anonymity. The procedure will be at no cost and without retribution to project affected

persons and stakeholders. The procedure for processing grievances is depicted in Figure 8.1.

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Figure 8.1: Grievance process

The current point of contact for grievances on Project performance is the Project Proponent’s CLO:

Emmanuel Arthur

Telephone: 0208404104

Email: [email protected]

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This SEP identifies various activities that require documentation, monitoring and reporting, including the


� Updating the SEP

� CLO activities:

– A list of disclosure activities such as where, when and for how long key documents have been

disclosed with photographic evidence and clippings of adverts placed in newspapers and other


– Minutes of consultation meetings1 with dates, location, a gender-specific list of participants and


– All original written consultation correspondence including comments and feedback left at meetings

will be retained as evidence of the process and outcomes

– Keeping records of press attention, such as newspaper and web articles

� Grievance logging and tracking: each grievance will be logged by the CLO, given an identification

number and followed through by recording details and timing for their resolution and closing out

� Annual reporting: a Project specific annual report summarising project performance, CLO activities

including grievances and updates to the SEP will be produced during construction. Information about

the Project during its operational phase will be included in the Project Proponent’s annual sustainability


As part of the ESIA, an ESMP will detail specific monitoring and reporting requirements for environmental

and social Project performance. Some of the indicators and benchmarks for assessing the implementation

process and outcomes of the SEP are:

� Number of consultation meetings, focus group discussions, announcements, press releases

� Number and lists of participants at meetings

� Issues discussed at meetings

� Actions taken on key issues raised at meetings

� Number complaints and queries raised per recording period

� Types of complaints and queries

� Type of action taken to correct issues and prevent recurrence

� Time taken in addressing complaints

1 The minutes should identify whether comments or concerns were raised by males or females.

9 Documentation, Monitoring and Reporting

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Appendix A. Grievance Registration Form _________________________________________________________ 26 Appendix B. Record of Meetings _________________________________________________________________ 27

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Full Name

Contact Information

Please identify how you wish to be

contacted (mail, telephone, e-mail)

By Post: Please provide mailing address

By telephone:

By e-mail:

Preferred language of communication? English ……. Other (please specify)………..………………………………….

Description of incident or grievance

(What happened? Where did it happen? Who did it happen to? What is the result of the problem?):

Date of incident/grievance

One time incident/grievance (date _______________)

Happened more than once (how many times? _____)

On-going (currently experiencing problem)

What would you like to see to resolve this problem?

Internal Use Only

Grievance received by:


Reference number:

Appendix A. Grievance Registration Form

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Appendix B. Record of Meetings

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Stakeholder Meeting Report

1 | P a g e

Stakeholder(s): Hon Kojo Appiah (DCE), Vincent Mawuli Wordi (Budget Officer) Rhoda Boachie-

Ansah (Admin Officer)-Shama District Assembly (SDA).

Date: 27.07.15 Purpose: Project/ESIA

introduction of


Rotan Energy

Power Project

Facilitator(s): Dyson Jumpah, & Charles

Tsagli, (EEMC)

Location: Shama District


offices, Shama

Time: 9.00am Report

prepared by:

Dyson Jumpah

Information provided to stakeholders during the Introduction

Messrs Environmental Engineering and Management Consult (EEMC) represented by Dyson Jumpah broadly

introduced the various companies working on the proposed Rotan Energy and Rotan Gas projects. Mr

Jumpah explained that the purpose of the visit to the Shama District Assembly is to introduce the Project to

the Assembly and begin the consultative processes towards the acquisition of Environmental Permit in line

with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Introducing the projects, Mr Kofi Morna, the Chairman of Rotan Energy and Rotan Gas said the following:

The project is a 66Omw Combined Cycled Gas Turbine (Barge mounted) thermal facility located at Aboadze,

right next to TAPco and TICO. He said gas supply will be through the importation of LNG to be stored and re-

gasified on a Fuel Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) to be docked about 5 km offshore Aboadze and

replenished periodically via a ship-to-ship transfer.

The Primary Sponsor of the project is Rotan Energy Limited (Singapore), controlled by Mr Kofi Morna with

others as significant minority shareholders. Mitsui & Co are Co-Developers.

Issues Raised / Discussed

Speaker Organisation Responses/Comments

KM Rotan Energy Rotan has been working on the proposed projects for the past 3 years and

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2 | P a g e






has secured land from Nana Atom III. Permit for Gas supply has been

secured from government.

Coming with Mott Mac/EEMC is to commence the consultation processes

towards the acquisition of Environmental Permit. Additionally, there are

expects from various firms to engage the Shama District Assembly.

The DCE welcomed Rotan Energy and all groups of companies present. He said the Assembly is happy about the proposed project. He said the District Assembly has developed a website targeted at investors like Rotan and many others. It is good Rotan Energy has mentioned Nana Atom but in future Rotan Energy should liaise with the Assembly so that the Assembly will facilitate the processes with the help of the technical team of the District Assembly. SDA has earmarked about 700acre land for energy projects taking cognizance of the proximity of the area to the West African Gas Pipeline and the Aboadze Energy enclave. Three companies visited the site some time ago but are yet to come back. Rotan Energy should also consider visiting the said site earmarked by the SDA for Energy projects. The people of Aboadze are not happy. If you don’t respect the ordinary man thinking that you have money is not the best. VRA has lost faith with the peole of Aboadze. The people of Aboadze feels neglected for lack of training on safety, health and environmental issues to make them employable to benefit from emerging job opportunities. VRA, Jacobsen, Amardi, One Energy and VRA are all guilty of their Corporate Social Responsibilties. The success of the project will depend on cooperation with the District Assembly. The SDE must therefore be “married” with the proponents of various projects in the District. The SDE expects an expedite action by Rotan because the assembly is ready to help. In developing the CSR programmes for the District, Rotan needs to know the priorities of the SDA. Job opportunities in the area are lacking. Indegenes who are well educated are available but have not been recruited, rather people are brought from Accra for minor jobs that could have easily been undertaken by people from the area. Local people must be depended upon for advocacy. It will be required of Rotan Energy to pay business operating permits to the SDA. The cooperation of Roan Energy is therefore expected. collaborate with NR-Urban Roads Department used to be under the Municipal Assembly but they have been upgraded to a regional status.

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Nik Stone






Is there anything in the physical environment that needs to be looked at? There is a lot to be done with reference to the medium term development of the SDA. There is the occurrence of flooding due to the creation of backlog water. This has placed a lot of drain on the Assembly. The Anakwari river needs to be protected. This has been discussed with Amandi and it is expected that the companies in the area will collaborate to do this in other to avoid a disaster and potential loss of properties when disaster breaks out. There is an obvious need for the IPPs to collaborate to address the potential flooding threat.

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Stakeholder Engagement in ‘Action’ 1

View over Stakeholder Engagement Location (including stakeholders)

Supportive of project and happy to engage further.

Follow-up, documents provided, miscellaneous

The Medium Term Development Plan for the Shama District Assembly to be provided

by the District Assembly

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Stakeholder Meeting Report

5 | P a g e

Name Organisation Position Telephone Email

Kojo Appiah (KA) SDA-Shama

District Assemby

District Chief



Vincent Mawuli SDA-Shama

District Assemby

Budget Officer

Rhoda Boachie-



District Assembly

Admin Officer

Kofi Morna (KM) Rotan Energy Ltd Chairman 0267168552 [email protected]

David Gardner Rotan Energy Ltd Engineer +44776820080 [email protected]

Diana Dimitrova Rotan Energy Ltd CFO +77810212367 [email protected]

Edwin Abanga Rotan Energy Ltd Director +23324442255 [email protected]

Rahim Mwaji Rotan Energy Ltd Power +16024107815 [email protected]

Toma Videnov Mitsui & Co Power +447739243464 [email protected]

Alwin Thomas Mitsui & Co Power +447850980545 [email protected]

Phyllis Squire Mitsui & Co Power +233501304557 [email protected]

Andrea Dal Mut Mott Mac Environmental +447788897788 Andrea.dalmut@mottmac

Nik Stone (NS) Mott Mac ESIA PM +447891673760 [email protected]

Dyson Jumpah (DJ) EEMC Dep Proj Mgr 0244649873 [email protected]

Kofi Agbogah EEMC Environmental 0266031882 [email protected]

Amoako Atta


EEMC Environmental 0208157728 [email protected]

Emmanuel Amekor EEMC Environmental 0244779983 [email protected]

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Stakeholder Meeting Report

1 | P a g e

Stakeholder(s): Nana Kwabena Attom III, Chief of Shama, David Amoah, Private Secretary (Shama

Chief’s Palace), Emmanuel Arthur, Shama Chief’s Palace (Lawyer)

Date: 27.07.15 Purpose: Project/ESIA

introduction of


Rotan Energy

Power Project

Facilitator(s): Dyson Jumpah, & Charles

Tsagli, (EEMC)

Location: Shama Chief’s


Time: 10.20am Report

prepared by:

Dyson Jumpah

Information provided to stakeholders during the Introduction

Mr. Emmanuel Arthur, with the permission of Nana Attom III, introduced him to Rotan Energy and various

companies present working for Rotan Energy. He said it wasn’t long ago when Rotan Energy visited the

palace and promised to come again with Rotan alliance partners working on the project.

Mr Kofi Morna said he had earlier indicated to Nana Attom that he will be bringing over the Consultants

who are undertaking the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the proposed CCGT Thermal

Project. Hence the purpose of the meeting was to introduce the ESIA Consultants to Nana Attom

Messrs Environmental Engineering and Management Consult (EEMC) represented by Dyson Jumpah broadly

introduced the various companies working on the proposed Rotan Energy and Rotan Gas projects. Mr.

Jumpah explained that the purpose of the visit by the ESIA Consultant is to begin the consultation processes

towards the acquisition of Environmental Permit for the project. Nana Attom, the land owners and his

community are key stakeholders so it is therefore appropriate to engage them in the Consultative Processes

to seek their concerns and ensure that they are integrated into the project development.

Introducing the projects, Mr. Kofi Morna, the Chairman of Rotan Energy and Rotan Gas said the following:

The project is a 66Omw Combined Cycled Gas Turbine (Barge mounted) thermal facility located at Aboadze,

right next to TAPco and TICO. He said gas supply will be through the importation of LNG to be stored and re-

gasified on a Fuel Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) to be docked about 5 km offshore Aboadze and

replenished periodically via a ship-to-ship transfer.

The Primary Sponsor of the project is Rotan Energy Limited (Singapore), controlled by Mr Kofi Morna with

others as significant minority shareholders. Mitsui & Co are Co-Developers.

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Issues Raised / Discussed

Speaker Organisation Responses/Comments







Shama Chief







The main issue is that VRA has taught them some lessons. After VRA has

acquired land from them for the Aboadze Thermal project VRA did not give

them the required benefits. VRA claim they have used their benefits to

provide them community projects, toilets, schools, roads and cold stores.

He has taken VRA to court for non-payment of their compensation due the

land owners.

He has welcomed Rotan Energy and expressed his expectation Rotan will

fulfil agreements with the communities and people of Aboadze. He said the

President has declared the Aboadze an Energy Enclave. He therefore

expects Rotan to look after the communities well.

Rotan has promised to work with the Chiefs and people of Aboadze and

with the help of the Lawyer Rotan will do what is expected of them. He said

Rotan has taken note of the VRA problems and they are grateful to Nana


What is the perception of the community about the Rotan project?

The people feel neglected in terms of job opportunities. He said the stools

also seems neglected by the companies. He cited how skilled labour are

brought from Accra to work in the companies in the area. Their expectation

is that people from the area will benefit from the project. Social

responsibilities must be met. Social responsibilities has nothing to do with

compensation payments to the chiefs so companies cannot refuse to

payment compensations for land claiming that they have provided social


Is there any cultural significance attached to the proposed site for the project?

Yes, If the project is to begin there are some rights have to be performed

around the Anakwari wetland. T3 of VRA is not functioning VRA failed to

perform similar rites for the Kwesi Panyin wetland before the filling of the

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area for the project. The necessary rights must be performed on a


When will the consultation with the people be done? He expects an open forum to be done to enable the people understand the project. He expects the youth to be helped as well as provision of support to the elderly in the community.

We are just beginning the ESIA process. We will notify the community and

the elders at the appropriate time.

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Stakeholder Engagement in ‘Action’ 1

View over Stakeholder Engagement Location (including stakeholders)

Supportive of project and happy to engage further.

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Follow-up, documents provided, miscellaneous

Name Organisation Position Telephone Email

Nana Kwabena

Atom III

Shama Chief District Chief


0242140134 [email protected]

David Amoah Shama Chief’s





Emmanuel Arthur Chief’s Palace Lawyer 0208404104

Kofi Morna (KM) Rotan Energy


Chairman 0267168552 [email protected]

David Gardner Rotan Energy


Engineer +44776820080 [email protected]

Diana Dimitrova Rotan Energy


CFO +77810212367 [email protected]

Edwin Abanga Rotan Energy


Director +23324442255 [email protected]

Rahim Mwaji Rotan Energy


Power +16024107815 [email protected]

Toma Videnov Mitsui & Co Power +447739243464 [email protected]

Alwin Thomas Mitsui & Co Power +447850980545 [email protected]

Phyllis Squire Mitsui & Co Power +233501304557 [email protected]

Andrea Dal Mut Mott Mac Environmental Andrea.dalmut@mottmac

Nik Stone (NS) Mott Mac ESIA PM [email protected]

Dyson Jumpah


EEMC Dep Proj Mgr 0244649873 [email protected]

Kofi Agbogah EEMC Environmental 0266031882 [email protected]

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Amoako Atta


EEMC Environmental 0208157728 [email protected]



EEMC Environmental 0244779983 [email protected]

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Stakeholder(s): Sarfo Afriyie, Regional Director (EPA, Takoradi, George Diewu, Senior Program

Officer(EPA, Takoradi).

Date: 27.07.15 Purpose: Project/ESIA

introduction of


Rotan Energy

Power Project

Facilitator(s): Dyson Jumpah, & Charles

Tsagli, (EEMC)

Location: EPA, Takoradi


Time: 12.30am Report

prepared by:

Dyson Jumpah

Information provided to stakeholders during the Introduction

Messrs Environmental Engineering and Management Consult (EEMC) represented by Dyson Jumpah broadly

introduced the various companies working on the proposed Rotan Energy and Rotan Gas projects. Mr

Jumpah explained that the purpose of the visit to the Shama District Assembly is to introduce the Project to

the Assembly and begin the consultative processes towards the acquisition of Environmental Permit in line

with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Introducing the projects, Mr Kofi Morna, the Chairman of Rotan Energy and Rotan Gas said the following:

The project is a 66Omw Combined Cycled Gas Turbine (Barge mounted) thermal facility located at Aboadze,

right next to TAPco and TICO. He said gas supply will be through the importation of LNG to be stored and re-

gasified on a Fuel Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) to be docked about 5 km offshore Aboadze and

replenished periodically via a ship-to-ship transfer.

The Primary Sponsor of the project is Rotan Energy Limited (Singapore), controlled by Mr Kofi Morna with

others as significant minority shareholders. Mitsui & Co are Co-Developers.

Issues Raised / Discussed

Speaker Organisation Responses/Comments

SA EPA Where is the Rotan Energy project being sited?

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The site for the Rotan Energy project is between the existing VRA site and

the proposed Amardi project site at Aboadze.

Is the Rotan Energy site within the VRA Enclave?

No, the Rotan Energy site is outside the VRA enclave.

I am sure Rotan Energy is aware of the Independent Power Producers

Association (IPPAs).

Yes, Rotan Energy is aware of the IPPAs but Rotan Energy is not an active. I hope Rotan Energy is aware of the opposition from the Nchaban Community on the development of power plants. If yes then that tells you the scope of work that needs to be done to let them understand that the Rotan Energy project will not negatively impact the community. Rotan Energy should also engage he Shama District Assembly and the residents association including Dr Azantelo (0244621584). There was a suggestion theat the IPPs come together to come out with the impact of air emissions on the community. Rotan Enegry needs to get involve with the IPPs. What are some of the specific air quality impacts complaints being made by the communities? Cumulative impacts of particulate matter, Noise, Explosions. It is a general public complaint. The EPA has written to the Shama District Assembly to address this problem. EPA has also requested the IPPs to guarantee their businesses by preparing strategic environmental assessment within the enclave. A baseline studies should be conducted to enable us adequately assess the situation. Does EPA has the IPP Category list? If yes, then let us have them.

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Yes, EPA has the category list but can only be provided on a need basis. Part of our assessment is undertake cumulative impact assessment hence the need to have access to information on other projects available. NOX is a key issue. MM is mounting diffusion tubes for NOX. Then models will be done. However there are other companies such as Amandi, Jacobsen, One Energy etc so how much effort do you put in modelling. There is therefore the need to know what the future scenario is reasonably. How high are the NOX at the ground level is very important. Does the EPA has any view of the ground level concentrations? EPA has the results for PM10, NOX, SOX and TSP. Monthly and quarterly monitoring reports are submitted by VRA and TICO. We are in the process of completing Form EA2 for the Environmental Assessment registration of the Rotan Energy Project. Where should we submit the completed Form EA2? The completed Form EA2 can be submitted either in Accra or Takoradi. The proposed project site is erosion prone so Rotan Energy should take note of this sensitive issue and deal with it adequately. Does EPA has any specific requirement for the air quality monitoring and modelling? Yes, EPA Air Quality guidelines are there for air quality monitoring.

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Stakeholder Engagement in ‘Action’ 1

View over Stakeholder Engagement Location (including stakeholders)

Supportive of project and happy to engage further.

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Follow-up, documents provided, miscellaneous

Contact Dr Azantelo

Name Organisation Position Telephone Email

Sarfo Afriyie (SA) EPA, Takoradi Regional



George Diewu EPA, Takoradi Senior Prog


Kofi Morna (KM) Rotan Energy Ltd Chairman

David Gardner (DG) Rotan Energy Ltd Engineer +44776820080

Diana Dimitrova Rotan Energy Ltd CFO +77810212367

Edwin Abanga Rotan Energy Ltd Director +23324442255

Rahim Mwaji Rotan Energy Ltd +16024107815

Toma Videnov Mitsui & Co +447739243464

Alwin Thomas Mitsui & Co +447850980545

Phyllis Squire Mitsui & Co +233501304557

Andrea Dal Mut


Mott Mac Andrea.dalmut@mottmac

Nik Stone (NS) Mott Mac [email protected]

Dyson Jumpah (DJ) EEMC Dep Proj Mgr 0244649873 [email protected]

Kofi Agbogah EEMC

Amoako Atta



Emmanuel Amekor



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Stakeholder(s): Capt James Owusu Korangteng, Director of Port (GPHA, Takoradi,)

Date: 27.07.15 Purpose: Project/ESIA

introduction of


Rotan Energy

Power Project

Facilitator(s): Dyson Jumpah, & Charles

Tsagli, (EEMC)

Location: GPHA, Takoradi


Time: 3.00Pm Report

prepared by:

Dyson Jumpah

Information provided to stakeholders during the Introduction

Messrs Environmental Engineering and Management Consult (EEMC) represented by Dyson Jumpah broadly

introduced the various companies working on the proposed Rotan Energy and Rotan Gas projects. Mr

Jumpah explained that the purpose of the visit to the Ghana Ports and Harbour Authoirty,Takoradi to

introduce the Project to the GPHA and begin the consultative processes towards the acquisition of

Environmental Permit in line with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Introducing the projects, Mr Kofi Morna, the Chairman of Rotan Energy and Rotan Gas said the following:

The project is a 66Omw Combined Cycled Gas Turbine (Barge mounted) thermal facility located at Aboadze,

right next to TAPco and TICO. He said gas supply will be through the importation of LNG to be stored and re-

gasified on a Fuel Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) to be docked about 5 km offshore Aboadze and

replenished periodically via a ship-to-ship transfer.

The Primary Sponsor of the project is Rotan Energy Limited (Singapore), controlled by Mr Kofi Morna with

others as significant minority shareholders. Mitsui & Co are Co-Developers.

Issues Raised / Discussed

Speaker Organisation Responses/Comments

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The Director of Port asked for more technical information on the Thermal

Plant and the associated marine FSRU facility.

The FSRU is a Floating Storage and Re-gasification Unit to be installed

offshore to receive LNG from vesels. There will be a Mooring system to

permanently place the FSRU in a fixed position at about 5km offshore


A multi point buoy (CBM) for gas transmission via vertical risers, PLEM with

buried onshore and offshore subsea piping to power barge gas terminal

points at graving dock will be installed.

The exact location for the FSRU is however, yet to be determined but is

likely to be at the South Western end of the existing Power Plant on the

Western side.

The Power Plant will be mounted on a Power Badge. The main issue to

GPHA is the tower and the FSRU.

The location of the FSRU is what will be of interest to the GPHA. The

expected depth weight is 170,000cm3.

So far the safety features are OK and it will be handled.

The LNG vessels are more safety conscious than those seating at onshore.

Knowing the location to consider the navigation aspects and to manage the

STX operations is key.

Towage and communication needs to be properly handled.

The project is budgeted to have 4 tugs so 4 substantial new tugs are


The location, he dimensions of the vessels and the type of job to be done

need to be defined then then the GPHA will know where it will be safe for

the vessels to be handled.

GPHA is already undertaking STX operations so there is no problem. The

expected requirements are not new to GPHA.

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The FSRU will be leased at a cost of about US$300 Million.

Towing and piloting is critical and will be done by the GPHA. Anybody can

be Captain but few men can be a pilot. It is important to know the terrain in

other to be properly assisted.

How is the emergency response plan of the GPHA so that Rotan Energy can collaborate with the GPHA GPHA has an emergency paln so there will be the need for ROTAN Energy to develop its own emergency plan to be fused with that of the GPHA since Rotan Energy will come directly under the GPHA. Other stakeholders will be involved since they may depend upon each other at the appropriate time. Rotan Energy could be involved in drill operations. Does the GPHA have any guidelines for consideration by Rotan Energy? Yes but guidelines will be developed tailored to the needs and operations of Rotan Energy. Since there is going to be an SBM they will not allow vessels to get close. They will put an ATM or a watch to direct other vessels. Are there any exclusion zones? There are no exclusion zones. Apart from the West African Gas Pipeline here is no any exclusion zone. There will be the need to relate with the Hydrographic Agency of the United Kingdom. There is the need for education to sensitize people to understand or know about the project prior to execution in other to avoid unnecessary rumours. Safety zone will be created. There have been problems with fishermen at the Aboadze SBM for VRA. What must Rotan do to avoid such problems? The bright lights around the SBM attracts fish so the fishermen go near the SBM to catch fish. The fishermen needs to be talked to and made to understand the dangers so that they back off. Creation of exclusion zone of about 500m will affect the fishermen so there is the need for an effective education

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Are there marine charts that the ESIA Team could look at? Yes, there are BA charts. Some amount of dreging will be done. What is the potential impact? The expected dredging is not big issue because the dredging will be a controlled dredging. There will be the need to use tugs to push the dredged materials. Suggested that David Gardner prepares a high level technical brief for the attention of GHPA to enable respond officially be providing a documented technical comments and suggestions for consideration by Rotan Consulting Engineers and the ESIA Team. The Director of Port of GPHA Takoradi has agreed to this suggestion and recommended that such a document should be copied to the Harbour Master and Marine Services Manager. David Gardner has also agreed to prepare the high level technical brief on the marine components of the Rotan Energy project for the attention of GPHA. Security at Aboadze is outside the jurisdiction of GPHA so there Navy should be notified. However there is a good collaboration with the Marine Police. If a security program is prepared by Rotan Energy then the GPHA will extend their support operations to cover those areas.

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Stakeholder Engagement in ‘Action’ 1

View over Stakeholder Engagement Location (including stakeholders)

Supportive of project and happy to engage further.

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Follow-up, documents provided, miscellaneous

Name Organisation Position Telephone Email

Capt James





Director of


0208127031 [email protected]

Capt Eben

Atadzi (EA)



HM 0208181428 [email protected]

Capt Francis




MSM 0244167488 [email protected]

Moses Duku GPHA,


Dep Port Sec 0573518260 [email protected]

James B.




Dep. Port Sec 0244232035 [email protected]





FM 0244261605 [email protected]

Joseph Lartey GPHA,


PEE 0208244555 [email protected]






Dep PEE 0200722704 [email protected]

Kofi Morna


Rotan Energy


Chairman 0267168552 [email protected]

David Gardner


Rotan Energy


Engineer +44776820080 [email protected]



Rotan Energy


CFO +77810212367 [email protected]

Edwin Abanga Rotan Energy Director +23324442255 [email protected]

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Rahim Mwaji Rotan Energy


Power +16024107815 [email protected]

Toma Videnov Mitsui & Co Power +447739243464 [email protected]

Alwin Thomas Mitsui & Co Power +447850980545 [email protected]

Phyllis Squire Mitsui & Co Power +233501304557 [email protected]

Andrea Dal

Mut (ADM)

Mott Mac Environmental +447788897788 Andrea.dalmut@mottmac

Nik Stone


Mott Mac ESIA PM +447891673760 [email protected]


Jumpah (DJ)

EEMC Dep Proj Mgr 0244649873 [email protected]

Kofi Agbogah EEMC Environmental 0266031882 [email protected]

Amoako Atta



EEMC Environmental 0208157728 [email protected]


Amekor (EA)

EEMC Environmental 0244779983 [email protected]

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Stakeholder Meeting Report

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Stakeholder(s): Kwabena Badu Yeboah, Director (EPA, Head Office, Accra), Audrey Quarcoo

(Principal Program Officer (EPA, Head Office, Accra).

Date: 29.07.15 Purpose: Project/ESIA

introduction of


Rotan Energy

Power Project

Facilitator(s): Dyson Jumpah, & Charles

Tsagli, (EEMC)

Location: EPA, Head

Office Accra

Time: 9.30am Report

prepared by:

Dyson Jumpah

Information provided to stakeholders during the Introduction

Messrs Environmental Engineering and Management Consult (EEMC) represented by Dyson Jumpah broadly

introduced the various companies working on the proposed Rotan Energy and Rotan Gas projects. Mr

Jumpah explained that the purpose of the visit is to introduce the Project and its proponents and

consultants to EPA and begin the consultative processes towards the acquisition of Environmental Permit in

line with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Introducing the projects, Mr Kofi Morna, the Chairman of Rotan Energy and Rotan Gas said the following:

The project is a 66Omw Combined Cycled Gas Turbine (Barge mounted) thermal facility located at Aboadze,

right next to TAPco and TICO. He said gas supply will be through the importation of LNG to be stored and re-

gasified on a Fuel Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) to be docked about 5 km offshore Aboadze and

replenished periodically via a ship-to-ship transfer.

The Primary Sponsor of the project is Rotan Energy Limited (Singapore), controlled by Mr Kofi Morna with

others as significant minority shareholders. Mitsui & Co are Co-Developers.

Natural gas wholesale license has been acquired and Power Purchase Agreement has been secured with


Mott Mac/EEMC has been contracted to undertake the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

The Team of Alliance partners and consultants have visited the proposed project site and consulted with the

Takoradi EPA and GHPAH on 27th

July 2015.

Issues Raised / Discussed

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Speaker Organisation Responses/Comments















The concept of the project is based on Floating Storage and Regasification

Unit (FSRU). There are 2 major components of the project. The first

component is the Power Plant and the second is Gas Supply System called

the FSRU. The FSRU will receive vessels of about 300m long and located

at about 2-5km offshore.

The development concept is therefore to apply for 2 parrallel permits .

They are familiar with arrangement Rotan is proposing so no problem to

apply for separate permits. However, an integrated study could be done to

have one permit. The option is opened.

Due to lack of certainty for LNG hence the Gas project . There is the need

for offtakers as well for the gas project. If this goes through there will be the

need to have separate permits and operations.

Ghana 1000 is also putting up a Gas facility with excess capacity that can

be offloaded. Why wouldn’t Roan Energy consider a partnership with

Ghana 1000?

Partnering with Ghana 1000 is a good idea. Rotan Energy had a meeting

with Ghana 1000 but there is no substantive link yet on the ground. For this

reason Rotan Energy is pursuing an independent gas facility development.

If the future something positive happens the partnership could be


The environmental assessment regulation requires the EA process for a

permit issued before the start of the project. EPA is happy to work with

Rotan Energy to fulfil this requirement. EPA is prepared to reduce the 90

days timeframe for the review and permitting process to 60 days depending

on the performance of the ESIA Consultants and the quality of their


EPA assures Rotan of an expedited action if the consultants performs.

There is a processing fee which is non-refundable and a permit fee to be

determined upon approval of the permit under the LI2216. If a special

review is requested it will attract a special fee to be determined by the EPA

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and borned by Rotan Energy.

EPA expects the consultant ESIA Report to be concise. The reports must

be compressed as much as possible and consistent with what the law

requires to be done.

It should be noted that TOR is not a table of content as many consultants

have been doing.

Kofi Morna remarked that at certain times the voluminous nature of the

ESIA reports is influenced the requirements of the Equator Principles or

international requirements.

Where is the Rotan Energy project being sited?

The ESIA will be produced to satisfy both the EPA and International

requirements. Two separate permit applications will be made but the

linkage will be clearly demonstrated.

What are the Environmental Values of concern to the EPA?

The site for the Rotan Energy project is between the existing VRA site and

the proposed Amardi project site at Aboadze.

The Anankwari Wetland, mangrooves and the airshed are environmental valuesof concern to the EPA. Air quality modelling should take account of what is existing. Additional the fuel mix usage scenarios should be considered. EPA disclosed that USAID is considering undertaking a Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Aboadze Energy Enclave.

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Stakeholder Engagement in ‘Action’ 1

View over Stakeholder Engagement Location (including stakeholders)

Supportive of project and happy to engage further.

Follow-up, documents provided, miscellaneou

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Name Organisation Position Telephone Email

Kwabena Badu


EPA, Accra Director 0244639012 [email protected]

Audrey Quarcoo EPA, Takoradi Principal Prog


0501301404 [email protected]

Kofi Morna (KM) Rotan Energy


Chairman 0267168552 [email protected]

David Gardner


Rotan Energy


Engineer +44776820080 [email protected]

Diana Dimitrova Rotan Energy


CFO +77810212367 [email protected]

Edwin Abanga Rotan Energy


Director +23324442255 [email protected]

Rahim Mwaji Rotan Energy


Power +16024107815 [email protected]

Toma Videnov Mitsui & Co Power +447739243464 [email protected]

Alwin Thomas Mitsui & Co Power +447850980545 [email protected]

Phyllis Squire Mitsui & Co Power +233501304557 [email protected]

Andrea Dal Mut


Mott Mac Environmental +447788897788 Andrea.dalmut@mottmac

Nik Stone (NS) Mott Mac ESIA PM +447891673760 [email protected]

Dyson Jumpah


EEMC Dep Proj Mgr 0244649873 [email protected]

Kofi Agbogah EEMC Environmental 0266031882 [email protected]

Amoako Atta



EEMC Environmental 0208157728 [email protected]


Amekor (EA)

EEMC Environmental 0244779983 [email protected]

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Stakeholder Meeting Report

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Stakeholder(s): Richard Oppong Mensah (Director, Thermal Generation, VRA-Aboadze)

Date: 26.08.15 Purpose: ESIA Scoping

exercise for


Rotan Energy

Power Project

Facilitator(s): Dyson Jumpah (EEMC)

Location: VRA-Aboadze

Director’s Office

Time: 10.30am Report

prepared by:

Dyson Jumpah

Information provided to stakeholders during the Introduction

Messrs Environmental Engineering and Management Consult (EEMC) represented by Dyson Jumpah broadly

introduced the ESIA team undertaking the scoping phase consultation on the proposed Rotan Energy and

Rotan Gas projects. Mr Jumpah explained that the purpose of the visit to the VRA-Aboadze Thermal Plant,

Takoradi is to introduce the Project to the VRA and begin the consultative processes towards the

identification of key issues for the preparation of ESIA Scoping report as part of the processes for the

acquisition of Environmental Permit in line with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Introducing the projects, Mr Andrea Dal Mut, the ESIA Project Manager said the following:

The project is a 66Omw Combined Cycled Gas Turbine (Barge mounted) thermal facility located at Aboadze,

right next to TAPco and TICO. He said gas supply will be through the importation of LNG to be stored and re-

gasified on a Fuel Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) to be docked about 5 km offshore Aboadze and

replenished periodically via a ship-to-ship transfer.

Mr Andrea Dal Mut referred to July visit by Rotan Energy together with Mott Mac and EEMC. He said this

visit is a followup visit to begin the ESIA Scoping studies for the proposed Rotan Energy project. He said new

experts on the team are the Social Scientist, Marine Ecologist, Coastal Processes Specialist and Hydrologist.

Issues Raised / Discussed

Speaker Organisation Responses/Comments

JW MM He is interested in the fate of the dredging processes under the Rotan

Energy offshore facilities development, numerical modelling of offshore

conditions, climatic changes issues, datasets on bathymetry offshore, data

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on wave climate and extreme wave conditions etc.

He is interested in marine species that may be impacted as well as the

fisheries species available, type of sea grass etc.

He Is interested in the communities, populations, livelihoods, impact of project on nearest communities, information on fish catch etc.

Will be assisting the teams on transportation, waste management and

landfills, Air quality issues etc.

The study has to be completed by December 2015. Two ESIAs will be

submitted. Interest is to comply with the Ghana EIA procedures as well as

the World Bank Standards and in compliance with requirements of

international finance institutions.

Since VRA came to Aboadze a lot of projects have taken place here. Some

are the West African Gas Pipeline project, TAQA, other IPPs such GE who

also wants to develop an FSRU facility.

VRA has a team coordinating all the activities of the IPPs so they can help

in the routing of facilities under the Rotan Projects. MM will be introduced to

the VRA Team.

WAGP, TAQA etc should be able to give MM/EEMC data on sea condition.

VRA is now extracting a lot of sea water so the conditions may be affected.

T1 and T2 are being converted into CCGTs. T4 has been awarded but

construction is yet to begin.

All the plants are running on gas from Ghana Gas.

There is an SBM pipeline that delivers gas from ocean tankers.

There is an existing right of way (ROW) owned by Ghana Gas. If Rotan

want to work within the ROW they must ask permission.

MM/EEMC will need to formally write to introduce the Rotan Project to the

VRA through the Head Office of VRA in Accra so that the Rotan Project can

be introduce to the VRA Technical Committee.

Who can give us maps?

A real estate person on the VRA Committee should be able to give MM

maps. WAGP has an office in Accra but the project office is in Takoradi.

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MM needs to write to WAGP

Who drives the consultation processes among the IPPs? VRA drives the consultation processes among the IPPs. EPA insists on a single point of water extraction. VRA is looking at that on behalf of all the IPPs. VRA is also putting up a fire station to support the IPPs. This will be a commercial support. How does VRA relate to the communities at various levels? VRA has a community relations person. Efforts to provide a common front to reach the communities on Corporate Social Responsibilities hasn’t been successful. This is due to the variability of capacities of the various companies. There is the need to have a common front. You mentioned that there is one main sea water extraction point. What about discharge points? There are two discharge points. The other plants are considering air cooling so it is not likely that more seawater discharge points will be needed. However, there is a controlled intake of water. We are interested in the cumulative impacts. Do you know what the plants are doing? What are the community supports provided by VRA? Water is a big issue. VRA has extended water supply to the community There are two water. VRA has constructed a reservoir so that water can be supplied to the community. Public toilets have also been constructed for the communities namely Aboadze, Dwumor and Abuesi. MM needs to consult with Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) Does VRA manage fisheries with the Communities? No. Cold store was built for the community but they could not manage it. What are the significant changes that have occurred in the area? VRA is the biggest employer in the area.

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ROM VRA Employment is an issue now in the area. Most of them people have gone to school. There are Polytechnic Schools in the area. VRA has built a hospital in the area. There is also a District Hospital and the Efiekuma Hospital. The VRA hospital however now seems small.

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Stakeholder Engagement in ‘Action’ 1

View over Stakeholder Engagement Location (including stakeholders)

Supportive of project and happy to engage further.

Follow-up, documents provided, miscellaneous

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Name Organisation Position Telephone Email

Richard Oppong


VRA-Aboadze Director-



0202026887 [email protected]

Dyson Jumpah EEMC Environmental 0244649873

Pierre Gouws Mott MacDonald Social


Jon Williams Mott MacDonald Marine



Rowan Byrne Mott MacDonald Marine


Andrea Dal Mut Mott MacDonald Project


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Stakeholder Meeting Report

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Stakeholder(s): George K.M. Impraim (Area Manager,Takoradi)

Date: 26.08.15 Purpose: ESIA Scoping

exercise for


Rotan Energy

Power Project

Facilitator(s): Dyson Jumpah (EEMC)

Location: GRIDCO-

Takoradi Office

Time: 9.00am Report

prepared by:

Dyson Jumpah

Information provided to stakeholders during the Introduction

Messrs Environmental Engineering and Management Consult (EEMC) represented by Dyson Jumpah broadly

introduced the ESIA team undertaking the scoping phase consultation on the proposed Rotan Energy and

Rotan Gas projects. Mr Jumpah explained that the purpose of the visit to GRIDCO, Takoradi is to introduce

the Project to GRIDCO and begin the consultative processes with particular attention to power transmission

lines and evacuation issues towards the identification of key concerns for the preparation of ESIA Scoping

report as part of the processes for the acquisition of Environmental Permit in line with the requirements of

the Environmental Protection Agency.

Introducing the projects, Mr Andrea Dal Mut, the ESIA Project Manager said the following:

The project is a 66Omw Combined Cycled Gas Turbine (Barge mounted) thermal facility located at Aboadze,

right next to TAPco and TICO. He said gas supply will be through the importation of LNG to be stored and re-

gasified on a Fuel Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) to be docked about 5 km offshore Aboadze and

replenished periodically via a ship-to-ship transfer.

Mr Andrea Dal Mut referred to July visit by Rotan Energy together with Mott Mac and EEMC. He said this

visit is a followup visit to begin the ESIA Scoping studies for the proposed Rotan Energy project. He said new

experts on the team are the Social Scientist, Marine Ecologist, Coastal Processes Specialist and Hydrologist.

Mr Dal Mut also gave a brief on the status of the ESIA process and the registration done with EPA.

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Issues Raised / Discussed

Speaker Organisation Responses/Comments










He is interested in the fate of the dredging processes under the Rotan

Energy offshore facilities development, numerical modelling of offshore

conditions, climatic changes issues, datasets on bathymetry offshore, data

on wave climate and extreme wave conditions etc.

He is interested in marine species that may be impacted as well as the

fisheries species available, type of sea grass etc.

He is interested in the communities, populations, livelihoods, impact of project on nearest communities, information on fish catch etc.

Will be assisting the teams on transportation, waste management and

landfills, Air quality issues etc.

The study has to be completed by December 2015. Two ESIAs will be

submitted. Interest is to comply with the Ghana EIA procedures as well as

the World Bank Standards and in compliance with requirements of

international finance institutions.

There is the Tema/Accra Office that is responsible for all external issues. It

is therefore appropriate that we see the Director of Engineering at the

Tema Office. Mr Charles Doe is the Director of Engineering-


Rotan/Mott Mac should write to GRIDCO to formally introduce the project.

At the Aboadze Energy enclave, GRIDCO is responsible for the

management of the switchyard. There are 161KVA and 330KVA switch


Rotan needs to get GRIDCO involve in their planning since GRIDCO will be

undertaking the evacuation of the power to be generated by Rotan based

on the system capabilities GRIDCO Has in place.

The map for the national interconnected transmission system was


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Stakeholder Engagement in ‘Action’ 1

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View over Stakeholder Engagement Location (including stakeholders)

Supportive of project and happy to engage further.

Follow-up, documents provided, miscellaneous

Arrange meeting with GRIDCO H/O Accra and Collect Enclave layout plan for power

evacuation and existing ROW

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Name Organisation Position Telephone Email

George K.M.


GRIDCO Area Manager 0545518873 [email protected]

Dyson Jumpah EEMC Environmental 0244649873

Pierre Gouws Mott MacDonald Social


Jon Williams Mott MacDonald Marine



Rowan Byrne Mott MacDonald Marine


Andrea Dal Mut Mott MacDonald Project


Kwaku Amoako

Atta Degraft


EEMC Terrestrial

Ecologist and


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Stakeholder Meeting Report

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Stakeholder(s): Nana Kobina Attom III, Chief of Aboadze, John Kingsley Arthur (Stool Secretary

(Aboadze Chief’s Palace), Emmanuel Arthur (Lawyer Aboadze Chief’s Palace)

Date: 27.08.15 Purpose: ESIA Scoping

exercise for


Rotan Energy

Power Project

Facilitator(s): Dyson Jumpah (EEMC)

Location: Aboadze Chief’s


Time: 10.30am Report

prepared by:

Dyson Jumpah

Information provided to stakeholders during the Introduction

Mr. Emmanuel Arthur, with the permission of Nana Attom III, invited Messrs Mott Mac/EEMC to introduce

themselves. Introducing the team, Mr Dyson Jumpah referred to July visit by Rotan Energy together with

Mott Mac and EEMC. He said this visit is a followup visit to begin the ESIA Scoping studies for the proposed

Rotan Energy project. He said new experts on the team are the Social Scientist, Marine Ecologist, Coastal

Processes Specialist and Hydrologist. Specifically, the call on Nana Attom was to provide the Mr Pierre

Gouws, the Social Scientist the opportunity to engage Nana Attom on important social safeguard issues.

Issues Raised / Discussed

Speaker Organisation Responses/Comments




Aboadze Chief


How is the Aboadze Chieftaincy structure?

There are 4 Divisional Chiefs under the Shama Paramountcy. These are

the i) Dunkwa Division ii) Yabew-Adonten Division, iii) Lower Inchanban

and iv) Upper Inchanban.

There 8 Communities under the Upper Incahnban Division namely i)

Aboadze ii) Abuesi iii)Dwomor, iv) Ntuma, v)Nyankrom, vi) Konfoeko, vii)

Shama Junction Lower and viii) Shama Junction Upper.

All the communities are headed by Odikros. Hence Nana Attom is the

Odikro of Abiadze.

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What is the expectation of the communities of the IPPs including Rotan


Yes the expectations are very high. It depends on the companies and what

agreements is there.

They expect employment opportunities, education with scholarship

schemes and social amenities. If these things are done there will be no


Nana Attom, have you been consulted by the IPPs and what are the issues? They conducted open forum and shared ideas. Education, roads, pipe borne water, payment of royalties and ultimate signing of agreements. At the forums the presentations are made and potential impacts of the projects are discussed. The spokesperson of NKA added that a major issue is the synchronisation of the development plans of the communities and that of the District Assembly. He said he is taking this matter up with the District Assembly

What is the mechanism for grievance redress?

There is a major problem with VRA. Land was acquired under Executive Instrument. The Chiefs were not involved in the acquisition process. Compensation hasn’t been paid.

A land lease agreement has made with Rotan Energy. Generally, the period of lease for the companies is 50 years and 99 years for individual residential facilities.

Rotan is supposed to compensate affected persons on the land. It was disclosed that two buildings located on the South western (with 10 plots of land) end and North Western ends of the land belong to Mr Ntim Aboagye and Mr Amuzu. Mr Emmanuel Arthur is to contact the owners of the building and come to terms for compensation.

Is there any exclusion zone agreement preventing fishing in the area?

There is No Agreement.

Has provision been made along the coastline in order not to cause restriction of access to the movement of local fishermen and other people in search of their livelihoods. DJ added that restriction of access is a major social safeguard issue and must be ensured by the District Assembly and relevant IPPs in the Aboadze Energy enclave.

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Are there NGOs operating in the area? Yes, the NGO in the area are Hope for the Youth.

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Stakeholder Engagement in ‘Action’ 1

View over Stakeholder Engagement Location (including stakeholders)

Supportive of project and happy to engage further.

Follow-up, documents provided, miscellaneous

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Name Organisation Position Telephone Email

Nana Kobina

Atom III

Aboadze Chief’s Odikro 0242140134 [email protected]

John Kingsley


Aboadze Chief’s





Emmanuel Arthur Chief’s Palace Lawyer 0208404104

Robert Adjei Aboadze Chief’s





Amoako Atta


EEMC Environmental 0208157728 [email protected]

Dr Philip Gyau-


EEMC Hydrologist 0208170581

Dyson Jumpah EEMC Environmental 0244649873

Pierre Gouws Mott MacDonald Social


Jon Williams Mott MacDonald Marine



Rowan Byrne Mott MacDonald Marine


Andrea Dal Mut Mott MacDonald Project


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Stakeholder Meeting Report

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Stakeholder(s): Nana Amakye II (Chief of Abuesi Community)

Date: 27.08.15 Purpose: ESIA Scoping

exercise for


Rotan Energy

Power Project

Facilitator(s): Dyson Jumpah (EEMC)

Location: Abuesi Chief’s

Palace (ACP)

Time: 1.45pm Report

prepared by:

Dyson Jumpah

Information provided to stakeholders during the Introduction

Mr. John Kingsley Arthur invited Messrs Mott Mac/EEMC to introduce themselves to Nana Amakye and his

elders. Introducing the team, Mr Dyson Jumpah referred to July visit by Rotan Energy together with Mott

Mac and EEMC. He said this visit is a followup visit to begin the ESIA Scoping studies for the proposed Rotan

Energy project. He said new experts on the team are the Social Scientist, Marine Ecologist, Coastal

Processes Specialist and Hydrologist. Specifically, the call on Nana Amakye and his elders was to provide the

Mr Pierre Gouws, the Social Scientist the opportunity to engage Nana Amakye on important social

safeguard issues.

Issues Raised / Discussed

Speaker Organisation Responses/Comments



How long has the Abuesi community been around and how has the community been growing? The people of Aboadze and Abuesi are brothers and actually one family. VRA has brought job opportunities and many people have migrated to the community. This has put pressure on the social amenities such as water, school etc. Similarly Rotan Energy’s project will attract people to the area thereby increasing the social pressure on existing amenities. The palace for the community does not suit him. He deserves a better palace. They also want scholarship for their school children. Fishing is their main occupation but this has dwindled such that parents could not cater for their children’s school fees leading to high school dropout rates and unemployment.

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What consultation has been done or being done by the IPPs with the chiefs? TIKO has been giving scholarship but not enough. WAGP has been repairing the drains and also giving scholarships though not enough. He intends to bring the IPPs together to help build his palace. Frequency of meeting with the IPPs is quarterly and at the community centre. The most recent meeting was on the 26

th August 2015. VRA

donated 8 big poly tanks for the Aboadze and Abuesi Communities and toilet for Abuesi. The community needs technical school for skills development. The community is growing in the east and northern directions. Which other companies are engaging the community? Amandi, Jacobsen, Global Energy etc What are the biggest challenges for the community? Financial weaknesses and challenges of the fish mongers. What is the population of the fishermen? Abuesi community has the largest population after Shama. About 70% of the people are fishermen. How is fish processed in the community? Drying, salting and smoking. Processed fishes are sent to Kumasi, Accra, Bolgatanga for selling. Is there anything else done along the beach by the community? Collecting of stones for construction and terrazzo works. Fishing expeditions using hooks are done along the coast. There is a ban on turtle catching. Are there any mechanisms for grievance redress? Grievances are addressed by the chiefs or elders in the community. Most of the issues are social vices, stealing and teenage pregnancy.

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Stakeholder Engagement in ‘Action’ 1

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View over Stakeholder Engagement Location (including stakeholders)

Supportive of project and happy to engage further.

Follow-up, documents provided, miscellaneous

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Name Organisation Position Telephone Email

Nana Amakye II Abuesi Chiefs


Odikro 0242140134 [email protected]

John Kingsley


Abuesi Chiefs





Nana Bofo


Abuesi Chiefs





Samuel T Otoo Abuesi Chiefs


Elder 024545284



Abuesi Chiefs


Linguist 0249967594

Ibu Essuon Abuesi Chiefs


Cashier Land



Kojo Ampiah Abuesi Chiefs


Linguist 0275278597

Lucy Mensah Abuesi Chiefs



Mothers Sec


Amoako Atta


EEMC Environmental 0208157728 [email protected]

Dr Philip Gyau-


EEMC Hydrologist 0208170581

Dyson Jumpah EEMC Environmental 0244649873

Pierre Gouws Mott MacDonald Social


Jon Williams Mott MacDonald Marine



Rowan Byrne Mott MacDonald Marine


Andrea Dal Mut Mott MacDonald Project


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Stakeholder(s): Mr Badger (Deputy CEO of VRA)

Date: 28.08.15 Purpose: ESIA Scoping

exercise for


Rotan Energy

Power Project

Facilitator(s): Dyson Jumpah (EEMC)

Location: VRA-Aboadze

Director’s Office

Time: 11.40am Report

prepared by:

Dyson Jumpah

Information provided to stakeholders during the Introduction

Messrs Environmental Engineering and Management Consult (EEMC) represented by Dyson Jumpah broadly

introduced the ESIA team undertaking the scoping phase consultation on the proposed Rotan Energy and

Rotan Gas projects. Mr Jumpah explained that the purpose of the visit to the VRA-Aboadze Thermal Plant,

Takoradi is to introduce the Project to the VRA and begin the consultative processes towards the

identification of key issues for the preparation of ESIA Scoping report as part of the processes for the

acquisition of Environmental Permit in line with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Introducing the projects, Mr Andrea Dal Mut, the ESIA Project Manager said the following:

The project is a 66Omw Combined Cycled Gas Turbine (Barge mounted) thermal facility located at Aboadze,

right next to TAPco and TICO. He said gas supply will be through the importation of LNG to be stored and re-

gasified on a Fuel Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) to be docked about 5 km offshore Aboadze and

replenished periodically via a ship-to-ship transfer.

Mr Andrea Dal Mut referred to July visit by Rotan Energy together with Mott Mac and EEMC. He said this

visit is a followup visit to begin the ESIA Scoping studies for the proposed Rotan Energy project. He said new

experts on the team are the Social Scientist, Marine Ecologist, Coastal Processes Specialist and Hydrologist.

Issues Raised / Discussed

Speaker Organisation Responses/Comments

D.CEO VRA Is there going to be a negotiation with Ghana Gas to get connection to gas


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Yes, this negotiation might be going on with Rotan A common corridor is to be created so that other IPPs are not stranded. The corridor has to be created for fuel, water and power. Amandi is tapping into the SBM. Jacobsen will do same to receive LCO. The same corridor should should be able to provide gas pipeline for Rotan. Will this be done by VRA Accra or Takoradi? There is a team in Akuse working on the creation of the common corridor. We will like to get advice from the VRA on this. We need to submit our ESIA to EPA BY December 2015. We need to know the places to be utilized by Rotan so as to consider the resettlement and compensation issues. VRA has already acquired all the corridors that Rotan might need. VRA needs to define the common areas to be used. Within the next one month it could be appropriate for the VRA to come out with something whilst Rotan also clearly defines their layout and proposed routes for utilities as well as power evacuation. VRA is considering the channelling he Anankwari to improve the flow into the sea. JW thinks the channelling of the Anakwari will be problematic because the Anankwari seems lower than the coastline barrier. Part of the issues to be looked at is the flooding issue. A numerical modelling to look at this has to be done We of the Rotan team sees the project as one that will have a lot of interaction with other IPPs so we are concerned about cumulative impacts. The need for the IPPs to come together the meet the needs of the communities with a common front. The Rotan Team needs to introduce the project to VRA and make the necessary technical requests for submission to VRA by Rotan. Communication is to be addressed to the CEO of VRA attentioned Mr Badger, the Deputy CEO. The draft site layout of the Aboadze Enclave obtained the Rotan team from Aboadze is to be attached to an email request of the said communication.

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Stakeholder Engagement in ‘Action’ 1

View over Stakeholder Engagement Location (including stakeholders)

Supportive of project and happy to engage further.

Follow-up, documents provided, miscellaneous

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Stakeholder Meeting Report

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Name Organisation Position Telephone Email

Mr Badger VRA-Accra Deputy CEO 020202684 [email protected]

Dyson Jumpah EEMC Environmental 0244649873

Pierre Gouws Mott MacDonald Social


Jon Williams Mott MacDonald Marine



Rowan Byrne Mott MacDonald Marine


Andrea Dal Mut Mott MacDonald Project


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Stakeholder Meeting Report

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Stakeholder(s): Henry Aryertey, Joseph Adam, Nii Ashong

Date: 28.08.15 Purpose: ESIA Scoping

exercise for


Rotan Energy

Power Project

Facilitator(s): Dyson Jumpah (EEMC)

Location: Energy


Office Accra

Time: 1.15pm Report

prepared by:

Dyson Jumpah

Information provided to stakeholders during the Introduction

Messrs Environmental Engineering and Management Consult (EEMC) represented by Dyson Jumpah broadly

introduced the ESIA team undertaking the scoping phase consultation on the proposed Rotan Energy and

Rotan Gas projects. Mr Jumpah explained that the purpose of the visit to the VRA-Aboadze Thermal Plant,

Takoradi is to introduce the Project to the VRA and begin the consultative processes towards the

identification of key issues for the preparation of ESIA Scoping report as part of the processes for the

acquisition of Environmental Permit in line with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Introducing the projects, Mr Andrea Dal Mut, the ESIA Project Manager said the following:

The project is a 66Omw Combined Cycled Gas Turbine (Barge mounted) thermal facility located at Aboadze,

right next to TAPco and TICO. He said gas supply will be through the importation of LNG to be stored and re-

gasified on a Fuel Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) to be docked about 5 km offshore Aboadze and

replenished periodically via a ship-to-ship transfer.

Mr Andrea Dal Mut referred to July visit by Rotan Energy together with Mott Mac and EEMC. He said this

visit is a followup visit to begin the ESIA Scoping studies for the proposed Rotan Energy project. He said new

experts on the team are the Social Scientist, Marine Ecologist, Coastal Processes Specialist and Hydrologist.

Issues Raised / Discussed

Speaker Organisation Responses/Comments



What are the processes and requirements for licensing by the Energy Commission?

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Firstly, you need to apply for a provisional license. There is a licensing manual we can access from the website of the Energy Commission. EPA requires that the Energy Commission is consulted. There is sitting committee made up of people from Ministry of Defence, Lands Commission. To get a provisional license, the form stipulates three main processes and about 20 exhibits that are required. Upon submission of the application, it will be reviewed by the Board to either grant the application or otherwise. The Energy Commission depends of the EPA Permit to issue license. The project ESIA is used as the baseline document for monitoring and followup at various stages of the project. Copies of project scoping reports for project are passed on to the Energy Commission for review comments. Rotan has already been issued with a Provisional License. So the next stage is the acquisition of the citing Permit which will involve the Ghana Maritime Authority, EPA and Ministry of Defence. Normally, this is done before the ESIA. Siting committee will do the site inspection. Siting offshore is under the jurisdiction of the Ghana Maritime Authority. After the siting Permit a Construction Permit will be issued prior to the submission of the necessary exhibits. Has the Energy Commission met the IPPs to consider the maximum generation of power that the Aboadze Enclave can accommodate? Yes, this is seriously being considered with focus on particularly the Environmental Impacts. EPA is making some efforts in this area. Power evacuation is also an issue being looked at. GRIDCO is being involved in these processes. We agree with the views being shared by the EC Officers. We are also interested in the cumulative impacts, social issues, air quality, transportation, wastes etc. We also need to know the other IPPs that are in the area so if EC has any information we will be happy to have them. Amandi, Jacobsen, One Energy, ASG, Astro have received siting permits from the Energy Commission. Provisional licenses have been issued to Chris Power, Rotan and Amanful Power Group. Rotan needs to give a serious thought of Corporate Social Responsibility considering the potential of air quality impact. Possibly, an agreement could be signed and an understanding reached with the communities.

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Stakeholder Engagement in ‘Action’ 1

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View over Stakeholder Engagement Location (including stakeholders)

Supportive of project and happy to engage further.

Follow-up, documents provided, miscellaneous

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Name Organisation Position Telephone Email

Henry Ayertey Energy





0244895076 [email protected]

Nii Ashong Energy




Joseph Adams Energy




Dyson Jumpah EEMC Environmental 0244649873

Pierre Gouws Mott MacDonald Social


Jon Williams Mott MacDonald Marine



Rowan Byrne Mott MacDonald Marine


Andrea Dal Mut Mott MacDonald Project


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ESIA Rotan LNG FSRU September 2015

ESIA Rotan LNG FSRU Public Consultation Meeting Minutes, Scoping, September 2015



Venue: Aboaze Community Centre, Western Region

Date: 22nd September, 2015

Time Started: 11: am

Time Ended: 1: 21 pm

General Meeting Details: Description of the Project The Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant and Floating Storage Regasification Unit (Rotan CCGT and LNG FSRU Projects) will be located west of Aboadze in the Shama District of the Western Region, with the FSRU located approximately 5.5 km offshore from the Aboadze enclave. The CCT Power Plant will be build close to the VRA facility near Anankor River. Objective of the Consultation Meeting We are here today to give you information about the Rotan CCGT and LNG FSRU Projects and to listen to your opinions, ideas and concerns in relation to the Project. EEMC want to know your views about the key impacts in order to address in the terms of reference for the ESIA study. More importantly because the project is located in Aboadze we need the opinions/concerns of the residents (Chief, Elders, Women, and the Youth). This is exercise is a requirement of EPA, and in line with the process of securing permit for the Project. Project Proponents, Key Stakeholders and their Responsibilities Rotan Power and Rotan Gas is the Project Developer. Its core business is to generate and distribute electrical energy in Aboadze, Ghana. Rotan Power main responsibility is to develop and operate the Project to high technical, financial, environnemental, social, & management standards. Other responsibilities include

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power generation, onshore gas pipeline and receiving station, transmission line, buildings, access, accommodation village, near Aboadze .Rotan LNG FSRU is also responsible for the development of the floating storage regasification unit, mooring tower, visiting LNG carries, sub-sea LNG gas pipeline. EEMC & Mott MacDonald are ESIA Consultants; they are responsible for carrying out the ESIA. To ensure that the ESIA meets national & international standards, addressing environmental and social impacts as well as proposing the appropriate mitigation measures. Other responsibilities include engagement of local communities, the public and other stakeholders and also providing them with relevant information. EPA is the permitting Authority and would decide on the basis of evidence, whether the Project should go forward or not Components of the Project There are several components of the Project namely: technical, financial, environmental, social, management. Presently, impact analysis or evaluation is underway for the various components. Aim of the Project We all know the problem confronting Ghana’s energy sector, we need power generation and supply to meet increasing domestic demand of the country and also provide the opportunity for Ghana to export power i.e. improved Ghana’s energy situation. Need for the CCGT and FSRU World Bank predicts 1500MW shortfall in electricity capacity in Ghana by 2022. Gas fired independent power production is most efficient way to develop additional generation capacity as well as addressed power shortages. The ESIA process Ghanaian law, Environmental Protection Agency Act 1994 (Act 490) requires Rotan to conduct EIA. International guidelines of the Work Bank and IFC) also require ESIA. The ESIA process covers Registration, Screening, Scoping and Detailed ESIA (impact assessment – positive and negative). Throughout this process there would be public consultations and engagement. The ESIA must: - Present clearly an assessment of the impacts based on the terms of reference established during scoping - Identify potential direct, indirect, cumulative and transboundary impacts on the environment and social context, covering the pre-construction, construction, operation, decommissioning and post decommissioning stages. - Provide mitigation, enhancement, management and monitoring measures to address the impacts identified Consultations so far:

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Rotan Power has visited the Project location and neighbouring project communities. So far more than 11 meetings have been held at different levels both national and district levels with stakeholders, people interested in or affected by the Project Frequently Asked Questions Who is Rotan Power and Rotan Gas? Rotan Power Ltd is an independent power producer registered in Ghana, and Rotan Gas Ltd is a registered gas company in Ghana. The projects are sponsored primarily by Rotan Energy Ltd, a Singapore based company, with Mitsui & Co. Ltd as development partner and EOSon Infrastructure Ltd as a minority shareholder. Enhancement measures? Possible additional measures to get the full benefit of positive impacts - Community Development Support, Fisheries Development Support, and Skills Development Programme. What are the potential benefits? Improved the national power system, contribute to the filling of the electricity capacity gap in Ghana, relieving the power stability problem. Will land be leased or acquired for the Project? Land will be leased or acquired for the Project through agreement with the relevant landowners. Is there another option for the Project? Other technology options for electricity generation have already been considered and this is the best technology for the project. The Project is in the feasibility stage so available design options are still being studied. Potential Impacts Physical and Biological

• Emissions and dust related to on-site plant and vehicles, construction activities, emissions from combined cycle power plant stacks.

• Coastal erosion processes

• Increased flood risk in low lying areas

• Disturbance of soils

• Changes to landscape and visuals

• Impacts on inshore and offshore fish population and other marine animals

• Noise and vibration from traffic, construction activities, operational facilities such as gas turbines, generators, transformers, exhaust systems

• Terrestrial and aquatic ecology

• Changes in water quality

• Waste generation, especially during construction

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• Human activities along the shorelines would be affected/ change in access route Potential Impacts Social, Economic and Cultural

• Benefits to society in the form of electricity production and opportunities for community development initiatives

• Loss of two structures potentially resulting in relocation and economic displacement

• Opportunities for employment during construction and operation

• Nuisance effects from construction, including traffic movements, noise, dust and exhaust emissions

• Occupational and community health risks

• Immigration and induced development

• Changes to access routes – loss of footpath along beach Next Steps/The Way forward

� Baseline surveys and field work – marine, terrestrial and aquatic ecology, air quality, socio-economic and community � Impact assessment production � Mitigation & enhancement, management and monitoring plans � 2nd round of public consultation on the draft ESIA findings/ Second round of public consultation meetings to discuss the ESIA study draft results � Issuance of environmental permit, construction and operation � Fields studies are underway, more stakeholder meetings, focus group discussions would be held to provide opportunity for residents to get involved to

prevent them from making statement like we are not aware of the Project.

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EEMC and Project Team Members: Dyson Jumpah, Kwaku Amoako Atta de-graft Johnson, Emmanuel Amekor, Gilbert Sam Government Representation: Media present: Number of Participants (excluding EEMC and Project Team such as Rotan): Number of women: 42 Number of men: 46 Language used: English and Fanti Photo Identification Numbers:

Comments/Questions / Suggestions Made by Response

Made by

1. Rotan Power met the Chief and Elders of Aboadze Community and briefed us about the Project. We told them about our past experiences with other energy companies operating in the Aboadze enclave. Our concern are:

• We want older people in Aboadze Community who cannot work to benefit from the Project. Hope for the youth, local NGO to benefit

• To alley our fears about potential earthquake as result of their activities by telling us the frequency of the earthquake

• The project we know is for the entire nation but Aboadze community will suffer most of the negative impacts so we must benefit from the Project.

Nana Attom III, Chief of Aboadze Community

• We are not saying there is going to be earthquake as result of the Project. We mean there would be vibrations or shaking as result of earth moving equipment or movements of heavy duty vehicles during the construction phase.

• There will also be air pollution from dust. This kind of pollution can be minimised through the use of water.

De-graft Johnson, EEMC

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• We would like Rotan Power, the contractor for the Project. to be present anytime there is a meeting such as this one so that we can tell them our needs.

• We would like to sign an agreement with Rotan Power and also make sure that everything agreed are documented in order to hold them accountable.

• Would there be blasting? We don’t want blasting and if there should be any blasting we have to be informed. In the past blasting took place in the sea and killed a lot of the fishes.

• Too much partisan politics is disturbing Aboadze community. We don’t want any party politics with the job opportunities that are likely to come with Rotan Power Project. I want the Project to give employment to the youth so that they will be able to support the development initiatives of the community.

• The kind of shaking or vibrations that is likely to take place is definitely not earthquakes. If anything happens contrary to what is in the EIA. Then the Chief, together with the people can stop the Project through complaints to EPA who may be issuing permit conditions.

• There will be some dredging in the sea. But at this stage, we are unable tell if there is going to be blasting. But if the rocky nature of shoreline requires blasting, it will be done. However, there will be full disclosure of such activity to the Chief and the people.

Dyson Jumpah, EEMC


• We have seen similar projects like that of VRA and TICO. Aboadze Community did not enjoy the benefits as promised but got the negative impacts. Equipment used during the construction phase impacted on our buildings by causing cracks in our houses.

• The township for the companies (VRA) do not experience light off but Aboadze community has been experiencing rampant light offs. Under Rotan Power Project, we want light-outs to be a thing of the past in our community. We need transformer for Aboadze community.

• The pipelines under the seabed will have weeds growing along it; this can impact on the fishing industry.

• The pipelines for the West African Pipeline Project got burst some time back, this led to widespread of cough among the people leading to some deaths. Gas project is dangerous to our health and lives.

• Residents of Aboadze community are predominantly farmers and fishers, compensation paid to affected persons under previous projects range between 500 to1000 Ghana Cedis. The amount paid as compensations were inadequate.

Nana Adam Eduafo, Chief Fisherman, Aboadze

• It is part of our duties to identify all the impacts that is likely to occur. Currently, we are at the scoping stage, we want to understand the issues; we are gathering views, ideas, concerns for detail investigations. We will get to another level where called the impact assessment stage where issues identified would be further scrutinized.

• Rotan Power is consulting with the Maritime Authority, Ghana Harbour Authority, and the Ghana Navy in connection with the pipelines and other installations off shore.

• The floating storage regasification facility would be enclosed. The gas will come in a liquid form. But of cause there could be an accident. There will not be gas flaring. We hope that there will not be any leakages. Preventive measures would be put in place to reduce leakages.

• The proposed technology for the Project has

Dyson Jumpah, EEMC

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• Already there are rigs and other facilities constructed on the marine waters which is negatively affecting the fishing industry. Now that Rotan Power is also planning to develop floating storage regasification facility this will seriously affect fishing since there would be some restrictions. We (the fishers) need to sit with Rotan Power to discuss issues relating to the Sea particularly where we do our fishing work.

• Today, Aboadze community has many educated young people. We have qualified people, so I proposed that 80% of the employment opportunities under Rotan Power Project be reserved for residents of Aboadze. I am a professional diver and can work in Rotan Power.

been tested and it is being used all over the world.

• Fisher folks should come out with suggestions for consideration. Aboadze is a fishing community so the project has a fishing development programme

• Dyson Jumpah thanked Nana Adam for his insightful contributions. An invitation was extended to Nana Adam to participate and share his rich experiences in the next consultation meeting.

• Following the compilations of community concerns, the EIA Consultant is going to investigate the issues deeper. The possibility of weeds growing along the gas pipelines and possible impacts on fishing activities would be investigated and appropriate mitigations recommended.

De-graft Johnson, EEMC

3 • This is not the first time we are hearing promises of this nature from companies, I want to know if we will be restricted in our movement i.e. would the Project affect access routes?

• Is it really possible for the Chief and the people to stop a Project of this kind?

• Would our building experience cracks as result of the Project?

• We need broader consultations among ourselves so Rotan Power should give the community time to do its own consultations before any further engagement.

Raymond Abakah, Opinion Leader

• There will be some restrictions of access along the beach front and to some extent the lagoon areas. Movements somehow would be managed. However, other access routes would be provided and proper layouts would be put in place. Discussions are underway with the District Assembly. Note that development comes with some sacrifices. Various stakeholders must protect their interest.

Dyson Jumpah, EEMC

4 • We would like to have our own broader consultations. Meet with various family heads, church leaders, leaders of associations and assembly

Nana Kow Meano,

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members and then finally meet the Consultant.

• Once the thermal plant starts operating, certainly there is going to be vibrations. Are you saying we can stop Rotan Power from working in the event of any violations?

• I think we should rent our land and increased the rent periodically so that we can get money to take care of the elderly in our community.

Opinion Leader

5 • Is the government of Ghana part of the financiers of the Project?

• Often we are promised jobs but we end up getting nothing. We don’t want a situation where we will be told to see the DCE or Minister.

Isaac Baidoo, Assembly man

• The Project is purely 100% private sector investment. The Government is only creating the enabling conditions to facilitate the Project. In other words, the Government of Ghana is not contributing money towards the Project.

• The Project will certainly create job opportunities. The community will benefits from the following: community development programme, and support for the fishing industry. Community benefits must be community driven.

• Rotan Power has its own objectives so community members should manage their expectations. They should not expect that all their needs would be addressed by Rotan Power. Engaging a local person to be an interpreter for this meeting is also a way to create opportunity for skills development.

Dyson Jumper, EEMC

6 • Many companies are operating in Aboadze community but when community members need help they do not know when to go to. I propose that Rotan Power should set-up a community relation directorate which will be responsible for community issues and relations.

Pastor Ben Arthur


• My observations with other companies operating in the Aboadze community are that community members are hired as temporary workers. I hope this Project would be different. It will give permanent jobs to the people.

Helena Bonney

• The opportunities are coming so you must prepare yourselves to engage the company and demand what you want.

Dyson Jumpah, EEMC

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8 • The offshore floating storage regasification facility will certainly affect fishing activities.

Mary Efua Mensah

• We have identified the impact of the offshore floating storage regasification facility. This would be addressed

Dyson Jumper, EEMC

9 • What can Rotan Power do to help us, the young girls who are interested and desire to acquire some vocational skills training?

Esther Mensah

• Aboadze community has many companies already operating here and there are news ones coming. I proposed that Nana together with his opinion leaders compiled list of both skilled and unskilled people. Again, compile list of projects that you need and make presentation to the companies for support.

Emmanuel Amekor, EEMC

10 • We want you to share you to share minutes of this meeting with us

• We will certainly share the report with Abaodze Community.

Dyson Jumpah, EEMC
