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68,937 and Counting - Prologue - Summer 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 68,937 and Counting - Prologue - Summer 2010


    68,93768,937 and countingGENEALOGY NOTES

    S im cs Fls

    fm u.S. Py

    Lv, Kss

    Aro two-dd word. W t orrd or dt o t o tjt, t my o ovr mor ormto t t

    tv o rrr wt to kow.not vry my tor, or xm, trtd

    u Jo mor t or ov d r.

    ad t kdt t o ? it ro rord, wt

    tt m. got my dovr rd d

    rtv wo o took rt trt tr rr

    ddy vod tm t o d my tr.

    u wt t jt jtd, or t

    ormto okd ro otty

    dro wo d mt dd ry to

    vod jr otr.

    Tt t wr. hr t rom: to wo ro rord tr o rr w

    rwrdd wt ormto oty v

    ywr o rt.

    By Tim Rives and Steve Spence

    Records o inmate 2443, John Morgan (let), and inmate

    3656, Charles Smith (right), are among the thousands o

    Leavenworth prison case fles held at the National Archives

    at Kansas City.

    54 Prologue

  • 8/9/2019 68,937 and Counting - Prologue - Summer 2010


    nto arv t K cty od 68,937

    mt rom t utd stt pttry

    lvwort (K). cotd Rord gro 129

    (Rord o t br o pro) t rrty r

    dt rom 1895 to 1952. addto v-yr ok o

    rord r dd to od vry w yr. br-

    r rd m tr or t dmtrto

    o jt, t rord r w oy ot to row.

    s o t door Jy 1895, lvwort

    om to om o t mot mo d otoro dr

    ror tory. T ror d Rort strod,

    ttr kow t brdm o atrz; gor M

    g Ky; or xorr Dr. Frdrk cook; or dr

    b b hywood; ox mo Jk

    Joo; mr nky art;

    d ntv amr tvt

    lord ptr. lr kow

    r t t o tod o

    ordry m (d ot

    doz wom) rrtd or

    rod rom w mot to

    w dd.

    Wt mt

    t ot y o tm,

    t mo, t mo,

    t , or yor k

    tor? T mt

    dmort orm.

    T domt t o t

    brdm o atrz w ry

    t m ty to od t

    o Jo Do. (T d tr Jo Do, m too

    tor or mrrd to v lvwort o tr

    tr m.) ato tr r my mor vrto

    ott, t ty mt ry

    d t oow domt: mt otor

    rord t, ro dt t, rrt, dvd

    dy work rord, ot rord, y xmto

    o ror, orrod o, ro orrod

    trty ror rmt, d t o ort.

    InmaTe PhoTograPh

    ao rrrd to t m ot, t mt otor

    trd rot d d vw. i otor rom

    t ry yr, mot jt r wr t, w

    t tom o t dy. T rord rk w ord to

    r-oot mt gor Rv, wo rd

    tv o ot o t rzy.

    record SheeT

    T domt d t mt m, , mt

    rtrto mr, oor or r, rm, t, , dt

    rvd, ort rvd rom, dt o t, dt t

    , mxmm trm dt, mmm trm dt, ood

    tm owd, oto, , dt o ro ty, d

    t dr dt. imt oto vrd odry.

    lk dt, ro o rtr o ro. lv-

    wort om to kr, dotor, wyr, o

    m, , tor, wrtr, tt, tr ror, id

    , ot, wr dtor, K Kx K

    dr, odr, joky, oxr, rr drvr, d

    owoy. Mor t 60 mt v tr oto

    Frank Grigwares record sheet. Within a year o entering Leavenworth to serve a lie sentence, he escaped.

    Prologue 5

  • 8/9/2019 68,937 and Counting - Prologue - Summer 2010


    yr. imt b Wo d e ek yd

    t mjor . imt Omr nwom d lm

    hwk o trrd t nro l.

    T rord t o dr mt dry

    voto. T voto r rom t tty (y, tk

    t ow ) to t ro (y, k yor mt).

    Mot rord t r o r k mok

    or o d rk, rtvy md rto t o

    momto m trm o ro d.

    pro otro mt y rrr tw t

    ror d rdom o to. T rt to mk o

    mortt rt o wt d r dvd.

    k wy omo rdom o o or to, d yo

    t tk wy tr toomo . i x or

    ood vor, ro o rtr rt o t to t

    ror rmt, y t orm o tty rv

    d o o rrto: mok rtt, wt

    mov, rd ook, tk wt o-workr, d t k.

    pror wo tk t rv rd trt ro

    ordr ty r rt tr toomy k r m.

    pro ot tort t. ad tt wy yo w

    tr o my tty dry voto.

    PerSonal daTa SheeT

    T domt rovd ddto ormto o t

    Martin roSS

    Ross was convicted o assault in 1898. His stay at Leaven-

    worth was short. He was ound to be insane and was sent

    to the Government Hospital in Washington, D.C.

    JoSePh S. Leach

    Leach was the frst ederal prisoner sentenced to lie in prison

    when he was convicted o murder in 1900. While intoxicated,

    he clubbed a man to death who had previously beaten him.

    Leach was pardoned by President Coolidge in 1927.

    george carr

    Carr was convicted o murder in 1902. He claimed he

    was jumped by two men and killed one in sel-deense. He

    wrote a letter asking or clemency and said, "It was God's

    will and or my better that I was sent to prison." He was

    released in 1908.

    Convicted train

    robber Jack

    Sheltons personaldata sheet includes

    his Bertillon

    measurements, an

    early identifcation

    system developed

    beore the

    widespread use o


    56 Prologue

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    mt my krod d rm ovto. it rord

    v or mtry tt; t m o t ommtt jd; t

    m o t dtrt ttory; o rrt; t o rtr

    j tm; ; tvty; dt o rt; rt ormto;

    mrt tt; mr o dr; w ddr; rmt

    ddr; xt-o-k otto; d-to; try; ro;

    too, oo, d dr ; w v om; d

    mo rmrk. Ry prry, o kow W

    armtro, dd ot dmt dr ddto o ro

    dt t t od t ro mmor, Phiosophy

    of the Dusk, v yr tr t lvwort. prry/

    armtro d t om d m K ODr.


    T rrt rd tr yy dty

    tr rrt, t d wt, r d

    y oor, mrk, r, mo, d tttoo. O tttoo, t

    dr m ow ot to tm, drd m

    rd o d o trm. Odr d

    brto mrmt wt t rrt. ao

    brto w Fr o or wo dd

    r-rrt y dtto ytm

    mrmt (troomtr), t t

    d wdt o t d d t dr o ord o.

    a t o dt tw mt kow t two W

    Wt xod t wk o t brto ytm t

    lvwort w t drd tm to t m m.

    John ShetterS

    Shetters was convicted o murder in 1905. He was

    tenced to our years and fned 10 dollars or shooting

    killing a man in Indian Territory

    dan coLbert

    Colbert was convicted o manslaughter in 1904. When

    about his crime he replied, "The man I killed I mysel was

    drunk and while in that condition we got into trouble and

    and killed him. I was charged with murder, tried and convi

    ed gaineS

    Convicted o murder in 1904, Gaines claimed he was

    boarding house when the victim came without invita

    and threatened him with a knie. According to Gaine

    deended himsel with his gun and had no intention o

    ing the victim, but only wanted to righten him away.

    Sheltons inmate

    fle also includeshis fngerprints.

    Inmates were

    fngerprinted upon

    arrival to the


    Prologue 568,937 and Counting

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    IndIvIdual daIly Work record

    T rord ow t rrr to dovr wt mt

    dd vry dy o or r omt. it dt to

    m otr rord omrv ro work

    rord. Tr wr to 50 drt jo mt od

    d to t lvwort. T dd work o

    t rr , t t m o, d t m

    drtmt. som o t mor mt td

    o t t wr t room o d d. Jk Joo

    rvd ordry dr rrto. imt

    workd vry dy o t wk xt sdy.

    hoSPITal record

    not vry ot w wt to kow t t domtd

    mt md rord. Vr d d oo

    d dr ddto r otd r. ato t ory

    vd tt ootr d ro ovrrowd t

    1920, t w ty t r mr o dr or do

    odr tt d t dr orrto ytm yod

    t ty. i 1925, or xm, rot odr

    otmrd oo odr y 10 to 1. lvwort d

    o my dr votor tt ty ormd tr ow

    tm. T Mor d t co qrd o

    ott to dtrm t t -y

    do votor t ttto.

    Wt t tt, lvwort dotor d o

    o t to or t trtmt o rot ddt.

    Ty jtd ror wt t kod yo to tk

    t d o wtdrw . T w or ot

    ddt, t tt ro o o r, wo r

    o y wtdrw. a owr dr, yo w

    d y sovt t t trt rm.

    PhySIcIanS ex amInaTIon oF PrISoner

    T t tt t y ormto

    o ror t t tm o rrv. T xm otd t

    t d wt o ror d wtr ty d

    too, qor, or dr. T ro y xmd

    mt or vd o rvo or rt d

    d kd to t ror d rdtry rk or

    tro, ty, r, or y.

    correSPondence log

    T domt rordd t ror om d

    oto ttr. it rv k, work, , d rd

    twork. it t , or t, tt idtr Workr

    o t Word rd R c d t o d

    f o R ot o to w

    StePhen hardin

    Hardin, a private in the 13th Cavalry, was sentenced to

    15 years or assault to kill in 1916. He shot two ellow

    soldiers with his service rie.

    Young grahaM

    Graham was sentenced to 30 months or illicit distilling (mak-

    ing whiskey without a license) in 1899. The doctor who ex-

    amined Graham on his arrival assessed his temperament as

    nervous." He was 52 years old, a armer, and married with

    eight children.

    dan tSo-Se

    A Navajo boy convicted o manslaughter in 1909 or

    shooting our relatives. "I killed our men whose names I

    don't remember. I was only 13 at the time and these men

    were continually mistreating and whipping me. I had no

    one to look ater me, being an orphan. I plead guilty."

    The physicians

    examination report

    or convicted

    murderer Robert

    Gilland showed

    him to be in good

    health at the time

    o his arrival at


    58 Prologue Summer 2010

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    rdom. bood tkr t wtr d ot.

    PerSonal correSPondence

    T w odrd ror rvt rorty

    oowd ttto r, iF t ro

    word. imt Todor hdy dovrd t mt

    o t oy w dvod r o Wom

    crt mr uo votr. s tdd to

    r hdy to orty y d m t too

    trt Te life of John gouh. s td rd

    rt d to ft o romt y. i t m

    , omd to t ro ,

    ttr xd. i rto, ty r

    t. hdy ot d ttr.

    TruSTy PrISonerS agreemenT

    Ovrworkd ro o otd trtworty

    mt to oto o tty torty d

    roty, d work rw t omto o

    ttto mt jo. s om o t m

    workd otd t ro w wtot rvo,

    ty wr rqrd to otrt, or trty

    ror rmt. T rmt v to

    rrr t kd t mt to tt

    o ow word. it o rqrd t mt to

    w.P. McLeSter

    McLester was sentenced to a pair o six-year concurrent

    tences or conspiracy in 1918. He worked six days a week o

    "Crusher gang" or an entire year with only Sundays o.

    harrY L. JarreLL

    Jarrell was sentenced to one year at hard labor and a

    fne or countereiting a s ilver dollar "or gain" in 190

    was paroled or good conduct approximately six mo

    beore his sentence expired. He was a carriage painte

    23 years o age.

    waShington curtiS

    Curtis was sentenced to one year and six months at

    labor and a $100 fne (nearly $2,500 today) or cou

    eiting in 1902. He claimed he received the counterei

    as payment or a horse he sold. He was a armer an

    years o age.

    Sometimes urther details about an inmates lie can be ound in

    correspondence kept in his case fle.

    Prologue 5968,937 and Counting

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    t two rtr rr, otty v d

    or rtr rr dvd .

    SenTence oF courT

    Mor mortt or t t rovd t t t

    ott, t t o t ort t t rrr

    wr t ror ovto orrd. T dokt

    mr d to d t ort , w w

    rovd mor ormto o t mt rm

    tory d o w rr d.

    | | | | | | | | |

    lvwort mt ott vry ord

    to t r w ty wr rtd. ery mt ,

    to rtd tw 1895 d 1905, r t wt w

    xto. Ty y ot t otor, rord

    t, t o ort, d orrod o oy. a

    t 20t try rord d ttto rw rr

    d mor rrt, mt xdd ordy.

    F rtd t md-20t try mot to

    drd o . O rtr trt t tr

    t o trvw, w t br o pro

    odt wt ror wo trd t ytm

    t 1930. T o trvw rd t tm o

    od t ty o oooy to ot

    or t root o rm vor. evry o

    vromt f w dy otd d wd

    t o workr vto o t jt. T o

    trvw or wt o ro ormto, om o

    w my rtrtd.

    Fdr ro rord t 72 yr od r

    xmt rom t Frdom o iormto at dr

    to ()(6). o qot rom nto arv

    d, t ty o rord mt d md

    ormto, ro dt, so srty

    mr, tmt dt o dvd ro or

    my , or mr dt.

    i rt rr trm, t m rrr

    t ot t orto o tt r

    t 72 yr od t mt w or mor t

    100 yr o or dd d oy o t dt

    rtt rovdd wt t rqt. T md,

    , or tmt ro ormto o otr

    dvdrtry drw dtd

    rom o md o rord t 72 yr od. Tt

    d, otr ro r t r ttd to

    ormto ot tmv d my ot rvt

    orto o to rord.

    bob crawFord

    Craword was a convicted horse thie sent to Leavenworth

    in 1902. He was married and the ather o fve children.

    JaSPer brown

    Brown was sentenced to three years or larceny in 1903

    by the Central District o the Indian Territory (Oklahoma).

    He served until his "Good Time" sentence expired, ap-

    proximately two years and fve months.

    FranciSco SaLinaS

    Salinas was sentenced to one year and one day or con-

    cealing smuggled property in 1900"orty gallons o

    oreign distilled spirits commonly called mescal; our gal-

    lons o brandy; one hundred and sixty two pounds o lea

    tobacco; three horses and saddles; and two Winchester


    A portion o William

    Mathewss Trusty

    Prisoners Agreement

    shows the multiple

    60 Prologue Summer 2010

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    ato t rt rd o t m

    roo, tr wr w wom td to

    lvwort. bt t md to tm

    lvwort mt ty vrd oy two dy

    o omt t t dr ty or movd

    w m ot to t K stt pttry t

    l, K. uk t dr ttry, t

    tt ro d wom w. (s 1927 dr

    m mt v t to adro, Wt

    Vr.) a doz m mt t rvv

    lvwort od, d tt o bky cook.

    s w t to lvwort or v r toddr

    dtr r ty rm tro mox ot to

    rmov t tt dd ot o to r.

    Rqt or t o cook d otr mt

    v md t imt c F r t mot or

    rord r t od o t ctr p

    Ro. K cty rvt rv rqt dy

    rom tor, jort, d ot ook to

    domt t tory o amr jt, oow t

    rr o mo otw, or ov my mytry.

    T rrr v od mt

    d or tt tro t tkt o t t to

    rv t ot mt d dort.

    For ormto o lvwort mt, or to ordr

    oy o , wrt to t nto arv t

    K cty, 400 Wt pr Rod, K cty, MO,

    64108, or d -m to [email protected].


    Tim Rives t dty drtor o t

    eowr prdt lrry d Mm

    a, K. h w wt t nto

    arv t K cty rom 1998 to 2008,

    wr zd ro rord. h t tor o vr Proouert.

    Steve Spence rv t t t

    nto arv t K cty. h work

    xtvy t lvwort ro rord

    d 2007 w t rtor o t lvwort pttry oto

    xt Md.

    becKY cooK

    Cook was sentenced to two years or robbing a pos

    fce and was transerred to the Kansas State Peniten

    two days ater arriving at Leavenworth.

    ezra owen

    Sentenced one year and one day or larceny in

    Owen had various violations, including being caught

    onions in his possession, laughing and talking, and hav

    hacksaw in his cell.

    John g. dauLton

    Dalton was sentenced fve years or violating the 62n

    ticles o War in 1903. Daulton was constantly quarr

    with other inmates, and he received three days in so

    or fghting with another inmate and threatening to h

    with a wash pan.

    For more information about

    genealogy research go to


    68,937 and Counting

    endorsements necessary

    or a trustworthy

    prisoner to work without

    close supervision.

    Prologue 6
