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69th NY Infantry Regiment

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AN N U AL REPORT** S7 * Tf WAR 171959 GOVEfi/VjvjEN'f DOCUMENTS Oh- THE ADJUTANT-GENERAL* OF THE S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K . F OR THE Y EAR 1901. Registers of the Sixty-ninth, Seventieth, Seventy-first, Seventy-second, Seventy-third and Seventy- fourth Regiments of Infantry. TRANSMITTED T O T H E LEGISLATURE JANUARY 7, 1902. SERIAL No. 28. ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS 1902
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A N N U A L R E P O R T * * S 7 * T f

WAR 171959


Oh- T H E

A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L * O F T H E

S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K .

F O R T H E Y E A R 1901.

Registers of the Sixty-ninth, Seventieth, Seventy-first,

Seventy-second, Seventy-third and Seventy-

fourth Regiments of Infantry.

T R A N S M I T T E D T O T H E L E G I S L A T U R E J A N U A R Y 7, 1902.

S E R I A L No. 2 8 .


J . B. L Y O N C O M P A N Y , S T A T E P R I N T E R S


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A B B E B T O N , J O H N . — Age , 21 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. 0 , October 9, 1861; deserted, November 15, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city.

A B B I T T , T H O M A S . — • Age , 28 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , Marcb 1, 1864; deserted, M a r c b 29 ,1864, at Stevensburg, Y a . ; also borne as Abbott .

A B B O T T , J A M E S H . — Age , 19 years. Enl i s ted at Plattsburgb, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , A u g u s t 25, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; no furtber record; also borne as James A b o t t and Abbatt .

A B E A M S , see Abrams.

A B E A M S , " W I L L I A M . — Age , 27 years. Enl is ted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. O, October 5,1864; wounded i n action, M a r c b 25, 1865, before Petersburg, Y a . ; promoted corporal, June 21, 1865; mustered out witb com­pany, June 30, 1865, near Alexandr ia , Y a . ; also borne as Abeams.

A C K E B M A N N , S A M U E L . — Age , 34 years. Enl is ted , August 27, 1864, at Poughkeepsie, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded on picket and died of his wounds, October 28, 1864, at C i t y Po in t Hosp i ta l , Y a . ; also borne as Ackerman.

A C O E N , JE., J O H N . — Age , 18 years. Enl i s ted , August 23, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Oo. H , September 3, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; died, November 10, 1864, at Salis­bury, N . C . ; also borne as Acorne and Acorn.

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4 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

A C T O N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, • October 15, 1864; mustered out with company, June 80, 1865, at Alexandria, Va,

A D A M S , G E O R G E . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to

1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexan­dria, Va .

A D A M S , P E T E R . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to ! serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February 5, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; killed in action, May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Va .

A D A M S O N , A U G U S T U S . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at Torap- j kins ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private. Co. I, September 8, 1864; captured on picket, Ort«>W 30, 1864, at ; Petersburg, V a . ; confined at Richmond, Va. , October 31, 1864; sent to Salisbury, N . C , November 4, 1864; no further record.

A J A N , V I LIT A M . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted at Villanova, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unaligned, De comber 28, 1863; no furtber record.

A L C O T T , W E S L E Y . - • Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one yoar, and mustered in as private, Oo, G, October 3, 1804; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

A L E X A N D E R , G E O R G E . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 27, 1864; discharged for disability, February 1,1865, at Philadelphia, Pa.

A L E X A N D E R , W I L L I A M . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at j Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered In as private, Co. G, j September 27, 1864; wounded in action, April 7, 1865, near \ Silver Spring, V a . ; discharged for wounds, June 27^ 1865, at York, Pa.

A L G E R , C H A R L E S — Age, 42 years. Enlisted at Syracuse, to ; serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, A u - ; gust 8, 1862; musU red out on individual roll, May 9, 1865, j at Elmira, N . Y .

serve three years, and mustered i


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A L L E N , A R C H I B A L D . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve one year, »:<d mu-tc-ed in as prirate, Co. D, August 23, 1864; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; returned to ranks, no date; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya .

A L L E N , B E R N A R D . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Mareii 29, 1865; no further record.

A L L E N , H E N R Y J . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 3, 1864; deserted from camp, November 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Ya . ; also borne as Henry Allen.

A L L E N , J A M E S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H , August 30, 1864; died of disease, November"2, 1864, at Armory Square Hospital, "Washington, D . 0.; also borne as James H . Allen.

A L L E N , J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 3, 1864; deserted from camp, November 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Ya.

A L L E N , J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Octo­ber 4, IS64; no further record.

A L L E N , P A T R I C K — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 29, 1862; no further record.

A L L E N , R I C H A R D . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, January 16, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; deserted, February 20, 1864, at Rikers Island, N . Y .

A L L I N , H E N R Y H . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 4, 1864; no further record.

A M B E R G , E R N E S T . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, April 1, 1865; first sergeant, June 10, 1865; mustered out with com­pany, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. , as Aubury.

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6 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

A M B R O S E , T H O M A S . — A g e , 26 yearn. Enlisted at New York city, to serve throe years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, November 14, 1861; discharged for disability, December 26, 1862, at Fortress Monroe, Ya .

A N D E R S O N , G E O R G E . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , June 29, 1S64; missing in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya., and at muster-out of company.

A N D E R S O N , G E O R G E W . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at West Farms, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 12, 1S64; mustered out on Individual roll, Septem­ber 2, 1865, at Elmira ; N . Y . ; true name, Allen P. Heidt.

A N D E R S O N , J O H N . — • Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to servo three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 26, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 13, 1865, at White Hall Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.

A N D E R S O N , W I L L I A M — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 7, 1864; deserted, March 13, 1864, at Alexan­dria, Va.

A N D E R S O N , W I L L I A M . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. I), not stated; absent in TJ, S. General Hospital, Fortress Monroe, Va. , August 31, 1865; no further record.

A N D R E W S , J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to seiwe tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 15, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, May 14, 1865, in front of Petersburg, Va.

A N S O N , J O S E P H . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February 29, 1864; wounded and captured, May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, V a . ; paroled, no date; deserted on expiration of furlough, January 16, 1865.

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A R O H A B A L D , W I L L I A M J . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Avon, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 31, 1861; captured on picket, October 30, 1861, near Petersburg, Ya . ; paroled, no date; mustered out on individual roll, July 13, 1865, at Elmira, N . Y , as William S. Archibald; also borne as William Y . and William A . Archibald.

A R N O L D , M A R T I N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1861, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864; paroled, February 28, 1865; mustered out on individual roll, July 6, 1865, at Annapolis, Md.

A S P L E , J A M E S . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. I, not stated; transferred to Co. D, no date; cap­tured, Marcb 29, 1862, en route from Rappahannock river to Warrenton Junction, Ya . ; paroled, no date; discharged for dis­ability, May 24, 1862, at Washington, D. G , as Aspell.

A T K I N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 33 years.. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; killed in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hil l , Ya .

A T K I N S , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 26, 1804; no furtber record.

A T K I N S , W I L L I A M . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 4, 1804; no further record.

A U B U R Y , see Amberg.

A Y R E S , T H O M A S B . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Chicago, HI., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, October 13, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, February 26, 1864; sergeant, no date; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya . ; paroled, no date; absent, in hos­pital at Chicago, 111., at muster-out of company; also borne as Ayers.


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8 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L ,

B A B B I T T , E V E R I T T . — Ago, 21 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 1, 1862; no further record.

B A C K H O U S E , J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March IT, 1864; also borne as Blackhouse; no fur­ther record.

B A D D E L L , E M A N U E L — Age, 24 yeare. Enlisted, Septem­ber 1, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, V a . ; mustered out on individual roll, June 16, 1S65, at Carver Hospital. Washington, D. C , as Belsle; also borne as Baldell, Beldly and Belzly.

B A D G E L Y , E D W A R D . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Hart-land, to serve three years, and mustered in u* private, unas­signed, September 5, 1864; never joined regiment.

B A I L E Y , D A L L A S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, January 26, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. 0, January 28, 1864; killed*in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Va .

B A K E R , J O H N . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Novem­ber 6, 1861; discharged for disability, January 28 1 8 ( 5 3 , at Convalescent Camp.

B A K E R , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 24, 1864; never joined regiment.

B A K E R , R I C H A R D . — Private, Fifth Infantry; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; discharged for disability, June 12, 1862, at Carver Hospital, Washington, D . C.

B A K E R , W I L L I A M . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 3, 1864; deserted to the enemv, December 9, 1864, at Petersburg, Va .

B A K E R , see Barker.

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B A L D E L L , see Baddell.

B A L D I N G , G. M . , see George M . Belding.

B A L D W I N , P H I L I P . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0, July 14, 1864; captured, August 25, 1864; died, November 8, 1864, at Salisbury, N . C ; also borne as Joseph Baldwin.

B A L L A N C E , T H O M A S . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, unassigned, August 29, 1862; no further record.

B A L T E N , G E O R G E A — Age, 32 years. Enlisted, September IT, 1862, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , November 17, 1862; transferred to Thirtieth Company, Second Battalion, Yeteran Reserve Corps, March 23, 1864; discbarged on individual roll, November 16, 1865, at Port Monroe, Ya .

B A M P O R D , S A M U E L . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 20, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; released, May 17, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company; also borne as Banford, Barford and Bauford.

B A M O N , see Bannan.

B A N I G A N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; first sergeant, January 1, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Bannegan and Bannigan.

B A N N A N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March 8, 1864; no record subsequent to May 31, 1865, as absent, sick; also borne as Bamon and Bannon.

B A N N O N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, September 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Oo. K , December 20, 1861; promoted first sergeant, October 8, 1862; mustered out with detachment, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Y a . ; also borne as Barman.

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10 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B A N N O N , see Brannon.

B A R FORD, see Bamford.

B A R K E R , J O H N L . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Sclmectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded on picket, October 24, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Baker.

B A R K E R , see Parker.

B A R N E S , J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Corning, to serve three years, and mustered in a- private, unaligned, Sep­tember 1, 1864; never joined regiment.

B A R N E T T , R O B E R T . — Age, 35 year.*. Enii-fed at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private. Co. F , Novem­ber 12, 1861; wounded in action, September 1 7 , 1862, at An­tietam, Md. ; died of bis wounds, October 25, 1862, at Hospital No. 5, Frederick, Md.

B A R N Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve, tbree years, and mustered in as private, unawigtied, September 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

B A R R A T T , P A T R I C K — Age, 22 year*. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at New Y o r k eity, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September IT, 1861: wounded, July 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a . ; absent, in hospital, April 10, 1863, and at muster-out of company', subsequent service in Fifteenth Engineers; also borne as Barrett.

B A R R E T T , P A T R I C K . — Age, 41 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered In as private, Co. G, January 25, 1864; wounded in action. May 5, 1864, at the "Wilderness, Y a . ; absent since and at muster-out of company.

B A R R T G A N , see Berrigen.

B A R R Y , J O H N . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, November 10, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , November 15, 1861; discharged for disability, April 5,1863, at Fort Monroe, Y a . ; also borne as Berry.

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B A R R Y , M I C H A E L , let.—-Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, July 25, 1801; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Y a . ; exchanged, April 20, 1865; mustered out, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya . ; prior service in Co. A, Tenth Ohio Infantry.

B A R R Y , M I C H A E L , 2d.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, July 19, 1S64; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

B A R R Y , R I C H A R D . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March 19, 1864; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya . ; absent since and at muster-out of company.

B A R S T , J A C O B . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. O, October 10, 1864; captUTed, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Ya . ; paroled, no date; absent, sick, at muster-out of company; also borne as Isaac and as Boast, Boss and Bost.

B A R T H O L O M E W , C H E S T E R . — Age, 17 years. Enlisted, A u ­gust 29, 1804, at Schenectady, to serve tbree years; mustered in a* private, Co. I I , September 3, 1S64; wounded in action, April 7, 1805, at Earmville, Ya . ; mustered out on individual roll, July 11, 1865, at Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. 0., as Bartholony.

B A R T O N , L E W I S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three, years, and mustered in as private, Oo. G, January 21, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg. Y a . ; released, no date; mustered out with com­pany, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Baston.

BASS, I S A A C . — Age, 17 years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H , August 29, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 27, 1865, at Satter-lee Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa . ; also borne as Boss.

B A S S E T T , T H O M A S . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 5, 18G4; deserted, September 2, 1864, before Peters­burg, Y a . ; also borne as Basseth.

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12 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B A S T I C K , J O S E P H . — Age , 28 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, October 1, 1861; promoted sergeant, December 17, 1862; trans­ferred to Co, B , June 12, 1863; died of disease, November 5, 1863, at N e w England Rooms, N e w Y o r k c i ty ; also borne as Bostick.

B A S T O N , see Barton.

B A U E R , A N D R E W — A g e , 22 years. Enl is ted , September 1, 1864, at Brooklyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3 ,1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; sent to Salisbury, N . O , November 4, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company.

B A U E O R D , see Bamford.

B A Z E L L , see B r a z i l l .

B E A T T Y , B R A Z I L L A . — A g e , 32 years. Enl i s ted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Oo-. G , September 30, 1864; wounded, no date; mustered out wi th de­tachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandr ia , Y a . , as Barz i l l i a .

B E D E L L , W I L L I A M . — Age , 19 years. Enl isted , August 30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year ; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , Y a . ; also borne as Berde l l and B u r -dell.

B E E B E S , E R A N C I S . — Age , 24 years. Enl is ted , October 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , October 30, 1861; no furtber record.

B E E H A N , P A T R I C K — A g e , 40 years. Enl i s ted August 28, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; k i l l e d i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; also borne as Behan.

B E E R S , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 39 years. En l i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, January 23, 1864; never joined regiment.

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S I X T Y - N I N T H R E G I M E N T . 13

B E L A M Y , N A T H A L M T . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Pittsburgh, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. H , September 3, 1861; -wounded in action, April 2, 1805, at Petersburg, Ya., and absent at muster-out of com­pany, as Nathaniel Bellamy and Bellobemy.

B E L D I N G , G E O R G E M . — Age, 23 years. Enrolled near Petersburg, Ya. , to serve unexpired term of the regiment, and mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. A , December 29, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30 ,1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; prior service as private, Oo. L , Sixth Michigan Cavalry; also borne as Balding.

Commissioned first lieutenant, December 29 ,1864, with rank from same date, vice S. Mansergh, discbarged.

B E L D L Y , see Baddell.

B E L L , C H R I S T O P H E R . — • Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, November 15, 1861; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862, as absent.

B E L L , G E O R G E . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 24, 1804; never joined regiment.

B E L L , T H O M A S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February 1, 1864; promoted corporal, November 3, 1864; sergeant, Jan­uary 1, 1805; wounded, no date; mustered out on individual roll, June 2, 1805, at Campbell Hospital, Washington, D. C.

B E L L A M Y and B E L L O H E M Y , N A T H A N I E L , see Nathaim T. Belamy.

B E L M E N , see Blenin.

B E L S L E and B E L Z L Y , see Baddell.

B E L T E N , P A T R I C K M.—Commission second lieutenant, no date, and declined, with rank from Marcb 1, 1864, vice — ; also borne as Belton.

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14 ' R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B E M B R I C K , A R T H U R . — A g e , date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. C, not stated; transferred to Co. R, Twenty-second Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; dis­charged, J u l y 17, 1805, at Camp Cleveland, O h i o ; also borne as Rombrick.

B E N N E T T , J A M E S . — Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , August 10, 1862; k i l led in action, September 17, 1802, at A n t i e t a m , M d .

B E N N E T T , J O H N . — Age , 27 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, September 25, 1861; deserted, September 20, 1861, at For t Schuyler, N . Y .

B E N N E T T , J O H N . — A g e , date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. F , not stated; absent, sick and wounded, March 31, 1865; no furtber record.

B E N N E T T , J O S E P H . — Age, 41 years. Enl i s ted at Brook lyn , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co . C, J u l y 11, 1864; captured in action at Ream's Station, V a . , August 25, 1864; paroled, no date; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

B E N S O N , F R A N C I S . — Age , 29 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 5, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 27, 1865, at Satterlee Hospital , West Phi ladelphia , P a .

B E N S O N , J O H N . — A g e , 36 years. Knlisre.1 at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, January 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

B E N S O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 34 years. Enro l l ed , September 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three, years; mustered i n as captain, Co. E , September 16, 1361; discharged, November 22, 1862, for absence without leave.

Commissioned captain, December 20, 1861, wi th rank from September 10, 1861; original.

B E N S O N , W I L L I A M . — Age , 27 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. K , Sep­tember 19, 1864; wounded, October 28, 1864: mustered out with detachment, June 6, 1865, at E m o r v H o s p i t a l , Washing­ton, D . C.

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B E N S O N , W I L L I A M , 2 d — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 25, 1861; deserted in February, 1862, at Camp California, Ya.

B E N TO, see Bunte.

B E R D E L L , see Bedell.

B E R G E N , see Berrigen.

B E R G M A N N , G O T P R I E D . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 27, 1864; deserted, September 3, 1861; also borne as Goodwin Bergman, as Goodfield Bergamin, and as Benjamin Goodfield.

B E R M I N G U A M , A N D R E W . — Age, 28 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 18, 1861; as second lieutenant, December 26, 1861; as first lieutenant, July 2, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; died of his wounds, December 17, 1802; also borne as Birmingham.

Commissioned second lieutenant, June 4, 1862, with rank from October 22, 1861; original; first lieutenant, August 28, 1862, with rank from July 26, 1862, vice Thomas Reynolds, killed in action.

B E R M I N G U A M , R I C H A R D I I . — Age, 20 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. A , September 23, 1861; promoted sergeant, July 1, 1S62; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; mustered out, June 12, 1863, on consolidation; also borne as Birmingham and Bermingham.

Commissioned first lieutenant, not mustered, no date, with rank from March 1, 1864, vice, .

B E R M I N G H A M , see Birmingham. ;

B E R R I G E N , M A R T I N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I , February 14, 1805; absent without leave at muster-out of company; also borne as Barrigan, Bergen and Berrigan.

B E R R Y , see Barry.

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16 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B E R T I N E , M A T H E W.—• Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Burns, to serve one year, and mnstered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 17, 1864; never joined regiment.

B E R T R A N D , E M I L E . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. D , August 29, 1864; promoted corporal, May 13, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va .

B E S O H , J O S E P H . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Lewiston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F , September 21, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 13, 1885, near Alexandria, Va .

B E T T E R , L E V I . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted sergeant, September 5, 1864; returned to ranks, February 5,1865; mustered out with detach­ment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

B E T T S O H E R , F R A N Z H.—• Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. , as Betscber,

B E Z E L L , see Brazill.

B I G A L O W , J O N A T H A N . — Age,, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, September 23, 1864; captured, October 20, 1864, at Peters­burg, V a . ; paroled, February 28, 1865; mustered out on in­dividual roll, June 1, 1865, at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md. ; also borne as Biglor.

B I N G L E T O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, April 13, 1865; died of disease, April 24,1865, at Hart's Island, New York harbor.

B I R C H , G E O R G E . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 12, 1864; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; sergeant, March 1, 1865; returned to ranks, May 24, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va . , as Burch.

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B I R C H , J A M E S . — Age, 42 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 7, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; died, Marcb 24, 1863, at general hos­pital, Washington, I). C. ; also bome as Bureh.

BIRD, J A M E S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Eeb­ruary 20, 1864; wounded, June 3, 1864, near Cold Harbor, V a . ; absent at muster-out of company.

B I R M I N G H A M , A N D R E W . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Ob. A , Eebruary 2, 1864; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; discharged, May 27, 1865, at Trenton, N . J . ; also borne as Burmingham.

B I R M I N G H A M , W I L L I A M . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 20, 1861; discharged for disability, October 10, 1862, at Washington, D. C ; also borne as Bermingbam.

BIVINS, A L O N Z O . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Norwich, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; died of typhoid fever, Marcb 6, 1865, at Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D. 0.; also borne as Bivens.

B L A C K , F E R D I N A N D and E R A S , see Ferdinand Block.

B L A C K , J A M E S . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, January 16,1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. C, January 28, 1864; wounded, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Ya . ; deserted, June 16, 1864, to enlist in Second Massachusetts Heavy Artillery.

B L A C K H O U S E , see Backhouse.

B L A D D E R , T H O M A S G . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 4, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 4, 1861; discharged in April, 1862, at Camp California, Y a . ; also borne as Bladden and Bledden.


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18 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B L A I Z E , M I T C H E L L . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; absent without leave, Apr i l 30, 1865, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Blaze and Blazer.

B L A K E , A R C H I B A L D E . — Commissioned first lieutenant, no date, witb rank from Marcb 1, 1864; never reported.

B L A K E , J O H N J — A g e , 22 years. Enrolled, January 19, 1864, at Albany, to serve tbree years; mustered in as second lieuten­ant, Co. K , January 22, 1864; as captain, A p r i l 21, 1864; wounded and captured in action, May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Va . ; died of bis wounds, June 3, 1864, at Richmond, Va . , while prisoner of war; prior service as captain, Co. B . Eighty-eighth Infantry.

Not commissioned as second lieutenant or first lieutenant; commissioned captain, no date, with rank from March 1, 1864; original, Co. K.

B L A K E L Y , J A M E S . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , November 4, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 14, 1865, at Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C.

B L A N C H E I E L D , C H R I S T O P H E R . — Age, 21 years. En­listed, September 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. G, September 9, 1861; re­turned to ranks, no date; deserted, June 29, 1862, at Savage Station, Va .

B L A N K , J O H N . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H , August 31, 1864; absent sick, November 30, 1864, and at muster-out of company.

B L A U E R , J O H N . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 31, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve one year; mustered in as private, unasr signed, September 3, 1864; never joined regiment.

B L A Z E and B L A Z E R , see Blaize.

B L E D D E N , see Bladder.

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B L E E D N E R , C H A R L E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year; mustered in as private, C'o. B, October 18, 1861; deserted to tbe enemy, December 19, 1861, in front of Petersburg, Ya .

B L E N I N , J O H N . — A g e , date, and place of enlistment not stated; mustered in as private, ,Co. H , September 3, 1861; captured, October 30, 1861, near Petersburg, Y a . ; died on or about February 28, 1865, at Florence, S. C ; also borne as Bel-men and Blenen.

B L O C K , F E R D I N A N D . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Pebruary 11, 1864; wounded, no date; discbarged by rea­son of insanity, August 3, 1865, at Washington, D. G ; also borne as Ferdinand and Fras Black.

B L O U N E S , W I L L I A M . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Roches­ter, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

B O A S T , see Barst.

B O E H M , G E O R G E B . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Sep­tember 30, IS64; mustered out with detachment, June 16, 1805, at; United States General Hospital, York, Pa . ; also borne as Boliem, Bohen, and Bobm.

B O G , J A M E S . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 30, 1864; no further record.

B O M B R I C K , see Bembrick.

B O O K H A U T , O S B O R N S.— Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered-out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya . , as Osborne Bookhout.

B O P , I S A A C C — A g e , IT years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, un­assigned, September 3, 1864; never joined regiment.

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20 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B O P P , A N T O N E . — Age , 38 years. Enl is ted , August 29, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. E , Sep­tember 3, 1864; deserted to the enemy, December 10, 1864, off picket in front of F o r t Cummings, Y a .

B O K R E R , see Bower.

B O S S and B O S T , see Barst.

B O S S , see Bass.

B O S ' S O N G , J O B N . — - Age, 19 years. Enl isted at Rochester, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

B O S T I C K , see Bastick.

B O U R E , C O R N E Y . — Age , 19 years. Enl isted at Rochester, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

B O U R S E , see Burke .

B O W E N , M I C H A E L — A g e , 19 years. Enl is ted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 13, 1864; promoted corporal, February 14, 1865; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandr ia , Y a .

' B O W E R , H E N R Y . — Age , 18 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , January 22, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Y a . ; returned to duty, M a y 17, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandr ia , Y a . ; also borne as Borrer and Bowers.

B O W E R S , G E O R G E . — Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Schenec­tady, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. H , Sep­tember 1, 1864; missing i n action, October 30, 1864; no record subsequent to A p r i l 30, 1865, as dropped.

B O W L E R , J A M E S . — A g e , date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as private, Oo. A , not stated; discharged, June 12, 1865, at Augur Hospital , V i rg in ia , as of One H u n d r e d and Sixteenth Company, Second Battal ion, Veteran Reserve Corps.

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B O W M A N , E D W A R D . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve three years; mustered in a*s private, Co. I, September 3, 1861; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; mus­tered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Edwin.

B O W M A N , L O U I S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Troy, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded, Marcb 25, 1865; discbarged for disability, August 14, 1865, at Stanton Hospital, Washing­ton, D. C.; also borne as Lewis.

B O Y C E , J O H N A . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Bethany, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 16, 1864; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; killed in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Ya".

B O Y D , J O H N C — Age, 36 years. Enlisted, August 15, 1862, at New York eity, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 16, 1862; transferred to Co. B , no date; wounded, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; transferred to Yeteran Re­serve Corps, March 7, 1864; also borne as John Boyce and Boyde.

B O Y L A N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 1, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; de­serted in November, 1863, from hospital, at Washington, D. C.

B O Y L E , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , Sep­tember 27, 1861; captured in action, June 29, 1862, at White Oak Swamp, Ya.'; died, August 26, 1862, at Richmond, Ya.

B O Y L E , J O H N . — • Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 8, 1862; no further record.

B O Y L E , P A T R I C K . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private,. unas­signed, September 1, 1862; no further record.

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22 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B O Y L E , P H I L I P . — A g e , 31 years. Enl isted , October IT, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mnstered i n as private, 'Co. I , October 30, 1861; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862, as absent.

B O Y L E , T H O M A S . — A g e , 21 years. Enl isted, October 8, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as corporal, Co. B , October 11, 1861; wounded, J u l y 1, 1862, at M a l v e r n H i l l , Y a . ; promoted sergeant, January 8, 1863; wounded, J u l y 1, 1863, at Gettysburg, P a . ; transferred to Yeteran Reserve Corps, November 30, 1863.

B R A C K E N , J A M E S . — A g e , 28 years. Enl isted , September 19, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , September 23, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; missing in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at M a l v e r n H i l l , Y a . ; no furtber record; also borne as Bracken.

B R A D O O C K , G E O R G E . — Age , date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. K , not stated; absent sick and wounded, M a y 31, 1865; no furtber record; supposed to be iden­tical witb Thomas Braddock.

B R A D D O C K , T H O M A S . — A g e , 19 years. Enl is ted at Brook­l y n , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , Oc­tober 10, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; paroled, Eebruary 28, 1865; furlougbed f rom Camp P a ­role, Annapolis, M d . , M a r c h 10, 1865, to N e w Y o r k city, and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as George Bradcock.

B R A D L E Y , J O H N . — A g e , 42 years. Enl is ted , Eebruary 4, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. K , Eebruary 5, 1864; captured i n action, J u n e 3, 1864, at C o l d Harbor , Y a . ; died of disease, August 10, 1864, at Andersonville, G a .

B R A D L E Y , see Broadley.

B R A D Y , B E R N A R D . — A g e , 18 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as musician, Co. A , September 23, 1861; deserted, November 15, 1862, at W a r r e n -ton, Y a .

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B R A D Y , C H A R L E S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and nrustered in as private, Co. K , May 23, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Pe­tersburg, Y a . ; died of disease, December 21, 1864, at Salis­bury, *N. C , in prison.

B R A D Y , D E N N I S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 30, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. B , October 8, 1861; wounded, July 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a . ; promoted corporal, no date; discbarged for disability, November 3, 1862, at Providence, R. I .

B R A D Y , J A M E S . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Oc­tober 22, 1861; wounded, July 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a . ; discharged, January 21, 1S63, by reason of enlistment in United States Cavalry.

B R A D Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. K , December 20, 1861; discharged for disability, August 18, 1862, at New York city.

B R A D Y , J A M E S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Janu­ary 9, 1 8 0 5 ; no further record.

B R A D Y , J O H N . — Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , August 26, 1862; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md .

B R A D Y , J O H N . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 28, 1862; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1S63; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Y a . ; transferred to Oo. I, Eighteenth Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, Novem­ber 29, 1864; mustered out, June 26, 1865, at Washington, D. C ; also borne as Braidy.

B R A D Y , J O H N — A g e , 42 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. K , Feb­ruary 5, 1864; captured, no date; died, August 10, 1864, i n prison, at Andersonville, Ga.

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24 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B R A D Y , J O H N . — Age , 29 years. Enl i s ted at Jamaica, to •serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, October 11, 1864; wounded i n action, March 25, 1865, at Petersburg, Y a . ; mustered ont wi th detachment, June 13, 1865, near A lexan­dria, Y a .

B R A D Y , J O H N . — Age , 34 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, February 15, 1865; no furtber record.

B R A D Y , P E T E R . — Age , 33 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Septem­ber 17, 1861; ki l led i n action, J n l y 1, 1862, at M a l v e r n H i l l , Y a .

B R A D Y , P E T E R . — Age , 30 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mnstered i n as private, Co. C, Octo­ber 9, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; discharged for disa­bility, M a r c h 29, 1863, at F o r t Monroe, Y a .

B R A D Y , T H O M A S . — Age , 27 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mnstered i n as private, Co. I , February 26, 1862; promoted corporal, no date; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; returned to ranks and promoted corporal, no dates; mustered out, Feb­ruary 28, 1885, near Petersburg, Y a .

B R A I D Y , see Brady . :

B R A N A G A N , M I C H A E L . — Age , 39 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , August 15, 1862; transferred to Oo. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F , i n January or February, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, December 2, 1864; mustered out witb de­tachment, June 5, 1865, as corporal, near A lexandr ia , Y a . , as Brannigan.

B R A N N A N , see Brannon.

B R A N N I G A N , T H O M A S . — . Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , October 5, 1862; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericks­burg, Y a . ; transferred to Go. A , June 12, 1863; no record sub­sequent to December 31, 1863, as deserted.

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B R A N N O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 38 years. Enl isted, Maxel l 8, 1864, at N e w Y o r k oity, to seTve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. K , M a r c h 19, 1864; wounded, M a y 12, 1864; mus­tered out on individual ro l l , M a y 29, 1865, at Harewood Hos­pital , Washington, D . C . ; also borne as Bannon and Brannan.

B R A N N O N , see Brennan and Brennen.

B R A Y , G E O R G E . — A g e , 23 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. H , Eeb­ruary 8, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; died of his wounds, December 1, 1862, at Frederick, M d .

B R A Z I L L , E D W A R D . — Age , 24 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , Octo­ber 6, 1864; promoted corporal, December 1, 1864; mustered out wi th company, June 30, 1865, at A lexandr ia , Y a . ; also borne as Bazel l , Beze l l , Braze l l , and Breze l l .

B R E A R T O N , J O H N . — A g e , 29 years. Enl i s ted at Tompkins­vi l le , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co, E , September 29, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, near Petsersburg, Y a . ; absent at Annapolis , M d . , at muster-out of company; also borne as Brereton.

B R E G I E , F O U S O U T . — Age , 22 years. Enl i s ted at Troy , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 30, 1864; deserted on or about September 3, 1864; also borne as Foucout Bregie.

B R E N A N , see Brennan.

B R E N N A N , G E O R G E . — A g e , 24 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as corporal, Oo. P , November 9, 1861; wounded i n action, September 11, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; discharged for wounds, M a r c h 3, 1863, at Frederick, M d . ; also borne as Brennen. •

B R E N N A N , J A M E S . — A g e , 21 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k •city, to serve three years, and .mustered i n as private, Oo. G , January 27, 1864; died of disease, M a y 30, 1864, at "Washing­ton, D . C . ; also borne as Brennen and Brennon.

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26 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B R E N N A N , J O H N . — Age , 27 years. Enl isted , August 28, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as sergeant, Co. G , September 7, 1861; wounded i n action, June 30, 1862, at W h i t e Oak Swamp, Y a . ; discharged for wounds, October 16, 1862, at David's Island, N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as Brenan.

B R E N N A N , J O H N . — Age , 21 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, M a r c h 11, 1864; no further record.

B R E N N A N , L U K E . — Age , 24 years. E n r o l l e d at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , October 3, 1861; promoted corporal, same date; sergeant, A p r i l 16, 1862; regimental commissary sergeant, August 6, 1862; mustered i n as second lieutenant, Co. D , M a y 1, 1863; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Oo. E , no date; wounded, June 16, 1864, before Petersburg, Y a . ; dismissed, August 1, 1864, for absence without leave; also borne as B r e n -nen and Brennon.

Commissioned second lieutenant, M a y 27, 1863, wi th rank from November 1, 1862, vice M . Scully, promoted.

B R E N N A N , M A L A O H L — A g e , 28 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 17, 1861; deserted i n September, 1862, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Brennin .

B R E N N A N , M I C H A E L P . — Age, 28 years. Enro l led , Sep­tember 21, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mus­tered i n as sergeant, Co. B , October 24, 1861; promoted first sergeant, November 20, 1861; mustered in as second lieuten­ant, Co. E , September 17, 1862; wounded i n action, Decem­ber 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; mustered out to date, June 12, 1863; also borne as Brennen, Michae l J .

Commissioned second lieutenant, October 14, 1862, wi th rank f rom September 17, 1862, vice T . Duffy , promoted.

B R E N N A N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 24 years. Enl is ted , November 23, 1861, at Washington, D . C., to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , November 25, 1861; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F , i n January or February , 1864; captured in action, A u g u s t 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Y a . ; paroled, no date; promoted corporal, no date; died of disease, January 7, 1865, at hospital, Annapolis , M d . ; also borne as Brannon.

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B R E N N A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 43 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k eity, to serve tliree years, and. mustered i n as private, Oo. E , October 22, 1861; discbarged for disability, M a r c b 6, 1862, at Camp California, Y a . ; also borne as Brenan.

B R E N N A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 21 years. En l i s t ed at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. E , November 9, 1861; died, M a r c h 24, 1862, at Douglass Hos ­pital, "Washington, D . C ; also borne as Brennen.

B R E N N A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 28 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to1 serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, October 3, 1864; no furtber record.

B R E N N E N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 21 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. G , August 18, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Y a . ; prisoner unt i l A p r i l 29, 1865; mustered out on i n ­dividual ro l l , June 29, 1865, at N e w Y o r k c i ty ; also borne as Brannon, Brennan, and Brennon.

B R E N N I N , see Brennan.

B R E N N O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 21 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. G , August 18, IS64; captured, October 30, 1864, before Peters­burg, Y a . ; mustered out on individual ro l l , to date June 30, 1865, at New Y o r k c i ty ; supposed to be identical wi th W i l l i a m Brennen.

B R E R E T O N , see Brearton.

B R E S U N , M I C H A E L . — • Age , 21 years. Enl is ted , September 11, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 12, 1861; sent to' hospital sick, August 6, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 1 2 , 1 8 6 3 ; no record subsequent to June 30, 1863, as deserted.

B R E T T , J A M E S . — Age , 36 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , Eebru ­ary 8, 1862; died of disease, J u l y 12, 1862, at Harr isons L a n d ­ing, Y a .

B R E W E N and B R E W E R , see Bruen .

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28 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B R E W S T E R , C A L E B . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mnstered in as private, Co. K , March 20, 1804; wounded, May 12, 1884, at Spotsylvania, Y a . ; discharged for disability, March 2, 18(55, at Carver United States General Hospital, Washington, D . C .

B R E Z E L L , see Brazill.

B R I A D Y , J O H N . — Enlisted, September 4, 1882, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , No­vember 17, 1862; transferred to Co. I , Eleventh Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; mustered out, July 7, 1865, at Pittsburgh, N . Y .

B R I A N , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, July 11, 1864, at Brooklvn, to serve three years; mnstered in as*private, Co. C, July 19, 1864; died of disease, October 26, 1864, at City Point, Y a . ; also borne as Brien and Bryan.

B R I A R D , N I C H O L A S . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted, September 22, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, November 17, 181W; transferred to Forty-second Company, Second Battalion, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; mustered out, August 24, 1865, at Washington, IX C.

B R I C K M A N , C A R L ("., see Karl C. Buekman.

BRIGGS, E B E N E Z E R . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted, January 20, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; promoted corporal, March 7. 1864; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Y a . ; dis­charged for disability, May 27, 1865, at Buffalo, N . Y .

B R I G H T M A N , J A M E S R . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 3, 1864; wounded, October 22, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya ,

B R I N D L E Y , J A M E S . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York krity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , July 6, 1864; killed in action, August 16, 1864, near Peters­burg, Ya .

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BRISTOLL, A L E X A N D E R . — Age, 20 years. .Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, "September 21, 1864; no furtber record.

BRITT, M I C H A E L Y . — A g e , date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. G, not stated; transferred to C'o. K, Eleventh Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; dis­cbarged, September 12, 1865.

B R I T T O N , E D W A R D . — A g e , 30 yearn Enlisted, September 20, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. I, September 27, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; died of bis wounds, October 28, 1862, at Frederick, Md.

B R O A D L E Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; never joined company; also borne as Bradley.

B R O D E R I C K , M I C H A E L . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, Febru­ary 16, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , February 26, 1862; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 22, 1864; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya . ; mus­tered out, to date, June 30, 1865.

B R O D E R I C K , T H O M A S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 1 ,1S62; wounded in action, Deceember 1.3, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya . ; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; to Oo. I, Second Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, March 7, 1864; discharged, July 3, 1865, at Camp Carrington, Indianapo­lis, Ind.

BROOKS, L Y S A N D E R J . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Oo. E , September 3, 1864; wounded, March 25, 1865; dis­charged on individual roll, July 13, 1865, at hospital, Albany, N . Y .

BROOKS, W I L L I A M . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, August 30, 1864; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; returned to ranks, March 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

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30 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B R O U G H T O N , R I C H A R D . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, January 22, 1864; no further record.

B R O W N , D A Y I D . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Yonkers, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, September 20, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with de­tachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya .

B R O W N , G E O R G E . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, October 9, 1862; no further record.

B R O W N , J A M E S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve tbree years, and mustered in as first sergeant, Co. D , October 13, 1861; sent to Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md. ; Au­gust 28, 1862; no record subsequent to April 10, 1863.

B R O W N , J A M E S . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, October £0, 1861, at Syracuse, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. K, December 20, 1861; discharged, November 4, 1862, by joining Eighth United States Infantry.

B R O W N , J A M E S . — Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March 11, 1864; pro­moted corporal, no date; wounded, May 12, 1864; no record subsequent to December 31, 1864.

B R O W N , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, Septeember 27, 1861; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862, as absent.

B R O W N , J O H N . — A g e , 17 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March, 1864; no further record.

B R O W N , J O H N M . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , Sep­tember 24, 1864; discharged with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; borne as John W.

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B R O W N , J O H N W I L L I A M . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 4, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

B R O W N , LEWIS.-—Age, 43 years. Enlisted, January 22, 1864, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. 0 , January 28, 1864; promoted, sergeant, February 1, 1864; wounded in front of Petersburg, Ya. , no date; died of bis wounds, September 19, 186.4, at Petersburg, Y a . ; also borne as Louis B .

B R O W N , M Y R O N . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Cbicago, 111., to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , Octo­ber 13, 1861; promoted corporal, November 1, 1861; trans­ferred to Co. B, as private, August 22, 1863; discbarged for disability, January 19, 1865, at hospital, Philadelphia, Pa . ; also borne as Myron, H .

B R O W N , S A M U E L . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at New York, to serve three years, and mustered in as private Co. K, March 11, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; discharged for disability, December 31, 1864, at New York city.

B R O W N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 30, 1804; no further record.

B R O W N , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E . September 13, 1861; transferred to Co. B , no date; absent, sick, since November, 1862; die of disease, May 24, 1865, at New York city; supposed to be identical witb Timothy Brown, of Co. E .

B R O W N , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years;, mustered in as private, Oo. E , September 16, 1861; discharged for disability, April 6, 1863, at United States General Hospital, Chestnut Hil l , Philadelphia, Pa.

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3 2 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B R O W N E L L , W A L T E R D.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Oo. E , September 3, 1864; promoted) corporal, Febru­ary 8*, 1865; sergeant, Marcb 22, 1865; mustered out with de-

, tachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

B R O W N L A Y , G E O R G E — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, November 20, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Oo. A , November 26, 1861; deserted, August 29, 1862, at Alexandria, Va.

B R U C E , G E O R G E F.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 27, 1864; died of typhoid fever, November 10, 1864, at McDougall Hospital, Fort Schuyler, N . Y .

B R U C E , see Bruen.

B R U E N , G E R R E T T . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal and sergeant, and returned to ranks, no dates; wounded May 12, 1864; furlougbed, June 3, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company, June 30, 1865; also borne as Brewen, Brewer, Bruce, and Bruin.

B R U N I N G H A M , see Birmingham.

B Y R A N , see Brian.

B U C K , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 23, IS64, at Plattsburgb, to serve one yar; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, February 5, 1865; mustered out on individual roll, June 14, 1865, at Jarvis United States General Hospital, Baltimore, Md.

B U C K L E Y , J O H N . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. G, September 7, 1861; killed in action, June 29, 1862, at Savage Station, Va . ; also borne as Buckly.

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B U C K L E Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 3 G years. Enrolled at New York eity, to serve three yeara, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 5, . 1 8 0 1 ; promoted regimental quartermaster ser­geant, October 9 , I S 0 1 ; mustered iu as first lieutenant, Co. F , August 0 , 1 8 0 2 ; killed, in action, December 1 3 1 8 0 2 , at Eredericksburg, Y a . ; also borne as Peter H . Buddy.

Commissioned first lieutenant, October 1 4 , 1 8 6 2 , with rank from August 0 , 1 8 6 2 , vice R. Moroney, promoted.

B U C K L E Y " , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 2 8 years. Enlisted at New Y rork city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K , February 2 , 1 8 6 4 ; wounded in action, June 3, 1 8 6 4 , at Cold Harbor, V a . ; transferred to One Hundred Seventieth Company,, Second Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, Apr i l 2 4 , 1 8 6 5 ; dis­charged for disability, August 1, 1 8 6 5 , at Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C , as of Third Company, Second Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps.

B U C K L Y , M A L A C H I , see Buckley Malacbi.

B U G K M A X , C A R L C—Age , 2 2 years. Enlisted August 2 9 , 1 8 0 4 , at Tarrytown, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3 , 1 8 0 4 ; mustered out with company, June 3 0 , 1 8 6 5 , near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Buckman and Brickman.

B U C K S , J A M E S . — A g e , 2 5 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October T, 1 8 0 4 ; no further record.

B U D D , W I L L I A M . — A g e , date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. H , not stated.; on extra duty at Brigade Head­quarters, March 3 1 , 1 8 6 5 ; no further record.

B U L G E R , P E T E R . — A g e , 2 2 years. Enlisted, October 3, 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. II , October 1 2 , 1 * 0 1 ; wounded in action, September 1 7 , 1 8 6 2 , at Antietam, Md. ; discharged for disability, February 1 6 , 1 8 0 3 , at Convalescent Camp, Va .

B U N T E , A B R A H A M B . — A g e , 1 8 years. Enlisted, August 2 9 , 1 8 6 4 , at Kingston, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1 8 0 4 ; wounded in action, March 2 5 , 1 8 6 5 , near Petersburg V a . ; mustered out with detachment, June 1 0 , 1805, at Emory Hosrutnl, Washington, D. G ; also borne as

> Abraham Bento and Buuto. V O L . 2 9 — 3

: I

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34 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B U N T E , J A M E S H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Kingston, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted oorporal, December 19, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as James Bunto.

B U N T O N , E D W A R D N.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Poughkeepsie, to .serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detach­ment, June 5, 1865, -near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Ed­ward H .

B U R C H , see Birch.

B U R D E L L , see Bedell.

B U R H E E S , B E N J A M I N F.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Ja­maica, to serve one year, and. mustered in as private, Co. C, October 7, 1864; wounded in action, March* 25, 1865; dis­charged, May 25, 1865, at Washington, D. O ; also borne as Burhas, Burbes, Burbones, and Burbus.

B U R K E , D A V I D . — A g e , 24 years. Enrolled, September 8, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. F , October 9, 1861; promoted regimental commissary ser­geant, November 23, 1861; mustered in as second lieutenant,. Co. G, August 8, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; mustered out on consolidation, June 12, 1863, near Falmouth, Va. ; also borne as David R, Bourke.

Commissioned second lieutenant, October 14, 1862, with rank from August 8, 1862, vice Peter Conlin, resigned.

B U R K E , J A M E S . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, October 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B , October 19, 1861; wounded in action, September, 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; again, July 1, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; discharged for disability, April 20, 1864, at Baltimore, Md., as Patrick.

B U R K E , J O H N M.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered.in as private, Co. K, April 5, 1864; wounded) and captured in action. May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, V a . ; died of disease, August 10, 1864, in prison at Andersonville, Ga.

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B U R K E , P A T R I C K — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; deserted, December 6, 1861, at Camp Cal i fornia , Y a .

B U R K E , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. E , December 9, 1863; captured on picket, October 29, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; paroled, M a r c h 14, 1865, at Wilmington, N . C ; mustered out on individual roll, ' June 8, 1865, at A n ­napolis, M d . ; also borne as Bourke and Burk .

B U R K E , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 29 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. B , M a y 3, 1864; transferred to Co. I , Eleventh Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, M a r c b 19, 1865; discbarged witb detachment, September 26, 1865; also borne as James.

B U R K E , W A L T E R . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 18, 1861; wounded in action,'Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Ant ie tam, M d . ; died of his wounds, Sep­tember 27, 1862, at Frederick, M d .

B U R K E , W A L T E R . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, October 7,1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I , October 30, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; again at Eredericksburg, V a . , Decem­ber 13, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Oo. F , no date; discharged for disability, M a y 12, 1864, at F i n l e y H o s ­pita l , Washington, D . C.

B U R M I N G H A M , see Birmingham.

B U R N , see Byrne .

B U R N E S , see Burns .

B U R N S , D E N N I S ^ — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 23, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, IS64, at Petersburg, V a . ; recaptured at Salisbury, N . C , no date; mustered out on individual r o l l , August 14, 1865, at N e w Y o r k city.

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36 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B U R N S , E D W A R D . — A g o , 24- years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, November 7, 1864; no further record.

B U R N S , H E N R Y . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, ami mustered in as private, Oo. C, September 30, 1861; deserted, January 31, 1802, at Gamp California, Ya.

B U R N S , J A M E S — Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, January 2, 1S62; dis­charged for disability, January 22, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Y a . ; also borne as Byrens.

B U R N S , J O S E P H M.—Age, 21 years. Enrolled, September 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve'three years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. F , October 12, 1861; wounded in action, June 30, 1862, at White Oak Swamp, Ya . ; discharged, May 27, 1863.

Commissioned second lieutenant, December 20, 1861, with rank from October 18, 1861; original.

B U R N S , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1.861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , -October" 15, 1861; deserted, October 15, 1861, at New York.

B U R N S , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F, September 27, 1S64; mustered out with detachment, June 5. 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

B U R N S , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; pro­moted corpora], July or August, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; paroled and ex­changed, no dates; mustered out with detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Byrnes.

B U R N S , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years,, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 19, 1864; nmsterecl out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.; also borne as Burnes.

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B U R N S , R I C H A R D . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1801, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as corporal, Co. C, September 20, 1861; promoted sergeant, May 12, 1804; wounded, June 3, 1864; mustered out with detach­ment, June 10, 1805, at. Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C.

B U R N S , T A Y L O R . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1805, near Alexandria, Ya .

B U R N S , T H O M A S . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered'in as private, Co. G, September 18, 1861; deserted, October 15, 1802, at Harpers Terry, Y a . ; also borne as Burnes.

B U R N S , T H O M A S . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , July 5, 1864; missing in action, August 25, 1804; enlisted in Confederate States Army, October 12, 1864; absent at muster-out of company.

B U R N S , see Byrne.

B U R R I S O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted, August 15, 1802, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. IC, August 19, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1802, at Antietam, Md. ; discbarged for disability, March 24, 1803, at Philadelphia, Pa.

B U R T O N , G E O R G E . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Janu­ary 28, 1804; wounded, no date; absent at muster-out of com­pany.

B U R T O N , J A M E S . — A g e , IS years.' Enlisted, January 16,1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Oo. C, January 28, 1.864; discharged, Apri l 28, 1864, by reason of enlistment in United States Navy.

B U R T O N , J O H N . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 10, 1864; no furtber record.

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38 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

L U S H A Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , 20 years., Enlisted, January 19 1804, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private Oo. O, January 28, 1804; captured, October 30, 1804, before Petersburg, Y a . ; gained to company, May 17, 1865; mustered out on individual roll, July 1, 1865, at New York city, aa Busby.

B U S H M 1 L L E R , M I C H A E L , — A g e , 17 years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. D , August 29, 1864; mustered out, June 3, 1865, at Alex­andria, Ya. , as Buslimaland.

B U T L E R , J A M E S . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. O, September 7, 1861; wounded in action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged for disability caused from wounds, February 6, 1863, at Frederick, Md.

B U T L E R , J O H N M . — Private, Fi f th Regiment, transferred to Co. D, this regiment, no date; promoted! corporal, January 5, 1862; discharged for disability, Marcb 6, 1862, at Camp Cali­fornia, Y a .

B U T L E R , T H O M A S . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to servo tbree years, and* mustered in as private, Co. K , March 29, 1864; killed in action, June 22, 1864, at Petersburg, Ya .

B U T L E R W I L L I A M . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New York "city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, August 29, 1862; no furtber record.

B Y I N G T O N , S T E P H E N W.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown,. to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 30, 1864; deserted, September 3, 1864; also borne as Stephen D.

B Y R E N S , see Bums.

B Y R N E , F R A N C I S . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 23, 1864; deserted from hospital, August 18, .1862.

B Y R N E , J A M E S . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , No­vember 12, 1861; deserted same date at New York city; also borne as Byron.

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B Y R N E , J A M E S . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, Eebruary 19,1864, at N e w Y o r k eity, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , Eebruary 20, 1864; promoted corporal, M a y 6, 1864; wounded and captured i n action, M a y 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Y a . ; died, September 26, 1864, at Andersonville, G a . ; also borne as B u r n .

B Y R N E , J O H N . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as corporal, Co. E , September 16, 1861; deserted, December I f , 1862, f rom camp near Ealmoutb, V a .

B Y R N E , M A R T I N . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k c i ty , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , Eebruary 8, 1861; wounded i n action, M a y 18, 1864, at Spot­sylvania, V a . ; transferred to Co. E , Fourteenth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 15, 1865; discharged, J u l y 15, 1865, at A u g u r Hospital , Washington, D . C ; also borne as Burns .

B Y R N E , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , October 14, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; discharged, October 23, 1862, by reason of enlisting in Co. C, E i rs t Un i ted States Cavalry ; died A p r i l 11, 1863, at Camp A l ­len, Y a .

B Y R N E , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , November 13, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Ant ie tam, Md. ; 'd ischarged for wounds, December 6, 1862, at Frederick, M d . ; also borne as Burns and Byrnes.

B Y R N E , P E T E R J . P . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at Kinston, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , October 13, 1864; promoted corporal, November 10, 1864; wounded i n action, A p r i l 6, 1865, at Sailor's Creek, V a . ; mustered out on indiv idual ro l l , June 21, 1865, at hospital, Annapolis, M d .

B Y R N E , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; promoted corporal, Eebruary 9, 1864; ser­geant, September 19, 1864; wounded, March 25, 1865; mus­tered out w i th detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria , V a . ; veteran.

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40 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B Y R N E S , , 1 0 U N . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. G , No­vember 8, 1861; deserted, November 12, 1861, at Eort Schuyler, N e w Y o r k Harbor .

B Y R N E S , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, August 16, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; deserted, A p r i l 18, 1S63, from hospital, at N e w Y o r k c ity ; also borne as Byrns .

B Y R N E S , see Burns .

B Y R O N , see B Y R N E .

C A D D I G A N and C A D I G A N , see Codigan.

O A D M E I L and C A D M A L L , see Cardinal .

O A E R P E L , B E N J A M I N . — A ge, 2S years. Enl isted, August 29, IS64, at Poughkeepsie, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. E , "September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, Novem­ber 1, 1864; mustered out wi th detachment, June' 5, 1S65, near Alexandr ia , Y a . , as Carpel l .

C A F F E R Y , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Poughkeepsie, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co.

' E , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, October 1, 1864; wounded, M a r c b 25, 1S65; mustered out, June 3, 1865, at Stanton Hospi ta l , Washington, D . O ; also borne as Cafferey and'Caffrey.

C A F F R E Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 39 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, December 8, 1862; no further record.

C A F F R E Y , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 24 years. Enl isted at Brook lyn , to serve tbree years, and ihustered i n as private, unassigned, January 25, 1864; no furtber record.

C A H I L L , L A W R E N C E . — A g e , 21 years. Enro l led , September 10, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as first lieutenant, Co. B , September 28, 1861; wounded i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at M a l v e r n H i l l , Y a . ; discharged f o r dis­ability, February 3, '1863.

Commissioned first lieutenant, December 20, 1861, wi th rank f r o m September 28, 1861; original.

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CAIN, J A M E S . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, September 15, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 16, 1861; discharged for disability, Eebruary 10, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Va.

C A I N , R I C H A R D . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted, October 21, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , October 28, 1861; transferred to Co. A, June 12, 1863; to Co* E , this regiment, and to Co. C, Ninth Regi­ment, Veteran Reserve Corps, December 23, 1863, as Kane.

C A L D E N , J A M E S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, January 30, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. G, Eebruary 22, 1864; absent, sick, since May 4, "1864,, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Calder.

C A L L A G H A N , E D W A R D 0.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, October 14, 1864; never joined regiment.

C A L L A G H A N ; J A M E S . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Agust 4, 1862; transferred to Oo. B, June 12, 1863; wounded, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; deserted, August 19, 1863, from hospital at Fort Schuyler, N. Y\; also borne as Callahan, Calleghan, and Calleghen.

C A L L A G H A N , JOHN.—Age , 30 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in •as private, Oo. C, September 20, 1861; deserted, November 16, 1861, at New York city'; also borne as Callahan.

C A L L A G H A N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, October 6, 1864; never joined regiment.

C A L L A G H A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Tom-kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, September 13, 1864; never joined regiment; also borne as Callahan.

C A L L A G H A N , see Callahan.

C A L L A H A N , D A N I E L . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Lockport, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

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42 R E P O R T OE T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C A L L A H A N , E D W A R D . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, Sep tember 12, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve t l i ree y e a r s ; mustered i n .as private, Co. G , September 13, 1861; deserted, J u l y 1, 1862,

' f rom, h o s p i t a l , at New Y o r k city; also borne as Callaghan.

O A L L A H A N , J A M E S . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; transferred to Co. K , A p r i l 1, 1862; discharged for disability, June 23, 1S63, at Washington, D . C ; also borne as Callaghan, and Canalian.

C A L L A H A N , J A M E S . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , October 13, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; k i l l ed i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; also borne.as Callaghan.

C A L L A H A N , J A M E S . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, August 31, 1864, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; missing in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . , and at muster-out of company.

O A L L A H A N , J O H N . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I , November 6, 1861; discharged for disability, November 30, 1862, at camp near Falmouth, Y a .

• C A L L A H A N , J O H N . — Age , 19 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I, September 10, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, at Hatchers R u n , V a . ; discharged for disability, M a y 27, 1865, at Columbian Hospital , Washington, D . C . ; also borne as Calahan.

C A L L A H A N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 41 years. Enrol led, August 7, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as first sergeant, Co. G , September 7, 1861; returned to ranks, December 22, 1861; promoted first sergeant, Co. E , January 1, 1862; sergeant major, June 25, 1862; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. , G , September 17, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; mustered out on consolidation, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Y a . ; also borne as Callaghan and Cal l ihan.

Commissioned first lieutenant, October 14, 1862, witb rank from September 17, 1862, vice Patr ick J . K e l l y , k i l l ed i n action.

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C A L L A H A N , P E T E R , — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve tliree years, and mustered in.as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 5, IS64 ; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, at Hatchers R u n , V a . ; mustered out M a y 31, 1865, at Harewood Hospital , Washington, D . C , as Gal lon; also borne as Callannan.

C A L L A H A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered! in as corporal, Co. G , September 7, 1861; wounded in action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; promoted sergeant, Sep­tember-, 20, 1862; discharged, June 12, 1863, near Ealmouth, V a . , on consolidation; also borne as Callagban; subsequent ser­vice in Co. B , Twenty-second Cavalry.

C A L L A H A N and C A L L E G H E N , see Callagban.

C A L L E N B R O O K , see Kallenback.

C A L L I G A N , see Coll igan.

C A L L I H A N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 38 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , September 23, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . , as Oallaghan,

C A L L I N , J O H N . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 6, 1864; no further record.

C A M E L , J O H N . — A g e , 2S years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K , November 17, 1861; ki l led in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H a l l , Y a . ; also borne as Campbell.

C A M P , A D A M . — A g e , 2S years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 10, 1864; captured i n action, October 29, 1864, at Petersburg, V a . ; re­leased, M a y 13, 1865; mustered out June 24, 1865, at New Y r ork city.

C A M P B E L L , A N D R E W . — Enlisted, September 21, .1862, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , November 17, 1862; mustered out on individual r o l l , J u l y 22, 1865, at N e w Y o r k city.

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R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C A M P B E L L , C H A R L E S . — - Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , September 16, 1864; mustered out, June 30, 1865, at Hare-wood Hospital, Washington, D . C.

C A M P B E L L , D O N A L D . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, Eebruary 8, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered i n as p r i ­vate, Co. A , March 9, 1864; captured, August 25, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; paroled, no date;'died of disease, October 24, 1864, at Annapolis, M d .

C A M P B E L L , J A M E S . — Age, 44 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A ,

' J u l y 5, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . :

C A M P B E L L , J x Y M E S . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at Sull ivan, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 14, 1864; never joined regiment.

C A M P B E L L , J O H N . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve three years; mustered i n as p r i ­vate, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded in action, March: 25, 1865, at Hatchers Run,, Y a . ; discharged for disability, N o ­vember 22, 1865, at Harewood Hospital , Washington, D . C.

C A M P B E L L , J O S E P H — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, • to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August

29, 1864; promoted sergeant, January 1, 1865; returned to ranks, March 22, 1865; again promoted sergeant, June 3, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

C A M P B E L L , P A T R I C K J . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at N e w York city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , Marcb 29, 1864; discharged, Marcb .31, 1865, to enlist as hospital steward, United States A r m y .

C A M P B E L L , S A M U E L — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, October 3, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. H , September 12, 1861; discharged for disability, September 1, 1862, at New Y o r k city.

C A M P B E L L , see Camel.

C A N A H A N , see Callahan.

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C A N A Y A N , C H A R L E S . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. •G, January 27, 1864; promoted corporal, June 13, 1865; mus­tered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. , as Cannavan.

C A N A Y A N , G E O R G E . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New York, •city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 27, 1864; promoted corporal, March 9, 1864; hospital steward, December 2, 1864; mustered out with regiment, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. , as Cannavan.

C A N N A N , J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, August 25, 1864; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; mus­tered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. , as Cannon. ;

C A N N A R , D E N N I S . — Private, Fifth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, no date; to Co. B, June 12, 1863; dis­charged for disability, September 30, 1863; also borne as Con­nor and Denis Canner, and Kinnard.

C A N N E Y , W I L L I A M H . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 23, 1861; deserted, October 5, 1861.

C A N N O N ; D A N E A S , A . ENIES , and E N E A S , see Eneas E . Carlmon.

C A N N O N , see Caiman.

C A N T O N , J O H N J . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as sergeant, Co. C, October 1, 1861; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at An­tietam, Md. ;

C A N T O R , L E O P O L D . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 1, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Oo. H , September 3, 1864; discharged for disability, Feb­ruary 8, 1865, at Washington, D. C ; also borne as Leopard and Lepold Contor, Leopard Ooutor.

C A R D I N A L , A L F R E D . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 26, 1864; deserted, September 3, 1864, as Alfred Oadnieil; also borne as Cadmall.

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46 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C A R E Y , J A M E S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March. 22, 1864; absent in hospital, June 10, 1864, and'at muster-out of company.

C A R E Y , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 14, 1861; discharged for disability, October 27, 1862, at P h i l a ­delphia, Pa .

C A R E Y , J O H N . — Age, 41 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F , September 23, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Cary.

C A R L , J O H A N N . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 16, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Carroll and Carle.

C A R L E Y , H U G H . — P r i v a t e , F i f t h Infantry ; transferred to Co. I), this regiment, no date; killed in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a .

C A R L E Y , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to f=erve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Septem­ber 20, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at A n ­tietam, M d . ; died of disease, October 28, 1862, in hospital, at Frederick, M d . ; also borne as Curley and Curly . v

C A R L M O N , E N E A S E . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at N e w York city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , September 24, 1861; captured on the peninsula, in June, 1862; died of disease, J u l y 10, 1862, at Richmond, V a . ; also borne as Daneas, A . Enies and Eneas Cannon.

C A R M O D Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, January 10, 1865; never joined regiment.

C A R N E Y , J A M E S . — - A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three vears, and mustered in as musician, Co. G , October 8, I S f i l ; died of disease, June 6, 1862, in camp, at Cold'Harbor, V a .

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C A R N E Y , J O H N . — • Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Octo­ber 2, 1801; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Va . ; transferred to Co. B , no date; discharged for disability, April 9,-1868, at Fort Hamilton, New York harbor.

OARNEY r , J O H N . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York'city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Janu­ary 22, 1864; absent sick since May 21, 1864, and at muster-out of company.

C A R N E Y r , P A T R I C K IT.—. Age, -24 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as sergeant, Co. PI, September 28, 1861; promoted first sergeant, April 16, 1862; mustered in as second lieutenant, August 6, 1862;

• wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged for wounds, April 28, 1803, as Patrick Kearney.

Commissioned second lieutenant, October 14, 1862, • with rank from August 6, 1862, vice J . T. Toal, promoted.

C A R N S , J O H N S.— Age, 42 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; never joined company.

C A R R , G E O R G E . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1801, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, November 17, 1861; died of disease, April 20, 1862, at Alexandria, Va.

C A R E , H U G H . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Febru­ary 2, 1S64; wounded in action, May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Va., and absent at muster-out of company.

C A R R , M A T H E 1 V — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 22, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 23, 1861; killed in action, December 13, 1802, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; also borne as Michael Oarr.

C A R E , PATRICK.—Enlisted at New Y^ork city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , September 17, 1862; wounded in action, Deepniber 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1.803; deserted in July or Au­gust, 1803.

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48 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C A R R , P A T R I C K . — Age , 20 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , October 14, 1861; deserted i n 1861.

C A R R , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 2 6 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, A p r i l 21, 1864; never joined regiment.

C A R R , P H I L I P . — Age , 30 years. 'Enro l l ed at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as first lieutenant, Co. H , October 5, 1861; wounded and captured i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at M a l v e r n H i l l , Y a . ; paroled, no date; mustered i n as captain, October 14, 1862; discharged for disability, to date M a r c h 23, 1863; appears subsequently in Veteran Reserve Corps.

Commissioned first lieutenant, December 20, 1861, with rank f rom October 4, 1861; original ; captain, October 14, 1862, w i th rank f rom August 6, 1862, vice James Lowry , resigned.

O A R R , R I C H A R D . — Age , 19 years. Enl isted at Schenectady, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 29, 1864; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , V a .

C A R R , T H O M A S . — A g e , IS years. Enlisted, September IT , 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 27, 1861; promoted sergeant, Sep­tember 1, 1862; missing i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; no furtber record.

C A R R O L L , E D W A R D . — Age, 29 years. Enl isted, October 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. 0 , October 4, 1861; wounded i n action, Septem­ber 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; promoted corporal, A p r i l 16, 1863; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; wounded i n action, J u l y 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, P a . ; transferred to Co. F , in January or February, 1864: died of disease, February, 1864, i n hospital, at Washington, D . 0 .

C A R R O L L , F R A N C I S . — • Age , 28 years. Enlisted, October 4, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , October 20, 1861; discharged for disability, M a r c h 24, 1863, at F o r t Monroe, V a . ; also borne as Thomas C a r r o l l .

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C A R R O L L , J A M E S . — Age, 3 1 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Eebruary 2 6 , 1 8 6 4 ; wounded and captured in action, May 1 2 , 1 8 6 4 , at Spotsylvania, Ya . ; died, July 2 8 , 1 8 6 4 , at Anderson­ville, Ga.

O A R R O L L , J A M E S . — Age, 1 8 years. Enlisted at Augusta, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Au­gust 2 0 , 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

C A R R O L L , J O H N . — Age, 2 1 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, Eebruary 2 , 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

O A R R O L L , THOMAS.—• Age, 2 8 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as- private, Co. F , October 1 4 , 1 8 6 1 ; discharged] at expiration of tenn of service; supposed to be identical with Francis Carroll, of Co. A .

C A R R O L L , see Carl.

C A R R Y , see Curry.

C A R Y , J O H N . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. C, not stated; transferred to Co. B, Twenty-second Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged, July 11, 1 8 ' 6 5 , at Cleveland, Ohio.

C A R Y , see Clary.

C A S E Y , D A N I E L . — Age, 2 2 years. Enlisted, November 3 , 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , November 9 , 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, November, 1 8 6 1 , at Fort Schuyler, N . Y .

C A S E Y , D A V I D : — Age, 2 4 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 1 5 , 1 8 6 4 ; captured in action, May 1 2 , 1 8 6 4 , at Spotsylvania, Va., and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Daniel Casey.

C A S E Y , JAMES.—Private , Fifth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, no date; captured and paroled, no dates;

• dropped per general order. V O L . 2 9 ' — 4

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50 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C A S E Y , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 1, 1862; killed in action, December 13, 1862,

, at Fredericksburg, Ya.

C A S E Y , M I C H A E L . — • Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. F , October" 9, 1861; promoted corporal, September 17, 1862; sergeant, October 15, 1862; first sergeant, December 13, 1862; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Ya., on

• consolidation.

"CASEY", P A T R I C K . — Age, 43 years. Enlisted, September 15, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as

. private, Co. B, September 17, 1861; killed by accident, April ; 20, 1862, at Yorktown, Va.

: C A S E Y , THOMAS.—• Age, 31 years/ Enlisted at New York city,-to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, December 17, 1863; never joined regiment.

C A S E Y , W I L L I A M . — Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. II, February 11, 1862;

. wounded in action, June 1, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Va.'; died of liis wounds, June 16, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa.

C A S H , see Kash.

C A S H E N , L A W R E N C E . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March 10, 1864; absent wounded, since May 5, 1864, at

- "the Wilderness, Va., and at muster-out of company; also borne as Casber and Cetcber.

C A S L I N , W I L L I A M . — - Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Hector, to •serve one year,,-and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 5, 1864;' never joined regiment.

O A S S E L L , see Castle.

CASSIDY, F R A N C I S P . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. F , October 9, 1861; deserted, October 13, 1861, at New York city; also borne as Francis B.

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C A S S I D Y , J . C — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k eity, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Octo­ber 21, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1803; discharged for disability, December 31, 1863; also borne as James C.

C A S S I D Y r , M I C H A E L . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , October 9, 1861; discharged for disability, December 19, 1802, near Falmouth, V a .

C A S T L E , J A M E S . — Age , 28 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 7, 1801; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1803; transferred "to Co. F , in January or February, 1804; mustered out with company, Jrnie 30, 1805, at Alexandria, V a . , as Cassell.

C A U G H L A N , J O H N . — Age , 39 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered in. as private, Co. C, Sep­tember 80, 1801; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, December 23, 1862, at Frederick, M d . ; also borne as Coughlan.

C A V A N A G H , D A N I E L . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I I , November 30, 1864; promoted corporal, Eebruary 5, 1805; sergeant, M a r c h 20, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1S05, near Alexandria , V a .

C A V A N A G H , G A R R E T T . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , June 28, IS64 ; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , Y a . ; also borne as Kavanagh.

C A V A N A G H , J A M E S . — Age , 34 years. Enrol led , September 18, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as major, November 8, 1861; wounded, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; discbarged for wounds, M a y 19, 1863.

Commissioned major, December 20, 1861, with rank from November 2, 1861; original.

C A V A N A G H , J O H N . — Age , 40 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Feb­ruary 8, 1804; "wounded in action, M a y 5, 1864, at the W i l d e r ­ness, V a . , and absent at muster-out of company.

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52 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C A V A N A G L I , J O H N . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve three years, and mnstered in as private, unas­signed, August 11, 1864; no further record.

O A Y A N A G H , P A T R I C K . — Private, Eiftli Infantry; trans­ferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1863; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya . ; absent, ex­changed prisoner of war, at muster-out of company; also borne as Oavanagb, Cavenagh, and Cavenaugb.

C A V A N A G H , P A T R I C K . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, November 17, 1862; mustered out on indi­vidual roll, July 22, 1865, at New York city.

C E A R Y , see Carey.

C E D E I E L D , C H A S T O N , see Charles Redjfield.

C E T C H E R , L . , see Lawrence Casben.

C H A P M A N , W I L L I A M E . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted at Ja­maica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 11, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, .1865, at Eort Steadman, Ya . ; discharged for wounds, May 29, 1865, at Wash­ington, D. O , as William A.

C H A S E , H A R L O W . — Age, 18 yers. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out on individual roll, June 13, 1S65, at Campbell United States Hospital, Wash­ington, D . C.

C H E E S E M A N , J E R E M I A H . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, Octo­ber 7, .1.861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K , November 17, 1861; deserted, August 6, 1862, from Carver United States Hospital, Washington, D. C.

C H E E V E R S , W I L L I A M . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 26, 1864; died of disease, October 10, 1864, at Wash­ington, D. C.; also borne as C'helvers Cbever.

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C H R I S T I E , J A M E S . — • Age , 36 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Janu­ary 21, 1864; never joined regiment.

C H R I S T O P H E R , V A L E N T I N E . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 30, 1861; died of disease, August 3, 1862, i n Regimental Hospita l , at Harrison's Landing, V a .

C I N C H , see Z ink.

C L A M P E T T , P A T R I C K . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , March 29, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864; paroled, no date; discharged, M a r c h 31, 1865, to enlist as hospital steward i n Uni ted States A r m y ; also borne as Patr ick J . Clampitt.

C L A N C Y , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, September IT, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 27, 1861; discharged, for dis­ability, M a y 17, 1862, at Washington, D . 0 .

C L A R E , J O H N . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted, September 1, ;1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 16, 1861; wounded in action,,December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; transferred to Co. A , no date; discharged for disability, June 19, 1863, at D e Camp General Hospital , David 's Island, New Y o r k harbor.

C L A R E Y , see Cleary.

C L A R K , H U G H . — Age, 28 years. En l i s ted .a t Brook lyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, January 27, '1864; wounded i n action, June 3, 1864, at Co ld Harbor, V a . , and absent at muster-out of company. •

C L A R K , J A M E S . — Age, ,19 years. Enl isted at Rochester, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 19, 1864; never joined regiment.

O L A R K , J O H N . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, October 6, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to'serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , November 17, 1S62; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, September 26, 1863; mustered out on individual ro l l , November 16, 1.865, at Fort Monroe, V a . , as of Thirt ieth Com­pany, Second Battal ion, Veteran Reserve Corps.

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54 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C L A R K , S Y L V E S T E R D . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1864," at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, January 1,.-1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

C L A R K , T H O M A S . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree .years, and mustered i n as private, ^ a s ­signed, Ju ly 28, 1864; never joined regiment.

C L A R K E , C H A R L E S J . — Age, 27 years. Enrol led near Peters­burg, Va . , to serve three years, and mustered i n as second l ieu­tenant, Oo. K , August 29', 1864; as first lieutenant,.same date; promoted captain, Co. D , September 1, 1864; discharged as first lieutenant, November 30, 1864; also borne as Clark ; prior service as captain, Eighty-eighth Infantry.

Not commissioned second lieutenant; commissioned first l ieu­tenant, August 12, 1864, with rank from A p r i l 25, 1864, vice A . F . Blake, never reported; captain,.not mustered, October 31, 1S64, with rank from September 1, 1864; original, Co. D .

C L A R K E , F R A N C I S . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at Wheatfield, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Septem­ber 21, 1864; deserted i n October, 1864, f rom camp near Petersburg, V a . , as Frank Clark.

C L A R K E , J A M E S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; died of centouthis, September 30, 1863, at Central Park United States General Hospital, N e w Y o r k eity. 1

C L A R K E , J O S E P H . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted-at Tompkins­ville, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, Marcb 8, 1864; never joined regiment.

C L A R Y , £ee Geary.

C L A R Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 5, 1861; deserted, J u l y 1,-1862,.at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; also borne as Gary.

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C L A Y , A U G l \ S T . - Age, 10 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 20, 1804; mustered out with company, June 30, 1.865, at Alex­andria, Ya., as Clave; also home as Anthony Clay.

CLEARY", D E N I S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September ,11, 1S61, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 12, 18G1; transferred to Go. A , June 12, 1803; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; trans--ferred to Co. E , in January or Eebruary,-1861; captured on picket, October 80, 1804, before Petersburg, Y a . ; paroled, no date; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, i Y a . ; also borne as CI a rev and Clearry.

C L E A R Y , J O H N . — Age, 20 years. * Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and. mustered in as private, Co. F , September 27, 1804; captured on picket, October 30, 1864,..before Peters­burg, Va . ; absent, at Annapolis, Md., at muster-out of com­pany; also borne as Clary.

C L E A R Y , J O H N F . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, March 14, .1*05; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va .

C L E A R Y , M A R C U S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1801, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 24, 1861; discharged for disability, August 9, 1802, at "Washington, D. C.

C L E A R Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, August 21, 1802; no further record.

C L E M E N S , T H O M A S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to seiwe three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 9, 1801; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.

G L U M , A A R O N T V — Age, 37-years. Enlisted, August 20, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 26, 1864; promoted first sergeant, September 9, 1864; returned to ranks, January 1, 1865; mustered out, June 5, 1S65, near Alexandria, Ya.

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56 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

G O D I G A N , D A N I E L . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn , to serve three years, and mnstered i n as,private, Co. K , M a y 7, 1864; discharged for disability, November 21, 1864, at Grant General Hospital, Willets Point, New Y o r k harbor, as Caddi-gan; also iborne as Cadigan.

C O F F E E , A N D R E W . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , October 13, 1861; appointed drummer, November 12, 1861; deserted, November 16, 1861, at New Y o r k city as a private; also borne as Coffey.

C O F F E Y , D E N N I S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as

. corporal, Co. C, September 30, 1861; returned to ranks, J a n -nary 21, 1862; wounded in action, .September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, January 31, 1863, at Baltimore, M d .

C O F F E Y , J O H N . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, . to serve three years, and mustered i n as corporal, Co. C, Sep­

tember 28,1861; returned to ranks, January 21, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; died of his wounds, January 28, 1863, at Frederick, M d .

C O F F E Y , J O H N . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered tin as drummer, Co. C, November 1, 1861; discharged for disability, January 31, 1863, at Baltimore, M d .

C O F F E Y , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, t5 serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , A p r i l 16, 1864; captured i n action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Sta­tion, Y a . , and absent at. muster-out of company; also borne as Coffee.

C O F F I N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. D , August 26, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at A lex ­andria, Y a .

C O F F I N , see Collins.

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C O G H L A N , W I L L I A M . — Age , 19 years. -Enl is ted , September 23, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; miustered i n as private, Co. I I , October 1, 1861; discharged for disability, December 7, 1862; also borne as Coghlin.

C O H E N , see Col in .

C O H E N , W I L L I A M , see W i l l i a m S. Cowan.

C O H L O N , see Conlon.

C O H N , J U L I U S . — Age , 21 years. Enl is ted-at Kingston , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 1, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at A l e x ­andria, Y a . , as Cobne; also borne as Cohen and Cone.

C O L E , E R A N K L I N . — Age , 18 years. Enl isted, August 2 3 , . 1864, at Plattsburgb, to serve one year; mustered i n as private', Co. IT, September 3, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; died, November 27, 1864, at Salisbury, N . 0. , as E r a n k l i n B . Cole ; .also borne as E . George Cole, George F . Cole and George P . Yo le .

C O L E , J A M E S . — Age, 25 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 19, 1864; promoted corporal, December 1, 1864; first sergeant, March 20, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

C O L E , P E T E R . — Age , 21 years. Enl isted at Kingston , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 5, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , Y a .

C O L E , . W I L L I A M . — Age , 18 years. Enl isted at N e w Y'ork city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , January 23, 1864; absent, sick, since June 2, 1864, and at muster-out of company.

C O L E M A N , D A V I D . — Age , 28 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , M a r c h 3, 1864; k i l l ed i n action, M a y 18, 1864, near Peters­burg,' V a ,

C O L E M A N , O W E N . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Oo. K , November 1.7, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. A , no date; dis­charged for disability, January 18, 1864, at Convalescent Camp.

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58 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C O L E M A N , S T E P H E N . — Age , 27 years. Enl isted at Wheat-field, to serve one year, and mnstered i n as private, unais-signed, September 21, 1864; never joined regiment.

C O L L E R Y , , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, September 15, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mnstered i n as private, Co. B , September 25, 1861; deserted, December 20, 1862, f rom Camp Meade, near Ealmontb, Y a . ; also borne as Colleary.

C O L L I G A N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 38 years. Enl isted at Tarry ­town, to serve one year, and mnstered i n as private, Co. C, Sep­tember 23, 1864; mustered out, J u n e 5, 1865, near Alexandria , Y a . , as Oalligan.

C O L L I N , J O H N . — Age , 26 years. Enl isted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, October 6,

. 1864; never joined regiment. *

C O L L I N S , D A Y I D . — A g e , 30,years. Enl is ted at Tompkinsvil le , to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , Sep­tember 12, 1864; mustered out w i t h company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , Y a .

C O L L I N S , ' D E N N I S . — Enl isted, September 16, 1862, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as sergeant, Co. H , November 17, 1862; mustered out on individual r o l l , M a y 29, '1865, at M c D o u g a l General Hosp i ta l , N e w Y o r k harbor.

C O L L I N S , D E N N I S . — Age , 21 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, Eebruary 12, 1864; never joined regiment.

C O L L I N S , J A M E S . — Age , 23 years. E n r o l l e d at Brook lyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , October 23, 1861; promoted sergeant, November 23, 1861, to,date Oc­tober 23, 1861; first sergeant, J u n e 20, 1862; wounded i n ac­tion J u l y 1, 1862, at M a l v e r n H i l l , Y a . ; promoted sergeant-major, September 17, 1862; mustered i n as second lieutenant, Co. I , November 1, 1862; wounded again i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; mustered out, June 12, 1863, near Ealmoutb, Y a . ; also borne as Coffin.

Commissioned second lieutenant, ' January 22, 1863, with . rank from September 17, 1862, vice R . H . M i l l i k e n , promoted.

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COLLINS, J A M E S . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted, Eebruary 5, 1864, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in. as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; wounded, no,date; discbarged for disability, April 16, 1864, at Alexandria, Ya.

COLLINS, J O H N . — Age,. 19 years. Enlisted at Caton, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Septem­ber 20, 1864; never joined regiment.

COLLINS, J O S E P H . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , February 1, 1865; killed in action, March 25, 1S65, near Peters­burg, Ya.

COLLINS, M I C H A E L . — Private, Fifth Infantry, transferred to Co. D, this regiment, no date; died, June 3, 1802, near Rich­mond, Ya.

COLLINS, P A T R I C K . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as .private, Co. B, October 8, 1801; deserted, same date.

COLLINS, T H O M A S . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , July 8, 1864;-promoted corporal, January 1, 1805; .mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

COLLINS, W I L L I A M . — A g e , 31 yeara. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three yeara, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 24, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; died, September 15, 1864, at Fort Jefferson, Fla . ; also borne as "William M. Collins.

COLLINS, W I L L I A M . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted, September 26, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as first sergeant, Co. K , November IT, 1861; appointed division ordnance sergeant in April, 1862; returned to company as ser­geant, no date; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Ya . ; subsequent service in Co. D, Twenty-second Cavalry.

COLLINS, W I L L I A M . — Age, 35 yeara. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Febriiarv 10, 1864; transferred to Yeteran Reserve Corps, March 19, 1865.

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C O L L I N S , W I L L I A M A . — Age, 22 years. .Enlisted, January 17, 1864, at Will iamsburg'h, to serve three years; mustered In

>. as private, Co . C, January 18, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; captured i n action, October 80, 1864, at Petersburg, V a . ; paroled and returned to ranks, no dates; mustered out on i n d i ­vidual ro l l , J u n e 29, 1SG5, at Camp Chaise, Ohio ; also borne as W i l l i a m Col l ins .

C O L O M A R , E D W I N O — Age , 18 years. Enl isted, August 27, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; promoted sergeant,. no date; wounded, M a r c h 25, 1865; returned to ranks, no date; mus­tered out on indiv idual r o l l , June 17, 1865, at A lbany , N . Y . , as Collamer; also borne as Collomar and Collomer.

C O L T E R , R I C H A R D . — Age , 22 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, February 13, 1864; never joined regiment.

C O M I F O R D , . D A N I E L D . — Age , 26 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. B , October 3, 1861; died of disease, September 20, 1862, at Frederick C i t y , M d . ; also borne as Daniel Oommorford and Cummerford.

C O M I S E Y , P A T R I C K . — Age , 40 years. Enlisted, October 13, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 25, 1861; discharged for disability, J u l y 11, 1862, at general hospital, Alexandria , V a . ; also borne as Oumnskey.

O O M M E R F O R D , J A M E S A . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as sergeant, Co. A , October 4, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. B , no date; mustered out, November 1, 1864, near Peters­burg, V a . ; also borne as Comerford and Cummerford.

C O M Y N S , A R T H U R . — A g e , 21 years." Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, ,Co. B , J u l y 31, 1S62; k i l l e d in action, September 17, 1862, at Ant ie ­tam, M d .

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C O N D O N , P A T R I C K . — Age , 25 years. Enl isted, August 26, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to servo three years; .mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; captured, June 29, 1862, at Savage Station, V a . ; paroled, no date; discharged for disability, January 13 1863, at Annapolis, M d .

C O N D Y , see Connelly.

G O N E , see Col in

O O N E L Y a n d C O N L E Y , see Connelly.

C O N I E F p , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 26 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , October 8, 1861; [deserted, November 4, 1861, at E o r t Schuy­ler, New Y o r k harbor.

C O N K L I N , H E N R Y — A g e , 25 years. Enl isted , January 19, ' 1864, at Brooklyn , to serve three years; •mustered i n as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; captured in action, M a y 10, 1864, at Spotsylvania, V a . ; died, June 19, 1864, at Andersonvil le, G a .

C O N K L I N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 23 years. Enl isted, September 27, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. K , November 17, 1861; deserted i n 1861 at For t Schuyler, N . Y . .

C O N L A N , see Conlon.

C O N L A N , see Mul l en .

O O N L I N , J O H N , N o . 1.— Age, 28 years. Enl isted, September . 24, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n

as private, Co. I , Septemberi27, 1861; k i l l ed i n action, Septem­ber 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; also borne as Conlon.

O O N L I N , J O H N , N o . 2 . — A g e , 28 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years j and mustered in as private, Co. I , October 23, 1861; transferred to Co. B , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandr ia , V a . ; also borne as Conlon, Oon-lan, Cohlon and Oonly.

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CON LI.X, P E T E R — A g o , 21 wars. Enrolled at New York eity, to serve three years, and mnstered in as second lieutenant, Co. E , September 28, 1801; discharged, September (5, 1802; subsequent service, as first lieutenant, Co. L, Fourteenth Cav­alry.

Commissioned second lieutenant, December 20, 1801, with rank from September 1G, 1SG1; original.

C O N L I N , see Conlon.

C O N L O N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, July 20, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya . ; joined Confederate army October 13, 1864; confined at Hart Island, New York harbor, April 22, 1865; released, July 8,1S65; also borne as Conlan.

C O N L O N , T H O M A S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , December 13, 1864; mustered out with detachment, to date June 13, 1865, at White Hall Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., as Conlin.

C O N L Y , see Conlin.

C O N N A L L , T I M O T H Y . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 30, 1864; mustered out, June 7, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya., as Council; also borne as Conn el.

C O N N E L L , J O H N . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Go, F , Feb­ruary 24, 1865; mustered out with company, Juno 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

C O N N E L L Y , J O H N . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree-'years, and mustered in as .private, Co. F , October 2, 1S61; promoted sergeant, November 1, 1862; wounded at Faityville, no date; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Ya. , on consolidation; also borne as Connoly and Connolly.

C O N N E L L Y , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New York city, to serve'three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 24. 1861; deserted, same date; also borne as Connolley and Condy.

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C O N N E L L Y , J O H N . — Age, 82 yeara. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. 0 , September 28,. 18(51; captured in the trenches, October 30, 1861, at Peters­burg-, Ya . ; paroled, no date; mustered out with detachment, May 28, 1805, at. Ladies' Home Hospital, New York city; also borne as Connoly, Cnnely and Conley.

C O N N E L L Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New Yrork city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October IS , 1801; missing in action, July 1, 1862, at Mal­vern Hill , Ya . ; no further record.

CONNEY\ J O H N G . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; (promoted first sergeant, no date1; returned to ranks, January 1, 1865; mustered out with detach-ment, May 13. 1865, at Mower General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., as Jolm J . Connery.

C O N N O L L Y , J A M E S . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 25, 1801; transf erred.to Co. B, June 12, 1863; killed in action, May 10, 1804, at Spotsylvania, Y a . ; also borne as Connelly.

C O N N O L L Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 21-years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered' in as private, Co. A , July 1, 1804; wounded, no date; mustered out with com­pany, June 80, 1805, at. Alexandria, Ya.

C O N N O L Y , F R A N C I S . — Age, 28 yeara. Enlisted at New York city, to serve, three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , » August 15, 1802; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, -Md.; discharged for disability, February 10, 1863, at Convalescent, Camp, Va. , as Connelly.

C O N N O R , see Cannar.

C O N N O R , G E O R G E . — Age, 38 yeara. Enlisted, January 23, 1804, at Brooklvn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, January 28, 1804; deserted, February 4, 1864, at Hart Island, N . Y.;'also borne as Conners and Connors.

C O N N O R , J O H N . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Feb­ruary 24, 1804; no further record.

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64 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C O N N O R , T H O M A S . — Age , 19 years.. Enlisted, September 10, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbreei years; mustered i n as private, Co. O, September 20, 1861; ki l led in action, Septem­ber 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

C O N N O R S , J A M E S . — P r i v a t e , F i f t h Infantry; transferred to Co. D , tins regiment, no date; ki l led in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a .

C O N N O R S , J A M E S F . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 23, 1864; promoted corporal, June ' i l , 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

C O N N O R S , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Syracuse, to serve three years, .and mustered i n as private, Co. K , Octo­ber 20, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Co. F , in Jan­uary (Or February, 1864; promoted corporal, June 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Conners, O'Connell, O'Conner and O'Connor.

C O N N Y , T E R R E N C E . — Age , 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city,-to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, March 24, 1864; never joined regiment.

C O N R O Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 26, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as corporal, Co. I , September 27, 1861; wounded i n action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged, to date Novem­ber 14, 1862, at hospital, Philadelphia, P a .

C O N T O R , L E P O L D , see Leopold Cantor.

C O N V E Y , i J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Septem­ber 23, 1861; deserted, October 1, 1861.

C O N V I L L E and C O N W A L L , see Conwil l .

C O N W A Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 39 years. Enrol led at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. G , January 20, 1864; promoted corporal, .March 9, 1864; mus­tered in as second lieutenant, Co. I I , February! 24, 1865; mus­tered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

Commissioned second lieutenant, February 9, 1865, with rank from November 1, 1864, vice J . Nugent, promoted.

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C O N W A Y , J O H N . — Age, .25 years. Enrolled, September 20, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 20, 1861; transferred to Oo. B, June 12, 1863, on consolidation; wounded in action, May 18, 1861, at Spotsylvania Ya . ; mustered out, October 10, 1861.

Commissioned, not mustered, second lieutenant, Eebruary 9, 1865, with rank from November 1, 1864, vice .M. Murphy, promoted.

C O N W A Y , J O H N . — A g e , 35 years. Enrolled, October 25, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. K , November 17, 1861; killed in action, September 17 ,1862, at Antietam, Md.

Commissioned first lieutenant, December 20, 1861,, with rank from November 17, 1861;' original.

C O N W A Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 25 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 18, 1861; missing in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hil l , Ya . ; no furtber record; see One Hundred and Eighty-second Infantry.

Commissioned, not mustered, second lieutenant, February 10, 1864, with rank from November 19y 1863, vice .-

C O N W A Y , M I C H A E L W . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Chi­cago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as- private, Co. D , October 13, 1861; deserted, November 3, 1861, at New York city.

C O N W A Y , P . — Age, date, place of enlistment. and muster-in as private of Co. K, not stated; absent without leave, March 31, 1865; no further record.

O O N W I L L , W I L L I A M . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as., private, Co-. I, Sep­tember 12, 1864; deserted, September 25, 1864, from camp near Petersburg, Ya., as Conwall; also borne as William C. Convil and William Conville.

C O O K , A L B E R T W . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. K , Sep­tember 19, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Alfred, W . >

V O L . 2 0 — 5

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C O O K , J A M E S . — Age , 29 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn , to .serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , Marck 3, 1864; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no-dates; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , V a .

C O O K , J O H N . — P r i v a t e , F i f t h Infantry; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; discharged for disability, December 3, 1862, near Falmouth, V a .

C O O K , J O H N . — Age , 26 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered' i n as private, Co. A , June 30, 1864; wounded i n action, August 14, 1864, at Deep Bottom, V a . ; mustered out with detachment, June 7, 1865, at Mower General Hospital, Philadelphia, P a .

C O O K , P E T E R . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; died, January , 12, 1865, while absent on furlough.

C O O M B E S , B E N J A M I N . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, .and mustered i n as private, Co. A , February 2, 1864; captured, no date; died, August 10, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. , as Combes.

C O O N E Y , J O H N . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as vprivate, Co. B , Septem­ber 17, 1861; wounded in action, September,17, 1862, at Ant ie ­tam, M d . ; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 22 ,1864; captured i n action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, V a . ; paroled, no date; absent at muster-out of company.

C O O N E Y , P A T R I C K — A g e , 43 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to- serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , A p r i l 2, 1864; wounded, 'May 12, 1864; discharged for dis­ability, August 26, 1864, at McDougal l ,General Hospital, For t Schuyler, New Y o r k harbor.

C O O N E Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 43 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, A p r i l 2, 1S64; no furtber record.

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COONEY" , P A T R I C K . — Age, 24 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k eity, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , N o ­vember 26, 1864; wounded i n action, Marcb 5, 1865, near Hatchers R u n , Y a . ; discharged for wounds, June 22, 1865, at McDougal l General Hospital , N e w Y o r k .

C O O P E R , " W I L L I A M . — Age, 28 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I,. A u ­gust 31, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, Eebruary 1, 1865; wounded i n action, M a r c h 25, 1865, at Hatchers R u n , V a . ; died of his wounds, A p r i l 13, 1865, at field hospital , .City Point, V a .

O O P L A N , H E N R Y . — A g e , 31iyears. Enl isted a t t N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, November 16, 1861; discharged for disability, J u l y 1, 1862, at Washington, D . C . ; also borne as Mop lan and Copland.

C O R C O R A N , A N D R E W . — Age , 25 years. Enl isted , Septem­ber 16, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 37, 1861; k i l l ed i n action, Sep­tember 17, IS62, at Ant ietam, M d .

C O R C O R A N , M I C H A E L . — Age , 17 years. Enl isted, Septem­ber 16, 1861, a t iNew Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as drummer, Co. D , October 13, 1861; deserted, August 5, 1862, at Harrisons Landing, V a .

C O R C O R A N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 27 years. Enl is ted at Brook­lyn, to server three years, and mustered i n as private, C'o. E , October 8, 1861; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; transferred to ,Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-transferred to Co. F , in January or February, 1S64; discbarged for disability, M a y 18, IS64.

C O R R I G A N , i see Kerr igan.

C O S T E L L O , J O H N . — Age , 36 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, March 24, 1864; never joined regiment.

C O S T E L L O , T H O M A S . — Age, 27 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 7, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, at Peters­burg, V a . ; paroled and returned,to duty, A p r i l 20, 1865; mus­tered out with detachment, June 5, IS65, near Alexandria , V a .

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C O T T E R , R I C H A R D . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k eity, to serve tliree years,, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, Eebruary 13, 1864; never joined regiment.

C O U G H L I N , J O H N . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, September 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. I , September 30, 1861; promoted sergeant, J u l y 2, 1862; first sergeant, December 13, 1862; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, V a . , on consolidation; also borne as Coughlin.

C O U G H L A N , see Caughlan.

C O U G H L A N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and (mustered i n as private, un­assigned, J u l y 27, 1864; never joined regiment.

C O U G H L I N , see Oouchlin.

C O U T O R , L E O P A R D , see Leopold Cantor.

C O W A N , W I L L I A M S . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as sergeant, Co. E , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B , no date; mustered out, to date September 15, 1864, at New Y o r k city; also borne asi W i l l i a m Cowen and Cohen, .

C O W L E Y , B A R N A R D . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, un ­assigned, February 27, 1864; never joined regiment.

C O X , D E N N I S . — Age, 18 years. > Enlisted at Lee, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 3, 1864; never joined regiment.

C O X , H E N R Y . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , Sep­tember 27, 1864; captured,on picket, October 30, 1864, before Petersburg, V a . ; discharged, to date June 30, 1865.

C O X , J A M E S B . — Age, 17 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as drummer, Co. H , Octo­ber 5, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; discharged, October 31, 1863.

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C O X , M I C H A E L . — Age , 19 years. Enlisted, October 11, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , October 12, 1861; deserted, same date, at N e w Y o r k .

C O Y L , see. Day .

C O Y L E , J O H N . — Age , 23 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 15, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , Y a .

C O Y L E , P A T R I C K — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co., E , October 9', 1861; deserted, Eebruary 26, 1863, f rom M o u n t Pleasant Hospital , at "Washington, D . C.

C O Y L E , P E T E R . — Age , 24 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, December 30, 1864; never joined regiment. ;

C O Y N E , P A T R I C K . — Age , 22 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, unas-' signed, September 2, 1862; no further record.

C O Y N E , P E T E R . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 5,-1864; no further record.

C R A D E N , C H A R L E S . — Age , 40' years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G , October 4 ,1864; mustered out with detachment, M a y 13, 1865, at Mower Hospital , Phi ladelphia, P a . ; also borne as Grader and Creaton.

C R A G A N , see Crayan.

C R A I G , B E N J A M I N . — Age , 21 years. Enlisted, A p r i l 15, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K , A p r i l 16, 1864; deserted to the enemy, Eeb­ruary 3, 1865, i n front of Petersburg,, Y a .

C R A I G , S A M U E L . — Age , 32 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , Septem­ber 26, 1864; deserted, June 5, 1865, from camp near A l e x ­andr ia , Y a . ; also borne as Creig .

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7 0 R E P O R T O F T H E A1 )J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C R A N D E L L , A L E X A N D E R YV.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 30 , 1804 , .at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as private, (Jo. H , September 3, 1 8 6 4 ; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va , ; released, March 1 3 , 1 S 6 5 , at Aikens Landing, Va . ; mnstered out on individual roll, June "21, I S 6 5 , at Annapolis, Md., as Alexander H . Crand.il!.

O R A N N E Y , J O H X . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , November 11 , 1 S 6 2 ; wounded in action, July 2 , 1 8 6 3 , at Gettys­burg, Pa. ; transferred to Co. F , in January or February, 1 S 6 4 ; captured on picket, October 30 , 1864 , before Petersburg, Y a . ; rejoined company, May 19 , 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out with detach­ment, June 5, 1865 , near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Cranny and Creaney.

C R A Y A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 14 , 1 8 6 1 , at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, November 17 , 1 8 6 1 ; discharged for disability, Decem­ber 6, 1862 , at Frederick, Md., as Cryan; also borne as Cragan.

C R E A N E Y , see Craimey.

C R E A T O N , see Craden.

C R E I G , see Craig.

C R I M E N , J O H N . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned,. August 2, 1 8 6 2 ; no further record.

C R O A K E R , "WILLIAM.— Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New-York city, to serve three veal's, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 27 , 1 8 6 4 ; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; mustered out with company, June 30 , 1 8 6 5 , near Alexandria, Va., as Croker.

O R O N A N , C O R N E L I U S . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, September 2 3 , , 1 8 6 1 ; wounded in action, July 1, 1 8 6 2 , at Malvern Hill , Va . ; discharged for wounds, January 8, 1 S 6 3 , at Camp Banks, Ya.

O R O N A N , C O R N E L I U S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 28 , 1861 , at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, C o . K , November 17 , 1 8 6 1 ; transferred to Excelsior Brigade, February 1 1 , 1862 .

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C R O N A N , D A V I D . — Age , 27 years. Enl isted at Brook lyn , to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, J a n ­uary 1, IS04 ; never joined regiment.

O R O N I N , J O H N . — Age , 19 years. Enlisted ati Tompkmsville, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Septem­ber 5, 1864; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; returned to ranks, A p r i l 7, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , V a . , as Cronan.

C R O S B Y ' , A L ' P H E U S H . — Age , 39 years. Enro l l ed , Septem­ber 6, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . , to serve three years; mus­tered i n as assistant surgeon, October 6, 1864; discharged for disability, March 11, 1865.

Commissioned assistant surgeon, September 19, 1864, with rank from September 17, 1864, vice J . A . Reed, dismissed.

C R O S S , F R A N C I S . — Age , 27 years. Enlisted, August 30,1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. H , Sep­tember 3, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; released, M a y 1, 1865; mustered out on ind i ­vidual ro l l , J u l y 24, 1865, at N e w Y o r k city.

C R O ' S S L E Y r , T H O M A S . — Age , 29 years. Enlisted, August 27, IS64, at Albany , to serve two years; mustered i n as private, C'o. E , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; wounded, Marcb 25, 1865; discharged for disability, J u l y 25, 1865, at A r m o r y Square Hospital , Washington, D . C.

C R O W L E Y , B A R N E Y . — Age , 36 years. Enl isted, February 27, 1864, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , March 9, 1S64; wounded, M a y 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, V a . , and! absent at muster-out of company.,

C R O W L E Y r , J A M E S . — A g e , 23 yeara. Enl isted at Brook lyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, February 27, 1S65; no further'record.

C R O W L E Y " , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 19 years. Enl i s ted at Tomp­kinsvil le , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Oo. I , September 17, IS64 ; .mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near iVlexandria, V a .

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C R O W L E Y , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k eity, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. A , October 4, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; to Yeteran Reserve Corps, November 30, 1863.

C R U G E R , E U G E N E Y . — Private, Co. K , One Hundred and Fifty-ninth Infantry.

Commissioned, not mustered, second lieutenant, January 22, 1864, with rank from January 13, 1864, vice , Co. K ,

C R Y A N , see Crayan.

C U A T I N , C H A R L E S . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, October 4, 1864; never joined regiment.

C U L L E N , J O H N . — Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Co. B , not stated; no furtber record; subsequent ser­vice in Sixth Infantry.

C U L L E N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 30, 1864; no furtber record.

C U M M E R F O R D , see Comiford and Commerford.

C U M M I N G S , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 21, 1864; no furtber record.

C U M M I N G S , J A M E S . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , February 24, 1865; wounded, March 25, 1865, near Peters­burg, Y a . ; mustered out, J u l y 11, 1865, at Washington, D . O ; also borne as Cumings, Gumming.

C U M M I N G S , P A T R I C K . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 21, 1861, at New Y o r k city, tcserve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. B , September 29, 1861; deserted, August 6, 1862, from Carver Hospital, at Washington, D . C.

C U M U S K E Y , see Comisey.

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C U N N I N G H A M , B K K . N A l i D . ~ ~ Age, 26 years. Enlisted, Oc­tober 21, I S l i l , at .New York eity, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. I, October 30, 1861; no further record; also borne as Cnningbam.

C U N N I N G H A M , G E O R G E . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Chi­cago, 111., to serve tliree years, and mustered in as sergeant, Co. D, October 13, 1801; no record of capture, but sent to Gamp Parole, Annapolis, Md., August 28, 1862, per General Order No. 126; transferred to Oo. B, as private, no date; mustered out, to date October 12, 1864, at New York city.

C U N N I N G H A M , J A M E S . — Age, 30 years.. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, October 21, 1861; deserted, on expiration of furlough, Eeb­ruary 14, 1803, at New York city; also borne as Cuningham.

C U N N I N G H A M , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September II, 1801, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 12, 1801; deserted, November 11, 1801, at Fort Schuyler, New York harbor.

C U N N I N G H A M , J O H N . — Ago, 18 years. Enlisted, September 30, 1801, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. K, November 17, 1861; deserted, in 1861, at Fort Schuyler, New York harbor.

C U N N I N G H A M , R O B E R T . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, June 25), 1804; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; ser­geant, June 1, 1805; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

C U N N I N G H A M , T H O M A S . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 29, 1801, at New York city, to serve three years; mus­tered in as sergeant, Co. I, October 1, 1801; wounded in action, September 17, 1802, at Antietam, Md. ; returned to ranks, no date; discharged for disability, December 31, 1802, at Balti­more, Md.

C U R L E Y , J O H N . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, October 11, 1861, at New York citv, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 30, 1801; discharged, October 25, 1S02, to enlist in First United States Artillery; also borne as Curly.

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74 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

O U R L E Y and C U R L Y , see Carley.

C U R R A N , J O H N P . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as private, Co. E , not stated; no further record; subse­quent service in Sixth Infantry.

C U R R A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1862, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 21, 1862; wounded in action, Septem­ber 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; died of his wounds, October IT, 1862.

C U R R A N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 27, 1861; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862, as absent; also borne as Currin.

C U R R A Y , C H A R L E S . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 27, 1861; discharged for disability, June 12, 1S62, at Carver Hospital, Washington, D. O ; also borne as Curry.

C U R R E N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , September 25, 1861; deserted in October, 1861; also borne as Curran and Currin.

C U R R E N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 27, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; wounded, no date; discharged for disability, January 22, 1863, at Washington, D. O ; died in hospital, January 23, 1863; also borne as Curran.

CURRIN, see Curran.

CURRY, J A M E S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 16, 1864; deserted, February 18, 1865, near Petersburg, Ya . ; also borne as Currey, Carry, and Curray.

CURRY, P A T R I C K . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, February 16, 1864; never joined regiment.

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C U R R Y , see Curray.

CURTIS, J A M E S C — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Watertown, to serve tliree years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. IT, September 3, 1864; absent since and at muster-out of company; also borne as James Curtis.

CURTIS, P A T R I C E . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, De­cember 27, 1864; never joined regiment,

CURTIS, W A R R E N " . — Age, 17 years. Enlisted,'August 27, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E, September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

CURTISS, T H O M A S . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Camden, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , December 15, 1863; captured, October 80, 1864; paroled, no date; mus­tered out with company, June 80, 1S65, at Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as James Curtis.

CURTISS, W I L L I A M . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 13, 1864; never joined regiment.

C U S A C K , J O S E P H . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1SG5, at Alexan­dria, V a . ; also borne aS'Cusick.

CUSICK, C H A R L E S . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 4, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alex­andria, V a . ; also borne as Cusic and Cussick.

D A C E Y , A R T H U R , see Martin Dasey.

D A C Y , see Dasey and Deasey.

D A G A N , see Dugan.

D A I L E Y , J O H N — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 17, 1864; never joined regiment.

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76 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D A L L E Y , M I C H A E L . — Age , 20 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1863; trans­ferred to Oo. F i n January or February, 1864; deserted at ex­piration of furlough, i n January? 1864, at New Y o r k c ity ; also borne as Daley, Daly , and Dai ly .

D A L E Y , J A M E S , — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Wil l iamsburgh, to serve.tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; absent without leave, at muster-out of company.

D A L E Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B , September 30, 1864; absent, sick in hospital since October, 1864, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Daly .

D A L L Y , A B R A H A M . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, October 2, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , October 3, 1861; deserted, November 4, 1861, at F o r t Schuyler, N . Y . ; also borne as Daley and Daly .

D A L T O N , A N D R E W . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted, January 26, 1864, at Brooklyn , to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, 00. C, January 28, 1864; absent, sick, since August, 1864, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Dalten.

D A L T O N , P E T E R , — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 18, 1864; promoted corporal, December 10, 1864; wounded in ac­t ion, A p r i l 6, 1865, at Sailors Creek, Y a . ; mustered out on i n ­dividual r o l l , June 22, 1865, at Harewood Hospital , Washing­ton, I). C . ; also borne as Dolton.

D A L Y , J A M E S . - — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at Brooklyn , to serve three years; mustered in as teamster, Co. F , October 2, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; returned to company as private, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, Febru­ary 22, 1864; died of disease, October 16, 1864, at Carver Hos­pital , Washington, D . 0 . ; also borne as Daley, James Da ly N o . 1, and Michael Daly .

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D A L Y , J A M E S (No, 2) .— Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , Novem­ber 1, 1861; transferred to Oo. A , June 12, 1863; discharged for 'disability, J u l y 10, 1863, at Washington, D . C.

D A L Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve tbree years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. E , October 9, 1861; discharged, no date; also borne as Daley and James Daly .

D A L Y , P A T R I C K — A g e , 42 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 29, 1864; mustered out on individual roll , J u l y 6, 1865, at M c D o u g a l l Hospital , N e w Y o r k city, as Patr ick Dayley ; also borne as Dai ley , Daley, and Di lay .

D A L Y , P A T R I C K . — Age , 21 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city ,to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. I , February 14, 1865; promoted corporal, A p r i l 1, 1865; ser­geant, M a y 25, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865,,near Alexandr ia , Y a . ; also borne as Daley.

D A L Y , W I L L I A M F . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as corporal, Co. G , September 12, 1S61; promoted sergeant, December 25, 1861; wounded i n action, June 1, 1862, at F a i r Oaks, Y a . ; discharged for wounds, October 15, 1862, at P h i l a ­delphia, P a .

D A N F O R D , see Dunford.

D A N I E L S , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, C'o. B , September 30, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Donnells.

D A N I E L S O N , L E W I S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsvil le, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B , September 30, 1864; wounded i n action, March 25, 1865, in front of Petersburg, Y a . ; died of his wounds, A p r i l 12, 1865, at A r m o r y Square Hospital, Washington, I). C . ; also borne as Louis Daniels, Danielson, and Donelson.

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78 R E P O R T O F T H E A I) Jin\A X T - G E N E R A L .

D A R K E N " , J O H N " . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at N e w York , to serve three years; mustered in as p r i ­vate, Co. I, September 27, 1861; transferred to Co. B , Febru ­ary 22, 1864; mustered out, September 23, 18^4, near Peters­burg, Y a . ; also borne as D u r k i n .

D A R L I N G , W I L L I A M . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve two years; mustered in as p r i ­vate, Oo. H , September 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; died, November 25, 1864, at Salis­bury, N . C . ; also borne as W i l l i a m H .

D A R L I N G , W I L L I A M H . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Platts ­burgh, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I I , August 24, 1864; mustered out-with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as W i l l h e l m and W i l l i a m .

D A S E Y , M A R T I N . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Octo­ber 6, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , Y a . , as Mar t in Dacey; also borne as Dacy and A r t h u r Dacey.

D A V E N P O R T , W I L L I A M M . — A g e , 40 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 10, 1864; never joined regiment.

D A V E R A I T X , C H A R L E S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at West­morland, to serve three years, and'mustered-in as private, un­assigned, August 27, 1864; never joined regiment.

D A V E Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as private, Co. I , not stated; joined for service, M a y 23, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; no further record.

D A V I D S O N , R O B E R T . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , August 15, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Oo. F in January or February, 1864; Captured in action, A u ­gust 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, V a . ; paroled, no date; died of chronic diarrhoea, November 11, 1864, at Division Hospital , Annapolis, M d . ; also borne-as Davison.

D A V I S , D A N I E L . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Leroy, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 23, 1864; never joined regiment.

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D A V I S , E D W A R D . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G , Octo­ber 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandr ia , V a . ; also borne as E d w i n Davis.

D A V I S , P E T E R M . — Age , 29 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, August 26, 1862; ki l led i n action, Septemiber 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

D A V I S , R O B E R T . — Age , 23 years. Enlisted at Spafford, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Feb­ruary 24, 1864; never joined regiment.

D A V I S , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­­signed, M a r c h 24, 1864; never joined regiment.

D A V I S , W I L L I A M . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, September 20, 1864; never joined regiment.

D A V I S O N , see Davidson.

D A V I T T , P H E L I M , see Phe lan D e v i t t

D A Y , J O H N . — Age , 22 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, November 14, 1864; never joined regiment.

D A Y , M A R K . — Age, 34 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , June 29, 1864; dishonorably discharged, September 2, 1865, by Special Order N o . 473, A . O. 0 . ; also borne as C o y l and Falbay.

D A Y , see O'Dea.

D A Y L E Y " , see Daly .

D A Y T O N , G E O R G E . — Age , 19 years. Enlisted at Hart land , to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, September 8, 1864; never joined regiment.

D E A D L Y , J O H N , see Johan A . Diedly .

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80 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D E A N , M I C H A E L . — Enlisted at New Y o r k city, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , August 31, 1864; promoted sergeant and returned to ranks, no dates; in arrest at Div is ion Headquarters, A p r i l 30, 1865, and at muster-out of company.~~

D E A R M A N , W I L L I A M R . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Grot-ten, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 2, 1864; never joined regiment.

D E A S Y , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to ' serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , Marcb 28, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at A lexan ­dria, Y a . ; also borne as Dacy.

D E A V E R , see Dever. • * •

D E C K E R , A L E X A N D E R . — Age, 25 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, J u l y 2, 1864; captured and paroled, no dates; absent, sick i n hospital, at muster-out of company.

D E C K E R , A N D R E W . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C , J u l y 20, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, before Petersburg, V a . ; discharged for disability, M a y 27, 1865, at Baltimore, M d .

D E C K E R , G E O R G E . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, September 30, 1861; deserted, December 17, 1862, from camp near Falmouth, V a . ; also borne as George E .

D E C K E R , J O H N H — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. O, February 6, 1862; deserted, J u l y 27, 1862, near Harrisons Landing, V a . ; dishonorably discharged, to date in August, 1862; also borne as John.

D E E D L Y , J O H N , see Johan A . Diedly.

D E E G A N and D E G A N , see Digan.

D E I V I E R , J E R E M I A H . — A g e , 42 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 24, 1861; no record subsequent to June, 1862, as absent.

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D E L A I N E Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 6, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I , October 30, 1861; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Ereder i cksburg , 'Ya . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1863; trans­ferred to Co. E i n January or Eebruary, 1861; captured on picket, October 29, 1861, at Petersburg, Y a . ; gained, M a y 19, 1865; promoted sergeant, June 7, 1865; mustered out wi th company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Delaney and Delany.

D E L A N E Y , D E N N I S . — Age , 31 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Y a . ; died of bis wounds, January 6, 1863, at Washington, D . C.

D E L A N E Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 28 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , June 28, 1864; wounded i n action, no date; died of his wounds, A p r i l 13, 1865, at A r m o r y Square Hospital , Wash­ington, D . 0 .

D E L A N E Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 5, 1864, at Jamaica, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 6, 1864; mustered out wi th company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandr ia , Y a .

D E L A N E Y , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 44 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 27, 1861; discharged for disability, A p r i l 3, 1862, at Camp Cali fornia, V a .

D E L A N Y , J O H N . — Age , date, place of enlistment and mus­ter-in as private, Co. A , not stated; no record subsequent to August 31, 1863, as absent, sick.

D E M A R E S T , I S R A E L . — Age , 28 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , August 17, 18,64; absent, missing i n action, since October 30, 1864, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Deme-rest and Demorest.

V O L . 2 9 ' — 6

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D E M A R E S T , P E T E R L . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted at Tarry ­town, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 30, 1864; promoted corporal, October 1, 1864; ki l led on picket, October 26, 1864, before Petersburg, V a . ; also borne as Peter G . and as Peter S. Demerest.

D E M O R E S T , J O S E P H . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted^ at N e w Y o r k eity, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , September 20, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , V a . ; also borne as Demarest and Demerest.

D E M P S E Y , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , March 6, 1862; k i l l ed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

D E N I C K , J O H N — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, August 31, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, V a . ; paroled, February 28, 1865, at N o r t h East Ferry , N . O ; furloughed, M a r c h ' 1 3 , 1865, f rom Camp Parole, M d . ; no furtber record; also borne as Derrick.

D E N I E , L O U I S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Octo­ber 13, 1864; never joined regiment.

D E N M A N , J A C O B I . — Age , 36 years. Enlisted, M a r c h 81, 1865, at Gorham, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , A p r i l 24, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Dennan and Dunnan.

D E N M A N , J A C O B I . — Age, 36 years. Enro l led at Canandai-gua, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, M a r c h 31, 1865; appointed assistant surgeon, to date M a r c h 31, 1S65; no furtber record; see Co. A.

Commissioned, not mustered assistant surgeon, M a r c h 23, 1865, with rank from same date, vice James J . Purce l l , re­signed.

D E N N I N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, January 29, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, unassigned, February 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

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D E N N I N , see Dmmivan .

D E N N Y , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 3, 1864; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

D E N N Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Oo. K , October 13, 1864; absent, prisoner of war, since October 30, 1864, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Dennee and Denney. '

D E R L I N , see Devl in .

D E R R I C K , see Denick.

D E Y A N S , see Dev in .

D E Y A N Y , M I C H A E L . — Age , 34 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 12, 1861; wounded i n action, June 30, 1862, at White Oak Swamp, Y a . ; transferred to Oo. A , June 12, 1863; deserted in J u l y or August, 1863; also borne as Deraney and Devaney.

D E V E N I S H , T H O M A S . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , October 3, 1861; deserted, November 18, IS61, at Fort Schuyler, New Y o r k harbor.

D E V E R , M A R T I N . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Kingston , to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , Septemiber 3, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. ; .also borne as Deaver.

D E V I N , A L E X A N D E R . — • • Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Pough­keepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Go. G , August 17, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; returned to duty, M a y 15, 1865; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Devans, Devens and Devins.

D E V I N , J O H N . — Age , 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, August 28, 1862; no further record.

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D E V I N E , see Dunn .

D E V I N E , M I C H A E L . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vi l le , , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , Sep­tember 27, 1864; discharged for disability, A p r i l 11, 1865, at E i n l a y Hospital , Washington, D . C.

D E V I T T , P H E L A N . — A g e , 19 years. ' Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered In as private, Co. E , October 14, 1861; appointed drummer, same date; transferred to Oo. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Co. E i n January or Eebruary, 1864; pro­moted drum-major, Marcb 1, 1865; mustered out wi th regi­ment, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as P b e l i m Davitt .

D E V L I N , T H O M A S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 27, 1861; k i l led i n action, June 30, 1862, at Whi te Oak Swamp, V a . ; also borne as Der l in .

D E W C E , L E W I S . — A g e , 21 years. Enl isted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Octo­ber 13, 1864; never joined regiment.

D E X H E I M E R , J A C O B . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Oo. E , September 3, 1864; promoted sergeant, October 1, 1864; died, Marcb 22, 1865, of accidental wound received in camp near Petersburg, V a .

D I A M O N D , J O S E P H . — Age, 19 years. Enl isted at Tompkins­v i l le , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 17, 1864; wounded i n action, A p r i l 7, 1865, at Sailors Creek, V a . ; mustered out with detachment, June- 22, 1865, at H i c k s Hospital , Balt imore, M d .

D I A S , E L I A S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, March 7, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , M a r c h 9, 1864; wounded, no date; absent, sick, at mus­ter-out of company; also borne as Eleaser Diaz and Lacey Dias.

D I B B L E , W I L L I A M . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vi l le , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 17, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , V a .

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D I C K M A N , H E N R Y . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , Eebruary 13, 1864; ki l led on picket, M a y 15, 1864, at Spot­sylvania, Y a . ; also borne as Dyckman.

D I E D L Y , J O H A N A . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve three years; mustered i n as p r i ­vate, Co. H , September 3, 1864; missing in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a , , and at muster-out of company; also borne as John Deadly, Deedly and Diettle.

D I E D L Y , J O H A N A D A M . — Age , 20 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , August 29, 1864; never joined company; supposed to be identical wi th Johan A . Diedly of Co. H ; also borne as Diedley and J o h n Dudley .

D I E T T L E , J O H N , see Johan A . Diedly.

D I G A N , B E R N A R D . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , August 19, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, V a . ; returned to duty, M a y 25, 1865; mustered out wi th detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Deegan and Degan.

D I L A Y , see D a l y . D I L L O N , J A M E S . — Age, 24. years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k

city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , August 21, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability f rom wounds, Decem­ber 31, 1862, at Frederick, M d .

D I L L O N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Darien, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Septem­ber 20, 1864; promoted corporal, A p r i l 7, 1865; mustered out w i th company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

D I N E N , J A M E S . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , N o ­vember 11, 1862; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; promoted corporal and transferred to Co. E i n January or February, 1864; wounded in action, M a y 5, 1804, at the Wilderness, V a . ; returned to ranks, January 1, 1865; nius-tered out on individual ro l l , June 22, 1865, at Columbian Hos­pital , Washington, D . C ; also borne as Dinan, Dinman, and D i n n a n .

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86 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D O G H E R T Y and D O H E R T Y , see Dougherty.

D O H E R T Y , F E L I X . — Age , 36 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1862, at X e w Y o r k eity, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , Xovember 17, 1862; mustered out with de­tachment, June 7, 1865, at Douglass Hospital, Washington, D . C.

D O H E R T Y , G E O R G E J A M E S , see James Dougherty.

D O H E R T Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at X e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , J u l y 5, 1864; missing in aetion, August 25, 1864, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Dougherty.

D O H E R T Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at X e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, A p r i l 8, 1865; never joined regiment.

D O L A X , B E R X A R D . — Age , 31 years. Enlisted, January 15, 1864, at X e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , January 25, 1864; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Co ld Harbor , V a . ; discharged for disability caused by wounds, A p r i l 3, 1865, at X e w Y o r k city.

D O L A X , D A N I E L — A g e , 20 years. Enrol led , September 3, 1861, at X e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as sergeant, Co. E , September 16, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; promoted hospital steward, A p r i l 10, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered in as second lieuten­ant, Co. D , December 1, 1864; as first lieutenant, February 16, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at A l e x ­andria, Y a . ; also borne as Dav id Doolan.

Commissioned second lieutenant, October 31, 1864, witb rank from September 1, 1864, vice S. Mansergh, promoted; first lieutenant, February 9, 1865, witb rank from Xovember 1, 1864, vice D . Lynch , promoted; adjutant, not mustered, M a y 31, 1865, witb rank from January 1, 1865, vice J . T . Toal , not mustered.

D O L A X , F R A N C I S . — Age , 23 years. Enl is ted 'at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as. private, Co. B , August 11, 1862; promoted sergeant, October 10, 1862; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; died of bis wounds, January 17, 1863, at Washington, D . C.

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D O L A N , J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Newfane, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

D O L A N , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Janu­ary 19, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, December 2, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

D O L A N , J O H N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

D O L A N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , October 5, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged for disability from wounds, May 25, 1863, at hospital, David's Island, N . Y .

D O L A N , P A T R I C K — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Oc­tober 1, 1864; wounded in action in March, 1865, near Peters­burg, Ya . ; mustered out with detachment, June 22, 1865, at Hick's General Hospital, Baltimore, Md.; also borne as Peter Dolan.

D O L A N , T H O M A S . — Age,. 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 30, 1861; deserted, September 30, 1861, at New York city; also borne as Doran.

D O L A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. E , October 2, 1861; returned to ranks and transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1863; deserted on expiration of furlough, Eebruary 4, 1864, at New York city.

D O L A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 26, 1864; absent, sick, since October 11, 1864, and at muster-out of company.

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88 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D O L A N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; captured i n action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, V a . ; returned to duty, M a y 17, 1865; promoted sergeant, June 8, 1865; mus­tered out with detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

D O L A N , see Doolan.

D O M E A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 31, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; deserted, October 20, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; also borne as Dorman.

D O N A G H U E , H U B E R T . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , November 25, 1863; admitted to Satterlee Hospital , P h i l a ­delphia, P a . , M a y 6, 1864, and transferred to government-asy­l u m for insane near Washington, D . C., March 25, 1865, i n Which be died, August 17, 1880; also borne as Donahue, Dono­hue, and Patr i ck Donahue, Donohoe, and Donohue.

D O N A H O E and D O N A L I U S , see Donohue.

D O N A H U E , O W E N . — Age , 35 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in . as private, Co. B , September 17, 1861; ki l led i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Ma lvern H i l l , V a . ; also borne as Donohoe and Dono-bughe.

D O N A H U E , P A T R I C K , see Hubert Donaghue.

D O N A L D S O N , D A N I E L — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Troy , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; reported absent without leave i n October, 1864, and at muster-out of company.

D O N E L S O N , J O H N . — Age , 27 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vi l le , to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I , September 7, 1864; deserted to the enemy while on picket, December 10, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; also borne as D o n ­aldson and Donnelson.

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D O N E L S O N , see Danielsen.

D O N E L Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as drummer, Co. I , October 1, 1861; captured in action, June 30, 1862, at White Oak Swamp, Y a . ; paroled, no date; deserted in August, 1862; also borne as Donnelly.

D O N E L Y , P E T E R . — Age, 44 years. Enlisted, September 24, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; wounded in action, June 30, 1862, at White Oak Swamp, Y a . ; discharged for disability, October 29', 1862, at Annapolis, Md . ; also borne as Donelly and Donnelly.

D O N I G A N , E D W A R D . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; absent, sick, in McKims Mansion Hospital, Baltimore, Md. , since November 2, 1864. and at muster-out of company; also borne as Dorian. "™-

D O N I G A N , see Dunnigan.

D O N L A Y , A R T H U R . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas-asigned, January 20, 1864; never joined regiment.

D O N N A Y A N , see Dunnavan.

D O N N E L L S , see Daniels.

D O N N E L L Y , H U G H . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Pebruary 18, 1864; appointed musician, -no date; promoted fife major, June 30, 1864; mustered out with regiment, June 30', 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Donely.

D O N N E L L Y , P E T E R . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, September 22, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. B , September 23, 1861; died, Apri l 24, 1862, at Douglass Hospital, Washington, D. C ; also borne as Donelly.

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90 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D O N N E L L Y , P E T E R , — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, October 20, 1861, at Syracuse, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Go. K , December 20, 1861; discharged for disability, Septem-

' ber 21, 1862, at Fort Monroe, Ya.

D O N N E L L Y , P E T E R . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Marcb 18, 1864; never joined regiment.

D O N N E L L Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1861,, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Oo. B, October 18, 1861; deserted, June 20, 1S63; also borne as Donnely and Donnolly.

D O N N E L S O N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, October 10, 1864; never joined regiment.

D O N N E L S O N , see Donelson.

D O N N E L Y , H U G H . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York . city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned,

February 18, 1864; no furtber record.

D O N N O V A N , see Donovan.

D O N O G H O E , T I M O T H Y . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 15, 1S62; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; promoted sergeant, January 1, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, December 1, 1863; also borne as Donoghue, Donohue; awarded medal of honor.

D O N O H O E , M A T T H E W . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, April 4, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as Donohue, O'Donoboe, and O'Donohue.

D O N O H O E , P A T R I C K — A g e , 31 years. -Enlisted, Septem­ber 5, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861; died of disease, June 26, 1862, in hospital at Fair Oaks, Va. ; also borne as Donohue.

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D O N O H O E , P A T R I C K . — Age, IS years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 15, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in .as private, Co. G, September 16, 1861; deserted, October 5, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, New York harbor; also borne as Donobue.

DONOITOE, D O N O H U E , P A T R I C K , see Hubert Donaghue.

D O N O H O E and D O N O H U G H E , see Donahue.

D O N O H U E , see Donaghue.

D O N O H U E , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, January 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, January 29, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, March 28, 1864; wounded in action, June 5, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; discharged for disability, June 1, 1865, at Fairfax Seminary, Ya.

D O N O H U E , P A T R I C K . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1861, at New York eity, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 25, 1861; deserted, November 18, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, N . Y . ; also borne as Donohoe.

D O N O H U E , P A T R I C K . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted, September 19, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 20 ,1861 ; discharged for disability, January 23, 1863, at Fort Monroe, Ya. ; also borne as Donohoe.

D O N O H U E , W I L L I A M . — Age, IS years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, August 31, 1864; appointed drummer, no date; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Donahoe and Donahue.

D O N O V A N , D E N N I S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mjustered in as private, Co. K, August 19, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; transferred to Co. A , no date; promoted cor­poral and returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Oo. F in January or February, 1864; captured on picket, October 29,

' 1864, near Petersburg, Va . ; regained, May 19, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1S65, near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne.as Donnovan.

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D O N O V A N , J O H N 1 1 . — Age , 21 years. Enrol led and mus­tered in as first lieutenant, Co. D , January 5, 1862 , at Camp Cali fornia, V a . ; as captain, Co. G , September 17, 1 8 6 2 ; wounded in action, December 13 , 1862 , at Fredericksburg, V a . ; mustered out, June 12, 1863 , at Falmouth, V a . , on con­solidation; appears subsequently in Veteran Reserve Corps.

Commissioned first lieutenant, June 4, 1862 , with rank from January 5, 1862 , vice T. A . Moore, deserted; captain, January 22, 1 8 6 3 , with rank f rom September 17, 1862 , vice F . Duffy, k i l l ed in action.

D O N O V A N , R O B E R T . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , A p r i l 29', 1 8 6 4 ; captiired, June 22 , 1 8 6 4 ; regained, M a y 2, 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865 , at A l e x ­andria, Y a .

D O O G A N , see Duggan and Duggin.

D O O L A N , J O H N — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 6, 1 8 6 4 ; promoted corporal, December 1, 1 8 6 4 ; sergeant, June 16, 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out with company, June 30 , 1865 , at Alexandria , V a . , as John Dolan.

D O O L E Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 23 , 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, September 28 , 1 8 6 1 ; also borne as Patr ick F .

D O O L E Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , February 15, 1 8 6 4 ; wounded in action, M a y 12, 1864, at Spot­sylvania Court House, Y a . ; discharged for disability from wounds, M a y 17 , 1865 , at "West Philadelphia, P a .

D O O L I N G , W I L L I A M . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 2 4 , 1864 , at Plattsburgh, to serve two years; mustered in as p r i ­vate, unassigned, September 3, 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

D O R A N , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , October 1, 1 8 6 1 ; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, June 1, 1 8 6 2 , at F a i r Oaks, V a . ; discharged for disability from wounds, October 26, 1863 , at N e w Y o r k city.

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D O R A N , see Dolan.

D O R I A N , see Donigan.

D O R M A N , see Domean.

D O R M A N D , J O H N . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted at Horseheads, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Go. D , A u ­gust 17, 1861; promoted sergeant, March 1, 1865; first ser­geant, June 3, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , V a . ; also borne as Dormond.

D O R S T , see Dosgt.

D O R V A L , H E N R Y . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; no record subsequent to June, 1862, as absent; also borne as Dorvel l , D o r v i l l , and D o r w i l l .

D O S G T , L O U I S . — Age, 2.1 years. Enlisted, September 15, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 16, 1861; discharged, October 23, 1862, to re-enlist i n Co. K , Sixth Regiment, Uni ted States Cav­a l ry ; also borne as Dorst and Lewis Dozst.

D O U G H E R T Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 5, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; discharged for dis­ability, November 27, 1862, at general hospital, Alexandria, V a . *

D O U G H E R T Y , J A M E S . — Age , 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K, M a r c h 24, 1864; wounded, June 17, 1864; discharged for disability, October 11, 1864, at Boston, Mass; also borne as George James Doherty and Dougherty.

D O U G H E R T Y , J A M E S . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, un ­assigned, March 24, 1864; no further record.

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D O U G H E R T Y , J A M E S . — Age , 18 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 1, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year;-mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 7, 18 64; mustered out, M a y 26, 1865, at Washington, D . O ; also borne as Doberty.

D O U G H E R T Y , J O H N . — Age , 22 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as pr i ­vate, Co. K , December 20, 1861; deserted i n 1861, at Fort Schuyler, N . Y .

D O U G H E R T Y , J O H N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vi l le , to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 1, 1864; never joined regiment.

D O U G H E R T Y , J O S E P H . — Age , 26. years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. A , September 23, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; first ser­geant, September 23, 1862; transferred to company B , June 12, 1862; wounded i n action, J u l y 2, 1863, at Gettysburg!!, P a . , and M a y 10, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Y a . ; died of bis wounds, M a y 26, 1864; also borne as Dogberty and Doberty.

D O U G H E R T Y , P A T R I C K . — Age , 33 years. Enlisted, Septem-. l)er 1'jS, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mus­

tered i n as private, Co. E , October 15, 1861; deserted, October : 25, 1861, at F o r t Schuyler, N . Y .

D O U G H E R T Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted, M a r c h 30, 1865, at Plattsburgh, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. IT, A p r i l 8, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

D O U G H E R T Y , see Doberty.

D O W D , M I C H A E L . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. E , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; returned to ranks, Marcb 31, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30', 1865, near Alexandria , Y a .

D O W D , P H I L I P . — Age , 26 years'. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 18, 1861; wounded i n action, Sep-

' tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.;-transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co . -F , no date; mustered out, September 13, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . , expiration term of seiwice.

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D O W D A L L , C H A R L E S . — Age , 26 years. Enlisted at Niagara, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. E, ' September 19, 1864; absent, missing in action, near Petersburg, Y a . , since October 29, 1864, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Dowdell.

D O W L I N G , J O H N . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at N e w . Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , August 11, 1862; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; to One Hundred and Second Company, Second Battal ion, Yeteran Reserve Corps, Eebruary 6, 1864; discbarged for disability, October 9', 1864, at hospital, Alexandria, Y a .

D O W N E Y , J A M E S . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, September 30, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Go. E , October 1, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; discharged for disability,' March 9, 1863 at camp near E a b mouth, Y a .

D O W N S , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, August 17, 1864; never joined regiment.

D O Y A L , see Doyle .

D O Y L E , D E N N I S . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, October 20, 1861, at Syracuse, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. X , November 17, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; k i l led i n action, J u l y 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, P a . ; also borne as Doya l and Dav id Doyle.

D O Y L E , E D W A R D . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at Camp Cal i ­fornia, Y a . , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Eebruary 26, 1862; deserted on expiration of furlough, Eebruary 27, 1863, near Ealmoutb, Y a .

D O Y L E , E D W A R D . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co, K , September 20, 1864; mustered out on individual ro l l , June 6, 1865, at Uni ted States General Hospital , Y o r k , P a .

D O Y L E , J A M E S . — Age , 21 years. Enlisted, October 20', 1861, at Syracuse, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. X , December 20, 1861; discharged for disability, December 14, 1862, at Baltimore, M d . ; also borne as Doyal . '

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D O Y L E , L A W R E N C E . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; wounded in action, Septem­ber 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; deserted i n J u l y or August, 1863.

D O Y L E , P A T R I C K . — Private of F i f t b In fantry ; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, no elate; promoted corporal, January 5, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, Eebruary 5, 1863,"at Frederick, M d .

D O Z S T , L E W I S , see Louis Dosgt.

D R A K E , J A M E S N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , J u l y 26, 1864; mustered out on individual ro l l , J u l y 2, 1ST5, at Bailey's Cross Roads, Y a .

D R E S O H E R , J O H N — Age , date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. A , not stated; transferred to Co. B , T h i r d Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged on expiration term of service, August 14, 1865.

D R E W R Y , W I L L I A M . — Age , date, place of enlistment, and 'muster-in as private, Co. I , not stated; sent to company, M a y 20, 1865; absent, sick, i n field hospital at muster-out of com­pany.

D R O M O N G , see Drummy.

D R U M M O N D , J O H N . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. D , not stated; mustered out witb com­pany, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , Y a .

D R U M M Y , J O H N . — Age , 32 years. Enlisted, September 22, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 23, 1861; deserted, September 25, 1861, at For t Schuyler, N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as Dromong.

D U A N E , J O H N . — Age , 25 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , Febru­ary 25, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria , V a .

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DUBOIS, J A M E S . — Age, 3 1 years. Enlisted, October 1 3 , 1 8 6 1 , at Cbicago, 111., to serve three years; mustered in as private, 0 0 . D, October 3 1 , 1 8 6 1 ; wounded in action, December 1 3 , 1 8 6 2 , at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; transferred to Oo. B, no date; deserted from hospital in March, 1 8 6 3 ; also borne as Duboise.

DUCK, J O H N . — Age, 2 2 years. Enlisted, at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, March 1 5 , 1 8 6 4 ; wounded in action, May 8, 1 8 6 4 , at Spottsylvania Court House, Ya.;-deserted, July 2 1 , 1 8 6 4 , from Summit House Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa.

D U D L E Y , J O H N , see Johan Adam Diedly.

D U F F , J A M E S T . — Age, 2 1 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Febru­ary 3, 1 8 6 4 ; killed in action, June 1 7 , 1 8 6 4 , at Petersburg, Va. ; also borne as James Duffy..

D U F F E Y , M I C H A E L . — , A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. 1, October 2 4 , 1 8 6 1 ; promoted sergeant, no date; transferred to Oo. B, June 1 2 , 1 8 6 3 ; to Veteran Reserve Corps, May 1 5 , 1 8 6 4 ; also borne as Duffy.

D U F E E Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 1 8 years. Enlisted, January 7 , 1 8 6 5 , at Brooklyn; mustered in as private, unassigned, Janu­ary 1 8 , 1 8 6 5 ; never joined regiment; also borne as Duffy.

D U F F E Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , -20 years. Enlisted, August 2 7 , 1 8 6 4 , at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3 , 1 8 6 4 ; never joined company.

D U F F E Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 2 6 years.. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 3 1 , 1 8 6 1 ; wounded in action, September 1 7 , 1 8 6 2 , at Antietam, Md. ; transferred to Co. A , June 1 2 , 1 8 6 3 ; dis­cbarged, no date; also borne as Duffy.

D U F F Y , A N T H O N Y . — Age, 2 5 years. Enlisted at Buffalo, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, April 1 8 , 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

V O L . 29 ' — 7

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D U F F Y , F E L I X . — Age, 35 years. Enrol led, August 7, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as captain, Co. G , September 16, 1861; k i l l ed i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

Commissioned captain, December 20, 1861, witb rank from September 7, 1861; original.

D U E E Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. G, September 18, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; deserted, J u l y 8, 1863, at Frederick, M d .

D U F F Y , J A M E S . — Age , 37 years. Enlisted, October 9, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. G , October 13, 1861; discharged for disability, June 30, 1862, at Washington, D . O , as Bernard Duffy.

D U F F Y , J A M E S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , Oc­tober 14, 1861 deserted i n September, 1862, at Alexandria, V a .

D U F F Y , J A M E S . — Age , 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , A p r i l 18, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Sta­tion, V a . ; absent since as prisoner of war and at muster-out of company.

D U F F Y , J A M E S , see James T . Duff.

D U F F Y , J O H N . — Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , August 7, 1862; k i l l ed i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

D U F F Y , J O H N . - — Age , 36 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, September 15, 1862; no furtber record.

D U F F Y , T E R E N C E . — A g e , 33 years. Enrol led , August 7, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as second lieutenant, Oo. G , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , August 6, 1862; mustered i n as first lieutenant, August 8, 1862; discharged, February 6, 1863; also borne as Duffey.

Commissioned second lieutenant, December 20, 1861, with rank from September 16, 1861; original ; first lieutenant, Oc­tober 14, 1862, witb rank from August 8, 1862, vice Charles H . Lackey , resigned.

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D U F F Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , 26 y e a r s . E n l i s t e d , October 1, 1861, at B r o o k l y n , to serve tbree y e a r s ; mustered i n as sergeant, Co. F , O c t o b e r 2, 1 8 6 1 ; w o u n d e d i n act ion , September 11, 1862, at A n t i e t a m , M d . ; m u s t e r e d out, J u n e 12 , 1863 , near F a l m o u t h , Y a . , on consol idat ion.

P U F F Y , see D u f f e y .

D U G A N , A N D R E W . — A g e , 30 years. E n l i s t e d at R o y a l t o n , to serve t h r e e years , and mustered i n as pr iva te , unassigned, September 2 0 , 1 8 6 4 ; never j o i n e d reg iment .

D U G A N , J O H N . — A g e , 2 0 years . E n l i s t e d , S e p t e m b e r ' 30, 1861, at N e w Y o r k c i t y , to serve three y e a r s ; mustered i n as pr ivate , C o . K , D e c e m b e r 20 , 1 8 6 1 ; d i scharged f o r d i sab i l i ty , December 22 , 1862 , at F r e d e r i c k , M d . ; also borne as D u g g a n .

D U G A N , J O H N . — A g e , 19 years . E n l i s t e d at T h i r d Congres -sion d i s t r i c t , to serve three years , a n d mustered i n as pr iva te , Oo. G , J a n u a r y 21, 1 8 6 4 ; w o u n d e d i n act ion, M a y 5, 18;64, at the W i l d e r n e s s , Y a . , a n d absent at muster-out of c o m p a n y ; also borne as D u g g a n .

D U G A N , J O T I N . — A g e , 19' years . E n l i s t e d , J a n u a r y 21, 1864, at B r o o k l y n , to serve three y e a r s ; m u s t e r e d i n as p r i va te , Oo. C, J a n u a r y 28 , 1 8 6 4 ; p romoted co rpora l , no date ; r e t u r n e d to r a n k s , M a r c h 1 5 , 1 8 6 5 ; m u s t e r e d out w i t h company , J u n e 30, 1865 , n e a r A l e x a n d r i a , Y a . ; also borne as D a g a n , D u g g a n , and D u g g i n .

D U G A N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 36 years . E n l i s t e d at N e w Y o r k city , to serve three years , a n d mustered i n as p r i v a t e , Co . G , J a n u a r y 2 1 , 1 8 6 4 ; deserted, J u l y 20, 1864, at G r a n t H o s p i t a l , W i l l e t s P o i n t , N e w Y o r k h a r b o r ; also borne as D u g g a n .

D U G A N , see D u g g i n .

D U G G A N , see D u g a n .

D U G G A N , J O H N . — A g e , 32 years. E n l i s t e d at N e w Y o r k city , to serve three years , a n d m u s t e r e d i n as p r i v a t e , unas­signed, D e c e m b e r 29 , 1 8 6 3 ; no f u r t h e r r e cord .

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100 R E P O R T OE T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D U G G A N , O W E N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September .5, 1862, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mnstered in as private, Oo. A , September 15, 1862; transferred to Oo. B, June 12, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered out with de­tachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Doogan, Dugan, Duggen, Duggin, Dugin, and Duigan.

D U G G A N , P A T R I C K — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 26, 1864; never joined regiment.

D U G G I N , M A R T I N . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 27, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1863; pro­moted sergeant, no date; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Doogan, Dugan, Duggan, Duggen, and Duigan.

D U G G I N , see Dugan.

D U N F O R D , W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, January 18, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. 0 , January 28, 1864; wounded and found dead on 'battlefield at Wilderness, Ya., in 1864; also borne as Danford, Dumford, and Durlford.

D U N I G A N , see Dunnigan.

D U N L E A V Y , J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 15, 1861; wounded in action, June 29, 1862, at White Oak Swamp, Ya . ; discharged for disability, December 7, 1862, at Alexandria, Ya.

D U N N , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 17, 1864; captured and paroled, no date; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Dunne.

D U N N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, September 21, '1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 29, 1861; killed in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Ya.

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D U N N , P A T R I C K — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, C'o. H , October 1, 1861;- wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Ya . ; discbarged for disability, caused from wounds, De­cember 31, 1862, at Baltimore, Met.

D U N N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 2-2 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, March 8, 1895; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Dunne.

D U N N , T H O M A S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 8, 1864; captured in action, May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Ya. ; recaptured, March 20, 1865, as a Confederate soldier; confined at Hart's Island, New York harbor, April 22, 1865; released on oath of allegiance, July 8, 1865.; also- borne as Dunne.

D U N N , T H O M A S . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, March 14, 1864; never joined regiment.

D U N N E , J A M E S . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861; discharged for disability, October 9, 1862 ;, at Eort Monroe, Ya . ; also borne as Dunn.

D U N N E , L A W R E N C E . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, November 28, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , December 31, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Ya. ; mustered out, June 2, 1865, at Campbell Hospital, Washington, 1). C.; also borne as Dunn.

D U N N E , L U K E . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 9, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 27, 1865, at Sat-terlee Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa. ; also borne as Devine and Ddnn.

D U N N E , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 29, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1863; promoted sergeant, February 16, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Dunn.

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102 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D U N N E , see Dunn.

D U N N A N , see D E N M A N .

D U N N E Y , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Oc­tober 3, 1864; never joined regiment.

D U N N I G A N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted, Septen* ber 24, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; wounded i n action, June 30, 1862, at White Oak Swamp, Y a . ; discharged for dis­ability, December 4, 1862, at Annapolis, M d . ; also borne as Donigan and Dunigan.

D U N N I V A N , D E N N I S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , October 18, 1861; promoted corporal, ' A p r i l 16, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; pro­moted sergeant, December 15, 1862; transferred to Co. A as a private, June 12, 1863; no further record; also borne as D i n n i n and Denis Donnavan.

D U R K I N , see Dark in .

D U R L F O R D , see Dunford.

D U R S T , J A C O B . — Age, 21 years. Enl isted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. D , August 27, 1864; wounded i n action, Marcb 25,1865, near Petersburg, Y a . ; discharged for disability, August 19, 1865, at De Camp General Hospita l , David's Island, New Y o r k harbor; also borne as Dust.

D U V A L , E V A N G E L I S T . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, V a . ; mustered out with detachment, June 20, 1865, at United States General Hospital, Summit Home, Philadelphia, P a . ; also borne as Evangelie Duvale.

D R O Y E R , J A M E S G — Age, 30 years. Enl isted at New York city, to servo three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, M a r c h 17, 1864; no furtber record.

D W Y E R , J E R E M I A H , see Michael Dwyer.

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D W Y E R , J O H N . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at New Y o r k eity, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. O, September 7, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for wounds, A p r i l 27, 18-63, at Frederick Ci ty , M d . ; also borne as Dwyre.

D W Y E R , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 12 years. Enlisted, September 21, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve'three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 27, 1861; no further record; also borne as Jeremiah Dwyer.

D W Y E R ; M O R R I S . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, September 24, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , November 17, 1862; mustered out on individual rol l , M a y 31, 1865, at Washington, D . C.

D W Y E R , R O B E R T . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , September 17, 1861"; deserted, March 24, 1862, at Manassas, Y a . ; also borne as Dywer.

D Y C K M A N , see Dickman.

D Y E R , A A R O N . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at East Otto, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 19, 1864; never joined regiment.

E A G A N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 41 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; deserted, October 1, 1861, at Eort Schuyler, New Y o r k harbor.

E A G A N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 30, 1864; deserted, September 3, 1864, at Harts Island, New Y o r k ; also borne as Eagin .

E A G A N , see E G A N .

E A R L E , R O B E R T — Age , 26 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , January 25, 1S64; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Y a . ; deserted, September 22, 1864, from McCle l lan Hospital at Philadelphia, P a .

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104 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

E B E R T , J O H N F . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864,, at Tarrytown, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Oo. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , V a .

E C K , M I C H A E L J . — Age , 25 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. H , Sep­tember 3, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, at Peters­burg, V a . ; paroled, no date; mustered out on individual rol l , M a y 27, 1865, at hospital, Albany, N . Y .

E C K E R M A N , see Eickelman.

E D D Y , C H A R L E S . — • Age , 27 years. Enlisted at Bergen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , September 22^ 1864; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; sergeant, and transferred to Co. D , June 7, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . , as Eddie.

E D D Y , J d H N . — Age , 19 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria , V a .

E D W A R D , H E N R Y . — Age, 19 years. Enl isted at Rochester,; to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 24, 1864; never joined regiment.

E D W A R D S , J O H N . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; wounded in action, Decem­ber 13,, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Veteran Reserve. Corps, J u l y 1, 1863.

E G A N , J O H N . — Age , 28 years. Enlisted at New Y r ork city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , March 19, 1864; wounded, M a y 12, 1864; promoted corporal, Febru­ary 19, 1865; sergeant, June 5, 1865; mustered out with com­pany, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

E A G A N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1867, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , October 30, 1861; discharged for disability, De­cember 27, 1862, at Georgetown, D . O ; also borne as Patrick H . Eagan.

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E G A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at Brooklyn , to serve tbree years; mustered in. as private, Oo. F, 'October 5, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, A p r i l 1, 1863, at Chestnut H i l l Hospital , Philadelphia, P a . ; also borne as Eagan and Egen.

E G A N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March 11, 1864; captured i n action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Y a . ; died, November 18, 1864, at Salisbury, N . C.

E I C K E L M A N , J A C O B . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tarry ­town, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 30, 1864; mustered"out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . , as Eckerman.

E L L I S , J O H N . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Oo. H , September 3, 1864; absent without leave at muster-out of company.

E L L I S , N I C H O L A S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. I , Eebruary 15, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

E L M E R , A L Y A H . — Age , 43 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , Y a .

E L S O N , W I L L I A M . — Age , 31 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, December 14, 1863; never joined regiment.

E L W E L L , C H A R L E S . — Age , 37 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 29, 1864; no further record.

E M E R I O I I , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Sheldon, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 10, 1864; never joined regiment.

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106 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

E M M E T T , J O H N . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Septertb ber 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1S63; transferred to Co. F, in Janu­ary or February, 1864; promoted corporal, February 2, 1864; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya. ; re­turned to ranks, January 1, 1865; again promoted corporal, June 1, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

E N G L I S , N E I L . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York-city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, April 1, 1864; wounded, June 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Neal English and Engliss.

E N G L I S H , M I C H A E L . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, October 8, 1861, and deserted same date.

E R A R T , see Everts.

E R I C K S O N , A L E X A N D E R . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, July 20, 1864; mustered out, July 8, 1865, at Jarvis United States Army General Hospital, Baltimore, Md.

E R S E N H A R D T , JOHX.—• Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Xew York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K , March 15, 1864; wounded, June 20, 1864; deserted, August 16, 1864, at Fort Schuyler, New York harbor; also borne as Esenhardt.

E T T E R , J O A C H I M . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1864, at Goshen, to serve three years; mustered1 in as private, Oo. D, August 27, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at xllexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Jacob, John, and Joacbin E'tter.

E Y A N S , G E O R G E . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, October 3, 1864; mustered out on individual roll, May 18, 1865, at Wash­ington, D. C.

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EVANS, W I L L I A M . — Age, 2 3 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , February 2 , 1 8 6 4 ; wounded, May 1 2 , 1 8 6 4 ; captured, August 2 5 , 1 8 6 4 ; returned to duty, May 1 6 , 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out with company, June 3 0 , 1 8 6 5 , at Alexandria, Ya.

E V E R E T T , T H O R N T O N . — Age, 3 0 years. Enlisted, January 1 8 , 1 8 6 4 , in First Congressional District, to serve three years; mustered in* as private, Co. C, January 2 8 , 1 8 6 4 ; promoted sergeant, February 1 6 , 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out with company, June 30, 1 8 0 5 , near Alexandria, Ya.

EVERTS, F R E D E R I C K — Age, 3 5 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and 'mustered in as private, Co. A , October 3 , 1 8 6 4 ; wounded, no date; mustered out on individual roll, June 1 7 , 1 8 6 5 , at Carver United States General Hospital, Washington, D. C ; also borne as Evart, Everett, and Everitt.

E V E R Y , A L Y I N A . — Age, 1 8 years. Enlisted, August 1 9 , 1 8 6 4 , at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3 , 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with detachment, June 5 , 1 8 6 5 , near Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Everey.

FABIEN, M A X . — A g e , 2 1 years. Enlisted, August 2 7 , 1 8 6 4 , at Schenectady, to s e i w e three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3 , 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with company, June 3 0 , 1 8 6 5 , near Alexandria, Ya., as Fabian.

F A H E R Y , J A M E S . Age, 2 2 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 2 4 , 1 8 6 1 ; ; transferred to Co, B, June 1 2 , 1 8 6 3 ; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 2 3 , 1 8 6 3 ; mustered out with company, June 3 0 , 1 8 6 5 , at Alexandria, Va. ; also home as Fehery, Feehery, Feerty, Feherty, Feirty, Ferny, and Ferhy.

F A H E R Y , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 1 9 years. Enlisted, Octobe r 1 5 , 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 3 0 , 1 8 6 1 ; no further record subsequent to June 3 0 , 1 8 6 2 , as absent; also borne as Feehery and Feerhy.

F A H E R T Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 4 0 years. Enlisted, October 4 , 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 3 0 , 1 8 0 1 ; transferred to Co. A, June 1 2 , 1 8 6 3 ; died of disease, November 3 0 , 1 8 6 3 , at General Hos­pital, David's Island,New York harbor; also borne as Flagherty and Flaherty.

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108 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L . .

F A I L I N G , J O H N . — Age , 24 years. Enlisted at Lenox, to.serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Septen> ber 1, 1804; never joined regiment.

F A L L A Y , see Day .

F A L L O N , W I L L I A M . — Age , 30 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Go. F , October 15, 1861; wounded in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; deserted, October 8, 1862, at Washington, D . O ; also borne as F u l t o n .

F A L S O N , see Folesom.

F A N T O N , T H O M A S . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as corporal, Co. G , September 7, 1861; died of disease, January 18, 1863, at Washington, D . C.

F A R I N G , see Feruntb.

F A R L E Y , P A T R I C K H . — Private , F i f t h In fantry ; transferred to Co. D , tbis regiment, no date; promoted sergenat, August 30, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, December 6, 1862, at Baltimore, M d .

F A R M E R , R O B E R T — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, January 18, 1864, at Brook lyn , to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Oo. C, January 28, 1864; promoted corporal, October 10, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, before Petersburg, V a . ; died, December 25, 1864, at Salisbury, N . O ; also borne asTarneer .

F A R N E Y , see Forney.

F A R R A N G T O N , see Farrington.

F A R R E L , J A M E S . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, September 23> 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co; E , October 15, 1861; discharged for disability, A p r i l 1, 1862, at Annapolis, M d . ; also borne as Farre l l .

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E A R R E L L , F R A N C I S . — Age, 31 Years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Oo. G , September 7, 1861; wounded in action, De­cember 13, .3^62, at Eredericksburg, Y a . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12,-.1863; deserted i n J u l y or August, 1863.

E A R R E L L , J A M E S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; k i l led i n action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Y a .

E A R R E L L , J O H N . — Age , 21 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, J u l y 20, 1861; never joined regiment.

F A R R E L L , J O H N P . — Age , 21 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , September 18, 1802; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, V a . ; died of his wounds, March 25, 1863, at Point Lookout, M d .

F A R R E L L , P A T R I C K . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted, March 2, ' 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , M a r c h 9, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, January 1, 1865; first sergeant, June 7, 1865; mus­tered out w i t h company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

F A R R E L L , T H O M A S . — Age, 21 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , October 15, 1861; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; wounded i n action, J u l y 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, P a . ; retransferred to Co. F , i n January or February, 1864; mustered out, October 20, 1864, near Petersburg, V a .

F A R R E L L , see F r i e l l .

F A R R E N , J O H N . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as first sergeant, Co. F , October 1, 1861; returned to sergeant, June 20, 1862; mus­tered, out, June 12, 1863, near Falmouth, V a . , on consolida­tion; also borne as Farron and Perron.

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1 1 0 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

E A R R I N G T O N , G E O R G E . — Age, 3 0 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, .Oo. F , J u l y 2 7 , 1 8 6 4 ; captured in action, August 2 5 , 1 8 6 4 , at Ream's Station, Y a . ; died of disease, October 2E> 1 8 6 4 , at Salis­bury, N . 0 . ; also borne as Farrangton.

F A R R O N , M I C H A E L . — Age , 2 5 years. Enlisted, January 16, 1 8 6 4 , at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. 0 , January 2 8 , 1 8 6 4 ; deserted, February 2 0 , 1 8 6 4 , at Rikers Island, N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as Ferron and F e r n . , i

F A Y , J O H N . — Age, 2 7 years. Enlisted, August 2 6 , 1 8 6 1 , at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1 8 6 1 ; wounded i n action, December 13, 1 8 6 2 , at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; died of bis wounds, December 2 6 , 1 8 6 2 , at Washington, D . C.

F E A T H E R S T O N E , see Fetberstone.

F E E , H U G H . — Age , 2 3 years. Enlisted, August 3, 1 8 6 2 , at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. B , August 2 3 , 1 8 6 2 ; promoted corporal, no date; wounded i n action, December 1 3 , 1 8 6 2 , at Fredericksburg, V a . ; trans­ferred to Co. A , Fourteenth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; mustered out with detachment, June 2 6 , 1 8 6 5 , as sergeant.

F E E , J A M E S . — Age, 2 1 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Septem­ber 2 8 , 1 8 6 1 ; promoted corporal, A p r i l 2 8 , 1 8 6 2 ; wounded in action, September 1 7 , 1 8 6 2 , at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, A p r i l 4 , 1 8 6 3 , at Convalescent Camp, V a .

F E E D E R S O N , F E D E R . — Age, 4 0 years. Enlisted, January 18, 1 8 6 4 , i n F i r s t Congressional district, to serve three years; mus­tered i n as private, Co. C, January 2 8 , 1 8 6 4 ; captured in ac­tion, M a y 5, 1 8 6 4 , at the Wilderness,. V a . ; died, August 5, 1 8 6 4 , at Andersonville, G a . ; also borne as Fedderson Fedder, Feeler Federson, and Feeder Feederson.

F E E H E R Y and F E E R T Y , see Fahery.

F E E L I N G , J A M E S . — Age, 3 5 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1 8 6 1 , at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I , September 2 7 , 1 8 6 1 ; discharged for disability, December 2 7 , 1 8 6 2 , at Convalescent Camp, V a . ; also borne as Feeley and Feely. >

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S I X T Y - N I N T H R E G I M E N T . I l l F E E N E Y , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 11,

1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 12, 1861; deserted, November 5, 1861, at FortpSchuyler, N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as Feeny.

F E E N E Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. X , March 1, 1864; wounded and captured i n action, M a y 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Y a . ; paroled, December 6, 1864, at Charles­ton, S. C. ; furlougbed from Camp Parole, M d v December 24, 1864, for thirty days; absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Feney and Fieney.

F E H E R Y and F E H E R T Y , see Fahery.

F E I R T Y , see Fahery. •

F E L T , H E N R Y . — Age, 19' years. Enlisted, January 18, 1864, in First Congressional district, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; ki l led i n action, M a y 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Y a ,

F E N S T E R , P H I L L I P . — Age , 19 years. Enlisted, October 6, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 9, 1864; wounded, Marcb 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Y a . ; mustered out witb detachment, June 10, 1865, at E m o r y Hospital , Washington, D . C , as P h i l i p Finnister; also borne as Finister and Fensterer.

F E N T O N , J A C O B F . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, January 16, 1864; never joined regiment.

F E N T O N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, August 21, 1862; no further record.

F E R G U S O N , J O H N . — Age , 27 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, February 29, 1864; never joined regiment.

F E R G U S O N , V I N C E N T . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February 29, 1864; wounded, June 17, 1864; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, A p r i l 17, 1865; also borne as Fer -gerson.

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112 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

E E R H Y and F E R N Y , see Fahery.

F E R N , see Farron.

3 F E R R O N , see Farren and Farron.

F E R R Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mnstered in as private, Co. G, Au­gust 18, 1864; captured and paroled, no dates; mustered out .with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

F E R U N T H , C H R I S T I A N . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted, Octo­ber 8, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mnstered in as private, Oo. E , October 9, 1861; discharged for disability, January 29, 1863, at camp near Falmouth, Va., as Faring; also borne as Christopher Pherink.

F E T H E R S T O N E , L U H E . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, Febru­ary 29, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va., as Featberstone;

F I E L D , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Octo­ber 1, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Fields.

F I E N E Y , see Feeney.

F I N C H , J O H N . — Age, 35 years. 'Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, February 22, 1865; never joined regiment.

F I N L A Y , D A N I E L . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, March 17, '1862; killed in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hil l , Va.

F I N N , C H A R L E S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Lewiston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F, September 22, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1S65, near Alexandria, Ya.

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F I N N , T H O M A S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to'serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. 0 , September 27, 1861; deserted, September 2, 1862, f rom hospital at Alexandria, Y a .

F I N N E L L , S T E P H E N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Charlotte, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, December 22, 1863; never joined regiment,

F I N N I S T E R and F I N I S T E R , see Fenster.

F I S H E R , C H A R L E S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 30, 1864; promoted sergeant, September 9, 1864; returned to ranks, January 1, 1865; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at A lex ­andria, Y a .

F I S H E R , H E N R Y C — Age , 19 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February 3, 1864; captured i n action, M a y 12, 1864, at Co ld Harbor, Y a ; died, January 28, 1865, at Andersonville, Ga .

F I S H E R , J O H N . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, November • 15, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in . as private, Oo. B , November 23, 1861; deserted, J u l y 3, 1862, at Harrisons Landing, Y a .

F I T Z G E R A L , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 27, 1864; promoted corporal, M a y 13, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30,. 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . , as Fi tzgera ld ; also borne as Fitzgearld and Fitzcherald.

F I T Z G E R A L D , C H A R L E S . — Age , 26 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, September 16, 1862; no further record.

F I T Z G E R A L D , J A M E S . — E n l i s t e d at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. F , August 6, 1862; Wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for wounds, December 13, 1862.

F I T Z G E R A L D , P A T R I C E . — Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years,.and mustered i n as private, Co. K , February 24, 1862; promoted chief bugler, no date; deserted, December 16, 1862, at Falmouth, Y a .

V O L . 29 — 8

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F I T Z G E R A L D , P A T R I C K — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February IT, 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya . ; deserted, July 30, 1864, on expiration of furlough.

F I T Z G E R A L D , T H O M A S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 4, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 23, 1863; deserted on expiration of furlough, Eebruary 4, 1864, at New York city; also borne as Fitzgelald.

F I T Z G E R A L D , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, Au­gust 29, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September T, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; died of bis wounds, September 25, 1862.

F I T Z P A T R I C K , A N D R E W . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 20, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. B, September 21, 1861; deserted in September, 1861, at New York city.

F I T Z P A T R I C K , B E R N A R D . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, Oc­tober 8, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. I, October 30, 1861; discharged for dis­ability, February 19, 1863, at camp near Falmouth, Ya.

F I T Z P A T R I C K , J O H N . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 25, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. K, November 17, 1861; wounded and captured in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill, Ya. ; died of bis wounds, at Richmond, Ya., no date.

F I T Z P A T R I C K , P A T R I C K . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, November 6, 1861; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; deserted, February 9, 1863, from Stan­ton Hospital, at Washington, D. C.

F I T Z P A T R I C K , P H I L L I P . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 23, 1861; deserted, October 28, 1861.

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E I T Z P A T R I C K , R O B E R T . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 26, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; hilled in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania Court House, Ya.

FITZSIMONS, P A T R I C K . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 25, 186.1, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 27, 1861; discbarged for dis­ability, November 3, 1862, at Fort Monroe, Va. ; also borne as Fitzsimmons.

FITZSIMONS, P H I L L I P . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Kings­ton, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Octo­ber 8, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as Fitzsimon and Fitzsimmons.

FITZSIMONS, T H O M A S . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, October 25, 1804; never joined regiment.

FITZSIMMONS, T H O M A S . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, October 8, 1864; mustered out with detachment, May 30, 1865, at Carver Hospital, Washington, • D. C.; also borne as Phillip Fitsimmons.

P L A G H E R T Y , B E R N A R D . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, September 23, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Va. ; deserted, July 30, 1862, from Bellevue Hospital, New York city; also borne as Flaherty.

P L A G H E R T Y " and F L A H E R T Y ' , see Faherty.

F L A H E R T Y " , P A T R I C K . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , November 4, 1861; died in November, 1863, at hospital.

F L A N A G A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Perrys-burgh, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, December 18, 1863; never joined regiment.

F L A N I G A N , C O R N E L I U S . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted, Octo­ber 1, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 30, 1861; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862, as absent.

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F L A N I G A N , J E R E M I A H . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , September 2 3 , 1 8 6 1 ; discharged for disability, August 23 , 1862 , at Washington, D. C.; again enlisted, February 10 , 1 8 6 4 ; promoted sergeant, no date; wounded, May 5, 1 8 6 4 ; again wounded and captured in action, August 25 , 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; paroled, no date; returned to ranks, January 1, 1 8 6 5 ; discharged for disability, August 1, 1865 , at De Camp General Hospital, New York harbor; also borne as Flannagan, Flanagan and Flannigan.

F L A V V I N , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 2 3 , 1 8 6 4 ; killed, May 30 , 1864, on picket near Cold Harbor, Ya . ; also borne as Flarvin and Flavin.

F L E E T W O O D , see Heatberwood.

F L E M I N G , J E R E M I A H . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, September 18 , 1 8 6 1 ; wounded in action, September 17 , 1862 , at Antietam, Md. ; discharged for disability, November 25 , 1862 , at New York city.

F L E M I N G , J O H N . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 12 , 1 8 6 4 ; wounded, March 25 , 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out on individual roll, May 26 , 1865 , at Mower General Hospital,' Philadelphia, Pa. ; also borne as Flemming and Flemings.

F L I N N , J O H N . — Age, 16 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as drummer, Co. C, Octo­ber 4, 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, December 17, 1862 , at Falmouth, Ya.

F L I N N , see Flyn.

F L O O D , James.— Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 7, 1 8 6 1 ; discharged for disability, April 24, 1862 , at Washington, D. O.

F L U M M E R S F I E L D , P E T E R . — A g e , 39 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , November 7, 1 8 6 1 ; wounded in action, September 17 , 1862 , at Antietam, Md. ; died of bis wounds in October, 1 8 6 2 ; also borne as Floumersfield.

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E L Y N , J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, August '29 , 1862; no further record.

E I Y N , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , March 18, 1861; wounded, June 3, 1864; deserted, August 16, 1864, f rom De Camp Hospital , David's Island, N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as E l i n n and Elynne.

E L Y N N , E D W A R D . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Oo. G , October 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria , Y a . ; also borne as E l i n n .

E L Y N N , E R A N C I S . — Age , 21 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 22, 1861; deserted, J u l y 13, 1862, at Harrisons L a n d ­ing, Y a .

F L Y N N , J A M E S . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Dansville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F , September 6, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with detach­ment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , Y a .

F L Y N N , J O H N . — Age, IS years. Enlisted, February 10, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , M a r c h 9, 1864; no further record.

F L Y N N , J O H N . — Age, 27* years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. X , September 19, 1864; wounded, M a r c h 25, 1865; mustered out on indi ­vidual ro l l , J u l y 26, 1865, at New Y o r k c ity ; also borne as F H n n and F l y n n e ; p r i o r service in Ob. " C , " Ninety-ninth I n ­fantry.

F L Y N N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. G , September 7, 1861; deserted, November 18, 1861, at F o r t Schuyler, N e w Y o r k harbor.

F L Y N N , T H O M A S . — Age , 26 years. Enlisted, September 24, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three .years; mustered in as private, Oo. B , September 25, 1861; discharged, J u l y 16, 1865, at For t Schuyler, New Y o r k harbor.

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F L Y N N , see Glyner.

F O G E , see Fox.

F O G G , J A C O B . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , Sep­tember 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. ; paroled, March 2, 1865, at Northeast Ferry, N . O, and furlouglied from Camp Parole, Md., March 19, 1865, for thirty days, to Albany, N . Y . ; absent at muster out of company.

F O L E S O M , G E O R G E . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, arid mustered in as private, Co. G, August 20, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Falson, Folsom, Folsome, Fulsom. and Folesom.

F O L E Y , J O H N O— Age, 27 years. Enrolled at Cold Harbor, Ya., to serve three years, and mustered in as second lieutenant, unassigned, May 7, 1864; as first lieutenant Co. F , same date; as captain, Co. I, October 1, 1864; transferred to Co. F, no date; to Co. B, February 16, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Froley and John S. Foley; prior service as captain, Co. I, Eighty-eighth Infantry.

Not commissioned as second lieutenant; commissioned first lieutenant, April 29', 1864, with rank from March 1, 1864, vice R. Birmingham, declined; captain, February 9, 1865, with rank from October 1, 1864; original, Co. I.

F O L E Y , OWEN.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Company I, September 27, 1861; discharged for disability, September 12, 1862, at Fort Monroe, Ya.

F O L E Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 30, 1861; promoted corporal, De­cember .18, 1862; sergeant, February 24, 1863; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Falsmouth, Ya., on consolidation.

F O L E Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, October 7, 1864; at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. B, October 9, 1864; absent,'sick since May 4, 1865, and at muster-out of company.v

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F O L E Y , see Toley.

E O R B S , R I C H A R D . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 16, IS61, at N e w ' Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. B , September 27, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericks­burg, Y a . ; deserted, June 18, 1863, from hospital, at E o r t Schuyler, New Y o r k harbor, as Forbes.

E O R C E , A R T H U R W.—• Age , 16 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

F O R D , J O H N . — Age , 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , November 23, 1864; deserted, December 24, 1864, before Petersburg, V a .

F O R D , T H O M A S . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1862, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , November 17, 1862; transferred to unassigned detachment, Eleventh Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; mustered out with detachment, J u l y 22, 1S65, at Wash­ington, D . C.

F O R D , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, September 27, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K , ' November 17, 1861; deserted from Fort Schuyler, N e w Y o r k harbor, no date.

F O R D , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 42 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , February 1, 1864; transferred to Co. K , no date; wounded in action, M a y 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, V a . , and. absent at muster-out of company.

F O R D , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted at New Y r ork city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. IX, A p r i l 15, 1864; died of disease, October 3, 1864, at hospital, Annapolis M d .

F O R E M A N , see Eorsman.

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F O R N E Y , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , October 19, 1861; deserted at New Y o r k city, same date; also borne as Farney.

F O R S I A and F O R S I D , see Fusia.

F O R S M A N , J O H N P . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , M a r c h 29, 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; wounded i n action, M a y 10, 1864, at Po River , Y a . ; died of bis wounds, June 25, 1864, i n field hospital, at C i ty Po int , Y a . ; also borne as Fore­man. .

F O S T E R , J O H N . — A g e , 42 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. Iv, March. 15, 1864; wounded, M a y 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Y a . , and absent at muster-out of company.

F O U R D M A N N , G E O R G E . — Age, 43 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Kingston, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; deserted, November 2, 1864 before Petersburg, Y a . ; also borne as Fourdeman.

F O X , C H A R L E S F . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at X e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, A p r i l 12, 1865; never joined regiment.

F O X , E D W A R D . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to . serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, N o ­vember 23, 1863; never joined regiment.

F O X , E D W A R D . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn^ to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , November 23 ,1863 ; k i l led in action, M a y 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Y a .

F O X , M I C H A E L . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , N o ­vember 4, 1861; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . , and deserted, same date; also borne as Foge.

F O Y E , J A M E S . — Age , 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 20, 1864; never joined regiment.

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FRAMXEY, J O H N . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , November 7, 1801; no further record.

FRANCIS, J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, Eebruary 26, 1864, in Second Congressional district, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9 , 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.


FRANCIS, J A M E S . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, October 11, 1864, at Jamaica, to serve one year; mustered in as private, unassigned, October 12, 1864; never joined regiment.

FRANCIS, J O S E P H . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 26, IS64, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Company E , September 3, 1864; deserted on expiration of fur­lough, November 12, 1864.

F R A N K , P E T E R . — Age, 17 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years and mustered in "as private Co. B, March 11, IS64; appointed musician, no date; mustered out with com­pany, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

F R A N K , P E T E R . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, March 11, 1864, at New York .city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, March 12, 1864; name dropped subsequent to April 30, 1S65; supposed to be identical with Peter Frank, of Co. 13.

F R A N K L I N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Brook lyn, to seiwe three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , January 26, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as William Franklin.

F R A S E R , JOHN.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 26, 1S64; captured in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya., and absent at muster-out of company.

F R E E M A N , J O H N . — A g e , IS years. Enlisted, August, 25, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. ; paroled, March 10, 1865; dis­charged, May 1, 1865; also borne as George Freeman.

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F R I E L L , E D W A R D P . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, October 5, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Go. A , October 16, 1861; deserted, October 24, 1861; also borne as Farre l l .

F R O L E Y , see Foley. -

F R O S T , C H A R L E S PI.— Age, 39 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve' tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. ~K,

' M a r c h 31, 1864; mustered out on individual ro l l , June 3, 1865, at Harewood General Hospital , Washington, D . 0.

F R O S T , L E M A N . — Age, I T years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; mustered out on individual rol l , June 27, 1865, at Harewood General Hospital , Washington, D . C ; also borne as Lawrence Frost.

F U E S T E R , J A C O B . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 30, 1864; deserted, September 3, 1864, at Harts Island, N . Y . ; also borne as Isaac Fuester.

F U L H A M , L A W R E N C E — Private, F i f t h Infantry, transferred to Oo. D , this regiment, no date; to Co. B , June 12, 1862; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Y a . ; paroled, no date; died of disease, A p r i l 1, 1865, i n general hospital, at Camp Parole, Annapolis, M d . ; also borne as Eul lam, Fullern, and FuUen.

F U L L A M , J A M E S . — A g e , 42 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 17, 1864; wounded in action, Marcb 25, 1865, at Sk in ­ner's F a r m , Y a . ; mustered out on individual ro l l , June 22, 1865, at Washington, D . O , as Ful lman.

F U L L A M , see Ful ler .

F U L L E M , R O B E R T . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k C i t y , to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , A p r i l 11, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

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E U L L E M and F U L L E N , see Fulham.

E U L L E R , T H O M A S . — Age , 35 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , November 2, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged, December 20, 1862, at Uni ted States General Hospital , Baltimore, M d . ; also borne as Fu l lam.

E U L L M A N , see F u l k m .

E U L S O M , see Eolesom.

F U L T O N , see Fal lon .

F U S I A , F R E D E R I C K . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. IT, September 3, 1861; captured in action, October 30, 1861, near Petersburg, Y a . ; confined at Richmond, V a . , Oc­tober 31, 1861; sent to Sahsbury, N . O, November 4, 1861, and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Forsia and Forsid.

G A F F Y , J O H N . — Age , 27 years. Enlisted at New Y rork city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 1, 1862; no further record.

G A L L A G H A N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. B , August 13, 1862; discharged for disability, March 28, 1865, at Fort Schuyler, New Y r ork harbor; also borne as Gall igan, Gall ighan, Gall igen, Gil labam, Gil lahan, and Gil l igan.

G A L L A G H E R , D A N I E L . — • Age, 32 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, October 2, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; dis­charged at expiration of service; also borne as Gallegher and Galligher.

G A L L A G H E R , J A M E S . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered in .as private, Co. C, September 29, 1861; deserted, October 17, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city.

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124: R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

G A L L A G H E R , J A M E S . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, September 21, 1864; never joined regiment.

G A L L A G H E R , J O H N . - — A g e , date, place of enlistment and muster in as a sergeant of Co. I, not stated; escaped prisoner of war, to report in person for duty to commanding officer of his regiment with permission to delay en route thirty days; no further record.

G A L L A G H E R , W I L L I A M . — Age , 20 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K", M a r c h 24, 1864; captured i n action, M a y 18,*"l864, at Spotsylvania, Y a . ; absent at muster-out of company.

G A L L A J J , J A M E S , — • Age , 28 years. Enlisted at Bethany, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, . August 25, 1864; never joined regiment,

G A L L A H E R , B E R N A R D . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 16, 1863, at Centreville, Y a . , to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Oo. B , October 3, 1863; no further record.

G A L L A H E R , E D W A R D . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 5, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co, A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F , i n January or February, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 22, 1864; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Y a . ; died of bis wound's, June 28, 1865, at Lincoln Hospital , Washington, D . 0 . ; also borne as Gallagher, Gallarl ier , Gall iger and Galiger.

G A L L E G H E R and G A L L I G I I E R , see Gallagher.

G A L L I G A N , J O H N . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Feb­ruary 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

G A L L I G A N , see Gi l l igan.

G A L L I G A N , G A L L I G H A N , and G A L L I G E N , see Gallaghan.

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G A M B L E , W A L T E R . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, Sep­tember 10, 1864; promoted corporal, October 1, 1864; returned to ranks, November 15, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June '5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

G A N E Y , T I M O T H Y . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F , August 2, 1864; promoted corporal, October 1, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, before Petersburg, Va . ; died of Ms wounds, May 7, 1865, in hospital, at Washington, D. C ; also borne as Gaeny, Geaney, Geany and Gearney.

G A N N O N , P E T E R . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 12, 1861; wounded in action, De­cember 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; transferred to C'o. A , June 12, 1863; deserted, no date; also borne as Gannan.

G A N N O N , T H O M A S . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Octo­ber 13, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Va . ; died, December 13, 1864, at Salisbury, N . C.; also borne as Thomas H .

G A N N O N , see Guinon.

G A R D A P H T , H O L I N S . — Enlisted,. August 25, 1864, at Platts-burgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H, Sep­tember 3, 1864; captured, October 31, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. ; paroled, March 10, 1865; mustered out, to date May 14, 1865; also borne as Holmes Gardelphe, Gardolphei, Gardolphi and Gardophy.

G A R N E Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Octo­ber 19, 1864; wounded, no date; discharged, August 28, 1865; also borne as Gurney.

G A R R E T T , J O H N . — Age, 42 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as major, May 5, 1864; dismissed, October 20, 1864; prior service as captain, Fifteenth Engineers; also borne as John C. . Commissioned major, April 12, 1864, with rank from same

date, vice J . Oavanagh, resigned; lieutenant-colonel, not mus­tered, December 30', 1864, with rank from same date, vice J . E . McGee, mustered out.

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126 R E P O R T OE T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

G A R R E T T , P A T R I C K H . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Roches­ter, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 21, 1864; never joined regiment.

G A R R E T T , S I D N E Y . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August

' 24, 1864; wounded in action, September 16, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. ; paroled, no date; mustered out witb detachment, June 20, 1865, at Summit House United States General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., as Garret.

G A R R E T Y , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Ya . ; discharged for disability caused from wounds, October 29, 1862, at New York city; also borne as Garretty and Geragbty.

G A R R E T Y , J A M E S . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted, July 6, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , July 7, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya., as Garretty.

G A R R I S O N , H E N R Y W.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 23, 1861; died of phthisis, August 28, 1862, at David's Island, N . Y., as William Henry Garrison.

G A R R I T Y and G A R R I T T Y , see Gerrity.

G A R R O T T Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 15, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 7, 1865, at Mower General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. ; also borne as Garretty, Garritty and Garroty.

G A R Y E Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , August 11, 1862; deserted, September 19, 1862, at Antietam, Md.

G A R V I N , E D W A R D . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Octo­ber 8, 1864; transferred to Camp Chase, Ohio, no date; absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Garvine and Gavine.

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GAR Y I N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Chicago, HI, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 13, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Ya . ; discharged for disability, May 22, 1863, at St. Eliza­beth Hospital, Washington, D. 0 .

GASSON, see Gosson.

GATTINS, J A M E S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 25, 1861; missing in action, Decem­ber 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Ya. ; no furtber record; also borne as Gaytons.

GALTMHG, W O L E , see Herritz Wolfgang.

G A Y I N E , see Garvin.

G A Y T O N S , see Gattins.

G E A N E Y , G E A N Y and G E A R N E Y , see Ganey.

G E A R Y , J O H N H . — Age, 13 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 28, 1861; captured on picket, October 29, 1864, before Peters-

' burg, Va. ; paroled at North East Eerry, N . C , February 28, 1865; no further record.

GEBO, S U L L I V A N . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, August 29', 1864, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, September 3, 1864; absent, sick, in hospital, at muster-out of company.

G E E H A N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 9, 1861; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at An­tietam, Md.

G E G A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 30, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, November 17, 1861; discharged for disability, September 24, 1862, at Mill Creek Hospital, Fort Monroe, Va . ; also borne as Geegan.

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128 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

G E N S T O N , H E N R Y . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. 0 , June 29, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Sta­tion, Ya. ; absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Gernkston.

G E O R G E , J O H N . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at Newfane, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Septem­ber 22, 1864; mustered out -with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

G E O R G E , W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, August 3, 1864; never joined regiment.

G E R A G H T Y , see Garrety."

G E R N K S T O N , see Genston.

G E R R I T Y , J O H N . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; sergeant, February "8, 1865; wounded, March 25, 1865; mus­tered out with detachment, June 3, 1865, at Stanton General Hospital, Washington, D. O ; also borne as Garrity and Gar-ritty.

G I B N E Y , D E N N I S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Utica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , January 25, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, Va . ; also borne as John Gibney.

G I B N E Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as jprivate, Co. B, September 1, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; died of his wounds, August 10, 1863, at

* Washington, D. O , as Thomas Gibney; also borne as Gibbony.

G I B N E Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861; wounded in action, Septem­ber 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; died of bis wounds, Decem­ber 22, 1862, at Frederick, Md.

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GIBNEY, THOMAS.—• Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, July 30,' 1 8 6 2 ; died of disease, December 2 2 , 1 8 6 2 , at Frederick, Md.

GIBSON, J A M E S L . ~ Age, 2 1 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, October 1 5 , 1 8 6 2 ; no further record.

GIESLEY, J A C O B . — A g e , 2 0 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Feb­ruary 2 3 , 1 8 6 5 ; no further record.

GILL, M A T H E W . — Age, 2 6 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and, mustered in as private, Co. D, Sep­tember 3 , 1 8 6 2 ; deserted in October, 1 8 6 2 , at Harpers Ferry, Ya.

G H L A H A M , G I L L I H A N and G I L L I G A N , see Gallaghan.

G I L L A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 1 9 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 2 4 , 1 8 6 4 ; no further record.

G H L E S P I E , B E R N A R D . — Age, 4 1 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 3 0 , 1 8 6 1 ; discharged for disability, November 7 , 1 8 6 3 , at United States General Hospital, Fort Columbus, N . Y .

GILLESPIE, J A M E S . — A g e , 2 5 years. Enlisted, October 1 0 , 1 8 6 1 , at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. K, November 1 7 , 1 8 6 1 ; wounded in action, July 1, 1 8 6 2 , at Malvern Hill , Ya. ; absent at muster-out of company.

G I L L I G A N , J A M E S . — Age, 3 5 years. Enlisted, Eebruary 1 8 , 1 8 6 4 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9', 1 8 6 4 ; killed in "action, May 5, IS64, at the Wilderness, Va.

G I L L I G A N , P E T E R . — Age, 2 5 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March 2 6 , 1 8 6 4 ; captured, May 2 6 , 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out on-individual roll, June 2 3 , 1 8 6 5 , at'New York city.

V O L . 2 9 ' — 9

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130 R E P O R T OE T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

G I L L I G A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 30 years. _ Enlisted at New' York city, to serve one year, and mnstered in as private, Oo. 0, March. 9, 1S65; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va., as Gillingan; also borne as Galligan.

GILMOUR, J E R E M I A H . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F, September 24, 1864; deserted, November 1, 1864, near Peters­burg, Va., as Gilmore.

GILROY, P E T E R . — Age, 41 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , March 24, 1862; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 16, 1864, at Petersburg, Va . ; died of bis wounds, June 30, 1864; also borne as Giliroy.

G I L T E M A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 15, 1862, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. K , August 18, 1862; died of disease, December 13, 1862, at Falmouth, Va.

G L A N N , see Glenn.

G L E A S O N , E D W A R D . — Private, Fifth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, no date; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; also borne as Edward F. Gleeson.

G L E A S O N , J O H N . — Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. N , August 20, 1862; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.

G L E A S O N , M A R T I N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, July 21, 1864; deserted, December 9, 1864.

G L E N N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. B, October 23, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Va. ; discharged, September 18, 1862, at General Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa. ; also borne, as Glann.

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G L E N N A N , P A T R I C E . — Age, 21 years. . Enlisted, Septem­ber IT, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 27, 1861; wounded in action, June 29, 1862, at "White Oak Swamp, Y a . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. E i n January or February, 1861; mustered out, September 20, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; also borne as Glennin , Glennon and Glinnen.

G L I D D O N , J O H N . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted, January 25, 1864, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; deserted, M a y 3, 1864, from camp at Stevensburg, Y a . ; also borne as Glidden.

G L I N N E N , see Glennan.

G L Y N E R , J O H N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Feb­ruary 10, 1864; wounded, M a y 31, 1864, at Todd's Tavern, V a . ; promoted corporal, no date; missing i n action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, V a . ; absent at muster-out of com­pany; also borne as G l y n , G l y n n and F l y n n .

G O E T S C H , see Goitsch.

G O E T Z E N G E R , A N D R E W . — • Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, C'o. D , August 30, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexan­dria, V a . ; also borne as Gretzinger, Gritzinger and Gutzinger.

G O F F , J E R E M I A H . — Age , 18 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Go. H , September 3, 1864; wounded, September 17, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; died of his wounds, November 17, 1864, at General Hospital , Beverly, N . J . , as Gough.

G O G A N , J A M E S . — Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 15, 1862; kil led i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; also borne as Gogin.

G O G A N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; no further record.

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132 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

GOITSOH, F E R D I N A N D . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out witli detach­ment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va., as Goretscb; also borne as Goetsch.

G O L D E N , E D W A R D . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, March 14, 1864; never joined regiment; also borne as Goldon.

G O L D E N , P E T E R . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 30, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. K , November 17, 1861; promoted sergeant, Octo­ber 8, 1862; died of disease, January 8, 1863, at Carver Gen­eral Hospital, Washington, D. C.

G O L D I N G , J O H N . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted, February 6, 1864, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Oo. A , March 9, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Va., and absent at muster-out of com­pany.

G O O D F I E L D , B E N J A M I N , see Gotfried Bergmann.

G O O D H U E , G E O R G E . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G , October 4, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alex­andria, Va.

G O R D O N , M A R T I N . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted, "January 23, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; deserted, February 4, 1864, at Hart Island, N . Y .

G O R E T S C H , see Goitscb.

G O R M A N , J O H N . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, February 13, 1865; never joined regiment.

G O R M A N , M A R T I N . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, January 21, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. 0, January 28, 1864; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya. ; deserted, July 20, 1864, from Finley Hospital, at Washington, D. C.

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G O R M A N , M I C H A E L . — Age , 30 years. Enlisted, September '30, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. K , December 20, 1861; deserted, December 15, 1862, at Falmouth , Y a .

G O R M A N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. E i n January or Feb­ruary, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

G O R M A N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, November 1, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K , November 17, 1861; no record subsequent to 'December 31, 1861.

G O R M L E Y , T H O M A S F . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, November 8, 1861; transferred to Co. P , June 12, 1863; mustered out, January 21, 1865, at New Y o r k city.

GOSS, Z A C H A R I A H . - — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, February 27, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as p r i ­vate, Co. A , March 9, 1864; discharged for disability, Novem­ber 1.7, 1864, at N e w Y o r k c ity ; also borne as Jack Gass.

G O S S O N , J O H N J . — Age, 35 years. Enrol led , September 20, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. B , October 15, 1861; as first lieutenant, Co. C, October 1, 1862; mustered out while absent, sick, to date June 12, 1863, on consolidation, as John Gozzon; also borne as Gasson and Gorson.

Commissioned second lieutenant, December 20, 1861, with rank from September 28, 1861, original ; first lieutenant, Janu­ary 22, 1863, with rank from October 1, 1862, vice G. Nagle, promoted.

G O U G H , see Goff.

G O U L D , G E O R G E . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, August 29, . 1864, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded, October 19, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company. '

G O Z Z O N , see Gosson.

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134 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

G R A C E , J O H N . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , September 27, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alex­andria, V a .

G R A H A M , J O H N . — Age , 19 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , October 13, 1861; discharged for disability, December 23, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city.

G R A H A M , J O H N . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at N e w York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. R , March 17, 1864; capture, June 22, 1864; died of disease, De­cember 14, 1864, at Salisbury, N . C.

G R A N S B U R Y , G E O R G E A — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, A u ­gust 20, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detach­ment, June 29, 1865, at White H a l l United States A r m y Gen­eral Hospital, Philadelphia, P a .

G R A P Z I N C K E , M A R S H W . ~ Age, 24 years. Enlisted, A u ­gust 30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. IT, September 3, 1864; absent without leave since October, 1864, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Grapzinke and Grapzinli .

G R A Y , J O H N . — Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Co. G, not stated; transferred to One Hundred and Twelfth Company, Second Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, no'date; discharged for disability, August 22, 1865.

G R A Y , see Grey.

G R A Y B I E L , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Pendleton, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 20, 1864; never joined regiment.

G R E A V E S , W A L L A C E . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, un­assigned, September 21, 1864; no furtber record.

G R E E N , C A R L . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k ' c i t y , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Janu­ary 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

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G R E E N , E D W A R D . — Age, 22 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 25, 1861; discbarged for disability, M a y 4, 1862, at Alexandria, Y a .

G R E E N , G E O R G E J . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 4, 1862; no furtber record.

G R E E N E , J A M E S . — • Age, ' 3T years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 1, 1864; never joined regiment.

G R E E N , J O H N . — Age , 25 years. Enl isted at Bergen, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 21, 1864; never joined regiment.

G R E E N E , E U G E N E . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, September •23, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 5, 1861; deserted, October 18, 1861.

G R E E Y E R , A N T H O N Y . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, Eebruary ,. 2, 1864, at Brooklyn,, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as pr i ­

vate, Co. E , Marcb 19', 1864; transferred to Co. K , no date; promoted corporal, no date; captured, October 30, 1864; mus­tered out on individual ro l l , J u l y 15, 1865, at New Y o r k c ity ; also borne as Antone Greevan, Antoine Greiver and Griever.

G R E T Z I N G E R , see Goetzenger.

G R E Y , O W E N W . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 13, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. B , November* 13, 1861; discbarged for disability, Novem­ber 4, 1862, at Camp Convalescent, Y a . ; also borne as Owne W . Gray.

G R I E V E R , A N T O I N E ; see Anthony Greever.

G R I E E I N , J A M E S . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 3, 1864; promoted corporal, M a y 1, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

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136 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

G R I F F I N , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 26, 1864:; deserted to the enemy, December 6, 1864, on picket i n front of Petersburg, V a . ; also borne as James Griffin.

G R I F F I N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, October 20, 1861, at Syracuse, to serve tbree years; mustered in as pr i ­vate, Oo. K , November 17, 1861; ki l led i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

G R I F F I N , W I L L I A M S . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Brook­l y n , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , January 19, 1864; promoted corporal, A p r i l 15, 1865; mus­tered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

G R I F F I T H , J O H N . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. 0, J u l y 11, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, V a . ; enlisted i n the Confederate A r m y , October 18, "1864, at Richmond, V a . ; absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Griffin and Griffitts.

G R I M E S , G E O R G E . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, August 30-, 1864, at Kingston, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Company H , September 3, 1864; deserted, January 1, 1865, f rom Stanton General Hospital, at Washington, D . C.

G R I T Z I N G E R , see Goetzenger.

G R O F F , T H O M A S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Company E , September 3, 1864; mustered out witb detach­ment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

G R O P P E , F R A N C I S . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vi l le , to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 17, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, V a . , arrived at Annapolis, M d . , and admitted to division hospital N o 1, Marcb 10, 1865; furlougbed, Marcb 16, 1865; absent at muster-out of company.

G R O S S , L U D W I G G . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted, Eebruary 10, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , Marcb 9, 1864; died of disease, J u l y 4, 1864, at Washington, D . C.

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G R O T E , J O H N . — Age , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , August 1, 1861; mustered out with, company, June 30, 1865, at A l e x ­andria, Y a .

G E O Y E R , C H A R L E S . - — Age , 18 years. Enlisted at Schenec­tady, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 29 ,1861 ; deserted, September 3, 1861, at Harts Island, New Y o r k harbor; also borne as Grouse and Gruse.

G R U N O W , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 26, 1861; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

G R U S E , see Grover.

G U I N O N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted, January 9, 1865, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , January 19, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Gannon and Guinan.

G U N T E R , H I L A R . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; never joined company

G U R N E Y " , see Garney.

G U T Z I N G E R , see Goetzenger.

H A A S , W I L L I A M . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Niagara, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 19, 1864; mustered out with conipany, June 30, 1865, at A lex ­andria, Y a . ; also borne as Hass.

H A C K E N H A M , see Huckenbam.

H A D B Y , see Hodby.

H A D S O N , R I C H A R D . — Age, date and place of enlistment, and muster in as private), Oo. A , not stated; joined company, March 21, 1865; no further record subsequent to March 31, 1865, as present. '• • . j

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138 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H A E L Y , C O N R A D . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 30, 1864; mustered out with, company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, Ya. ; also borne as Hally.

H A G A R T Y , B R Y A N . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. I, September 27, 1861; killed in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Ya. ; also borne as Haggerty.

H A G E R T Y , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York cityj, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, March 12, 1864; no furtber record.

H A G G E R T Y , J O H N . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted, September 24, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, October 22, 1861; died of disease, January 5, 1863, at Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D. 0.

H A G G E R T Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, January 30, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; miustered in as private, Co. G, February 22, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Hagerty and Haggarty.

H A G G I N , J O H N G . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Kingston, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; absent without leave at muster-out of company; also borne as Huggin, Haggan, and Johns tHaggen..

H A G I N , see Heghorn.

H A H L , see Hall.

H A L E S , T H O M A S . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, October 1, 1864; sergeant, January 1, 1S65; wounded, March 25, 1865; mus­tered out on individual roll, June 30, 1865, at Harewood Hospi­tal, Washington, D. O ; also borne as Hines.

H A I G H , E L Y . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1S64; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; discharged for disability, April 26, 1865, at York, Pa . ; also borne as Ilaig and Elijah Heigh.

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H A I P T , see Hipe .

H A I R E , F R A N K . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K , October 13j, 1 8 6 1 ; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; pa­roled, no date; died of disease, June 16, 1865, at Second Corps Hospital , near Alexandria, V a .

H A I S L I P , see Haysl ip .

H A L E Y , E D W A R D . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , Marcb 22 , 1 8 6 4 ; promoted corporal, no date; wounded, June 16, 1 8 6 4 ; discbarged for disability, November 15, 1864 , at Third Division General Hospital , Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Healey and H e a l y .

H A L E Y , J E R E M I A H . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted, Marcb 1, 1864;, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1 8 6 4 ; ki l led in action, M a y 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, V a .

H A L I C H S , B E N J A M I N . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with com­pany, June 30, 1865 , near Alexandria, V a .

' H A L L , G E O R G E . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 24, 1861 , at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as

' private, Co. I , September 27 , 1 8 6 1 ; captured, June 30', 1862 , at White Oak Swamp, V a . ; died while a prisoner of war, no date; also borne as H a h l .

H A L L , G E O R G E . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 2 1 , 1 8 6 4 ; no further record.

H A L L , M O R R I S , see Maurice H a r r .

H A L L , T H O M A S . — Age , 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, J u l y 7, 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

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140 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H A L L , W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 vears. Enlisted, October 3, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, 00. C, October 4, 1861; deserted, September 14, 1862, at Fred­erick, Md.

H A L L , W I L L I A M R., see Richard Halloran.

H A L L O R A N , E D W A R D . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years," and mustered in as private, Co. Bj, October 22, 1861; deserted, September 4, 1862, at George­town, D. C.; also borne as Adwerd Hallahan.

H A L L O R A N R I C H A R D , deserter from First District of Col­umbia Cavalry as William R. H a l l . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, this regiment, Marcb 9, 1865; wounded, no date; discharged for disability, July 29, 1865, at Washington, D. C.

H A L L Y , see Haely.

H A M I L T O N , E D W A R D . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted August 30, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861; wounded in action, Decem­ber 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; transferred to Co. F , in January or February, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, September 13, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya., on expiration of term of service.

H A M I L T O N , E D W A R D . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. 1, October 24, 1861; killed in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya.

H A M I L T O N , S A M U E L . — Age,, 31 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 15, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

H A M M O N D , J O H N II.— Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, January 23, 1864; never joined regiment.

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H A N C O C K , S U L L I V A N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, October 13, 1 8 6 1 , at Chicago, 111., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, November 9, 1 8 6 1 ; transferred to Fourth United States Artillery in February, 1862 .

H A N D , J A M E S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, October 30, 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, December 20j, 1 8 6 1 ; deserted in 1 8 6 1 , from Fort Schuyler, N . Y .

H A N D , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, October 5, 1 8 6 1 ; wounded in action, September 17, 1862 , at Antietam, Md. ; dis­charged for disability, November 24, 1862i, at Carver Hospital, Washington, D. 0 .

H A N D , J O H N . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at New York'city, to seiwe three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 8, 1 8 6 4 ; killed in action, June 3, 1864 , at Cold Harbor, Va.

H A N D , J O H N . — Age;, 30 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Marcb 25 , 1 8 6 4 ; killed in action, June 3, 1 8 6 4 , at Cold Harbor, Va.

H A N D , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 25), 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with company, June 30 , 1865 , at Alex­andria, Va.

H A N D , P A T R I C K . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted December 15 , 1863 , at Camden, to serve three years; mustered in as private, unassigned, December 18 , 1 8 6 3 ; never joined regiment.

H A N D E R H A N , see Hanrehan.

H A N D E R H A N , J O H N . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned;, October 4, 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment; also borne as Hander-ken.

H A N D L E Y , M A R T I N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned,

• August 19 , 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

H A N D R A H A N and H A N D R E H A N , see Henrehan.

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142 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H A N L O N , F E L I X . — Age, 43 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years,, and mustered in as private, Co. IT, No­vember 28, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Handlen, ITanlen and Hanlin; also appears in Co. 0.

H A N L O N , L A W R E N C E . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, February 6, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863,, and promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, July 8, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 14, 1864; transferred to Co. F , in Janu­ary or Eebruary, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough in 1864, at New York city.

H A N N A H , O L I V E R . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Wbeatfield, to serve three years;, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

H A N N A T T Y , see Hanratty.

H A N N O N , J O H N . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private Co. D, August 13, 1862; wounded in action, September IT, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; transferred to Oo. B, June 12, 1863, to Co. C„ Nineteenth Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; re-transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 14, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Hannan, Harman and Hennon.

H A N N O W A Y , JOHN.—Age,, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, January 2, 1864; never joined regiment; also borne as Hanoway.

H A N R A H A N , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, June 29, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

H A N R A H A N , see Henrehen.

H A N R A T T Y , J A M E S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Company I, October 30, 1861; transferred! to Co. A , June 12,, 1863; deserted, June IT, 1863, at Sangster Station, Md. ; also borne as Hannatty, TIennetty, Henratty and Hen-retty.

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H A R B I T , D A V I D . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted, March 1, 1864 , at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , M a r c h 9, 1 8 6 4 ; missing in action, May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, V a . , and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Harbet.

H A R D E N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1 8 6 1 , at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in ' as private, Co. I , September 27 , 1 8 6 1 ; discharged, to date De­cember 16, 1 8 6 2 ; also borne as Hardin .

H A R D Y , D A N I E L . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1 8 6 1 , at Brooklyn , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , October 2, 1 8 6 1 ; wounded i n action, Septemiber 17, 1862 , at Ant ietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, caused from wounds, January 6, 1863 , at Frederick, M d . ; also borne as H a r t y .

H A K E S , S A M U E L S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vi l le , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , October 4, 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with company, June 30, 18-65, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Harris .

H A B G R A V E S , J O H N . — Age, 34 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private-, unas­signed, August 29 , 1 8 6 2 ; no further record:-

H A R I G A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 19 years. Enl isted, February 25 , 1 8 6 4 , at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , March 9, 1 8 6 4 ; promoted corporal,, November 3, 1 8 6 4 ; sergeant, February 16, 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out witb com­pany, June 30, 1865 , at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as H a r r i -gan.

H A R L E Y , see Hur ley .

H A R M A N , see Hannon.

H A R N E Y , M A T T H E W . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , January 27 , 1 8 6 4 ; captured October 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, V a . ; . returned, M a y 25 , 1 8 6 5 ; mustered but with detach­ment, June 13 , 1865 , near Alexandria, V a .

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144 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H A R N E Y , P E T E R J . — Enlisted, August 23, 1862, at New York city), to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , no date; discharged for disability, March 11, 1863, at Baltimore, Md.

H A R N E Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, October 31, 1864; deserted to the enemy, December 24, 1864, before Petersburg, Ya. ; also borne as Havney.

H A R P E R , E D W A R D . - — Age, 35 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 18, 1861; deserted in August, 1862, from Captain Hazard's Battery.

H A R R , M A U R I C E . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, September 24, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. B, October 22., 1861; died in hospital, Washington, D. O , no date; also borne as Morris Hall, Haw, Hawe and Hewe.

H A R R I G A N , see Harrison.

H A R R I N G T O N , J A M E S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Wheat-field, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

H A R R I N G T O N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 6, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 23, 1865, at Mower LJospital, Philadelphia, Pa. ; also borne as Har-ington.

H A R R I S , G E O R G E . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, July 15, 1864; discharged for disability, June % 1865, at Wash­ington, D. C.

H A R R I S , G E O R G E . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, Sep­tember 1.9, *1864; ordered to be dropped at muster-out of com­pany; bis whereabouts, unknown.

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H A R R I S , J O H N . — Age , 28 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Go. K , March 22, 1864; mustered out, June 3, 1865, at A r m o r y Scmare Hos-pital, Washington, D . 0.

H A R R I S , S A M U E L , see Samuel S. Hares.

H A R R I S , W I L L I A M . — A g e 28 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K , Sep* tember 20, 1864; mustered out, June 2, 1865, at Washington, L V C

H A R R I S O N , J A M E S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at Ut ica , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 17, 1864; never joined regiment.

H A R R I S O N , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861-, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Oo. 0, September 24, 1861; deserted, November 18, •1861, at N e w Y o r k c i ty ; also borne as Harr igan , Horgan and John P . Harsen.

H A R S E N , see Harrison.

H A R T , G E O R G E W A S H I N G T O N . — Age, 42 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private), Co. E , October 23, 1861; promoted hospital steward, October 25, 1861; discharged for disability, March 5, 1863; also borne as George K .

H A R T , J A M E S . — Age, 37 years." Enlisted, Pebruary 25, 1864, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; died of disease, June 5, 1865, at P h i l a ­delphia, P a .

H A R T M A N , G E O R G E W . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, October 7, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. K , December 20, 1861; deserted, June 29, 1862, at Savage Station,, Y a . ; also borne as Hertman.

H A R T N E D Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, December 14, 1863; never joined regiment; also borne as Hartreddy.

H A R T Y , see Hardy . Von. 2 0 — 1 0

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14:6 R E P O R T OE T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H A R Y E Y , JOHN.—• Age, 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. E, October 2, 1861; promoted corporal,-no date; sergeant, Janu­ary 1, 1863; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. E, in January or February, 1864; returned to ranks February 21, 1864; mustered out, October 10, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya.

H A R W O O D , H E N R Y . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861,, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 27, 1861; transferred to'Co. R, no date; deserted, June 30, 1863, at Uniontown, Md. ; also borne as Hawood and Herwood.

HASS, W I L L I A M , see Haas.

H A S S O N , JAMES.—• Age, 30 years. Enlisted, September 20, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, October 16, 1861; re-enlisted as to veteran, De­cember 21, 1863; promoted corporal in December, 1863; de­serted on expiration of furlough, Eebruary 5, 1864, at New York city; also borne as Hassan and Hassen."

H A Y E N I C K , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, August 1„ 1864; captured, August 20, 1864, at Deep Run, Va . ; paroled, September 12, 1864, at Varina, Va. ; transferred to Second Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 13, 1865..

H A V E N S , F O S T E R B.—• Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H, September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachments, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Hayes.

H A V N E Y , see Harney.

H A W and H A W E , see Maurice Harr.

H A W O O D , see Harwood.

H A Y E S , F O R S T E R , see Foster B. Havens.

H A Y E S , G E O R G E . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co.- I}, October 24, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; discharged for disability, October 9, 1862, at Fort Monroe, Va.

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H A Y E S , P A T R I C K . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted, March 10, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as privates, Co. K, March 18, 1864; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va., and absent at muster-out of company.

H A Y E S , R I C H A R D S.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.

H A Y E S , R O B E R T . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. IT, October 12, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; wounded and captured in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; no record subsequent to April 30, 1865, as in prison at Richmond, Va., October 31, 1863; also borne as Hays.

H A Y E S , T H O M A S . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, August 27, 1862; discharged for disability, February 6, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Va.

H A Y S , J O H N F . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve tbree years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. K, December 20, 1861; wounded in action and died. July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Va.

H A Y S L I P , G E O R G E . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. B, October 25, 1861; promoted sergeant, Au­gust 18, 1862; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Va., on consolidation; also borne as Haislip and Heyslip.

H A Y r W A R D , see Heywood.

H E A L E Y and H E A L Y , see Haley.

H E A L E Y , E D W A R D . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 10, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; discharged for disability, February 14, 1863, at Convelascent Camp, Va . ; also borne as Healey and Healy.

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H E A L Y , M I C H A E L — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, November 18, 1862; no further record.

H E A L Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 6, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Ya . ; paroled, no date; mustered out, August 4, 1865, at New York city.

H E A N Y , A R T H U R . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, April 6, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K , April 16, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; paroled, no date; mustered out, June 20, 1865, at Camp Chase, Ohio; also borne as Heaney, Heeney, Heney, Keaneay and Keaney.

B E A N Y , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 27, 1861; wounded in action, June 29, 1862, at White Oak Swamp, Ya. ; deserted, January 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Ya. ; also borne as Heeny.

H E A N Y , J O H N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Febru­ary 23, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Heaney, Heeney, Elena and Heney.

H E A R N , J O H N . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, C'o. B, Sep­tember 28, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hil l , Ya . ; discharged for disability, December 3, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa.

H E A S T O N , J A M E S H E N R Y . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as pri­vate, unassigned, March 12, 1864; never joined regiment; also borne as Heuston.

H E A T H E R W O O D , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 23, 1861; killed in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Y a . ; also borne at Heatbwood, Heetwood and Fleetwood.

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H E B A R T , D A V I D . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Go. D, August 25, 1864:; promoted corporal, September 9 , 1864; sergeant, Janu­ary 1, 1865; returned to ranks, March 1, 1865; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Herbert.

H E D D E R M A N , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A, July 8, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

H E D F I N , R O B E R T . — Age, 16 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as driimmer, Oo. H, October 5, 1861; deserted, July 3, 1862, at Harrisons Landing, Va.

H E E N A N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 2, 1861; deserted, same date, at New York city.

H E E N E Y and H E E N Y , see Heany.

H E E T W O O D , see Heatherwood.

H E F F E R N , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861"; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1863; trans­ferred to Co. F in January or February, 1864; promoted ser­geant, February 11, 1864; returned to ranks, April 19, 1864; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; died of his wounds, November 21, 1864, at General Hospital, Alexan­dria, Va . ; also borne as Heffron and Hefron.

H E F F E R M A N , J O H N . — Age, 29' years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 15, 1864; deserted from camp to the enemy, Octo­ber 26, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. ; also borne as Hetfernan.

H E F F E R N A N , J O L L N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, October 4, 1864, at Tompkinsville, to serve one year; mustered in as pri­vate, Oo. B, October 5, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as HefTerman.

H E F F R O N , see Heffern.

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H E G H O R N , E R A N C I S . — A g e , I S years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 5, 1861; missing in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at M a l ­vern H i l l , Y a . ; no further record; also borne as Hag im.

H E I D T , A L L E N P . , see George W . Anderson.

H E I G H , E L I J A H , see E l y Haigb .

H E I N T Z , W O L F G A N G . — Age, 42 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 5, 1864; no further record.

H E N A , see Heany.

H E N D E R S O N , J O S E P H . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, February 11, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. G, February 16, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania Court House, Y a . ; discharged for wounds, June 23, 1865, at West Philadelphia, Pa .

H E N D R I C N , H E N R Y , see Heinr ich Kundegg.

H E N D R I C K , R I C H A R D . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, January 18, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded in action, M a y 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Y a . ; discharged, to date Septem­ber 28, 1864; also borne as Hendricks and Henricks.

H E N D R I C K S O N , see Herrickson.

H E P E G H A N , J A M E S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K , A p r i l 11, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at A lex ­andria, Y a .

H E N E S S Y , see Henry .

H E N E Y , see Heany.

H E N N E R Y , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, October 14, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 24, 1861; deserted, November 1, 1861; also borne as Henry .

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H E N N E S S E Y , J A M E S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; discbarged for disability, September 6, 1862, at Eort Monroe, Y a . ; also borne as H e n -nessy and Hennesy.

H E N N E S S E Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , Septem­ber 21, 1861; captured on picket, October 29, 1861, near Peters* burg, Y a . ; absent at Annapolis, M d . , at muster-out of com­pany; also borne as Hinnessey and Hennessy.

H E N N E T T Y , see Hanratty.

H E N N I N G H A M , J A M E S . — Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Co. X , not stated; joined for service, May 17, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; no record subsequent to M a y 31, 1865.

H E N N I O N , W I L L I A M H . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, January 23, 1864; no furtber record.

H E N N O N , see Hannon.

H E N R A T T Y and H E N R E T T Y , see Hanratty.

H E N R E H A N , J O H N . — Age , 39 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 4, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, Y a . ; also borne as Handerhan, Handrahan, Handrehan and Hanrahan.

H E N R I C K S , see Hendricks.

H E N R I C K S O N , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, December 8, 1862; no further record.

H E N R I C K S O N , see Herrickson.

H E N R Y , G E O R G E . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 21, 1864; no further record. -

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H E N R Y , J A M E S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. 0 , Febru­ary 6, 1862; deserted, September 15, 1862, before Antietam, Md.

H E N R Y , M I C H A E L — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, July 1, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; paroled, no date; absent, sick, at muster-out of company; also borne as Hennessy.

B E N S O N , see Hinson.

H E R B E R T , C H A R L E S . — Age, 21 year. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, July 23, 1864; wounded in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Sta­tion, Ya . ; discharged for disability, June 9, 1865, at New York city. •

H E R B E R T , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New York citv, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 21, 1861; killed in action, June 1, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Ya.

H E R B E R T , W I L L I A M . — Age, 20 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 28, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863, and transferred to Co. G ; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. A , November 1, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

Commissioned second lieutenant, February 9, 1865, with rank from November 1, 1864, vice R. McKinley, promoted.

H E R B E R T , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 17 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. 3£, March 9, 1864; appointed drummer, no date; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

H E R B E R T , see Hebart.

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H E R R I CKS ON, A L E X A N D E R . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in-as private, Co. C, July 2, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Va. ; mustered out on individual roll, July 8, 1865, at Jarvis Hospital, Baltimore, Md.; also borne as Hen-drickson and Henrickson.

H E R S H E L , H U B E R T . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 21, 1864; wounded in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilder­ness, Va., and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Herbert Hershell and Bobert Hershel.

H E R T M A N , see Hartman.

H E R W O O D , see Harwood.

H E U S T O N , see Heaston.

H E W E , MOBRIS, see Maurice Uarr.

H E W E T T , T H O M A S . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, September 22, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

H E W I S O N , E M I L . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 22, 1864; never'joined regiment.

H E W I T T , J A M E S . — Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Oo. C, not stated; no further record.

H E W I T T , J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , September 23, 1861; deserted, May 1, 1863, at Falmouth, Va. ; also borne as Hewett.

H E Y S L I P , see Hayslip.

H E Y W O O D , J A M E S . — Age, 41 years. Enlisted, February 18, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. A , March 9, 1864; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; died of his wounds, June 30, 1864, at Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Hayward.

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154 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

. H I C K E Y , J O H N . — Age, 45 years. Enlisted, October 6, 1862, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. K, November 17, 1862; transferred to Twenty-ninth Com-

• pany, Second Battalion, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; dis­charged, November 16, 1865, at Fort Monroe, Ya.

H I C K E Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas-eigned, October 4, 1862; no furtber record.

H I C K E Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 19, 1864; no record subsequent to September 24, 1864, as delivered at City Point, Ya., that date.

H I C K E Y , P E T E R . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. 0 , August 20, 1862; deserted from camp, December 17, 1862, near Falmouth, Va.

H I C K S , T H O M A S . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private,

' Co. .0, October 11, 1861; discharged for disability, August 1, 1862, at New York city.

HIGGINS, J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 8, 1864; promoted corporal, February 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.

HIGGINS, J O H N . — Enlisted, July 30, 1862, at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, no date; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.

HIGGINS, THOMAS.—Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , February 10, 1862; deserted, October 28, 1862, at Baltimore, Md.

HIGGINS, W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, November 19, 1861, at Philadelphia, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, December 20, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F in January or February, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 22, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; paroled, Marcb 1, 1865; died, April 4, 1865, while on furlough; also borne as Higgin, and William Higgins, No. 2,

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H I G G I N S , W I L L I A M . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I , January 1, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. E , in January or Eebruary, 1861; absent, missing i n action, M a y 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, V a . . and at muster-out of company; also borne as W i l l i a m Higgins, No . 1.

H I G G I N S , W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered i n as p r i ­vate, Co. H , September 3, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, V a . ; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

H I L B U R N , H E N R Y — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, March 28, 1864; no further record.

H I L L , W I L L I A M . — Age, 43 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 7, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at A lex ­andria, V a .

H I N E S , see Haies.

H I N N E S S E Y , see Hennessey.

H I N S O N , H E N R Y . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, January 18, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; ki l led i n action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor , Y a . ; also borne as Henson.

H I P E , J O S E P H . — Age, 44 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, un­assigned, September 3, 1864; wounded in camp, M a r c h 25, 1865; mustered out, J u l y 22, 1865, at New Y o r k city; also borne as Haipt .

H O A G , L E V I . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 12, 1864; no further record.

H O B A N , J O S E P H . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; first sergeant, December 25, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; deserted, J u l y 8, 1863, at Frederick, M d . ; also borne as Hob en.

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H O B A N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 43 years. E n l i s t e d , A u g u s t 29, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city , to serve tliree y e a r s ; mustered i n as p r i v a t e , C o . G , September 7, 1861 ; k i l l e d i n action, September 17, 1862, at A n t i e t a m , M d . ; also borne as H o b e n .

H O B B , H E N R Y . — A g e , date, place of enlistment, a n d muster i n as pr ivate , C o . D , not stated; jo ined company , M a y 21, 1865 ; absent w i t h o u t leave since J u n e 13, 1865, and at m u s t e r - o u t of c o m p a n y ; also b o r n e a s ' H o b b s .

H O B E N , see H o b a n .

H O B B S , C L A R K . — A g e , date, place of enlistment, a n d m u s ­t e r - i n as p r i v a t e , C o . C , not stated; m u s t e r e d out, A u g u s t 29 , 1865 , at S l o u g h , U n i t e d States G e n e r a l H o s p i t a l , A l e x a n d r i a , Y a .

H O D B Y , B E N J A M I N . — A g e , 21 years . E n l i s t e d at Schenec­t a d y , to serve three years , a n d m u s t e r e d i n as pr ivate , C o . D , A u g u s t 29, 1864 ; wounded i n act ion , M a r c h 25, 1865, be fore P e t e r s b u r g , Y a . ; m u s t e r e d out w i t b detachment , J u n e 23, 1865, at M o w e r U n i t e d States G e n e r a l H o s p i t a l , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a . ; also borne as H a d by .

H O E Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 35 years . E n l i s t e d , October 2, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three y e a r s ; m u s t e r e d i n as p r i v a t e , C o . 0 , O c t o b e r 3, 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, N o v e m b e r 1, 1861, at F o r t S c h u y l e r , N . Y .

H O E Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 21 years . E n l i s t e d , October 2, 1861 , at N e w Y o r k city , to serve three y e a r s ; mustered i n as pr ivate , C o . IT, O c t o b e r 12, 1861 ; w o u n d e d and m i s s i n g i n action, J u l y

T , 1862, at M a l v e r n H i l l , Y a . ; n o f u r t b e r record .

H O G A N , J A M E S . — A g e , 44 years . E n l i s t e d at N e w Y o r k c i t y , to serve tbree years, and m u s t e r e d i n as pr ivate , C o . K , M a r c h 15, 1 8 6 4 ; c a p t u r e d , A u g u s t 25, 1864, near P e t e r s b u r g , Y a . ; d ied of disease, M a r c h 4, 1865, whi le prisoner of w a r ; p lace not stated.

H O G A N , J O H N . — A g e , 32 years . E n l i s t e d at N e w Y o r k c i t y , to serve three years, and m u s t e r e d i n as pr ivate , C o . K , M a r c h 19, 1 8 6 4 ; deserted o n expirat ion of f u r l o u g h , J u n e 17, 1864, f r o m C a m p b e l l H o s p i t a l , W a s h i n g t o n , D . C .

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H O G A N , M O R G A N . — A g e , 43 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. X , December 20, 1861; deserted in 1861, from Eort Schuyler, N . Yr.

H O G A N , R O G E R . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve, three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 27, 1862; no further record.

H O G A N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, -Eebruary 9, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

H O L A H A N , D E N N I S . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, August 9, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. E , in January or February, 1864; mustered out with detach­ment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Holo-han, Hoolahan, Hoolihan, Hoolohan, and Houlohan.

H O L D E N , J O H N . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 19, 1864; died of disease, March 21, 1865, at Camp Parole Hospital, Annapolis, Md.

H O L D E N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, March 9, 1864; no further record.

H O L L A N D , P A T R I C K . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, February 11, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; wounded in action, June 16, 1864, before Petersburg, Ya. ; promoted sergeant, no date; re­turned to ranks, February 15, 1865; promoted corporal, March 25, 1865; sergeant, June'-9, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; veteran.

H O L L I N G S W O R T H , J O H N B . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as pri­vate, unassigned, February 19, 1864; deserted, May 3, 1864.

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P I O L M E S , T H O M A S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, February 1, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , February 13, 1864; wounded i n action, Marcb 25, 1865, at Hatcher's R u n , Y a . ; died of bis wounds, A p r i l 15, 1865, at Stanton Hospital , Washington, D . C.

H O L M E S , T H O M A S . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, February 13, 1865; never joined regiment.

H O L M E S , W I L L I A M . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted, February 6, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; deserted, May 29, 1864, f rom Emory Hospital , Washington, D . C.

H O L T , W I L L I A M . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August -29, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; absent, wounded, since October 30; 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . , and at muster-out of company.

H O M E R , J O H N . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, September 16, 1862; no furtber record.

H O O L A H A N , H O O L I H A N , and H O O L O H A N , see Holaban.

' H O O P E R , J A C O B . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 16, 1861; deserted, November 12, 1861, at For t Schuyler, N . Y .

H O O P E R , P E T E R . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 1, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, Y a .

H O R A N , A N T H O N Y . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, October 28, 1862; no furtber record.

H O R A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted, October 7> 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 8, 1861; k i l led in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a .

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H O R G A N , see Harrison.

H O R N B E C K , H E N R Y . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 16, 1 8 6 5 ; promoted sergeant, May 1, 1 8 6 5 ; mus­tered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Henry B.

H O R S M A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Niagara, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Sep­tember 2 1 , 1 8 6 4 ; promoted.corporal, June 1, 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out with company, June 30 , 1865 , at Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Horseman.

H O R T O N , D A V I D Y — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September

. 16, 1 8 6 4 ; deserted from camp, September 23 , 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; also borne as Hoten.

H O R T O N , H O R A L . — A g e , 19' years. Enlisted, August 25 , 1864 , at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Oo. H , September 3, 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out on individual roll, July 12, 1 8 6 5 , at Albany, N . Y . ; also borne as Cobeb Ooval, Oovel, Oovell, Hood, Hovel, and Lovill Horton.

H O U L O H A N , see H O L A H A N .

H O T E N , see Horton.

- H O H R Y , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864 , at Kingston, to seiwe three years; mustered in as private, Oo, H , September 3, 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out, June 5, 1 8 6 5 , at Alex* andria, Va . ; also borne as Hourley and Hourly.

H O W A R D , E D W A R D . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 6, 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

H O W A R D , G E O R G E . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. C, July 15 , 1 8 6 4 ; deserted in October. 1864, near Petersburg, Va,

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H O W A R D , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 9, 1861; deserted, August 28, 1862, at Alexandria, Ya.

H O W A R D , J O H N II.— Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, Sep­tember 20, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864; returned, May 17, 1865; mustered out with, detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

H O W A R D , W I L L I A M . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Oc­tober 7, 1864; never joined regiment.

H O W A R T H , J O H N IT.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, August 4, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; discharged for disability, December 31, 1862, at United States General Hospital, Frederick, Md.

H O W E , G E O R G E W . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Schenec­tady, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Au­gust 29, 1864; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as How.

H O W L A Y , A N D R E W . — A g e , date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. H , not stated; discharged for dis­ability, July 3, 1865, at Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C.

H O W L E Y , J O H N . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as private, Co. H , not stated; no record subsequent to May 31, 1865, as absent, sick and wounded.

H U B N E R , J A C O B . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, February 23, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Oo. A, March 9, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Ya., and absent at muster-out of company.

H U C K E N H A M , C O N R A D . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tar­rytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 30, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Hackenbam.

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HUDSON, J O H N . — Age, 2 5 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 2 6 , 1 8 6 2 ; no further record.

H U E K I T , - G E O R G E . — Age, 2 2 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, July 2 , 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

H U G G I N , see Haggin.

H U G H E S , C H A R L E S . — Age, 3 0 years. Enlisted, October 7, I S 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. I, October 3 0 , 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, September 1 4 , 1 8 6 2 , at South Mountain, Va.

H U G H E S , C H A R L E S . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Oo. D, not stated; deserted, October 1 , 1 8 6 4 .

H U G H E S , C H A R L E S W . — Age, 1 8 years. Enlisted at Niag­ara, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, September 2 2 , 1 S 6 4 ; mustered out with company, June 3 0 , 1 8 6 5 , at Alexandria, Va.

H U G H E S , H U G H . — Enlisted, October 2 4 , 1 8 6 2 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, No­vember 1 7 , 1 8 6 2 ; transferred to Co. E , Eirst Regiment, Vet­eran Reserve Corps, December 1 2 , 1 8 6 3 ; discharged, June 1 7 , 1 8 6 5 , at Washington, D. C.

• H U G H E S , M I C H A E L . — Age, 3 6 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, November 2 0 , 1 8 6 1 ; discharged for disability, September 3 0 , 1 8 6 2 , at Fort Monroe, Va.

H U G H E S , M I C H A E L . — Age, 2 3 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 2 4 , 1 8 6 4 ; captured in action, October 3 0 , 1 8 6 4 , near Petersburg, Va. ; paroled in March, 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out, June 1, 1 8 6 5 , at Annapolis, Md.

H U G H E S , P A T R I C K . — Age, 1 9 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve 'three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 1 9 , 1 8 6 4 ; absent, wounded in action since May 5, 1 8 6 4 , at the Wilderness, Va., and at muster-out of company.

V O L . 2 9 — 1 1

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H U G H E S , P A T R I C K H . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detaclnhent, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.

H U G H E S , P E T E R . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, October 5, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 30, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 13, 1863; mustered out, September 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., on expiration term of service; also borne as Hughs.

H U G H E S , R O B E R T . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as private, Co. E, not stated; no record subsequent to May 31, 1865, as absent, sick.

H U G H E S , T H O M A S . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 4, 1861; transferred to Co. E In January or Eebru­ary, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; returned to ranks, Oc­tober 1, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

H U G H E S , T H O M A S . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as' private, unas­signed, September 4, 1862; no further record.

H U G H S , see Hughes.

H U M P H R E Y S , W I L L I A M . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, Oc­tober 3, 1864, at New York city, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. B, October 6, 1864; mustered out with-de­tachment, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as Humphrey.

H U N T E R , E D W A R D . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 12, 1864; mustered out on individual roll, June 19, 1865, at Washington, D. O ; also borne as William Hunter.

H U R L E Y , J O H N . — Age, 45 years. Enrolled, November 1, 1862, at Washington, D. O , to serve three years; mustered in as assistant surgeon, December 1, 1862; killed accidentally, April 15, 1863, at camp, near Ealmoutb, Va. ; prior service as assistant surgeon, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Infantry; also borne as Harley.

Commissioned assistant surgeon, November 17, 1862, with rank from November 8, 1862, additional.

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H U R L E Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0 , October 21, 1861; deserted from camp, December 17, 1862, near Ealmontb, Y a .

H U S S E Y , J A M E S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, nnassigned, A p r i l 29, 1864; no furtber record.

H U T C H I N S O N , E L I J A H — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G, Eebruary 1, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; died of disease, February 9, 1865, at Salisbury, N . C . ; also borne as Hutchinson.

H Y A T T , J O H N C — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 29', 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3,_ 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

I R E , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , February 1, 1864; wounded i n action, M a y 10, 1864, at Po River , Y a . ; promoted corporal, A p r i l 15, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya .

I G L E S T E E N , G U S T A Y U S L . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, October 20, 1864; no further record.

I N G H A M , W I L L I A M . — Age, 42 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F , J u l y 27, 1864; died of disease, October 6, 1864, at division hospital, in front of Petersburg, Y a .

I N S L E E , T H O M A S T — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 20, 1864, at New Y o r k city, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, unassigned, September 21, 1864; no further record.

I R Y I N , F R A N K . — A g e , 43 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 9, 1864; no further record.

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I R W I N , R I C H A R D . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0, J u l y 22, 1864; promoted corporal, October 10, 1864; cap­tured in action, October 30, 1864, before Petersburg, Y a . ; sent from Richmond, V a . , to Salisbury, N . O , where he joined the Confederate army, December 13, 1864; absent at muster-out of company.

J A C O B S O N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, January 18, 1864, i n Firs t Congressional district, to'serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; transferred to Co. G , Nineteenth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, Jan­uary 21, 1865; discharged for disability, caused from wounds, March 21, 1865, at For t Porter, Buffalo, N . Y .

J A M E S , J O H N . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , March 31, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

J A M E S , see Jeems.

J A N T Z E N , J O H N . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, August 19, 1863; never joined regiment.

J E B B I T T , E L I S H A . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, October 8, 1864; no further record.

J E E M S , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , Febru­ary 11, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as James.

J E N K S , T H E O D O R E . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 8, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

J E N N I N G S , J A M E S . — A g e , 40 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , September 15, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

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J E N N I N G S , T H O M A S . — Age , 25 years. Enlisted at N e w York city,, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , October 24, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, March 26, 1865, at New Y o r k city.

J E S S U P , J A C O B . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 15, 1864; mustered out with detachment, M a y 9, 1865, at Harts Island, N e w Y o r k harbor, as Joseph Jessup.

J O H A N ST O N , see Johnston.

J O H N S O N , see Jopson.

J O H N S O N , F R A N C I S . — Age, 41 years. Enlisted, January 20, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; missing i n action, June 22, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; no record subsequent to March 31, 1865, as absent, sick.

J O H N S O N , H E N R Y . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as private, Co. X , not stated; captured, August 21, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; paroled, October 1, 1S64; discharged, J u l y 1, 1865, at Annapolis, Ind.

J O H N S O N , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 1, 1864; never joined regiment,

J O H N S O N , J O H N , R I C H A R D , and R O B E R T , see John R Johnston.

J O H N S O N , P E T E R . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , October 13, 1861; sent to Camp Parole, Annapolis, M d . , August 28, 1862; no further record.

J O H N S O N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 13, 1861; deserted, September 14, 1861, at Park Barracks, New Y o r k city.

J O H N S O N , W I L L I A M H . — Age, 44 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, November 12, 1862; no further record.

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J O H N S T O N , G E O R G E I L — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted at Pough­keepsie, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Oo. D, August 29', 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also "borne as Johnson.

' J O H N S T O N , J O H N R . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at N e w York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0, October 12, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, be­fore Petersburg, V a . ; exchanged and returned to duty, May 25, 1865; mustered out, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Johanston, John, Richard and Robert Johnson.

J O H N S T O N , O L E . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at N e w York city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , March 18, 1864; transferred to Twelfth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, November 24, 1864; discharged, August 11, 1865, at Washington, D . O; also borne as Johnson.

J O H N S T O N , R O B E R T . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , M a r c h 29, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864; returned to duty, A p r i l 23, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Johnson.

J O H N S T O N , T H O M A S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 26, 1864; promoted corporal, October 1, 1864; sergeant, Oc­tober 12, 1864; returned to ranks, March 1, 1865; again pro­moted corporal, June 6, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Johnson.

J O N E S , M O R R I S . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Oc­tober 11, 1864; no furtber record.

J O N E S , P A R T E A N D — Age, date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. I , not stated; recruit, joined for ser­vice, Marcb 7, 1865, at Petersburg, Y a . ; no further record.

J O N E S , S A M U E L . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Troy, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; deserted to the enemy, on picket line, De­cember 12, 1864, in front of Fort Cummings, V a .

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JONES, T H O M A S . — A g e , 39' years. Enlisted, January 16, 1864, at-Brooklyn, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded, June 3, 1864, at the Wil­derness, Ya., and absent at muster-out of company.

JOPSON, . L U X E . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. X , Septem-tember 19, 1864; captured in action, March 31, 1S65, at White Oak Bidge, Ya. ; paroled, no date; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Jobson.

J O R D A N , C H A R L E S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and .mustered in as private, unas­signed, August 25, 1862; no further record.

J O R D A N , J O H N , see Charles M. Jordon.

J O R D A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 27, 1861; no record subsequent to June, 1862, as absent; also borne as Henry Jordan, and Jordon.

J O R D A N , T H O M A S F . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private., Co. 0, October 8, 1861; deserted, October 30, 1861, at Fort Schuy­ler, N . Y .

J O R D O N , C H A R L E S M.—Age , 34 years. Enlisted, August 30,. 1864, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, September 5, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. ; confined at Richmond, Ya., October 31, 1864; sent to Salisbury, N . O , November 4, 1864; absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Charles H . Jorden, and John Jordan.

J U D G E , . J O H N — E n l i s t e d , September 24, 1862, at New Yrork eity, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, No­vember 19, 1862; discharged, July 26, 1865, at hospital, New York city.

K A I N , J O H N . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, F , October 26, 1861; wounded, June 30, 1862, at White Oak Swamp, Ya. ; again wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Ya. ; transferred to "Oo. A , June 12, 1863; deserted, no date; also borne as Kane and Kean.

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K A I R N S , see Kearns.

K A L L A H E R , J O H N — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New -York eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, C'o. E , November 7, 1 8 6 1 ; wounded in action, September 17, 1862 , at Antietam, Md.; died of bis wounds, October 25, 1862 , at Con­vent Hospital, Frederick,, Md.

K A L L E N B A C K , C H R I S T I A N . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, Au­gust 30 , 1864 , at Kingston, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. II, September 3, 1 8 6 4 ; missing in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya., and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Kallenbrook and Callenbrook.

K A N E , E U G E N E . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, March 7, 1 8 6 4 ; captured in action, October 30, 1864, before Peters­burg, Ya . ; exchanged and returned to duty, May 25 , 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out with detachment, June 13 , 1865, near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Keane.

K A N E , GEORGE.—Age; , 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Novem­ber 21, 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, June 16, 1 8 6 3 ; also borne as Kain and Kean.

K A N E , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Septem­ber 18, 1 8 6 1 ; wounded in action, December 13„ 1862 , at Fred­ericksburg, Va. ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1 8 6 3 ; promoted corporal, no date; transferred to Oo. F in January or February, 1 8 6 4 ; to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 6, 1864.

K A N E , M I C H A E L — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October I5i . 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, October 26, 1861 .

K A N E , P A T R I C K . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Septem­ber 13, 1 8 6 4 ; deserted to the enemy, December 9, 1864 , from packet, near Petersburg, Va.

K A N E , see Kean and Kain.

K A N E , see Cain.

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K A S H , J O H N . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted,, October 14, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to- serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, October 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; discharged for disability, December 11, 1863, at N e w Y o r k city; also borne as Cash.

X A S T N E R , R I O H A R D . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , January 19, 1864; 'wounded i n action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Y a . ; transferred to Co. G , Nineteenth Regiment, Y e t ­eran Reserve Corps, January 24, 1865, mustered out, August 4, 1865, at Buffalo, N . Y .

X A T A B A , see Koteba.

K A U E M A N , E R A N K . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded, M a r c h 25, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30;, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

K A V A N A G H , see Cavanagh.

K A V A N A H G H , G A R R E T . — Age , 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 7, 1862; deserted, August 10, 1862, at Harrisons Landing, V a .

K A V E R , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to seiwe one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 30, 1864; no further record.

K E A N , T H O M A S B . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered i n as corporal, Co. K , November 17, 1861; discharged, October 25, 1862, to join Second United States A r t i l l e r y ; also borne as Kane and Kene.

K E A N E and K E A N , see Kane .

K E A N E A Y and K E A N E Y , see Keany .

K E A N E Y , J O H N . — Age, 18 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, M a r c h 23, 1864; never joined regiment.

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170 R E P O R T OE T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

K E A R N E Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 14, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Ya. ; discharged, June 12, 1865, at McDougall Hos­pital, New York city; also borne as Kearny.

K E A R N E Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , July 31, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va.; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F , no date; promoted sergeant, January 3, 1864; first ser­geant, May 16, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Va . ; promoted sergeant-major, March 1, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as James, and as Carney.

K E A R N E Y , see Carney.

K E A R N E S , J O H N . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New* York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Sep­tember 20, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, before Peters­burg, Va. ; escaped and returned to duty, May 2, 1865; mus­tered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as Kairns, Kerins, Kerns and Kereance.

K E E B E R T Z , see Kyburtz.

K E E F E , D A N I E L . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , June 30, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, near Petersburg, Va . ; died, January 30, 1865, at Salisbury, N . O ; also borne as O'Keefe.

K E E F E , R I C H A R D . — Age, 41 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 26, 1864; killed in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsyl­vania Court House, Va.

K E E G A N , B E R N A R D . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 1, 1864; never joined regiment.

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K E E G A N , R I C H A R D . — Age , 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. B , August 18, 1862; ki l led i n action, December 13, 1862, at Ered­ericksburg, Y a . i

K E E G A N , see Keogan.

K E E G A N , see K u g a n .

K E E L E R , E R A N K . — Age , 22 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, 'Oo. G , February 1, 1861; captured, June 22, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; joined Confederate A r m y ; recaptured, no date; on taking oath of allegiance, released f rom confinement, at Nashville, Tenn. ; mustered out, J u l y 18, 1865, to date, June 30, 1865, at N e w Y o r k city.

K E E L T , see K e i l t .

K E E N A N , J A M E S . — Age , 32 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , October 3, 1861; k i l led i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a .

K E E N E N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as corporal, Co. I , December 26,, 1861; promoted sergeant, J u l y 1, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; mustered out, June 12, 1863, near Ealmouth, Y a . , on con­solidation; also borne as Michael L . Keenan.

K E E S E L R , see Kesler.

K E H O E , J O H N . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 5, 1861; deserted, June 27, 1862, at F a i r Oaks, Y a .

K E I L T , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at New Y r ork city, to seiwe tliree years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. C, October 11, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; died of his wounds, October 25, 1862; also borne as Keel t .

K E I R E Y " , see K i e r y .

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172 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

K E L L E H E R , R I C H A R D . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted', November 14, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in. as private, Co. B , November 23, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; discharged for disability, No­vember 28, 1862, near Falmouth, V a .

K E L L E H E R , R I C H A R D . — Age, 23 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March 22, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as K e l l i e r and Kel l iher .

K E L L E R , L E O . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 29, 1864; deserted to the enemy, December 13, 1864, while on picket i n front of Petersburg, V a .

K E L L E Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 34 years. Enrol led, September 9, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as lieutenant-colonel, November 8, 1861; mustered out while ab­sent, sick, to date June 12, 1863, on consolidation, as K e l l y .

Commissioned lieutenant-colonel,, December 20, 1861, with rank from November 2, 1861; original.

K E L L E Y , J O H N . — Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Co. E , not stated; transferred to One Hundredth Company, Second Battalion, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged, August 14, 1864.

K E L L E Y , P H I L L I P D . — Age, 42 years. Enlisted at N e w York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 29, 1864; absent, sick since May, 1S65, and at muster-out of company; also borne as K e l l y .

K E L L Y , A R T H U R . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. G , September 18, 1861; promoted sergeant, Octo­ber 7, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863, as a private; promoted, no date; transferred to Co. F i n January or Febru­ary, 1864; promoted sergeant, M a y 18, 1864; mustered out, September 13, 1864, near Petersburg, V a .

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K E L L Y , F R A N C I S . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 27> 1861; deserted, November 12, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, N . Y .

X E L E Y , J A M E S . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in. as private, Oo. G, September 13, 1861; deserted, November 3, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, New York harbor.

K E L L Y , J A M E S . — Age:, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Febru­ary 14, 1862; promoted corporal, no date; discharged for dis­ability, October 24, 1862, at New York city.

K E L L Y , J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, January 20, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; deserted from camp, October 10, 1864, before Peters­burg, Ya. •

K E L L Y , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, February 25,1864, at New York city, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Oo. A], March 9, 1864; captured, June 22, 1864; paroled May 5, 1865; mustered out on individual roll, June 30, 1865, at New York city; also borne as Kelley.

K E L L Y , J A M E S . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustereVl in as private, Co. A , September 27, 1864; no further record.

K E L L Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 4, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, Ya . ; also borne as Kelley.

K E L L Y , J O H N . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861, transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Co. F in January or February, 1864; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; died of his wounds, June 6, 1864, at Armory Square Hospital; Washington, D. C.

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174 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

K E L L Y , J O H N . — - Age, 40 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as first sergeant, Co. I , September 27, 1861; discharged for disability, September 5, 1862, at Fort Monroe, Y a . , as sergeant.

K E L L Y , J O H N . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. Q, January 21,

I 1864; deserted, February 4, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city.

K E L L Y , J o h n . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, June 21, 1864; wounded, October 13, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

K E L L Y , J O H N . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, September 5, 1864;

' returned to ranks, February 5, 1865; mustered out witb de­tachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

K E L L Y , J O H N J . — P r i v a t e , F i f t y Infantry ; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; to Co. B , June 12, 1863; died of sun­stroke, August 28, 1863, at hospital, New Y o r k city.

K E L L Y , J O H N W . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , No­vember 16, 1861; promoted sergeant, September 18, 1862; ki l led i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . -

K E L L Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at N e w "York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , September 23 4 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for - disability, December 2, 1862, a t Frederick, M d .

K E L L Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vil le , to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 21, 1864; no further record.

K E L L Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e 35 years. Enlisted, September 20, . 1861; at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as , private, Co. B , September 21, 1861; deserted to the enemy, .' J u n e 28, 1862, at F a i r Oaks, Y a .

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K E L L Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at. New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , March 4, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; no further record.

K E L L Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted in Second Con­gressional district, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, January 22, 1861; never joined regiment.

K E L L Y , P A T R I C K J . — A g e , 32 years. Enrol led, August 7, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as first lieutenant, Co. G , September 7 ,1861; ki l led i n action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; also borne as Patr ick I .

Commissioned first lieutenant, December 20, 1861, with rank from September 7, 1861; original.

K E L L Y , P E T E R . — Age, 27 years. Enrol led, October 21, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. K , November 17, 1861; discharged October 24, 1862, as Kel ley .

Commissioned second lieutenant, December 20, 1861, wi th rank from November 17, 1861; original.

K E L L Y , R I C H A R D A . — Age, 24 years. Enrol led at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as first sergeant, Co. A , September 23, 1861; as second lieutenant, J u l y 26, 1862; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Washington, D . C'., on consolidation; again enrolled and mustered in as second lieu­tenant, Co. A , January 19, 1864; as captain, March 10, 1864; k i l led i n action, M a y 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Y a .

Commissioned second lieutenant, August 28, 1862, with rank from J u l y 26, 1862, vice A . Birmingham, promoted; captain, no date, with rank f rom March 1, 1864; original.

K E L L Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , October 5, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; discharged for wounds, December 13, 1862, at Frederick, M d .

K E L L Y , T H O M A S . — Age , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, Eebruary 6, 1862; never joined regiment.

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176 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

K E L L Y , T H O M A S . — Enlisted, February 5, 1862 , at New York eity, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. H , Febru­ary 6, 1 8 6 2 ; killed in action, September 17, 1862 , at Antietam, Md.

K E L L Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 25 , 1 8 6 4 ; wounded and absent, since May 5, 1864, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Kelley.

K E L L Y , T H O M A S L . — Age, 26 years. Einlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. H , No­vember 28 , 1 8 6 4 ; promoted sergeant, April 4, 1 8 6 5 ; absent, without leave, at muster-out of company; also borne as Kelley.

K E L L Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, September 9, 1 8 6 1 ; transferred to Co.-A, June 12, 1 8 6 3 ; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22 , 1 8 6 3 ; transferred to Co. F in January or February, 1 8 6 4 ; promoted sergeant, September 13 , 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out witb company, June 30 , 1865 , at Alexandria, Ya.

K E L L Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Lockport, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 22 , 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

K E L L Y , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Oc­tober 3, 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Kelley.

K E L L Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as private, Co. C, not stated; transferred to' Co. K, Twenty-second Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; dis­charged at Camp Dennison, Ohio, no date.

K E L P E Y , A N T H O N Y . — A g e , date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. E , not stated; transferred to Co. B, Sixth Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged, December 12, 1864 , at Johnson's Island, Ohio.

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K E L S T E R , J O S E P H . . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as private, Co. 0 , not stated-, gained from missing in action, May IT, 1 8 6 5 ; no further record.

K E N D R I C K , H E N R Y , see Heinrich Kundegg.

K E N E , see Kean.

X E N E D Y , D A V I D . — Age, 3 1 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. I, November Y, 1 8 6 . 1 ; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to

• Co. B, June 1 2 , 1 8 6 3 ; mustered out, September 1 8 , 1 8 6 4 , near Petersburg, Va. ; also borne as Kennedy.

X E N N A , P H I L I P . — Age, 2 5 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , October 1 2 , 1 8 6 1 ; killed in action, September 1 7 , 1 8 6 2 , at Antietam, Md.

K E N N A L L Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 2 5 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, October 2 7 , 1 8 6 2 ; transferred to Co. G, Eighteenth Regi­ment, Veteran Reserve Corps, June 1 8 , 1 8 6 4 ; discharged, Au­gust 1 4 , 1 8 6 5 , at Washington, D. C.

K E N N E D D Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , 2 0 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. B, September 2 8 , 1 8 6 1 ; returned to ranks, January 2 0 ,

• 1 8 6 2 ; deserted, July 8 , 1 8 6 2 , from Carver Hospital, at Wash­ington, D. C ; also borne as Kennedy.

K E N N E D Y , C H A R L E S . — Age, 2 0 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 2 , 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with company, June 3 0 , 1 8 6 5 , near Alexandria, Va.

K E N N E D Y , J O H N — Age, 2 9 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 5, 1 8 6 4 ; promoted sergeant, October 1, 1 8 6 4 ; returned to ranks, Pebruary 2 8 , 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1 8 6 5 , near Alexandria, Va.

K E N N E D Y , J O H N . — A g e , 2 9 years. Enhsted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H , September 5, 1 8 6 4 ; absent, without leave, at muster-out of company.

V O L . 2 9 — 1 2

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178 E E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

K E N N E D Y , J O P I N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, October 12, 1864; no furtber record.

K E N N E D Y , J O H N . — Age, date, place of elistment, and mus­ter-in as private, Co. D , not stated; deserter, apprehended and delivered to provost marshal, District of Columbia, M a y 25, 1865; no furtber record.

K E N N E D Y , J O H N T . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, October 14, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , October 16, 1861; deserted, October 20, 1861.

K E N N E D Y , L A U R E N C E . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , September 10, 1864; mustered out wi th detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

K E N N E D Y , M I C H A E L . — Age , 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G , September 30, 1864; deserted to the enemy, December 7,' 1864, before Petersburg, Y a . ; also borne as Kenedy.

K E N N E D Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; paroled, no date; mustered out on individual ro l l , M a y 22, 1865, at Brattleboro, Y t .

K E N N E D Y , see Kimdegg.

K E N N E Y , F R A N C I S . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 8, 1864; mustered out wi th company, J ime 30, 1865, near Alexandria , Y a . , as Kenny .

K E N N E Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, January 26, 1864, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; missing in action, M a y 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Y a . ; deserted, October 10, 1864, before Peters­burg, Y a . ; also borne as Kenny.

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K E N N E Y , M A T H E W . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 26,' 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1S65, near Alexandria, Ya., as Kenny.

K E N N E Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Feb­ruary 24, 1864; never joined regiment.

K E N N Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, July 18, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya., as Kinney.

K E N N Y , see Kinney.

K E O G A N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, October 2, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 30, 1861; discharged, October 25, 1862, to enlist in First IInited States Artillery; also borne as Keegan.

K E P H , , see Kevil.

K E R E A N O E , KERINS, and K E R N S , see Kearns.

K E R K L I N , see Kirkham.

K E R N A N , K E R R O N , and K E I R D O N , see Kiernan.

K E R N O N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Pough­keepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 27, 1864; wounded, on picket, October 25, 1864; trans­ferred to Sixty-ninth Company, Second Battalion, Yeteran Re­serve Corps, no date; discharged for disability, June 23, 1865, at Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. G ; also borne as Kernan.

K E R R , A D A M . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted, September 20, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, October l o , 1861; discharged in 1862.

K E R R I G A N , H U G H . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; captured, June 22, 1864; paroled, November 18, 1864; mustered out, to date March 2, 1865, at New York city; also borne as Corrigan and Kerrighan.

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K E R R I G A N , J O H N . — Age , 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k eity, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. A , October 7, 1861; deserted, Marcb 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Y a . ; also borne as Kerr igban.

K E R R I G A N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 35 years. EnHsted, Septem­ber 13, 1861, at N e w Y o r k eity, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; discharged for dis­ability, A p r i l 25, 1863, at camp, near Falmouth, Y a .

K E R Y v T N , see K i r w i n .

K E S L E R , G E O R G E . — Age, 43 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 19, 1864; captured i n action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Sta­tion, Y a . ; died, December 10, 1864, at Salisbury, N . O ; also

.borne as George W . Keesler.

K E S L E R , P A U L . — Age , 27 years. Enlisted, October 18, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. 0 , November 17, 1862; transferred to Co. A , N i n t h Reg i ­ment, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged, J u l y 31, 1865, at "Washington, D . C.

K E S S E L L , C H R I S T I A N . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Tarry town, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detach­ment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

K E T A B A H , see Koteba.

K E T C H A M and K E T C H U M , Z A G A R I A H T., see Zaeharia T. Ki t cbam.

K E T L E Y , T H O M A S L . — Age , 26 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, November 28, 1864; never joined regiment.

K E V A N , B A R T L E Y , see Bartholomew McKevan .

K E V I L , J O H N — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve tbree years; mustered in as corporal, Oo. K , November 17, 1861; discharged for disability, January 2, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, V a . ; also borne as K e p i l .

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K E Y E S , N I C H O L A S . — Age , 25 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, October 15, 1861; discharged for disability, January 11, 1863, at Washington, D . C . ; also borne as Keys.

K E Y E S , W I L L I A M . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , Eebruary 8, 1864; wounded, no date; discharged, to date Sep­tember 15, 1864; also borne as Keys.

K I D D E R , M A J O R H . P . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1864, at Norwich , to serve one year; mustered in as private, Oo. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out wi th detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , Y a . , as Major P . Kidder .

K I E R N A N , M A T H E W . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 8, 1861; wounded, June 30, 1862, at White Oak, V a . ; transferred to Oo. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a vet­eran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Co. F in January or Eebruary, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Matthew Kernan, K e r r o n and Ke irdon .

K I E R Y , J E A N B A P T I S T . — Age, 19 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , M a r c h 1, 1864; absent, wounded, since M a y 12, 1864, and at muster-out of company; also borne as J o h n Baptist Thiery , Jean Baptiste Ke irey , K i e r i and K i e r y .

K I L E Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , October 12, 1861; wounded i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; died of disease, January 9, 1863, at F o r t Monroe, V a . ; also borne as K i e l y .

K I L L A L A , P A T R I C K . — Age, 29' years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861 at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; ki l led i n action, De­cember 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; also borne as Ki l la lee , K i l l i l e a and Ki l l igee .

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K I L L D U F F , O W E N . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted, September 22, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mnstered in as private, Go. G , September 23, 1861; wounded i n action, De ­cember 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; died of bis wounds, January 20, 1863, at Washington, D . O ; also borne as Own Kildof f .

K I L R O Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. E , February 19, 1864; deserted, M a y 27, 1864, at Washington, D . C.

K I L R O Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted, Eebruary 19, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , Marcb 9, 1864; wounded, no date; discharged, M a y 20, 1864, at General Hospital , Fair fax Seminary, Y a .

K I M B A L L , A D A M . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . , as H i r a m .

K L N O H A L A , K I N C H A L D and K I N C H E L A , see Kinslow.

K I N C H L A , K I N C H E L A , and K I N C H L E , see Kinsel la .

K I N D , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 26, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at A l e x ­andria, Y a .

K I N G , C H A R L E S . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, February 3, 1864; never joined regiment.

K I N G , J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Troy , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; deserted, December 24, 1864, before Petersburg, V a .

K I N G , J O H N . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. G , February 5, 1864; died of disease, J u l y 27, 1864, at Washington, D . C. '

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K I N G , R I C H A R D P . — Age , 32 years. Enrol led at Stevens­burg, Y a . , to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as second lieu­tenant, Co. K , A p r i l 21, 1864; wounded i n action, M a y 18, 1864, near Spotsylvania Court House, V a . ; died of bis wounds, M a y 26, 1864.

Commissioned second lieutenant, A p r i l 29, 1864, witb rant from Marcb 1, 1864, vice P . M . Belton, declined.

K I N N A R D , see Cannar.

K I N N E Y , M A R T I N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. K , November 17, 1861; discharged for ( disabi l i ty , October 8, 1862, at Eort Monroe, V a . ; also borne as Kenny . *

K I N N E Y , see Kenny .

K I N S E L L A , J O H N . — Age , 40 years. Enlisted, October 15, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 27, 1861; wounded i n action, Decem­ber 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; discharged for disability, February 4, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, V a . ; also borne as K i n c h l a , Kinchela , K inch le and Kinslow.

K I N S L O W , M I C H A E L . — Age, 14 years. Enlisted, October 16, 1.861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as drummer, Oo. K , December 20, 1861; captured, March 27, 1862, at Catlett Station, V a . ; paroled, no date; mustered out with detachment, M a y 24, 1862, at Washington, D . C ; again enlisted i n Co. A , December 22, 1S63; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. F i n January or February, 1864; de­serted from camp, June 16, 1864; also borne as Kinchala , K i n -chela, Kinsel low, Kinselyou and Kuschack.

K I R K H A M , R O B E R T . — Age, 22 years.. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I , Septem­ber 10, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also bo'rne as K i r k a m and K e r k l i n .

K I R N H R N I E , J A M E S . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, September 8, 1864, at A lbany , to serve one year; mustered in as private, unassigned, September 9, 1864; no further record.-

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K I R W I N , J O H N . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I , October 1, 1861; discharged for disability, September 13, 1862, at Eort Monroe, Y a .

K I R W I N , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G , September 30, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , Y a . ; also borne as K e r w i n and K i r w a n .

K I T C H A M , ' Z A C H A R I A E . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 26, 1864; died of chronic diarrhoea. M a y 16, 1865, at E m o r y Uni ted States General Hospital , Washington, D . C ;

• also borne as Ketc l iam and Zagariah T. Ketckum.

K N A P P , W I L L I A M Z . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, January 30, 1864, at Brooklyn , to serve three years; mustered in as pri ­vate, unassigned, Eebruary 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

K N I F E I N , J O H N H . — Age, 17 years. Enlisted at Poughkeep­sie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D , A u ­gust 29, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

K N I G H T , T H O M A S . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 20, 1S62; deserted, December 21, 1862,-near F a l ­mouth, Y a .

K N I G H T , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B , September 17, 1861; discharged for disability, M a r c h 21, 1863, at camp near Falmouth, Y a .

K N I G H T , W I L L I A M . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , February 2, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

K N O W L E S , M I C H A E L — A g e , 35 . years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 14, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; discharged, Novem­ber 13, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, New Y o r k harbor.

K O A N , see Roan.

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X O T E B A , J O S E P H . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, J u l y 15, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, before Petersburg, Y a . ; paroled, no date; mustered out on individual ro l l , August 14, 1865, at N e w Y o r k city, as Kotabah; also borne as Kataba, Ketabah, Katabab and Kotrba.

K U B U R T Z , see Xybur tz . .

K U E F E E , see Kupfer .

K U G A N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 30' years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 8, 1861; kil led in action, December 13, 1862, at Fred­ericksburg, Y a . ; also borne as Keegan.

K U N D E G G , H E I N R I C H . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at Harts Island, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; released, A p r i l 29, 1865; mustered out on i n ­dividual ro l l , June 22, 1865, at N e w Y o r k city, as Henry Kendr i ck ; also borne as H e n r y Hendrick, Hendrick Kendrick and Kennedy.

K U P F E R , C H A R L E S . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 27, 1864; deserted to the enemy, December 20, 1864, f rom picket i n front of Petersburg, Y a . ; also borne as Kuffer.

K U R I S , J A C O B . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 5, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1S65, at A lex ­andria, Y a . ; also borne as Joseph Kur i s .

K U S C H A C K , see Kinslow.

K Y H U R T Z , S A M U E L . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Kingston, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . , as Kyburts ; also borne as Kugurtz and Keebertz.

L A B E R , see Lawlor .

L A C K E Y " , C H A R L E S H , see Charles N . Luckey.

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L A C O U R , C H A R L E S . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 15, 1864; deserted, September 23, 1864, f rom camp, near Petersburg, Y a . ; also borne as Lacourt.

L A D E L Y , see Leddy.

L A F E I N , R O B E R T J . — Age, 27 years. Enrol led at N e w York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as corporal, Co. F , November 13, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered i n as second lieutenant, Co. B , November 1, 1862; mustered out, June 12, 1863, near Falmouth, Y a . , on consolidation; also borne as Laffan, Laffen and Taffin.

Commissioned second lieutenant, January 22, 1863, with rank f r o m October 1, 1862, vice J . Gosson, promoted.

L A H E Y , J O H N . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; no record subsequent to December 31, 1862, as absent, sick, since December 19, 1862; also borne as Leahy.

L A H E Y , see Leahey.

L A K E , O L I V E R D . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 29, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

L A L O R , P E T E R . — Age, 42 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K , March 12, 1864; ki l led i n action, June 13, 1864, at Cold Harbor , Y a . ; also borne as Lawler.

L A M , W I L L I A M S — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; died, October 17, 1864, i n hospital, F i r s t Division, Second Corps; also borne as Lane.

L A M B E R T , W I L L I A M . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 29', 1864, at Schenectady, to serve tliree years; mustered in as pr i ­vate, Co. D , August 30, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865., at Alexandria, Y a .

L A M B E R T , see Lindbert.

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L A M O N T E , A L L E N . — Age , 25 years. Enl isted at Royalton, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , September 21, 1864; promoted corporal, M a r c h 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , Y a . ; also borne as La~ mounte and as A l l a n d Lemonte.

L A N A H A N and L A N I G A N , see Lenighan.

L A N D E R S , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, January 18, 1864, at F i rs t Congressional district, to serve three years; mus­tered i n as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded in.ac­tion, M a y 18^ 1864, at Spotsylvania, Y a . ; mustered out wi th company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria , Y a . ; also borne as Landes.

L A N D O L I N E , T R A G E R . — Age , 22 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with com­pany, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

L A N D O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 20-, 1864, at Norwich , to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near A l e x ­andria, Y a . ; also borne as W i l l i a m A .

L A N E , G E O R G E W . — A g e , 34 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G , Sep­tember 30, 1864; mustered out with detachment; June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , Y a .

L A N E , J O H N . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 18, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, near Antietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; deserted,, June 17, 1863.

L A N E , M I C H A E L . — Age , 26 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, .1861; k i l led in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a .

L A N E , see L a r n .

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L A N E Y „ J O S E P H . — A g e , 19 years . E n l i s t e d at B r o o k l y n , t o serve three years , a n d m u s t e r e d i n as p r i v a t e , unass igned , J a n ­u a r y 19, 1 8 6 4 ; never j o i n e d reg iment .

L A N G E M I N a n d L A N G E V I N , P A S C A L , see P a s c h a l L a n g -enue.

L A N I G A N , J A M E S . — A g e , 24 years . E n l i s t e d , N o v e m b e r 17 , 1 8 6 1 , at N e w Y o r k c i ty , to serve three y e a r s ; mus te red i n as p r i v a t e , C o . G , N o v e m b e r 25 , 1 8 6 1 ; k i l l e d i n ac t ion , J u l y 1,. 1862 , at M a l v e r n H i l l , Y a .

L A N N E R K , see N a v e r i c k .

L A N N I G A N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 20 years. E n l i s t e d ' a t B r o o k ­l y n , to serve three years , a n d m u s t e r e d i n as p r i v a t e , Oo . A , F e b r u a r y 26 , 1 8 6 4 ; p r o m o t e d sergeant, J u n e 2 1 , 1 8 6 5 ; m u s ­t e r e d out w i t h c ompany , J u n e 30, 1865 , at A l e x a n d r i a , V a . ; also b o m e as L a n i g a n a n d L o n e r g a n .

• L A N O G A N , J O H N , see J o h n T . L o n e r g a n .

L A P E R E , C H A R L E S L . — A g e , 41 years . E n l i s t e d at W h e a t -field, to serve one y e a r , a n d mustered i n as pr ivate , unass igned , Sep tember 2 1 , 1 8 6 4 ; never j o i n e d reg iment .

L A P W O R T H , S T E P H E N . — A g e , 31 years . E n l i s t e d , M a r c h 2 5 , 1864, at N e w Y o r k c i t y , t o serve three y e a r s ; mus te red i n as p r i v a t e , C o . Iv, M a r c h 26 , 1 8 6 4 ; promoted corpora l , n o date ; c a p t u r e d i n a c t i on , A u g u s t 25 , 1864, at R e a m ' s S t a t i o n , V a , ; conf ined at R i c h m o n d , V a . , A u g u s t 27 , 1864 , and sent to S a l i s ­b u r y , N . C . ; absent at muster - out of c o m p a n y ; also borne as S o p w o r t l i .

L A R K I N , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 25 years . E n l i s t e d at T a r r y t o w n , to serve one y e a r , a n d m u s t e r e d i n as p r i v a t e , Co . D , A u g u s t 30, 1 8 6 4 ; p r o m o t e d co rpora l , October 1, 1 8 6 4 ; k i l l e d on p i c k e t , O c t o b e r 27 , 1864 , i n f r o n t of P e t e r s b u r g , V a .

L A R K I N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 21 years . E n l i s t e d at N e w Y o r k city,, to serve tbree years , a n d m u s t e r e d i n as p r i v a t e , C o . E , Sep tember 1, 1 8 6 2 ; t r a n s f e r r e d to C o . A , no date ; deserted, J u n e 17 , 1 8 6 3 , at Sangster S t a t i o n , M d . ; p r i o r s e r v i c e i n C o . E , E l e v e n t h I n f a n t r y .

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L A R N E , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, January 25, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. 0 , January 28,1864; ki l led in action, May 12, 1861, at Spotsyl­vania, Y a . ; also borne as Larue and Lerne.

L A R U E , see L a m e .

L A R Y , C O R N E L I U S . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 12, 1861; discharged for disability, March 27, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Y a . ; also borne as Leary.

L A T H A M , H E N R Y — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , August 18, 1862; wounded i n action, J u l y 1, 1863, at Gettys­burg, P a . , and absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of com­pany; also borne as Leatham, Leatheiu and Lethem.

L A U F M A N , see Langenue.

L A U G E N U E , P A S C H A L . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , January 22, 1861; promoted first sergeant, February 15, 1861; wounded i n action, M a y 10, 1864, at Po River , V a . ; re­turned to ranks, November 1, 1864; mustered out with com­pany, June 30,1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Lange-min, Langenhin, Langevin and Laufman.

L A U G H L I N , see Loughlin.

L A U G H R I N , B E R N A R D . — Age 29 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as corporal, Co. E , October 12, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; ki l led i n action, J u l y 1, 1S62, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; also borne as Laughran.

L A V A E R E , F R A N K . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, November 27, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , November 28. 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Lavere, Lavier and Levere.

L A W E R Y , see Lourey.

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L A W L E R , J A M E S . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 25, 1864; died, September 8, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga., as J . Lawler; see Co. I.

L A W L E R , J A M E S . — Age,, 35 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, August 25, 1864; wounded in action, Marcb 25, 1865, at Skinner's Earm, Va . ; mustered out witb detachment, June 7, 1865, at Mower General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., as Lawlor.

L A W L E R , see Lalor.

L A W L E S S , M A R T I N W . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 28, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 15, 1861; deserted, October 30, 1861.

L A W L O R , ' D A N I E L — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , July 30, 1864; promoted corporal, June 7, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as Laber, Lawler and Loughler.

L A W L O R , J A M E S — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 13, 1861; deserted, November 4, 1861, at Eort Schuyler, New York harbor.

LAWLOR; , N I C H O L A S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Oo, E , September 16, 1861;, captured, July 1, 1862, at White Oak Swamp, Va. ; paroled, September 13, 1862, at Aiken's Landing, Va. ; enlisted in Co. D, Seventh United States Infantry, November 4, 1862^

L A W R E N C E , CHARLES.—• Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E,'September 3, 1864; wounded, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., and absent in hospital at muster-out of com­pany; also borne as Laurence.

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L E A H E Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 28 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. X , February 10, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , Y a . ; also borne as Lahey and Leahy.

L E A H Y , W I L L I A M . — Age , 20 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. !£, M a r c h 10, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864; paroled and pro­moted corporal, no dates; k i l led i n action, IViarch 25, 1865, i n front of Petersburg, V a . ; also borne as Leabee and Leahey.

L E A H Y , see Lahey.

L E A N A R D and L E A R N E D , see Leonard.

L E A R Y , see Eary.

L E A V E R T Y , see Leavitt .

L E A V E Y , D E N N I S . — A g e , 29 years. Enl isted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 30, 1861; deserted, December 17, 1862, from camp, near Ealmouth, V a . ; also borne as Leavy.

L E A V I T T , C H A R L E S . — Age , 19 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. J , August 30, 1864; promoted corporal, June 6, 1865; mustered out w i th company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria , V a . ; also borne as Leavatt, Leaverty and Levitt .

L E D D Y , J O H N — Age 22 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 24, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, August 18, 1863, at Po int Lookout, M d .

L E D D Y , M I C L I A E L . — Age, 31 years. Enrol led , September 24, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; wounded i n action, J u l y 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, P a . ; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal i n Marcb or A p r i l , 1864; sergeant-major, December 12, 1864; mustered i n as second lieutenant, Co. B , Eebruary 16, 1865; wounded, M a r c h 25, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

Commissioned second lieutenant, Eebruary 9, 1865, wi th rank from November 1, 1864, vice George Patcben, promoted.

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192 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

L E D D Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 29 years. Enrolled, September 10, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as captain, Co. B , October 15,- 1861; wounded, December 13, 1862; discharged, June 9, 1863, to accept appointment as cap­tain in Veteran Reserve Corps; also borne as Ladely.

Commissioned captain, December 20, 1861, witb rank from September 28, 1861; original.

L E D W I D G E , F R A N C I S . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 4, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; died, January 3, 1863, at Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D. C.

L E E , E D W A R D . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, August 27, 1864; promoted sergeant, June 6, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.

L E E , J A M E S . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted, October 28, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 29, 1861; deserted, November 10, 1861.

L E E , J O H N . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F, September 29, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

L E E , M I C H A E L . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 3, 1861; died of disease, December 14, 1862.

L E F F A R T S , JOHN.—Enlisted, July 25, 1864, at New York city, to serve one year; not mustered in as private, Co. F ; joined for duty; missing, August 20, 1864; no record subse­quent to May 31, 1865, as absent, without leave; also borne as Leeferts and Lefferts, and as Charles Levarts; see Leavitt and Leaverty.

L E I G H T , see Light.

L E M O N , see Lennon.

L E M O N T , A L L A N , and L E M O N T E , A L L A N D , see Allen La-monte.

L E N D B E R T , see Lindbert.

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L E N I G H A N , M I C H A E L J . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 25, 1861; wounded in action, September IT, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; absent, sick, i n hospital, at muster-out of company; also borne as Lana-han, Lanigan, Lenahan, Lenehan, Lenehen, Lenihan, Lennehan, Lennehen, and Lennon.

L E N N A R D and L E N N A W , see Leonard.

L E N N O N , J A M E S . — P r i v a t e , F i f t h Regiment; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; k i l led i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a .

L E N N O N , " W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; promoted corporal and re­turned to ranks, no dates; transf erred to Co. A , June 12, 18.63; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Co. I in January or February, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, February 6, 1865, at N e w Y o r k c ity ; also borne as Lemon, Lennan, and Lenon.

L E N O I R , G E O R G E . — Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. H , October 10, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; no record subse­quent to December 31, 1863, as absent, wounded.

L E O N A R D , F R E D E R I C K . — Age , 20 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. F , October 21, 1861; deserted, December 31, 1862, near Falmouth, Y a . ; also borne as Leanard and Learned.

L E O N A R D , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 44 years. Enlisted _ at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. B , September 16, 1862; k i l l ed i n action, December 13,' 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a .

L E O N A R D , P E T E R . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Oo. G , September 18, 1861; discharged for disability, A p r i l 3, 1862, at Camp Culpepper, Y a . ; also borne as Lennard and Lennaw.

V O L . 2 0 — 1 3

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194 R E P O R T OE T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

L E O N A R D , T H O M A S . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, October 5, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 9, 1861; captured in action, Marcb 29, 1862, at Rappahannock River, Ya . ; paroled, no date; mustered out witb detachment, May 24, 1862, at Washington, D. C.

L E R N E , see Larne.

L E T H E M , see Latham.

L E Y E R E , see Lavaere.

L E Y I T T , see Leavitt.

L E W E L L , F R E D E R I C K — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 20, 1865; no furtber record.

L E W I S , A L E X A N D E R . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted, at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, July 21, 1864; died of chronic diarrhoea, October 11, 1864, at Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C.; also borne as Louis; veteran.

L E W I S , L U C I E N R.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Malone,,to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 29, 1864; wounded on picket, September 30, 1864; mustered out with detachment, May 16,- 1865, at Satterlee Hospital, • West Philadelphia, Pa. ; also borne as Lucius R. and Lucus R., and as Lawrence R. Louis.

L I B B Y , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at.Fort Schuyler, N. Y. , to serve three years; mustered, in as private, Co. G, October 12, 1861; wounded in action, Septem­ber IT, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; died of his wounds, Decem­ber 11, 1862, in hospital at Frederick City, Md.

L I E B I G , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years,, and mustered in as private, Co. H , January 28, 1864; never joined regiment.

L I G H T , A D O L P H U S . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1864, at Plattsburg, to serve tbree years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H , September 3, 1864; absent, wounded and sick, since August 30, 1864, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Leight.

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L I L L Y , E D W I N B . — Age , 35 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. 0 , November 17, 1862; wounded, June 16, 1861, before Petersburg, Y a . ; discharged, M a y 17, 1865, at David's Island, N e w Y o r k harbor.

L I L L Y , M I C H A E L J . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, October 13, 1861, at Chicago, 111., to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. D , November 9, 1861; ki l led in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a .

L I N C H , see Lynch .

L I N D B E R T , E R A N C 1 S O S C A R . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as p r i ­vate, Co. C, March 16, 1861'; wounded, M a v 18, 1864, at Spot­sylvania, Y a . ; again in action, June 16, 1864; promoted cor­poral, M a r c h 16, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Lambert, Lendbert, L imbard and Limbert .

L I N D N E R , J O H N G . — Age, 43 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vi l le , to serve one year, and mustered in as private, C o . T , Sep­tember 16, .3864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; died, December 6, 1864, at Salisbury, N . C.

L L N L E Y , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, August 31, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Oo. H , September 3, 1864; never joined company.

L E N S E Y , C H A R L E S B . — Age , 23 years. Enl isted at Niagara, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

L I N Z E Y , H E N R Y P.— Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Wheatfield, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

L I S T O N , E D W A R D . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vi l le , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , March 7, 1864; deserted, J u l y 24, 1864, at De Gamp General Hospital , David's Island, N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as Listen.

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196 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

L O B D E L L , J O H N E . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, • 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, . Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out witb detachment,

June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . , as John C.

L O C K A R D , W I L L I A M IT.— Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Utica, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , Decem­ber 20, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at A lexandr ia , V a . ; also borne as W i l l i a m Lockart.

L O C K W O O D , E L E A Z E R , — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Sec­ond congressional district, to serve tbree years, anid mustered i n as private, Co. G , January 30, 1864; died of dipbtberia, J u l y 26, 1864, at Winchester, Conn.

L O D D E R , W I L L I A M . — Age, 19' years. Enlisted, January 21, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private,

' Co. C, January 28, 1864; killed* i n action, M a y 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, V a . ; also borne as George.

L O N E G A N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve one year; mustered in as private,

• Co. E , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, October 1, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexan­dria , V a . , as Lonergan.

L O N E R G A N , J O H N T . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. B , September 17, 1861; promoted first ser­geant, August 8, 1862; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at F a l ­mouth, V a . , on consolidation; also borne as John Lanogan, J o h n P . Lonergan and Lonergen.

L O N E R G A N , see Lannigan.

L O N G , J O S E P H . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at F i r s t congres­sional district, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , January 19, 1864; no further record; supposed to be identical with Joseph Laney.

L O N G , J O S E P H . — • Age, 38 years. Enlisted, September 22, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year; mustered in as pri ­vate, Co. 0 , September 27, 1864; captured, October 30', 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; died February 14, 1865, at Salisbury, N . O ; also borne as James and John.

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LONG, P A T R I C K — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as-private, Co. B, October 9, 1861; deserted, same date, at New York city.

L O N G , R O B E R T . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, October 18, 1861, at New York city,' to serve tbree years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H , October 28, 1861; deserted, September 1, 1862, at Alexandria, Ya.

L O N G , W I L L I A M H . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1865; absent, without leave, at muster-out of com­pany.

L O N N E Y , see Lunsey.

LOOMIS, H E R M A N . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve three years, and. mustered in as private, Co. I,

• September 3, 1864; died of disease, June 18, 1865, in field hospital at Alexandria, Va.

L O P E R , N E W T O N . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A, October 4, 1864; transferred to Co. H , Seventh Regiment, Vet­eran Reserve Corps, March 19, 1865; mustered out with de­tachment, August 3, 1865, at Washington, I). C ; also borne as Martin.

L O S E E , J O H N C — Age, 19' years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 26, 1864; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; sergeant, May 13, 1865; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.;- also borne as Losse and Lossee.

L O U G H L E R , see Lawlor.

L O U G H L I N , see Loughran.

L O U G H L I N , J O H N . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York' city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , August 5, 1862; transf erred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; wounded in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; transferred to Co. E, no date; discharged for disability, March 11, 1865, at New York city as of Co. A ; also borne as Laughlin, Loughlen and Loughran.

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198 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

L O U G H R A N , J O H N . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. A , February 19, 1864; discharged for disability, March 18, 1865, at General Hospital, N e w Y o r k c ity ; also borne as Lougblin and Loughrin.

L O U I S , L A W R E N C E R. , see Lucien R . Lewis.

L O U R E Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 40 years. Enrolled at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as captain, Co. H , October 5, 1861; discharged, August 2, 1862; also borne as Lawrey and Lowery.

Commissioned captain, December 20, 1861, wi th rank from October 4, 1861; original.

L O Y E T T , J A M E S . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, September 20, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; wounded i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a . ; discharged for disability, A u ­gust 4, 1862, at Georgetown, D . O ; also borne as Lovitt .

L U C R E Y , C H A R L E S N . — Age, 30 years. Enrol led, Septem­ber 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. E , September 16, 1861; discharged, September 12, 1862; also borne as Charles H . Lackey.

Commissioned first lieutenant, December 20, 1861, with rank from September 16, 1861; original.

L U D R E S , A U G U S T U S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Chicago, HI . , to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , October 13, 1861; deserted, November 16, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city.

L U N D Y , F R A N C I S . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. -K, December 16, 1864; promoted corporal, January 19, 1865; sergeant, January 27, 1865; first sergeant, June 5, 1865; mus­tered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; veteran..

L U N S E Y , H U G H . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted, September 20, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. B , October 4, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863, on consolidation; no record subsequent to December 31, 1863, as absent, sick, since A p r i l 29, 1863; also borne as Lonney, Lunney and Lunny.

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L Y N C H , D A V I D . — Age, 19 years. Enrolled, September 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as first sergeant, C'o. E , September 16, 1861; returned to ranksj A p r i l 30, 1863; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; trans­ferred as sergeant to Co. A , F irs t Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, J u l y 11, 1863; retransferred as private to Co. E , this regiment, and re-enlisted as a veteran in Co. B , January 4, 1864; mustered i n as second lieutenant, Co. A , Marcb 1, 1864; captured, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, V a . ; paroled, no date; mustered i n as first lieutenant, October 31, 1864; as captain, Oo. K , Eebruary 9, 1865; mustered out witb company, June .30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

Commissioned second lieutenant, A p r i l 13, 1864, witb rank from Marcb 1, 1864; original; first lieutenant, October 31, 1864, with rank from September 1, 1864; original; captain, Eebruary 9, 1865, with rank from November 1, 1864; original, Co. H .

L Y N C H , E D M O N D . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , September 28, 1861; missing i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at M a l ­vern H i l l , V a . ; no further record; also borne as Edward.

L Y N C H , J A M E S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, January 21, 1864; never joined regiment.

L Y N C H , J O H N . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , Febru­ary 27, 1862; discharged for disability, January 10, 1863, at Annapolis, M d .

L Y N C H , J O S E P H . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. I , September 15, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Linch .

L Y N C H , M A R I O N . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Maurice.

L Y N C H , M A T H E W . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve three years; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

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200 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

L Y N C H , R O B E R T . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k eity, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , Sep­tember 29, 1864; mustered .out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

L Y N C H , T H O M A S J . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, • August• 2.3, 1864, at Plattsburgb, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Oo. H , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, September.5, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; discharged as private, September 8, 1865, to date June 30 , 1865.

L Y O N S , M A U R I C E . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted, September 15, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 16, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; died of his wounds, September 20, 1862; also borne as Maurice Lyne .

M A C G U I R E , see John W . McGuire .

M A C K , J O H N . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G , September 9, 1864; discharged, June 6, 1865, at Harewood Hospital , "Washington, D . C . ; also borne as Machk.

M A C K , T H O M A S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, January 20, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded in action, June 16, 1864, and absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

M A C K , V A L E N T I N E . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Sep­tember 21, 1864; transferred to Eighty-sixth Infantry, June 15, 1865; also borne as Mac.

M A C K E N , L E W I S . — Private , Sixteenth A r t i l l e r y ; also borne as Maekin .

Commissioned, not mustered, second lieutenant, November 19, 1864, witb rank from same date; original, Co. I .

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M A G K E Y , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, October 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered'in as private, Co.'I, October 30, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; trans­ferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; deserted, June 17, 1863, at Sangster Station, Md., as John C.; also borne as Makey.

M A C K E Y , J O H N C — Age, 22 years. Enlisted-at New Y^ork city to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 16, 1861; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Va. ; died of his wounds, March 26, 1865, in transit on cars from City Point, Va.

M A C K E Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, September 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered'in as drummer, Co. I, October 1, 1861; appointed regimental drummer, no date; mustered out, June 8, 1863, at Ealmouth, Va.

M A C K I N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, March 8, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , date not stated; died of disease, July 1, 1862, at Albany, N . Y .

M A C N A L L Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 9, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, 'Co. A , September 10, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Va. ; discharged for dis­ability, March 31, 1863, at hospital, David's Island, New York harbor; also borne as McAnally and McAnnally.

M A C N A M A R A , J O H N . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 11, 1864; died of disease, November 11, 1864, at Cul­pepper, V a . ; also borne as McNamara and McNamarra.

M A D D E N , J A M E S . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, November 11, 1861; discbarged for disability, December 21, 1862, at Washington, D. C.

M A D D E N , T H O M A S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, October 23, 1861, at Eort Schuyler, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, October 25, 1861; discharged for disability, October 24, 1862, at Washington, D. C.

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M A D I D E L L , H E N R Y A . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 25, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Madill.

M A G E E , see McGee.

M A G E T T I G A N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 5, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. E , September 15, 1861; deserted, No­vember 1, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, N . Y . ; also borne as Mag-gettingan and McGettigban.

M A G E T T I G A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mus­tered in as corporal, Co. E,.September 16, 1861; promoted ser­geant, no date; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Ya. ; also borne as McGettigan and McGettighan.

M A G H E R , see Mahar and Maker.

M A G I N N , J A M E S . — A g e , 44 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, August 26, 1864; "promoted corporal, Eebruary 1, 1865; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, at Hatchers Run, Ya. ; mustered out with detachment, June 3, 1865, at Stanton Hos­pital,. Washington, D. C.; also borne as McGinn.

M A G N E R , see Mayner.

M A G R A T H , see McGrath.

M A G U I R E , D E N N I S . — Age, 15 years. Enlisted, October 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 18, 1861; appointed drummer, May 1, 1862; deserted, August 6, 1862, from Harrisons Landing, Ya. ; also borne as Dinis McGure.

M A G U I R E , M I C H A E L . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, February 2, 1864; no further record.

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M A H A N , F R A N K — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, A p r i l 13, 1864; promoted corporal, March 15, 1865; sergeant, June 13, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1S65, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Francis Mahon.

M A H A N , J A M E S — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted December 17, 1863, at T h i r d district, N . Y . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, unassigned, December 17, 1864; never joined regi­ment.

M A H A R , J O H N . — • Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , October 3, 1864; transferred to Thirty-ninth Company, Second Battalion, Vet ­eran Reserve Corps, M a r c h 20, 1865; mustered out with de­tachment, August 23, 1865, at Washington, D . C ; also borne as Magher, Maher and Meagher.

M A H A R , M O R R I S . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, October 14, 1862, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , November 17, 1862; discharged, June 7, 1865, at Campbell Hospital , Washington, D . C.

M A H E R , L O U I S — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, September 20, 1861; wounded i n action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. B , no date; discharged for disability caused from wounds, A p r i l 22, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, as of Co. C ; also borne as Lewis and as Magher, Mahar and Meagher.

M A H E R , M I C H A E L . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1.861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B , no date; discharged for disability, January 23, 1864, at Convales­cent Camp, V a . ; also borne as Meagher.

M A H E R , see Meagher.

M A H L E R , D E I D R I E C H . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , November 17, 1862; transferred to Co. H , Eleventh Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged with detachment, J u l y 12, 1865, at Albany, N . Y .

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204 R E P O R T OE T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M A H O N , F R A N C I S , see Frank Mahan.

M A H O N E Y , D A N I E L . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 19, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B,, September 20, 1861; killed in action, July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; also bome as Meahaney.

M A H O N E Y , JOHN.—Private , Fifth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, tbis regiment, no date; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged for disability, Febru­ary 14, 1863, at Baltimore, Md. ; also borne as Mabony.

M A H O N E Y , MICHAEL.—Enl is ted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, February 5, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; killed in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; also borne as Mabony and Maloney.

M A H O N E Y , THOMAS.—Age , , 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, September 4, 1862; no further record.

M A H O N E Y , see Maloney.

M A K E Y , see Mackey.

M A L A C H I , B U C K L E Y . — Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 17, 1862; transferred to Oo. D., no date; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged for disability, May 8, 1863, at United States General Hospital, David's Island, N . Y . ; also borne as Malacbi Buckly.

M A L L E N , A L E X A N D E R . — Fifth Infantry; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; deserted, January 5, 1862, from Camp California, Va.

M A L L E Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, January 18, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. Q, January 28, 1864; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; mustered out with detachment, June 13, 1865, at Alexandria, Va., as Mally.

M A L L I G A N , see Mulligan.

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M A L L O Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at Jamaica,, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 8, 1864; deserted to tbe enemy from picket, October 26,, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a .

M A L L O Y , see Mul loy .

M A L O N E , J O H N . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted, October 7, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , October 30, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action,. M a y 10, 1864, at Po River , again, M a y 18, 1864, at Spotsyl­vania, Y a . ; promoted corporal, December 1, 1864; transferred to Co. X , A p r i l 16, 1865; promoted sergeant, A p r i l 26, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

M A L O N E , J O H N . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Oo. 0, October 6, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near A l e x ­andria, V a .

M A L O N E , T H O M A S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. G , January 27, 1864; wounded in action, M a y 5, 1864 at the Wilderness, V a . ; mustered out with detachment, to date June 30, 1865, at N e w Y o r k c ity ; also borne as Mallone.

M A L O N E Y , M A R T I N . — Age , 29 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as corporal,'0o. E , September 16, 1861; wounded in action, De­cember 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, V a . ; discbarged for dis­ability caused from wounds, A p r i l 2, 1863, at Emory Hospital , Washington, D . C ; also borne as Maloney and Mullourey.

M A L O N E Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 29 years. Enl isted, January 25, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; captured i n action, M a y 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, V a . , and absent at muster-out of com­pany.

M A L O N E Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 40 years. Enlisted, October 27, 1861, at For t Schuyler, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , November 8, 1861; transferred to Co. A , J u n e 12,' 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; trans­ferred to Co. F , and appointed wagoner i n January or February, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at A l e x ­andria, V a . ; also borne as Mahoney, Malloney and Mulloney.

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206 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M A L O N E Y , R O G E R . — A g e , 39 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at New York oity, to serve tbree years; mnstered in as

. private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; wounded in action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam,Md.; died of bis wounds in Sep­tember or October, 1862.

H A L O N E Y , see Maboney.

M A L O Y , P A T R I C K — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, October 10, 1861; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862, as

• absent.

M A N I O N , J ' A M E S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 27, 1861; promoted sergeant, Co. D, no date; discharged for disability, May 29, 1862, at Mount Pleasant General Hospital, Washington, D. C.; also borne as

• Maneon.

M A N K I N , H E N R Y . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. IT, September 3, 1864; missing in action, October 3.0, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya., and at muster-out of company.

M A N N I N G , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 29, 1864; wounded in action, October 21, 1864, in front of Petersburg, Va . ; died of his wounds, November 9, 1864, in hospital at Oity Point, Va.

M A N N I N G , MICHAEL.—Enl is ted September 15, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, November 17, 1862; captured, June 3, 1864; paroled, April 28,, 1865; discharged, June 30, 1865, at New York city.

M A N N I N G , W I L L I A M . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted in Second Congressional district, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Marcb 4, 1864; wounded, no date; mustered out, June 14, 1865, at New York city.

M A N N I O N , J O H N . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. F , October 7, 1861; discharged for disability, December 7,

; 1862, at Falmouth, Va . ; also borne as Manion and Manning.

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M A N N I X , M I C H A E L . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, September 28, 1861; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Ya . ; promoted corporal, no date; discbarged for disability, April 9, 1863, at David's Island, New York har­bor; also borne as Manix.

M A N S E R G H , S O U C O T H . — Age, .24 years. Enrolled, October 3, 1861, at New : Ydrk city, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. H , October 12, 1861; promoted first sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. K, November 1, 1862; wounded in action, May 3,1863, at Chancellorsville, Ya . ; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; discharged for disability, December 9, 1864; also borne as Manergh and Mausergh.

Commissioned second lieutenant, January 22, 1863, with rank from November 1, 1862, vice P. Kelly, discharged; first lieutenant, not mustered, October 31, 1864, with rank from September 1, 1864; original, Co. D.

M A R A , M I C H A E L . — Age 18 years. Enlisted, October 10, .1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 30, 1861; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862, as absent; also borne as Merea.

M A R A H , see Meara,

M A R K S M A N , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, October 4, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , date not stated; wounded in action, June 22, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; no record subsequent to August 3, 1864, in Carver Hospital, Washington, D. O.

M A R O N E Y and M A R O O N E Y , see Moroney.

M A R S E E and M A R S S E , see 'Masse.

M A R S H , W I L L I A M — Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30,1864,

• Petersburg, Ya. ; sent to Salisbury, N . O., November 4, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company, also borne as Marsch.

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M A R S H A L L , L E V I S.— Age, 20 years. Enlisted at'New York city, to serve three years, and mnstered in as private, Oo. G, January 27, 1864; killed in action, September 19, 1864, near Petersburg, Va . ; also borne as Levi E .

M A R S T , see Morse.

M A R T I N , D A N I E L . — Eiftb Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this . regiment, no date; promoted sergeant, Marcb 1, 1863; mus­tered out, June 12, 1863, at Ealmoutb, Va., on consolidation; also borne as Marten.

M A R T I N , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 24, 1861; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at An­tietam, Md.

M A R T I N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , September 27, 1861; deserted from camp, December 21, 1862, near Ealmoutb, Va.;'also borne as Marten.

M A R T I N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, October 4 ?

1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 14, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, June 19, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam. Md. ; discharged for disability, Eebruary 17,

, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Va.

M A S O N , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private;, unassigned, March, 17, 1864; never joined regiment.

M A S O N , W I L L I A M G . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New York city to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , July 22 ,1864 ; absent, detailed at Division Hospital, City Point, Va., at muster-out of company.

M A S S E , W O L F . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F, September

. 27, 1864; transferred to Unassigned detachment, First Battalion, , Veteran Reserve Corps, March 19, .1865; mustered"out with de­

tachment, June 26, 1865, at Washington,'D. O ; also borne as Marsee, Marsse, Massa, Massey, and Massy.

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M A S T E R S O N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , October 23, 1861; wounded i n action, M a y 3, 1863, at Chan­cellorsville, Y a . ; transferred to Co. B , June 12-, 1863; absent, sick i n hospital, at muster-out of company.

M A T T H E W S , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 31 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Eebruary 17.1864; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; wounded, no date; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Mathew.

M A X W E L L , H E N R Y . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , November 15, 1861; discharged for disability, August 1, 1862, at New York .

M A Y r B E R R Y , R I C H A R D A . — A g e , 21 years. Enrol led at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , November 1, 1861; promoted regimental quartermaster-sergeant, August 6, 1862; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered i n as first lieutenant and quartermaster, January 1, 1865; mustered out with regiment, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . , as Maybury.

Commissioned first lieutenant and quartermaster, November 30, 1864, with rank from October 12, 1864, vice D . E . Sul l i ­van, mustered out,

M A Y H E R , see Meagher.

M A Y r N E R , E D W A R D . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as cprporal, Co. I , September 27, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; died of his wounds, Oc­tober 29, 1862, at Frederick, M d . ; also borne as Magner.

M c A L A R M E Y , M c A L A R N E Y , and M c A L E R N E Y , see M c -Larney.

M c A L E A R Y , F E L I X . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, October 9, 1861a a t N e w Y o r k c i t?> t o s e r v e t l l r e e y e a T S ' m i l s t e r e < i m a s

private, Co. A , October 10, 1861; promoted sergeant, February 15 ,1863; k i l l e d l n action, M a y 3,1863, at Ohancellorsville, Y a . ; also borne as M c A l e v y .

Y O L . 2 9 ' — 1 4

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21D R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

Mc A L L A R N E Y, P E T E R . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , January 29, 1864; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; transferred to Yeteran Reserve Corps, January 19, 1865; also borne as McAlarney and McAllerney.

M c A N A L L Y and M c A N N A L L Y , see Macnally.

M c A N D R E W S , T H O M A S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, November 30, 1863; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya. ; mustered out, August 11, 1865, at New York city; also borne as Mc Andrew.

M c A R D L E , J O H N . — Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, unassigned, not stated; no record subsequent to May 7, 1864; ordered to be discharged; also borne as John Mc-Oall.

M c A R D L E , P E T E R . — A g e 22 years. Enlisted, January 19, 1864, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; discharged for disability with

, detachment, May 16, 1865, at Satterlee Hospital, West Phila­delphia, Pa. ; also borne as McCardell.

M c A R T H U R , D U N C A N . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mus­tered in as private, Co. E , September 24, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Co. F in January or February, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Ya. ; mus­tered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as McCarthy. . .

M c A U L I F F , M A R T I N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Troy, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; never joined company.

M c A Y T L Y , see McEviley.

M c A V O Y , M A T H E W . — P r i v a t e , Fifth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, tbis regiment, no date; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; transferred to Co. -B, no date; died, August 23, 1863, in hospital at Washington, D. O ; also borne as McEvoy.

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M c C A B E , B E R N A R D . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted, October 5, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. X , December 20, 1861; deserted in 1861 from Eort Schuyler, N . Y . ; also borne as McColbe.

M c C A B E , H E N B Y . — Age, 17 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. E , September 16, 1861; no record subsequent to April 30, 1862, as deserted.

M c C A B E , JAMES.—• Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, May 2, 1864: wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Gold Harbor, Ya. ; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

M c C A B E , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted in Fifth congres­sional district, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, May 2, 1864; never joined regiment.

M c C A B E , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned^ April 12, 1865; discharged, September 5, 1865, at New York city.

M c C A B E , P A T R I C K . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Octo­ber 11, J 8 6 4 ; captured in action, October 30, 1864, at Peters­burg, Ya . ; paroled, March 8, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

McC A F F E R T Y , P A T R I C K — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 7, 1864; killed in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wil­derness, Ya.

McC A F F E R T Y , see McCaffrey.

M c O A F F R E Y , J A M E S . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, March 8, 1862; wounded in a skirmish at Snicker's Gap, Ya., about November 2, 1862; discharged for wounds, December 15, 1862, at Washington, D. V.

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212 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M c C A F F R E Y , J O H N . — Age, -40 years. Enlisted in Third congressional district, to serve tliree years, and mnstered in as private, Co. A , March 7, 1864; deserted, Marcli 25, 1864, near Stevensburg, Va.

M c C A F E R E Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, Febru­ary 11, 1862, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. H , February 14, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F in January or February, 1864; re-en­listed as a veteran, February 22, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Va . ; again, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Va. ; discharged for disability caused from' wounds, December 22, 1864, at Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D . C ; also borne as McCaffery.

M c C A F F R E Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 3, 1864; killed in action, May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, V a . ; also "borne as McCafferty.

M c C A F F R E Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co.. K , February 3, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Va. ; sent to Salisbury, N . G , October 9, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as McC.affery and McCaffree.

M c C A L L , A R T H U R . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, July 12, 1864; mustered out witb detachment? May 13, 1865, at Mower Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.; also borne as McCaul.

M c C A L L , see McArdle.

M c C A L L , L A W R E N C E . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 22, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , November 17, 1862; transferred to Co. A , Nineteenth Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; mus­tered out with detachment, July 13, 1865, at Elmira, N. Y .

M c C A L L , P A T R I C K . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; deserted, October 27, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, N . Y .

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M c C A L L Y , see McCawley.

M c C A L V E Y , see M c K e l v a y .

M c C A N N , B E R N A R D . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; deserted, January 5, 1863, near Ealmouth, Y a .

M e C A N N v E U G E N E . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , August 18, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Y a . ; transferred to Yeteran Reserve Corps, January 20, 1864.

M c C A N N , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enro l led at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , January 1, 1862; wounded in action, September 17,'1862,_ at Antietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863, and pro­moted corporal; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 4, 1864; pro­moted first sergeant, June 1, 1864; mustered in as first l ieu­tenant, Co. I , September 16, 1864; mustered out witb com­pany, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

Commissioned first lieutenant, October 31, 1864, witb rank ' from September 1, 1864; original, Co. E .

M c C A N N , J A M E S . — Age, date, place of enlistment and mus­ter-in as private, Co. E , not stated; transferred to F i f ty - th i rd Company, Second Battalion, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged, October 24, 1865.

M c C A N N , J A M E S . — Age , 24 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, M a y 21, 1864; never joined regiment.

M c C A N N , J O H N . — Private, F i f t h Infantry; transf erred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; promoted sergeant, January 5, 1862; first sergeant, June 1, 1862; wounded i n action, J u l y l , 1862, at Malvern , H i l l , Y a . ; promoted sergeant-major, November 1, 1862; deserted, December 13, 1S62."

M c C A N N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, October 7, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I , October 30, 1861; discharged for disability, • M a r c h 9, 1863, at camp near Falmouth, Y a .

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M c C A N N , T H O M A S . — Private, F i f t h Infantry; transferred to Oo. D , this regiment, no date; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, Decem­ber 22, 1862, at Frederick, M d .

M c C A N N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , M a r c h 14,1864; captured in action, M a y 6, 1864, at the Wi lder ­ness, V a . ; returned to duty, M a y 28, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as M c K a n n .

M c C A N N , see M c K e n n .

M c O A N T Y , J O H N . — Age , 18 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , January 21, 1864; appointed bugler, no date; deserted, M a y 3, 1864, near Stevensburg, V a . ; also borne as McCantie.

M c C A R D E L L , see M c A r d l e .

M c C A R L E Y , see McCawley.

M c C A R R A N , J O H N . — Age, date, place of enlistment and mus­ter- in as private, Co. G , not stated; discharged in J u l y , 1863; subsequent service, private, Co. L , Fourteenth Cavalry.

M c C A R T H Y , see M c A r t h u r .

M c C A R T H Y , J A M E S . — P r i v a t e , F i f t h Infantry ; transferred to Co. D , tbis regiment, no date; to Co. B , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 13, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , V a . ; also borne as McOartbey and McCarty .

M c C A R T H Y , J A M E S . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, November 5, 1862; no furtber record.

M c C A R T H Y , J O H N . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k .city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , January 19', 1864; promoted sergeant and first sergeant, no 'date? died of disease, October 16, 1864, at Linco ln Hospital , Washington, D . C.

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M c O A R T H Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Eebruary 25, 1864; captured, date and place not stated; died, September 10, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war; also borne as McCarty.

M c C A R T H Y , T I M O T H Y . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Lewis-ton, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 20, 1864; never joined regiment.

M c C A R T H Y , see McCarty.

M c C A R T H Y and M c C A R T Y , see McClarty.

M c C A R T N E Y , ANDREW.—Private , Fifth Infantry; trans­ferred to Co. D, this regiment, no date; captured, March 28, 1862, at Rappahannock River, Ya. ; paroled, no date; mustered out with detachment, May 24, 1862, at Washington, D. C ; also bome as McCarthy.

M c C A R T N E Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 28 years.- Enlisted at Chi­cago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 13, 1861; wounded on picket, June 15, 1862, in front of Richmond, Ya. ; discharged for disability, March 31, 1863, at United States General Hospital, David's Island, N . Y .

M c C A R T Y , C H A R L E S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Oo. E , September 16, 1861; returned to ranks, August 1, 1862; discharged for disability, January 27, 1863, at Con­valescent Camp, Ya. ; also borne as McCarthy.

M c C A R T Y , J O H N . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, October 13, 1861, at Chicago, 111., to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. D, October 31, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; to Yeteran Reserve Corps, September 30, 1863; also borne as McCartney and McCarthy.

M c C A R T Y , J O H N . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; wounded in action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; transferred to Co. B, Juno 12, 1863; to Yeteran Reserve Corps, February 6, 1864; also borne as McCarthey and McCarthy.

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M c C A R T Y , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, December 20, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; to Co. F, this regiment, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 22, 1861; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; discharged for wounds, July 8, 1865, at McClellan Hospital, Philadelphia. Pa . ; also borne as McCarthy.

M c C A R T Y , J O H N . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 7, 1864; captured in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya. ; died of disease, August 5, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.; also borne as McCarthy.

M c C A R T Y , L A W R E N C E . — Age, 18 years. . Enlisted at Chi­cago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 13, 1861; deserted, November 3, 1861, at New York city; also borne as McCarthy.

M c C A R T Y , M O R R I S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, October 5, 1864, at Jamaica, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. B, October 11, 1864; absent, without leave, at muster-out of company; no. further record; also borne as Maurice and Morris McCarthy.

M c C A R T Y , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 43. years. Enlisted, October 18, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 25, 1861; deserted, November 22, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, N . Y .

M c C A R T Y , see McCarthy.

M c C A U L , see McCall.

M c C A W L E Y , O W E N . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Sep­tember 19', 1864; captured, October 30, 1864; paroled, no date; mustered out, July 22, 1865, at New York city; also borne as Orren, and as McCally, McCarley and McCaully.

M c C L A R T Y , N I C H O L A S . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 24, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded, March 25, 1865; mus­tered out with detachment, June 7, 1865, at Mower Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. ; also borne as McCarthy and McCarty.

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M c C L E L L A N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as drummer, Co. K, December 20, 1861; discharged, June 6, 1863, at Falmouth, Ya.

M c C L E M N A N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, December 24, 1864; deserted, February 23, 1864, from in front of Petersburg, Va. ; also borne as McClennan and Mc-Clennen.

McCLOSKY, J O H N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to ' serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Octo­ber 1, 1864; discharged with detachment. May 9, 1865, at Harts Island, New York harbor; also borne as McClusky.

M c C L O H G H L I N , see McLoughlin.

M c C L U S K E Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered iu as private, Co. B, August 26, 1862; wounded in action, De­cember 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va . ; discharged for dis­ability, August 10, 1863, at Washington, D. C.; also borne as McCloskey.

McCOLBE, see McCabe.

M c C O N N E L L , J O S E P H . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, July 20, 1864; absent, sick in hospital, since October 30, 1864, and at muster-out of company.

M c C O N V I L L E , M I C H A E L . — Age, 32 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F , October 16, 1861; promoted regimental commissary-ser­geant, November 1, 1862; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; died from injuries, March 26, 1865.

Commissioned, not mustered, second lieutenant, February 9, 1865, with rank from November 1, 1864, vice J . Nugent, promoted.

M c C O R M A C K , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 30, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. H , November 17, 1861; no further record.

M c C O R M A C K , J A M E S , see Joseph McCormick.

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McCORMICK, C O R N E L I U S . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 13, 1861; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; no record subsequent to Eebruary 28, 1862, as. absent, sick, in New York.

McCORMICK, E D W A R D . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, December 17, 1863; never joined regiment.

McCORMICK, H U G H . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Eebruary 3, 1864; captured, no date or place; died of disease, August 24, 1864, in prison at Andersonville, Ga.

McCORMICK, J O H N . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 18, 1861; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862, as ' absent; also borne as McCormack.

McCORMICK, J O H N . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, May 3, 1864; never joined regiment,

McCORMICK, J O S E P H . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, July 20, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; died in prison, December 8, 1864, at Salisbury, N . O ; also borne as James McCormack.

M c O O R N E Y , see McLarney.

McCOURT, H U G H . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 15, 1861; discharged for disability, June 27, 1862, at Alexandria, Ya.

M c C O U R T , J O H N . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 7, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexan­dria, Ya. ; also borne as McMacourt.

McCOY, B E R N A R D . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, No­vember 4, 1861; no record subsequent to June 30-, 1862, as absent.

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McCOY, J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. X , September 19, 1864; died of disease, January 23, 1865, at Eirst Division Hospital, Second Army 'Corps, in Alexandria, Ya.

McCOY, M I C H A E L . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, anct mustered in as priavte, Co. E , October 21, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Ya., and left on the field; supposed to have died; no fur­ther record.

McCOY, W I L L I A M . — Age, 39. years. Enlisted, October 4, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 13, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Ya . ; returned, May 17, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

M c C R E A D Y and M c C R E E D Y , see McCrury.

M c C R O D E N , C H A R L E S . — Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. X , Eebruary 11, 1862; deserted, April 13, 1862, at Ship Point, Ya.

M c C R U R Y , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1864, at Kingston, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H,. September 3, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Ya . ; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as McOready, McCreedy, and McGrady.

M c O U L L A U G H , JOHN.—Enlisted at Camp Leddy, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 13, 1862; discharged, October 16, 1862, to enlist in Battery C, Eourth Hnited States Artillery.

M c C U L L O U G H , J A M E S . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 6, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya., as McCulloch.

M c C H N E , WILLIAM.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed1, March 18, 1864; deserted, May 3, 1864.

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M c C U S K E Y , F E R G U S . — A g e , 39 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k eity, to serve tliree years, and mnstered in as private, Co. E , October 8, 1861; deserted, November 21, 1861, at Fort Schuy­ler, N . Y . ; also borne as McCusker.

M c D A N I E L S , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Jamaica,, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K , October 12, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, to date June 29, 1865 ; at Whitehal l Uni ted States General Hospital , Phi lade l ­phia, P a .

M c D E R M O T T , J A M E S . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to 'serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; ki l led i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a .

M c D E R M O T T , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, October 13, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 25, 1861; wounded in action, De ­cember 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; to Co. B , Sixth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, September 30, 1863; discharged, December 12, 1864, at Johnson's Island, Ohio.

M c D O N A L D , A R C H E R . — A g e , 42 years. Enlisted at Pendle­ton, to serve one year, and mustered, i n as private, Co. A , Sep­tember 22, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , V a . ; also borne as Archibald and A r c k y .

M c D O N A L D , H E N R Y . — A g e , 39 years. Enlisted, October 20, 1862, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. K , November 17, 1862; transferred to Co. G , Nineteenth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; dis­charged, August 4, 1865, at Buffalo, N . Y . ; also borne as McDonold .

M c D O N A L D , H U G H . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , March. 30, 1865; absent, without leave, at muster-out of company.

M c D O N A L D , J A M E S . — Enlisted, December 24, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. 1), December 27, 1861; promoted corporal, January 5, 1862; re­turned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; deserted, J u l v 30, 1863, at Frederick, M d . ; also borne as M c ­Donnell ,

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M c D O N A L D , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , February 5, 1864; discharged for disability, August 24, 1864, at Grant General Hospital , New Y o r k harbor.

M c D O N A L D , M I L E S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, September 25, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; while absent, wounded, and missing in action, M a y 3, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Y a . , and dropped, June 30, 1863; supposed dead.

M c D O N A L D , T H O M A S . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, September 27, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. X , December 20, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; no record subsequent to December 31, 1863; as left the regiment, sick, November 29, 1862; supposed de­serted; also borne as McDonnel l .

M c D O N N E L L , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at New Y"ork city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , February 28, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as McDonald.

M c D O N N E L L , T H O M A S . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New Y'ork city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 19, 1864; missing, in action, June 22, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; no further record; also borne as McDonnell .

M c D O N N E L L , see McDonald.

M c D O N O U G H , J O H N . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted, October 2, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , October 14, 1861; deserted, October 18, 1861; also borne as McDonohue.

M c D O N O U G H , J O H N . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New Y"ork city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , M a r c h 10, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865> at Alexandria, Y a .

M c D O N O U G H , M A T H E W . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at C h i ­cago, HI . , to serve three vears, and mustered i n as private, Oo. D , October 13, 1861; ki l led in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at M a l ­vern H i l l , Y a .

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M o D O N O U G H , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 23 years. Enl isted at Brook­lyn , to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February 5, 1864; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; mus­tered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

M c D O W E L L , J O H N G . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted, August 24, 1864, at Plattsburgb, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, Sep­tember 5, 1864; sergeant, December 19, 1864; wounded i n action, Marcb 25, 1865, at Skinner's F a r m , V a . ; discharged for wounds June 1, 1865, at Fair fax Seminary, V a .

M c D O W E L L , M I C H A E L — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; wounded i n action, De­cember 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; promoted corporal, no date; discharged for wounds, M a y 1, 1863, at Harewood Hospital , Washington, D . C .

M c E L A R N E Y , see McLarney .

M c E L H A R G E Y , see Mc l lhargy .

M c E L L I G O T T , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 20 years. Enl i s ted at C h i ­cago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , October 13, 1861; deserted, November 3, 1861, at New Y o r k city.

M c E L R O Y , B E R N A R D . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; wounded i n action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, M a r c h 27, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, V a . ; also borne as M e B r o y .

M c E L R O Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; wounded i n action, Decem­ber 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; died of bis wounds, De­cember 20, 1862, at camp, near Falmouth, V a . ; also borne as M c l l r o y .

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M c E N T E E , T H O M A S . — A g e 40 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February 26, 1864; wounded i n action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Y a . , and absent, at muster-out of company; also borne as M c E n t a and McEntee l .

M c E N T Y R E , P E T E R . . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, October 11, 1864; mustered out, J u l y 26, 1865, at McDougal ! Hospital , New Y o r k ; also borne as M c l n t i r e and Melntyre .

M c E V I L E Y , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as sergeant, Co. E , September 16, 1861; discbarged for dis­ability, A p r i l 28, 1862, at Washington, D . C , as M c E v e r l y ; also : borne as M c A v i l y and M c E v i l y .

M c E V O Y , see M c A v o y .

M c F A D D E N , B E R N A R D . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 9, 1861; appointed musician, same date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted drum major, February 15, 1864; deserted, February 10, 1865, at expiration of fur lough; also borne as Barnard and Bernhard McPhadden.

M c F A L L , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at Stockton, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, December 14, 1863; never joined regiment.

M c F A R T L A N D , see McPart land.

M e G A N N , S A M U E L . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, September 26, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; ki l led in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

M c G A R A T Y , J O H N . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted, December 8, 1861, at Washington, D . C , to serve three years; mustered in as private,. Co. K , December 20, 1861; k i l l ed i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a . ; also borne as McGar i ty .

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M c G A R R I G L E , A L E C K . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mnstered in as private, un-assigned, September 21, 1864; no furtber record; also borne as McGarragle.

M c G A R R Y , see McGuire.

M c G A R Y , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , March 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria Y a . ; also borne as McGarry.

M c G E E , A R T H U R . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Eebruary 29, 1864; wounded and captured in action, May 12, 1864, at Spottsvlvania, Ya. ; died, June 23, 1864, at Richmond, Ya.

M c G E E , D E N N I S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Eeb­ruary 24, 1864; wounded, August 12, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya., and sent to hospital; no further record.

M c G E E , H E N R Y . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 13, 1861; wounded in action, 'September 12, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; again, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; wounded in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Oo.'F, in January or February, 1864; captured in action, Au­gust 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; paroled, no date; pro­moted oorporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out, June 21, 1865, at Ladies Home Hospital, New York city, as Magee.

M c G E E , JAMES.—Age , 18 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. IT, September 28, 1861; promoted Corporal, no date; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; also borne as James E .

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MeGEE, J A M E S E.—Age, 29 years. Enrolled, September 12, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in aa captain, Co. E, October 12, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F, no date; mustered in as lieutenant-colonel, April 16, 1864; mustered out, October 11,' 1864, near Peters­burg, Va. ; also borne as James C.

Commissioned captain, December 20, 1861, with rank from • October 11, 1861; original; lieutenant-colonel, April 13, 1864,

with rank from March 9, 1864, vice, J . Kelly mustered out.

MeGEE, M I C H A E L . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 12, 1861; accidentally wounded, September 8, 1862, discharged for disability, Pebruary 25, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Va.

MeGEE, T H O M A S . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted in Second con­gressional district, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 20, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864; discharged for disability, May 16, 1865.

MeGEE, THOMAS.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, Janu­ary 28, 1864; wounded, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va.; discharged for wounds, May 8, 1865,.at New York.

M c G E T T I G H A N , ' see Magettigan.

McGIBNEY, P E T E R . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 3, 1864; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va,

McGILL, WILLIAM.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Sep­tember 19, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

M c G I L L A N , P E T E R . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, • to -serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H ,

, September 28, 1861; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; deserted. May 15, 1863, from Harewood Hospital, at Washington, D. C.; also borne as McGillen.

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226 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M c G I L V E R Y , WILLIAM.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 13 , 1 8 6 4 ; captured on picket, October 30 , 1864 , near Petersburg, Va. ; sent to Salisbury, N . O, November 4 i

1864 , and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as McGilvey.'

McGINN, JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, De­cember 27 , 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

McGINN, see Maginn.

McGINNESS, C H A R L E S E.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 1 1 , 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out witb company, June 30 , 1 8 6 5 , near Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as McGinnis.

McGINNESS, P A T R I C K — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 9, 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, August 29 , 1862 , at Alex­andria, Va. ; also borne as McGinniss.

McGINNESS, THOMAS.—Age, 4 1 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 30 , 1 8 6 1 ; no record subsequent to June 30, 1 8 6 2 , as absent; also borne as McGinniss.

McGINNISS, D A N I E L . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 18 , 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865 , near Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as McGinness.

McGINNIS, E D W A R D . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, March 15, 1 8 6 4 ; appointed musician, no date; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865 , near Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as McGinness.

McGINTY, see McGuilty.

M c G L A U G H L I N , A R C H I B A L D . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 13 , 1 8 6 1 ; no record subsequent to April 10, 1863 , as sent to Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., August 28 , 1862 , per General Order, No. 126 .

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M c G L A U G H L I N and M c G L O U G H L I N , see McLoughlin.

M c G O L D R I O H , E D W A R D . — A g e , 44 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , January 6, 1864; wounded in action, May 12, 1864, at N y e River, Y a . ; died of his wounds, M a y 12, 1864, in F i e l d Hospi­tal , A_rmy of Potomac; also borne as McGouldrick.

M c G O V E R N , H U G H . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted, September 24, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; ki l led i n action, June 1, 1862, at F a i r Oaks, V a .

M c G O V E R N , R I C H A R D . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 23, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; died of disease, A p r i l 17, 1862, at Ships Point , V a .

M c G O W A N , J O H N . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, J a n ­uary 25, 1864; never joined regiment.

M c G R A D Y , see M c C r u r y .

M c G R A I N , J O H N . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, November 1, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. X , December 20, 1861; promoted sergeant, De­cember 13, 1862; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, V a . ; also borne as McGre in .

M c G R A N E , P A T R I C K — A g e , date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. I , not stated; discharged August 15, 1863; subsequent service as private, Co. D , Second Veteran Cavalry.

M c G R A T H , J O H N . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, October 25, 1861; promoted corporal, March 15, 1862; ser­geant, September 17, 1862; first sergeant, no date; mustered out as sergeant, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Y a . , on consolida­t ion; subsequent service in Co. L , Sixteenth Cavalry.

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M c G R A T H , JOHN.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, October 1, 1864; died of disease, February 5, 1865, at Annapolis, Md.

M c G R A T H , P E T E R . — A g e , 13 years. Enlisted, October 23, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. G, October 25, 1861; mustered out June 12, 1863, by reason of being a supernumerary noncommissioned officer.

M c G R A T H , THOMAS.—Age , 20 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, December 27, 1 8 6 i ; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; wounded in action, July 2,- 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.; promoted corporal, December 5, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran,

i December 22, 1863; promoted sergeant, Co. O, February 26, 1864; captured on picket line, October 30, 1864; paroled, "no date; mustered in as first lieutenant, February 9, 1865; mus­tered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.;

[ also borne as Thomas F. Magrath. Commissioned first lieutenant, February 9, 1865, with rank

from November 8, 1864, vice, J . D. Mulhall, discharged.

M c G R A T H , WILLIAM.—Age, 41 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, October 1, 1864; never joined regiment.

MeGRAW, M I C H A E L . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Aleandria, Ya.

M c G R E G O R , THOMAS.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 14, 1861; deserted, October 29, 1861.

M c G R E I N , see McGrahr.

M c G U I L T Y , E D W A R D IL—Age, 23 years. ' Enlisted at Pough­keepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, August" 27, 1864; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; ser­geant, March 1,'1865; returned to ranks, March 24, 1865; mus-

• tered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as McGinty and McGuinty.

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McGUIRE, E D W A R D . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, September 25, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; died of bis wounds, September 19, 1862.

McGUIRE, J A M E S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree -years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , Eebruary 10, 1862; deserted, September 1, 1862, at Alexan­dria, Ya.

McGUIRE, J O H N , 'No. 1.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 19, 1864; killed in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya.

McGUIRE, J O H N , No. • :2.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 28, 1864; killed in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya.

McGUIRE, J O H N W.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 18, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. E in January or Eebruary, 1864; mustered out May 17, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne las Mac-Guire and McGarry.

McGUIRE, M I C H A E L . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at'New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 15, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Ya . ; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, May 18, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Ya. ; re­turned to ranks, no date; discharged for disability, Eebruary 9, 1865, at Einley Hospital, Washington, D. C.

McGUIRE, M I C H A E L . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , November 15, 1861; no further record.

McGUIRE, M I C H A E L . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, Eebruary 1, 1864; never joined regiment.

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230 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M c G U I R E , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, J u l y 20, 1864; never joined regiment.

. M c G U R E , see Maguire. j

M c H A L L E Y , see M e N a l l y .

M c I E V E R and M c I V E R , see McKeever .

M c I L A R N E Y and M c I L L A R N E Y , see McLarney.

M c I L H A R G Y , A L E X A N D E R J . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. K , A p r i l 18, 1864; wounded i n action, June 3, 1864, at Co ld Harbor , Y a . ; discharged for disability, caused from wounds, November 14, 1864, at D e Camp Hospital , David's Island, N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as McElhargey.

M c I L R O Y , see M c E l r o y .

M c I N T I R E and M c I N T Y R E , see McEntyre .

M c I V E R , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , September 3, 1862; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; de­serted, June 20, 1863, at Thoroughfare Gap, Y a . ; also borne as M c l v o r .

M c K A N N , see M c C a n n .

M c K A Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , October 21, 1861; no further record.

M c K E E Y E R , D A N I E L — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , A p r i l 5, 1864; absent, wounded i n action, since M a y 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Y a . , and at muster-out of company; also borne as Mc lever , M c l v e r , M c K a i v e r , and McKever .

M c K E I G N E Y , J O H N . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and muetered i n as private, unas­signed, A p r i l 5, 1864; never joined regiment.

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M c X E L Y A Y , JOHN.—Age , 21 years. Enlisted, October 2, 1861, at Jamaica, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. K , October 13, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; mus­tered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as McCalvey and McKalvey.

M c K E N L E Y , see McXindley.

M c X E N N , JAMES.—Age , 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. E , October 7, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; deserted, De­cember 17, 1862, from camp near Falmoutb, Ya . ; as McC'ann.

M c K E N N A , B E R N A R D . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. B , October 3, 1861; killed in action, July 1, 1862, at Nel ­son's Earm, Y a . ; also borne as McKanna.

M c K E N N A , H E N R Y . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , September 25, 1861; died of chronic diarrhea, October 21, 1862, at Carver Hospital, Washington, D. 0.; also borne as McKeno.

M c K E N N A , JOHN.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted, September 22, 1861, at New York city, to serve three- years, and mustered in as private, Co. .0,. September 24, 1861; discharged for dis­ability, October 7, 1862, at Fort Monroe, Ya.

M c K E N N A , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 28, 1862; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; died, February 6, 1864; on board transport, from New Y o r k to Alex­andria, Y a .

M c K E N N A , R I C H A R D . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, October 10', 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private", Co. A , October 20, 1861; promoted corporal, October 25., 1862; deserted, June 17, 1863, at Sangster Station, Md.

M c K E O N , A N D R E W . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 15, 1864; absent, sick, since March 24, 1864, and at muster-out of company.

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232 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M c K E V A N , B A R T H O L O M E W — A g e , • 22 years. E n l i s t e d at N e w Y o r k c i ty , to serve three years , and mustered i n as p r i ­vate, C o . A , O c t o b e r 24, 1861 ; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at A n t i e t a m , M d . ; transferred to C o . B , J u n e 12, 1 8 6 3 ; to C o . A , T h i r t e e n t h R e g i m e n t , Y e t e r a n Reserve C o r p s , J n l y 1, 1 8 6 3 ; also borne as B a r t l e y K e v a n , B a r t l e y a n d B u r t -l e y M c K e o w n .

M c K E V I T T , J A M E S . — A g e , 30 years . E n l i s t e d at N e w Y o r k eity , to serve three years, a n d mustered i n as pr ivate , C o . G , S e p t e m b e r 9 ' , 1 8 6 1 ; k i l l e d i n action, September .17, 1862, at A n t i e t a m , M d . ; also borne as M e K i v i t .

M c K L N D L E Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 20 years. E n l i s t e d , A u g u s t 27, 1864, at P l a t t s b u r g b , to serve three years ; mustered i n as p r i v a t e , C o . IT, September 3, 1864 ; mustered out w i t h c o m p a n y , J u n e 30, 1865, at A l e x a n d r i a , V a . ; also borne as M c K e n l e y a n d M c K i n l e y .

M c K I N L E Y , R O B E R T . — A g e , 34 years. E n r o l l e d at N e w Y o r k c i ty , to serve tbree years , a n d mustered i n as private , C o . D , D e c e m b e r 19, 1861 ; p r o m o t e d sergeant, J a n u a r y 5, 1862 ; first sergeant, O c t o b e r 31, 1862 ; w o u n d e d i n action, D e c e m b e r 13, 1862, at E r e d e r i c k s b u r g , V a . ; r e t u r n e d to ranks, D e c e m b e r 14, 1 8 6 2 ; t r a n s f e r r e d to C o . B , J u n e 12, 1S63 ; re-enlisted as a vet­e r a n , D e c e m b e r 22, 1863 ; again p r o m o t e d first sergeant, C o . 0 , F e b r u a r y 1, 1864 ; c a p t u r e d o n picket l i n e , O c t o b e r 30, 1 8 6 4 ; p a r o l e d , n o date ; m u s t e r e d i n as second l ieutenant , F e b r u a r y '16, 1 8 6 5 ; as first l ieutenant, C o . E , A p r i l 17, 1865 ; mustered out w i t b c o m p a n y , J u n e 30, 1865, at A l e x a n d r i a , V a . ; also

. b o r n e as P a t r i c k , as M c K e n n i l l y , a n d M c K i n s l e y . C o m m i s s i o n e d second l ieutenant , October 31, 1864, w i t h

. r a n k f r o m S e p t e m b e r 1, 1864, v i c e D . L y n c h , p r o m o t e d ; first l ieutenant , F e b r u a r y 9, 1865, w i t h r a n k f r o m N o v e m b e r 30, 1864, v ice P . H . Sweeney, p r o m o t e d .

M c L A R N E Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , 22 years. E n l i s t e d , O c t o b e r 21, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree y e a r s ; mustered i n as p r i v a t e , C o . I, October 30, 1 8 6 1 ; t r a n s f e r r e d to C o . A , J u n e 12, 1863 ; re-enlisted as a veteran, D e c e m b e r 22, 1 8 6 3 ; t rans ­f e r r e d to C o . F i n J a n u a r y or F e b r u a r y , 1864 ; m u s t e r e d out w i t b c o m p a n y , J u n e 30, 1865, at A l e x a n d r i a , Y a : ; also b o r n e as M c A l a r m e y , M c A l a r n e y , M c A l e r n e y , M c E l a r n e y , M c L a r ­n e y , M c l l l a r n e y , a n d M c C o r n e y . ' •

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M c L A U G H L I N , B A R N A R D . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Clymer, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, January 1, 1864; never joined regiment; also "borne as McLaglilin.

M c L A U G H L I N , T H O M A S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, September 21, 1864; no further record; also borne as McLaugblan.

M c L O U G H L I N , J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F, September 24, 1864; captured on picket, October 29, 1864, near Peters­burg, Ya. ; returned, no date; absent at Annapolis, Md., at muster-out of company; also borne as McLaughlin and Me-Loughlin.

M c L O U G H L I N , J O H N . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted, September 30, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in' as private, Co. X , December 20, 1861; promoted corporal and sergeant, no dates; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; also borne as McCloughlin, McGlaughlin, and McGloughlin.

M c L O U G H L I N , J O H N . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, January 25, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as-private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; captured, May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Ya. ; died, October 29, 1864, at Salisbury, N . C ; also borne as McLaughlin.

McMAOOUBT, see McCourt.

M c M A H O N , J A M E S . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 1, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, at Hatcher's Run, Ya . ; mustered out, July 13, 1S65, at Satterlee Hospital, Phila­delphia, Pa., as McMahon.

M c M A H O N , J A M E S . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, • unassigned, October 1, 1864; detailed on permanent duty at drafting ren­dezvous, same date; no further record.

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234 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M c M A H O N , J A M E S P.—Age, 26 years. Enrolled, October 25, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in. as captain, Oo. K, November 17, 1861; discharged, October 20, 1862; subsequent service as lieutenant-colonel, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and colonel, One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Infantry.

Commissioned captain, December 20, 1861, witb rank from November 17, 1861; original.

M c M A H O N , J O H N . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Camp Cali­fornia, Ya., to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 5, 1862; promoted corporal, June 27, 1862; ser­geant, August 30, 1862; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.

M c M A H O N , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 18, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Va . ; paroled, February 28, 1865, at North East Ferry, N . C.; died of disease, March 24, 1865, at New York city.

M c M A H O N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, August 28, 1862; promoted corporal, April 16, 1863; trans­ferred to Co. B, no date; wounded in action, July 2, 1863; de­serted from hospital in New York city in August, 1863; also borne as McMahan.

M c M A H O N , O W E N . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 4, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexan­dria, Ya. •

M c M A H O N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted, November 3, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered m as private, Co. K, December 20, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F in January, 1864; to Sixteenth Com­pany, Second Battalion, Yeteran Reserve Corps, January 5„ 1864.

M c M A M A R D and M c M A N A R D , see McNamara.

McMANIS, J A M E S . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A,, March 4, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864, near Spotsyl­vania,' Ya . ; discharged for disability, October 15, 1864, at Washington, D. C.; also borne as McManus.

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M c M A N N , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, January 18, 1864; never joined regiment.

M c M A N N , J O H N . — Enlisted at Albany, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , August 30, 1864; no record subsequent to April 30, 1865, as present.

M c M A N N , J O H N . — A g e , 40 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , April 4, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 6, 1865, at Emory Hospital, "Washington, D. C.

M c M A N N A R D , see McNamara.

McMANNIS, J A M E S . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted, March 4, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. A , date not stated; wounded, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Ya. ; discharged, October 15, 1864.

McMANNUS, EDWARD.—Private, Fifth Infantry; transferred to Oo. D, this regiment, no date; wounded in action, Decem­ber 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; transferred to Co. B, no date; discharged for disability, September 30, 1863; also borne as McManiss and McManus.

McMANNUS, J A M E S . — Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , February 5, 1862; deserted, December 17, 1862, at Falmouth, Ya.

McMANUS, B E R N A R D . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at Fort Schuyler, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, November 14, 1861; promoted sergeant, December 1, 1861; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; mustered out, June 12, 1863, on consolidation.

McMANUS, J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, February 4, 1864; never joined regiment.

McMANUS, see McNamara and McManis.

M c M O L L Y , see McNalley.

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M c M U L L E N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , November 14, 1861; deserted, December 15, 1862, from camp near Ealmoutb, V a . ; also borne as M c M u l l i n .

M c N A L L E Y , M I C H A E L . — Enlisted, September 11, 1862, at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. G-, November 17, 1862; promoted first sergeant, no date; mus­tered out, June 20, IS65, at Camp Chase, Ohio; also borne as M c M o l l y and M c N a l l y .

M c N A L L Y , J A M E S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , January 29', 1864; wounded i n action, M a y 16, 1864, and June 16, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; discharged to date, June 30, 1865, at N e w Y o r k city; also borne as McNal ley .

M c N A L L Y , S Y L V E S T E R . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G-, January 25, 1864; deserted, November 30, 1864, from Carver Hospital , at Washington, D . 0. ; also borne as McHal l ey and M c N a l l e y .

M c N A L L Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, unassigned, not stated; transferred to Vet ­eran Reserve Corps, no date; re-enlisted i n Fourth Company, Second Battal ion, Veteran Reserve Corps; supposed to be identi­cal with Macnally.

M c N A M A R A , D A N I E L . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, October 7, IS61, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private,.Co. B , October 10, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; returned to ranks, A p r i l 28, 1862; wounded i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; died of his wounds, J u l y 12, 1862; also borne as McManus.

M c N A M A R A , J A M E S . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted, October 13, 1861, at Chicago, 111., to serve tbree years; mustered in as pri ­vate, Co. D , November 2, 1861; captured at Parole Camp, A n ­napolis, M d . , no date; no furtber record.

M c N A M A R A , M A R T I N . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 23, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 26,' 1861; deserted, same date, at New Y o r k city; also borne as McMamard and McManard .

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McNAMABA> T H O M A S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 20, 1861, at New York eity, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. B, October 24, 1861; wounded, and died of his wounds, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; also borne as McMannard.

M c N A M A B A , W I L L I A M . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

M c N A M A R A and M c N A M A H R A , see Macnamara. 4

M c N A M E E , J O H N . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 10, 1861; killed in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hall, Ya.

M c N U L T Y , O W E N . — Age, 22 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 15, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863, and promoted eorporal; sergeant, December 1, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted commissary sergeant, no date; mustered in as first lieutenant, Oo. X , February 16, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, Ya.

Commissioned first lieutenant, February 9, 1865, with rank from November 1, 1864; original, Co. H .

M c P A R T L A N , P H I L I P . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , February 24, 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; re­turned to ranks, November 2, 1864; deserted, January 20, 1865, near Petersburg, Ya. ; also' borne as McPartland.

M c P A R T L A N D , MILES.—Age , 29 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 15, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Niles McPartland and McFartland.

McPIIADDEN, B E B N H A R D , see Bernard McFadden.

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M c Q U A D E , F R A N K . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted, at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , March 21, 1864; wounded, June 16, 1864; deserted, August 5, 1864, at DeCamp Hospital , David's Island, N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as Francis.

M c Q U A D E , H E N R Y . — A g e , 20 years. Enrolled, October 13, 1861, at Chicago, 111., to serve three years; mustered i n as cor­poral , Co. D , November 1, 1861; promoted sergeant, June 1, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericks­burg, Y a . ; promoted first sergeant, March 1, 1863; mustered out on consolidation, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Y a . ; again enrolled and mustered i n as second lieutenant, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded, August 14, 1864; captured on picket, Octo­ber 30, 1864; paroled, no date; mustered i n as captain, Co. H , February 16, 1865; mustered out wi th company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

Not commissioned as second lieutenant; commissioned cap­tain, February 9, 1865, witb rank from October IT, 1864, vice B . S. Onei l l , k i l led in action.

M c Q U A D E , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; deserted, November 4, 1861, at For t Schuyler, New Y o r k harbor.

M c Q U E E N , J A M E S . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, October 12, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; -mustered in as private, Co. K , December 20, 1861; ki l led in action, September IT, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d .

M c S H A N E , J O H N . — Age , 32 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , November T," 1861; discharged for disability, December 19, 1862, near Falmouth, Y a .

M c S H A N E , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, September 18, 1862, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, 'Co. H , November IT, T862; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with detachment, June 2, 1865, at Campbell Hospital , Washington, D . O.

M c S O R L E Y , H U G H . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , November 11, 1861; deserted, June 10, 1862, at F a i r Oaks, Y a .

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K e S W E E N Y , D E N N I S . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. X , Eebruary 11, 1862; discharged for disability, December 6, 1862, at Baltimore, Md.

M c V A R R Y , see McVey.

M c V A Y , E R A N C I S . — Age, 42 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 27, 1861; discharged for disability, December 27, 1862, at Convalescent Camp, Va. ; also borne as McVey.

H c V E Y , J O H N — Age, 42 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. X , March 25, 1864; wounded, May 12, 1864; discharged for disability, June 8, 1865, at DeCamp Hospital, David's Island, N . Y . ; also borne as McVarry and McVay.

M E A G H E R , J O H N . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted, October 4,1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 5, 1861; deserted, October 15, 1861.

M E A G H E R , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, August 19, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863, and promoted corporal; to Co. F, in January or February, 1864; promoted sergeant, April. 20, 1864; mustered in as second lieu­tenant, Co. K, December 1, 1864; wounded, April 2, 1865; mus­tered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as Thomas Meagher.

Commissioned second lieutenant, October 31, 1864, with rank from September 1,1864; original, Co. D.

M E A G H E R , J O H N . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Janu­ary 5, 1864; no further record.

M E A G H E R , J O H N . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 14, 1864; transferred to Department of the Southwest, November 10, 1864; mustered out on individual roll, June 14, 1865, at Milwaukee, Wis.; also borne as Maher and Mayher.

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M E A G H E R , W I L L I A M 0, see William O'Meagher.

M E A G H E R , see Mahar and Maher.

. M E A H A N E Y , see Mahoney.

M E A L Y , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861> at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 2, 1&61; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hil l , Va . ; deserted, July 3, 1862, at Harrisons Landing, Va. ; also borne as Melae.

M E A L Y , PATRICK.—• Age, 28 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1861, at New York eity, to serve three years; mnstered in as private, Co. I, October 30, 1861; discharged for disability, Eeb­ruary 9, 1863, at Providence, R. I.; also borne as Melea.

M E A R A , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, November 4, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered1 in as private,, Co. K, December 20', 1861; deserted in 1861, at Eort Schuyler, N . Y . ; also borne as Marah.

M E E H A N , J A M E S . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to. serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , and de­serted, November 13, 1861, at New York city.

M E E H A N , J O H N . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as. private, Co. B, October 18, 1864; promoted corporal, March 26, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as 'Mohan.

M E E N A N , J A M E S . — A g e 43 years. Enlisted at New York, city, to serve three years, and mustered, in as private, Co. K, September 4, 1862; discharged for disability, Marcb 18, 1863, at Chestnut Hil l Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.

M E L A E and M E L E A , see Mealy.

M E L L I S H , G E O R G E . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, January 23, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; promoted corporal, Eebruary 26, 1864; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, V a . ; died of bis wounds, June 25, 1864, at Philadelphia, Pa.

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M E L L O N , H E N R Y . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as musician, Co. A , and deserted, September 23, 1S61.

M E N Y , G E O R G E W . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; mustered1 out with detachment, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as George H . and George W. Merry.

M E R E A, see Mara.

M E R R Y , G E O R G E H. , see George W. Meny.

M E S H A N , see Mischen.

M E Y E R , H E N R Y . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, January 26, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; deserted, Eebruary 2, 1864, at Biker's Island, New York harbor.

M I C H A E L S , R E I N Z E and R E N Z I E , see Michael Renzie.

M I D D L E T O N , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Troy, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

MILES, A L E X A N D E R . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. X , March 25, 1864; died, March 30, 1S05, at sea, oil Cape Hatteras, N . C.; also borne as Myles.

MILLBROITN, CHRISTIAN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, Au­gust 30, 1864, at New Yrork city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; discharged, June 30, 1865;. also borne, as Millbron and Millburn, and Chester Millborn and Millburn.

V O L . 29 '—16

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M I L L E E N , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mnstered in as private, unas­signed, September 19, 1862; no further record.

M I L L E R , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Goshen, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 27, 1864; promoted corporal, September 9, 1864; returned to ranks, no date; promoted sergeant, Marcb 23, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

M I L L E R , H E N R Y . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 21, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Ya. ; returned, May 17, 1865; mustered out witb detach­ment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

M I L L E R , J O H N A . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 13, 1861; promoted sergeant, November 1, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 23, 1863; promoted first sergeant, February 16, 1865; killed in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Ya. ; also borne as John E .

M I L L E R , T H O M A S . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, August 11, 1862; wounded in action, May 1, 1863, at Chan­cellorsville, Ya . ; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

M I L L E R , W I L L I A M . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , March 5, 1864; missing in action, May 11, 1864, at Spotsyl-vaniaj Ya., and at muster-out of company.

M I L L I G A N , R O B E R T , see Robert H . Milliken.

M I L L I G A N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, January 28, 1864; never joined regiment; supposed to be identical witb William Mulligan.

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M I L L I K E N , R O B E R T H.—Age, 40 years. Enrolled, October 3, 1861 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. I, October 30, 1861 ; as first lieutenant, Co. K, September 17 , 1 8 6 2 ; mustered out on consolidation, June 12, 1863, near Falmouth, Ya.; again enrolled and mus­tered in as captain, Co. G, February 15, 1864 ; wounded, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865 , at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Millikin and Rob­ert Milligan.

Commissioned second lieutenant, December 20, 1801, with rank from September 27, 1 8 6 1 ; original; first lieutenant, Janu­ary 22, 1863, with rank from September 17 , 1862, vice J . H . Donovan, promoted; captain, no date, with rank from February 15, 1864 ; original.

MILLS, G E O R G E B.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, October 5, 1864, at New Yrork city, to serve one year; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, October 8, 1864 ; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya., as George.

MINGAY", HENRY" M . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Schenec­tady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 29, 1 8 6 4 ; promoted sergeant, March 22, 1865 ; re­turned to ranks, May 13, 1865, mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Henry A .

MINNICX, J O H N . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. X , March 29, 1864 ; wounded, May 12, 1864 ; discharged for dis­ability, October 7, 1864, at Coir .nbia Hospital, Washington, D. C.; also borne as John P. Mi.nmick, Minick, and Minnick.

MINOR, see Moinegh.

MIRES, see Myers.

MISOHEN, J O S E P H . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, January 19, 1864, in First Congressional district, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. O, January 28, 1804 ; deserted, May 3, 1864, at Stevensburg, Ya. ; also borne as Meshan and Mischean.

M I T C H E L L , A S T L E Y S.— Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York citv, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 17, 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

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M I T C H E L L , P A T R I C K J . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 9, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mnstered i n as private, Co. G , September 18, 1861; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F i n January or February, 1864; promoted ser­geant, February 22, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, Sep­tember 13, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a .

M I T C H E L L , P H I L I P . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , M a r c l i 27, 1862; discharged, October 25, 1862, by enlisting i n Co. I , F i r s t United States Battery.

M I T C H E L L , W I L L I A M . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, January 26, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; deserted, February 4, 1864, at Har ts Island, N . Y. '

• M O C K R E D G E , R A N D O L P H L — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in. as pr i ­vate, Co. A , February 29, 1864; missing in action, May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania Court House, Y a . , and at muster-out of company; also borne as Randolph Mockridge.

M O E R O W , see Morrow.

M O F F A T T , J O H N . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 25, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

M O F F A T T , W E S L E Y C — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

M O I N E G H , P A T R I C K . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as first sergeant, Co. B , September 11, 1861; reduced to cor­poral, December 20, 1861; to private, A p r i l 28, 1862; ki l led in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a . ; also borne as Minor , Moighner, and Moringh.

M O L L O N E Y , see Malonev.

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M O L L O Y , J O H N . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 3, 1861; killed in action, July 1, 1S62, at Malvern Hill , Ya.

MOLLOY r , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , March 7, 1864; captured, August 20, 1864; paroled, no date; pro­moted corporal, June 7, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Mulloy.

M O L L O Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 39' years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 8, 1864; no further record.

M O L L O Y , see Mulloy.

MOLONEY r , see Maloney.

M O N A G H A N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 22, 1862; no further record.

M O N A H A N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. II, August 10, 1862; wounded in action, December 13,1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; discharged for disability, caused from wounds, March 21, IS63, at Eort Wood, New York harbor.

M O N D O W E , A D O L P H . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 27, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va., under General Order No. 26, Army of the Potomac.

M O N E Y , see Mooney.

MONXS, E D W A R D . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at New YTork city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, February 22, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1805, at Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Monk.

M O N T G O M E R Y , J O H N . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 9, 1861, at New Yrork city, to serve three years; mustered in as private^ Co. G, September IS, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; discharged for wounds, February 7, 1863, at Philadelphia, Pa.

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M O O D Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, September 25, 1861; ki l led i n action, September 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d .

M O O N , see Moore.

M O O N E Y , J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. G , September 7, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Co. F , i n January or February, 1864; wounded i n action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Y a . ; transferred to Thirty-eighth Company, Second Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 4, 1865; discharged for disability, caused from wounds, June 8, 1865, at F in ley Hospital , Washington, D . C.

M O O N E Y , J A M E S . — Age, 43 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. K , M a r c h 10, 1864; ki l led i n action, M a y 5, 1864, at the Wilder­ness, V a . ; also borne as Money.

M O O N E Y , J O H N . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. E , September 30, 1861; died of disease, J u l y 12, 1862, i n regi­mental hospital, at Harrisons Landing, V a .

M O O N E Y , J O H N . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , Febru­ary 6, 1862; discharged for disability,"September 10, 1862, at New Y o r k .

M O O N E Y , J O H N — Age, 16 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , March 10, 1864; transferred to Co. K and appointed drummer, no date; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexan­dria, V a .

M O O R E , D A N I E L . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. R , Oc­tober 13, 1864; promoted corporal, February 19, 1865; re­turned to ranks, A p r i l 13, 1865; promoted corporal, M a y 1,

. 1865; mustered out wi th company, June 30, 1865, at Alex ­andria, V a . ; also borne as David .

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M O O R E , E D W A R D . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k eity, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassignecL, J u l y 22, IS64;" never joined regiment.

M O O R E , J A M E S . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. IT, September 23, 1861; promoted corporal, Sep­tember 27, 1861; sergeant, August 6, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for dis-abilitv, caused from wounds, Eebruary 24, 1863, at Baltimore, M d .

M O O R E , J A M E S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as pr i ­vate, Co. B , October 18, 1861; -wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; deserted, November 4, 1862, from hospital, Brooklyn, N . Y .

M O O R E , J A M E S . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at New Y Tork city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Qo. B , Eebru­ary 1, 1864; transferred to Co. X , March 29', 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; died of disease, October 5, 1864, at De Camp Hospital, David's Island, New Y o r k harbor.

M O O R E , J O H N — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0 , October 9, 1861; kil led in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

M O O R E , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I , Eebru­ary 16, 1865; promoted to corporal, June 6, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Moon.

M O O R E , P A T R I C K . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 2, 1861; discharged for disability, December 2, 1862, at Alexandria, Y a . .

M O O R E , R O B E R T K . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , October 13, 1861; promoted corporal, November 1, 1861; cap­tured, March 28, 1862, at Rappahannock River , Y a ; paroled, no date; returned to ranks, no date; mustered out with detach­ment, M a y 24, 1862, at Washington, D. 0.

M O O R E , T H O M A S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 13, 1864; never joined regiment.

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M O O R E , T H O M A S A . — Age, 26 years. Enrol led at Chicago, 111., to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as first lieutenant, Co. D , October 13, 1861; deserted, November 18, 1861, at New Y o r k city.

Commissioned first lieutenant, December 20, 1861, witb rank from November 2, 1861; original.

M O O R E , W I L L I A M . — Age, 30' years. Enlisted, September 21, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in 1 as corporal, Co. R , October 29, 1861; discharged to date, June 4, 1863, to complete bis mil i tary record.

M O O R E , W I L L I A M . — Age', 25 years. Enlisted, October 2, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 17, 1861; ki l led in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a .

M O P L A N , see Coplan and Copland.

M O R A N , E D W A R D . — Age, 41 years. Enlisted, February 6, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , M a r c h 9, 1864; mustered out wTitb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

M O R A N , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 31, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, September 5, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; paroled, February 28, 1865, at Nor th East Ferry, N . O ; fur -lougbed to New Y o r k city, March 13, 1865, f rom Camp Parole, M d . ; absent at muster-out of company.

M O R A N , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co, G , Janu-ary 27, 1864; promoted corporal, A p r i l 17, 1864; kil led i n ac­tion, M a y 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania Court House, Y a .

M O R A N , M A R T I N . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; captured i n action, June 29, 1862, at Savage Station, Y a . ; paroled, and rejoined com­pany, January 12, 1863; transf erred to Co. A , June 12, 1S63.; deserted, J u l y 1, 1863, at Uniontown, M d .

M O R A N , M I C H A E L H . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as pr i ­vate, Co. K , December 20, 1861; deserted, August 18, 1862, at Cbickabominy, Y a . :

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M O R A N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at New Yor£ city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E ,

. November 16, 1861; discharged for disability, Eebruary 8, 1863, at Eort Monroe, Ya.

M O R A N , ROGER,—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private', Co. A , Peb­ruary 10, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Moran Roger.

M O R A N , THOMAS.—Age, 19' years. Enlisted, October 5, 1861, at New York city, to,serve three years; mustered in as private, C'o. A , October 25, 1861; promoted corporal, March 1, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; trans-

. ferred to Co. E , in January or Pebruary, 1864; promoted ser­geant, January 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. '

M O R G A N , JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, No­vember 15, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; no record subsequent to December 31, 1863; as absent, sick, in hospital, since December 22, 1862.

M O R G A N , "WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, October 1, 1864; mustered out-with detachment, June 27, 1865, at Sat-terlee Hospital, "West Philadelphia, Pa.

M O R I N G H , see Moinegh. ' ' i '

M O R O N E Y , R I C H A R D . — A g e , 31 years. Enrolled, August 6, 1861, at l^ew. York city, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. E , October 12, 1861; as captain Co. I,

' August 12, 1862; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; wounded in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.; mustered

• out, October 11, "1864; again enrolled, October 20, 1864, and mustered in as major, December 1, 1864; mustered out with regiment, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.;.also borne as Marooney and Morroney.

Commissioned first lieutenant, December 20, 1861, with rank from October 18, 1861; original; captain, October 14, 1862, with rank from August 6, 1862; vice, Thomas Scanlin, re­signed; major, November 23, 1864, with rank from October 20, 1864, vice, J . Garrett, dismissed.

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MORRIS, F R E D E R I C K . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. 1

MORRIS, JOHN.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , August 19, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; wounded in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; transferred to Co. F, in January or February, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; escaped, April 28, 1865; mus­tered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

MORRIS, P A T R I C K . — A g e , 30 years. Enrolled, September 10, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as

. first lieutenant, Co. I, September 27, 1861; dismissed, August 1, 1862, for absence without leave.

Commissioned first lieutenant, December 20, 1861, witb rank from September 27, 1861; original.

MORRIS, PHILIP.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Octo­ber 10, 1864; never joined regiment.

MORRIS, WILLIAM.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted, October 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. F , October 24, 1861; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.

MORRIS, see Norris.

MORRISON, E D W A R D . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 13, 1864; captured on'picket, October 30, 1864, before Peters­burg, Ya . ; returned, no date; mustered out witb detachment, May 23, 1865, at Ladies Home Hospital, New York city.

MORRISON, L A W R E N C E . — A g e , 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , October 14, 1861; discharged for disability, April 3, 1862, at Camp California, Fairfax County, Ya. ; also borne as Mor-rissin.

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MORRISON, WILLIAM.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted, February 15, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years, and. mustered in as private, Co. A, February 16, 1864; wounded and cap­tured in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; died, Octo­ber 26, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.

MORRISSEY, E D W A R D D.—Private, Fifth infantry; trans­ferred to Co. D, this regiment, and deserted, no dates,

MORROW, JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Watertown, to serve two years; mustered in as private, Co. II, September 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Moerow.

MORSE, ROBERT.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, January 26, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; deserted, February 4, 1864, from hos­pital, at New York; also borne as Robert Marst.

M O R T , EDWARD.—Age , 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, July 22, 1864; deserted to the enemy, December 11, 1864, in front of Petersburg, Ya. ; also borne as Most.

MORTIMER, JAMES.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 27, 1861; deserted, August 5, 1862, at Harrisons Landing, Ya.

M O R T O N , H E N R Y H — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded, October 28, 1864; mus­tered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Henry P.

M O R T O N , WILLIAM.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, January 19, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; deserted, March 19, 1864, near Stevensburg, Ya.

MOSORIP, P E T E R M.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Oo. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

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252 R E P O R T OE T H E . A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

MOST, see Mort.

M O R R O W , J A C O B . — Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H , August 30, 1864; no record subsequent to April 30, 1865; as absent, missing in action, October 30, 1864.

M O W E R Y , D A N I E L . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H , September 3, 1864; discharged for disability, April 14, 1865, at Albany, N . Y . ; also borne as Moury and Mowry.

M O X L Y , J O H N M.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New York city, • to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned,

August 16, 1862; deserted, no date, at New York city; also borne as Moxley and as John H . Moxly.

M U L B E R R Y , JOHN.—Age , 30' years. Enlisted at New York ' city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unas­

signed, Marcb 7, 1864; never joined regiment.

M U L C A Z I E , J A M E S . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Octo­ber 6, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Mulcahey, Mulcaby, Mulcarthy and Mulchaey.

M U L D O O N , J O H N . — A g e , 42 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

M U L D O O N , J O H N . — A g e , 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 24, 1865; wounded in action, April 2, 1865, near Richmond, Ya . ; mustered out witb detachment, June 6, 1865, at Stanton Hospital, Washington, D. C.

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M U L H A L L , J O H N D I L L O N . — Age, 25 yeara. Enrolled, De-. -cember 11, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mus­

tered, in as first lieutenant, Co. H , Eebruary 11, 1863; trans­ferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; discharged for disability, No­vember 8, 1864; again enrolled, and mustered in as captain, Co. D, Eebruary 16, 1865; wounded, March 25, 1865; dis­charged, May 15, 1865, at Washington, D. C ; also borne as Mulholl.

Commissioned first lieutenant, January 28, 1863, with rank from December 11, 1862, vice A. Birmingham, killed in action; captain, Eebruary 9, 1865, with rank from October 15, 1864, vice R. Moroney, mustered out.

M U L H E R N , T H O M A S , — A g e , 44 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. X , September 5, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. E , in January or Eebruary, 1864; captured, June 22, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. ; returned, no date; mustered out on individual roll, June 23, 1865, at New York city; also borne as Mulhearn and Mulheron.

M U L L A D Y , P E T E B . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 24, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; deserted, July 1, 1863, at Uniontown, Md. ; also borne as Mulady and Mulleady.

M U L L E N , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, July 22, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 27, 1865, at Satter-lee Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa., as Mullin.

M U L L E N , J O H N . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 12, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as John Oordan.

M U L L H O L L A N D , P A T R I C K . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861; deserted, December 17, 1862, from camp at Ealmouth, Va.

M U L L I G A N , J A M E S J .—Age , 20 years. Enlisted at Pough­keepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 2-7, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.

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254 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M U L L I G A N , WILLIAM.—• Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 28, 1864; wounded, no date; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Malligan.

M U L L I N , see Mullen.

M U L L O N E Y , see Maloney.

M U L L O U N Y and M U L L O U R E Y , see Maloney.

M U L L O Y , M A T T H E W — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. H , October 14, 1861; wounded, no date; dis­charged for disability, caused from wounds, Marcb 6, 1863, at Frederick, Md. ; also borne as Malloy and Molloy.

M U L L O Y , see Molloy.

M U L O E Y , T H O M A S D., see Thomas M. Mulvey.

M U L R O O N E Y , R I C H A R D . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at Washington, D. O , to serve three years, and mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H , November 22, 1861; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.

M U L R O Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted at Washing­ton, D. O , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, December 31, 1863; never joined regiment.

M U L Y A N E Y , P A T R I C K . — Private, Fifth Infantry; trans­ferred to Co. D, this regiment, and deserted; no dates.

M U L V E Y , F R A N C I S . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F, in January or February, 1864; mustered out, September 13, 1864, near Petersburg, Va . ; also borne as N . Mulvey.

M U L V E Y , T H O M A S M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. C, September 20, 1861; returned to ranks, Marcb 12, 1862, 'discharged for disability, to date September 30, 1862; also borne as Thomas D. Mulvey and Muloey.

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M U M P T O N , C H A R L E S . — Age , 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E, September 27 1861; deserted, June 29, 1862, at Savage Sta­tion, V a . ; also borne as Mumton.

M U R P H Y , C H R I S T O P H E R . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , January 15, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; dis­charged for disability, September 12, 1864, at David's Island, N . Y . ; also borne as Murphey.

M U R P H Y , D A N I E L . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , January 28, 1864; wounded and captured, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; returned, M a y 17, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

M U R P H Y , D A N I E L . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, Eebruary 15, 1864; no further record.

M U R P H Y , G E O R G E . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, .unaa-signed,' M a y 24, 1864; never joined regiment.

M U R P H Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1862, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 15, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, Novem­ber 28,1862, at United States General Hospital, Baltimore, M d .

M U R P H Y , J A M E S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k eity, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, March 15, 1864; never joined regiment.

M U R P H Y , J A M E S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , September 12, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near A lex ­andria, V a .

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M U R P H Y , J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. . Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, October 4,

. 18*64; mustered out with, company, June 30, 1865, near Alex­andria, Va.

M U R P H Y , J A M E S P . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York . city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­

signed, June 25, 1864; never joined regiment.

M U R P H Y , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Novem­ber 21, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Va. ; discharged for disability, October 6, 1862, at Baltimore, Md.

M U R P H Y , J O H N . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, Marcb 1, 1864, in Sixth Congressional District, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 1, 1864; discharged for disability, October 13, 1864; also borne as Murphey.

M U R P H Y , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 13, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

M U R P H Y , J O H N . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, August 26, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as Murphey.

M U R P H Y , J O H N . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 1, 1864; never joined regiment.

M U R P H Y ; J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, No­vember 15, 1864; never joined regiment.

M U R P H Y , J O H N . — Age, 10 years. Enlisted at New York city, • to'serve-one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F, February

28, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, Va.

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1 J J U R P H Y , J O S E P H . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k | city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , i February 13, 1S64; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864;

/ mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria Y a .

M U R P H Y " , J O S E P H . — Commissioned, not mustered, first l ieu­tenant, February 29, 1864, with rank from February 24, 1864, vice.

M U R P H Y ' , M A R T I N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 19, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K , December 20,1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12,1863; deserted, June 17, 1863, at Sangster Station, M d .

M U R P H Y , M A T T H E W . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. G , February 8, 1864; wounded in action, June 7, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Y a . ; discharged for disability, caused from wounds, May 30, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa .

M U R P H Y , M A U R I C E . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 5, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. F , October 9, 1861; promoted drum major, October 12, 1861; discharged in November or December, 1862; also borne as Morris .

M U R P H Y , M I C H A E L (No. 2).— Age, 36 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 20, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. B , September 21, 1861; wounded on picket, no date; died of his wounds, Ju ly 12, 1862.

M U R P H Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y r ork city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, November 15, 1861;'transferred to Co. X , March 31, 1862; no record subsequent to A p r i l .10, 1863^ as absent since wounded i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a .

M U R P H Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , February 1, 1864; wounded in action, M a y 5, 1864, at the W i l ­derness, V a ; transferred to Co. E , Twenty-second Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged, J u l y 24, 1865, at Cleveland, Ohio; veteran.

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M U R P H Y , ^ M I O H A E L H . — A g e ; 21 years. Enrolled, Septem­ber 28, 18*61, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Oo. B , November 26, 1861; promoted sergeant, August 8, 1862; sergeant-major, A p r i l 21, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded, Jnne 16, 1864, before Petersburg, Y a . ; mustered i n second lieutenant, Co. E , Decem­ber 13, 1864; as captain, Co. A , February 16, 1865; mustered out wi th company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

Commissioned second lieutenant, August 12, 1864, witb rank from M a y 21, 1864, vice R . P . K i n g , died of wounds received i n action; captain, February 9, 1865, with rank from October 24, 1864, vice J . J . Blake , ki l led i n action.

M U R P H Y , M U R T H A . — Age, 22 years. Enrol led at N e w York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as first sergeant, Co. C, September 30, 1861; as second lieutenant, September IT, 1862; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Freder­icksburg, V a . ; mustered out on consolidation, June 12, 1863; again enrolled and mustered in , as second lieutenant, Co.

\ G , January 19, 1864; as first lieutenant, February 15, 1864; as. captain, Co. C, February 16, 1865; mustered out with com­pany, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

Commissioned second lieutenant, October 14, 1862, witb rank from September 17, 1862, vice Charles Wil l iams, k i l l ed i n ac­t ion ; not recommissioned second lieutenant; commissioned first lieutenant, date not stated, with rank from February 15, 1864, original ; captain, February 9, 1865, witb rank from September 1, 1864, vice R . A . K e l l y , ki l led i n action.

M U R P H Y , N I C H O L A S . — A g e , 42 years, Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, September 28, 1861; discharged for disability, June 4, 1862,, at Washington, D . C.

M U R P H Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted August 29,. 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; deserted, October 10, 1861,. at F o r t Schuyler, New Y o r k harbor.

M U R P H Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, September 26, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , September 27, 1861; wounded in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; discharged, September 20, 1862..

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M U R P H Y , P E T E R . — Age, 19 years. Enl isted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , October 13, 1861; died of disease, March 20, 1862, at Fa i r fax Court House, Y a .

M U R P H Y , P E T E R . — A g e , 23 years. Enl is ted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 30, 1864; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out w i th detachment, June 5, 1805, near Alexandria , Ya . . ; prior service i n Co. C, Fourth New Jersey Volunteers.

M U R P H Y , R O B E R T A . — Corporal, Co. C, One H u n d r e d E i g h ­ty-second Infantry ; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. E , this regiment, February 16, 1865; wounded i n action, A p r i l 6, 1865, at H i g h Bridge, V a . ; died of his wounds, June 23, 1865j i n Uni ted States General Hospital , Annapolis, M d .

Commissioned second lieutenant, February 9, 1865, wi th rank from November 1, 1864, vice E . F . O'Connor, promoted.

M U R P H Y , T H O M A S . — Age , 35 years. Enl isted, February 26, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered i n as p r i ­vate, Co. A , March 9, 1864; missing in action, M a y 7, 1864, and at muster-out of company.

M U R P H Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at T r o y , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , June 29, 1864; missing i n action, M a y 7, 1864, at the Wilderness, V a . ; no further record.

M U R P H Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , 34 years. Enl is ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , June 29, 1864; missing in action, August 25, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . , and at muster-out of company.

M U R P H Y , T H O M A S . — Age , 31 years. Enl is ted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 2, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; died, November 19, 1864, at Salisbury, N . C .

M U R P H Y , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 41 years. Enl is ted , September 16, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; discbarged for dis­ability, January 2, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, V a .

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260 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M U R P H Y , T I M O T H Y . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, January 21, 1864, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 27, 1864; discharged for disability, M a y 29, 1865, at Satterlee Hospital, West Philadelphia, P a .

M U R P H Y , W I L L I A M . — Age , 30 years. Enlisted, September 15, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , September 25, 1861; ki l led on picket, June 26, 1862.

M U R P H Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , October 5, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough given February 17, 1865.

M U R R A Y , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , August 25, 1864; promoted corporal, Marcb 21, 1865; ser­geant, June 6, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also home as Murry .

M U R R A Y , E D W A R D L — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G , October 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; died of disease, December 12, 1864, at Salis­bury, N . 0 . ; also borne as E d w i n L . M u r r a y and M u r r y .

M U R R A Y , F R A N C I S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, September 21, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 28, 1861; promoted sergeant-major, October 5, 1861; returned to ranks, Co.. E , June 25, 1862; promoted sergeant, no date; deserted, November 27, 1862, f rom hospital, Philadelphia, P a .

M U R R A Y , F R A N C I S . — Age , 33 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. D , January 1, 1862; discharged for disability, December 3, 1862, at camp near Falmouth, Y a .

M U R R A Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , August 26, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; died of his wounds, October 7, 1862, i n hos­pital at Frederick, M d .

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M U R R A Y , J O H N . — - A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and. mustered i n as private, Co. H , November 21, 1861; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . , as Murry.

M U R R A Y , M A T T H E W . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as sergeant, Co. H , September 25, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; trans­ferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Yeteran Reserve Corps, J u l y 1, 1863; also borne as Mussey.

M U R R A Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 20, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 10, 1861; died of disease, Sep­tember 29, 1862, i n hospital at Frederick, M d . ; also borne as Murrey.

M U R R A Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 42 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to seiwe three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , August 11, 1864; discharged for disability, June 16, 1865, at Lincoln Hospital , Washington, D. C.

M U R R A Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, ' to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B , October 18, 18-61; discharged for dis­ability, March 21, 1863, at Baltimore, M d . ; also borne as Murrey.

M U R R A Y , P A T R I C K . — P r i v a t e , F i f t h Infantry; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; to Co. B , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; deserted, A p r i l 11, 1865, near Petersburg, Y a . ; also borne as Murrey and M u r r y .

M U R R A Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in. as private, Co. C, October 11, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Y a . ; escaped and returned to company, A p r i l 29, 1865; mustered out, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

M U R R A Y , T H O M A S . — P r i v a t e , F i f t h Infantry; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; died, J u l y 17, 1862, at Harrisons Landing, Y a .

M U R R Y , J A M E S . — Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as sergeant-major, September 3, 1861; discharged for disability in December, 1862.

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262 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M U R R Y , J A M E S . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Oeto-

• ber 21, 1861; promoted sergeant, October 24, 1862; killed in action, May 3, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Va. ; also borne as Murray.

M U R R Y , J O H N . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. E , September 3, 1864; never joined company; also bome as Murray.

M U R R Y , see Murray.

M U R T A G H , J O H N . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D,

1 August 4, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; again, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; to Co. G, Twenty-first Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; retransf erred to Co. B by order War Department, February 20, 1864; dis­charged for disability, April 29, 1864, near Stevensburg, Va . ; also bome as Murtaugii and Murtba.

M U S S E Y , see Murray.

M U Z Z Y , D A N I E L . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Ya. ; paroled, February 28, 1865, at North East Bridge, N . C.; mustered out, June 20, 1865, at Albany, N . Y . ; also borne as Mussey.

M Y L E S , A L E X A N D E R . — Age, 27 years'. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Marcb 25, 1864; no further record.

M Y L E S , D E N N I S . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Chicago, Ill_v

to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Octo­ber 13, 1861; captured, March 29, 1862, while en route from Rappahannock river to Warrenton Junction, Va . ; paroled, no date; discharged with detachment, May 24, 1862, at Washing­ton, D. O ; also borne as Dennis Myres.

M Y L E S , see Miles.

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M Y R E S , M O S E S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Mires and Myers.

N A G L E , E D W A R D . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , November 9, 1861; discbarged for disability, September 17, 1862, at Providence, R . I .

N A G L E , G A R R E T T . — Age, 27 years. Enrol led, September 5, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. C, October 11, 1861; as captain, Co>. D , October 1, 1862; discharged, August 20, 1863, having ac­cepted appointment i n Yeteran Reserve Corps; also borne as Nogle.

Commissioned first lieutenant, December 20, 1861, with rank f rom October 4, 1861; original; captain, January 22, 1863, wi th rank from October 1, 1862, .vice T. L . Shanley, died of wounds.

N A G L E , M I C H A E L . — Age , 29. years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, September 26, 1864; never joined regiment.

N A G L E , R I C H A R D - . — A g e , 15 years. Enlisted, September 15, 1861, at Brooklyn , to servo three years; mustered i n as musician, Co. E , October 14, 1861; deserted, December 21, 1862, near Falmouth, Y a .

N A O G L E , G E R A L D . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k eity, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, September 25, 1861; k i l led i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; also borne as Garrett Nagle, Gerard Nangle and Gerald Noagle.

N A T H R H P , A M O S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered i n as p r i ­vate, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detach­ment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Nothrup.

N A H G H T H A U S E N , see Northhousen.

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264 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

N A Y A N , J A M E S . — Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Co. G , not stated; transferred to Co. A , Tenth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged, J u l y 20, 1865, at Camp F r y , "Washington, D . C.

N A V E R I C K , C H A R L E S . — E n l i s t e d at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , August 1, 1864; miss­ing, August 20, 1864, and absent without leave, M a y 31, 1865; no further record; also borne as Lannerk and Nerrick.

N A V I N S , N A V U N S , see Nevins.

N E A L O N , see Neylan.

N E E D H A M , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Septem­ber 12, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 27, 1865, at Satterlee General Hospital , West Philadelphia, P a .

N E I L A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 28, 1861; promoted sergeant, September 1, 1862; first sergeant, November 1, 1862; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, V a . ; also borne as Neelan.

N E R R I C K , see Naverick.

N E S B I T T , H E N R Y . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at Bergen, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , Septem­ber 22, 1864; mustered out on individual ro l l , June 13, 1865, at Washington, D . C.

N E V I N S , G E O R G E . — A g e , 35 years. Enrol led at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , January 13, 1864; promoted sergeant, Marcb 9, 1864; mus­tered i n as second lieutenant, Co. F , December 1, 1864; dis­charged to date June 30, 1865; also bome as Navins and Navuns.

Commissioned second lieutenant, October 31, 1864, with rank from September 1, 1864; original, Co. H .

N E V I N S , J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , September 12, 1864; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; returned to ranks, February 1, 1865; mustered out, to date June 30, 1865, at N e w Y o r k city.

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N E W M A N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 47 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 2, 1864; wounded in action, Marcb 25, 1865, at Hatchers Run, Ya. ; discharged for disability, July 24, 1865, at McDougall Hospital, New York harbor.

NEWS, J O H N . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 14, 1861; discharged, October 25, 1862, to enlist in First United States Artillery; also borne as Newes.

N E W T O N , H E N R Y . — Age, 43 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 28, 1864; deserted from hospital, no date; also borne as Nugent.

N E Y L A N , J O H N . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 9, 1861; transferred to Co. A, June 12 ,1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted cor­poral, no date; transferred to C'o. F , in January or February, 1864; to Yeteran Reserve Corps, September 1, 1864; also borne as Neylonj and Nealon.

NICHOLS, J O H N . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Lewiston, to^ serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Septem­ber 22, 1864; hanged, March 14, 1865, near Petersburg, Va., for desertion.

NICHOLS, WILLIAM.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 8, 1862; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as Nicholas Williams. •

NICHOLSON, JAMES.—Age , 25 years. Enlisted at New York city,' to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 26, 1864; promoted corporal and transferred to Co. F , April 25, 1864; promoted sergeant, April 28, 1864; drowned, July 25, 1864, in James river, Va.

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266 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

N I N O N , T H O M A S . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mnstered in as private, Co. G , A u ­gust 16, 1864; captured and paroled, no dates; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Nickson.

N O A G L E , see Naogle.

N O G L E , see Nagle.

N O L A N , B E R N A R D . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , February 15, 1862; died of gunshot wound, August 13, 1862, i n hospital at Washington, D . 0 .

N O L A N , E D W A R D . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , J u l y 19, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, A p r i l 14, 1865.

N O L A N , J A M E S . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted, January 19, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. 0 , January 28, 1864; ki l led i n action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Y a .

N O L A N , J O H N . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , October 23, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; kil led in action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; also borne as James.

N O L A N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 3'5 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as corporal, Co. E , September 16, 1861; returned to ranks, Janu­ary 26, 1862; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fred ­ericksburg, Y a . ; discharged for disability, M a y 18, 1863, at A r m o r y Square Flospital, Washington, D . C.

N O L A N , M I C H A E L — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted, October 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , October 18, 1861; wounded in action, Decem­ber 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; died of bis wounds, De ­cember 25, 1862, at Washington, D . C.

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N O L A N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 14, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; ki l led in action, M a y 10, 1864, at Po River, V a . ; also borne as Nolen.

N O L A N , P A T R I C K — P r i v a t e , F i f th Infantry; transferred to Go. D , this regiment, no date; promoted sergeant, September 18, 1862; ki l led in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericks­burg, V a .

N O L A N , P A T R I C K , — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Royalton, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 22, 1.864; never joined regiment.

N O L A N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, October 11, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , October 12, 1861; died of disease, December 25, 1862, at hospital, Washington, D . C. ; also borne as Nolen.

N O L L , H E N R Y . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve one_ year; mustered in as private, Oo. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

N O R D H O U S E N , see Northhousen.

N O R M A N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vil le, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 3, 1864; no furtber record.

N O R R I S , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, October 8, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, Marcb 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Norriss and Morris.

N O R T H H O U S E N , H E N R Y . — A g e , 39 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , September 17, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Nordhousen, Naugbt-hausen and Nougbtbousen.

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268 R E P O R T 017 T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

N O R T H R O P , E L I S H A . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mnstered in as private, Co. 0 , Oc­tober 8, 1861; deserted, October 27, 1861, at Fort Scbnyler, N . Y .

N O R T H R U P , see Natbrup.

" N O U G H T H O U S E N , see Northliousen.

N U G E N T , J O H N R O B E R T . — Age 21 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years; mnstered in as private, Co. B, August 15, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F , in January or February, 1864; promoted sergeant, Co. G, March 20, 1864; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. H , Sep­tember 7, 1864; as first lieutenant, Co. F, October 12, 1864; transferred to Co. G, February 24, 1865; mustered out with, company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; prior service as private in Co. B, Sixty-ninth New York Militia.

Commissioned second lieutenant, October 31, 1864, with rank from August 1, 1864, vice L. Brennan, dismissed; first lieu­tenant, February 9, 1865, with rank from October 1, 1864, vice J . C. Foley, promoted.

N U G E N T , R O B E R T . — Age, 37 years. Enrolled, September 4, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as colonel, November 1, 1861; mustered out, November 28, 1863; again enrolled and mustered in as colonel, October 30, 1864, mustered out with regiment, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. ; prior service as captain, Thirteenth United States Infantry.

Commissioned colonel, December 20, 1861, with rank from November 1, 1861, original; recommissioned colonel, June 4, 1864, with rank from November 1, 1861, vice W. "Wilson, de­clined.

N U G E N T , R I C H A R D . — Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 22, 1862; deserted, December 12, 1862, at Frederick, Md.

N U G E N T , see Newton.

N Y E , D A N I E L . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, January 2, 1864, at Greenbush, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, unas­signed, January 19, 1864; never joined regiment.

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O'BRIAN, P A T R I C K . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at New York eity to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Oc­tober 7, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F, in January or Eebruary, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, Febru­ary 22, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Va. ; paroled, February 28, 1865; mustered out on in­dividual roll, June 8, 1865, at Annapolis, Md.; also borne as O'Brien.

O'BRIEN, B E R N A R D . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New'York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Sep­tember 20, 1864; captured in action, October 30,1864; paroled, April 6, 1S65; mustered out on individual roll, June 28, 1865, at Camp Chase, Ohio; also borne as O'Byrne.

O'BRIEN, D A N I E L . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 17, 1864; deserted to the enemy, Decembr 16, 1864,'on picket, near Petersburg, Va.

O'BRIEN, D A N I E L J . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , Oc­tober 3, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at An­tietam, Md. ; died of his wounds, December 16, 1862, at Fred­erick, Md.

O'BRIEN, DAVID.—Private, Fifth Infantry; transf erred to Co. D, this regiment, no date; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Va . ; deserted, December 16, 1862, at Falmouth, Va.

O'BRIEN, D E N N I S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 21, 1864; never joined regiment.

O'BRIEN, E D W A R D . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , October 1, 1861; admitted to Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C , July 4, 1862, with gunshot wound, and deserted, August 15, 1862.

O'BRIEN, F R A N C I S . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, No­vember 8, 1861; killed in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Va.

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O ' B R I E N , H E N R Y . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted, February 23, 1864, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , Marcb 9, 1864; wounded and captured, M a y 12, 1864; returned, May 17, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

O ' B R I E N , J A M E S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. K , November 17, 1861; ki l led in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a .

O ' B R I E N , J A M E S . — Age 32 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G, August 15, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 7, 1865, at Mower General Hospital , Philadelphia, P a . ; also borne as O'Brine .

O ' B R I E N , J A M E S . — Age 23 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , August 26, 1864; promoted sergeant, October 1, 1864, first sergeant, Feb­ruary 1, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

O ' B R I E N , J A M E S H . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. F , Oc­tober 3, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Sharps-burg, M d . ; died, September 21, 1862.

O ' B R I E N , J E R E M I A H . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. ~K, September 19, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864; returned, May 17, 1865; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

O ' B R I E N , J O H N . — Age 18 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E, September 3, 1864; wounded, March 25, 1865; mustered out,

' J u l y 8,1865, at McDougal l General Hospital, New Y o r k harbor.

O ' B R I E N , J O H N W . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0 , October 21, 1861; promoted corporal. February 11, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; transferred, Co. B, June 12, 1863; returned to ranks, no date; discharged, J u l y 8, 1865, at McDougal l General Hospital, New Y o r k harbor; also borne as John O'Brian.

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O ' B R I E N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 7, 1861; deserted, November 3, 1861, at Eort Schuyler, N . Y .

O ' B R I E N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted, February 21, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , March 9, 1861; missing in action, June 3, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Y a . , and absent at muster-out of company.

O ' B R I E N , P H I L I P . — A g e , 17 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as musician, Co. B , September 25, 1861; no record subsequent to December 31, 1861, as dropped.

O ' B R I E N , P H I L I P . — A g e , 16 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as drummer, Co. D , October 13, 1861; deserted, August 5, 1862, at Harrisons Landing, Y a .

O ' B R I E N , T H O M A S . — P r i v a t e , F i f t h Infantry, transferred to Go. D , this regiment, no date; wounded i n action, September 11, 1862, at South Mountain, M d . j discharged for disability, March 6, 1863, at Uni ted States General Hospital, Frederick, M d .

O ' B R I E N , T H O M A S . — E n l i s t e d , A p r i l 1, 1862, at Alexandria, Y a . , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , no date; deserted, June 29, 1862, at Savage Station, Y a .

O ' B R I E N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted at Pough­keepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 27, 1861; deserted on or about September 3, 1861; see Seventh A r t i l l e r y .

O ' B R I E N , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 12, 1861; wounded in action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; died of his wounds, Septem­ber 24, 1862, at Frederick, M d .

O ' B R I E N , T I M O T H Y . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , February 26, 1862; wounded in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at M a l ­vern H i l l , Y a . ; deserted, October 16, 1862, from hospital at N e w Y o r k city.

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272 R E P O R T O P T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

O ' B R I E N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mnstered i n as private, Co. K , M a r c h 15, 1864; promoted sergeant and returned to ranks, no dates; wounded, M a y 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Y a . , and ab­sent at muster-out of company.

O ' B R I E N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k '. city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H ,

November 22, 1864; promoted corporal, Eebruary 5, 1865; ser­geant, no date; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as O'Brien.

O ' B Y R N E , see O 'Brien.

O ' C A L L A G H A N , E D W A R D . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co.. K , October 14, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; died, December 24, 1864, at Salisbury, N . O. ; also borne as O'Callaher and O'Calliher.

O ' C A R R O L L , T I M O T H Y . — Age 21 years. Enlisted, February 16, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; captured, no date; died, A u ­gust 20, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga .

O ' C O N N E L L , D A N I E L . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , February TO, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F , in January or February, 1864; absent, sick, since J u l y 7, 1863, and at muster-out of company; also borne as O'Connor.

O ' C O N N E L L , J A M E S . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted, September 20, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; deserted, September 24, 1862,.from hospital at Baltimore, M d .

O ' C O N N E L L , J O H N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 9, 1861; transferred to Co. B , Juno 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; pro­moted regimental quartermaster-sergeant, January 1, 1865; mustered out with regiment, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria,. Y a .

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O ' C O N N E L L , M O R G A N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, January 30, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. G, Eebruary 22, 1864; mustered out witb com­pany, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

O ' C O N N E L L , see Connors.

O'CONNOR, J O H N G.—Age, 37 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 10, 1861; transferred to Yeteran Reserve Corps in 1864; also borne as John J . O'Connor and O'Connors.

O 'CONNOR, D A N I E L J . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, August 8, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; transferred to Yeteran Reserve Corps, Sep­tember 16, 1863.

O 'CONNOR, E D W A R D E .—Age , 22 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , August 7, 1862; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; transferred to Co. E , in January, 1864; promoted sergeant, Co. C, February 1, 1864; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. G, February 15, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Ya. ; captured in ac­tion, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; paroled, no date; mustered in as captain, Co. I, February 9, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

Commissioned second lieutenant, April 13, 1864, with rank from February 15, 1864; original; captain, February 9, 1865, with rank from November 1, 1864; original, Co. E .

O 'CONNOR, F R A N C I S . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Buffalo, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. X , Novem­ber 11, 1861; deserted, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hil l , Ya.

O 'CONNOR, JAMES.—Private, Fifth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, no date; to Oo. B, June 12, 1863; de­serted, July 2, 1863, near Gettysburg, Pa. ; also borne as 0'Conner.

O 'CONNOR, J O H N . — A g e , 27 years. Enhsted, August 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private,. Co. G, September 7, 1861; discharged for disability, November 24, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa.

V O L . 29'—18

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O ' C O N N O R , P A T R I C K . — Enlisted, October 7, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mnstered i n as private, Oo. I , December 21, 1861; discharged for disability, December 1, 1862. . •, I.

O ' C O N N O R , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co . I , October 7, 1861; promoted sergeant, J u l y 15, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; dis­charged for disability, December 1, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city; also borne as O'Conor.

O ' C O N N O R , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , August 13, 1862; deserted, December 21, 1862, near F a l ­mouth, Y a .

O ' C O N N O R , see O'Connell and Connors.

O ' D A Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, October 7, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, before Petersburg, Y a . ; escaped and joined bis company, A p r i l 29, 1865; mus­tered out, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

O ' D E A , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted, September 20,' 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as corporal, Co. B , September 27, 1861; wounded in action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability, December 30, 1862, at Frederick, M d . ; also borne as Day.

O D E L L , G E O R G E . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, February 9, 1864; never joined regiment.

O D E L L , J A M E S — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , Feb­ruary 9, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; captured and paroled, no dates; promoted sergeant, A p r i l 15, 1865; mustered out w i th company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as O ' D e l l .

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O D E L L , J A M E S . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. G, Eebruary 26, 186-4; promoted corporal, May 18, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya . ; promoted! sergeant, April 15, 1865; returned to company, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

O ' D O N N E L L , J A M E S . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, October 24, 1861; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862, as absent and at muster-out of company.

O ' D O N N E L L , J O H N . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. H , October 14, 1861; deserted, same date; also borne as O'Donell.

O ' D O N O H U E and O ' D O N O H O E , see Donohoe.

O ' D W Y E R , J A M E S . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, C'o. K , March 17, 1864; wounded, May 12, 1864; transferred to Yeteran Reserve Corps, January 10, 1865; also borne as O'Dwyre.

O ' E E E F E , H . Y . — Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Co. D, not stated; no record subsequent, March 31, 1865, as absent, sick and wounded.

O ' G O R M A N , J A M E S . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Oc­tober 18, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; first sergeant, June 25, 1862; mustered out, June 12, 18G3, at Falmouth, Ya.

O H M S L A D E , see Olmsted.

O ' K E E F E , JOSEPH.—Private, Fifth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, no date; promoted corporal, no date; killed in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.

O ' K E E F E , M A T H E W . — Age, 36 yeara. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 15, 1862; no further record.

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O ' K E E F E , M I C H A E L . — Age , 24 years. Enlisted, September 15, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as sergeant, Co. B , September 26, 1861; deserted, June 28, 1862.

O ' K E E F E , M I C H A E L . — Age , 26 years. Enrol led at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as first lieutenant, Co. D , December 16, 1861; on detached service, recruiting in N e w Y o r k city, December 31, 1861; dropped, January 5, 1862, by 'order of Colonel Nugent.

N o t commissioned.

O ' K E E F E , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city , to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. — , M a r c h 10, 1862; k i l l ed in action, September 17, 1862, at A n ­tietam, M d .

O ' K E E F F E , see Keefe.

O L I V E R , P A T R I C K — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , October 9, 1861; discharged for disability, December 1, 1862, at "Washington, D . C.

O L M S T E D , J U L I U S W . — Age, 17 years. Enlisted, August .30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, V a . ; confined at Richmond, V a . , Oc­tober 31, 1864; sent to Salisbury, N . O , November 4, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Ohmslade and Olmstead.

O L W E L L P A T R I C K — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 5, 1862; transferred to Co. B , no date; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near A lex ­andria, Y a . ; also borne as Ol lwel l .

O ' M A H O N E Y , P A T R I C K — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March 26, 1864; missing since M a y 12, 1864, at Spotsyl­vania, V a . , and absent at muster-out of company.

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O ' M A L L E Y , D O M I N I O K . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, Eebru­ary 25, 1862, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. B, not stated; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, Marcb 1, 1863; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Eal-moutb, Ya., on consolidation; also borne as Domenick O'Mally.

O ' M E A G H E R , W I L L I A M . — Age, 33 years. Enrolled, Decem­ber 15, 1863, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as surgeon, January 4, 1864; mustered out with regiment, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as William 0. Meagher; prior service as assistant surgeon, Thirty-seventh Infantry.

Commissioned surgeon, December 19, 1863, with rank from December 15, 1S63, vice J . A . Reed, dismissed.

O 'NAIL, see O'Neil.

O'NEIL, • A R T H U R . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 1, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; discharged for disability, Eebruary 11, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Va. ; also borne as O'Neill.

O 'NEIL, A R T H U R . — Age, 44 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 7, 1864; promoted sergeant, Eebruary 1, 1864; returned to ranks, "no date; promoted corporal, March 28, 1864; mustered out, June 26, 1865, at David's Island, New York harbor; also borne as O'Neal and O'Neill.

O 'NEIL, J O H N . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 22, 1864; discharged for disabilitv, April 9, 1865, at Washington, D. C , as O'Neill; also borne as O'Nail, O'Niel and O'Niell.

O 'NEIL, P A T R I C K . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. P, October 16, 1861; captured, March 29, 1862, at Rappahannock, Va . ; mustered out with detachment, May 24, 1862, at Wash­ington, D. O.j also borne as O'Neal and O'Neill.

O 'NEIL, P A T R I C K — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 3, 1864; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, March 19, 1865; died of disease, June 27, 1865, at West Philadelphia, Pa. ; also borne as O'Neill.

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278 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

O'NEIL, W I L L I A M . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, February 3, 1864 , in Second congressional district, to serve tbree years; m u s t e r e d in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with companv, June 30, 1865 , at Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as O'Neill.

O 'NEILL, B E R N A R D S.—Age, 24 years. Enrolled, Septem­ber 23 , 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. C, September 24, 1 8 6 1 ; as first lieutenant, Co. D, September 17, 1 8 6 2 ; transferred to Co. A , June 12 , 1 8 6 3 ; to Co. F , no date; mustered in as captain Co. C, Jan­uary 28 , 1 8 6 4 ; killed in action, June 16, 1864, at Petersburg, Ya . ; also borne as O'Neal and O'Niell.

Commissioned first lieutenant, October 14, 1862 , witb rank from September 17, 1862 , vice John Conway, killed in action; captain, no date; original vacancy.

O 'TOILL, H U G H . — Age, 4 1 years., Enlisted, September 9 , 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 18 , 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, September 2 1 , 1 8 6 1 , at Fort Schuyler, New York harbor; also bome as O'Neil.

O 'NEILL, J O H N . — A g e , 33 years, Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years; and mustered in as corporal, Co. I, Sep­tember 27 , 1 8 6 1 ; returned to ranks, no date; died of. disease, October 5, 1862 , at Frederick, Md. ; also borne as O'Neil.

O 'NEILL, M I C H A E L . — A g e , 4 1 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, September IS, 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, September 2 1 , 1861 , at Fort Schuyler, New York harbor; 'also borne as O'Neil.

O 'NEILL, P A T R I C K . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Oo. C, September 30, 1 8 6 1 ; promoted sergeant and returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1 8 6 3 ; deserted, June 20 , 1863 , at Thoroughfare Gap, Ya. ; also bome as O'Neal and O'Neil.

O ' N E I L L , P A T R I C K . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , December 1, 1 8 6 3 ; discharged for disability, January 16, 1865 , at General Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa.

O ' N I E L and O'NIELL, see O'Neil.

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0 ' R E G A N , C O R N E L I U S . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as corporal, Co. I , October 21, 1861; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Y a . ; deserted, Eebruary 22, 18-63, f rom hospital at "Washington, D . 0., as Cornelius O'Reagan.

O ' R E I L L Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 22, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; deserted, June 15, 1862, at hospital, New Haven, Connecticut.

O ' R E I L L Y , see Re i l ly .

O ' R I E L L Y , P A T R I C K — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, October 18, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 25, 1861; discbarged for disability, January 5, 1863, at Po int Lookout, M d .

O ' R O U R X E , M I O H A E L . — A g e , 19' years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , November 15, 1861; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Y a . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Veteran Reserve Corps, J u l y 1, 1863.

O ' R O U R X E , S T E P H E N . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k eity, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, January 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

O ' R O U R X E , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 24, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; wounded in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; discharged for disability, October 13, 1863, at Washington, D . C ; also borne as O'Rourk.

O S B O R N , T H O M A S . — Private, F i f th In fantry ; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; discharged, M a y 8, 1862, at Carver Hospital , Washington, D . C.

O ' S H A U G H N E S S E Y , J O H N . — Private, F i f t h Infantry; trans­ferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; deserted, no date; name dropped, per order.

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2 8 0 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

O ' S H E A , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 24 years. E n l i s t e d , A u g u s t 27, 1 8 6 1 , at N e w Y o r k c i ty , to serve three years ; m u s t e r e d i n as p r i v a t e , C o . G , September 7, 1 8 6 1 ; d ischarged f o r d i sab i l i t y , Oc tober 9, 1862, at E o r t M o n r o e , Y a . ; also b o m e as Shea .

O S L O S E N , A N D R E W . — A g e , 22 years. E n l i s t e d at J a m a i c a , to serve tbree years , a n d mustered i n as p r i v a t e , C o . I , Sep­t e m b e r 5, 1 8 6 4 ; absent, sick, i n C o l u m b i a n H o s p i t a l , W a s h ­i n g t o n , D . O , s ince September 29 , 1864, and at muster-out of c ompany .

O S M A N , G I L B E R T R . — A g e , 19 years. E n l i s t e d , A u g u s t 26 , 1 8 6 4 , at Schenec tady , to serve one y e a r ; mustered i n as p r i -

* v a t e , C o . E , September 3, 1 8 6 4 ; d ischarged f o r d i sab i l i ty , J u l y 5, 1865 , at H a r e w o o d G e n e r a l H o s p i t a l , W a s h i n g t o n , D . C .

O ' S U L L I V A N , D A N I E L . — A g e , 28 years . E n r o l l e d at B r o o k ­l y n , to serve three years , a n d m u s t e r e d i n as pr ivate , C o . A , F e b r u a r y 2 6 , 1 8 6 4 ; promoted corpora l , M a y 1, 1 8 6 4 ; sergeant, N o v e m b e r 2, 1 8 6 4 ; first sergeant, F e b r u a r y 16 , 1 8 6 5 ; w o u n d e d , no date ; p r o m o t e d r e g i m e n t a l commissary-sergeant , J u n e 5 , 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out w i t h r e g i m e n t , J u n e 30, 1865 , near A l e x ­a n d r i a , V a .

O ' S U L L I V A N , J O H N . — A g e , 26 years . E n l i s t e d at P o u g h ­keepsie , to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as p r i v a t e , C o . D , A u g u s t 2 9 , 1 8 6 4 ; k i l l e d i n ac t i on , A p r i l 6, 1865 , at Sa i lors C r e e k , V a .

O T T , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years . E n l i s t e d at Poughkeeps ie , to serve t h r e e years , a n d m u s t e r e d i n as pr iva te , C o . D , A u g u s t 29, 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out w i t b company , J u n e 30, 1865 , at A l e x ­a n d r i a , V a .

O T T O , A L B E R T . — A g e , 30 years . E n l i s t e d at T a r r y t o w n , to serve one year , a n d mustered i n as pr iva te , C o . D , A u g u s t 30, 1 8 6 4 ; m u s t e r e d out, J u n e 5, 1865 , near A l e x a n d r i a , V a .

O W E N S , E D W A R D . — A g e , 29 years . E n l i s t e d , F e b r u a r y 26 , 1864 , at N e w Y o r k c i t y , to serve tbree y e a r s ; m u s t e r e d i n as p r i v a t e , C o . A , M a r c h 9', 1 8 6 4 ; w o u n d e d i n ac t ion , J u n e 16, 1864, near P e t e r s b u r g , V a . ; d i ed of bis wounds , J u n e 26 , 1864, at O i t y P o i n t , V a .

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O W E N S , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted, October 6, 1861, at Brooklyn , to serve tbree years; mustered i n as p r i ­vate, Co. P , October 7, 1861; discharged for disability, Decem­ber 3, 1862, near Falmouth, Y a . ; subsequent service i n Co. G , Eifteenth A r t i l l e r y ; also borne as Ownes.

P A G E , R O B E R T . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. P , October 12, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Oo. P i n January or Pebruary, 1864; mustered out, October 11, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; also borne as Robert T .

P A G E , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Oo. E , September 3, 1864; no record subsequent to December 31, 1864; absent without leave, and at muster-out of company.

P A L M E R , F R E D E R I C K — A g e / 2 2 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 10, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, October 2, 1861; deserted, August 28, 1862, at Alexandria, Y a .

P A L M E R , W I L L I A M I L — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. X , February 6, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

P A R A L , P A T R I C K — Age , 24 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, A p r i l 8, 1864; never joined regimept.

P A R K E , W I L L I A M . — Age , 31 years. Enlisted, September 24, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; wounded i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; discharged for disability, D e ­cember 26, 1862, at General Hospital , Po int Lookout, M d . ; also borne as W i l l i a m H . P a r k and Parks.

P A R K E R , J A M E S . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , Octo­ber 8, 1864; ordered to be dropped at muster-out of company.

P A R K E R , J A M E S — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 8, 1864; mustered out on individual ro l l , J u l y 24, 1865, at N e w Y o r k city; also borne as Barker.

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282 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

P A R T I N G T O N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 15, 1861 at New York city, to serve tbree years; mus­tered in as sergeant, Co. B, October 21, 1861; wounded in ac­tion, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Ya. ; discharged for dis­ability, October 8, 1862, at Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C. ; also borne as Parrington and Purrington.

P A R R O T T , R I C H A R D . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, Marcb 4, 1864, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; mnstered ont witb detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

P A R T L A N D , P H I L I P . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted, October 3, 1861, at Npw York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, October 4, 1861; deserted, October 28, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, N . Y .

P A T C H E N , G E O R G E . — Age, 26 years. Enrolled at New York . city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, August 12, 1862; promoted sergeant, October 8, 1862; mus­tered out, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Ya. ; again enlisted at Brooklyn, and mustered in as private, Co. G, December 15, 1863; promoted sergeant, Marcb 9, 1864; first sergeant, no date; second lieutenant, Co. E , September 1, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. ; paroled at James River, Va., and admitted to hospital, Annapolis, Md., February 22, 1865; no furtber record; also borne as George N. , Robert M . and as George M. Patchin.

Commissioned second lieutenant, October 31, 1864, witb rank from September 1, 1864; original; first lieutenant, not mustered, February 9, 1865, witb rank from September 1, 1864, vice'Murtka Murphy, promoted.

P A T T E R S O N , J A M E S . — A g e , 43 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 23, 1864; killed in action, May 18, 1864, at Spot­sylvania Court House,, Va . ; prior service in Co. G, One Hun­dred Thirty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers.

P A T T E R S O N , J O H N . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, July 8, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

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P E A S L E Y , T H O M A S N . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

P E N D A R , E D W A R D . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, C'o. G, September 13, 1861; deserted, January 18, 1863, from Hnited States General Hospital at West Philadel­phia, Pa. ; also borne as Pender.

P E N D E R G A S T , T H O M A S . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, Octo­ber 25, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, not stated; transferred to Co. H , Twenty-fourth Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, February 18, 1.864; mustered out with detachment, July 25, 1865, at Washington, D. C.

P E N D L E B H R Y , J A M E S — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, January 27, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; captured, June 22, 1864, before Petersburg, Ya. ; returned, April 21, 1865; mustered out on individual roll, July 5, 1865, at New York city, as Pendleburg; also borne as Pendlebery.

P E N D L E T O N , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. F, October 8, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; captured in action, October 14, 1863, at Auburn, Ya. ; died, July 2, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.

P E N S L O W , R O B E R T . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 6, 1864; captured on picket, October 30', IS64, near Petersburg, Ya. ; paroled, February 24, 1865, and furloughed from Camp Parole, Md., March 13, 1.865, for thirty days, and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Pursglove.

P E O P L E S , D A N I E L . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 16, 1861; promoted regimental commissary-ser­geant, September 26, 1861; returned to ranks as private, Co. I, November 20, 1861; detailed in commissary department, No­vember 25, 1861; discbarged for disability, April 3, 1862, at Camp California, Ya.

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284 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

PERICENS, A L F R E D A . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mnstered in as private, Co. K , March 18, 1864; absent, wounded, since May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Ya., and at muster-out of company; also borne as Perkins.

P E R R Y , R O B E R T . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. 0, Septem­ber 23, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; sent from Richmond to Salisbury, N . O, November 4, 1864, where be joined the Confederate Army, December 10, 1864; no further record.

P E T E R S O N , J O H N . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, January 16, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri-

• vate, Co. C, January 28, 1864; deserted, May 3, 1864, before Petersburg, Ya.

P E T E R S O N , P E T E R . — A g e , 24" years. Enlisted, January 18, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28 , 1864; deserted, October 4, 1864, before Petersburg, Ya.

P H E L E N , P H I L I P . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, October 27, 1862; wounded in action, Decem­ber 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; promoted sergeant, Co. X , November 1, 1864; regimental commissary-sergeant, April 1, 1865; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Phealen, Pbelan and Phelim.

P H E R I N K , C H R I S T O P H E R , see Christian Ferunth.

P H I N E Y , J O H N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 29, 1864; deserted, February 23, 1865, in front of Petersburg, Va . ; also borne as Pheney and Phinney.

P I N K N E Y , A. O— Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Septem­ber 27 , 1861; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862, as ab­sent; also borne as Pinckney.

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P L A C E , C H A R L E S . — Age , 40 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, Sep­tember 21, 1864; discharged for disability, June 26, 1865, at Fair fax Seminary, Y a .

P L A N T , J A M E S . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 26, 1864; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; wounded in ac­tion, M a r c h 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Y a . ; mustered out on individual r o l l , June 14, 1865, at Washington, 3D. C.

P L A N T , J O S E P H . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I ) , August 24, 1864; promoted corporal, December 10, 1864; mustered out on individual ro l l , June 23, 1865, at Washington, D . C.

P L A N T , W I L L I A M . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

P L I E E R , H E N R Y . — Age, 29' years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 29, 1864; deserted, M a r c h 1, 1865; also borne as Pliffer.

P L U C K , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. K , M a r c h 26, 1864; died of disease, December 4, 1864, at Campbell Hos ­pital , Washington, D . C.

P L U N K E T T , H E N R Y H . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve'three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , August 20, 1864; promoted first sergeant, November 2,

i 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near A l e x ­andria, Y a . , as Henry G .

P L U N K E T T , M I C H A E L . — P r i v a t e , F i f t h Infantry ; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; wounded i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , Y a . ; discharged for disability, August 21, 1862, at Washington, D . O.

P O W E L L J O H N . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , Octo­ber 13, 1861; deserted, November 18, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city.

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286 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

P O W E R , D A V I D . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, August 8, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericks­burg, Va. ; transferred to Co. O, Fourteenth Regiment, Vet­eran Reserve Corps, June 9 , 1863; mustered out witb detach­ment, June 28, 1865, at Washington, D. O , as Powers.

P O W E R , H E N R Y . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, August 12, 1864; deserted to the enemy, December 26, 1864, from picket near Petersburg, Va.

P O W E R S , D A V I D . — Age, 42 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 17, 1864; wounded in action, June 16, 1864, near Peters­burg, Va. ; died of his wounds, July 3, 1865, at Annapolis, Md.

P O W E R S , J A M E S J . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 13, 1861; promoted corporal, November 1, 1861; cap­tured, March 28, 1862, at Rappahannock River, paroled and returned to ranks, no dates; mustered out with detachment, May 24, 1862, at Washington, D. O , as James Powers, Jr.

P O W E R S , P A T R I C K — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , October 14, 1861; deserted, June 3, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Va . ; also borne as Pouers.

P O W E R S , W A L T E R . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 16, 1864; never joined regiment.

P R E N D E R G A S T , T H O M A S . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as pri­vate, unassigned, November 4, 1862; no further record.

P R E S T O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, September 9, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-enllsted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transf erred to Co. F in January or February, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.

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P R I C E , J A M E S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , August 10, 1861; discharged for disability, June 1, 1865, at camp near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Prince.

P R I C E , J O H N . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 13, 1861; never joined regiment.

P R I M , J O H N — Age , 11 years. Enlisted, Pebruary 3, 1861, i n Second congressional district, to serve three years; mus­tered i n as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; wounded, no date; mustered out on individual ro l l , June 23, 1865, at Washington; D . C.

P R I N C E , see Price .

P R O S P E R , F R A N K — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vi l le , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Oo. I , Sep­tember 17, 1864; died of disease, M a y 25, 1865, a t A u g u r General Hospital , Alexandria, Y a .

P U R C E L L , J A M E S J . — A g e , 21 years. Enrol led, June 24, 1863, at Albany, to serve three years; mustered i n as assistant surgeon, J u l y 1, 1863; discharged for disability, December 5, 1864; again enrolled and mustered i n as assistant surgeon, June 17, 1865; mustered out with regiment, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; prior service as assistant surgeon, Sixty-third Infantry.

Commissioned assistant surgeon, June 24, 1863, with rank f rom same date, vice J . H u r l e y , deceased; assistant surgeon, M a y 31, 1865, with rank from May 26, 1865, vice A . H . Crosby, discharged.

P U R C E L L , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, September 27, 1861; at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustertd in as private, Ob. X , November 17, 1861; deserted in 1861, at For t Schuyler, N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as Pursel l .

P U R R I N G T O N , see Parmington.

P U R S G L O V E , see Penslow

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288 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

P U T N A M , A R T H U R . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve two years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 25, 1864; mustered out with, company, June 30, 1865, at A lex ­andria, V a .

P U T N E Y , L O R E N Z O . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Watertown, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. LI, September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, M a r c h 30, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5,1865, at Alexandria, V a .

P U T N E Y , S Y L V A N U S . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Watertown, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; ki l led in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, V a .

Q U A L T E R , J O H N . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 24, 1861; ki l led in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; also borne as Quarters and Quarters.

Q U A N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F , i n January or February, 1864; to Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; mustered out with detachment, Sep­tember 13, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; also borne as Quann.

Q U A R T E R S , see Quarter.

Q U T G L E Y , James.— Age 21 years. Unlisted, September 6, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 9, 1861; promoted sergeant, M a y 1, 1863; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F , in Janu­ary or February, 1864; discharged for disability, no date.

Q U I G L E Y , J A M E S B.— Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as. private, Co. I , August 27, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; returned, no date; mustered out witb detach­ment, June 29, 1865, at White H a l l General Hospital , P h i l a ­delphia, P a . ; also bome as Quigly.

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Q U I G L E Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 42 years.' Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; wounded i n action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; died of bis wounds i n Sep­tember or October, 1862.

Q U I N N , A U S T I N — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, Marcb 21, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near A l ­exandria, Y a .

Q U I N N , J A M E S . — Age , 38 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , Sep­tember 23, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam., M d . ; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; absent, sick i n hospital, at muster-out of company.

Q U I N N , J A M E S B . — Age , 14 years. Enlisted, September 13, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as musician, Co. C, November 17, 1862; transferred to Oo. A , Nineteenth Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; dis­charged, J u l y 13, 1865, at E l m i r a , N . Y .

Q U I f r N , J O H N . — Age 30 years. Enlisted, September 25, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. 0 , September 27., 1861; discharged for disability, Novem­ber 21, 1862, at Convalscent Camp, Alexandria, V a .

Q U I N N , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, August 25, 1862; no further record.

Q U I N N , J O H N . — Age , 29 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Oo. 0, Septem­ber 23, 1864; promoted corporal, October 6, 1864; wounded, A p r i l 7, 1865, at Ame l ia Court House, V a . ; discharged for disability, J u l y 3, 1865, at Carver United States General Hos ­pital, "Washington, D . C . ; also borne as Michael Quinn.

Q U I N N , M I C H A E L . — E n l i s t e d at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , August 1.2, 1862; k i l led i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

V O L . 2 9 ' — 1 9

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290 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

Q U I N N , M I C H A E L . - — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, June 1, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg,

- V a . ; died, November 14, 1864, at Salisbury, N . C.

Q U I N N , P E T E R . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, January 20, 1864, at Brook lyn to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; ki l led in action, M a y 31, 1864, at Pamunkey River , V a .

Q U I N N , T H O M A S G . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k •city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , A u ­gust 20, 1864; mustered out, M a y 25, 1865, at McDouga l l Hospital , Eort Schuyler, N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as Quin.

Q U I N L A N , E D W A R D . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, C o . B , August 27, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; absent, sick in ' hospital, at mus­ter-out of company; also borne as Quinl in and Quinlon.

Q U I N L A N , M A U R I C E . — Age , 21 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 13, 1861; wounded in action, June 1, 1862, at Eair Oaks, V a . ; discharged for disability caused from wounds, March 18, 1863, at General Hospital , Eort Wood, N e w Y o r k harbor.

Q U I N L A N , M A U R I C E . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , August 31, 1864; promoted first sergeant, October 1, 1864; returned to ranks, Eebruary 1, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

Q U I N L A N , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 9, 1862; no further record.

Q U I N L A N , P H I L I P . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861; deserted, November 18, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, N e w Y o r k harbor.

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Q U I R K , E D W A R D . — Age , 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. A , September 10, 1862; wounded i n action, May 3, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Y a . ; transferred to Oo. B , June 12, 1863; to One Hundred and Sixty-sixtli Company, Second Battal ion, Yeteran Reserve Corps, A p r i l 25, 1861; mustered out witb detachment, June 27, 1865, at Po int Lookout, M d . ; ^

Q U I R K , E D W A R D . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. E, , September 13, 1862; absent, sick, at muster-out of company? also borne a& Quirke.

R A B I D A N , J O S E P H . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 29, 1861; mustered out, January 6, 1866, at N e w Y o r k c i ty ; also borne as Rapidam and Rapidan. i

R A E F E R T Y , P E T E R . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 22, 1861; wounded i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at M a l ­vern H i l l , Y a . ; discbarged for disability, January 5, 1863, at Philadelphia, P a . ; also borne as Rafterty ; awarded a medal of honor.

R A G A N , see Regan. •

R A I S O N , see Raser. . • . . . . . .

* R A L L , see Rawl .

R A M L I N , A N D R E W . — Enlisted, September 26, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B , November 17, 1862; mustered out with detachment, June 11, 1865, at Carver Hospital , Washington, D . C.

R A N I G A N , J O H N . — A g e , 39 years. Enlisted, October 31, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , November 1, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. E , i n January or Eebruary, 1861; wounded i n action, M a y 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Y a . ; died of his wounds i n May , 1864.

R A P I D A M and R A P I D A N , see Rabidan.

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292 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R A S E R , J O H N . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mnstered i n as private, Co. D , August 27, 1864; wounded, September 14, 1864; kil led in action, March 25, 1865, before Petersburg, V a . ; also borne as Raison.

R A T H , H E N R Y . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 3, 1864; promoted corporal, A p r i l 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

R A T T I G A N , M I C H A E L . — Age , 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , September 6, 1862; wounded in action, December 13 2

1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; discharged for disability, A p r i l { 17, 1863, at Harewood Hospital , Washington, D . C.

R A W L , J A M E S . — Age , 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to iserve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , October 22, 1861; discharged for disability, August 2, 1862, at George­town, D . C ; also borne as R a i l and R e l l .

R A Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, September 27, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. K , December 20, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F , in January or February, 1864; captured i n action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, V a . ; paroled, February 28, 1865; mustered out on individual ro l l , to date M a r c h 24, 1865, at Annapolis, M d .

R E A D , G E O R G E . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , Septem­ber 17, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, at Peters­burg, V a . ; joined the Rebel army, November 7, 1864, at Salis­bury, N . C . ; no further record; also borne as Reed.

R E A L , H E N R Y . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, January 21, 1864; no further record.

R E A R D A N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. B , October 3, 1861; deserted, October 3, 1861, at New Y o r k city; also bome as Reardon, Riarclen and Riorden.

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E E A E D O N , D A N I E L . — Age , 40 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, August 22, 1862; no further record.

E E A E D O N , D A N I E L . — Age , 31 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , Eeb­ruary 16, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Eearden, Reordan and Eierdan.

R E A R D O N , H E N E Y . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 16, 1864; promoted corporal, November 1, 1864; ser­geant, Eebruary 1, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Reordan.

E E C O R , J O H N B . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 29, 1864; discharged, J u l y 10, 1865, at McCle l lan Hospital , P h i l a ­delphia, P a .

R E D F I E L D , C H A E L E S . — Age , 38 years. Enlisted at Tarry ­town, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, October 11, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, before Petersburg, Y a . ; returned, M a y 18, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Charston Eedfield.

R E E D , J A M E S A — A g e , 45 years. Enrol led at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as assistant sur­geon, November 9, 1861; dismissed, March 18, 1863; also borne as James E . Eeed.

Commissioned assistant surgeon, December 20, 1861, wi th rank from November 9, 1861; original ; surgeon, not mustered, M a y 8, 1863, with rank from A p r i l 27, 1863, vice J . Paschal Smith, discharged.

P E E D , see Bead.

B E E V E S , T E R R A N C E . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 30, 1861; deserted, November 8, 1861.

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294 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R E G A N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 13 , 1 8 6 1 ; promoted-corporal, November 1, 1 8 6 1 ; no record subsequent to April 10 , 1863 , as sent to Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., August 28 , 1862.

R E G A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to seiwe three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 7, 1 8 6 1 ; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862 , as absent; also borne as Ragan.

R E I D , E R A N C I S . — Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , December 25 , 1 8 6 2 ; mustered out, June 13 , 1865 , at New York city.

REID, J O H N M.—Age , 21 years. Enlisted, September 27 , 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. K, December 20 , 1 8 6 1 ; died of disease, April 14, 1864 , at Ship Point, Ya . ; also borne as Michael Reid.

R E I L E Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, January 19, 1864 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, March 19 , 1 8 6 4 ; wounded, in action, June 16, 1 8 6 4 , at Petersburg, Ya. ; mustered out with company, June 3 0 , 1865 , at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Rilley and Reilly.

R E I L E Y , see Rielly and Riley.

R E I L L E Y , J O H N J . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. O, January 2 8 , 1 8 6 4 ; promoted corporal, October 7, 1 8 6 4 ; cap­tured in action, October 30 , 1864 , before Petersburg, Ya. ; sent from Richmond, Ya., to Salisbury, N . O , November 4, 1 8 6 4 ; no further record; also borne as Reilly and Riley.

R E I L L E Y , see Reilly and Riley.

R E I L L Y , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 2 3 , 1 8 6 1 ; killed in action, December 13 , 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya.

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R E I L L Y , E D W A R D . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 23, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; to Co. B , Tenth Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, i n J u l y or August, 1863; discharged for disability, March 10, 1865; also borne as Ri ley .

R E I L L Y , E R A N C I S . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, October 8, 1861; deserted, October 31, 1861, at Eort Schuy­ler, N . Y .

R E I L L Y , J A M E S , — Age , 21 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 2, 1862; no further record; also borne as R i l l y .

R E I L L Y , J O H N . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, October 19, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years;' mustered i n as private, Co. X , December 20, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. E , i n January or February, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 4, 1861; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, before Petersburg, Y a . ; paroled, no date; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Re i l l ey and Ri ley .

R E I L L Y , P A T R I C E . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , September 23, 1861; kil led in action, M a y 3, 1863, at Chancel­lorsville,

. R E I L L Y , P A T R I C X . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , October 20, 1861; promoted corporal and ser­geant, no dates; ki l led in action, M a y 3, 1863, at Chancellors­vi l le , Y a . ; also borne as O 'Rei l ly .

R E I L L Y , P A T R I C X . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , August 21, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for disability caused from wounds, March 6, 1863, at Frederick, M d .

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296 R E P O R T OE T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R E I L L Y , P A T R I C K J . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 28, 1861; no further record.

R E I L L Y , P E T E R . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 13, 1861; wounded in action, De­cember 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Veteran Reserve Corps, September 1, 1863; also borne as Reilley.

R E I L L Y , P E T E R . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, September 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , September 25, 1861; absent, missing in action, Decem­ber 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; no further record; also borne as Riley.


R E I L L Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, October % 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, A , October 9, 1861; discharged for disability, Au­gust 19, 1863, at "Washington, D. C.

R E I L L Y , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March 23, 1864; promoted sergeant, November 1, 1864; mus­tered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Riley and Rilley.

R E I L L Y , see O'Reilly and Riely.

R E I L Y , H U G H . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, July 23, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, July 25, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Reilly, Rieley, Riely, and Riley.

R E L L , see Rawl.

R E N N E G H A N , see Ranigan.

R E N U E R , ANTOINE.—Enlisted at Troy, to serve three years, and-mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Antoine Reneur.

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R E N Z I E , M I C H A E L . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, September 5, 1864; missing i n action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . , and absent at muster-out of company; also bome as Rien-zie, and as Reinze, and Renzle, Michaels.

R E O R D A N , see Reardon.

R E Y N O L D S , G E O R G E E — Age, 17 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered i n as

. private, Co, H , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detach­ment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as G. W i l l i a m Reynolds; prior service i n Co. H , One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Infantry.

R E Y N O L D S , J A M E S T — Age, 26 years., Enlisted, October 13, 1861, at Chicago, 111., to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. D , October 31, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1863; died of disease, February 7, 1864, at Ladies' Home Hospital, N e w Y o r k city.

R E Y N O L D S , J O H N . — Age , 29 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , September 23, 1861; promoted sergeant, no. date; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; died of his wounds, September 30, 1862, i n hospital.

R E Y N O L D S , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , January 29, 1864; no further record.

R E Y N O L D S , J O H N M . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Norwich, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 25, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Renyolds, and John B .

R E Y N O L D S , M I C H A E L . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 16, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mus­tered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; discharged for disability, February 11, 1863, at Providence, R . I .

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298 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R E Y N O L D S , T H O M A S . — Age , 28 years. Enrolled, October 18, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mnstered in as first lieutenant, Co. A , October 22, 1861; kil led in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; prior service as second lieutenant, Co. K , Forty-second Infantry.

Commissioned first lieutenant, December 30, 1861, with rank f rom October 22, 1861; original.

R E Y N O L D S , T H O M A S B . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , September 23, ,1861; discharged for disability, January 10, 1863, at Point Lookout, M d . ; subsequent service in Co. C, Twel f th cavalry.

R E Y O L D S , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. D , August 29, 1864; promoted sergeant, September 9, 1864; wounded i n action, Marcb 25, 1865, before Petersburg, V a . ; mustered out, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

R E Y N O L S , M I C H A E L . — Age , 20 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, and deserted, October 8, 1864.

R H O N E , J O H N . — Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , January 27, 1865; discharged for disability, June 30, 1865, at Petersburg, V a . ; also borne as Rober, and Rohrer.

R H O R E R , see Rohrer.

R I A R D E N , see Reardan.

R I C A N D , J O H N S .— Age, date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as private, unassigned, not stated; no further record; sub­sequent service in Co. K , Seventh Art i l l e ry .

R I C E , C H A R L E S F . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Feb­ruary 16, 1865; promoted corporal, June 4, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

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R I C E , H E N R Y . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 24, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co, B , September 25, 1861; ki l led i n action, J u l y 1, 1802, at Malvern H i l l , Y a .

B I C E , J A C O B . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Wlieatfield, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

R I C H , H E R M A N . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as corporal, Co. C, not stated; no record subsequent to M a y 31, 1865, as gained from missing i n action, M a y 17, 1865.

R I C H M O N D , P E T E R . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, M a r c h 11, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, M a r c h 12, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; died, January 14, 1865, at Salisbury, N . C.

R I C H T E R , H E N R Y . — E n l i s t e d , September 24, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. B , November 17, 1862; captured and paroled, and returned, no dates; mustered out on individual rol l , J u l y 19, 1865, at. United States General Hospital , York , P a .

R I D D L E , R O B E R T . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as pr i ­vate, Co. H , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detach­ment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

R I E L E Y , see Re i ly .

R I E L L E Y , J O S E P H . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Eebruary 22, 1865; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, at Eort Steadman, Y a . ; absent, sick, at muster-out of company; also borne as Re i l l y , and Ri ley .

R I E L L Y , J A M E S . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, M a r c h 19, 1864; no further record; also borne as Rei ley.

R I E L L Y , J O H N . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, December 12, 1863; never joined regiment.

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300 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R I E L L Y , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve •one year, and mnstered in as private, Co. B, September 30, 1864; mustered out, May 9, 1865, at Harts Island, New York harbor; also borne as Reiley, Reilly.

R I E L L Y , see Ryley.

R I E L Y , C H A R L E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , November 1, 1861; discharged for disability, September 29, 1862, at Fort Monroe, Ya. ; also borne as Reilly.

R I E L Y , J A M E S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Febru­ary 7, 1862; discharged for disability, September 24, 1862, at Annapolis, Md.

R I E L Y , J A M E S . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Feb­ruary 26, 1862; killed in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hi l l , Ya.

R I E L Y , see Reily.

R I E N Z I E , see Renzie.

R I E R D A N , see Reardon.

R I L E Y , B A R N A R D . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 3, 1864; promoted sergeant, June 6, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Reilly and Rielly.

R I L E Y , H U G H . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, July 25, 1864; no further record.

R I L E Y , JAMES.—Enlisted, September 1, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , Sep­tember 15, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va . ; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; to Veteran Reserve Corps, July 11, 1863; discharged, June 28, 1865, as of Co. E , Seventh Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, at "Washington, D. O ; also borne as Rilly.

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R I L E Y , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, M a r c h 25, 1861; wounded i n action, March 25, 1865, at Petersburg, Y a . ; died of his wounds, A p r i l 6, 1865, at L inco ln Hospital , Washington, D . C ; also borne as Re i l ly .

R I L E Y , J O H N . — Age , 21 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , September 30, 1861; deserted, M a y 7, 1865, on the march from Richmond, Y a . ; also borne as Reiley, Re i l l y , and Ri l l ey .

R I L E Y # J O H N . — Age , 33 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, A p r i l 4, 1865; discharged, M a y 9, 1865, at Harts Island, New Y o r k harbor. >

R I L E Y , P E T E R . — Age , date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. B , not stated; wounded i n action, no datej-died of his wounds, August 12, 1863, at Washington, D . C.

R I L E Y , P E T E R . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, January 21, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; appointed drummer, no date; deserted,' October 24, 1864, from McDouga l l Hospital , N e w Y o r k c i ty ; also borne as Rei l ley and Re i l ly .

R I L E Y , P H I L I P . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. H , Janu­ary 27, 1865; transferred to Camp Chase, Ohio, i n 1865; no further record.

R I L E Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , 17 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 1, 1864; mustered out, June 10, 1865, at McDougal l Hospital , N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as Re i l l y , Rie l ley , and Rie l ly .

R I L E Y , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, M a r c h 23, 1864; nb further record.

R I L E Y , see Rei l ley.

R I L L E Y , see Rei ley and Ri ley .

R I L L Y , see R e i l l y and Ri ley .

R I O R D E N , see Reardan.

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302 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R O A C H , J O H N . — Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Co. K , not stated; no record subsequent to M a y 31, 1865, as absent, sick and wounded.

R O A C H , P A T R I C K . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, October 13, 1861, at Chicago, 111., to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. D , November 9, 1861; ki l led in action, Septem­ber 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

R O A C H , P A T R I C K W . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted, November 28, 1863, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, unassigned, December 9', 1863; never johfed regi­ment.

R O A C H , T H O M A S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , October 3, 1864; deserted to the enemy, December 7, 1864, before Peters­burg, Y a .

R O A C H and R O A C H E , see Roche.

R O A O H E , M A R T I N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Octo­ber 4, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; first sergeant, Sep­tember 17, 1862; ki l led in action, December 14, 1862, at Fred ­ericksburg, Y a . ; also borne as Roach.

R O A N , H E N R Y . — Age, date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. B , not stated; transferred to One Hundred Tenth Company, Tenth Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged for disability, October 18, 1865.

R O B E R T S , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F , September 24, 1864; captured on picket, October 29, 1864, near Peters­burg, Y a . ; no further record.

R O B E R T S , J A M E S . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 30, 1864; never joined regiment.

R O B E R T S , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, December 9, 1862; no furtber record.

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R O B E R T S O N , W I L L I A M T — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, un­assigned, June 29, 1864; never joined regiment.

R O B I N S O N , J A M E S — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1864, at Tompkinsville, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 12, 1864; captured on picket, Octo­ber 30, 1864, at Petersburg, V a . ; paroled, March 2, 1865, at N o r t h East Eerry , N . 0., and absent at muster-out of company.

R O B I N S O N , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , Septem­ber 2, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, at Peters­burg, V a . ; paroled, no date; mustered out on individual rol l , August 4, 1865, at N e w Y o r k city.

R O B I N S O N , J O S E P H . — Age, 40 years. Enl isted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 21, 1864; no further record.

R O B I N S O N , P E T E R . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, August 19, 1864; never joined regiment.

R O B I N S O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; missing i n action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . , and absent at muster-out of company.

R O C H E , J A M E S . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 13, 1861; deserted, October 10, 1861, at Eort Schuyler, N e w Y o r k harbor; also borne as Roach and Roacbe.

R O C H E , J A M E S . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, September 22, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, V a . ; regained, M a y 17, 1865, and absent, sick, at muster-out of company; also borne as Roach.

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304: R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R O C H E , J O H N . — Age, 41 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March 22, 1864; wounded, M a y 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, V a . ; discharged for disability, M a y 24, 1865, at West Philadelphia, P a . ; also borne as Roach and Roache.

R O C H E , J O H N . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , Septem­ber 16, 1864; promoted corporal, October 1, 1864; wounded i n action, March 25, 1865, at Hatcher's R u n , V a . ; died of bis wounds, A p r i l 21, 1865, at Armory Square Hospital, Washing­ton, D . 0 . ; also borne as Roach.

R O C K S , J A M E S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; died September 8, 1861, at P a r k Barracks, New Y o r k city.

R O C K S , J O H N . — Age, 17 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as musician, Co. B , N o ­vember 17, 1861; no furtber record.

R O C K S , J O H N . — Age, 19' years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , Janu­ary 25, 1864; appointed drummer, no date; deserted, May 4, 1864, at Chancellorsville, V a . ; also borne as Rock.

R O D G E R S , J O H N . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. C, November 17, 1862; discharged witb detach­ment, June 7, 1865, at Campbell United States General Hos­pital , Washington, D . C.

R O E , A L L A N . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, January 21, 1864, at Brooklyn; to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded i n action, October 30, 1864, before Petersburg, V a . ; mustered out witb detachment, June 27, 1865, at- Satterlees Hospital, ' West Philadelphia, P a .

R O E , D A N I E L W . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Norwich , to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded, March 25, 1865; discharged for disability, August 14, 1865, at Armory Square Hospital, Wash­ington, D . C . ; also bome as Danie l Roe.

R O G E R , M O R A N , see Roger Moran.

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ROGERS, J A M E S . — Age, 2 0 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 5, 1 8 6 4 ; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, No­vember 1 , 1 8 6 4 ; first sergeant, June 6, 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out with company, June 3 0 , 1 8 6 5 , near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Rodgers.

R O H E R and R O H R E R , see Rhone.

ROHRER, J O H N . — Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , January 2 7 , 1 8 6 5 ; absent, sick in hospital, at muster-out of company; also borne as Rhorer.

R O L F E , W I L L I A M H . — Age, 1 8 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 6, 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with detachment, June 5 , 1 8 6 5 , near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as 'Rolf.

R O N A L D S ON, M I C H A E L . — Age, 2 1 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, October 1 0 , 1 8 6 4 ; no further record.

R O O N E Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 3 2 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, January 1 9 , 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

R O O N E Y , T E R A N C E . — Age, 4 3 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , April 8, 1 8 6 4 ; captured in action, May 5, 1 8 6 4 , at the Wilder­ness, Ya . ; died, September 1 3 , 1 8 6 4 , at Andersonville, Ga.

R O O N E Y , T H O M A S . — Age, 2 8 years. Enlisted, October 1 6 , 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 3 0 , 1 8 6 1 ; no further record.

ROSS, A L E X A N D E R . — Age, 3 5 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Octo­ber 5 , 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with company, June 3 0 , 1 8 6 5 , at Alexandria, Ya.

ROSS, J A M E S H — Age, 1 9 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one.year, and mustered in as private, Oo. F, Septem­ber 2 8 , 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1 8 6 5 , near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as James Ross.

V O L . 2 9 ' — 2 0

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306 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R O S T , G E O R G E . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted, February 27, 1864, at Brooklyn , to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , Marcb 9, 1864; missing in action, August 25, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . , and absent at muster-out of company.

R O T H , H E N R Y . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Octo­ber 3, 1864; no furtber record.

R O U N T R Y , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 30, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at A lex ­andria, V a . ; also borne as Roundtree and Roundtry.

R O U R K E , J O H N . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered "in as private, unassigned, August 5, 1864; never joined regiment.

R O U R K E , M I C H A E L — P r i v a t e ; transferred from F i f t h In ­fantry to Co. D , tbis regiment, no date; died in hospital, J u l y 9, 1862, at Cliffbourne Barracks, Washington, D . C.

R O W L A N D , S A M U E L W . — Age, 17 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as pr i ­vate, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out for disability, June 21, 1865, at Washington, D . 0.

R O Y , J A M E S . — Age , 31 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , Marcb 3, 1864; absent, missing in action, near Petersburg, V a . , since June 22, 1864, and at muster-out of company.

R U L E , P A T R I C K . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , October 31, 1861; deserted from hospital, September 18, 1862, at Fred­erick C i t y , ' M d .

R U S H , J O H N . — A g e , 29' years. Enlisted, September 27, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. H , October 3, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; promoted sergeant, June 18, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; returned to. ranks, January 2, 1864; transferred to Co. F in January or February, 1364; promoted sergeant, J u l y 10, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

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R U S H , J O H N H . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three' years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 26, 1864", discharged for disability, March 14, 1865, at United States General Hospital, Washington, D . C.

R U S S E L L , M I C H A E L . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , October 13, 1861; died of disease, November 8, 1.8,62, at United States General Hospital , Camp Parole, Annapolis, M d .

R U S S E L L , S A M U E L . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, F , October 19, 1861; discharged for disability, February 17, 1863, at Con­valescent Camp, Y a .

R U S S E L L , W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Febru­ary 1, 1864; wounded i n action, October 27, 1864, before Petersburg, Y a . ; mustered out, J u l y 5, 1865, at Whitehal l Hospital , Philadelphia, P a .

R Y A N , B E R N A R D . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, unassigned, August 28, 1862; no further record.

R Y A N , D A N I E L . — A g e , 43 years. Enlisted, October 20* 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 25, 1861; discharged for disability, September 23, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city.

R Y A N , D A N I E L . — E n l i s t e d , October 30, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, unassigned, November 17, 1862; transferred to Co. F , Twenty-third Regi­ment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged, October 18, 1865, at E l m i r a , N . Y .

R Y A N , J A M E S . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve thre'e years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , March

-18, 1862; k i l led i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

R Y A N , J O H N . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Septem­ber 7, 1861; discharged for disability, no date.

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R Y A N , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, Septernber 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Oo. E , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. B in January or Eebruary, 1864; no furtber record.

R Y A N , J O H N . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Janu­ary 10, 1862; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hi l l , Ya . ; again, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; trans­ferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; to Yeteran Reserve Corps in July or August, 1863.

R Y A N , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 20, 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya., and June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; absent at muster-out of company, and declared by War Department, June 18, 1890, to be identical with John Ryan, of Co. A , Sixty-third Infantry, whose last record is bis presence, on October 31, 1864, in hospital at Annapolis, Md. ; final record undetermined.

R Y A N , J O H N — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , March 15, 1864-; never joined regiment.

R Y A N , J O H N . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Troy, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. H , Sep­tember 3, 1864; promoted sergeant and returned to ranks, no dates; absent, without leave, at muster-out of company.

R Y A N , P A T R I C K . — Age, date, place of enlistment and mus­ter-in as private, Co. E , not stated; deserted, December 3, 1864, at Petersburg, Ya. "

R Y A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, .Co. A , March 2, 1864; wounded, July 6, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company.

R Y A N , T H O M A S . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 5, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30', 1865, at Alexan­dria, Va.

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E Y L E Y , J O H N . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Octo­ber 1, 1864; never joined regiment,

R Y L E Y , J O H N . — Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Oo..H, not stated; absent, missing in action, October 30, 1864; no furtber record; also borne as Rielly.

R Y M A L , P E T E R . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at Niagara, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

S A C X Y I L L E , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, Febru­ary 3, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; mustered out on individual roll, October 1.3, 1866, at Albany, N . Y .

SAILOE, E O B E E T . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, January 20, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded, June 3, 1864, at Cold Har­bor, Ya. ; died of his wounds, June 20,' 1864, in hospital, Alex­andria, Ya . ; also borne as Saylor.

SAMO, W I L L I A M . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Octo­ber 11, 1864; never joined regiment.

S A N D E B S , see Saunders.

SANSOME, C H A E L E S . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F, October 8, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Sanson and Sensome.

S A H N D E R S , J A M E S . — A g e , 42 years. Enrolled, September 18, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as captain, Co. A , October 22. 1861; mustered out, June 12, 1863, near Morrisville, Ya., on consolidation, as James San­ders.

Commissioned captain, December 30, 1861, with rank from October 22, 1861; original.

S A Y L O R , see Sailor.

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S C A N L A N , J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, October 25, 1864; never joined regiment.

S C A N L A N , T E R R A N C E . — Age, 34 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , September 23, 1861; promoted sergeant, October 3, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill, Ya. ; dis­charged for wounds, March 24, 1863, at Philadelphia, Pa.; again enrolled and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 12, 1864; promoted sergeant, March 9, 1864; wounded in action, May, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Ya. ; mustered in as second lieu­tenant, February 9', 1865; mustered out with company, June

' 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Scanlin and Florence Scanlon.

Commissioned second lieutenant, February 9, 1865, with rank from November 1, 1864, vice L. Macken, not mustered.

S C A N L I N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 25 years. Enrolled, September 10, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as captain, Co. I, September 27, 1861; discharged, August 5, 1862.

Commissioned captain, December 20, 1861, with rank from September 27, 1861; original.

S C A N L O N , T H O M A S . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 25, 1865; never joined regiment.

S O A N N E L L , L A W R E N C E . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Marcb 8, 1864; wounded, March 25, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 23, 1865, at Mower United States Army General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.; also borne as Scan­ner.

S O A N N E L L , P E T E R . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Fort Schuy­ler, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, No­vember' 14, 1861; discharged for general debility, May 12, 1862, at Washington, D. C.

S C H A F E R , J O S E P H . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve- three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 5, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Schaffer, Schefer and Shaffer.

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SCHILLING, W I L L I A M . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted, January 21, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, January 28, 1864; transferred to Yeteran Reserve Corps, February 19, 1865; also borne as Shelling.

SCHMIDT, A N D R E W . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 20, 1864; wounded, no date; mustered out, June 17, 1865, as Smith.

SCHMIDT, C H A R L E S . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 26, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, Y a., as Charles Smith 2d.

SCHMIDT, C H A R L E S . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Oo. E , September 3, 1864; never joined company.

SCHMIDT, X A R L . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 30, 1864; no further record.

S C H N E I D E R , see Snyder.

S C H N I T Z G E N and S O H R U T Z E N , see Scbuitzen.

SCHROPP, A N T H O N Y — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Pough­keepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 29, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

S O H R O W A N G , H U G O . — Age, 19' years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Xingston, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, February 5, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alex­andria, Ya., as Shrowang.

S C H U I T Z E N , J O S E P H — A g e , . 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 19, 1864; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Ya.;,sent from Richmond, Ya., to Salisbury, N . C , No­vember 4, 1864; absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Schnitzgen, Schrutzen, and Snitehen.

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S C H U Y L E R , E D W A R D . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brook­l y n , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , December 2, 1863; appointed musician, no date; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Scbyler and Scuyler.

S C O T T , D A N I E L E . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Norwich , to serve one year; mustered in as private, Oo. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 29, 1865, at Whitehal l United States General Hospital, P h i l a ­delphia, P a .

S C O T T , H E N R Y . — Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Co. K , not stated; recruit from depot; joined for ser­vice, M a y 17, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; no further record.

S C O T T , J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Octo­ber 14, 1861; deserted, October 19, 1861.

S C O T T , J O H N . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Febru­ary 26, 1862; promoted corporal, A p r i l 28, 1862; sergeant, August 8, 1862; returned to ranks, December 29, 1862; trans­ferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F in January or Febru­ary, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 22, 1864; died of disease, August 21, 1864, at L inco ln Hospital, Washington, D . C.

S C O T T , J O H N . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted, February 28, 1864, at Stevensburg, V a . , to serve three years; mustered in as pr i ­vate, unassigned, February 29, 1864; never joined regiment.

S C O T T , J O H N . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, September 5, 1864; wounded i n action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; discharged for wounds, J u l y 3, 1865, at David's Island, New Y o r k harbor.

S C O T T , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co, K, September 20, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near A lex ­andria, V a .

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SCOTT, P A T R I C K — Age, 37 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; wounded in action, De­cember 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Y&.; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; absent sick in hospital, at muster-out of company.

SCOTT, R O B E R T . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at. New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. X , March 9, 1864; absent wounded since June 3, 1864, at Cold Plarbor, Ya., and at muster-out of company.

S C U L L E N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 41 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, April 4, 1864; never joined regiment.

SCULLY, J O S E P H . - ^ Age, 19 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 9, 1861; deserted, November 2, 1861, at Port Schuyler, N . Y .

S C U L L Y , MARTIN.—Age , 23 years. : Enrolled at Chicago, III, to serve three years, and mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. D, October 13, 1861; transferred to Co. I, November 1, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Ya. ; mustered in as first lieutenant, May 1, 1863; mustered out on consolidation, June 12, 1863, near Ealmouth, Ya.

Oommissioned second lieutenant, December 20, 1861, with rank from November 17, 1861; original; first lieutenant, May 27, 1863, with rank from November 1, 1862, vice P. Morris, dismissed.

S C U L L Y , M I C H A E L . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 23, 1864; missing in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsyl­vania, Ya., and absent at muster-out of company.

S C U L L Y , THOMAS.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as first sergeant, Oo. H , September 27, 1861; died of disease, April 14, 1862, at Alexandria, Va.

S C U L L Y , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F, October 6, 1864; promoted corporal, June 7, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.

S C U Y L E R , see Schuyler.

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S E L L E R , T H O M A S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve three years; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. H , September 3, 1864; died of disease, November 24, 1864, at hospital, Ci ty Point , V a . , as Sellers.

S E M M E T , H E N I J Y . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, January 27, 1864; never joined regiment; also borne as Semet.

S E N S O M E , see Sansome.

S E R E N E , see Sirrine.

S H A E F E R , see Schafer.

S H A N A H A N , C O R N E L I U S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered "in as pr i ­vate, Co. B , September 28, 1861; wounded and captured in ac­t ion, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; paroled, J u l y 25, 1862; deserted, October 3, 1862, from hospital, at Phi ladel ­phia, P a . ; also borne as Cornelius Shanahae, and Shaneghan.

S H A N A H A N , M I C H A E L . — Enlisted, October 2, 1862, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , A p r i l 25, 1863; transferred to Co. I , Eleventh Regiment, Vet ­eran Reserve Corps, no date; mustered out with detachment, J u l y 7, 1865, at Plattsburgh, N . Y .

S H A N L E Y , T I M O T H Y L . — Age, 28 years. Enrol led at C h i ­cago, 111,, to serve three years, and mustered in as captain, Co. D , October 13, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; died of bis wounds, October 1, 1862, at general hospital, Frederick, M d . ; also borne as Sliauly.

Commissioned captain, December 20, 1861, witb rank from November 2, 1861; original.

S H A N N A H A N , J O H N . — Age , 32 years. Enlisted at N e w lYork city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , August 8, 1862; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Ant ietam, M d . ; deserted i n 1863, from hospital, at West P h i l a ­delphia, P a . ; also borne as Sbanaban.

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S H A N N O N , J O H N . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Go. K , Sep­tember 20, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. ; paroled, February 28, 1865, at North East Ferry, N . C ; reported at Camp Parole, March 17, 1865; furloughed, March 21, 1865, for thirty days, to New York eity, and absent at muster-out of company.

S H A R L O C K , see Sherlock.

S H A R P , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted, February 8, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. A] March 9, 1864; wounded, no date; mustered out, Jxine 29, 1865, at White Hall United States General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. ; also borne as Sharpe.

S H A R P , R I C H A R D . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 22, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Sta­tion, Ya. ; died, October 17, 1864, in hospital, Salisbury, N . C ; also borne as Sharpe.

S H A U G H N E S S E Y , S H A U G N E S S Y , and S H A U N E S S Y , see Shortinssy.

S H A U G H N E S S Y , T H O M A S . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as pri­vate, Co. A , September 28, 1861; promoted corporal, August 8, 1862; sergeant, October 1, 1862; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Va.

S H A U L Y , see Shanley.

S H A W , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, January 18, 1864, in First congressional district, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Va . ; died of disease, August 14, 1864, at Annapolis, Md.

S H A Y , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private,'Co. D, Octo­ber 13, 1861; promoted corporal, November 1, 1861; no record subsequent to April 10, 1863, as sent to Camp Parole, August 28, 1862; no further record; also borne as Shea.

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S H E A , P A T R I C K — P r i v a t e , Co. A , Forty-second Infantry ; transferred to Co. E , this regiment i n March or A p r i l , 1864; no further record.

S H E A , see O'Shea.

S H E A I T Y , see Sheeky.

S H E A N and S H E E A N , see Sheehan.

S H E A N E , E U G E N E . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, March 8, 1864; never joined regiment.

S H E A R N , see Shuran.

S H E A R Y , F R A N K — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, February 29, 1864, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , M a r c h 9, 1864; deserted, M a y 18, 1864, near Spotsylvania, V a . ; also borne as Sberrey.

S H E E H A N , J A M E S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Washing­ton, D . C , to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , November 22, 1861; transferred to Co . A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Co. F , i n January or February, 1864; deserted, January 15, 1865, f rom hospital, at C i t y Point , V a . ; also borne as Sbean.

S H E E H A N , J O H N . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, A u ­gust 27, 1864; never joined regiment.

S H E E H Y , J O H N — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Feb­ruary 25, 1865; wounded i n action, March. 25, 1865, at Fort Steadman, Y a . ; again wounded on picket line, A p r i l 2, 1865, near Petersburg, V a . ; mustered out with detachment, June 13, 1865,.. near Alexandria, V a . , as Sheahy; also borne as Sheely and Shehy. ;

S H E E N A N and S H E E R N A N , see Shuran.

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S H E H A N , M I C H A E L . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Royalton, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H , Septem­ber 20, 1864; mustered oiit witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya., as Sheehan; also borne as Sheean.

S H E L L , J A C O B . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 9, 1864; never joined regiment.

S H E L L I N G , see Schilling.

S H E L L Y , P A T R I C X . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. X , July 9, 1864; wounded, May 12, 1864; mustered out, June 3, 1865, at Washington, D. C ; also borne as Shelley.

S H E P P A R D , J O H N . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, September 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. X , November 17, 1861; promoted sergeant, Janu­ary 8, 1863; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; promoted first sergeant, July 8, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Co. F , in January or Eebruary, 1864; wounded in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Ya . ; died of hisi wounds, May 26, 1864, at Einley Hospital, Washington, D. C ; also borne as Shepherd.

S H E R A D E N , J O H N — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 10, 1861; discharged for disability, April 3, 1862, at Camp California, Ya . ; also borne as Sheridan.

S H E R I D A N , D A N I E L . — Age, 22 ears. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 23, 1861; deserted, October 23, 1862, at New York city; also borne as Sheriden.

S H E R I D E N , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, February 10, 1862; deserted, June 29, 1862, at Savage Station, Ya.

S H E R L E Y , J.—Age, date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. X , not stated; no record subsequent to March 31, 1865, as absent without leave.

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S H E R L O C K , A U G U S T U S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, 'Co. I, October 5, 1861; returned\o ranks, no date; discharged for disability, January 14, 1862, at New York city.

S H E R L O C K , J E R E M I A H . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as/private, Co. K , June 25, 1864; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; sent to Salisbury, N. C , October 9, 1864; absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Sharlock.

S H E R R E Y , see Sbeary.

S H E R R Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 30, 1861; deserted, October 12, 1861.

SHIBI, C H A R L E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to" serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Feb­ruary 1, 1864; never joined regiment; see Stubl.

SHIELDS, J A M E S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private Co. I, October 1 ? 1861; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya . ; died of his wounds, January 29, 1863, at •hospital, David's Island, New York harbor.

SHIELDS, J A M E S . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as sergeant, Co. F , October 28, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Mal­vern Hill , Ya . ; discharged for disability caused from wounds, August 27, 1862, at New York city; also borne as Joseph Shields.

SHIELDS, WILLIAM.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 24, 1861; killed in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va . ; also borne as Shelds.

SHIELDS, WILLIAM.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 14, 1864; promoted sergeant, October 1, 1864; re­turned to ranks, no date; promoted corporal, February 1, 1865; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, at Skinner's Farm, Va. ; mustered out with detachment, June 29', 1865, at White Hall United States General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.

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S H I L O W , D A V I D . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Feb­ruary 23, 1865; no further record.

S H O E M A K E R , W I L L I A M . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, January 23, 1861; discharged, February 9, 1864, to enable h im to enlist i n One Hundred Fift ieth Infantry ; subsequent service as Peter W . Shoemaker, private, O'o. C, One Hundred F i f t i e th Infantry.

S H O R T I N S S Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 21, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mus­tered i n as private, Co. B , September 29, 1861; deserted, June 28, 1862, from Co. A , Fourth United States Ar t i l l e ry , to which he was detailed; also borne as Shortensey, Shaughnessey, Shaunessy, and Shaugnessy.

S H R O W A N G , see Schrowang.

S H U L T Z , J O H N . — Age , 40 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 27, 1864; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; returned to ranks, June 21, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . , as Smite.

S H U R A N , J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 15, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. B , September 17, 1861; deserted, June 2, 1862, from camp, at F a i r Oaks, V a . ; also borne as Shearn, Sbeeran, and Sheenan.

S I C B Y , J E R O M E . — A g e , IS years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; ki l led in action, March 25, 1865, at Fort Stedman, V a . ; also borne as Sixby.

S I C K L E S , J O H N H . — Age , 18 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Kingston, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured i n action,,October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; sent to Salisbury, N . C , Novem­ber 4, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company.

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S I G N O R , E B E R T S.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Norwich , to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Elbert J .

S I G N O R , J A M E S E . — Age , 18 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Norwich , to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; k i l led i n action, Marcb 25, 1865, at Eort Stedman, V a . ; also borne as Signer.

S I M M O N S , G E O R G E . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, Co1. C, Janu­ary 19, 1864; deserted, October 10, 1864, before Petersburg, V a . ; also borne as Simonds.

S I M P S O N , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and1 mustered i n as private, Co. I , A u ­gust 25, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , V a .

S I M P S O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , October 9, 1861; discharged for disability, N o ­vember 27, 1862, at Falmouth, V a .

S I N G L E T O N , W I L L I A M . — P r i v a t e , F i f t h Infantry, trans­ferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; deserted i n August, 1862, at Alexandria , V a .

S I N N O T T , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted, March 2, 1864, at Brooklyn , to serve tbree years; mustered in as pr i ­vate, Co. A , March 9, 1864; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; wounded and deserted, M a y 18, 1864, near Spotsylvania Court House, V a . ; also borne as Synnott.

S I R R I N E , " V A L E N T I N E . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , August 30, 1862; wounded, September 17, 1862; again wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, V a . ; discharged for disability, December 26, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, V a . ; also borne as Sirene and Serene.

S I X B Y , see Sicby.

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SKELLY", J O H N . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted, October 18, 1.861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 25, 1861; killed in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya.

SKINNER, A L F R E D . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F , September 27, 186!;- captured on picket, October 29, 1861, near Peters­burg, Ya. ; paroled, no date; mustered out, May 18, 1865, at West Buildings Hospital, Baltimore, Md. ; also borne as Albert.

S L A T T E R Y , J O H N . — Age,' 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Marcb 31, 1861; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. ; died of disease, December 10, 1864, at Salis­bury, N . 0.

S L A T T E R Y , P A T R I C K . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, August 25, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Ya. ; died of bis wounds, December 30, 1862, at Stone General Hospital, Washington, D. 0.

S M A L L , E D W A R D . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; died, October 3, 1862, at General Hospital, Frederick, Md., of vulnus sclopeticum re­ceived in action at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862.

S M A L L , J A M E S . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Octo­ber 24, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, September 1, 1862; mustered out, June 12, 1863, at Falmouth, Ya.

S M A L L I N , F R A N K — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; killed in action, March 25, 1865, at Fort Stedman, Ya.

S M I L E Y , D A Y I D A . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 1, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, February 5, 1865; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Ya. ; died of his wounds, April 17, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

Yon. 2 9 ' — 2 1

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S M I T H , C H A R L E S . — Age , 26 years. Enlisted at Goslien, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 26, 1864; promoted corporal, June 6, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

S M I T H , C H A R L E S . — Age , 20 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vil le , to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 13, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , V a .

S M I T H , C H A R L E S . — Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B , September 15, 1864; missing since October 29, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; no fur­ther record.

S M I T H , C H A R L E S — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , October 13, 1864; mustered out on individual ro l l , September 2, 1865, at E l m i r a , N . Y .

S M I T H , C L I N T O N G . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 24, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured i n action, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; died, December 30, 1864, at Salis­bury, N . C.

S M I T H , C O R N E L I U S . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted, September 23, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. B , September 25, 1861; deserted i n November or December, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city.

S M I T H , E B E N E Z E R . — A g e , 39 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , August 15, 1864; promoted corporal, September 15, 1864; re­turned to" ranks, December 15, 1864; mustered out with com­pany, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

S M I T H , E L L — P r i v a t e , F i f t h Infantry; transferred to Co. D , tbis regiment, no date; discharged for disability, March 2, 1863, at camp near Falmouth, V a .

S M I T H , G E O R G E . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , September 10, 186.4; promoted corporal, December 1, 1864; wounded i n ac­tion, Marcb 25, 1865, at Hatcher's R u n , V a . ; discharged, J u l y 24, 1865, at McDougal l Hospital , New Y o r k .

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SMITH, G E O R G E . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. 0 , September 21, 1864; mustered out with, detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

SMITH, H E N R Y . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, October 4, 1862; no furtber record.

SMITH, H E N R Y — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, April 11, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexan­dria, Ya.

SMITH, H U G H . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted, October 8, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 30, 1861; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Ya . ; transferred to Co. B, Nineteenth Regiment, Yeteran Reserve Corps, no date; retransferred to Co. I, June 14, 1864; transferred to Co. B and promoted cor­poral, no dates; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; died, October 20, 1864, at Salisbury, N . C.

SMITH, H U G H . — Age, 19' years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Eebruary 3, 1864; never joined regiment.

SMITH, J A C O B — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 31, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Ya. ; died of bis wounds, April 12, 1865, at Washington, D. C.

SMITH, J A M E S . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 12., 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; trans­ferred to Co. E in January or Eebruary, 1864; promoted ser­geant, September 13, 1864; first sergeant, June 7, 1865; mus­tered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya.

SMITH, JAMES.—Private , Eifth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, no date; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hil l , Ya . ; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; to Yeteran Reserve Corps in July or August, 1863.

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324 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

S M I T H , J A M E S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted in Eirst congres­sional district, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 18, 1864; appointed musician, no date; mus-'

. tered out with, company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

S M I T H , J A M E S . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Eebru-

, ary 27, 1864; deserted, March 14, 1864, near Stevensburg, V a .

S M I T H , J A M E S . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Septem­ber 17, 1864; promoted corporal, October 1, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, i n front of Petersburg, V a . ; died of his wounds, A p r i l 4, 1865, in hospital at City Point, V a .

S M I T H , J A M E S H . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, September 11, 1862; no further record.

S M I T H , J A M E S J . — Age, 27 years. Enrol led, September 20, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as first lieutenant and adjutant, November 8, 1861; wounded i n action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, V a . ; mustered out, November 9, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; again enrolled and mustered in as lieutenant-colonel, Eebruary 16, 1865; mustered out with regiment, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as James G .

Commissioned first lieutenant and adjutant, December 20, 1861, with rank from November 2, 1861; original; lieutenant-colonel, January 31, 1865, with rank from January 1, 1865, vice J . Garrett, not mustered.

S M I T H , J O H N . — A g e , 15 years. Enlisted, October 9, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as musician, Co. B , date not stated; mustered out, June 12, 1863, on con­solidation.

S M I T H , J O H N . — Age, 44 years. Enlisted, September 27, 1862, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co.. I , November 17, 1862; wounded, June 16, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; mustered out, June 28, 1865, at Love l l Gen-

; «ral Hospital , Portsmouth Grove, R. I .

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SMITH, J O H N " . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , January 21, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1S65, at Skinner's Farm, Va. ; died of his wounds, April 25, 1865, at Washington, D. C.

SMITH, J O H N , 1st.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted, January 20, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded in action, May 5", 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. ; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.-

SMITH, J O H N , 2d.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, January 20, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded on picket, May 12, 1864; discharged for disability, March 10, 1865, at Washing­ton,. D. C.

SMITH, J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, February 3, 1864, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. G, March 9, 1864; deserted,"March 13, 1864, at Alexan­dria, Y a . 1

SMITH, J O H N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 11, 1864; never joined regiment.

SMITH, J O H N . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, April 29, 1S64; no further record.

SMITH, J O H N . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at New York city, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; died of disease, December IT, 1864, at camp near Petersburg, Va.

SMITH, J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Pendleton, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A, September 21, 1864; killed in action, March 25, 1865, at Skinner's Farm, Va.

SMITH, J O H N . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, February 23, 1865; no further record.

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326 R E P O R T OF TELE A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

SMITH, L E V I . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 13, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va . ; enlisted in Confederate Army while prisoner at Salisbury, N . C.; no furtber record.

SMITH, M A R S H A L L . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, De­cember 7, 1864; wounded in action, Marcb 25, 1865, at Skin-

• ner's Farm, Va . ; died of his wounds, March 28, 1865, at City Point, Va.

SMITH, M I C H A E L . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Octo­ber 11, 1864; captured .in action,-October 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Va . ; confined at Richmond, Va., October 31, 1864; sent to Salisbury, N . C , November 4, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company.

S M I T H , O W E N . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Septem­ber 28, 1861; wounded in.action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hil l , Va . ; discharged for wounds, October 15, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa.

S M I T H , P A S C A L J .—Age, 28 years. Enrolled, October 11, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as surgeon, October 12, 1861; discharged, January 2, 1863; also borne as J . Paschal Smith.

Commissioned surgeon, December 20, 1861, with rank from October 12, 1861; original.

S M I T H , P A T R I C K . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, April 11, 1865; absent, without leave, since June 22, 1865, and at muster-out of company.

S M I T H , P H I L I P . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; discharged for disability, March 31, 1862, at Warrenton Junction, Ya.

SMITH, R I C H A R D . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, October 12, 1864; promoted corporal, June 7, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

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SMITH, R O B E R T . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. F, September 27, 1864; captured on picket, October 29, 1864, near Peters­burg, Va. ; died of disease, November 30, 1S64, at Salisburv, N . 0.

SMITH, R O B E R T - — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G , October 3, 1864; transferred to Co. C, Eighteenth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, March 19, 1865; mustered out with detachment, July 19, 1865, at Washington, D. C.

SMITH, R O B E R T T . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, December 9, 1862; no further record.

SMITH, T H O M A S . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 13, 1861; deserted, November 7, 1861, at New York city.

SMITH, T H O M A S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 30, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1S65, at Alexandria, Va.

SMITH, W I L L I A M . — Age, 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. C, October 9, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1S62, at Antietam, Md.; died of his wounds, September 19, 1862.

SMITH, W I L L I A M N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 25, 1864; died of disease, January S, 1865, at hospital, Wash­ington, D. C.

SMITH, W I L L I A M P . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, August 17, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Eredericksburg, Va. ; discharged, Eebruary 28, 1863.

SMITH, see Schmidt.

S N I T C H E N , see Schuitzen.

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328 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

S N Y D E R , J A C O B . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 29, 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; first sergeant, Septem­ber 9', 1864; wounded, March 25, 1865; mustered out, June 6, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa., as Schneider.

S O P W O R T H , see Lapworth.

S O U T H E R N , H E N R Y H . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 22, 1864; wounded and captured, May 12, 1864; died of disease, July 4, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.

S P A C E , W I L L I A M . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 27, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, Va.

S P E A R M A N , J O H N S .— Age, IS years. Enlisted at Hornells-ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 24, 1864; never joined regiment.

S P E C K M A N , J O H N . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 14, 1861; wounded in action, July 1, 1862, at Mal­vern Hill , Va . ; discharged for disability, October 25, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa.

S P E L L M A N , L A W R E N C E . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , February 28, 1865; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. , as Spelman.

S P E N C E R , R E U B E N . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 1, 1864; wounded, no date; mustered out with detachment, June 3, 1865, at Washington, D. C.

S P E N C E R , W I L L I A M H . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, August 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

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S P I L L A N E , M I C H A E L . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted, October 5, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October 25, 1861; killed in action, July 1, 1862, at Malvern Hill , Ya. ; also borne as Spillaul.

SPRINGER, W I L B U R E . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1861; wounded, November 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexan­dria, Ya.

S T A C X P O L E , G E O R G E . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 14, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. E , September 16, 1861; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; to Co. F in January or Eebruary, 1864; wounded, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya.; mustered out, September 15, 1864, at New York city.

S T A C X P O L E , G E O R G E . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Plattsburgb, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted corporal, Sep­tember 5, 1864; sergeant, Eebruary 5, 1865; returned to ranks^ no date; killed in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Va. ; also borne as Stackpoole.

STACY, A L E X A N D E R . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Sullivan, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Sep­tember 19, 1864; mustered out, June 26, 1865, at Sunnnit House Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., as Stacey.

STAGED, G O T L I E B . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Tarrytown, to "serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. E , September 3, 1864; deserted from picket to the enemy, December 10, 1864, in front Eort Cummings, Va. ; also borne as Gotlick.

S T A N F O R D , A N D R E W . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, 'September 16, 1861, at Buffalo, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. X , December 20, 1861; wounded in action, Septem­ber 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged for disability, Janu­ary 16, 1863, at Frederick, Md. ; also borne as Stenford and Steinford.

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330 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

S T A N T O N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 29- years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve one year, and mnstered in as private, Co. C, Octo­ber 13 , 1 8 6 4 ; captured in action, October 30, 1864, at Peters­burg, Va, ; paroled, no date; died of disease, Marcb 30, 1865 , while on furlough from Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md.

S T A N T O N , W I L L I A M A . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , July 27 , 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out with detachment, June 7, 1865, at Campbell Hospital, Washington, D. O ; also bome as Wil­liam H .

S T A P L E T O N , J O H N . — Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H , August 29, 1 8 6 4 ; no record subsequent to April 30, 1865 , as present.

S T A P L E T O N , J O H N . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H , April 10 , 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865 , at Alex­andria, Ya.

S T E A L , J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, February 2 , 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

S T E E L E , J A C O B . — Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 9, 1 8 6 4 ; missing in action, May 12 , 1864, at Spotsylvania, Ya . ; no fur­tber record.

S T E E L E , T H O M A S T L — Age, 27 years. Enlisted, February 24 , 1864 , at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. A , Marcb 9, 1 8 6 4 ; promoted sergeant, no date; wounded and missing in action, May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, V a . ; returned to ranks, January 1, 1 8 6 5 ; absent at muster-out of company.

S T E E L E , see Stelle.

S T E I N F O R D and S T E N F O R D , see Stanford.

S T E L L E , T H O M A S IT.— Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 11 , 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 12 , 1 8 6 1 ; promoted corporal, De­cember 25 , 1 8 6 1 ; discharged for disability, October 24 , 1862 , at Fort Wood, NewT York harbor; also borne as Steele.

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STEPHENS, D A V I D . — Age, 2 1 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, Oc­tober 22 , 1 8 6 1 ; promoted sergeant, November 20 , 1 8 6 1 ; killed in action, July 1, 1862 , at Malvern Hill , Va . ; also borne as Stevens.

STONE, J A M E S . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , and deserted, October 7, 1861 , at New York.

STONE, J O S E P H I., see John Stowell.

S T O W E L L , J O H N . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, January 16 , 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28 , 1 8 6 4 ; promoted first sergeant, February 16, 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out with company, June 30 , 1865, near Alexandria, Va., as Stonell; true name, Joseph I. Stone.

S T R A W B R I D G E , J O H N . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 20 , 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 2 1 , 1 8 6 1 ; wounded in action, July 1, 1862 , at Malvern Hill , Va , ; died of bis wounds, July 5, 1862.

S T R E A T E R , J O H N . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, July 18, 1 8 6 4 ; captured in action, August 25 , 1864, at Ream's Station, Va . ; exchanged prisoner of war, not yet reported; ab­sent at muster-out of company; also borne as Streter and Streeter.

STRONG, C H A R L E S . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Troy, to seiwe one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, August 1, 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out, June 5, 1865 , at Alexandria, Va.

STRONG, N O A H R.— Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Oswego, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, September 1, 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out, August 10 , 1865 , at New York city.

STUHL, C H A R L E S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to seiwe three years, and mustered in as private, Co. X , February 1, 1 8 6 4 ; wounded, May 12 , 1 8 6 4 ; no record subsequent to De­cember 3 1 , 1 8 6 4 ; as Confederate deserter sent to rear, No­vember 27 , 1 8 6 4 ; absent at muster-out of company;"also borne as Stuber, Stube, and Stubi.

STUBER, S T U B E , and STUBI, see Stuhl.

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332' R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

S U L L I V A N , C O R N E L I U S . — Age, 37 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , March 31, 1864; wounded, May 8, 1864; discharged for disability caused from wounds, December 9, 1864, at New Y o r k city.

S U L L I V A N , D A N I E L . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; discharged for disability, September 25, 1862, at Washington, D . C.

S U L L I V A N , D A N I E L — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 15, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. B , September 17, 1861; wounded i n action, Sep­tember 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged, December 1, 1862, at hospital, Washington, D . C , as Dennis.

S U L L I V A N , D A V I D . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, September 29, 1862, at N e w York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , November 17, 1862; transferred to Twenty-ninth Company, Second Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged, November 17, 1865, at Fort Monroe, V a .

S U L L I V A N , D E N N I S . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Schenec­tady, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 29, 1864; wounded, November 29, 1864, i n front of Petersburg, V a . ; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, V a .

S U L L I V A N , D E N N I S F . — A g e , 33 years. Enrolled, September 25, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant and quartermaster, October 19, 1861; mus­tered out, October 18, 1864, near Petersburg, V a .

Commissioned first lieutenant and quartermaster, December 20, 1861, with rank from October 19, 1861; original.

S U L L I V A N , E D W A R D . — A g e , 36 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , October 19, 1861; wounded i n action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; transferred to Oo. A , June 12, 1863; missing in ac­t ion, October 14, 1863, at Auburn , V a . ; supposed k i l l ed ; no further record.

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S U L L I V A N , E D W A R D . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, A p r i l 11, 1864; no further record.

S U L L I V A N , J A M E S — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, January 19, 1864, at Brooklyn , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. 0, January 28, 1864; deserted, March 19, 1864, near Stevensburg, V a .

S U L L I V A N , J A M E S . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted, March 1, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. A , March 9, 1864; wounded, no date; deserted, June 25, 1864, from De Camp General Hospital , David's Island, New Y o r k harbor.

S U L L I V A N , J A M E S . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered i n as'private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; promoted sergeant, October 1, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a .

S U L L I V A N , J E R E M I A H . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at N e w York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Eebruary 27, 1865; wounded i n action, A p r i l 2, 1865, near Richmond, V a . ; mustered out, June 19, 1865, at Judiciary-Square Hospital , Washington, D . C.

S U L L I V A N , J E R E M I A H . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, M a r c h 18, 1865; never joined regiment.

S U L L I V A N , J O H N . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. B , October 3, 1861; promoted corporal, A p r i l 28, 1862; wounded in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a . ; discharged for disability, M a y 20, 1863, at New Y o r k city.

S U L L I V A N , J O H N . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G, October 14, 1861; transferred to Oo. A , June 12, 1863; de­serted, June 17, 1863, at Sangster Station, M d .

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334 R E P O R T O F TELE A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

S U L L I V A N , JOHN.—Age , 24 years. Enlisted, January 22, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. G, January 25, 1S64; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. ; deserted, May 17, 1864, from Stanton Hospital, Washington, D. C.

S U L L I V A N , JOHN.—Age , 23 years. Enlisted at New York •city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, February 15, 1864; never joined regiment.

S U L L I V A N , J O H N E — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Pendleton, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 22, 1864; never joined regiment.

S U L L I V A N , L.—Age, date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. D, not stated; no record subsequent to May 31, 1863, as wounded, December 13, 1862, and absent.

S U L L I V A N , M I C H A E L — A g e , 41 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , April 4, 1864; wounded and captured in action, May 10, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Va. ; died of disease, August 18, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.

S U T T O N , E V E R T S.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, January 26, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; promoted corporal, and re­turned to ranks; no dates; deserted, May 3, 1864, near Stevens­burg, Va . ; . also borne as Edert, Evart, and Everett.

S U T T O N , JOHN.—Age , 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Feb­ruary 27, 1865; no further record.

S W A R T O U T , R. B.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Hector, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 3, 1864; never joined regiment.

S W E E N E Y , JOHN.—Age , 22 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. D , October 13, 1861; promoted corporal, November 1, 1861; wounded in action, June 1, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Va. ; discharged for dis-

i ability, August 22, 1862, at Fort Monroe, Va.

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S W E E N E Y , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 27, 1861; died of typhoid fever, March 13, 1862, at Douglass Hospital , Washington, D . C.

S W E E N E Y , P E T E R H — A g e , 23 years. Enrolled at Hikers Island, to serve three years, and mustered i n as first lieutenant, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded i n action, June 16, 1864, before Petersburg, V a . ; mustered in as captain, Co. E , Eeb­ruary 16, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Peter A .

Not commissioned first lieutenant; commissioned captain, Eebruary 9, 1865, wi th rank from November 30, 1864, vice C. J . Clark, discharged.

S W O R D S , P A T R I C X . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, Eebruary 25, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; wounded i n action, M a y 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, V a . ; deserted, J u l y 20, 1864, at Einley Hospital, Washington, D . C.

S Y N N O T T , see Sinnott.

T A E F I N , see Lafiin.

T A L B O T , J O H N . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. D , October 13, 1861; promoted sergeant, November 1, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; deserted, November 16, 1861, at New Y o r k city.

T A L L A S S O N and T A L L I S O N , see Tellessen.

T A M M A N Y , T H O M A S . — Private, transferred from E i f t h I n ­fantry, to Co. D , this regiment, no date; ki l led in action, Ju ly 1, 1862, at Malvern H i l l , V a .

T A O M E Y , A N D R E W — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, C'o. E , September 16, 1861; discharged for dis­ability, Eebruary 16, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Y a . ; also borne .as Tomey and Toomey.

T A Y r L O R , A D N Y . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; sent to Salisbury, N . 0., November 4, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Abney and Adney.

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T A Y L O R , L E V I . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. ; sent to Salisbury, N . O , November 4, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Lewi Taylor.

T E A D W E L L and T E D W E L L , see Tidwell.

T E L L E S S E N , F R A N K . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, September 13, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, No­vember 30, 1864, from Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. O ; also borne as Tallasson, Tallison, Tellyson, Tillison, and Til-lisson.

T E M B R O C K H A U S , G E R H A R D . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at New York city, to serve one year; mus­tered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. ; died, January 31, 1865, at Salisbury, N. C.; also borne as Gerald Tembrock-hers, William Tenibrokbaars, Gerard Tembrookhaus, and Jrd Tembrookhause.

T E R R Y , THOMAS.—Age , 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 2, 1862; wounded, December 13, 1862, at Freder­icksburg, Va . ; discharged for disability, December 31, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Va. ; also borne as Terrey.

T H E R L W A Y , JOHN.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­ville, to serve two years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 10, 1864; wounded, near Petersburg, Va., no date; died of his wounds, February 25, 1865, at Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C.; also borne as Tbelway and Tburlway.

T H I E R E Y , J E A N BAPTISTE.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 1, 1864; no furtber record.

T H I E R Y , J O H N B A P T I S T , see Jean Baptist Kiery.

T H O M A S , E D W A R D . — A g e , 42 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, August 8, 1864; never joined regiment.

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T H O M A S , J O H N . — A g e , 42 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Oo. 0, October 7, 1864; mustered out, June 29, 1865, at Albany, N . Y.

T H O M A S , W A L T E R . — A g e , 40 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I , September 15, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

T H O M P S O N , G E O R G E . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 12, 1862; no further record.

T H O M P S O N , H A R Y E Y . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at Roches­ter, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 21, 1864; transferred to Co. M , N i n t h Cav­alry, Pebruary 27, 1865.

T H O M P S O N , H E N R Y . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted, A p r i l 10, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, A p r i l 16, 1864; wounded i n action, M a y 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Y a . ; discharged for disability, M a y 27, 1865, at Mount Pleasant Hospital , Washington, D . O; also borne as W i l l i a m .

T H O M P S O N , J A M E S . — A g e , 21 years. Enl isted at Troy, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 27, 1864; wounded i n action, September 14, 1864, before Peters­burg, Y a . , and absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

T H O M P S O N , J A M E S . — Age , 32 years. Enlisted at Lenox, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 3, 1864; never joined regiment.

T H O M P S O N , P A T R I C X . — A g e ; 43 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1862, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, August 19, 1862; discharged for disability, Eebruary 20, 1863, near Falmouth, V a .

T H O M P S O N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at Lewiston, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Oo. F , September 16/ 1864; captured on picket, October 29, 1864, near Peters­burg, V a . ; paroled, no date; absent, at Annapolis, M d . , at mus­ter-out of company.

V O L . 2 9 ' — 2 2

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338 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

T H O M P S O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August S3, 1864, at Sixteenth, congressional district, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; wounded in action, M a r c b 25, 1865, at Skinner's F a r m , V a . ; died of his wounds, A p r i l 15, 1865.

T H O M P S O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , October 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, V a .

T H O R N T O N , H E N R Y . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K , A p r i l 11, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, V a .

T H O R P , G E O R G E . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k c i ty , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , August 19, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria , V a . ; also borne as Thorpe.

T I D W E L L , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C,

.March 15, 1864; absent, sick, since M a y 3, 1864, and at muster-out of company; also borne as Teadwell, Tedwell, and Twedell.

T I E R N E Y , see Twining.

T I F F A N Y , H O M E R . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Norwich , to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; transferred to Eighty-first Company, Second Battal ion, Veteran Reserve Corps, January 23, 1865; discharged, August 14, 1865, at Washington, D . C.

T I G - H E , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; drowned, October 19, 1862, at Baltimore, M d .

T I M M I N S , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , October 21, 1861; wounded in action, J u l y 1, 1862, at M a l v e r n H i l l , V a . ; deserted, December 19, 1862.

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T O A L , J O H N T.—Age, 25 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. H , October 14, 1861; first lieutenant, August 6, 1862; as cap­tain, Co. X , October 23, 1862; wounded, no date; discharged for wounds, April 16, 1863; also borne as John F .

Commissioned second lieutenant, December 20, 1861, with rank from October 4, 1861; original; first lieutenant, October 14, 1862, with rank from August 6, 1862, vice P. Carr, pro­moted; captain, January 22, 1863, with rank from October 23, 1862, vice J . P. McMahon, resigned; first lieutenant and adju­tant, not mustered, November 30, 1864, with rank from No­vember 9, 1864, vice J . J . Smith, mustered out.

T O L E S O M , see Folesom.

T 0 L E 7 , JOHN.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F, September 24, 1864; captured on picket, October 29, 1864, at Petersburg, Ya. ; paroled, no date; absent, at Annapolis, Md., at muster-out of company; also borne as Foley and Tooley.

T O M E Y and T O O M E Y , see Taomey.

TOMPXINS, J O H N B.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Norwich, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded, September 25, 1864; again wounded, in October, 1864; mustered out, July 31, 1865, at New York city.

TOOMBS, H E N R Y . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; discharged for disability, September 5, 1865, at Mower Hospital, Chestnut Hill , Philadelphia, Pa.

T O R M E Y , JOHN.—Age , 24 years. Enhsted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 4, 1862; discharged, October 25, 1862, to enlist in First Regi­ment, United States Artillery.

T O U R N E Y , J O H N . — Enlisted at New York city, to serf e three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 20, 1862; deserted, January 31, 1862, from Camp California, Ya.

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T O W E L , C H R I S T O P H E R . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 25, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. I, September 27, 1861; deserted, September 30, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, N . Y . ; also borne as To well.

T O W N , ISAAC.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 26, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexan­dria, Ya.

T R A C Y , JOHN.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October '12, 1861; promoted corporal, and transferred to Co. A , no dates; deserted, June 17, 1863, at Sangster Station, Md.

T R A I N E R , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 16 years. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in .as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; appointed drummer, no date; deserted, August 30, 1862, at Washington, D. C.

T R A I N O R , B E R N A R D . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, August 15, 1862; transf erred to Co. A , June 12, 1863; wounded in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; transferred to Oo. F, no date; discharged for disability, August 10, 1865, at McDougall Hospital, New York harbor; also borne as Trainer and Traynor.

T R A I N O R , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, August 16, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; transferred to Co. A, June 12, 1863; to Co. B, Eighteenth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; re-transferred to Co. A , this regiment, December 5, 1864; to Co. F , no date; promoted corporal, December 7, 1864; killed in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Va. ; also borne as Trainer and Traynor.

T R A Y N O R , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 19, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, June 16, 1864, at Petersburg, Va . ; promoted sergeant, July 16, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864; returned, May 16, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexan­dria, V a . ; also borne as Trayno.

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T R O O L E Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , September 23, 1861; absent, missing in action, July 1, 1862; no further record.

TROY, JOHN.—Age , 28 years. Enlisted, October 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , October 12, 1861; deserted from camp, December 17, 1862, near Ealmouth, Ya.

T R U M B L E , WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 1, 1864; captured inaction, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; paroled, no date; discharged for disability, June 1, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

T R U M B U L L , A D O L P H U S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1S64, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded, March 25, 1865, at Skinner's Farm, Ya . ; mustered out with detachment, June 29, 1865, at Whitehall Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa,

TRUST, J O H N A.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, December 20, 1861; deserted in 1861, at Fort Schuyler, N . Y.

TUBBS, F R A N C I S M . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Sing Sing, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Au­gust 31, 1864; never joined regiment.

T U C K E R , WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 12, 1864;'captured, October 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Va . ; paroled, March 1, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C ; pro­moted corporal, no date; mustered out, June 21. 1865, at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md.

T U L L Y , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 16, 1861; deserted, September 18, 1862, at Sharpsburg, Md. ; also borne as Tulley.

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T U L L Y , P H I L I P . — Private, Fifth Infantry, transferred to Co. D, this regiment, no date; to Co. B, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1S63; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Tulley.

T U M E L T Y , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 22, 1864; promoted corporal, April 17, 1864; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the "Wilderness, Ya. ; captured, Octo­ber 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. ; paroled, February 28, 1865, at North East Ferry, N.- C.; mustered out June 23, 1865, at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md. ; also borne as Tumulty.

T U R N I N G , see Twining.

T U R T L E , THOMAS.—Age , 22 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861; deserted, November 8, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, N . Y .

T U T T L E , A N D R E W J.—Private, Third Regiment Artillery; transferred to Co. I, tbis regiment, May 23, 1865; promoted corporal, Mav 26, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

T U T T L E , W I L L I A M J . — Private, Third Regiment Artillery; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, May 23, 1865; promoted corporal, June 6, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as William and Wil­liam A .

T W E D E L L , see Tidwell.

T W I N I N G , T I M O T H Y . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at New. York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, February 19, 1864; wounded in action, May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Ya. ; again, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; deserted from Campbell Hospital, September 26, 1864, at Washington, D. O ; also borne as Tiemey and Turning.

T Y R E L L , J O H N . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, September 21, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as -Tyrrell.

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TJFKIT, GEORGE.—Age , 22 years. Enlisted, July 2, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, July 19, 1864; wounded, August 14, 1864, at Deep Bottom, Ya. ; again wounded in action, August 25, 1864, at Ream's Station, Ya. ; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

ULSON, U H L — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, January 19, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya . ; also borne as Uhlson and Uhlston.

UNDER, AUGUST.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 30, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as Unger.

V A D E R , GEORGE.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, August 15, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865,

• near Alexandria, Ya.

V A L E N T I N E , H E N R Y . — A g e , 39 years. Enlisted, February 26, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , March 9, 1864; wounded, no date; trans­ferred to Sixty-ninth Company, Second Battalion, Yeteran Re­serve Corps, April 11, 1865; discharged for disability, June 23, 1865, at Lincoln United States General Hospital, Wash­ington, D. C.

V A L E N T I N E , ROBERT.—Age , 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. F, September 29, 1864; captured on picket, October 29, 1864, near Petersburg, Va . ; paroled, no date; absent, at Annapolis, Md., at muster-out of company; also borne as Thomas Valen­tine.

V A L L E E , JOSEPH.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year,, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 21, 1864; no further record.

VALOIS, JOHN.—Age , 39 years. Enlisted, August 31, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted first sergeant, September 5, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Va. ; mus­tered out with detachment, June 23, 1865, at Mower United States General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.

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V A N A R A M , C H A R L E S E.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 3 0 , 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3 , 1864; captured in action, October 3 0 , 1864, at Petersburg, V a . ; died, January 28, 1865, at Salis­bury, N . G , in prison; also borne as Charles Van Arum and Van Aurm.

V A N B R E M E N , JULIUS.—Age , 18 years. Enlisted at Ja­maica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 12, 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Van Bramar and Van Brennan.

V A N B R U E N , O R L A N D O . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E, September 3 , 1864; mustered out witb detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Van Buren.

V A N D E L U R E , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7, 1861; discharged for disability, October 7, 1862, at New York city; also borne as Yandeleur and Vandileur.

V A N D E R G R I F T , A L E X A N D E R B.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Ob: K , September 19, 1864; mustered out with detachment, to date June 16, 1865, at United States General Hospital, York Pa. ; also borne as Vandergritz.

V A N D E R H E Y D E N , E U G E N E . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, Oc­tober 9, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. A , October 15, 1861; deserted, August 5, 1862.

V A N D E R P O O L , JACOB.—Age , 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , May 2, 1864; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, V a . ; discharged, August 18, 1865, at Mower Gen­eral Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa . ; also borne as Vanderpole.

V A N D E R V L E E T , M A R I N U S . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 25, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Narianias and Ner-amus Vanderliet, Vandervelt, and Vandervliet.

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VANESS, JAMES.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve two years, and mustered in as private Co. I, September 15, 1864; mustered out, May 23, 1865, at McDougall Hospital, New York harbor; also borne as Yanness and Yeness.

V A N G U I L D E R , G E O R G E A.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, Au­gust 30, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H , September 3, 1864; captured in action, October 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Va . ; died, January 31, 1865, at Salis­bury, N . C , in prison.

V A N G U I L D E R , L O N G E R . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Troy, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; absent, missing in action, before Petersburg, Va., since October 30, 1864, and at muster-out of company.

V A N H O S E N , JOHN.—Age , 18 years. Enlisted, August 24, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co, E , September 3, 1864; mustered out, May 20, 1865, at Washington, D. C.; also borne as Van Housen and Vanhusen.

V A U G H , JACOB.—Age , date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as private, Co. H , not stated; no record subsequent to April 30, 1865, as absent, missing in action, October 30, 1864; also borne as Vaug.

V E N D R Y , G E O R G E . — A g e , date, place of enlistment, and mus­ter-in as private, Co. PI, not stated; no record subsequent- to < April 30, 1865, as absent, missing in action, October 30, 1S64; no further record.

V E R N O N , JAMES.—Age , 29 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Septem­ber 28, 1864; promoted first sergeant, March 1, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

V E R N O N , M.—Age, date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. F , not stated; no record subsequent to May 31, 1865, .as on extra duty with Pioneer Corps.

V O G A L , V O G E L , and V O G L E , see Wogan.

V O L E , G E O R G E F. , see Franklin Cole.

V O L X E R , E D W A R D . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 23, 1864; never joined regiment,

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W A G N E R , H E R M A N . — Age , 25 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 26, 1864; promoted corporal, September 9, 1864; returned to ranks, December 18, 1864; deserted while on the march, Marcb 31, 1865, near Petersburg, Y a . ; also borne as H i r a m .

W A G N E R , J O S E P H . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 21, 1864; absent, sick, since M a y 17, 1864, and at mus­ter-out of company.

W A K E F I E L D , G E O R G E . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at M a ­lone, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , A u ­gust 27, 1864; wounded, A p r i l 6, 1865, at Sailor's Creek, Y a . ; mustered out, June 19, 1865, at Washington, D . C.

W A K E F I E L D , W I L L I A M N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 27, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, near Alexan­dria, Y a .

W A L D R O N , J U L E S A . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 3, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , Y a . ; also borne as Jul ius A .

W A L K E R , J A M E S . — A g e , 16 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve two years; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. E , September 3, 1864; absent without leave at mus­ter-out of company.

W A L K E R , see Walter .

W A L L , M A U R I C E W . — Age, 25 years. Enrol led at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. D , January 19, 1864; as captain, Co. F , M a y 2, 1864; captured, June 22, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; escaped and returned to company, December, 1864; mustered out, June 30, 1865; also borne as Maurice M . , and as Morris W . Wal l s ; prior ser­vice as captain, Eighty-eighth Infantry.

Not commissioned as second lieutenant; commissioned cap­tain, A p r i l 29, 1864, with rank from A p r i l 23, 1864, vice J . E- McGee, promoted.

W A L L A C E , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at Brook­l y n , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , and deserted, October 3, 1861, at New Y o r k city.

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W A L S H , J A M E S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February 5, 1884; promoted corporal, March 9, 1864; discharged for disability, August 5, 1864, at Washington, D. C.

WALSH, J E R E M I A H . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, June 28, 1864; deserted, March 14, 1865, from Ladies' Home Hospital, at New York city; also borne as Welch and Welsh.

W A L S H , J O H N . — Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 13, 1864; promoted corporal, Eebruary 14, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Welch and Welsh.

W A L S H , J O S E P H . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, September 3, 1862; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va . ; deserted, December 23, 1862, at David's Island, N . Y*.; also borne as Walshe, Welch, and Welsh.

W A L S H , L A W R E N C E . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, October 12, 1861, at Eort Schuyler, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, October 13, 1861; deserted, November 9, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, New York harbor.

W A L S H , M I C H A E L . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0 , November 15; '1861; no record subsequent to April 30, 1863, as present; also borne as Welsh.

W A L S H , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 21 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, November 15, 1861; wounded i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; transferred to Co. A, June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 4, 1864; transferred to Co. F , in January or February, 1864; to Co. A, and promoted ser­geant, March 30, 1864; wounded in action, May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Va . ; promoted first sergeant, June 6, 1864; mus­tered in as second lieutenant, Co. I, February 16, 1865; mus­tered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va . ; also borne as Welsh.

Commissioned second lieutenant, February 9, 1865, with rank from November 1, 1864, vice D. Dolan, promoted.

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348 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

W A L S H , P A T R I C K . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 7, 1861; deserted, September 15, 1861, at Fort Schuyler, New York harbor.

W A L S H , PATRICK.—• Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 3, 1862; no furtber record.

W A L S H , WILLIAM.—Age , 38 years. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as corporal, Co. B, October 18, 1861; returned to ranks, April 28, 1862; died, July 18, 1862, at Richmond, Ya.

W A L S H , see Welsh.

W A L S H E , D A Y I D . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 22, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; mus­tered out, September 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. ; also borne as Walsh, Welch, and Welsh.

W A L S H E , M A R T I N , No. 1.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. I, September 27, 1861; appointed team­ster, and returned to ranks, no dates; wounded on picket, June 8, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Ya. ; discharged for disability, Septem­ber 15, 1862, at New York city; also borne as Walsh.

W A L S H E , M A R T I N , No. 2.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, Octo­ber 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October,30, 1861; no record subsequent to June 30, 1862, as absent; also borne as Walsh.

W A L S H E , M I C H A E L . — Age, 38 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September' 27, 1861; transferred to Co. B, June 12, 1863; mustered out, September 18, 1864, near Peters­burg, Ya, ; also bome as Walsh, Welch, and Welsh."

W A L S H E , see Welsh.

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W A L T E R , H E N R Y . — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, November 26, 1863; no further record; also borne as Walker and Walters, and H . Walter .

W A L T E R , T H O M A S . — Age , 40 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, September 15, 1864; no further record.

W A R D , E L I J A H . — Age, 22 years. Enlisted, January 2, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. C, January 28, 1864; deserted, February 4, 1864, at Hart ' s Island, New Y o r k harbor.

W A R D , J A M E S . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , J u l y 18, 1864; absent, sick i n hospital, since October 31, 1864, and at muster-out of company.

W A R D , J O H N . — A g e , 32 yeara. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , February 20, 1864; wounded, M a y 12, 1864; discharged for disability, June 20, 1864, at draft rendezvous, Hart ' s Island, New Y o r k harbor.

W A R D , P A T R I C K . — Age , 20 years. Enrol led at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , December 17, 1861; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 22, 1864; promoted first ser­geant, December 1, 1864; mustered i n as second lieutenant, 'Co. D , February 16, 1865; mustered out wi th company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

Commissioned second lieutenant, February 9, 1865, with rank from November 1, 1864, vice H . McQuade, promoted.

W A R D , T H O M A S . — A g e , 39 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , February 15, 1864; wounded and captured i n action, M a y 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania Court House, Y a . ; returned, no date; discharged for disability caused from wounds, M a y 18, 1865, at Baltimore, M d .

W A R R E N , S A M U E L . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , February 6, 1864; never joined regiment.

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350 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

W A T E R S , J O H N . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 23, 1864; no furtber record.

W A T E R S , M A R K . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted, February 27, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , M a r c h 9, 1864; wounded, no date; mustered out, June 9, 1865, at F in ley Hospital , Washington, D . C.

W A T E R S , R O G E R S . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. G , September 18, 1861; died i n camp, June 6, 1862, at Tyler 's F a r m , Ckickahominy, Y a . ; also bome as Roger.

W A T E R S , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, Oc­tober 7, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria , Y a .

W A T K I N S , W A L T E R . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I , August 25, 1864; discharged for disability, June 1, 1865, at camp, near Alexandria, Y a .

W A T S O N , J O H N . — Age, 40 years. EnHsted at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, Marcb 12, 1864; ki l led in action, M a y 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Y a .

W A T T , G E O R G E . — Age , 31 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , Sep­tember 30, 1864; promoted corporal, November 3, 1864; ser­geant, February 16, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria , Y a .

W E A V E R , S A M U E L . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at Royalton, - to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned,

September 17, 1864; never joined regiment.

W E B B E R , J O H N . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted, August 31, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; promoted sergeant, September 5, 1864; wounded in action, A p r i l 2, 1865, near Petersburg, V a . ; mustered out with detachment, June 7, 1865, at Douglass Hos­pi ta l , Washington, D . C.

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W E B E R , A N T O I N E . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Water-town, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 30, 1864; deserted, September 3, 1864, at Hart 's Island, New Y o r k harbor; also borne as Antone.

W E L C H , D A V I D . — Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , August 21, 1862; absent, missing i n action, December 14, 1862, at Eredericks­burg, Y a . ; supposed kil led.

W E L C H , J O H N . — Age , 30 years. Enlisted at Wellsvil le, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, D e ­cember 14, 1863; never joined regiment.

W E L C H , J O H N . — A g e , 32 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three,years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 22, 1864; never joined regiment; also borne as Welsh.

W E L C H , J O H N I I . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 30, 1864; wounded i n action, September 14, 1864, be­fore Petersburg, Y a . ; discbarged for disability, February 19 , 1865, at Uni ted States General Hospital, Washington, D . C . ; also borne as Welsh.

W E L C H , see Walsh. <

W E L L E B , S I L A S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; wounded i n action, March 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Y a . ; mustered out, June 6, 1865, at Albany, N . Y . ; also borne as Cyrus and Tillas Weller .

W E L L S , D E W E Y . — A g e , 17 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Plattsburgh, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; mustered out, M a y 30, 1865, at Wash­ington, D . 0.

W E L S H , H E N R Y . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. B , August 28, 1862; discharged for disability, February 27, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Y a . ; also borne as Walsh.

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352 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

W E L S H , H E N R Y . — Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 8, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near Alex­andria, V a . ; also borne as Walsh.

W E L S H , H O W A R D . - — A g e , 20' years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , October 3, 1864; promoted corporal, M a y 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Walsh and Welch.

W E L S H , J A M E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 13, 1861, at Chicago, 111., to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. D , October 31, 1861; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 28, 1863; kil led in action, June 16, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; also borne as Walsh, Walsbe and Welch.

W E L S H , J A M E S . — Age , 22 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G , October 4, 1864; deserted to the enemy, December 17, 1864, before Petersburg, V a . ; also borne as Welch.

W E L S H , J O H N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 30', 1864; no further record.

W E L S H , W I L L I A M F . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , January 26, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Walsh, Welsh and W i l l i a m J .

W E L S H , see Walsh and Welch.

W E M Y S S , B E N J A M I N . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsvil le, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 10, 1864; transferred to general rendezvous, Harts Island, N e w Y o r k harbor, November 24, 1864, by order War Department; also borne as Wemis, Wemiss, Wemys and Wey-miss.

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W E S T E R , A N D R E W . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k eity, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 14, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; joined tbe Confederate A r m y at Salisbury, N . C ; recaptured by General Stoneman; confined at Nash­ville, Tenn., and released, J u l y 6, 1865, on taking oath of alle­giance to United States; also borne as Westler.

W E S T , P E T E R . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 24, 1864; never joined regiment.

W E S T F A L L , H E R M A N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , August 29, 1864; mastered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alex­andria, V a .

W E S T P L A T E , A D R I A N . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. X , Eebruary 23, 1864; captured in action, June 18, 1864, at Petersburg, V a . , confined at Andersonville, G a . ; sent to M i l l e n , Ga., November 11, 1864; no further record.

W E Y M I S S , see Wemyss.

W H E E L E R , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , A u ­gust 27, 1864; deserted, December 1, 1864.

W H E L A N , J A M E S . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in-as private, Co. I , September 27, 1861; discharged for disability, A p r i l 3, 1862, at Camp California, V a . ; also borne as Whalen.

W H I P P L E , G E O R G E L . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 3, 1864; wounded in action, Marcb 25, 1865, near Petersburg, V a . ; mustered out, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as George Wipple.

W H I T E , B E R N A R D . — Age, 43 years. Enlisted, September 26, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 27, 1861; discharged for disability, November 29, 1862, at Alexandria, Y a .

V O L . 2 9 1 — 2 3

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W H I T E , J O H N . — A g e , 25 years. E n l i s t e d at N e w Y o r k c i ty , to serve three years, and muste red i n as pr ivate , Oo. E , J u l y 29, 1 8 6 4 ; c a p t u r e d o n picket , Oc tober 30, 1864, near Pe te rsburg , Y a . ; pa ro l ed , M a r c h 9', 1865 , at A i k e n s L a n d i n g , Y a . ; absent, at hosp i ta l , A n n a p o l i s , M d . , since M a r c h 11 , 1865, and at mus­ter-out of company .

W H I T E , J O H N . — A g e , 22 years. E n l i s t e d , October 3, 1864, at T o m p k i n s v i l l e , to serve one y e a r ; mus te red i n as pr ivate , C o . C , Oc t obe r 13 , 1 8 6 4 ; deserted, A p r i l 20, 1865, f r o m Sat-ter lee H o s p i t a l , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a . ; also borne as W h y t e .

W H I T E , J O S E P H H . — A g e , 30 years. E n l i s t e d at N e w Y o r k c i ty , to serve tbree years, and mus te r ed i n as pr iva te , Co. G , J a n u a r y 29 , 1 8 6 4 ; p romoted corpora l , Decembe r 2, 1864 ; ser­geant, A p r i l 15 , 1 8 6 5 ; mustered out w i t h company, J u n e 30, 1865 , near A l e x a n d r i a , Y a . ; also b o m e as W h y t e .

W H I T E , M A T T H E W . — A g e , 25 years. E n l i s t e d at Ch icago , 111., to serve three years, and mustered i n as sergeant, Co . D , Oc tobe r 13, 1 8 6 1 ; no record subsequent to A p r i l 10, 1863, as sent to C a m p P a r o l e , A n n a p o l i s , M d . , A u g u s t .28, 1862.

W H I T E , M I C H A E L . — P r i v a t e , F i f t h I n f a n t r y ; t rans ferred to Co. D , th is r eg iment , no date ; discharged, J a n u a r y 26, 1863, at W o o d U n i t e d States G e n e r a l H o s p i t a l , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a .

W H I T E , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 30 years. E n l i s t e d , J a n u a r y 10, 1862 , at N e w Y o r k c i ty , to serve tbree years ; mustered i n as p r i va t e , C o . I, F e b r u a r y 26, 1 8 6 2 ; w r ounded i n act ion, Septem­ber 17, 1862 , at A n t i e t a m , M d . ; t rans f e r r ed to Co. A , J u n e 12, 1 8 6 3 ; to Co . F i n J a n u a r y or F e b r u a r y , 1864 ; absent, sick, at muste r -out of company .

W H I T E , R O B E R T . — Age , 22 years. E n l i s t e d at Jama i ca , to. serve one year , and mus te r ed i n as private,- Co . C , September 20 , 1 8 6 4 ; cap tured i n act ion, October 30, 1864, before Peters­b u r g , V a . ; r e t u r n e d to company , M a y 20 , 1 8 6 5 ; muste red out w i t h detachment, J u n e 5. 1865 , near A l e x a n d r i a , V a . ; also b o m e as R o b e r t F . and W h y t e .

W H I T E , T H O M A S . — A g e , 22 years. E n l i s t e d at N e w Y o r k c i t y , to serve three years, and muste red i n as pr i va te , C o . B , J u n e 30, 1 8 6 4 ; deserted, A u g u s t 1, 1864, f r o m camp nea r P e t e r s b u r g , V a .

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W H I T E , W I L L I A M . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k citv, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 29, 1862; no further record.

W H I T E , W I L L I A M E . — Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , August 8, 1864; captured, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . ; paroled, no date; mustered out, to date June 30, 1865, at New Y o r k city.

W H I T F O R D , S A M U E L . — Age , 39 years. Enlisted at N e w York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded i n action, June 12, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Y a . ; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

W H I T I N G , W I L L I A M . — Age, 29 years. Enlisted, October 13, 1861, at Chicago, 111., to serve three years; mustered in as pr i ­vate, Co. D , October 31, 1861; appointed teamster, November 25 ,T861 ; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1863; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Whitt ing. .

W H I T L E Y , W I L L I A M . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Caroline, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 1, 1864; never joined regiment.

W H I T M A N , J O H N A . — Age, 17 years. Enlisted at Schenec­tady, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D , A u ­gust 29, 1864; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Witman.

W H I T M O R E , G E O R G E . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted, January 25, 1864, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; wounded in action, M a y 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania, V a . ; again, June 12, 1864"; mustered out, J u l y 19', 1865, at New York"city .

W H I T T I C K , R A N D O L P H . — Age, 42 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 31, 1864: mustered out with detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Witt ich .

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356 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

W H I T T Y , J A S P E R M . — Age, 27 years. Enrolled/September 5, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as captain, Co. C, October 4, 1861; -wounded in action, Septem j

ber 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged, Eebruary 9, 1863; also borne as Whittey.

Commissioned captain, December 20, 1861, with rank from October 4, 1861; original.

W H Y T E , J A M E S . — Age, date, place of enlistment and mus­ter-in as private, Co. C, mot stated; no record subsequent to October 31, 1864, as absent.

W H Y T E , see White .

W I D D I S , J O S E P H . — Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G , February 9, 1864; transferred to the navy, M a y 1, 1864.

W I L C O X , G E O R G E W . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; wounded, Marcb 25, 1865; mustered out with detachment, June 29, 1865, at Whitehall Hospital , Philadelphia, P a . ; also borne as George H .

W I L D M A N , L O U I S . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted at Tompkins­vi l le , to seiwe one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , Sep­tember 17, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Lewis.

W E L K I N S , T H O M A S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. R , October 3, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at A lex ­andria, Y a .

W I L L E T T , T H O M A S . — Age, 41 years. Enrolled at New Y o r k . city, to serve three years, and mustered in, as chaplain, Novem­ber 10, 1861; discharged, December 25, 1862; again enrolled, February 13, 1864, and mustered in as chaplain, M a y 1, 1864; mustered out with regiment, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a . ; also borne as Willetts.

Commissioned chaplain, December 20, 1861, with rank from November 10, 1861; original; recommissioned chaplain, Sep­tember 16, 1864, with rank from February 15, 1864, vice bim-

j self, resigned.

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W I L L I A M , J O S E P H . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Eebruary 11, 1864; never joined regiment.

W I L L I A M S , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 22 years. Enrolled, Septem­ber 10, 1861, at New Y o r k eity, to serve three years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. C, September 20, 1861; killed i n action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d .

Commissioned second lieutenant, December 20, 1861, wi th rank from October 4, 1861; original.

W I L L I A M S , C H A R L E S . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , March 5, 1864; dishonorably discharged, Eebruary 3, 1866, by chief mustering officer, New Y o r k .

W I L L I A M S , C H A R L E S . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , September 27, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

W I L L I A M S , C H A R L E S J . — Age, 10 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, January 19, 1864; never joined regiment.

W I L L I A M S , G E O R G E . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, un­assigned, August 3, 1864; no further record.

W I L L I A M S , J A M E S . — Age , 26 years. Enlisted, January 2, 1864, at Greenbush, to serve three years; mustered in as p r i ­vate, unassigned, January 19', 1864; never joined regiment.

W I L L I A M S , J A M E S . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , March 31, 1864; promoted sergeant, J u l y 29, 1864; first ser­geant, October 2, 1864; sergeant-major, June 5, 1865; mus­tered out with regiment, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

W I L L I A M S , J A M E S . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered i n as private, Co. H , September"3, 1864; absent, without leave, at muster-out of company.

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358 R E P O R T O E T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

W I L L I A M S , J O H N . — Age, 2S years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 8, 1861; discharged for disability, February 4, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Y a .

W I L L I A M S , J O H N . — Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, August 23, 1862; no further record.

W I L L I A M S , J O H N . — Age, 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Sep­tember 27, 1864; deserted, November 1, 1864, from camp near Petersburg, Y a .

W I L L I A M S , J O H N . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Marcb 10, 1865; wounded in March, 1865, near Petersburg, V a . , and absent at muster-out of company.

W I L L I A M S , N I C H O L A S , see W i l l i a m Nichols.

W I L L I A M S , P E T E R . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted, January 20, 1864, at New Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; deserted, May 3, 1864, from camp at Stevensburg, V a .

W I L L I A M S , R E E S E D . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Pough­keepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D , August 27, 1864; mustered out, to date June 13, 1865, at Alexandria , V a . ; also borne as Ruse D .

W I L L I A M S , R I C H A R D . — Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , September 12, 1864; captured on picket, October 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; confined at Richmond, V a . , October 31, 1864; sent to Salisbury, N . O , November 4, 1864; joined the Con­federate A r m y , November 7, 1864; no further record.

W I L L I A M S , R O B E R T T — Age, 44 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detach­ment, to date June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, V a . ; also borne as Robert S.

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WILLIAMS, S A M U E L . — Age, 2 0 years. Enlisted, January 1 6 , 1 8 6 4 , at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 2 8 , 1 8 6 4 ; deserted, February 6 , 1 8 6 4 , at Alex­andria, Ya.

WILLIAMS, W I L L I A M . — A g e , 2 1 years. Enlisted, August 2 8 , 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 7 , 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, September 1 0 , 1 8 6 1 , at Fort Schuyler, New York harbor.

WILLIAMS, W I L L I A M . — A g e , 3 S years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 1 4 , 1 8 6 4 ; never joined regiment.

WILLIAMS, W I L L I A M T . — Age, 1 9 years. Enlisted, January 2 0 , 1 8 6 4 , at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 2 8 , 1 8 6 4 ; deserted, February 6 , 1 8 6 4 , at Alexandria, Ya. ; also borne as William J .

WILLIAMSON, J A M E S . — Age, 1 8 years. Enlisted at Tomp­kinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 1 0 , 1 8 6 4 ; deserted, September 2 1 , 1 8 6 4 .

WILLMOTT, P E T E R . — Age, 1 8 years. Enlisted, October 6 , 1 8 6 1 , at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , October'16, 1 8 6 1 ; deserted, October 2 2 , 1 8 6 1 .

WILSON, A R C H I B A L D . — Age, 2 9 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 2 7 , 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out, July 1 4 , 1 8 6 5 , at De Camp General Hospital, David's Island, New York harbor; also borne as John A . and John E .

WILSON, B E N J A M I N . — A g e , 1 9 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 3 0 , 1 8 6 4 ; appointed musician in September or October, 1 8 6 4 ; wounded in action, November 2 9 , 1 8 6 4 , in front of Petersburg, Ya . ; again wounded, December 4 , 1 8 6 4 ; mustered out, May 3 0 , 1 8 6 5 , at Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C.

WILSON, C H A R L E S . — A g e , 1 8 years. Enlisted, January 1 8 , 1 8 6 4 , at Brooklyn, to s e i w e three years; mustered in as private, Oo. ' 0 , January 2 8 , 1 8 6 4 ; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; killed in action, June 3 , 1 8 6 4 , at Cold Har­bor, Ya.

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360 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

W I L S O N " , C H A R L E S E . — Age, 16 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, un­assigned, January 30, 1864; never joined regiment.

W I L S O N , E D W A R D . — Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Lockport, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , Sep­tember 16, 1864; captured, October 29, 1864, at Petersburg, Y a . ; no further record.

W I L S O N , J A M E S . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 19, 1864; never joined regiment.

W I L S O N , J A M E S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Oc­tober 6, 1864; promoted corporal, M a y 1, 1865; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Y a .

W I L S O N , J A M E S S.— Age, 17 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, Januaiy 30, 1864; never joined regiment.

W I L S O N , J O H N . — A g e , 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , March 1, 1864; transferred to Yeteran Reserve Corps, September 5, 1864.

W I L S O N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1861, at N e w Y o r k city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as corporal, Co. I , September 27, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; promoted corporal i n J u l y or August, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 21, 1863; transferred to Co. A , March 2, 1864; promoted first sergeant in A p r i l , 1864; ki l led in action, June 6, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Y a .

W I L S O N , T H O M A S . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k ' c i ty , to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. G,, August 20, 1864; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

W I L S O N , W I L L I A M . — Age, date of enrollment and term not stated. A t Mount Pleasant; not mustered i n as colonel (declined); prior service as colonel, Sixth Infantry.

Commissioned, not mustered, colonel, A p r i l 12, 1864, with rank from same date, vice R . Nugent, mustered out.

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W I L S O N , W I L L I A M . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, January 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 2S, 1861; absent, sick, since August, 1861, and at muster-out of company.

W I N N , P A T R I C K . — Age, 42 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , A p r i l 6, 1864; sent to hospital, M a y 10, 1864, and absent at muster-out of company; also borne as Wynne.

W I N T E R S , J O S E P H . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. I , August 18, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1S62, at Antietam, M d . ; transferred to Co. A , June 12, 1S63; no rec­ord subsequent to December 31, 1863, as left regiment sick, December 22, 1862.

W I P P L E , G E O R G E , see George L . Whipple.

W I S E , C H A R L E S , see Charles Erancis Wyse.

VYISE, G E O R G E . — Age , 20 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; re­turned to ranks, February 8, 1865; wounded in action March 25, 1865, at Eort Stedman, Y a . ; died of his wounds, A p r i l 4, 1865, at A r m o r y Square Hospital , Washington, D . C.

W I S T , C H R I S T I A N . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Tarrytown, to serve three years; mustered in as p r i ­vate, Co. E , September 3, 1864; deserted to the enemy, D e ­cember 10, 1864, while on picket, i n front of Fort Cummings, Y a .

W I T M A N , see Whitman.

W I T T I C H , see Whitt ick .

W O G A N , A D A M . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k eity, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G , Janu­ary 23, 1864; wounded i n action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Y a . ; discharged for disability caused from wounds, M a y 23, 1865, at David 's Island, New Y o r k harbor; also borne as Y o -gal, Yogel , and Yogle.

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362 R E P O R T OE T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

"WOLFGANG, H E R R I T Z . — Age, 42 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 5, 1864, at Jamaica, to serve one year; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. I, September 15, 1S64; discharged for disability, March 20, 1865, at Mount Pleasant Hospital, Washington, £>. C ; also borne as Wolfgang, Heintz, and Wolf Gaumug.

WOODS, H E N R Y — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Tompkinsville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 13, 1864; never joined regiment.

WOODS, J O H N . — Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 16, 1864; never joined regiment.

WOODS, W I L L I A M . — Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Stock-bridge, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, September 1, 1864; never joined regiment.

W O R D E N , T H E O D O R E — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, September 3, 1864; wounded in action, April 5, 1865, near Petersburg, Ya. ; mustered out, August 8, 1865, at Douglass Hospital, Washington, D. C.; also borne as Wordon.

W R E N , J A M E S . — Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , March 22, 1865; deserted, May 23, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

W R E N , J E R E M I A H . — Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, October 19, 1861; killed in action, September 17, 1S62, at Antietam, Md.

W R E N and W R E N N , M I C H A E L J . , see Michael W. Wynn.

W R E N N , M I C H A E L M . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. H , January 2, 1S62; promoted sergeant, no date; dis­charged for disability, June 12, 1863, at Convalescent Camp, Ya.

W R I G H T , G E O R G E II.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1864, at Schenectady, to serve one year; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detach­ment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Ya.

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W R I G H T , J O H N — Age, 21 years. Enlisted, January 26, IS64, at Brooklyn, to serve tliree years; mustered i n as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

W R I G H T , S I L A S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1864, at Norwich, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. E , September 3, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Y a .

W Y M C E , A N D R E W . — Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, Eebruary 13, 1864; never joined regiment; also borne as Wynne.

W Y N N , J A M E S . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Chicago, 111., to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , October 13, 1861; promoted corporal, November 1, 1861; transferred to Co. B , and returned to ranks, no dates; wounded in action, no date; died of his wounds, August 2, 1863, at Washington, D. C. ; also borne as Wyne .

W Y N N , M I C H A E L W . — P r i v a t e , E i f t h Infantry, transferred to Co. D , this regiment, no date; wounded i n action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Y a . ; transferred to Co. B , June 12, 1863; no record subsequent to August 31, 1864, as absent sent to hospital sick, i n December, 1862; also borne as Michael J . W y n n , Wynne , W r e n , and Wrenn.

W Y N N E , see W i n n and Wymce.

W Y S E , C H A R L E S F R A N C I S . — Age, 39 years. Enlisted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as p r i ­vate, Co. F , March 7, 1862; wounded in action, September 17, 1862, at Antietam, M d . ; discharged for wounds, M a r c h 6, 1863, at United States General Hospital , Frederick, M d . ; also borne as Charles Wise.

Y O T Z Y , A D A M . — Age , 18 years. Enlisted at New Fane, to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 16, 1864; never joined regiment.

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364 R E P O R T OE T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

Y O U N G , F R A N C I S . — Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New York eity, to serve tliree years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 2, 1861; wounded in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; deserted from hospital, February 13, 1863J at Washington, D. O ; also borne as Youngs.

Y O U N G , JAMES.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, August 20, 1862; killed in action, December 13, 1862, at Fredericks­burg, Va.

Y O U N G , R O B E R T — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , August 11, 1864; mustered out with detachment, June 13, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.

Y O U N G , S A M U E L W.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, March 31, 1864; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; transferred to Yeteran Reserve Corps, February 9, 1865.

Y G U N G , W I L L I A M . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 19, 1864; never joined regiment.

Y U R I N G , J O H N . — Age, 31 years. Enlisted, September 21, 1861, at New York city, to serve tbree years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 29, 1861; died of disease, February 26, 1862, at Camp California, Va. ; also borne as Youngs.

ZINK, C H A R L E S . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve tbree years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 16, 1865; mustered out witb company, June 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as Zinck and Ginck.
