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6713 Welding Abstracts

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7/29/2019 6713 Welding Abstracts http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/6713-welding-abstracts 1/59 Opening Session Chairmen: E. Belinco OPENING ADDRESS ,  2010 "  Good Morning: I am proud to announce that the “Welding and Joining 2010 Conference” is formally open  Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to welcome such a great community of people involved in welding to the Welding and Joining 2010 Conference in Tel-Aviv. Welding technologists are involved in research and development, production, construction, and inspection functions connected with welded products. The complexity of welding is readily apparent when one considers that fusion welding involves temperature gradients of thousands of degrees, over distances of less than a centimeter occurring on a time scale of seconds, involving multiple phases of solids, liquids gases and plasma. It is only the true technologist who is willing to deal with a process of such complexity in order to achieve the end result of a fabricated product of commercial usefulness, of high quality, safety, and affordable cost. Reports and analyses conducted by ASME, ASM and other leading organizations point to the many changes affecting the technical professions. One main change is the migration of jobs to high-tech fields of engineering, biotechnology and environmental science and nanotechnology. Since technology and joining go hand-in-hand, this change has profound implications for welding scientists and engineers. Its output is a visible trend from conventional arc welding to computerized systems, high-energy joining and solid-state bonding, from metals to materials
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Opening Session

Chairmen: E. Belinco


,“ 2010" 

Good Morning: I am proud to announce that the “Welding and Joining

2010 Conference” is formally open 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to welcome such a great community of people

involved in welding to the Welding and Joining 2010 Conference in Tel-Aviv.

Welding technologists are involved in research and development, production, construction, and

inspection functions connected with  welded products. The complexity of welding is readily

apparent when one considers that fusion welding involves temperature gradients of thousands

of degrees, over distances of less than a centimeter occurring on a time scale of seconds,

involving multiple phases of solids, liquids gases and plasma. It is only the true technologist

who is willing to deal with a process of such complexity in order to achieve the end result of a

fabricated product of commercial usefulness, of high quality, safety, and affordable cost.

Reports and analyses conducted by ASME, ASM and other leading organizations point to the

many changes affecting the technical professions. One main change is the migration of jobs to

high-tech fields of engineering, biotechnology and environmental science and nanotechnology.

Since technology and joining go hand-in-hand, this change has profound implications for 

welding scientists and engineers. Its output is a visible trend from conventional arc welding to

computerized systems, high-energy joining and solid-state bonding, from metals to materials

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(mix of metals, polymers and ceramics) and from manually-controlled fabrication to the world

of automation, robotics, and real-time NDT, from art to controlled parameters and to pre-

determined heat input for some special alloys. The small nation of Israel has developed high

technology industries, capable of building and orbiting its own satellite, producing accessories

for the aircraft industry, and extracting magnesium metal from the Dead Sea. Now that Israel

has discovered natural gas (about 5 Tcf) we are building the necessary infrastructure to get the

gas from the well site to where it will be used for energy for power plants and industry; more

than ever before, welding plays a crucial role in creating this infrastructure. Same goes for the

development of desalinization systems currently under construction in many countries (many of 

the bidders are Israeli firms) and also in Israel.

Many of these developments were accomplished because of strong collaboration with

researchers from other countries in the various areas of science and technology. We hope that

the Welding and Joining 2010 Conference provides a technical and scientific forum in which

Israeli engineers and technologists can interact with international colleagues to share successes

of their own work, and to learn about new progress made by colleagues from abroad in the field


Finally, I would like to extend to all of you a warm invitation for the next Welding and Joining

International Conference in 2015. We are looking forward to welcome you again in Tel-Aviv in

January 2015.


This conference is the result of the combined efforts of many. The conference would not have

 been possible without the support, encouragement, and dedication of J. Feirman, S. Yaron, Y.

Oron, G. Kohn, E. Belinco, Y. Rosenthal, and of D. Serioty and Arnon-Paz Comp. It seems

that the word thanks just isn’t enough. The continuing support of AEAI, SII, NRCN, BGU and

of the AWS and IIW organizations is highly appreciated. 

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Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the time, support and

effort devoted by many authors, session chairpersons and exhibitors to make the conference a

success. Last but not least, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to all the members of the

 National Welding Committee for making this event possible.

Prof Adin Stern

Beer-Sheva, Israel

January 20, 2010

PS .: We can’t change the wind, but we can set the sails in the right direction  

(Japanese proverb)

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Underwater Welding: Science & Technology Research

Interest or Practical Reality?

Stephen Liu – Ph.D., CEng, FAWS, FASM, FASME

Center for Welding, Joining and Coatings Research

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Colorado School of Mines

Golden, Colorado 80401, U.S.A.


Underwater wet welding offers significant cost savings over other repair techniques for 

submerged structures such as petroleum production platforms, ships, piers, and other maritime

structures. Due to the deleterious effect of the water environment and increased pressure on

weld quality, underwater wet welds are generally plagued with defects. Innovative approaches

that include tailored consumable design and advanced welding process control need to be

developed to quality wet welds at greater depths. Several fundamental approaches adopted to

enhance the characteristics and performance of shielded metal arc (SMA) electrodes for wet

welding of steel structures will be discussed in the presentation. Weld pool deoxidation,

inclusion population control, porosity mitigation, and exothermic reactions are some of the

selected methodologies. A delicate balance between deoxidizers and alloying agents must be

developed to result in optimal weld metal composition. Manganese is added to the electrode

coating to replenish its loss from the weld pool. Additions of titanium and boron produce a

microstructure of 60 to 90 vol. pct. acicular ferrite, which was exceptional since typical wet

welds exhibit only around 10 vol. pct. of this microstructure. The resulting fine acicular ferrite

is less susceptible to cleavage fracture than the coarse primary ferrite, the predominant

microstructure in wet welds at greater depths. Being powerful deoxidizers, the additions of rare

earth metals produces further reduction in weld metal oxygen and increased the recovery of manganese, titanium, and boron in the weld metal by protecting them from oxidation. Nickel

additions to oxidizing and rutile grade electrodes result in increased impact toughness.

Weld porosity caused by both hydrogen and carbon monoxide at the level of 10 vol. pct. has

commonly been reported in wet welds but it can be reduced through electrode formulation

optimization. Past research results show hydrogen as the main culprit of pore formation. More

recent findings, however, are able to clarify the effects of carbon and metal transfer mode on

 porosity (carbon monoxide formation). Careful control of the weld materials (electrode, flux,

 base metal) and welding process control can significantly reduce the amount of porosity in the

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wet welds.

The recent developments clearly demonstrate that the research successes in wet welding can be

transitioned to practical applications. It is possible today to perform quality wet welding on

marine structures even under the strict scrutiny of fitness for service or fracture mechanics

examinations. When fundamental engineering approaches are followed to investigate an

engineering problem such as poor wet weld quality, successful mitigation of the problems

 becomes a logical outcome.

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Desalination in Mekorot

Menahem Priel – Director of Desalination and special project division


Mekorot’s desalination activity covers over more than four decades. At it's steps, during the 60 s 

and the beginning of the 70s, Mekorot’s desalination activity was focused on the prevailing

evaporation technologies. With the emerging of the Reverse Osmosis technology, Mekorot

made efforts to adopt it to its needs, especially to improve the quality of the South Arava

drinking water, and as a strategic alternative for future cost reduction of desalination. More

desalination plants were constructed at time and location according to emerging needs

concerning water problems.

Over years of activity Mekorot gained a valuable experience in design, erection and operation

of 28 desalination plants (see Table 1). In parallel Mekorot is active in R&D in order to upgrade

its ability. Mekorot has pioneered in the effective implementation of reverse osmosis

technology for water supply in Israel. A considerable advancement was achieved in many areas

of this technology: in the pre-treatment in the membranes and in the pumping and energy

recovery systems.

The annual capacity of the company’s desalination installations is:

  Brackish water 28 million cu. m.

  Sea water 3.3 million cu. m.

Desalination plants under construction:

  Brackish water  – aquifer rehabilitation by pumping salin water from new wells,

combined with desalination plants:

  Lahat stage A & B – 16.6 million .m3. per year 

  Granot stage B – 3.3 million .m3. per year 

  Seawater - Ashdod – 100 million m3/year 

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/ S. Kraljn: A. SterneChairm


US & Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Industry

John Bruskotter  – AWS President


The presentation by John Bruskotter begins with dramatic footage of the load out and

installation of an oil and natural gas production platform in the Gulf of Mexico. John will

 point out the technologies, skills and teamwork required to fabricate and deploy these

multimillion- pound “space stations of the deep”. He describes the opportunities for 

lifelong career growth in the welding industry, in which, over a 35-year period he rose

from welder to fabricator to highly valued consultant and ultimately to president of the

American Welding Society.

Using a computer simulation of the fabrication of an offshore platform as an example

John shows the many crucial ways that any industry using welding depends on volunteer 

efforts of national and international organizations like the AWS for technology,

workforce development, standards and certification, and quality.

For groups that include young people or advocates of career development, he covers the

efforts of the AWS to resolve the shortage of skilled welders through scholarships,

industry partnerships and communications efforts to students and older career changers

via popular figures such as Jay Leno and Iron Man.

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R R eecceenntt AAddvvaanncceess iinn CCrryyssttaall BBoonnddiinngg f f oorr 

HHiigghh PPoowweerr LLaasseerr AApppplliiccaattiioonnss 

R. Feldman, Z. Horovitz, Y. Shimony(*)


Soreq-NRC, Electro-Optics Department, Yavne 81800, Israel

(*) e-mail: [email protected] , phone: 972-8-9434520


Composite laser components made by diffusion bonding of similar or dissimilar crystalline laser 

elements have proven to be useful for many applications in the area of solid state lasers. The

formation of stress-free and durable bonds by adhesive-free bonding technique is essential for 

the obtainment of high optical quality elements, especially for high power applications.

Optical pumping of large laser rods in order to achieve very high power levels requires of 

solving the thermal effects problems induced by the active cooling of the crystalline rod. One

 possibility of how to decrease the thermal effects (such as thermal lensing and thermal stress-

induced birefringence) and to enhance the laser system performances is by using a laser rod with

two end-caps at both sides. Such composite laser rod enlarges the active material cooling surface

and improves laser active media thermal uniformity and heatsink.

Beside the above, there are plenty of more applications to which diffusion bonding of opticalelements can contribute. These include creating of large scale optical elements to achieve sizes

larger than the commercially available components, bonding of cladding layers on elongated

optical elements (such as laser rods or slabs), joining of two thin optical elements one on top of 

the other in order to create passively Q-switched microchip solid-state laser devices, and more.

Another aspect associated with the operation of large active laser elements at the high power 

regime is increasing their tensile strength. This is needed to avoid the fracture of laser element as

a result of the large thermal gradient induced at the element's surface by the active cooling. In

the course of the present study strengthening by a factor of 3-5 was achieved by thermo-

chemical treatment of commercial elements at acidic environment under controlled atmosphere.

These issues will be discussed in the present lecture.

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[1] R. Feldman, Y. Shimony, E. Lebiush, Y. Golan, "Effect of hot acid etching on the

mechanical strength of ground YAG laser elements",  J. Phys. Chem. of Solids 69, 2008, 839-


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Brazing of thermodynamically stable oxides

 N. Froumin(1)

, S. Barzilai(1, 2)

, M. Aizenshtein(2)

, H. Nagar  (1)

  N. Frage(1)


1 Department of Materials Engineering, Ben-Gurion University,

2 NRC-Negev


Scandia, Yttria and Erbia are thermodynamically stable oxides and could be used as

structural parts for a wide range of applications. Brazing of these oxides to other 

materials is very important issue and its success depends on an appropriate choosing of 

 brazing alloys. In the present study wetting experiments of Cu-Al melts on the substrate

made from these oxides were performed at 1423K by a sessile drop method. It was

established that the oxides have similar wetting behavior, but different interfacial

 products and different levels of the interaction were observed. When Yttria and Erbia

substrates are exposed to Al containing melt, the substrate decomposes, large amount of 

Y or Er are released into the melt and a thick interaction layers consisting of a new

YAlO3 or ErAlO3 phase beneath the drop are formed. For the Sc2O3/Al system, only

small amount of Sc dissolved in the melt and a relatively thin interfacial layer, which

consists of Al2O3, was formed. The results of a thermodynamic analysis, which takes into

account the free energy for the oxides formation and thermodynamic properties of liquid

solutions, are in a good agreement with the experimental observations. It was concluded

that Cu-Al alloys may be used for brazing of thermodynamically stable oxides. Some

experimental results on brazing will be discussed.

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Deformation Resistance Welding

Dr. C. E. Albright

Prof. Emeritus, Dept. Welding Engineering

The Ohio State University

Alain Piette

Chief Executive Officer Spaceform Welding Solutions


Deformation resistance welding (DRW) is a unique variation of resistance welding. The

 process employs weld interfacial shear displacement and/or shear deformation to provide

enhanced welding and joining characteristics. Major keys to the process include:

  The use of flexible, high current power supplies capable of high current pulsing

and flexible current delivery

  Specifically designed resistance welding electrodes which provide current

delivery, pressure / displacement, and cooling to the parts being welded

DRW can provide interfacial welding of parts by traditional melting, wetting, and

subsequent solidification. DRW can also be applied in a “solid state” welding mode

similar to forge welding or friction welding. Solid state welding employs elevated

temperatures, interfacial compression and surface extension to produce a quality weld

without interfacial melting

Example: Folded Tube to Flanged Tube DRW

A very typical example of effective DRW is the joining of folded tubes to flanged tubes.

An example of a coated steel tube with a weld preparation flange made by tube folding is

shown in Fig. 1B. Details of the tube folding process are found in Appendix III. A tube

with a simple formed end-flange is shown in Fig. 1A. The folded tube (top) is inserted

into the end-flanged tube (bottom) prior to welding (Fig. 1C).

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Fig 1 End-flanged tube (A), folded tube (B), and folded tube (top) inserted into end-

flanged tube (bottom) (C), arrows indicate orientation

The assembled tubes are inserted into the welding machine so that the electrodes can

load the flanged weld joint preparations (see Fig. 2). After the electrode loads are

applied, a welding current is passed between the electrodes through the parts being


Initial current can be relatively low (ramp-up) to provide low heating which

establishes the electrical contact and allows the mating parts to deform to complywith the electrode loading. This initial deformation phase forms an even contact

 between the electrodes and mating parts, and prevents localized contact which can

lead to local overheating. Localized overheating can result in localized melting,

liquid metal expulsion, localized electrode wear, and other negative effects.

After the ramp-up current is applied and the electrodes and parts are “seated in”,

higher currents are applied to provide temperatures high enough for interfacial

welding. The welding current may cause interfacial melting for a fusion weldingapplication. If fusion temperatures are not obtained at the interface, the welding

current and electrode pressure can provide a combination of shear and upset

(reduction in thickness) deformation required for solid state welding. In both casesshear displacement and/or deformation is imposed on the welded interface by the

action of the compressing electrodes. Fusion welds may have liquid metal expelled

from the weld interface under such loading conditions.

After the welding current is terminated, an additional lower current can be applied for 

additional heat treating of the weld, or the weld can simply be allowed to cool under  pressure.

A B C 

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Electrodes are normally made out of copper alloy to provide high electrical and

thermal conductivity. The electrodes are usually water cooled to:

  Prevent electrode overheating

  Provide cooling between the electrodes and the parts being welded to prevent

electrode sticking  Provide for cooling of the parts after welding

The combination of very high current density and high cooling rates imposed by thewater cooled copper electrodes results in very rapid heating and cooling. Welding

cycle times under these conditions can be very short, normally no longer than a few

seconds, and under special conditions, shorter than one second.

Creative use of current pulsing throughout the welding cycle can be used to provide

control of heating effects. In this example of folded tube to flanged tube welding,

the double thickness of metal in the folded tube will require more heat delivered tothe fold than that required to heat the flanged tube to the same temperature. A

constant welding current will tend to over-heat the flange and under-heat the fold, producing poor welds. Pulsing of the welding current can allow heat to flow into the

folded region during peak current, and provides cooling to the flange region between

current pulses. Thus pulsing can result in a more even temperature distribution in the

 parts being welded.

A cross section of a typical folded tube to flanged tube weld is shown in Fig 3. The

welded region between the fold and the flange is clearly displayed. Also displayed isthe weld between the two sides of the fold, producing a solid welded transition

 between the tubes.

Welding Materials

This section is intended as a general guideline for DRW of materials for a view of the

applicability of the process. Specific alloys are not discussed and may be subject to

special consideration. Discussions with the alloy vendor are appropriate in these cases.

Low carbon steel

Low carbon steel tube to low carbon steel tube DR welds can be welded over a relatively

 broad range of variables. Low carbon steels are normally defined as 0.04 to 0.15% Cand without other alloying elements which may affect strength.

Coated steels

Galvanizing and / or galvannealing of steel parts may require modified variable selection, but in general does not significantly affect weldability. Other metallic coatings generally

should be weld-able, but non-metal coatings including polymers, silicones, solid

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lubricants, etc. should be avoided. Please note that some metal plating has co-deposited

 polymers which may hinder weldability

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Fig 3, Folded tube to flanged tube weld cross section

Care should be taken in all DRW of coated materials and parts to continue to apply the

weld force during cooling to assure solidified coatings. This means that the “hold time”

in DRW, which is the time the force is maintained after the passage of weld current

ceases, may have to be increased beyond values used for welding bare materials.

2.1.3 Medium Carbon Steels

Medium carbon steels are normally defined as 0.15 to 0.30% C and without other 

alloying elements which may affect strength. If the steel contains medium carbon, the

weld may need to be cooled slowly by increasing ramping down the welding current withtime. Alternatively, quench and temper methods may be used by re-heating the weld in

the welding machine after cooling the weld. Such procedures can generate a tempered

Martensite microstructure in the weld/heat affected zone of parts welded

2.1.4 Stainless Steels

Ferritic stainless steel to ferritic stainless steel are generally DRW weldable if the carboncontents are low. By their nature, these steels are not commonly used with any coating.

Austenitic stainless steel to austenitic stainless steel is also generally weldable.Increased “hold time”, the retention of the welding force after the current ceases, may be

required to avoid hot cracking during weld solidification for some austenitic stainless

steel alloys. .

It is necessary to remove any oxide scale from the surfaces of stainless steel in the weld

locations prior to DRW welding. Stainless steel oxide scale may be very stable during

welding, separating the welding interfaces and hindering the DWR process.

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2.1.5 Aluminum alloys

DRW of Aluminum alloys has not been demonstrated to any significant degree as yet.Aluminum oxide is extremely stable, and melts at temperatures well above aluminum

metal. Oxide layers present on the surface of the aluminum alloys is significant barrier 

to bonding. In addition, hydrogen from any source (adhered moisture, dirt, thick hydroxide layers on the oxide) can cause porosity in any melted aluminum. Additionaldevelopment must be pursued before the DRW of aluminum alloys becomes an accepted


2.1.6 Dissimilar metal welds

Dissimilar material DRW is also possible in many cases, but very few procedures have

 been developed for specific metal combinations. The only combination successfullywelded so to date cast iron to steel using two different methods. Other combinations are

surely possible, but range in weld-ability from robust to poor.

Unacceptable metallurgical interface structure (especially inter-metallic formation),

corrosion, thermal stress due to differences in thermal expansion between the dissimilar 

metals, and the resulting thermal fatigue must be considered carefully before such joints

can be made and deployed. Inter-layers of more compatible metal foils may be used to

avoid the formation poor interfacial structure.

Configurations and Applications

DRW is a very flexible, enabling welding process with capabilities of welding a broadrange of materials and configurations. Although the early development work has

concentrated on circular cross section tubes, flanges, and tube to flat configurations. An

example is the tube (folded end) to tube (side) seen in Figure 4. Other more complex

configurations have resulted in successful joints.

Figure 5 is a cross section of a gas storage device showing three different DRW weld

configurations. This device is in production, and a very large number of these devicesare in service (contact SpaceForm Welding Solutions for more information)

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Before Welding After Welding

Fig 4, Tube (folded end) to Tube (side) DRW


Outlet Plate

Fill Ball








Fig 5, DRW welds on gas storage device in production

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2001-75,000.2005 -130,000, 

2,500,000 -100,000


.-170 100,000,




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Virtual Welding

Welding Education Systems for the Future

Jurgen Wirnsperger, Fronius

Abstract Who could have believed 10 years ago that...

  Pilots would be trained on flight simulators

  Surgeons would perfect their operating skills in a virtual environment

  Emergency services would prepare for worst-case scenarios in computer-

generated simulations (co-ordination in natural disasters, rescue operations,

kidnappings, etc.)

   Novice welders would train and perfect their skills with the Virtual Welder 

Virtual Welding includes ...

  Integration of numerical data such as heat input, fusion penetration

  Different welding processes

  Customer-specific workpieces

  Connect to actual welding equipment

  Welding simulation of complex parts possible

How do I benefit from Virtual Welding?

  Reduction in material costs (sheet, gas, wire, etc.)

  Comparability through standardized training

  Case version allows portable training

  Training in robot programming

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   No risk of injury

  Classroom environment

Under true-to-life conditions trainees learn to weld  – with ergonomically shaped torches,

typical work pieces and adjustable welding parameters. Both arc and welding seam are

virtual. Virtual Welding is realistic learning on the simulator  – economically, safer and


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 – .



, , , .





, :

. ,(Pitting corrosion,

Crevice corrosion).(

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, . .)  

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Selection of filler material for Stainless Steels Welding


1." – 

2.) , , ( ". "

3.. " "

(Nickel Equivalent, Chromium Equivalent 4."




(DeLong Diagram, Schaeffler Diagram, WRC Diagram)


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 (O.C.V. ) 



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Chairmen: M. Aizenshtein, A. Landau

International Standardization in WeldingDr. H. Glenn Ziegenfuss

IIW Standards Officer


Three major welding standards developing organizations have collaborated to

produce the vast majority of globally relevant welding standards in use in the

world today. The three organizations are the International Organization for

Standardization (ISO), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), and

the International Institute of Welding (IIW).

Within these three organizations, the three committees responsible for the

production of the welding standards are ISO TC 44, Welding and allied

processes; CEN TC 121, Committee on welding; and IIW Working Group on

Standardization (IIW WG STAND). For over twenty years, these three

organizations have been collaborating in what has emerged as one of the unique

partnerships in the field of standardization. They have individually and

collectively addressed the needs of the welding community with expertise,

coordination, and experience.

This presentation will cover the origination of this unique partnership, provide

an overview of the current state of their work programs, and outline what can be

expected in the next several years from these organizations. It will also explain

how others can participate in these activities.

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An Overview: The Israeli Certified Welding Inspector

ICWI) Program - 10 YEARS LATER 

Shimon Addess, Chairman, the Examination and Qualification Committee - INWC


In July 1997 the Israeli National Welding Committee (INWC) formulated a draft

 procedure for the activities of its proposed Examination and Qualification Committee for 

welding inspectors.

Today the Examination and Qualification Committee operates according to the rules set

out in the second edition of the “Quality Manual for the Qualification of Welding

Inspectors and Bodies Qualifying Welders”. 

In May 1999 the INWC published its “Standard for NWC Certification of Welding

Inspectors” NWC-WI-1(5/1999) which later in March 2002 became the Israeli Standard


The first four welding inspectors were qualified in 1999, the year that the INWC became

an International section of the American Welding Society (AWS).

2004 saw the signing of a reciprocity agreement between the INWC and the AWS for mutual recognition of the certification of welding inspectors in the two countries.

Israel and Canada are the only two countries which have a reciprocal recognition

agreement with the USA.

The updated edition, NWC-WI-1(8/2008) is based on AWS QC1-2007 and AWS

B5.1:2003 but includes an additional oral exam which the INWC has had in its program

since the year 2000.

By May 2009 there were 56 Israeli Certified Welding Inspectors including one American

 by reciprocal recognition.

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Nanoindentation Measurements and Mechanical

Testing of As-Soldered and Aged Sn-0.7Cu Lead-Free

Miniature JointsY. Rosenthal* ([email protected]), A. Stern*, S. R. Cohen**, D. Eliezer*

*Mat. Eng. Dept., Ben Gurion Univ., Beer Sheva, Israel;

**Dept. Chem. Res. Support, Weizmann Inst. of Sci., Rehovot, Israel.


 Nanoindentation testing has been used to search for possible effects of plastic

deformation and aging in miniature lead-free soldered joints (copper being the substrate

and Sn-0.7Cu the solder alloy). The hardness and indentation modulus were measured on

soldered joints components, pre-deformed in tension at three different strain rates in the

range of 1.8x10-31.8x10


-1. Aged joints were exposed to 150

oC for 1000h in an inert


Scanning Electrons Microscope (SEM), equipped with Energy Dispersive X-ray

Spectroscopy (EDS) analyzer, and optical microscopy were used to reveal the well

known microstructure of as-soldered and aged miniature joints with Ag3Sn, Cu6Sn5, and

Cu3Sn intermetallic layers at the interface of the solder alloy. The main components far 

from the interface were the copper substrate and the Sn-rich eutectic phase.

 Nanoindentation testing was performed in the intermetallic layers and in the vicinity of 

the eutectic phase.

Mechanical testing results of as-soldered miniature joints show strong positive

dependence of the plastic flow stresses on strain rate, meaning that the stresses increase

with the stain rate. Similar behavior was observed in tensile testing of aged miniature

soldered joints with 10% decrease in the level of maximum stresses, comparing to as-

soldered joints.

 Nanoindentation results for the intermetallics, representing different components of the

as-soldered joints, reveal dramatic increase in hardness and indentation modulus

measured near the fracture face in the eutectic Sn-rich phase: at highest strain rate,

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increases of 53% in the indentation modulus values and more than 100% in the hardness

were measured.

An internal variable constitutive model for cold working of metals (also known as the

Anand modified model) is used to explain the observations of hardness and indentation

modulus dependence on the deformation-rate of miniature soldered joints.

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Early Detection of Creep Damage in Weld Joints of 

High Energy Piping by Quantitative Acoustic Emission

Non-Destructive Inspection Method

Boris Muravin, Gregory Muravin, Luidmila Lezvinsky

Margan Physical Diagnostics Ltd., P.O.B. 8155 Netanya 42160, Israel

Tel: +972-9-8655510, Fax: +972-9-8655514, E-mail:  [email protected] 


Micro- and macro- structural integrity changes in the material, flaw development are

accompanied by acoustic emission (AE). Functional relationship between parameters of 

AE signals and the kinetic characteristics of such processes can be used for inspection,

diagnostics and assessment of structural integrity of high energy piping and equipment.For this purpose, the authors have created and continuously develop Quantitative

Acoustic Emission (QAE) Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) technology that allows to: 

  Perform AE measurements of the entire piping system during operation under 

strong variable background noise conditions.

  Identify flaw related continuous and burst AE signals for reliable revealing and

location of micro and macro flaws while accurately filtering out flaw not related

AE signals produced by friction, knocks and vibration.

  Identify flaw type including individual micro- cracking, system of micro- cracks

of different nature, fracturing and de-bonding of hard inclusions, local and mass

 plastic deformation.

  Detect indications of creep damage at stages 3, 4 and 5 in weld joints and base


  Assess flaw's danger level in terms of fracture mechanics criteria.

  Perform a long term monitoring of flaw propagation providing important

information for predictive maintenance.

The created technology was successfully applied for inspection of more than 120

operating high energy piping systems. The findings of QAE NDI were confirmed by

different NDE methods and metallurgical investigations in multiple blind and verification


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Magnetic Pulse Welding for Dissimilar and Similar




The Magnetic Pulse Welding (MPW) process, a cold solid state welding

 process, is an industrial process, operating at several high volume

manufacturing facilities.

MPW is accomplished by the magnetically driven, high velocity, oblique

angle, impact of two metal surfaces. At impact, the surfaces (which will

always have some level of oxidation) are stripped off and ejected by the

closing angle of impact. The surfaces which are then metallurgically pure are

 pressed into intimate contact by the magnetic pressure, allowing valence

electron sharing and atomic-level bonding. This process has been

demonstrated in the joining of tubular configurations of a variety of metals

and alloys[1] [2] [3]

. Product designers are frequently constrained by the

restrictions of traditional joining technologies, which place certain limitations

on the type of joint, the materials that can be joined and the quality of the joint. Solid state welding allows manufacturers to significantly improve their 

 product designs and production results by enabling both dissimilar and similar 

materials to be welded together, thus providing the opportunity to use lighter 

and stronger material combinations. Magnetic pulse welding is a fast, non-

contact and clean solid state welding process. A review of the main elements

of the process is presented here along with typical quality testing results and

some applications. 

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  – .



 – .

2%16%3.3% N  MoCr  PREN 

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Human Errors.

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Chairman: Y. Rosenthal


Jadranka Eržišnik,dipl.ing1, Prof.dr.sc.Zoran Kožu

2, Prof.dr.sc.Slobodan Kralj


1Croatian Welding Society, Ivana Lucica 1, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, tel:

385/1/6157108, e-mail:[email protected];

2Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Ivana Lucica 5, HR-10000

Zagreb, Croatia, tel: 385/1/6168306, e-mail:skralj@fsb


Underwater operations that have been undertaken both in shallow and large depths, for 

the purpose of maintenance of ships, rigs, submarines, underwater pipelines etc., are

complex operations. Large depths are limiting allowable time underwater for conduct of 

 job. Application of appropriate equipment is important factor for efficient usage of 

available underwater time. Diving suit and necessary accessories, large depth, underwater 

streams, low temperatures, poor visibility and lack of solid support are factors that make

underwater welding a dangerous job.

Main origins of hazard when conducting underwater welding are electric current,

explosive gases, parts of structure that may be detached and problems related to dwelling

at large depths. Use of electric current within water is dangerous, particularly within

seawater that is excellent conductor. Equipment used in underwater welding are

distinguished from those used in normal conditions. For underwater welding and cutting,

 power sources with voltage limited to 42 V level are recommended [2].

Explosive gases produced during underwater welding are generated by decomposition of 

electrode and vaporization of water. Such gases contain large quantities of hydrogen and

oxygen, which may explode if enclosed and firing conditions exist. They may be

collected in pipelines, central gas supply unit, in partitions etc. Breathing under elevated

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 pressure causes a number of changes within the organism and disorders including

 possible death. Breathing air and some other diving mixtures causes one of the most

known effects, i.e. “decompression sickness”. Other health complications are known as

“oxygen poisoning of central nerve system”, “nitrogen narcosis”, “lungs poisoning by

oxygen” and “oxygen depletion”. 

To provide safe conditions for dwelling underwater and efficient operations underwater 

for a diver-welder, trained preventive measures should be conducted regularly, including

activities prior to dive, during the diving and after diving is terminated. To achieve safe

operation, good coordination between diver-welder and surface supporting team is of 

utmost importance.

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Bonding of SiC by Pre-Ceramic Polymer Adhesive A. Stern, Y. Rosenberg, Y. Rosenthal, A. Habibi 

 (SiC: ) 

. , ,






SiC . " , ,-AHPCS

 (allylhydridopolycarbosilane)  - 

: c0

400200 ( ,c0


 ( " ) pyrolysis;) -SiC.

 , ,) (

 (-SEM) ) ( ;  (nanoindentation) 

 () ( )  .


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Al to Mg Magnetic Pulse Welding Joints


G. Moshe, N. Frage, A. Stern, M. Kamilyan and I. Yifrach



















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- .

, .

, ,SEM

EDS. -



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GTAW and GMAW Al Welds Characterization

Using FR, CR and DR Methods

A. Gienko, A. Stern, E. Aharoni, Z. Foxman


,  /  . 

: (FR- Film Radiography ( ,) CR-

Computed Radiography ( / ,) DR-(Digital Radiography




 / , , 





, -Tungsten Inert Gas(TIG) 

-Metal Inert Gas(MIG) 0252-5283.


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 The Effect of Partial Brazing (PB) on microstructure

and properties of a copper- beryllium alloy

M. Mazar Atabaki, H. R. Madaah Hosseini*, A. H. Kokabi*

 Department of Mechanical Engineering,  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UTM, JB, 81310

 Department of Materials Science and Engineering,

Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11365-9466, Tehran [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


A Copper Beryllium alloy was partial brazing (PB) bonded using different

foil under argon and vacuum atmospheres for various hold times and

temperature. In this study, we attempted to explain the joining mechanism by

means of the results of the X-ray analysis and the observation of the joining

 process. Mechanical properties of joints were measured through

microhardness, tensile strength and fatigue tests. The mechanical properties

of PB bonds made under vacuum were higher than those of bonds made

under argon atmosphere. The microstructures and fracture surfaces were

studied using optical and scanning electron microscopy. The poor mechanical

 properties of bonds made under argon atmosphere were related to the

formation of voids and porosities within the bond region during bonding

cycle. Microstructure studies showed intermetallic compounds within the

 joint region. The shorter time cycle would lead to increase tensile and fatigue

strength of lap joints. Microscopic examination of joint interfaces showed a

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uniform structure from both solid and intermetallic compounds that resulted

from optimum brazing condition.

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Characterization of Magnetic Pulse Welding (MPW)

Joints by the Nanoindentation Method 

G. Moshe, N. Frage, S. Cohen and A. Stern 

-  , 


. ,



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-, .


 ( .-"EDS ( ,) Instrumented

Nanoindentation)  – .




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 (size-dependent hardness.) 


, "-.

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